RNS Number:4141Z
TDK Corporation
1 August 2002


TDK Corporation(Tokyo)          Corporation Communications Department
                                Michinori Katayama            +81(3)5201-7102

TDK U.S.A. Corporation          Francis J. Sweeney            +1(516)535-2600    

TDK UK Limited                  Ron Matier                    +44(1737)773773
TOKYO - August 1,2002 TDK Corporation today announced its consolidated business 
results prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in 
the United States of America for the 1st quarter (Qtr.) of fiscal year (FY) 2003 
and 2002, the three months ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 are as follows;

1) Summary
Consolidated results (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002)

             Term             The 1st Qtr. of FY2003                The 1st Qtr. of
FY 2002
                            (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002)       (April 1, 2001 -
June 30, 2001)
Items            (Yen millions)         %    (U.S.$ thousands)     (Yen millions)    
 %   (Yen millions)        %

Net sales            148,708         100.0       1,239,233         140,244          
100.0       8,464         6.0

Operating income       5,986           4.0          49,883           2,589           
 1.8       3,397       131.2

income before 
income taxes           3,303           2.2          27,525           2,564           
 1.8         739        28.8

Net income             2,161           1.5          18,008           1,207           
 0.9         954        79.0

Net income per          
common share            Yen 16.27               U.S.$ 0.14        Yen 9.07         

(Sales breakdown)

             Term             The 1st Qtr. of FY2003                The 1st Qtr. of
FY 2002
                            (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002)       (April 1, 2001 -
June 30, 2001)
Products                  (Yen millions)       %    (U.S.$ thousands)    (Yen
millions)      %    (Yen millions)    %

Electronic materials   
     and components           118,170       79.5        984,750             110,321  
   78.7         7,849        7.1
Electronic materials           45,860       30.8        382,167              43,900  
   31.3         1,960        4.5
Electronic devices             29,844       20.1        248,700              28,550  
   20.4         1,294        4.5
Recording devices              38,341       25.8        319,508              32,834  
   23.4         5,507       16.8
         & others               4,125        2.8         34,375               5,037  
    3.6          (912)     (18.1)
Recording media
         & systems             30,538       20.5        254,483              29,923  
   21.3           615        2.1

Total sales                   148,708      100.0      1,239,233             140,244  
  100.0         8,464        6.0

Overseas sales                106,191       71.4        884,925              96,745  
   69.0         9,446        9.8

1. The figures for net income per common share are calculated based upon the 
    weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total
    outstanding number).

2. TDK adopted the Emerging Issues Task Force Issue 01-9 ("EITF 01-9"), 
   "Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a 
   Reseller of the Vendor's Products)" from the fiscal year beginning April 1, 
   2002 and has applied EITF 01-9 retroactively.

3. Consolidated results for the 1st quarter of FY2003 and FY2002 are unaudited 
   by independent auditors.

4. U.S.$1 = Yen 120

2) Business Results and Financial Position

1. Summary

Consolidated results for the 1st quarter of fiscal 2003, the three months period 
from April 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002 are as follows:

Net sales increased 6.0% to Y148,708 million (US$1,239,233 thousand), operating 
income soared 131.2% to Y5,986 million (US$49,883 thousand) and income before 
income taxes rose 28.8% to Y3,303 million (US$27,525 thousand). Net income 
climbed 79.0% to Y2,161 million (US$18,008 thousand) and net income per common 
share was Y16.27 (US$0.14).

Average 1st quarter yen exchange rates for the U.S. dollar and the euro were 
Y127 and Y117, respectively, as the yen depreciated 4% versus the dollar and 9% 
versus the euro, compared with the previous year's 1st quarter. This had the 
effect of increasing net sales by approximately Y4.2 billion and operating 
income by approximately Y0.8 billion.

(Sales by Segment)
The following is an explanation of results by segment.

Electronic materials and components segment
In the electronic materials and components segment, net sales rose 7.1% to 
Y118,170 million (US$984,750 thousand) as orders began to rebound early in 2002, 
ending a prolonged period of inventory reductions at customers that lasted 
throughout 2001.

