RNS Number : 2817D

HSBC Holdings PLC

18 February 2020

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Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2019 continued...

The Incremental Risk Charge

The incremental risk charge ('IRC') measures the default and migration risk of issuers of traded instruments.

IRC risk factors include credit migration, default, product basis, concentration, hedge mismatch, recovery rate and liquidity. The PDs are floored to reflect the lack of historical data on defaults and a period of stress is used to calibrate the spread changes for the relevant ratings. The IRC model is validated quarterly by stressing key model parameters and reviewing the response of the model.

The IRC is a stand-alone charge generating no diversification benefit with other charges. IRC relies on a range of liquidity horizons from three months, corresponding to the regulatory floor, to one year. A wide range of criteria can indicate the liquidity of a position. The liquidity horizon for the IRC measure depends on a set of factors such as issuer features, including rating, sector, geography and size of positions, including product, maturity and concentration.

The IRC transition matrices are calibrated using transition and default data published by three rating agencies (S&P, Moody's and Fitch) as the starting point, in combination with internal rules for flooring. The average of the three matrices is computed for each sector. The PDs are then floored: sovereign PDs are consistent with IRB, while a 3 basis point floor is applied to corporates' and banks' PDs.

The IRC correlation matrix is derived from historical CDS spreads data, covering the latest two-year VaR period. The returns estimation window is set equal to either three or 12 months, depending on the liquidity horizon of each obligor. First, each obligor is mapped to six sector/rating categories; then the correlation matrix is obtained by computing the arithmetic mean of correlations for each category.

IRC increased during the first half of the year, driven mainly by exposures to the U.S., Japan and Brazil sovereigns. After peaking in Q3, IRC decreased mainly as a result of the Rates business actively reducing our exposures arising from U.S. government debt asset swaps.

 Structural foreign exchange exposures 

Structural foreign exchange exposures represent net investments in subsidiaries, branches and associates whose functional currency is not the US dollar. An entity's functional currency is normally that of the primary economic environment in which it operates.

Exchange differences on structural exposures are recognised in 'Other comprehensive income'. We use the US dollar as our presentation currency in our consolidated financial statements because the US dollar and currencies linked to it form the major currency bloc in which we transact and fund our business.

Our consolidated balance sheet is, therefore, affected by exchange differences between the US dollar and all the non-US dollar functional currencies of underlying subsidiaries.

Our structural foreign exchange exposures are managed with the primary objective of ensuring, where practical, that our consolidated capital ratios and the capital ratios of individual banking subsidiaries are largely protected from the effect of changes in exchange rates. We hedge structural foreign exchange exposures only in limited circumstances.

Details of our structural foreign exchange exposures are provided in the Market risk section, on page 136 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019.

 Interest rate risk in the banking 

Interest rate risk in the banking book ('IRRBB') is the potential adverse impact of changes in interest rates on earnings and capital. The component of IRRBB that can be economically neutralised in the market is transferred to BSM to manage, in accordance with internal transfer pricing rules. In its management of IRRBB, the Group aims to balance mitigating the effect of future interest rate movements, which could reduce net interest income against the cost of hedging. The monitoring of the projected net interest income and economic value of equity sensitivity under varying interest rate scenarios is a key part of this.

More details on our IRRBB and the net interest income sensitivity may be found on page 136 and page 140 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019.

 Prudent valuation adjustment 

HSBC has documented policies and maintains systems and controls for the calculation of the prudent valuation adjustment ('PVA'). Prudent value represents a conservative estimate with a 90% degree of certainty of a price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in orderly transactions occurring between market participants at the balance sheet date. HSBC's methodology addresses fair value uncertainties arising from a number of sources: market price uncertainty, bid-offer uncertainty, model risk, concentration, administrative costs, unearned credit spreads and investing and funding costs.

 Table 64: Prudential valuation adjustments (PV1) 
                                                                               Of which:    Of which: 
                                                                                  in the       in the 
                                     Interest                                    trading      banking 
                             Equity     rates  FX  Credit  Commodities  Total       book         book 
                                 $m        $m  $m      $m           $m     $m         $m           $m 
 Closeout uncertainty           260       361  47     137            5    810        606        204 
 - of which: 
   Mid-market value             198       135  19      57            4    413        312        101 
   Closeout cost                 20        91   9       8            1    129        115         14 
   Concentration                 42       135  19      72            -    268        179         89 
---------------------------  ------  --------      ------  -----------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Early termination                -         -   -       4            -      4          4          - 
 Model risk                      25        85   6       9            -    125        122          3 
 Operational risk                22        28   3       9            -     62         50         12 
 Investing and funding 
  costs                           -        56   -       2            -     58         58          - 
 Unearned credit spreads          -        90   4       8            -    102        102          - 
 Future administrative 
  costs                           -         1   -       7            -      8          8          - 
 Other                            -         -   -       -            -      -          -          - 
           Total adjustment 
             at 31 Dec 2019     307       621  60     176            5  1,169        950        219 
---------------------------  ------  --------      ------  -----------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Closeout uncertainty, 
  of which:                     196       360  29     149            2    736        470        266 
 - of which: 
   Mid-market value             127        98   4      54            -    283        127        156 
   Closeout cost                 21        94  10       9            2    136        123         13 
   Concentration                 48       168  15      86            -    317        220         97 
                             ------  --------      ------  -----------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Early termination                -         -   -       5            -      5          5          - 
 Model risk                      21       116   4       5            -    146        146          - 
 Operational risk                15        29   2      11            -     57         39         18 
 Investing and funding 
  costs                           -        95   1       2            -     98         98          - 
 Unearned credit spreads          1        90   7      19            3    120        120          - 
 Future administrative 
  costs                           -         5   -       4            -      9          9          - 
 Other                            -         -   -       -            -      -          -          - 
           Total adjustment 
             at 31 Dec 2018     233       695  43     195            5  1,171        887        284 
---------------------------  ------  --------      ------  -----------  -----  ---------  --------- 

The net PVA charge was broadly unchanged due to some offsetting movements, notably:

-- a $130m increase in mid-market value notably driven by deferral of day one profits which are no longer eligible to offset any additional valuation adjustment following an EBA statement;

-- offset by a $110m reduction in other additional valuation adjustments, driven by a reduction in underlying exposures and reduced spreads.

The types of financial instruments for which the highest PVA is observed include (i) multi callable interest rate derivatives, (ii) asset backed securities and valuation adjustments related to non-collateralised derivatives.

 Non-financial risk 

Non-financial risk is the risk to achieving our strategy or objectives as a result of inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events. Sound non-financial risk management is central to achieving good outcomes for our customers. Non-financial risk is relevant to every aspect of our business and is managed through the operational risk management framework ('ORMF'). It covers a wide spectrum of issues, such as resilience risk, financial crime and fraud, regulatory compliance, reporting and tax risk, legal risk, model risk, people risk and failure in other principle risk processing. Losses arising from breaches of regulation and law, unauthorised activities, error, omission, inefficiency, fraud, systems failure or external events all fall within the definition of non-financial risk.

 Operational risk capital requirements 

Operational risk is part of non-financial risk. Table


reports our operational risk capital requirements by region and global business.

 Table 65: Operational risk RWAs 
                                        ------------------  -------------------- 
                                            31 Dec 2019          31 Dec 2018 
                                                   Capital               Capital 
                                           RWAs   required     RWAs     required 
                                            $bn        $bn      $bn          $bn 
--------------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ----------- 
 By global business                        92.8        7.4     91.1        7.3 
--------------------------------------           --------- 
 Retail Banking and Wealth Management      30.2        2.4     27.3        2.2 
 Commercial Banking                        25.9        2.1     24.3        1.9 
 Global Banking and Markets                30.8        2.5     31.5        2.5 
 Global Private Banking                     2.8        0.2      2.8        0.2 
 Corporate Centre                           3.1        0.2      5.2        0.5 
--------------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------- 
 By geographical region                    92.8        7.4     91.1        7.3 
                                        -------  ---------  -------  --------- 
 Europe                                    24.5        2.0     27.3        2.2 
 Asia                                      45.2        3.6     39.5        3.2 
 Middle East and North Africa               6.2        0.5      6.8        0.5 
 North America                             11.9        0.9     11.7        0.9 
 Latin America                              5.0        0.4      5.8        0.5 
--------------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------- 
 Organisation and responsibilities 

Responsibility for managing non-financial risk lies with our people. During 2019, we continued to strengthen our approach to managing non-financial risk as set out in the ORMF. The framework sets out our approach to governance and risk appetite. It provides a single view of non-financial risks that matter the most and associated controls. The enhancement and embedding of the risk appetite framework for non-financial risk, and the improvement of the consistency of the adoption of the end-to-end risk and control assessment processes were a particular focus in 2019. While there remains more to do, we made progress in strengthening the control environment and the management of non-financial risk.

Activity to strengthen the three lines of defence model continued to be a key focus in 2019. The first line of defence owns the risk and is accountable for identifying, assessing, managing key existing and emerging risks. The second line of defence sets the policy and control standards to manage risks, and provides advice and guidance to support these policies. It also challenges the first line to ensure it is managing risk effectively. The third line of defence is Internal Audit, which provides independent assurance to the Board and management that our risk management approach and processes are designed and operating effectively.

The Non-Financial Risk Management Board ('NFRMB') is a formal governance committee established to provide strategic direction and oversight of the management of non-financial risk and is a sub-committee of the Group Risk Management Meeting ('GRMM').

Operational risk is organised as a specific risk discipline within Global Risk and is headed by the Group Head of Operational Risk. The Group Head of Operational Risk is responsible for establishing and maintaining the ORMF, as well as monitoring the level of operational losses and the effectiveness of the internal control environment supported by their second line of defence functions. The Group Head of Operational Risk is accountable to the Group Chief Risk Officer in respect of this element of the overall enterprise-wide risk management framework.

 Measurement and monitoring 

We have codified our ORMF in a high-level standard, supplemented by detailed policies. These policies explain our approach to identifying, assessing, monitoring and controlling non-financial risk, and give guidance on mitigating actions to be taken when weaknesses are identified.

Monitoring non-financial risk exposure against risk appetite on a regular basis, and setting out our risk acceptance process, drives risk awareness in a more forward-looking manner. This assists management in determining whether further action is required.

Risk scenario analysis across material legal entities provides a top down, forward-looking assessment of risks to help determine whether they are being effectively managed within our risk appetite or whether further management action is required. In each of our subsidiaries, business managers are responsible for maintaining an appropriate level of internal control, commensurate with the scale and nature of operations. They are responsible for identifying and assessing risks, designing controls and monitoring the effectiveness of these controls. The ORMF helps managers to fulfil these responsibilities by defining a standard risk assessment methodology and providing a tool for the systematic reporting of operational loss data.

Risk and control assessment approach

Non-financial risk and control assessments are performed by individual business units and functions. The risk and control assessment process is designed to provide business areas and functions with a forward-looking view of non-financial risks, an assessment of the effectiveness of controls, and a tracking mechanism for action plans so that they can proactively manage non-financial risks within acceptable levels. Appropriate means of mitigation and controls are considered. These include:

   --    making specific changes to strengthen the internal control environment; and 
   --    investigating whether cost-effective insurance cover is available to mitigate the risk. 


We use a Group-wide risk management system to record the results of our non-financial risk management process. Non-financial risk and control assessments, as described above, are input and maintained by business units. Business management monitors and follows up the progress of documented action plans. Operational risk losses are entered into the Group-wide risk management system and reported to governance on a monthly basis. Loss capture thresholds are in line with industry standards.

 Strategies and processes 

HSBC has an internal liquidity and funding risk management framework ('LFRF'), which aims to allow it to withstand very severe liquidity stresses. It is designed to be adaptable to changing business models, markets and regulations. The management of liquidity and funding is primarily undertaken locally (by country) in our operating entities in compliance with the Group's LFRF, and with practices and limits set by the GMB through the RMM and approved by the Board. Our general policy is that each defined operating entity should be self-sufficient in funding its own activities.

The key aspects of the internal LFRF which is used to ensure that HSBC maintains an appropriate overall liquidity risk profile are:

-- each entity must manage liquidity and funding risk on a stand-alone basis without reliance on other members of the group or central banks, unless pre-approved;

   --    minimum liquidity coverage ratio ('LCR') requirement; and 
   --    minimum net stable funding ratio ('NSFR') requirement or other appropriate metric. 

The internal LFRF and the risk tolerance limits were approved by the Group Risk Committee and the Board on the basis of recommendations made by the RMM.

 Structure and organisation 

Asset, Liability and Capital Management ('ALCM') teams are responsible for the application of the LFRF at a local operating entity level. The elements of the LFRF are underpinned by a robust governance framework, the two major elements of which are:

   --    Group, regional and entity level asset and liability management committees ('ALCOs'); and 

-- an internal liquidity adequacy assessment process ('ILAAP') used to validate risk tolerance and set risk appetite.

All operating entities and Group are required to prepare an internal liquidity adequacy assessment ('ILAA') document at an appropriate frequency. The final objective of the ILAA, approved by the relevant Board of Directors, is to verify that the entity and subsidiaries maintain liquidity resources which are adequate in both amount and quality at all times, ensuring that there is no significant risk that its liabilities cannot be met as they fall due, maintaining a prudent funding profile.

Management of liquidity and funding risk

Liquidity coverage ratio

The LCR aims to ensure that a bank has sufficient unencumbered high-quality liquid assets ('HQLA') to meet its liquidity needs in a 30 calendar day liquidity stress scenario. For the calculation of the LCR, HSBC follows the EU Regulation LCR Delegated Act 2015/61.

Net stable funding ratio

HSBC uses the NSFR or other appropriate metric as a basis for ensuring operating entities raise sufficient stable funding to support their business activities. The NSFR or other appropriate metric requires institutions to maintain a minimum amount of stable funding based on assumptions of asset liquidity.

Currency mismatch in the LCR

The Group's internal liquidity and funding risk management framework requires all operating entities to monitor the LCR for material currencies. Limits are set to ensure that outflows can be met, given assumptions on stressed capacity in the FX swap markets.


ALCM teams apply the LFRF at both an individual entity and Group level. Regional and local ALCM teams are responsible for the implementation of Group-wide and local regulatory policy at a legal entity level. Balance Sheet Management ('BSM') has responsibility for cash and liquidity management.

Liquidity Risk Management carry out independent review, challenge and assurance of the appropriateness of the risk management activities undertaken by ALCM and BSM. Their work includes setting control standards, advice on policy implementation, and review and challenge of reporting.

Internal Audit provide independent assurance that risk is managed effectively.

More details on the concentration of funding and liquidity sources may be found on page 133 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019.

