Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa 
Registration number 1950/038232/06 
("Harmony" or "Company") 
JSE Share code: HAR 
NYSE Share code: HMY 
ISIN: ZAE 000015228 
Results for the quarter and the year ended 30 June 2011 
Issued ordinary shares 
at 30 June 2011                   430 084 628 
Issued ordinary shares 
at 31 March 2011                  429 807 371 
Issued ordinary shares 
at 30 June 2010                   428 654 779 
Market capitalisation 
At 30 June 2011 (ZARm)            38 686 
At 30 June 2011 (US$m)            5 724 
At 31 March 2011 (ZARm)           42 676 
At 31 March 2011 (US$m)           6 304 
At 30 June 2010 (ZARm)            34 888 
At 30 June 2010 (US$m)            4 530 
Harmony ordinary share 
and ADR prices 
12 month high (1 July 2010 to     R103.25 
30 June 2011) for ordinary shares 
12 month low (1 July 2010 to      R71.90 
30 June 2011) for ordinary shares 
12 month high (1 July 2010 to     US$15.57 
30 June 2011) for ADRs 
12 month low (1 July 2010 to      US$9.72 
30 June 2011) for ADRs 
Free float 
Ordinary shares                   100% 
ADR ratio                         1:1 
JSE Limited                       HAR 
Range for quarter (1 April to     R83.29 - 
30 June 2011 closing prices)      R103.25 
Average daily volume for the      1 546 143 
quarter (1 April to 30 June 2011) shares 
Range for quarter (1 April to     R68.65 - 
30 June 2010 closing prices)      R81.40 
Average daily volume for the      1 918 132 
quarter (1 April to 30 June 2010) shares 
New York Stock Exchange, Inc 
including other US trading        HMY 
Range for quarter (1 April to     US$12.34 - 
30 June 2011 closing prices)      US$15.57 
Average daily volume for the      2 771 880 
quarter (1 April to 30 June 2011) shares 
Range for quarter (1 April to     US$9.04 - 
30 June 2010 closing prices)      US$10.57 
Average daily volume for the      1 072 003 
quarter (1 April to 30 June 2010) shares 
Key features 
Of the quarter... 
- Gold production 3% higher at 10 152 kg (326 394 ounces) 
- Grade remained steady 
- R/kg cost higher at R242 851/kg ($1 115/oz) due to increased electricity and 
stores costs, as well as inclusion of Target 3 
- Cash operating profit 5% higher at R901m (US$133m) 
Of the year... 
- Improved safety rates 
- Operations in build-up showed 22% improvement in production 
- Improved underground grade at 4.60g/t 
- Net profit of R617m/US$87m (loss of R192m/US$24m in FY10) 
- Basic earnings per share at R1.44 (loss of 46c in FY10) 
- Headline earnings of R957m/US$137m (R4m in FY10) 
- Wafi-Golpu resource at more than 1 billion tonnes 
- Created financial flexibility: US$300m debt facility 
Financial summary for the fourth quarter and year ended 30 June 2011 
                                Quarter Quarter   Q on Q 
                                   June   March Variance 
                                   2011    2011        % 
Gold produced (1) - kg           10 152   9 857        3 
                  - oz          326 394 316 909        3 
Cash costs        - R/kg        242 851 217 802     (12) 
                  - US$/oz        1 115     970     (15) 
Gold sold         - kg           10 412   9 716        7 
                  - oz          334 752 312 378        7 
Gold price        - R/kg        329 536 312 029        6 
received          - US$/oz        1 513   1 389        9 
Operating         - R million       901     855        5 
profit            - US$ million     133     122        9 
Basic             - SAc/s          (10)      55   <(100) 
(loss)/earnings   - USc/s           (1)       8   <(100) 
per share* 
Headline profit*  - Rm              130     390     (67) 
                  - US$m             19      56     (66) 
Headline earnings - SAc/s            30      91     (67) 
per share*        - USc/s             4      13     (69) 
Exchange rate     - R/US$          6.78    6.99      (3) 
                                Year ended Year ended   Y on Y 
                                      June       June variance 
                                      2011       2010        % 
Gold produced (1) - kg              40 535     44 433      (9) 
                  - oz           1 303 228  1 428 545      (9) 
Cash costs        - R/kg           226 667    195 162     (16) 
                  - US$/oz           1 009        801     (26) 
Gold sold         - kg              41 043     43 969      (7) 
                  - oz           1 319 563  1 413 633      (7) 
Gold price        - R/kg           307 875    266 009       16 
received          - US$/oz           1 370      1 092       25 
Operating         - R million        3 275      2 926       12 
profit            - US$ million        468        386       21 
Basic             - SAc/s              139       (38)     >100 
(loss)/earnings   - USc/s               20        (5)     >100 
per share* 
Headline profit*  - Rm                 957          4     >100 
                  - US$m               137          1     >100 
Headline earnings - SAc/s              223          1     >100 
per share*        - USc/s               32          -      100 
Exchange rate     - R/US$             6.99       7.58      (8) 
* Reported amounts include continuing operations only 
(1) Production statistics for Steyn 2 and Target 3 have been included. Steyn 2 
is currently in a build-up phase and Target 3 was in build-up phase up to the 
end of March 2011. Revenue and costs are capitalised for the period that these 
mines are in build-up phase. Revenue capitalised includes: Quarter ending June 
2011 Steyn 2, 27 kg (Mar 2011 - 14 kg) and Target 3, 0 kg (Mar 2011 - 250 kg), 
year ended June 2011 Steyn 2, 90 kg (June 2010 - 33 kg) and Target 3, 531 kg 
(June 2010 - 117 kg). 
Harmony's Annual Report, Notice of Annual General Meeting, its Sustainable 
Development Report and its annual report filed on a Form 20F with the United 
States' Securities and Exchange Commission for the year ended 30 June 2010 are 
available on our website (www.harmony.co.za). 
Forward-looking statements 
This quarterly report contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of 
the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 with respect 
to Harmony's financial condition, results of operations, business strategies, 
operating efficiencies, competitive positions, growth opportunities for 
existing services, plans and objectives of management, markets for stock and 
other matters. Statements in this quarter that are not historical facts are 
"forward-looking statements" for the purpose of the safe harbour provided by 
Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and 
Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Forward-looking 
statements are statements that are not historical facts. These statements 
include financial projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, 
statements regarding plans, objectives and expectations with respect to future 
operations, products and services, and statements regarding future performance. 
Forward-looking statements are generally identified by the words "expect", 
"anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates" and similar expressions. 
These statements are only predictions. All forward-looking statements involve a 
number of risks, uncertainties and other factors and we cannot assure you that 
such statements will prove to be correct. Risks, uncertainties and other 
factors could cause actual events or results to differ from those expressed or 
implied by the forward-looking statements. 
These forward-looking statements, including, among others, those relating to 
the future business prospects, revenues and income of Harmony, wherever they 
may occur in this quarterly report and the exhibits to this quarterly report, 
are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of the senior management 
of Harmony and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause 
actual results to differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking 
statements. As a consequence, these forward-looking statements should be 
considered in light of various important factors, including those set forth in 
this quarterly report. Important factors that could cause actual results to 
differ materially from estimates or projections contained in the 
forward-looking statements include, without limitation: 
- overall economic and business conditions in the countries in which we 
- the ability to achieve anticipated efficiencies and other cost savings in 
connection with past and future acquisitions; 
- increases or decreases in the market price of gold; 
- the occurrence of hazards associated with underground and surface gold 
- the occurrence of labour disruptions; 
- availability, terms and deployment of capital; 
- changes in government regulation, particularly mining rights and 
environmental regulations; 
- fluctuations in exchange rates; 
- currency devaluations and other macro- economic monetary policies; and 
- socio-economic instability in the countries in which we operate. 
Chief Executive's Review 
With another financial year that has drawn to a close, it is important to take 
stock of what we have achieved and to assess the progress made against our 
ambition to create a company capable of generating earnings that fund growth 
and dividends on a sustainable basis. 
