RNS Number : 2668Q

Total Produce Plc

25 February 2021



Total Produce records strong results in 2020

-- Very strong performance in 2020 in the context of the unprecedented challenges posed by COVID-19 to the global economy

-- The Group announced on 17 February 2021 an agreement to combine with Dole Food Company Inc under a newly created US listed company, Dole plc

   --      Total revenue up 1.7% to EUR6.259 billion 
   --      Adjusted EBITDA up 8.2% to EUR219.4m 
   --      Adjusted EBITA up 9.4% to EUR164.2m 
   --      Adjusted profit before tax up 18.0% to EUR116.0m 
   --      Adjusted fully diluted EPS up 9.1% to 15.41 cent 
   --      The Group is in a strong financial position, net debt of EUR144.3m (2019: EUR221.2m) 
   --      7.5% increase in 2020 final dividend to 2.770 cent per share 

Commenting on the results, Carl McCann, Chairman, said:

"The Group has reported strong results in 2020. Revenue grew 1.7% to EUR6.3 billion with an 8.2% increase in adjusted EBITDA to EUR219.4m and adjusted earnings per share increasing 9.1% to 15.41 cent. These strong results demonstrate the robustness of the Group's business model in the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We are very proud of our people worldwide. Their dedication, commitment and hard work ensured the Group's supply chains and operations continue to function and remain open across our key markets.

On 17 February 2021, the Group announced a binding deal with Dole Food Company Inc to combine under a newly created US listed company, Dole plc. Dole plc will be the number one player in fresh produce with estimated combined revenues of almost US$10 billion, adjusted EBITDA of approximately US$379 million and total assets of approximately US$4.5 billion. The decision to list the new company in the United States marks an exciting next step. The combined company will become the largest player in fresh produce with a highly diversified portfolio, resilient earnings and a strong balance sheet that positions us well for accelerated growth. We look forward to beginning this next chapter and providing increased opportunity for our shareholders, dedicated employees, customers, suppliers and partners.

The Group intends to pay a final dividend of 2.770 cent per share representing an increase of 7.5%. Trading has been satisfactory in early 2021".

25 February 2021

For further information, please contact:

Brian Bell, Wilson Hartnell PR - Tel: +353-1-669-0030, Mobile: +353-87-243-6130

                                                        2020           2019 
                                                 EUR'million    EUR'million   change 
=============================================  =============  =============  ======= 
 Total revenue                                         6,259       6,153(1)    +1.7% 
 Group revenue                                         3,818          3,729    +2.4% 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                       219.4          202.8    +8.2% 
 Adjusted EBITA                                        164.2          150.1    +9.4% 
 Operating profit before exceptional items              93.4           82.3   +13.5% 
 Operating profit after exceptional items               83.4           87.5   (4.7%) 
 Adjusted profit before tax                            116.0           98.3   +18.0% 
 Profit before tax (after exceptional items)            73.5           76.5   (4.0%) 
=============================================  =============  =============  ======= 

(1) the Group's share of the 2019 revenue of Dole was restated. See Note 3 of the accompanying financial information.

                                              EUR'cent   EUR'cent    change 
===========================================  =========  =========  ======== 
 Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share       15.41      14.12     +9.1% 
 Basic earnings per share                        10.40      13.72   (24.2%) 
 Diluted basic earnings per share                10.38      13.69   (24.2%) 
 Final dividend per share                        2.770     2.5770     +7.5% 
 Total dividend per share                       3.6829     3.4899     +5.5% 
===========================================  =========  =========  ======== 


Total Produce (the 'Group') has delivered very strong results in 2020 against the backdrop of the unprecedented uncertainties and challenges in the global marketplace arising from the prolonged effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 outbreak continues to be an ongoing challenge for the Group and the wider fresh produce industry. The health and wellbeing of our people is the Group's number one priority while at the same time recognising the vital role in continuing to keep the supply chains open and supplying essential foodstuffs. The Group's strong presence in the global fresh produce industry, the diversity of its operations and products together with the exceptional response from our people have enabled us to meet these challenges.

Total revenue grew 1.7% to EUR6,259m (2019: EUR6,153m), adjusted EBITDA increased by 8.2% to EUR219.4m (2019: EUR202.8m) with adjusted EBITA increasing 9.4% to EUR164.2m (2019: EUR150.1m). The increase in revenue was due to robust retail and wholesale demand offsetting reduced levels of activity in the food service sector. The Group also benefitted from the contribution of bolt-on acquisitions made in the past twelve months. Currency had a marginally negative impact on the translation of the overall results of foreign currency denominated operations to Euro due principally to the weakening of the US Dollar and to a lessor extent Sterling. On a like-for like basis excluding the impact of acquisitions, divestments and currency translation, revenues were circa 1% ahead of prior year with average price increases offsetting a modest volume decrease. The strong growth in adjusted EBITDA (8.2%) and adjusted EBITA (9.4%) was due to the robust performance in the Eurozone (particularly in H2 of 2020), the International and Dole divisions. This was partially offset by a weaker performance in the Non-Eurozone division which has a proportionally higher wholesale and direct food service business.

Operating profit before exceptional items increased by 13.5% to EUR93.4m (2019: EUR82.3m). The operating profit after exceptional items was EUR83.4m (2019: EUR87.5m) with the decrease due to the effect of exceptional items year on year. The 2019 prior year included exceptional gains of EUR5.2m compared to a current year charge of EUR10.0m, as discussed further in Note 5 of the accompanying financial information.

Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share increased 9.1% to 15.41 cent (2019: 14.12 cent), due to the 9.4% increase in adjusted EBITA and lower interest charges offset by higher non-controlling interest charges.

Net debt at end of the year was EUR144.3m (2019: EUR221.2m) with strong adjusted operating cashflow of EUR113.6m (2019: EUR59.4m) due to strong earnings growth and working capital inflows of EUR52.1m (2019: EUR6.6m). The working capital inflow was due to the change in customer mix and tight working capital management. The Group managed its liquidity by curtailing some non-essential capital expenditure and discretionary costs. The Group is in a strong financial position with significant financial capacity. The Group is operating comfortably within its bank covenants and enjoys the support of its banking partners.

The Group paid the 2020 interim dividend of 0.9129 cent per share, unchanged on the prior year, on 29 January 2021.The Group intends to pay a final dividend of 2.770 cent per share in May 2021, representing an increase of 7.5% on 2019. The total dividend for 2020 will amount to 3.6829 (2019: 3.4899) cent per share and represents an increase of 5.5% on 2019. The total dividend represents a pay-out of almost 24% of the adjusted earnings per share.


Alternative performance measures 'APMs' The Group uses APMs, which are non-IFRS measures to monitor financial performance. These measures are referred to throughout the discussion of our reported operating performance and financial position and are measures which are regularly reviewed by Group management in assessing Group performance. The APMs are defined together with calculations in pages 33 to 36 of this statement.

Transaction to combine with Dole Food Company Inc and become publicly listed in the US

On 17 February 2021, the Group, Dole Food Company, Inc. ('Dole'), and affiliates of Castle & Cooke, Inc. (the 'C&C shareholders'), which own a 55% interest in Dole's parent company ('Dole Holdings') (together, the 'Parties'), announced that they entered into a binding transaction agreement (the "Agreement") to combine under a newly created, U.S. listed company ('Dole plc') (the 'Transaction').

The Group had previously completed the acquisition of a 45% interest in Dole on 31 July 2018 with options to acquire the remaining 55% in future years.

The Transaction will simplify the existing structure between the two companies by unifying Dole and Total Produce under common ownership, with the objective of enabling full operational integration, realisation of synergies and value creation across the enlarged business. Under the terms of the Agreement, Total Produce shareholders will receive 82.5% of Dole plc shares and the C&C shareholders will receive 17.5% of Dole plc shares, in each case based on the fully diluted outstanding shares immediately prior to the completion of the Transaction.

Dole plc will be well positioned to deliver attractive long-term growth and utilise its increased size and network to drive market penetration and cross-selling. Dole plc will benefit from the strength of the Dole brand to further expand its product offering and pursue synergistic M&A in a fragmented and structurally growing industry.

Dole plc will have a balanced geographic presence with an extensive and diversified product portfolio, enhancing the overall financial resilience of the business.

Per the Agreement, Dole plc's completion of an initial public offering and a listing on a major U.S. stock exchange is a condition for completion of the Transaction (the 'IPO'). In connection with the Transaction, Dole plc intends to target raising US$500 to US$700 million in primary equity capital to strengthen and de-lever the combined balance sheet. Upon completion of the U.S. listing of Dole plc, Total Produce will cease to be listed on the Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange.

Total Produce has secured fully committed debt facilities to backstop and refinance all existing Total Produce and Dole debt facilities upon completion of the Transaction, with the exception of the Dole vessel financing and certain other bilateral facilities which will remain post completion. Overall, this is expected to provide for a stronger balance sheet with a well-termed out capital structure, which is expected to enhance Dole plc's credit profile and lower its average cost of capital going forward.

Dole plc, operating under the Dole brand, will be incorporated in Ireland, with its Global Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. Its headquarters for the Americas will be in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The highly regarded management teams of Total Produce and Dole, with combined experience of over 150 years in the fresh produce sector, will continue to operate the combined business.

The Transaction is subject to approval by Total Produce shareholders, regulatory approvals, market conditions and customary conditions.

Should the Transaction fail to complete for any reason the terms of the Initial Dole Transaction remain in place and Total Produce will continue to be listed on Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange.

The full terms of the Transaction are outlined in the Stock Exchange announcement on 17 February 2021.

Operating Review

The table below details a segmental breakdown of the Group's total revenue and adjusted EBITA for the year ended 31 December 2020. The European and International operating segments are primarily involved in the procurement, marketing and distribution of hundreds of lines of fresh fruit and vegetables. The Group's 45% share of the results of Dole is included as a separate operating segment. Dole is one of the world's leading fresh producers, marketers and distributors of fresh fruit and vegetables, which sell and distribute through a wide network in North America, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Segment performance is evaluated based on total revenue and adjusted EBITA.

                             Unaudited 2020             2019** 
                              Total   Adjusted       Total   Adjusted 
                            revenue      EBITA     revenue      EBITA 
                            EUR'000    EUR'000     EUR'000    EUR'000 
=======================  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Europe - Non-Eurozone    1,499,299     39,390   1,481,657     41,913 
 Europe - Eurozone        1,687,370     28,708   1,661,446     20,477 
 International            1,295,949     26,012   1,271,566     22,284 
 Dole* (Group share)      1,843,402     70,128   1,801,299     65,440 
 Inter-segment revenue     (66,522)          -    (62,874)          - 
=======================  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Total Group              6,259,498    164,238   6,153,094    150,114 
=======================  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 

*Dole's financial year for 2020 commenced on 29 December 2019 and ended on 31 December 2020. The 2019 comparative period ran from 29 December 2018 to 28 December 2019. The Group's share of the adjusted EBITA of Dole is after the deduction of the Group's share of the non-controlling interests charge within Dole and an allocation of a corporate overhead.

** The 2019 segmental comparatives have been restated to conform with the current year's presentation. In addition, the Group's share of the 2019 revenue of Dole was restated. See Note 3 of the accompanying financial information.

Total revenue increased 1.7% to EUR6,259m (2019: EUR6,153m) with robust demand from retailers and wholesalers offsetting reduced levels of activity in the food service sector. Across the Group companies modified sales strategies to further increase retail focus and to source more produce to meet increased retail demand. There was an increase in demand for the staple items, bananas, potatoes, vegetables and produce with high vitamin C content (citrus and kiwi fruit) with reduced demand for pineapples and melons due to lower foodservice activity. The Group also benefitted from bolt-on acquisitions made in the past twelve months. Currency had a marginally negative impact on the translation of the overall results of foreign currency denominated operations to Euro in the year primarily due to the weakening of the US Dollar. On a like-for like basis excluding the impact of acquisitions, divestments and currency translation, revenues were circa 1% ahead of prior year with average price increases offsetting a modest volume decrease. Adjusted EBITA increased 9.4% to EUR164.2m (2019: EUR150.1m) due to strong performance in the Eurozone (particularly in H2 of 2020), the International and Dole divisions. This was partially offset by a weaker performance in the Non-Eurozone division which has a higher proportionate concentration of wholesale and direct food service business.

Within the European and International divisions, there were additional operating costs relating to COVID-19 such as employee personal protective equipment and costs of additional shifts in warehouses to comply with physical distancing. These additional costs were offset by reductions in other costs such as travel expenses. Within the Dole division certain one-off costs associated with COVID-19 were incurred and classified as exceptional items. The Group's 45% of these non-recurring COVID-19 costs were EUR4.4m.

Europe - Non-Eurozone

This segment includes the Group's businesses in the Czech Republic, Poland, Scandinavia and the UK. Revenue increased by 1.2% to EUR1,499m (2019: EUR1,482m) helped by the incremental impact of bolt-on acquisitions. Currency translation had a marginal negative impact on revenue on translation to Euro with weaker Sterling partially offset by a strong Swedish Krona. On a like-for-like basis excluding acquisitions, divestments and current translation revenue was circa 1% behind prior year with volume decreases offset in part by average price increases. Volume decreases are due to reduced demand in the food service sector in Scandinavia, the UK and the Czech Republic as a result of restrictions imposed due to COVID-19. This was offset by robust demand from retail, as well as an element of organic growth. Adjusted EBITA decreased 6.0% to EUR39.4m (2019: EUR41.9m) due to currency translation and an impact on margin due to a change in sales channel.

Europe - Eurozone

This segment includes the Group's businesses in France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Revenue increased by 1.6% to EUR1,687m (2019: EUR1,661m). Excluding the effect of acquisitions and divestments, revenue on a like-for-like basis was circa 1% ahead of prior year with average price increases offsetting a decrease in volumes. Throughout the Eurozone, robust retail and wholesale demand offset lower demand from the food service sector. Adjusted EBITA increased 40.2% to EUR28.7m (2019: EUR20.5m) with a resilient performance across all divisions particularly Spain and an overall much improved result in Holland. The Dutch horticultural division remained challenged with disappointing performance in vegetables offset by good results in the second half of the year from sales of local soft fruit and deciduous product. The Group recorded strong performance particularly in the second half of the year in its import business helped by solid results in its mango, citrus, ginger and avocado lines.


