RNS Number:2714T
Hochschild Mining PLC
20 March 2007

20 March 2007

                             Hochschild Mining plc
            Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2006


   * Strong financial results during 2006 with adjusted EBITDA up 52% to $108 million
   * Despite industry wide cost pressure, our weighted average cost per tonne
     for our three operating mines decreased 2% in 2006
   * Stable production in 2006 with production of 23.3 million silver equivalent ounces
   * Cash flow from operations increased over 300% from 2005, totalling $126
     million, and declaration of maiden dividend
   * Successfully increased our attributable stated reserves by 25% in the
     second half of 2006
   * During 2007, we will commence production at three new projects and will
     expand capacity at two of our existing mines, more than doubling our
     throughput capacity
   * Forecast 2007 production in excess of 26 million silver equivalent ounces
    (+11% y-o-y)

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2006
(stated before exceptional items)
($ thousands, unless stated)         Year ended 31  Year ended 31      
                                     December 2006  December 2005      % change
Revenue                                    211,246        161,235           31%
Attributable after tax profit 1             46,646         24,719           89%
EPS (pre-exceptionals) 2                      0.19           0.11           73%
Adjusted EBITDA 3                          107,617         70,650           52%
Cash costs ($/oz Ag co-product)4              3.57           2.77           29%
Cash costs ($/oz Au co-product)4               153            159          (4%)
Silver production (koz)                     11,604         10,550           10%
Gold production (koz)                          196            232         (16%)
1 Attributable after tax profit is calculated as the profit for the year
  attributable to the equity shareholders of the company from continuing
  operations before exceptional items.

2 EPS is calculated using the weighted average number of shares outstanding for
  the period (2006: 242.9 million; 2005: 230.0 million). EPS from continuing
  operations after exceptional items was $0.17 and $0.15 per share for 2006 and
  2005, respectively.

3 Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as profit from continuing operations before
  exceptional items, net finance costs and income tax plus depreciation,
  amortization and exploration costs other than personnel and other expenses (see
  reconciliation on page 17).

4 Cash costs are calculated to include cost of sales, treatment charges, and
  selling expenses less depreciation included in cost of sales

Chairman's comments

"I am delighted to be presenting Hochschild Mining plc's first set of results as
a publicly listed company. Our Listing marks the beginning of a new stage in the
Group's development. We are now well-placed to build on our proven operational
strengths to deliver value for all our shareholders.  The combination of our low
cost assets with the ability to grow reserves and production whilst remaining
focused on underground precious metals mining in Latin America, form a strong
base for future growth. The Listing proceeds, together with our strong yearly
cash flow, provide us the necessary resources to expand our existing operations,
develop our pipeline of projects, and consider potential acquisitions. We thus
remain on course to deliver on our target for organic growth of 50 million
silver equivalent ounces by 2011."

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to be presenting Hochschild Mining plc's first set of results
following our successful Listing on the London Stock Exchange in November 2006,
when we raised approximately $500 million. It has been a landmark year for the
Company and I must extend my thanks to all those who made it possible: our
workers, management, office staff and our shareholders. Our Listing marks the
beginning of a new stage in the Group's development. We are now well-placed to
substantially increase our capacity to build on our track record of successful
financial, operational and social performance.

Over the last twelve months, we have seen a good operational performance and
strong financial results that demonstrate the strengths of our business. In
2006, our revenues for the year amounted to $211 million, a 31% increase on
2005, and adjusted EBITDA for the year increased by 52% to $108 million. We
continue to achieve low cash costs and high margins in our extraction of
precious metals due to our focus on exploiting high grade deposits and our
rigorous system of cost controls at all our operations. Whilst costs across the
industry have been rising and production has been constrained in many parts of
the world by escalating prices for mining machinery, we have seen a 2% reduction
in the weighted average cost per tonne at our existing operations.

