TDK Corporation

1-13-1 Nihonbashi

Chuo-ku, Tokyo

103-8272 Japan


TDK Corporation (Tokyo)      Corporate Communications                          
                             Michinori Katayama                 +81(3)5201-7102
TDK U.S.A. Corporation       Francis J. Sweeney                 +1(516)535-2600
UK Branch (TDK Marketing UK) Ron Matier                         +44(1737)773773

                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

TOKYO - April 28, 2004 TDK Corporation today announced its Consolidated
business results prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America ("U.S. GAAP") for fiscal year ("FY")
2004 and Non-Consolidated business results for FY 2004.

                                I. Consolidated                                

I-1) Summary

Consolidated results (April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004)

                               FY2004                     FY2003                          
                     (April 1, 2003 - March 31,    (April 1, 2002 - Mar.                  
                                2004)                    31, 2003)             Change     
Item/Term              (Yen             (U.S.$                               (Yen         
                    millions)    %    thousands)    (Yen millions)     %   millions)   %  
Net sales              658,862 100.0    6,215,679            608,880 100.0    49,982   8.2
Operating income        54,322   8.2      512,472             22,080   3.6    32,242 146.0
Income before                                                                             
income taxes            55,603   8.4      524,557             18,081   3.0    37,522 207.5
Net income              42,101   6.4      397,179             12,019   2.0    30,082 250.3
Per common share:                                                                         
Net income / Basic  Yen 317.80          U.S.$3.00          Yen 90.56                      
Net income /                                                                              
Diluted             Yen 317.69          U.S.$3.00                  -                      

(Sales breakdown)

                                    FY2004                    FY2003                       
                          (April 1, 2003 - March 31,  (April 1, 2002 - Mar.                
                                    2004)                   31, 2003)            Change    
Product/Term               (Yen             (U.S.$                             (Yen        
                         millions)   %    thousands)   (Yen millions)    %   millions)  %  
Electronic materials and                                                                   
components                 522,862  79.4    4,932,660          472,529  77.6    50,333 10.7
Electronic materials       166,818  25.3    1,573,755          168,949  27.8   (2,131) -1.3
Electronic devices         107,999  16.4    1,018,858          112,729  18.5   (4,730) -4.2
Recording devices          230,105  35.0    2,170,802          175,986  28.9    54,119 30.8
Semiconductors & others     17,940   2.7      169,245           14,865   2.4     3,075 20.7
Recording media &                                                                          
systems                    136,000  20.6    1,283,019          136,351  22.4     (351) -0.3
Total sales                658,862 100.0    6,215,679          608,880 100.0    49,982  8.2
Overseas sales             490,206  74.4    4,624,585          443,377  72.8    46,829 10.6

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


I-2) Management Policies

1. Fundamental Management Policy

TDK was established in 1935 as the world's first company to commercialize a
magnetic material called ferrite. In the ensuing years, TDK has developed and
commercialized electronic materials, electronic devices, recording devices and
recording media & systems. This drive has been based on the company's founding
spirit: "Contribute to culture and industry through creativity."

To preserve its identity as a dynamic company, TDK is dedicated to creating
value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, suppliers,
society and employees, by drawing on innovative thinking and a willingness to
tackle new challenges. TDK firmly believes that it must remain an organization
that is a constant source of exciting ideas that are of true value to

2. Fundamental Policy for Distribution of Earnings

Returning earnings to shareholders is one of TDK's highest management
priorities. As such, TDK's fundamental policy is to devote its efforts to a
stable increase of the dividend while taking into consideration a broad range
of factors, including the return on equity (ROE), dividends as a percentage of
equity (DOE) and the company's results of operation on a consolidated basis.

Retained earnings are used to invest in the development of new products and
technologies in key fields, to upgrade production facilities and in other ways
to make TDK more competitive and respond precisely to the rapid technological
advances in the electronics industry.

3. Medium- and Long-Term Management Strategy

In April 2004, TDK launched an initiative aimed at generating new growth with
the overriding aim of becoming an exciting company, an ongoing theme at TDK.

The electronics industry, TDK's main market, is witnessing escalating
competition due to progress in the digitalization and standardization of key
devices. To accurately respond to changing market needs as product life spans
shorten, TDK is dedicated to delivering new products that the market demands,
without delay, precisely when those products are needed. With this in mind, TDK
is aiming to increase the weighting of new products in its overall sales mix as
its growth strategy over the medium term.

TDK also plans to take steps to refine its sophisticated technological and
development capabilities in the core electronic materials and components
business. TDK is aiming for growth by delivering the value customers demand in
a timely manner through the development of products rooted in the company's
core materials, process and evaluation technologies, which underpin its
electronic materials and components business.

As a responsible corporate citizen, TDK believes that it is important to
incorporate public, ethical, environmental and other considerations in its
management processes and dealings with society. In particular, determined to
play its part in preserving the environment for future generations, TDK has
formulated a fundamental environmental plan, "TDK Environmental Action 2010,"
for contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.


4. Corporate Ethics

TDK has formulated a corporate code of ethics to guide the activities of all
members of TDK in their efforts to create an even better company. The corporate
code of ethics, which is based on TDK's corporate motto and principles,
specifies the rules that the company, management and employees must observe in
the conduct of business. This code demonstrates TDK's commitment to constantly
upholding corporate ethical standards and improving risk management. TDK takes
every possible opportunity to educate staff on the corporate code of ethics.

5. Strategy to Improve Corporate Governance

Companies must conduct their activities and manage their operations in a fair,
impartial and transparent manner, abiding by laws and regulations, and with the
recognition that their existence is supported by shareholders, customers,
suppliers, society and employees. TDK put in place internal controls with this
fundamental recognition in mind. It has also implemented a number of other
measures in the same vein, such as appointing an outside director and statutory
auditors, involving people outside the company in setting directors'
remuneration, and ensuring that corporate ethics are strictly observed.

5-1. Management structure and other corporate governance systems concerning 
decision-making, strategy execution and supervision

One of TDK's 7 directors is an outside director, who also serves as the
chairperson of the Remuneration Committee, which was set up to ensure the
fairness of directors' remuneration. Another committee, the Corporate Ethics
Committee, was established to ensure that TDK upholds corporate ethical
standards. Independent of this committee, TDK has a "helpline" that encourages
employees to report matters relating to corporate ethics and offer suggestions.
Moreover, having introduced the post of corporate officer, TDK has clearly
demarcated responsibilities: directors are responsible for decision-making and
oversight, while corporate officers have responsibility for executing
day-to-day operations. Corporate officers execute policies set by the Board of
Directors in their respective areas of responsibility.

TDK applies the Corporate Auditor System in accordance with the Commercial Code
of Japan, and 3 of its 5 corporate auditors come from outside the company. The
role of the corporate auditor is not restricted to the supervision of
directors' activities. As required, they also audit business activities. In
addition, the Management Review & Support Department is primarily responsible
for auditing business activities.

Another defining aspect of TDK's corporate governance system is that it
receives advice and warnings from outside legal counsel and independent
auditors regarding risks associated with TDK's corporate activities.

5-2. Personal, financial and trading relationships between the company and the 
outside director and outside corporate auditors, and other beneficial 

There are no personal or financial relationships between TDK and the outside
director or the three outside corporate auditors.


