The management team that took Prodigy Gold from a $25 million market cap junior to a $340 million buyout in less than three years is back with a new company that it believes is tailor made for applying its formula for success. In this interview with The Gold Report, CEO Brian Maher and VP of Corporate Development Kimberly Ann discuss their latest project, how they are "managing through change" and what differentiates them in an industry of over-promoting and under-delivering juniors. Clear communication is part of the formula, but there is more than talk when it comes to advancing a great project in South America's largest gold producing region.

The Gold Report: Can you give us a summary of the opportunity at Peruvian Precious Metals Corp. (TSX VENTURE: PPX) (BVLAC: PPX)?

Brian Maher: Peruvian Precious Metals is essentially a brand new company. The new management -- Kimberly, CFO Tony Wood, and I -- took over earlier this year. We were drawn to this company because of the outstanding project located in the northern Peru copper-gold belt. It's called Igor and it is located in an area that has some of the largest gold mines in the world. The project includes a brand new discovery on what we call the Callanquitas structure with over 700,000 ounces (700 Koz) gold equivalent in the NI 43-101 Inferred category.

Continue reading this interview with Brian Maher and Kimberly Ann: Peruvian Precious Metals Repeating a Winning Formula

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DISCLOSURE: Peruvian Precious Metals Corp. paid The Gold Report to conduct, produce and distribute the interview. Peruvian Precious Metals Corp. had final approval of the content and is wholly responsible for the validity of the statements. Opinions expressed are the opinions of Peruvian Precious Metals Corp. and not Streetwise Reports or The Gold Report or its officers.

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