 Table 66: Level and components of HSBC Group consolidated liquidity 
  coverage ratio (LIQ1) 
                                                                   Quarter ended           Quarter ended           Quarter ended           Quarter ended 
                                                                    31 Dec 2019             30 Sep 2019             30 Jun 2019             31 Mar 2019 
                                                                   Total       Total       Total       Total       Total       Total       Total       Total 
                                                              unweighted    weighted  unweighted    weighted  unweighted    weighted  unweighted    weighted 
                                                                   value       value       value       value       value       value       value       value 
                                                                      $m          $m          $m          $m          $m          $m          $m          $m 
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Number of data points 
  used in the calculation 
  of averages                                                                 12                      12                      12                      12 
 High quality liquid 
 Total high quality 
  liquid assets ('HQLA')                                                     542,436                 543,249                 548,045                 540,986 
 Cash outflows 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Retail deposits and 
  small business funding                                         747,510      77,146     741,029      76,814     740,337      76,875     739,011      76,577 
                                                              ----------  ---------- 
 - of which: 
 stable deposits                                                 304,474      15,224     293,281      14,651     286,926      14,293     286,380      14,225 
 less stable deposits                                            441,819      61,548     446,634      61,820     452,473      62,297     451,828      62,116 
------------------------------------------------------------                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Unsecured wholesale 
  funding                                                        643,185     303,439     635,166     298,301     622,518     291,807     612,755     286,357 
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   *    operational deposits (all counterparties) and 
        deposits in networks of cooperative banks                200,638      48,996     200,875      48,992     198,169      48,206     195,587      47,487 
   *    non-operational deposits (all counterparties)            427,855     239,751     420,574     235,592     411,775     231,027     406,102     227,804 
 - unsecured debt                                                 14,692      14,692      13,717      13,717      12,574      12,574      11,066      11,066 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------              ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Secured wholesale 
  funding                                                                     11,532                  12,737                  13,249                  13,181 
                                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Additional requirements                                         310,100      89,589     306,075      88,533     305,290      88,350     308,002      90,119 
                                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   *    outflows related to derivative exposures and other 
        collateral requirements                                   39,394      39,011      38,254      37,849      38,540      37,906      40,395      39,588 
   *    outflows related to loss of funding on debt products           -       -               -       -               -       -               -       - 
   *    credit and liquidity facilities                          270,706      50,578     267,821      50,684     266,750      50,444     267,607      50,531 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------              ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Other contractual 
  funding obligations                                             88,055      37,881      92,249      38,326      96,962      37,942      97,645      36,037 
 Other contingent funding 
  obligations                                                    464,319      12,375     425,446      12,222     390,535      12,471     359,989      12,510 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total cash outflows                                                         531,962                 526,933                 520,694                 514,781 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash inflows 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Secured lending transactions 
  (including reverse 
  repos)                                                         307,567      32,831     310,390      34,147     303,143      36,126     295,235      38,746 
                                                                                      ----------  ---------- 
 Inflows from fully 
  performing exposures                                           102,549      70,653     105,650      73,971     110,404      79,002     112,583      81,523 
 Other cash inflows                                              114,166      48,542     111,556      48,084     101,067      46,246      93,069      45,893 
 (Difference between 
  total weighted inflows 
  and total weighted 
  outflows arising from 
  transactions in third 
  countries where there 
  are transfer restrictions 
  or which are denominated 
  in non-convertible 
  currencies)                                                                  -                       -                       -                       - 
 (Excess inflows from 
  a related specialised 
  credit institution)                                                          -                       -                       -                       - 
                                                                                      ----------  ------      ----------  ------      ----------  ------ 
 Total cash inflows                                              524,282     152,026     527,596     156,202     514,614     161,374     500,887     166,162 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Fully exempt inflows                                                  -       -               -       -               -       -               -       - 
 Inflows Subject to 
  90% Cap                                                              -       -               -       -               -       -               -       - 
 Inflows Subject to 
  75% Cap                                                        493,752     152,026     497,429     156,202     484,373     161,374     467,328     166,162 
                                                                                      ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Liquidity coverage 
  ratio (Adjusted value) 
 Liquidity Buffer                                                            542,436                 543,249                 548,045                 540,986 
 Total net cash outflows                                                     379,936                 370,731                 359,320                 348,619 
                                                              ----------  ----------              ----------              ----------              ---------- 
 Liquidity coverage 
  ratio (%)                                                                142.8%                  146.5%                  152.5%                  155.2% 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------      ----------  ------      ----------  ------      ----------  ------ 

Analysis of on-balance sheet encumbered and unencumbered assets and off-balance sheet collateral

On-balance sheet encumbered and unencumbered assets

The table on the following page summarises the total on-balance sheet assets capable of supporting future funding and collateral needs, and shows the extent to which they are currently pledged for this purpose. This disclosure aims to facilitate an understanding of available and unrestricted assets that could be used to support potential future funding and collateral needs.

Off-balance sheet collateral

The fair value of assets accepted as collateral that we are permitted to sell or repledge in the absence of default was $468bn at 31 December 2019 (2018: $483bn). The fair value of any such collateral actually sold or repledged was $295bn (2018: $329bn). We are obliged to return equivalent securities. These transactions are conducted under terms that are usual and customary to standard reverse repo, stock borrowing and derivative transactions.

The fair value of collateral received and re-pledged in relation to reverse repos, stock borrowing and derivatives is reported on a gross basis. The related balance sheet receivables and payables are reported on a net basis where required under IFRS offset criteria. As a consequence of reverse repo, stock borrowing and derivative transactions where the collateral received could be sold or re-pledged but had not been, we held $173bn (2018: $154bn) of unencumbered collateral available to support potential future funding and collateral needs at 31 December 2019.

Under the terms of our current collateral obligations under derivative contracts (which are ISDA compliant CSA contracts and contracts entered into for pension obligations), and based on an estimate of the positions at 31 December 2019, we calculate that we could be required to post additional collateral of up to $0.2bn (2018: $0.2bn) in the event of a one-notch downgrade in third-party agencies' credit rating of HSBC's debt. This would increase to $0.4bn (2018: $0.4bn) in the event of a two-notch downgrade.

For further details on liquidity and funding risk management, see page 131 onwards of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019.

 Table 67: Analysis of on-balance sheet encumbered and unencumbered 
                                                           Assets encumbered 
                                                             as a result of 
                                                            transactions with 
                                                           other than central                                      Unencumbered assets not 
                                                                  banks                                          positioned at central banks 
                                                                                          positioned                               Reverse 
                                                                                          at central                           repos/stock 
                                                      As a                                     banks       Assets       Other    borrowing      Assets 
                                                    result                                     (i.e.      readily      assets  receivables        that 
                                                        of      As a result           pre-positioned    available     capable          and      cannot 
                                                   covered               of                     plus          for    of being   derivative          be 
                                                     bonds  securitisations    Other     encumbered)  encumbrance  encumbered       assets  encumbered        Total 
                                                        $m               $m       $m              $m           $m          $m           $m          $m           $m 
 Cash and balances 
  at central banks                                       -                -        -             244      151,247          39            -       2,569    154,099 
 Items in the 
  course of collection 
  from other banks                                       -                -        -               -            -           -            -       4,956      4,956 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Hong Kong Government 
  of indebtedness                                        -                -        -               -            -           -            -      38,380     38,380 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Trading assets                                          -                -   58,310           3,440      159,552      10,019       21,349       1,601    254,271 
   *    treasury and other eligible bills                -                -    1,650           2,354       17,215         531            -          39     21,789 
   *    debt securities                                  -                -   32,034           1,086       90,783       2,088            -          52    126,043 
   *    equity securities                                -                -   24,626               -       51,534       2,648            -          19     78,827 
   *    loans and advances to banks                      -                -        -               -           20       1,797        5,538       1,047      8,402 
   *    loans and advances to customers                  -                -        -               -            -       2,955       15,811         444     19,210 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Financial assets 
  designated and 
  otherwise mandatorily 
  measured at 
  fair value through 
  profit or loss                                         -                -    1,145               -        2,507       4,896          642      34,437     43,627 
   *    treasury and other eligible bills                -                -      629               -            -           -            -          32        661 
   *    debt securities                                  -                -        -               -          266         179            -       6,107      6,552 
   *    equity securities                                -                -        1               -        2,182       1,086            -      27,670     30,939 
   *    loans and advances to banks and customers        -                -        -               -           59       3,227          642         628      4,556 
   *    other assets                                     -                -      515               -            -         404            -           -        919 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Derivatives                                             -                -        -               -            -           -      242,995           -    242,995 
 Loans and advances 
  to banks                                               -                -       85           2,920        1,337      44,318            -      20,543     69,203 
 Loans and advances 
  to customers                                       7,471            7,812    3,328          53,343       15,815     909,677           53      39,244  1,036,743 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Reverse repurchase 
  agreements - 
  non-trading                                            -                -        -               -            -           -      240,862           -    240,862 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Financial investments                                   -              405   25,517          19,503      321,651       4,957            -      71,279    443,312 
   *    treasury and other eligible bills                -              405      564           9,000       93,486       1,228            -         836    105,519 
   *    debt securities                                  -                -   24,953          10,503      227,665       3,013            -      69,661    335,795 
   *    equity securities                                -                -        -               -          500         716            -         697      1,913 
 - other instruments                                     -                -        -               -            -           -            -          85         85 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
  accrued income 
  and other assets                                       -               17   49,580             398        4,444      27,736            -      54,505    136,680 
 Current tax 
  assets                                                 -                -        -               -            -           -            -         755        755 
 Interest in 
  associates and 
  joint ventures                                         -                -        -               -           14      24,029            -         431     24,474 
 Goodwill and 
  intangible assets                                      -                -        -               -            -           -            -      20,163     20,163 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Deferred tax                                            -                -        -               -            -           -            -       4,632      4,632 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 At 31 Dec 2019                                      7,471            8,234  137,965          79,848      656,567   1,025,671      505,901     293,495  2,715,152 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Table 67: Analysis of on-balance sheet encumbered and unencumbered 
  assets (continued) 
                                                           Assets encumbered 
                                                               as a result 
                                                             of transactions 
                                                           with counterparties 
                                                           other than central                                   Unencumbered assets not 
                                                                  banks                                       positioned at central banks 
                                                                                       at central                               Reverse 
                                                                                            banks                           repos/stock 
                                                      As a                                  (i.e.       Assets       Other    borrowing      Assets 
                                                    result             As a                  pre-      readily      assets  receivables        that 
                                                        of           result            positioned    available     capable          and      cannot 
                                                   covered               of                  plus          for    of being   derivative          be 
                                                     bonds  securitisations    Other  encumbered)  encumbrance  encumbered       assets  encumbered        Total 
                                                        $m               $m       $m           $m           $m          $m           $m          $m           $m 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Cash and balances 
  at central banks                                       -                -        -          493      155,813          24            -       6,513    162,843 
 Items in the 
  course of collection 
  from other banks                                       -                -        -            -            -           -            -       5,787      5,787 
 Hong Kong Government 
  of indebtedness                                        -                -        -            -            -           -            -      35,859     35,859 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Trading assets                                          -                -   68,877        3,221      137,589       8,493       18,279       1,671    238,130 
   *    treasury and other eligible bills                -                -    2,367        2,357       17,707         209            -          34     22,674 
 - debt securities                                       -                -   44,000          864       83,640       1,803            -         232    130,539 
 - equity securities                                     -                -   22,510            -       36,242       2,070            -          74     60,896 
 - loans and 
  advances to 
  banks                                                  -                -        -            -            -       2,768        6,753         904     10,425 
   *    loans and advances to customers                  -                -        -            -            -       1,643       11,526         427     13,596 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Financial assets 
  designated and 
  otherwise mandatorily 
  measured at 
  fair value through 
  profit or loss                                         -                -    1,177            -        2,135       7,601          605      29,593     41,111 
   *    treasury and other eligible bills                -                -      627            -            -           -            -          43        670 
 - debt securities                                       -                -        -            -          297           4            -       6,246      6,547 
 - equity securities                                     -                -        -            -        1,676       1,035            -      22,638     25,349 
   *    loans and advances to banks and customers        -                -        -            -          162       6,331          605         619      7,717 
 - other assets                                          -                -      550            -            -         231            -          47        828 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Derivatives                                             -                -        -            -            -           -      207,825           -    207,825 
 Loans and advances 
  to banks                                               -                -      170        2,367        1,947      45,992            -      21,691     72,167 
 Loans and advances 
  to customers                                       6,621            7,653    4,036       58,737       15,867     847,301           28      41,453    981,696 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Reverse repurchase 
  agreements - 
  non-trading                                            -                -        -            -            -           -      242,804           -    242,804 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Financial investments                                   -              670   28,723       21,310      285,374       5,157            -      66,199    407,433 
   *    treasury and other eligible bills                -              276    1,079        5,377       88,556       1,235            -         798     97,321 
 - debt securities                                       -              394   27,644       15,933      196,436       3,466            -      64,485    308,358 
 - equity securities                                     -                -        -            -          382         456            -         819      1,657 
 - other investments                                     -                -        -            -            -           -            -          97         97 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
  accrued income 
  and other assets                                       -                3   35,407           88        3,609      33,060            -      38,404    110,571 
 Current tax 
  assets                                                 -                -        -            -            -           -            -         684        684 
 Interest in 
  associates and 
  joint ventures                                         -                -        -            -           15      21,994            -         398     22,407 
 Goodwill and 
  intangible assets                                      -                -        -            -            -           -            -      24,357     24,357 
                                                   -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Deferred tax                                            -                -        -            -            -           -            -       4,450      4,450 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
                                   At 31 Dec 2018    6,621            8,326  138,390       86,216      602,349     969,622      469,541     277,059  2,558,124 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Other risks 
 Non-trading book exposures in equities 

At 31 December


, we had equity investments in the non-trading book of $


bn (


: $5.0bn). These consist of investments held for the purposes shown in Table



We make investments in private equity primarily through managed funds that are subject to limits on the amount of investment. We risk-assess these commitments to ensure that industry and geographical concentrations remain within acceptable levels for the portfolio as a whole, and perform regular reviews to substantiate the valuation of the investments within the portfolio.

Exchange traded investments amounted to $0.5bn (2018: $0.7bn), with the remainder being unlisted. These investments are held at fair value in line with market prices.

On a regulatory consolidation basis, the net realised gain from disposal of equity securities amounted to $0.1bn (2018: $0.1bn). Unrealised gains on FVOCI equities of $0.6bn at 31 December 2019 were fully recognised in CET1.

Details of our accounting policy for equity investments measured at FVOCI and the valuation of financial instruments may be found on page 244 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019. A detailed description of the valuation techniques applied to private equity may be found on page 269 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019.

 Table 68: Non-trading book equity 
                               Fair value     measured 
                                  through      at fair 
                                    other        value 
                            comprehensive      through 
                                   income       profit 
                                  (FVOCI)     and loss    Total 
                                      $bn          $bn      $bn 
 Private equity 
  holdings                              -          2.4    2.4 
 Investment to 
  facilitate ongoing 
  business (1)                        2.0          1.3    3.3 
 Other strategic 
  investments                           -          0.2    0.2 
-------------------------  --------------  -----------  ----- 
 At 31 Dec 2019                       2.0          3.9    5.9 
-------------------------  --------------  -----------  ----- 
 Private equity 
  holdings                              -          1.9    1.9 
 Investment to 
  facilitate ongoing 
  business                            1.7          1.1    2.8 
-------------------------  --------------  -----------  ----- 
 Other strategic 
  investments                           -          0.3    0.3 
-------------------------  --------------  -----------  ----- 
 At 31 Dec 2018                       1.7          3.3    5.0 
-------------------------  --------------  -----------  ----- 
   1   Includes holdings in government-sponsored enterprises and local stock exchanges. 
 Risk management of insurance operations 

We operate an integrated bancassurance model that provides insurance products principally for customers with whom we have a banking relationship.

The insurance contracts we sell relate to the underlying needs of our banking customers, which we can identify from our point-of-sale contacts and customer knowledge. The majority of sales are of savings and investment products and term and credit life contracts.

By focusing largely on personal and small- and medium-sized enterprises ('SMEs') lines of business, we are able to optimise volumes and diversify individual insurance risks.

We choose to manufacture these insurance products in HSBC subsidiaries based on an assessment of operational scale and risk appetite. Manufacturing insurance allows us to retain the risks and rewards associated with writing insurance contracts by keeping part of the underwriting profit and investment income within the Group.