5-3. Measures taken to enhance corporate governance over the past year

To ensure that corporate ethical standards are being upheld, TDK has put in
place a global corporate ethics framework that encompasses the activities of
overseas subsidiaries as well as domestic ones. And, to comply with the U.S.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, a strict law relating to corporate governance that
was prompted by a series of scandals involving major corporations, TDK formed a
project team that includes outside experts to undertake a fundamental review
and reinforce corporate systems. Furthermore, in the same vein, TDK restricts
the work that is outsourced to independent auditors so as to preserve their
impartiality and independence. Moreover, at the ordinary general meeting of
shareholders held in June 2003, a resolution was approved that shortens the
terms of directors to one year. This change was made to give the company the
best management structure with which to respond flexibly to changes in its
operating environment and to build greater trust with shareholders.

6. Policy Regarding Reduction of TDK's Share Trading Unit

On August 1, 2000, TDK reduced the trading unit of its common shares from 1,000
to 100 shares to broaden the shareholder base and increase the liquidity of the
company's shares. TDK now considers that its shares have sufficient liquidity.
TDK will consider a further reduction of the trading unit based on its stock
price and market needs as well as on a cost-benefit analysis.

I-3) Business Results and Financial Position

1. Summary

Consolidated results for fiscal 2004, ended March 31, 2004, were as follows.

The Japanese economy in fiscal 2004 tended toward recovery, led by IT-related
production and exports. However, with no upturn evident in household incomes,
consumer spending failed to rebound. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy, the driving
force for the world economy, expanded compared with the previous year, with
consumer spending, housing investment and capital expenditures all rising, as
the government eased fiscal and monetary policy.

In the electronics industry, the year was characterized by the rising
popularity of LCD and plasma flat-screen TVs, digital cameras and DVD
recorders, as well as by the increasing sophistication of mobile phones and
replacement demand for PCs, and the growing use of electronics in automobiles.
However, deflationary trends in world markets affected these finished products,
placing unrelenting pricing pressure on electronic materials and components and
recording media and systems, TDK's main products.

TDK saw orders drop in the first quarter (April-June 2003) of fiscal 2004 due
to one-off factors such as the SARS outbreak and fallout from the Iraq war.
Nevertheless, TDK remained focused on implementing profit structure reforms,
carrying on initiatives from fiscal 2003 to improve asset productivity and
concentrate resources on strategic businesses.

As a result, TDK posted consolidated net sales of �658,862 million
(U.S.$6,215,679 thousand), up 8.2% from �608,880 million. Operating income
climbed 146.0%, from �22,080 million to �54,322 million (U.S.$512,472
thousand). Income before income taxes jumped 207.5%, from �18,081 million to �
55,603 million (U.S.$524,557 thousand). Net income soared 250.3%, from �12,019
million to �42,101 million (U.S.$397,179 thousand). Basic net income per common
share was �317.80 (U.S.$3.00), up from �90.56.

During the year, the average exchange rate was �113.19 for the U.S. dollar and
�132.65 for the euro, representing a 7.2% appreciation in the yen's value
against the U.S. dollar and a 9.7% depreciation against the euro. Overall,
exchange rate movements had the effect of lowering net sales by approximately �
4 billion and operating income by approximately �1.5 billion.

(Sales by Segment)

The following is a discussion of sales by business segment.

Electronic materials and components segment

In the electronic materials and components segment, net sales increased 10.7%,
from �472,529 million to �522,862 million (U.S.$4,932,660 thousand). Sales in
both the electronic materials and electronic devices sectors decreased compared
with the previous fiscal year when TDK benefited from a temporary surge in
demand related to the 2002 FIFA World Cup(tm) and strong demand from manufacturers
following a period of inventory reductions. This decline occurred despite solid
demand for components that was spurred by the growing popularity of flat-screen
TVs, digital cameras, DVD recorders and other electronic products, as well as
by recovering sales of mobile phones. Segment sales as a whole rose on the back
of a sharp year-on-year increase in sales of HDD heads accompanying burgeoning
demand for HDDs. Sector results were as follows.

Electronic materials

Sales in the electronic materials sector decreased 1.3%, from �168,949 million
to �166,818 million (U.S.$1,573,755 thousand).

(Capacitors) Sales of multilayer chip capacitors, the main product in the
capacitor sector, increased. Higher orders for capacitors, which reflected
growing demand for communications products, offset falling sales prices and the
negative effect of exchange rate movements.

(Ferrite cores and magnets) In ferrite cores, deflection yoke cores and flyback
transformer cores saw sales drop due to falling demand and sales prices. The
drop in orders is a reflection of a rapid shift in consumer demand from CRT TVs
to LCD, plasma and other flat-panel models. Higher sales of small coils and
transformer cores, a category where demand is increasing, failed to offset this
decrease, resulting in a decline in overall sales of ferrite cores. Magnet
sales declined as the effect of falling sales prices outweighed higher sales
volumes. Overall, sales of ferrite cores and magnets were down year on year.

Electronic devices

In the electronic devices sector, sales decreased 4.2%, from �112,729 million
to �107,999 million (U.S.$1,018,858 thousand).

(Inductive devices) Inductive devices, the largest product category in this
sector, posted higher sales as demand for communications products increased in
line with advances in the performance of mobile phones. However, sales growth
was held back by lower sales prices and foreign currency movements.

(High-frequency components) Sales of high-frequency components decreased
despite an upswing in shipment volumes that resulted from strong demand for
components used in mobile phones, the main market for these components, and
successful activities to win new orders. The decrease reflects the continuing
glut in the supply of high-frequency components in the market as a whole, which
prompted customers to demand price reductions that were greater than in other
electronic component categories.

(Other products) Overall, sales of other products decreased. Sensors and
actuators recorded higher sales due to growth in demand for communications
products and PCs and peripherals. However, sales of power systems declined due
to lackluster demand associated with the amusement field, a sector where demand
was strong in the previous fiscal year.

Recording devices

Recording devices sales climbed 30.8%, from �175,986 million to �230,105
million (U.S.$2,170,802 thousand). Sales of HDD heads, the main product in this
sector, were up sharply. This was primarily because of continuing expansion in
the HDD market and the resulting robust HDD sales by major TDK customers. Sales
of other heads also increased.

Semiconductors & others

Sales in the semiconductors & others sector climbed 20.7%, from �14,865 million
to �17,940 million (U.S.$169,245 thousand), despite sluggish sales of
semiconductors for communications applications. Growth reflected higher sales
of anechoic chambers for noise control and equipment used in these chambers.

Recording media & systems segment

In the recording media & systems segment, sales edged down 0.3%, from �136,351
million to �136,000 million (U.S.$1,283,019 thousand). While TDK continues to
command a high share of the audiotape and videotape markets, sales in these two
categories decreased as demand continues to shrink due to structural changes.
Optical media products posted increased sales, with higher sales volumes of
CD-Rs and DVDs in an expanding market offsetting lower sales prices. Sales of
other products decreased. Higher sales of LTO-standard* (Linear Tape-Open)
tape-based data storage media for computers failed to offset lower sales of PC
software, recording equipment and other products.

*Linear Tape-Open, LTO, LTO logo, Ultrium and Ultrium logo are trademarks of
HP, IBM and Certance LLC in the U.S., other countries or both.

(Sales by Region)

By region, sales in Japan increased 1.9%, from �165,503 million to �168,656
million (U.S.$1,591,094 thousand). While sales fell in the electronic materials
and electronic devices sectors and recording media & systems segment, sales
rose sharply in the recording devices sector. In the Americas, sales decreased
15.5%, from �106,060 million to �89,657 million (U.S.$845,821 thousand). Sales
fell in all sectors, with the exception of semiconductors & others, due to the
negative effect of the appreciation of the yen relative to the U.S. dollar. In 
Europe, sales rose 4.1%, from �78,740 million to �81,950 million (U.S.$773,113
thousand), reflecting the yen's depreciation relative to the euro and strong
sales of CD-Rs and DVDs. In Asia (excluding Japan) and other areas, sales
climbed 23.2%, from �258,577 million to �318,599 million (U.S.$3,005,651
thousand), mainly due to higher sales of recording devices.

