LEI: 213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   OneSavings Bank plc 
   Interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2019 
   OneSavings Bank plc ('OSB' or 'the Bank' or 'the Group'), the specialist 
lending and retail savings group, announces today another strong set of 
results for the six months ended 30 June 2019. 
   Financial highlights 
   -- Underlying profit before tax1 increased 6% to GBP96.9m (H1 2018: 
      GBP91.8m) and statutory profit before tax remained broadly flat at 
      GBP91.0m (H1 2018: GBP91.8m) 
   -- Net loan book growth of 10%, driven by 13% growth in gross organic 
      origination to GBP1,635m (H1 2018: GBP1,444m) 
   -- Continued focus on cost discipline and efficiency alongside strong income 
      growth delivered a cost to income ratio2 of 28% (H1 2018: 27%) 
   -- Net interest margin ('NIM')3 of 278bps (H1 2018: 301bps) 
   -- Loan loss ratio4 of 12bps (H1 2018: 11bps) 
   -- Fully-loaded Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') capital ratio strong at 13.0% 
      (FY 2018: 13.3%) 
   -- Underlying basic earnings per share ('EPS') of 29.0p5, up 5% (H1 2018: 
      27.5p) and statutory basic earnings per share down 7% to 25.5p (H1 2018: 
   -- Return on equity6 of 23% (H1 2018: 26%) 
   --Interim dividend of 4.9p per share, up 14% (H1 2018: 4.3p)(7) 
Commenting on the results, Group CEO, Andy Golding said: 
   "I am delighted that OneSavings Bank has delivered strong performance in 
the first half of 2019. Lending volumes were driven by 13% growth in 
organic originations with high demand across our core market segments. 
We saw good opportunities in the professional Buy-to-Let segment and our 
more specialist businesses, including InterBay Commercial and bespoke 
residential, flourished in the first six months of the year. This 
supported 6% growth in underlying profit before tax to GBP96.9m and a 
strong return on equity of 23%. 
   In July we successfully completed the inaugural issuance of our 
Canterbury Finance RMBS programme, securitising GBP500m of organically 
originated mortgages, adding further diversification to our funding and 
paving the way for future optimisation of our funding model. Our retail 
funding franchise had an excellent six months with nearly 30,000 new 
customers joining the Bank. 
   NIM decreased in the first half, primarily due to the changing mix of 
the loan book despite broadly stable asset pricing. The mix of the loan 
book continued to change as the higher yielding back book refinanced 
onto front book pricing. The impact of this mix effect has now largely 
run its course, assuming current mortgage pricing, cost of funds and 
swap spreads continue. 
   Our core market segments remain attractive and we have confidence in 
continuing to deliver growth in our net loan book. Despite ongoing 
uncertainty surrounding Brexit, given the growth already achieved this 
year and considering the current strong pipeline and application levels 
in the third quarter to date, we now expect to deliver high-teens net 
loan book growth in 2019 at attractive margins. We continue to invest in 
the business and we will maintain a strong focus on cost efficiency and 
   The recommended all-share combination between OneSavings Bank and 
Charter Court Financial Services Group plc ('CCFS') received shareholder 
approval from OSB and CCFS's respective shareholders on 6 June 2019 and 
an unconditional clearance from the Competition and Markets Authority on 
30 July 2019. As a consequence of the combination we are unable to 
provide detailed guidance for the financial year ahead. 
   OneSavings Bank is exceptionally well-placed to continue to generate 
attractive returns for our shareholders, regardless of potential 
political scenarios that may take place and we look to the future with 
   Key metrics 
                                  H1 2019  H1 2018 
--------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total assets (GBPbn)                 11.6      9.7 
--------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Net loan book (GBPbn)                 9.9      8.1 
--------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Loan to deposit ratio(8) 
 (%)                                   91       90 
--------------------------------  -------  ------- 
3 months+ arrears(9) (%)              1.5      1.3 
--------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Customer net promoter score(10)       +64      +60 
--------------------------------  -------  ------- 
   OneSavings Bank plc                                       Brunswick Group 
   Alastair Pate, Investor Relations                         Robin 
Wrench/Simone Selzer 
   t: 01634 838973                                                 t: 020 7404 5959 
   Results presentation 
   OneSavings Bank will be holding an interim results presentation for 
analysts at 9:30am on Wednesday 21 August at The Lincoln Centre, 18 
Lincoln's Inn Fields, WC2A 3ED. The UK dial-in is 0808 109 0700 and the 
password is OneSavings Bank. The presentation will be webcast and 
available from 9.30am on the OneSavings Bank website at 
www.osb.co.uk/investors/results-reports- presentations. Registration is 
open immediately. 
   About OneSavings Bank plc 
   OneSavings Bank plc ('OSB') began trading as a bank on 1 February 2011 
and was admitted to the main market of the London Stock Exchange in June 
2014 (OSB.L). OSB joined the FTSE 250 index in June 2015. OSB is a 
specialist lending and retail savings group authorised by the Prudential 
Regulation Authority, part of the Bank of England, and regulated by the 
Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. 
   OSB primarily targets market sub-sectors that offer high growth 
potential and attractive risk-adjusted returns in which it can take a 
leading position and where it has established expertise, platforms and 
capabilities. These include private rented sector Buy-to-Let, commercial 
and semi-commercial mortgages, residential development finance, bespoke 
and specialist residential lending, secured funding lines and asset 
finance. OSB originates organically through specialist brokers and 
independent financial advisers. It is differentiated through its use of 
highly skilled, bespoke underwriting and efficient operating model. 
   OSB is predominantly funded by retail savings originated through the 
long-established Kent Reliance name, which includes online and postal 
channels, as well as a network of branches in the South East of England. 
Diversification of funding is currently provided by a securitisation 
programme and the Term Funding Scheme. 
   1. Before exceptional transaction expenses of GBP5.9m (H1 2018: GBPnil), see 
      Alternative performance measures and Exceptional items in the Financial 
      review for further details 
   2 Administrative expenses, including depreciation and amortisation as a 
percentage of total income 
   3 Net interest income as a percentage of average interest bearing assets, 
   4 Impairment losses expressed as a percentage of average gross loans and 
advances, annualised 
   5 Underlying profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP71.0m 
(H1 2018: GBP67.1m), which is underlying profit after tax of 
   GBP74.3m (H1 2018: GBP69.5m) less coupons on equity PSBs and AT1 
securities, gross of tax of GBP3.3m (H1 2018: GBP2.4m, net of tax) 
divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
during the period, see note 1 Accounting policies -- Taxation and note 9 
Earnings per share 
   1. Underlying profit after tax after deducting coupons on equity PSBs and 
      AT1 securities of GBP3.3m, gross of tax (H1 2018: GBP2.4m, net of tax) as 
      a percentage of average shareholders' equity (excluding equity PSBs of 
      GBP22m and AT1 securities of GBP60m) which 
   was GBP618.1m in first half of 2019 (H1 2018: GBP518.0m), annualised 
   1. The proposed interim dividend of 4.9 pence per share for the first half 
      of 2019 is based on one third of the total 2018 dividend of 14.6 pence 
      per share (H1 2018: 4.3 pence per share, one third of the 2017 dividend 
      of 12.8 pence per share) 
   2. Excluding the impact of the Bank of England's Term Funding Scheme and 
      Indexed Long-Term Repo. The unadjusted ratio was 107% (H1 2018: 109%) 
   9 Portfolio arrears rate of accounts for which there are missing or 
overdue payments by more than three months as a 
   percentage of gross loans 
   1. The Net Promoter Score is calculated based on customer responses to the 
      question of whether they would recommend the Group's products to a 
      friend. The responses provide a score between -100 and +100 
   Alternative performance measures 
   OSB believes that the use of alternative performance measures ('APMs') 
for profitability and earnings per share provide valuable information to 
the readers of the financial statements and present a more consistent 
basis for comparing the Group's performance between financial periods, 
by adjusting for exceptional non-recurring items. APMs also reflect an 
important aspect of the way in which operating targets are defined and 
performance is monitored by the Board. However, any APMs in this 
document are not a substitute for IFRS measures and readers should 
consider the IFRS measures as well. 
   Important disclaimer 
   This document should be read in conjunction with the documents 
distributed by OneSavings Bank plc ('OSB') through the Regulatory News 
Service ('RNS'). This document is not audited and contains certain 
forward-looking statements, beliefs or opinions, including statements 
with respect to the business, strategy and plans of OSB and its current 
goals and expectations relating to its future financial condition, 
performance and results. Such forward-looking statements include, 
without limitation, those preceded by, followed by or that include the 
words 'targets', 'believes', 'estimates', 'expects', 'aims', 'intends', 
'will', 'may', 'anticipates', 'projects', 'plans', 'forecasts', 
'outlook', 'likely', 'guidance', 'trends', 'future', 'would', 'could', 
'should' or similar expressions or negatives thereof. Statements that 
are not historical facts, including statements about OSB's, its 
directors' and/or management's beliefs and expectations, are 
forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements 
involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend 
upon circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Factors that 
could cause actual business, strategy, plans and/or results (including 
but not limited to the payment of dividends) to differ materially from 
the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed 
in such forward- looking statements made by OSB or on its behalf include, 
but are not limited to: general economic and business conditions in the 
UK and internationally; market related trends and developments; 
fluctuations in exchange rates, stock markets, inflation, deflation, 
interest rates and currencies; policies of the Bank of England, the 
European Central Bank and other G8 central  banks; the ability to access 
sufficient sources of capital, liquidity and funding when required; 
changes to OSB's credit ratings; the ability to derive cost savings; 
changing demographic developments, and changing customer behaviour, 
including consumer spending, saving and borrowing habits; changes in 
customer preferences; changes to borrower or counterparty credit 
quality; instability in the global financial markets, including Eurozone 
instability, the potential for countries to exit the European Union (the 
"EU") or the Eurozone, and the impact of any sovereign credit rating 
downgrade or other sovereign financial issues; technological changes and 
risks to cyber security; natural and other disasters, adverse weather 
and similar contingencies outside OSB's control; inadequate or failed 
internal or external processes, people and systems; terrorist acts and 
other acts of war or hostility and responses to those acts; geopolitical, 
pandemic or other such events; changes in laws, regulations,  taxation, 
accounting standards or practices, including as a result of an exit by 
the UK from the EU; regulatory capital or liquidity requirements and 
similar contingencies outside OSB's control; the policies and actions of 
governmental or regulatory  authorities in the UK, the EU or elsewhere 
including the implementation and interpretation of key legislation and 
regulation; the ability to attract and retain senior management and 
other employees; the extent of any future impairment charges or write- 
downs caused by, but not limited to, depressed asset valuations, market 
disruptions and illiquid markets; market relating trends and 
developments; exposure to regulatory scrutiny, legal proceedings, 
regulatory investigations or complaints; changes in competition and 
pricing environments; the inability to hedge certain risks economically; 
the adequacy of loss reserves; the actions of competitors, including 
non-bank financial services and lending companies; and the success of 
OSB in managing the risks of the foregoing. 
   Accordingly, no reliance may be placed on any forward-looking statement 
and no representation, warranty or assurance is made that any of these 
statements or forecasts will come to pass or that any forecast results 
will be achieved. Any forward- looking statements made in this document 
speak only as of the date they are made and it should not be assumed 
that they have been revised or updated in the light of new information 
of future events. Except as required by the Prudential Regulation 
Authority, the Financial Conduct Authority, the London Stock Exchange 
PLC or applicable law, OSB expressly disclaims any obligation or 
undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any 
forward-looking statements contained in this document to reflect any 
change in OSB's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, 
conditions or  circumstances on which any such statement is based. For 
additional information on possible risks to OSB's business, please see 
Risk review section in the OSB 2018 Annual Report and Accounts. Copies 
of this are available at www.osb.co.uk and on request from OSB. 
   Nothing in this document and any subsequent discussion constitutes or 
forms part of a public offer under any applicable law or an offer to 
purchase or sell any securities or financial instruments. Nor does it 
constitute advice or a recommendation with respect to such securities or 
financial instruments, or any invitation or inducement to engage in 
investment activity under section 21 of the Financial Services and 
Markets Act 2000. Past performance cannot be relied on as a guide to 
future performance. Nothing in this document is intended to be, or 
should be construed as, a quantified financial benefits statement  for 
the purposes of Rule 28 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers or a 
profit forecast or estimate for any period. 
   Liability arising from anything in this document shall be governed by 
English law, and neither the Company nor any of its affiliates, advisors 
or representatives shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or 
otherwise) for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this document 
or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with this document. 
Nothing in this document shall exclude any liability under applicable 
laws that cannot be excluded in accordance with such laws. 
   Certain figures contained in this document, including financial 
information, may have been subject to rounding adjustments and foreign 
exchange conversions. Accordingly, in certain instances, the sum or 
percentage change of the numbers contained in this document may not 
conform exactly to the total figure given. 
   Key Performance Indicators 
                                       H1 2019 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Gross new organic lending up 13%     GBP1,635m   H1 2018: GBP1,444m 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Net loan book up 10%                  GBP9.9bn   FY 2018: GBP9.0bn 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Statutory profit before tax down      GBP91.0m   H1 2018: GBP91.8m 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Underlying profit before tax up    GBP96.9m(1)   H1 2018: GBP91.8m 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Statutory basic EPS down 7%              25.5p   H1 2018: 27.5p 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Underlying basic EPS up 5%          29.0p(1,5)   H1 2018: 27.5p 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Return on equity reduced by 3pp         23%(6)   H1 2018: 26% 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Net interest margin down 23bps       278bps(3)   H1 2018: 301bps 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Cost to income ratio increased by       28%(2)   H1 2018: 27% 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Fully-loaded CET1 ratio remains          13.0%   FY 2018: 13.3% 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Loan loss ratio up by 1bp             12bps(4)   H1 2018: 11bps 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
3 months + in arrears stable           1.5%(9)   FY 2018: 1.5% 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Customer NPS improved                  +64(10)   H1 2018: +60 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
Interim dividend per share up 14%      4.9p(7)   H1 2018: 4.3p 
---------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
   For definitions of key ratios please see footnotes above 
   Progress in the first half of 2019 
   I am very pleased with our progress this year. OneSavings Bank has 
delivered excellent shareholder returns as a result of strong lending 
across our market segments. In particular, strength in our core 
Buy-to-Let/SME segment supported earnings growth, with a 5% increase in 
underlying basic earnings per share to 29.0p. I am also pleased to 
report an underlying pre-tax profit of GBP96.9m, a 6% increase on the 
same period last year. Including the exceptional costs of the 
recommended combination with Charter Court Financial Services Group plc 
('CCFS'), statutory profit before tax was broadly flat at 
   Our attractive market proposition to professional landlords and 
borrowers with more complex needs, combined with strong broker 
relationships, supported net loan book growth of 10% to GBP9.9bn in the 
first half of 2019. This achievement reflects our strong organic 
origination capability, with 13% growth in total organic origination 
versus the first half of 2018 and the continued opportunities in the 
markets in which we operate. 
   Demand across all of our core market segments is high and we were 
pleased with the continued traction of our products in the market. In 
particular, our commercial and residential offerings experienced 
exceptionally strong growth and we continued to see high quality 
business. However, in light of the current macroeconomic outlook and our 
disciplined approach to lending, we tightened our underwriting criteria, 
especially in bridging and residential development finance, to protect 
the quality of the book. 
   Net interest margin ('NIM') decreased to 278bps in the first half, with 
the reduction primarily due to the changing mix of the loan book, 
despite broadly stable asset pricing. The mix of the loan book continued 
to change as the higher yielding back book refinanced onto front book 
pricing. The impact of this mix effect has now largely run its course, 
assuming current mortgage pricing, cost of funds and swap spreads 
   We continued to manage costs effectively whilst investing in the 
business, including the ongoing IRB project as well as improvements to 
our IT infrastructure. Our cost to income ratio for the first half was 
strong at 28%. High growth at attractive margins combined to produce an 
annualised return on equity of 23%. 
   Our retail savings franchise remains extremely strong, with nearly 
30,000 new customers joining the Bank in the first six months of 2019, 
half of them in April alone, a record month for Kent Reliance. In July, 
we re-entered the securitisation market with an inaugural deal in our 
Canterbury Finance RMBS programme, securitising GBP500m of organically 
originated mortgages, which adds valuable diversification to our 
   We are delighted with the receipt of OSB and CCFS shareholder approval 
and the Competition and Markets Authority's unconditional clearance of 
the recommended combination between OSB and CCFS, and we continue to 
believe in the strong strategic rationale for creating a leading 
specialist lender. 
   Continued development of our strong lending franchise 
   We differentiate ourselves by offering well-defined propositions in 
market segments where we have the experience and distribution 
relationships to successfully develop and service those segments. 
   Net loan book growth of 10% in the period was driven by a 13% increase 
in gross organic origination to GBP1.6bn against the same period in 
2018. We continued to see good opportunities with professional landlords 
in our core Buy-to-Let market and additional semi-commercial and 
commercial opportunities for our InterBay Commercial brand. Our 
specialist residential lending increased through a successful relaunch 
in the second half of 2018. 
