RNS Number : 5294D
  Northern 2 VCT PLC
  16 September 2008
    16 SEPTEMBER 2008



    Northern 2 VCT PLC is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) managed by NVM Private Equity.  It invests mainly in unquoted venture capital
holdings and aims to provide high long-term tax-free returns to shareholders through a combination of dividend yield and capital growth.

    Financial highlights:
(comparative figures for the six months ended 31 July 2007 in italics)
                                    2008      2007 
 * Net assets                      �47.3m    �43.1m
 * Net asset value per share        83.3p     90.1p
 * Return per share
 Revenue                             1.6p      1.2p
 Capital                           (4.4)p      4.4p
 Total                             (2.8)p      5.6p
 * Interim dividend per share
 in respect of the period
 Revenue                             1.0p      1.0p
 Capital                             1.0p      1.0p
 Total                               2.0p      2.0p
 * Cumulative returns to
 shareholders since launch
 Net asset value per share          83.3p     90.1p
 Dividends paid per share           39.4p     33.4p
 Net asset value plus dividends
 paid per share                    122.7p    123.5p
 * Share price at end of period     76.5p     77.0p

    For further information, please contact:
 NVM Private Equity Limited
 Alastair Conn/Christopher   0191 244 6000
 Website:  www.nvm.co.uk
 Lansons Communications
 Karen Mignon                020 7294 3685



    I am pleased to submit my first report to shareholders following my appointment as chairman on 30 April 2008. In so doing I would like
to begin by thanking my predecessor, Matt Ridley, for his outstanding contribution to the company over the first nine years of its life.

    The past half year has been a period of turmoil in the UK economy and world financial markets. The prevailing conditions have inevitably
had an effect on the level of new investment activity, on company valuations and on the availability of exit opportunities. This situation
is likely to persist for some time. Nonetheless your directors believe that the company has continued to make encouraging progress.

    Results and dividend
    The net asset value per share at 31 July 2008, after deducting the 2007/08 final dividend of 4.0p per share paid in June 2008, was 83.3p
(31 January 2008 89.1p). The cumulative return to shareholders (net asset value plus dividends paid since launch) fell back marginally
during the half year from 124.5p to 122.7p.

    The revenue return per share for the half year rose from 1.2p to 1.6p. This was due in part to the exceptional VAT credit referred to
below and in part to the fact that investment income was higher than in the corresponding period, even after allowing for the effect of the
increase in the issued share capital. However the half year capital return was minus 4.4p compared with a positive return of 4.4p per share
in the corresponding period, reflecting the impact on our portfolio valuation of declining price-earnings ratios and, in some cases, reduced
profitability in the underlying companies.

    The board has declared an interim revenue dividend of 1.0p per share (last year 1.0p) and an interim capital dividend of 1.0p (last year
1.0p), making a total interim dividend of 2.0p per share which will be paid on 5 December 2008 to shareholders on the register on 7 November
2008. A year ago we announced that it was our objective to maintain an annual dividend of not less than 5.5p per share and this remains our
policy notwithstanding current market conditions. It is therefore envisaged that a final dividend of not less than 3.5p will be proposed in
due course.

    Our managers have taken a cautious approach to new investment. Three new venture capital investments totalling �2.5 million were
completed during the half year:

    *     Optilan Group (�1,000,000) - telecommunications systems integrator, Coventry
    *     Axial Systems Holdings (�1,000,000) - supplier of IT network management systems, Maidenhead
    *     Tikit Group (�525,000) - AIM-quoted provider of IT solutions and support services to legal and accounting firms, London (acquired
in part exchange for the previous holding in TFB Group).
    Since 31 July an investment of �429,000 has been made in Advanced Computer Software, an AIM-quoted acquisition vehicle managed by a team
who have achieved successful results for us elsewhere in the past.