The overall result was a 10.6% rise in overseas sales year on year, from �
443,377 million to �490,206 million (U.S.$4,624,585 thousand). Overseas sales
accounted for 74.4% of consolidated net sales, a 1.6 percentage point increase
from 72.8% one year earlier.

On a parent-company basis, net sales decreased 1.4%, from �320,697 million to �
316,050 million (U.S.$2,981,603 thousand). Operating income decreased 44.8%,
from �3,182 million to �1,756 million (U.S.$16,566 thousand). Current income
rose 13.2%, from �9,078 million to �10,277 million (U.S.$96,952 thousand). Net
income was �4,458 million (U.S.$42,056 thousand), compared with �133 million in
fiscal 2003, while basic net income per share rose from �0.53 to �32.87

TDK plans to pay a year-end dividend of �30 per common share. Together with the
interim dividend of �25 per common share paid in December 2003, the dividend
per common share applicable to the year will be �55.

On a parent-company basis, fiscal 2004 ROE was 1.1% and DOE was 1.7%.

2. Financial Position

(2-1) The following table summarizes TDK's balance sheet at March 31, 2004.

Total assets               �770,319 million 3.1% increase                
Total stockholders' equity �576,219 million 4.0% increase                
Equity ratio                    74.8%       0.7 percentage point increase

At the end of the year, cash and cash equivalents were �56,604 million higher
than on March 31, 2003. Net property, plant and equipment and other assets
decreased �16,962 million and �14,526 million, respectively. As a result of the
above items and other changes, total assets increased �22,982 million.

Total liabilities increased �732 million. Trade payables, accrued expenses and
income taxes payable increased �2,957 million, �5,963 million and �3,632
million, respectively, while retirement and severance benefits decreased �
11,450 million.

Total stockholders' equity increased �22,334 million. Retained earnings
increased �34,837 million, while accumulated other comprehensive loss increased
�11,563 million.

(2-2) Cash Flows

                                                            (� millions)       
                                                      FY 2004  FY 2003  Change 
Net cash provided by operating activities              114,704  104,358  10,346
Net cash used in investing activities                 (37,770) (46,645)   8,875
Net cash used in financing activities                  (9,661)  (7,925) (1,736)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash                               
equivalents                                           (10,669)  (4,998) (5,671)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents               56,604   44,790  11,814
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       170,551  125,761  44,790
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             227,155  170,551  56,604

Operating activities provided net cash of �114,704 million (U.S.$1,082,113
thousand), a year-on-year increase of �10,346 million. This reflected a �30,082
million increase in net income to �42,101 million (U.S.$397,179 thousand) and a
�6,556 million decrease to �51,233 million (U.S.$483,330 thousand) in
depreciation and amortization. In changes in assets and liabilities, there were
increases in trade receivables and inventories of �5,326 million and �22,101
million, respectively.

Investing activities used net cash of �37,770 million (U.S.$356,321 thousand),
�8,875 million less than a year earlier. While capital expenditures increased �
3,415 million to �44,866 million (U.S.$423,264 thousand), payment for purchase
of investments decreased �6,863 million.

Financing activities used net cash of �9,661 million (U.S.$91,141 thousand), �
1,736 million more than in the previous fiscal year. This primarily reflected
increases in repayments of short-term debt and dividends paid of �793 million
and �652 million, respectively.


(2-3) Trends in Cash Flow Indicators

                                                   FY    FY    FY    FY    FY  
                                                  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004 
Stockholders' equity ratio (%)                     73.6  77.8  77.9  74.1  74.8
Capital adequacy ratio on a market value basis                                 
(%)                                               239.9 133.8 121.7  80.4 136.7
No. of years to redeem debt                        0.02  0.10  0.07  0.02  0.00
Interest coverage ratio (times)                   165.3 138.0  32.8 180.9 355.1


Stockholders' equity ratio = Total stockholders' equity / Total assets

Capital adequacy ratio on a market value basis = Market capitalization (*1) /
Total assets

(*1) Market capitalization = Closing price of TDK's common shares on the Tokyo
Stock Exchange on March 31, 2004 x Shares issued and outstanding at year-end
after deducting treasury stock

No. of years to redeem debt = Interest-bearing liabilities (*2) / Cash flows
from operating activities (*3)

(*2) Interest-bearing liabilities: The balance of  "short-term debt" and
long-term debt included in "long-term debt, excluding current installments" on
the consolidated balances sheets.

(*3) Cash flows from operating activities: "Net cash provided by operating
activities" on the consolidated statements of cash flows.

Interest coverage ratio = Cash flows from operating activities / Interest
payments (*4)

(*4) Interest payments: "Interest expense" on the consolidated statements of

3. Fiscal 2005 Projections

TDK's consolidated and non-consolidated projections for fiscal 2005, the year
ending March 31, 2005, are as follows.

[Consolidated Projections for Fiscal 2005]

                           Year ending March % change  Year ended March
                                 2005        from FY04       2004      
                             (� millions)                (� millions)  
Net sales                            680,000       3.2          658,862
Operating income                      60,000      10.5           54,322
Income before income taxes            62,000      11.5           55,603
Net income                            46,500      10.4           42,101

[Non-Consolidated Projections for Fiscal 2005]

                 Year ending March % change  Year ended March
                       2005        from FY04       2004      
                   (� millions)                (� millions)  
Net sales                  338,000       6.9          316,050
Operating income             9,700     452.4            1,756
Current income              20,500      99.5           10,277
Net income                  13,500     202.8            4,458

The projections are based principally on the following assumptions:

*     An average exchange rate of U.S.$1=�105 for fiscal 2005.

*     Orders for passive components (electronic materials and electronic
devices) as a whole are expected to remain at a comparatively high level,
supported by firm demand in the first half of the year. However, this demand
may wane by the end of 2004.

*     Orders for recording devices are expected to decline in the first half of
fiscal 2005, but second-half sales of these products should be supported by
growth in demand for HDDs used in PCs and consumer electronics.

*     In the recording media & systems segment, lower sales of audiotapes and
videotapes are forecast. However, sales may rise year on year in the segment as
a whole, with higher sales of optical media products absorbing this decline.


Cautionary Statement About Projections

This earnings release contains forward-looking statements, including
projections, plans, policies, management strategies, targets, schedules,
understandings and evaluations, about TDK and its group companies that are not
historical facts. These forward-looking statements are based on current
forecasts, estimates, assumptions, plans, beliefs and evaluations in light of
information available to management on the date of this earnings release.

In preparing forecasts and estimates, TDK and its group companies have used as
their basis, certain assumptions as necessary, in addition to confirmed
historical facts. However, due to their nature, there is no guarantee that
these statements and assumptions will prove to be accurate in the future. TDK
therefore wishes to caution readers that these statements, facts and certain
assumptions contained in this earnings release are subject to a number of risks
and uncertainties and may prove to be inaccurate.

The electronics markets in which TDK and its group companies operate are highly
susceptible to rapid changes. Furthermore, TDK and its group companies operate
not only in Japan, but in many other countries. As such, factors that can have
significant effects on its results include, but are not limited to, shifts in
technology, demand, prices, competition, economic environments and foreign
exchange rates.

