I am pleased to present the preliminary results of the Company for the year
ended 30 September 2006.

Despite the slight fall in the net asset value per share during the year,
largely due to a slightly disappointing technology sector, the performance of
the portfolio continues to provide encouragement. This year capital gains have
again been realised which has resulted in the Board proposing to pay to
Shareholders an interim capital distribution of 3.00 pence per share in respect
of the year ending 30 September 2007. The Board expects to be able to pay a
similar capital distribution at the end of the current financial year. Future
capital distributions will depend on a number of factors including the level of
realisations from the portfolio. This capital distribution is in addition to
the proposed final dividend for the year ended 30 September 2006 of 0.75 pence
per share to be paid from income.

Economic background

During the last six months, the FTSE 100 Index rose by 1.63% and the FTSE
All-Share Index rose by 1.74% whilst the FTSE AIM Index fell by 14.9%. During
this same period, the AIM new issue market has been largely dormant with many
IPO prices being substantially lower at the end of the period compared with the
beginning of the year.

On the investment side there is no shortage of equity and debt providers
looking for good propositions, and competition to finance such situations
continues to remain strong. However, the dormancy in the AIM new issue market
has inevitably made divestment for portfolios, such as TriVest, more difficult
at this time. Looking ahead in the short term, it appears that the markets may
have temporarily learned to live with the current global security position, the
prospect of continuing high energy prices and the possibility of a return to
higher inflation and interest rates.

Net asset value

At 30 September, 2006, the Company's Net Asset Value (NAV) per share was 112.89
pence (2005: 122.53 pence as restated). The Company, including the proposed
final income dividend of 0.75 pence per share and the proposed capital
distribution of 3.00 pence per share referred to above, will have distributed
dividends of 12.45 pence per share since the Company's launch. This total
return since launch (including these dividends) of 121.59 pence compares with
the initial NAV (after the launch expenses of the issue) of 94.5 pence per

TriVest's portfolio

At present, Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP (MPEP) manage some 52% of the
portfolio with Foresight Venture Partners (Foresight) managing 41% and Nova
Capital Management Limited (Nova) the balance. By market sector, the portfolio
is dominated by investments in technology companies at 47%, with manufacturing
companies at 24%, media at 12%, construction and building materials at 9% and
the balance in a variety of other sectors. When the portfolio is considered by
stage of development, it comprises 51% invested in MBO / MBI situations, 32% in
AIM quoted stocks, 16% in development capital companies and 1% in early stage

The last year has been a relatively quiet period for the Foresight portfolio,
probably reflecting the state of activity in the AIM market, although the
underlying investments in the portfolio continue to work hard to create value.
Wire-e (held in the books with a value of �500,000) was sold in May 2006 for �
120,000 cash, together with an equity investment in Rapide Communication (the
new vehicle for the Wire-e business) representing 6.7% of the business and
valued at �80,000 at the time of the sale. In Monactive, Administrators were
appointed on 16 June 2006 and the company's assets were sold to Centennial
Software Limited.

Within the MPEP portfolio, in April 2006 new investments of �361,000 and �
389,000 were made respectively into Blaze Signs, a signwriter, and VSI, a group
of associated businesses that specialises in developing and marketing 3D
software. In June 2006 new investments of �500,000 were made into British
International, a supplier of helicopter services, and �292,000 into PastaKing,
a food and equipment supplier to the food service and educational markets. In
May 2006 a further investment of �126,000 was made into BBI. Importantly, in
September 2006 Secure Mail Services was sold to Candover Partners Limited for
initial proceeds of �4.1 million as part of a deal valuing SMS at �40 million.
This has resulted in an uplift to the Interim valuation of �1.0 million and a
capital gain to the portfolio of �2.9 million. The Hunter Rubber Company, which
had previously been written down to nil, went into Administration on 10 April
2006. There remains some expectation of receiving a small payment from the
Administrators in due course. After the year-end, Brookerpaks has redeemed in
full its unsecured loan of �445,000.

Within the Nova portfolio, NexxtDrive continues to move ahead with the
development of its fuel efficiency products while it waits for an opportune
moment to seek a public listing.