During financial year 2011, we: 
- commissioned excellent gold mines in South Africa and Papua New Guinea (PNG); 
- expanded the world class Wafi-Golpu resource to 9 million tonnes (Mt) of 
copper and 26.6 million ounces (Moz) of gold (100%); 
- increased production from growth projects by 22% year on year; 
- tailored each mine's business plans to its unique requirements; 
- pro-actively addressed industry challenges; 
- improved production and productivity at most of our mines, and continue to 
work at replicating that level of success across the board; 
- increased Harmony's exploration exposure in PNG - a country with world class 
exploration potential - to 8000 km²; 
- improved the quality of our asset portfolio through the disposal and closure 
of non-core assets; 
- celebrated Harmony's 60th year in operation on 25 August 2010. 
We made good progress in getting the company where we want it to be - producing 
better quality ounces. Hidden Valley in PNG is now an operating mine, Harmony's 
first greenfields offshore development, which was formally opened in September 
2010; in South Africa we have Kusasalethu, Doornkop and Phakisa projects, all 
of which are in build-up, and Tshepong and Masimong which have been steady 
contributors to production. We dealt with the challenges at mines such as 
Evander, Target and Joel to ensure these mines are positioned to deliver on 
their production targets. 
Harmony has invested a great deal in the expansion of its production base in 
South Africa and PNG. The investment in exploration continues to pay dividends, 
with the Wafi-Golpu resource showing a phenomenal 57% increase to over 1 
billion tonnes during the year. Golpu's grade is over 1% copper, confirming it 
is one of the highest grade copper gold porphyry systems in South East Asia. 
These excellent results validate our long-held belief that PNG is a 
game-changing region for Harmony. 
On a 100% basis, Golpu alone now hosts a resource of 869Mt, containing 19.3Moz 
of gold and 9.0Mt of copper (62Moz on a gold equivalent (note 1) basis). This 
represents a significant year-on-year increase, with an additional 368Mt (73% 
increase), comprising 8 956kt copper (88% increase) and 10.5Moz ounces of gold 
(119% increase). Our resource base in PNG now represent 10% of Harmony's total 
gold resources (or 21% of the resource on a gold equivalent basis), which is in 
line with the Company's strategy to increase its geographic 
Annual production was lower than planned at 1.3Moz, largely due to safety 
stoppages and under-performance at some of the shafts. We continue to improve 
the business planning process, using benchmarks and targets we believe to be 
realistic. Our `life of mine' plans support our commitment to improving the 
grades from our underground operations, lowering our cost base and benchmarking 
our costing parameters internally across our operations as well as externally 
against other gold producers. Our focus remains on producing safe, profitable 
ounces and our operations in build-up will add to our production in future. 
Tragically, three employees (South Africa) and one contractor (PNG) lost their 
lives during the final quarter of the financial year. The deceased were Mbuzeni 
Sihoyiya, a locomotive guard at Kusasalethu, Michael Sello Matea, underground 
assistant at Joel, Mbuyiseli Malungisa, a locomotive guard at Masimong and 
Kerry Kowitz, a contractor working on the Wafi-Golpu access road. I would like 
to extend my deepest condolences to their families, friends and colleagues. 
Safety is a top priority at Harmony. We have put in place a number of safety 
initiatives, which have resulted in excellent safety achievements. Fatalities 
do, however, continue to occur. As a result, we appointed Alwyn Pretorius 
(previously the chief operating officer: North region), who is very familiar 
with Harmony's underground working environment, to assist in further improving 
and accelerating the execution of our safety and health strategy. 
Gold price 
Increasing global economic uncertainty is making gold an even stronger 
investment option than it already was. At over $1 700/oz, gold remains a 
currency and we believe the gold price will continue its strength. Investors in 
Harmony have complete exposure to the spot gold price, as the company does not 
hedge its gold. During the past quarter the gold price received strengthened 
from R312 029/kg to R329 536/kg. 
Operational results 
Quarter on quarter 
Gold production for the June 2011 quarter is 3% higher than the previous 
quarter, despite days lost to public holidays. The past quarter saw excellent 
improvements in development metres, mainly at the build-up operations. Build-up 
at Phakisa, Doornkop, Kusasalethu and Hidden Valley progressed well. 
Grade remained steady at 2.08g/t. 
Year on year 
Tonnes milled for the year under review increased by 7% or 1 317 000 tonnes 
when compared to the previous financial year. The main contributors were: 
- Doornkop: The build-up resulted in an additional 178 000 tonnes (33%) being 
milled for the year under review; 
- Target 3: The inclusion of its first commercial production during the June 
2011 quarter (75 000 tonnes); 
- Free State surface operations: Tonnes increased by 1.2 million tonnes, mainly 
waste rock dumps; 
- Hidden Valley: Recorded a full year of production and tonnes milled increased 
by 1.4 million tonnes to 1.7 million tonnes, achieving its production guidance 
for the year. 
The operations in build-up showed an increase in gold production. Hidden 
Valley produced 3 118kg, an additional 1 215kg (64%) in comparison to the 
1 903kg it produced in the previous financial year. Doornkop's production 
increased by 562kg (29%), Phakisa's by 391kg (29%) and Kusasalethu's by 165kg 
(3%). Gold production for the year under review decreased by 9% (3 898kg), 
mainly as a result of the shafts that were closed in the 2011 financial 
year. Closed shafts accounted for a decrease in gold produced of 4 092kg 
year on year. Underground grade increased year-on-year to 4.60g/t. 
Financial overview 
Quarter on quarter 
Quarter on quarter, cash operating costs in R/kg terms were 12% higher, mainly 
due to higher electricity and stores costs, as well as the inclusion of Target 
3 (which reached commercial production during the quarter) in our operating 
results. Higher stores costs are due to additional maintenance performed during 
public holidays. Electricity costs are higher due to a 25% increase in tariffs 
as from April 2011 and the inclusion of one month's winter tariff. 
Operating profit at R901 million was 5% higher, mainly due to the increase in 
the average Rand gold price received to R329 536/kg. 
Year on year 
Cash operating costs in Rand terms increased by R686 million or 8%, mainly due 
to restructuring costs, the inclusion of Target 3, higher electricity costs and 
higher labour costs. This resulted in the cash operating cost in R/kg terms 
increasing by 16% from R195 162/kg in FY10 to R226 667/kg in FY11. Rand per 
tonne unit costs remained stable at R469/tonnes. 
Capital expenditure for FY11 decreased by R317 million (10%) compared to the 
previous financial year. This is mainly attributed to a reduction in capital 
spent on Hidden Valley of 47% or R252 million. Capital from the South African 
operations decreased by R65 million (2%), due to reduced expenditure at Phakisa 
(R117 million), Doornkop (R50 million) and Kusasalethu (R50 million). 
Reserves and resources 
As at 30 June 2011, Harmony's mineral reserves amounted to 41.6Moz of gold, 
spread across Harmony's assets in South Africa and PNG. The reserves of 
Kusasalethu, Doornkop, Tshepong and Phakisa in South Africa and Hidden Valley 
in PNG now constitute 45% of Harmony's total mineral reserves. Once the 
pre-feasibility study of Wafi-Golpu has been completed, more ounces from PNG 
will be added to Harmony's reserves. 
The reserve declaration excludes Rand Uranium reserves (the asset which is 
being held for sale), as well as some Evander projects which are no longer 
included in Harmony's long term mining plans. These exclusions, together with 
mine depletion, resulted in a decrease of 6.5Moz year on year, allowing Harmony 
to refocus on growing, developing and operating its portfolio of quality 
As at 30 June 2011 Harmony's attributable gold mineral resources were 163.9Moz. 
Gold resources in PNG increased 51% year on year to 16.3Moz and now comprise 
10% of the group's total resource base. 
Harmony's PNG resource inventory also includes economically significant copper, 
molybdenum and silver that co-occur with gold. Attributable copper resources 
grew by 2.1Mt to 4.5Mt, up 86% year on year (and equates to 9.75Moz on a gold 
equivalent basis (note 1)). Molybdenum increased to 84 000 tonnes (up 50%) and 
silver increased to 55.16Moz (up 7.8%). 