We have life insurance manufacturing subsidiaries in Argentina, mainland China, France, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Singapore and the UK. We also have a life insurance manufacturing associate in India.

Where we do not have the risk appetite or operational scale to be an effective insurance manufacturer, we engage with a handful of leading external insurance companies in order to provide insurance products to our customers through our banking network and direct channels. These arrangements are generally structured with our exclusive strategic partners and earn the Group a combination of commissions, fees and a share of profits. We distribute insurance products in all of our geographical regions.

Insurance products are sold through all global businesses, but predominantly by RBWM and CMB through our branches and direct channels worldwide.

The risk profile of our insurance manufacturing businesses is measured using an economic capital approach. Assets and liabilities are measured on a market value basis, and a capital requirement is defined to ensure that there is a less than one-in-200 chance of insolvency over a one-year time horizon, given the risks to which the businesses are exposed. The methodology for the economic capital calculation is largely aligned to the pan-European Solvency II insurance capital regulations.

Subsidiaries engaged in insurance activities are excluded from the regulatory consolidation by excluding assets, liabilities and post-acquisition reserves, leaving the investment of these insurance subsidiaries to be recorded at cost and deducted from CET1 subject to thresholds (amounts below the thresholds are risk-weighted).

Further details of the management of financial risks and insurance risk arising from the insurance operations are provided on page 146 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019.

 Climate change risk 

Climate change can create physical risks such as severe weather events of increasing severity and/or frequency. Transition risk, in the context of climate change, is the possibility that a customer's ability to meet its financial obligations will deteriorate due to the global movement from a high-carbon economy to a low-carbon economy.

We are a signatory to the disclosure recommendations by the Financial Stability Board's Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Refer to page 22 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019 for our disclosure under the framework.

 Appendix I 
 Additional tables 

Credit risk

Table 69 sets out IRB exposures by obligor grade for central governments and central banks, institutions and corporates, all of which are assessed using our 23-grade CRR master scale. We benchmark the master scale against the ratings of external rating agencies. Each CRR band is associated with an external rating grade by reference to long-run default rates for that grade, represented by the average of issuer-weighted historical default rates. The correspondence between the agency long-run default rates and the PD ranges of our master scale is obtained by matching a smoothed curve based on those default rates with our master scale reference PDs. This association between internal and external ratings is indicative and may vary over time. In these tables, the ratings of S&P are cited for illustration purposes, although we also benchmark against other agencies' ratings in an equivalent manner.

 Table 69: Wholesale IRB exposure - by obligor grade 
                                    Central governments 
                                      and central banks                Institutions                   Corporates(2) 
                                 Average                        Average                        Average 
                                     net  Undrawn     Mapped        net  Undrawn     Mapped        net  Undrawn      Mapped 
 Default                   PD   carrying  commit-   external   carrying  commit-   external   carrying  commit-    external 
  risk           CRR    range  values(1)    ments     rating  values(1)    ments     rating  values(1)    ments      rating 
                            %        $bn      $bn                   $bn      $bn                   $bn      $bn 
                           to                         AAA to 
 Minimal         0.1    0.010      214.4      0.9         AA        2.5        -        AAA        0.4        -         - 
                           to                         AA- to                         AA+ to                             AAA 
                 1.1    0.028       70.1      1.2         A+       34.5      2.2         AA       32.1     20.2       to AA 
                           to                           A to 
                 1.2    0.053       25.0      0.3         A-       13.6      1.5        AA-       67.4     44.6         AA- 
                           to                                                         A+ to                           A+ to 
 Low             2.1    0.095        9.7      0.3       BBB+       11.0      2.7          A       91.5     60.8           A 
                 2.2    0.169        9.6        -        BBB       11.9      3.6         A-      109.2     62.7          A- 
 Satisfactory    3.1    0.285        2.4      0.3       BBB-        4.0      1.2       BBB+      123.9     71.4        BBB+ 
                 3.2    0.483        2.1        -       BBB-        2.4      0.3        BBB      120.8     57.4         BBB 
                 3.3    0.740        3.0      0.3     BB+/BB        1.3      0.1       BBB-      108.3     46.9        BBB- 
 Fair            4.1    1.022        1.4        -        BB-        0.9      0.3        BB+       77.0     35.3         BB+ 
                 4.2    1.407        0.5      0.1         B+        0.5      0.1         BB       60.6     24.7          BB 
                 4.3    1.927        3.1        -         B+        0.2      0.1        BB-       47.5     21.0         BB- 
 Moderate        5.1    2.620        1.5        -         B+        0.1        -        BB-       84.7     31.4         BB- 
                 5.2    3.579          -        -          B          -        -         B+       25.9     12.6          B+ 
                 5.3    4.914        0.2        -          B          -        -          B       19.8      9.7           B 
 Significant     6.1    6.718          -      0.1         B-          -        -         B-       10.7      4.5          B- 
                 6.2    8.860        0.4      0.1         B-          -        -         B-        6.1      1.8          B- 
 High            7.1   11.402          -        -         B-          -        -       CCC+        4.1      1.7        CCC+ 
                 7.2   15.000          -        -       CCC+        0.1      0.1       CCC+        1.9      0.5        CCC+ 
 Special                   to 
  Management     8.1   22.000        0.1        -       CCC+          -        -        CCC        2.6      1.4         CCC 
                           to                                                          CCC-                            CCC- 
                 8.2   50.000        0.1        -        CCC          -        -      to CC        0.7      0.5       to CC 
                           to                           CCC- 
                 8.3   99.999        0.3        -       to C          -        -          C        0.2      0.1           C 
 Default        9/10  100.000          -        -    Default          -        -    Default        4.0      0.9     Default 
--------------  ----  -------                      ---------                      ---------                      ---------- 
 At 31 Dec 2019                    343.9      3.6                  83.0     12.2                 999.4    510.1 
                               ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
 Minimal         0.1    0.010      182.6      1.0        AAA        2.4        -        AAA          -        - 
                           to                         AA+ to                         AA+ to                          AAA to 
                 1.1    0.028       77.4      0.9         AA       32.1      2.1         AA       28.7     12.6          AA 
                           to                         AA- to 
                 1.2    0.053       22.5      0.4         A+       17.6      1.4        AA-       64.6     39.1         AA- 
                           to                                                         A+ to                           A+ to 
 Low             2.1    0.095        8.1      0.3          A       13.1      2.8          A       89.9     50.3           A 
                 2.2    0.169       10.6        -         A-       11.9      3.3         A-      106.9     73.1          A- 
 Satisfactory    3.1    0.285        2.6        -       BBB+        3.1      0.7       BBB+      125.2     68.9        BBB+ 
                 3.2    0.483        1.9        -        BBB        3.7      0.3        BBB      113.8     59.8         BBB 
                 3.3    0.740        2.8      0.2       BBB-        2.4      0.2       BBB-      104.4     47.5        BBB- 
 Fair            4.1    1.022        1.8      0.1        BB+        0.9      0.2        BB+       75.9     33.7         BB+ 
                 4.2    1.407        0.3      0.1         BB        0.4      0.2         BB       54.2     28.8          BB 
                 4.3    1.927        1.5      0.1        BB-        0.3      0.1        BB-       49.4     19.8         BB- 
 Moderate        5.1    2.620        2.6        -        BB-        0.1        -        BB-       82.2     30.8         BB- 
                 5.2    3.579          -        -         B+        0.2        -         B+       24.0     10.1          B+ 
                 5.3    4.914        0.2        -          B          -        -          B       19.6      8.5           B 
 Significant     6.1    6.718        0.1        -          B          -        -         B-       11.7      4.8          B- 
                 6.2    8.860        0.3      0.1         B-          -        -         B-        6.0      1.9          B- 
 High            7.1   11.402        0.1        -       CCC+          -        -       CCC+        3.1      1.0        CCC+ 
                 7.2   15.000          -        -       CCC+        0.1      0.1       CCC+        2.0      0.6        CCC+ 
 Special                   to 
  Management     8.1   22.000          -        -       CCC+          -        -        CCC        2.5      1.5         CCC 
                           to                                                          CCC-                            CCC- 
                 8.2   50.000          -        -       CCC+          -        -      to CC        1.0      0.4       to CC 
                           to                         CCC to 
                 8.3   99.999          -        -          C          -        -          C        0.4      0.2           C 
 Default        9/10  100.000          -        -    Default          -        -    Default        4.3      1.2     Default 
--------------  ----  ------- 
 At 31 Dec 2018                    315.4      3.2                  88.3     11.4                 969.8    494.6 
-----------------------------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 

1 Average net carrying value are calculated by aggregating the net carrying values of the last five quarters and dividing by five.

   2   Corporates excludes specialised lending exposures subject to supervisory slotting approach. 

PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country/territory

The following tables 70. a-c analyse the exposure-weighted average PD, exposure-weighted average LGD, RWAs and exposure

by location of the lending subsidiary or branch. The tables exclude specialised lending exposures subject to the supervisory slotting approach, securitisation exposures and non-credit obligations.