Our production for 2006 was steady, with 11.6 million ounces of silver and 196
thousand ounces of gold, contributing to a combined total of 23.3 million silver
equivalent ounces, a slight decline on last year due to the anticipated grade
decline at our Ares mine. We expect this decline to continue into the first
quarter of this year as we continue to extract lower grades at Ares, but to be
more than fully reversed over the course of the year as we ramp-up throughput at
our three operating mines and as we bring three new mines into production
starting at the end of the second quarter. Consequently, for 2007, we are
targeting production in excess of 26 million silver equivalent ounces. The
benefits of increasing the number of producing mines from three to six in 2007
will be fully reflected, both operationally and financially, in 2008. This will
also keep us on course to reach our target of producing 50 million silver
equivalent ounces by 2011.

Pricing for both gold and silver was strong during 2006, with the prices rising
25% and 45%, respectively, on the back of significant investment demand notably
in the wake of inflation concerns, a weak dollar and geopolitical influences, in
addition to the introduction of the iShares Silver ETF in April 2006. The
average spot price for gold in 2006 was $604.65 per ounce and for silver it was
$11.59 per ounce. Looking forward, we continue to favour precious metals and
believe the silver price trend is set to continue into 2007 for two primary
reasons. First, we expect the investment demand growth to continue and second,
industrial demand is targeted to remain robust largely driven by continued
strength within the electronics fabrication sector coupled with the new and
expanding antibacterial uses of silver.

The strong cash flow demonstrated in this set of results - with cash from
operations of approximately $126 million, combined with the net cash of $406m at
the Group level - gives us the financial strength to deliver on our growth
strategy and to partake in the expected industry consolidation in the region. I
am happy to announce our maiden dividend for the two months of 2006 during which
we were listed totalling $2.3 million.

Exploration continues to be a strong focus of the Group and we made significant
progress during 2006. Since the half year figures reported at the time of our
Listing, we have increased our attributable reserves by 25% and extended our
overall mine life, after discounting our increased production in 2007.
Furthermore, our Listing has increased our visibility within the region and has
given us access to more acquisition and joint venture opportunities. For 2007,
we have increased our exploration budget as we look to enhance further our
reserve and resource base, explore new properties and continue to build on the
progress made last year.

It is with deep regret that we report that in the last year there have been
fatalities in our business - three in 2006 and one more in the first quarter of
2007 - a substantial aberration from our previous track record. The Board has
taken steps to support the families of the people involved and the CSR committee
has ordered a comprehensive review of safety procedures and reporting with the
leading consultants in the industry. We will continue to exert every effort to
ensure the safety of all our employees.

We take Corporate Social Responsibility very seriously and believe that the
health and safety of our employees, the respect for the environment and our
active engagement with local communities are fundamental to our business in the
long term. Responsibility for these important issues at Board level has now been
entrusted to the Deputy Chairman, Roberto Danino, who chairs the Corporate and
Social Responsibility Committee

As a newly-listed company on the London Stock Exchange, my Board colleagues and
I are also firmly committed to delivering high standards of corporate
governance. We believe that our combination of a strong management team and
experienced independent Directors will provide the best opportunities for growth
and strategic direction for the company.

In summary, we are well poised to build on our proven operational strengths to
deliver value for all our shareholders.  The combination of our low cost assets
with the ability to grow reserves and production whilst remaining focused on
underground precious metals mining in Latin America, form a strong base for
future growth. The Listing proceeds, together with our strong yearly cash flow,
provide us the necessary resources to expand our existing operations, develop
our pipeline of projects, and consider potential acquisitions. We thus remain on
course to deliver on our target of 50 million silver equivalent ounces by 2011.
We look forward to the year ahead with optimism and to the opportunities that it
offers with confidence.

I extend a warm welcome to all our new shareholders and thank you for your

Hochschild Mining plc
Wray Barber                                          +44 (0)20 7152 6014
Head of Investor Relations

Robin Walker                                         +44 (0)20 7251 3801
Public Relations

About Hochschild Mining plc:

Hochschild Mining plc (HOC.L for Reuters / HOC LN for Bloomberg) is a publicly
held company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Hochschild is a leading
precious metals company with a primary focus on the exploration, mining,
processing and sale of silver and gold. The Company currently operates three
underground epithermal vein mines located in southern Peru. The Company also has
three advanced stage development projects, one in each of Mexico, Peru and
Argentina and one early stage development project in Mexico. In addition, the
Company has over twenty long-term prospects throughout Latin America. The
Company has over forty years experience in the mining of precious metal
epithermal vein deposits. For further information please visit

Operational review:



In-line with expectations at the time of the Listing and as disclosed in our
quarterly production report in January, the second half production was slightly
above that of the first half with a total production of 23.3 million silver
equivalent ounces for the full year ended 31 December 2006. Silver production
for the year was up 10% to 11.6 million ounces as a result of an increase from
both Arcata and Selene while gold was down 16% to 196 thousand ounces due to the
anticipated decrease in grade at the Ares mine.