These increases were driven by resource expansions at Hidden Valley and 
Creating financial flexibility 
Harmony has strengthened its financial flexibility through obtaining a 4 year 
US$300 million revolving credit facility with Nedbank Limited and FirstRand 
Bank Limited. The loan agreement was signed on 11 August 2011. This facility 
is specifically ear-marked for Harmony's activities in PNG. 
We are pleased to declare a dividend of 60 SA cents per ordinary share for the 
year ended 30 June 2011. 
Looking ahead 
Post year-end, following a five day strike, Harmony signed a two year wage 
agreement with the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), Solidarity and UASA 
(collectively referred to as the "Unions") on the 2nd of August 2011. The 
increase in wages will be off-set by improvements in productivity aimed at the 
more effective utilization of our mining assets. Approximately 500kg of 
production was lost due to the strike. 
The wage agreement between Harmony and the Unions also includes a profit share 
scheme in which all employees in the bargaining unit will share on a quarterly 
basis. The profit share will be based on 1% of operating profits less capital 
expenditure from the company's South African assets. 
We look forward to having the Unions as our partners in creating a sustainable 
mining industry. 
Financial year 2011 was filled with great achievements. We have improved our 
safety rates, secured excellent exploration results, continue to build up our 
operations and future production potential and certain operations have 
generated free operational cash flow. 
Financial year 2012 promises to be equally exciting. We remain focussed on 
continuing to deliver on our long term targets and to maximise shareholder 
Graham Briggs 
Chief Executive Officer 
Note 1. Gold equivalent ounces are calculated assuming a US$1150/oz Au, US$2.50 
/lb Cu and US$13.50/oz Ag with 100% recovery for all metals 
Safety and health 
The provision of safe and healthy working places remains a key priority for 
Harmony, as does the elimination of all workplace injuries and work-related ill 
health effects. This has always been an important area of focus for Harmony. 
Harmony will continue to implement and maintain safety initiatives and is in 
the process of rolling out a new improved fall of ground strategy to further 
reduce fall of ground incidents - one of the main contributors to fatal 
It is with deep regret that we report four fatalities during the June 2011 
quarter, bringing total fatalities for the 2011 financial year to 16. This is 
an improvement on the previous financial year, which recorded 22 fatalities. 
However, we need to continue to work towards avoiding these incidents 
Harmony's Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) in South Africa remains a 
single digit, for the eleventh consecutive quarter. Quarter on quarter the 
LTIFR rate regressed from 8.65 to 9.64, whilst LTIFR also regressed with 8% to 
8.32 when compared to the previous year. 
The Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (RIFR) (per million hours worked) in South 
Africa regressed by 13% when compared to the previous year (from 4.19 to 4.73) 
and by 17% quarter-on-quarter (from 4.62 to 5.39). 
The Fatal Injury Frequency Rate (FIFR) improved by 19% when compared to the 
previous year, but regressed by 44% quarter-on- quarter (from 0.09 to 0.13) 
Safety achievements for the quarter included: 
South African underground operations: 1 000 000 fatality free shifts 
Doornkop shaft operations:            1 000 000 fatality free shifts 
Doornkop total operations:            1 000 000 fatality free shifts 
Phakisa:                              500 000 fatality free shifts 
Target:                               500 000 fatality free shifts 
Ongoing behavioural-based safety, competency training and development and 
research, together with the vigilant co-operation of our stakeholders, will 
continue to enable Harmony to become an even safer company to work for. 
Our pro-active approach to the health and wellness of our employees continues. 
Various programmes and initiatives are supported and sponsored by the company 
to ensure the wellbeing of our employees. Our objective remains to improve 
health management programs and effectively utilise clinical information. This 
includes the review of policies, procedures, and processes, as well as 
training, on an ongoing basis. 
See our Sustainable Development Report for more details on our website 
Financial overview 
Quarter on quarter 
Cash operating profits increased by 5% quarter on quarter to R901 million, 
mainly due to an increase in revenue driven by the 6% increase in the R/kg gold 
price received. The increase in revenue was offset by an 18% increase in 
production cost. 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share decreased from 55 SA cents to a loss of 10 SA cents 
per share. Headline earnings per share decreased from 91 SA cents to 30 SA 
cents. Headline earnings have been adjusted for the impairment of assets as 
well as the reversal of the impairment of investment in associate. 
Revenue increased from R2 949 million to R3 422 million, or 16%, mainly due to 
the 6% increase in the rand gold price received to R329 536/kg. The increase of 
gold sold by 7% or 696kg, together with the inclusion of the results of Target 
3, also contributed to the higher revenue total for the June 2011 quarter. 
Cost of sales 
Cost of sales increased from R2 623 million to R3 491 million in the June 2011 
quarter. The main reasons for this increase are: 
- higher production costs, driven by higher electricity costs which include the 
annual increase by Eskom as well as one month's winter tariff (R115 million 
increase); increased labour costs of R67 million as a result of an increase in 
employees due to the build-up at certain shafts; an increase in stores cost due 
to higher production. Also contributing to the increase is the inclusion of 
costs related to Target 3, amounting to R93 million for the June 2011 quarter. 
- an increase in amortisation and depreciation from R431 million in the March 
2011 quarter to R477 million. This increase relates primarily to an increase in 
tonnes mined at several shafts as well as depreciation commencing at Target 3 
as it was brought into commercial production; 
- impairment of assets amounting to R264 million. The impairments relate to 
President Steyn 1 and 2 shafts (R99 million and R103 million respectively) and 
St Helena (R61 million of which R9 million relates to goodwill); 
- the annual adjustment on the rehabilitation provision amounting to R61 
- annual assessments of gold inventory balances resulting in write downs for 
Steyn Plant (R41 million) and Target stockpile (R30 million) and an adjustment 
on the gold in lock-up (R21 million). 
Exploration expenditure 
During the June 2011 quarter, R102 million was spent on exploration. Of the 
amount spent during the quarter, R90 million relates to the PNG 
projects. The expenditure for the March 2011 quarter was R77 million, R68 
million of which related to PNG. The increase quarter on quarter relates 
primarily to the pre-feasibility study being conducted at Wafi-Golpu. 
Reversal of impairment/(impairment) of investment in associate 
This movement relates to the limiting of costs relating to the Rand Uranium 
transaction as well as some foreign exchange movements. 
Net gain on financial instruments 
The movement for the June 2011 quarter comprises of the changes in fair value 
of the Nedbank Equity Linked Deposits held by the environmental trusts. 
Investment income 
Investment income for the June 2011 quarter was R24 million. This was a R40 
million decrease quarter-on-quarter as the March 2011 quarter included amounts 
related to the successful appeal against interest levied by SARS as well as 
interest on outstanding diesel refunds, which were not repeated in the current 
Finance cost 
Finance cost increased by R18 million quarter-on-quarter. This was 
mainly due to the draw-down of additional funds from the Nedbank 
facility during the previous quarter. 
The deferred taxation credit for the June 2011 quarter of R195 million credit 
consists mainly of credits relating to the change in the Life-of-Mine rates, 
amounting to R119 million, as well as additional temporary differences. 
Capital expenditure 
Capital expenditure increased from R667 million to R788 million in the June 
2011 quarter, as expected. 
The long term portion of borrowings decreased from R1 487 million to R1 229 
million in the June 2011 quarter as a result of the net repayment of R100 
million on the Revolving Credit Facility and the instalment payments on the 
term facilities of R153 million. 
Year on year 
Cash operating profits increased by 12% to R3 275 million for 2011. This was 
mainly due to an increase in revenue driven by the 16% increase in the rand/ 
kilogram gold price. 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share increased from a loss of 46 SA cents to earnings of 
144 SA cents per share. Headline earnings per share also increased from a loss 
of 7 SA cents to earnings of 223 SA cents. 
Revenue increased from R11 284 million to R12 445 million, or 10%, mainly due 
to the 16% increase in the rand gold price received to R307 875/kg. This 
increase was offset by the 7% decrease in gold sold. 