   A high proportion of borrowers choose to take a new product with the 
Bank at the end of their initial product term through Choices, OSB's 
mortgage product retention scheme. Under Choices, borrowers are 
encouraged to engage with their broker to receive advice and select from 
a bespoke product set. 
   This scheme has been successful in increasing retention with 76% of 
borrowers choosing a new OSB product within three months of the maturity 
of their existing mortgage. 
   Our coordinated distribution across all brands remains a core strategic 
differentiator and we have continued to gain industry recognition, 
winning national and broker firm awards throughout the period, including 
Best Specialist Mortgage Provider from Moneyfacts as well as Mortgage 
Strategy awards for Best Specialist Lender and Best Buy-to-Let Lender. 
Our more specialist businesses were also recognised by the industry, 
including Bridging Funding Partner of the Year at the Bridging and 
Commercial Awards and 2018 Secured Loan Lender award for our Prestige 
second charge residential business. 
   The core Buy-to-Let sub-segment, which comprises 72% of the OSB gross 
loan book, is demonstrating robust demand from professional and 
incorporated landlords with high levels of refinancing partially 
offsetting lower purchase activity and reduced demand from amateur 
landlords. Five-year fixed rate products remain in favour with borrowers 
and represented 51% of our Kent Reliance Buy-to-Let completions in the 
first six months of 2019. 
   For new origination under our Kent Reliance brand, remortgages were 61%, 
up from 58% in 2018. Professional/multi-property landlords accounted for 
81% of Buy-to-Let completions by value during the first half of 2019 and 
limited company purchase applications for Kent Reliance were 73%, as 
landlords continue their migration to borrowing via company structures. 
We are seeing increased demand in higher yielding market segments, 
including Houses in Multiple Occupation and student accommodation, where 
we have particular expertise. 
   Our InterBay Commercial business, which provides a range of commercial, 
semi-commercial, bridging and more complex Buy-to-Let mortgages, 
continues to flourish. Given the current macroeconomic environment, we 
have recently tightened lending criteria and adjusted our risk exposures 
accordingly to ensure the book remains of the highest quality. This 
business lends at sensible loan to values ('LTVs'), and generates strong 
returns on a risk-adjusted basis. 
   After a period of declining originations in our residential segment, we 
saw originations rise in the first half of 2019 to GBP260m (H1 2018: 
GBP111m). New products that we launched last year are gaining good 
traction and meeting our growth targets. The shared ownership market is 
currently offering relatively high yields and we have improved our 
competitiveness for high quality business. Over the medium term, we see 
an opportunity to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns from our 
residential products, particularly once we transition to IRB. 
   We are very pleased with the performance of our Heritable Development 
Finance business. We continue to monitor markets closely and concentrate 
on funding house builders who operate outside central London and provide 
relatively affordable family housing, as opposed to complex city centre 
schemes where affordability and construction cost control can be more 
challenging. New applications come primarily from a mixture of repeat 
business from the team's extensive long-term relationships and 
   The residential development funding gross loan book at the end of June 
2019 was GBP141m with a further GBP100m committed. The business has 
commitments to finance the development of around 1,800 residential units 
as at the end of June 2019. 
   The Bank's secured funding lines business in both Buy-to-Let/SME and 
Residential segments continues to grow, with cautious risk fundamentals 
applied. During the first six months of 2019, gross advances to the 
specialty finance market segment, including bridging loans totalled 
GBP101m, with total loans outstanding of GBP217m as at 30 June 2019. 
During the period, one new GBP30m facility was approved and a number of 
existing facilities were increased. 
   The InterBay Asset Finance business, which was established in the second 
half of 2018 and predominantly targets UK SMEs and small corporates 
financing business-critical assets, had a gross carrying amount under 
finance leases of GBP28m as at 30 June 2019. 
   Sustainable funding model with outstanding customer satisfaction 
   We continue to benefit from our stable and award-winning retail funding 
franchise, with nearly 30,000 new savings customers joining the Bank in 
the first half of 2019. We offer a competitive retail savings 
proposition, which allows the Bank to raise significant funds as we 
require them. Retail deposits were up 14% from 31 December 2018 to 
GBP9.2bn, as OSB took the opportunity to raise deposits at attractive 
rates during the 2019 ISA season. Our excellent customer service is 
demonstrated by our very strong customer Net Promoter Score ('NPS') of 
+64 and our continued exceptionally high retention rates on maturing 
bonds and ISAs of 93%. 
   We remain committed to being funded predominantly by retail savings with 
a strong diversification capability through RMBS and Bank of England 
funding schemes. In July, we successfully securitised 
   GBP500m of organically originated mortgages under our newly established 
Canterbury Finance RMBS programme. This was well-received in the market, 
adding further diversification to our funding and positioning us well 
for future transactions. Our borrowings under the Term Funding Scheme 
remained unchanged at GBP1.5bn and Indexed Long-Term Repo borrowings 
were GBP100m as at 30 June 2019. 
   Well-capitalised with strong risk management 
   The Group's total arrears balance remained low, and the portfolio 
arrears rate remained stable at 1.5% as at 30 June 2019 (31 December 
2018: 1.5%). The Group's loan loss ratio for the first half remained 
broadly flat at 12bps compared to 11bps in the first half of 2018. 
   There was no material change in the severity or probability weightings 
assigned to the Group's macroeconomic scenarios in the first half of 
2019. These were strengthened by the addition of a more severe no-deal 
disorderly Brexit scenario(1) in December 2018, in addition to the 
existing no-deal disruptive Brexit scenario(1) . The Bank's provisions 
under IFRS 9 are particularly sensitive to the weighting applied to the 
more severe disorderly no-deal Brexit scenario.(1) 
   We have maintained an appropriate level and quality of capital required 
to support our growth objectives and to meet prudential requirements. 
Our CET1 ratio of 13.0% as at 30 June 2019 (31 December 2018: 13.3%) 
remained comfortably in excess of the regulatory requirements and Board 
risk appetite. The Bank's total capital ratio was 15.2% as at 30 June 
2019 (31 December 2018: 15.8%). 
   The weighted average LTV of the mortgage book remained low at 68% as at 
30 June 2019 with an average LTV of 70% on new origination in the first 
half. Our average interest coverage ratio ('ICR') remained stable in the 
period at 175% (FY 2018: 171%). 
   We are pleased with our progress towards IRB and believe that the Bank 
will benefit in its capital requirements, especially for residential 
lending at sensible LTVs. 
   Cost discipline central to our business 
   The low cost to income ratio of 28% reflects our efficient and scalable 
operating platform, and has been achieved despite additional investment 
in the business, including our ongoing IRB project. We continue with 
improvements to our technology infrastructure, including our online 
savings platform. As ever, we focus on delivering further efficiencies 
in the cost of running the Bank on a 'business as usual basis', through 
continued disciplined cost management, the benefits of scale and 
leveraging our unique operating platform in India ('OSBI') as we grow. 
The management expense ratio improved to 74bps for the first six months 
of 2019 compared to 79bps for the first half of 2018. 
   OSBI undertakes a range of primary processing services at a 
significantly lower cost than an equivalent UK-based operation, with 
quality of service that is consistently high, as reflected in our 
outstanding customer NPS of +64. The focus on driving improved customer 
experience extends to both our savings and lending franchises. Broker 
NPS was +27 for the first six months of 2019. 
   A larger, stronger specialist lender 
   We are excited about the recommended combination with CCFS, fully 
believing in the advantages that will come from a more resilient 
diversified funding platform together with greater scale and resources. 
We will have a larger footprint in the UK Buy-to-Let and residential 
segments with an enhanced proposition to the broker community to ensure 
we remain at the forefront of UK specialist mortgage lending. 
   It is clear that the overall housing market is subdued with Brexit and 
geopolitical concerns weighing on pricing and activity. However, we are 
still achieving growth in our core market segments and are encouraged by 
our strong pipeline and application levels. Given this and considering 
the growth already achieved this year, we now expect to deliver net loan 
book growth in the high-teens in 2019, driven by organic lending and 
strong retention. The impact on NIM of the changing mix of the loan book, 
as the higher yielding back book refinanced onto front book pricing, has 
largely run its course, assuming current mortgage pricing, cost of funds 
and swap spreads continue. 
   We are mindful of the macroeconomic environment, primarily driven by 
uncertainties surrounding the UK's departure from the European Union and 
the potential impact on the UK economy, including pressure on house 
prices, particularly in London. However, we believe that our specialist 
underwriting capabilities across our segments are even more relevant in 
times of uncertainty, as they give us a greater and deeper understanding 
of the risks that we can actively manage and price for. We manage the 
business prudently, with careful business planning and strong credit 
risk management across the life cycle, and continue to focus on 
achieving high risk-adjusted returns in our chosen market segments. 
   Andy Golding 
   Chief Executive Officer 
   1. The Bank's two no-deal Brexit related economic scenarios relate to 
(1) a no-deal disruptive Brexit, and (2) no-deal disorderly Brexit, as 
published in the Bank of England 'EU withdrawal scenarios and monetary 
and financial stability' paper, November 2018. 
   Financial review 
   Summarised financial information, including key ratios, is presented in 
the tables below: 
                                                      H1 2019      H1 2018 
   Summary Profit or Loss                           GBPm           GBPm 
   Net interest income                                  151.0         135.2 
   Fair value losses on financial instruments           (7.4)         (1.9) 
   Net fees and commissions                               0.3           0.2 
   External servicing fees                              (0.1)         (0.4) 
   Administrative expenses(1)                          (40.9)        (35.9) 
   FSCS and other regulatory provisions                 (0.1)         (1.1) 
   Impairment losses                                    (5.9)         (4.3) 
   Exceptional item -- transaction expenses             (5.9)             - 
                                                -------------  ------------ 
   Profit before tax                                     91.0          91.8 
                                                -------------  ------------ 
   Profit after tax                                      65.8          69.5 
                                                -------------  ------------ 
   Underlying profit before tax(2)                       96.9          91.8 
                                                -------------  ------------ 
   Underlying profit after tax(2)                        74.3          69.5 
                                                -------------  ------------ 
                                              H1 2019  H1 2018 
   Key ratios 
   Net interest margin                        278bps   301bps 
   Basic earnings per share, pence(2)            25.5     27.5 
   Underlying basic earnings per share, 
    pence(2)                                     29.0     27.5 
   Return on equity                               23%      26% 
   Management expense ratio(3) , annualised     74bps    79bps 
   Cost to income ratio                           28%      27% 
   Loan loss ratio                            12bps    11bps 
                                    30-Jun-19   31-Dec-18 
                                       GBPm       GBPm 
   Extracts from the Statement of Financial Position 
   Loans and advances                  9,862.0    8,983.3 
   Retail deposits                     9,175.0    8,071.9 
   Total assets                       11,637.8   10,460.2 
   Key ratios 
   Liquidity ratio(4)                    15.3%      14.5% 
   Common equity tier 1 ratio            13.0%      13.3% 
   Total capital ratio                   15.2%      15.8% 
   Total leverage ratio                   5.7%       5.9% 
   1 Including depreciation and amortisation 
   2 See Alternative performance measures and reconciliation of statutory 
and underlying profit before and after tax below 
   3 Administrative expenses including depreciation and amortisation as a 
percentage of average total assets 
   4 Liquid assets as a percentage of funding liabilities 
   For definitions of other key ratios please see footnotes above 
   Alternative performance measures 
   OSB believes that the use of alternative performance measures ('APMs') 
for profitability and earnings per share provides valuable information 
to the readers of the financial statements and presents a more 
consistent basis for comparing the Group's performance between financial 
periods, by adjusting for exceptional non-recurring items. APMs also 
reflect an important aspect of the way in which operating targets are 
defined and performance is monitored by the Board. However, any APMs in 
this document are not a substitute for IFRS measures and readers should 
consider the IFRS measures as well. 
   Reconciliation of statutory profit to underlying profit 
                                                          Profit after 
                              Profit before taxation      taxation 
                                     Group    Group     Group        Group 
                                    30-Jun-  30-Jun-   30-Jun-      30-Jun- 
                                     2019     2018       2019         2018 
                                     GBPm     GBPm       GBPm         GBPm 
  Statutory profit                     91.0     91.8        65.8          69.5 
  Exceptional cost -- transaction 
   expenses(1)                          5.9        -         5.9             - 
  Exceptional cost -- Heritable 
   option tax(2)                          -        -         2.6             - 
  Underlying profit                    96.9     91.8        74.3          69.5 
   1. Exceptional transaction costs of GBP5.9m relate to the recommended 
      combination with Charter Court Financial Services Group plc. 
   2. Heritable option tax relates to the reversal of the tax benefit 
      recognised in 2018. 
   Statutory basic EPS of 25.5 pence per share (H1 2018: 27.5 pence per 
share) is calculated by dividing profit attributable to ordinary 
shareholders of GBP62.5m (H1 2018: GBP67.1m) which is profit after 
taxation of 
   GBP65.8m (H1 2018: GBP69.5m) less coupons on equity PSBs, gross of tax 
of GBP0.5m (H1 2018: GBP0.4m, net of tax) and coupons on AT1 securities, 
gross of tax of GBP2.8m (H1 2018: GBP2.0m net of tax) by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 244.9m 
(H1 2018: 244.0m). 
   Underlying basic EPS of 29.0 pence per share (H1 2018: 27.5 pence per 
share) is calculated by dividing underlying profit attributable to 
ordinary shareholders of GBP71.0m (H1 2018: GBP67.1m), which is 
underlying profit after taxation of GBP74.3m (H1 2018: GBP69.5m) less 
coupons on equity PSBs, gross of tax of GBP0.5m (H1 2018: GBP0.4m, net 
of tax) and coupons on AT1 securities, gross of tax of GBP2.8m (H1 2018: 
GBP2.0 net of tax) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
issue during the period of 244.9m (H1 2018: 244.0m). 
   On 1 January 2019, the Group adopted amendments to IAS 12 Income Taxes 
and, as a result, changed the way it accounts for tax payable on coupons 
on equity bonds. From 1 January 2019, this tax is recognised directly in 
profit or loss and not, as previously, in equity. 
   Strong underlying profit growth 
   The Group reported profit before tax of GBP91.0m for the first half of 
2019, a decrease of 1% compared to 
   GBP91.8m in the first half of 2018. Excluding the exceptional 
transaction costs relating to the recommended combination with Charter 
Court Financial Services Group plc ('CCFS'), the Bank recorded a 6% 
increase in underlying profit before tax to GBP96.9m (H1 2018: GBP91.8m) 
primarily reflecting growth in the net loan book and net interest income 
supported by an efficient cost base. 
   Profit after tax for the first half of 2019 decreased by 5% to GBP65.8m 
(H1 2018: GBP69.5m). On an underlying basis, excluding the exceptional 
transaction costs and the tax adjustment on the Heritable option cost, 
the profit after tax was GBP74.3m (H1 2018: GBP69.5m) which represents a 
7% increase compared to the first six months of 2018. The Bank's 
effective tax rate remained broadly flat at 24.7%(1) for the first half 
of 2019 (H1 2018: 24.3%). 
   Net interest income 
   The Group reported an increase in net interest income of 12% to 
GBP151.0m in the first half of 2019 (H1 2018: 
   GBP135.2m) and net interest margin ('NIM') of 278bps (H1 2018: 301bps). 
   The decrease in NIM is primarily due to the changing mix of the loan 
book, despite broadly stable asset pricing. The mix of the loan book 
continued to change as the higher yielding back book refinanced onto 
front book pricing. The impact of this mix effect has now largely run 
its course, assuming current mortgage pricing, cost of funds and swap 
spreads continue. 
   Fair value losses on financial instruments 
   Fair value losses on financial instruments increased to GBP7.4m in the 
first half of 2019 (H1 2018: GBP1.9m). This included a GBP4.6m loss on 
unmatched swaps (H1 2018: GBP0.2m gain), due primarily to fair value 
movements on mortgage pipeline swaps, prior to them being matched 
against completed mortgages, following a significant flattening of the 
Libor curve. This unrealised loss will unwind over the life of the 
swaps. The Group also made a loss of GBP0.9m (H1 2018: GBP0.8m gain) due 
to the ineffective portion of hedges and recognised GBP2.0m of 
amortisation of fair value adjustments on hedged assets relating to 
cancelled swaps (H1 2018: GBP2.5m). 
   Net fees and commissions 
   Net fees and commissions income of GBP0.3m in the first half of 2019 (H1 
2018: GBP0.2m) comprised fees and commissions receivable of GBP0.9m (H1 
2018: GBP0.7m) partially offset by fees and commissions payable of 
   GBP0.6m (H1 2018: GBP0.5m). 
   External servicing fees 
   External servicing fees decreased to GBP0.1m in the first half of 2019 
(H1 2018: GBP0.4m) due primarily to the transfer of servicing for a 
number of acquired residential loan books to the Bank's operation in 
India in 2018. 