Capital account

The element of return due to capital movements for the year in the Profit and
Loss Account has contributed a loss of �3,115,302 (2005: profit of �16,826,289
as restated). This is attributable to three main factors. First, the portfolios
suffered net unrealised losses in the year of �4,074,141 (2005: profit of �
16,221,200 as restated), due to some substantial declines in the value of
several quoted investments, most notably Sarantel and Oxonica, and several
unquoted investments, particularly Aquasium Technology. It should be noted that
these three had been major contributors to last year's unrealised gains.
However, these losses were mitigated by some healthy unrealised gains in other
unquoted investments, principally Youngman Group, Original Additions (Beauty
Products) and Image Source Group, where strong trading performance warranted
increased valuations.


Secondly, and partly off-setting these losses, realised gains of �1,583,855
(2005: �1,080,192 as restated) were achieved principally from the sale of
Secure Mail Services, which generated further gains in the year of �1,532,032,
and realised a total gain of �2,892,250 over original cost.


A full analysis of all unrealised gains and losses by investment for the year
is shown in the Investment Portfolio Summary below.


Finally, 75% of the fund management fees were deducted from capital returns,
which, after tax relief, were �597,945 (2005: �475,103) due to the higher
levels of net assets managed this year.

Revenue account

The revenue return after tax for the year rose by �17,223 from last year to �
342,931. As a result, revenue return per share is 0.86 (2005: 0.80) of a penny
per share, thereby remaining broadly constant.

Total income fell by �27,893, caused by three principal factors. First, the
further investment in qualifying holdings this year consequently reduced the
income from the OEIC money market funds (used to hold the Company's liquidity
until invested in qualifying investments) by �159,054. Against this, there has
been an increase of �85,888 in loan stock interest receivable, itself
reflecting further loan stock investments of �2.7 million made by the MPEP
portfolio over the past year. Finally, dividends from qualifying holdings also
rose by �32,582.


The Company's revenue return per Ordinary Share was 0.86 pence per share (2005:
0.80 pence per share as re-stated). As noted above, your Board will be
recommending a final dividend of 0.75 pence per Ordinary Share in respect of
the year under review at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 31 January
2007. The Board also proposes to pay an interim capital dividend of 3.00 pence
per Ordinary Share in respect of the year ending 30 September 2007. The
dividends will be paid on 15 February 2007 to shareholders on the Register on
12 January 2007.

Dividend Investment Scheme

We are again offering Shareholders the opportunity to re-invest these dividends
into shares of the Company at the NAV per share as at 31 December 2006
(adjusted for the income and capital dividends totalling 3.75 pence per share).
Board members have once again indicated that they will be doing so to the
extent of their full entitlement. Shareholders who have not yet joined the
scheme and who wish to receive the proposed dividends as shares should complete
the form to be circulated with the Full Annual Report or the Summary Annual
Report as appropriate. Shareholders should return the Form to Capita Registrars
at the address given on the form so as to arrive by 31 January 2007 to ensure
that they qualify to participate in the Scheme in respect of these dividends.
Copies of the rules relating to the scheme are available on request from the
Company Secretary or can be downloaded from the Company's website:

Valuation policy

The Company has adopted several new Financial Reporting Standards. These
include FRS 25 (Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation) and FRS 26
(Financial Instruments: Measurement), which require that investments are stated
at fair value and impact the Company's valuation policy. To this end, the
Company has applied the International Private Equity Venture Capital Valuation
(IPEVCV) guidelines for the first time, which are broadly similar to the
previously applied British Venture Capital Association guidelines in respect of
unquoted investments. However, these guidelines also require that quoted stocks
are valued at closing bid price, rather than mid-market price as applied
previously, which has caused a reduction in the opening net asset value as
restated of �483,352. Last year's figures have been restated for this change as
required by FRS 26.

Share buy-backs

During the year ended 30 September 2006, the Company continued to implement its
buy-back policy and, accordingly, bought back 1,100,000 Ordinary Shares
(representing 2.8%) of the shares in issue at the period end) at a total cost
of �1,033,750 (net of expenses). These shares were subsequently cancelled by
the Company.