This division includes the Group's businesses in North America, South America and India. Revenue increased by 1.9% to EUR1,296m (2019: EUR1,272m). Currency negatively impacted on translation of the results to Euro due to the weakening of US Dollar and Canadian Dollar by 1.9% and 3.3% respectively. This was partially offset by the benefit of an increase in the shareholding in a joint venture which is now treated as a subsidiary. On a like-for-like basis excluding the effects of currency and acquisitions, revenue increased circa 3% due to average price increases with volumes marginally behind the prior year. The International division is largely retail focussed. There was an increase in demand for the staple items of potatoes, vegetables, citrus as well as kiwifruit. The impact of COVID-19 in the first half of the year saw a reduced demand for more expensive product and produce with a shorter shelf life. Revenue strengthened in second half of the year particularly with stronger pricing in certain product lines and good volumes from new product sources. Adjusted EBITA increased 16.7% to EUR26.0m (2019: EUR22.3m) with improved margins, lower operating costs (primarily travel related), the benefit of a joint venture becoming a subsidiary offset in part by the negative impact on the translation of the results of US Dollar and Canadian Dollar denominated earnings to Euro.


This segment includes the Group's share of the results of Dole. The Group is equity accounting for its 45%

share  of the  results of   Dole on an IFRS basis. 

Dole's 2020 financial year was from 29 December 2019 to 31 December 2020 and for 2019 was from 29 December 2018 to 28 December 2019. Dole's o verall business is seasonal, with the greater share of adjusted EBITA earned in the f irst half of the financial year. As Dole is vertically integrated its operations are sensitive to a number of factors including weather related phenomena and the effects on industry volumes, prices, produce quality and growing costs.

Trading in Dole was good in the context of a challenging global environment due to COVID-19 and is benchmarked against a strong comparative year in the Fresh Vegetable division for some produce categories. On an IFRS basis, Dole has recorded 2020 revenues of $4,672m ( EUR4,096m) up 3.5% on 2019 revenue of $4,516m (EUR4,003m). Adjusted EBITDA in 2020 of $259.2m (EUR230.6m) was 5.8% ahead of prior year result of $245.0m (EUR217.2m) with adjusted EBITA of $184.6m (EUR164.2m) 6.2% ahead when compared to $173.8m (EUR154.0m) recorded in the prior year.

The Fresh Fruit division (bananas and pineapples) remained strong and ahead of the prior period with higher banana volumes in Latin America and North America offset by some lower European volumes. The results in this division benefitted from lower fuel prices and some general cost efficiencies. This was offset by a general decrease in pineapple pricing due to the impact of COVID-19 on the food service sector.

Results in Fresh Vegetables were ahead of the prior period despite being benchmarked against a very strong comparative period in some categories. The results from value-added operations were significantly ahead of 2019 with favourable volumes and pricing helped by the launch of new product types and the change in product mix from a move to more premium products. The division also benefitted from cost saving initiatives implemented in recent years.

The Diversified division performed satisfactorily in the period. The results were helped by solid results in citrus and berries while results in Chile were impacted by timing differences in the crop harvest cycle of cherries as well as lower grape volumes due to drought.

Within the Dole segment, certain one-off charges associated with COVID-19 including costs of double shifts, protective equipment and additional transport were incurred and classified as exceptional items. These costs amounted to $10.8m (EUR9.6m) and primarily related to the Fresh Vegetable division.

Total Produce's 45% share of 2020 revenue was EUR1,843m (2019: EUR1,801m) and its share of adjusted EBITA was EUR70.1m (2019: EUR65.4m).

Further details on the financial performance and position of Dole for the year ended 31 December 2020 are outlined in Note 7 of the accompanying financial information.

Financial Review

Revenue and adjusted EBITA

An analysis of the factors influencing the changes in revenue and adjusted EBITA are discussed earlier in the operating review.

Share of profits of joint ventures - Dole

The Group's share of the after-tax profits of Dole in 2020 amounted to EUR21.3m (2019: EUR19.3m) before exceptional items. The increase is due to higher EBITA as noted earlier in the operating review offset in part by lower interest costs due to a decrease in the US LIBOR rate in 2020. The Group's share of exceptional items in 2020 was a EUR5.9m charge compared to a EUR7.0m gain in 2019. The gain in 2019 was primarily due to the gain on the sale of a European salad business. Further information on exceptional items are detailed in Note 5 of the accompanying financial information. Post exceptional items the Group's share of after-tax profits was EUR15.4m (2019: EUR26.4m). Further details of the performance of Dole and its financial position at the end of the year is outlined in the operating review and in Note 7 of the accompanying financial information.

Share of profits of joint ventures and associates - excluding Dole

Excluding the contribution from Dole the share of after-tax profits of joint ventures and associates increased in 2020 to EUR13.0m (2019: EUR11.3m). Dividends declared from joint ventures and associates in 2020 amounted to EUR12.5m (2019: EUR11.1m) with EUR11.3m (2019: EUR10.7m) received in cash reflecting the Group's continued focus on the cash contributions from these investments.

Intangible asset amortisation

Acquisition related intangible asset amortisation within subsidiaries amounted to EUR10.1m (2019: EUR10.3m). The share of intangible asset amortisation within joint ventures and associates was EUR2.5m (2019: EUR2.7m).

Exceptional items

Exceptional items in the year, net of tax amounted to a net charge of EUR10.9m (2019: EUR5.2m gain). The net charge in 2020 primarily relates to the Group's EUR5.9m share of the net charge within Dole (due primarily to exceptional COVID-19 costs and unrealised losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings). The Group also incurred a non-cash goodwill impairment charge of EUR3.5m and a property impairment charge of EUR1.1m. In 2019 the net gain primarily related to the Group's EUR7.0m share of the net gain within Dole on sale of a European salad business offset in part by Group restructuring charges. A full analysis of exceptional items for both 2020 and 2019 are set out in Note 5 of the accompanying financial information and have been excluded from the calculation of the adjusted numbers.

Operating profit

Operating profit before exceptional items increased by 13.5% to EUR93.4m (2019: EUR82.3m) due to earnings growth in the Eurozone and International divisions as well as an increase in the Group's share of earnings in Dole. Including exceptional items, operating profit decreased to EUR83.4m (2019: increased to EUR87.5m) with the decrease due to the effect of exceptional items year on year. The prior year included exceptional gains of EUR5.2m compared to a current year charge of EUR10.0m before tax. As noted earlier, a full analysis of exceptional items for both 2020 and 2019 are set out in Note 5 of the accompanying financial information.

Net financial expense

Net financial expense in the year decreased to EUR9.9m (2019: EUR11.0m) primarily due to the fall in US LIBOR rates and lower average net debt in the year.

The Group's share of the net interest expense of joint ventures and associates in 2020 was EUR38.3m (2019: EUR40.8m) with the decrease due to Group's share of a lower interest charge in Dole due to reduction in US LIBOR rates in the year.

Profit before tax

Excluding acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration and share of joint venture interest and tax which is netted in profit before tax in the statutory income statement, the adjusted profit before tax increased by 18.0% to EUR116.0m (2019: EUR98.3m) with the benefit of the increase in the adjusted EBITA and the effect of lower interest charges. Statutory profit before tax after these items was EUR73.5m (2019: EUR76.5m) with the decrease due to the impact of exceptional items year on year. As noted earlier, there was a net exceptional charge of EUR10.0m before tax (2019: net gain of EUR5.2m).


The adjusted tax charge for 2020, including the Group's share of joint ventures and associates' tax and before non-trading items as set out on page 34 of the accompanying financial information was EUR36.4m (2019: EUR27.9m) representing an underlying effective tax rate of 31.4% (2019: 28.0%) when applied to the Group's adjusted profit before tax.

Non-controlling interests

The non-controlling interests' share of after-tax profits in the year was EUR16.4m (2019: EUR12.9m). Included in this was the non-controlling interests' share of the net charge on exceptional items, amortisation charges and acquisition related costs (net of tax) of EUR3.3m (2019: EUR2.9m). Excluding these non-trading items, the non-controlling interests' share of adjusted after tax profits was EUR19.7m (2019: EUR15.8m) with the EUR3.9m increase due to higher non-controlling interests' share of earnings in certain non-wholly owned companies in Europe and North America.

Adjusted and basic earnings per share

Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share increased 9.1% to 15.41 cent (2019: 14.12 cent) due to the strong increase in adjusted EBITA in the year, lower interest charges offset by the increase in the non-controlling interest charge noted earlier.

Management believes that adjusted fully diluted earnings per share, which excludes acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings, exceptional items and the related tax on these items, provides a fairer reflection of the underlying trading performance of the Group.

Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share after these non-trading items amounted to 10.40 cent per share (2019: 13.72 cent) and 10.38 cent per share (2019: 13.69 cent) respectively. The decrease on the prior year is due to the exceptional one-off gains in 2019 compared to the 2020 exceptional charges as noted earlier.

Note 6 of the accompanying financial information provide details of the calculation of the respective earnings per share amounts.

Cashflow and net debt

Net debt (which excludes lease liabilities) at 31 December 2020 of EUR144.3m decreased on the prior year balance of EUR221.2m. Average net debt for year was EUR224.1m (2019: EUR284.0m). In addition, the Group has non-recourse trade receivables financing of EUR47.0m on 31 December 2020 (2019: EUR46.4m). The decrease in net debt on the prior year was primarily due to strong operating cashflows in 2020 and working capital inflows during the year as explained below.

The Group generated adjusted operating cashflows in the year of EUR61.5m (2019: EUR52.8m) with the increase due to the strong earnings growth. There was a positive working capital inflow of EUR52.1m (2019: EUR6.6m) primarily from the impact of a change in customer mix on receivables days and continued tight working capital management. In addition, there were initiatives and actions taken by the Group to protect the business and mitigate cash outflows due to COVID-19 with a deferral of some non-essential capital expenditure and curtailment of discretionary costs.

Cash outflows on routine capital expenditure, net of disposals, were lower at EUR15.4m (2019: EUR19.0m) due to the deferral of some non-essential capital expenditure. Dividends received from joint ventures and associates in the year were EUR11.3m (2019: EUR10.7m) representing the Group's continued focus on cash returns from these investments. Dividends paid to non-controlling interests were EUR20.5m (2019: EUR16.1m) with the increase due to higher earnings in subsidiaries with non-controlling interests.

Free cashflow generated by the Group was EUR89.0m (2019: EUR35.0m) with the increase due to higher earnings and the improved working capital inflow during the year. Free cashflow is the measure of the funds available after outflows relating to routine capital expenditure, dividends to non-controlling interests but before acquisition related expenditure, non-routine capital expenditure and the payment of dividends to equity shareholders of the Group.

Cash inflows from exceptional items were EUR0.8m (2019: EUR5.8m). Cash inflows from disposals net of acquisitions amounted to EUR1.5m (2019: EUR14.5m outflow) with proceeds from disposals of equity investments in the year offset by the costs of some bolt-on acquisitions primarily in the Eurozone. Payments relating to put option liabilities and contingent and deferred consideration relating to prior year acquisitions were EUR10.6m (2019: EUR11.1m). Payments for non-routine property and plant additions amounted to EUR4.2m (2019: EUR4.5m). Dividends paid to equity shareholders were EUR10.0m (2019: EUR13.3m) with the decrease due to the deferral of the 2020 interim dividend of EUR3.5m to January 2021. At 31 December 2020, there was a EUR11.4m gain (2019: EUR2.7m loss) on the translation of foreign currency denominated net debt to Euro due primarily to the weaker US Dollar and Sterling exchange rates prevailing at year end offset in part by the stronger Swedish Krona.

                                                                                2020          2019 
                                                                         EUR'million   EUR'million 
======================================================================  ============  ============ 
 Adjusted EBITDA (1)                                                           219.4         202.8 
 Deduct adjusted EBITDA of joint ventures and associates                     (128.8)       (121.1) 
 Net financial expense and tax paid                                           (27.2)        (26.3) 
 Other                                                                         (1.9)         (2.6) 
======================================================================  ============  ============ 
 Adjusted operating cashflows before working capital movements                  61.5          52.8 
 Working capital movements                                                      52.1           6.6 
======================================================================  ============  ============ 
 Adjusted operating cashflows (1)                                              113.6          59.4 
 Routine capital expenditure net of routine disposal proceeds (1)             (15.4)        (19.0) 
 Dividends received from joint ventures and associates                          11.3          10.7 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                                  (20.5)        (16.1) 
======================================================================  ============  ============ 
 Free cashflow (1)                                                              89.0          35.0 
 Cashflows from exceptional items                                                0.8           5.8 
 Cashflow receipts/(payments) from acquisitions, net of disposals (1)            1.5        (14.5) 
 Net (debt)/cash assumed on acquisition of subsidiaries                        (1.0)           2.1 
 Contingent, and deferred consideration and put options payments              (10.6)        (11.1) 
 Non-routine capital expenditure                                               (4.2)         (4.5) 
 Dividends paid to equity shareholders                                        (10.0)        (13.3) 
 Other                                                                             -           0.1 
======================================================================  ============  ============ 
 Total net debt movement in year                                                65.5         (0.4) 
 Net debt (1) at beginning of year                                           (221.2)       (219.7) 
 Finance leases reclassified to lease liabilities                                  -           1.6 
 Foreign currency translation                                                   11.4         (2.7) 
======================================================================  ============  ============ 
 Net debt (1) at end of year                                                 (144.3)       (221.2) 
======================================================================  ============  ============ 

(1) The APMs are defined together with calculations in pages 33 to 36 of this statement


It has always been the policy of the Group to have adequate facilities available providing the Group with sufficient headroom in addition to the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities to develop the business. As the pandemic hit global markets in mid-March, the Group took a number of steps to protect its liquidity and financial position. As described earlier, the Group postponed or deferred some non-essential capital expenditure and discretionary costs.

In 2020, the Group increased the tenor of its corporate borrowing facilities and provided additional headroom including the renewal of a three-year private placement facility of US$66m (EUR54m). This allows the Group to draw down long term funding for periods of up to twelve years. The Group has approved committed and uncommitted bank borrowings of up to EUR583m at 31 December 2020 (2019: EUR623m) in addition to approved overdrafts of EUR115m (2019: EUR109m). At 31 December 2020, the Group has utilised 39% of these facilities (2019: 46%). In addition, at 31 December 2020 the Group has cash and deposit balances of EUR131m (2019: EUR116m).

