New Century AIM VCT 2 plc


For the six months to 30th June 2018


Chairman's Statement


In the six months to 30th June 2018, the net asset value (NAV) of your fund increased by 1.47% to 69p. The FTSE AIM Allshare index gained 3.7% over the same period. This index encompasses all sectors and includes many mining, oil and gas companies that have performed well in the year. Your fund as mentioned in previous reports is constrained from investing in most of these types of businesses as part of the VCT rules.


The fund went ex dividend of 3.3p per share in June which falls within the accounting period under review. If we add that back to the NAV the fund increased by 6.32%. The Board continues to realise the importance of income for its shareholders as well as trying to achieve an increase in its NAV, and based on a current mid market price of 62p for its shares, the fund has a dividend yield of 5.32%.


Although the Stock Market has continued to rise, we feel this has masked some of the volatility we have seen with certain companies' share prices. If a company issues a cautious outlook or disappoints the Market on its expectations, its shares are hit hard with the fall in share price far outweighing the level of downgrade in earnings expectations. It is for this reason that we have kept to our strategy of holding a diverse portfolio with some smaller holdings rather than be more concentrated with fewer shares.


We made six further VCT qualifying investments in the period, Access Intelligence, Forbidden Technologies, i-Nexus Global, Microsaic Systems, Polarean Imaging and Scancell, and we also committed to make an investment in Audioboom.


We made four sales where we either top sliced our holding or sold completely.


We have seen fewer qualifying investments in the period, however we still remain cautious in our approach. There is still uncertainty regarding the outcome of the BREXIT negotiations with Market commentators stating the likelihood of a no deal becoming more likely. Whilst this may cause more volatility in the Markets we have a diversified portfolio with companies from a variety of sectors that continue to trade well which gives us optimism for the remainder of the year.


Geoff Gamble




29 August 2018


New Century AIM VCT2 plc


For the six months to 30th June 2018


Unaudited Balance Sheet

                                            Interim Accounts        Final Accounts               Interim Accounts 
                                            as at 30 June 2018      as at 31 December 2017*      as at 30 June 2017 
                                            GBP'000  GBP'000            GBP'000  GBP'000                 GBP'000  GBP'000 
             Investments                           3,124                   3,127                        2,979 
             Sundry debtors                 -                       -                            - 
             Uninvested cash                67     67               37     37                    70     70 
             Creditors: amounts due 
             within one year                       (8)                     (18)                         (17) 
                                                   3,183                   3,146                        3,032 
Capital and 
             Share capital                         461                     461                          461 
             Share premium                         57                      57                           57 
             Capital redemption reserve            171                     171                          171 
             Capital reserve-distributable         3,440                   3,440                        3,440 
             Capital reserve - realised            (1,406)                 (1,537)                      (1,602) 
             Capital reserve - unrealised          103                     187                          1 
             Revenue reserve                       357                     367                          504 
                                                   3,183                   3,146                        3,032 
Asset Value                                        69p                     68p                          66p 
per share 
                                                                    *Audited accounts 

New Century AIM VCT2 plc


For the six months to 30th June 2018


Unaudited Statement of Comprehensive Income


(incorporating the revenue account)

                                       6 month period ended 30 June 2018      Year to 31 December 2017*                                                              6 month period ended 30 June 2017 
                                       Revenue  Capital  Total                Revenue                Capital     Total                                               Revenue  Capital  Total 
                                       GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000                GBP'000                  GBP'000       GBP'000                                               GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Gains/(losses) on investments 
Realised                               -        82       82                   -                      122         122                                                 -        60       60 
Unrealised                             -        (22)     (22)                 -                      403         403                                                 -        203      203 
Income                                 14       -        14                   37                     -           37                                                  12       -        12 
Investment management fees             (4)      (13)     (17)                 (8)                    (23)        (31)                                                (4)      (12)     (16) 
Other expenses                         (20)     -        (20)                 (52)                   -           (52)                                                (32)     -        (32) 
Return on ordinary activities          (10)     47       37                   (23)                   502         479                                                 (24)     251      227 
Tax on ordinary activities             -        -        -                    -                      -           -                                                   -        -        - 
Return on ordinary activities 
after taxation                         (10)     47       37                   (23)                   502         479                                                 (24)     251      227 
Return per ordinary share in pence     (0.22)   1.02     0.80                 (0.50)                 10.88       10.38                                               (0.52)   5.45     4.93 
                                                                              *Audited Accounts 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from  continuing operations. 
The company has only one class of business and derives its income  from investments in shares and securities, and from bank and money  market funds. 
The weighted average number of shares in issue during the period was  4,606,953. 