Electronic materials
Within this segment, sales in the electronic materials sector increased 4.5% to 
Y45,860 million (US$382,167 thousand).
(Capacitors) Sales of capacitors rose on the back of continuing strong demand 
for use in audio and visual products, such as DVD players and video game 
consoles, and in automobiles and PCS and peripherals.
(Ferrite cores and magnets) In ferrite cores and magnets, overall sales of 
ferrite cores dropped year on year. Demand failed to recover for cores used in 
information and communications applications, and for deflection yoke cores, a 
key component of TVs and computer monitors. This negated firm demand for cores 
used in LCD backlights and power supplies for audio and visual products. Magnet 
sales, meanwhile, were largely the same year on year thanks to a continuation of 
solid demand from the previous fiscal year from the automobile and parts fields.

Electronic devices
In the electronic devices sector, sales rose 4.5% to Y29,844 million (US$248,700
(Inductive devices) Inductive devices saw sales remain stable as a whole because 
sales to the communications market fell short of those in the corresponding 
quarter of the previous year. This result came despite a slight increase in 
demand for devices used in PCs and peripherals and in automotive applications 
due to the increasing use of electronics in automobiles.
(High-Frequency components) Sales of high-frequency components also dropped due 
to stronger calls than last year for discounts from customers. The effect of 
these discounts outweighed a quarter-on-quarter recovery in demand for use in 
communications applications, particularly mobile phones. A high proportion of 
TDK's high-frequency components are used in this market.
(Other products) In other products, sales rose, buoyed by strong demand for 
DC-DC converters for video game systems.

Recording devices
Recording devices sales rose 16.8% to Y38,341 million (US$319,508 thousand) as 
TDK increased sales of HDD heads, regaining market share. Behind this growth 
were TDK's well-received 40 gigabyte/disk HDD heads, which have become the 
company's mainstay product in this sector. Sales of other heads fell due to 
inventory cutbacks by customers and other factors.

Semiconductors & others
Sales in the semiconductors and others sector dropped 18.1% to Y4,125 million 
(US$34,375 thousand), reflecting a sharp drop in sales of semiconductors for 
WAN/LAN and set-top box modems due to the continuing low levels of investment in 
communications infrastructure equipment.

Recording media & systems segment
In the recording media & systems segment, sales edged up 2.1% to Y30,538 million 
(US$254,483 thousand). Audiotape sales fell as overall demand softened, but 
videotapes sales rose slightly, boosted by demand stemming from the 2002 FIFA 
World Cup TM. Optical disc sales increased on rising volumes of mainstay CD-Rs, 
which offset falling sales prices, and increasing sales of DVDs. Tape-based data 
storage media sales rose, contributing to the overall sales growth.

(Sales by Region)
By region, sales in Japan declined 2.3% to Y42,517 million (US$354,308 
thousand), reflecting weakness in many product categories compared with other 
regions. One bright note was higher demand for DC-DC converters for video game 
systems. In the Americas, sales rose 8.3% to Y29,197 million (US$243,308 
thousand), despite lower demand in electronic materials and electronic devices. 
This increase reflected two factors: higher sales in recording devices, as TDK 
regained market share, and higher sales in the recording media & systems 
segment. In Europe, sales dropped 15.8% to Y16,634 million (US$138,617 million) 
due to waning demand for electronic materials for mobile phones, particularly 
GSM-format phones, and electronic devices. In Asia (excluding Japan) and Others, 
sales climbed 20.7% to Y60,360 million (US$503,000 thousand) on higher sales in 
recording devices, as TDK regained market share, and an upturn in orders for 
electronic materials and electronic devices.

The overall result was a 9.8% rise in overseas sales year on year to Y106,191 
million (US$884,925 thousand). Overseas sales accounted for 71.4% of 
consolidated net sales, a 2.4 percentage point increase from 69.0% in the 
previous year's 1st quarter.