Post year end, in conjunction with the combination with Dole and the initial public offering and listing of Dole plc as described earlier, the Group has secured a committed debt facility with a term of five years to backstop and refinance certain existing Total Produce facilities in advance of the completion of the Transaction. In the event that the Transaction does not complete, this committed financing shall remain in place in the Total Produce Group.

Defined benefit pension obligations

The net liability of the Group's defined benefit pension schemes (net of deferred tax) was EUR14.3m on 31 December 2020 (2019: EUR9.3m). The increase in the liability was due to a decrease in the Eurozone and UK discount rates which increases the net present value of scheme obligations. This was offset by an average return of 7.5% on pension scheme assets in 2020. Other post-employment benefit obligations increased to EUR6.6m at 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: EUR5.9m).

Shareholders' equity

Shareholders' equity increased by EUR7.5m in year to EUR458.6m. The increase was due to profit after tax of EUR40.4m attributable to equity shareholders. This was offset primarily by currency translation loss of EUR21.7m on the retranslation of the net assets of foreign currency denominated operations into Euro (primarily due to weaker US Dollar and Sterling) and remeasurement losses of EUR6.8m (net of deferred tax) on post-employment benefit schemes.

Development Activity

The Group made some bolt-on acquisitions in 2020, investments in existing joint ventures as well as acquisition of additional shares in non-wholly owned subsidiaries. The investments were in the Eurozone and International divisions and included the acquisition of additional shares in Eco Farms, a company based in California in the United States that specialises in avocados. This resulted in Eco Farms being consolidated as a subsidiary of the Group. The initial 45% interest was treated as a joint venture up to April 2020.

The total committed investment in the year was EUR5.8m including EUR0.6m contingent consideration payable on the achievement of future profit targets. The total investment included EUR3.6m related to the acquisition of the remaining shares in a subsidiary that were subject to a put and call option.


The 2019 final dividend of 2.5770 was paid on 2 September 2020. The payment of the 2020 interim dividend of 0.9129 cent per share (which was unchanged on prior year) was paid post year-end on 29 January 2021.

The Group intends to pay a final dividend of 2.770 cent per share in May 2021 representing a 7.5% increase on 2019. The total dividend for 2020 will amount to 3.6829 (2019: 3.4899) cent per share and represents an increase of 5.5% on 2019. The total dividend represents a pay-out of almost 24% of the adjusted earnings per share.

Post Balance Sheet Events

The payment of the 2020 interim dividend of 0.9129 cent per share was paid post year-end on 29 January 2021. The total dividend amounted to EUR3,549,000.

On 17 February 2021, the Group and Dole Food Company Inc and affiliates of Castle & Cooke, Inc. (the "C&C shareholders"), which own a 55% interest in Dole's parent company ("Dole Holdings") (together, the "Parties"), announced that they entered into a binding transaction agreement (the "Agreement") to combine under a newly created, U.S. listed company ("Dole plc") (the "Transaction"). Further details are outlined on page 3 and in the Stock Exchange announcement on 17 February 2021. The Group has secured a committed debt facility with a term of 5 years to backstop and refinance certain existing Total Produce facilities in advance of the completion of the Transaction. In the event that the Transaction does not complete this committed financing shall remain in place in the Total Produce Group.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

In Total Produce we are privileged to market the most nutritious of foods with the lowest environmental impact. Committed to transparency and the adherence to best agronomic and sustainable practices across our operations, our journey towards becoming an ever more sustainable business is ongoing. Having invested in solar power installations in Brazil and the Netherlands in late 2020 and early 2021, the group's UK operations completed the transition to 100% 'Deep Green' renewable electric energy sources to power its twenty four business units across Great Britain in February 2021. Part of "Vision 20/25", Total Produce's company-wide initiative dedicated to measuring and reducing carbon consumption throughout the group internationally, which has delivered an 18% reduction in group carbon emissions since 2018. This transition is expected to deliver a 20% reduction in TPUK's Co2 emissions throughout 2021 and beyond.

The adoption of renewable energy in the UK follows the launch in December 2020 of the group's sustainability website; www.totalproduce.com/sustainability. Dedicated to detailing Environmental, Ethical & Social and Economic practices across Total Produce, the site is a user friendly, central online resource through which stakeholders can download and review all of the content available in the Total Produce Sustainability Report. It further outlines the Group's approach to sustainability, its strategy, internal processes, targets and accomplishments to date alongside the policies, protocols and procedures are in place and up to date news on sustainability initiatives taking place across the Group.

In November 2020 Total Produce's commitment to best sustainable practices was recognised with the award of the prestigious Origin Green Gold standard, the only Irish fruit company to receive this accolade. Dedicated to recognising excellence in sustainability practices, Origin Green is operated by Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board. At its heart lies a comprehensive programme based on the setting of ambitious sustainability related targets and ongoing performance measurement.

Brexit and International Trade

The UK exited the European Union ('Brexit') in January 2021 after an 11-month transition period. It is still too early to assess the long-term implications of the UK departure from EU on the global fresh produce industry. Brexit committees set up in relevant areas of the business continue to monitor and assess the risks and opportunities from Brexit and have taken actions where appropriate. For example, the Group had ensured that product is transported directly from mainland Europe primarily Spain, France and Holland to avoid the UK land bridge.

COVID-19 Outbreak

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 all parts of our business have continued to work tirelessly to safely supply fresh produce to our customers. It is due to the efforts of our people that we have been able to join frontline workers and help feed consumers. The health and safety of all colleagues across the business is at the forefront of our thinking with the introduction of safe working practices. We have participated in helping local communities including supplying food packages to frontline healthcare workers, providing fruit to those in need, loaning vehicles to transport meals to the homeless and donating fresh produce to local food banks.

Going Concern

The Directors have reviewed forecasts and projected cashflows for a period not less than 12 months from the date of these financial statements. Consumer demand for fresh produce has remained robust through the pandemic and this is expected to continue. As highlighted earlier, when the pandemic hit in mid-March 2020, the Group took a number of steps to protect its liquidity and financial position. The Group has also increased the tenor of its corporate borrowing facilities providing additional comfort. Taking all these factors into consideration, the Directors are satisfied that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they have adopted the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

Board Changes

Frank Gernon, Executive Director, and Jerome Kennedy, Non-Executive retired as Directors on 31 March 2020. On 1 December 2020, the Group announced that Seamus Taaffe had indicated his intention to retire as a Non-Executive Director and formally retired on 5 January 2021. The Board currently comprises of five independent Non-Executive Directors and three Executive Directors.

Frank has been an integral part of our Group for over 45 years and has served as an Executive Director of Total Produce since 2007. His outstanding service, dedication and accomplishments have been invaluable. During his tenure he has played a key role in the stewardship and development of the Group.

Jerome has served as a Non-executive Director on the Board and its Committees since the formation of Total Produce Plc. The Group has benefitted greatly from his business acumen, professionalism and wise counsel over the years.

Seamus joined the Board as Non-Executive Director in 2012 and the Group has benefitted greatly from his experience and guidance over the years.

I join the Board in extending to Frank, Jerome and Seamus our sincerest appreciation for their dedication and commitment. Their valuable contributions have added greatly to the success of Total Produce. We wish them the very best for the future.

Summary and Outlook

The Group has reported strong results in 2020. Revenue grew 1.7% to EUR6.3 billion with an 8.2% increase in adjusted EBITDA to EUR219.4m and adjusted earnings per share increasing 9.1% to 15.41 cent. These strong results demonstrate the robustness of the Group's business model in the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We are very proud of our people worldwide. Their dedication, commitment and hard work ensured the Group's supply chains and operations continue to function and remain open across our key markets.

On 17 February 2021, the Group announced a binding deal with Dole Food Company Inc to combine under a newly created US listed company, Dole plc. Dole plc will be the number one player in fresh produce with estimated combined revenues of almost US$10 billion, adjusted EBITDA of approximately US$379 million and total assets of approximately US$4.5 billion. The decision to list the new company in the United States marks an exciting next step. The combined company will become the largest player in fresh produce with a highly diversified portfolio, resilient earnings and a strong balance sheet that positions us well for accelerated growth. We look forward to beginning this next chapter and providing increased opportunity for our shareholders, dedicated employees, customers, suppliers and partners.

The Group intends to pay a final dividend of 2.770 cent per share representing an increase of 7.5%. Trading has been satisfactory in early 2021.

Carl McCann, Chairman

On behalf of the Board

25 February 2021

Forward-looking statement

Any forward-looking statements made in this announcement have been made in good faith based on the information available as of the date of this announcement and are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results or developments may differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in these statements, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any such statements whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Total Produce's Annual Report contains and identifies important factors that could cause these developments or the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements.

Group Income Statement

for the year ended 31 December 2020

                                           Unaudited    Exceptional items     Unaudited 
                            Before exceptional items             (Note 5)         Total   Before exceptional items   Exceptional items         Total 
                                                2020                 2020          2020                       2019       (Note 5) 2019          2019 
                    Note                     EUR'000              EUR'000       EUR'000                    EUR'000             EUR'000       EUR'000 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Group revenue       3                     3,817,585                    -     3,817,585                  3,729,346                   -     3,729,346 
 Cost of sales                           (3,283,008)                    -   (3,283,008)                (3,212,057)                   -   (3,212,057) 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Gross profit                                534,577                    -       534,577                    517,289                   -       517,289 
  expenses (net)                           (465,338)              (4,062)     (469,400)                  (455,371)             (1,816)     (457,187) 
 Share of profit 
  of joint 
  ventures - Dole    7                        21,292              (5,908)        15,384                     19,327               7,048        26,375 
 Share of profit 
  of joint 
  ventures - 
  Other                                       12,051                    -        12,051                     10,658                   -        10,658 
 Share of profit 
  of associates                                  954                    -           954                        666                   -           666 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Operating profit 
  amortisation                               103,536              (9,970)        93,566                     92,569               5,232        97,801 
  amortisation                              (10,144)                    -      (10,144)                   (10,301)                   -      (10,301) 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Operating profit 
  amortisation                                93,392              (9,970)        83,422                     82,268               5,232        87,500 
 Financial income                              2,287                    -         2,287                      2,754                   -         2,754 
  expense                                   (12,211)                    -      (12,211)                   (13,721)                   -      (13,721) 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Profit before 
  tax                                         83,468              (9,970)        73,498                     71,301               5,232        76,533 
 Income tax 
  expense                                   (15,798)                (916)      (16,714)                   (10,282)                (47)      (10,329) 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Profit for the 
  year                                        67,670             (10,886)        56,784                     61,019               5,185        66,204 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders 
  of the parent                                                                  40,412                                                       53,302 
  interests                                                                      16,372                                                       12,902 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
                                                                                 56,784                                                       66,204 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 
 Earnings per 
 ordinary share 
 Basic               6                                                            10.40                                                        13.72 
 Fully diluted       6                                                            10.38                                                        13.69 
=================  =====  ==========================  ===================  ============  =========================  ==================  ============ 

Group Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 31 December 2020

                                                                                       2020       2019 
                                                                                    EUR'000    EUR'000 
==============================================================================   ==========  ========= 
 Profit for the year                                                                 56,784     66,204 
===============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: 
 Foreign currency translation effects: 
 - foreign currency net investments - subsidiaries                                 (20,176)      5,664 
 - foreign currency net investments - joint ventures and associates                (17,681)      3,274 
 - foreign currency borrowings designated as net investment hedges                   10,896    (3,397) 
 Effective portion of changes in fair value of cashflow hedges, net                   (465)      (149) 
 Changes in fair value of cost of hedging, net of recycling                            (91)        137 
 Deferred tax on items above                                                            130        (9) 
 Share of joint ventures and associates effective portion of cashflow hedges        (1,723)    (5,101) 
 Share of joint ventures and associates deferred tax on items above                     440        497 
===============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
                                                                                   (28,670)        916 
 ==============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: 
 Remeasurement loss on employee benefit schemes                                     (9,003)    (3,009) 
 Revaluation gain on property, plant and equipment, net                              11,440      2,095 
 Deferred tax on items above                                                           (94)      (966) 
 Share of joint ventures gain on revaluation of property, plant and equipment         1,176      1,369 
 Share of joint ventures gain/(loss) on employee benefit schemes                        429    (2,601) 
 Share of joint ventures deferred tax on items above                                  (110)       (75) 
===============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
                                                                                      3,838    (3,187) 
 ==============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Other comprehensive expense for the year                                          (24,832)    (2,271) 
===============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Total comprehensive income for the year                                             31,952     63,933 
===============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                                                        21,506     49,417 
 Non-controlling interests                                                           10,446     14,516 
===============================================================================  ==========  ========= 
                                                                                     31,952     63,933 
 ==============================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Group Balance Sheet

as at 31 December 2020

                                                                    2020        2019 
                                                                 EUR'000     EUR'000 
===========================================================   ==========  ========== 
 Property, plant and equipment                                   185,686     175,485 
 Right of use assets                                             119,242     113,032 
 Investment property                                              15,015      11,843 
 Goodwill and intangible assets                                  245,241     268,462 
 Investments in joint ventures and associates - Dole             265,744     264,893 
 Investments in joint ventures and associates - Other             96,677     104,050 
 Other investments                                                   331       2,743 
 Other receivables                                                19,143      19,796 
 Deferred tax assets                                              18,514      13,497 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total non-current assets                                        965,593     973,801 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Inventories                                                     111,962      98,031 
 Biological assets                                                 2,895       3,965 
 Trade and other receivables                                     347,372     380,791 
 Other investments                                                     -       2,306 
 Corporation tax receivables                                       2,394       2,439 
 Derivative financial instruments                                  4,083       4,489 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                       130,863     115,529 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total current assets                                            599,569     607,550 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total assets                                                  1,565,162   1,581,351 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Share capital                                                     4,107       4,105 
 Share premium                                                   295,619     295,487 
 Other reserves                                                (148,203)   (131,309) 
 Retained earnings                                               307,079     282,816 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent       458,602     451,099 
 Non-controlling interests                                        92,704      98,768 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total equity                                                    551,306     549,867 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                           250,416     250,572 
 Lease liabilities                                               106,188      99,770 
 Other payables                                                    2,468       2,904 
 Contingent consideration and other provisions                     5,401       7,957 
 Put option liability                                             13,443      23,083 
 Corporation tax payable                                           6,179       6,541 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                         31,601      27,731 
 Employee benefits                                                23,966      16,736 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total non-current liabilities                                   439,662     435,294 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                            24,740      86,150 
 Lease liabilities                                                19,207      20,306 
 Trade and other payables                                        511,261     475,202 
 Contingent consideration and other provisions                     5,109       8,534 
 Put option liability                                             10,829       3,529 
 Derivative financial instruments                                    937         305 
 Corporation tax payable                                           2,111       2,164 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total current liabilities                                       574,194     596,190 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total liabilities                                             1,013,856   1,031,484 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Total liabilities and equity                                  1,565,162   1,581,351 
============================================================  ==========  ========== 