Cost of sales 
Cost of sales increased from R10 484 million to R11 615 million for 2011. This 
is mainly due to increases in production costs (driven by increased labour, 
electricity and stores costs) and amortisation and depreciation. 
Exploration expenditure 
During 2011, R353 million was spent on exploration with R296 million for PNG. 
The exploration expense in the income statement for 2010 was R219 million, with 
R165 million being spent in PNG. 
Net gain on financial instruments 
The movement in net gain on financial instruments for 2011 was R414 million, 
which includes R273 million recognised on the Witsgold transaction. The balance 
of the total relates to the changes in fair value of the Nedbank Equity Linked 
Deposits held by the Environmental Trusts. 
The deferred taxation credit for the year amounted to R492 million of which 
approximately R363 million relates to the change in the Freegold unredeemed 
capital allowance. The 2010 deferred tax charge of R251 million primarily 
related to increases in average deferred tax rates, notably at Evander. 
Notice of cash dividend 
Dividend No. 82 of 60 cents per ordinary share, being the dividend for the year 
ended 30 June 2011, has been declared payable on Monday, 19 September 2011 to 
those shareholders recorded in the books of the company at the close of 
business on Friday, 16 September 2011. The dividend is declared in the currency 
of the Republic of South Africa. Any change in address or dividend instruction 
to apply to this dividend must be received by the company's transfer 
secretaries or registrar not later than Friday, 9 September 2011. 
Last date to trade ordinary shares cum dividend           Friday, 9 September 
Ordinary shares trade ex dividend                         Monday, 12 September 
Currency conversion date in respect of the UK own name    Monday, 12 September 
shareholders                                              2011 
Record date                                               Friday, 16 September 
Payment date                                              Monday, 19 September 
No dematerialisation or rematerialisation of share certificates may occur 
between Monday, 12 September 2011 and Friday, 16 September 2011, both dates 
inclusive, nor may any transfers between registers take place during this 
                                  Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended 
                                        30 June      31 March       30 June 
                                           2011          2011          2010 
                                    (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
                             Note     R million     R million     R million 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                   3 422         2 949         3 045 
Cost of sales                   2       (3 491)       (2 623)       (2 649) 
Production costs                        (2 508)       (2 064)       (2 075) 
Royalty expense                            (13)          (30)          (28) 
Amortisation and 
depreciation                              (477)         (431)         (383) 
Impairment of assets                      (264)             -          (30) 
Employment termination 
and restructuring costs                       -          (26)          (82) 
Other items                               (229)          (72)          (51) 
Gross (loss)/profit                        (69)           326           396 
Corporate, administration 
and other expenditure                      (71)          (93)         (124) 
Social investment 
expenditure                                (18)          (27)          (28) 
Exploration expenditure         3         (102)          (77)          (60) 
Profit on sale of 
property, plant and 
equipment                                     5             8           101 
Other income/(expenses) 
- net                                        33           (8)            40 
Operating (loss)/profit                   (222)           129           325 
(Loss)/profit from 
associates                                    -          (24)           (7) 
Reversal of impairment/ 
(impairment) of investment 
in associate                    6            18         (160)             - 
Loss on sale of investment 
in subsidiary                                 -             -             - 
Net gain on financial 
instruments                     4            22             3            11 
Investment income                            24            64            25 
Finance cost                               (89)          (71)          (94) 
(Loss)/profit before 
taxation                                  (247)          (59)           260 
Taxation                                    205           297         (227) 
Normal taxation                              10          (12)          (20) 
Deferred taxation               5           195           309         (207) 
Net (loss)/profit from 
continuing operations                      (42)           238            33 
Discontinued operations 
(Loss)/profit from 
discontinued operations         6             -             -          (20) 
Net (loss)/profit                          (42)           238            13 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                       (42)           238            13 
Non-controlling interest                      -             -             - 
(Loss)/earnings per 
ordinary share (cents)          7 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
continuing operations                      (10)            55             8 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
discontinued operations                       -             -           (5) 
Total (loss)/earnings 
per ordinary share (cents)                 (10)            55             3 
Diluted (loss)/earnings 
per ordinary share (cents)      7 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
continuing operations                      (10)            55             8 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
discontinued operations                       -             -           (5) 
Total diluted(loss)/earnings 
per ordinary share (cents)                 (10)            55             3 
                             Quarter ended Quarter ended 
                                   30 June       30 June 
                                      2011          2010 
                                 R million     R million 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                             12 445        11 284 
Cost of sales                     (11 615)      (10 484) 
Production costs                   (9 074)       (8 325) 
Royalty expense                       (96)          (33) 
Amortisation and 
depreciation                       (1 776)       (1 375) 
Impairment of assets                 (264)         (331) 
Employment termination 
and restructuring costs              (158)         (205) 
Other items                          (247)         (215) 
Gross (loss)/profit                    830           800 
Corporate, administration 
and other expenditure                (354)         (382) 
Social investment 
expenditure                           (84)          (81) 
Exploration expenditure              (353)         (219) 
Profit on sale of 
property, plant and 
equipment                               29           104 
Other income/(expenses) 
- net                                 (24)          (58) 
Operating (loss)/profit                 44           164 
(Loss)/profit from 
associates                            (51)            56 
Reversal of impairment/ 
(impairment) of investment 
in associate                         (142)             - 
Loss on sale of investment 
in subsidiary                            -          (24) 
Net gain on financial 
instruments                            414            38 
Investment income                      140           187 
Finance cost                         (288)         (246) 
(Loss)/profit before 
taxation                               117           175 
Taxation                               480         (335) 
Normal taxation                       (12)          (84) 
Deferred taxation                      492         (251) 
Net (loss)/profit from 
continuing operations                  597         (160) 
Discontinued operations 
(Loss)/profit from 
discontinued operations                 20          (32) 
Net (loss)/profit                      617         (192) 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                   617         (192) 
Non-controlling interest                 -             - 
(Loss)/earnings per 
ordinary share (cents) 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
continuing operations                  139          (38) 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
discontinued operations                  5           (8) 
Total (loss)/earnings 
per ordinary share (cents)             144          (46) 
Diluted (loss)/earnings 
per ordinary share (cents) 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
continuing operations                  139          (38) 
- (Loss)/earnings from 
discontinued operations                  5           (8) 
Total diluted(loss)/earnings 
per ordinary share (cents)             144          (46) 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated 
financial statements. 
                                 Quarter ended 
                                       30 June    31 March     30 June 
                                          2011        2011        2010 
                                   (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) 
                                     R million   R million   R million 
Net (loss)/profit for the period          (42)         238          13 
Other comprehensive 
income/(loss) for the period, 
net of income tax                          418           6       (166) 
Foreign exchange translation               473          22       (161) 
Fair value movement of 
available-for-sale investments            (55)        (16)         (5) 
Total comprehensive 
income/(loss) for the period               376         244       (153) 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                       376         244       (153) 
Non-controlling interest                     -           -           - 
                                 Year ended Year ended 
                                    30 June    30 June 
                                       2011       2010 
                                  R million  R million 
Net (loss)/profit for the period        617      (192) 
Other comprehensive 
income/(loss) for the period, 
net of income tax                       368      (131) 
Foreign exchange translation            470      (127) 
Fair value movement of 
available-for-sale investments        (102)        (4) 
Total comprehensive 
income/(loss) for the period            985      (323) 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                    985      (323) 
Non-controlling interest                  -          - 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated 
financial statements. 
