RNS Number : 0189Q


31 October 2012

Ortus VCT

Half-yearly Report

For the six months ended 31 August 2012

Chairman's Statement

During the six months ended 31 August 2012, the portfolio has continued to generate a steadily improving level of revenues, but at the same time it has been necessary to revalue several of the legacy portfolio assets to reflect the terms of offers received for those businesses or downturn in trading at certain of these older assets. As a consequence, the Net Asset Value has reduced by 5.3p per share to 33.4p. Conversely, the new Maven portfolio has continued to increase in value but, with smaller unit sizes, the corresponding positive impact on NAV has been less pronounced. The Company has nevertheless improved its cash reserves and going forward is well placed to invest in all Maven-led transactions, albeit still in modest unit sizes.

As can be seen in the Investment Portfolio Summary on page 11, the Maven team has now introduced more than twenty new private equity investments, which are generally valued at or above cost and are generating attractive levels of revenue, which is demonstrated by the increase in income to your Company highlighted above.


For some time, your Board has been examining strategic options aimed at restoring value and improving returns for Ortus Shareholders. We are pleased to inform Shareholders that, to this end, we have recently entered discussions with Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 PLC to merge the two companies. The potential merger, which will be subject to approval by both companies, is expected to achieve, among other things, cost savings and administrative efficiency through the creation of an enlarged VCT that will provide benefits for all Shareholders. The intention is that any merger will be carried out on a relative net assets basis by transferring the assets and liabilities of Ortus VCT to Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 in consideration for new shares of that company pursuant to a section 110 scheme of reconstruction. A merger on this basis will be outside the provisions of The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. Full details will be set out in a circular to be issued to Shareholders in due course.

The Board believes that this is a very positive development for Ortus Shareholders. Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 is a top decile performing VCT and has one of the narrowest discounts of its peer group (Source: Trustnet, 31 October 2012), reflecting the quality of the underlying portfolio of assets. It also has an established dividend stream.

The Board is confident in Maven's ability to continue to provide the type of income-generating private equity investments to the enlarged VCT that they have been successfully introducing to other Maven clients for several years. The range of independent industry recognition of Maven's successful VCT strategy, which is described in more detail in the Investment Manager's Review, is testament to that.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company, which are as set out in the Annual Report, with the addition of the risks associated with entering into a merger such as that set out in the section on Strategy above. The VCT qualifying status of the Company is reviewed regularly by your Board and monitored on a continuous basis by the Manager in order to ensure that all of the criteria for VCT status are met. The Board has confirmed that all tests continue to be met.


The Board recognises that although the new Maven portfolio has performed well, overall returns to Shareholders from the combined new and legacy portfolios have not been what we or Shareholders would wish. The Board is committed to improving returns and believes that the merger currently under discussion has the potential to significantly improve Shareholder value. Assuming that the merger proceeds, it is anticipated that the enlarged company would provide a diversified portfolio better positioned to generate positive Shareholder returns in keeping with those previously achieved by Maven Income and Growth VCT 4.

Maven has worked closely and supportively with the Board and remains committed to the recovery of value for Ortus Shareholders. The Board is grateful for their support and strategic assistance, and it is expected that the proposed merger would provide a major impetus to the re-alignment and broadening of the portfolio in order to provide Shareholders with long-awaited improvements in capital growth and dividend generation.

Investment Manager's Review


In recent years your Company has focused on reducing exposure to a small number of large and non-yielding legacy assets, repaying borrowings and generating cash with a view to building a properly balanced portfolio of later-stage private equity assets. The current scarcity of bank finance means that Maven's investment team, operating from six key regional centres throughout the UK, continue to be introduced to a steady flow of good quality private companies as these businesses look for alternative sources of funding.

During the six month period your Company's portfolio generated increased revenues and, following several realisations, has improved cash reserves which enhance its capability to invest in all Maven-led transactions. However, as a result of a review of legacy holding valuations in the light of current offers or poor trading results, the Net Asset Value has decreased to 33.4p per share.

