RNS Number : 9577H


06 June 2011


Annual Financial Report for the year ended 28 February 2011

Chairman's Statement

The Board's decision to change the investment strategy and appoint a new investment manager in December 2006 was a watershed for the Company and it is worthwhile reviewing progress against our strategy from that point.

In December 2006, the Company was fully invested in a portfolio with an over-concentration in a small number of companies and had no cash available for further investment and diversification. There was a clear need to:

-- achieve a better balance between revenue and expenditure

-- eliminate borrowings and generate cash for new investment

-- diversify the asset base into a new, more broadly based portfolio of better quality investments

-- dispose of several investments from the old portfolio in order to raise cash for investment in new income producing assets.

Since that time, costs have been controlled and revenue generation improved; all borrowings have been paid off; the Manager has built a new private equity portfolio of 17 revenue-generating growth investments; and the legacy assets have been managed to prepare them for sale at best value, some of them having already been sold in order to generate cash for new investment. In 2009, the Company merged with Gateway, which was too small to be run economically, and created scale while providing further cash to continue the new investment strategy.

The table below shows how the balance sheet has been improved and re-balanced towards the new private equity (PE) portfolio.

                     28 February 2007   28 February 2011 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                         GBP'000            GBP'000 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 NAV                           13,440             14,502 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Old PE portfolio              14,642              9,482 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Ex-Gateway                         -                692 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 AIM                              213                886 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Cash                             303                628 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Borrowings                       874                  - 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 New PE portfolio                   -              2,913 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 

The year under review saw a continuation of the strategy set out in 2007. The most significant event during the year was the disposal of LG & DE Limited, a substantial holding in the old private equity portfolio. LG & DE had been acquired in 2000 and had underperformed over many years, despite strong market fundamentals. After consultation with the Board, the Manager took the opportunity to sell this investment at a discount to carrying value in order to release cash to enable Ortus to continue to build the new private equity portfolio, which continues to increase in value.

The key points to note for the year under review are:

-- NAV of 40.2p per share compared with 42.7p at 28 February 2010

-- disposal of LG & DE Limited, one of the largest old portfolio holdings, resulting in a 3.0p per share reduction of NAV

-- uplift in NAV 0.7p across the new private company investments made by the Manager

-- five new investments completed in private company assets capable of generating an immediate paid yield, with a further substantial investment completed post year end

-- continued improvement in the level of revenues generated by the Company.


The overall reduction in net asset value (NAV) of the Company to 40.2p per share at 28 February 2011 from 42.7p (at 28 February 2010) was due largely to the above-mentioned impact of the valuation change in LG & DE Limited prior to its disposal, which concluded following the year end in March 2011.

This loss was partially offset by the uplift in the NAV across the new investments that have been added to the portfolio in recent years, and the overall effect has been to reduce the portfolio concentration in a

small number of large non-yielding legacy holdings.

There is also an improving trend in underlying revenues for the Company and it is encouraging to note that for the first time income before bad debt charges now covers the operating expenses of the fund.

Portfolio Developments

The board is pleased to note that five investments in mature, income-generating private companies were added to the new private equity portfolio during the year, and a further new investment was completed shortly after the year end. Your Company has participated in all private equity transactions completed by the Manager during the financial year under review and now has 17 new investments, in line with the strategy of re-structuring the portfolio. Each of these businesses has little or no third party debt and is expected to generate high levels of income throughout the holding period of investment.

The new private equity portfolio is generally performing well, with most companies trading at or above plan. The Manager also reports encouraging levels of interest from potential trade and private equity buyers for several portfolio companies, which may in due course lead to profitable realisations and improve the liquidity available to the Company for further investments and possible future distributions in due course. However, there can be no guarantee that these transactions will ultimately complete and they are not reflected in the valuations of the investments in the new private equity portfolio at present. A more detailed review of these developments and of the performance of the portfolio is given in the Investment Manager's Review.

Details of all investments and divestments during the course of the year are shown in the tables on pages 9 and 10.

Valuation Process

Investments in unquoted companies are valued in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Guidelines. In contrast with most of the investments in the new private equity portfolio, the three largest investments in the old portfolio are valued at several times their original cost, reflecting multiples in the relevant market sectors. Investments quoted or traded on a recognised stock exchange, including the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), are valued at their bid price.

VCT Qualifying Status

The VCT qualifying status of your Company is monitored on a continuous basis and I am pleased to confirm that all of the criteria required to maintain VCT status are being met.


Whilst the Board is pleased to report an overall increase in the level of investment income, it does not recommend the payment of a dividend until such time as the deficit on the revenue account is reduced and significant surplus cash is available for distribution.

The Company continues to focus on restructuring its portfolio and preserving its limited cash resources so as to be able to participate in all the new investments executed by the Manager.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company for the financial year. In order to minimise exposure to investment risk, the Company has invested in a broadly-based portfolio of investments in private and AIM/PLUS quoted companies in the United Kingdom.

Recovery of VAT

During the year under review, the Company received and accepted an offer to refund GBP84,881 representing VAT charged on investment management fees paid to Aberdeen Asset Management for the period from December 2006 to 31 August 2008, and this was recognised within the Financial Statements for the year ended 28 February 2010 and allocated to revenue and capital in accordance with the underlying accounting policy. No account has been taken of any interest due on the above amount.

Co-investment Scheme of the Manager

The Manager continued to operate a co-investment scheme during the year, which allows executive members of the Manager to invest alongside the Company. The scheme's nominee company invests in each transaction made by the Company, including follow on investments, and the scheme more closely aligns the interests of the Manager's executives and the Company's shareholders while providing an incentive to enable the Manager to retain the skills and capacity of the investment team in a highly competitive market.