2. Cash Flows 
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Operating activities provided net cash of Y9,755 million, Y1,037 million higher 
year on year. This reflected level depreciation and amortization, decreases in 
trade receivables and inventories, and increases in trade payables. On the other 
hand, accrued salaries and wages, retirement pay decreased substantially due to 
the payment of early retirement expenses accompanying structural reforms 
implemented in the previous fiscal year.

Cash Flows From Investing Activities
Investing activities used net cash of Y6,168 million, Y17,209 million less than 
in the previous year's 1st quarter. This was attributable to a Y16,282 million 
fall to Y6,342 million in capital expenditures.

Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Financing activities used net cash of Y2,967 million, Y3,220 million less than 
in the previous year's 1st quarter. Repayments of short-term debt were lower and 
only Y2,657 million was used for the payment of dividends as TDK reduced its 
dividend beginning with the payment applicable to the second half of the 
previous fiscal year.

3. Fiscal 2003 Projections
TDK's consolidated projections for fiscal 2003, the year ending March 31, 2003, 
which were announced in May this year, have been revised as follows. The 
consolidated projections are based principally on the following assumptions:
# The average yen-U.S. dollar exchange rate for the fiscal year was initially
estimated at Y120. TDK is also assuming a rate of Y120 for the second quarter
# As explained in May, TDK expects any economic recovery, particularly in the
U.S., to be tenuous and any upturn in demand to be mild at best. Consequently,
TDK is predicting a continuation of difficult market conditions for the
electronic components industry.
# Regarding earnings' forecasts for the second quarter onward, TDK does not
expect any significant change from the projections announced in May. TDK thus
projects the following results for the full year.

Consolidated Projections for Fiscal 2003

                                       Revised        Change    As of May 
                                    Projection   (Y millions         2002 
                                    Y millions    or %) from   Y millions 
Net sales                             Y580,000          1.7%     Y580,000 
Operating income (loss)                 20,000      -43,722        20,000 
Income (loss) before income             17,000      -43,697        17,000
Net income (loss)                       13,000      -25,771        13,000


TDK adopted the Emerging Issues Task Force Issue 01-9 ("EITF 01-9"), "Accounting
for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer (including a Reseller of the
Vendor's Products)" from the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2002 and has applied
EITF 01-9 retroactively, restating net sales for fiscal 2002.

Cautionary Statement About Projections
This earnings release contains forward-looking statements, including
projections, plans, policies, management strategies, targets, schedules,
understandings and evaluations, about TDK and its group companies that are not
historical facts. These forward-looking statements are based on current
forecasts, estimates, assumptions, plans, beliefs and evaluations in light of
information available to management on the date of this earnings release. 

In preparing forecasts and estimates, TDK and its group companies have used as
their basis, certain assumptions as necessary, in addition to confirmed
historical facts. However, due to their nature, there is no guarantee that these
statements and assumptions will prove to be accurate in the future. TDK
therefore wishes to caution readers that these statements, facts and certain
assumptions contained in this earnings release are subject to a number of risks
and uncertainties and may prove to be inaccurate.

The electronics markets in which TDK and its group companies operate are highly
susceptible to rapid changes. Furthermore, TDK and its group companies operate
not only in Japan, but in many other countries. As such, factors that can have
significant effects on its results include, but are not limited to, shifts in
technology, demand, prices, competition, economic environments and foreign
exchange rates.

The premises and assumptions used in computing the projections in this earnings
release include, but are not limited to, those explained above.


