Rathbone Brothers Plc ("the Company") 
Report and accounts 2011 
This is an update to the announcement regarding the publication of the Rathbone 
Brothers Plc Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011 
("the 2011 Report and Accounts") made on 18 April 2012. 
The information below, which is extracted from the 2011 Report and accounts is 
included solely for the purposes of complying with DTR 6.3.5 and the 
requirements it imposes on issuers as to how to make public an annual financial 
report. It should be read in conjunction with the Company's preliminary 
announcement issued on 21 February 2012. Together these constitute the material 
required by DTR 6.3.5 to be communicated to the media in unedited full text 
through a Regulatory Information Service. This material is not a substitute for 
reading the full 2011 Report and Accounts. Page numbers and cross references in 
the extracted information below refer to page numbers and cross reference in the 
2011 Report and Accounts. 
Risk Management 
Rathbones has a clear risk management framework, the key objective of which is 
to identify and manage risk within a Board-approved risk appetite.  The Board 
believes that the most effective way of achieving this is by embedding risk 
management throughout the organisation.  We achieve this by ensuring that all 
identified risks are owned by specific committees who have responsibility for 
risk identification and risk management. These committees in turn report to the 
risk management committee, which takes a more holistic view of risk, identifying 
trends and correlations and providing guidance to other committees and to the 
Board.  This approach allows for risk decisions to be taken at the most 
appropriate level and also be subject to robust review and challenge. 
Ian Buckley is the executive director with oversight responsibility for risk 
management. The risk management committee comprises all members of the group 
executive committee, together with the group heads of personnel, compliance and 
internal audit.  During 2011, two non-executive directors, Oliver Corbett and 
Kathryn Matthews, became members of the committee and on 1 March 2012 Kathryn 
Matthews will become chairman of the committee. 
The responsibilities of the risk management committee include: 
  * advising the Board on the Group's overall risk appetite and risk strategy, 
    taking into account the current and prospective macroeconomic and financial 
  * overseeing the current risk exposures of the Group; 
  * reviewing the risk assessment processes; 
  * supporting the Board's assessment of any proposed strategic business change; 
  * assessing reports on any material breaches of risk limits and the adequacy 
    of proposed management action. 
The full remit of the committee is detailed within its terms of reference, which 
is subject to annual review and approval by the Board.  The risk management 
committee meets on a quarterly basis. The risk management framework is broadly 
unchanged from 2010. 
Risk appetite 
Rathbones' risk appetite is defined as the level of risk it is prepared to 
accept, within defined tolerance levels, in the pursuit of its strategic 
objectives. The Board recognises that taking risks is a normal part of running a 
business, and that the business will necessarily bear losses from financial and 
operational and IT risks which may manifest themselves either as reductions in 
income or directly or indirectly as operating or opportunity costs. The Board is 
committed to mitigating such losses as much as possible, but would be prepared 
to accept loss of up to  GBP10 million in any five year period before it materially 
changes the current business model. 
Risk register 
A risk register is maintained which is considered the principal tool for 
monitoring risks.  During 2011, for reporting purposes, we completed an exercise 
to classify each major financial and non-financial risk facing the Group as a 
financial business, or operational and IT risk.  These risks are assessed by 
management as having a potential material impact on the Company. The 13 major 
risks are listed below in alphabetical order, grouped within the wider risk 
categories, together with details of the key mitigators. These are not 
exhaustive listings. 
Risk scoring 
During 2011 changes were made to the risk scoring methodology adopted by 
Rathbones, as approved by the risk management committee.  Each risk is now 
assessed using a 1 - 4 scoring system; previously a 1 - 5 approach had been 
utilised. The rationale for this reduction is to remove the tendency, 
inadvertent or otherwise, to default to the median. 
Each risk is rated by assessing the probability of the risk occurring and its 
impact if it does occur.  The inherent risk is then reduced given an assessment 
of the internal controls environment or by insurance to give a residual risk 
Business risks 
 Risk              |Definition               |Key mitigators 
 Competition        Competition risk covers   Business 
                    material loss of clients,   * Regular reviews of pricing 
                    and a reduced ability to      structure. 
                    grow the business, as       * Continued investment in 
                    well as key staff loss.       marketing, the investment 
                                                  process and service 
                    Key staff loss is the         standards. 
                    risk of losing either a 
                    member of the group 
                    executive committee, a    Staff 
                    key investment              * Competitive remuneration 
                    professional or a senior      packages. 
                    manager.  This could have   * Investment in staff training 
                    a negative effect on          and development. 
                    either the growth of the    * Contractual clauses with 
                    business or the retention     restrictive covenants. 
                    of existing business. 