   Administrative expenses 
   Administrative expenses, inclusive of depreciation and amortisation, 
were up 14% to GBP40.9m in the first half of 2019 (H1 2018: GBP35.9m). 
This included further spend on the Group's IRB project and planned 
investment in IT infrastructure. The cost to income ratio increased to 
28% (H1 2018: 27%). 
   We continue to focus on finding efficiencies in the cost of running the 
Bank as we grow, which is demonstrated in the management expense 
ratio(2) improving by 5bps to 0.74% for the first half of 2019 (H1 2018: 
   Regulatory provisions 
   The regulatory provisions in the first half of 2019 were GBP0.1m (H1 
2018: GBP1.1m) representing levies due to the Financial Services 
Compensation Scheme. The reduction in provisions is mainly due to 
recognition of additional provisions on acquired books in the prior 
   Impairment losses 
   Impairment losses in the first half of 2019 were GBP5.9m (H1 2018: 
GBP4.3m). The loan loss ratio remained broadly flat at 12bps compared to 
11bps in the first half of 2018 and includes the impact of a small 
number of high value Buy-to-Let cases having Law of Property Act 
receivers appointed at the end of the period, which attract higher 
provision requirements in our IFRS 9 modelling approach. 
   There was no material change in the severity or probability weightings 
assigned to the Group's macroeconomic scenarios in the first half of 
2019. These were strengthened by the addition of a more severe no-deal 
disorderly Brexit scenario(3) in December 2018, in addition to the 
existing no-deal disruptive Brexit scenario(3) . The Bank's provisions 
under IFRS 9 are particularly sensitive to the weighting applied to the 
more severe disorderly no-deal Brexit scenario(3) . 
   The arrears performance of the front book continues to be very strong. 
From more than 54,500 loans totalling GBP12.4bn organically originated 
since the creation of the Bank in February 2011, only 273 were more than 
three months in arrears as at 30 June 2019, with a total value of 
GBP72.0m and an average loan to value of just 63%. 
   Exceptional items 
   Exceptional transaction costs of GBP5.9m, relating to the recommended 
combination with CCFS, were recognised in the first half of 2019. These 
exclude success fees payable if the combination receives regulatory 
approvals and completes and costs that contain discount provisions 
should the combination not proceed. These contingent liabilities are 
expected to be c. GBP9m. 
   There were no exceptional items in the first half of 2018. 
   The Group's dividend policy is to declare interim dividends based on one 
third of the prior year's total dividend. The Board has therefore 
declared an interim dividend of 4.9 pence per share for the first half 
of 2019, based on the 2018 full year dividend of 14.6 pence per share. 
The Board continues to target a full year dividend pay-out ratio of at 
least 25 per cent of underlying profit after tax less coupons on equity 
PSBs and AT1 securities classified as dividends. 
   Balance sheet growth 
   Loans and advances grew by 10% in the first half of 2019 to GBP9,862.0m 
(31 December 2018: GBP8,983.3m). Retail deposits increased by 14% to 
GBP9,175.0m (31 December 2018: GBP8,071.9m) and the borrowings under the 
Bank of England's Indexed Long-Term Repo scheme were GBP100. m. The 
Group's balance under the Term Funding Scheme remained unchanged during 
the first half at GBP1,502.8m. 
   Total assets grew by 11% to GBP11,637.8m (31 December 2018: 
GBP10,460.2m) due to the growth in loans and advances and liquid assets. 
   OneSavings Bank operates under the PRA's liquidity regime. The Bank 
operates within a target liquidity runway in excess of the minimum 
regulatory requirement. OSB ended the first six months of 2019 with a 
liquidity ratio of 15.3%, an increase from 14.5% as at 31 December 2018. 
The Bank took the opportunity to raise additional retail funds during 
the ISA season to prudently improve its liquidity position given the 
current uncertain macroeconomic and political outlook. 
   The Bank's liquidity coverage ratio ('LCR') of 163% as at 30 June 2019 
(31 December 2018: 224%) is significantly in excess of the regulatory 
minimum of 100%. The reduction in the LCR is due to a temporary 
technical requirement to treat term deposits as on demand until 31 
August 2019, during the notice period for changes to terms and 
conditions. The Bank has not seen and does not anticipate any material 
change in customer behaviour or withdrawals during this period. 
Excluding this change, the LCR would have been 238% as at 30 June 2019. 
   The Bank's retail savings franchise continues to provide the business 
with long-term sustainable funding for loan book growth as evidenced by 
the retention rate for maturing deposits of 93% for the first six months 
of 2019 and an exceptional level of customer satisfaction with a Net 
Promoter Score of +64. 
   The Bank's capital position remained strong, with a fully-loaded CET1 
ratio of 13.0% as at 30 June 2019 (31 December 2018: 13.3%) and a total 
capital ratio of 15.2% (31 December 2018: 15.8%) demonstrating the 
capital generation capability of the business to support significant 
growth through profitability. The reduction in capital ratios is due 
primarily to the strong growth in the loan book and the impact of 
exceptional transaction costs on statutory profit. 
   The Bank had a leverage ratio of 5.7% as at 30 June 2019 (31 December 
2018: 5.9%) and a Pillar 2a requirement of 1.1% of risk weighted assets 
(31 December 2018: 1.1%). 
   1. Effective tax rate excludes GBP2.7m of adjustments relating to prior year, 
      see note 8 Taxation. 
   2. Management expense ratio is administrative expenses including 
depreciation and amortisation as a percentage of average total assets. 
   3. The Bank's two no deal Brexit related economic scenarios relate to 
(1) a no deal disruptive Brexit, and (2) no deal disorderly Brexit, as 
published in the Bank of England 'EU withdrawal scenarios and monetary 
and financial stability' paper, November 2018. 
   Segmental review 
   The following table shows the Group's loans and advances and 
contribution to profit by segment: 
  First half 2019, GBPm       Total     BTL/SME    mortgages 
   Net interest income        151.0        120.0         31.0 
   Other expense              (7.2)        (5.2)        (2.0) 
                            -------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total income               143.8        114.8         29.0 
   Impairment losses          (5.9)        (5.2)        (0.7) 
                            -------  -----------  ----------- 
   Contribution to profit     137.9        109.6         28.3 
                            -------  -----------  ----------- 
   First half 2018, GBPm 
   Net interest income        135.2        102.3         32.9 
   Other expense              (2.1)        (0.6)        (1.5) 
                            -------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total income               133.1        101.7         31.4 
   Impairment losses          (4.3)        (3.0)        (1.3) 
                            -------  -----------  ----------- 
   Contribution to profit     128.8         98.7         30.1 
                            -------  -----------  ----------- 
  As at 30 June 2019, GBPm             Total          BTL/SME       mortgages 
   Gross loans to customers              9,895.0        8,158.8        1,736.2 
   Provision for impairment 
    losses                                (33.0)         (15.1)         (17.9) 
                                  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Net loans to customers                9,862.0        8,143.7        1,718.3 
   Risk weighted assets                  4,685.5        3,873.9          811.6 
   As at 31 December 2018, GBPm 
   Gross loans to customers              9,005.2        7,389.2        1,616.0 
   Provision for impairment 
    losses                                (21.9)         (11.0)         (10.9) 
                                  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Net loans to customers                8,983.3        7,378.2        1,605.1 
                                  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Risk weighted assets                  4,211.8        3,453.8          758.0 
   Buy-to-Let/SME sub-segments: gross loans 
                            30-Jun-19     31-Dec-18 
                               GBPm          GBPm 
  Buy-to-Let                  7,099.7       6,517.5 
  Commercial                    725.1         547.8 
  Residential development       141.2         155.8 
  Funding lines                 192.8         168.1 
  Total                       8,158.8       7,389.2 
   This segment comprises Buy-to-Let mortgages secured on residential 
property held for investment purposes by experienced and professional 
landlords, and commercial mortgages secured on commercial and 
semi-commercial properties held for investment purposes or for 
owner-occupation. It also includes our smaller, more specialist business 
segments, including bridge finance, residential development finance to 
small and medium-sized developers, secured funding lines to other 
lenders and asset finance. 
   Market-wide Buy-to-Let gross advances remained broadly flat in the first 
six months of 2019 at GBP18.5bn compared with GBP18.3bn in the same 
period last year.(1) Refinancing accounted for the majority of this 
activity, with landlords' confidence(2) , continuing to be impacted by 
macroeconomic and political uncertainty. In addition, regulatory changes 
to tax and stricter affordability assessment rules continue to deter 
amateur landlords from entering the market leading to further 
professionalisation of the Private Rented Sector. 
   OSB delivered 10% growth in its Buy-to-Let/SME gross loan book to 
GBP8,158.8m in the first half of 2019, driven by a 3% increase in new 
organic originations in the segment to GBP1,374.5m for the first half of 
2019, compared to GBP1,332.6m in the first half of 2018. 
   The Buy-to-Let sub-segment grew by GBP582.2m or 9% in the first half of 
2019 to a gross value of GBP7,099.7m (31 December 2018: GBP6,517.5) as 
we benefitted from continued demand from the professional/multi- 
property landlords who accounted for 81% of Buy-to-Let completions by 
value during the first half of 2019 (H1 2018: 79%). This growth is also 
due to the success of our targeted retention programme Choices, with 76% 
of existing borrowers choosing a new product with the Group within three 
months of product maturity. 
   For our main Kent Reliance brand, Buy-to-Let remortgages in the first 
half of 2019 represented 61% and five year fixed rate products 
represented 51% of originations (H1 2018: 58% and 59% respectively). 
   Limited company purchase applications for Kent Reliance were 73% for the 
first six months of 2019, up from 70% in 2018. Our weighted average 
interest coverage ratio was 175% in the first half (FY 2018: 171%). 
   Through our InterBay Commercial brand, we offer a range of commercial, 
semi-commercial, bridging and more complex Buy-to-Let mortgages. The 
Group's commercial sub-segment grew by 32% with the gross loan book 
reaching GBP725.1m as at 30 June 2019 (31 December 2018: GBP547.8m), due 
to reduced competition, primarily from wholesale-funded lenders. The 
commercial and semi-commercial portfolio had a low weighted average loan 
to value ('LTV') of 66% and average loan size of GBP380,000. 
   Our Heritable residential development business continues to provide 
prudent development finance to small and medium-sized residential 
developers. The preference is to fund house builders who operate outside 
central London and provide relatively affordable family housing, as 
opposed to complex city centre schemes where affordability and 
construction cost control can be more challenging. New applications come 
primarily from a mixture of repeat business from the team's extensive 
existing relationships and referrals. 
   The residential development funding gross loan book at the end of June 
2019 was GBP141.2m with a further 
   GBP99.8m committed (31 December 2018: GBP155.8m and GBP90.3m, 
respectively). Since inception through to 30 June 2019, the business has 
written GBP851m of loans of which GBP452m has been repaid to date. The 
business had commitments to finance the development of just under 1,800 
residential units as at the end of June 2019, the majority of which are 
houses located outside central London. 
   In addition, the Bank continued to provide secured funding lines to 
non-bank lenders which operate in certain high-yielding, specialist 
sub-segments, such as bridging and asset finance. Total credit approved 
limits as at 30 June 2019 were GBP470.0m with total loans outstanding of 
GBP192.8m (31 December 2018: 
   GBP385.0m and GBP168.1m respectively). During the period, one new GBP30m 
funding line was added and credit approved limits were increased by a 
further GBP30m across two existing funding lines. The pipeline remains 
robust, however, given macroeconomic uncertainties the Bank continues to 
adopt a cautious risk approach. 
   Our InterBay Asset Finance business which was established in the second 
half of 2018, predominantly targets UK SMEs and small corporates 
financing business-critical assets. The gross carrying amount under 
finance leases was GBP28.4m as at 30 June 2019 (31 December 2018: 
   The average LTV in the Buy-to-Let/SME segment remained low at 72% (31 
December 2018: 70%) with only 0.7% of loans by value with an LTV 
exceeding 90% (31 December 2018: 0.6%). The average LTV of new 
Buy-to-Let/SME origination in the first half of 2019 was 70% (H1 2018: 
   The Buy-to-Let/SME segment made a contribution to Group profit of 
GBP109.6m in the first half of 2019, up 11% compared to GBP98.7m in the 
first half of 2018, primarily reflecting growth in the loan portfolio, 
partially offset by fair value losses on unmatched mortgage pipeline 
swaps included in other expense. 
   1. UK Finance, New and outstanding buy-to-let new mortgages, 15 August 2019 
   2. BDRC Landlord panel, July 2019 
   Residential mortgages 
   Residential sub-segments: gross loans 
                  30-Jun-19  31-Dec-18 
                     GBPm       GBPm 
  First charge      1,339.7    1,223.9 
  Second charge       372.8      368.0 
  Funding lines        23.7       24.1 
  Total             1,736.2    1,616.0 
   This segment comprises lending to owner occupiers, secured via either 
first or second charges against residential homes and the shared 
ownership market. The Bank also provides funding lines to non-bank 
lenders who operate in high-yielding, specialist sub-segments such as 
residential bridge finance. 
   During the first half of 2019, OSB's total residential loan portfolio 
increased by 7% with a gross carrying value of GBP1,736.2m as at 30 June 
2019 (31 December 2018: GBP1,616.0m) with organic residential lending of 
   GBP259.9m in the first half (H1 2018: GBP111.2m). 
   The first charge residential book had a gross value of GBP1,339.7m as at 
30 June 2019 up 9% from 
   GBP1,223.9m at the end of 2018. The new residential products launched in 
the second half of 2018 received a 
   positive response from borrowers and the Bank also increased its lending 
in the shared ownership market in the first half of 2019. 
   The second charge residential loan book was broadly flat as at 30 June 
2019 with a gross value of 
   GBP372.8m (31 December 2018: GBP368.0m) with organic origination 
matching redemptions on the organic book and acquired books in run-off. 
We maintained appropriate pricing for risk in this sub-segment as 
competitive pricing pressures continued in this market. 
   OSB continued to provide secured funding lines to non-bank lenders which 
operate in certain high-yielding, specialist sub-segments, such as 
residential bridge finance. The Bank adopts a cautious risk approach to 
these more cyclical businesses given macroeconomic uncertainty. Total 
credit approved limits as at 30 June 2019 were GBP51.0m, with total 
loans outstanding of GBP23.7m (31 December 2018: GBP51.8m and GBP24.1m 
   The average LTV in the Residential segment remained low at 58% (31 
December 2018: 56%) with 5% of loans by value with LTV's exceeding 90% 
(31 December 2018: 3%). The average LTV of new residential origination 
in the first half of 2019 increased to 70% (H1 2018: 65%) due to the new 
residential range launched in the second half of 2018. 
   Residential mortgages made a contribution to Group profit of GBP28.3m in 
the first half of 2019, down 6% from 
   GBP30.1m in the first half of 2018, primarily reflecting lower net 
interest income due to the run off of high- yielding mortgages in the 
back and acquired books. 
   Risk Management 
   Progress made during the six months to 30 June 2019 
   During the six months to 30 June 2019 the Group made strong progress 
against its strategic risk management objectives for the year. 
   The Group's strategic risk management framework continues to evolve in 
line with the growth of the business. An independent third party review 
of the Group's strategic risk management framework confirmed that it can 
be considered fit for purpose, that it is scalable and that it can be 
adapted to future business change. 
   Enhancements continue to be made to the Group's data management and 
governance capabilities in accordance with the Group's strategic data 
management programme. 
   The Internal Ratings Based ('IRB') programme continued to progress well, 
with significant progress made to the development of our second 
generation IRB models. Further enhancements were also made with respect 
to governance and embedding of the rating systems within wider risk 
management processes, positioning the Group well to submit the first 
module in the IRB application process within planned timelines. 
   The Group recognises that effective risk management is a responsibility 
of all business functions and continues to focus on the embedding of 
risk culture across the organisation. In particular, the Group continues 
to provide training to its risk champions from around the business and 
ensures they have specific risk management related activities recorded 
as part of their performance management objectives. 
   The Group refreshed its conduct risk appetite statement and expanded the 
range of associated key risk indicators to provide greater clarity on 
the degree to which the Group is exposed to conduct risk. 
   The Group enhanced its group-wide horizon scanning processes which 
further improved its ability to identify, assess, communicate and manage 
all key legal, regulatory and industry-related developments that may 
impact the Group. 
   The Group continues to review and enhance its management information 
with a particular focus on credit risk reporting of the Group's lending 
portfolios, which facilitate monitoring and allow improved management of 
the risk and return profile of the Group. 
   The Group continued to make significant investment in people across the 
Risk and Compliance functions ensuring that there is sufficient capacity 
and capability to deliver the strategic risk enhancements planned for 
the second half of the year and beyond. 
   Principal risks and uncertainties 
   The Board is responsible for determining the nature and extent of the 
principal risks it is willing to take in order to achieve its strategic 
   There were no material changes to the Group's business strategy, risk 
management framework or risk appetite during the six months to 30 June 
2019. We have however recognised incremental economic and political risk 
and risks associated with the proposed combination with CCFS. 