Group Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 December 2020 (unaudited)

                                                   Attributable to equity holders of the parent 
                                                             Own      Currency                      Other 
                      Share     Share   Undenom-inated    shares   translation   Reval-uation      equity   Retained              Non-controlling      Total 
                    capital   premium          capital   reserve       reserve        reserve   reserves*   earnings      Total         interests     equity 
                    EUR'000   EUR'000          EUR'000   EUR'000       EUR'000        EUR'000     EUR'000    EUR'000    EUR'000           EUR'000    EUR'000 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2020 as 
  presented in 
  the Balance 
  Sheet               4,105   295,487              140   (8,580)      (18,699)         30,809   (134,979)    282,816    451,099            98,768    549,867 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 Adjust for NCI 
  subject to put 
  transferred for 
  purposes                -         -                -         -             -              -    (16,038)          -   (16,038)            16,038          - 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 As at 1 January 
  2020                4,105   295,487              140   (8,580)      (18,699)         30,809   (151,017)    282,816    435,061           114,806    549,867 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 Profit for the 
  year                    -         -                -         -             -              -           -     40,412     40,412            16,372     56,784 
 Items that may 
 be reclassified 
 subsequently to 
 profit or loss: 
 Foreign currency 
  effects, net            -         -                -         -      (21,652)              -         446          -   (21,206)           (5,755)   (26,961) 
  portion of 
  hedges, net of 
  recycling               -         -                -         -             -              -       (325)          -      (325)             (140)      (465) 
 Changes in fair 
  value of cost 
  of hedging, net 
  of recycling            -         -                -         -             -              -        (68)          -       (68)              (23)       (91) 
 Deferred tax on 
  items above             -         -                -         -             -              -          84          -         84                46        130 
 Share of joint 
  ventures and 
  portion of 
  cashflow hedges         -         -                -         -             -              -     (1,723)          -    (1,723)                 -    (1,723) 
 Share of joint 
  ventures and 
  deferred tax on 
  cashflow hedges         -         -                -         -             -              -         440          -        440                 -        440 
 Items that will 
 not be 
 subsequently to 
 profit or loss: 
 Revaluation gain 
  on property, 
  plant and 
  equipment, net          -         -                -         -             -         11,222           -          -     11,222               218     11,440 
  loss on 
  benefit schemes         -         -                -         -             -              -           -    (8,692)    (8,692)             (311)    (9,003) 
 Deferred tax on 
  items above             -         -                -         -             -        (2,025)           -      1,892      (133)                39       (94) 
 Share of joint 
  gain on 
  pension schemes         -         -                -         -             -              -           -        429        429                 -        429 
 Share of joint 
  gains on 
  property, plant 
  and equipment           -         -                -         -             -          1,176           -          -      1,176                 -      1,176 
 Share of joint 
  deferred tax on 
  items above             -         -                -         -             -              -           -      (110)      (110)                 -      (110) 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 Total other 
  income                  -         -                -         -      (21,652)         10,373     (1,146)    (6,481)   (18,906)           (5,926)   (24,832) 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
  income                  -         -                -         -      (21,652)         10,373     (1,146)     33,931     21,506            10,446     31,952 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 with equity 
 holders of the 
 New shares 
  issued                  2       132                -         -             -              -        (41)         41        134                 -        134 
  arising on 
  acquisition of 
  subsidiaries            -         -                -         -             -              -           -          -          -             1,928      1,928 
 Put option 
  exercised               -         -                -         -             -              -       3,568        332      3,900           (3,900)          - 
 Fair value 
  movement on put 
  liability               -         -                -         -             -              -     (1,228)          -    (1,228)                 -    (1,228) 
 Acquisition of 
  interests               -         -                -         -             -              -           -       (74)       (74)             (922)      (996) 
 Disposal of 
  shareholding to 
  interest                -         -                -         -             -              -           -         45         45               240        285 
 Dividends paid           -         -                -         -             -              -           -   (10,012)   (10,012)          (20,510)   (30,522) 
  transactions            -         -                -         -             -              -       (114)          -      (114)                 -      (114) 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
  with equity 
  holders of the 
  parent                  2       132                -         -             -              -       2,185    (9,668)    (7,349)          (23,164)   (30,513) 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 As at 31 
  December 2020       4,107   295,619              140   (8,580)      (40,351)         41,182   (149,978)    307,079    449,218           102,088    551,306 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 Transfer of NCI 
  subject to put 
  option for 
  purposes                -         -                -         -             -              -       9,384          -      9,384           (9,384)          - 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 
 B alance at 31 
  December 2020 
  as presented in 
  the Balance 
  Sheet               4,107   295,619              140   (8,580)      (40,351)         41,182   (140,594)    307,079    458,602            92,704    551,306 
=================  ========  ========  ===============  ========  ============  =============  ==========  =========  =========  ================  ========= 

(1) Other equity reserves comprise the demerger reserve, share option reserve, cashflow hedge reserve, cost of hedging reserve and the put option reserve.

Group Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 December 2019

                                              Attributable to equity holders of the parent 
                                                        Own     Currency                     Other 
                    Share    Share  Undenomi-nated    share  translation  Revaluation       equity  Retained            Non-controlling     Total 
                  capital  premium         capital  reserve      reserve      reserve  reserves(1)  earnings     Total        interests    equity 
                  EUR'000  EUR'000         EUR'000  EUR'000      EUR'000      EUR'000      EUR'000   EUR'000   EUR'000          EUR'000   EUR'000 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Balance at 1 
 January 2019 as 
 presented in 
 the Balance 
 Sheet              4,104  295,421             140  (8,580)     (22,721)       28,336    (120,232)   256,654   433,122           82,483   515,605 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Adjust for 
 impact of 
 transition to 
 IFRS 16, net of 
 tax                    -        -               -        -          159            -            -   (6,937)   (6,778)          (1,337)   (8,115) 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Balance at 1 
 January 2019       4,104  295,421             140  (8,580)     (22,562)       28,336    (120,232)   249,717   426,344           81,146   507,490 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Adjust for 
 transfer of NCI 
 subject to put 
 option for 
 purposes               -        -               -        -            -            -     (34,673)         -  (34,673)           34,673         - 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
As at 1 January 
 2019               4,104  295,421             140  (8,580)     (22,562)       28,336    (154,905)   249,717   391,671          115,819   507,490 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Profit for the 
 year                   -        -               -        -            -            -            -    53,302    53,302           12,902    66,204 
Items that may 
be reclassified 
subsequently to 
profit or loss: 
Foreign currency 
 effects, net           -        -               -        -        3,863            -           33         -     3,896            1,645     5,541 
 portion of 
 hedges, net of 
 recycling              -        -               -        -            -            -        (148)         -     (148)              (1)     (149) 
Changes in fair 
 value of cost 
 of hedging, net 
 of recycling           -        -               -        -            -            -          155         -       155             (18)       137 
Deferred tax on 
 items above            -        -               -        -            -            -            -         -         -              (9)       (9) 
Share of joint 
 ventures and 
 portion of 
 cashflow hedges        -        -               -        -            -            -      (5,101)         -   (5,101)                -   (5,101) 
Share of joint 
 ventures and 
 deferred tax on 
 cashflow hedges        -        -               -        -            -            -          497         -       497                -       497 
Items that will 
not be 
subsequently to 
profit or loss: 
Revaluation gain 
 on property, 
 plant and 
 equipment, net         -        -               -        -            -        1,624            -         -     1,624              471     2,095 
 loss on 
 benefit schemes        -        -               -        -            -            -            -   (2,955)   (2,955)             (54)   (3,009) 
Deferred tax on 
 items above            -        -               -        -            -        (520)            -      (26)     (546)            (420)     (966) 
Share of joint 
 loss on 
 pension schemes        -        -               -        -            -            -            -   (2,601)   (2,601)                -   (2,601) 
Share of joint 
 gains on 
 property, plant 
 and equipment          -        -               -        -            -        1,369            -         -     1,369                -     1,369 
Share of joint 
 deferred tax on 
 items above            -        -               -        -            -            -            -      (75)      (75)                -      (75) 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Total other 
 income                 -        -               -        -        3,863        2,473      (4,564)   (5,657)   (3,885)            1,614   (2,271) 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
 income                 -        -               -        -        3,863        2,473      (4,564)    47,645    49,417           14,516    63,933 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
with equity 
holders of the 
New shares 
 issued                 1       66               -        -            -            -         (20)        20        67                -        67 
 arising on 
 acquisition of 
 subsidiaries           -        -               -        -            -            -            -         -         -              959       959 
Put option 
 extinguished           -        -               -        -            -            -       11,657         -    11,657                -    11,657 
Fair value 
 movement on put 
 liability              -        -               -        -            -            -      (3,294)         -   (3,294)                -   (3,294) 
Acquisition of 
 interests              -        -               -        -            -            -            -   (1,102)   (1,102)            (554)   (1,656) 
Acquisition of 
 interests by a 
 joint venture          -        -               -        -            -            -            -     (151)     (151)                -     (151) 
Disposal of 
 subsidiary             -        -               -        -            -            -            -         -         -              121       121 
Dividends paid          -        -               -        -            -            -            -  (13,313)  (13,313)         (16,055)  (29,368) 
 transactions           -        -               -        -            -            -          109         -       109                -       109 
 with equity 
 holders of the 
 parent                 1       66               -        -            -            -        8,452  (14,546)   (6,027)         (15,529)  (21,556) 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========                                       ======== 
As at 31 
 December 2019      4,105  295,487             140  (8,580)     (18,699)       30,809    (151,017)   282,816   435,061          114,806   549,867 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Transfer of NCI 
 subject to put 
 option for 
 purposes               -        -               -        -            -            -       16,038         -    16,038         (16,038)         - 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Balance at 31 
 December 2019 
 as presented in 
 the Balance 
 Sheet              4,105  295,487             140  (8,580)     (18,699)       30,809    (134,979)   282,816   451,099           98,768   549,867 
================  =======  =======  ==============  =======  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========  ========  ===============  ======== 

(1) Other equity reserves comprise the demerger reserve, share option reserve, cashflow hedge reserve, cost of hedging reserve and the put option reserve

Group Statement of Cash flows

for the year ended 31 December 2020

                                                             2020        2019 
 .                                                        EUR'000     EUR'000 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net cashflows from operating activities before 
  working capital movements                                84,680      67,249 
 Movements in working capital                              52,092       6,527 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net cashflows from operating activities                  136,772      73,776 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Investing activities 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                              (1,265)     (6,683) 
 Cash assumed on acquisition of subsidiaries, 
  net                                                       1,527       2,308 
 Acquisition of, and investment in joint ventures 
  and associates (including acquisition fees 
  and net of loans advanced / repaid)                         472     (7,145) 
 Payments of contingent consideration                     (6,789)    (11,103) 
 Acquisition of equity investments                              -       (150) 
 Disposal of shareholding to non-controlling                  285           - 
 Proceeds from disposal of investments for resale           2,727       1,043 
 Proceeds from disposal of joint ventures and 
  associates                                                   98          48 
 Cash/(bank overdraft) derecognised on disposal 
  of subsidiaries                                               -       (191) 
 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment            (15,011)    (19,518) 
 Acquisition of intangible assets-computer software       (5,370)     (4,621) 
 Acquisition of non-controlling interests subject         (3,568)           - 
  to put options 
 Development expenditure capitalised                        (112)        (62) 
 Proceeds from disposal of property and plant 
  and equipment - routine                                     783         678 
 Proceeds from exceptional items - from disposals 
  of investments                                            1,105       9,307 
 Payment of deferred consideration                          (249)           - 
 Dividends received from joint ventures and 
  associates                                               11,337      10,652 
 Government grants received                                     -         106 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net cashflows from investing activities                 (14,030)    (25,331) 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Financing activities 
 Drawdown of borrowings                                   266,015     345,764 
 Repayment of borrowings                                (317,162)   (333,211) 
 Lease payments                                          (23,497)    (17,902) 
 Proceeds from the issue of share capital, net                134          67 
 Acquisition of non-controlling interests                   (796)     (1,656) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests             (20,510)    (16,055) 
 Dividends paid to equity holders of the parent          (10,012)    (13,313) 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net cashflows from financing activities                (105,828)    (36,306) 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net increase in cash, cash equivalents and 
  overdrafts                                               16,914      12,139 
 Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 
  at start of year                                        106,027      92,739 
 Net foreign exchange difference                          (1,245)       1,149 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 
  at 31 December                                          121,696     106,027 
=====================================================  ==========  ========== 

Group Reconciliation of Net Debt

                                                        2020        2019 
                                                     EUR'000     EUR'000 
 ===============================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net increase in cash, cash equivalents and 
  bank overdrafts                                     16,914      12,139 
 Drawdown of borrowings                            (266,015)   (345,764) 
 Repayment of borrowings                             317,162     333,211 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings arising       (2,550)           - 
  on acquisition 
 Foreign exchange movement                            11,389     (2,672) 
================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Movement in net debt                                 76,900     (3,086) 
 Finance lease reclassified from net debt on 
  adoption of IFRS 16                                      -       1,636 
 Net debt at 1 January                             (221,193)   (219,743) 
================================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net debt at 31 December                           (144,293)   (221,193) 
================================================  ==========  ========== 

Net debt is a non-IFRS measure which comprises bank deposits, cash and cash equivalents and current and non-current borrowings. It excludes lease liabilities. The calculation is outlined on Note 12.

Notes to the Preliminary Results

for the year ended 31 December 2020

   1.     Basis of preparation 

The financial information included in this preliminary results statement has been extracted from the Group's Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020 and is prepared based on the accounting policies set out therein, which are consistent with those applied in the prior year. As permitted by European Union (EU) law and in accordance with AIM/ESM rules, the Group Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and their interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the EU.

The financial information prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU included in this report does not include all the information and disclosures required in the full statutory financial statements. The Annual Report and Financial Statements will be approved by the Board of Directors and reported on by the Auditor in due course. Accordingly, the financial information is unaudited. The Group Financial Statements will be filed with the Company's annual return in the Companies Registration Office and circulated to shareholders in due course. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2019 represents an abbreviated version of the Group's statutory financial statements on which an unqualified audit report was issued, and which has been filed with the Companies Registration Office.