 Table 70.a: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country/territory - wholesale 
  IRB advanced approach 
                                               Wholesale IRB advanced approach 
                                                                       Central governments and 
                                  All asset classes                          central banks 
                       --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                                   At 31 Dec 2019                           At 31 Dec 2019 
                       Exposure-  Exposure-                     Exposure-  Exposure- 
                        weighted   weighted                      weighted   weighted 
                         average    average  Exposure             average    average  Exposure 
                              PD        LGD     value    RWAs          PD        LGD     value    RWAs 
                               %          %       $bn     $bn           %          %       $bn     $bn 
---------------------                        --------          ----------  ---------  --------  ------ 
 Europe                     1.88       35.3     236.7    96.1        0.04       44.9      47.3   4.1 
                       ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 UK                         1.87       35.8     186.9    76.5        0.03       44.7      39.6   2.9 
 France                     2.31       30.2      39.3    17.5        0.03       45.0       0.7   0.1 
 Asia                       0.65       42.9     573.8   176.4        0.03       43.7     208.6  15.9 
                       ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Hong Kong                  0.64       39.0     317.0    87.6        0.01       42.7     102.5   5.5 
 Australia                  0.53       42.9      27.6     8.2        0.01       45.0       9.5   0.5 
 Mainland China             0.61       48.6      74.8    28.2        0.02       45.0      27.5   2.0 
 Singapore                  0.41       41.7      45.5    10.5        0.01       44.1      18.6   1.0 
 Middle East and 
  Africa                    0.43       43.9      24.0     7.6        0.40       45.0      18.2   6.0 
                       ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 North America              0.95       34.0     182.8    66.3        0.01       29.8      59.9   4.9 
                       ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 US                         0.88       32.9     121.3    43.7        0.01       29.8      41.7   3.1 
 Canada                     1.15       33.6      57.3    22.1        0.02       29.6      15.1   1.6 
 Latin America             11.10       44.8      10.2     5.8       11.84       45.0       9.5   5.4 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ----------  ---------  --------  ---- 
                                                Wholesale IRB advanced approach 
                                     Institutions                             Corporates 
                         ------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                                    At 31 Dec 2019                          At 31 Dec 2019 
                         Exposure-  Exposure-                  Exposure-  Exposure- 
                          weighted   weighted                   weighted   weighted 
                           average    average  Exposure          average    average  Exposure 
                                PD        LGD     value  RWAs         PD        LGD     value     RWAs 
                                 %          %       $bn   $bn          %          %       $bn      $bn 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ------- 
 Europe                       0.16       32.5      17.2   3.4       2.56       33.0     172.2   88.6 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 UK                           0.16       27.7      12.8   2.3       2.57       33.9     134.5   71.3 
                                                               ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 France                       0.16       45.1       1.8   0.5       2.46       29.2      36.8   16.9 
                                                               ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Asia                         0.07       44.7      40.6   5.8       1.13       42.2     324.6  154.7 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Hong Kong                    0.05       38.5      27.2   3.3       1.06       37.0     187.3   78.8 
                                                               ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Australia                    0.06       42.5       2.2   0.4       0.91       41.7      15.9    7.3 
                                                               ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Mainland China               0.10       46.1       4.3   0.8       1.03       51.1      43.0   25.4 
                                                               ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Singapore                    0.06       39.9       3.9   0.4       0.79       40.0      23.0    9.1 
                                                         ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Middle East and North 
  Africa                      0.15       45.0       2.1   0.5       0.74       32.7       3.7    1.1 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 North America                0.06       41.4       5.8   0.8       1.47       36.4     117.1   60.6 
                         ---------  ---------            ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 US                           0.13       44.4       1.5   0.4       1.37       34.3      78.1   40.2 
                                                               ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Canada                       0.03       21.4       3.4   0.2       1.69       36.2      38.8   20.3 
                                                               ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Latin America                0.42       45.1       0.5   0.3       1.36       31.6       0.2    0.1 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----- 
 Table 70.b: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country/territory - wholesale 
  IRB foundation approach 
                                             Wholesale IRB foundation approach 
                                                                      Central governments and 
                                All asset classes                           central banks 
                     --------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
                                 At 31 Dec 2019                            At 31 Dec 2019 
                     Exposure-  Exposure-                       Exposure-  Exposure- 
                      weighted   weighted                        weighted   weighted 
                       average    average  Exposure               average    average  Exposure 
                            PD        LGD     value    RWAs            PD        LGD     value    RWAs 
                             %          %       $bn     $bn             %          %       $bn     $bn 
-------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ------------  ---------  --------  ------ 
 Europe                   2.04       43.7      38.1    22.7          0.02       45.0         -     - 
                     ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ------------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 UK                       2.39       40.7      16.1     9.7             -          -         -     - 
 France                   1.21       40.0       1.7     1.1             -          -         -     - 
 Asia                        -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
                     ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ------------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Hong Kong                   -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
 Australia                   -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
 Mainland China              -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
 Singapore                   -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
 Middle East and 
  Africa                  3.70       43.2      16.9     9.6          0.03       45.0       0.1     - 
                     ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ------------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 North America               -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
                     ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ------------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 US                          -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
 Canada                      -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
 Latin America               -          -         -       -             -          -         -     - 
-------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ------------  ---------  --------  ---- 
                                               Wholesale IRB foundation approach 
                                     Institutions                            Corporates 
                         ------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                    At 31 Dec 2019                         At 31 Dec 2019 
                         Exposure-  Exposure-                  Exposure-  Exposure- 
                          weighted   weighted                   weighted   weighted 
                           average    average  Exposure          average    average  Exposure 
                                PD        LGD     value  RWAs         PD        LGD     value    RWAs 
                                 %          %       $bn   $bn          %          %       $bn     $bn 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ------ 
 Europe                       0.14       45.0       0.1     -       2.05       43.7      38.0  22.7 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 UK                           0.13       45.0         -     -       2.39       40.7      16.1   9.7 
 France                          -          -         -     -       1.21       40.0       1.7   1.1 
 Asia                            -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Hong Kong                       -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
 Australia                       -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
 Mainland China                  -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
 Singapore                       -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
 Middle East and North 
  Africa                      0.07       45.0       0.6   0.2       3.86       43.1      16.2   9.4 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 North America                   -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 US                              -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
 Canada                          -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
 Latin America                   -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Table 70.c: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country/territory 
  - retail IRB approach 
                                                                                           ---------  ---------  --------  ------ 
                                                              Retail IRB approach 
                                                                                                       Retail secured 
                                                                                                       by mortgages on 
                                                         Retail secured by mortgages                  immovable property 
                       All asset classes                 on immovable property non-SME                       SME 
             -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                         At 31 Dec 2019                         At 31 Dec 2019                         At 31 Dec 2019 
             Exposure-  Exposure-                   Exposure-  Exposure-                   Exposure-  Exposure- 
              weighted   weighted                    weighted   weighted                    weighted   weighted 
               average    average  Exposure           average    average  Exposure           average    average  Exposure 
                    PD        LGD     value   RWAs         PD        LGD     value   RWAs         PD        LGD     value    RWAs 
                     %          %       $bn    $bn          %          %       $bn    $bn          %          %       $bn     $bn 
-----------  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  ------ 
 Europe           1.56       28.1     234.7   30.4       1.05       15.3     152.9    7.9       6.38       34.5       2.6   1.5 
             ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 UK               1.35       31.2     200.3   26.9       0.95       15.4     149.6    7.3       4.25       36.8       2.0   1.1 
 France           3.42       13.1      26.5    3.3       6.01       13.9       3.3    0.6      13.91       26.4       0.6   0.4 
 Asia             0.88       28.9     192.3   36.1       0.83       10.7     123.0   24.1       0.77       11.4       0.5     - 
             ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Hong Kong        0.76       33.7     150.4   31.7       0.59       10.0      85.8   19.9       0.77       11.4       0.5     - 
 Australia        0.89       10.0      18.8    1.1       0.89       10.0      18.8    1.1          -          -         -     - 
  China              -          -         -      -          -          -         -      -          -          -         -     - 
 Singapore        0.80       14.1      11.8    1.3       0.94       19.6       7.2    1.0          -          -         -     - 
 East and 
 Africa              -          -         -      -          -          -         -      -          -          -         -     - 
             ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
  America         2.75       39.7      46.6   11.3       2.74       32.6      39.8    8.4       0.88       18.4       0.3     - 
             ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 US               4.85       60.8      22.9    8.7       5.36       51.0      17.7    6.3          -          -         -     - 
 Canada           0.72       19.3      23.8    2.6       0.64       17.8      22.1    2.1       0.88       18.4       0.3     - 
  America            -          -         -      -          -          -         -      -          -          -         -     - 
-----------  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
                                                             Retail IRB approach 
                          Retail QRRE                            Other SME                            Other non-SME 
             ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                        At 31 Dec 2019                        At 31 Dec 2019                         At 31 Dec 2019 
             Exposure-  Exposure-                  Exposure-  Exposure-                  Exposure-  Exposure- 
              weighted   weighted                   weighted   weighted                   weighted   weighted 
               average    average  Exposure          average    average  Exposure          average    average  Exposure 
                    PD        LGD     value  RWAs         PD        LGD     value  RWAs         PD        LGD     value    RWAs 
                     %          %       $bn   $bn          %          %       $bn   $bn          %          %       $bn     $bn 
-----------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ------ 
 Europe           1.69       79.3      34.9   7.6       9.93       66.8       5.8   4.5       1.86       26.7      38.6   8.9 
             ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 UK               1.69       79.3      34.9   7.6       8.05       81.4       4.1   3.9       2.99       79.5       9.7   7.0 
 France          32.83       77.5         -     -      14.53       31.3       1.7   0.6       1.83       11.2      20.9   1.7 
 Asia             1.02       96.7      40.7   9.1       0.28       26.9       0.1     -       0.86       10.6      27.9   2.9 
             ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Hong Kong        1.02       96.7      40.7   9.1       0.28       26.9       0.1     -       0.91       11.6      23.3   2.7 
 Australia           -          -         -     -          -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
  China              -          -         -     -          -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
 Singapore           -          -         -     -          -          -         -     -       0.59        5.6       4.6   0.3 
 East and 
 Africa              -          -         -     -          -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
             ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
  America         2.64       91.7       4.7   2.1       3.31       51.2       0.3   0.2       3.39       67.0       1.6   0.6 
             ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 US               2.65       93.6       4.4   1.9          -          -         -     -       5.45       96.7       0.8   0.5 
                                                   ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Canada           2.38       63.8       0.3   0.1       3.31       51.2       0.3   0.2       1.15       34.6       0.8   0.2 
  America            -          -         -     -          -          -         -     -          -          -         -     - 
-----------  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ----  ---------  ---------  --------  ---- 
 Table 71: Retail IRB exposure - by internal PD band 
                                                    At 31 Dec 2019                At 31 Dec 2018 
                                                   Average                      Average 
                                              net carrying       Undrawn   net carrying         Undrawn 
                                   PD range      values(1)   commitments      values(1)     commitments 
                                          %            $bn           $bn            $bn             $bn 
 Retail SME exposure secured 
  by mortgages on immovable 
  property                                             3.6           0.3            3.2           0.3 
-------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                   0.000 to 
 Band 1                               0.483            1.1           0.1            1.0           0.1 
                                   0.484 to 
 Band 2                               1.022            0.7           0.1            0.6           0.1 
                                   1.023 to 
 Band 3                               4.914            1.3           0.1            1.2           0.1 
                                   4.915 to 
 Band 4                               8.860            0.3             -            0.2             - 
                                   8.861 to 
 Band 5                              15.000            0.1             -            0.1             - 
                                  15.001 to 
 Band 6                              50.000              -             -              -             - 
                                  50.001 to 
 Band 7                             100.000            0.1             -            0.1             - 
-------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Retail non-SME exposure 
  secured by mortgages on 
  immovable property                                 298.9          17.4          280.9          17.3 
                                             -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                   0.000 to 
 Band 1                               0.483          252.0          15.8          234.9          15.5 
                                   0.484 to 
 Band 2                               1.022           22.2           0.8           21.4           1.0 
                                   1.023 to 
 Band 3                               4.914           18.7           0.7           17.7           0.7 
                                   4.915 to 
 Band 4                               8.860            1.9             -            2.4             - 
                                   8.861 to 
 Band 5                              15.000            0.6           0.1            0.5             - 
                                  15.001 to 
 Band 6                              50.000            1.3             -            1.6           0.1 
                                  50.001 to 
 Band 7                             100.000            2.2             -            2.4             - 
-------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Qualifying revolving retail 
  exposure                                           135.1         117.8          129.1         111.6 
                                             -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                   0.000 to 
 Band 1                               0.483          107.1         101.9          102.7          95.0 
                                   0.484 to 
 Band 2                               1.022           12.0           8.1           11.5           8.1 
                                   1.023 to 
 Band 3                               4.914           13.0           6.7           12.3           7.5 
                                   4.915 to 
 Band 4                               8.860            1.5           0.6            1.4           0.6 
                                   8.861 to 
 Band 5                              15.000            0.6           0.2            0.5           0.2 
                                  15.001 to 
 Band 6                              50.000            0.6           0.2            0.5           0.2 
                                  50.001 to 
 Band 7                             100.000            0.3           0.1            0.2             - 
-------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Other retail SME exposure                             7.8           4.3            8.7           3.8 
                                             -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                   0.000 to 
 Band 1                               0.483            1.3           1.1            1.2           0.9 
                                   0.484 to 
 Band 2                               1.022            1.2           0.9            1.4           0.9 
                                   1.023 to 
 Band 3                               4.914            3.8           1.7            4.3           1.6 
                                   4.915 to 
 Band 4                               8.860            0.8           0.3            1.0           0.2 
                                   8.861 to 
 Band 5                              15.000            0.3           0.1            0.3           0.1 
                                  15.001 to 
 Band 6                              50.000            0.3           0.1            0.3           0.1 
                                  50.001 to 
 Band 7                             100.000            0.1           0.1            0.2             - 
-------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Other retail non-SME exposure                        62.6          27.4           54.8          15.9 
                                             -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                   0.000 to 
 Band 1                               0.483           39.4          22.7           34.1          12.4 
                                   0.484 to 
 Band 2                               1.022           10.7           2.2            9.1           1.6 
                                   1.023 to 
 Band 3                               4.914           10.4           2.4            9.6           1.7 
                                   4.915 to 
 Band 4                               8.860            1.2           0.1            1.1           0.1 
                                   8.861 to 
 Band 5                              15.000            0.4             -            0.4             - 
                                  15.001 to 
 Band 6                              50.000            0.2             -            0.2             - 
                                  50.001 to 
 Band 7                             100.000            0.3             -            0.3           0.1 
-------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total retail exposure                               508.0         167.3          476.7         149.0 
                                             -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                   0.000 to 
 Band 1                               0.483          400.9         141.7          373.9         124.0 
                                   0.484 to 
 Band 2                               1.022           46.8          12.1           44.0          11.7 
                                   1.023 to 
 Band 3                               4.914           47.2          11.6           45.1          11.6 
                                   4.915 to 
 Band 4                               8.860            5.7           1.0            6.1           0.9 
                                   8.861 to 
 Band 5                              15.000            2.0           0.4            1.8           0.3 
                                  15.001 to 
 Band 6                              50.000            2.4           0.3            2.6           0.4 
                                  50.001 to 
 Band 7                             100.000            3.0           0.2            3.2           0.1 
-------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 

1 Average net carrying values are calculated by aggregating the net carrying values of the last five quarters and dividing by five.