The premises and assumptions used in computing the projections in this earnings
release include, but are not limited to, those explained above.



I-4) Statements of income

                                     FY2004                  FY2003                       
                           (April 1, 2003 - March 31,   (April 1, 2002 -                  
                                     2004)               Mar. 31, 2003)        Change     
Item/Term                    (Yen            (U.S.$                          (Yen         
                           millions)   %   thousands) (Yen millions)   %   millions)   %  
Net sales                    658,862 100.0  6,215,679        608,880 100.0    49,982   8.2
Cost of sales                474,106  72.0  4,472,698        459,616  75.5    14,490   3.2
Gross profit                 184,756  28.0  1,742,981        149,264  24.5    35,492  23.8
Selling, general and                                                                      
administrative expenses      130,434  19.8  1,230,509        127,184  20.9     3,250   2.6
Operating income              54,322   8.2    512,472         22,080   3.6    32,242 146.0
Other income (deductions):                                                                
Interest and dividend                                                                     
income                         1,189           11,217          1,379           (190)      
Interest expense               (323)          (3,047)          (577)             254      
Foreign exchange gain                                                                     
(loss)                       (3,065)         (28,915)        (1,482)         (1,583)      
Other-net                      3,480           32,830        (3,319)           6,799      
Total other income                                                                        
(deductions)                   1,281   0.2     12,085        (3,999)  -0.6     5,280     -
Income before income taxes    55,603   8.4    524,557         18,081   3.0    37,522 207.5
Income taxes                  13,143   2.0    123,991          5,296   0.9     7,847 148.2
Income before minority                                                                    
interests                     42,460   6.4    400,566         12,785   2.1    29,675 232.1
Minority interests             (359)  -0.0    (3,387)          (766)  -0.1       407  53.1
Net income                    42,101   6.4    397,179         12,019   2.0    30,082 250.3

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


I-5) Balance sheets


                                                              As of Mar. 31,              
                                  As of March 31, 2004             2003          Change   
Item/Term                      (Yen               (U.S.$        (Yen              (Yen    
                             millions)    %     thousands)    millions)    %    millions) 
Current assets                  475,773  61.8      4,488,424     420,962  56.3      54,811
Cash and cash equivalents       227,155            2,142,972     170,551            56,604
Marketable securities               402                3,792           -               402
Net trade receivables           138,331            1,305,009     140,023           (1,692)
Inventories                      77,301              729,255      73,917             3,384
Other current assets             32,584              307,396      36,471           (3,887)
Noncurrent assets               294,546  38.2      2,778,736     326,375  43.7    (31,829)
Investments in securities        18,381              173,406      18,722             (341)
Net property, plant and                                                                   
equipment                       208,945            1,971,179     225,907          (16,962)
Other assets                     67,220              634,151      81,746          (14,526)
TOTAL                           770,319 100.0      7,267,160     747,337 100.0      22,982

                     LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                      

                                                                As of Mar. 31,            
                                     As of March 31, 2004            2003         Change  
                                    (Yen             (U.S.$       (Yen             (Yen   
Item/Term                        millions)    %    thousands)  millions)    %   millions) 
Current liabilities                 115,218  15.0    1,086,962    105,014  14.0     10,204
Short-term debt                         416              3,924      1,919          (1,503)
Trade payables                       59,917            565,255     56,960            2,957
Accrued expenses                     45,534            429,566     39,571            5,963
Income taxes payables                 4,689             44,236      1,057            3,632
Other current liabilities             4,662             43,981      5,507            (845)
Noncurrent liabilities               75,606   9.8      713,264     85,078  11.4    (9,472)
Long-term debt, excluding                                                                 
current installments                     27                255         94             (67)
Retirement and severance                                                                  
benefits                             73,521            693,594     84,971         (11,450)
Deferred income taxes                   215              2,028         13              202
Other noncurrent liabilities          1,843             17,387          -            1,843
Total liabilities                   190,824  24.8    1,800,226    190,092  25.4        732
Minority interests                    3,276   0.4       30,906      3,360   0.5       (84)
Common stock                         32,641            307,934     32,641                -
Additional paid-in capital           63,051            594,821     63,051                -
Legal reserve                        16,497            155,632     15,953              544
Retained earnings                   560,756          5,290,151    525,919           34,837
Accumulated other comprehensive                                                           
income (loss)                      (90,387)          (852,708)   (78,824)         (11,563)
Treasury stock                      (6,339)           (59,802)    (4,855)          (1,484)
Total stockholders' equity          576,219  74.8    5,436,028    553,885  74.1     22,334
TOTAL                               770,319 100.0    7,267,160    747,337 100.0     22,982

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


I-6) Statements of stockholders' equity

                                             FY2004               FY2003       
                                      (April 1, 2003 - Mar.  (April 1, 2002 -  
                                            31, 2004)         Mar. 31, 2003)   
                                        (Yen      (U.S.$                       
Item/Term                             millions) thousands)    (Yen millions)   
Common stock:                                                                  
Balance at beginning of period           32,641     307,934              32,641
Balance at end of period                 32,641     307,934              32,641
Additional paid-in capital:                                                    
Balance at beginning of period           63,051     594,821              63,051
Balance at end of period                 63,051     594,821              63,051
Legal reserve:                                                                 
Balance at beginning of period           15,953     150,500              15,683
Transferred from retained earnings          544       5,132                 270
Balance at end of period                 16,497     155,632              15,953
Retained earnings:                                                             
Balance at beginning of period          525,919   4,961,500             520,143
Net income                               42,101     397,179              12,019
Cash dividends                          (6,625)    (62,500)             (5,973)
Losses on sales of treasury stock          (95)       (896)                   -
Transferred to legal reserve              (544)     (5,132)               (270)
Balance at end of period                560,756   5,290,151             525,919
Accumulated other comprehensive                                                
income (loss):                                                                 
Balance at beginning of period         (78,824)   (743,623)            (43,999)
Other comprehensive income (loss) for                                          
the period, net of tax                 (11,563)   (109,085)            (34,825)
Balance at end of period               (90,387)   (852,708)            (78,824)
Treasury stock:                                                                
Balance at beginning of period          (4,855)    (45,802)             (3,592)
Acquisition of treasury stock           (1,865)    (17,594)             (1,263)
Exercise of stock option                    381       3,594                   -
Balance at end of period                (6,339)    (59,802)             (4,855)
Total stockholders' equity              576,219   5,436,028             553,885
Disclosure of comprehensive income                                             
Net income for the period                42,101     397,179              12,019
Other comprehensive income (loss) for                                          
the period, net of tax                 (11,563)   (109,085)            (34,825)
Total comprehensive income (loss) for                                          
the period                               30,538     288,094            (22,806)