New Century AIM VCT2 plc


For the six months to 30th June 2018


Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                   Called-up share  Share Premium  Capital            Capital                Capital realised  Capitalunrealised  Revenue reserveGBP'000 
                   capitalGBP'000     accountGBP'000   Redemptionreserve  Reserve-distributable  GBP'000             GBP'000                                    TotalGBP'000 
                                                   GBP'000              GBP'000 
As at 1 January    461              57             171                3,440                  (1,537)           187                367                   3,146 
Realised gains     -                -              -                  -                      82                -                  -                     82 
on disposals 
in period 
Unrealised gain    -                -              -                  -                      -                 (22)               -                     (22) 
Transfer of        -                -              -                  -                      62                (62)               -                     - 
gain to realised 
on disposal of 
Net revenue        -                -              -                  -                      -                 -                  (10)                  (10) 
before tax 
Investment         -                -              -                  -                      (13) (10)         -                  -                     (13) 
management                                         -                                                                                                    (10) 
fee                                                - 
                   ________         ________       _________          _________              ________          ________           ________              ________ 
At 30 June 2018    461              57             171                3,440                  (1,406)           103                357                   3,183 
As at 1 January    461              57             171                3,440                  (1,725)           (127)              528                   2,805 
Realised gains     -                -              -                  -                      60                -                  -                     60 
on disposals 
Unrealised gains   -                -              -                  -                      -                 203                -                     203 
Transfer of        -                -              -                  -                      75                (75)               -                     - 
loss to realised 
on disposal of 
Net revenue        -                -              -                  -                      -                 -                  (24)                  (24) 
before tax 
Investment         -                -              -                  -                      (12)              -                  -                     (12) 
                   ________         ________       _________          _________              ________          ________           ________              ________ 
At 30 June 2017    461              57             171                3,440                  (1,602)           1                  504                   3,032 

New Century AIM VCT2 plc


For the six months to 30th June 2018


Unaudited Cash Flow Statement

                         6 month period ended30 June 2018    Year to 31 December2017*    6 month period ended30 June 2017 
                         GBP'000  GBP'000                        GBP'000  GBP'000                GBP'000  GBP'000 
Net cash generated from         (47)                                (82)                        (47) 
operating activities 
Cash flow from 
Interest received        -                                   -                           - 
Investment income        14                                  37                          12 
                                14                                  37                          12 
Cash flows from 
Sale of investments      249                                 426                         237 
Purchase of investments  (186)                               (303)                       (229) 
Dividend paid            -                                   (138)                       - 
                                63                                  (15)                        8 
Net increase /                  30                                  (60)                        (27) 
(decrease) in 
cash and cash 
Cash and cash                   37                                  97                          97 
at beginning of period 
Cash and cash                   67                                  37                          70 
at end of period 
                                                             *Audited Accounts 