                                          At          At        At 
                                     30 June    31 March   30 June 
                                        2011        2011      2010 
                                             (Unaudited) (Audited) 
                              Note R million   R million R million 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment    8    31 221      30 557    29 556 
Intangible assets                8     2 170       2 188     2 210 
Restricted cash                           31          27       146 
Restricted investments                 1 883       1 866     1 742 
Investments in financial 
assets                                   185         236        12 
Investments in associates                  -           -       385 
Inventories                      9       172         227       214 
Trade and other receivables               23          69        75 
                                      35 685      35 170    34 340 
Current assets 
Inventories                      9       837         954       987 
Trade and other receivables            1 073       1 111       932 
Income and mining taxes                  139         119        74 
Cash and cash equivalents                693         656       770 
                                       2 742       2 840     2 763 
Assets of disposal groups 
classified as held for sale      6       268         174       245 
                                       3 010       3 014     3 008 
Total assets                          38 695      38 184    37 348 
Share capital and reserves 
Share capital                    28 305 28 290 28 261 
Other reserves                      762    299    258 
Retained earnings                 1 093  1 135    690 
                                 30 160 29 724 29 209 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax liability            3 067  3 313  3 534 
Provision for environmental 
rehabilitation                10  1 971  1 785  1 692 
Retirement benefit obligation 
and other provisions                174    179    169 
Borrowings                    11  1 229  1 487    981 
                                  6 441  6 764  6 376 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                    11    330    336    209 
Income and mining taxes               2     17      9 
Trade and other payables      12  1 746  1 343  1 410 
                                  2 078  1 696  1 628 
Liabilities of disposal 
groups classified as held for 
sale                           6     16      -    135 
                                  2 094  1 696  1 763 
Total equity and liabilities     38 695 38 184 37 348 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated 
financial statements. 
for the year ended 30 June 2011 
                               Share     Other  Retained 
                             capital  reserves  earnings     Total 
                           R million R million R million R million 
Balance - 30 June 2010        28 261       258       690    29 209 
Issue of shares                   44         -         -        44 
Share-based payments               -       136         -       136 
Total comprehensive income 
for the year                       -       368       617       985 
Dividends paid                     -         -     (214)     (214) 
Balance as at 30 June 2011    28 305       762     1 093    30 160 
Balance - 30 June 2009        28 091       339     1 095    29 525 
Issue of shares                  175         -         -       175 
Share-based payments             (5)       148         -       143 
Repurchase of equity 
interest                           -      (98)         -      (98) 
Total comprehensive loss 
for the year                       -     (131)     (192)     (323) 
Dividends paid                     -         -     (213)     (213) 
Balance as at 30 June 2010    28 261       258       690    29 209 
The statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2010 has been 
audited. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed 
consolidated financial statements. 
                             Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended 
                                   30 June      31 March       30 June 
                                      2011          2011          2010 
                               (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
                        Note     R million     R million     R million 
Cash flow from 
operating activities 
Cash generated by 
operations                           1 052           213           877 
Interest and dividends 
received                                24            64            32 
Interest paid                         (35)          (34)          (38) 
Income and mining taxes 
(paid)/refund                         (19)             8          (55) 
Cash generated by 
operating activities                 1 022           251           816 
Cash flow from 
investing activities 
(Increase)/decrease in 
restricted cash                        (4)             -             - 
Proceeds on disposal of 
investment in 
subsidiary                               -             -             - 
Proceeds on disposal of 
financial assets                         -             -             8 
Prepayment for Evander 
6 and Twistdraai 
transaction               12           100             -             - 
Other investing 
activities                            (10)            16          (11) 
Net additions to 
property, plant and 
equipment                            (829)         (687)         (708) 
Cash utilised by 
investing activities                 (743)         (671)         (711) 
Cash flow from 
financing activities 
Borrowings raised                      150           250           300 
Borrowings repaid                    (415)          (17)         (106) 
Ordinary shares issued 
- net of expenses                       15            13             7 
Dividends paid                           -             -             - 
(utilised)/generated by 
financing activities                 (250)           246           201 
Foreign currency 
translation adjustments                  8           (7)          (17) 
Net increase/(decrease) 
in cash and cash 
equivalents                             37         (181)           289 
Cash and cash 
equivalents - beginning 
of period                              656           837           481 
Cash and cash 
equivalents - end of 
period                                 693           656           770 
                                                  Year ended Year ended 
                                                     30 June    30 June 
                                                        2011       2010 
                                                   R million  R million 
Cash flow from operating activities 
Cash generated by operations                           2 418      1 611 
Interest and dividends received                          140        187 
Interest paid                                          (134)       (90) 
Income and mining taxes (paid)/refund                   (45)      (125) 
Cash generated by operating activities                 2 379      1 583 
Cash flow from investing activities 
(Increase)/decrease in restricted cash                   116         15 
Proceeds on disposal of investment in subsidiary         229         24 
Proceeds on disposal of available-for-sale 
financial assets                                           1         50 
Prepayment for Evander 6 and Twistdraai 
transaction                                              100          - 
Other investing activities                                10       (12) 
Net additions to property, plant and equipment       (3 110)    (3 493) 
Cash utilised by investing activities                (2 654)    (3 416) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Borrowings raised                                        925      1 236 
Borrowings repaid                                      (546)      (391) 
Ordinary shares issued - net of expenses                  44         18 
Dividends paid                                         (214)      (213) 
Cash (utilised)/generated by financing activities        209        650 
Foreign currency translation adjustments                (11)          3 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
equivalents                                             (77)    (1 180) 
Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of period          770      1 950 
Cash and cash equivalents - end of period                693        770 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated 
financial statements. 
1. Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The condensed consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2011 
have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, JSE 
Listing Requirements and in the manner required by the Companies Act of South 
Africa. They should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements 
for the year ended 30 June 2010, which have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International 
Accounting Standards Board (IFRS). The accounting policies are consistent with 
those described in the annual financial statements, except for the adoption of 
applicable revised and/or new standards issued by the International Accounting 
Standards Board. 
2. Cost of sales 
                              Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended 
                                    30 June      31 March       30 June 
                                       2011          2011          2010 
                                (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
                                  R million     R million     R million 
Production costs                      2 508         2 064         2 075 
Royalty expense                          13            30            28 
Amortisation and depreciation           477           431           383 
Impairment of assets(1)                 264             -            30 
Rehabilitation expenditure(2)            61             4            14 
Care and maintenance cost of 
restructured shafts                      37            35            15 
Employment termination and 
restructuring costs                       -            26            82 
Share based payments                     45            28            41 
Other(3)                                 86             5          (19) 
Total cost of sales                   3 491         2 623         2 649 
                                                 Year ended Year ended 
                                                    30 June    30 June 
                                                       2011       2010 
                                                  R million  R million 
Production costs                                      9 074      8 325 
Royalty expense                                          96         33 
Amortisation and depreciation                         1 776      1 375 
Impairment of assets(1)                                 264        331 
Rehabilitation expenditure(2)                            74         29 
Care and maintenance cost of restructured shafts        124         57 
Employment termination and restructuring costs          158        205 
Share based payments                                    136        148 
Other(3)                                               (87)       (19) 
Total cost of sales                                  11 615     10 484 
(1) During the June 2011 quarter, an impairment of R264 million relating to 
President Steyn 1 and 2 shafts and St Helena was recorded. The impairments for 
the year ended 30 June 2010 relates mainly to the Virginia and Evander 
operations, which was recorded as a result of shaft closures. (2) The expense 
for the June 2011 quarter results from the annual re-estimation of the 
rehabilitation obligation. (3) Included in Other for the June 2011 quarter is 
R41 million for the write down of the Steyn plant demolishment project. 
3.   Exploration expenditure 
                                 Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended 
                                       30 June      31 March       30 June 
                                          2011          2011          2010 
                                   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
                                     R million     R million     R million 
Total exploration expenditure              111            87            60 
Less: expenditure capitalised(1)           (9)          (10)             - 
Exploration expenditure per 
income statement                           102            77            60 
                                                  Year     ended 
                                               30 June   30 June 
                                                  2011      2010 
                                             R million R million 
Total exploration expenditure                      398       219 
Less: expenditure capitalised(1)                  (45)         - 
Exploration expenditure per income statement       353       219 
(1) Relates to Brownfields exploration at Hidden Valley 
4. Net gain on financial instruments 
During the September 2010 quarter, a gain of R273 million was recognised on the 
Freegold option. This was following Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited 
(Harmony) entering into two transactions with Witwatersrand Consolidated Gold 
Resources Limited (Wits Gold), whereby Wits Gold obtains a prospecting right 
over Harmony's Merriespruit South area and the option held by ARMgold/Harmony 
Freegold Joint Venture Company (Proprietary) Limited (Freegold), a wholly owned 
subsidiary of Harmony, is cancelled. The remainder of the total relates 
primarily to the increase in the fair value of the Nedbank Equity Linked 
Deposits held by the Environmental Trusts. 