Shareholders who attended the Ortus AGM this year will be aware that the three large holdings in the legacy portfolio continue to represent a disproportionately large element of the Ortus portfolio, and meaningful levels of new investment are constrained until these holdings have been realised. Nevertheless, Maven is continuing to expand and broaden the portfolio within the confines of existing cash resources available, and the rebuilding and repositioning of the fund continues. Somewhat unfortunately, the increase in value and realisations achieved on the Maven investments has been masked by reductions in the legacy holdings; however, the portfolio is steadily becoming more balanced, which is a positive development in the long term interest of Shareholders.

We are pleased to note that since publication of the Annual Report there has been a wide range of independent industry recognition of the success of Maven's VCT investment strategy and ability to deliver a consistent level of shareholder returns.

In August Maven was announced as the winner in the UK Small Buyout House of the Year category for the ACQ Finance Magazine Global Awards 2012. Maven was also recently named as winner of VCT Exit of the Year at the 2012 unquote" British Private Equity Awards for the 3 times exit from Walker Technical Resources in 2011, as well as being a finalist in the VCT House of the Year category. These awards acknowledge innovation and excellence in the private equity and venture capital sectors.


Although the revenue position continues to improve as a result of increasing levels of investment income, the Company is not yet in a position to make Shareholder distributions. The short to medium term priorities for Maven are to continue to reduce the revenue account deficit and to retain funds to enable the Company to participate to an increasing extent in new later-stage private company investments.

Investment activity

During the period the Maven team completed two qualifying private equity investments at a cost of GBP0.3 million on behalf of your Company, and made six follow-on investments in existing portfolio companies. At the period end, the portfolio was comprised of 39 unlisted and AIM/PLUS quoted investments at a total cost of GBP8.3 million, with quoted holdings representing less than 4.4% of the portfolio by value.

Two new private company investments were added to the portfolio during the period under review:

-- Vodat International, a provider of payment and communications solutions to high street businesses, which enable retailers to reduce costs, boost store productivity and increase sales in an increasingly competitive trading environment. The company has an established and diverse customer base, has consistently improved profitability in recent years and enjoys high levels of recurring revenue from a number of long-term service and support contracts; and

-- CatTech International, a niche industrial services business offering catalyst handling products and services to petro-chemical plants operating in the major international markets. The business specialises in servicing equipment used in applications where operational efficiency is critical and

there is an increasing global focus on health and safety issues, and has developed a range of patented products and processes to improve the efficiency, speed and safety of catalyst operations.

The following new investments have been completed during the period:

 Investment                                   Date               Sector    cost GBP'000                        Website 
------------------------------------  ------------  -------------------  --------------  ----------------------------- 
 CatTech International Limited          March 2012     Support services             149               www.cat-tech.com 
 Glacier Energy Services Group           June 2012        Oil equipment 
 Limited                                                       services              24              www.glacier.co.uk 
 Nessco Group Holdings Limited          March 2012        Oil equipment 
                                                               services              75            www.nesscogroup.com 
 Networks by Wireless Limited            June 2012    Telecommunication 
                                                               services             142   www.networksbywireless.co.uk 
 TC Communications Holdings Limited      July 2012     Support services              23     www.tccommunications.co.uk 
 Tosca Penta Exodus Mezzanine                         Telecommunication 
 Limited                                                       services 
 Partnership (trading as 6deg Group)     July 2012                                   52                  www.6dg.co.uk 
 Venmar Limited (trading as XPD8                            Oil and gas 
 Limited)                                June 2012                                   91          www.xpd8solutions.com 
 Vodat International Holdings                         Telecommunication 
 Limited                                March 2012             services             150              www.vodat-int.com 
 Total unlisted investment                                                          706 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------- 
 Listed fixed income 
 Treasury bill 24 December 2012                               July 2012             949 
 Total                                                                            1,655 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------- 

The follow-on investments were made to support the development of existing portfolio businesses and, in the case of Glacier Energy Services Group and 6(o) Group, to fund acquisitions.

Ortus VCT PLC has co-invested in some or all of the above transactions with Maven Income and Growth VCT, Maven Income and Growth VCT 2, Maven Income and Growth VCT 3, Maven Income and Growth VCT 4, Maven Income and Growth VCT 5 and Talisman First Venture Capital Trust. Co-investment allows the Companies to underwrite a wider range and larger size of transaction than would be the case on a stand-alone basis.