 Table 72: IRB expected loss and CRAs - by exposure class 
                                                      Expected                 for the 
                                                          loss    Balances        year 
                                                           $bn         $bn         $bn 
---  ---------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 1    Total IRB approach 
---  ---------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 2    Central governments and central banks              0.6         0.1           - 
                                                    --------    --------    -------- 
 3    Institutions                                         -           -           - 
                                                    --------    --------    -------- 
 4    Corporates                                         5.5         4.3         1.0 
     ---------------------------------------------  --------    --------    -------- 
 5    Retail                                             2.6         2.0         1.1 
                                                    --------    --------    -------- 
      - secured by mortgages on immovable property 
       SME                                               0.1         0.1           - 
      - secured by mortgages on immovable property 
       non-SME                                           0.8         0.2           - 
      - qualifying revolving retail                      0.9         1.0         0.6 
      - other SME                                        0.4         0.3         0.2 
      - other non-SME                                    0.4         0.4         0.3 
                                                    --------    --------    -------- 
 6    Total at 31 Dec 2019                               8.7         6.4         2.1 
---  ---------------------------------------------  --------    --------    -------- 
 1    Total IRB approach 
---  ---------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 2    Central governments and central banks              0.1         0.1           - 
 3    Institutions                                         -           -           - 
 4    Corporates                                         5.0         4.1         0.5 
 5    Retail                                             2.4         1.8         0.9 
      - secured by mortgages on immovable property 
       SME                                               0.1         0.1         0.1 
      - secured by mortgages on immovable property 
       non-SME                                           0.8         0.3           - 
      - qualifying revolving retail                      0.7         0.7         0.4 
      - other SME                                        0.4         0.3         0.2 
      - other non-SME                                    0.4         0.4         0.2 
 6    Total at 31 Dec 2018                               7.5         6.0         1.4 
---  ---------------------------------------------  --------    --------    -------- 
 1    Total IRB approach 
---  ---------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 2    Central governments and central banks              0.1           -           - 
 3    Institutions                                         -           -           - 
 4    Corporates                                         5.3         4.2         0.7 
 5    Retail                                             2.5         1.0         0.3 
      - secured by mortgages on immovable property 
       non-SME                                           0.8         0.3           - 
      - qualifying revolving retail                      0.8         0.2         0.2 
      - other SME                                        0.5         0.3           - 
      - other non-SME                                    0.4         0.2         0.1 
 6    Total at 31 Dec 2017                               7.9         5.2         1.0 
---  ---------------------------------------------  --------    --------    -------- 
 Table 73: Credit risk RWAs - by geographical region 
                                                                        North     Latin 
                                                Europe   Asia  MENA   America   America    Total 
                                                   $bn    $bn   $bn       $bn       $bn      $bn 
 IRB advanced approach                           138.1  218.3   7.6      82.8       5.8  452.6 
 - central governments and central banks           4.1   15.9   6.0       4.9       5.4   36.3 
 - institutions                                    3.4    5.8   0.5       0.8       0.3   10.8 
 - corporates                                    100.2  160.5   1.1      65.8       0.1  327.7 
 - total retail                                   30.4   36.1     -      11.3         -   77.8 
----------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ----  --------  --------  ----- 
 IRB securitisation positions                      3.5    0.2     -         -         -    3.7 
 IRB non-credit obligation assets                  4.6    4.9   0.9       2.0       0.9   13.3 
 IRB foundation approach                          22.7      -   9.6         -         -   32.3 
----------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ----  --------  --------  ----- 
 - institutions                                      -      -   0.2         -         -    0.2 
 - corporates                                     22.7      -   9.4         -         -   32.1 
                                                ------  -----  ----  --------  --------  ----- 
 Standardised approach                            39.4   68.5  29.9      13.7      23.2  174.7 
 - central governments and central banks           3.5    1.9   0.5       4.3       1.0   11.2 
 - regional governments or local authorities         -      -   0.9         -       0.7    1.6 
 - public sector entities                            -      -     -         -         -      - 
 - institutions                                    0.1    0.1   0.6         -       0.1    0.9 
 - corporates                                     15.1   17.0  20.1       5.0      15.3   72.5 
 - retail                                          1.1    5.4   3.7       0.9       3.3   14.4 
 - secured by mortgages on immovable property      3.3    5.5   1.4       0.6       1.2   12.0 
 - exposures in default                            0.8    0.5   1.9       0.3       0.6    4.1 
 - items associated with particularly high 
  risk                                             7.2      -   0.1       0.5       0.1    7.9 
 - securitisation positions                        2.3    1.3     -       0.8       0.2    4.6 
 - claims in the form of CIU                       0.4      -     -         -         -    0.4 
 - equity                                          2.9   32.0   0.2       1.0       0.2   36.3 
 - other items                                     2.7    4.8   0.5       0.3       0.5    8.8 
                                                ------  -----  ----  --------  --------  ----- 
 Total at 31 Dec 2019                            208.3  291.9  48.0      98.5      29.9  676.6 
----------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ----  --------  --------  ----- 
 IRB advanced approach                          150.3  216.2   7.3   86.5   7.9  468.2 
 - central governments and central banks          4.2   15.1   5.0    5.4   7.2   36.9 
 - institutions                                   4.5    7.6   0.5    1.1   0.5   14.2 
 - corporates                                   113.2  162.0   1.8   67.9   0.2  345.1 
 - total retail                                  28.4   31.5     -   12.1     -   72.0 
----------------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----  -----  ----  ----- 
 IRB securitisation positions                     5.6    0.2     -    0.5     -    6.3 
                                                -----  -----  ----  -----  ----  ----- 
 IRB non-credit obligation assets                 3.5    4.7   0.6    1.3   0.7   10.8 
 IRB foundation approach                         21.0      -   9.5      -     -   30.5 
----------------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----  -----  ----  ----- 
 - institutions                                     -      -   0.2      -     -    0.2 
 - corporates                                    21.0      -   9.3      -     -   30.3 
                                                -----  -----  ----  -----  ----  ----- 
 Standardised approach                           39.0   70.8  29.6   14.8  21.1  175.3 
 - central governments and central banks          3.6    1.7   0.6    5.4   1.2   12.5 
 - regional governments or local authorities        -      -   0.8      -   0.5    1.3 
 - public sector entities                           -      -     -      -     -      - 
 - institutions                                   0.2    0.2   0.8      -     -    1.2 
 - corporates                                    18.4   20.3  20.4    5.9  14.2   79.2 
 - retail                                         0.9    6.3   3.7    0.9   3.0   14.8 
 - secured by mortgages on immovable property     2.4    6.3   1.2    0.5   0.9   11.3 
 - exposures in default                           1.0    0.5   1.4    0.3   0.6    3.8 
 - items associated with particularly high 
  risk                                            6.3      -   0.1    0.4   0.1    6.9 
 - securitisation positions                       0.6    1.4     -      -   0.1    2.1 
 - claims in the form of CIU                      0.6      -     -      -     -    0.6 
 - equity                                         2.8   30.6   0.2    1.1   0.3   35.0 
 - other items                                    2.2    3.5   0.4    0.3   0.2    6.6 
----------------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----  -----  ----  ----- 
 Total at 31 Dec 2018                           219.4  291.9  47.0  103.1  29.7  691.1 
----------------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----  -----  ----  ----- 
 Table 74: Standardised exposure - by credit quality step 
                                           At 31 Dec 2019                  At 31 Dec 2018 
                                       Original  Exposure             Original  Exposure 
                                    exposure(1)     value  RWAs^   exposure(1)     value    RWAs^ 
                                            $bn       $bn    $bn           $bn       $bn      $bn 
 Central governments and central 
 Credit quality step 1                    171.3     180.5                158.0     166.3 
 Credit quality step 2                      0.3       0.2                  0.3       0.2 
 Credit quality step 3                      0.4       0.4                  0.4       0.5 
 Credit quality step 4                        -         -                    -         - 
---------------------------------  ------------  --------         ------------  -------- 
 Credit quality step 5                        -         -                    -         - 
---------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
 Credit quality step unrated                4.6       4.4                  5.0       5.0 
                                                 --------  -----  ------------  --------  ------- 
                                          176.6     185.5   11.2         163.7     172.0   12.5 
---------------------------------  ------------  --------  -----  ------------  --------  ----- 
 Credit quality step 1                      0.3       0.4                  0.4       0.4 
 Credit quality step 2                      0.9       0.2                  2.5       1.5 
                                   ------------  -------- 
 Credit quality step 3                      0.7       0.6                    -         - 
---------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
 Credit quality step 4                        -         -                  0.1       0.1 
---------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
 Credit quality step 5                      0.1       0.1                    -         - 
                                   ------------  -------- 
 Credit quality step unrated                0.4       0.3                  0.2       0.2 
                                   ------------  --------  -----  ------------  --------  ------- 
                                            2.4       1.6    0.9           3.2       2.2    1.2 
---------------------------------  ------------  --------  -----  ------------  --------  ----- 
 Credit quality step 1                      1.6       4.0                  1.9       3.6 
 Credit quality step 2                      3.7       2.7                  5.2       3.4 
 Credit quality step 3                      2.4       1.7                  5.4       3.6 
 Credit quality step 4                      2.6       1.8                  2.2       1.6 
 Credit quality step 5                      0.6       0.4                  1.2       0.7 
 Credit quality step 6                      0.6       0.3                  0.2       0.1 
 Credit quality step unrated              148.9      65.9                163.9      71.1 
                                   ------------  --------  -----  ------------  --------  ------- 
                                          160.4      76.8   72.5         180.0      84.1   79.2 
---------------------------------  ------------  --------  -----  ------------  --------  ----- 
   1   Figures presented on an 'obligor basis'. 
   ^    Figures have been prepared on an IFRS 9 transitional basis. 
 Table 75: Specialised lending on slotting approach (CR10) 
                                          On-balance  Off-balance 
                                               sheet        sheet               Exposure        Expected 
                                              amount       amount  Risk weight    amount  RWAs      loss 
------------------  -------------------- 
  categories         Remaining maturity          $bn          $bn            %       $bn   $bn       $bn 
------------------  --------------------              -----------  -----------  --------  ----  -------- 
 Category 1 
  - Strong           Less than 2.5 years        15.6          2.6           50      16.7   8.4         - 
------------------  --------------------                           ----------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                               11.5          2.3           70      12.5   8.7       0.1 
 Category 2 
  - Good             Less than 2.5 years         3.6          0.3           70       3.7   2.6         - 
------------------  -------------------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                2.0          0.8           90       2.3   2.1         - 
 Category 3 
  - Satisfactory     Less than 2.5 years         0.5            -          115       0.5   0.5         - 
------------------  -------------------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                0.1            -          115       0.1   0.1         - 
 Category 4 
  - Weak             Less than 2.5 years         0.1            -          250       0.1   0.2         - 
------------------  -------------------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                  -            -          250         -     -         - 
 Category 5 
  - Default          Less than 2.5 years         0.5            -            -       0.8     -       0.4 
------------------  --------------------                           ----------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                  -            -            -       0.1     -         - 
                                          ----------  -----------  -----------  --------  ----  -------- 
 Total at 31 
  Dec 2019           Less than 2.5 years        20.3          2.9                   21.8  11.7       0.4 
------------------  --------------------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------  ----  -------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                               13.6          3.1                   15.0  10.9       0.1 
                                          ----------  -----------  -----------  --------  ----  -------- 
 Category 1 
  - Strong           Less than 2.5 years        14.8          2.7           50      15.9   8.0         - 
------------------  -------------------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                               11.7          2.6           70      12.7   8.8       0.1 
 Category 2 
  - Good             Less than 2.5 years         2.7          0.4           70       2.9   2.0         - 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                2.0          0.5           90       2.2   2.0         - 
 Category 3 
  - Satisfactory     Less than 2.5 years         0.4            -          115       0.4   0.5         - 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                0.5          0.1          115       0.5   0.6         - 
 Category 4 
  - Weak             Less than 2.5 years         0.1            -          250       0.1   0.1         - 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                  -            -          250         -   0.1         - 
 Category 5 
  - Default          Less than 2.5 years         0.3            -            -       0.5     -       0.2 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                                0.1            -            -       0.1     -       0.1 
                                          ----------  -----------  -----------  --------  ----  -------- 
 Total at 31 
  Dec 2018           Less than 2.5 years        18.3          3.1                   19.8  10.6       0.2 
------------------  --------------------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------  ----  -------- 
  Equal to or more 
   than 2.5 years                               14.3          3.2                   15.5  11.5       0.2 
 ---------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------  ----  -------- 
 Table 76: IRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range (CR6) 
                on-balance  Off-balance                EAD                                                                            Value 
                     sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number                                                   adjustments 
                     gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average             RWA  Expected              and 
                  exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity   RWAs  density      loss    provisions(^) 
 PD scale              $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %     years    $bn        %       $bn              $bn 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  --------------- 
 AIRB - 
 central banks 
 0.00 to <0.15       328.5          2.6     42.9     329.6     0.02       269     41.6      2.10   26.1        8         - 
 0.15 to <0.25         2.0          0.3      2.6       2.0     0.22        11     45.0      1.40    0.8       38         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         2.3            -     20.0       2.3     0.37        12     45.0      1.20    1.1       50         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         2.4          0.3     60.6       2.6     0.63        15     45.0      1.10    1.6       64         - 
 0.75 to <2.50         5.6          0.2     31.1       5.4     1.39        21     44.5      1.20    4.8       89         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00               0.5          0.2      0.2       0.1     7.58         8      7.8      3.30      -       31         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00              1.5            -        -       1.5    75.00         5     45.0      1.00    1.9      130       0.6 
 (Default)               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -      -        -         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  --------------- 
 Sub-total           342.8          3.6     40.1     343.5     0.37       341     41.7      2.10   36.3       11       0.6            0.1 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to <0.15        56.7          9.9     32.4      59.6     0.05     2,520     37.1      1.40    7.9       13         - 
--------------  ---------- 
 0.15 to <0.25         2.9          1.2     27.4       3.3     0.22       290     33.7      1.00    1.0       30         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         1.3          0.3     56.5       1.5     0.37       145     41.3      1.10    0.7       48         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         0.8          0.1      3.8       0.8     0.63       102     45.0      1.40    0.6       82         - 
 0.75 to <2.50         0.8          0.6     28.6       0.9     1.14       177     28.3      2.10    0.5       59         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00                 -            -     36.7       0.1     3.60        25     45.3      0.90    0.1      125         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00                -          0.1     17.9         -    15.75        19     45.8      1.90      -      216         - 
  (Default)              -            -        -         -   100.00         1     45.8      1.00      -       10         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  --------------- 
 Sub-total            62.5         12.2     32.0      66.2     0.09     3,279     37.0      1.40   10.8       16         -              - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 AIRB - 
 - Specialised 
 0.00 to <0.15         2.1          1.2     39.5       2.5     0.10        40     20.5      3.30    0.4       17         - 
 0.15 to <0.25         1.8          0.8     32.0       2.0     0.22        44     29.3      3.80    0.8       40         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         1.1          0.6     40.1       1.2     0.37        31     27.0      3.50    0.5       43         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         1.1          0.2     52.6       1.0     0.63        24     26.1      3.70    0.6       53         - 
 0.75 to <2.50         1.2          0.7     51.5       1.4     1.40        35     28.3      3.10    1.0       74         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00               0.6            -     69.2       0.5     4.51        13     25.3      3.30    0.4       85         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00              0.1            -     57.5       0.1    18.28         4     12.3      2.50    0.1       64         - 
  (Default)            0.2          0.1     66.2       0.2   100.00        12     19.5      4.50    0.3      129         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  --------------- 
 Sub-total             8.2          3.6     41.8       8.9     3.45       203     25.4      3.50    4.1       46         -            0.1 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 AIRB - 
 - Other 
 0.00 to <0.15       107.4        171.5     36.0     212.1     0.08    10,842     40.7      2.10   45.5       21       0.1 
 0.15 to <0.25        50.0         64.0     36.4      83.8     0.22     9,967     38.8      2.00   32.2       38       0.1 
 0.25 to <0.50        55.4         51.0     32.9      75.3     0.37    11,148     36.6      2.10   35.3       47       0.1 
 0.50 to <0.75        54.1         40.5     31.6      63.2     0.63    10,296     35.0      2.00   35.7       57       0.1 
 0.75 to <2.50       142.5        101.3     30.0     132.2     1.36    41,384     37.0      1.90  103.4       78       0.7 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00              34.7         25.8     33.0      32.7     4.31    11,505     38.7      1.90   38.8      119       0.6 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00              5.0          3.7     39.1       4.9    17.34     1,812     33.1      1.90    7.6      156       0.3 
  (Default)            4.2          0.6     35.8       4.4   100.00     2,246     46.1      1.80    2.5       57       2.4 
 Sub-total           453.3        458.4     34.1     608.6     1.56    99,200     38.4      2.00  301.0       49       4.4            3.4 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
  - Total at 
  Dec 2019(2)        929.2        477.8     34.2   1,089.6     1.09   103,023     39.3      2.00  365.5       34       5.0            3.6 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 Table 76: IRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range (CR6) 
              on-balance  Off-balance                EAD                                                                           Value 
                   sheet        sheet           post-CRM               Number                                                adjustments 
                   gross    exposures  Average       and  Average          of  Average   Average            RWA  Expected            and 
                exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD    obligors      LGD  maturity  RWAs  density      loss    provisions^ 
 PD scale            $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                    %     years   $bn        %       $bn            $bn 
              ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15              0.4            -     46.0       0.3     0.06       1,196     11.8         -     -        4         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25              0.1            -     36.2       0.1     0.21       2,192     32.7         -     -       13         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50              0.6            -     41.6       0.6     0.35       6,785     27.0         -   0.1       15         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              0.3          0.1     38.7       0.4     0.62       5,423     33.1         -   0.1       27         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50              1.0          0.2     37.8       1.0     1.44      13,167     33.6         -   0.5       48         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             0.7          0.1     38.4       0.8     4.54       7,098     30.8         -   0.6       81         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            0.1            -     37.9       0.1    17.47       1,117     31.1         -   0.1      135         - 
  (Default)          0.1            -     66.0       0.1   100.00       1,042     33.8         -   0.1       85       0.1 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  -------- 
 Sub-total           3.3          0.4     38.9       3.4     5.03      38,020     29.5         -   1.5       45       0.1          0.1 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15            191.2         11.1     88.0     204.8     0.07   1,110,935     15.7         -  14.8        7         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25             33.4          1.7     88.4      35.1     0.21     136,145     16.2         -   4.6       13         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50             27.3          3.0     40.4      28.7     0.35     126,980     17.2         -   5.2       18         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75             14.1          0.4     91.6      14.6     0.59      56,837     14.9         -   2.8       19         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50             21.1          1.0     76.6      22.0     1.36      99,412     13.1         -   5.9       27       0.1 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             6.1          0.1     97.0       6.3     4.42      27,562     11.3         -   2.4       38         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            1.8          0.1     99.3       1.9    23.22      16,032     20.1         -   2.4      129       0.1 
  (Default)          2.3            -     77.9       2.3   100.00      17,845     23.8         -   2.3       98       0.6 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  -------- 
 Sub-total         297.3         17.4     79.3     315.7     1.18   1,591,748     15.7         -  40.4       13       0.8          0.2 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15              5.8         72.5     49.4      41.4     0.06  13,492,492     89.4         -   1.8        4         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25              1.3         15.7     49.0       8.9     0.20   2,827,957     92.5         -   1.0       11         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50              2.5         14.2     41.9       8.4     0.36   2,155,649     90.3         -   1.5       18         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              2.9          5.3     48.2       5.4     0.61   1,012,194     87.4         -   1.4       26         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50              6.1          7.8     47.9       9.8     1.43   1,894,368     86.0         -   4.7       48       0.1 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             3.7          1.8     63.8       4.8     4.91     887,239     84.2         -   5.3      111       0.2 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            1.0          0.4     65.2       1.2    30.09     315,052     84.3         -   2.6      209       0.4 
  (Default)          0.3            -     25.3       0.3   100.00     151,301     77.9         -   0.5      195       0.2 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  -------- 
 Sub-total          23.6        117.7     48.5      80.2     1.40  22,736,252     88.8         -  18.8       23       0.9          1.0 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15              0.1          0.4     31.5       0.2     0.09      99,557     73.9         -     -       14         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25                -          0.3     37.6       0.1     0.23      76,713     85.0         -     -       31         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50              0.2          0.5     48.4       0.4     0.38     135,359     76.5         -   0.2       40         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              0.2          0.5     58.2       0.5     0.64     126,958     67.2         -   0.2       46         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50              1.1          1.2     54.9       1.7     1.60     327,051     68.3         -   1.2       69         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             1.7          1.1     49.6       2.5     4.85     183,343     59.7         -   1.9       80       0.1 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            0.4          0.1     61.3       0.5    20.11      75,895     76.8         -   0.7      141       0.1 
  (Default)          0.3          0.1     77.9       0.3   100.00      19,210     44.3         -   0.5      138       0.2 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  -------- 
 Sub-total           4.0          4.2     50.3       6.2     9.41   1,044,086     65.3         -   4.7       76       0.4          0.3 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15             15.1         14.7     15.8      17.7     0.07     675,819     12.5         -   0.7        4         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25              8.1          3.7     39.7       9.9     0.20     529,201     24.7         -   1.2       12         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50             12.2          4.4     24.8      13.5     0.37     459,987     19.0         -   1.6       13         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              7.9          1.8     22.8       8.4     0.62     246,120     22.6         -   1.7       20         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50             13.2          1.7      9.7      13.5     1.31     490,546     24.9         -   4.1       30         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             3.5          1.1     23.7       3.9     4.27     238,724     34.0         -   2.0       52       0.1 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            0.8            -     16.4       0.9    23.85      96,236     42.5         -   0.7       86       0.1 
  (Default)          0.3            -     59.5       0.3   100.00      36,471     48.4         -   0.4      114       0.2 
 Sub-total          61.1         27.4     20.9      68.1     1.48   2,773,104     21.0         -  12.4       18       0.4          0.4 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 Retail AIRB 
 Total at 31 
        2019       389.3        167.1     47.3     473.6     1.40  28,183,210     29.6         -  77.8       16       2.6          2.0 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 Table 76: IRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range (CR6) 
                on-balance  Off-balance                EAD                                                                           Value 
                     sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number                                                  adjustments 
                     gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average            RWA  Expected              and 
                  exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity  RWAs  density      loss    provisions(^) 
 PD scale              $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %     years   $bn        %       $bn              $bn 
 FIRB - 
 central banks 
 0.00 to <0.15           -            -     75.0       0.1     0.03         1     45.0      3.60     -       20         - 
 0.15 to <0.25           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.25 to <0.50           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.50 to <0.75           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.75 to <2.50           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 2.50 to 
 <10.00                  -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 10.00 to 
 <100.00                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  --------------- 
 (Default)               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  -------- 
 Sub-total               -            -     75.0       0.1     0.03         1     45.0      3.60     -       20         -              - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 FIRB - 
 0.00 to <0.15         0.7            -     29.3       0.6     0.08         2     45.0      2.70   0.2       25         - 
 0.15 to <0.25           -            -     40.9         -     0.22         1     45.0      2.40     -       48         - 
 0.25 to <0.50           -            -     16.9         -     0.37         1     45.0      0.10     -       36         - 
 0.50 to <0.75           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.75 to <2.50           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 2.50 to 
 <10.00                  -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 10.00 to 
 <100.00                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 (Default)               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  --------------- 
 Sub-total             0.7            -     31.3       0.6     0.08         4     45.0      2.70   0.2       26         -              - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 FIRB - 
 - Other 
 0.00 to <0.15        10.2         15.5     38.5      17.0     0.08     1,357     44.1      2.10   4.1       24         - 
 0.15 to <0.25         4.8          6.5     39.9       7.0     0.22     1,431     43.8      2.40   3.3       47         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         4.6          5.8     28.4       6.1     0.37     1,905     42.8      1.90   3.5       56         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         4.5          6.8     33.7       6.7     0.63     1,676     39.0      1.60   4.2       63         - 
 0.75 to <2.50        10.7         10.0     21.4      12.1     1.32     5,329     43.1      1.60  10.8       89       0.1 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00               3.7          2.9     20.6       3.7     4.60     1,239     42.4      1.60   4.9      133       0.1 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00              0.6          0.5     21.4       0.7    13.62       186     43.7      1.40   1.3      197         - 
  (Default)            0.8          0.2     20.7       0.9   100.00       435     43.7      2.10     -        -       0.4 
 Sub-total            39.9         48.2     32.1      54.2     2.59    13,558     42.9      1.90  32.1       59       0.6            0.5 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ------------- 
  FIRB - Total 
     at 31 Dec 
          2019        40.6         48.2     32.1      54.9     2.55    13,563     43.0      1.90  32.3       59       0.6            0.5 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  --------  ------------- 
   ^    Figures have been prepared on an IFRS 9 transitional basis. 
   1   Slotting exposures are disclosed in Table 75: Specialised lending on slotting approach (CR10). 

