RNS Number:6447N
Osmetech PLC
11 July 2000

                        OSMETECH PLC
    Preliminary Results For The Year Ended 30 April 2000

Osmetech plc, the world leader in electronic nose technology,
today  announces the preliminary results for the year  to  30
April 2000.


* scientific proof of concept obtained for the  detection
  of pathogenic bacteria in human urine

* scientific proof of concept obtained for the  detection
  of bacterial vaginosis

* established  trial  sites  at internationally  renowned
  hospitals in US and UK

* structured protocols in place for clinical  studies  in
  support of US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) applications

* FDA submissions anticipated by the end of 2000

* good  progress  made  in longer  term  projects,  which
  include the detection of pneumonia in intensive care patients
  and pharyngitis

* management team strengthened

* a significantly improved cash position of #6,426,000 at
  30  April  2000, following the rights issue and placing  in

Gordon Hall, Chairman, commented:
"Osmetech  has made excellent progress this year towards  its
goal  of  commercially  exploiting its  exciting  technology.
Over  the next year we will be running more clinical  studies
to  support FDA approval applications which should ultimately
lead to product launches and commercial partnerships".

For further information, please contact:
Osmetech plc                                    01270 216 444
Wang Chong, CEO
James White, Chief Operating Officer

Square Mile Communications Limited              020 7601 1000
Nick Oborne /Mike Wort /Carys Jones

                        OSMETECH PLC
    Preliminary Results For The Year Ended 30 April 2000

                    Chairman's Statement


My first full year as Chairman has seen the completion of the
fundamental  changes necessary to position Osmetech  for  the
proper development and exploitation of its multi sensor array
based  gas  sensing  technology.  The  Company  has  a  clear
business strategy focussed on healthcare applications.


* scientific proof of concept obtained for the  detection
  of pathogenic bacteria in human urine
* scientific proof of concept obtained for the  detection
  of bacterial vaginosis
* established  trial  sites  at internationally  renowned
  hospitals in US and UK
* structured protocols in place for clinical  studies  in
  support of FDA applications
* strengthening of the management team
* a significantly improved cash position of #6,426,000 at
  30 April 2000


Shareholders  will  note  that as the  overall  focus  is  on
developing applications for the healthcare market,  resources
have  been  allocated  away from the  traditional  industrial
business  in  the  United States, and as  anticipated,  sales
revenues have declined.

Losses   of  #4,471,000  include  various  'non-cash'   items

* #287,000  financing  costs relating  to  the  issue  of
  #2,500,000  convertible debentures in June 1999  and  their
  subsequent conversion.
* #147,000  exceptional  stock  provisions  and  #145,000
  tangible  fixed asset write downs in light of the Company's
  current commercial strategy.
* #279,000  write down of intangible assets  including  a
  rationalisation  of  patent costs to focus  upon  the  core
  technology and healthcare applications.  The majority of the
  assets  written  off were acquired prior to  the  Company's
  flotation in 1994.

Cash  outflow  before financing increased to #3,648,000  with
#2,107,000  of this occurring during the second half  of  the
year.   This  is more representative of the 'cash burn  rate'
going   forward   as   clinical  study   activity   increases
significantly on the major healthcare projects.

Management Changes

Over  the  last  year  the  Company has  made  various  board
changes.   The  appointments  of  Dr  Wang  Chong  as   Chief
Executive Officer, James White as Chief Operating Officer and
David  Sandilands as Chief Financial Officer  mean  that  the
Company  now  has a strong team of executive  directors  with
relevant  experience to carry out the Company's strategy  and
to  exploit  the  opportunities  arising  in  the  healthcare

I  am  delighted  to  welcome Roy Davis  as  a  non-executive
Director.   Roy  joined us in February and  has  considerable
experience   of   product  development   and   supply   chain
management.  He is a vice president and director of Arthur  D
Little  Inc.  and  a  non-executive director  of  Gyrus  plc.
At  the  same  time Richard Griffiths stood down  as  a  non-
executive  director, having played a major role  in  the  re-
financing of the Company from September 1998.  This was  also
an appropriate stage in the Company's development for my role
as Chairman to become a non-executive position.


The  initial commercial focus is on applications where  there
is  a  clear unmet medical need and that are most  likely  to
yield  significant returns.  The healthcare market  has  been
identified  as  providing  the best  opportunities.   We  are
currently  targeting a number of projects that are  discussed
below  although,  in  time, other applications  will  follow.
These projects incorporate clinical studies designed to yield
statistically  proven results providing support  for  US  FDA
(Food  and  Drug  Administration) approval  and  European  CE
marking for the product.  The projects have been divided into
near term and longer term.