    During the period there were two significant realisations in the portfolio. In April the legal software developer TFB Group was sold to
Tikit Group plc for �1.5 million in shares and cash, realising a gain of �0.9 million over cost. In May Product Support (Holdings) was
acquired by Wincanton plc in an all-cash deal from which we realised �2.0 million from an original investment of �1.0 million, with the
possibility of a small further payment to come depending on future performance. Profitable exits for cash were also achieved from the
investments in Arrow Industrial Group and Inspicio. However there was a disappointing outcome to our long-standing investment in DMN, which
was sold for a nominal consideration after continuing difficulties with a major contract. The investment had been substantially written down
in value in our last annual accounts but a further loss of �0.5 million was crystallised in the current period.

    A number of companies in the portfolio are suffering from challenging trading conditions and your directors have as always taken a
conservative approach to the valuation of the unquoted holdings. The AIM-quoted part of the portfolio has also fallen in value, with the
FTSE AIM index down by over 15% during the half year. Whilst our primary concern must be to protect the value of the existing portfolio as
far as possible, we are also conscious that difficult markets can produce good investment opportunities.

    Shareholder issues
    As previously reported, the company's public offer of new ordinary shares for subscription in the 2007/08 and 2008/09 tax years closed
in April 2008 having raised a total of �9.5 million before expenses. This was a highly satisfactory outcome in difficult market conditions.

    The mid-market share price fell from 80�p to 76�p during the six months to 31 July. The company has continued its policy of buying back
shares in the market at a 10% discount to net asset value and during the period 742,786 shares, representing approximately 1.3% of the
issued share capital at the end of the period, were purchased for cancellation at an average price of 78p. 229,923 new shares were issued in
June under the company's dividend re-investment scheme.

    VAT on management fees
    The Government announced in the 2008 Budget that, with effect from 1 October 2008, investment management fees paid by VCTs would be
exempt from VAT. HM Revenue & Customs has subsequently accepted that under European Union VAT law this exemption should have applied from 1
January 1990 onwards, and has indicated that claims may be made for repayment of VAT previously paid by VCTs on management fees, subject to
certain restrictive time limits.

    At this stage the directors are reasonably certain that the amount of VAT recoverable by Northern 2 VCT will be at least �500,000 and an
asset of this amount has been recognised in the half-yearly accounts as an exceptional credit in the income statement. A further update will
be given in due course.

    VCT qualifying status
    The company has continued to satisfy the qualifying conditions laid down by HM Revenue & Customs for approval as a VCT. We retain
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to advise the board in relation to VCT taxation matters.

    The future
    There is no indication that the UK economy has reached its low point in the current cycle and the general outlook for the immediate
future is not good. Your board and managers continue to monitor the company's portfolio closely with the objective of ensuring that it
emerges from the present downturn in an overall sound position, but it is possible that there may be some casualties among our holdings
along the way. However our company has a strong balance sheet with ample liquidity to take advantage of opportunities on a selective basis
as they arise, and we continue to take a positive view of medium to long term prospects.

    On behalf of the Board


    The unaudited half-yearly financial statements for the six months ended 31 July 2008 are set out below.

    (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2008
                                            Six months ended             Six months ended
                                                31 July 2008                 31 July 2007
                                 Revenue   Capital    Total   Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                    �000      �000     �000      �000      �000     �000 
 Gain on disposal of                   -       159      159         -       553      553 
 Adjustments to fair value of          -    (2,559)  (2,559)        -     1,815    1,815 
                                  ------    ------   ------    ------    ------   ------ 
                                       -    (2,400)  (2,400)        -     2,368    2,368 
 Income                            1,377         -    1,377     1,005         -    1,005 
 Investment management fee          (129)     (386)    (515)     (126)     (378)    (504)
 Recoverable VAT                     119       381      500         -         -        - 
 Other expenses                     (150)        -     (150)     (125)        -     (125)
                                  ------    ------   ------    ------    ------   ------ 
 Return on ordinary activities
   before tax                      1,217    (2,405)  (1,188)      754     1,990    2,744 
 Tax on return on ordinary          (321)        2     (319)     (179)      119      (60)
                                  ------    ------   ------    ------    ------   ------ 
 Return on ordinary activities
   after tax                         896    (2,403)  (1,507)      575     2,109    2,684 
                                  ------    ------   ------    ------    ------   ------ 
 Return per share                    1.6p    (4.4)p   (2.8)p      1.2p      4.4p     5.6p