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


I-7) Statements of cash flows

                                                 FY2004             FY2003     
                                            (April 1, 2003 -   (April 1, 2002 -
                                            March 31, 2004)     Mar. 31, 2003) 
Item/Term                                   (Yen      (U.S.$                   
                                          millions) thousands)  (Yen millions) 
Cash flows from operating activities:                                          
Net income                                   42,101    397,179           12,019
Adjustments to reconcile net income to                                         
net cash provided by operating                                                 
Depreciation and amortization                51,233    483,330           57,789
Loss on disposal of property and                                               
equipment                                     1,789     16,877            4,845
Deferred income taxes                         2,868     27,057            4,301
Loss on securities                            1,093     10,311            3,298
Gain on sale of a subsidiary                  (567)    (5,349)                -
Changes in assets and liabilities:                                             
Increase in trade receivables               (7,582)   (71,528)          (2,256)
Decrease (increase) in inventories          (7,824)   (73,811)           14,277
Increase in trade payables                    8,171     77,085            6,691
Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses       8,660     81,698          (5,971)
Increase (decrease) in income taxes                                            
payables, net                                 5,877     55,443            2,265
Increase in retirement and severance                                           
benefits                                      9,285     87,594            7,639
Other-net                                     (400)    (3,773)            (539)
Net cash provided by operating activities   114,704  1,082,113          104,358
Cash flows from investing activities:                                          
Capital expenditures                       (44,866)  (423,264)         (41,451)
Proceeds from sales and maturities of                                          
investments                                   1,814     17,113            1,511
Payment for purchase of investments           (443)    (4,179)          (7,306)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant                                         
and equipment                                 4,571     43,123            4,590
Acquisition of minority interests             (366)    (3,453)          (3,967)
Proceeds from sale of a subsidiary            1,523     14,368                -
Other-net                                       (3)       (29)             (22)
Net cash used in investing activities      (37,770)  (356,321)         (46,645)
Cash flows from financing activities:                                          
Proceeds from long-term debt                     69        651              211
Repayment of long-term debt                   (479)    (4,519)            (646)
Increase (decrease) in short-term debt,                                        
net                                         (1,047)    (9,877)            (254)
Sale (purchase) of treasury stock, net      (1,579)   (14,896)          (1,263)
Dividends paid                              (6,625)   (62,500)          (5,973)
Net cash used in financing activities       (9,661)   (91,141)          (7,925)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                                        
and cash equivalents                       (10,669)  (100,651)          (4,998)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents    56,604    534,000           44,790
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of                                      
period                                      170,551  1,608,972          125,761
Cash and cash equivalents at end of                                            
period                                      227,155  2,142,972          170,551

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


I-8) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

1.     The consolidated financial statements are prepared in conformity with

(1) Marketable Securities

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No.115, "Accounting for
Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" is adopted.

(2) Inventories

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined
principally by the average method.

(3) Depreciation

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is principally computed by the
declining-balance method for assets located in Japan and certain foreign
subsidiaries, and by the straight-line method for assets of other foreign
subsidiaries based on estimated useful lives.

(4) Income Taxes

Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred
tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the estimated future tax
consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement
carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax
base and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards.

(5) Derivatives Financial Instruments

SFAS No.133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" and
SFAS No.138, "Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging
Activities, an amendment of FASB Statement No.133" are adopted.

(6) Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations" and SFAS No.142, "Goodwill and Other
Intangible Assets" are adopted.

2.     During this consolidated accounting period, TDK had 72 subsidiaries (20
in Japan and 52 overseas). TDK also had 8 affiliates (5 in Japan and 3
overseas) whose financial statements are accounted for by the equity method.

3.     Comprehensive income comprises net income and other comprehensive
income. Other comprehensive income includes changes in foreign currency
translation adjustments, minimum pension liability adjustments and net
unrealized gains (losses) on securities. The net income, other comprehensive
income (loss) and total comprehensive income (loss) for the fiscal year ended
Mar. 31, 2004 and 2003 were as follows;

                                         FY2004                  FY2003        
                                 (April 1, 2003 - March  (April 1, 2002 - Mar. 
                                        31, 2004)              31, 2003)       
Item/Term                           (Yen       (U.S.$                          
                                 millions)   thousands)      (Yen millions)    
Net income                           42,101      397,179                 12,019
Other comprehensive income                                                     
(loss), net of tax:                                                            
Foreign currency translation                                                   
adjustments                        (26,287)    (247,991)               (18,747)
Minimum pension liability                                                      
adjustments                          14,186      133,830               (15,809)
Net unrealized gains (losses) on                                               
securities                              538        5,076                  (269)
Total comprehensive income                                                     
(loss)                               30,538      288,094               (22,806)

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


4. Adoption of new accounting standards

(1)   Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligation

In June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.143 ("SFAS 143"), "Accounting
for Asset Retirement Obligations", which addresses financial accounting and
reporting for obligations associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived
assets and associated asset retirement costs. SFAS 143 applies to legal
obligations associated with the retirement of long-lived assets that result
from the acquisition, construction, development and (or) the normal operation
of a long-lived asset, except for certain obligations of lessees. SFAS 143
requires that the fair value of a liability for an asset retirement obligation
be recognized in the period in which it is incurred if a reasonable estimate of
fair value can be made. The associated asset retirement costs are capitalized
as part of the carrying amount of the long-lived asset and subsequently
allocated to expense over the asset's useful life. TDK adopted SFAS 143 on
April 1, 2003. The adoption of SFAS 143 did not have a material effect on TDK's
consolidated financial statements.

(2)   Accounting for Revenue Arrangements with Multiple Deliverables

In November 2002, the Emerging Issues Task Force reached a consensus on Issue
00-21 ("EITF 00-21"), "Accounting for Revenue Arrangements with Multiple
Deliverables". EITF 00-21 provides guidance on when and how to account for
arrangements that involve the delivery or performance of multiple products,
services and/or rights to use assets. TDK adopted EITF 00-21 on July 1, 2003.
The adoption of EITF 00-21 did not have a material effect on TDK's consolidated
financial position and results of operations.

(3)   Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities

In December 2003, FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. 46 (revised December
2003) ("FIN 46R"), "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities", which
addresses the consolidation by primary beneficiary of variable interest
entities ("VIEs") as defined in the Interpretation. FIN 46R replaces FASB
Interpretation No. 46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities", which was
issued in January 2003. FIN 46R is effective immediately for all VIEs created
or acquired after January 31, 2003 and effective for other VIEs as of March 31,
2004. TDK has not created or acquired any VIEs after January 31, 2003. For VIEs
created or acquired before February 1, 2003, the adoption of FIN 46R for these
entities did not have a material effect on TDK's consolidated financial



I-9) Segment Information

The following industry and geographic segment information are required by the
Japanese Securities Exchange Law.

                                  FY2004                    FY2003                        
                        (April 1, 2003 - March 31,  (April 1, 2002 - Mar.                 
                                   2004)                  31, 2003)            Change     
Product/Term              (Yen            (U.S.$                             (Yen         
                        millions)   %   thousands)  (Yen millions)    %    millions)   %  
Electronic materials                                                                      
and components                                                                            
Net sales                 522,862 100.0   4,932,660         472,529  100.0    50,333  10.7
Unaffiliated customers    522,862         4,932,660         472,529           50,333  10.7
Intersegment                    -                 -               -                -     -
Operating expenses        466,335  89.2   4,399,387         451,993   95.7    14,342   3.2
Operating income           56,527  10.8     533,273          20,536    4.3    35,991 175.3
Recording media &                                                                         
Net sales                 136,000 100.0   1,283,019         136,351  100.0     (351)  -0.3
Unaffiliated customers    136,000         1,283,019         136,351            (351)  -0.3
Intersegment                    -                 -               -                -     -
Operating expenses        138,205 101.6   1,303,820         134,807   98.9     3,398   2.5
Operating income (loss)   (2,205)  -1.6    (20,801)           1,544    1.1   (3,749)     -
Net sales                 658,862 100.0   6,215,679         608,880  100.0    49,982   8.2
Unaffiliated customers    658,862         6,215,679         608,880           49,982   8.2
Intersegment                    -                 -               -                -     -
Operating expenses        604,540  91.8   5,703,207         586,800   96.4    17,740   3.0
Operating income           54,322   8.2     512,472          22,080    3.6    32,242 146.0