Despite industry wide cost pressure, our weighted average cost per tonne
decreased 2% in 2006 principally driven by a significant cost reduction at the
Selene unit. However, our silver cash cost increased on a co-product basis. Cash
costs on a co-product basis must be considered in conjunction with the
co-product commodity because as the percentage sales of one commodity increase
the other decreases resulting in a similar effect on the respective cash costs.
In 2006, we experienced an increase in co-product cash cost for silver from
$2.77/oz in 2005 to $3.57/oz principally driven by a higher percentage of silver
sales (68% increase in revenue from silver and 2% increase in revenue from gold)
and consequently a greater amount of cost attributed to silver production, and
to a lesser extent, by a decrease in average head grades mined for both silver
and gold. On the other hand, co-product cash cost for gold decreased from $159/
oz in 2005 to $153/oz in 2006 while by-product cash cost for gold went from
negative $21/oz to negative $273/oz. We do not typically look at silver on a
by-product basis.


Exploration remains at the core of our business as we seek to expand our
existing operations and add to our project pipeline through the discovery of new
properties. In 2006, we increased our capital expenditure on mine site
exploration and will do the same in 2007. We typically capitalize exploration
capital expenditure once the project has passed feasibility stage. In 2007, we
have budgeted $35 million for all exploration at our operations, projects and

Reserves and resources:

We have indicated our intention to increase our reserve and resource base in
order to bring it more in-line with that of other publicly traded precious metal
companies. We have increased our attributable stated reserves by 25% in the
second half of 2006.

                          Silver Equivalent Content (moz)
Category   June 2006  Depletion(1) Addition*  Dec 2006    %  June 2006 Att.(2)   Dec 2006 Att.(2)   %
Resource       233.4                   34.2      267.5  15%      177.8              202.2         14%
Reserve        105.6        (11.7)     49.4      143.3  36%       83.4              103.9         25%

(1) Depletion: reduction in reserves based on ore delivered to the mine plant

(2) Attributable reserves based on our percentage ownership at our joint venture

Notes: resources are inclusive of reserves; reserves and resources are reported
according to the JORC code developed by the Australasian Joint Ore Reserves
Committee; Gold/Silver equivalency: 1oz Au= 60oz Ag

* Increase in reserves due mainly to mine site exploration but also to price increase.



                                Year ended 31     Year ended 31          % change
                                December 2006     December 2005
Ore production (tonnes)               313,688           282,199               11%
Average head grade silver              536.61            538.55                0%
Average head grade gold (g/t)            1.39              1.19               17%
Concentrate produced                   12,407            10,787               15%
Silver grade in concentrate             11.92             12.31              (3%)
Silver produced (Koz)                   4,754             4,271               11%
Gold produced (Koz)                     11.89              7.19               65%
Net silver sold (Koz)                   4,046             4,194              (4%)
Net gold sold (Koz)                       9.8               7.2               36%

Arcata's processing capacity will be increased to 420 ktpa in the second quarter
of 2007 and we envisage undertaking a further expansion to 530 ktpa in 2009. At
Arcata we experienced a timing difference between production and sale of
concentrate which was significantly above that of previous years and, as such,
we anticipate a shipment of approximately 692 koz of silver and 1.7 koz of gold
that was mined in 2006 to be recognized as revenue in 2007. We recognize revenue
from concentrate when the risk passes to the customer which under the contract
with Penoles is when the concentrate is loaded onto the ship in Peru. We
anticipate the magnitude of this effect will normalize in 2007 to that of
previous years.