There were three significant private company realisations during the period. In March 2012, Maven completed the realisation of ATR Holdings for GBP19.25 million via a secondary buy-out funded by the private equity manager NBGI, realising a total return of 1.7 times the initial cost. ATR provides rental services for specialist plant, equipment and consumables, along with a comprehensive range of support services, to offshore and onshore energy services maintenance contractors operating in highly regulated environments. The exit from Ashford Colour Press completed in June 2012 with the Company repaying all loan notes and overall achieving a small uplift on cost. During July 2012 the realisation of the holding in Nessco Group Holdings completed with a sale to NASDAQ listed RigNet Inc. for a 2.7 times return on the cost of investment.

The table below gives details of realisations during the reporting period.

                                                         Cost              Value                                           Gain/(loss) 
                            Date    Complete/       of shares              at 29                                               over 29 
                           first      partial        disposed           February          Sales            Realised           February 
                        invested         exit              of               2012       proceeds         gain/(loss)         2012 value 
                                                      GBP'000            GBP'000        GBP'000             GBP'000            GBP'000 
--------------------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Ashford Colour 
  Press Limited             2002     Complete             214                223            223                   9                  - 
 ATR Holdings 
  Limited                   2007     Complete             124                170            124                   -               (46) 
 Dalglen (1150) 
  Limited (trading 
  as Walker 
  Resources)                2009     Complete               -                  -              2                   2                  2 
 Nessco Group 
  Holdings Limited          2008     Complete             448                706            979                 531                273 
 Space Student 
  Living Limited            2011      Partial              22                 22             22                   -                  - 
  Holdings                  1999     Complete               -                  -             41                  41                 41 
 Total unlisted disposals                                 808              1,121          1,391                 583                270 
---------------------------------------------  --------------  -----------------  -------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Deltex Medical 
  Group PLC                 2001      Partial              23                 62             76                  53                 14 
 Total AIM disposals                                       23                 62             76                  53                 14 
---------------------------------------------  --------------  -----------------  -------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Total                                                    831              1,183          1,467                 636                284 
---------------------------------------------  --------------  -----------------  -------------  ------------------  ----------------- 

The Manager has continued its policy of disposing of quoted holdings for best possible value in cases where the investments were underperforming.

VCT regulation

The Manager was pleased to note that the Finance Act received Royal Assent in July, following approval by the European Commission of Government increases to the level of investment in an individual business which qualifies for VCT funding, and to the size of business which can benefit. The gross asset limit for investee companies has been raised from GBP7 million to GBP15 million, and the maximum number of employees from 50 to 250, while the annual investment limit has been raised from GBP2 million to GBP5 million. These revised limits are consistent with the Maven focus on investing in later-stage companies, and reinforce the position of generalist VCTs as a tax-efficient means of investment in high-growth smaller businesses.