Share Buy-backs

Shareholders will recall that the resolution to approve share buybacks was not approved at the 2010 AGM. The Board is proposing a similar resolution at this year's AGM. A resolution to give the Board the authority to buy back the Company's shares for cancellation in appropriate circumstances is included in the notice of meeting for the AGM. In determining whether it is appropriate to buy back shares for cancellation, the Board has to bear in mind the interests of the Company as a whole and the factors taken into account will include whether the investment portfolio is fully invested and whether it is more useful to use the cash for investment.

The Board is also reviewing the possibility of an "enhanced buyback" which could enable shareholders to sell some of their shares and reinvest the proceeds at a similar price, receiving the 30% initial tax relief on the purchase.

The Board

In line with the Board's policy for development and succession planning, and mindful of the desire to minimise costs, I will be retiring as Chairman following the annual general meeting on 29 June 2011.

I am leaving the board confident in the knowledge that the merger between Guinness Flight and Gateway to create Ortus in 2009 has created a larger company which offers shareholders a platform for recovery in the value of their holdings in the years ahead. The restructuring and expansion of the investment portfolio is now well under way and I believe there is now a clear and credible strategy in place for the future of your Company.

It is proposed that David Potter, who joined the Board in 2005, will succeed me as Chairman. David is an experienced banker and businessman who has held a number of senior executive roles in financial services and in the past twelve years has been an active Chairman and non-executive director of a range of public and private companies. I wish David every success as Chairman. As part of this change in the Board the number of Directors will reduce from five to four, which helps to reduce costs and is more in line with current industry practice.

The Future

Although the year under review saw a slight deterioration in Net Asset Value due to a single large disposal, this masks a continuing improvement in the quality and breadth of the underlying assets. A large and vulnerable asset has been disposed of and cash released to fund future investment needs. Your Board considers, therefore, that the last year has seen further progress towards the recovery of value and that Ortus is now well positioned to continue this positive trend throughout 2011 and beyond.

R F Pierce


Investment Manager's Report


The Manager ('Maven') operates from six UK regional offices in Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, Aberdeen, Manchester and Birmingham and is introduced to a large number of potential transactions every year, mainly from a range of contracts across the corporate finance and business community. In terms of asset selection Maven employs a highly selective process, investing only in private companies which meet strict quality criteria and where access can be gained at attractive entry prices under investment structures which generate income for VCT client funds from the outset. Maven actively avoids businesses that are at an early stage of their development, where the company has significant external borrowings, or where the trading activity is overly reliant on a concentrated customer base or a single product.

Post investment, Maven executives remain closely involved in the strategic direction of each portfolio company, and actively work with the executive management to ensure that the business realises its full potential and ultimately achieves the best possible returns on

exit, normally through a trade sale.

During the year the strength and quality of this approach was recognised by industry professionals. In July 2010 Maven won the BVCA London & Southeast Portfolio Company Management Award for Exit Team of the Year. This award acknowledged the quality of managers in supporting fast growing and innovative companies in the most challenging of economic times.

In November 2010 Maven was named Small Buyout House of the Year 2010 at the unquote British Private Equity Awards, as judged by corporate finance and private equity professionals across the UK and recognising managers who demonstrate strategic vision and consistently high standards across their wider investment activity.

Investment activity

In line with the objective of increasing the size and breadth of the private company portfolio, the Manager has continued to manage the remaining legacy assets with the aim of making disposals for value when appropriate opportunities arise. Notably, in March 2011 Maven negotiated the exit from LG & DE Limited, for consideration of GBP949,000 which represented around 7% of total net assets and was the most vulnerable of the non-yielding legacy investments. This disposal, which followed prolonged discussion with a potential acquirer released funds to allow further investments in yielding later-stage private company investments and importantly results in a

significant reduction in the portfolio concentration in non-yielding assets.

A major factor in the ability of Ortus to participate in new investments is the timing of realisations from the inherited portfolio in order to create liquidity. Although the portfolio holds a number of sizeable legacy investments, which continue to trade profitably, the Manager will maintain its focus on identifying opportunities to realise those assets for value. The realisation of LG & DE Limited illustrates the potential both for achieving significant proceeds for shareholders, and helping with the restructuring of the portfolio such that there is much less concentration in a small range of large assets with no income generating potential.

During the year ended 28 February 2011 the Maven team completed five new private equity investments, alongside six follow-on investments in existing portfolio companies. After the year end Maven completed an investment in a new oil and gas service company.

The following investments have been completed during the year.

--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Investment            Date      Sector         GBP'000     Website 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Atlantic Foods                  Consumer                   www.atlanticfoods. 
 Group Limited         Oct-10     Goods           167       co.uk 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Attraction World                Basic                      www.attractionworl 
 Holdings Limited      Dec-10     Materials       124       d.com 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 CHS Engineering                 Basic                      www.chsservices.co 
 Services Limited      Dec-10     Materials       114       m 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Claven Holdings                                            No website 
 Limited               Feb-11    Financials        16       available 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Countcar Limited 
 (trading as 
 Aberdeen Tool and 
 Rental Holdings                 Oil and 
 Limited)              Oct-10     Gas              19       www.atrgroup.co.uk 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Flexlife Group                  Oil and 
 Limited               Oct-10     Gas             149       www.flexlife.co.uk 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Lawrence Recycling 
 & Waste Management              Basic                      www.lawrenceskiphi 
 Limited               Dec-10     Materials        36       re.co.uk 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Lemac No. 1 Limited 
 (trading as John                Consumer 
 McGavigan Limited)    Dec-10     Goods            40       www.mcgavigan.com 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 TC Communications               Basic                      www.tccommunicatio 
 Holdings Limited      May-10     Materials        50       ns.co.uk 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Venmar Limited 
 (trading as XPD8                Oil and                    www.xpd8solutions. 
 Solutions Limited)    Jun-10     Gas             159       com 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Vyre Limited          Oct-10     Materials            31 
--------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------- 
 Total unlisted investment                            905 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 

Ortus co-invested in some or all of the above transactions with other Maven clients, including Maven Income and Growth VCT, Maven Income and Growth 2, Maven Income and Growth VCT 3, Maven Income and Growth VCT 4, Maven Income and Growth 5 (formerly Bluehone AiM VCT2) and Talisman First Venture Capital Trust. The Company is expected to continue to co-invest in new investments, which offers the advantage that in aggregate the VCTs are able to underwrite a wider range and larger size of transaction than would be the case on a stand-alone basis.