Investor Allstars 2006 Awards

At the recent Investor Allstars 2006 Awards ceremony, I am delighted to inform
you that MPEP won the award for the second year running for the Venture Capital
Trust Manager of the Year based in no small measure upon the performance of
TriVest. The judging panel commented "Matrix is one of the few VCs that has
successfully defended its title**What differentiated Matrix (from other
finalists) was the quality of the exits they achieved." Foresight Venture
Partners, another of our Investment Managers, was also a finalist in this

This has been another busy and positive year for the Board. The Board is
pleased with the progress that the portfolio overall has made to date and looks
forward to its continued development. Once again I would like to take this
opportunity to thank Shareholders for their continued support.

Colin Hook



for the year ended 30 September 2006

                            30 September 2006 (Unaudited)                 30 September 2005 (restated)         
                       Revenue        Capital          Total         Revenue        Capital          Total     
                          �              �               �              �              �               �       
Net unrealised                 -      (4,074,141)     (4,074,141)            -      16,221,200      16,221,200 
(losses)/gains on                                                                                              
Net gains on                   -       1,583,855       1,583,855             -       1,080,192       1,080,192 
realisation of                                                                                                 
Costs of investment            -         (27,071)        (27,071)            -               -               - 
Income                 1,135,895               -       1,135,895     1,163,788               -       1,163,788 
Investment              (233,097)       (699,292)       (932,389)     (193,717)       (581,150)       (774,867)
management fees                                                                                                
Other expenses          (458,520)              -        (458,520)     (537,493)              -        (537,493)
                    ------------- --------------- --------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
Profit on ordinary       444,278      (3,216,649)     (2,772,371)      432,578      16,720,242      17,152,820 
activities before                                                                                              
Tax on ordinary         (101,347)        101,347               -      (106,870)        106,047            (823)
Profit on ordinary       342,931      (3,115,302)     (2,772,371)      325,708      16,826,289      17,151,997 
activities after                                                                                               
taxation for the                                                                                               
financial year                                                                                                 
                     ------------ --------------- ---------------  ------------ --------------- ---------------
Basic and diluted           0.86p         (7.84)p         (6.98)p         0.80p          41.25p          42.05p
return per share:                                                                                              
Dividends paid                                                                                                 
Final dividend for             -               -               -       515,996               -         515,996 
the year ended 30                                                                                              
September 2004                                                                                                 
Final dividend for       300,780               -         300,780             -               -               - 
the year ended 30                                                                                              
September 2005                                                                                                 
Interim dividend               -       1,003,852       1,003,852             -               -               - 
for the year ended                                                                                             
30 September 2006                                                                                              
                         300,780       1,003,852       1,304,632       515,996               -         515,996 

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.


for the year ended 30 September 2006

                     30 September 2006 (Unaudited)    30 September 2005 (restated)
                                             Total                           Total
                                                 �                               �
(Loss)/profit on                       (2,772,371)                     17,151,997 
ordinary activities                                                               
after taxation                                                                    
Effect of changes                        (483,352)                                
in accounting                                                                     
policy arising from                                                               
the introduction of                                                               
FRS 26                                                                            
Total recognised                       (3,255,723)                     17,151,997 
since last annual                                                                 
                                         =========                       =========


for the year ended 30 September 2006

                     30 September 2006 (Unaudited)     30 September 2005 (restated)
                                             Total                            Total
                                                 �                                �
(Loss)/profit on                       (2,772,371)                      17,152,820 
activities before                                                                  
Add/(less)                              4,074,141                      (16,221,200)
unrealised losses/                                                                 
(gains) on                                                                         
(Less)/add                             (4,059,632)                         350,156 
realisation of                                                                     
(losses)/gains of                                                                  
previous years                                                                     
                                   ---------------                   --------------
Historical cost                        (2,757,862)                       1,281,776 
(loss)/profit on                                                                   
activities before                                                                  
                                   ---------------                     ------------
Historical cost                        (4,062,494)                         765,780 
(loss)/profit for                                                                  
the year after                                                                     
taxation and                                                                       