   The table below details the principal risks which the Board believes are 
the most material with respect to potential adverse movements impacting 
the business model, future financial performance, solvency and 
liquidity. A more detailed review of the Group's principal risks and 
uncertainties can be found within the Risk review in the 2018 Annual 
Report and Accounts on pages 41 to 46, which can be accessed via our 
website at www.osb.co.uk. 
Principal risks         Key mitigating actions 
----------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Strategic and business 
 risk                    --    Regular monitoring of the Group's strategic and 
                               business performance against market commitments, the 
                               balanced business scorecard and risk appetite by the 
                               Board and the Executive Committees. 
                         --    The Group also extensively uses stress tests to flex 
                               core business planning assumptions to assess 
                               potential performance under stressed operating 
----------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Reputational risk       --    Established processes are in place to proactively 
                              identify and manage potential sources of reputational 
                              risk including monitoring of media coverage. 
                        --    The Group has a customer centric culture whereby 
                              customer interests and market integrity are at the 
                              heart of business strategy and decision making. The 
                              Group is committed to ensuring it consistently 
                              delivers fair customer outcomes. 
----------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Credit risk             Individual borrower defaults 
                        --    All loans are extended via bespoke and thorough 
                              expert underwriting to ensure the ability and 
                              propensity of borrowers to repay is appropriate, 
                              whilst sufficient security is in place in case an 
                              account defaults. 
                        --    The Group's Transactional Credit Committee actively 
                              reviews and approves larger or more complex mortgage 
                        --    Should there be problems with a loan, the Collections 
                              and Recoveries team work with customers unable to 
                              meet their loan servicing obligations to reach a 
                              satisfactory conclusion while adhering to the 
                              principle of treating customers fairly. 
                        --    Our strategic focus on lending to professional 
                              landlords means that properties are likely to be 
                              well-managed, with income from a diversified 
                              portfolio mitigating the impact of rental voids or 
                              maintenance costs. Lending to owner-occupiers is 
                              subject to a detailed affordability assessment, 
                              including the borrower's ability to continue payments 
                              if interest rates increase. 
                        --    Lending on commercial property is focused on security 
                              levels, and is scrutinised by the Group's independent 
                              Real Estate team as well as by external valuers. 
                        --    Development finance lending is extended only after a 
                              deep investigation of a borrower's track record and 
                              the specific project details and requires approval by 
                              a dedicated Development Finance Transactional Credit 
                        Macroeconomic downturn 
                        --    The Group works within clearly defined portfolio 
                              limits approved by the Risk Committee and the Board 
                              covering loan to value ('LTV'), affordability, sector 
                              and geographic concentration. These are reviewed on a 
                              semi-annual basis. In addition, stress testing is 
                              performed to ensure the Group maintains sufficient 
                              capital to absorb losses in an economic downturn and 
                              will continue to meet its regulatory requirements. 
                        Wholesale credit risk 
                        --    The Group transacts only with high quality wholesale 
                              counterparties. Derivative exposures include 
                              collateral agreements to mitigate credit exposures. 
----------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Principal risks              Key mitigating actions 
---------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Liquidity and funding  --    The Group's funding strategy is focused on a highly 
 risk                        stable retail deposit franchise. The Group's large 
                             number of depositors provides diversification, with a 
                             high proportion of balances covered by the Financial 
                             Services Compensation Scheme which mitigates the risk 
                             of a retail run. 
                       --    The Group performs in-depth liquidity stress testing 
                             and maintains a liquid asset portfolio sufficient to 
                             meet obligations under stress. 
                       --    The Group has prepositioned mortgage collateral with 
                             the Bank of England, so that liquidity insurance 
                             facilities can be accessed in the unlikely event that 
                             it should become necessary. 
                       --    The Group's funding plan ensures a diverse funding 
                             profile and initiatives were put in place to replace 
                             the Term Funding Scheme 
                       funding, including the establishment of a 
                       Retail Mortgage-Backed Securities 
---------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Solvency risk          --    The Group actively monitors its capital requirements 
                             and resources against financial forecasts and plans 
                             and undertakes stress testing analysis to subject its 
                             solvency ratios to extreme but plausible scenarios. 
                       --    The Group also holds prudent levels of capital 
                             buffers based on CRD IV requirements, its own risk 
                             appetite and expected balance sheet growth. 
                       --    The Group engages actively with regulators, industry 
                             bodies and advisers to keep abreast of potential 
                             changes providing feedback through the consultation 
                             process and actively manages its capital 
                       strategy and 
---------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Operational risk       Cyber / IT security risk 
                       --    A series of tools were designed and deployed to 
                             identify and prevent network/system intrusions. The 
                             effectiveness of implemented controls is overseen by 
                             a dedicated IT Security Governance Committee, with 
                             specialist IT security staff employed by the Group. 
                       Data management 
                       --    The Group continues to invest in its data management 
                             architecture, systems governance and controls. 
                       Financial Crime / Fraud 
                       --    The Group continues to invest in enhancing 
                             preventative and detective controls in order to 
                             reduce both the likelihood and impact of this risk. 
                       IT Failure 
                       --    The Group has an ongoing IT Transformation Programme, 
                             designed to further enhance the resilience of its 
                             technology platforms. 
                       Change management 
                       --    The Group maintains a robust governance framework 
                             ensuring the appropriate oversight of all change 
                             management related activities. 
---------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Principal risks            Key mitigating actions 
-------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Conduct risk               Product suitability 
                           --    The Group has a strategic commitment to providing 
                                 customers with simple and transparent products. In 
                                 addition, a Product Governance framework is 
                                 established to oversee both the origination of new 
                                 products and to revisit the ongoing suitability of 
                                 the existing product suite. 
                           --    The Group has a dedicated Product Governance team and 
                                 an independent Conduct Risk team to effectively 
                                 manage this risk. 
                           Data protection 
                           --    In addition to a series of network/system controls, 
                                 the Group performs extensive root cause analysis of 
                                 any data leaks in order to ensure that the 
                                 appropriate mitigating actions are taken. 
-------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Compliance and regulatory  --    The Group has an effective horizon scanning process 
 risk                            to identify regulatory change. All significant 
                                 regulatory initiatives are managed by structured 
                                 programmes overseen by the Change Management team and 
                                 sponsored at executive management level. The Group 
                                 proactively seeks external expert opinions to support 
                                 its interpretation of the requirements and validation 
                                 of its response. 
                           --    The Group undertakes risk-based monitoring and 
                                 oversight programmes to ensure it continues to meet 
                                 existing regulatory 
                           requirements, has effective systems and controls 
                           and delivers fair customer 
-------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
   Emerging risks 
   The Group proactively scans for emerging risks which may have an impact 
on its ongoing operations and strategy. The Group considers its top 
emerging risk to be: 
Emerging risks                                             Key mitigating actions 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Political and macroeconomic uncertainty                    --    The Group implemented robust monitoring processes and 
 As the final details around the                                 via various stress testing activity (i.e. ad hoc, 
 UK's withdrawal from the European                               risk appetite and ICAAP) understands how the Group 
 Union remain unclear, there is                                  performs over a variety of macroeconomic stress 
 a continued likelihood of a period                              scenarios and subsequently developed a suite of early 
 of macroeconomic uncertainty.                                   warning 
 The Group's lending activity is                           indicators which are closely monitored 
 solely focused within the United                          to identify changes in the macroeconomic 
 Kingdom and as such will be                               environment. 
 impacted by any risks emerging 
 from changes in the macroeconomic 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Integration risk                                           Operational risks 
The proposed combination between                           The probability and impact of 
OSB and CCFS is expected to create                         integration-based operational 
strategic and operational synergies,                       risks being realised are minimised 
however, the integration process                           through the following mitigating 
could result in operational and                            factors: 
prudential risks.                                          --    a low-risk approach to integration through 
Integration-based operational                                    maintaining existing brands and parallel running of 
risks could materialise through                                  critical supporting functions. A cautious integration 
a number of different events,                                    timeline has been assumed with no current plans for 
for example:                                                     large-scale IT integration. 
--    unrealised or delayed synergies;                     --    a prudent approach to forecasting base case synergies 
--    one-off implementation costs being higher than             and one-off integration costs. 
      estimated; and                                       --    appropriate resourcing of the integration programme 
--    realisation of wider transaction-related risks (for        with external support services. 
      example, adverse customer impact, loss of key        --    appropriate Board and senior management engagement 
      management or IT downtime/failure).                        and oversight of integration. 
The combination will also have                             MREL 
implications on the combined Group's                       --    The impact of MREL has been factored into the working 
resolvability and additional gone                                capital assessment of the combined group. 
concern capital requirements (MREL).                       --    The combined Group will work closely with the Bank of 
The combination will involve a                                   England Resolution Directorate to ensure effective 
revised approach to combining                                    compliance with the resolution strategy for the 
the two independent IRB programmes                               combined Group. 
to agree a revised approach to                             IRB 
submitting the application.                                --    A review of the independent IRB programmes has been 
Completion of the combination                                    undertaken as part of due diligence. 
is subject to a number of conditions                       --    Expert advice will be sought on the approach to the 
which may not be satisfied or                                    combination. 
waived or which may be satisfied                           The PRA will be engaged to ensure 
subject to conditions imposed                              the combined programme is aligned 
by regulatory bodies or other                              to their expectations. 
third parties and may result in                            Delays/non-completion 
the completion of the combination                          --    A panel of appropriately skilled advisors have been 
being delayed, or the combination                                appointed to advise the Group throughout the entire 
not completing. Delay in completing                              process. 
the combination will prolong the 
period of uncertainty for OSB 
and CCFS and both delay and failure 
to complete may result in the 
accrual of additional costs to 
their businesses without any of 
the potential benefits of the 
combination having been 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
   Credit risk portfolio performance 
   The Group's credit profile continues to exhibit strong performance 
across all key risk indicators including loans and advances positions, 
LTV and arrears levels. 
   During the six months to 30 June 2019, the Group observed strong lending 
growth, whilst maintaining credit underwriting standards, with weighted 
average LTV ratios for new Buy-to-Let/SME lending remaining stable at 
70% (30 June 2018: 70%). Residential lending saw an expected increase in 
weighted average LTV for new lending to 70%, driven by the new product 
range launched in the second half of 2018 (30 June 2018: 65%). During 
the period, the average weighted interest coverage ratio for new lending 
remained broadly stable at 175%, compared to 171% in 2018. Across the 
residential segment the percentage of new lending with a loan to income 
greater than 4.5 times remained stable at 3.1% (31 December 2018: 3.2%). 
   Strong lending growth across both the Buy-to-Let/SME segment and the 
first charge residential segment, combined with the success of the 
Group's customer retention programme, Choices, facilitated 10% net loan 
book growth in the period, with loans and advances to customers growing 
to GBP9.9bn (31 December 2018 GBP9.0bn). The Group's acquired portfolios 
continue to run off in line with expectations. 
   The Group's total weighted average LTV ratio increased to 68% as at 30 
June 2019, increasing by two percentage points from 66% as at 31 
December 2018, driven by strong BTL/SME lending within the period with a 
weighted average LTV of 70%. Importantly, the Group continues to observe 
a tight clustering of LTVs around the weighted average. 
   During the six months to 30 June 2019, the Group's portfolio composition 
continued to evolve favourably, with pre-2011 lending continuing to run 
down as expected, evidenced by a further reduction in lending exposures 
to Jersey and Guernsey. Post-2011 lending, incorporating tighter lending 
criteria, continued to make up an increasing proportion of the Group's 
total loans and advances to customers: 
   -- exposure to semi-commercial/commercial lending remains low at GBP725.1m 
      with a weighted average LTV of 66% 
   -- exposure to residential development finance remains low at GBP141.2m with 
      a weighted average LTV of 34% 
   -- the Group has limited exposure to high LTV loans on properties worth more 
      than GBP2m. In total, only 7.1% of the total loan book is secured on 
      properties valued at greater than GBP2m with a LTV greater than 65% (30 
      June 2018: 5.0%) with the increase driven mainly by new Buy-to-Let 
   The Group's total arrears balance remains low, and the portfolio arrears 
rate remained stable at 1.5% as at 30 June 2019 (30 December 2018: 
1.5%). An increase in arrears in the Group's Buy-to-Let segment was 
observed, however the Collections and Recoveries team continue to 
carefully manage these cases. The Group's residential arrears 
performance remained broadly stable in the period, with an increase in 
acquired first charge arrears being offset by a decrease in acquired 
second charge arrears, whilst negligible arrears continued to be 
observed across the commercial loan, funding line and development 
finance portfolios. 
   During the six months to 30 June 2019, the Group continued to experience 
low levels of new cases requiring forbearance arrangements, however it 
did observe an increase in the cases entering forbearance versus the 
first half of 2018. The increase in forbearance volumes was driven by 
applications of forbearance across the acquired second charge portfolio. 
   Impairment losses in the first half of 2019 were GBP5.9m (H1 2018: 
GBP4.3m), which represents an annualised loan loss ratio of 12bps (H1 
2018: 11bps) and included the impact of a small number of high 
   value Buy-to-Let cases having Law of Property Act receivers appointed at 
the end of the period which attract higher provision requirements in our 
IFRS 9 modelling approach. 
   There was no material change in the severity or probability weightings 
assigned to the Group's macroeconomic scenarios in the first half of 
2019. These were strengthened by the addition of a more severe no-deal 
disorderly Brexit scenario(1) in December 2018, in addition to the 
existing no-deal disruptive Brexit scenario(1) . The Bank's provisions 
under IFRS 9 are particularly sensitive to the weighting applied to the 
more severe disorderly no-deal Brexit scenario(1) . 
   The Group continues to closely monitor impairment coverage levels: 
   Impairment coverage review 
                                                        30-Jun-19      31-Dec-18 
  Gross loans and advances to customers GBPm              9,895.0        9,005.2 
  Provisions for impairment losses GBPm(1)                   33.0           29.1 
  Coverage ratio versus loans and advances(2) 
   %                                                         0.33           0.32 
  Coverage ratio versus stage 3 balances (including 
   POCI) (3) %                                               10.7           10.3 
   1During the period the Group reclassified GBP6.7m of incurred loss 
protection on acquired portfolios from loans and advances to expected 
credit losses ('ECL'). In the table above, an equivalent GBP7.2m was 
reclassified for the comparative period. 
   2 Coverage ratio versus loans and advances is the total IFRS 9 provision 
versus gross loans and advances. 
   1. Coverage ratio versus stage 3 balances is the total IFRS 9 provision 
      versus stage 3 balances including purchase or originated credit impaired 
      balances, which are held in stage 3 where a lifetime loss impairment 
      balance is held against the exposure for the life of the 
   loan irrespective of whether it is performing and doesn't meet the 
Group's stage 3 definition. 
   The Group's coverage ratios with respect to loans and advances and stage 
3 balances increased during the period to 30 June 2019 versus year end, 
partly due to an increased proportion of stage 3 loans which also had a 
Law of Property Act receiver appointed, resulting in higher calculated 
expected losses on those accounts, as the probability of possession 
component of the Loss Given Default models are set to 100%. 
   Under the IFRS 9 approach, there are three stages which an exposure can 
be classified into, stage 1, where a 12 months expected credit loss 
provision is held, and stages 2 and 3 where a lifetime loss provision is 
   Purchased or originated credit impaired ('POCI') exposures are held in 
stage 3 for the lifetime of the loan, irrespective of whether they have 
transitioned to a performing status. 
   For non-POCI accounts which had previously met the Group's stage 3 
criteria, a probation cure period must be satisfied prior to an exposure 
being migrated back to stage 1, where a twelve month loss provision is 
   Liquidity and funding risk management overview 
   OneSavings Bank's lending strategy is supported by a strong retail 
savings franchise, which provides the Bank with a sustainable funding 
platform to support long-term balance sheet growth. This strength is 
reflected in a high retention level on maturing fixed term products of 
93% in the first half of 2019 and strong customer satisfaction scores. 
As at 30 June 2019, 8.2% of the Bank's retail deposits were above the 
FSCS protection level of GBP85k. Diversification of funding is also 
provided by borrowing from the Bank of 
   England under the Term Funding Scheme (which closed in February 2018) 
and by Indexed Long-Term Repo ('ILTR'). As at 30 June 2019, OSB had 
total TFS drawings of GBP1.5bn and ILTR drawings of GBP100m. 
   The Group continues to operate a conservative approach to managing 
liquidity with a liquidity ratio of 15.3% as at 30 June 2019 (31 
December 2018: 14.5%). The liquidity coverage ratio at 30 June 2019 was 
   163% (31 December 2018: 224%), significantly above the regulatory 
minimum of 100%. 
   The reduction in the liquidity coverage ratio is due to a temporary 
technical requirement to treat term deposits as on demand until 31 
August 2019, during the notice period for changes to terms and 
conditions. The Bank has not seen and does not anticipate any material 
change in customer behaviour or withdrawals during this period. 
Excluding this change, the LCR would have been 238% as at 30 June 2019. 