Revenues and costs:

($ thousand)                    Year ended 31     Year ended 31          % change
                                December 2006     December 2005
Revenue                                55,020            32,587               69%
% of consolidated revenue                 26%               20%

Unit costs per tonne at Arcata increased 6% in 2006 principally resulting from
an increase in mine costs, up 10%, and royalties, up 137%, although offset by a
decrease in geology costs, down 33%. Mine costs increased because of less low
cost open stopping in the Macarena Vein, more fill transport due to new areas of
operation, and to a lesser extent, a greater expense for ventilation. Royalties
are dictated by Peruvian legislation whereby owners of mining concessions must
pay for the exploitation of metallic and non-metallic resources. Mining
royalties, of 1%-3% of sales, are calculated depending on the value of the
mineral concentrates according to the quoted market price published by the
Ministry of Energy and Mines. Accordingly, as mineral prices have increased, so
have the applicable royalties. Absent any unforeseen circumstances, we do not
foresee a significant change in the cost profile of Arcata in 2007.

Capital expenditure:

($ million)                 Year ended 31 December 2006                2007 Budget
Total capital expenditure                          14.6                       24.8
Sustaining                                          2.1                        8.5
Expansion                                          10.6                       12.2
Exploration                                         1.9                        4.0

The increase in sustaining capital expenditure at the Arcata unit in 2007 is due
to the necessary replacement of the integral pump system for tailings, heavy
equipment purchases, the replacement of the pump system in the mine and some
infrastructure improvements. Additionally, we have significantly increased the
budget for mine site exploration, which we will permit us to continue to prove
up additional reserves and resources at Arcata while increasing production

Exploration & Geology:

Stated on an attributable basis    31 December 2006      30 June 2006          % change
Resource (moz Ag eq.)                          60.6              43.6               39%
Reserve (moz Ag eq.)                           20.4              16.1               27%

Notes: contains only the percentage of reserves or resources attributable to our
ownership in the mine/project; resources are inclusive of reserves; reserves and
resources are reported according to the JORC code developed by the Australasian
Joint Ore Reserves Committee; Gold/Silver equivalency: 1oz Au= 60oz Ag

Exploration and development has centred on the Mariana vein system at the
northern margin of the mineralised area, which includes the majority of reserves
and which currently supports the greater part of production. Exploration in and
around the Mariana vein system will continue in order to convert additional
resources into reserves, expand the mine life, and build a strong platform for
production growth at our flagship mine.



                                Year ended 31     Year ended 31          % change
                                December 2006     December 2005
Ore production(tonnes)                289,138           281,095                3%
Average head grade silver              310.61            355.28             (13%)
Average head grade gold (g/t)           17.37             22.81             (24%)
Dore total (Koz)                        2,850             3,151             (10%)
Silver produced (Koz)                   2,688             2,944              (9%)
Gold produced (Koz)                     155.5            198.55             (22%)
Net silver sold (Koz)                   2,651             2,895              (8%)
Net gold sold (Koz)                     152.9             196.4             (22%)

As anticipated, the average grade at the Ares mine is declining due to the
geologic nature of the ore body and, as such, we anticipate that we will mine at
a lower average head grade in 2007. In 2006, we completed the planned expansion
of the plant at Ares taking its capacity from 280 ktpa to 325 ktpa. Results from
the testing were positive and we are currently producing at a rate of 325 ktpa.

Revenues and costs:

($ thousand)                    Year ended 31     Year ended 31          % change
                                December 2006     December 2005
Revenue                                92,368            90,943                2%
% of consolidated revenue                 44%               56%

Despite higher prices, revenue was offset by a decrease in the ounces produced
and thus sold from Ares.

Unit costs per tonne at Ares increased by a modest 2% in 2006. This change was
principally driven by an increase in plant costs, up 26%, and administrative
costs, up 14%, and offset by a decrease in mine costs, down 8%, and general
services costs, down 6%. Plant costs increased as a result of higher prices of
sodium cyanide, more detoxification cycles in 2006 and an increase in steel
prices. Administrative costs were affected by the implementation of a revamped
catering service. Mine costs decreased because of a higher proportion of
mechanized stopes and a decrease in the number of stopes compared to 2005.
General services decreased as a result of an overall reduction in energy
consumption and operational supplies. We have a legal stability agreement at the
Ares unit which was granted in January 1999 for a ten year term, and
consequently, we do not make any royalty payments. Absent any unforeseen
circumstances, we do not foresee a significant change in the cost profile of
Ares in 2007.