2 The Wholesale AIRB Total includes non-credit obligation assets amounting to $62.4 bn of original exposure and EAD, and $13.3bn of RWAs.

 Table 76: IRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range (CR6) 
                on-balance  Off-balance                EAD                                                                          Value 
                     sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number                                                 adjustments 
                     gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average             RWA  Expected            and 
                  exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity   RWAs  density      loss     provisions 
 PD scale              $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %     years    $bn        %       $bn            $bn 
 AIRB - 
 central banks 
 0.00 to <0.15       313.5          2.7     52.6     315.6     0.02       258     42.4      2.10   26.0        8         - 
 0.15 to <0.25         2.5            -     18.2       2.5     0.22        10     45.0      1.80    1.1       42         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         2.1            -     98.9       2.3     0.37        14     45.1      1.30    1.1       50         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         3.3          0.2     78.3       3.4     0.63        16     45.0      1.10    2.2       64         - 
 0.75 to <2.50         6.8          0.2     70.8       6.6     1.72        22     45.0      1.20    6.4       97       0.1 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00               0.4          0.1     41.0         -     7.49         9     45.1      4.60    0.1      210         - 
 10.00 to 
 <100.00                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -      -        -         - 
                ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 (Default)               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -      -        -         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  -------- 
 Sub-total           328.6          3.2     55.0     330.4     0.06       329     42.5      2.10   36.9       11       0.1          0.1 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 0.00 to <0.15        60.7          9.7     39.3      65.0     0.05     2,574     39.5      1.40    9.3       14         - 
 0.15 to <0.25         3.1          0.7     22.0       3.3     0.22       323     44.7      0.90    1.2       37         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         2.6          0.3     59.1       2.2     0.37       182     41.5      1.20    1.1       52         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         1.4          0.2     45.8       1.4     0.63       140     41.5      1.30    1.1       74         - 
 0.75 to <2.50         1.2          0.5     50.6       1.5     1.10       242     45.1      1.20    1.4       96         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00               0.1            -     24.7         -     6.19        22     46.4      0.80      -      169         - 
                ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00                -          0.1     25.6         -    13.00        17     55.0      1.00    0.1      253         - 
                ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  -------- 
  (Default)              -            -        -         -   100.00         1     64.8      1.00      -      807         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total            69.1         11.5     39.2      73.4     0.11     3,501     39.9      1.40   14.2       19         -            - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 - Specialised 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  -------- 
 0.00 to <0.15         1.8          1.3     38.0       2.1     0.10       409     30.4      3.40    0.6       27         - 
 0.15 to <0.25         1.9          0.4     33.4       2.0     0.22       418     28.6      3.40    0.7       37         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         0.6          0.3     35.8       0.7     0.37       188     28.9      4.40    0.4       55         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         1.3          0.2     34.4       1.0     0.63       261     24.5      3.50    0.5       51         - 
 0.75 to <2.50         1.2          0.5     49.7       1.5     1.38       397     32.1      3.80    1.3       91         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00               0.6          0.1     51.1       0.5     5.34       136     27.4      3.20    0.5      101         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00              0.3          0.1     48.1       0.3    24.05        73     23.2      3.40    0.4      130         - 
  (Default)            0.1          0.1     87.5       0.2   100.00       105     37.9      4.80    0.5      258       0.1 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total             7.8          3.0     41.3       8.3     3.68     1,987     29.1      3.60    4.9       59       0.1          0.1 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 - Other 
--------------                           ------- 
 0.00 to <0.15       109.3        160.4     38.0     212.4     0.08    10,036     41.1      2.20   48.2       23       0.1 
 0.15 to <0.25        49.8         62.5     37.6      81.1     0.22    10,191     39.1      2.00   31.2       38       0.1 
 0.25 to <0.50        51.1         54.7     33.9      73.3     0.37    10,304     37.3      2.10   35.4       48       0.1 
 0.50 to <0.75        56.9         42.1     33.8      69.9     0.63    10,348     34.3      1.90   39.5       57       0.2 
 0.75 to <2.50       146.2        102.1     32.2     137.6     1.37    42,602     37.6      2.00  111.3       81       0.7 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00              30.5         23.2     35.7      29.8     4.10    11,510     38.0      2.00   34.3      115       0.5 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00              5.1          3.3     43.0       4.5    19.20     1,967     38.6      2.00    8.3      185       0.3 
  (Default)            4.2          0.9     46.6       4.5   100.00     2,473     46.0      1.90    9.9      221       1.9 
 Sub-total           453.1        449.2     35.9     613.1     1.55    99,431     38.7      2.10  318.1       52       3.9          3.1 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------  ----------- 
Wholesale AIRB 
 - Total at 31 
 Dec 2018(2)         915.5        466.9     36.1   1,082.1     0.98   105,248     39.9      2.00  384.9       37       4.1          3.3 
 Table 76: IRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range (CR6) 
              on-balance  Off-balance                EAD                                                                           Value 
                   sheet        sheet           post-CRM               Number                                                adjustments 
                   gross    exposures  Average       and  Average          of  Average   Average            RWA  Expected            and 
                exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD    obligors      LGD  maturity  RWAs  density      loss     provisions 
 PD scale            $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                    %     years   $bn        %       $bn            $bn 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15              0.3            -     31.4       0.3     0.08       1,321     16.2         -     -        4         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25              0.2            -     39.8       0.2     0.21       2,557     29.5         -     -       12         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50              0.4          0.1     35.2       0.4     0.36       6,478     28.8         -   0.1       16         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              0.3          0.1     44.5       0.3     0.61       5,000     32.2         -   0.1       27         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50              0.9          0.2     33.8       1.0     1.47      13,728     35.2         -   0.5       51         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             0.8          0.1     40.2       0.9     4.57       7,963     31.2         -   0.7       82         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            0.1            -     39.8       0.1    17.19       1,312     31.6         -   0.1      138         - 
  (Default)          0.1            -     55.7       0.1   100.00       1,266     33.9         -   0.3      227       0.1 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------           ----------  -------  --------                 --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total           3.1          0.5     37.5       3.3     5.78      39,625     30.8         -   1.8       54       0.1          0.1 
------------  ----------  -----------           --------           ----------           --------                 --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15            172.1         11.4     89.8     185.9     0.06   1,066,724     15.4         -  12.4        7         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25             27.7          1.3     81.6      28.9     0.20     122,304     15.7         -   3.6       13         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50             24.5          2.9     43.8      25.8     0.35     117,856     17.4         -   4.6       18         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75             10.5          0.3     92.3      10.9     0.58      51,235     11.2         -   1.8       16         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50             23.8          1.2     79.7      24.9     1.26     105,656     18.1         -   7.5       30       0.1 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             5.8          0.2     96.7       6.0     4.51      27,556     11.7         -   2.3       39         - 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            2.1          0.1     97.4       2.2    25.15      18,895     21.1         -   3.0      138       0.1 
  (Default)          2.3            -     76.1       2.3   100.00      18,777     24.6         -   2.0       89       0.6 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------           ----------  -------  --------                 --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total         268.8         17.4     81.0     286.9     1.31   1,529,003     15.7         -  37.2       13       0.8          0.3 
------------  ----------  -----------           --------           ----------           --------                 --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15              5.4         70.8     49.3      40.1     0.07  13,591,739     91.3         -   1.8        4         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25              1.4         12.5     47.9       7.3     0.21   2,415,087     93.5         -   0.8       11         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50              2.2         12.1     43.1       7.4     0.36   1,989,811     92.3         -   1.3       18         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              2.2          5.0     48.8       4.6     0.61     987,590     92.1         -   1.2       26         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50              5.9          9.0     46.5      10.1     1.42   2,052,818     90.0         -   4.8       48       0.1 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             3.2          1.8     62.0       4.3     4.74     890,646     89.0         -   4.8      112       0.2 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            0.9          0.3     66.5       1.1    28.46     294,570     89.4         -   2.4      216       0.3 
  (Default)          0.1            -     22.8       0.1   100.00      72,485     79.6         -   0.2      160       0.1 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------           ----------  -------  --------                 --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total          21.3        111.5     48.5      75.0     1.17  22,294,746     91.3         -  17.3       23       0.7          0.7 
------------  ----------  -----------           --------           ----------           --------                 --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
------------  ----------  -----------           --------           ----------           --------                 --------  ------------- 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15              0.1          0.3     35.0       0.2     0.09      98,383     75.0         -     -       14         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25                -          0.2     38.3       0.1     0.22      72,510     80.8         -     -       29         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50              0.1          0.4     48.7       0.3     0.38     124,508     74.4         -   0.1       39         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              0.2          0.5     63.4       0.5     0.63     155,864     68.4         -   0.2       46         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50              1.1          1.2     58.7       1.8     1.60     358,362     66.9         -   1.3       67         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             1.8          1.0     69.1       2.6     4.87     181,027     59.5         -   2.1       80       0.1 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            0.4          0.2     48.6       0.5    19.39      79,791     73.9         -   0.6      133       0.1 
  (Default)          0.3            -     96.8       0.3   100.00      15,015     38.7         -   0.5      160       0.2 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------           ----------  -------  --------                 --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total           4.0          3.8     57.8       6.3     9.05   1,085,460     64.1         -   4.8       76       0.4          0.3 
------------  ----------  -----------           --------           ----------           --------                 --------  ----------- 
 AIRB - 
 0.00 to 
  <0.15              8.1          6.3     30.7      10.6     0.08     574,137     18.7         -   0.6        5         - 
 0.15 to 
  <0.25              6.5          3.5     36.4       8.1     0.21     491,674     27.8         -   1.1       13         - 
 0.25 to 
  <0.50              6.6          2.6     28.4       7.5     0.37     386,099     30.4         -   1.5       20         - 
 0.50 to 
  <0.75              4.9          1.4     24.9       5.3     0.60     196,811     28.2         -   1.2       24         - 
 0.75 to 
  <2.50              7.9          0.9     17.1       8.2     1.35     421,600     35.4         -   3.5       43         - 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00             3.8          1.1     23.0       4.1     4.39     246,174     32.8         -   2.1       51       0.1 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00            0.6          0.1     15.7       0.7    25.06      92,869     45.5         -   0.6       92       0.1 
  (Default)          0.3          0.1      7.7       0.3   100.00      40,274     43.9         -   0.3      103       0.2 
 Sub-total          38.7         16.0     29.6      44.8     1.91   2,449,638     28.3         -  10.9       24       0.4          0.4 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------           ----------  -------  --------                 --------  ----------- 
 Retail AIRB 
 Total at 31 
        2018       335.9        149.2     50.5     416.3     1.50  27,398,472     31.5         -  72.0       17       2.4          1.8 
 Table 76: IRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range (CR6) 
                on-balance  Off-balance                EAD                                                                         Value 
                     sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number                                                adjustments 
                     gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average            RWA  Expected            and 
                  exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity  RWAs  density      loss     provisions 
 PD scale              $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %     years   $bn        %       $bn            $bn 
 FIRB - 
 central banks 
 0.00 to <0.15           -            -        -       0.1     0.03         1     45.0      4.60     -       25         - 
 0.15 to <0.25           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.25 to <0.50           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.50 to <0.75           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.75 to <2.50           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 2.50 to 
 <10.00                  -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 10.00 to 
 <100.00                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 (Default)               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------        -------  --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total               -            -        -       0.1     0.03         1     45.0      4.60     -       25         -            - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------        -------  --------  ----------- 
 FIRB - 
--------------                           ------- 
 0.00 to <0.15         0.5            -     23.5       0.6     0.10         2     45.0      2.70   0.2       33         - 
 0.15 to <0.25           -            -     63.3       0.1     0.22         1     45.0      3.60     -       60         - 
 0.25 to <0.50           -            -      1.1         -     0.37         1     45.0      0.10     -       36         - 
 0.50 to <0.75           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 0.75 to <2.50           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 2.50 to 
 <10.00                  -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 10.00 to 
 <100.00                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
 (Default)               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -     -        -         - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------        -------  --------  ------------- 
 Sub-total             0.5            -     40.6       0.7     0.12         4     45.0      2.80   0.2       35         -            - 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------        -------  --------  ----------- 
 FIRB - 
 - Other 
--------------                           ------- 
 0.00 to <0.15         9.9         13.5     46.4      16.3     0.08     1,186     44.5      2.20   4.0       24         - 
 0.15 to <0.25         3.5          5.9     33.5       5.4     0.22     1,269     44.4      2.30   2.5       47         - 
 0.25 to <0.50         4.0          4.8     33.1       5.4     0.37     1,594     44.1      1.70   3.0       55         - 
 0.50 to <0.75         4.8          5.6     29.9       6.0     0.63     1,573     45.5      1.80   4.4       74         - 
 0.75 to <2.50         9.5         10.1     22.5      11.5     1.37     4,387     43.9      1.70  10.8       93       0.1 
 2.50 to 
  <10.00               3.0          2.1     22.8       3.2     4.59     1,050     43.4      1.80   4.4      140       0.1 
 10.00 to 
  <100.00              0.5          0.2     37.3       0.6    17.09       166     44.3      1.70   1.2      207         - 
  (Default)            0.8          0.2     23.3       0.9   100.00       348     44.4      1.90     -        -       0.4 
 Sub-total            36.0         42.4     33.9      49.3     2.72    11,573     44.4      1.90  30.3       61       0.6          0.5 
--------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------                 --------  ----------- 
  FIRB - Total 
     at 31 Dec 
          2018        36.5         42.4     33.9      50.1     2.67    11,578     44.4      1.90  30.5       61       0.6          0.5 
                ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------        -------  --------  ----------- 
   1   Slotting exposures are disclosed in Table 75: Specialised lending on slotting approach (CR10). 