In keeping with its proactive approach to portfolio management on behalf of VCT clients, the Manager has continued to work closely with each investee business to ensure that the Company maximises its return from each investment. Interest and dividend income is now being received from a number of new portfolio companies and a number of repayments of loan capital have also been received, helping to drive sustained improved performance for the Company.

Investments in the new private equity portfolio are generally trading well, generating income and increased valuations have been adopted where appropriate.

At the year end, the portfolio stood at 37 unlisted and AIM investments at a total cost of GBP9.3 million.

Portfolio development

The five new yielding private equity investments added to the portfolio during the year were:

-- Venmar, the holding company for XPD8 Solutions, a highly profitable asset integrity business operating in a defensive sub-sector of the energy services industry, providing asset maintenance solutions to a blue-chip international customer base

-- Flexlife Group, an award winning flexible pipe specialist, which employs patented ultrasonic scanning technology to provide subsea asset integrity solutions to energy sector clients as their global market places ever greater emphasis on maintaining critical infrastructure and sustained field production

-- Attraction World Holdings, which offers ticketing solutions to the worldwide travel sector. The business enjoys exclusive trading partnerships with key UK travel organisations and provides travel agents with integrated access into the ticketing systems of major global theme parks

-- CHS Engineering Services, a leading provider of condition monitoring and maintenance services for domestic and international airport terminal operators and major clients in the distribution and materials handling sector

-- John McGavigan, a manufacturer and supplier of decorative assemblies and interior parts to global automotive manufacturers, with a significant share of the Western European market and a strategy to establish a low cost manufacturing operation in China, where it can leverage the overseas experience of its management team to serve the wider Asian markets.

After the year end Maven completed the investment in Glacier Energy Services, a profitable oil and gas service group with two specialist trading subsidiaries, Roberts Pipeline Machining and Wellclad. Roberts designs and manufactures on-site portable cutting machines for blue-chip oil and gas clients, and Wellclad provides weld overlay and cladding services for European offshore and subsea equipment. Glacier will focus on growth within its core UK market as well as promoting its technologies to the international oil and gas market.

Realisations during the financial year

                                     Cost of    Value at                            Gain/(Loss) 
                                      shares       28                                 over 28 
                Date     Complete/   disposed   February    Sales      Realised      February 
               first      partial       of        2010     proceeds   gain/(loss)   2010 value 
              invested      exit     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
  Press           2002     Partial         56         56         56             -             - 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
  Group           2010     Partial         48         48         53             5             5 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
  Rimell          2000    Complete         73        160        159            86           (1) 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
  Capital         2010     Partial        110        110        110             -             - 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
 Vyre             2002     Partial         19         19         19             -             - 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
  Services        2009     Partial         12         12         12             -             - 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
                                          318        405        409            91             4 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
 Galapagos        2000    Complete         65        100         93            28           (7) 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
 Medigene         2006    Complete        216        177        129          (87)          (48) 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
 OPG Power 
  Ventures        2008    Complete         55         46         68            13            22 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
  Group           2001     Partial        163        136        122          (41)          (14) 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
                                          499        459        412          (87)          (47) 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total                                    817        864        821             4          (43) 
-----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 

The realisations table includes repayments of loan stock received from some of the investee companies. A previously unrecognised loss of GBP1,000,000 was realised on the legacy holding Law 2375, which was struck off during the year and is excluded from the figures in the table above.

The Manager successfully recovered GBP159,000 in respect of the final distribution of Jacobs Rimell, a former Gateway holding, which was recognised in the year ended 28 February 2010.

In respect of AIM/PLUS quoted holdings the Manager has continued its policy of structured exits from this part of the portfolio.


The Manager will continue with its strategy of increasing the number and breadth of the private company portfolio, with an emphasis on identifying and investing in later-stage private companies with attractive yield characteristics. There is significant demand for this type of asset by providers of alternative capital, and the market for private equity transactions has become more competitive, notwithstanding the shortage of capital available from more traditional sources. The portfolio has seen a significant diversification and improvement over the past three years, and Maven will leverage its UK network and experience to continue to source high quality and income producing assets, diversified across a range of sectors, on behalf of Ortus investors.

Maven Capital Partners UK LLP


Principal risks and uncertainties

The principal risks facing the Company relate to its investment activities and include market price, interest rates, liquidity and credit.

An explanation of these risks and how they are managed is contained in Note 18 to the financial statements on pages 43 to 45. Additional risks faced by the Company, and the mitigation approach adopted by the Board, are as follows:

(i) Investment objective: the Board's aim is to maximise absolute returns to shareholders while managing risk by ensuring an appropriate diversification of investments.

(ii) Investment policy: inappropriate stock selection leading to underperformance in absolute and relative terms is a risk which the Board mitigates by operating within investment guidelines and regularly monitoring performance against the peer group.

(iii) Discount volatility: due to lack of liquidity in the secondary market, venture capital trust shares tend to trade at discounts to net asset values. When appropriate the Board makes purchases of shares in the market, which can improve liquidity.

(iv) Regulatory risk: the Company operates in a complex regulatory environment and faces a number of related risks. A breach of section 274 of the Income Tax Act 2007 could result in the Company's being subject to capital gains tax on the sale of its investments. A breach of the VCT Regulations could result in the loss of VCT status and consequent loss of tax reliefs currently available to shareholders. A serious breach of other regulations, such as the UKLA Listing Rules and the Companies Act 2006 could lead to suspension from the Stock Exchange and reputational damage. The Board receives quarterly reports from the Manager in order to monitor compliance with regulations.

