ICG Enterprise Trust plc

21 June 2021

Q1 Update for the period to 30 April 2021

Highest ever quarter of Realisation Proceeds; twelve Full Exits executed at 42% Uplift to Carrying Value


   -- NAV per Share of 1,402p, NAV per Share Total Return during the quarter of 
   -- Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis during the quarter of 3.4%1 
      (Sterling return: 2.2%) 
   -- Record Realisation Proceeds of GBP100m in the quarter, representing 
      approximately 70% of the average annual Realisation Proceeds for the last 
      five years 
   -- Twelve Full Exits generated 42%1 uplift to Carrying Value and 3.9x1 
      Multiple to Cost 
   -- GBP32m of investments made during the period, 63% into High Conviction 
      Investments including two Direct Investments 
   -- Substantial pipeline of further investment opportunities with a number 
      expected to close in the coming months, anticipating a very strong year 
      for High Conviction Investments 
   -- Recent realisation activity has resulted in expanded capacity to execute 
      on investment opportunities. Available liquidity of GBP290m, comprising 
      GBP116m of cash and GBP174m undrawn revolving credit facility 
   -- First quarter dividend of 6p per share for the quarter ended 30 April 
      2021, an increase of 1p compared to the quarter ended 30 April 2020. In 
      the absence of any unforeseen circumstances it is the Board's current 
      intention to declare total dividends of at least 27p per share for the 
      financial year ended 31 January 2022, an increase of 3p (12.5%) per share 
      compared to the financial year ended 31 January 2021 

Comparison to prior periods

Performance to 30 April 2021      3 months  1 year  3 years  5 years  10 years 
--------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  -------  -------- 
NAV per Share Total Return           +1.6%  +29.8%   +53.1%  +108.7%   +199.9% 
Share Price Total Return            +12.8%  +51.4%   +37.0%  +129.0%   +265.9% 
FTSE All-Share Index Total 
 Return                             +10.6%  +25.9%    +7.7%   +39.9%    +81.0% 
               12 months to    12 months to   Quarter ended    Quarter ended 
               30 April 2021   30 April 2020   30 April 2021   31 January 2021 
 Return on a 
 Basis                 37.0%            6.1%            3.4%             17.1% 
NAV per 
Share               1,402.2p        1,100.2p        1,402.2p          1,384.4p 
NAV per 
 Share Total 
 Return                29.8%            5.0%            1.6%             11.8% 
Realisation          GBP208m         GBP142m         GBP100m            GBP43m 
Total New            GBP139m         GBP170m          GBP32m            GBP57m 

Oliver Gardey, Head of Private Equity Fund Investments, ICG, commented:

"We were pleased with the performance delivered by the Portfolio in this quarter, generating a 3.4% Return on a Local Currency Basis. This is despite the reduction in Chewy's share price during the quarter which impacted the value of our largest single investment. The performance of our Portfolio builds on the strong track record of our investments, which over the last twelve months have generated a Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis of 37.0%.

"In particular, I would highlight that the value of our Portfolio was underpinned during the quarter by a record level of realisations, generating GBP100m of proceeds. Twelve Full Exits occurred and were executed at an average 42% Uplift to Carrying Value, significantly above our five year historical average of 35%. I believe that our long term track record of realising investments at a material Uplift to Carrying Value underlines the substantial value within our Portfolio.

"We expect to invest these proceeds in the coming quarters into a number of exciting opportunities. Our long-standing relationships in the sector and the opportunities we get by being managed by ICG plc are strategic advantages in originating a large number of investment opportunities. We remain selective and disciplined in our investment approach as we navigate the current market conditions.

"Looking ahead, we believe the quality and breadth of investment opportunities we are seeing will lead to a very strong year of deployment for our High Conviction Investments. Our Portfolio is balanced by sector, geography and investment type, and we are well positioned to continue executing our investment strategy. This is an exciting time for ICG Enterprise Trust and I believe we are well placed to continue to deliver significant long-term shareholder value."