The financial information is presented in Euro, rounded to the nearest thousand where applicable.

   2.     Translation of foreign currencies 

The reporting currency of the Group is Euro. The rates used in the translation of results and balance sheets into Euro were as follows:

                             Average rate                     Closing rate 
                   ===============================  =============================== 
                    Unaudited                        Unaudited 
                        202 0      2019   % change        2020      2019   % change 
=================  ==========  ========  =========  ==========  ========  ========= 
 Brazilian Real        6.3727    4.4996    (41.6%)      6.3735    4.5157    (41.1%) 
 Canadian Dollar       1.5361    1.4864     (3.3%)      1.5628    1.4599     (7.0%) 
 Czech Koruna         26.3071   25.6150     (2.7%)     26.2420   25.4080     (3.3%) 
 Danish Kroner         7.4510    7.4647       0.2%      7.4412    7.4717       0.4% 
 Indian Rupee         84.4220   78.7716     (7.2%)     89.5594   79.9301    (12.0%) 
 Polish Zloty          4.4433    4.2969     (3.4%)      4.5706    4.2551     (7.4%) 
 Sterling              0.8942    0.8743     (2.3%)      0.8985    0.8506     (5.6%) 
 Swedish Krona        10.4877   10.5858       0.9%     10.0557   10.4778       4.0% 
 US Dollar (1)         1.1384    1.1173     (1.9%)      1.2265    1.1216     (9.4%) 
=================  ==========  ========  =========  ==========  ========  ========= 

(1) For the year ended 31 December 2020 the average rate used in translating the revenues of Dole to Euro was 1.1405 (31 December 2019: 1.1282) and equity accounted profit after tax of Dole to Euro was 1.1239 (2019: 1.1282).

   3.     Revenue 
                                                                                          Unaudited   Restated(2) 2019 
                                                                                               2020            EUR'000 
=======================================================================================  ==========  ================= 
 Group Revenue                                                                            3,817,585          3,729,346 
 Share of revenue of joint ventures - Dole                                                1,843,402          1,801,299 
 Share of revenue of joint ventures - Other                                                 628,228            632,934 
 Share of revenue of associates                                                              65,140             75,687 
=======================================================================================  ==========  ================= 
 Total share of revenue of joint ventures and associates                                  2,536,770          2,509,920 
=======================================================================================  ==========  ================= 
 Elimination of proportionate share of transactions between Group subsidiaries and 
  joint ventures 
  and associates (1)                                                                       (94,857)           (86,172) 
=======================================================================================  ==========  ================= 
 Total Revenue                                                                            6,259,498          6,153,094 
=======================================================================================  ==========  ================= 

(1) For calculation of Total Revenue which includes Group's share of joint ventures and associates, the Group eliminates the proportionate share of revenue transactions between Group subsidiaries and joint ventures and associates.

(2) The Group's Total Revenue (which is a non-statutory number including the Group's share of joint venture and associate revenue) was restated. This is due to a misstatement in the prior year financial statements of the Group's joint venture, Dole. Dole has restated its previously issued financial statements for year ended 28 December 2019 to correct a misstatement in its income statement related to revenue. The correction resulted in a $50,395,000 decrease to revenue and costs of goods sold, with no impact to gross profit. Total Produces 45% share of this joint venture revenue was $22,678,000 (EUR20,101,000). The Group reflects Total Revenue as a key metric in its segmental analysis, therefore Total Revenue in the 2019 comparative above, and as presented in Note 4 Segmental Analysis, has been reduced by EUR20,101,000 from EUR6,173,195,000 to EUR6,153,094,000. There was no impact on gross profit or profit after tax from this error. This does not result in a restatement of the prior year Income Statement of Total Produce.

   4.     Segmental Analysis 

IFRS 8 Operating Segments ('IFRS 8') sets out the requirements for disclosure of financial and descriptive information about the operating segments, products and the geographical areas in which the Group operates, as well as information on major customers.

In accordance with IFRS 8, the Group's reportable operating segments, based on how performance is assessed and resources are allocated, are as follows:

-- Europe - Non-Eurozone: This operating segment is an aggregation of six operating segments in the Czech Republic, Poland, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom. These segments have been aggregated as they all are primarily involved in the procurement, marketing and distribution of fresh produce and share other similar economic characteristics in terms of sourcing and distribution arrangements, net margins earned and operate in similar regulatory environments.

-- Europe - Eurozone: This reportable segment is an aggregation of thirteen operating segments principally in France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. These segments have been aggregated as they all are primarily involved in the procurement, marketing and distribution of fresh produce and some health foods and consumer goods products and share other similar economic characteristics in terms of sourcing and distributions arrangements, net margins earned, transact in Euro and operate in the same regulatory environment.

-- International: This segment is an aggregation of five operating segments in North America, one in South America and one in India. These segments have been aggregated as they all are primarily involved in the procurement, marketing and distribution of fresh produce and share other similar economic characteristics in terms of sourcing and distribution arrangements, net margins earned and operate in similar regulatory environments. They also primarily transact in US Dollar.

-- Dole: This operating segment represents the Group's 45% interest in Dole. Dole is one of the world's leading producers, marketers and distributors of fresh fruit and vegetables. It has an iconic brand and leading market positions and scale. It is one of the world's largest producers of bananas and pineapples and a leader in other fresh fruits, value added and fresh-packed vegetables and berries. In terms of market share they hold the number one and three positions respectively for bananas in North America and Europe and are number two and three respectively for pineapples in North America and Europe. They sell and distribute throughout a wide network in North America, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.

Segment performance is evaluated based on revenue and adjusted EBITA. Management believes that adjusted EBITA, while not a defined term under IFRS, gives a fair reflection of the underlying trading performance of the Group. Adjusted EBITA represents earnings before interest, tax, acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings and exceptional items. It also excludes the Group's share of these items within joint ventures and associates. Adjusted EBITA is therefore measured differently from operating profit in the Group financial statements as explained and reconciled in full detail in the analysis that follows.

Finance costs, finance income and income taxes are managed on a centralised basis. These items are not allocated between operating segments for the purposes of the information presented to the Chief Operating Decision-Maker ('CODM') and are accordingly omitted from the detailed segmental analysis that follows.

                                        Unaudited 2020                        2019 (Restated)(1,2) 
                            ======================================  ====================================== 
                                EUR'000        EUR'000     EUR'000      EUR'000        EUR'000     EUR'000 
                              Segmental    Third Party    Adjusted    Segmental    Third Party    Adjusted 
                                Revenue        Revenue       EBITA      Revenue        Revenue       EBITA 
==========================  ===========  =============  ==========  ===========  =============  ========== 
 Europe - Non-Eurozone(1)     1,499,299      1,474,661      39,390    1,481,657      1,454,172      41,913 
 Europe - Eurozone(1)         1,687,370      1,666,755      28,708    1,661,446      1,637,185      20,477 
 International                1,295,949      1,295,734      26,012    1,271,566      1,271,566      22,284 
 Dole                         1,843,402      1,822,348      70,128    1,801,299      1,790,171      65,440 
 Inter-segment revenue         (66,522)             --           -     (62,874)              -           - 
==========================  ===========  =============  ==========  ===========  =============  ========== 
 Total Group                  6,259,498      6,259,498     164,238    6,153,094      6,153,094     150,114 
==========================  ===========  =============  ==========  ===========  =============  ========== 

All inter-segment revenue transactions are at arm's length.

(1) In 2020 there was a realignment in the reporting of small businesses in Europe due to change in divisional management responsibility. The comparative 2019 financial information for both European divisions have been restated to conform with the current presentation.

(2) As described in detail in Note 3, the Group's 45% share of the 2019 revenue of Dole was restated. There was no impact on adjusted EBITA or profit after tax resulting from this misstatement.

Reconciliation of segmental profit to operating profit

Below is a reconciliation of adjusted EBITA per the Group's management reports to operating profit and profit before tax as presented in the Group income statement.

                                                                     2020       2019 
                                                                  EUR'000    EUR'000 
====================================================  =======  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted EBITA per management reporting                          164,238    150,114 
 Acquisition related intangible asset amortisation 
  for subsidiaries                                      (i)      (10,144)   (10,301) 
 Share of joint ventures and associates acquisition 
  related intangible asset amortisation                 (i)       (2,543)    (2,696) 
 Fair value movements on contingent consideration       (ii)        (456)        204 
 Acquisition related costs within subsidiaries         (iii)        (348)      (177) 
 Share of joint ventures and associates net 
  financial expense                                     (iv)     (38,312)   (40,817) 
 Share of joint ventures and associates tax 
  (before tax on exceptional items)                     (iv)     (19,043)   (14,059) 
====================================================  =======  ==========  ========= 
 Operating profit before exceptional items                         93,392     82,268 
 Net financial expense before exceptional items         (v)       (9,924)   (10,967) 
====================================================  =======  ==========  ========= 
 Profit before tax before exceptional items                        83,468     71,301 
 Exceptional items (Note 5)                             (vi)      (9,970)      5,232 
====================================================  =======  ==========  ========= 
 Profit before tax                                                 73,498     76,533 
=============================================================  ==========  ========= 

I. Acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges are not allocated to operating segments in the Group's management reports.

II. Fair value movements on contingent consideration are not allocated to operating segments in the Group's management reports.

III. Acquisition related costs are transaction costs directly related to acquisitions of subsidiaries completed and are not allocated to operating segments in the Group's management reports.

IV. Under IFRS, included within profit before tax is the Group's share of joint ventures' and associates' profit after acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges, tax and interest. In the Group's management reports these items are excluded from the adjusted EBITA calculation.

V. Financial income and expense is primarily managed at Group level, and is therefore not allocated to operating segments in the Group's management reports.

VI. Exceptional items (Note 5) are not allocated to operating segments in the Group's management reports.

   5.     Exceptional items 
                                                            2020       2019 
                                                         EUR'000    EUR'000 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Loss on disposal of investment (a)                            -      (670) 
 Restructuring and associated credits/(costs) with 
  disposal/termination of a business (b)                     547    (1,146) 
 Share of joint ventures and associates exceptional 
  items - Dole (c)                                      (10,607)      5,523 
 Impairment of goodwill (d)                              (3,546)          - 
 Impairment of property, plant and equipment and 
  investment property (e)                                (1,063)          - 
 Total exceptional items (before share of joint 
  ventures and associates' tax)                         (14,669)      3,707 
 Share of joint ventures and associates' tax on 
  exceptional items - Dole (c)                             4,699      1,525 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Exceptional items within profit before tax*             (9,970)      5,232 
 Net tax charge on exceptional items (f)                   (916)       (47) 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Total net of tax                                       (10,886)      5,185 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Attributable as follows: 
 Equity holders of the parent                           (10,861)      5,246 
 Non-controlling interests                                  (25)       (61) 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
                                                        (10,886)      5,185 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 

*Of the EUR9,970,000 net exceptional cost in 2020, EUR4,062,000 has been recognised as net operating expense, and EUR5,908,000 net exceptional cost has been recognised within profits of joint ventures and associates.

(a) Loss on disposal of equity investment

In July 2018 a subsidiary of the Group disposed of an interest in a farming entity for consideration of shares in an equity investment which was to be realised over a period of two to three years and could vary depending on certain circumstances. The exceptional loss of EUR670,000 in 2019 represents the gain on the equity investments sold in the year less the fair value movement on the remaining equity investment and associated costs.

(b) Restructuring and associated credits/(costs) with disposal/termination of a business

In 2020, the Group recorded a net gain of EUR547,000 on the disposal of and termination of a business and on restructuring in the Non-Eurozone division. The net credit includes the reclassification of EUR793,000 of currency translation gains from the currency translation reserve to the income statement on the disposal of a business.

In 2019, the Group incurred losses of EUR572,000 on the disposal of and termination of two small businesses in the Non-Eurozone division. Restructuring charges of EUR574,000 were incurred in 2019 on ongoing restructuring programs in the Eurozone division.

(c) Share of joint ventures and associates exceptional items - Dole

The Group's share of the exceptional items in Dole in the year was a net charge of EUR10,607,000 with a related tax credit of EUR4,699,000. Included in these were net charges of EUR6,520,000 on mark-to-market of derivative financial instruments (including ineffectiveness on interest rate swap hedging instrument) and foreign currency gains/losses on long term foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings, net restructuring charges of EUR1,430,000, and EUR4,355,000 due to COVID-19 costs (costs of employee protective equipment, double shifts etc). These charges were offset by net gains of EUR1,698,000 on asset sales/impairments.

The Group's share of the exceptional items in 2019 was a net gain of EUR5,523,000 with a related tax credit of EUR1,525,000. Included in these exceptional items are net gains of EUR11,904,000 on disposals of businesses/assets, net gains of EUR33,000 on mark to market of derivative financial instruments and foreign currency gains/losses on long term foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings, net restructuring charges of EUR4,118,000, transaction costs of EUR626,000 and costs of EUR1,670,000 associated with industry wide product recalls.

(d) Impairment of goodwill

In 2020 the Group recognised a non-cash impairment charge of EUR3,546,000 in relation to a business in the Non-Eurozone division.

(e) Impairment of property, plant and equipment and investment property

All property is recognised in the financial statements at fair value. As part of the Group bi-annual review of carrying amount of property, the Group identified two properties in the Non-Eurozone division and one in the Eurozone division where fair value exceeded historic cost resulting in an exceptional income statement charge of EUR1,063,000 .

   (f)   Tax charge on exceptional items 

The tax effect on exceptional items within Group companies was a net charge of EUR916,000 (2019: EUR47,000).

Effect of COVID-19 in 2020

Within the Eurozone, Non-Eurozone and International divisions, there were additional operating costs relating to COVID-19 such as employee personal protective equipment and costs of additional shifts in warehouse to comply with physical distancing. These additional costs were offset by reductions in other costs such as travel expenses.

As noted in (c), the Group's 45% share of exceptional COVID-19 costs in Dole was EUR4,355,000 and related primarily to charges in its Fresh Vegetable division such as costs of double shifts, protective equipment and additional transport.

Effect of exceptional items on cashflow statement

The net effect of these items was a cash inflow of EUR757,000 (2019: EUR 5,818 ,000), including cashflows relating to prior period exceptional items.