The Board considers risks and the measures in place to manage them and monitors their management at each meeting.

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the return of the Company for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to:

-- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

-- make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

-- state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and

-- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the Annual Report

We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards and set out on pages 33 to 45, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the Director's Report, set out on pages 19 to 27, includes a fair review of the developments and performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

By order of the Board

Maven Capital Partners UK LLP


 For the year 
  ended 28 
                                                Year                           Year 
                                              ended 28                       ended 28 
                                              February                       February 
                                                2011                           2010 
                          Revenue   Capital    Total     Revenue   Capital    Total 
                          GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Losses on 
  investments         8         -     (593)      (593)         -      (67)       (67) 
  income and 
  interest            2       276         -        276       213         -        213 
  fees                3      (76)     (229)      (305)        34       102        136 
  Fees                       (29)      (39)       (68)      (29)         -       (29) 
 Finance Costs                  -         -          -       (5)      (16)       (21) 
 Other expenses       4     (220)         -      (220)     (166)         -      (166) 
---------------  ------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------- 
  on ordinary 
  taxation                   (49)     (861)      (910)        47        19         66 
 Tax on 
 activities           5         -         -          -         -         -          - 
---------------  ------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------- 
  on ordinary 
  taxation                   (49)     (861)      (910)        47        19         66 
---------------  ------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------- 
  per share 
  (pence)             7     (0.1)     (0.3)      (0.4)       0.1       0.1        0.2 
---------------  ------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------- 
 A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 
  has not been prepared, as all gains and losses 
  are recognised in the Income Statement. 
 All items in the above statement are derived from 
  continuing operations. The Company has only one 
  class of business and derives its income from 
  investments made in shares, securities and bank 
 The total column of this Statement is the Profit 
  and Loss Account of the Company. 
                                           Year ended    Year ended 
 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS               28 February   28 February 
  IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                       2011          2010 
 For the year ended 28 February 
                                   Notes     GBP'000       GBP'000 
--------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------ 
 Opening Shareholders' funds                    15,431        11,209 
 Total (loss)/profit for 
  year                                           (910)            66 
 Issue of new shares                  13             -         4,493 
 Merger costs                         13             -         (135) 
 Repurchase and cancellation 
  of shares                           13             -         (202) 
 Dividends paid - revenue              6             -             - 
 Dividends paid - capital              6             -             - 
 Closing Shareholders' funds                    14,521        15,431 
--------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------ 
 As at 28 February 
                               28 February              28 February 
                                   2011                     2010 
                       Notes     GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Investments at fair 
  value through 
  profit or loss           8                   13,973                   14,482 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                  10           128                      259 
 Cash and overnight 
  deposits                16           628                      849 
--------------------  ------  ------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
                                       756                    1,108 
 Amounts falling due 
  within one year         11         (208)                    (159) 
--------------------  ------  ------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 Net current assets                               548                      949 
--------------------  ------  ------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 Net assets                                    14,521                   15,431 
--------------------  ------  ------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 Capital and 
 Called up share 
  capital                 12                    3,611                    3,611 
 Special reserve          13                   24,022                   24,022 
 Share Premium 
  reserve                 13                    3,261                    3,261 
 Realised capital 
  reserve                 13                 (20,446)                 (19,182) 
 Unrealised capital 
  reserve                 13                    4,722                    4,319 
 Capital redemption 
  reserve                 13                      455                      455 
 Profit and loss 
  account                 13                  (1,104)                  (1,055) 
 Net assets 
  attributable to 
  shareholders                                 14,521                   15,431 
--------------------  ------  ------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 Net Asset Value per 
  Ordinary share 
  (pence)                 14                     40.2                     42.7 
--------------------  ------  ------------  ---------  ------------  --------- 
 For the year ended 28 
  February 2011 
                                          28 February         28 February 
                                              2011                2010 
                              Notes    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Operating activities 
 Investment income received                249                 233 
 Investment management 
  fees paid                              (181)               (392) 
 VAT received in respect 
  of management fees                         -                 216 
 Secretarial fees paid                    (22)                (43) 
 Directors expenses paid                  (94)                (52) 
 Other cash payments                     (121)                (59) 
---------------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash outflow from 
  operating activities            15               (169)                (97) 
 Corporation tax paid                        -                   - 
---------------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                                                       -                   - 
 Financial investment 
 Purchase of investments                           (873)               (409) 
 Sale of investments                                 821               2,071 
---------------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
  from financial investment                         (52)               1,662 
 Equity dividends paid                                 -                   - 
---------------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
  before financing                                 (221)               1,565 
 Merger cash received                        -                 158 
 Merger costs                                -               (167) 
 Bank Loan Interest paid                     -                (27) 
 Repurchase of Ordinary 
  shares                                     -               (202) 
---------------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) 
  from financing                                       -               (238) 
---------------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 (Decrease)/increase in 
  cash                            16               (221)               1,327 
---------------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 The accompanying Notes are an integral 
  part of the Financial Statements. 
 Notes to the Financial Statements 
 For the year ended 28 February 2011 
 1 Accounting Policies - UK Generally Accepted Accounting 
 (a) Basis of preparation 
 The Financial Statements have been prepared under 
  the historical cost convention, modified to include 
  the revaluations, eg investments, and in accordance 
  with the Statement of Recommended Practice' Financial 
  Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture 
  Capital Trusts' (the SORP) issued in 2005, amended 
  2009. The disclosures on Going Concern on page 