as at 30 September 2006

                            30 September 2006 (Unaudited)           30 September 2005 (restated)
                         �            �            �          �             �             �     
Non-current assets                                                                              
Investments at fair                           35,405,032                             38,740,570 
Current assets                                                                                  
Debtors and            936,772                            1,386,381                             
Current investments  5,969,440                            6,345,873                             
Cash at bank         2,027,094                            2,926,233                             
                                -------------                        ---------------            
                                   8,933,306                             10,658,487             
Creditors: amounts                                                                              
falling due within                                                                              
one year                                                                                        
Other creditors         43,064                               34,617                             
Accruals               144,996                              159,721                             
                                -------------                        ---------------            
                                    (188,060)                              (194,338)            
                                -------------                        ---------------            
Net current assets                             8,745,246                             10,464,149 
                                                =========                              =========
Net assets                                    44,150,278                             49,204,719 
                                                =========                              =========
Capital and reserves                                                                            
Called up share                                  391,099                                401,574 
Share premium                                     60,974                                      - 
Capital redemption                                27,441                                 16,441 
Special reserve                               25,025,881                             32,211,804 
Capital reserve -                             12,618,828                             12,633,337 
Capital reserve -                              5,298,692                              3,410,294 
Revenue reserves                                 727,363                                531,269 
                                                =========                              =========
                                              44,150,278                             49,204,719 
                                                =========                              =========
Net asset value per Ordinary                      112.89p                                122.53p
Share basic and diluted                                                                         


for the year ended 30 September 2006

                                           2006                     2005
                                               �                       �
Opening shareholders' funds          49,204,719              33,445,230 
(previously �49,386,890 before                                          
prior year adjustment of �                                              
182,171 )                                                               
Net share capital bought back in     (1,038,937)               (878,317)
the year                                                                
Net share capital subscribed for         61,499                       - 
in the year                                                             
(Loss)/profit for the year           (2,772,371)             17,151,997 
Dividends paid in the year           (1,304,632)               (514,191)
                                 ---------------         ---------------
Closing shareholders' funds          44,150,278              49,204,719 
                                        ========                ========


for the year ended 30 September 2006

                            Year ended 30 September Year ended 30 September 2005
Operating activities         �             �              �             �       
Investment income          972,767                     1,105,903                
Other income received        7,812                             -                
Investment management     (932,389)                     (774,866)               
fees paid                                                                       
Other cash payments       (488,253)                     (426,129)               
                                      -------------                 ------------
Net cash outflow from                     (440,063)                     (95,092)
operating activities                                                            
UK Corporation tax paid                          -                      (25,279)
Investing activities                                                            
Acquisition of          (2,410,773)                   (3,660,979)               
Disposal of investments  3,857,334                     2,885,804                
                                     --------------               --------------
                                         1,446,561                     (775,175)
Equity Dividends                                                                
Payment of equity                       (1,304,632)                    (514,191)
                                    ---------------                -------------
Cash outflow before                       (298,134)                  (1,409,737)
financing and liquid                                                            
resource management                                                             
Management of liquid                                                            
Decrease in monies held                    376,433                      581,068 
pending investment                                                              
Issue of Ordinary           61,499                             -                
Purchase of own shares  (1,038,937)                     (878,317)               
                                      -------------                -------------
                                          (977,438)                    (878,317)
Decrease in cash for                      (899,139)                  (1,706,986)
the year                                                                        
                                           ========                    =========