Maven Capital Partners UK LLP


31 October 2012

 Ortus VCT PLC 
 Summary of Investment Changes 
 For the six months ended 31 August 
                                Valuation                   Net investment/            Appreciation/          Valuation 
                              29 February                                                                    31 August 
                                  2012                      (disinvestment)           (depreciation)            2012 
                             GBP'000            %                   GBP'000                  GBP'000       GBP'000          % 
--------------------  --------------  -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  ------------  --------- 
  Equities                     9,124         65.3                     (485)                  (1,772)         6,867       56.9 
  Preference                       -            -                         -                        -             -          - 
  Loan Stock                   3,118         22.3                     (200)                    (180)         2,738       22.7 
--------------------  --------------  -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  ------------  --------- 
                              12,242         87.6                     (685)                  (1,952)         9,605       79.6 
  AIM investments 
  Equities                       550          3.9                      (76)                       58           532        4.4 
  Treasury Bills                   -            -                       949                        1           950        7.9 
--------------------  --------------  -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  ------------  --------- 
  Total investments           12,792         91.5                       188                  (1,893)        11,087       91.9 
  Other net assets             1,189          8.5                     (217)                        -           972        8.1 
  Net assets                  13,981        100.0                      (29)                  (1,893)        12,059      100.0 
--------------------  --------------  -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  ------------  --------- 
 Investment Portfolio Summary 
 As at 31 August 2012 
                                                                                                          % of 
                                                                               % of        % of           held 
                                                     Valuation       Cost     total      equity       by other 
 Investment                                            GBP'000    GBP'000    assets        held     clients(1) 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ------------- 
 Vyre Limited                                            2,700        324      22.4        29.8              - 
 Espresso Group Limited                                  1,500        461      12.4         7.2              - 
 Higher Nature Limited                                   1,000        500       8.3        11.2              - 
 Networks by Wireless Limited                              450        542       3.7        28.3              - 
 Lab M Holdings Limited                                    292      1,000       2.4        17.6              - 
 Other                                                       0      1,704         -           -              - 
 Total unlisted legacy investments                       5,942      4,531      49.2 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ------------- 
 Torridon Capital Limited                                  500        161       4.2         1.2           38.8 
  TC Communications Holdings Limited                       293        326       2.5         3.5           26.5 
 Venmar Limited (trading as XPD8 Solutions 
  Limited)                                                 250        250       2.2         2.4           32.6 
 Maven Co-invest Exodus Limited Partnership 
  (trading as 6deg Group)                                  230        164       1.9         0.5           10.0 
 Flexlife Group Limited                                    198        149       1.6         0.6           14.0 
 Lawrence Recycling & Waste Management 
  Limited                                                  197        197       1.6         2.4           59.6 
 Attraction World Holdings Limited                         187         94       1.6         1.9           36.6 
 Tosca Penta Investments Limited Partnership 
  (trading as esure)                                       174         85       1.4           -            0.2 
 Westway Services Limited                                  173         75       1.4         0.8           21.1 
 Intercede (Scotland) 1 Limited (trading 
  as Electro-Flow Controls)                                169         99       1.4         1.1           27.4 
 Lemac No. 1 Limited (trading as John McGavigan 
  Limited)                                                 164        164       1.4         2.8           34.0 
 Moriond Limited                                           150        150       1.2         3.1           46.9 
 LCL Hose Limited (trading as Dantec)                      149        149       1.2         2.7           27.3 
 Cat Tech International Limited                            149        149       1.2         1.4           28.6 
 Vodat International Holdings Limited                      149        149       1.2         1.7             40 
 Glacier Energy Services Group Limited                     123        123       1.0         1.0           24.1 
 CHS Engineering Services Limited                          114        114       0.9         1.3           22.1 
 Training for Travel Group Limited                         103        228       0.9         2.3           27.7 
 Atlantic Foods Group Limited                               71         71       0.6           -            8.8 
 Tosca Penta Exodus Mezzanine Limited Partnership           52         52       0.4         0.5            7.2 
 Claven Holdings Limited                                    48         19       0.4         3.3           46.7 
 Others                                                     20        305       0.2         1.1           28.9 
 Total unlisted new portfolio                            3,663      3,273      30.4 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total unlisted investments                              9,605      7,804      79.6 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ------------- 
 Vectura Group PLC                                         261        257       2.2         0.1            0.3 
 Chime Communications PLC                                  108         95       0.9         0.1            0.2 
 OMG PLC                                                    56         47       0.5         0.3              - 
 Deltex Medical Group PLC                                   54         19       0.4         0.1              - 
 Angle PLC                                                  48         15       0.4         0.3              - 
 Others                                                      5         17         -           -            0.3 
 Total AIM investments                                     532        450       4.4 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------  ----------  ------------- 
 Listed fixed income 
 Treasury bill 24 December 2012                            950        949       7.9 
 Total investments                                      11,087      9,203      91.9 
==================================================  ==========  =========  ========  ==========  ============= 

1 Other clients of Maven Capital Partners UK LLP.

Directors' Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- The Financial Statements for the six months ended 31 August 2012 have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' (the SORP) issued in January 2009;

-- The Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R in relation to the indication of important events during the first six months, and of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company during the second six months, of the year ending 28 February 2013; and

-- The Interim Management Report includes adequate disclosure of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R in relation to related party transactions and any changes therein.