  27 of the Directors' Report form part of these 
  financial statements. 
 (b) Income 
 Dividends receivable on equity shares and unit 
  trusts are treated as revenue for the period on 
  an ex-dividend basis. Where no ex-dividend date 
  is available dividends receivable on or before 
  the year end are treated as revenue for the period. 
  Provision is made for any dividends not expected 
  to be received. The fixed returns on debt securities 
  and non-equity shares are recognised on a time 
  apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective 
  interest rate on the debt securities and shares. 
  Provision is made for any fixed income not expected 
  to be received. Interest receivable from cash and 
  short term deposits and interest payable are accrued 
  to the end of the year. 
 (c) Expenses 
 All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis 
  and charged to the income statement. Expenses are 
  charged through the revenue account except as follows: 
 - expenses which are incidental to the acquisition 
  and disposal of an investment are charged to capital; 
 - expenses are charged to realised capital reserves 
  where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement 
  of the value of the investments can be demonstrated. 
  In this respect the investment management fee has 
  been allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to realised 
  capital reserves to reflect the Company's investment 
  policy and prospective income and capital growth. 
 (d) Taxation 
 Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all 
  timing differences that have originated but not 
  reversed at the balance sheet date, where transactions 
  or events that result in an obligation to pay more 
  tax in the future or right to pay less tax in the 
  future have occurred at the balance sheet date. 
  This is subject to deferred tax assets only being 
  recognised if it is considered more likely than 
  not that there will be suitable profits from which 
  the future reversal of the underlying timing differences 
  can be deducted. Timing differences are differences 
  arising between the Company's taxable profits and 
  its results as stated in the financial statements 
  which are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent 
 Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis 
  at the tax rates that are expected to apply in 
  the periods in which timing differences are expected 
  to reverse, based on tax rates and laws enacted 
  or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
 The tax effect of different items of income/gain 
  and expenditure/loss is allocated between capital 
  reserves and revenue account on the same basis 
  as the particular item to which it relates using 
  the Company's effective rate of tax for the period. 
 (e) Investments 
 In valuing unlisted investments the Directors follow 
  the criteria set out below. These procedures comply 
  with the revised International Private Equity and 
  Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines for the valuation 
  of private equity and venture capital investments. 
  Investments are recognised at their trade date 
  and are designated by the Directors as fair value 
  through profit and loss. At subsequent reporting 
  dates, investments are valued at fair value, which 
  represent the Directors' view of the amount for 
  which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable 
  willing parties in an arm's length transaction. 
  This does not assume that the underlying business 
  is saleable at the reporting date or that its current 
  shareholders have an intention to sell their holding 
  in the near future. 
 A financial asset or liability is generally derecognised 
  when the contract that gives rise to it is settled, 
  sold, cancelled or expires. 
 1. For Investments completed within the 12 months 
  prior to the reporting date and those at an early 
  stage in their development, fair value is determined 
  using the Price of Recent Investment Method, except 
  that adjustments are made when there has been a 
  material change in the trading circumstances of 
  the company or a substantial movement in the relevant 
  sector of the stock market. 
 2. Whenever practical, recent investments will 
  be valued by reference to a material arm's length 
  transaction or a quoted. 
 3. Mature companies are valued by applying a multiple 
  to their fully taxed prospective earnings to 
 determine the enterprise value of the company. 
 4. Where there is evidence of impairment, a provision 
  may be taken against the previous valuation of 
  the investment. 
 5. In the absence of evidence of a deterioration, 
  or strong defensible evidence of an increase in 
  value, the fair value is determined to be that 
  reported at the previous balance sheet date. 
 6. All unlisted investments are valued individually 
  by Maven's Portfolio Management Team. The resultant 
  valuations are subject to detailed scrutiny and 
  approval by the Directors of the Company. 
 7. In accordance with normal market practice, investments 
  listed on the Alternative Investment Market or 
  a recognised stock exchange are valued at their 
  bid market price. 
 Fair value is defined as the price that the Company 
  would receive upon selling an investment in a timely 
  transaction to an independent buyer in the principal 
  or the most advantageous market of the investment. 
  A three-tier hierarchy has been established to 
  maximise the use of observable market data and 
  minimise the use of unobservable inputs and to 
  establish classification of fair value measurements 
  for disclosure purposes. Inputs refer broadly to 
  the assumptions that market participants would 
  use in pricing the asset or liability, including 
  assumptions about risk, for example, the risk inherent 
  in a particular valuation technique used to measure 
  fair value including such a pricing model and/or 
  the risk inherent in the inputs to the valuation 
  technique. Inputs may be observable or unobservable. 
 Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions 
  market participants would use in pricing the asset 
  or liability developed based on market data obtained 
  from sources independent of the reporting entity. 
  Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the 
  reporting entity's own assumptions about the assumptions 
  market participants would use in pricing the asset 
  or liability developed based on best information 
  available in the circumstances. 
 The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarised 
  in the three board levels listed below. 
 - Level 1 - quoted prices in active markets for 
  identical investments 
 - Level 2 - other significant observable inputs 
  (included quoted prices for similar investments, 
  interest rates, 
 prepayment speeds, credit risk etc). 
 - Level 3 - significant unobservable inputs (including 
  the Company's own assumptions in determining the 
 - value of investments). 
 (f) Gains and losses on investments 
 When the Company revalues its investments during 
  the year, any gains or losses arising are credited/charged 
  to the Income Statement. 
 2 Investment 
 income and 
 deposit             Year ended 28 February             Year ended 28 February 
 interest                     2011                                        2010 
                                      GBP'000                         GBP'000 
---------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Income from 
 UK franked 
  income                                    51                              35 
 UK unfranked 
  income                                   225                             176 
---------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 
                                           276                             211 
 receivable and 
 Other income                                -                               2 
---------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 
                                             -                               2 
 Total income                              276                             213 
---------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 
                                          Year                            Year 
 3 Investment                         ended 28                        ended 28 
  management                          February                        February 
  fees                                    2011                            2010 
                  Revenue   Capital      Total   Revenue   Capital       Total 
                  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
---------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 
  fees                 76       229        305        66       198         264 
  reimbursement         -         -          -      (85)     (255)       (340) 
  by manager            -         -          -      (15)      (45)        (60) 
                 --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 
                       76       229        305      (34)     (102)       (136) 
---------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Incentive Fees        29        39         68        29         -          29 
 Total fees           105       268        373       (5)     (102)       (107) 
---------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ---------- 

Details of the fee basis are contained in the Directors' Report.