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106

2. Geographic segment information

                                    FY2004               FY2003                           
                          (April 1, 2003 - March 31, (April 1, 2002                       
                                    2004)             - Mar. 2003)             Change     
Region/Term                 (Yen            (U.S.$                           (Yen         
                          millions)   %   thousands) (Yen millions)    %   millions)   %  
Japan        Net sales      329,782 100.0  3,111,151         334,882 100.0   (5,100)  -1.5
             income           8,538   2.6     80,547           5,193   1.6     3,345  64.4
Americas     Net sales      104,400 100.0    984,906         101,784 100.0     2,616   2.6
             (loss)           2,797   2.7     26,387         (1,082)  -1.1     3,879     -
Europe       Net sales       80,641 100.0    760,764          78,462 100.0     2,179   2.8
             (loss)           (115)  -0.1    (1,085)         (3,547)  -4.5     3,432  96.8
Asia and     Net sales                                                                    
others                      380,781 100.0  3,592,273         314,918 100.0    65,863  20.9
             income          42,912  11.3    404,830          20,640   6.6    22,272 107.9
Intersegment Net sales      236,742        2,233,415         221,166          15,576      
eliminations Operating                                                                    
             (loss)           (190)          (1,793)           (876)             686      
Total        Net sales      658,862 100.0  6,215,679         608,880 100.0    49,982   8.2
             income          54,322   8.2    512,472          22,080   3.6    32,242 146.0


1.  The sales are classified by geographic areas of the seller and include
transfers between geographic areas.

2.  U.S.$1=Yen 106

3. Sales by region

                            FY2004                       FY2003                           
                  (April 1, 2003 - March 31,     (April 1, 2002 - Mar.                    
                             2004)                     31, 2003)              Change      
Region/Term        (Yen              (U.S.$                                 (Yen          
                 millions)    %    thousands)    (Yen millions)     %     millions)    %  
Americas             89,657  13.6       845,821           106,060   17.4    (16,403) -15.5
Europe               81,950  12.4       773,113            78,740   12.9       3,210   4.1
Asia and others     318,599  48.4     3,005,651           258,577   42.5      60,022  23.2
Overseas sales                                                                            
total               490,206  74.4     4,624,585           443,377   72.8      46,829  10.6
Japan               168,656  25.6     1,591,094           165,503   27.2       3,153   1.9
Net sales           658,862 100.0     6,215,679           608,880  100.0      49,982   8.2


1. Sales by region are classified by geographic areas of the buyer.

2. U.S.$1=Yen 106


I-10) Fair Value of Securities

                                               Gross                Gross                 
                                            Unrealized           Unrealized         Fair  
(Yen millions)                   Cost      Holding Gains       Holding Losses      Value  
As of March 31, 2004                                                                      
Equity securities                 2,782               1,054                     -    3,836
Debt securities                   1,101                   0                     0    1,101
Total                             3,883               1,054                     0    4,937
As of March 31, 2003                                                                      
Equity securities                 3,455                 122                    11    3,566
Debt securities                   2,495                   3                     -    2,498
Total                             5,950                 125                    11    6,064

U.S.$1=Yen 106                       Gross                     Gross                     
(U.S.$ thousands)     Cost  Unrealized Holding Gains Unrealized Holding Losses Fair Value
As of March 31, 2004                                                                     
Equity securities    26,245                    9,943                         -     36,188
Debt securities      10,387                        0                         0     10,387
Total                36,632                    9,943                         0     46,575

I-11) Fair Value of Derivatives

                                                 Contract Carrying     Fair    
(Yen millions)                                    Amount   Amount     Value    
As of March 31, 2004                                                           
Forward foreign exchange contracts                 18,638      396          396
Currency option contracts                          16,340       91           91
Currency swap agreements for loans to its                                      
subsidiaries                                       12,605      252          252
As of March 31, 2003                                                           
Forward foreign exchange contracts                 19,016       39           39
Currency swap agreements for loans to its                                      
subsidiaries                                       13,794    (287)        (287)

(U.S.$ thousands)                                Contract Carrying     Fair    
U.S.$1=Yen 106                                    Amount   Amount     Value    
As of March 31, 2004                                                           
Forward foreign exchange contracts                175,830    3,736        3,736
Currency option contracts                         154,151      858          858
Currency swap agreements for loans to its                                      
subsidiaries                                      118,915    2,377        2,377


I-12) Supplementary Information

Exchange rates used for conversion

                  April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004 April 1, 2002 - March 31, 2003
Item/Term            US$=Yen        Euro=Yen        US$=Yen        Euro=Yen    
Sales                     113.19          132.65         121.98          120.88
The end of the                                                                 
period                    105.69          128.88         120.20          129.83


                     April 1, 2003 - March 31, April 1, 2002 - March 31,       
                               2004                      2003                  
                         Amount      Ratio to      Amount      Ratio to  Change
Item/Term            (Yen millions)  sales (%) (Yen millions)  sales (%)  (%)  
Capital expenditures          44,866         -          41,451         -    8.2
Depreciation and                                                               
amortization                  51,233       7.8          57,789       9.5  -11.3
Research and                                                                   
development                   34,495       5.2          31,862       5.2    8.3
Result of financial                                                            
income                           866                       802              8.0
Number of employees           36,804                    31,705                 
(as at the end of                                                              
the period)                                                                    
Ratio of overseas                                                              
production                               58.9%                     56.0%       


                         April 1, 2003 - March    April 1, 2002 - March         
                                31, 2004                 31, 2003               
                            Amount     Ratio to      Amount     Ratio to  Change
Product/Term            (Yen millions) sales (%) (Yen millions) sales (%)  (%)  
Electronic materials                                                            
and components                 386,736      58.7        341,615      56.1   13.2
Electronic materials           121,446      18.5        122,761      20.2   -1.1
Electronic devices              61,373       9.3         58,671       9.6    4.6
Recording devices              195,137      29.6        152,476      25.0   28.0
Semiconductors & others          8,780       1.3          7,707       1.3   13.9
Recording media &                                                               
systems                        103,470      15.7        101,762      16.7    1.7
Overseas sales                 490,206      74.4        443,377      72.8   10.6


                             II. Non-Consolidated                              

II-1) Summary

Non-Consolidated results (April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004)

                 FY2004                            FY2003                                 
     (April 1, 2003 - Mar. 31, 2004)   (April 1, 2002 - Mar. 31, 2003)        Change      
                                     (U.S.$                                (Yen           
Item/Term    (Yen millions)   %    thousands)    (Yen millions)      %   millions)    %   
Net sales           316,050 100.0    2,981,603             320,697 100.0   (4,647)    -1.4
income                1,756   0.6       16,566               3,182   1.0   (1,426)   -44.8
income               10,277   3.3       96,952               9,078   2.8     1,199    13.2
Net income            4,458   1.4       42,056                 133   0.0     4,325 3,251.9
Per common                                                                                
Net income /                                                                              
Basic             Yen 32.87          U.S.$0.31            Yen 0.53                        
Net income /                                                                              
Diluted           Yen 32.86          U.S.$0.31                   -                        
per share         Yen 30.00          U.S.$0.28           Yen 25.00                        


1.    Any portion less than Yen one million is disregarded, the same being
applicable hereinafter. U.S.$1=Yen 106 (U.S. dollar translation is added herein
solely for convenience of readers outside Japan.)