Analyst / Investor enquiries: +44 (0) 20 3545 2000

Oliver Gardey, Head of Private Equity Fund Investments, ICG

Colm Walsh, Managing Director, ICG

James Caddy, Investor Relations, ICG


Clare Glynn, Corporate Communications, ICG: +44 (0) 20 3545 1395

Ed Gascoigne Pees, Eddie Livingstone-Learmonth, Camarco: +44 (0) 20 3757 4993



Company timetable

Ex-dividend date: 12 August 2021

Record date: 13 August 2021

Payment of dividend: 3 September 2021

About ICG Enterprise Trust

ICG Enterprise Trust is a leading listed private equity investor focused on creating long-term growth by delivering consistently strong returns through selectively investing in profitable private companies, primarily in Europe and the US.

As a listed private equity investor, our purpose is to provide shareholders with access to the attractive long-term returns generated by investing in private companies, with the added benefit of daily liquidity.

We invest in companies directly and through funds managed by ICG and other leading private equity managers who focus on creating long-term value and building sustainable growth through active management and strategic change.

We have a long track record of delivering strong returns through a flexible mandate and highly selective approach that strikes the right balance between concentration and diversification, risk and reward.


This report may contain forward looking statements. These statements have been made by the Directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of this report and should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying such forward-looking information. These written materials are not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption therefrom. The issuer has not and does not intend to register any securities under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and does not intend to offer any securities to the public in the United States. No money, securities or other consideration from any person inside the United States is being solicited and, if sent in response to the information contained in these written materials, will not be accepted.

Business review

Solid performance across the Portfolio

   -- Investment portfolio valued at GBP893m 
   -- Underlying Portfolio gains of GBP32m, comprising gains of GBP53m and 
      losses of GBP21m, resulting in a Portfolio Return on a Local Currency 
      Basis of 3.4% 
   -- High Conviction Investments (48% of the Portfolio) experienced local 
      currency returns of 0.5% during the quarter, or 4.3% when excluding the 
      decrease in value of our investment in in PetSmart/Chewy 
   -- Third Party Funds (52% of the Portfolio) generated 6.3% local currency 
   -- Gains of GBP53m in the quarter were broad-based across our High 
      Conviction and Third Party Fund investments 
   -- The main driver of the GBP21m losses was the reduction in the share price 
      of Chewy, which is reflected in the valuation of the PetSmart/Chewy 
      investment. The decrease in Chewy's share price from $102 to $80 during 
      the period reduced the Portfolio value by circa GBP16m on a Local 
      Currency Basis and circa GBP17m on a Sterling basis. Excluding the impact 
      of PetSmart/Chewy on this quarter's performance, we estimate the 
      Portfolio Return on Local Currency Basis would have been circa 5.6%. ICG 
      Enterprise Trust's investment in PetSmart/Chewy has generated a 
      mid-to-high single digit multiple on cost at current valuations and 
      therefore significant value for our shareholders 
   -- Sterling's appreciation against the USD and EUR during the period 
      resulted in a GBP11m reduction in the Portfolio value on a Sterling basis 
      and therefore a Portfolio Return on a Sterling basis of 2.2% 

Record Realisation Proceeds and at significant Uplift to Carrying Value

   -- Total Proceeds of GBP109m over the quarter, our most active quarter for 
      realisations on record 
          -- Realisation Proceeds of GBP100m, of which GBP77m was generated 
             from 12 Full Exits that were executed at an average of 42% Uplift 
             to Carrying Value and 3.9x Multiple to Cost, materially above our 
             five year historical average of 35% and 2.4x respectively 
          -- Fund Disposals generated GBP9m proceeds and released GBP10m of 
             Undrawn Commitments 

Investment opportunities across High Conviction Investments and Third Party Funds

   -- GBP32m of Total New Investment in the quarter; 63% (GBP20m) invested into 
      High Conviction Investments with the remaining GBP12m being drawdowns on 
      commitments to Third Party Funds 
   -- Within our High Conviction Investments we invested GBP6m in two new 
      Direct Investments during the quarter: 
Company      Manager      Company sector /           ICG Enterprise Trust 
                          description                investment during the 
-----------  -----------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Ivanti       Charlesbank  Provider of enterprise IT  GBP6m 
-----------  -----------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
AMEOS Group  ICG          Private hospital operator  n/a(1) 
                          in the DACH region 
-----------  -----------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 