 As a result of the 2007 European Court of Justice 
  ruling the Company received a VAT refund, including 
  interest, totalling GBP255,000 during the year 
  ended 28 February 2010. On 15 April 2010 the 
  Board received an offer of GBP84,881 from Aberdeen 
  Asset Managers to refund the full VAT charged 
  on management fees for the period from December 
  2006 to 1 October 2008 and the Directors accepted 
  the offer, subject to reserving the Company's 
  rights in respect of sums unpaid. This has 
  been recognised in the financial statements 
  and is allocated between revenue and capital 
  in the same proportion as irrecoverable VAT 
  was originally charged. 
                       Year ended 28 February           Year ended 28 February 
 4 Other expenses                2011                                     2010 
                     Revenue   Capital    Total    Revenue   Capital    Total 
                     GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  fees                    29         -        29        29         -        29 
  remuneration            66         -        66        60         -        60 
 Fees to auditor 
  - audit services        16         -        16        13         -        13 
 Fees to auditor 
  - tax services           4         -         4         4         -         4 
  Fees                     -         -         -        11         -        11 
  expenses               105         -       105        49         -        49 
                         220         -       220       166         -       166 
------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                                      Year                           Year 
 5 Tax on                           ended 28                       ended 28 
 ordinary                           February                       February 
 activities                           2011                           2010 
                GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
                Revenue   Capital    Total     Revenue   Capital    Total 
 Tax                  -         -      -          -         -         - 
-------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Factors affecting the 
 tax charge for the 
 The tax charge for the year shown in 
  the Profit and Loss Account is lower 
  than the standard rate of corporation 
  tax in the UK of 28%. (2010: 28%). The 
  differences are explained below: 
                   Year ended 28 February            Year ended 28 February 
                            2011                                       2010 
                Revenue   Capital    Total     Revenue   Capital    Total 
                GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Return on 
  before tax       (49)     (861)      (910)        47        19         66 
-------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------- 
  return on 
  by standard 
  rate of 
  tax              (14)     (241)      (255)        13         5         18 
 Non taxable 
  UK dividend 
  income           (14)         -       (14)       (3)         -        (3) 
 Losses on 
  investments         -       166        166         -        19         19 
 Movement in 
  expenses           28        75        103      (10)      (24)       (34) 
                      -         -          -         -         -          - 
-------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------- 
 The Company has not recognised a deferred tax asset 
  of GBP1,300,000 (2010 : GBP1,197,000) arising as 
  a result of having unutilised management expenses. 
 6 Dividends 
 The Directors have not proposed a dividend for 
  the year ended 28 February 2011 (2010 : GBPnil). 
                                            Year ended 28 
 7 Earnings per share                       February 2010 
-------------------------  -------------  --------------- 
 The returns per share 
  have been based on the 
  following figures: 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares          36,110,992       32,459,216 
 Revenue return              (GBP49,000)        GBP47,000 
 Capital return             (GBP861,000)        GBP19,000 
 Total return               (GBP910,000)        GBP66,000 
-------------------------  -------------  --------------- 
 8 Investments                         Year ended 28 February 2011 
                                 AIM          AIM 
                               (Quoted   (Unobservable 
                               Prices)      Inputs)      Unlisted    Total 
                               GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Valuation at 1 
  March 2010                     1,166               -     13,316    14,482 
 Unrealised loss/(gain)            982               -    (5,300)   (4,318) 
----------------------------  --------  --------------  ---------  -------- 
 Cost at 1 March 
  2010                           2,148               -      8,016    10,164 
 Purchases                           -               -        905       905 
 Sales                           (412)               -      (409)     (821) 
 Realised (loss)                  (87)               -      (909)     (996) 
----------------------------  --------  --------------  ---------  -------- 
 Cost at 28 February 
  2011                           1,649               -      7,603     9,252 
 Unrealised (loss)/gain          (763)               -      5,484     4,721 
 Valuation at 28 
  February 2011                    886               -     13,087    13,973 
----------------------------  --------  --------------  ---------  -------- 
                                                           28 February 2010 
                               GBP'000                              GBP'000 
----------------------------  --------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Realised losses 
  on historical basis            (996)                                (745) 
 Net movement in 
  unrealised loss                  403                                  678 
 Losses on investments           (593)                                 (67) 
----------------------------  --------  --------------  ---------  -------- 
 During the year 
  GBP32,596 of Vyre 
  interest was capitalised. 
 Note 9 Participating Interests 
 The principal activity of the Company is to 
  select and hold a portfolio of investments 
  in unlisted securities. Although the Company 
  will, in some cases, be represented on the 
  board of the investee company, it will not 
  take a controlling interest or become involved 
  in the management. The size and structure of 
  the companies with unlisted securities may 
  result in certain holdings in the portfolio 
  representing a participating interest without 
  there being any partnership, joint venture 
  or management consortium agreement. 
 At 28 February 2011 the Company held shares 
  amounting to 20% or more of the equity capital 
  of LG & DE Limited, New Concept, Dalglen (1148) 
  Limited (trading as PSP/AHC) and Vyre Limited. 
 The Company also holds shares amounting to 
  more than 3% or more of the nominal value of 
  the allotted shares or units of any class of 
  certain investee companies. Details of equity 
  percentages held are shown in the Investment 
  Portfolio Summary on page 13. 
                                           Year ended 28 
                                            February 2011 
 10 Debtors                                   GBP'000 
---------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Prepayments and accrued 
  income                                              128 
---------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
                                            Year ended 28 
                                            February 2011 
 11 Creditors                                     GBP'000 
---------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Amounts falling due 
  within one year: 
 Accruals                                             208 
 Sundry creditors                                       - 
---------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
                                            Year ended 28 
                                            February 2011 