   Market risk 
   The Group has a small amount of foreign exchange exposure, due to the 
Rupee denominated running costs of its OSBIndia office. Rupee 
denominated running costs during the period to 30 June 2019 were 
   GBP3.1m (H1 2018: GBP2.9m). 
   Solvency risk management overview 
   The Group continued to maintain an appropriate level and quality of 
capital to support its growth objectives and to meet its prudential 
requirements. The Group maintained a strong capital position in the 
first half of 2019 with a CET1 ratio of 13.0% (31 December 2018: 13.3%), 
which remains comfortably in excess of the regulatory requirements and 
Board risk appetite. 
   OSB's capital buffers are subject to active monitoring by the Board and 
senior management in the context of the Bank's strategic objectives, 
performance commitments, economic and market conditions, regulatory 
changes and other risks to which the Bank is exposed. 
   The Group's first generation IRB models were delivered on schedule in 
late 2016 and we ran them for the second year in 2018. We remain pleased 
with progress towards our IRB application and believe that the new 
calibrations, combined with the final IRB output floors outlined in 
Basel III, will be beneficial to the Bank's capital requirements. 
   1. The Bank's two no-deal Brexit related economic scenarios relate to (1) a 
      no-deal disruptive Brexit, and (2) no-deal disorderly Brexit, as 
      published in the Bank of England 'EU withdrawal scenarios and monetary 
      and financial stability' paper, November 2018. 
   We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
   --    the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in 
accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the 
   -- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
      required by: 
   (a)     DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, 
being an indication of important events that have occurred during the 
first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed 
set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks 
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and 
   (b)    DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, 
being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six 
months of the current financial year and that have materially affected 
the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; 
and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last 
annual report that could do so. 
   The Board of Directors, as listed below, represents those individuals 
responsible for this interim management report: 
   Graham Allatt Eric Anstee Rod Duke Andy Golding 
   Margaret Hassall Mary McNamara April Talintyre David Weymouth 
   Sarah Hedger (Appointed on 1 February 2019) 
   By order of the Board Date: 21 August 2019 
   yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2019 which 
comprises the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, 
the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, the 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, the Condensed 
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and related notes 1 to 25. We have 
read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report 
and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or 
material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of 
financial statements. 
   This report is made solely to the company in accordance with 
International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 
"Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent 
Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Financial Reporting Council. Our 
work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those 
matters we are required to state to it in an independent review report 
and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do 
not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, 
for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have 
   Directors' responsibilities 
   The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been 
approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing 
the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure 
Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial 
Conduct Authority. 
   As disclosed in note 1 accounting policies, the annual financial 
statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted 
by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements 
included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in 
accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial 
Reporting" as adopted by the European Union. 
   Our responsibility 
   Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the 
condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial 
report based on our review. 
   Scope of review 
   We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on 
Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial 
Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued 
by the Financial Reporting Council for use in the United Kingdom. A 
review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, 
primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, 
and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is 
substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with 
International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not 
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all 
significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, 
we do not express an audit opinion. 
   Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to 
believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the 
half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2019 is 
not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International 
Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the 
Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's 
Financial Conduct Authority. 
   Deloitte LLP 
   Statutory Auditor London, United Kingdom 21 August 2019 
                                                           Six months          Six months 
                                                         ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                Note     (Unaudited)         (Unaudited) 
                                                             GBPm                GBPm 
  Interest receivable and similar income           2               227.9               190.1 
  Interest payable and similar charges             3              (76.9)              (54.9) 
  Net interest income                                              151.0               135.2 
  Fair value losses on financial instruments       4               (7.4)               (1.7) 
  Loss on sale of financial instruments                                -               (0.2) 
  Fees and commissions receivable                                    0.9                 0.7 
  Fees and commissions payable                                     (0.6)               (0.5) 
  External servicing fees                                          (0.1)               (0.4) 
  Total income                                                     143.8               133.1 
  Administrative expenses                          5              (37.9)              (33.7) 
  Depreciation and amortisation                                    (3.0)               (2.2) 
  Impairment losses                               16               (5.9)               (4.3) 
  FSCS and other regulatory provisions                             (0.1)               (1.1) 
  Exceptional cost - transaction expenses          7               (5.9)                   - 
  Profit before taxation                                            91.0                91.8 
  Taxation                                         8              (25.2)              (22.3) 
  Profit for the period                                             65.8                69.5 
  Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
  Items which may be reclassified to 
   profit or loss: 
  Fair value changes on financial instruments 
   measured as FVOCI: 
    Arising in the period                                              -               (0.1) 
  Revaluation of foreign operations                                  0.1               (0.5) 
  Total other comprehensive income/(expense)                         0.1               (0.6) 
  Total comprehensive income for the 
   period                                                           65.9                68.9 
  Dividend, pence per share                       10                 4.9                 4.3 
  Earnings per share, pence per share 
  Basic                                            9                25.5                27.5 
  Diluted                                          9                25.3                27.3 
   The above results are derived wholly from continuing operations. 
   The notes on pages 33 to 61 form an integral part of these condensed 
financial statements. 
                                                   As at              As at 
                                                  30-Jun-19         31-Dec-18 
                                     Note    (Unaudited)         (Audited) 
                                                 GBPm              GBPm 
  Cash in hand                                          0.3                0.4 
  Loans and advances to credit 
   institutions                                     1,493.8            1,347.3 
  Investment securities                               160.0               58.9 
  Loans and advances to customers      12           9,862.0            8,983.3 
  Fair value adjustments on hedged 
   assets                              17              66.5               19.8 
  Derivative assets                                     3.9               11.7 
  Deferred taxation asset                               2.2                3.5 
  Intangible assets                                     8.1                7.8 
  Property, plant and equipment                        28.6               21.8 
  Other assets                                         12.4                5.7 
  Total assets                                     11,637.8           10,460.2 
  Amounts owed to retail depositors                 9,175.0            8,071.9 
  Fair value adjustments on hedged 
   liabilities                         17               3.1                  - 
  Amounts owed to credit 
   institutions                                     1,605.9            1,584.0 
  Amounts owed to other customers                       8.8               32.9 
  Derivative liabilities                               58.2               24.9 
  Current taxation liability                           20.6               19.2 
  Other liabilities                                    18.9               18.7 
  FSCS and other regulatory 
   provisions                                           1.7                1.8 
  Subordinated liabilities                             10.8               10.8 
  Perpetual subordinated bonds                         15.3               15.3 
                                                   10,918.3            9,779.5 
  Share capital                                         2.5                2.4 
  Share premium                                       158.8              158.8 
  Retained earnings                                   479.2              439.6 
  Other reserves                                       79.0               79.9 
                                                      719.5              680.7 
  Total equity and liabilities                     11,637.8           10,460.2 
   The notes on pages 33 to 61 form an integral part of these condensed 
financial statements. 
   The financial statements on pages 29 to 61 were approved by the Board of 
Directors on 21 August 2019. 
   Andy Golding                                                               April Talintyre 
   Chief Executive Officer                                                 Chief Financial Officer 
   Company number: 07312896 
   OneSavings Bank plc 
   Interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2019 
   Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                                                                                 Available-     FVOCI        Share- 
                                                                                       Foreign    for-sale     reserve        based 
                                      Share      Share       Capital       Transfer    exchange    reserve      (IFRS        payment    Retained     Equity 
                                     capital    premium    contribution    reserve     reserve    (IAS 39)       9)          reserve    earnings    bonds(1)    Total 
                                     GBPm       GBPm          GBPm          GBPm        GBPm        GBPm       GBPm         GBPm         GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
  At 1 January 2019                      2.4      158.8             6.5      (12.8)       (0.4)           -      (0.1)           4.7       439.6        82.0    680.7 
  Profit for the period                    -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -        65.8           -     65.8 
  Coupon paid on equity bonds              -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -       (3.3)           -    (3.3) 
  Dividends paid                           -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -      (25.3)           -   (25.3) 
  Other comprehensive income               -          -               -           -         0.1           -          -             -           -           -      0.1 
  Ordinary share capital 
   issuance                              0.1          -               -           -           -           -          -             -           -           -      0.1 
  Share-based payments                     -          -               -           -           -           -          -         (1.1)         2.5           -      1.4 
  Exceptional cost - transaction 
   expenses(2)                             -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -       (0.1)           -    (0.1) 
  Tax recognised in equity                 -          -               -           -           -           -          -           0.1           -           -      0.1 
  At 30 June 2019 (Unaudited)            2.5      158.8             6.5      (12.8)       (0.3)           -      (0.1)           3.7       479.2        82.0    719.5 
  At 31 December 2017                    2.4      158.4             6.4      (12.8)       (0.2)         0.1          -           5.0       337.5        82.0    578.8 
  IFRS 9 transitional adjustment           -          -               -           -           -       (0.1)        0.1             -       (3.6)           -    (3.6) 
  Tax on IFRS 9                            -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -         0.7           -      0.7 
  Restated at 31 December 
   2017                                  2.4      158.4             6.4      (12.8)       (0.2)           -        0.1           5.0       334.6        82.0    575.9 
  Profit for the period                    -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -        69.5           -     69.5 
  Coupon paid on equity bonds              -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -       (3.3)           -    (3.3) 
  Dividends paid                           -          -               -           -           -           -          -             -      (22.7)           -   (22.7) 
  Other comprehensive income               -          -               -           -       (0.5)           -      (0.1)             -           -           -    (0.6) 
  Share-based payments                     -          -             0.1           -           -           -          -         (1.1)         2.4           -      1.4 
  Tax recognised in equity                 -          -               -           -           -           -          -           0.1         0.9           -      1.0 
  At 30 June 2018 (Unaudited)            2.4      158.4             6.5      (12.8)       (0.7)           -          -           4.0       381.4        82.0    621.2 
   1 Equity bonds comprise GBP22m of Perpetual Subordinated Bonds ('PSBs') 
and GBP60m of Additional Tier 1 securities ('AT1 securities'). 
   2 Exceptional cost -- transaction expenses relate to costs incurred for 
the issuance of equity as part of the recommended all-share combination 
with Charter Court Financial Services Group plc. 
                                                               Six months          Six months 
                                                             ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                    Note     (Unaudited)         (Unaudited) 
                                                                 GBPm                GBPm 
  Cash flows from operating activities 
  Profit before taxation                                                91.0                91.8 
  Adjustments for non-cash items                      22                18.6                11.7 
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities         22                45.8              (18.8) 
---------------------------------------------  --------- 
  Cash generated from operating activities                             155.4                84.7 
  FSCS and other provisions paid                                       (0.2)                   - 
  Net tax paid                                                        (22.4)              (19.8) 
  Net cash generated from operating 
   activities                                                          132.8                64.9 
  Cash flows from investing activities 
  Purchases of investment securities                                 (239.9)              (39.9) 
  Maturity and sales of investment securities                          139.0                39.9 
  Sales of financial instruments                                           -                 0.4 
  Purchases of equipment and intangible 
   assets                                                             (10.1)               (2.5) 
  Cash used in investing activities                                  (111.0)               (2.1) 
  Cash flows from financing activities 
  Bank of England TFS drawdowns                                            -               250.0 
  Bank of England ILTR received                                        180.0                   - 
  Bank of England ILTR matured                                        (80.0)                   - 
  Interest paid on bonds and subordinated 
   debt                                                                (0.8)               (0.8) 
  Coupon paid on equity bonds                                          (3.3)               (3.3) 
  Dividends paid                                                      (25.3)              (22.7) 
  Cash payments on lease liabilities                                   (0.3)                   - 
  Cash generated from financing activities                              70.3               223.2 
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             92.1               286.0 
  Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
   of the period                                      11             1,324.2             1,165.9 
  Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
   of the period                                      11             1,416.3             1,451.9 
---------------------------------------------  --------- 
  Movement in cash and cash equivalents                                 92.1               286.0 
   The notes on pages 33 to 61 form an integral part of these condensed 
financial statements. 
   1. Accounting policies 
   The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of the 
accounts for the Group are set out below. 
   a)        Basis of preparation 
   These Interim Group Financial Statements have been prepared in 
accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules ('DTR') 
of the FCA and in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 
Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU. 
   The accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are 
consistent with those applied by the Group in its latest audited 
financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as adopted by the 
EU and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting 
Interpretations Committee. They do not include all the information 
required for a complete set of IFRS financial statements. However, 
selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and 
transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in 
the Group's financial position and performance since the last Interim 
Report as at 30 June 2018 and last Annual Report and Accounts for the 
year ended 31 December 2018. 
   The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2018 are not the 
Group's statutory accounts for that financial year. The statutory 
accounts for the year ended 31 December 2018 have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies in England and Wales in accordance with section 
447 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group's previous auditor has reported 
on those accounts. Their report was unqualified; did not include a 
reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of 
emphasis without qualifying their report, and did not contain a 
statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
   These interim financial statements were authorised for issue by the 
Company's Board of Directors on 21 August 2019. 
   b)       Accounting standards 
   All accounting policies used are consistent with those set out on pages 
122 to 130 of the 2018 Annual Report and Accounts, except for the 
implementation of IFRS 16 Leases and changes to IAS 12 Income Taxes 
effective from 1 January 2019. 
   The Group recognises right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for most 
leases over 12 months. Right-of- use assets and lease liabilities are 
initially recognised at the net present value of future lease payments, 
discounted at the Group's internal cost of funding, excluding the impact 
of the Bank of England Term Funding Scheme ('TFS') funding. Subsequent 
to initial recognition, right-of-use assets are depreciated on a 
straight-line basis over the term of the lease. Future rental payments 
are deducted from the lease liability, with interest charged on the 
lease liability using the incremental borrowing cost at the time of 
initial recognition. The Group recognises the interest paid on the lease 
liability within financing activities on the Statement of Cash Flows. 
   The Group applies judgement in assessing the likely impact of early 
terminations upon recognising the right-of-use asset and lease liability 
where leases contain an option to terminate the lease early. The Group 
performs an annual assessment of the judgements made at initial 
recognition and, where it is found the lease duration will be shorter or 
longer than initially accounted, adjusts the carrying balance of the 
right-of-use asset and lease liability to the net present value of 
future lease payments discounted at the initial cost of funding. 
   Leases with low future payments or terms less than 12 months are 
recognised on an accruals basis directly in profit or loss. 
   1. Accounting policies (continued) 
   The impact on the Group's Statement of Financial Position as at 1 
January 2019 of the implementation of IFRS 16 was an increase in total 
assets and total liabilities of GBP3.8m. 
   Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. It is recognised in 
profit or loss, other comprehensive income or directly in equity, 
consistently with the recognition of items it relates to. In accordance 
with IAS 12, from 1 January 2019 the Group recognises tax on the coupon 
paid on equity bonds directly in profit or loss (2018: directly in 
   The impact on the Group's Statement of Comprehensive Income for the 
period to 30 June 2019 for the implementation of the amendments to IAS 
12 is an increase in profit for the period of GBP0.9m. 
   c)        Going concern 
   The Board undertakes regular rigorous assessments of whether the Group 
is a going concern in light of current economic conditions and all 
available information about future risks and uncertainties. 
   Projections for the Group have been prepared, covering its future 
performance, capital and liquidity for a period in excess of 12 months 
from the date of approval of these Interim Group Financial Statements 
including stress scenarios. The stress scenarios include Brexit and Bank 
of England TFS repayments. These projections show that the Group has 
sufficient capital and liquidity to continue to meet its  regulatory 
capital requirements as set out by the PRA. 
   The Board has therefore concluded that the Group has sufficient 
resources to continue in operational existence for a period in excess of 
12 months and as a result, it is appropriate to prepare these Interim 
Group Financial Statements on a going concern basis. 
   d)       Segmental reporting 
   The Group segments its lending by product, focusing on the customer need 
and reason for a loan. The Group operates under two segments: 
Buy-to-Let/SME ('BTL/SME') and Residential mortgages. 
   The Group includes asset finance leases (a new business lending line 
developed internally with lending commencing in October 2018) within the 
BTL/SME segment. 
   The Group has applied the aggregation criteria of IFRS 8 for the 
segmental reporting in note 21, but has disclosed the risk management 
tables in note 18 at a sub-segment level to provide the user with a 
granular level analysis of the Group's core lending business. 
   e)        Judgements and estimates 
   The preparation of the Interim Report requires management to make 
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported income and expense, 
assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingencies at the date of 
the Interim Report. Although these estimates and assumptions are based 
on management's best judgement at that date, actual results may differ 
from these estimates. Estimates and assumptions are reviewed on an 
ongoing basis. Revisions to estimates are recognised in the period in 
which the estimate is revised and in any future periods affected. 
   There have been no significant changes on the basis upon which estimates 
have been determined for loan book impairment, acquisition accounting 
and income recognition and effective interest rate ('EIR') calculations 
compared to those applied at 31 December 2018, as described on pages 130 
to 132 of the 2018 Annual Report and Accounts. 