Capital expenditure:

($ milion)                  Year ended 31 December 2006                2007 Budget
Total capital expenditure                           4.1                       11.1
Sustaining                                          2.3                        4.2
Expansion                                           0.3                        2.9
Exploration                                         1.5                        4.0

The increase in sustaining capital expenditure at the Ares unit in 2007 is due
to the replacement of heavy equipment and other equipments used in operational
areas. We also have increased the budget for mine site exploration at the Ares
unit to focus on new exploration targets.

Exploration & Geology:

Stated on an attributable basis    31 December 2006      30 June 2006          % change
Resource (moz Ag eq.)                          24.9              30.5             (18%)
Reserve (moz Ag eq.)                           22.3              28.5             (22%)

Notes: contains only the percentage of reserves or resources attributable to our
ownership in the mine/project; resources are inclusive of reserves; reserves and
resources are reported according to the JORC code developed by the Australasian
Joint Ore Reserves Committee; Gold/Silver equivalency: 1oz Au= 60oz Ag

As anticipated, the stated reserves and resources at Ares have decreased as a
result of production, declining grades and limited geological developments in
2006. In response to this change, we have increased our exploration efforts in
prospective areas around the high grade Victoria vein looking for a deposit of a
similar, high grade nature and will continue to do so in 2007. We are also
exploring areas adjacent to the already exploited parts of the Victoria vein
system at higher elevations. This exploration has shown positive results in
identifying minable high grade splays and cymoid veins that went previously
un-detected. We expect to produce a reserve and resource replacement in 2007
from this effort which should offset production depletion.



                                Year ended 31    Year ended 31        % change
                                December 2006    December 2005
Ore production (tonnes)               359,686          288,919             24%
Average head grade silver              397.76           399.11              0%
Average head grade gold (g/t)            2.85             3.43            (17%)
Concentrate produced                    3,812            3,559              7%
Silver grade in concentrate             33.96            29.15             17%
Silver produced (Koz)                   4,162            3,335             25%
Gold produced (Koz)                     28.34            27.48              3%
Net silver sold (Koz)                   3,705            3,277             13%
Net gold sold (Koz)                      26.9             26.4              2%

The capacity at the Selene concentrator will be expanded to 700 ktpa in the
third quarter of 2007 to accommodate for the extension of the Selene mine and
for the commencement of production at the Pallancata project. In the first half
of 2007, Selene will produce approximately 424 ktpa and in the second half 75%
of plant capacity will be used to treat ore from Selene while the remaining 25%
will be used to treat ore from Pallancata. The basic and detailed engineering
work for the expansion has been completed and construction is currently in
progress and on schedule.

As in Arcata, we also experienced a timing difference between production and
sale of concentrate at the Selene unit which was above that of previous years.
Approximately 635 koz of silver and 3.5 koz of gold from the Selene unit remains
in inventory and will add to revenue in 2007. We are converting the Selene
concentrate into silver/gold dore at Ares which will reduce the future magnitude
of the timing difference between production and sales.

Revenues and costs:

($ thousand)                    Year ended 31     Year ended 31          % change
                                December 2006     December 2005
Revenue                                63,713            37,307               71%
% of consolidated revenue                 30%               23%

Unit costs per tonne at Selene decreased by 20% in 2006, principally resulting
from an increase in production coupled with further development and
mechanisation of the operation. This effect significantly impacted our total
cost per tonne. Mine costs decreased by 33% as we were able to improve
productivity with technical solutions most notably stope mechanisation. In
addition, general services costs decreased by 24% as we were able to connect to
the national grid in 2006 as opposed to running the unit off a generator which
had been the case previously. Finally, administrative costs, a fixed cost, were
14% lower on a per unit basis due to the increased tonnage of production and a
reduction in personnel services due to a decrease in the workforce. The decrease
in costs was offset by an increase in royalties, up 64%, given higher average
selling prices. We do not anticipate any significant change in the per unit cost
at the Selene unit in 2007.