 Legal & Compliance Legal and compliance risk   * Retained specialist legal 
                    includes the risk of          advisers. 
                    potential loss arising      * Compliance department. 
                    from litigation, as a       * Data protection policy. 
                    result of a breach of       * Documented policies, 
                    legislative requirements,     procedures and practices. 
                    such as Companies Act 
                    requirements, data 
                    protection, employment 
                    law or health and safety 
 Regulatory         Regulatory risk is the      * Comprehensive compliance 
                    risk that a change in         monitoring. 
                    regulation will             * Awareness of regulatory 
                    materially affect the         developments. 
                    market in which Rathbones   * Active involvement with 
                    operates and increase the     representative industry 
                    risk of non-compliance.       bodies. 
                                                * Close contact with the 
 Reputational       Reputational risk covers    * Strong compliance culture. 
                    the risk that negative      * Treating customers fairly 
                    publicity will lead to a      governance. 
                    loss of income for          * Monitoring of media coverage. 
                    Rathbones or litigation.    * Proactive communications with 
                    It also includes              relations. 
                    investment performance      * Investment process. 
                    risk, which is the risk     * Investment management 
                    that portfolios and/or        performance monitoring. 
                    funds fail to achieve       * Investment in staff training 
                    performance benchmarks,       and development. 
                    leading to client 
                    Reputational damage is 
                    more likely to arise 
                    following the 
                    materialisation of 
                    another risk factor 
                    rather than as a 
                    standalone risk. 
Financial risks 
 Risk     |Definition                      |Key mitigators 
 Credit    Credit risk is the risk of a       * Robust counterparty limits. 
           market counterparty defaulting     * Active monitoring of exposure. 
           on monies deposited with it, or 
           a counterparty failing to fulfil 
           their contractual obligations. 
 Liquidity Liquidity risk is the risk that    * Annual Individual Liquidity 
           the Group will encounter             Adequacy Assessment (including 
           difficulty in meeting                stress testing). 
           obligations associated with        * Daily reporting to senior 
           financial liabilities that are       management. 
           settled by delivering cash or 
           another financial asset. 
 Market    Market risk includes interest      * Documented policies and 
           rate risk, foreign exchange risk     procedures. 
           and price risk.  Market risk is    * Daily monitoring. 
           the risk that the Company's        * Robust application of policy 
           earnings or capital will be          and investment limits. 
           adversely affected by changes in 
           the level or volatility of 
           interest rates, foreign currency 
           exchange rates or market prices. 
Further detailed discussion of the Group's exposures to financial risks is 
included in note 28 to the consolidated financial statements. 
Operational & IT risks 
 Risk                 |Definition                |Key mitigators 
 Business continuity   Business continuity risk     * Documented disaster 
                       is the risk of an event        recovery and 
                       arising which could have a     crisis/incident 
                       material impact on the         management plans. 
                       operations of the            * Regular disaster recovery 
                       business.  This includes       testing. 
                       the inability to recover     * Continuous monitoring of 
                       IT systems or the              IT systems availability. 
                       restricted or denied         * Off-site data centre. 
                       access to office premises. 
 Data integrity        Data integrity risk          * System access controls. 
                       includes the risks           * Policy and procedures. 
                       associated with breaches 
                       of client confidentiality, 
                       as well as potential 
                       failures with the 
                       maintenance, accuracy and 
                       consistency of stored 
 Outsourcing           Outsourcing risk is the      * Active relationship 
                       risk of failure in respect     management, including 
                       of the provision of            regular service review 
                       services by a third            meetings. 
                       party.  Any significant      * Service level agreements 
                       disruption to services, or     and monitoring of key 
                       deterioration in the           performance indicators. 
                       performance of a key 
                       supplier, could have a 
                       negative impact on the 
                       ability of Rathbones to 
                       deliver services to our 
 Processing            Processing risk includes     * Dealing limits and 
                       the potential risk of loss     supporting system 
                       of client or company           controls. 
                       assets through inadequate    * Continued investment in 
                       or failed internal             automated processes. 
                       processes and systems or     * Counter review/4-eyes 
                       fraud.                         processes. 
                                                    * Segregation of duties. 
                                                    * Documented procedures. 
                                                    * Annual controls 
                                                      assessment including an 
                                                      ISAE3402 report. 
 Project management    Project management and       * Documented IT strategy. 
 and control           control risks cover those    * Two-stage assessment, 
                       areas of uncertainty which     challenge and approval of 
                       can arise and have a           project plans. 
                       negative impact on the       * Dedicated projects office 
                       performance or delivery of     function. 
                       a project either in terms    * Evolutionary system 
                       of duration, cost or in        changes, with close user 
                       meeting requirements.          involvement. 