By order of the Board

Maven Capital Partner UK LLP


31 October 2012

 Income Statement 
 For the six months ended 31 August 
                                                                    Six months                                               Six months 
                                                                         ended                                                    ended                                          Year ended 
                                                                     31 August                                                31 August                                         29 February 
                                                                          2012                                                     2011                                                2012 
                                                                   (unaudited)                                              (unaudited)                                           (audited) 
                             --------------  ---------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------------------- 
                                 Revenue              Capital            Total       Revenue                 Capital              Total       Revenue              Capital            Total 
                      Notes         GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
------------------  -------  --------------  ----------------  ---------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------  --------------- 
 (Losses)/gains on 
  investments                             -           (1,893)          (1,893)                  -                226                226                  -           (266)            (266) 
 Investment income and 
  deposit interest                      252                 -              252                236                  -                236                367               -              367 
  fees                 4               (35)             (106)            (141)               (36)              (110)              (146)               (73)           (220)            (293) 
 Incentive fees        4               (36)              (26)             (62)               (19)               (21)               (40)               (41)           (123)            (164) 
 Other expenses                        (78)                 -             (78)               (87)                  -               (87)              (184)               -            (184) 
------------------  -------  --------------  ----------------  ---------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Net return on ordinary 
  activities before 
  taxation                              103           (2,025)          (1,922)                 94                 95                189                 69           (609)            (540) 
 Tax on ordinary 
  activities                           (10)                10                -                  -                  -                  -               (11)              11                - 
------------------  -------  --------------  ----------------  ---------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Return attributable to 
  equity shareholders                    93           (2,015)          (1,922)                 94                 95                189                 58           (598)            (540) 
---------------------------  --------------  ----------------  ---------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Earnings per 
  (pence)                              0.26            (5.58)           (5.32)               0.26               0.26               0.52               0.20          (1.70)           (1.50) 
------------------  -------  --------------  ----------------  ---------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------  --------------- 
 A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all gains and losses 
  are recognised in the Income 
 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only 
  one class of business and derives 
 its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
 The total column of this Statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company. 
                                                      Six months       Six months               Year 
                                                           ended            ended              ended 
 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' 
  Funds                                           31 August 2012   31 August 2011   29 February 2012 
                                                         GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' 
  funds                                                   13,981           14,521             14,521 
 Net return for period                                   (1,922)              189              (540) 
 Closing Shareholders' 
  funds                                                   12,059           14,710             13,981 
                                                 ===============  ===============  ================= 
 Balance Sheet 
 As at 31 August 2012 
                                                                           31 August                                           29 February 
                                                                                2012            31 August 2011                        2012 
                                                                         (unaudited)               (unaudited)                   (audited) 
                                                 Notes                       GBP'000                   GBP'000                     GBP'000 
---------  -----  ------  -------------------  -------  ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                              11,087                    12,855                      12,792 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                                                                         725                     1,116                         753 
 Cash and overnight deposits                                                     334                       803                         594 
---------------------------------------------  -------  ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
                                                                               1,059                     1,919                       1,347 
 Amounts falling due within one 
  year                                                                          (87)                      (64)                       (158) 
---------------------------------------------  -------  ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
 Net current 
  assets                                                                         972                     1,855                       1,189 
------------------------  -------------------  -------  ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
 Net assets                                                                   12,059                    14,710                      13,981 
------------------------  -------------------  -------  ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                                                       3,611                     3,611                       3,611 
  reserve                                         2                           24,022                    24,022                      24,022 
 Share premium account                            2                            3,261                     3,261                       3,261 
 Capital redemption reserve                       2                              455                       455                         455 
 Capital reserve - realised                       2                         (20,219)                  (20,569)                    (20,733) 
 Capital reserve - unrealised                     2                            1,882                     4,940                       4,411 
 Revenue reserve                                  2                            (953)                   (1,010)                     (1,046) 
------------------------  -------------------           ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
 Net assets attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                                                                12,059                    14,710                      13,981 
---------------------------------------------  -------  ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
 Net Asset Value per Ordinary 
  Share (pence)                                                                 33.4                      40.7                        38.7 
---------------------------------------------  -------  ---------  -----------------  -----  -----------------  -----  ------------------- 
 The Financial Statements of Ortus VCT PLC, registered number 3160586, were approved 
  and authorised for issue by the Board of 
 Directors and were signed on its 
  behalf by: 
 D Potter 
 31 October 
 The accompanying Notes are an integral part 
  of the Financial Statements. 
 Cash Flow Statement 
 For the six months 
 ended 31 August 
                                             Six months to                  Six months to                              Year ended 