 12 Share capital                 Number          GBP'000        Number 
 At end February the 
  authorised share capital 
 allotted, issued and 
  fully paid: 
 Ordinary shares of 
  10p each 
 Balance brought forward      36,110,992            3,611    27,138,128 
 Issued during year                    -                -    10,972,864 
 Repurchased and cancelled 
  in year                              -                -   (2,000,000) 
---------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Balance carried forward      36,110,992            3,611    36,110,992 
---------------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 13 Movement 
  in reserves                        Year ended 28 February 2011 
                Special    Share    Realised   Unrealised    Capital        Profit 
                Reserve   Premium   capital     capital     redemption     and loss 
                account   Account   reserve     reserve      reserve       account 
                GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 At 1 March 
  2010           24,022     3,261   (19,182)        4,319          455        (1,055) 
 Loss on 
 sales of 
 investments          -         -      (996)            -            -              - 
  Fee                 -         -       (39)            -            -              - 
  fees                -         -      (229)            -            -              - 
 Net increase 
 in value of 
 investments          -         -          -          403            -              - 
  paid                -         -          -            -            -              - 
 Loss on 
  taxation            -         -          -            -            -           (49) 
 At 28 
  2011           24,022     3,261   (20,446)        4,722          455        (1,104) 
-------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 The special reserve was established on cancellation 
  of the share premium account on 11th June 2001. 
 14 Net asset value per Ordinary 
 The net asset value per Ordinary share and the Net 
  Asset Value attributable to the Ordinary shares 
  at the year end calculated in accordance with the 
  Articles of Association were as follows: 
                                              28 February                 28 February 
                                                     2011                        2010 
                              Net                                  Net 
                            asset               Net asset        asset      Net asset 
                            value                                value 
                              per                   value          per          value 
                            share            attributable        share   attributable 
                                p                 GBP'000            p        GBP'000 
  shares                     40.2                  14,521         42.7         15,431 
-------------  --------  --------  ----------------------  -----------  ------------- 
 The number of Ordinary shares used in this calculation 
  is set out in note 12. 
 15 Reconciliation of 
 net return before 
 taxation                     Year ended                       Year ended 
 to net cash inflow 
 from operating              28 February                      28 February 
 activities                      2011                                2010 
                                      GBP'000                     GBP'000 
----------------------  -----------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
 (Loss)/gain on 
  ordinary activities 
  before taxation                       (910)                          66 
 Loss on investments                      593                          67 
  in debtors and 
  prepayments                              99                       (172) 
  in creditors and 
  accruals                                 49                        (79) 
 Finance costs                              -                          21 
 Net cash outflow from 
  activities                            (169)                        (97) 
----------------------  -----------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
 16 Analysis of 
 changes in net funds            At                                    At 
                            1 March                    Cash   28 February 
                               2010                   flows          2011 
                            GBP'000                 GBP'000       GBP'000 
----------------------  -----------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash and overnight 
  deposits                      849                   (221)           628 
 Net funds                      849                   (221)           628 
----------------------  -----------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                 At                                    At 
                            1 March                    Cash   28 February 
                               2009                   flows          2010 
                            GBP'000                 GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Cash and overnight 
  deposits                      206                     643           849 
 Bank Overdraft               (684)                     684             - 
 Net funds                    (478)                   1,327           849 
----------------------  -----------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
 17. Capital commitments, 
  contingencies and financial 
 There were no capital commitments, contingencies 
  or financial guarantees at 28 February 2011 or at 
  the previous year end. 
 18 Derivatives and other financial instruments 
 The Company's financial instruments comprise equity 
  and fixed interest investments, cash balances, overnight 
  deposits and debtors and creditors that arise directly 
  from its operations, for example, in respect of 
  sales and purchases awaiting settlement, and debtors 
  for accrued income. The Company holds financial 
  assets in accordance with its investment policy 
  of investing mainly in a portfolio of VCT-qualifying 
  unquoted and AIM quoted securities. 
 The Company may not enter into derivative transactions 
  in the form of forward foreign currency contracts, 
  futures and options without the written permission 
  of the Directors. It is not the Company's policy 
  to enter into derivative transactions. The purpose 
  of these financial instruments is efficient portfolio 
 The main risks the Company faces from its financial 
  instruments are (i) market price risk, being the 
  risk that the value of investment holdings will 
  fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices 
  caused by factors other than interest rate or currency 
  movement, (ii) interest rate risk and (iii) liquidity 
  risk. In line with the Company's investment objective, 
  the portfolio comprises UK securities and therefore 
  has no exposure to foreign currency risk. 
 The Manager's policies for managing these risks 
  are summarised below and have been applied throughout 
  the year. The numerical disclosures below exclude 
  short-term debtors and creditors which are included 
  in the balance sheet at fair value. 
 (i) Market price risk 
 The Company's investment portfolio is exposed to 
  market price fluctuations, which are monitored by 
  the Manager in pursuance of the investment objective 
  as set out on page 19. Adherence to investment guidelines 
  and to investment and borrowing powers set out in 
  the Management Agreement mitigates the risk of excessive 
  exposure to any particular type of security or issuer 
  and, in particular, no purchase can be made in any 
  one company where this would result in a holding 
  that would exceed 7.5% of the Company's investments 
  at the time the investment is made. 
 These powers and guidelines include the requirement 
  to invest in a number of companies across a range 
  of industrial and service sectors at varying stages 
  of development but with the emphasis on well established 
  businesses. The Company complied with the stated 
  investment guidelines and borrowing powers throughout 