(1) Commitment made in April 2021 but not funded until after the quarter end

   -- Third Party Funds are important to our strategy of having an 
      appropriately balanced portfolio and to sourcing High Conviction 
      Investments. During the quarter we committed GBP83m in aggregate to two 
      ICG funds and two third party managers: 
Fund                       Focus                      ICG Enterprise Trust 
                                                      Commitment during the 
-------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
Resolute V                 North American mid-market  $15m (GBP11m) 
-------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
Bregal Unternehmerkapital  European mid-market        EUR10m (GBP9m) 
III                        buyouts 
-------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
ICG Europe Fund VIII       Mezzanine and equity in    EUR40m (GBP35m) 
                           mid-market buy-outs 
-------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
ICG Strategic Equity IV    Secondary fund             $40m (GBP29m) 
-------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 

Quoted Companies

   -- We do not invest in publicly quoted companies but gain listed investment 
      exposure when IPOs are used to exit an investment 
   -- At 30 April 2021, we had 42 investments in quoted companies, representing 
      14.3% of the Portfolio value compared to 20.4% at 31 January 2021. The 
      reduction was largely driven by the sale of our entire stake in Telos 
      during February, as well as by the reduction in Chewy's share price 
   -- During the quarter Signify Health listed on the NYSE and therefore became 
      a quoted company within our Portfolio. It now represents 0.5% of our 
      Portfolio by value. The company provides technology-enabled healthcare 
      payor services, and we have exposure through our investment via New 
      Mountain V 
   -- At 30 April 2021 there were three quoted investments that individually 
      accounted for 0.5% or more of the Portfolio value: 
         Company                      Ticker   % value of Portfolio 
-------  ---------------------------  -------  -------------------- 
1        Chewy (part of PetSmart)(1)  CHWY-US  8.2% 
-------  ---------------------------  -------  -------------------- 
2        Allegro                      ALE-PL   0.9% 
-------  ---------------------------  -------  -------------------- 
3        Signify Health               SGFY-US  0.5% 
-------  ---------------------------  -------  -------------------- 
Other                                          4.7% 
-------  ---------------------------  -------  -------------------- 
Total                                          14.3% 
-------  ---------------------------  -------  -------------------- 
  (1) % value of Portfolio includes entire holding of 
   PetSmart and Chewy. This investment is referred to 
   generally within this announcement as PetSmart/Chewy. 
   Most of the value in this investment is within Chewy 

Robust balance sheet

   -- Closing NAV of GBP964m; investment portfolio represents 93% of NAV 
   -- Strong liquidity position of GBP290m, comprising GBP116m cash and GBP174m 
      undrawn bank facility 
   -- Uncalled commitments of GBP473m (GBP87m of which are to funds outside of 
      their investment period) 


   -- Continued commitment to progressive dividend in line with current policy 
   -- First quarter dividend of 6p per share for the quarter ended 30 April 
      2021, an increase of 1p compared to the quarter ended 30 April 2020. The 
      Board's current intention is to declare quarterly dividends of at least 
      6p per share, and a final dividend of at least 9p per share for the 
      financial year ended 31 January 2022 
   -- In the absence of any unforeseen circumstances, it is therefore the 
      Board's current intention to declare total dividends of at least 27p per 
      share for the financial year ended 31 January 2022. This would represent 
      an increase of 3p (12.5%) per share compared to the financial year ended 
      31 January 2021 


   -- Lucinda Riches retires from the Board today having served for ten years. 
      We would like to thank Lucinda for her contributions to ICG Enterprise 
   -- David Warnock will replace Lucinda as the Senior Independent Director, 
      subject to his election at the forthcoming AGM 

Activity since the period end (to 31 May 2021)

   -- Total Proceeds 

Proceeds of GBP5m received

   -- Deployment 

Invested GBP26m, 70% into High Conviction Investments

   -- New Fund Commitments 

Hellman & Friedman X, focused on large buyouts in North America: $10m (GBP7m)

Thomas H. Lee Partners IX, focused on mid-market buyouts in North America: $20m (GBP14m)

Supplementary information

The 30 largest underlying investments

The table below presents the 30 companies in which ICG Enterprise Trust had the largest investments by value at 30 April 2021. These investments may be held directly or through funds, or in some cases in both ways. The valuations are gross and are shown as a percentage of the total Portfolio.