5. Deferred taxation 
The deferred taxation credit of R195 million includes credits of R119 million 
related to the annual re-assessment of the deferred tax rates. 
The deferred taxation credit of R309 million in the March 2011 quarter includes 
a deferred tax credit of R333 million relating to Freegold. South African 
Revenue Service (SARS) previously disallowed Freegold's "post 1973 gold mine" 
additional capital allowance claim, and also disallowed Freegold's application 
of mining ringfencing. The disputed matters were setdown to be heard in the 
Income Tax Court of Johannesburg on 14 March 2011, but SARS withdrew the 
additional capital allowance claim on 10 March 2011, conceding that the 
Freegold operations are entitled to claim this capital allowance. The inclusion 
of the capital allowance caused an increase in the deferred tax asset on the 
balance sheet and the resulting credit in the income statement. For additional 
disclosure on the mining ringfencing application refer to note 13. 
6. Disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued operations 
Mount Magnet 
The conditions precedent for the sale of Mount Magnet were fulfilled and the 
transaction became effective on 20 July 2010. A total purchase consideration of 
R238 million was received from Ramelius Resources Limited in exchange for 100% 
of the issued shares of Mount Magnet. The group recognised a total profit of 
R104 million net of tax, before the realisation of accumulated foreign exchange 
losses of R84 million from other comprehensive income to the consolidated 
income statement. The income statement and earnings per share amounts for all 
comparative periods have been re-presented to disclose the operation as a 
discontinued operation. 
Investment in associate 
The investment in Rand Uranium has been classified as held for sale following 
the decision by the shareholders to sell the business. In terms of the binding 
offer accepted by the shareholders on 21 April 2011, the capital portion of the 
subordinated shareholder's loan of R61 million due to the group will be repaid 
out of the sale proceeds. Where the carrying value of the investment exceeds 
the expected proceeds, an impairment is recognised in the income statement. An 
impairment of R142 million has been recognised for the 2011 year. 
Evander 6 and Twistdraai 
On 10 September 2010, Harmony concluded a sale of assets agreement with Taung 
Gold Limited (Taung), in which Taung acquired the Evander 6 Shaft, the related 
infrastructure and surface rights permits as well as a mining right over the 
Evander 6 and Twistdraai areas. The total purchase consideration is R225 
million, which will be settled in cash when all remaining conditions precedent 
to the transaction have been fulfilled. In terms of an amended agreement Taung 
paid an amount of R100 million in April 2011. Refer to note 12 for additional 
7. (Loss)/earnings and net asset value per share 
(Loss)/earnings per share is calculated on the weighted average number of 
shares in issue for the quarter ended 30 June 2011: 430.0 million (31 March 
2011: 429.5 million, 30 June 2010: 427.6 million), and the year ended 30 June 
2011: 429.3 million (30 June 2010: 426.4 million). 
The diluted (loss)/earnings per share is calculated on weighted average number 
of diluted shares in issue for the quarter ended 30 June 2011: 431.4 million 
(31 March 2011: 430.7 million, 30 June 2010: 429.1 million), and the year 
ended 30 June 2011: 430.4 million (30 June 2010: 427.8 million). 
                                    Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended 
                                          30 June      31 March       30 June 
                                             2011          2011          2010 
                                      (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Total (loss)/earnings per 
share (cents): 
Basic (loss)/earnings                        (10)            55             3 
Diluted (loss)/earnings                      (10)            55             3 
Headline earnings/(loss)                       30            91          (10) 
- from continuing operations                   30            91           (6) 
- from discontinued operations                  -             -           (4) 
Diluted headline earnings/(loss)               30            91          (10) 
- from continuing operations                   30            91           (6) 
- from discontinued operations                  -             -           (4) 
                                        R million     R million     R million 
Reconciliation of headline 
Continuing operations 
Net (loss)/profit                            (42)           238            33 
Adjusted for (net of tax): 
Profit on sale of property, plant 
and equipment                                 (5)           (8)         (101) 
Taxation effect of profit on sale 
of property, plant 
and equipment                                   1             2            21 
Net gain on financial instruments             (6)           (3)           (4) 
Taxation effect of net gain on 
financial instruments                           2             1             1 
(Reversal of impairment)/impairment 
of investment in associate*                  (18)           160             - 
Foreign exchange loss/(gain) 
reclassified from other 
comprehensive income*                           -             -             - 
Loss on sale of investment in 
subsidiary                                      -             -             - 
Taxation effect of loss on sale of 
investment in subsidiary                        -             -             - 
Impairment of assets                          264             -            30 
Taxation effect of impairment of 
assets                                       (66)             -           (4) 
Headline earnings/(loss)                      130           390          (24) 
Discontinued operations 
Net (loss)/profit                               -             -          (20) 
Adjusted for (net of tax): 
Profit on sale of investment in 
subsidiary                                      -             -             - 
Taxation effect of profit on sale 
of investment in subsidiary                     -             -             - 
Foreign exchange loss reclassified 
from other 
comprehensive income*                           -             -             - 
Headline loss                                   -             -          (20) 
Total headline earnings/(loss)                130           390          (44) 
                                                     Year ended Year ended 
                                                        30 June    30 June 
                                                           2011       2010 
Total (loss)/earnings per 
share (cents): 
Basic (loss)/earnings                                       144       (46) 
Diluted (loss)/earnings                                     144       (46) 
Headline earnings/(loss)                                    223        (7) 
- from continuing operations                                223          1 
- from discontinued operations                                -        (8) 
Diluted headline earnings/(loss)                            222        (7) 
- from continuing operations                                222          1 
- from discontinued operations                                -        (8) 
                                                      R million  R million 
Reconciliation of headline earnings/(loss): 
Continuing operations 
Net (loss)/profit                                           597      (160) 
Adjusted for (net of tax): 
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment            (30)      (104) 
Taxation effect of profit on sale of property, plant 
and equipment                                                 8         22 
Net gain on financial instruments                           (7)        (7) 
Taxation effect of net gain on financial instruments          2          2 
(Reversal of impairment)/impairment of investment 
in associate*                                               142          - 
Foreign exchange loss/(gain) reclassified from other 
comprehensive income*                                        47       (22) 
Loss on sale of investment in subsidiary                      -         24 
Taxation effect of loss on sale of investment in 
subsidiary                                                    -        (7) 
Impairment of assets                                        264        331 
Taxation effect of impairment of assets                    (66)       (75) 
Headline earnings/(loss)                                    957          4 
Discontinued operations 
Net (loss)/profit                                            20       (32) 
Adjusted for (net of tax): 
Profit on sale of investment in subsidiary                (138)        (1) 
Taxation effect of profit on sale of investment in 
subsidiary                                                   34          - 
Foreign exchange loss reclassified from other 
comprehensive income*                                        84          - 
Headline loss                                                 -       (33) 
Total headline earnings/(loss)                              957       (29) 
*There is no taxation effect on these items. 
Net asset value per share (cents) 
                                           At          At          At 
                                      30 June    31 March     30 June 
                                         2011        2011        2010 
Number of shares in issue         430 084 628 429 807 371 428 654 779 
Net asset value per share (cents)       7 013       6 916       6 814 
8. Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 
An impairment of R264 million has been recognised at 30 June 2011 for the 
President Steyn 1 and 2 shafts and St Helena. R9 million of the impairment 
relates to goodwill, which is included in intangible assets. 
9. Inventories 
A write down of R41 million was recorded for the Steyn plant demolishment 
project as well as R21 million for the net realisable value adjustment for 
other gold in lock-up. In addition, a write down of R30 million was recorded 
for certain stockpiles. 
10. Provision for environmental rehabilitation 
An adjustment of R157 million was made to the liability following the annual 
re-estimation of the rehabilitation obligation. 