2.    The figures for net income per common share are calculated based upon the
weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total outstanding

(Sales breakdown)

                              FY2004                     FY2003                           
                     (April 1, 2003 - Mar. 31,  (April 1, 2002 - Mar. 31,                 
                               2004)                      2003)              Change       
Product/Term                                (U.S.$                          (Yen mil      
                    (Yen millions)   %    thousands)  (Yen mil lions)   %    lions)    %  
materials and                                                                             
components                 271,043  85.8    2,557,009         278,006  86.7  (6,963)  -2.5
materials                  130,925  41.4    1,235,141         133,325  41.6  (2,400)  -1.8
Electronic devices          81,096  25.7      765,056          86,274  26.9  (5,178)  -6.0
Recording devices           40,227  12.7      379,500          46,437  14.5  (6,210) -13.4
Semiconductors &                                                                          
others                      18,793   5.9      177,292          11,968   3.7    6,825  57.0
Recording media &                                                                         
systems                     45,006  14.2      424,584          42,690  13.3    2,316   5.4
Total sales                316,050 100.0    2,981,603         320,697 100.0  (4,647)  -1.4
Overseas sales             182,928  57.9    1,725,735         176,461  55.0    6,467   3.7

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


II-2) Statements of income (Non-Consolidated)

                                    FY2004                 FY2003                         
                          (April 1, 2003 - Mar. 31,   (April 1, 2002 -                    
                                    2004)              Mar. 31, 2003)         Change      
Item/Term                   (Yen            (U.S.$       (Yen              (Yen           
                          millions)   %   thousands)   millions)     %   millions)    %   
Net sales                   316,050 100.0  2,981,603       320,697 100.0   (4,647)    -1.4
Cost of sales               255,372  80.8  2,409,169       262,053  81.7   (6,681)    -2.5
Gross profit                 60,677  19.2    572,424        58,643  18.3     2,034     3.5
Selling, general and                                                                      
administrative expenses      58,921  18.6    555,858        55,461  17.3     3,460     6.2
Operating income              1,756   0.6     16,566         3,182   1.0   (1,426)   -44.8
Other income                                                                              
Interest and dividend                                                                     
income                        3,369           31,783         2,803             566        
Technology commission         7,784           73,433         3,754           4,030        
Interest expense               (26)            (245)          (18)             (8)        
Foreign exchange gain                                                                     
(loss)                      (2,471)         (23,311)         (532)         (1,939)        
Other-net                     (134)          (1,264)         (112)            (22)        
Total other income                                                                        
(deductions)                  8,521   2.7     80,386         5,895   1.8     2,626    44.5
Current income               10,277   3.3     96,952         9,078   2.8     1,199    13.2
Extraordinary profit          1,816   0.6     17,132           351   0.1     1,465   417.4
Extraordinary loss          (6,410)  -2.1   (60,471)       (7,806)  -2.4     1,396   -17.9
Income before income                                                                      
taxes                         5,683   1.8     53,613         1,623   0.5     4,060   250.2
Income taxes                  1,224   0.4     11,547         1,489   0.5     (265)   -17.8
Net income                    4,458   1.4     42,056           133   0.0     4,325 3,251.9

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


II-3) Balance sheets (Non-Consolidated)


                                                     As of Mar. 31,           
                            As of Mar. 31, 2004           2003        Change  
Item/Term                 (Yen             (U.S.$      (Yen            (Yen   
                        millions)   %    thousands)  millions)   %   millions)
Current assets            261,758  49.8    2,469,415   224,917  44.1    36,841
Cash                       59,450            560,849    55,240           4,210
Marketable securities      15,398            145,264    11,399           3,999
Net trade receivables      82,464            777,962    74,566           7,898
Inventories                24,574            231,830    26,136         (1,562)
Other current assets       79,870            753,490    57,574          22,296
Noncurrent assets         264,385  50.2    2,494,198   284,643  55.9  (20,258)
Investments in                                                                
securities                  3,202             30,207     4,082           (880)
Investments in                                                                
affiliates                107,949          1,018,386   107,888              61
Net property, plant and                                                       
equipment                 114,294          1,078,245   123,737         (9,443)
Other assets               38,938            367,339    48,934         (9,996)
TOTAL                     526,143 100.0    4,963,613   509,561 100.0    16,582

                     LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                      

                                                                As of Mar. 31,            
                                     As of Mar. 31, 2004             2003         Change  
Item/Term                          (Yen             (U.S.$        (Yen             (Yen   
                                millions)    %    thousands)   millions)    %   millions) 
Current liabilities                 72,832  13.8       687,094     60,672  11.9     12,160
Trade payables                      38,704             365,132     32,843            5,861
Accrued expenses                    12,831             121,047      8,387            4,444
Income taxes payables                2,282              21,528         52            2,230
Other current liabilities           19,014             179,377     19,389            (375)
Noncurrent liabilities              37,432   7.2       353,132     29,646   5.8      7,786
Retirement and severance                                                                  
benefits                            37,128             350,264     29,337            7,791
Director's retirement allowance        303               2,858        309              (6)
Total liabilities                  110,264  21.0     1,040,226     90,319  17.7     19,945
Common stock                        32,641             307,933     32,641                -
Additional paid-in capital          59,256             559,018     59,256                -
Legal reserve                        8,160              76,981      8,160                -
Retained earnings                  321,674           3,034,660    323,999          (2,325)
Net unrealized gains (losses)                                                             
on securities                          484               4,566         37              447
Treasury stock                     (6,338)            (59,792)    (4,854)          (1,484)
Total stockholders' equity         415,878  79.0     3,923,377    419,241  82.3    (3,363)
TOTAL                              526,143 100.0     4,963,613    509,561 100.0     16,582

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 106


II-4) Management Changes

1. Candidate for election to the Board of Directors                            
   Takehiro        (General manager, Data Storage & Thin Film Technology       
   Kamigama        components Business Group)                                  
2. Retiring                                                                    
   Hirokazu        (General manager, China Business Development Group)         
3. Candidate for election to the Board of Corporate Auditors                   
   Ryoichi Ohno *  (Chief Financial Officer, The Gibraltar Life Insurance Co., 
                   Ltd. Vice President, Finance, Prudential Financial, Inc.)   
                   * Outside Corporate Auditor                                 
4. Retiring                                                                    
   Osamu Nakamoto                                                              
                   * Outside Corporate Auditor                                 


II-5) Supplementary Information

Ratio of results on a Consolidated basis to results on a Non-Consolidated basis

                                                          Ratio of the previous
                                Ratio of the FY2004            fiscal year     
Net sales                                            2.1     1.9               
Operating income                                    30.9     6.9               
Income before income                                                           
taxes                                                5.4    11.1               
Net income                                           9.4    90.4               

Exchange rates used for conversion

                  April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004 April 1, 2002 - March 31, 2003
Item/Term            US$=Yen        Euro=Yen        US$=Yen        Euro=Yen    
Sales                     113.19          132.65         121.98          120.88
The end of the                                                                 
period                    105.69          128.88         120.20          129.83


                              April 1, 2003 - March April 1, 2002 - March       
                                    31, 2004              31, 2003              
                                 Amount    Ratio to    Amount    Ratio to       
Item/Term                         (Yen      sales       (Yen      sales         
                               millions)     (%)     millions)     (%)     (%)  
Capital expenditures                19,627        -       24,959        -  -21.4
Depreciation and amortization       25,109      7.9       26,529      8.3   -5.4
Research and development            24,759      7.8       22,530      7.0    9.9
Result of financial income           3,373                 2,829            19.2
Number of employees (as at                                                      
the end of the period)               6,113                 6,212                

Nobuyuki Koike                 
TDK Corporation                
Corporate Communications Dept. 
Tel: (81)-3-5201-7102          

                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

             TDK Issues Stock Acquisition Rights for Stock Options             

TOKYO JAPAN, April 28, 2004 - TDK Corporation (the "Company") (President:
Hajime Sawabe) announces that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on
April 28, 2004, a resolution passed that the issue of stock acquisition rights
with specially favorable terms and conditions to persons other than
stockholders for the purpose of implementing stock options pursuant to Articles
280-20 and 280-21 of the Commercial Code of Japan will be proposed for approval
at the 108th Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Stockholders scheduled for
Tuesday, June 29, 2004.