as at 30 September 2006

Investment Portfolio Summary                                                    
                                                                          % of
                                     Cost at    Valuation   Valuation  portfolio
                                                   at          at               
                                    30-Sep-06   30-Sep-05   30-Sep-06   by value
Foresight Venture Partners                                                      
Oxonica plc                         2,136,763   8,780,297   7,245,512     20.46%
Specialist in the design,                                                       
manipulation and engineering of                                                 
properties of materials at the                                                  
SmartFOCUS Group plc                  700,000   1,899,292   1,856,969      5.24%
Provider of analytic software to                                                
support targeting and execution of                                              
marketing campaigns                                                             
Camwood Limited                     1,028,181   1,780,937   1,669,520      4.72%
Provider of software repackaging                                                
Aquasium Technology Limited           700,000   2,067,997   1,059,610      2.99%
Business engaged in the design,                                                 
manufacturing and marketing of                                                  
bespoke electron beam welding and                                               
vacuum furnace equipment                                                        
Sarantel plc                        1,670,252   3,729,170     798,621      2.26%
Developer and manufacturer of                                                   
antennae for mobile phones and                                                  
other wireless devices                                                          
Alaric Systems Limited                595,803     595,763     595,763      1.68%
Software developer and provider of                                              
support services in the credit/                                                 
debit card authorisation and                                                    
payments market                                                                 
ANT plc                               462,816     472,749     393,958      1.11%
Provider of embedded browser/email                                              
software for consumer electronics                                               
and Internet appliances                                                         
Aigis Engineering Solutions           272,120     333,320     333,320      0.94%
Specialist blast containment                                                    
materials company                                                               
DCG Datapoint Group Limited           312,074     312,074     311,853      0.88%
Design, supply and integration of                                               
data storage solutions                                                          
Mondas plc 1                          600,000     450,183     238,255      0.67%
Provider of e-business                                                          
Rapide Communication Limited 2        379,983     250,000      66,667      0.19%
Mobile phone software company                                                   
Monactive Limited (in                 339,285     160,667           0      0.00%
Provider of software management                                                 
tools that monitor usage of                                                     
software versus licences held                                                   
Other investments in the portfolio          0      15,000         Nil      0.00%
                                    9,197,277  20,847,449  14,570,048     41.14%
Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP                                              
HWA Limited (trading as Holloway       69,105   3,219,023   3,348,323      9.47%
White Allom)                                                                    
Refurbishment, restoration and                                                  
construction of notable public                                                  
buildings and top-end residential                                               
dwellings in and around London                                                  
Image Source Group Limited          1,000,000   2,618,253   3,232,667      9.13%
Royalty free picture library                                                    
Original Additions (Beauty          1,000,000   2,301,687   3,127,944      8.83%
Products) Limited                                                               
Manufacturer and distributor of                                                 
beauty products                                                                 
Youngman Group Limited              1,000,000           0   2,368,418      6.69%
Manufacturer of ladders and access                                              
BBI Holdings plc                      496,119     731,910   1,227,231      3.47%
Manufacturer of gold conjugate for                                              
the medical diagnostics industry                                                
Tottel Publishing Limited             514,800     514,800     759,048      2.14%
Publisher of specialist legal and                                               
taxation titles                                                                 
Letraset Limited                    1,000,000     487,737     622,737      1.76%
Manufacturer and worldwide                                                      
distributor of graphic art                                                      
Brookerpaks Limited                   500,000   1,033,058     621,555      1.76%
Importer and distributor of garlic                                              
and vacuum-packed vegetables to                                                 
supermarkets and the wholesale                                                  
Ministry of Cake Limited              721,280     721,280     556,169      1.57%
Manufacturer of desserts and cakes                                              
for the food service industry                                                   
British International Holdings        500,000         n/a     500,000      1.41%
Helicopter service operators                                                    
VSI Limited                           388,842           0     388,842      1.10%
Provider of software for CAD and                                                
CAM vendors                                                                     
Blaze Signs Holdings Limited          360,969         n/a     360,969      1.02%
Manufacturer and installer of                                                   
Campden Media Limited                 334,880         n/a     334,880      0.95%
Magazine publisher and conference                                               
PastaKing Holdings Limited            292,405           0     292,405      0.83%
Manufacturer and supplier of fresh                                              
pasta meals                                                                     
Vectair Holdings Limited              215,914           0     215,914      0.61%
Designer and distributor of                                                     
washroom products                                                               
SectorGuard plc                       150,000     128,571     150,000      0.42%
Provider of manned guarding,                                                    
mobile patrols and alarm response                                               
B G Consulting Group Limited/       1,153,976     125,000     128,344      0.36%
Duncary 4 Limited                                                               
Technical training business                                                     
Inca Interiors Limited                350,000     300,562      50,000      0.14%
Design, supply and installation of                                              
quality kitchens to house                                                       
FH Ingredients Limited                403,303     403,303           0      0.00%
Processor of frozen herbs for the                                               
food manufacturing industry                                                     
Secure Mail Services Limited                0   2,590,494           0      0.00%
Specialist, secure credit card                                                  
delivery business                                                               
Other investments in the portfolio  1,316,482         Nil         Nil      0.00%
                                   11,768,075  15,175,678  18,285,446     51.66%
Nova Capital Management Limited                                                 
Tikit Group plc                       500,000     882,607     960,868      2.71%
Provider of consultancy, services                                               
and software solutions for law                                                  
Biomer Technology Limited             137,170     753,836     753,837      2.14%
Developer of biomaterials for                                                   
medical devices                                                                 
NexxtDrive Limited                    600,000     412,500     468,750      1.32%
Developer of transmissions                                                      
technologies for applications in                                                
the automotive, construction and                                                
industrial sectors                                                              
I-DOX plc                             737,625     668,500     366,083      1.03%
Provider of document storage                                                    
                                    1,974,795   2,717,443   2,549,538      7.20%
Total                              22,940,147  38,740,570  35,405,032    100.00%