                                                       Six months           Six months 
                                                     ended 30-Jun-19      ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                      (Unaudited)         (Unaudited) 
                                                          GBPm               GBPm 
  At amortised cost: 
  On BTL/SME mortgages                                         183.9                146.9 
  On Residential mortgages                                      43.6                 43.9 
  On investment securities                                       0.5                  0.1 
  On other liquid assets                                         5.0                  3.1 
  At fair value through profit or loss: 
  Net expense on derivative financial instruments 
   - lending activities                                        (5.1)                (3.9) 
                                                               227.9                190.1 
   3. Interest payable and similar charges 
                                                    Six months           Six months 
                                                  ended 30-Jun-19      ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                   (Unaudited)         (Unaudited) 
                                                       GBPm               GBPm 
  On retail deposits                                         70.2                 50.3 
  On Bank of England borrowings                               5.6                  3.3 
  On Perpetual Subordinated Bonds                             0.4                  0.4 
  On subordinated liabilities                                 0.4                  0.4 
  On wholesale borrowings                                     0.6                  0.1 
  Net (income)/expense on derivative financial 
   instruments - savings activities                         (0.3)                  0.4 
                                                             76.9                 54.9 
                                                       Six months           Six months 
                                                     ended 30-Jun-19      ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                   (Unaudited)            (Unaudited) 
                                                       GBPm                  GBPm 
  Fair value changes of swaps hedging assets                  (50.2)                (8.3) 
  Hedging of assets                                             50.1                  9.3 
  Fair value changes of swaps hedging 
   liabilities                                                   3.7                    - 
  Hedging of liabilities                                       (4.5)                (0.2) 
  Ineffective portion of hedges                                (0.9)                  0.8 
  Amortisation of fair value adjustments on 
   hedged assets                                               (2.0)                (2.5) 
  Net (loss)/gain on unmatched swaps                           (4.6)                  0.2 
  Debit and credit valuation adjustment                          0.1                (0.2) 
                                                               (7.4)                (1.7) 
   Amortisation of fair value adjustments on hedged assets relates to 
hedged assets and liabilities where the hedges were terminated before 
maturity and were effective at the point of termination. 
   Net (loss)/gain on unmatched swaps included a GBP4.6m loss on unmatched 
swaps, due primarily to fair value movements on mortgage pipeline swaps 
prior to them being matched against completed mortgages, following a 
significant flattening Libor curve. This unrealised loss will unwind 
over the life of the swaps. 
   5.        Administrative expenses 
                                  Six months          Six months 
                                ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                              (Unaudited)           (Unaudited) 
                                  GBPm                  GBPm 
  Staff costs                              21.1                19.1 
  Share-based payments                      1.4                 1.3 
  Facilities costs(1)                       1.6                 1.6 
  Marketing costs                           1.6                 1.3 
  Support costs(1)                          5.0                 4.0 
  Professional fees(1)                      3.0                 3.1 
  Other costs(1,2)                          4.2                 3.3 
                                           37.9                33.7 
   1 The comparative information has been reclassified to align with the 
presentation adopted in the 2018 Annual Report and Accounts. 
   2 Other costs mainly consist of irrecoverable VAT expense. 
   The average number of persons employed by the Group (including executive 
Directors) during the first half of 2019 was 1,072 (first half of 2018: 
   6.        Share-based payments 
   The Group operates the following equity-settled share-based payment 
schemes, full details of which are provided on pages 134 to 137 of the 
2018 Annual Report and Accounts: 
   -- Sharesave Scheme ('SAYE') 
   -- Deferred Share Bonus Plan ('DSBP') 
   -- Performance Share Plan ('PSP') 
   The movement in the number of share options and awards and their 
weighted average exercise prices are presented below: 
                                                                   Share Bonus    Performance 
  Sharesave Scheme                                                    Plan        Share Plan 
-----------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                                           average exercise 
                           Number            price, (GBP)          Number           Number 
                      --------------  ---------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
   At 1 January 2019         841,629                   2.93          1,258,712      1,737,997 
   Granted                         -                      -            476,933      1,079,392 
   Exercised/vested         (12,832)                   4.30          (430,904)      (235,241) 
   Forfeited                (75,024)                   3.12           (71,636)      (398,778) 
                      --------------  ---------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
   At 30 June 2019 
    (Unaudited)              753,773                   2.93          1,233,105      2,183,370 
                      --------------  ---------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
   There were no options or awards exercisable as at 30 June 2019. 
   The closing share price at vesting for the DSBP and PSP awards was 
GBP3.98 per share. 
   7.        Exceptional transaction costs 
   Exceptional transaction costs of GBP5.9m relate to the recommended 
all-share combination with Charter Court Financial Services Group plc 
   8.        Taxation 
                                             Six months          Six months 
                                           ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                         (Unaudited)           (Unaudited) 
                                             GBPm                  GBPm 
  Corporation taxation                              (21.9)              (22.3) 
  Deferred taxation                                  (0.6)                   - 
  Tax in respect of prior 
   periods(1)                                        (2.7)                   - 
  Total taxation                                    (25.2)              (22.3) 
   1 Tax in respect of prior periods includes GBP2.6m relating to the 
reversal of the tax benefit on the exceptional cost - Heritable option 
recognised in 2018. 
   The taxation on the Group's profit before taxation differs from the 
theoretical amount that would arise using the weighted average taxation 
rate applicable to profits of the Group as follows: 
                                                           Six months          Six months 
                                                         ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                        (Unaudited)          (Unaudited) 
                                                           GBPm                  GBPm 
  Profit before taxation                                            91.0                91.8 
  Profit multiplied by the weighted average 
   rate of corporation tax in the UK during 2019 
   of 19% (2018: 19%)                                             (17.3)              (17.4) 
  Bank surcharge                                                   (4.4)               (4.6) 
  Taxation effects of: 
  Expenses not deductible for taxation purposes                        -               (0.2) 
  Exceptional cost -- transaction expenses not 
   deductible for taxation purposes                                (1.1)                   - 
  Adjustments in respect of earlier years                          (2.7)                   - 
  Tax adjustments in respect of share-based 
   payments                                                        (0.1)                 0.1 
  Timing differences on capital items                              (0.5)               (0.2) 
  Tax on coupon on equity bonds                                      0.9                   - 
  Total taxation charge                                           (25.2)              (22.3) 
   A reduction in the UK corporation tax rate from 19% to 18% (effective 
from 1 April 2020) was substantively enacted on 26 October 2015. An 
additional reduction to 17% (effective from 1 April 2020) was 
substantively enacted on 6 September 2016. This will reduce the Group's 
future tax charge accordingly. 
   9.        Earnings per share 
   Earnings per share ('EPS') are based on the profit for the period and 
the number of ordinary shares in issue. Basic EPS are calculated by 
dividing profit attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. Diluted 
EPS take into account share awards and options which can be converted to 
ordinary shares. 
   For the purpose of calculating EPS, profit attributable to ordinary 
shareholders is arrived at by adjusting profit for the period for the 
coupons on the PSBs and AT1 Securities classified as equity. The tax on 
coupons for the current period is included within the profit for the 
period, in-line with the changes to IAS 12 Income Taxes. 
   The tax on coupons for the prior period is based on the rate of taxation 
applicable to the Bank, including the bank surcharge: 
                                                         Six months          Six months 
                                                       ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                      (Unaudited)          (Unaudited) 
                                                          GBPm                 GBPm 
  Profit for the period                                           65.8                69.5 
  Coupons on PSBs and AT1 securities classified 
   as equity                                                     (3.3)               (3.3) 
  Tax on coupons                                                     -                 0.9 
  Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                    62.5                67.1 
  Exceptional items: 
  Exceptional cost - transaction expenses                          5.9                   - 
  Exceptional cost - Heritable option tax(1)                       2.6                   - 
  Underlying profit attributable to ordinary 
   shareholders                                                   71.0                67.1 
   1 Exceptional cost - Heritable option tax relates to the reversal of the 
tax benefit recognised in 2018. 
   Earnings per share are summarised in the table below: 
                                 Six months          Six months 
                               ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                (Unaudited)        (Unaudited) 
  Weighted average number of shares, millions 
  Basic                                  244.9               244.0 
  Diluted                                246.8               245.9 
  Earnings per share, pence 
   per share 
  Basic                                   25.5                27.5 
  Diluted                                 25.3                27.3 
  Underlying earnings per share, pence per share 
  Basic                                   29.0                27.5 
  Diluted                                 28.8                27.3 
   10.     Dividends 
   During the period, the Bank paid the following dividends: 
                     Six months ended                     Six months ended 
                         30-Jun-19                            30-Jun-18 
                                     (Unaudited)            (Unaudited) 
                                 -------------------  --------------------- 
                                           Pence per             Pence per 
                                   GBPm      share      GBPm        share 
                                         -----------           ------------ 
  Final dividend for the prior 
   year                            25.3         10.3     22.7           9.3 
-------------------------------          ----------- 
   A summary of the Bank's distributable reserves from which dividends can 
be paid are shown below: 
                                               Six months           Year ended 
                                             ended 30-Jun-19         31-Dec-18 
                                           (Unaudited)           (Audited) 
                                               GBPm                 GBPm 
  Net assets                                           549.0             535.8 
  - Share capital                                      (2.5)             (2.4) 
  - Share premium                                    (158.8)           (158.8) 
  - Other non-distributable 
   reserves(1)                                        (88.2)            (88.1) 
  - Unrealised gains(2)                               (66.5)            (19.8) 
  Distributable reserves                               233.0             266.7 
   1 Other non-distributable reserves include the capital contribution, 
equity bonds and FVOCI reserve. 
   2 Unrealised gains relate to the Bank's fair value adjustments on hedged 
   The Directors propose an interim dividend for the first half of 2019 of 
4.9 (2018: 4.3) pence per share, based on one third of the total 2018 
dividend of 14.6 pence per share, payable on 20 September 2019 with an 
ex-dividend date of 29 August 2019 and a record date of 30 August 2019. 
This dividend is not reflected in these financial statements as it was 
not declared at the reporting date. 
   11.     Cash and cash equivalents 
                                            As at             As at            As at            As at 
                                           30-Jun-19        31-Dec-18        30-Jun-18        31-Dec-17 
                                      (Unaudited)        (Audited)       (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                          GBPm             GBPm             GBPm             GBPm 
  Cash in hand                                   0.3              0.4              0.3              0.5 
  Unencumbered loans and advances 
   to credit institutions                    1,416.0          1,323.8          1,451.6          1,165.4 
                                             1,416.3          1,324.2          1,451.9          1,165.9 
   Unencumbered loans and advances to credit institutions exclude GBP23.1m 
(30 June 2018: GBP17.3m) held in the cash ratio deposit with the Bank of 
England and GBP54.7m (30 June 2018: GBP7.8m) of encumbered assets in the 
form of cash margin collateral paid in relation to the Group's 
   12.     Loans and advances to customers 
                                                   As at              As at 
                                                 30-Jun-19          31-Dec-18 
                                             (Unaudited)         (Audited) 
                                                 GBPm              GBPm 
  Loans and advances (see note 13)                  9,866.6            8,998.0 
  Finance leases (see note 14)                         28.4                7.2 
                                                    9,895.0            9,005.2 
  Less: Expected credit losses (see note 
   15)                                               (33.0)             (21.9) 
                                                    9,862.0            8,983.3 
   1. Loans and advances 
As at 30-Jun-19                                      As at 31-Dec-18 
                        (Unaudited)                       (Audited) 
               BTL/SME  Residential   Total   BTL/SME     Residential   Total 
                GBPm       GBPm       GBPm      GBPm        GBPm        GBPm 
  Gross carrying amount 
  Stage 1      7,691.9      1,365.1  9,057.0   7,032.1        1,247.5  8,279.6 
  Stage 2        318.0        183.4    501.4     247.6          189.2    436.8 
  Stage 3        120.2        129.3    249.5     102.0          123.4    225.4 
  Stage 3 
   (POCI)          0.3         58.4     58.7       0.3           55.9     56.2 
               8,130.4      1,736.2  9,866.6   7,382.0        1,616.0  8,998.0 
   1. Loans and advances (continued) 
   The tables below show the movement in loans and advances to customers by 
IFRS 9 stage: 
                                                              Stage 3 
                            Stage 1    Stage 2    Stage 3      (POCI)    Total 
                            GBPm       GBPm       GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
  At 1 January 2019         8,279.6      436.8      225.4        56.2  8,998.0 
  Originations(1)           1,608.6          -          -           -  1,608.6 
  Repayments and 
   write-offs(2)            (701.2)     (17.2)     (25.7)       (2.6)  (746.7) 
  - To Stage 1                121.9    (111.1)     (10.8)           -        - 
  - To Stage 2              (224.8)      234.7      (9.9)           -        - 
  - To Stage 3               (27.1)     (41.8)       68.9           -        - 
  Incurred loss 
   protection(3)                  -          -        1.6         5.1      6.7 
  At 30 June 2019 
   (Unaudited)              9,057.0      501.4      249.5        58.7  9,866.6 
                                         Stage    Stage       3 
                              Stage 1      2        3       (POCI)    IAS 39      Total 
                              GBPm      GBPm     GBPm      GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
  At 31 December 2017               -        -        -          -    7,327.6    7,327.6 
  IFRS 9 transitional 
   adjustment                 6,782.5    292.4    183.0       69.7  (7,327.6)          - 
  Restated at 31 December 
   2017                       6,782.5    292.4    183.0       69.7          -    7,327.6 
  Originations(1)             3,043.4        -        -          -          -    3,043.4 
  Repayments and 
   write-offs(2)            (1,265.3)   (50.8)   (43.4)     (13.5)          -  (1,373.0) 
  - To Stage 1                  170.5  (150.0)   (20.5)          -          -          - 
  - To Stage 2                (353.8)    375.1   (21.3)          -          -          - 
  - To Stage 3                 (97.7)   (29.9)    127.6          -          -          - 
  At 31 December 2018 
   (Audited)                  8,279.6    436.8    225.4       56.2          -    8,998.0 
   1 Originations include further advances and drawdowns on existing 
   2 Repayments and write-offs include customer redemptions. 
   1. During the period the Group reclassified GBP6.7m of incurred loss 
      protection on acquired portfolios from loans and advances to expected 
      credit losses ('ECL') to reflect the Group's total ECL position. The 
      Group has not reclassified the comparative information where the incurred 
      loss balance included within loans and advances was GBP7.2m. 
   14.       Finance leases 
                                         As at             As at 
                                       30-Jun-19          31-Dec-18 
                                      (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                         GBPm            GBPm 
  Net investment in finance leases, 
  Less than one year                          4.4               2.2 
  Between one and five years                 23.4               4.9 
  More than five years                        0.6               0.1 
                                             28.4               7.2 
   1. Expected credit losses 
   The Group's expected credit losses ('ECL') by segment and IFRS 9 stage 
is shown below: 
As at 30-Jun-19                                       As at 31-Dec-18 
                        (Unaudited)                        (Audited) 
               BTL/SME  Residential(1)  Total   BTL/SME   Residential   Total 
                GBPm         GBPm        GBPm     GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
  Stage 1        (2.3)           (1.0)   (3.3)     (3.0)         (1.3)   (4.3) 
  Stage 2        (1.9)           (2.3)   (4.2)     (2.1)         (3.5)   (5.6) 
  Stage 3       (10.7)           (7.6)  (18.3)     (5.7)         (4.5)  (10.2) 
  Stage 3 
   (POCI)            -           (7.0)   (7.0)         -         (1.6)   (1.6) 
   facilities    (0.2)               -   (0.2)     (0.2)             -   (0.2) 
                (15.1)          (17.9)  (33.0)    (11.0)        (10.9)  (21.9) 
   1. During the period the Group reclassified GBP6.7m of incurred loss 
      protection on acquired portfolios from loans and advances to expected 
      credit losses ('ECL') to reflect the Group's total ECL position. The 
      Group has not reclassified the comparative information where the incurred 
      loss balance included within loans and advances was GBP7.2m. 
   The tables below show the movement in the ECL by IFRS 9 stage during the 
period. ECLs on originations reflect the IFRS 9 stage of loans 
originated during the period as at 30 June and not the date of 
origination. Remeasurement of loss allowance relates to existing loans 
which did not redeem during the period and includes the impact of loans 
moving between IFRS 9 stages. 
                                                              Stage 3 
                             Stage 1    Stage 2    Stage 3     (POCI)    Total 
                             GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm      GBPm 
  At 1 January 2019              4.5        5.6       10.2        1.6     21.9 
  Originations                   0.9        0.1          -          -      1.0 
  Repayments and 
   write-offs                  (0.4)      (0.2)      (1.8)      (0.1)    (2.5) 
  Remeasurement of loss 
   allowance                   (2.7)        0.3        7.9        0.4      5.9 
  - To Stage 1                   1.4      (1.1)      (0.3)          -        - 
  - To Stage 2                 (0.2)        0.3      (0.1)          -        - 
  - To Stage 3                     -      (0.8)        0.8          -        - 
  Incurred loss 
   protection(1)                   -          -        1.6        5.1      6.7 
  At 30 June 2019 
   (Unaudited)                   3.5        4.2       18.3        7.0     33.0 
   1. During the period the Group reclassified GBP6.7m of incurred loss 
      protection on acquired portfolios from loans and advances to expected 
      credit losses ('ECL') to reflect the Group's total ECL position. The 
      Group has not reclassified the comparative information where the incurred 
      loss balance included within loans and advances was GBP7.2m. 