3) Statements of income

                          Term             The 1st Qtr. of FY2003             The 1st
Qtr. of FY2002            Change
                                         (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002) (April 1,
2001 - June 30, 2001)     
                                            (Yen         %        U.S.$          
(Yen          %            (Yen     %
Items                                   millions)             thousands)    
millions)                   millions)     
Net sales                                148,708    100.0     1,239,233       140,244
      100.0           8,464   6.0
Cost of sales                            112,197     75.4       934,975       106,202
       75.7           5,995   5.6
Gross profit                              36,511     24.6       304,258        34,042
       24.3           2,469   7.3
Selling, general and                                   
administrative expenses                   29,713     20.0       247,608        31,453
       22.5          (1,740) (5.5)
Restructuring cost                           812      0.6         6,767             -
          -             812     -
Operating income                           5,986      4.0        49,883         2,589
        1.8           3,397 131.2

Other income (deductions):                                   
Interest and dividend income                 325                  2,708           713
Interest expense                            (118)                  (983)        
(360)                        242     
Foreign exchange gain (loss)              (2,890)               (24,083)         
(92)                     (2,798)     
Other-net                                      0                      0         
(286)                        286     
Total other income (deductions)           (2,683)    (1.8)      (22,358)         
(25)          -          (2,658)    -

Income before income taxes                 3,303      2.2        27,525         2,564
        1.8             739  28.8
Income taxes                               1,103      0.7         9,192         1,257
        0.9            (154)(12.3)
Income before minority interests           2,200      1.5        18,333         1,307
        0.9             893  68.3
Minority Interests                            39        -           325           100
          -              61  61.0
Net income                                 2,161      1.5        18,008         1,207
        0.9             954  79.0

Net income per common share                  Yen 16.27       U.S. $0.14            
Yen 9.07     
Average common shares outstanding              132,859 thousands               
133,019 thousands     


1. The figures for net income per common share are calculated based upon the
weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total outstanding

2. TDK adopted the Emerging Issues Task Force Issue 01-9 ("EITF 01-9"),
"Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a
Reseller of the Vendor's Products)" from the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2002
and has applied EITF 01-9 retroactively.

3. Statements of Income for the 1st quarter of FY2003 and FY2002 are unaudited
by Independent auditors.

4. U.S.$1=Yen 120


4) Balance sheets

                Term                   As of June 30, 2002         As of Mar. 31,
2002     Change    As of June 30, 2001
                                       (Yen       %     (U.S. $   (Yen millions)     
%      (Yen      (Yen           %
Items                              millions)          thousands)                     
   millions) millions)
Current assets                      383,470    53.2   3,195,583        399,206    
53.2   (15,736)  416,314        52.6 
Cash and cash equivalents           120,289           1,002,408        125,761       
     (5,472)  129,849     
Net trade receivables               134,155           1,117,959        142,827       
     (8,672)  132,123     
Inventories                          83,734             697,783         91,149       
     (7,415)  123,531
Other current assets                 45,292             377,433         39,469       
      5,823    30,811     
Noncurrent assets                   336,906    46.8   2,807,550        350,704    
46.8   (13,798)  374,632        47.4
Investments and advances             21,573             179,775         24,265       
     (2,692)   22,979     
Net property, plant and equipment   249,884           2,082,367        265,590       
    (15,706)  283,377
Prepaid pension cost                      -                   -              -       
          -    40,039
Other assets                         65,449             545,408         60,849       
      4,600    28,237     
TOTAL                               720,376   100.0   6,003,133        749,910   
100.0   (29,534)  790,946       100.0

                Term                   As of June 30, 2002         As of Mar. 31,
2002     Change    As of June 30, 2001
                                       (Yen       %     (U.S. $   (Yen millions)     
%      (Yen      (Yen           %
Items                              millions)          thousands)                     
   millions) millions)
Current liabilities                  95,230    13.2     793,583        110,341    
14.7   (15,111)  119,232        15.1
Short-term debt                       1,854              15,450          2,312       
       (458)    3,795     
Trade payables                       53,898             449,150         52,609       
      1,289    53,161     
Accrued expenses                     22,848             190,400         23,757       
       (909)   31,166     
Income taxes                          2,765              23,042          2,546       
        219     6,116     
Other current liabilities            13,865             115,541         29,117       
    (15,252)   24,994     

