BAA plc - Notification of change in directors' interests in shares.

Ordinary Shares held by the Trustee of the BAA Employee Share Trust

I hereby give notice that the following directors of BAA plc namely:

Mr M Clasper

Mr B J Collie

Mrs M Ewing

Mrs J Kong

Mr M Toms

Mr T Ward

have an interest as potential beneficiaries in shares held by the BAA Employee
Share Trust and that on 1 July 2003, the Company was notified that the Trustee
of the BAA Employee Share Trust had disposed of the following ordinary shares
in the Company:

No. of shares            Price range per     Percentage of issued share      
                         share               capital                         
1,700                    �3.565              0.000158886%                    

Subsequent to this transaction, the total number of shares in which the above
directors, through the BAA Employee Share Trust, had an interest as potential
beneficiaries, was:

Total no. of shares      Total percentage of issued share       
8,387,824                0.783944073%