   6.     Earnings per share 

Basic earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period, excluding shares purchased by the Company which are held as treasury shares.

                                                              2020       2019 
                                                           EUR'000    EUR'000 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Profit for the financial year attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent                                     40,412     53,302 
                                                              '000       '000 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Shares in issue at beginning of year                      410,525    410,429 
 New shares issued from exercise of share options 
  (weighted average)                                            35         51 
 Shares repurchased by company (weighted average)                -        (2) 
 Effect of treasury shares held                           (22,000)   (22,000) 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Weighted average number of shares                         388,560    388,478 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Basic earnings per share - cents                            10.40      13.72 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 

Diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding after adjustment for the effects of all ordinary shares and options with a dilutive effect.

                                                              2020       2019 
                                                           EUR'000    EUR'000 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Profit for the financial year attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent                                     40,412     53,302 
                                                              '000       '000 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Weighted average number of shares                         388,560    388,478 
 Effect of share options with a dilutive effect                583        817 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Weighted average number of shares (diluted)               389,143    389,295 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Diluted earnings per share -cent                            10.38      13.69 
======================================================  ==========  ========= 

The average market value of the Company's shares for the purpose of calculating the dilutive effect of share options was based on the quoted market prices for the period during which the options were outstanding.

Adjusted basic earnings per share and adjusted fully diluted earnings per share

                                                            2020       2019 
                                                         EUR'000    EUR'000 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Profit for the financial year attributable to 
  ordinary equity holders of the parent                   40,412     53,302 
 Exceptional items - net of tax (Note 5)                  10,886    (5,185) 
 Acquisition related intangible asset amortisation 
  within subsidiaries                                     10,144     10,301 
 Share of joint ventures and associates acquisition 
  related intangible asset amortisation                    2,543      2,696 
 Acquisition related costs within subsidiaries               348        177 
 Fair value movements on contingent consideration            456      (204) 
 Tax effect of amortisation charges of goodwill, 
  intangible assets and fair value movements on 
  contingent consideration                               (1,548)    (3,188) 
 Non-controlling interests share of the items above      (3,279)    (2,915) 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted profit attributable to equity holders 
  of the parent                                           59,962     54,984 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
                                                            '000       '000 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Weighted average number of shares                       388,560    388,478 
 Weighted average number of shares (diluted)             389,143    389,295 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted basic earnings per share - cent                  15.43      14.15 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share - cent          15.41      14.12 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 

Management believe that adjusted fully diluted earnings per share as set out above provides a fairer reflection of the underlying trading performance of the Group after eliminating the effect of acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings and exceptional items and the related tax on these items.

Adjusted basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the adjusted profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (as calculated above) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period, excluding shares purchased by the Company which are held as treasury shares.

Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the adjusted profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (as calculated above) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding after adjustment for the effects of all ordinary shares and options with a dilutive effect.

   7.     Investment in Dole 

Total Produce (or the 'Group') has one joint venture which is material to the Group and which is equity accounted, Dole Food Company Inc ('Dole'). The registered address of Dole is 200 S. Tyron St, Suite 600, Charlotte, NC 28211.

Summary of Initial Transaction that is in place at 31 December 2020

As disclosed previously, on 31 July 2018, Total Produce completed the First Tranche of a transaction to acquire a 45% shareholding in Dole from Castle & Cook Inc and affiliates (owned by Mr David H. Murdock) for $300m.

In addition, and at any time after 31 July 2018, the Group has the right, but not the obligation, to acquire (in any one or more tranches of 1%) up to an additional 6% of Dole common stock (the 'Second Tranche'). In the event the Group exercises the right to acquire the additional 6% the total consideration for the 51% stake shall be $312 million.

From and after 31 July 2020, the Group has the right, but not the obligation, to acquire the balance of Dole common stock (the 'Third Tranche'), whereby the consideration for the Third Tranche is to be calculated based on nine times the preceding historical three-year average Dole adjusted EBITDA less net debt. However, in no event shall the Third Tranche purchase price be less than $250m or exceed $450m (such cap subject to increase after six years). The Third Tranche consideration is payable in cash or, if the parties mutually agree, Total Produce stock.

Effective as of 31 July 2023, if the Group has not exercised its right to acquire 100% of Dole, Mr. David H. Murdock is permitted to cause a process to market and sell 100% of Dole common stock. This is subject to a sales proceeds refund mechanism designed to protect the value of Total Produce's initial investment plus a guaranteed return.

On completion of the acquisition of the First Tranche on 31 July 2018, the Group and Mr. David H. Murdock have balanced governance rights with respect to Dole. The Board of Directors of Dole comprises of six members, three of which are appointed by Total Produce and three by Mr. David H. Murdock. Mr. David H. Murdock remains Chairman of Dole and Carl McCann was appointed Vice Chairman. Major decisions require consent of at least one Board Member appointed by each of Total Produce and Mr. David H. Murdock.

As part of the provisions of acquisition accounting, a fair value was determined for the Second Tranche Option which is recognised as a current derivative financial asset in the Total Produce Group balance sheet and correspondingly reduces the deemed cost of the acquisition of the First Tranche. The fair value of the Third Tranche Option was not deemed material at the date of acquisition or at 31 December 2020.

As part of the Securities Purchase Agreement, the seller provided indemnities against certain liabilities outstanding at the date of acquisition. The fair value of these indemnities was recognised as a long-term asset in the Total Produce Group balance sheet with a corresponding reduction in the deemed cost of the acquisition

The investment in Dole and its financial contribution is being treated as a joint venture and accounted for under the equity method in accordance with IFRS in the consolidated Group accounts following completion of the acquisition of the First Tranche on 31 July 2018 and until an exercise of the Third Tranche. Total Produce is therefore equity accounting for its 45% share of the results of Dole with effect from 1 August 2018.

Summary of Announcement post year-end on 17 February 2021

On 17 February 2021, the Group and Dole Food Company Inc and affiliates of Castle & Cooke, Inc. (the "C&C shareholders"), which own a 55% interest in Dole's parent company ("Dole Holdings") (together, the "Parties"), announced that they have entered into a binding transaction agreement (the "Agreement") to combine under a newly created, U.S. listed company ("Dole plc") (the "Transaction").

The Transaction will simplify the existing structure between the two companies by unifying Dole and Total Produce under common ownership, with the objective of enabling full operational integration, realisation of synergies and value creation across the enlarged business.

Under the terms of the Agreement, Total Produce shareholders will receive 82.5% of Dole plc shares and the C&C shareholders will receive 17.5% of Dole plc shares, in each case based on the fully diluted outstanding shares immediately prior to the completion of the Transaction.

Per the Agreement, Dole plc's completion of an initial public offering and a listing on a major U.S. stock exchange is a condition for completion of the Transaction (the "IPO"). In connection with the Transaction, Dole plc intends to target raising US$500 to US$700 million in primary equity capital to strengthen and de-lever the combined balance sheet. Upon completion of the U.S. listing of Dole plc, Total Produce will cease to be listed on Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange.

The Transaction is subject to approval by Total Produce shareholders and other regulatory approvals.

Should the Transaction fail to complete for any reason the terms of the Initial Transaction (as described above) remain in place and Total Produce will continue to be listed on Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange.

Summary of Financial Information for Dole for year ended 31 December 2020

Dole's 2020 financial year began on 29 December 2019 and ended on 31 December 2020. Dole's financial calendar for the 2019 financial year began on 30 December 2018 and ended on 28 December 2019.

The following is the summarised financial information of Dole for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 and the financial year ended 28 December 2019 based on consolidated financial statements prepared under IFRS, modified for fair value adjustments on acquisition and differences in the Group's accounting policies.

Restatement of comparative financial information

Dole restated its IFRS financial information at the date of acquisition on 31 July 2018 due to an overstatement of post-retirement benefit liabilities. Dole's operations in Latin America are obliged by social regulations to provide certain termination benefits to employees involuntarily terminated. Under US GAAP these potential benefits of $29,000,000 are recorded as post-retirement benefits. However, in the exercise to convert Dole financial information to IFRS, these termination benefits should not have been recorded as a liability in the IFRS acquisition balance sheet on 31 July 2018. The appropriate treatment under IFRS is to account for such benefits as period costs when incurred. The tax effect of this adjustment is an increase of $2,604,000 in net deferred tax liabilities. As Total Produce acquired its 45% interest in Dole on 31 July 2018, the Group amended the IFRS acquisition accounting for its equity investment in Dole effective 31 July 2018 to correct this misstatement by increasing its share of the net assets acquired of Dole by $11,878,000 (being 45% of $26,396,000) with a corresponding $11,878,000 decrease in goodwill. As the Group equity accounts for Dole, its 45% share of its net assets and the goodwill arising on acquisition are all part of the Group's carrying amount of Dole that is reflected as one number on the Group's Balance Sheet. Therefore, this does not result in a restatement of the prior year Income Statement or Balance Sheet of Total Produce.

Dole restated its previously issued US GAAP financial statements and IFRS financial information for the financial year ended 30 December 2017, to correct a misstatement made in the calculation of long-term tax provisions. The correction resulted in an $8,500,000 increase to other long-term liabilities and a $8,500,000 decrease in retained earnings in Dole's own financial statements for the financial years ended 29 December 2018 and 28 December 2019. As Total Produce acquired its 45% interest in Dole on 31 July 2018, the Group amended the acquisition accounting for its equity investment in Dole effective 31 July 2018 to correct this misstatement by reducing its share of the net assets acquired of Dole by $3,825,000 (being 45% of $8,500,000) with a corresponding $3,825,000 increase in goodwill. As the Group equity accounts for Dole, its 45% share of its net assets and the goodwill arising on acquisition are all part of the Group's carrying amount of Dole that is reflected as one number on the Group's Balance Sheet. Therefore, this does not result in a restatement of the prior year Income Statement or Balance Sheet of Total Produce.

Dole also restated its previously issued US GAAP financial statements and IFRS financial information for the financial year ended 28 December 2019 to correct a misstatement in its income statement related to revenue. The correction resulted in a $50,395,000 decrease to revenue and costs of goods sold, with no impact to gross profit. Total Produces 45% share of this joint venture revenue was $22,678,000 (EUR20,101,000). Total Produce includes the Group's share of joint ventures and associate revenue within its Total Revenue calculation, which is the key revenue metric in its segmental analysis. Therefore, Total Revenue in the 2019 comparative in Note 4 Segmental Analysis is reduced by EUR20,101,000 from EUR6,173,195,000 to EUR6,153,094,000. This does not result in a restatement of the prior year Income Statement of Total Produce.


Summary income statement Dole (in USD '000)

                            12 months ended 31 December 2020 
                                        Unaudited                     12 months ended 28 December 2019 (Restated) (1) 
                    ===============================================  ================================================= 
                                            Exceptional                                        Exceptional 
                     Pre-exceptional              Items       Total     Pre-exceptional              Items       Total 
                             US$'000            US$'000     US$'000             US$'000            US$'000     US$'000 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Revenue                   4,671,999                  -   4,671,999           4,515,959                  -   4,515,959 
 Operating profit            184,554           (21,572)     162,982             173,790             13,846     187,636 
 Net financial 
  expense                   (70,326)            (4,921)    (75,247)            (78,369)                  -    (78,369) 
 Leasing interest 
  expense                   (20,405)                  -    (20,405)            (19,284)                  -    (19,284) 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Profit before tax            93,823           (26,493)      67,330              76,137             13,846      89,983 
 Income tax                 (38,731)             11,737    (26,994)            (25,477)              3,823    (21,654) 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Profit after tax             55,092           (14,756)      40,336              50,660             17,669      68,329 
  interests                  (1,914)                  -     (1,914)             (2,205)                  -     (2,205) 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
  attributable to 
  shareholders                53,178           (14,756)      38,422              48,455             17,669      66,124 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Groups' 45% share 
  of profit 
  attributable to 
  shareholders                23,930            (6,640)      17,290              21,805              7,951      29,756 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 

(1) Restatement of 2019 comparative revenue due to prior year misstatement as explained above.

Summary of other comprehensive income statement Dole (in USD '000)

                                                                                                       2020       2019 
                                                                                                    US$'000    US$'000 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Effective portion of cashflow hedges, net of recycling                                             (4,304)   (12,753) 
 Remeasurement gain/(loss) on employee benefit schemes                                                1,072    (6,459) 
 Revaluation gain on property, plant and equipment                                                    2,938      3,411 
 Deferred tax on items above                                                                            823      1,048 
 Foreign currency translation effects                                                                24,911    (8,015) 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the period (net of tax)                                    25,440   (22,768) 
 Non-controlling interests share                                                                          -          - 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Attributable to equity shareholders                                                                 25,440   (22,768) 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Group's 45% share of other comprehensive income/(expense) attributable to equity shareholders       11,448   (10,246) 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Summary income statement Dole (in Euro '000)

                       12 months ended 31 December 2020 Unaudited     12 months ended 28 December 2019 (Restated) (1) 
                    ===============================================  ================================================= 
                                            Exceptional                                        Exceptional 
                     Pre-exceptional              Items       Total     Pre-exceptional              Items       Total 
                             EUR'000            EUR'000     EUR'000             EUR'000            EUR'000     EUR'000 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Revenue                   4,096,448                  -   4,096,448           4,002,887                  -   4,002,887 
 Operating profit            164,209           (19,194)     145,015             154,044             12,274     166,318 
 Net financial 
  expense                   (62,573)            (4,378)    (66,951)            (69,465)                  -    (69,465) 
 Leasing interest 
  expense                   (18,156)                  -    (18,156)            (17,093)                  -    (17,093) 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Profit before tax            83,480           (23,572)      59,908              67,486             12,274      79,760 
 Income tax                 (34,461)             10,443    (24,018)            (22,582)              3,388    (19,194) 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Profit after tax             49,019           (13,129)      35,890              44,904             15,662      60,566 
  interests                  (1,703)                  -     (1,703)             (1,954)                  -     (1,954) 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
  attributable to 
  shareholders                47,316           (13,129)      34,187              42,950             15,662      58,612 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 
 Groups' 45% share 
  of profit 
  attributable to 
  shareholders                21,292            (5,908)      15,384              19,327              7,048      26,375 
==================  ================  =================  ==========  ==================  =================  ========== 

(1) Restatement of 2019 comparative revenue due to prior year misstatement as explained on page 24.