                                                                                                              Value as 
                                                                                      Year of                   a % of 
     Company                                                             Manager   investment       Country  Portfolio 
     -----------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -----------  ------------  --------- 
  1  PetSmart/Chewy+^ 
 Retailer of pet products and services                           BC Partners         2015     United States       8.2% 
  2  DomusVi+ 
 Operator of retirement homes                                            ICG         2017            France       4.1% 
  3  Minimax+ 
 Supplier of fire protection systems and services                        ICG         2018           Germany       3.5% 
  4  IRI+ 
 Provider of mission-critical data and predictive analytics     New Mountain 
  to consumer goods manufacturers                                    Capital         2018     United States       2.4% 
  5  Leaf Home Solutions 
 Provider of gutter protection solutions                             Capital         2016     United States       2.2% 
  6  Visma+ 
 Provider of business management software and outsourcing              ICG / 
  services                                                         HgCapital  2017 / 2020            Norway       2.2% 
  7  DOC Generici+ 
 Retailer of pharmaceutical products                                     ICG         2019             Italy       2.2% 
  8  Yudo+ 
 Manufacturer of components for injection moulding                       ICG         2017         Hong Kong       2.0% 
  9  Supporting Education Group+^ 
 Provider of temporary staff for the education sector                    ICG         2014    United Kingdom       1.9% 
 10  Froneri^ 
 Manufacturer and distributor of ice cream products             PAI Partners         2019    United Kingdom       1.8% 
 11  Berlin Packaging+ 
                                                                    Oak Hill 
 Provider of global packaging services and supplies                  Capital         2018     United States       1.7% 
 12  Endeavor Schools+ 
                                                                Leeds Equity 
 Provider of paid private schooling                                 Partners         2018     United States       1.5% 
 13  U-POL^ 
 Manufacturer and distributor of automotive refinishing             Graphite 
  products                                                           Capital         2010    United Kingdom       1.3% 
 14  PSB Academy+ 
 Provider of private tertiary education                                  ICG         2018         Singapore       1.1% 
 15  Curium Pharma+ 
 Supplier of nuclear medicine diagnostic pharmaceuticals                 ICG         2020    United Kingdom       1.0% 
 16  Allegro 
                                                                    Cinven / 
 Operator of an online marketplace and price comparison              Permira 
  website                                                           Advisers         2017            Poland       0.9% 
 17  VitalSmarts+ 
 Provider of corporate training courses focused on              Leeds Equity 
  communication skills and leadership development                   Partners         2019     United States       0.9% 
 18  AML RightSource+ 
 Provider of compliance and regulatory services and                 Gridiron 
  solutions                                                          Capital         2020     United States       0.8% 
 19  David Lloyd Leisure+ 
 Operator of premium health clubs                                TDR Capital  2013 / 2020    United Kingdom       0.7% 
 20  RegEd+ 
 Provider of SaaS-based governance, risk and compliance              Gryphon 
  enterprise software solutions                                    Investors         2018     United States       0.6% 
 21  Ivanti+ 
 Provider of IT management solutions                                Partners         2021     United States       0.6% 
 22  IRIS Accountancy Solutions 
 Provider of business-critical software and services 
  for the accountancy and payroll sectors                                ICG         2018    United Kingdom       0.6% 
 23  EG Group 
 Operator of petrol station forecourts                           TDR Capital         2014    United Kingdom       0.6% 
 24  Compass Community 
 Provider of fostering services and children residential            Graphite 
  care                                                               Capital         2017    United Kingdom       0.6% 
 25  CCC Information Services 
                                                                  / Oak Hill 
 Provider of auto collision software and service                     Capital         2017     United States       0.5% 
 26  WCT^ 
                                                                  The Jordan 
 Drug development services                                           Company         2007     United States       0.5% 
 27  Trust Holding 
 Distributor of branded consumer electronics accessories 
  in the value-for-money segment                                      Egeria         2018       Netherlands       0.5% 
 28  proALPHA 
 Developer and vendor of resource planning software                      ICG         2017           Germany       0.5% 
 29  Springer^ 
 Publisher of professional and academic media                    BC Partners         2013           Germany       0.5% 
 30  Synlab 
 Operator of medical diagnostic laboratories                          Cinven         2015           Germany       0.5% 
 -----------------------------------------------------------  --------------               ----------------  --------- 
 Total of the 30 largest underlying investments                                                                  46.4% 
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      --------- 
 All or part of this investment is held directly as 
  a co-investment or other direct investment 
 ^ All or part of this investment was acquired as part 
  of a secondary purchase 