Noncurrent liabilities               64,025     8.9     533,542         51,049     
6.8    12,976    33,121         4.2
Long-term debt, excluding 
current installments                    352               2,933            459       
       (107)      832     
Retirement and severance benefits    61,995             516,625         49,992       
     12,003    31,872     
Deferred income taxes                 1,678              13,984            598       
      1,080       417     

Total liabilities                   159,255    22.1   1,327,125        161,390    
21.5    (2,135)  152,353        19.3

Minority interests                    4,541     0.6      37,842          4,593     
0.6       (52)    3,455         0.4

Common stock                         32,641             272,008         32,641       
          -    32,641     
Additional paid-in capital           63,051             525,425         63,051       
          -    63,051     
Legal reserve                        15,844             132,033         15,683       
        161    15,374     
Retained earnings                   519,486           4,329,050        520,143       
       (657)  551,416     
other comprehensive income (loss)   (70,847)           (590,392)       (43,999)      
    (26,848)  (24,677)     
Treasury stock                       (3,595)            (29,958)        (3,592)      
         (3)   (2,667)     
Total stockholders' equity          556,580    77.3   4,638,166        583,927    
77.9   (27,347)  635,138        80.3
TOTAL                               720,376   100.0   6,003,133        749,910   
100.0   (29,534)  790,946       100.0
Total common shares outstanding         132,859 thousands             132,860
thousands          133,019 thousands


1. Balance sheets as of June 30,2002 and 2001 are unaudited by independent 

2. U.S.$1=Yen 120

5) Statements of cash flows 
The 1st Qtr
of FY2002                         
                                                        The 1st Qtr.of FY2003        
(April 1,                         
                                                    (April 1,2002 - June 30. 2002)   
 30, 2001      
                                                          (Yen            (U.S.$     
  Items                                               millions)        thousands)    
Cash flows from operating activities:                                                
  Net income                                             2,161            18,008     
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to                                             
           net cash provided by operating activities:                                
   Depreciation and amortization                        14,469           120,575     
   Loss on disposal of property and equipment            1,083             9,025     
   Deferred income taxes                                  (169)           (1,408)    
   Changes in assets and liabilities:                                                
    Decrease in trade receivables                        1,579            13,158     
    Decrease (increase) in inventories                   3,639            30,325     
    Increase (decrease) in trade payables                4,370            36,417     
    Increase (decrease) in accrued salaries                      
                  and wages, retirement pay            (17,707)         (147,558)    
    Increase (decrease) in income taxes                    352             2,933     
   Other-net                                               (22)             (183)    
Net cash provided by operating activities                9,755            81,292     
Cash flows from investing activities:                                                
   Capital expenditures                                 (6,342)          (52,850)    
   Payment for purchase of  investments                    (30)             (250)    
   Other-net                                               204             1,700     
Net cash used in investing activities                   (6,168)          (51,400)    

Cash flows from financing activities:                                                
   Repayment of long-term debt                            (251)           (2,092)    
   Decrease in  short-term debt                            (56)             (466)    
   Payment to acquire treasury stock                        (3)              (25)    
   Dividends paid                                       (2,657)          (22,142)    

Net cash used in financing activities                   (2,967)          (24,725)    

Effect of exchange rate changes 
                  on cash and cash equivalents          (6,092)          (50,767)    
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents               (5,472)          (45,600)    
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       125,761         1,048,008     
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             120,289         1,002,408     

1. Statements of cash flows for the 1st quarter of FY2003 and FY2002 are 
   unaudited by independent auditors. 

2. U.S.$1=Yen 120 

6) Segment information 

The following industry and geographic segment information are required by the 
Japanese Securities Exchange Law. Segment information is unaudited. 

TDK adopted the Emerging Issues Task Force Issue 01-9 ("EITF 01-9"). "Accounting
for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a Reseller of the
Vendor's Products)" from the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2002 and has applied
EITF 01-9 retroactively. 