   1. Expected credit losses (continued) 
                                 Stage    Stage    Stage       3              IAS 39 
                                   1        2        3       (POCI)         impairments    Total 
                                GBPm     GBPm     GBPm      GBPm            GBPm          GBPm 
  At 31 December 2017                -        -        -          -                21.6     21.6 
  IFRS 9 transitional 
   adjustment                      7.8      2.3     13.3        1.8              (21.6)      3.6 
  Restated at 31 December 
   2017                            7.8      2.3     13.3        1.8                   -     25.2 
  Originations                     2.1        -        -          -                   -      2.1 
  Repayments and write-offs      (0.3)    (0.2)    (7.0)      (0.2)                   -    (7.7) 
  Remeasurement of loss 
   allowance                     (6.1)      6.9      4.0          -                   -      4.8 
  - To Stage 1                     1.4    (0.8)    (0.6)          -                   -        - 
  - To Stage 2                   (0.8)      1.3    (0.5)          -                   -        - 
  - To Stage 3                   (5.8)    (0.4)      6.2          -                   -        - 
  Changes in assumptions and 
   model parameters                6.2    (3.5)    (5.2)          -                   -    (2.5) 
  At 31 December 2018 
   (Audited)                       4.5      5.6     10.2        1.6                   -     21.9 
   16.     Impairment losses 
                                             Six months          Six months 
                                           ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                         (Unaudited)           (Unaudited) 
                                             GBPm                  GBPm 
  Write-offs in period                                 1.5                 6.3 
  Increase/(decrease) in provision                     4.4               (2.0) 
                                                       5.9                 4.3 
   1. Fair value adjustments on hedged items 
                                     As at             As at 
                                   30-Jun-19          31-Dec-18 
                                  (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                     GBPm            GBPm 
  Hedged assets 
  Current hedge relationships            51.1               2.5 
  Cancelled hedge relationships          15.4              17.3 
                                         66.5              19.8 
  Hedged liabilities 
  Current hedge relationships           (3.1)                 - 
   The fair value adjustments on hedged assets in respect of cancelled 
hedge relationships represent the fair value adjustment for interest 
rate risk on legacy long-term fixed rate mortgages (c.25 years at 
origination) where the interest rate swap hedges were terminated before 
maturity and were effective at the point of termination. 
   18.     Risk management and financial instruments 
   The tables below are a summary of the Group's risk management and 
financial instruments disclosures, of which a complete disclosure for 
the year ended 31 December 2018 is included in the Group's 2018 Annual 
Report and Accounts. The tables do not represent all risks the Group is 
exposed to and should be read in conjunction with the Risk review above. 
   Credit risk 
   The following table shows the Group's maximum exposure to credit risk 
and the impact of collateral held as security, capped at the gross 
exposure amount, by IFRS 9 stage: 
As at 30-Jun-19                                               As at 31-Dec-18 
                               (Unaudited)                     (Audited) 
           --------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
                 Gross carrying       Capped collateral        Gross carrying       collateral 
                     amount                  held                  amount              held 
                   GBPm                   GBPm                   GBPm               GBPm 
  Stage 1               9,085.4                 9,053.2               8,286.8          8,274.5 
  Stage 2                 501.4                   501.3                 436.8            436.8 
  Stage 3                 249.5                   248.4                 225.4            224.2 
  Stage 3 
   (POCI)                  58.7                    58.7                  56.2             56.1 
                        9,895.0                 9,861.6               9,005.2          8,991.6 
   The Group's collateral held in relation to BTL/SME and Residential first 
and second charge mortgage loans is property, based in the UK and the 
Channel Islands. The Group's collateral held in relation to funding 
lines is predominantly property. 
   The Group uses indexed loan-to-value ('LTV') ratios to assess the 
quality of the uncapped collateral held. Property values are updated to 
reflect changes in the house price index. A breakdown of loans and 
advances to customers by indexed LTV is as follows: 
   LTV analysis by band for all loans: 
      As at 30 June 2019 (Unaudited) 
                                 BTL/SME  Residential    Total 
                                    GBPm         GBPm     GBPm    % 
  0% - 50%                       949.3    789.8        1,739.1  18 
  50% - 60%                      999.5    242.6        1,242.1  13 
  60% - 70%                      1,927.0  197.6        2,124.6  21 
  70% - 80%                      3,476.1  181.6        3,657.7  36 
  80% - 90%                      723.3    233.8        957.1    10 
  90% - 100%                     42.9     73.8         116.7    1 
  >100%                             40.7         17.0     57.7    1 
  Total loans before provisions  8,158.8      1,736.2  9,895.0  100 
       As at 31 December 2018 (Audited) 
                                 BTL/SME  Residential        Total 
                                    GBPm         GBPm      GBPm    % 
  0% - 50%                       935.8    784.4        1,720.2   19 
  50% - 60%                      1,105.9  249.7        1,355.6   15 
  60% - 70%                      2,021.4  194.1        2,215.5   25 
  70% - 80%                      2,864.5  177.3        3,041.8   34 
  80% - 90%                      414.1    162.2        576.3     6 
  90% - 100%                     32.9     32.3         65.2      1 
  >100%                             14.6         16.0      30.6    - 
  Total loans before provisions  7,389.2      1,616.0   9,005.2  100 
   LTV analysis by band for BTL/SME: 
      As at 30 June 2019 (Unaudited) 
                                               Residential    Funding 
                   Buy-to-Let    Commercial    development    lines      Total 
                         GBPm          GBPm           GBPm       GBPm     GBPm 
  0% - 50%       620.5         95.0          120.2          113.6      949.3 
  50% - 60%      859.3         88.8          8.9            42.5       999.5 
  60% - 70%      1,719.3       192.1         10.7           4.9        1,927.0 
  70% - 80%      3,140.0       336.1         -              -          3,476.1 
  80% - 90%      714.8         8.5           -              -          723.3 
  90% - 100%     11.1          1.4           -              30.4       42.9 
  >100%                  34.7           3.2            1.4        1.4     40.7 
  Total loans 
  provisions          7,099.7         725.1          141.2      192.8  8,158.8 
       As at 31 December 2018 (Audited) 
                                              Residential     Funding 
                Buy-to-Let    Commercial       development     lines     Total 
                      GBPm          GBPm              GBPm       GBPm     GBPm 
  0% - 50%    663.9         71.2          108.7             92.0       935.8 
  50% - 60%   964.8         72.2          38.8              30.1       1,105.9 
  60% - 70%   1,843.9       163.1         7.3               7.1        2,021.4 
  70% - 80%   2,617.1       233.5         -                 13.9       2,864.5 
  80% - 90%   408.3         4.8           1.0               -          414.1 
  90% - 100%  7.5           0.4           -                 25.0       32.9 
  >100%               12.0           2.6                 -          -     14.6 
  provisions       6,517.5         547.8             155.8      168.1  7,389.2 
   LTV analysis by band for Residential: 
      As at 30 June 2019 (Unaudited) 
                                                  Second      Funding 
                                 First charge      charge      lines     Total 
                                         GBPm        GBPm        GBPm     GBPm 
  0% - 50%                 658.4               119.6       11.8        789.8 
  50% - 60%                157.0               79.8        5.8         242.6 
  60% - 70%                121.8               73.3        2.5         197.6 
  70% - 80%                126.6               52.7        2.3         181.6 
  80% - 90%                202.1               31.1        0.6         233.8 
  90% - 100%               66.1                7.3         0.4         73.8 
  >100%                                   7.7         9.0         0.3     17.0 
  Total loans before 
  provisions                          1,339.7       372.8        23.7  1,736.2 
      As at 31 December 2018 (Audited) 
                                                  Second      Funding 
                                 First charge      charge      lines     Total 
                                         GBPm        GBPm        GBPm     GBPm 
  0% - 50%                 651.9               123.2       9.3         784.4 
  50% - 60%                160.9               81.8        7.0         249.7 
  60% - 70%                117.2               74.3        2.6         194.1 
  70% - 80%                125.2               48.3        3.8         177.3 
  80% - 90%                137.1               24.4        0.7         162.2 
  90% - 100%               25.1                6.8         0.4         32.3 
  >100%                                   6.5         9.2         0.3     16.0 
  Total loans before 
  provisions                          1,223.9       368.0        24.1  1,616.0 
   Analysis of loan portfolio by arrears and collateral held 
   The tables below provide further information on collateral, capped at 
the value of each individual loan, over the loan portfolio by payment 
due status and IFRS 9 stage: 
As at                                                           As at 
 30-Jun-19                                                    31-Dec-18 
                            (Unaudited)               (Audited) 
                ------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                       Loan           Capped           Loan           Capped 
                      balance       collateral        balance        collateral 
                    GBPm            GBPm            GBPm             GBPm 
  Stage 1 
  Not past due        8,996.1          8,964.2        8,225.3           8,213.3 
  Past due < 1 
   month                 89.3             89.0           61.5              61.2 
                      9,085.4          9,053.2        8,286.8           8,274.5 
  Stage 2 
  Not past due          260.4            260.3          241.9             241.9 
  Past due < 1 
   month                149.5            149.5          124.9             124.9 
  Past due 1 
   to 3 
   months                91.5             91.5           70.0              70.0 
                        501.4            501.3          436.8             436.8 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due           44.1             44.0           67.8              67.2 
  Past due < 1 
   month                 19.2             19.2           16.2              16.2 
  Past due 1 
   to 3 
   months                32.5             32.5           30.4              30.4 
  Past due 3 
   to 6 
   months                59.6             59.5           57.2              57.2 
  Past due 6 
   to 12 
   months                34.7             34.7           32.0              31.9 
  Past due 
   over 12 
   months                18.4             17.9           13.9              13.6 
  Possessions            41.0             40.6            7.9               7.7 
                        249.5            248.4          225.4             224.2 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due           20.1             20.1           18.6              18.6 
  Past due < 1 
   month                  5.9              5.9            6.7               6.6 
  Past due 1 
   to 3 
   months                 7.6              7.6            6.6               6.6 
  Past due 3 
   to 6 
   months                 7.1              7.1            7.4               7.4 
  Past due 6 
   to 12 
   months                 7.0              7.0            7.7               7.7 
  Past due 
   over 12 
   months                 9.7              9.7            9.2               9.2 
  Possessions             1.3              1.3              -                 - 
                         58.7             58.7           56.2              56.1 
  Total loans 
   provisions         9,895.0          9,861.6        9,005.2           8,991.6 
   The tables below show the payment due status of the Group's loan 
portfolios by operating segment: 
       As at 30 June 2019 (Unaudited) 
                                                Residential   Funding 
  BTL/SME         Buy-to-Let    Commercial       development   lines     Total 
                    GBPm          GBPm            GBPm         GBPm     GBPm 
  Stage 1 
  Not past due       6,703.1         648.5             141.2    192.8  7,685.6 
  Past due < 1 
   month                25.1           9.6                 -        -     34.7 
                     6,728.2         658.1             141.2    192.8  7,720.3 
  Stage 2 
  Not past due         129.0          41.4                 -        -    170.4 
  Past due < 1 
   month                91.9           1.3                 -        -     93.2 
  Past due 1 
   to 3 
   months               36.5          17.9                 -        -     54.4 
                       257.4          60.6                 -        -    318.0 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due          20.8           0.8                 -        -     21.6 
  Past due < 1 
   month                 6.3           0.2                 -        -      6.5 
  Past due 1 
   to 3 
   months               10.6           0.9                 -        -     11.5 
  Past due 3 
   to 6 
   months               23.0           1.0                 -        -     24.0 
  Past due 6 
   to 12 
   months               13.6           1.7                 -        -     15.3 
  Past due 
   over 12 
   months                5.1           0.3                 -        -      5.4 
  Possessions           34.7           1.2                 -        -     35.9 
                       114.1           6.1                 -        -    120.2 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due             -           0.2                 -        -      0.2 
  Past due < 1 
   month                   -           0.1                 -        -      0.1 
                           -           0.3                 -        -      0.3 
  Total loans 
   provisions        7,099.7         725.1             141.2    192.8  8,158.8 
       As at 31 December 2018 (Audited) 
                                                Residential     Funding 
  BTL/SME         Buy-to-Let    Commercial       development     lines     Total 
                    GBPm          GBPm            GBPm          GBPm      GBPm 
  Stage 1 
  Not past due       6,193.4         501.7             155.8      168.1  7,019.0 
  Past due < 1 
   month                18.5           1.8                 -          -     20.3 
                     6,211.9         503.5             155.8      168.1  7,039.3 
  Stage 2 
  Not past due         102.8          39.1                 -          -    141.9 
  Past due < 1 
   month                74.7           1.0                 -          -     75.7 
  Past due 1 
   to 3 
   months               29.3           0.7                 -          -     30.0 
                       206.8          40.8                 -          -    247.6 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due          40.6           2.5                 -          -     43.1 
  Past due < 1 
   month                 3.3           0.4                 -          -      3.7 
  Past due 1 
   to 3 
   months               12.0           0.1                 -          -     12.1 
  Past due 3 
   to 6 
   months               24.5           0.1                 -          -     24.6 
  Past due 6 
   to 12 
   months               10.9           0.1                 -          -     11.0 
  Past due 
   over 12 
   months                3.1             -                 -          -      3.1 
  Possessions            4.4             -                 -          -      4.4 
                        98.8           3.2                 -          -    102.0 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due             -           0.1                 -          -      0.1 
  Past due < 1 
   month                   -           0.2                 -          -      0.2 
                           -           0.3                 -          -      0.3 
  Total loans 
   provisions        6,517.5         547.8             155.8      168.1  7,389.2 
       As at 30 June 2019 (Unaudited) 
                                                   Second     Funding 
  Residential                    First charge       charge     lines     Total 
                                  GBPm            GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
  Stage 1 
  Not past due                        1,006.8        280.0       23.7  1,310.5 
  Past due < 1 month                     45.8          8.8          -     54.6 
                                      1,052.6        288.8       23.7  1,365.1 
  Stage 2 
  Not past due                           73.1         16.9          -     90.0 
  Past due < 1 month                     50.6          5.7          -     56.3 
  Past due 1 to 3 months                 30.9          6.2          -     37.1 
                                        154.6         28.8          -    183.4 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due                           20.3          2.2          -     22.5 
  Past due < 1 month                     10.6          2.1          -     12.7 
  Past due 1 to 3 months                 15.2          5.8          -     21.0 
  Past due 3 to 6 months                 27.1          8.5          -     35.6 
  Past due 6 to 12 months                14.9          4.5          -     19.4 
  Past due over 12 months                11.0          2.0          -     13.0 
  Possessions                             4.7          0.4          -      5.1 
                                        103.8         25.5          -    129.3 
  Stage 3 (POCI) 
  Not past due                           12.7          7.2          -     19.9 
  Past due < 1 month                      3.3          2.5          -      5.8 
  Past due 1 to 3 months                  4.0          3.6          -      7.6 
  Past due 3 to 6 months                  3.2          3.9          -      7.1 
  Past due 6 to 12 months                 2.9          4.1          -      7.0 
  Past due over 12 months                 2.6          7.1          -      9.7 
  Possessions                               -          1.3          -      1.3 
                                         28.7         29.7          -     58.4 
  Total loans before 
   provisions                         1,339.7        372.8       23.7  1,736.2 
       As at 31 December 2018 (Audited) 
                                                   Second     Funding 
  Residential                    First charge       charge     lines     Total 
                                  GBPm            GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
  Stage 1 
  Not past due                          906.6        275.6       24.1  1,206.3 
  Past due < 1 month                     32.5          8.7          -     41.2 
                                        939.1        284.3       24.1  1,247.5 
  Stage 2 
  Not past due                           80.8         19.2          -    100.0 
  Past due < 1 month                     43.2          6.0          -     49.2 
  Past due 1 to 3 months                 32.7          7.3          -     40.0 
                                        156.7         32.5          -    189.2 
  Stage 3 
  Not past due                           22.2          2.5          -     24.7 
  Past due < 1 month                     10.2          2.3          -     12.5 
  Past due 1 to 3 months                 13.0          5.3          -     18.3 
  Past due 3 to 6 months                 23.8          8.8          -     32.6 
  Past due 6 to 12 months                16.9          4.1          -     21.0 
  Past due over 12 months                 8.8          2.0          -     10.8 
  Possessions                             3.5            -          -      3.5 
                                         98.4         25.0          -    123.4 
  Stage 3 (POCI) 
  Not past due                           12.1          6.4          -     18.5 
  Past due < 1 month                      4.4          2.1          -      6.5 
  Past due 1 to 3 months                  4.1          2.5          -      6.6 
  Past due 3 to 6 months                  3.5          3.9          -      7.4 
  Past due 6 to 12 months                 3.4          4.3          -      7.7 
  Past due over 12 months                 2.2          7.0          -      9.2 
                                         29.7         26.2          -     55.9 
  Total loans before 
   provisions                         1,223.9        368.0       24.1  1,616.0 
   Forbearance measures undertaken 
   The Group has a range of options available where borrowers experience 
financial difficulties which impact their ability to service their 
financial commitments under the loan agreement. These are explained on 
page 47 of the 2018 Annual Report and Accounts. 