Summary of other comprehensive income statement Dole (in Euro '000)

                                                                                                       2020       2019 
                                                                                                    EUR'000    EUR'000 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Effective portion of cashflow hedges, net of recycling                                             (3,830)   (11,414) 
 Remeasurement gain/(loss) on employee benefit schemes                                                  954    (5,781) 
 Revaluation gain on property, plant and equipment                                                    2,614      3,041 
 Deferred tax on items above                                                                            732        938 
 Foreign currency translation effects                                                                22,165    (7,173) 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the period (net of tax)                                    22,635   (20,389) 
 Non-controlling interests share                                                                          -          - 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Attributable to equity shareholders                                                                 22,635   (20,389) 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Group's 45% share of other comprehensive income/(expense) attributable to equity shareholders       10,186    (9,175) 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Key performance indicators Dole

                                                                      Unaudited               Unaudited 
                                                                           2020        2019        2020        2019 
                                                                        US$'000     US$'000     EUR'000     EUR'000 
===================================================================  ==========  ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Adjusted EBITDA (adding back depreciation of right of use assets)      326,764     307,724     290,741     272,762 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                        259,174     245,013     230,603     217,176 
 Adjusted EBITA                                                         184,554     173,790     164,209     154,045 
===================================================================  ==========  ==========  ==========  ========== 

Summary Balance Sheet of Dole

                                                     Unaudited                         Unaudited 
                                                          2020   (Restated) 2019 (1)        2020   (Restated) 2019 (1) 
                                                       US$'000               US$'000     EUR'000               EUR'000 
================================================  ============  ====================  ==========  ==================== 
 Intangible assets - primarily brand                   284,848               285,540     232,252               254,592 
 Property, plant and equipment                       1,103,441             1,069,546     899,693               953,622 
 Right of use assets                                   249,539               279,068     203,462               248,821 
 Assets held for sale / Actively marketed 
  property                                              49,131                64,760      40,059                57,741 
 Other non-current assets                              118,428               107,753      96,561                96,074 
 Other current assets                                  868,976               862,588     708,521               769,096 
 Net debt                                          (1,209,727)           (1,287,328)   (986,353)           (1,147,800) 
 Employee benefit obligations                        (137,942)             (146,059)   (112,472)             (130,228) 
 Lease liabilities                                   (268,306)             (294,034)   (218,764)             (262,165) 
 Other non-current liabilities                       (246,522)             (249,740)   (201,002)             (222,672) 
 Other current liabilities                           (673,018)             (617,365)   (548,747)             (550,452) 
 Non-controlling interests                             (9,427)               (9,170)     (7,686)               (8,176) 
================================================  ============  ====================  ==========  ==================== 
 Fair value of net assets attributable to equity 
  shareholders                                         129,421                65,559     105,524                58,453 
================================================  ============  ====================  ==========  ==================== 
 Total Produce's 45% share of net assets                58,239                29,501      47,485                26,304 
================================================  ============  ====================  ==========  ==================== 
 Goodwill                                              267,634               267,634     218,259               238,589 
================================================  ============  ====================  ==========  ==================== 
 Total carrying amount of 45% interest in Dole         325,873               297,135     265,744               264,893 
================================================  ============  ====================  ==========  ==================== 

(1) Restatement of 2019 comparative balances for employee benefit obligations and other non-current liabilities as explained on pages 23 and 24.

Reconciliation of Group's carrying amount of investment in Dole

                                                                           Unaudited              Unaudited 
                                                                                2020       2019        2020       2019 
                                                                             US$'000    US$'000     EUR'000    EUR'000 
========================================================================  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Opening carrying amount of 45% investment in Dole                           297,135    281,432     264,893    245,881 
 Retained earnings adjustment on transition to IFRS 16                             -    (3,807)           -    (3,326) 
 Group share of profit attributable to equity shareholders                    17,290     29,756      15,384     26,375 
 Group share of other comprehensive income/(expense) attributable to 
  equity shareholders                                                         11,448   (10,246)      10,186    (9,175) 
 Foreign exchange movement                                                         -          -    (24,719)      5,138 
========================================================================  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Closing carrying amount of 45% interest in Dole                             325,873    297,135     265,744    264,893 
========================================================================  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
   8.     Post-employment obligations 
                                                            2020      2019 
                                                         EUR'000   EUR'000 
=====================================================  =========  ======== 
Employee defined benefit pension schemes obligations    (17,330)  (10,828) 
Other post-employment defined benefit obligations        (6,636)   (5,908) 
=====================================================  =========  ======== 
                                                        (23,966)  (16,736) 
=====================================================  =========  ======== 

Employee defined benefit pension schemes

                                                                                        2020       2019 
                                                                                     EUR'000    EUR'000 
=================================================================================  =========  ========= 
Pension assets                                                                       199,805    192,227 
Pension obligations                                                                (217,135)  (203,055) 
=================================================================================  =========  ========= 
Net liability                                                                       (17,330)   (10,828) 
Net related deferred tax asset                                                         3,052      1,479 
=================================================================================  =========  ========= 
Net liability after tax                                                             (14,278)    (9,349) 
=================================================================================  =========  ========= 
Movement in year 
Net liability at beginning of year                                                  (10,828)   (10,941) 
Net interest expense and current service cost recognised in the income statement     (2,093)    (1,677) 
Employer contributions to schemes                                                      3,357      4,866 
Remeasurement loss recognised in other comprehensive income                          (8,122)    (2,683) 
Translation adjustment                                                                   356      (393) 
=================================================================================  =========  ========= 
Net liability at end of year before deferred tax                                    (17,330)   (10,828) 
=================================================================================  =========  ========= 

The table above summarises the movements in the net liability of the Group's various defined benefit pension schemes in Ireland, the UK, Continental Europe and North America in accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits (2011).

The Group's balance sheet at 31 December 2020 reflects net pension liabilities of EUR17.3m in respect of schemes in deficit, resulting in a net deficit of EUR14.3m after deferred tax. The increase in the net liability was due to a decrease in the Eurozone and UK discount rates which increases the net present value of scheme obligations. This was offset by an average return of 7.5% on pension scheme assets in 2020 .

The below table shows the discount rates and inflation rates:

                       2020   2019 
================  =========  ===== 
Discount rates        1.08%  1.40% 
Inflation rates       1.30%  1.40% 
Discount rates        1.40%  2.00% 
Inflation rates       2.90%  2.70% 
================  =========  ===== 
   9.     Dividends 

The 2019 final dividend of 2.5770 was paid on 2 September 2020. The payment of the 2020 interim dividend of 0.9129 cent per share (which was unchanged on prior year) was paid post year-end on 29 January 2021.

The Group intends to pay a final dividend of 2.770 cent per share representing a 7.5% increase on 2019, in May 2021. The total dividend for 2020 will amount to 3.6829 cent per share (2019: 3.4899) and represents an increase of 5.5% on 2019. The total dividend represents a pay-out of almost 24% of the adjusted earnings per share.

In accordance with company law and IFRS, these dividends have not been provided for in the balance sheet at 31 December 2020.

During the year dividends of EUR20,510,000 (2019: EUR16,055,000) were paid to non-controlling interests within certain of the Group's subsidiaries.

10. Businesses acquired and other developments

Summary of investments in 2020

A key part of the Group's strategy is growth by acquisition. In line with this strategy the Group made a number of acquisitions in 2020 with initial cash spend of EUR1,265,000 (2019: EUR6,683,000), deferred consideration of EURNil (2019: EUR114,000) with a further EUR122,000 (2019: EUR1,461,000) of contingent consideration payable dependent on the achievement of profit targets. The acquisitions in 2020 included the acquisition of additional shares in Eco Farms, a company based in California in the United States that specialises in avocados. This resulted in Eco Farms being consolidated as a subsidiary of the Group. The initial 45% interest was treated as a joint venture up to April 2020.

Summary of fair values of assets and liabilities acquired

The table below provides details on the total fair value of acquisitions of subsidiaries in 2020. None of the business combinations completed during the year were considered sufficiently material to warrant separate disclosure of the fair values attributable to those combinations.

                                                                         2020       2019 
                                                                        Total      Total 
                                                                      EUR'000    EUR'000 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Consideration paid and payable 
 Cash consideration                                                     1,265      6,683 
 Contingent consideration                                                 122      1,461 
 Deferred consideration                                                     -        114 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Total fair value of consideration                                      1,387      8,258 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed 
 Property, plant and equipment                                          6,398      1,054 
 Right of use assets                                                      493      3,564 
 Biological assets                                                        262          - 
 Intangible assets - Customer relationships                                52      2,392 
 Intangible assets - Software                                              55        434 
 Intangible assets - Supplier relationships, brand and other                -        189 
 Inventories                                                              989        590 
 Trade and other receivables                                            7,183      9,859 
 Cash, and cash equivalents                                             1,527      2,308 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                                (2,550)          - 
 Lease liabilities                                                      (501)    (3,553) 
 Corporation tax                                                         (12)         58 
 Trade and other payables                                             (6,837)   (10,921) 
 Deferred tax asset                                                        82         74 
 Deferred tax liability                                                     -      (398) 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Fair value of net identifiable assets and liabilities acquired         7,141      5,650 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Non-controlling interests arising on acquisition 
 Non-controlling interests measured at share of net assets              1,928        959 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Total value of non-controlling interests arising on acquisition        1,928        959 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Goodwill calculation 
 Fair value of consideration                                            1,387      8,258 
 Fair value of pre-existing interest in acquiree                        4,680          - 
 Fair value of net identifiable assets and liabilities acquired       (7,141)    (5,650) 
 Non-controlling interest arising on acquisition                        1,928        959 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Goodwill arising                                                         854      3,567 
=================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Cashflows relating to acquisition of subsidiaries

                                                                       2020       2019 
                                                                    EUR'000    EUR'000 
===============================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Cash consideration for acquisition of subsidiary undertakings      (1,265)    (6,683) 
 Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts acquired                  1,527      2,308 
===============================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Cash inflow/(outflow) per cashflow statement                           262    (4,375) 
===============================================================  ==========  ========= 

Cash consideration paid

The cash spend on acquisitions in 2020 was EUR1,265,000 (2019: EUR6,683,000). Net of cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts acquired the net cash inflow was EUR262,000 (2019: outflow EUR4,375,000).

Contingent consideration

The Group has agreed to pay vendors additional consideration of EUR122,000 (2019: EUR1,633,000) in future periods which is payable on achievement of certain profit criteria. The fair value of this contingent consideration at the date of acquisition of EUR122,000 (2019: EUR1,461,000) was calculated by using the expected present value technique.

Fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities assumed

The acquisition method of accounting has been used to consolidate businesses acquired. Other than liabilities for contingent consideration, no contingent liabilities have been recognised on the business combinations in either year. Should any fair values need to be adjusted they will be reflected in the acquisition accounting within one year of the acquisition date in line with the provisions of IFRS 3 Business Combinations.

Goodwill arising

The principal factor contributing to the recognition of goodwill of EUR854,000 (2019: EUR3,567,000) is the value and skills of the assembled workforce in the acquired entities along with anticipated costs savings and synergies arising from integration into the Group's existing businesses.

Acquisition related costs

The Group incurred acquisition related costs of EUR348,000 (2019: EUR177,000) on legal and professional fees and due diligence in respect of the completed acquisitions. These costs have been included within other operating expenses.

Effect of acquisitions on income statement in the year

The acquisitions of subsidiaries in 2020 contributed EUR32,879,000 to total revenue and EUR1,874,000 to Group operating profit in the year. These numbers exclude the contributions from any joint venture and associate investments completed in the year.

If the acquisition date for these business combinations was 1 January 2020, the estimated total revenue for the year ended 31 December 2020 would have been EUR6,268,175,000 and estimated operating profit after exceptional items would have been EUR83,600,000. These numbers exclude the contributions from any joint ventures and associates completed in the year.

11. Cashflows generated from operations

                                                                                                 2020         2019 
                                                                                              EUR'000      EUR'000 
=========================================================================================  ==========  =========== 
 Operating activities 
 Profit for the year                                                                           56,784       66,204 
 Non-cash adjustments to reconcile profit to net cashflows: 
 Income tax expense                                                                            16,714       10,329 
 Income tax paid                                                                             (16,965)     (15,154) 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                                 17,976       17,773 
 Depreciation of right of use assets                                                           22,397       19,253 
 Exceptional items - impairment of property, plant and equipment and investment property        1,063            - 
 Exceptional items - goodwill impairment                                                        3,546            - 
 Exceptional items - other operating expenses                                                   (547)        1,816 
 Exceptional cashflows                                                                          (348)      (3,489) 
 Fair value movements on contingent consideration                                                 456        (204) 
 Amortisation of intangible assets - acquisition related                                       10,144       10,301 
 Amortisation of intangible assets - development costs capitalised                                170          238 
 Amortisation of intangible assets - computer software                                          2,616        2,046 
 Amortisation of government grants                                                               (66)         (63) 
 Defined benefit pension scheme expense - normal                                                2,093        1,677 
 Contributions to defined benefit pension schemes - normal                                    (3,357)      (4,866) 
 Other post-employment benefit scheme expense                                                     451          451 
 Net payments for other employee benefit scheme                                                 (196)        (249) 
 Share-based payment (credit)/expense                                                           (114)          109 
 Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                          (264)        (313) 
 Movement in provisions                                                                           504        (489) 
 Fair value gain on other investments                                                           (245)        (854) 
 Financial income                                                                             (2,287)      (2,754) 
 Financial expense                                                                             12,211       13,721 
 Financial income received                                                                      2,289        2,005 
 Financial expense paid                                                                      (12,505)     (13,149) 
 Loss/(gain) on non-hedging derivative financial instruments                                      213        (115) 
 Loss on termination of right of use leased assets                                                  4          146 
 Gain on disposal of joint venture                                                                  -         (88) 
 Fair value movement on joint venture becoming a subsidiary                                        80            - 
 Fair value movements on biological assets                                                        252          666 
 Share of profit of joint ventures                                                           (27,435)     (37,033) 
 Share of profit of associates                                                                  (954)        (666) 
=========================================================================================  ==========  =========== 
 Net cashflows from operating activities before working capital movements                      84,680       67,249 
=========================================================================================  ==========  =========== 
 Movements in working capital: 
 Movements in inventories                                                                    (16,592)    (6,091) 
 Movements in biological assets                                                                   757        530 
 Movements in receivables                                                                      28,615     27,342 
 Movements in payables                                                                         39,312   (15,254) 
=========================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Total movements in working capital                                                            52,092      6,527 
=========================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Net cashflows from operating activities                                                      136,772     73,776 
=========================================================================================  ==========  ========= 

12. Analysis of Net Debt and Cash and Cash Equivalents

Net debt is a non-IFRS measure which comprises cash and cash equivalents and current and non-current borrowings. The calculation of net debt at 31 December 2020 is as follows:

                                         2020        2019 
                                      EUR'000     EUR'000 
=================================  ==========  ========== 
 Current assets 
 Bank balances                        130,807      99,445 
 Call deposits (demand balances)           56      16,084 
 Current liabilities 
 Bank overdrafts                      (9,167)     (9,502) 
 Current bank borrowings             (15,573)    (76,648) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Non-current bank borrowings        (250,416)   (250,572) 
=================================  ==========  ========== 
 Net debt at end of year            (144,293)   (221,193) 
=================================  ==========  ========== 

Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents per balance sheet to cashflow statement

                                                                           2020       2019 
                                                                        EUR'000    EUR'000 
===================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Cash and cash equivalents per balance sheet                            130,863    115,529 
 Bank overdrafts                                                        (9,167)    (9,502) 
===================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts per cashflow statement      121,696    106,027 
===================================================================  ==========  ========= 

13. Post balance sheet events

The payment of the 2020 interim dividend of 0.9129 cent per share was paid post year-end on 29 January 2021. The total dividend amounted to EUR3,549,000.