New Century AIM VCT2 plc


For the six months to 30th June 2018


Investment Portfolio

  Security                    Cost       Valuation     %       % 
                                         30 June 2018  Cost    Valuation 
  Qualifying Investments      2,621,197  2,863,090     86.71   89.70 
  Non-qualifying Investments  334,501    261,273       11.06   8.19 
  Uninvested funds            67,494     67,494        2.23    2.11 
                              3,023,192  3,191,857     100.00  100.00 
  Qualifying Investments 
  AIM Quoted 
  Marechale Capital plc       75,752     9,000         2.51    0.28 
  HML Holdings plc            108,540    136,000       3.59    4.26 
  TP Group plc                160,062    52,356        5.29    1.64 
  Tristel plc                 18,779     143,325       0.62    4.49 
  Cyanconnode Holdngs plc     204,219    8,210         6.76    0.26 
  M.Winkworth plc             56,280     88,900        1.86    2.79 
  Inspired Energy plc         41,651     253,499       1.38    7.94 
  Microsaic Systems plc       142,260    60,020        4.71    1.88 
  Venn Life Sciences          155,184    37,789        5.13    1.18 
  Holdings plc 
  DP Poland plc               25,630     49,300        0.85    1.54 
  Modern Water plc            75,385     24,545        2.49    0.77 
  Quixant plc                 8,091      72,625        0.27    2.28 
  Maistro plc                 6,785      162           0.22    0.01 
  Keywords Studios plc        17,391     250,076       0.58    7.83 
  Sanderson Group plc         15,203     29,150        0.50    0.91 
  Cloudbuy plc                41,896     3,802         1.39    0.12 
  PHSC plc                    50,256     22,000        1.66    0.69 
  EU Supply plc               19,422     10,517        0.64    0.33 
  Plastics Capital plc        33,168     35,640        1.10    1.12 
  Sysgroup plc                45,232     29,250        1.50    0.92 
  Brighton Pier Group plc     35,379     22,000        1.17    0.69 
  Property Franchise          50,253     70,000        1.66    2.19 
  Group plc 
  Solid State plc             35,248     44,922        1.17    1.41 
  Audioboom Group plc         72,868     66,500        2.41    2.08 
  Scholium Group plc          40,203     19,200        1.33    0.60 
  Rosslyn Data Technologies   23,219     3,010         0.77    0.09 
  Coral Products plc          25,104     17,575        0.83    0.55 
  SRT Marine Systems plc      18,093     31,000        0.60    0.97 
  ULS Technology plc          18,091     58,050        0.60    1.82 
  Premier Technical Services  52,420     190,570       1.73    5.97 
  Group plc 
  Angle plc                   75,128     62,100        2.49    1.95 
  Bilby plc                   52,465     94,500        1.74    2.96 
  Hunters Property plc        50,253     55,000        1.66    1.72 
  Bigblu Broadband plc        55,027     94,089        1.82    2.95 
  Security                     Cost       Valuation     %      % 
                                          30 June 2018  Cost   Valuation 
  Tekcapital plc               82,292     47,125        2.72   1.48 
  Falanx Group Ltd             23,923     7,650         0.79   0.24 
  Premaitha Health plc         40,204     15,000        1.33   0.47 
  Photonstar LED Group plc     15,079     1,500         0.50   0.05 
  Yu Group plc                 20,504     91,516        0.68   2.87 
  Scancell Holdings plc        45,233     41,650        1.50   1.30 
  Medaphor Group plc           25,129     6,389         0.83   0.20 
  Imaginatik plc               20,104     4,000         0.66   0.13 
  Loopup Group plc             20,104     92,000        0.66   2.88 
  Faron Pharmaceuticals Ltd    20,103     5,600         0.66   0.18 
  Cloudcall Group plc          20,230     58,800        0.67   1.84 
  Creo Medical Group plc       37,691     60,197        1.25   1.89 
  Anglo African Oil & Gas plc  65,329     29,250        2.16   0.92 
  Escape Hunt plc              31,006     25,821        1.03   0.81 
  Velocity Composites plc      9,425      7,169         0.31   0.22 
  Location Sciences Group plc  27,410     27,270        0.91   0.85 
  Fusion Antibodies plc        22,113     33,536        0.73   1.05 
  Pelatro plc                  25,128     33,200        0.83   1.04 
  Polarean Imaging plc         20,104     22,667        0.66   0.71 
  Access Intelligence plc      10,053     12,500        0.33   0.39 
  Forbidden Technologies plc   50,254     55,000        1.66   1.72 
  I-Nexus Global plc           30,153     34,178        1.00   1.07 
                               2,566,508  2,856,700     84.90  89.50 
  Unlisted Investments 
  Outsourcery plc              28,143                   0.93   0.00 
  Syqic plc                    26,546     6,390         0.88   0.20 
                               54,689     6,390         1.81   0.20 
  Total qualifying             2,621,197  2,863,090     86.71  89.70 
  Non Qualifying Investments 
  AIM Quoted 
  Sanderson Group plc          10,398     26,500        0.34   0.83 
  Rotala plc                   27,683     38,500        0.92   1.20 
  Tristel plc                  60         315           0.00   0.01 
  TLA Worldwide plc            26,975     21,000        0.89   0.66 
  Audioboom Group plc          1,163      190           0.04   0.01 
  Be Heard Group plc           10,040     5,300         0.33   0.17 
  EVR Holdings plc             5,469      39,385        0.18   1.23 
  Yolo Leisure &               12,799     6,563         0.42   0.21 
  Technology plc 
                               94,587     137,753       3.12   4.32 
  Security                     Cost       Valuation     %      % 
                                          30 June 2018  Cost   Valuation 
  UK Listed 
  Investec plc                 169,416    95,850        5.61   3.00 
  British American             8,841      15,320        0.29   0.48 
  Tobacco plc 
  Twentyfour Income Fund Ltd   9,852      9,800         0.33   0.31 
                               188,109    120,970       6.23   3.79 
  Unlisted Investments 
  China Food Co plc            31547      1,100         1.04   0.03 
  Sorbic International plc     10,205     1,450         0.34   0.05 
  Mar City plc                 10,053     0             0.33   0.00 
                               51,805     2,550         1.71   0.08 
  Total non-qualifying         334,501    261,273       11.06  8.19 