   A summary of the forbearance measures undertaken during the period under 
review is below: 
                                  H1 2019                        Restated(1) 
                                  number                           H1 2018         Restated(1) 
                                    of       As at 30-Jun-19      number of       As at 30-Jun-18 
                                accounts         GBPm            accounts            GBPm 
  Forbearance type: 
  Interest-only switch                 20                3.2              17                  2.9 
  Interest rate reduction              22                1.2               3                  0.9 
  Term extension                       15                4.3              18                  3.1 
  Payment holiday                      24                0.7              27                  0.8 
  Voluntary assisted sale              13                0.7               -                    - 
  Payment concession (reduced 
   monthly payments)                   35                0.9              29                  2.6 
  Full or partial debt 
   forgiveness                          2                  -               -                    - 
  Total                               131               11.0              94                 10.3 
                  H1 2019                           H1 2018         Restated(1) 
                 number of    As at 30-Jun-19      number of       As at 30-Jun-18 
                accounts          GBPm            accounts            GBPm 
  Loan type: 
   occupier             23                4.8              23                  2.9 
   occupier             94                3.3              54                  1.6 
  Buy-to-Let            13                2.9              17                  5.8 
  Commercial             1                  -               -                    - 
  Total                131               11.0              94                 10.3 
   1 The 2018 comparatives have been restated to reflect changes to the 
data capture process. 
   Geographical analysis by region 
   An analysis of loans by region is provided below: 
                                           As at                    As at 
                                         30-Jun-19                 31-Dec-18 
                                        (Unaudited)             (Audited) 
                                  -----------------       --------------- 
  Region                                   GBPm       %           GBPm      % 
--------------------------------  -----------------       --------------- 
  East Anglia                                 361.4    4            316.4    4 
  East Midlands                               369.9    4            325.4    4 
  Greater London                            4,335.7   44          3,965.5   43 
  Guernsey                                     51.8    1             61.7    1 
  Jersey                                      160.8    2            176.0    2 
  North East                                  125.0    1            115.6    1 
  North West                                  525.6    5            447.6    5 
  Northern Ireland                             14.9    -             14.6    - 
  Scotland                                     46.2    -             45.2    1 
  South East                                2,140.7   22          1,955.1   22 
  South West                                  707.0    7            634.2    7 
  Wales                                       213.4    2            187.1    2 
  West Midlands                               623.4    6            557.5    6 
  Yorks & Humberside                          219.2    2            203.3    2 
--------------------------------  -----------------       --------------- 
  Total loans before provisions             9,895.0  100          9,005.2  100 
--------------------------------  -----------------       --------------- 
   19.       Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities 
   The following tables provide an analysis of financial assets and 
financial liabilities measured at fair value on the Statement of 
Financial Position grouped into level 1 to 3 based on the degree to 
which the fair value is observable: 
                          Carrying  Principal    Level    Level    Level 
  As at 30-Jun-19          amount     amount       1        2        3      Total 
  (Unaudited)            GBPm         GBPm      GBPm     GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
  Financial assets 
   securities                160.0      160.0    160.0        -        -    160.0 
   assets                      3.9    3,565.0        -      3.9        -      3.9 
                             163.9    3,725.0    160.0      3.9        -    163.9 
   liabilities                58.2    4,133.2        -     58.2        -     58.2 
                          Carrying    Principal    Level    Level    Level 
  As at 31-Dec-18          amount       amount       1        2        3      Total 
  (Audited)              GBPm          GBPm       GBPm     GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
  Financial assets 
   securities                 58.9         59.0     58.9        -        -     58.9 
   assets                     11.7      1,999.0        -     11.7        -     11.7 
                              70.6      2,058.0     58.9     11.7        -     70.6 
   liabilities                24.9      4,532.2        -     24.9        -     24.9 
   Level 1: Fair values that are based entirely on quoted market prices 
(unadjusted) in an actively traded market for identical assets and 
liabilities that the Group has the ability to access. Valuation 
adjustments and block discounts are not applied to Level 1 instruments. 
Since valuations are based on readily available observable market prices, 
this makes them most reliable, reduces the need for management judgement 
and estimation and also reduces the uncertainty associated with 
determining fair values. 
   Level 2: Fair values that are based on one or more quoted prices in 
markets that are not active or for which all significant inputs are 
taken from directly or indirectly observable market data. These include 
valuation models used to calculate the present value of expected future 
cash flows and may be employed either when no active market exists or 
when there are no quoted prices available for similar instruments in 
active markets. 
   Level 3: Fair values for which any one or more significant input is not 
based on observable market data and the unobservable inputs have a 
significant effect on the instruments fair value. Valuation models that 
employ significant unobservable inputs require a higher degree of 
management judgement and  estimation in determining the fair value. 
Management judgement and estimation are usually required for the 
selection of the appropriate valuation model to be used, determination 
of expected future cash flows on the financial instruments being valued, 
determination of the probability of counterparty default and prepayments, 
determination of expected volatilities and correlations and the 
selection of appropriate discount rates. 
   19.     Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities 
   The following tables provide an analysis of financial assets and 
financial liabilities not measured at fair value on the Statement of 
Financial Position grouped into level 1 to 3 based on the degree to 
which the fair value is observable: 
       Estimated fair value 
                              Carrying  Principal  Level    Level     Level 
  As at 30-Jun-19              amount     amount     1        2         3        Total 
  (Unaudited)                 GBPm        GBPm     GBPm     GBPm      GBPm      GBPm 
  Financial assets 
  Cash in hand                     0.3        0.3      -        0.3        -        0.3 
  Loans and advances to 
   credit institutions         1,493.8    1,493.4      -    1,493.8        -    1,493.8 
  Loans and advances to 
   customers                   9,862.0   10,008.7      -    3,820.9  6,948.4   10,769.3 
                              11,356.1   11,502.4      -    5,315.0  6,948.4   12,263.4 
  Financial liabilities 
  Amounts owed to retail 
   depositors                  9,175.0    9,138.6      -    3,397.9  5,787.5    9,185.4 
  Amounts owed to credit 
   institutions                1,605.9    1,602.9      -    1,605.9        -    1,605.9 
  Amounts owed to other 
   customers                       8.8        8.8      -          -      8.9        8.9 
   liabilities                    10.8       10.6      -       10.8        -       10.8 
  Perpetual subordinated 
   bonds                          15.3       15.0   14.5          -        -       14.5 
                              10,815.8   10,775.9   14.5    5,014.6  5,796.4   10,825.5 
       Estimated fair value 
                                    Carrying    Principal    Level     Level     Level 
  As at 31-Dec-18                    amount       amount       1         2         3       Total 
  (Audited)                         GBPm         GBPm       GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm 
  Financial assets 
  Cash in hand                           0.4          0.4        -        0.4        -        0.4 
  Loans and advances to credit 
   institutions                      1,347.3      1,346.9        -    1,347.3        -    1,347.3 
  Loans and advances to 
   customers                         8,983.3      9,121.4        -    4,195.3  4,955.8    9,151.1 
                                    10,331.0     10,468.7        -    5,543.0  4,955.8   10,498.8 
  Financial liabilities 
  Amounts owed to retail 
   depositors                        8,071.9      8,019.7        -    2,916.4  5,181.1    8,097.5 
  Amounts owed to credit 
   institutions                      1,584.0      1,581.0        -    1,584.0        -    1,584.0 
  Amounts owed to other 
   customers                            32.9         32.8        -          -     32.9       32.9 
  Subordinated liabilities              10.8         10.6        -       10.8        -       10.8 
  Perpetual subordinated 
   bonds                                15.3         15.0     14.3          -        -       14.3 
                                     9,714.9      9,659.1     14.3    4,511.2  5,214.0    9,739.5 
   20.       Capital management 
   The Group's individual regulated entities and the Group as a whole 
complied with all of the capital requirements which they were subject to 
for the periods presented. 
   The regulatory capital of the Group is presented below: 
                                                                As at             As at 
                                                               30-Jun-19         31-Dec-18 
                                                          (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                              GBPm              GBPm 
  Common equity tier 1 capital 
  Called up share capital                                            2.5               2.4 
  Share premium, capital contribution and share-based 
   payment reserve                                                 169.0             170.0 
  Retained earnings                                                479.2             439.6 
  Transfer reserve                                                (12.8)            (12.8) 
  Other reserves                                                   (0.4)             (0.5) 
  Total equity excluding equity bonds                              637.5             598.7 
  Foreseeable dividends                                           (17.8)            (25.2) 
  Solo consolidation adjustments(1)                                (6.2)             (5.4) 
  IFRS 9 transitional adjustment(2)                                  2.4               2.7 
  Deductions from common equity tier 1 capital 
  Prudent valuation adjustment(3)                                  (0.1)             (0.1) 
  Intangible assets                                                (8.1)             (7.7) 
  Deferred tax asset                                               (0.9)             (1.4) 
  Common equity tier 1 capital                                     606.8             561.6 
  Additional tier 1 capital 
  AT1 Securities                                                    60.0              60.0 
  Total tier 1 capital                                             666.8             621.6 
  Tier 2 capital 
  Subordinated debt and PSBs                                        47.4              47.4 
  Deductions from tier 2 capital                                   (4.0)             (3.3) 
  Total tier 2 capital                                              43.4              44.1 
  Total regulatory capital                                         710.2             665.7 
  Risk weighted assets (unaudited)                               4,685.5           4,211.8 
   1. The Bank has solo consolidation waivers for most of its subsidiaries. The 
      equity for unconsolidated entities has been removed from CET1. 
   2. The regulatory capital includes a GBP2.4m add-back under IFRS 9 
      transitional arrangements. This represents 85% of the IFRS 9 
   transitional adjustment booked directly to retained earnings of GBP2.9m. 
The full impact of IFRS 9, if applied, would reduce total regulatory 
capital to GBP707.8m. 
   1. The Group has adopted the simplified approach under the Prudent Valuation 
      rules, recognising a deduction equal to 0.1% of fair 
   value assets and liabilities. 
   21.         Operating segments 
   The Group distinguishes two segments within its operations. 
   1. BTL/SME; secured lending on property for investment and commercial 
      purposes. This segment also includes the Group's new asset finance 
      business, and 
   2. Residential mortgages; lending to customers who live in their own homes, 
      secured either via first or second charges against the residential home. 
   The financial position and results of operations of the above segments 
are summarised below: 
                                              BTL/SME   mortgages     Total 
                                              GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
  Balances as at 30 June 2019 (Unaudited) 
  Gross loans and advances to customers       8,158.8      1,736.2  9,895.0 
  Expected credit loss                         (15.1)       (17.9)   (33.0) 
  Loans and advances to customers             8,143.7      1,718.3  9,862.0 
  Capital expenditure                             8.3          1.8     10.1 
  Profit for six months ended 30-Jun-19 (Unaudited) 
  Interest receivable                           183.4         44.5    227.9 
  Interest payable                             (63.4)       (13.5)   (76.9) 
  Net interest income                           120.0         31.0    151.0 
  External servicing fees                           -        (0.1)    (0.1) 
  Other expense                                 (5.2)        (1.9)    (7.1) 
  Other expense                                 (5.2)        (2.0)    (7.2) 
  Total income                                  114.8         29.0    143.8 
  Impairment losses                             (5.2)        (0.7)    (5.9) 
  Contribution to profit                        109.6         28.3    137.9 
  Operating expenses                                                 (40.9) 
  FSCS and other regulatory provisions                                (0.1) 
  Exceptional cost - transaction 
   expenses                                                           (5.9) 
  Profit before taxation                                               91.0 
  Taxation                                                           (25.2) 
  Profit for the period                                                65.8 
   1. Operating segments (continued) 
                                            BTL/SME     mortgages     Total 
                                            GBPm         GBPm        GBPm 
  Balances as at 31 December 2018 
  Gross loans and advances to customers     7,389.2        1,616.0  9,005.2 
  Expected credit loss                       (11.0)         (10.9)   (21.9) 
  Loans and advances to customers           7,378.2        1,605.1  8,983.3 
  Capital expenditure                           5.2            1.1      6.3 
  Profit for six months ended 30-Jun-18 (Unaudited) 
  Interest receivable                         145.5           44.6    190.1 
  Interest payable                           (43.2)         (11.7)   (54.9) 
  Net interest income                         102.3           32.9    135.2 
  External servicing fees                     (0.1)          (0.3)    (0.4) 
  Other expense                               (0.5)          (1.2)    (1.7) 
  Other expense                               (0.6)          (1.5)    (2.1) 
  Total income                                101.7           31.4    133.1 
  Impairment losses                           (3.0)          (1.3)    (4.3) 
  Contribution to profit                       98.7           30.1    128.8 
  Operating expenses                                                 (35.9) 
  FSCS and other regulatory provisions                                (1.1) 
  Profit before taxation                                               91.8 
  Taxation                                                           (22.3) 
  Profit for the period                                                69.5 
   22.       Adjustments for non-cash items and changes in operating assets 
and liabilities 
                                                        Six months          Six months 
                                                      ended 30-Jun-19     ended 30-Jun-18 
                                                      (Unaudited)         (Unaudited) 
                                                          GBPm                GBPm 
  Adjustments for non-cash items: 
  Depreciation and amortisation                                   3.0                 2.2 
  Interest on subordinated liabilities                            0.4                 0.4 
  Interest on perpetual subordinated bonds                        0.4                 0.4 
  Impairment charge on loans                                      5.9                 4.3 
  Loss on sale of financial instruments                             -                 0.2 
  FSCS and other regulatory provisions                            0.1                 1.1 
  Fair value losses on financial instruments                      7.4                 1.7 
  Share-based payments                                            1.4                 1.4 
  Total adjustments for non-cash items                           18.6                11.7 
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities: 
  Increase in loans and advances to credit 
   institutions                                                (54.3)               (3.3) 
  Increase in loans to customers                              (884.6)             (799.0) 
  Increase in retail deposits                                 1,103.1               773.5 
  Net increase in other assets                                  (6.7)               (5.0) 
  Net (decrease)/increase in derivatives and 
   hedged items                                                 (9.9)                 0.1 
  Net (decrease)/increase in credit institutions 
   and other customers deposits                               (102.2)                15.3 
  Net increase in other liabilities                               0.3                 0.1 
  Exchange differences on working capital                         0.1               (0.5) 
  Total changes in operating assets and 
   liabilities                                                   45.8              (18.8) 
   1. Related parties 
   The Group had no related party transactions during the six months to 30 
June 2019 that would materially affect the position or performance of 
the Group. Details of transactions for the year ended 31 December 2018 
can be found in the 2018 Annual Report and Accounts on pages 144 to 146. 
   Transactions with Key Management Personnel 
   During the period, the Group granted awards under the Deferred Share 
Bonus Plan and Performance Share Plan as described in note 6 to these 
interim accounts and note 9 in the 2018 Annual Report and Accounts on 
pages 134 to 137. The impact of these awards in the six months ended 30 
June 2019 is reported in note 6. 
   24.       Contingent liabilities 
   The Group has not recognised a liability or provision for success fees 
payable if the recommended all- share combination with CCFS completes, 
as the combination depends on future regulatory approvals. Similarly, 
the Group has not recognised transaction costs that contain discount 
provisions should the combination not proceed. The Group expects the 
success fees and transaction costs subject to discount provisions to be 
   25.       Events after the reporting date 
   On 12 July 2019, the Group completed a c. GBP500m securitisation 
transaction of originated mortgage loans through Canterbury Finance No.1 
plc ('Canterbury'). The Group has retained ownership of the Class A2, F 
and X notes and residual certificates issued by Canterbury and will 
consolidate Canterbury into the Group's results from July 2019. 
   On 30 July 2019, the Competition and Markets Authority announced its 
decision to approve the recommended all-share combination of OneSavings 
Bank and CCFS. Completion of the combination remains subject to other 
outstanding conditions, including receipt of regulatory approvals from 
the FCA and PRA. 
   Reliance House Sun Pier Chatham 
   Kent, ME4 4ET 
   Company number 
   Deloitte LLP, Statutory Auditor 1 New Street Square 
   London, EC4A 3HQ 
   Registrar Equiniti Limited Aspect House Spencer Road Lancing 
   West Sussex, BN99 6DA 
   Barclays Bank PLC 
   5 The North Colonnade London, E14 4BB 
   RBC Europe Limited (trading as RBC Capital Markets) Riverbank House 
   2 Swan Lane London, EC4R 3BF 
   Media and Public Relations 
   Brunswick Group LLP 16 Lincoln's Inn Fields London, WC2A 3ED 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 21, 2019 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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