2 The Wholesale AIRB Total includes non-credit obligation assets amounting to $56.9bn of original exposure and EAD, and $10.8bn of RWAs.

Counterparty credit risk

 Table 77: Counterparty credit risk - RWAs by exposure class, product 
  and geographical region 
                                                                       North     Latin             Capital 
                                                Europe  Asia  MENA   America   America  Total     required 
                                    Footnotes      $bn   $bn   $bn       $bn       $bn    $bn          $bn 
By exposure class 
IRB advanced approach                             20.3   7.3   0.5       6.0       0.3   34.4        2.7 
- central governments and 
 central banks                                     0.4   0.1   0.2       0.1       0.1    0.9        0.1 
- institutions                                     7.9   2.2   0.1       1.0       0.2   11.4        0.9 
- corporates                                      12.0   5.0   0.2       4.9         -   22.1        1.7 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
IRB foundation approach                            2.0     -   0.2         -         -    2.2        0.2 
- corporates                                       2.0     -   0.2         -         -    2.2        0.2 
Standardised approach                              0.3   0.6   0.4         -       1.1    2.4        0.2 
- central governments and 
 central banks                                       -     -     -         -         -      -          - 
- institutions                                       -     -     -         -       0.1    0.1          - 
- corporates                                       0.3   0.6   0.4         -       1.0    2.3        0.2 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
CVA advanced                            1          1.6   0.7     -       0.8         -    3.1        0.2 
CVA standardised                        1          0.2     -   0.2       0.2       0.3    0.9        0.1 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
CCP standardised                                   0.7   0.1     -       0.3         -    1.1        0.1 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
At 31 Dec 2019                                    25.1   8.7   1.3       7.3       1.7   44.1        3.5 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
By product 
Derivatives (OTC and exchange 
 traded derivatives)                              17.1   5.9   0.8       4.6       1.2   29.6        2.4 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
SFTs                                               5.0   1.0   0.3       1.5       0.2    8.0        0.6 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
Other                                   2          0.8   1.0     -       0.1         -    1.9        0.2 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
CVA advanced                            1          1.6   0.7     -       0.8         -    3.1        0.2 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
CVA standardised                        1          0.2     -   0.2       0.2       0.3    0.9        0.1 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
CCP default funds                       3          0.4   0.1     -       0.1         -    0.6          - 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
At 31 Dec 2019                                    25.1   8.7   1.3       7.3       1.7   44.1        3.5 
                                                ------  ----  ----  --------  --------  -----  --------- 
By exposure class 
IRB advanced approach                             21.7   7.2   0.4       6.7       0.4   36.4        3.0 
- central governments and 
 central banks                                     0.5   0.1   0.3       0.8       0.2    1.9        0.2 
- institutions                                     8.3   2.8     -       0.9       0.2   12.2        1.0 
- corporates                                      12.9   4.3   0.1       5.0         -   22.3        1.8 
IRB foundation approach                            1.7     -   0.2         -         -    1.9        0.1 
- corporates                                       1.7     -   0.2         -         -    1.9        0.1 
Standardised approach                              0.4   0.5   0.3         -       0.8    2.0        0.1 
- central governments and 
 central banks                                       -     -     -         -         -      -          - 
- institutions                                       -     -     -         -       0.1    0.1          - 
- corporates                                       0.4   0.5   0.3         -       0.7    1.9        0.1 
CVA advanced                            1          2.8   1.1     -       1.0         -    4.9        0.4 
CVA standardised                        1          0.1   0.3   0.1       0.3       0.2    1.0        0.1 
CCP standardised                                   0.6   0.2     -       0.3         -    1.1        0.1 
At 31 Dec 2018                                    27.3   9.3   1.0       8.3       1.4   47.3        3.8 
By product 
Derivatives (OTC and exchange 
 traded derivatives)                              16.5   5.9   0.6       4.5       1.0   28.5        2.3 
SFTs                                               6.8   0.6   0.3       2.4       0.2   10.3        0.8 
Other                                   2          0.9   1.3     -         -         -    2.2        0.2 
CVA advanced                            1          2.8   1.1     -       1.0         -    4.9        0.4 
CVA standardised                        1          0.1   0.3   0.1       0.3       0.2    1.0        0.1 
CCP default funds                       3          0.2   0.1     -       0.1         -    0.4          - 
At 31 Dec 2018                                    27.3   9.3   1.0       8.3       1.4   47.3        3.8 

1 The RWA impact due to the CVA capital charge is calculated based on the exposures under the IRB and standardised approaches. No additional exposures are taken into account.

   2   Includes free deliveries not deducted from regulatory capital. 

3 Default fund contributions are cash balances posted to CCPs by all members. These cash balances are not included in the total reported exposure.

 Table 78: IRB - CCR exposures by portfolio and PD scale (CCR4) 
                                     EAD  Average        Number  Average    Average               RWA 
                                post-CRM       PD   of obligors      LGD   maturity  RWAs     density 
PD scale                             $bn        %                      %      years   $bn           % 
AIRB - Central Government 
 and Central Banks 
0.00 to <0.15                       10.5     0.02            97     44.6       0.93   0.6         6 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                        0.2     0.22            12     45.0       1.22   0.1        35 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                          -     0.37             7     45.0       2.01     -        59 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                          -     0.63             1     45.0       2.35     -        80 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                        0.3     1.64             6     45.0       1.77   0.3       104 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                         -     6.65             2     33.8       7.00     -       195 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                       -        -             -        -          -     -         - 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                       -        -             -        -          -     -         - 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
Sub-total                           11.0     0.07           125     44.7       0.96   1.0         9 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
AIRB - Institutions 
0.00 to <0.15                       41.0     0.07         4,551     44.4       1.20   8.5        21 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                        3.0     0.22           409     44.9       1.60   1.4        48 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                        0.7     0.37            85     46.2       1.50   0.4        65 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                        0.3     0.63            62     42.8       1.10   0.3        79 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                        0.4     1.21           130     45.1       2.10   0.4       107 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                       0.1     4.91            29     47.6       1.10   0.1       151 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                       -    12.23             8     46.1       2.90     -       229 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                       -   100.00             1     45.0       1.00     -       365 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
Sub-total                           45.5     0.12         5,275     44.6       1.20  11.1        24 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
AIRB - Corporates 
0.00 to <0.15                       30.5     0.07         5,498     44.1       1.80   6.8        22 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                        9.7     0.22         1,962     45.7       1.59   4.1        42 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                        3.9     0.37         1,039     46.0       1.46   2.2        57 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                        3.1     0.63           941     43.0       1.88   2.5        80 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                        5.2     1.34         3,493     46.3       1.41   5.3       102 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                       0.8     3.95           549     48.7       1.73   1.2       152 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                       -    18.17            63     48.0       1.62     -       230 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                       -   100.00            13     39.6       1.96     -         - 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
Sub-total                           53.2     0.37        13,558     44.7       1.70  22.1        42 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
AIRB - Retail Other 
0.00 to <0.15                          -     0.04           212      0.9          -     -         - 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                          -     0.23            10      1.8          -     -         1 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                          -     0.38            52      2.2          -     -         2 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                          -     0.62            22      1.8          -     -         2 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                          -     1.24            22      1.5          -     -         3 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                         -     2.82             2      3.0          -     -         4 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                       -    96.57             1     83.6          -     -        29 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                       -        -             -        -          -     -         - 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
Sub-total                              -     0.64           321      1.6          -     -         1 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
AIRB - Total at 31 Dec 
 2019                              109.7     0.19        19,279     49.0       1.30  34.2        31 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
FIRB - Corporates 
0.00 to <0.15                        3.7     0.07         1,188     45.0       1.98   0.8        22 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                        0.6     0.22           156     45.0       1.59   0.2        41 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                        0.5     0.37           166     45.0       1.29   0.3        55 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                        0.2     0.63           119     45.0       1.21   0.1        72 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                        0.6     1.41           516     45.0       1.80   0.6       101 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                       0.1     4.86           129     45.0       2.59   0.2       162 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                       -    10.08            14     45.0       1.03     -       200 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                       -   100.00             5     45.0       1.08     -         - 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
FIRB - Total at 31 Dec 
 2019                                5.7     0.44         2,293     45.0       1.85   2.2        39 
Total (all portfolios) 
 at 31 Dec 2019                    115.4     0.25        21,572     44.7       1.58  36.4        32 
                               ---------  -------  ------------  -------  ---------  ----  -------- 
 Table 78: IRB - CCR exposures by portfolio and PD scale (CCR4) (continued) 
                                        EAD   Average        Number  Average    Average                RWA 
                                   post-CRM        PD   of obligors      LGD   maturity   RWAs     density 
PD scale                                $bn         %                      %      years    $bn           % 
AIRB - Central Government 
 and Central Banks 
0.00 to <0.15                          10.1      0.02            90     44.9       0.95    0.5         5 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                           0.1      0.22            12     45.0       3.07    0.1        54 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                           0.1      0.37             6     44.8       3.36    0.1        74 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                           0.1      0.63             1     45.0       1.00      -        60 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                           1.2      2.25             7     45.0       1.29    1.2       100 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                            -      7.85             1     45.0       5.00      -       218 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                          -         -             -        -          -      -         - 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                          -         -             -        -          -      -         - 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
Sub-total                              11.6      0.22           117     45.0       1.02    1.9        17 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
AIRB - Institutions 
0.00 to <0.15                          40.5      0.06         4,629     44.3       1.17    7.9        19 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                           3.5      0.22           477     43.9       1.40    1.6        46 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                           1.7      0.37            75     45.0       1.19    0.9        50 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                           0.7      0.63            64     44.9       1.06    0.4        67 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                           0.4      1.37           106     46.2       2.08    0.5       117 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                          0.1      4.94            20     44.9       1.60    0.1       149 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                        0.4     12.98            12     55.0       1.20    0.8       241 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                          -    100.00             1     45.0       1.00      -         - 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
Sub-total                              47.3      0.21         5,384     44.7       1.18   12.2        26 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
AIRB - Corporates 
0.00 to <0.15                          30.2      0.07         4,934     43.5       1.71    6.4        21 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                           6.7      0.22         1,796     46.9       1.75    3.2        48 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                           3.8      0.37         1,029     44.6       1.69    2.1        56 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                           3.8      0.63         1,018     43.8       1.23    2.8        73 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                           6.3      1.34         7,375     46.1       1.38    6.6       104 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                          0.7      3.92           569     46.9       1.62    1.1       150 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                        0.1     21.77            61     43.6       1.34    0.1       237 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                          -    100.00            17     41.1       2.60      -         - 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
Sub-total                              51.6      0.42        16,799     44.4       1.64   22.3        43 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
          AIRB - Total at 31 Dec 
                            2018      110.5      0.28        22,300     49.2       1.38   36.4        33 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
FIRB - Corporates 
0.00 to <0.15                           2.5      0.07           522     37.9       1.73    0.6        24 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.15 to <0.25                           0.4      0.22           146     45.0       1.78    0.2        42 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.25 to <0.50                           0.2      0.37           130     45.0       1.66    0.1        59 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.50 to <0.75                           0.2      0.63            84     45.0       0.82    0.1        74 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
0.75 to <2.50                           0.7      1.59           533     45.0       1.56    0.8       105 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
2.50 to <10.00                          0.1      5.00            82     45.0       2.20    0.1       155 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
10.00 to <100.00                          -     11.95            11     45.0       1.03      -       192 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
100.00 (Default)                          -    100.00             7     45.0       1.02      -         - 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
          FIRB - Total at 31 Dec 
                            2018        4.1      0.54         1,515     45.0       1.82    1.9        45 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
          Total (all portfolios) 
                  at 31 Dec 2018      114.6      0.32        23,815     44.6       1.40   38.3        33 
                                  ---------  --------  ------------  -------  ---------  -----  -------- 
Appendix II 
Countercyclical capital buffer 

The table below discloses the geographical distribution of credit exposures relevant to the calculation of the countercyclical buffer under Article 440 of the Regulation (EU) 575/2013. Countries or territories that have a CCyB requirement or have an own funds requirement of greater than 0.7% or that are material in nature are disclosed below.