The 30 largest fund investments

The 30 largest funds by value at 30 April 2021 are:

                                                                          Value    commitment 
     Fund                     Year of commitment        Country/ region    GBPm       GBPm 
     ----------------------  -------------------  ---------------------  --------  ----------- 
     BC European Capital IX 
  1  ** 
 Large buyouts                          2011       Europe/North America      39.8          2.0 
  2  ICG Europe VII 
 Mezzanine and equity 
  in mid-market 
  buyouts                               2018                     Europe      30.7         11.9 
     Gridiron Capital Fund 
  3  III 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2016              North America      26.4          4.0 
     Graphite Capital 
  4  Partners VIII * 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2013                         UK      24.7          4.4 
     ICG Strategic Equities 
  5  Fund III 
 Secondary fund 
  restructurings                        2018                     Global      23.6         11.3 
  6  Sixth Cinven Fund 
 Large buyouts                          2016                     Europe      23.6          2.1 
     Advent Global Private 
  7  Equity VIII 
 Large buyouts                          2016       Europe/North America      21.5          0.6 
  8  ICG Europe VI ** 
 Mezzanine and equity 
  in mid-market 
  buyouts                               2015                     Europe      20.9          4.5 
     CVC European Equity 
  9  Partners VI 
 Large buyouts                          2013       Europe/North America      20.7          2.6 
     CVC European Equity 
 10  Partners VII 
 Large buyouts                          2017       Europe/North America      16.3          7.5 
 11  BC European Capital X 
 Large buyouts                          2016                     Europe      16.3          1.6 
     PAI Strategic 
 12  Partnerships ** 
 Mid-market and large 
  buyouts                               2019                     Europe      15.7          0.6 
 13  One Equity Partners VI 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2016       Europe/North America      15.4          0.6 
     Graphite Capital 
 14  Partners VII * / ** 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2007                         UK      15.1          2.8 
 15  PAI Europe VI 
 Mid-market and large 
  buyouts                               2013                     Europe      14.9          1.4 
 16  Resolute IV 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2018              North America      14.3          1.9 
     New Mountain Partners 
 17  V 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2017              North America      14.2          1.3 
     Thomas H Lee Equity 
 18  Fund VIII 
 Mid-market and large 
  buyouts                               2017              North America      13.2          7.5 
 19  Permira V 
 Large buyouts                          2013       Europe/North America      12.7          0.5 
 20  Permira VI 
 Large buyouts                          2016                     Europe      12.0          2.0 
 21  Gryphon V 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2019              North America      12.0          1.4 
     ICG Asia Pacific Fund 
 22  III 
 Mezzanine and equity 
  in mid-market 
  buyouts                               2016               Asia Pacific      11.5          2.8 
     Charterhouse Capital 
 23  Partners X 
 Large buyouts                          2015                     Europe      10.9          3.9 
 24  TDR Capital III 
 Mid-market and large 
  buyouts                               2013                     Europe      10.8          1.6 
     Leeds Equity Partners 
 25  VI 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2017              North America      10.5          0.7 
 26  Resolute II ** 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2018              North America      10.3          1.6 
 27  PAI Europe VII 
 Mid-market and large 
  buyouts                               2017                     Europe      10.1         12.1 
     Egeria Private Equity 
 28  Fund IV 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2012                Netherlands       9.2          1.1 
     Thomas H Lee Equity 
 29  Fund VII 
 Mid-market and large 
  buyouts                               2015              North America       8.9          1.6 
     Oak Hill Capital 
 30  Partners IV 
 Mid-market buyouts                     2017              North America       8.3          0.7 
 Total of the largest 30 fund investments                                   494.6         98.6 
 Percentage of total investment Portfolio                                   55.4% 
 ------------------------------------------------------------------      --------  ----------- 
 * Includes the 
  associated Top Up 
 ** All or part of an interest acquired through a secondary 
  fund purchase 

Portfolio analysis

All data is presented on a look-through basis to the investment portfolio held by the Company, consistent with the commentary in previous annual and interim reports