New Century AIM VCT2 plc


Notes to the Accounts


For the six months to 30th June 2018


This interim financial information and the unaudited interim accounts for the six months to 30 June 2018 from


which it has been extracted, are the responsibility of the directors and were approved by them on 29 August 2018, do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.


The Company is an investment company as defined in Section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. The unaudited


interim accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Financial Reporting Council's (FRC) Financial


Reporting Standard 104 Interim Financial Reporting (March 2015) and with the Statement of Recommended Practice for Investment Companies re-issued by the Association of Investment Companies in November 2014 and updated in January 2017.


The unaudited interim accounts have been prepared using accounting policies that the company applied in the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2017, incorporating FRS 102 The Financial Reporting


Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The company considers these accounting policies will be used in the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2018.


Listed, AIM or NEX Markets-traded investments are stated at market value, which is based upon market bid prices in an active market at the balance sheet date. These would all meet tier 1 of the fair value hierarchy.


4,606,953 Ordinary Shares of 10 pence each were in issue throughout the period under review.


Net Asset Value per share at 30 June 2018 was 69p (at 31 December 2017: 68p; 30 June 2017: 66p).


No dividend was paid in the period.


There have not been any significant events since the balance sheet date.


New Century AIM VCT2 plc is managed by M D Barnard & Co. Limited ('MDB'). Under the terms of the management agreement MDB are entitled to a fee (exclusive of VAT) equal to 1% per annum of the net assets of the company. During the period the management fee was GBP17k (the year ended 31 December 2017: GBP31k, the period ended 30 June 2017 GBP16k).


Bearing in mind that the assets of the company consist mainly of marketable securities, the directors are of the opinion that at the time of approving this interim financial information, the company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing this interim financial information.


Copies of the Interim Report to Shareholders have been sent to shareholders and are available at the Company's


Registered Office: Tricor Secretaries Ltd, 4th Floor, 50 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7QR.


New Century AIM VCT2 plc


Directors, Investment Managers and Advisors

Directors                       Geoffrey Charles Gamble (Chairman) 
                                Michael David Barnard 
                                Peter William Riley 
                                Ian Cameron-Mowat 
Secretary                       Tricor Secretaries Ltd 
and registered office           4th Floor, 50 Mark Lane 
                                London EC3R 7QR 
Registrar                       Neville Registrars Limited 
                                Neville House 
                                18 Laurel Lane 
                                West Midlands B63 3DA 
Solicitors                      Dundas & Wilson 
                                5th Floor, Northwest Wing 
                                Bush House 
                                London WC2B 4EZ 
Investment Manager and Broker   MD Barnard & Company Limited 
                                17-21 New Century Road 
                                Essex SS15 6AG 
Auditor                         UHY Hacker Young LLP 
                                Quadrant House 
                                4 Thomas More Square 
                                London E1W 1YW 

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180830005339/en/

This information is provided by Business Wire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 30, 2018 06:14 ET (10:14 GMT)

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