Capital expenditure:

($ million)                 Year ended 31 December 2006                2007 Budget
Total capital expenditure                           4.9                       14.1
Sustaining                                          4.2                        5.5
Expansion                                           0.3                        4.7
Exploration                                         0.4                        4.0

Sustaining capital expenditure will increase due to the replacement of heavy
equipment and a new pump station in the mine. The increase in the expansion
capital expenditure at Selene is to fund mine developments.

Exploration & Geology:

Stated on an attributable basis   31 December 2006      30 June 2006          % change

Resource (moz Ag eq.)                         25.2              18.6               35%
Reserve (moz Ag eq.)                          12.3              13.6             (10%)

Notes: contains only the percentage of reserves or resources attributable to our
ownership in the mine/project; resources are inclusive of reserves; reserves and
resources are reported according to the JORC code developed by the Australasian
Joint Ore Reserves Committee; Gold/Silver equivalency: 1oz Au= 60oz Ag

We significantly increased the resource base at Selene and are now poised to
increase Selene's reserves in 2007.

The Selene mine is a low sulphidation, precious metal epithermal vein system
conformed, based on current knowledge, by two vein systems. The first, the
Explorador system, is where most of our production, reserve and resource base is
focused. The second, the Tumiri system, had been mined by previous owners and it
still has an important exploration potential to develop. In 2007, exploration
expenses will be focused in converting resources to reserves mainly by deepening
the Explorador mine workings. Additionally, we plan to explore, with underground
workings and drilling, a set of parallel tensional veins which cross diagonally
between the Explorador and Tumiri vein systems, as well as the Tumiri and Timida
veins where we anticipate expanding our reserve and resource base significantly.
We have also a number of exploration targets within the Selene mining concession
which will be explored using surface drills during 2007.


The Pallancata silver/gold property is jointly owned with International Minerals
Corporation. We have a 60% ownership interest and are the operator. Pallancata
is located in southern Peru approximately 11 kilometers from the Selene vein
system and is considered part of the same geological environment.

We have commenced construction of the tunnels to reach the Pallancata vein which
we plan to mine in the third quarter of 2007. Future exploration targets exist
around the Mariana, Mercedes and San Javier structures. We will need to build a
22 kilometer road to transport the ore from Pallancata to Selene where we
anticipate commencing construction in March 2007 after the rainy season. We are
in the process of building an electrical line between the Selene mine and the
Pallancata property, which will completely supply the Pallancata property with

The majority of the personnel at the Pallancata mine will be contracted, similar
to our other Peruvian operations, and we are in the process of ramping up
on-site mine personnel.

We have applied for all the relevant mining permits and although we have not
received all approvals, we are confident in our ability to ascertain these
before we begin production. We have submitted our Environmental Impact
Assessment to the regulatory authority and having received some suggestions, are
in the process of implementing some recommendations. We do not however
anticipate any significant issues.

The expansion at the Selene plant to accommodate for the ore from Pallancata is
progressing according to the original schedule. Initial production from
Pallancata is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2007 and will amount to
approximately 175 ktpa. In the current expansion at the Selene plant, we are
allowing for a further expansion to be implemented in due course and are
constructing the plant accordingly. In the near future, the ore from Pallancata
will be sold from Selene in the form of concentrate although we will evaluate
the possibility of converting the Pallancata concentrate into dore at Ares.

Capital expenditure:

($ million)                  Year ended 31 December 2006                2007 Budget
Total capital expenditure                           1.6                       23.0
Sustaining                                            -                          -
Expansion                                           1.6                       19.0
Exploration                                           -                        4.0

The budget for the Pallancata project has increased due to an increase in the
costs associated with road construction to transport the concentrate from
Pallancata to Selene and costs associated with more exploration to increase
further the reserve base.

