
Information Management Solutions


12 November 2003

Microgen plc

Notifiable Interests

The Company was notified on 11 November 2003, that under Sections 198-202 of
the Companies Act 1985, Schroder Investment Management Limited is interested in
12,430,298 Ordinary Shares representing 14.88% of the issued share capital.

The shares are registered or to be registered in the name of:

No. of shares

Chase Nominees Limited TOTAL 6,264,101

Schroder Nominees

British Coal Staff Superannuation a/c: P 2,876,556

Mineworkers' Pension Scheme a/c: R 2,789,641

Nortrust Nominees Ltd 500,000

TOTAL 6,166,197

If you require further information please contact:

G.E. Liddle, Company Secretary (01753) 847155