                                            31 August 2012                 31 August 2011                        29 February 2012 
                                               (unaudited)                    (unaudited)                               (audited) 
                                   GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000 
 ---------------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Operating activities 
 Investment income 
  received                             287                             198                                301 
 Investment management 
  fees paid                          (141)                           (147)                              (293) 
 Secretarial fees paid                (15)                            (16)                               (37) 
 Directors' expenses 
  paid                                (28)                            (31)                               (59) 
 Other cash payments                 (175)                           (231)                              (294) 
----------------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash outflow from 
  activities                                          (72)                          (227)                                   (382) 
 Financial investment 
 Purchase of 
  investments                      (1,655)                           (541)                            (1,024) 
 Sale of investments                 1,467                             943                              1,372 
----------------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash 
  financial investment                               (188)                            402                                     348 
----------------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash 
  financing                                          (260)                            175                                    (34) 
  in cash                                            (260)                            175                                    (34) 
----------------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                                       At 29 February 2012                     Cash flows                       At 31 August 2012 
                                                   GBP'000                        GBP'000                                 GBP'000 
 Cash and overnight 
  deposits                                             594                          (260)                                     334 
 Net funds                                             594                          (260)                                     334 
                                            --------------                  -------------                      ------------------ 
 Notes to the Financial Statements 
 1.    Accounting policies 
       The financial information for the six months ended 31 August 2012 and the 
        six months ended 31 August 
       2011 comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of 
        the Companies Act 2006. 
       The financial information contained in this report has been prepared on the 
        basis of the accounting 
       policies set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 
        ended 29 February 2012, 
       which have been filed at Companies House and which contained 
        an Auditor's Report which was 
       not qualified and did not contain a statement under s498 (2) or s498 (3) 
        of the Companies Act 2006. 
       The results for the year ended 29 February 2012 are extracted 
        from the full accounts for that 
       year, which received an unqualified report from the Auditor and have been 
        filed with the Registrar of 
                                                                     Share             Capital                Capital                Capital 
                                             Distributable          premium          redemption               reserve                reserve               Revenue 
                                                reserve             account            reserve                realised             unrealised              reserve 
                                                GBP'000             GBP'000            GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000               GBP'000 
 2.    Movement in reserves 
  At 29 February 2012                                 24,022              3,261                455                 (20,733)                  4,411              (1,046) 
       Gain on sales of investments                        -                  -                  -                      636                      -                    - 
       Net decrease in value of 
        investments                                        -                  -                  -                        -                (2,529)                    - 
       Investment management fees                          -                  -                  -                    (106)                      -                    - 
       Incentive fees                                      -                  -                  -                     (26)                      -                    - 
       Tax effect of capital items                         -                  -                  -                       10                      -                    - 
  Net return on ordinary activities 
   after taxation                                          -                  -                  -                        -                      -                   93 
  As at 31 August 2012                                24,022              3,261                455                 (20,219)                  1,882                (953) 
                                          ==================   ================   ================      ===================   ====================   ================== 
                                                                                                                                                       Six months ended 
            Return per Ordinary 
 3.         Shares                                                                                                                                       31 August 2012 
            The returns per share have been based on the following 
            Weighted average number of ordinary 
             shares                                                                                                                                          36,110,992 
            Revenue Return                                                                                                                                    GBP93,000 
            Capital Return                                                                                                                               (GBP2,015,000) 
                                                               Six months ended                            Six months ended                                  Year ended 
            Investment Management                                     31 August                                   31 August                                 29 February 
 4          Fees                                                           2012                                        2011                                        2012 
                                                                    (unaudited)                                 (unaudited)                                   (audited) 
                                                     Revenue            Capital            Revenue                  Capital                Revenue              Capital 
                                                     GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000                  GBP'000                GBP'000              GBP'000 
            Fees for period                               35                106                 36                      110                     73                  220 
            Incentive fee                                 36                 26                 19                       21                     41                  123 
                                                          71                132                 55                      131                    114                  343 
                                          ==================   ================   ================      ===================   ====================   ================== 

Copies of this announcement will be available to the public at the office of Maven Capital Partners UK LLP, 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow and at the registered office of the Company, 9 - 13 St Andrew Street, London.

The Interim Report and Financial Statements will be printed and sent to Shareholders.

On behalf of the Board

Maven Capital Partners UK LLP


31 October 2012


Neither the content of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from this document or hyperlinks on the company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

This information is provided by RNS

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