11. Borrowings 
                                      30 June    31 March   30 June 
                                         2011        2011      2010 
                                              (Unaudited) (Audited) 
                                    R million   R million R million 
Total long-term borrowings              1 229       1 487       981 
Total current portion of borrowings       330         336       209 
Total borrowings(1)(2)                  1 559       1 823     1 190 
(1) In December 2009, the Company entered into a loan facility with Nedbank 
Limited, comprising of a Term Facility of R900 million and a Revolving Credit 
Facility of R600 million. Interest accrues on a day to day basis over the term 
of the loan at a variable interest rate, which is fixed for a three month 
period, equal to JIBAR plus 3.5%. Interest is repayable quarterly. The Term 
Facility is repayable bi-annually in equal instalments of R90 million over five 
years. The first instalment was paid on 30 June 2010. 
In December 2010, the Company entered into an additional loan facility with 
Nedbank Limited, comprising of a Term Facility of R500 million and a Revolving 
Credit Facility of R250 million. Interest terms are identical to the original 
facility. The Term Facility is repayable bi-annually in equal instalments of 
R62.5 million over four years. The first instalment was paid on 30 June 2011. 
The terms of the original Revolving Credit Facility were amended to coincide 
with the repayment terms of the new Revolving Credit Facility, being payable 
after three years from December 2010. 
At 30 June 2011, R400 million (31 March 2011: R300 million, 30 June 2010: R300 
million) of these facilities had not been drawn down. 
(2) Included in the borrowings is R51 million (31 March 2011: R58 million; June 
2010: R91 million) owed to Westpac Bank Limited in terms of a finance lease 
agreement. The future minimum lease payments are as follows: 
                                      30 June    31 March   30 June 
                                         2011        2011      2010 
                                              (Unaudited) (Audited) 
                                    R million   R million R million 
Due within one year                        29          29        33 
Due between one and five years             22          30        60 
                                           51          59        93 
Future finance charges                    (1)         (1)       (2) 
Total future minimum lease payments        50          58        91 
12. Trade and other payables 
Included in the balance at 30 June 2011 is an amount of R100 million paid by 
Taung to Harmony in terms of the amended agreement for the purchase of the 
Evander 6 shaft and Twistdraai areas. In terms of the amended agreement, the 
amount is repayable to Taung should the outstanding conditions for the 
transactions not be fulfilled. 
13. Commitments and contingencies 
                                      30 June    31 March   30 June 
                                         2011        2011      2010 
                                              (Unaudited) (Audited) 
                                    R million   R million R million 
Capital expenditure commitments: 
Contracts for capital expenditure         194         191       335 
Authorised by the directors but not 
contracted for                          1 504       2 175     1 006 
                                        1 698       2 366     1 341 
This expenditure will be financed from existing resources and borrowings where 
Contingent liability 
For a detailed disclosure on contingent liabilities refer to Harmony's annual 
report for the financial year ended 30 June 2010, available on the group's 
website at www.harmony.co.za. In addition the following contingencies have been 
added or amended: 
(a) During March 2011, the Constitutional Court handed down judgement in the 
case of Mr Thembekile Mankayi v AngloGold Ashanti Limited (AGA) regarding 
litigation in terms of the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act 
(ODIMWA). The judgement allows Mr Mankayi's executor to proceed with the case 
in the High Court of South Africa. Harmony was named as a second defendant in 
the original case. Should anyone bring similar claims against Harmony in 
future, those claimants would need to provide evidence proving that silicosis 
was contracted while in the employment of the Company and that it was 
contracted due to negligence on the Company's part. The link between the cause 
(negligence by the Company while in its employ) and the effect (the silicosis) 
will be an essential part of any case. It is therefore uncertain as to whether 
the Company will incur any costs related to silicosis claims in the future and 
due to the limited information available on any potential claims and the 
uncertainty of the outcome of these claims, no estimation can be made for the 
possible obligation. 
(b) The Court's decision on Freegold's appeal regarding the South African 
Revenue Service's (SARS) application of mining tax ring-fencing was received on 
1 August 2011 and the Court found in favour of SARS. The case was concluded in 
March 2011, but judgement was reserved at that time. The Company has decided to 
appeal the finding by the Court. Any additional income taxes payable are 
expected to be offset by additional deferred tax credits due to the impact this 
application will have on unredeemed capital. 
(c) On 18 April 2008, Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited was made aware that 
it had been named or might be named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed in the 
U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York on behalf of certain 
purchasers and sellers of Harmony's American Depository Receipts (ADRs) and 
options with regard to certain of its business practices. Harmony has retained 
legal counsel. During January 2009, the plaintiff filed an Amended Complaint 
with the United States District Court (Court). Subsequently, the Company filed 
a Motion to Dismiss all claims asserted in the Class Action Case. On 19 March 
2010, the Court denied the Company's application for dismissal and subsequently 
the Company filed a Motion for Reconsideration in which it requested the Court 
to reconsider its judgement. This matter was heard on 27 April 2010 and the 
Company's request for reconsideration of judgement was denied. The Company has 
subsequent to 30 June 2011 reached a mutually acceptable settlement with the 
lead plaintiff. The settlement requires final approval from the Court and no 
assurance can be given that the settlement will ultimately be approved. 
14. Subsequent events 
(a) Refer to note 13(b) for details on the post balance sheet date event 
relating to the Freegold court case. 
(b) On 11 August 2011, the group entered into a US$300 million Revolving Credit 
Facility. The facility has a term of four years and attracts interest at LIBOR 
plus 260 basis points. This arrangement is subject to certain conditions 
precedent being satisfied. The facility was jointly arranged by Nedbank Limited 
and Firstrand Bank Limited (acting through its Rand Merchant Bank division). 
(c) On 12 August 2011 the board approved a payment of dividend of 60 SA cents 
per share for the year ended 30 June 2011. 
15. Segment report 
The segment report follows on page 28 and 29. 
16. Reconciliation of segment information to consolidated income statements and 
balance sheets 
                                                         30 June   30 June 
                                                            2011      2010 
                                                       R million R million 
The "Reconciliation of segment information to 
consolidated income statement and balance 
sheet" line item in the segment report is broken down 
in the following elements, to give a 
better understanding of the differences between the 
income statement, balance sheet and 
segment report: 
Revenue from: 
Discontinued operations                                        -         - 
Production costs from: 
Discontinued operations                                        -         - 
Reconciliation of production profit to gross profit: 
Total segment revenue                                12 445  11 284 
Total segment production costs and royalty expense  (9 170) (8 358) 
Production profit as per segment report               3 275   2 926 
Less: discontinued operations                             -       - 
                                                      3 275   2 926 
Cost of sales items other than production costs and 
royalty expense                                     (2 445) (2 126) 
Amortisation and depreciation                       (1 776) (1 375) 
Impairment of assets                                  (264)   (331) 
Employment termination and restructuring costs        (158)   (205) 
Share-based payments                                  (136)   (148) 
Rehabilitation costs                                   (74)    (29) 
Care and maintenance costs of restructured shafts     (124)    (57) 
Other                                                    87      19 
Gross profit as per income statements *                 830     800 
Reconciliation of total segment mining assets to 
consolidated property, plant and equipment: 
Property, plant and equipment not allocated to a segment: 
Mining assets                                               871   786 
Undeveloped property                                      5 139 5 139 
Other non-mining assets                                      70    72 
Less: Non-current assets classified as held for sale          - (226) 
                                                          6 080 5 771 
* The reconciliation was done up to the first recognisable line item on the 
income statement. The reconciliation will follow the income statement after 
17. Audit review 
The condensed consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2011 
on pages 18 to 29 have been reviewed in accordance with the International 
Standards on Review Engagements 2410 - "Review of interim financial information 
performed by the independent Auditors of the entity" by PricewaterhouseCoopers 
Inc. Their unqualified review opinion is available for inspection at the 
company's registered office. 
