Groundbreaking New Survey Asks American Workers, Ages 44-70, About Longer Working Lives
June 18 2008 - 11:05AM
PR Newswire (US)
Findings Indicate Millions Now Work in 'Encore Careers' Combining
Money, Meaning and Social Impact; Tens of Millions More Want
Similar Work WASHINGTON, June 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A
survey released today provides clues to a question with major
implications for the American economy and the lives of millions:
What will 78 million baby boomers do as they continue to work into
traditional retirement age? The question was explored recently with
more than 3,500 people between the ages of 44 and 70. The 2008
MetLife Foundation/Civic Ventures Encore Career Survey, conducted
by Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc., estimates that between
5.3 and 8.4 million Americans have already launched "encore
careers," positions that combine income and personal meaning with
social impact. As promising as this finding is for individuals and
society, the potential is even greater. Of those workers ages 44-70
not already in encore careers, half are interested in them,
specifically jobs in education, health care and the nonprofit
sector. And those respondents most interested in social purpose
careers tend to be the youngest: 50 percent of boomers ages 44-50
say they want to join the 7 percent of their group already in such
careers. "This is the first national survey to uncover evidence
that the encore career is more than an appealing idea," said Marc
Freedman, founder and CEO of Civic Ventures, a think tank on
boomers, work and aging. "Unexpectedly large numbers of boomers are
looking for purpose-driven jobs that provide them with both means
and meaning. That's great for them and great for the rest of us,
too. As this research shows, they are applying their skills and
passions to the very public interest fields that need them most."
The report finds that a majority of Americans in this age bracket
express a desire to use their skills and experience to help others.
Of those currently in encore careers, 84 percent report a high
level of satisfaction and 94 percent say they see the positive
results of their work and know they are making a difference. "The
people who are pursuing encore careers are true pioneers," said
Sibyl Jacobson, president and CEO of MetLife Foundation. "They are
blazing not only their own path but also one for those just behind
them -- workers who share their aspirations but have not yet taken
the plunge. Their message is clear: social purpose careers are
fulfilling and worthwhile." According to the report, most
respondents who are interested in encore careers are worried that
these positions may be hard to find and may not meet their needs.
Eight in 10 expressed concern about having the flexibility to take
time off, and a majority were worried about having adequate income
and benefits. However, respondents currently in encore careers
reported few problems with these same issues. While most (59
percent) of those in encore careers work full time, 73 percent say
they have the flexibility they need to work when they want to and
take time off when they need to, and three-quarters (76 percent)
report having the pay and benefits they need. However, two concerns
of those interested in social purpose work did match the
experiences of those in such careers. More than one-third of people
considering encore careers were worried about the need to learn new
technologies and skills or go back to school for certifications,
and 41 percent of people in encore careers said this was in fact an
issue. And one-third of respondents interested in encore careers
expressed concern about the loss of seniority or status that comes
with a new career, about the same percentage of people in encore
careers who said they are coping with that issue. "It is not
surprising that an entirely new stage of work will require
adjustments and leave some wondering what's in store for them,"
said Phyllis Segal, vice president and director of research at
Civic Ventures. "This report helps to clarify what encore careers
are really like, how attainable they are, and what workers should
consider as they pursue their own social-purpose careers later in
life." The report also includes recommendations on changes in
workplace practices and public policies that could increase the
number of people able to pursue and obtain encore careers. "Encore
careers provide personal fulfillment, while also offering
tremendous gains for society," added Freedman. "Instead of
encouraging people to leave the workforce, encore careers inspire
people to stay longer to help their communities --and fill vital
workforce shortages. But to truly capitalize on this tremendous
opportunity, we must open minds -- and doors -- to what is possible
and needed." Is the encore career a trend? "The millions of people
now in encore careers constitute a new social phenomenon with
promise for individuals and society," said Allan Rivlin, a partner
at Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc., and director of the
report. "The tens of millions interested in joining them could add
up to one of the most unexpected and significant consequences of an
aging America." For copies of the MetLife Foundation/Civic Ventures
Encore Career Survey, visit . Visit for stories of those currently in encore
careers, including Velma Simpson. During a career as an insurance
agent in Colorado, Simpson prided herself on providing comfort and
a voice for elderly and low-income clients. That led to her to sell
her business and home in her fifties to get a degree as a social
worker. She now works to reduce the causes of homelessness for the
Department of Housing and Urban Development. Survey Methodology
These findings are from two surveys. The first was a nationwide,
representative telephone survey of 1,063 people between the ages of
44 and 70 conducted from February 23 to March 5, 2008 by Peter D.
Hart Research Associates, Inc. ( The
phone survey was followed by a nationwide Internet survey of more
than 2,500 people ages 44 to 70 from March 26 to April 1, 2008. The
statistical margin of sampling error for the telephone survey is
plus or minus 3 percentage points. More methodology details are
included in the report's Appendix. About MetLife Foundation MetLife
Foundation ( was established in 1976 by
MetLife to carry on its longstanding tradition of corporate
contributions and community involvement. In the area of aging, the
Foundation funds programs that promote healthy aging and address
issues of care giving, intergenerational activities, mental
fitness, and volunteerism. About Civic Ventures Civic Ventures
( is a national think tank on
boomers, work and aging. DATASOURCE: MetLife Foundation CONTACT:
Ted Mitchell of MetLife Foundation, +1-401-827-3236, ; or Emily
Dulcan, Fenton Communications, +1-415-901-0111, , for Civic
Ventures Web Site: