RNS Number : 0124J

SQS Software Quality Systems AG

06 September 2016

6 September 2016

SQS Software Quality Systems AG

("SQS" or the "Company")

Results for the six months ended 30 June 2016

Software Quality Systems AG (AIM: SQS.L), the leading global specialist in end-to-end software and business process quality solutions, today announces its unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2016.

Financial Highlights

   --      Total revenue increased by 10.9% to EUR166.6m (H1 2015: EUR150.3m) 
   --      Adjusted* gross profit increased by 12.5% to EUR52.8m (H1 2015: EUR47.0m) 
   --      Adjusted** PBT increased by 32.1% to EUR11.9m (H1 2015: EUR9.0m) 

o Reflecting improved gross margin and improved revenue mix

   --      Adjusted EPS*** increased by 29.5% to EUR0.22 (H1 2015: EUR0.17) 

-- Operating cash outflow at EUR(1.2)m (H1 2015: EUR(5.2)m) resulting from typical first half seasonality

   --      Net debt EUR32.9m compared to EUR5.9m at 31 Dec 2015 (30 Jun 2015: EUR26.5m) 

o Reflecting EUR16.7m (H1 2015: EUR22.1m) cash outflow for investments on the acquisition of the final 25% of shares in SQS Pune (India) and IT infrastructure

-- Interim financial performance and ongoing strategic developments in line with management expectations

* adjusted for a non-cash amortisation of Bitmedia/Trissential acquired order backlog of EUR0.75m

** incl. effects under * and adjusted to add back EUR3.45m of IFRS amortisation of client relationship assets from the Bitmedia/Trissential acquisitions and EUR0.5m pro forma interests mainly arising from purchase price allocation for deferred payments on acquisitions

*** adjusted to add back effects under ** at actual local GAAP tax rate of 31.0%, less EUR1.3m on minority interests (mainly for SQS India BFSI)

Operational Highlights

-- Continued progress on strategy to capitalise on market trends in global digitalisation of business processes:

o Growth driven by US, Irish and Asian markets

o Customer wins driven by clients' investments in digital solutions such as connected cars, omni-channel commerce, mobile payments and smart grids

-- Broadened Management Consulting services portfolio and progressed industrialisation of quality assurance services

o Appointed Martin Hodgson as an additional Executive Director to SQS' board to drive the Management Consulting business globally (post balance sheet event, effective 6 September 2016). Martin joined SQS in December 2015

-- Developing position as a trusted end-to-end quality assurance partner for software based business processes

-- Successfully integrated acquisitions which continue to perform well, driving double digit revenue and profit growth, and increasing diversification of vertical and regional split

   --      Market share gains: 

o Enhanced market position, particularly in the US

o Strong position in Europe maintained

o New higher margin engagements fully compensating for circa EUR10m lower margin business SQS dis-engaged from during 2015

-- Strong growth in higher margin Managed Services and Management Consulting divisions, which combined now account for 64% of Group turnover (H1 2015: 57%)

   --      Renamed two divisions to align more accurately with operating activities: 

o Managed Services ("MS") remains as described

o Management Consulting ("MC"), formerly Specialist Consulting Services ("SCS")

o Professional Services ("PS"), formerly Regular Testing Services ("RTS")

Diederik Vos, Chief Executive Officer of SQS, commented:

"SQS has delivered a solid first half of the year, reporting double digit top line growth alongside a substantial improvement in profitability, both in PBT and EBIT. This growth has largely been driven by strong performances in both our Managed Services and Management Consulting divisions, where we are increasingly cross-selling our services to good effect.

"The US has now become our second largest region after Germany making up 17% of revenues. This shows the strides we have made since the acquisitions last year, and ensures we are on track with our strategy to capitalise on the huge market opportunity the US has to offer.

"The digitised economy opens up new and exciting opportunities for SQS as it enables us to broaden our offering as an end-to-end quality solutions partner. With so many industries now reliant on digital solutions that can cope with consumer demand both now and for the future, companies need to know their systems will not fail. Through our vertical industry expertise and end-to-end business solutions, SQS is well placed to benefit from this global trend.

"The Group's pipeline of prospects continues to strengthen across all divisions and the Board believes that SQS is well-positioned to deliver in line with our expectations for the full year."


SQS Software Quality Systems AG                            Tel. +49 (0) 2203 91 54 0 
Diederik Vos, Chief Executive Officer 
Rene Gawron, Chief Financial Officer 
Numis Securities - Nomad and Joint Broker                  Tel +44 (0) 20 7260 1000 
Simon Willis / Jamie Lillywhite / Mark Lander 
  Stockdale Securities - Joint Broker                        Tel. +44 (0) 20 7601 6100 
Robert Finlay / Antonio Bossi 
  FTI Consulting - Financial Media and Investor Relations    Tel. +44 (0)20 3727 1000 
Matt Dixon / Dwight Burden                                 sqs@fticonsulting.com 

About SQS

SQS is the leading global specialist in end-to-end software and business process quality solutions. This position stems from over 30 years of successful consultancy operations. SQS consultants provide solutions for all aspects of quality throughout the whole software product lifecycle driven by a standardised methodology, offshore automation processes and deep domain knowledge in various industries. Headquartered in Cologne, Germany, the company now employs approximately 4,600 staff. SQS has offices in Germany, UK, US, Australia, Austria, Egypt, Finland, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and UAE. In addition, SQS maintains a minority stake in a company in Portugal. In 2015, SQS generated revenues of EUR320.7 million.

SQS is the first German company to have a primary listing on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange. In addition, SQS shares are also traded on the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt am Main.

With over 10,000 completed projects under its belt, SQS has a strong client base, including half of the DAX 30, nearly a third of the STOXX 50 and 20 per cent of the FTSE 100 companies.

For more information, see www.sqs.com

Chief Executive's Statement


During the period under review, SQS reported a strong financial performance recording healthy growth to both revenue and profit. The particularly strong increase in profit before tax can be attributed to improved operating performance across all three divisions, an improved revenue mix, a strong financial result, and particularly strong growth in the US, Irish and Asian markets. This has been driven by our intended focus on more profitable work across all our business lines and disengagement from less profitable engagements. We continued to make progress on our strategy to diversify our revenue base both by geography and by end market vertical, as well as our increased focus on our higher margin Managed Services and Management Consultancy business divisions.

In the period, we renamed two of our three core divisions. Specialist Consultancy Services becomes 'Management Consulting' ("MC"); Regular Testing Services becomes 'Professional Services' ("PS"), whilst Managed Services ("MS") retains its name. In consultation with our customers, we feel these new titles better represent the extended range of quality assurance services we are delivering and we expect this to enhance our marketing position.

MS and MC now make up 64% - nearly two thirds - of our revenue with MS, still the highest margin business line, contributing revenues of EUR77.6m in the period (H1 2015: EUR71.9m), an increase of 7.9% on the prior year and representing nearly half of group revenue. The increase was largely organic, driven primarily from extending existing long term contracts, but the division - along with MC - is also benefitting from on-going cross-selling from Professional Services.

MC has also had a strong first half, with revenues up 117% to EUR28.6m (H1 2015: EUR13.2m), representing a group revenue contribution of 17%. This division has particularly benefitted from the Trissential acquisition in 2015, with most of the growth coming from the US business with its first time consolidation of Trissential. In line with our strategy to broaden the geographic reach, we are also pleased to see strong performances coming from the UK and Ireland, two regions where we have invested to build-up their business analysis practices.

In line with our strategy, PS revenue continued to be an important but smaller part of our overall business with revenues coming down by -4.5% to EUR48.6m (H1 2015: EUR50.9m), representing a group revenue contribution of 29%. Our focus remains on the higher margin MS and MC divisions, which we expect to drive the Company's future growth. Going forward we expect this segment to range between 25% and 30% of our total revenue.

Other revenue sources, encompassing business with contractors, training & conferences and software testing tools, amounted to EUR11.8m of revenue in the period (H1 2015: EUR14.2m), a decrease of 17% on the prior year and representing 7% of group revenue. This is largely a result of tactical revenue delivered by contractors.

We have made huge strides in diversifying our geographic reach and limiting overexposure to any one market. Germany remains our biggest market generating 30% of group revenues. The US is now our second largest market generating 17% of group revenues with last year's acquisitions significantly enhancing our on-the-ground capabilities (H1 2015 US revenue contribution amounted to 6% of total). There are still some on-going tasks to fully adapt the Galmont (now called SQS North America) sales and delivery model to SQS' strategy, but a well-defined roadmap is being executed. With further growth expected we anticipate reaching our stated goal of a $100m run-rate revenue from the US without further acquisitions.

We also increased our market presence in India, Ireland and the Middle East, largely driven by increased demand for our MS offering, and we expect further growth in these territories.

In the first half of the year, the Company agreed to acquire the remaining 25% of the issued share capital of SQS India Infosystems, our Pune based entity that mainly serves as a delivery centre with strong competencies in non-financial services verticals. This follows a period of considerable investment in India over the past decade to ensure the Company can meet the growing service demands of our global clients, while seeking to drive more efficiency and output through industrialisation from our employee base.

Foreign exchange movements, and in particular a weakened sterling, had a EUR0.5m negative translational impact on earnings for the period. Had the Pound/Swiss Franc/Indian Rupee/Swedish Krona/US-$/Euro exchange rates remained the same as in H1 2015, our non-Euro revenues for the period would have been EUR3.4m higher and the EBIT would have been EUR0.5m higher.

EU Referendum

The British referendum decision to leave the European Union is not expected to have a significant impact on SQS at an operational level. Our broad geographic revenue split does not make us overly reliant on any one geography and our growing presence in the US further reduces our risk. The UK currently generates 13% of SQS Group revenues.

Although in the short term we expect some headwinds to corporate spending, particularly in the UK where confidence is likely to be affected, the decision will also bring opportunities for SQS as new regulations will need to be implemented and tested, particularly serving our MC capabilities. SQS has temporarily already been impacted by foreign exchange rate movements and in particular a weakened sterling, which are likely to persist during the second half of the year.

New Business

Quality assurance has become an integral part of all business processes, across every sector, with both corporate reputations and business efficiencies driven by effective IT systems. Moreover, clients seeking to utilise digitalisation to enable new revenue and business streams are increasing their investments in digitalised IT solutions.

Consequently, SQS has recorded notable wins in the automotive sector during the period, recently securing a EUR9m MS contract extension from a leading automotive producer to support its connected car solutions. SQS also won a significant management consulting contract for end-to-end quality assurance of electric and autonomous drive software from another blue-chip car producer in the period.

Disruption, driven by technological innovation, raises both opportunities and threats for companies operating in this new digital environment, making Quality Assurance across the whole software product lifecycle more critical than ever. System failures are not tolerated by the customers who receive a poor service, nor by staff who cannot deliver their services to clients and subsequently miss out on sales.

As companies seek end-to-end IT solutions that work now, as well as for the future - as we prepare for the digital transformation to connected cars, autonomous driving, onmi-channel eCommerce, mobile payments, smart cities, grids and buildings, 3D printing, as well as regulatory and compliance - we expect to see more digital innovation driven opportunities across all verticals supported by SQS.

Market & Industry Overview

According to recently published data (July 2016) by market research firm Nelson Hall, the global addressable quality assurance (QA) services market is growing at a healthy rate of 7% p.a. The US region is forecast to grow at 8% p.a., while European and Asian markets are expected to grow at 6% p.a. These growth rates continue to be substantially above the overall IT services market growth rate of 2% p.a.

SQS expects to continue to benefit from its positioning as a leading specialist provider to clients increasing their investment in digital transformation and DevOps. Demand for Managed Services and Management Consulting services in particular is expected to remain high, as enterprises become ever more dependent on the integrity of their IT infrastructure, irrespective of industry or geography, to protect their financial and reputational standing.

Furthermore, there are significant opportunities in high growth industry verticals, such as the automotive sector, where car driving sub-systems contain an unprecedented number of lines of code. According to recent data published by Continental Research, the market for automotive software will increase by >60% by 2020. SQS is already a well-established QA partner for several blue-chip car manufacturers, and so is well placed to take full advantage of the increased market demand.

The need for SQS' services as the trusted facilitator of such business-critical digital transformation processes has never been more relevant.


During the period the Company agreed to acquire the remaining 25% of the issued share capital of SQS India Infosystems, our Pune based facility. This follows a period of considerable investment in India over the past decade to ensure the Company can meet the growing service demands of our global clients, while seeking to drive more efficiency and output from our employee base.


Our strategy of targeting higher margin MS and MC clients and engagements remains core as we seek to further grow SQS' business. The US remains a key geography for SQS, with a large addressable market and less exposed to Brexit related uncertainty. India also has a large potential as an end market and remains a focus for us as companies increasingly turn to quality assurance and testing services to drive efficiencies and increase output from their employees. We will continue to monitor the situation in the UK and Europe very closely. Although in the short term, there is likely to be some slowdown in customer spending, we expect this to increase as new regulations come into effect, driving demand for our business critical end-to-end solutions.

SQS has historically focussed on a few core sector verticals where it has established itself as a leader. Increasingly demand for QA is emerging in other industries developing new digitised processes, customer interfaces and user experiences. These are likely to significantly expand the addressable QA services market, currently worth approximately $20bn (Nelson Hall study, July 2016).


In accordance with German law, SQS pays one dividend in each financial year. We expect to declare a dividend with our final results for the year ending 31 December 2016, in line with our current policy of paying out approximately 30% of adjusted profit after tax as a dividend.


Total headcount at the period end had remained almost unchanged at 4,612 (31 Dec 2015: 4,619), with further circa 250 contractors retained during the period. The almost unchanged headcount number reflects the positive effects of industrialisation of our delivery and the previously stated focus on more profitable client engagements.


Effective as of 6 September 2016, SQS has appointed Martin Hodgson as an additional Executive Director to the SQS Board to drive the global Management Consulting practice. Martin has spent most of his professional life in management consulting with a particularly strong focus on the automotive industry. He joined SQS in December last year and has been promoted from a senior management position in SQS to the Board.


SQS has delivered a solid first half of the year, reporting double digit top line growth alongside a substantial improvement in profitability, both in PBT and EBIT. This growth has largely been driven by strong performances in both our Managed Services and Management Consulting divisions, where we are increasingly cross-selling our services to good effect.

The US has now become our second largest region after Germany making up 17% of revenues. This shows the strides we have made since the acquisitions last year, and ensures we are on track with our strategy to capitalise on the huge market opportunity the US has to offer.

The digitised economy opens up new and exciting opportunities for SQS as it enables us to broaden our offering as an end-to-end quality solutions partner. With so many industries now reliant on digital solutions that can cope with consumer demand both now and for the future, companies need to know their systems will not fail. Through our vertical industry expertise and end-to-end business solutions, SQS is well placed to benefit from this global trend.

The Group's pipeline of prospects continues to strengthen across all divisions and the Board believes that SQS is well-positioned to deliver in line with our expectations for the full year.

Diederik Vos

Chief Executive Officer

6 September 2016

Financial Review H1 2016


Revenues grew by 10.9% to EUR166.6m (H1 2015: EUR150.3m), including first time consolidation effects from the US acquisitions of EUR20.2m and a negative impact from translational forex on revenue of EUR3.4m, excluding such effect would have resulted in a revenue of EUR149.8m - broadly flat on the comparative period. Additionally SQS has dis-engaged from less profitable contracts, mainly in the Professional Services segment, equating to a EUR9.9m revenue reduction in H1 2016 compared with H1 2015. Excluding the effect of dis-engagements alongside the translational forex movements, organic constant currency revenue growth was 6.3%.

The business units, which represent the accounting segments according to IFRS 8, are:

-- Managed Services (MS) to meet the demand of clients seeking efficiency in long-term engagements (between twelve months and five years) of which a growing share (in many cases) is delivered from nearshore and offshore delivery centres. This also includes long term engagements for quality assurance services on standard software package products;

-- Management Consulting (MC) (previously called Specialist Consultancy Services (SCS)) to meet the demand of clients seeking transformation and quality through IT Portfolio Programme and Project Management, Business & Enterprise Architecture, Process Modelling and Business Analysis;

-- Professional Services (PS) (previously called Regular Testing Services (RTS)) to meet the demand of more price conscious clients in IT projects who tend to be given a smaller number of consultants on a more local basis and typically contracted for a short term period (e.g. three months);

Alongside these major segments we conduct business with contractors (as far as these have not been included in MS or MC), training & conferences and software testing tools summarised as "Other".

Breakdown by business unit

Managed Services (MS)

Revenue in MS, our largest segment and one of our strategic focus areas, amounted to EUR77.6m in the period (H1 2015: EUR71.9m), an increase of 7.9% on the prior year, representing a group revenue contribution of 47%. The increase in revenue predominantly came from the extension of existing long term managed services contracts.

Management Consulting (MC)

Revenue in this segment - our other strategic focus area - saw a strong increase during the period of 117% to EUR28.6m (H1 2015: EUR13.2m), representing a group revenue contribution of 17%. Growth for this segment was mainly driven by the contribution from the acquisition of our US business and growth in the UK and Ireland markets.

Professional Services (PS)

Revenue in this segment decreased by -4.5% to EUR48.6m (H1 2015: EUR50.9m) on the prior year period, representing a group revenue contribution of 29%. Our strategy continues to be to reduce the share of this segment to a range between 25% and 30% of our total revenue.


Revenue in the "Other" segment amounted to EUR11.8m in the period (H1 2015: EUR14.2m), a decrease of 17% on the prior half-year and representing 7% of group revenue. A decrease in tactical revenue from contractors was the key driver for this development.

Margins and Profitability

Adjusted* gross profit improved by 12.5% to EUR52.8m (H1 2015: EUR47.0m), with the gross margin at 31.7% (H1 2015: 31.3%). The improvement in gross margin was mainly driven by a greater contribution from the two strategic areas MS and MC that deliver higher client value and better margins in the order of 35% and above. Gross margins in the PS segment have improved to 27.0% (H1 2015: 26.4%) after we disengaged from less profitable contracts during 2015.

Gross margins in the "Other" segment were at 16.7% (H1 2015: 22.2%) reflecting a changed business mix between contractor revenues and tool sales.

Adjusted** profit before tax for the period was EUR11.9m (H1 2015: EUR9.0m), an increase of 32.1%, with the adjusted profit margin at 7.1% (H1 2015: 6.0%). The profit before tax was driven by the higher gross margins in MS, MC and PS, lower interest expenses and a much improved finance result from EUR0.9m realised foreign exchange gains due to one-time effects on realised intercompany transactions from weakening currencies such as Pound Sterling and Egyptian Pounds.

Adjusted*** earnings per share are at EUR0.22 (H1 2015: EUR0.17) resulting from the above outlined improvements in margins and finance results.

* adjusted for a non-cash amortisation of Bitmedia/Trissential acquired order backlog of EUR0.75m

** incl. effects under * and adjusted to add back EUR3.45m of IFRS amortisation of client relationship assets from the Bitmedia/Trissential acquisitions and EUR0.5m pro forma interests mainly arising from purchase price allocation for deferred payments on acquisitions

*** adjusted to add back effects under ** at actual local GAAP tax rate of 31.0%, less EUR1.3m on minority interests (mainly for SQS India BFSI)


Total overhead costs (adjusted for effects under ** above) came down to 24.8% of revenue from 24.9% in H1 2015.

General & Administrative expenses (adjusted for effects under ** above) for the period were EUR27.9m (H1 2015: EUR24.8m). This represents an increase by 0.3 percentage points to 16.8% of revenue (H1 2015: 16.5%). The absolute growth was mainly due to the first time consolidation effects of the acquisitions, investment in the build out of the delivery centre infrastructure and the US business.

Sales & Marketing costs for the period were EUR11.7m (H1 2015: EUR10.9m), representing 7.0% of revenues (H1 2015: 7.3%). The 0.3% decrease as a percentage of revenues was due to improved efficiencies in the sales teams.

Research & Development expense during the period was flat at EUR1.7m (H1 2015: EUR1.7m) representing 1.0% (H1 2015: 1.1%) of revenues. Research & Development investment was mainly focused on the development of our proprietary software testing tools and the PractiQ methodology.

Cash Flow and Financing

Cash flow from operating activities was at EUR(1.2)m (H1 2015: EUR(5.2)m). This profile of first half operating cash flow is due to the typical seasonality we have seen in previous first half year periods, as receivable days, uninvoiced services and bonus payments increased by EUR12.5m since the last year end. We therefore expect an improved cash collection and full profit to cash conversion by the end of the full year, as in previous years.

Debtor days came down to 77 (H1 2015: 84) resulting from a reduction in some operations like SQS India BFSI, which previously had substantially higher receivable days than the SQS Group average.

Cash outflow from investments reduced to EUR6.3m (H1 2015: EUR22.1m outflow), predominantly due to last year's untypically high outflow as a consequence of the acquisitions of Bitmedia and Trissential during H1 2015. The current level of investments is largely a "normal" level for IT infrastructure spend and includes EUR1.4m outflow for the build out of the Pune and the Chennai delivery centres.

Total cash inflow from financing activities was EUR7.2m (H1 2015: EUR21.5m inflow) reflecting a net increase in finance loans of EUR21.4m during H1 2016, mainly to fund the outflow of EUR 10.4m for the acquisition of the final 25% of shares in SQS Pune (India) and the above mentioned investments. Additionally dividend payments to SQS shareholders resulted in an outflow of EUR4.2m (H1 2015: 4.0m outflow).

Balance Sheet

We closed the period with EUR26.4m (31 Dec 2015: EUR32.0m) of cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet and borrowings of EUR59.3m (31 Dec 2015: EUR27.1m). The increase in borrowings was mainly due to the cash outflow of EUR10.4m for the acquisition of the remaining 25% shares in SQS Pune and the typical seasonal increase of working capital in the first six months. Cash reserves are increasingly held in a broader range of currencies and the transfer of funds is restricted in some geographies, like India. Therefore, the offset between cash and debt positions has become less flexible as we also seek to avoid the realisation of negative exchange rate movements. The resulting net debt position at the period end was EUR32.9m (31 Dec 2015: net debt of EUR5.9m).

During the period under review SQS has re-arranged its borrowing facilities with its four main banks and additionally continues to have local overdraft facilities in some countries such that in total its facilities are now EUR83m. The facilities with the four main banks are in place until 2021. These facilities are subject to customary covenants, are not secured and the borrowing costs are substantially lower than before.

The final purchase price allocation with regard to the Galmont acquisition (completed in September 2015) is still pending. Therefore, the full amounts for acquired net assets for Galmont (EUR14.8m) have been posted as "goodwill" and will be allocated to intangible assets and goodwill once the purchase price allocation has been finalised later this year.

For SQS India BFSI, Bitmedia and Trissential intangible assets for client relationships and order backlog with a fair value of EUR12.8m were recognised in the 30 June 2016 balance sheet, reflecting a further amortisation of EUR4.2m during the period. On average these intangible assets are amortised over a period of up to nine years.

As these amortisation charges are non-cash-items and do not impact the normal business of SQS, they are adjusted within the PBT and EPS reporting.


The tax charge of EUR2.3m (H1 2015: EUR1.3m) includes current tax expenses of EUR3.7m (H1 2015: EUR3.0m) and deferred tax expenses of EUR(1.4)m (H1 2015: EUR(1.7)m). The tax rate on local GAAP results was 31.0% (H1 2015: 33.6%), the lower tax rate being a consequence of changes in the geographic spread of profits. Going forward, we expect an actual tax rate of c. 31%.

Foreign Exchange

Approximately 55.2% (H1 2015: 58.0%) of the Group's turnover is generated in Euros. For the conversion of revenues and costs generated in local currencies into Euros, the relevant official average exchange rate for the six-month-period of 2016 was applied. For the conversion of the balance sheet items from local currency into Euros, the official exchange rate as at 30 June 2016 was used.

Foreign exchange had a EUR0.5m negative translational impact on earnings for the period. Had the Pound/Swiss Franc/Indian Rupee/Swedish Krona/US-$/Euro exchange rates remained the same as in H1 2015, our non-Euro revenues for the period would have been EUR3.4m higher and the EBIT would have been EUR0.5m higher.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

The Consolidated Financial Statements of SQS and its subsidiary companies ("SQS Group") are prepared in conformity with all IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and Interpretations of the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) which are to be applied for those financial statements whose reporting period starts on or after 1 January 2016.

The SQS Group Consolidated Financial Statements for the 6-month period ended 30 June 2016 were prepared in accordance with uniform accounting and valuation principles in Euros.

Rene Gawron

Chief Financial Officer

6 September 2016

Consolidated Income Statement 
for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
                                                Six months   Six months   Year ended 
                                                 ended        ended        31 December 
                                                 30 June      30 June      2015 
                                                 2016         2015 
                                       (Notes)  (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
                                                kEUR         kEUR         kEUR 
Revenue                                         166,623      150,254      320,716 
Cost of sales                          (4)      114,533      103,276      221,810 
Gross profit                                    52,090       46,978       98,906 
General and administrative expenses    (4)      31,350       28,552       60,411 
Sales and marketing expenses           (4)      11,745       10,898       22,873 
Research and development expenses      (4)      1,745        1,713        3,970 
Profit before tax and 
 finance costs (EBIT)                           7,250        5,815        11,652 
Finance income                                  1,197        572          1,565 
Finance costs                                   1,281        1,191        2,946 
Net finance costs                      (5)      -84          -619         -1,381 
Profit before taxes (EBT)                       7,166        5,196        10,271 
Income tax expense                     (6)      2,276        1,316        3,049 
Profit for the period                           4,890        3,880        7,222 
Attributable to: 
   Owners of the parent                         4,478        3,979        7,166 
   Non-controlling interests           (13)     412          -99          56 
Consolidated profit for the period              4,890        3,880        7,222 
Earnings per share, undiluted (EUR)    (7)      0.14         0.13         0.23 
Earnings per share, diluted (EUR)      (7)      0.13         0.12         0.22 
Adjusted earnings per 
 share (EUR), for comparison 
 only                                  (7)      0.22         0.17         0.40 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
 for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
                                      Six months    Six months    Year 
                                       ended         ended         ended 
                                       30 June       30 June       31 December 
                                       2016          2015          2015 
                                      (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                      kEUR          kEUR          kEUR 
 Profit for the period                4,890         3,880         7,222 
 Exchange differences on 
  translating foreign operations      -6,189        3,034         4,570 
 Gains / losses arising 
  from cash flow hedges               63            -65           168 
 Other comprehensive income 
  to be reclassified 
 to profit or loss in subsequent 
  periods                             -6,126        2,969         4,738 
 Re-measurement losses on 
  defined benefit plans               0             0             -561 
 Other comprehensive income 
  not being reclassified 
 to profit or loss in subsequent 
  periods                             0             0             -561 
 Other comprehensive income 
  for the period, net of tax          -6,126        2,969         4,177 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period, net of tax          -1,236        6,849         11,399 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                 -2,086        6,236         10,483 
 Non-controlling interests            850           613           916 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
 as at 30 June 2016 (IFRS) 
                                         30 June       30 June       31 December 
                                          2016          2015          2015 
                               (Notes)   (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                         kEUR          kEUR          kEUR 
 Current assets 
 Cash and cash equivalents     (14)      26,399        18,308        31,990 
 Trade receivables                       61,360        71,319        61,093 
 Other receivables                       6,880         6,574         5,914 
 Work in progress                        23,546        12,089        16,074 
 Income tax receivables                  1,931         1,692         1,321 
                                         120,116       109,982       116,392 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets             (8)       23,378        18,632        26,586 
 Goodwill                      (8)       87,389        83,354        92,539 
 Property, plant 
  and equipment                (9)       16,517        12,100        15,833 
 Financial assets                        33            32            30 
 Income tax receivables                  1,339         2,002         1,421 
 Deferred tax assets                     5,443         2,771         5,429 
                                         134,099       118,891       141,838 
 Total Assets                            254,215       228,873       258,230 
 Current liabilities 
 Bank loans and 
  overdrafts                   (10)      59,062        34,511        27,064 
 Finance lease                           63            135           62 
 Trade payables                          6,038         7,883         10,518 
 Other provisions                        0             0             0 
 Income tax accruals                     5,176         2,768         3,745 
 Other current liabilities     (11)      40,500        42,210        56,374 
                                         110,839       87,507        97,763 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank loans                    (10)      250           10,310        10,825 
 Finance lease                           54            57            54 
 Other provisions                        0             0             0 
 Pension provisions                      5,927         4,970         5,682 
 Deferred tax liabilities                6,548         3,759         8,424 
 Other non-current 
  liabilities                  (11)      16,077        6,236         16,145 
                                         28,856        25,332        41,130 
 Total Liabilities                       139,695       112,839       138,893 
 Equity                        (12) 
 Share capital                           31,676        31,301        31,676 
 Share premium                           56,686        55,973        56,478 
 Statutory reserves                      53            53            53 
 Other reserves                          -6,293        -1,350        271 
 Retained earnings                       21,884        18,841        21,524 
 Equity attributable 
  to owners of the 
  parent                                 104,006       104,818       110,002 
  interests                    (13)      10,514        11,216        9,335 
 Total Equity                            114,520       116,034       119,337 
 Equity and Liabilities                  254,215       228,873       258,230 
 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
 for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
                                                         Six months    Six months    Year 
                                                          ended         ended         ended 
                                                          30 June       30 June       31 December 
                                                          2016          2015          2015 
                                               (Notes)   (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                         kEUR          kEUR          kEUR 
 Net cash flow from operating activities 
 Profit before taxes                                     7,166         5,196         10,271 
 Add back for 
 Depreciation and amortisation                 (4)       7,708         6,209         15,752 
 Loss on the sale of property, plant 
  and equipment                                          269           28            45 
 Other non-cash income not affecting 
  payments                                               2,368         1,289         1,269 
 Net finance costs                             (5)       84            619           1,381 
 Operating profit before changes in 
  the net current assets                                 17,595        13,341        28,718 
 Increase (Decrease) in trade receivables                -267          -5,127        7,616 
 Increase (Decrease) in work in progress 
  and other receivables                                  -8,970        -5,384        -7,873 
 Decrease (Increase) in trade payables                   -4,479        -4,643        -2,073 
 Decrease in other provisions                            0             0             0 
 Increase (Decrease) in pension provisions               215           316           927 
 Decrease (Increase) in other liabilities 
  and deferred income                                    -5,261        -3,750        4,130 
 Cash flow from operating activities                     -1,167        -5,247        31,445 
 Interest payments                             (5)       -594          -619          -1,260 
 Tax payments                                  (6)       -4,062        -3,065        -8,107 
 Net cash flow from operating activities                 -5,823        -8,931        22,078 
 Cash flow from investment activities 
 Purchase of intangible assets                           -3,763        -4,152        -5,065 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment               -2,602        -2,666        -7,288 
 Purchase of net assets of acquired 
  companies                                              -3            -14,603       -17,982 
 Interest received                             (5)       112           -40           507 
 Net cash flow from investment activities                -6,256        -21,461       -29,828 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Dividends paid                                          -4,118        -3,973        -3,973 
 Capital increase                                        0             0             0 
 Proceeds from non-controlling interests 
  on the exercise of stock options                       330           194           295 
 Payments for the acquisition of non 
  controlling interests                                  0             -425          -426 
 Dividends paid to non controlling 
  interests                                              0             0             -1,979 
 Repayment of finance loans                    (10)      -12,618       -6,457        -9,764 
 Increase of finance loans                     (10)      34,041        32,291        28,304 
 Increase of finance lease                               0             0             0 
 Payments to minority shareholders 
  from put option                                        -10,403       0             0 
 Redemption of finance lease contracts                   0             -176          -252 
 Net cash flow from financing activities                 7,232         21,454        12,205 
 Change in the level of funds affecting 
  payments                                               -4,847        -8,938        4,455 
 Changes in cash and cash equivalents 
  due to exchange rate movements                         -743          949           1,238 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
 at the beginning of the period                          31,990        26,297        26,297 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
 at the end of the period                                26,400        18,308        31,990 
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the six months ended 30 June 2016 (IFRS) 
                    Attributed to equity owners of the parent                                       Non-          Total 
                    Share    Share    Statutory  Other     flow     Translation  Retained  Total     controlling  equity 
                    capital  premium  reserves   reserves  hedge    of foreign   earnings           interest 
                                                           reserve  operations 
                    EURk     EURk     EURk       EURk      EURk     EURk         EURk      EURk     EURk          EURk 
31 December 2014 
 (audited)          30,563   47,446   53         -1,693    -369     -1,545       19,213    93,668   10,208        103,876 
                    =======  =======  =========  ========  =======  ===========  ========  =======  ============  ======= 
Dividends paid                                                                   -3,973    -3,973                 -3,973 
Transactions with 
 owners of the 
 parent                                                                          -3,973    -3,973                 -3,973 
                    -------  -------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 combinations                                                                              0        248           248 
Acquisition of 
 subsidiary                                                                                0                      0 
Capital increase    738      8,088                                                         8,826    194           9,020 
Acquisition of 
 interests                                                                       -378      -378     -47           -425 
 payments                    439                                                           439                    439 
Profit for the 
 period                                                                          3,979     3,979    -99           3,880 
 on translating 
 operations                                                         2,322                  2,322    712           3,034 
Gains arising 
 from cash flow 
 hedges                                                    -65                             -65                    -65 
 income                                                    -65      2,322        3,979     6,236    613           6,849 
30 June 2015 
 (unaudited)        31,301   55,973   53         -1,693    -434     777          18,841    104,818  11,216        116,034 
                    =======  =======  =========  ========  =======  ===========  ========  =======  ============  ======= 
Dividends paid                                                                             0        -1,979        -1,979 
Transactions with 
 owners of the 
 parent                                                                          0         0        -1,979        -1,979 
                    -------  -------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 combinations                                                                              0        -248          -248 
Capital increase    375      66                                                            441      100           541 
Acquisition of 
 interests                                                                       57        57       -57           0 
 payments                    439                                                           439                    439 
Profit for the 
 period                                                                          3,187     3,187    155           3,342 
 on translating 
 operations                                                         1,388                  1,388    148           1,536 
 gains on defined 
 benefit plans                                                                   -561      -561                   -561 
Gains arising 
 from cash flow 
 hedges                                                    233                             233                    233 
 income                                                    233      1,388        2,626     4,247    303           4,550 
31 December 2015 
 (audited)          31,676   56,478   53         -1,693    -201     2,165        21,524    110,002  9,335         119,337 
                    =======  =======  =========  ========  =======  ===========  ========  =======  ============  ======= 
Dividends paid                                                                   -4,118    -4,118                 -4,118 
Transactions with 
 owners of the 
 parent                                                                          -4,118    -4,118                 -4,118 
                    -------  -------  ---------  --------  -------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 combinations                                                                              0                      0 
Acquisition of 
 subsidiary                                                                                0                      0 
Capital increase                                                                           0        329           329 
Acquisition of 
 interests                                                                                 0                      0 
 payments                    208                                                           208                    208 
Profit for the 
 period                                                                          4,478     4,478    412           4,890 
 on translating 
 operations                                                         -6,627                 -6,627   438           -6,189 
Gains arising 
 from cash flow 
 hedges                                                    63                              63                     63 
 income                                                    63       -6,627       4,478     -2,086   850           -1,236 
30 June 2016 
 (unaudited)        31,676   56,686   53         -1,693    -138     -4,462       21,884    104,006  10,514        114,520 
                    =======  =======  =========  ========  =======  ===========  ========  =======  ============  ======= 