                                 Production Production    Mining 
                         Revenue    cost(1)     profit    assets 
                       R million  R million  R million R million 
Continuing operations 
South Africa 
Bambanani(2)                 921        828         93       965 
Doornkop                     781        601        180     3 085 
Evander                      717        622         95       946 
Joel                         454        417         37       183 
Kusasalethu                1 774      1 321        453     3 220 
Masimong                   1 326        756        570       899 
Phakisa                      551        473         78     4 317 
Target(2)                  1 080        815        265     2 729 
Tshepong                   2 007      1 172        835     3 589 
Virginia                     682        562        120       672 
All other surface 
operations(3)              1 176        888        288       155 
Total South Africa        11 469      8 455      3 014    20 760 
Papua New Guinea             976        715        261     4 381 
Total international          976        715        261     4 381 
Total operations          12 445      9 170      3 275    25 141 
Reconciliation of the 
segment information to 
the consolidated 
income statements and 
balance sheets (refer 
to note 16) 
                               -          -                6 080 
                          12 445      9 170               31 221 
                                       Capital Kilograms Tonnes 
                                expenditure(4)  produced milled 
                                     R million       kg* t'000* 
Continuing operations 
South Africa 
Bambanani(2)                               321     3 051    426 
Doornkop                                   292     2 512    718 
Evander                                    196     2 302    541 
Joel                                        73     1 449    407 
Kusasalethu                                380     5 609  1 099 
Masimong                                   178     4 280    868 
Phakisa                                    369     1 762    387 
Target(2)                                  439     3 981    805 
Tshepong                                   273     6 468  1 343 
Virginia                                    79     2 213    576 
All other surface operations(3)            147     3 790 10 431 
Total South Africa                       2 747    37 417 17 601 
Papua New Guinea                           289     3 118  1 679 
Total international                        289     3 118  1 679 
Total operations                         3 036    40 535 19 280 
(1) Production costs includes royalty expense. 
(2) Production statistics for Steyn 2 and up to March 2011 for Target 3 are 
included for information purposes. Steyn 2 is in build-up phase and revenue and 
costs are currently capitalised until commercial levels of production are 
reached. Target 3 had reached commercial production levels in April 2011. 
(3) Includes Kalgold, Phoenix, Dumps and President Steyn plant clean-up. 
(4) The total excludes non-operational capital expenditure of R67 million 
relating to Papua New Guinea. 
* Production statistics are not reviewed 
                                  Production Operating    Mining 
                          Revenue       cost    profit    assets 
                        R million  R million R million R million 
Continuing operations 
South Africa 
Bambanani(2)                1 114        745       369       954 
Doornkop                      517        410       107     2 837 
Evander                       910        859        51       922 
Joel                          524        379       145       175 
Kusasalethu                 1 392      1 091       301     2 974 
Masimong                    1 277        702       575       799 
Phakisa                       375        326        49     4 065 
Target(2)                     878        664       214     2 537 
Tshepong                    1 823      1 147       676     3 645 
Virginia                    1 415      1 340        75       682 
All other surface 
operations(1)                 980        632       348       127 
Total South Africa         11 205      8 295     2 910    19 717 
Papua New Guinea(3)            79         63        16     3 771 
Total international            79         63        16     3 771 
Total continuing 
operations                 11 284      8 358     2 926    23 488 
Discontinued operations 
Mount Magnet                    -          -         -       226 
Total discontinued 
operations                      -          -         -       226 
Total operations           11 284      8 358     2 926    23 714 
Reconciliation of the 
information to the 
income statement and 
balance sheet (refer to 
note 16) 
                                -          -               5 771 
                           11 284      8 358              29 485 
                                    Capital Kilograms Tonnes 
                                expenditure  produced milled 
                                  R million       kg* t'000* 
Continuing operations 
South Africa 
Bambanani(2)                            207     4 137    528 
Doornkop                                342     1 950    540 
Evander                                 175     3 475    788 
Joel                                     88     2 006    439 
Kusasalethu                             430     5 444  1 035 
Masimong                                177     4 840    899 
Phakisa                                 486     1 371    339 
Target(2)                               382     3 539    777 
Tshepong                                261     6 749  1 518 
Virginia                                180     5 288  1 656 
All other surface operations(1)          84     3 731  9 140 
Total South Africa                    2 812    42 530 17 659 
Papua New Guinea(3)                     541     1 903    304 
Total international                     541     1 903    304 
Total continuing operations           3 353    44 433 17 963 
Discontinued operations 
Mount Magnet                              -         -      - 
Total discontinued operations             -         -      - 
Total operations                      3 353    44 433 17 963 
(1) Includes Kalgold, Phoenix, Dumps and President Steyn plant clean-up 
(2) Production statistics for President Steyn and Target 3 are included for 
information purposes. These mines are in build-up phase and revenue and costs 
are currently capitalised until commercial levels of production are reached. 
(3) Production statistics for Papua New Guinea are included for the full year 
for information purposes. The mine was in build-up phase until the end of April 
2010, when commercial levels of production were reached. Revenue and costs up 
to this date were capitalised. 
*   Production statistics are not reviewed 
Corporate Office 
Randfontein Office Park 
PO Box 2 
Randfontein, 1760 
South Africa 
Corner Main Reef Road and Ward Avenue 
Randfontein, 1759 
South Africa 
Telephone: +27 11 411 2000 
Website:     http://www.harmony.co.za 
P T Motsepe (Chairman)* 
G P Briggs (Chief Executive Officer) 
H O Meyer (Financial Director) 
H E Mashego (Executive Director) 
F F T De Buck*^ (Lead independent director) 
F Abbott*, J A Chissano*1, K V Dicks*^ 
Dr D S Lushaba*^, C Markus*^, 
M Motloba*^, M Msimang*^, D Nokó*^, 
C M L Savage*^, A J Wilkens*, J Wetton*^ 
* Non-executive 
^ Independent 
1 Mozambican 
Investor Relations Team 
Henrika Basterfield 
Investor Relations Officer 
Telephone: +27 11 411 2314 
Fax:       +27 11 692 3879 
Mobile:    +27 82 759 1775 
E-mail:    henrika@harmony.co.za 
Marian van der Walt 
Executive: Corporate and Investor Relations 
Telephone: +27 11 411 2037 
Fax:       +27 86 614 0999 
Mobile:    +27 82 888 1242 
E-mail:    marian@harmony.co.za 
Company Secretary 
iThemba Governance and Statutory Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
Annamarie van der Merwe 
Telephone: +27 86 111 1010 
Fax:       +27 86 504 1315 
Mobile:    +27 83 264 0328 
E-mail:    avdm@ithemba.co.za 
South African Share Transfer Secretaries 
Link Market Services South Africa (Proprietary) Limited 
(Registration number 2000/007239/07) 
13th Floor, Rennie House 
19 Ameshoff Street 
Braamfontein, 2001 
PO Box 4844 
Johannesburg, 2000 
South Africa 
Telephone: +27 86 154 6572 
Fax:       +27 86 674 4381 
United Kingdom Registrars 
Capita Registrars 
The Registry 
34 Beckenham Road 
Kent BR3 4TU 
United Kingdom 
Telephone: 0871 664 0300 (UK) 
(calls cost 10p a minute plus network extras, lines are open 
8:30 am to 5:30 pm (Monday to Friday) 
or         +44 (0) 20 8639 3399 (calls from overseas) 
Fax:       +44 (0) 20 8639 2220 
ADR Depositary 
BNY Mellon 
101 Barclay Street 
New York, NY 10286 
United States of America 
Telephone: +1888-BNY-ADRS 
Fax:       +1 212 571 3050 
JP Morgan Equities Limited 
1 Fricker Road, corner Hurlingham Road 
Illovo, Johannesburg, 2196 
Private Bag X9936, Sandton, 2146 
Telephone: +27 11 507 0300 
Fax:       +27 11 507 0503 
Trading Symbols 
JSE Limited: HAR 
New York Stock Exchange, Inc: HMY 
London Stock Exchange Plc: HRM 
Euronext, Brussels: HMY 
Berlin Stock Exchange: HAM1 
Registration number 1950/038232/06 
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa 
ISIN: ZAE 000015228 

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