 Settlement            Settlement risk is the       * Daily monitoring of 
                       risk that counterparty         settlement performance. 
                       will fail to deliver the     * Delivery versus payment 
                       terms of a contract at the     approach, wherever 
                       time of settlement.            possible. 
                                                    * Automated processes. 
                                                    * Authorisation and 
                                                      management oversight. 
Related party transactions 
The remuneration of the key management personnel of the Group, who are defined 
as the Company's directors and other members of senior management who are 
responsible for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group, 
is set out below.  Historically, the key management personnel of the Group were 
considered to be limited to the Company's directors.  The comparative balances 
in this note have been restated to reflect the revised presentation. Further 
information about the remuneration of individual directors is provided in the 
audited part of the directors' remuneration report. 
                                            2011          2010 
                                            GBP'000          GBP'000 
  Short term employee benefits             6,029         5,990 
  Post employment benefits                   321           320 
  Other long term benefits                   964         1,333 
  Share-based payments                     1,828         1,876 
                                           9,142         9,519 
Dividends totalling  GBP399,000 were paid in the year (2010:  GBP432,000) in respect 
of ordinary shares held by key management personnel. 
At 31 December 2011, the Group had provided interest-free season ticket loans of 
 GBP8,000 (2010:  GBP7,000) to key management personnel. 
At 31 December 2011, key management personnel and their close family members had 
gross outstanding deposits of  GBP1,040,000 (2010:  GBP1,395,000) and gross 
outstanding banking loans of  GBP1,685,000 (2010:  GBP1,299,000), of which  GBP1,685,000 
(2010:  GBP1,299,000) were made on normal business terms.  A number of the 
Company's directors and their close family members make use of the services 
provided by companies within the Group. Charges for such services are made at 
various staff rates. 
The Group's transactions with the pension funds are described in note 24. At 31 
December 2011,  GBP10,000 was due from the pension schemes (2010:  GBP4,000). 
The Group managed 18 unit trusts and OEICs during 2011 (2010: 16 unit trusts and 
OEICs). Total annual management charges of  GBP14,451,000 (2010:  GBP12,823,000) were 
earned, calculated on the bases published in the individual fund prospectuses, 
which also state the terms and conditions of the management contract with the 
Group. Annual management fees owed to the Group as at 31 December 2011 totalled 
 GBP1,208,000 (2010:  GBP1,078,000). 
All amounts outstanding with related parties are unsecured and will be settled 
in cash.  No guarantees have been given or received. No provisions have been 
made for doubtful debts in respect of the amounts owed by related parties. 
Going Concern basis 
Details of the Group's business activities, results, cash flows and resources, 
together with the risks it faces and other factors likely to affect its future 
development, performance and position are set out in the chairman's statement, 
chief executive's statement, strategy and business performance, business review, 
financial review and risk management report.  In addition, notes 28 and 29 to 
the consolidated financial statements provide further details. 
The Company is regulated by the FSA and performs annual capital adequacy 
assessments which include the modelling of certain extreme stress scenarios. The 
Company publishes Pillar III disclosures annually on its website which provide 
detail about its regulatory capital resources and requirements. Since 6 April 
2011, the Group has had no external borrowings and is fully equity financed. 
In 2011, the Group has continued to generate organic growth in client funds 
under management despite the unhelpful market conditions, and this is expected 
to continue. The directors believe that the Company is well placed to manage its 
business risks successfully despite the continuing uncertain economic and 
political outlook. 
As the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, they 
continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the annual 
financial statements. In forming their view, the directors have considered the 
Company's prospects for a period exceeding 12 months from the date the financial 
statements are approved. 
Responsibility statement of Directors on the annual report 
The responsibility statement below has been prepared in connection with the 
Group's full annual report for the year ending 31 December 2011. Certain parts 
thereof are not included within this announcement. 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
  * the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of 
    accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
    financial position and profit of the Company and its undertakings included 
    in the consolidation taken as a whole; and 
  * the directors' report, together with the information provided in the 
    business review, financial review and risk management report, includes a 
    fair view of the development and performance of the business and the 
    position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation 
    taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and 
    uncertainties that they face. 
By Order of the Board 
A D Pomfret 
Chief Executive 
20 February 2012 
Legal Notice 
This document contains certain forward-looking statements which were made by the 
directors in good faith based on the information available to them at the time 
of their approval of the 2011 Report and Accounts. Forward looking statements 
contained within the document should be treated with some caution due to the 
inherent uncertainties, including economic, regulatory and business risk 
factors, underlying any such forward looking statements. 
Richard Loader 
Company Secretary 
020 7399 0000 
19 April 2012 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Rathbone Brothers PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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