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited)

   1.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 

Basis of preparation and statement of compliance

The Interim Consolidated Financial Statements of SQS and its subsidiaries ("SQS Group") are prepared in conformity with all IFRS Standards (International Financial Reporting Standards) and Interpretations of the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) which are mandatory at 30 June 2016. The interim reports are published in an abbreviated form according to IAS 34. The Interim Consolidated Financial Statements have neither been audited nor reviewed.

The accounting policies applied preparing the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements 2016 are consistent with those used for the Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2015.

The Financial Information has been prepared on a historical cost basis. The Financial Information is presented in Euros and amounts are rounded to the nearest thousand (EURk) except when otherwise indicated. Negative amounts are presented in parentheses.

The interim consolidated financial statements do not include all information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements as at 31 December 2015.

Basis of consolidation

As at 30 June 2016, the Company held interests in the share capital of more than 50 % of the following undertakings (all of those subsidiaries have been consolidated):

 Consolidated companies           Country          Six month     Six month     Year ended 
                              of incorporation       ended         ended       31 December 
                                                    30 June       30 June         2015 
                                                      2016          2015 
                                                 ------------  ------------  ------------- 
                                                     Share         Share         Share 
                                                   of capital    of capital    of capital 
                                                            %             %              % 
 SQS Group Limited, 
  London                                     UK         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems (Ireland) 
  Ltd., Dublin                          Ireland         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Nederland BV, 
  Utrecht                       The Netherlands          95.1          95.1           95.1 
 SQS GesmbH, Vienna                     Austria         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems (Schweiz) 
  AG, Zurich                        Switzerland         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Group Management 
  Consulting GmbH, 
  Vienna                                Austria         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Group Management 
  Consulting GmbH, 
  Munich                                Germany         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Egypt S.A.E, 
  Cairo                                   Egypt         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems Nordic AB, 
  Stockholm                              Sweden         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems Sweden AB, 
  Stockholm                              Sweden         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems Norway AS, 
  Oslo                                   Norway         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems Finland OY, 
  Espoo                                 Finland         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS India Infosytems 
  Private Limited, 
  Pune                                    India         100.0          75.0           75.0 
 SQS France SASU, 
  Paris                                  France         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS USA Inc., Chicago 
  (Illinois)                                USA         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 SQS India BFSI Limited, 
  Chennai                                 India         53.95         54.58          54.16 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems Italia S.p.A., 
  Rome                                    Italy          90.0          90.0           90.0 
 Trissential LLC, 
  Minneapolis (Minnesota)                   USA         100.0         100.0          100.0 
 Galmont Consulting 
  LLC, Chicago (Illinois)                   USA         100.0           n/a          100.0 
--------------------------  -------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 

SQS AG holds 15% of the shares of SQS Portugal Lda with a book value of EUR nil (previous year EUR nil).

SQS India BFSI Ltd. is the sole shareholder of SQS BFSI Pte. Ltd., Singapore, SQS BFSI Inc., USA, Thinksoft Global Services (Europe) GmbH, Germany, SQS BFSI UK Ltd., UK, and SQS BFSI FZE, United Arab Emirates. None of these companies has a major impact on the financial data of the group.

Significant Changes of Accounting Policies

Except from IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 none of the standards and amendments beginning after 1 January 2015 or later periods are expected to have any material impact on the annual consolidated financial statements of the SQS Group. For more information, see Note 2 'Summary of Significant Accounting Policies' to the annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2015.

Use of estimates

The preparation of the Interim Financial Statements requires the disclosure of assumptions and estimates made by management, which have an effect on the amount and the presentation of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities shown in the other comprehensive income or profit or loss, in the statement of financial position as well as any contingent items.