Near Term Projects

General Healthcare Applications

I  am  pleased  to  announce that the first of  several  peer
reviewed  medical  publications planned  for  2000  has  been
accepted  by the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.   The
article   by   Professor  Ian  Chopra  of  Leeds   University
demonstrates  that  the  Osmetech  Microbial  AnalyserTM  can
detect  the  presence  and growth of  Staphylococcus  aureus.
These  results  illustrate the use of  the  instrument  in  a
clinical point of care environment to detect the presence  of
an infection and also to monitor the response to treatment.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

We   have  expanded  upon  the  original  work  performed  by
Professor Andrew Onderdonk at Harvard Medical School, Boston,
by  carrying out a proof of concept study with Professor Gary
French  at St Thomas' Hospital, London.  This study confirmed
that Osmetech's Microbial AnalyserTM can reliably detect  the
six  most common pathogens, responsible for 98% of all  UTIs,
above  the  clinical threshold of 105 cfu/ml.  We  have  also
been able to reproduce the results at Harvard, a first for an
electronic nose company.

We anticipate publication of the proof of concept study in  a
peer  reviewed medical journal later this summer.   Following
meetings  with  the  FDA, we also anticipate  commencing  FDA
clinical trials for UTIs late this calendar year.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

We  obtained  very strong results from our initial  study  at
South  Manchester University Hospital Trust in January  2000.
We  are  confirming  the  potential of  Osmetech's  Microbial
AnalyserTM  in  detecting BV by conducting a large  proof  of
concept  study comprising 1038 patients with Dr. Phillip  Hay
at  St George's Hospital, London.  This study is currently in
progress and should be completed later this summer.  If  this
study  is positive and we can reproduce the positive  results
in  the US, we will commence BV FDA clinical trials later  in

Longer Term Projects

Respiratory Tract Infections

Our  more advanced projects in this therapeutic area  include
pneumonia   in   intensive  care  unit  (ICU)  patients   and

We  have  consolidated  on  the initial  pioneering  work  in
pneumonia in ICU patients conducted in previous years by  Dr.
William   Hanson   at   the   University   of   Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, by studying patients with Dr. Duncan  Young  at
the  John  Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.  The initial work  has
been  promising,  and we will be conducting further  clinical
studies  at  both locations.  However, this medical  area  is
technically  complex and will require a longer-term  approach
to  developing a diagnostic device for a medical area of high
unmet need.

We  have  started research with Professor Edward Kaplan,  the
World Health Organisation's leading Streptococcal expert,  on
pharyngitis, another medical area with high unmet need.  This
project  is  also  technically complex, but initial  findings
suggest  that we should be able to detect at least  2  common
and important pathogens, which would improve medical practice

Non-healthcare Applications

Whilst  the  current  business focus is upon  the  healthcare
market, the Company's exciting technology provides a platform
for   progressing  opportunities  in  other   markets.    The
collaboration  with Mitsubishi continues to  develop  certain
industrial applications.  We anticipate that other  strategic
alliances  and  projects will be initiated at an  appropriate
stage in the Company's development.

Fund Raising

Interim  fund raising of #2.2m, net of expenses, was obtained
in  June 1999 with the issue of convertible debentures  to  a
number of US institutions.  These had all been converted into
ordinary shares by the balance sheet date.

In  February  2000, the Company raised #6.9m net of  expenses
from  a  2 for 19 Rights Issue at 23p per share and a Placing
of 11,500,000 new shares at 25p.

With  cash  of  #6,426,000 at 30 April 2000, we expect  these
funds  to  be sufficient to enable the Company to secure  its
first major licensing deal or joint venture.


The  Company is well placed to progress towards the  goal  of
commercially  exploiting it's 'electronic  nose'  technology.
Through  carefully  selected projects we aim  to  demonstrate
technological success through:

*  providing proven results and clinical data
*  facilitating the publication of research papers for peer
*  obtaining FDA approval and/or European CE marking

and commercial viability through:

*  meeting a market need
*  providing  cheaper, quicker and more objective  results
   than conventional tests.

This  will  ultimately lead to contractual arrangements  with
selected  commercial  partners  capable  of  exploiting   the

Gordon J Hall
11 July 2000


For further information, please contact:
Osmetech plc                                    01270 216 444
Wang Chong, CEO
James White, Chief Operating Officer

Square Mile Communications Limited              020 7601 1000
Nick Oborne /Mike Wort /Carys Jones

for the year ended 30 April 2000

                                              2000          1999
                                                 #             #
Turnover                                   480,185       759,140
Cost of sales                              245,455       402,994
                                       ------------   ------------            
Gross profit                               234,730       356,146
Administrative expenses                  4,577,528     3,143,928
                                       ------------   ------------            
                                        (4,342,798)   (2,787,782)
Other operating income                       4,994        62,720
                                       ------------   ------------            
Operating loss                          (4,337,804)   (2,725,062)
Exceptional   item   -   credit   on            
 fundamental reorganisation                      -       132,254
                                       ------------   ------------            
                                        (4,337,804)   (2,592,808)
Interest receivable                        179,075        74,126
Interest payable and similar charges      (311,798)      (24,767)
                                       ------------   ------------            
Loss  on ordinary activities  before    
 taxation                               (4,470,527)   (2,543,449)
Taxation                                         -             -
                                       ------------   ------------            
Loss for the year                       (4,470,527)   (2,543,449)
                                       ============   ============            
Loss per share - basic                      (2.42p)       (2.54p)
                                       ============   ============            
All  amounts  relate  to  continuing                  
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
                                                 #             #
Loss  for  the financial year  after   
 taxation                               (4,470,527)   (2,543,449)
Exchange gains on consolidation              6,418         7,357
                                       ------------   ------------            
Total recognised losses for the year    (4,464,109)   (2,536,092)
                                       ============   ============            
at 30 April 2000