Investment category                 % of portfolio 
----------------------------------  -------------- 
High Conviction Investments 
ICG funds and co-investments                 26.8% 
Third party co-investments                   14.4% 
Third party secondary investments             6.7% 
Total High Conviction Investments            47.9% 
Third Party Funds                            52.1% 
Total                                       100.0% 
----------------------------------  -------------- 
Portfolio by investment type   % of value of underlying investments 
-----------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Large buyouts                                                 53.9% 
Mid-market buyouts                                            35.2% 
Small buyouts                                                 10.9% 
Total                                                        100.0% 
-----------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Portfolio by calendar year of investment      % of value of underlying investments 
-------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------- 
2021                                                                           2.6% 
2020                                                                          11.8% 
2019                                                                          19.5% 
2018                                                                          20.9% 
2017                                                                          17.0% 
2016                                                                           8.5% 
2015                                                                          10.0% 
2014 and older                                                                 9.7% 
--------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
Total                                                                        100.0% 
--------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 Portfolio by sector           % of value of underlying investments 
----------------------------   ------------------------------------ 
Consumer goods and services                                   25.0% 
Healthcare                                                    18.9% 
TMT                                                           16.8% 
Business services                                             12.1% 
Industrials                                                    8.1% 
Education                                                      6.7% 
Financials                                                     5.2% 
Other                                                          4.5% 
Leisure                                                        2.7% 
Total                                                        100.0% 
-----------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Portfolio by geographic distribution based on location 
 of Company headquarters                                    % of value of underlying investments 
North America                                                                              39.7% 
Europe                                                                                     34.7% 
UK                                                                                         17.7% 
Rest of world                                                                               7.9% 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
Total                                                                                     100.0% 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 

Summary balance sheet information

GBPm              30 April 21  % of net assets  31 January 21  % of net assets 
Portfolio               892.8            92.6%          949.2            99.7% 
Cash and liquid 
 assets                 116.0            12.0%           45.2             4.7% 
Other net 
 liabilities           (44.6)           (4.6%)         (42.4)           (4.4)% 
                  -----------  ---------------  -------------  --------------- 
Net assets              964.2           100.0%          952.0           100.0% 
Movement in the Portfolio                                             3 months 
GBPm                                                               30 April 21 
------------------------------------------------------   --------------------- 
Opening Portfolio (31 January 2021)                                      949.2 
Total New Investment                                                      31.8 
Total Proceeds                                                         (109.4) 
Net cash (inflow) / outflow                                             (77.6) 
Underlying Valuation Movement*                                            31.9 
Currency movement                                                       (10.7) 
Closing Portfolio                                                        892.8 
% underlying Portfolio growth (local currency)                            3.4% 
% currency movement                                                     (1.2%) 
% underlying Portfolio growth (Sterling)                                  2.2% 
Expenses and other                                                      (0.6)% 
NAV per Share Total Return                                                1.6% 
 * 82% of the Portfolio is valued using 31 March 2021 
 (or later) valuations. The remaining 18% is valued 
 using 31 December 2020 valuations. 
Movement in liquid assets                                             3 months 
 GBPm                                                              30 April 21 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------------------- 
Net cash inflow / (outflow) generated by movement 
 in Portfolio                                                             77.6 
Non-investment cash flows                                                (2.1) 
Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates                              (1.3) 
Cash inflow before shareholder distributions                              74.2 
Dividends paid to shareholders                                           (3.4) 
Share buy backs                                                              - 
Net cash movement                                                         70.8 
Opening cash and liquid assets                                            45.2 
Closing cash and liquid assets                                           116.0 
 Uncalled commitment coverage 
GBPm                                 30 April 21  31 January 21 
Cash and liquid assets                     116.0           45.2 
Undrawn bank facility                      174.0          155.9 
-----------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 
Total liquidity                            290.0          201.1 
Outstanding commitments                    473.3          418.5 
Less: Total liquidity                    (290.0)        (201.1) 
-----------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 
Over-commitment                            183.3          217.4 
Over-commitment as % of net assets         19.0%          22.8% 

(1) Alternative Performance Measure


   -- 210621_ICGT Q1 FY22 RNS_FINAL 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 21, 2021 09:36 ET (13:36 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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