1. Industry segment information 

                                                                            The 1st
Qtr. of
                                             The 1st Qtr. of FY2003            
                                                                           (April 1,
2001 -           Change
                                        (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002)      June 30,

                                           (Yen                   U.S.$        (Yen  
Items                                  millions)         %    thousands)    millions 
     %   millions        %

Electronic materials and components     
  Net sales                             118,170      100.0      984,750     110,321  
 100.0      7,849      7.1 
    Unaffiliated customers              118,170                 984,750     110,321  
            7,849      7.1
    Intersegment                              -                       -           -  
                -        -
  Operating expenses                    112,654       95.3      938,783     106,096  
  96.2      6,558      6.2        
  Operating income                        5,516        4.7       45,967       4,225  
   3.8      1,291     30.6        
Recording media & systems
  Net sales                              30,538      100.0      254,483      29,923  
 100.0        615      2.1  
    Unaffiliated customers               30,538                 254,483      29,923  
              615      2.1        
    Intersegment                              -                       -           -  
                -        -        
  Operating expenses                     30,068       98.5      250,567      31,559  
 105.5     (1,491)    (4.7)       
  Operating Income (loss)                   470        1.5        3,916      (1,636) 
  (5.5)     2,106        -        

  Net sales                             148,708      100.0    1,239,233     140,244  
100.00      8,464      6.0 
    Unaffiliated customers              148,708               1,239,233     140,244  
            8,464      6.0        
    Intersegment                              -                       -           -  
                -        -        
  Operating expenses                    142,722       96.0    1,189,350     137,655  
  98.2      5,067      3.7        
  Operating Income (loss)                 5,986        4.0       49,883       2,589  
   1.8      3,397    131.2        

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 120                                                                 

2. Geographic segment information

                                                                            The 1st
Qtr. of
                                             The 1st Qtr. of FY2003            
                                                                           (April 1,
2001 -           Change
                                        (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002)      June 30,

                                           (Yen                   U.S.$         (Yen 
Region                                 millions)         %    thousands)    millions)
     %  millions)        %

Japan           Net sales                86,610      100.0      721,750       87,342 
 100.0       (732)    (0.8)
                Operating income          1,157        1.3        9,642        3,884 
   4.4     (2,727)   (70.2)       
Americas        Net sales                25,239      100.0      210,325       25,612 
 100.0       (373)    (1.5)   
                Operating income (loss)     (65)      (0.3)        (542)      (2,637)
 (10.3)     2,572     97.5

Europe          Net sales                16,627      100.0      138,558       19,276 
 100.0     (2,649)   (13.7)  
                Operating income (loss)    (611)      (3.7)      (5,092)         203 
   1.1       (814)       -        
Asia and        Net sales                74,469      100.0      620,575       63,137 
 100.0     11,332     17.9
others          Operating income          5,258        7.1       43,817          740 
   1.2      4,518    610.5

Intersegment    Net sales                54,237                 451,975       55,123 
eliminations    Operating income (loss)    (247)                 (2,058)        (399)
Total           Net sales               148,708      100.0    1,239,233      140,244 
 100.0      8,464      6.0
                Operating income          5,986        4.0       49,883        2,589 
   1.8      3,397    131.2

1. The sales are classified by geographic areas of the seller and include 
   transfers between geographic areas. 

2. U.S.$1=Yen 120 

3. Sales by region 

                                                                            The 1st
Qtr. of
                                             The 1st Qtr. of FY2003            
                                                                           (April 1,
2001 -           Change
                                        (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002)      June 30,

                                           (Yen                   U.S.$        (Yen  
Region                                 millions)         %    thousands)    millions)
      %  millions)        %

Americas                                 29,197       19.6      243,308       26,970 
   19.2     2,227       8.3
Europe                                   16,634       11.2      138,617       19,765 
   14.1    (3,131)    (15.8)
Asia and others                          60,360       40.6      503,000       50,010 
   35.7    10,350      20.7    
Overseas sales total                    106,191       71.4      884,925       96,745 
   69.0     9,446       9.8       
Japan                                    42,517       28.6      354,308       43,499 
   31.0      (982)     (2.3)   

Net sales                               148,708      100.0    1,239,233      140,244 
  100.0     8,464       6.0     

1. Sales by region are classified by geographic areas of the buyer. 

2. U.S.$1=Yen 120 

1. The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting 
   principles generally accepted in the United States of America. 