  the year ended 28 February 2011. 
 Further information on the investment portfolio 
  (including sector analysis, concentration and deal 
  type analysis) is set out in the Analysis of Unlisted 
  and AIM/PLUS Portfolio, the Investment Manager's 
  Review, the Summary of Investment Changes, the Investment 
  Portfolio Summary and the Ten Largest Unlisted and 
  AIM Investments. 
 (ii) Interest 
  rate risk 
 28 February 
----------------------------  ------------  -------  ------------- 
 Listed                                  -        -            886 
 Unlisted and 
  AIM/PLUS                           2,511        -         10,544 
 Cash                                    -      628              - 
                                     2,511      628         11,430 
----------------------------  ------------  -------  ------------- 
 28 February 
----------------------------  ------------  -------  ------------- 
 Listed                                  -        -          1,166 
 Unlisted and 
  AIM/PLUS                           2,098        -         11,218 
 Cash                                    -      829              - 
                                     2,098      829         12,384 
----------------------------  ------------  -------  ------------- 
 The floating rate assets consist of cash deposits. 
  These assets are earning interest at prevailing 
  money market rates. 
 The unlisted assets have a weighted average life 
  of 2.7 years (2010 - 2.9 years) and a weighted average 
  interest rate of 10.0% (2010 - 9.8%). The non-interest 
  bearing assets represent the equity element of the 
  portfolio. All assets and liabilities of the company 
  are included in the balance sheet at fair value. 
 The maturity profile of the Company's financial 
  assets at the Balance Sheet date was as follows: 
              Within    Within    Within    Within    Within      than 
                          1-2       2-3       3-4       4-5 
              1 year     years     years     years     years    5 years     Total 
 At 28 
 2011         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Listed          -         -         -         -         -         -          - 
 Unlisted         391       239       845       547       448         41      2,511 
                  391       239       845       547       448         41      2,511 
-----------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Within "more than 5 years" there is a figure of 
  GBP1,000 (2010: GBP1,000) in respect of preference 
  shares which have no redemption date. 
 It is the Directors' opinion that the carrying amounts 
  of these financial assets represent the maximum 
  credit risk exposure at the balance sheet date. 
               Within    Within    Within    Within    Within       than 
                            1-2       2-3       3-4       4-5 
               1 year     years     years     years     years    5 years      Total 
 At 28 
 2010         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Listed             -         -         -         -         -          -          - 
 Unlisted         533         -        98       885       581          1      2,098 
                  533         -        98       885       581          1      2,098 
-----------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 It is the Directors opinion that the carrying amounts 
  of these financial assets represent the maximum 
  credit risk exposure at the balance sheet date. 
 Due to their nature, unlisted investments may not 
  be readily realisable and therefore a portfolio 
  of listed assets and cash is held to offset this 
  liquidity risk. Note 8 details the three-tier hierarchy 
  of inputs used as at 28 February 2011 cash is held 
  to offset this liquidity risk in valuing the Company's 
  investments carried at fair value. 
 Credit risk and interest rate risk are minimised 
  by acquiring high quality government treasury stocks 
  or other bonds which have a relatively short time 
  to maturity (see Investment Portfolio Summary) have 
  a relatively short time to maturity (see Investment 
  Portfolio Summary) have a relatively short time 
  to maturity (see Investment Portfolio Summary) have 
  a relatively short time to maturity (see Investment 
  Portfolio Summary). 
 The company, generally, does not hold significant 
  cash balances and any cash held is with reputable 
  banks with high quality external credit ratings. 
 This is the risk that a counterparty to a financial 
  instrument will fail to discharge an obligation 
  or commitment that it has entered into with the 
 The Company's financial assets exposed 
  to credit risk amounted to the following 
                                                                      28         28 
                                                                February   February 
                                                                    2011       2010 
                                                                   Total      Total 
                                                                 GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Investments in unlisted 
  debt securities                                                  2,511      2,098 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                        628        829 
                                                                   3,139      2,927 
                                                               ---------  --------- 
 All fixed interest assets which are traded on a 
  recognised exchange and all the Company's cash balances 
  are held by JP Morgan Chase (JPM), the Company's 
  custodian. Should the credit quality or the financial 
  position of JPM deteriorate significantly the Manager 
  will move these assets to another financial institution. 
 The manager evaluates credit risk on unlisted debt 
  securities and financial commitments and guarantees 
  prior to investment, and as part of the ongoing 
  monitoring of investments. In doing this, it takes 
  into account the extent and quality of any security 
  held. Typically, unlisted debt securities have a 
  fixed charge over the assets of the investee company 
  in order to mitigate the gross credit risk. The 
  manager receives management accounts from investee 
  companies, and members of the investment management 
  team sit on the boards of investee companies; this 
  enables the close identification, monitoring and 
  management of investment specific credit risk. 
 There were no significant concentrations of credit 
  risk to counterparties at 28 February 2011 or 28 
  February 2010. 
 (v) Price risk 
 The following details the Company's sensitivity 
  to a 10% increase or decrease in the market prices 
  of AIM/PLUS quoted securities, with 10% being the 
  Manager's assessment of a reasonable possible change 
  in market prices. 
 At 28 February 2011, if market prices of listed 
  or AIM/PLUS quoted securities had been 10% higher 
  or lower and with all other variables held constant, 
  the increase or decrease in net assets attributable 
  to Ordinary Shareholders for the year would have 
  been GBP89,000 (2010: GBP117,000) due to the change 
  on valuation of financial assets at fair value through 

Other information

The financial information contained within this Announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2011 and has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Annual Report for the year ended 28 February 2011 will be issued to Shareholders and will shortly be available on the Company's website at www.mavencp.com/ortus. This Announcement has been prepared on the same basis as the Annual Report for the year ended 28 February 2010 and the financial information for the year ended 28 February 2010 is derived from the statutory accounts for that period, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and which contained an unqualified audit report.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 29 June 2010, commencing at 10.00 a.m., at the Company's registered office.




Neither the content of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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