                                                        Year ended 31 January 2008
                                                       Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                                          �000      �000     �000 
 Gain on disposal of investments                             -     1,759    1,759 
 Adjustments to fair value of investments                    -       802      802 
                                                        ------    ------   ------ 
                                                             -     2,561    2,561 
 Income                                                  2,111         -    2,111 
 Investment management fee                                (253)     (968)  (1,221)
 Recoverable VAT                                             -         -        - 
 Other expenses                                           (266)        -     (266)
                                                        ------    ------   ------ 
 Return on ordinary activities                       
   before tax                                            1,592     1,593    3,185 
 Tax on return on ordinary activities                     (416)      303     (113)
                                                        ------    ------   ------ 
 Return on ordinary activities                       
   after tax                                             1,176     1,896    3,072 
                                                        ------    ------   ------ 
 Return per share                                          2.5p      3.9p     6.4p

    (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2008
                                 Six months ended  Six months ended  Year ended 
                                     31 July 2008      31 July 2007   31 January
                                            �000              �000         �000 
 Equity shareholders' funds at
   1 February 2008                        43,753            42,909       42,909 
 Return on ordinary activities            (1,507)            2,684        3,072 
 after tax
 Dividends recognised in the              (1,870)           (2,160)      (3,109)
 Net proceeds of share issues              7,466               211        2,038 
 Shares purchased for                       (586)             (591)      (1,157)
                                          ------            ------       ------ 
 Equity shareholders' funds at
   31 July 2008                           47,256            43,053       43,753 
                                          ------            ------       ------ 

    (unaudited) as at 31 July 2008
                                 31 July 2008   31 July 2007   31 January 2008
                                         �000           �000             �000 
 Fixed asset investments held
 at fair value:
 Venture capital investments
   Unquoted                            25,779         32,739           29,326 
   Quoted on AIM                        2,053          3,370            2,349 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 
 Total venture capital                 27,832         36,109           31,675 
 Listed fixed-interest                 17,548          5,073            5,066 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 
 Total fixed asset investments         45,380         41,182           36,741 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 
 Current assets:
   Debtors                                872            468              355 
   Cash at bank                         1,565          1,642            7,452 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 
                                        2,437          2,110            7,807 
 Creditors (amounts falling due          (561)          (239)            (795)
 within one year)
                                       ------         ------           ------ 
 Net current assets                     1,876          1,871            7,012 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 

 Net assets                            47,256         43,053           43,753 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 

 Capital and reserves:
 Called-up equity share capital         2,835          2,389            2,456 
 Share premium                         33,922         25,147           26,872 
 Capital redemption reserve               337            265              300 
 Capital reserve - realised             8,028          8,868            8,727 
 Capital reserve - unrealised             937          5,507            4,396 
 Revenue reserve                        1,197            877            1,002 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 
 Total equity shareholders'            47,256         43,053           43,753 
                                       ------         ------           ------ 
 Net asset value per share               83.3p          90.1p            89.1p