On 17 February 2021, the Group and Dole Food Company Inc and affiliates of Castle & Cooke, Inc. (the "C&C shareholders"), which own a 55% interest in Dole's parent company ("Dole Holdings") (together, the "Parties"), announced that they entered into a binding transaction agreement (the "Agreement") to combine under a newly created, U.S. listed company ("Dole plc") (the "Transaction").

The Transaction will simplify the existing structure between the two companies by unifying Dole and Total Produce under common ownership, with the objective of enabling full operational integration, realisation of synergies and value creation across the enlarged business.

Under the terms of the Agreement, Total Produce shareholders will receive 82.5% of Dole plc shares and the C&C shareholders will receive 17.5% of Dole plc shares, in each case based on the fully diluted outstanding shares immediately prior to the completion of the Transaction.

Per the Agreement, Dole plc's completion of an initial public offering and a listing on a major U.S. stock exchange is a condition for completion of the Transaction (the "IPO"). In connection with the Transaction, Dole plc intends to target raising US$500 to US$700 million in primary equity capital to strengthen and de-lever the combined balance sheet. Upon completion of the U.S. listing of Dole plc, Total Produce will cease to be listed on the Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange.

Total Produce has secured fully committed debt facilities to backstop and refinance all existing Total Produce and Dole debt facilities upon completion of the Transaction, with the exception of the Dole vessel financing and certain other bilateral facilities which will remain post completion. Overall, this is expected to provide for a stronger balance sheet with a well-termed out capital structure, which is expected to enhance Dole plc's credit profile and lower its average cost of capital going forward.

Dole plc, operating under the Dole brand, will be incorporated in Ireland, with its Global Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. Its headquarters for the Americas will be in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The highly regarded management teams of Total Produce and Dole, with combined experience of over 150 years in the fresh produce sector, will continue to operate the combined business.

The Transaction is subject to approval by Total Produce shareholders and other regulatory approvals.

Should the Transaction fail to complete for any reason the terms of the Initial Dole Transaction remain in place and Total Produce will continue to be listed on Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange.

The full terms of the Transaction are outlined in the Stock Exchange announcement on 17 February 2021.

The Group has secured a committed debt facility with a term of 5 years to backstop and refinance certain existing Total Produce facilities in advance of the completion of the Transaction. In the event that the Transaction does not complete this committed financing shall remain in place in the Total Produce Group.

   14.   Related party transactions 

There have been no related party transactions or changes to related party transactions other than those described in the 2019 Annual Report that materially affect the financial position or the performance of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2020.

15. Board approval

This announcement was approved by the Board of Directors of

Total Produce plc on 24 February 2021


Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)

The Group uses a number of alternative performance measures ('APMs') that are not required under International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') which represent the generally accepted accounting principles ('GAAP') under which the Group reports. These measures are referred to throughout the discussion of our reported operating performance and financial position and are measures which are regularly reviewed by Group management. The Group believes that the presentation of these APMs provide useful supplementary information which, when viewed with the IFRS financial information provides investors with a more meaningful understanding of the underlying financial and operating performance of the Group.

These APMs may not be uniformly defined by all companies and accordingly they may not be directly comparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures by other companies. These APMs should not be viewed in isolation or as an alternative to the equivalent GAAP measures.

The principal APMs used by the Group, together with the reconciliation where the non-GAAP measures are not readily identifiable from the financial statements are as follows:

Total revenue


Total revenue includes the Group's share of the revenue of its joint ventures and associates. The calculation is presented in Note 3 of the accompanying financial information.

Adjusted EBITDA


Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation of property, plant and equipment, acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings and exceptional items. It also excludes the Group's share of these items within joint ventures and associates. The calculation is presented in the table on page 34 .

Adjusted EBITDA (after add back of right of use asset depreciation)


E arnings before interest, tax, depreciation of property, plant and equipment, depreciation of right of use assets, acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings and exceptional items. It also excludes the Group's share of these items within joint ventures and associates. The calculation is presented in the table on page 34 .

Adjusted EBITA


E arnings before interest, tax, acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings and exceptional items. It also excludes the Group's share of these items within joint ventures and associates. The calculation is presented in the table on page 34 .

Adjusted profit before tax


E xcludes acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings and exceptional items. It also excludes the Group's share of these items within joint ventures and associates. The calculation is presented in the table on page 34 .

                                                                        Reference in Financial         2020       2019 
 Calculation                                                             Information                EUR'000    EUR'000 
=====================================================================  ========================  ==========  ========= 
 Profit before tax per income statement                                 Income Statement             73,498     76,533 
 Exceptional items                                                      Note 5                        9,970    (5,232) 
 Fair value movements on contingent consideration                                                       456      (204) 
 Share of joint ventures and associates' tax (before tax on exceptional items)                       19,043     14,059 
 Acquisition related intangible asset amortisation within subsidiaries                               10,144     10,301 
 Share of joint ventures and associates acquisition related intangible asset amortisation             2,543      2,696 
 Acquisition related costs within subsidiaries                          Income Statement                348        177 
=====================================================================  ========================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted profit before tax                                                                         116,002     98,330 
 Net financial expense - subsidiaries                                   Income Statement              9,924     10,967 
 Net financial expense - share of joint ventures and associates                                      38,312     40,817 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted EBITA                                                                                     164,238    150,114 
 Amortisation of software costs                                                                       2,616      2,046 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment - subsidiaries                                        17,976     17,773 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment - share of joint ventures and associates              34,592     32,870 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                                                    219,422    202,803 
 Depreciation of right of use assets - subsidiaries                                                  22,397     19,253 
 Depreciation of right of use assets - share of joint ventures and associates                        31,745     29,115 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted EBITDA (before depreciation of right of use assets)                                       273,564    251,171 
===============================================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share


E xcludes acquisition related intangible asset amortisation charges and costs, fair value movements on contingent consideration, unrealised gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on foreign currency denominated intercompany borrowings, exceptional items and related tax on such items. It also excludes the Group's share of these items within joint ventures and associates. The calculation is outlined in Note 6.

Effective tax rate calculation


The Group's effective tax rate expresses the Group's income tax expense (including the share of joint ventures and associates) before tax impact of exceptional items and goodwill and intangible asset amortisation as a percentage of the Group's adjusted profit before tax.

                                                      Reference           Unaudited 
                                                       in Financial            2020       2019 
 Calculation                                           Information          EUR'000    EUR'000 
===================================================  ==================  ==========  ========= 
 Income tax expense                                   Income Statement       16,714     10,329 
 Group share of tax charge of joint ventures 
  and associates                                                             14,344     12,534 
=======================================================================  ==========  ========= 
 Total tax charge                                                            31,058     22,863 
 Deferred tax credit on amortisation of intangible 
  assets - subsidiaries                                                       1,217      2,623 
 Deferred tax credit on amortisation of intangible 
  assets - share of joint ventures and associates                               331        565 
 Tax charge on exceptional items in subsidiaries      Note 5                  (916)       (47) 
 Group share of tax charge on exceptional 
  items within joint ventures and associates          Note 5                  4,699      1,525 
===================================================  ==================  ==========  ========= 
 Tax charge on underlying activities                                         36,389     27,529 
=======================================================================  ==========  ========= 
                                                      As calculated 
 Adjusted profit before tax                            earlier              116,002     98,330 
===================================================  ==================  ==========  ========= 
 Effective tax on underlying activities                                      31.37%      28.0% 
=======================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Net debt


Net debt is a non-IFRS measure which comprises bank deposits, cash and cash equivalents and current and non-current borrowings. It excludes lease liabilities. The calculation is outlined in Note 12.

Routine capital expenditure and non-routine capital expenditure


Routine capital expenditure is cash spend on property, plant, and equipment and software (which under IFRS is classified within intangible assets) less proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment and any expenditure classified as non-routine or development capital expenditure.

Non-routine capital expenditure is expenditure on projects to grow the business and generally relate to the acquisition, and fit out of new facilities or extending the capacity of existing facilities.

                                                  Reference             Unaudited 
                                                   in Financial              2020       2019 
 Calculation                                       Information            EUR'000    EUR'000 
===============================================  ====================  ==========  ========= 
 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment     Cashflow Statement       15,011     19,518 
 Acquisition of intangible assets - computer 
  software                                        Cashflow Statement        5,370      4,621 
 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and 
  equipment - routine                             Cashflow Statement        (783)      (678) 
 Non-routine (development capital expenditure)    Note (a)                (4,157)    (4,470) 
===============================================  ====================  ==========  ========= 
 Routine capital expenditure                                               15,441     18,991 
=====================================================================  ==========  ========= 

(a) Non-routine capital expenditure is expenditure on projects to grow the business and generally relate to fit out of new facilities or extending the capacity of existing facilities.

Adjusted operating cashflow


Adjusted operating cashflow is the operating cashflow generated from operations as reported in the Group Cashflow Statement before cash outflows associated with exceptional items less lease liability payments and development loans provided to joint ventures and associates.

                                                  Reference             Unaudited 
                                                   in Financial              2020       2019 
 Calculation                                       Information            EUR'000    EUR'000 
===============================================  ====================  ==========  ========= 
 Net cashflow from operating activities per 
  cashflow statement                              Cashflow Statement      136,772     73,776 
 Cash impact of exceptional items in operating 
  cashflows                                       Note 11                     348      3,489 
 Less lease liability payments                    Cashflow Statement     (23,497)   (17,902) 
===============================================  ====================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted operating cashflow                                              113,623     59,363 
=====================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Free Cashflow


Free Cashflow is defined by the Group as the funds available after outflows relating to routine capital expenditure, dividends paid to non-controlling interests but before acquisition related expenditure (including loans advanced to joint ventures and associates), development capital expenditure and the payment of dividends to equity shareholders.

                                                  Reference             Unaudited 
                                                   in Financial              2020       2019 
 Calculation                                       Information            EUR'000    EUR'000 
===============================================  ====================  ==========  ========= 
 Net cashflow from operating activities per 
  cashflow statement                              Cashflow Statement      136,772     73,776 
 Cash impact of exceptional items in operating 
  cashflows                                       Note 11                     348      3,489 
 Less lease liability payments                    Cashflow Statement     (23,497)   (17,902) 
 Dividends received from joint ventures and 
  associates                                      Cashflow Statement       11,337     10,652 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests      Cashflow Statement     (20,510)   (16,055) 
                                                  As calculated 
 Routine capital expenditure                       earlier               (15,441)   (18,991) 
===============================================  ====================  ==========  ========= 
 Free Cashflow                                                             89,009     34,969 
=====================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA


Net debt is a measure of the Group's leverage and is calculated by dividing net debt (as defined earlier) by adjusted EBITDA (as defined earlier).

                                      Reference        Unaudited 
                                       in Financial         2020       2019 
 Calculation                           Information       EUR'000    EUR'000 
===================================  ===============  ==========  ========= 
 Net debt                             Note 12            144,293    221,193 
                                      As calculated 
 Adjusted EBITDA                       earlier           219,422    202,803 
===================================  ===============  ==========  ========= 
 Net debt/ Adjusted EBITDA (times)                         0.7 x      1.1 x 
====================================================  ==========  ========= 

Interest cover: EBITA interest cover


Interest cover is a measure of the Group's ability to meet its interest payments and is calculated by dividing Adjusted EBITA (as defined earlier) by net financial expense.

                                               Reference           Unaudited 
                                                in Financial            2020       2019 
 Calculation                                    Information          EUR'000    EUR'000 
============================================  ==================  ==========  ========= 
                                               As calculated 
 Adjusted EBITA                                 earlier              164,238    150,114 
 Net financial expense                         Income Statement        9,924     10,967 
============================================  ==================  ==========  ========= 
 Adjusted EBITA/net finance expense (times)                                x     13.7 x 
================================================================  ==========  ========= 

Acquisition related expenditure, net


Acquisition related expenditure is cash outflows in respect of acquisition and investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, non-controlling interests and is net of contributions from non-controlling interests and proceeds on disposal of shares to non-controlling interests and proceeds from sale of equity investments.

                                                   Reference               Unaudited 
                                                    in Financial                2020       2019 
 Calculation                                        Information              EUR'000    EUR'000 
================================================  ======================  ==========  ========= 
 Cash (inflow)/outflow relating to investment 
  and return of investment in joint ventures 
  and associates                                     Cashflow Statement        (472)      7,145 
 Investment in subsidiaries                        Note 10                     1,265      6,683 
 Proceeds from disposal of joint venture           Cashflow Statement           (98)       (48) 
 Acquisition of non-controlling interests          Cashflow Statement            796      1,656 
 Disposal of shareholding to non-controlling       Cashflow Statement         (2 85)          - 
 Proceeds on disposal of investments for resale    Cashflow Statement        (2,727)    (1,043) 
 Acquisition of equity investments                 Cashflow Statement              -        150 
================================================  ======================  ==========  ========= 
 Acquisition related expenditure                                             (1,521)     14,543 
========================================================================  ==========  ========= 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 25, 2021 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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