The main estimates and judgements of the management of SQS refer to:

   --      the useful life of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 
   --      the criteria regarding the capitalisation of development costs 
   --      the recoverability of deferred taxes on tax losses carried forward 
   --      the stage of completion of work in progress regarding fixed price contracts 

-- the discount rate, future salary increases, mortality rates, future pension increases and future employee contributions regarding the valuation of defined benefit obligations

-- the inputs such as risk free rate, expected share volatility and expected dividends as well as expected forfeiture rate for the measurement of the share-based-payments.

There have been no changes in estimates compared to the year 2015.

   2.     Segmental reporting 

Based on the organisational structure and the different services rendered, SQS Group operates in the following segments:

-- Managed Services (MS) to meet the demand of clients seeking efficiency in long-term engagements (between six months up to five years) of which a growing share (in many cases) is delivered from nearshore and offshore delivery centres. This also includes long term engagements for quality assurance services on standard software package products

-- Management Consulting (MC) (previously called Specialist Consultancy Services (SCS)) to meet the demand of clients seeking transformation and quality through IT Portfolio Programme and Project Management, Business & Enterprise Architecture, Process Modelling and Business Analysis

-- Professional Services (PS) (previously called Regular Testing Services (RTS)) to meet the demand of more price conscious clients in IT projects who tend to be served with a smaller number of consultants on a more local basis and typically contracted for a short term period (e.g. three months)

Alongside these major business activities there is the business with contractors (as far as these have not been included in MS), training & conferences and software testing tools. Each of these minor operating segments represents less than 10 % of the Group's revenues and the Group's profit. Thus, all these other segments are presented as "Other".

The group management board consisting of CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and COO (Chief Operations Officer) monitors the results of the operating segments separately in order to allocate resources and to assess the performance of each segment. Segment performance is evaluated based on gross profit.

Non-profit centres represent important functions such as Project Management, Marketing, Finance & Administration, IT, Human Resources and Sales Support.

The non-profit centres are not allocated to the operating segments as they provide general services to the whole group. Their costs are shown under 'Non-allocated costs'.

The assets and liabilities relating to the operating segments are not reported separately to the Group Management Board. Finance costs and income taxes are managed on a group basis. Therefore they are not allocated to operating segments.

The following tables present revenue and profit information regarding the SQS Group's reportable segments for the interim periods ended 30 June 2016 and 30 June 2015 and for the year ended 31 December 2015, respectively.

 Six month ended       MS       MC       PS     Other     Total 
  30 June 2016 
                      EURk     EURk     EURk     EURk      EURk 
 Revenues            77,610   28,596   48,614   11,803    166,623 
 Segment profit 
  (gross profit)     27,940    9,779   13,143    1,977     52,839 
  costs                                                  (45,589) 
 EBIT                                                       7,250 
 Financial result                                            (84) 
 Taxes on income                                          (2,276) 
 Result for the 
  period                                                    4,890 
------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Six month ended       MS       MC       PS     Other     Total 
  30 June 2015 
                      EURk     EURk     EURk     EURk      EURk 
 Revenues            71,948   13,209   50,895   14,202    150,254 
 Segment profit 
  (gross profit)     25,830    4,558   13,437    3,153     46,978 
  costs                                                  (41,163) 
 EBIT                                                       5,815 
 Financial result                                           (619) 
 Taxes on income                                          (1,316) 
 Result for the 
  period                                                    3,880 
------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Year ended 31         MS        MC       PS     Other     Total 
  December 2015 
                      EURk      EURk     EURk     EURk      EURk 
 Revenues            153,201   36,644   99,251   31,620    320,716 
 Segment profit 
  (Gross profit)      55,910   12,484   26,326    6,263    100,983 
  costs                                                   (89,331) 
 EBIT                                                       11,652 
 Financial result                                          (1,381) 
 Taxes on income                                           (3,049) 
 Result for the 
  period                                                     7,222 
------------------  --------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
   3.     Exercise of Put-/Call-Options 

In May 2016 the shareholders of the remaining 25% in SQS India Infosystems Private Limited and SQS Software Quality Systems AG decided to exercise their mutual Put-/Call-Option regarding the remaining shares of SQS India. In order to receive the remaining shares and in line with the calculation scheme of the Put-/Call-Option contract SQS paid a consideration of INR 785 million (EUR10.4m). After having completed the transaction SQS now holds the entire shares in this Indian subsidiary. The transaction is accounted for as the payment of a liability as the obligation from the put option right had already been shown under other liabilities.

The exercise of the Put-/Call-Option is a related party transaction under the AIM rules as one of the previous shareholders is a director of SQS India. Considering the profit after tax generated by SQS India, the terms of the transaction have been evaluated to be fair and reasonable.

   4.     Expenses 

The Consolidated Income Statement presents expenses according to function. Additional information regarding the origin of these expenses by type of cost is provided below:

Cost of material

Cost of material included in the cost of sales in the interim period ended 30 June 2016 amounted to EUR12,254k (at mid-year 2015: EUR12,069k). Cost of material mainly relates to the procurement of external services such as contracted software engineers. In addition, certain project-related or internally used hardware and software is shown under cost of material.

Employee benefits expenses

                                          Six month          Six month         Year ended 
                                              ended              ended        31 December 
                                            30 June            30 June               2015 
                                               2016               2015 
                                        (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                               EURk               EURk               EURk 
 Wages and salaries                         100,654             87,921            190,567 
 Social security contributions               12,106             11,409             22,962 
 Expenses for retirement 
  benefits                                    2,194              1,871              4,542 
 Total                                      114,954            101,201            218,071 
------------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 

The expenses for retirement benefits include current service costs from defined benefit plans and expenses for defined contribution plans.

Amortisation and depreciation

Amortisation and depreciation charged in the interim period ended 30 June 2016 amounted to EUR7,709k (at mid-year 2015: EUR6,209k). Of this, EUR1,113k (at mid-year 2015: EUR1,204k) was attributable to the amortisation of development costs and EUR4,192k to customer relationships and order backlog regarding SQS India BFSI, SQS Software Quality Systems Italia S.p.A. and Trissential LLC.

   5.    Net finance costs 

The net finance costs are comprised as follows:

                                 Six month          Six month         Year ended 
                                     ended              ended        31 December 
                                   30 June            30 June               2015 
                                      2016               2015 
                               (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                      EURk               EURk               EURk 
 Interest income                       112                100                507 
 Exchange rate gains                  1085                472              1,058 
---------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Total finance income                1,197                572              1,565 
---------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Interest expense                  (1,081)              (649)            (2,093) 
 Exchange rate losses                (200)              (542)              (853) 
---------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Total finance costs               (1,281)            (1,191)            (2,946) 
---------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Net finance costs                    (84)              (619)            (1,381) 
---------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 

Finance income mainly results from fixed deposit investments.

Interest expense relates to interest on bank liabilities and finance lease liabilities.

Finance income and costs are stated after foreign exchange rate gains and losses.

   6.     Taxes on earnings 

The line item includes current tax expenses in the amount of EUR4,065k (at mid-year 2015: EUR3,009k) and deferred tax income in the amount of EUR(1,789)k (at mid-year 2015 deferred tax income: EUR(1,693)k).

   7.     Earnings per share 

The earnings per share presented in accordance with IAS 33 are shown in the following table:

                                    Six month          Six month         Year ended 
                                        ended              ended        31 December 
                                      30 June            30 June               2015 
                                         2016               2015 
                                  (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited) 
 Profit for the year 
  attributable to owners 
  of the parent, EURk                   4,478              3,979              7,166 
------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Diluted profit for 
  the year, EURk                        4,478              3,979              7,166 
------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Weighted average number 
  of shares in issue, 
  undiluted                        31,675,617         30,623,823         31,003,989 
------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Weighted average number 
  of shares in issue, 
  diluted                          33,697,343         32,975,701         33,274,277 
------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Undiluted profit per 
  share, EUR                             0.14               0.13               0.23 
------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Diluted profit per 
  share, EUR                             0.13               0.12               0.22 
------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Adjusted profit per 
  share (optional), EUR                  0.22               0.17               0.40 
------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 

Undiluted profit per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the six months period attributable to owners of the parent by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the six month period ended 30 June 2016: 31,675,617 (at mid-year 2015: 30,623,823).