                                   2000                          1999
                                   #          #           #             #
Fixed assets                                                 
 Intangible assets                         812,994                 1,034,297  
 Tangible assets                           320,991                   569,951
                                         -----------              -----------
                                         1,133,985                 1,604,248
Current assets                                               
 Stocks                         152,532                450,571    
 Debtors  - due within      
  one year                      234,212                271,301 
 Cash at bank and in hand     6,426,241              1,036,594    
                              ----------             ----------
                              6,812,985              1,758,466    
Creditors: amounts falling                                           
 due within one year            448,654                847,939
                              ----------             ----------
Net current assets                       6,364,331                   910,527
                                        ----------                 ---------- 
Total assets less                     
 current liabilities                     7,498,316                 2,514,775  
                                        ==========                 ========== 
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital             
 - equity                                2,136,025                 1,661,222  
Share  premium account              
 - equity                               21,503,587                12,530,740  
Profit and loss account                
 - equity                              (16,141,296)              (11,677,187) 
                                       ------------              ------------ 
Shareholders' funds                      7,498,316                 2,514,775
                                       ============              ============

for the year ended 30 April 2000

Reconciliation  of  operating loss  to  net  cash  outflow  from
operating activities
                                            2000          1999
                                               #             #
Operating loss                        (4,337,804)   (2,725,062)
Amortisation                              36,441        59,445
Depreciation                             394,895       213,142
Decrease in stocks                       202,374        14,677
Decrease/(increase) in debtors           102,006       (50,518)
(Decrease) in creditors                 (295,107)      (52,144)
Loss on disposal of fixed assets         424,086        48,785
                                     -------------  ------------              

Net  cash  outflow from  operating   
 activities                           (3,473,109)   (2,491,675)
                                     =============  ============              

Consolidated cash flow statement                    
                                            2000          1999
                                               #             #
Net  cash  outflow from  operating    
 activities                           (3,473,109)   (2,491,675)
Returns on investments and   
 servicing of finance                    109,552        43,655
Capital expenditure                     (284,400)     (241,326)
                                      ------------  ------------              
Net cash outflow before financing     (3,647,957)   (2,689,346)
Financing                              9,036,170     2,450,842
                                      ------------  ------------              
Increase/(decrease) in cash            5,388,213      (238,504)
                                      ============  ============              
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
                                            2000          1999
                                               #             #
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the    
 year                                  5,388,213      (238,504)
Finance lease repayments                   2,280        26,274
Exchange differences                       1,377         1,296
                                      ------------  ------------              
Change in net funds                    5,391,870      (210,934)
Net funds at beginning of year         1,034,371     1,245,305
                                      ------------  ------------              

Net funds at end of year               6,426,241     1,034,371
                                      ============  ============              


1.   Results

 This  statement presents results for the year ended 30 April
 2000  and  was  approved by the Board on 10 July  2000.   It
 does  not  constitute  full  accounts  for  the  purpose  of
 Section  240  of the Companies Act 1085.  The  figures  have
 been  prepared on the basis of the accounting  policies  set
 out   in  the  most  recently  published  set  of  financial
 The  audit report on the full final statements for the  year
 ended 30 April 2000 is yet to be signed.
 The information relating to the year ended 30 April 1999  is
 based  on  the  full financial statements  which  have  been
 delivered  to  the Registrar of Companies and on  which  the
 auditors' opinion was unqualified.
2.   Loss per share

 The  basic  loss  per  share  has  been  calculated  on  the
 weighted  average number of shares in issue during the  year
 namely  184,627,231  (1999  -  99,955,124)  and  losses   of
 #4,470,527 (1999 - #2,543,449).
3.   Operating loss

                                                2000           1999
                                                   #              #
  This    is   arrived   at   after                  
Amortisation of intangible  fixed assets      36,441         59,445
Depreciation                                 394,895        213,142
Auditors' remuneration -  audit services      25,891         22,300
                       -  non audit services  49,228         11,236
Operating lease rentals                      165,978        155,148
Research and Development                   1,951,927      1,093,606
Loss on disposal of fixed assets             424,085         48,785
                                           ============  ============         

4.   Exceptional item - credit on fundamental reorganisation

                                                2000          1999
                                                   #             #
  This   reflects  the   subsequent                  
  recognition   of  certain   fixed
  assets  in  1999,  following  the
  fundamental   reorganisation   of
  the business in 1998
                                                   -       132,254
                                           ============  ============         

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