1 Data for Mondas includes Blue Curve Limited, acquired during the year.

2 Data for Rapide Communication includes Wire-e Limited, acquired during the

3 Other investments in the portfolio comprises The Hunter Rubber Company
Limited (in administration) and Stortext-FM Limited/Stortext (DO) Limited in
the MPEP portfolio and Broadreach Networks Limited, in the Foresight portfolio
which have all been valued at nil.


1. In accordance with the policy statement published under "Management and
Administration" in the Company's Prospectus dated 13 October 2000, the
Directors have charged 75% of the investment management expenses to capital
2. With effect from 1 October 2005, the Company has adopted the following
Financial Reporting Standards (FRS):

FRS 21 (Events after the Balance Sheet Date) - Interim dividends paid by the
Company are accounted for in the period in which they are paid and final
dividends are accounted for when approved by shareholders. Previously, the
Company accrued dividends in the period in which the net income, to which those
dividends related, was accounted for.

FRS 25 (Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation) and FRS 26
(Financial Instruments: Measurement) -The Company has designated its
investments as being measured at "fair value through profit and loss". The fair
value of quoted investments is deemed to be the bid value of these investments
at the close of business on the relevant date.

The corresponding amounts in this announcement are restated in accordance with
these new policies.

Non-current investments which are not quoted are stated at Directors' best
estimate of fair value, in accordance with IPEVCV guidelines.

The Company has also adopted FRS 22 (Earnings per Share), FRS 23 (The effects
of changes in foreign exchange rates) and FRS 28 (Corresponding amounts), none
of which give rise to prior year adjustments.

The Company has chosen not to adopt the accounting requirements of FRS 20
(accounting for share based payments), as the incentive agreement with the
Investment Managers existed before the date from which FRS 20 became

3. The basic revenue return per Ordinary Share is based on the net revenue from
ordinary activities after taxation of �342,931 (2005: �325,708) and on
39,694,960 (2005: 40,786,094) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average
number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.

4. The basic capital return per Ordinary Share is based on net realised and
unrealised capital losses of �2,490,286 (2005: �17,301,392 as restated) and net
capital costs (including investment management fees) of �625,016 (2005: �
475,103) and on 39,694,960 (2005: 40,786,094) Ordinary Shares, being the
weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.

5. The above financial information comprises non-statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for
the year ended 30 September 2005 has been extracted from published accounts
(except as restated) for the year ended 30 September 2005 that have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the auditors
was unqualified.

6. The Company revoked its investment company status on 30 November 2005 which
means that it is now able to make capital distributions from realised profits
when previously it could only pay dividends from income.

7. The Company proposes to pay a final dividend from income of 0.75 pence
(2005: 0.75 pence) per share in respect of the year ended 30 September 2006.
The Board also intends to pay an interim capital dividend of 3.00 pence per
Ordinary Share in respect of the year ending 30 September 2007. The dividends
will be paid on 15 February 2007 to Shareholders on the Register on 12 January

8. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00 am on 31 January 2007 at
One Jermyn Street, London SW1Y 4UH.


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