Diluted profit per share is determined by dividing the profit for the six months period attributable to owners of the parent by the weighted average number of shares in issue plus any share equivalents which would lead to a dilution.

Adjusted profit per share is calculated by adjusting the profit before tax for current taxes, amortised costs of acquired customer relationships and order backlog as part of the business combination SQS India BFSI, SQS Italia S.p.A. and Trissential LLC, interest expenses on Earn-out liabilities and non-controlling interest effects. This adjusted profit after tax divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the six month period ended 30 June 2016: 31,675,617 shares, (at mid-year 2015: 30,623,823 shares) shows adjusted earnings per share of EUR0.22 (at mid-year 2015: EUR0.17).

   8.     Intangible assets 

The composition of this item is as follows:

 Book values                                Six month          Six month         Year ended 
                                                ended              ended        31 December 
                                              30 June            30 June               2015 
                                                 2016               2015 
                                          (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                                 EURk               EURk               EURk 
 Goodwill                                      87,390             83,354             92,539 
--------------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Development costs of 
  software                                      2,832              4,005              3,694 
 Acquired Software                              4,529              3,147              3,381 
 Other development costs                        3,236              2,260              1,640 
 Acquired customer relationships               11,163              9,220             15,502 
 Order backlog                                  1,618                  0              2,369 
 Intangible assets                             23,378             18,632             26,586 
--------------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Total                                        110,768            101,986            119,125 
--------------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 

Development costs were capitalised in the interim period ended 30 June 2016 in the amount of EUR1,029k (at mid-year 2015: EUR1,627k). They are amortised over a period of 36 months. Other development costs mainly relate to the methodology 'PractiQ', used by SQS to provide Managed Services. The estimated useful life of these intangible assets covers a period of five years.

The customer relationships were acquired within the business combination of SQS India BFSI, SQS Software Quality Systems Italia S.p.A. and Trissential LLC. The order backlog was acquired within the business combinations of SQS Software Quality Systems Italia S.p.A. and Trissential LLC.

 Amortisation over the      Customer relationship    Order 
  expected useful life                               backlog 
  in years 
------------------------   ----------------------  --------- 
 SQS India BFSI Limited                         3          - 
 SQS Software Quality 
  Systems Italia S.p.A.                         6        3,9 
 Trissential LLC                               10       0,75 
-------------------------  ----------------------  --------- 

The amortisation of development costs is shown in the research and development expenses. The amortisation of software and remaining intangible assets is allocated to the functional costs by an allocation key.

   9.     Property, plant and equipment 

The development of property, plant and equipment of the SQS Group is presented as follows:

 Book values                            Six month          Six month         Year ended 
                                            ended              ended        31 December 
                                          30 June            30 June               2015 
                                             2016               2015 
                                      (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                             EURk               EURk               EURk 
 Freehold land and buildings                5,355              5,548              5,541 
 Office and business 
  equipment                                 4,236              4,151              4,108 
 Construction in progress                   6,926              2,401              6,185 
 Total                                     16,517             12,100             15,834 
----------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
   10.   Bank loans and overdrafts 

The finance liabilities are comprised as follows:

                                     Six month          Six month         Year ended 
                                         ended              ended        31 December 
                                       30 June            30 June               2015 
                                          2016               2015 
                                   (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                          EURk               EURk               EURk 
 Bank overdrafts and 
  other short-term bank 
  loans                                 59,062             34,511             27,064 
-------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Bank loans with maturity 
  between one and five 
  years                                    250             10,310             10,825 
-------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 
 Total bank liabilities                 59,312             44,821             37,889 
  of these, secured                        114             28,147             17,860 
-------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 

For SQS AG and some subsidiaries bank overdraft agreements are in place.

   11.   Other current and non-current liabilities 

The item is comprised as follows:

                                        Six month          Six month         Year ended 
                                            ended              ended        31 December 
                                          30 June            30 June               2015 
                                             2016               2015 
                                      (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                             EURk               EURk               EURk 
 Personnel liabilities 
  (leave, bonus claims)                    15,594             12,905             19,104 
 Purchase obligations 
  from SQS India                                0             10,613             12,758 
 Purchase obligations 
  from SQS USA                                  0              4,111                  0 
 Put Option SQS Italia                        994                894                971 
 Purchase obligation 
  from Trissential                          7,240                  0              7,215 
 Purchase obligation 
  from Galmont                             10,251                  0             10,084 
 Sales tax and value-added 
  tax liabilities                           6,709              7,234              7,147 
 Liabilities in regard 
  to social security                        3,515              3,418              3,853 
 Outstanding invoices                       5,628              3,416              4,434 
 Granted rebates and 
  discounts                                   521                415                524 
 Liabilities for employees' 
  travelling expenses                       1,129                870              1,122 
 Liabilities against 
  former shareholders 
  of SQS Italia                                 0                683                  0 
 Interest swap (fair 
  value)                                      312                390                312 
 Deferred income                            1,081                783              1,128 
 Remaining other liabilities                3,602              2,714              3,867 
 Total                                     56,576             48,446             72,519 
----------------------------------  -------------      -------------      ------------- 

The remaining other liabilities comprise trade accruals and other items due in short term. Their carrying amounts are considered to be reasonable approximation of fair value.

   12.   Equity 

SQS is listed on the AIM market in London and traded on the Open Market in Frankfurt (Main). The development of equity is presented in the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity.

Subscribed Capital

The subscribed capital amounts to EUR31,675,617 (at 31 December 2015: EUR31,675,617) and is divided into 31,675,617 (at 31 December 2015: 31,675,617) individual registered shares with an arithmetical share in the share capital of EUR1 each. Each share entitles the holder to one right to vote. No preference shares have been issued. The capital is fully paid up.

The movements in the subscribed capital are as follows:

                                    Individual      Nominal 
                                        shares        value 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                        Number          EUR 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 As at 31 December 2014             30,562,679   30,592,679 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Capital increase against 
  contribution in kind for 
  the acquisition of Trissential 
  LLC                                  737,804      737,804 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Capital increase against 
  contribution in kind for 
  the acquisition of Galmont 
  LLC                                  375,134      375,134 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 As at 31 December 2015             31,675,617   31,675,617 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 As at 30 June 2016                 31,675,617   31,675,617 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

SQS had no shares in its ownership as at 30 June 2016.

Conditional Capital

The conditional capital is to be composed as follows:

   -     the Conditional Capital 3 amounts to EUR1,300,000 
   -     the Conditional Capital 4 amounts to EUR1,050,000 
   -     the Conditional Capital 5 amounts to EUR700,000 

The Conditional Capital 3 and the Conditional Capital 4 serve to grant share options to the management board members and employees respectively.

The Conditional Capital 5 serve to grant share options to the management board members and employees of SQS AG and management and employees of subsidiaries according to the share option programme 2015.

Authorised Capital

The Authorised Capital amounts to EUR13,887,062 (at 31 December 2015: EUR13,887,062).

The authorised capital developed as follows:

 As at 1 January 2015                   15,000,000 
-------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Usage of Authorised Capital for the 
  Acquisition of Trissential              -737,804 
-------------------------------------  ----------- 
 Usage of Authorised Capital for the 
  Acquisition of Galmont                  -375,134 
-------------------------------------  ----------- 
 As at 31 December 2015                 13,887,062 
-------------------------------------  ----------- 
 As at 30 June 2016                     13,887,062 
-------------------------------------  ----------- 

Statutory reserves

The statutory reserves in SQS AG were created in accordance with Section 150 of the Stock Corporation Act (Germany). Statutory reserves must not be used for dividends.