2. During this consolidated accounting period, TDK had 72 subsidiaries (21 in 
   Japan and 51 in overseas). TDK also had 7 affiliates (4 in Japan and 3 in 
   overseas) whose financial statements are accounted for by the equity method. 

3. Comprehensive income comprises net income and other comprehensive income. 
   Other comprehensive income includes changes in foreign currency translation 
   adjustments, minimum pension liability adjustments and net unrealized gains
   (losses) on securities. The net income, other comprehensive income (loss) and 
   total comprehensive income (loss) for the three months ended June 30, 2002 
   and 2001 were as follows; 

                               Term                                             The
1st Qtr. of
                                                  The 1st Qtr. of FY2003             
(April 1, 2001 -       
                                             (April 1, 2002 - June 30, 2002)      
June 30, 2001)

                                                    (Yen              U.S.$          
Items                                           millions)         thousands)         

Net income                                         2,161             18,008          

  Other comprehensive income (loss):             (19,665)          (163,875)         
  Minimum  pension liability adjustments          (5,862)           (48,850)         
  Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities     (1,321)           (11,008)         

Total comprehensive income (loss)                (24,687)          (205,725)         

Note: U.S.$1=Yen 120

4. Adoption of new accounting standards 

1) Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a 
   Reseller of the Vendor's Products) 

In May 2000, the Emerging Issues Task Force reached a final consensus on Issue
00-14 ("EITF 00-14"), "Accounting for Certain Sales Incentives". EITF 00-14
addresses accounting and reporting standards for sales incentives such as
coupons or rebates that are provided by vendors or manufacturers and are
exercisable by customers at the point of sale. 

In April 2001, the Emerging Issues Task Force also reached a final consensus on
a portion of Issue 00-25 ("EITF 00-25"), "Vendor Income Statement
Characterization of Consideration to a Purchaser of the Vendor's Products or
Services". EITF 00-25 addresses the income statement characterization of
consideration, other than that directly addressed in EITF 00-14, from a vendor
(typically a manufacturer or distributor) to a customer (typically a retailer or
wholesaler) in connection with the sale to the customer of the vendor's products
or promotion of sales of the vendor's products by the customer. 

In November 2001, EITF 00-14 and EITF 00-25 were subsequently codified in and
superseded by Issue 01-9 ("EITF 01-9"), "Accounting for Consideration Given by a
Vendor to a Customer (Including a Reseller of the Vendor's Products)" on which
the Emerging Issues Task Force reached a final consensus. TDK adopted EITF 01-9
on April 1, 2002. The adoption of EITF 01-9 did not have a material effect on
TDK's consolidated financial position or results of operations. 

2) Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets 

In August 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 144 ("SFAS 144"), "Accounting for the
Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets" which supersedes both Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 121 ("SFAS 121"), "Accounting for the
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of" and
the accounting and reporting provisions of APB Opinion No. 30 ("Opinion 30"),
"Reporting the Results of Operations - Reporting the Effects of Disposal of a
Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary, unusual and Infrequently Occurring
Events and Transactions", for the disposal of a segment of a business (as
previously defined in that Opinion). 

SFAS 144 retains the fundamental provisions in SFAS 121 for recognizing and
measuring impairment losses on long-lived assets held for use and long-lived
assets to be disposed of by sale, while also resolving significant
implementation issues associated with SFAS 121. TDK adopted SFAS 144 on April 1,
2002. The adoption of SFAS 144 did not have a material effect on TDK's
consolidated financial position or results of operations.
5. U.S. dollar amounts are translated from Yen, for convenience only, at the 
   rate of Yen 120 = U.S.$1, the approximate rate on the Tokyo Foreign Exchange 
   Market on June 28, 2002. 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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