    (unaudited) for the six months ended 31 July 2008
                                  Six months ended   Six months ended        Year ended 
                                      31 July 2008       31 July 2007   31 January 2008 
                                    �000      �000      �000     �000     �000     �000 
 Net cash inflow from
   operating activities                        142                313             1,283 
 Corporation tax paid                            -                  -              (106)
 Financial investment:
 Purchase of investments         (22,619)             (6,730)           (8,066)
 Sale/repayment of investments    11,580               8,189            14,159 
                                  ------              ------            ------ 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow)
   from financial investment               (11,039)             1,459             6,093 
 Equity dividends paid                      (1,870)            (2,160)           (3,109)
                                            ------             ------            ------ 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow)
   before financing                        (12,767)              (388)            4,161 
 Issue of ordinary shares           7,886                215             2,146 
 Share issue expenses               (420)                 (4)             (108)
 Purchase of ordinary shares
   for cancellation                 (586)               (591)           (1,157)
                                  ------              ------            ------ 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from              6,880               (380)              881 
                                            ------             ------            ------ 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash at             (5,887)              (768)            5,042 
                                            ------             ------            ------ 

 Reconciliation of return
 tax to net cash flow from
 operating activities
 Return on ordinary activities
   before tax                               (1,188)             2,744             3,185 
 Gain on disposal of
   held at fair value                         (159)              (553)           (1,759)
 Adjustments to fair value
   of investments                            2,559             (1,815)             (802)
 (Increase)/decrease in debtors               (517)                 3               116 
 Increase/(decrease) in                       (553)               (66)              543 
                                            ------             ------            ------ 
 Net cash inflow from
   operating activities                        142                313             1,283 
                                            ------             ------            ------ 

 Analysis of movement in net
                                    1 February 2008        Cash flows       31 July 2008
                                               �000              �000               �000
 Cash at bank                                7,452             (5,887)            1,565 
                                            ------             ------            ------ 

    as at 31 July 2008
                                      Cost  Valuation  % of net assets
                                      �000       �000     by valuation
 15 largest investments:
 Stainton Metal Company              1,002      2,176              4.6
 Envirotec                             975      2,159              4.6
 Paladin Group                       1,307      1,984              4.2
 Liquidlogic                           282      1,497              3.2
 Pivotal Laboratories Holdings         857      1,319              2.8
 Longhirst Venues                      353      1,295              2.7
 Crantock Bakery                     1,107      1,267              2.7
 Abermed                               725      1,154              2.5
 S&P Coil Products                     620      1,083              2.3
 Promanex Group Holdings             1,000      1,000              2.1
 Optilan Group                       1,000      1,000              2.1
 Axial Systems Holdings              1,000      1,000              2.1
 DxS                                   684        963              2.0
 Arleigh International                 435        916              1.9
 Britspace Holdings                  1,091        884              1.9
                                    ------     ------            -----
                                    12,438     19,697             41.7
 Other venture capital investments  14,457      8,135             17.2
                                    ------     ------            -----
 Total venture capital investments  26,895     27,832             58.9
 Listed fixed-interest investments  17,674     17,548             37.1
                                    ------     ------            -----
 Total fixed asset investments      44,569     45,380             96.0
 Net current assets                             1,876              4.0
                                               ------            -----
 Net assets                                    47,256            100.0
                                               ------            -----

    The above half-yearly financial statements for the six months ended 31 July 2008 do not constitute statutory financial statements within
the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The figures for the year
ended 31 January 2008 have been extracted from the audited financial statements for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies; the independent auditors' report on those financial statements under Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 was unqualified. The
half-yearly financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the annual financial statements for
the year ended 31 January 2008.

    The directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge the half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
Statement "Half-yearly financial reports" issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board and the half-yearly financial report includes a fair
review of the information required by (a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that
have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a
description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year, and (b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and
Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that
have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period, and any changes in the related party
transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

    The calculation of the revenue and capital return per share is based on the return on ordinary activities after tax for the period and
on 54,434,646 (2007 48,020,971) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

    The proposed interim dividend of 2.0p per share for the year ending 31 January 2009 will be paid on 5 December 2008 to shareholders on
the register at the close of business on 7 November 2008.

    A copy of the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 July 2008 is expected to be posted to shareholders on 3 October
2008 and will be available to the public at the registered office of the company at Northumberland House, Princess Square, Newcastle upon
Tyne NE1 8ER and on the NVM Private Equity Limited website, www.nvm.co.uk.


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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