Other reserves

Other reserves comprise differences from the translation of foreign operations, IPO costs from former years and a cash flow hedge reserve regarding the fair values of interest and currency swaps.

Retained earnings

Retained earnings represent the accumulated retained profits of SQS Group less dividend payments.

The General Meeting of 25 May 2016 resolved to pay a EUR0.13 dividends per share for the business year 2015 in the total amount of EUR4,117,830.21, that have been paid to the shareholders of SQS AG in 2016.

   13.   Employee participation programme 

Share-based Payment

SQS policy is to offer management and key employees share-based payments. Therefore SQS has decided and granted the share-based payment programs 2013 and 2014 and offered a further one in 2015.

The number and weighted-average exercise prices of share option granted in 2013 and 2014 were as follows:

                                                   Granted in 2013                                     Granted in 
-------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                              For management                 For key employees                For key employees 
                                   board                         (Tranche I)                     (Tranche II) 
-------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                        Number      Weighted-average     Number      Weighted-average     Number      Weighted-average 
                       of options         price         of options         price         of options         price 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
    at beginning 
      of period        1,040,000          3.07           392,000           3.59           258,000           5.79 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
    per 1.1.2016        105,000           3.07           98,000            3.59           64,500            5.79 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
      Granted             ---             ---              ---             ---              ---             --- 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
  01.01.-30.06.2016       ---             ---           (20,000)           3.59          (67,500)           5.79 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
     Exercised            ---             ---              ---             ---              ---             --- 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
       at end 
       of half 
       period          1,145,000          3.07           470,000           3.59           255,000           5.79 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
    Exercisable           ---             ---              ---             ---              ---             --- 
       at end 
      of period 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 

The Supervisory Board passed on 25th May 2016 a resolution to revived stock options in the amount of 105,000 options rights regarding the Management Board. The Management Board passed a resolution to revived stock options in an amount of 162.500 options rights regarding key employees.

At the Shareholder's Meeting on 27 May 2015, SQS shareholders resolved a further share option scheme as incentive compensation for SQS AG key-employees and members of the management board.

With the approval of the supervisory board the management board has been authorised to grant up to 700,000 options for key employees and management board until 31 December 2016. The option scheme is based on Conditional Capital V for key employees and management board.

Each option gives its holder the right to buy one SQS share at the exercise price which is determined as the average closing price (reference price) of SQS depositary interests traded on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (ISIN DE 0005493514) over the period of 20 trading days preceding the 18th of March 2016 (Tranche I) / the 1st of June 2016 (Tranche II) less a deduction of 15%. The reference price in GBP is converted into EURO using the exchange rate on the day prior to 18th March 2016/ 1st June 2016.

The options can only be exercised after the vesting period has ended and if the price of SQS depositary interests has increased at least 10% compared to the reference price. The vesting period lasts four years, the options will expire on 31st May 2025 latest. Further the options expire in case a member of the management board or a key employee leaves the entity under certain conditions or if certain yearly profit targets are not achieved.

The SQS share option scheme is accounted for as an equity-settled share-based payment transaction at the fair value of the options at the grant date. The fair value of the options is allocated to the vesting period as personnel expense. The corresponding accounting entry is an increase in equity. In the absence of market prices, the fair value of the options was determined by a binomial options pricing model.

The options expire if an employee terminates his or her employment contract or if the company terminates the employment for good cause.

The number and weighted-average exercise prices of the 2015 share option programme were as follows:

                                                Granted in 2016 
----------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
                         For key employees                For key employees 
                                  &                                & 
                          management board                 management board 
                             (Tranche I)                     (Tranche II) 
----------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                     Number      Weighted-average     Number      Weighted-average 
                    of options         price         of options         price 
----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
   Outstanding         ---             ---              ---             --- 
   at beginning 
    of period 
----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 Granted during 
     the year        180,000           5.65           100,000           5.27 
----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
    Forfeited          ---             ---              ---             --- 
    during the 
----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
    Exercised          ---             ---              ---             --- 
    during the 
----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
    at end of 
   half period       180,000           5.65           100,000           5.27 
----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 
   Exercisable         ---             ---              ---             --- 
    at end of 
----------------  ------------  -----------------  ------------  ----------------- 

The input used for measurement of the fair values at grant date was as follows:

                              Stock Option Program 2015 
--------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
                                   Granted in 2016 
--------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
                       For key employees   For key employees 
                          & management        & management 
                             board               board 
                          (Tranche I)         (Tranche II) 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Fair value at         EUR0.88 (68.50      EUR0.85 (65.93 
  grant date            pence)              pence) 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Weighted average      EUR6.52 (508.00     EUR6.06 (470.00 
  share price           pence)              pence) 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Exercise price        EUR5.65 (439.88     EUR5.27 (409.40 
                        pence)              pence) 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Reference price       EUR6.64 (517.50     EUR6.21 (481.65 
                        pence)              pence) 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Share price target    EUR7.31 (569.25     EUR6.83 (529.82 
                        pence)              pence) 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Expected share 
  volatility           20 %                20 % 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Expected option        6 years            6 years 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Expected dividends    2.20 %              2.20 % 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Risk-free interest 
  rate                 1.15 %              1.15 % 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Vesting period        4 years             4 years 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Option term           9 years             9 years 
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

The input used for measurement of the fair values of granted options for 2013 and 2014 exist furthermore without change. For more information, see Note 19 'Employee participation programme' to the annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2015.

Expected volatility has been based on an evaluation of the historical volatility of the company's share price for expected periods between 90 and 180 days.

   14.   Non-controlling Interests 

SQS attributes the profit or loss and each component of comprehensive income to the owners of the parent and to the non-controlling interests applying the relevant percentage of share on the contribution of profit or loss of each entity to the consolidated comprehensive income of the period. Non-controlling interests participate in the net assets recognised in the financial statement of SQS Group. Share-based payments relating to non-controlling interests are attributed exclusively to those non-controlling interests.

   15.   Notes to the Statement of Cash flows 

The consolidated Statement of Cash flows shows how the funds of the Group have changed in the course of the business year through outflows and inflows of funds. The payments are arranged according to investing, financing and operating activities.

The sources of funds on which the statement of cash flows is based consist of cash and cash equivalents (cash on hand and bank balances).

   16.   Related party transactions 

Under IAS 24, related persons and related companies are persons and companies who are able to control or to exercise a significant influence over their finance or business policy on the reporting entity. Regarding SQS Group, these are the management board and the supervisory board members. Further, two real estate investment funds who are landlords of SQS offices at Cologne are considered to be related parties as these entities are controlled by one supervisory board member and employees of SQS AG.

Except as disclosed above, there have been no changes in the composition of the members of the Management and Supervisory Board in the reporting half-year period compared to 31 December 2015.

The following related party transactions have taken place:

Mr. Vos, Mr. Gawron and some of the members of the supervisory board and their relatives received dividends as shareholders of SQS AG. At the date the dividends were paid Mr. Vos and Mr. Gawron held 0.2 % and the members of the supervisory board and their relatives held 12.0% of the shares in SQS AG.

SQS uses property owned by the closed real estate investment fund "S.T.O.L. Immobilien Verwaltung GmbH & Co. KG", Cologne, and the real estate investment fund "Immobilienfond Am Westhover Berg GbR mbH", Cologne. The shares in these companies are held by supervisory board members, employees and former management board members of SQS AG. The contractual conditions of the lease terms are based on market prices. The total expenses incurred under these contracts amounted in the interim period to EUR345k (at mid-year 2015: EUR451k).

The total emoluments of the management board members in the interim period ended 30 June 2016 amounted to EUR798k (at mid-year 2015: EUR1,235k).

The emoluments of the supervisory board members amounted in total to EUR168k (at mid-year 2015: EUR168k), of which EUR168k have not yet been paid by the end of the interim period.

Cologne, 05 September 2016

SQS Software Quality Systems AG

 D.Vos     R. Gawron     R. Gillessen 

SQS Software Quality Systems AG

Stollwerckstrasse 11

D-51149 Cologne

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 06, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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