1.     Reason for Issuing Stock Acquisition Rights with specially Favorable
Terms and Conditions to Parties Other Than Stockholders:

TDK will implement a stock option program for Directors, Corporate Executive
Officers and high-ranking Managers of TDK and group companies. The stock option
program is designed to provide TDK's key personnel with further incentive for
enhancement of consolidated operating results.

2.     Matters Pertaining to the Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights:

(1)   Class and Number of Shares to be Issued upon exercise the Stock
Acquisition Rights:

Up to 380,000 shares of common stock

In the event that the number of shares allocated per stock acquisition rights
(as defined below) is adjusted in accordance with (2) below, the maximum number
of shares to be issued for the purpose of granting stock acquisition rights
shall be calculated by multiplying the aggregate number of stock acquisition
rights to be issued by the number of shares after adjustment.

(2)   Aggregate Number of Stock Acquisition Rights to Be Issued:

Up to 3,800

The number of shares per stock acquisition right (hereinafter the "number of
shares granted") shall be 100. Provided, however, that in the event that the
Company makes a stock split or stock consolidation for its common stock on and
after the date on which stock acquisition rights are issued (hereinafter the
"issue date"), the number of shares granted shall be adjusted proportionately
based on the stock split or stock consolidation ratio. Fractions less than one
share arising out of such adjustment shall be discarded.

(3)   Issue Price of Stock Acquisition Rights:

Free of charge

(4)   Total Amount Due Upon Exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights:

The total amount due upon exercise of stock acquisition rights shall be the
price to be paid for each share, issued or transferred upon the exercise of
rights (hereinafter the "exercise price"), multiplied by the number of shares

The exercise price shall be an amount which is the average of the closing price
(regular way) of the Company's shares of common stock on the Tokyo Stock
Exchange on each day (other than any day on which no sale is reported) of the
month immediately preceding the date of the issuance of stock acquisition
rights, multiplied by 1.05. Any amount less than one yen arising out of such
adjustment shall be rounded upward to the nearest yen.

Provided, however, that, if such price is less than the closing price as of the
date of issue of stock acquisition rights, then such closing price reported on
the date of issue of stock acquisition rights shall be the exercise price.

In case the Company issues new shares or disposes of its own shares at a price
less than the current market price after the issue date, the exercise price
shall be adjusted in accordance with the following formula and any amount less
than one yen arising out of such adjustment shall be rounded upward to the
nearest yen:

                                         Number of  � Amount paid              
                                                      per share                
                              Number     issued                                
                              shares   +                                       
                                                    Current market price       
Exercise price   Exercise     Number                Number of new shares       
after    =       price      � of             +                                 
adjustment       before       shares                increased after stock split
                 adjustment   issued                or new issuance            

In the above formula, the "number of shares issued" shall be defined as the
number of shares of common stock issued and outstanding less the number of
treasury stock. In the event that the Company disposes of treasury stock, the
"number of shares newly issued" shall be read as "number of treasury stock to
be transferred." Provided, however, that in the event that the Company makes a
stock split or stock consolidation for its common stock on and after the issue
date, the exercise price shall be adjusted proportionately based on the stock
split or stock consolidation ratio. Fractions less than one share arising out
of such adjustment shall be discarded.


(5)   Exercise Period for Stock Acquisition Rights:

From August 1, 2006 to July 31, 2010

(6)   Conditions for Exercising of Stock Acquisition Rights:

Partial exercise of stock acquisition rights is not permitted.

(7)   Reasons and Conditions for the Cancellation of Stock Acquisition Rights:

(1)   The Company may cancel these stock acquisition rights without
compensation, if a proposal for approval of a merger agreement, under which the
Company is the dissolving company, is approved at a meeting of stockholders of
the Company, or if a proposal for approval of a stock exchange agreement or a
proposal for share transfer that makes the Company a wholly owned subsidiary,
is approved at a meeting of stockholders of the Company.

(2)   In the event that the Company acquires unexercised stock acquisition
rights, it may cancel these stock acquisition rights without compensation at
any time.(8)   Transfer Restrictions of Stock Acquisition Rights:

The transfer of stock acquisition rights requires the approval of the Board of
Directors of the Company.

3.     Matters Pertaining to the Allotment of Stock Acquisition Rights: When
granting stock acquisition rights, the Company shall execute a "Agreement of
Allotment of Stock Acquisition Rights" with each eligible person. This
Agreement sets forth the following conditions that the Company's Board of
Directors has deemed reasonable for deciding on the issuance of stock
acquisition rights.

(1)   In the event that Eligible Directors and corporate officers, who have
been granted such stock acquisition rights, are removed from their respective
offices, voluntarily resign, or lose their positions due to disqualification,
stock acquisition rights may not be exercised. Provided, however, that this
excludes the situation where a Director, corporate officer or employee is
dismissed or resigns due to a change in their position.

(2)   Eligible employees who leave due to dismissal for cause, demotion,
involuntary release or voluntary resignation may not exercise these rights.

(3)   Eligible persons who leave an eligible post for a reason other than those
listed above (1) and (2) may exercise these options for a period of two years
following the date they become no longer to hold the post.

(4)   The stock acquisition rights may not be sold, transferred, disposed of
and inherited upon the death of the holder.


(5)   The Agreement shall also specify other matters that limit the exercise of
stock acquisition rights in addition to the above.

Note: Subject to approval at the 108th Ordinary Annual General Meeting of
Stockholders scheduled for Tuesday, June 29, 2004, the specific details of the
issue and granting of stock acquisition rights will be determined at a meeting
of the Board of Directors to be held subsequent to the closing of the said
Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Stockholders.

                                 #     #     #                                 

Nobuyuki Koike                 
TDK Corporation                
Corporate Communications Dept. 
Tel: (81)-3-5201-7102          

                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

                            TDK to Buy Back Shares                             

(Acquisition of Treasury Stock Under Article 210 of the Commercial Code of

TOKYO JAPAN, April 28, 2004 - TDK Corporation (the "Company") (President:
Hajime Sawabe) announces that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on
April 28, 2004 a resolution passed that share buyback in accordance with
Article 210 of the Commercial Code of Japan will be proposed at the 108th
Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Stockholders scheduled for Tuesday, June 29,

1.     Reason for Share Buyback

TDK will repurchase its own shares so that it may transfer treasury stock upon
exercise of stock acquisition rights under the stock option program.

2.     Details of the Share Buyback

(1) Type of shares to be repurchased:           common stock
(2) Number of shares to be repurchased: Up to 380,000 shares
(3) Total cost:                           Up to �3.4 billion

Note: The period of share buyback will start on or after such share buyback is
resolved at the 108th Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Stockholders to be
held on June 29, 2004 and extend until the closing of the next ordinary annual
general meeting of stockholders.


Number of treasury stock held as of March 31, 2004:

Total number of shares issued (excluding treasury stock): 132,409,452 shares
Number of treasury stock:                                     780,207 shares

                                 #     #     #                                 


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