 Table 79: Geographical distribution of credit exposures relevant for 
  the calculation of the countercyclical capital buffer 
                General credit          Trading          Securitisation 
                   exposures         book exposures         exposures                Own funds requirements 
                                          of                                                                                     Share 
                                  long/short                              of which:  of which:                                of total 
                                   positions                                General    Trading        of which:                    own 
                                         for  Internal                       credit       book  Securitis-ation                  funds      CCyB 
                   SA        IRB          SA    models       SA      IRB  exposures  exposures        exposures   Total  require-ments      rate 
Country            $m         $m          $m        $m       $m       $m         $m         $m               $m      $m              %         % 
Argentina       2,076        891           -         1        -        -        234          1                -     235            0.5 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Australia       1,279     34,400           -       133      593    2,007        834         12               20     866            1.7 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Bulgaria            1         16           -         2        -        -          1          -                -       1              -  0.50% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Canada            780     63,475           -        65      185        -      1,930          4                2   1,936            3.7 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
China          23,925     62,450           -     2,083      385       34      5,570         55                7   5,632           10.8 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
 Republic         376        177           -         -        -        -         34          1                -      35            0.1  1.50% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Denmark             2      2,440           -        62        -        -         46          6                -      52            0.1  1.00% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Egypt           2,369      1,155           -         -        -        -        201          -                -     201            0.4 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
France          6,446     56,575           -       324      480    1,083      1,857         19               17   1,893            3.6  0.25% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Germany         1,072     18,958           -       601      250      287        892         12                8     912            1.8 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Hong Kong      22,237    358,306           -       375        -        -      9,983         24                -  10,007           19.2  2.00% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
India           3,656     14,961           -     1,295    1,251        -        939         45               80   1,064            2.0 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Iceland             -          3           -         4        -        -          -          3                -       3              -  1.75% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Indonesia       1,136      6,637           -       116        -        -        507         14                -     521            1.0 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Ireland           711      7,843           8       190      466      108        309          9               13     331            0.6  1.00% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Lithuania           2          2           -         -        -        -          -          -                -       -              -  1.00% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Luxembourg      1,389      6,110           -       121      200        -        373          6                6     385            0.7 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Malaysia        3,449     13,244           1         6        -        -        714          8                -     722            1.4 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Malta           3,591        433           -         -        -        -        166          -                -     166            0.3 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Mexico         21,964      3,041          45       132      777        -      1,536          9               17   1,562            3.0 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Netherlands     2,223      9,579           -       444      948      617        578         11               25     614            1.2 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Norway              4      1,895           -         1        -        -         79         27                -     106            0.2  2.50% 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Saudi Arabia   18,001      3,934           -        45        -        -      1,329         12                -   1,341            2.6 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Singapore       2,502     31,078           -       168        -        -        935         14                -     949            1.8 
                                  ----------  -------- 
Slovakia           70         36           -         1        -        -          7          -                -       7              -  1.50% 
                                  ----------  --------                                                                   ------------- 
Sweden              5      1,614           -       114        -        -         62          4                -      66            0.1  2.50% 
                                  ----------  -------- 
 Of China       1,498     12,834           -       168        -        -        367          3                -     370            0.7 
Turkey          4,303      1,004           -        24        -        -        329          2                -     331            0.6 
              -------  ---------  ----------  --------                    ---------  ---------  ---------------          ------------- 
United Arab 
 Emirates       4,858     17,883           -        60        -        -        879         14                -     893            1.7 
 Kingdom       11,151    361,417           -     2,916    5,087   13,934      9,805         96              321  10,222           19.6  1.00% 
              -------  ---------  ----------  --------                    ---------  ---------  ---------------          ------------- 
 States         9,663    129,560           -       349    4,601    1,649      5,488         76              110   5,674           10.9 
              -------  ---------  ----------  --------                    ---------  ---------  ---------------          ------------- 
 countries     23,779     87,237          18     1,922    1,109      491      4,766        202               40   5,008            9.7 
              -------  ---------  ----------  --------                    ---------  ---------  ---------------          ------------- 
Total         174,518  1,309,188          72    11,722   16,332   20,210     50,750        689              666  52,105         100.00 
              -------  ---------  ----------  --------                    ---------  ---------  ---------------          ------------- 
Table 80: Countercyclical capital buffer 
Total Risk Exposure Amount ($m)                                     843,395 
Institution specific countercyclical capital buffer rate           0.61% 
Institution specific countercyclical capital buffer requirement 
 ($m)                                                                 5,145 
Appendix III 
Asset encumbrance 
Table 81: A - Assets(1) 
                          Carrying amount             Fair value             Carrying amount             Fair value 
                            of encumbered            of encumbered            of unencumbered          of unencumbered 
                               assets                    assets                   assets                    assets 
                                     of which:                of which: 
                                    notionally               notionally 
                                      eligible                 eligible                 of which:                of which: 
                                         EHQLA                    EHQLA                     EHQLA                    EHQLA 
                           Total      and HQLA      Total      and HQLA        Total     and HQLA       Total     and HQLA 
                              $m            $m         $m            $m           $m           $m          $m           $m 
     Assets of the 
010  institution       184,780        89,788                             2,431,667      508,154 
030  instruments        21,394         6,225          -             -       53,307        9,555           -            - 
040  Debt securities    92,917        83,563     92,781        83,441      434,933      335,877     429,779      331,896 
      *    of which: 
050  - covered bonds       407           404        407           404        8,651        8,617       8,651        8,617 
     - asset-backed 
060  securities            340             -        340             -        4,917            -       4,941 
     - issued by 
070  governments        72,234        71,317     72,234        71,317      257,347      231,365     257,090      231,134 
     - issued by 
080  corporations        7,948         1,178      7,948         1,178       94,890       15,080      94,845       15,080 
     - issued by 
090  corporations        1,880           214      1,880           214       14,481        4,761      14,168        4,658 
120  Other assets       70,469             -                             1,943,427      162,722 
Table 81: B - Collateral received(1) 
                                                 Fair value of encumbered         Fair value of collateral 
                                                    collateral received             received or own debt 
                                                  or own debt securities              securities issued 
                                                          issued                  available for encumbrance 
                                                                   of which: 
                                                                    eligible                         Of which: 
                                                                   EHQLA and                         EHQLA and 
                                                       Total            HQLA            Total             HQLA 
                                                          $m              $m               $m               $m 
      Collateral received by the 
 130   reporting institution                       269,782         216,763          244,994          147,920 
 140  Loans on demand                                    -               -               24                - 
 150  Equity instruments                            23,675           8,811           16,624            6,284 
 160  Debt securities                              245,440         207,952          206,899          141,636 
      - of which: 
 170  - covered bonds                                    6               -               25                - 
 180  - asset-backed securities                     17,973             389            1,765 
 190  - issued by general governments              207,476         196,387          162,884          129,241 
 200  - issued by financial corporations            12,196           6,012           23,290            5,800 
 210  - issued by non-financial corporations         7,295           5,164           16,948            6,595 
      Loans and advances other than 
 220   loans on demand                                   -               -           14,222                - 
 230  Other collateral received                        667               -            7,225                - 
      Own debt securities issued 
       other than own covered bonds 
 240   or ABSs                                           -               -                -                - 
      Own covered bonds and ABSs 
 241   issued and not yet pledged                                                     8,913                - 
      Total assets, collateral received 
 250   and own debt securities issued              454,562         306,551 
 Table 81: C - Encumbered assets/collateral received and associated 
                                                                     Assets, collateral 
                                                                       received and own 
                                                                        debt securities 
                                              Matching liabilities,   issued other than 
                                             contingent liabilities   covered bonds and 
                                                 or securities lent     ABSs encumbered 
                                                                 $m                  $m 
     Carrying amount of selected financial 
010   liabilities                                           256,771             375,413 

1 The values in these tables are the average of quarterly data points in the year.

Importance of encumbrance

We are a deposit-led bank and hence the majority of our funding is from customer current accounts and customer savings deposits payable on demand or at short notice. Given this structural unsecured funding position, we have little requirement to fund ourselves in secured markets, and therefore our overall low level of encumbrance reflects this position. However, we do provide collateralised financing services to clients as part of our GB&M business model, providing cash financing or specific securities, and these result in off-balance sheet encumbrance. The other sources that contribute to encumbrance are securities pledged in derivative transactions, mostly for hedging purposes, issuance of asset-backed securities, and covered bond programmes. HSBC Holdings ALCO reviews the asset encumbrance of the institution as a whole quarterly and any events changing the asset encumbrance level are examined.

For details on balance sheet encumbered and unencumbered assets, please refer to table 67.

Appendix IV 
Summary of disclosures withheld 
448(a)  Key assumptions (including      Assumptions regarding fixed 
         assumptions regarding loan      term loan repayments and term 
         prepayments and behaviour       behaviouralisation of non-maturity 
         of non-maturity deposits)       deposits and capital drive 
         on their exposure to interest   HSBC's structural interest 
         rate risk on positions not      rates positioning and market 
         included in the trading book.   hedging requirements. 
                                         These assumptions are proprietary 
                                         and their disclosure could 
                                         give key business strategy 
                                         information to our competitors. 
 Other Information 

The following abbreviated terms are used throughout this document.

$              United States dollar 
ABCP           Asset-backed commercial 
ABS(1)         Asset-backed security 
AIRB(1)        Advanced internal ratings 
                based approach 
ALCM           Asset, Liability and Capital 
ALCO           Asset and Liability Management 
AT1 capital    Additional tier 1 capital 
AVA            Additional value adjustment 
BCBS           Basel Committee on Banking 
BoE            Bank of England 
BSM            Balance Sheet Management 
CCF            Credit conversion factor 
CCP(1)         Central counterparty 
CCR(1)         Counterparty credit risk 
CCyB(1)        Countercyclical capital 
CDS(1)         Credit default swap 
CET1(1)        Common equity tier 1 
CIU            Collective investment undertakings 
CRA            Credit risk adjustment 
CRD IV(1)      Capital Requirements Regulation 
                and Directive 
CRE(1)         Commercial real estate 
CRM(1)         Credit risk mitigation/mitigant 
CRR(1)         Customer risk rating 
CRR II         Revised Capital Requirements 
                Regulation, as implemented 
CRO            Chief Risk Officer 
CSA(1)         Credit Support Annex 
CVA(1)         Credit valuation adjustment 
D-SIB          Domestic systemically important 
EAD(1)         Exposure at default 
EBA            European Banking Authority 
EC             European Commission 
ECA            Export Credit Agency 
ECAI           External Credit Assessment 
ECL(1)         Expected credit losses 
EEA            European Economic Area 
EL(1)          Expected loss 
EHQLA          Extremely high-quality liquid 
EU             European Union 
FIRB(1)        Foundation internal ratings 
                based approach 
Fitch          Fitch Ratings 
FPC(1)         Financial Policy Committee 
FRTB           Fundamental Review of the 
                Trading book 
FSB            Financial Stability Board 
FSVC           Financial System Vulnerabilities 
FVOCI(1)       Fair value through other 
                comprehensive income 
GAC            Group Audit Committee 
GB&M           Global Banking and Markets, 
                a global business 
GMB            Group Management Board 
GPB            Global Private Banking, 
                a global business 
GRC            Group Risk Committee 
Group          HSBC Holdings together with 
                its subsidiary undertakings 
G-SIB(1)       Global systemically important 
G-SII          Global systemically important 
HKMA           Hong Kong Monetary Authority 
Hong Kong      The Hong Kong Special Administrative 
                Region of the People's Republic 
                of China 
HQLA           High-quality liquid assets 
HSBC           HSBC Holdings together with 
                its subsidiary undertakings 
IAA            Internal Assessment Approach 
ICAAP(1)       Internal Capital Adequacy 
                Assessment Process 
ICG            Individual capital guidance 
ICR            Individual capital requirement 
IFRSs          International Financial 
                Reporting Standards 
ILAA           Individual Liquidity Adequacy 
IMA(1)         Internal Models Approach 
IMM(1)         Internal Model Method 
IRB(1)         Internal ratings based approach 
IRRBB          Interest rate risk in the 
                banking book 
IRC            Incremental risk charge 
LCR(1)         Liquidity Coverage Ratio 
LFRF           Liquidity and Funding Risk 
LGD(1)         Loss given default 
Libor          London interbank offered 
MDB            Multilateral Development 
MENA           Middle East and North Africa 
MOC            Model Oversight Committee 
Moody's        Moody's Investor Service 
MPE            Multiple point of entry 
MREL           Minimum requirements for 
                own funds and eligible liabilities 
MRM            Model Risk Management 
NCOA           Non-credit obligation asset 
NPL            Non-performing loans 
NSFR(1)        Net Stable Funding Ratio 
ORMF           Operational risk management 
OTC(1)         Over-the-counter 
PD(1)          Probability of default 
PFE            Potential future exposure 
PIT            Point-in-time 
POCI           Purchased or originated 
                credit impaired loans 
PPE            Property, plant and equipment 
PRA(1)         Prudential Regulation Authority 
PVA            Prudent valuation adjustment 
QCCP           Qualifying Central Counterparty 
RAF            Resolvability Assessment 
RAS            Risk appetite statement 
RBM(1)         Ratings Based Method 
RBWM           Retail Bank and Wealth Management, 
                a global business 
Retail         Retail internal ratings 
 IRB(1)         based approach 
RMM            Risk Management Meeting 
                of the GMB 
RNIV           Risks not in VaR 
RWA(1)         Risk-weighted asset 
SA/STD(1)      Standardised approach 
SA-CCR         Standardised approach for 
                counterparty credit risk 
S&P            Standard and Poor's rating 
SFM            Supervisory Formula Method 
SFT            Securities Financing Transactions 
SIC            Securities Investment Conduit 
SME            Small- and medium-sized 
SPE(1)         Special Purpose Entity 
SRB(1)         Systemic Risk Buffer 
SREP           Supervisory Review and Evaluation 
SSFA/SFA       Simplified supervisory formula 
SVaR           Stressed Value at risk 
TLAC(1)        Total loss absorbing capital 
TTC            Through-the-cycle 
T1 capital(1)  Tier 1 capital 
T2 capital(1)  Tier 2 capital 
UK             United Kingdom 
US             United States 
VaR(1)         Value at risk 
   1   Full definition included in the Glossary published on HSBC website www.hsbc.com 
Cautionary statement regarding forward- 
 looking statements 


Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December


contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to HSBC's financial condition, results of operations, capital position and business.

Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about HSBC's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Words such as 'expects', 'targets', 'anticipates', 'intends', 'plans', 'believes', 'seeks', 'estimates', 'potential' and 'reasonably possible', variations of these words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, and therefore undue reliance should not be placed on them. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. HSBC makes no commitment to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring or existing after the date of any forward-looking statements.

Written and/or oral forward-looking statements may also be made in the periodic reports to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, summary financial statements to shareholders, proxy statements, offering circulars and prospectuses, press releases and other written materials, and in oral statements made by HSBC's Directors, officers or employees to third parties, including financial analysts.

Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Readers are cautioned that a number of factors could cause actual results to differ, in some instances materially, from those anticipated or implied in any forward-looking statement. These include, but are not limited to:

-- Changes in general economic conditions in the markets in which we operate, such as continuing or deepening recessions and fluctuations in employment beyond those factored into consensus forecasts; changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates, including the accounting impact resulting from financial reporting in respect of hyperinflationary economies; volatility in equity markets; lack of liquidity in wholesale funding markets; illiquidity and downward price pressure in national real estate markets; adverse changes in central banks' policies with respect to the provision of liquidity support to financial markets; heightened market concerns over sovereign creditworthiness in over-indebted countries; adverse changes in the funding status of public or private defined benefit pensions; and consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments we serve; and deviations from the market and economic assumptions that form the basis for our ECL measurements;

-- Changes in government policy and regulation, including the monetary, interest rate and other policies of central banks and other regulatory authorities; initiatives to change the size, scope of activities and interconnectedness of financial institutions in connection with the implementation of stricter regulation of financial institutions in key markets worldwide; revised capital and liquidity benchmarks which could serve to deleverage bank balance sheets and lower returns available from the current business model and portfolio mix; imposition of levies or taxes designed to change business mix and risk appetite; the practices, pricing or responsibilities of financial institutions serving their consumer markets; expropriation, nationalisation, confiscation of assets and changes in legislation relating to foreign ownership; changes in bankruptcy legislation in the principal markets in which we operate and the consequences thereof; general changes in government policy that may significantly influence investor decisions; extraordinary government actions as a result of current market turmoil; other unfavourable political or diplomatic developments producing social instability or legal uncertainty which in turn may affect demand for our products and services; the costs, effects and outcomes of product regulatory reviews, actions or litigation, including any additional compliance requirements; and the effects of competition in the markets where we operate including increased competition from non-bank financial services companies, including securities firms; and

-- Factors specific to HSBC, including our success in adequately identifying the risks we face, such as the incidence of loan losses or delinquency, and managing those risks (through account management, hedging and other techniques). Effective risk management depends on, among other things, our ability through stress testing and other techniques to prepare for events that cannot be captured by the statistical models it uses; and our success in addressing operational, legal and regulatory, and litigation challenges; and other risks and uncertainties we identify in 'top and emerging risks' on pages 73 to 81 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2019.


Enquiries relating to HSBC's strategy or operations may be directed to:

Richard O'Connor                    Mark Phin 
 Global Head of Investor Relations   Head of Asia Pacific Investor Relations 
 HSBC Holdings plc                   The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking 
 8 Canada Square                     Corporation Limited 
 London E14 5HQ                      1 Queen's Road Central 
 United Kingdom                      Hong Kong 
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 18, 2020 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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