Exploration & Geology:

Stated on an attributable basis   31 December 2006      30 June 2006          % change

Resource (moz Ag eq.)                         29.5              21.7               36%
Reserve (moz Ag eq.)                          14.3               6.8              110%

Notes: contains only the percentage of reserves or resources attributable to our
ownership in the mine/project; resources are inclusive of reserves; reserves and
resources are reported according to the JORC code developed by the Australasian
Joint Ore Reserves Committee; Gold/Silver equivalency: 1oz Au= 60oz Ag

The increase in reserve and resource is the result of significant drilling
activity on the Pallancata vein and the extension of the previously known
mineralization along the vein both east and west with significant widths. The
mineralization appears still open to the west and further drilling is planned in

San Jose

The San Jose silver/gold property, located in southern Argentina, is jointly
owned with Minera Andes, S.A. We have a 51% ownership interest and are the
operator. We plan to commence production at San Jose in the second quarter of

In 2006, we completed a 21,240.66-meter drill program which increased our
resources and reserves by 37% and 54% respectively and in 2007 we plan to
complete an additional 32,000-meter drill program.

This year we plan to mine the Huevos Verdes vein and the nearby Frea vein where
we have developed approximately 9 kilometers of underground workings and have
completed the required infrastructure. While construction of the underground
mine is finished, we are completing construction of the plant. We are building
the plant to accommodate approximately 275 ktpa. However, the plant has been
designed to be upgraded to 550 ktpa in the future. We also have completed a
significant portion of the construction of the plant that will produce a silver/
gold dore.

Initially, we project working with diesel generators at the San Jose property;
however, we are currently evaluating alternative sources of energy in order to
reduce our future cost base.

During the last four months, we have hired all personnel for the mine and are
currently in the process of hiring plant personnel. Unlike our Peruvian
operations where the majority of our personnel are contracted, the majority of
the workforce at San Jose will be employed by the Company as is standard
practice in Argentina.

All relevant mining permits in respect of the San Jose property have been
obtained. On the corporate and social responsibility front, we have established
contact with the local communities in order to begin forging a long lasting,
mutually beneficial relationship following the approach taken at our Peruvian
operations which over time has proven successful.

Despite the difficulties of entering a new country, especially one not
characterized by an extensive mining history, we are proud of the
accomplishments made thus far.

Capital expenditure:

($ million)                 Year ended 31 December 2006                 2007 Budget
Total capital expenditure                          32.8                       64.7
Sustaining                                            -                        4.4
Expansion                                          32.8                       56.9
Exploration                                           -                        3.4

The budget for the San Jose project has increased due to a more aggressive
drilling campaign in the Kospi vein and a planned increase in infrastructure.
The increase in infrastructure mainly includes more camps and offices as well as
an increase in the size of the laboratory all which were not considered in the
original scope.

Exploration & Geology:

Stated on an attributable basis    31 December 2006      30 June 2006          % change
Resource (moz Ag eq.)                          35.9              26.3               37%
Reserve (moz Ag eq.)                           28.3              18.4               54%

Notes: contains only the percentage of reserves or resources attributable to our
ownership in the mine/project; resources are inclusive of reserves; reserves and
resources are reported according to the JORC code developed by the Australasian
Joint Ore Reserves Committee; Gold/Silver equivalency: 1oz Au= 60oz Ag

At San Jose, reserves and resources have increased significantly due to the
drilling performed in the newly discovered Kospi vein. Will continue to explore
the property in 2007 focusing on the Kospi, Frea and Odin veins where we have
found positive results. Furthermore, we have identified other structures which
have been initially tested and where we will drill in 2007 in order to increase
our reserve base further at the San Jose property.

Mina Moris

In early December 2006, we exercised our option to acquire a 70% stake in the
Mina Moris open pit mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, which was owned and operated by
Manhattan S.A. de C.V between 1996 and 1999. Exmin Resources Inc. ("Exmin") is
our partner in this project and owns the remaining 30%.

Our current strategy with Mina Moris initially focuses on bringing the open pit
mine back into production in a very cost efficient manner and mining the
remaining surface ore. However, we are most interested in the surface and
underground potential and geological characteristics of the surrounding 30,000
hectare property package we own with our partner Exmin plus an additional 50,000
hectare claim under approval by authorities. This property package is in one of
Mexico's most prolific gold belts and is host to the most recent exploration and
new mine developments, namely Ocampo, Mulatos and Dolores. We are committed to
explore the area with increasing intensity in the next several years.

We expect to commence production at Mina Moris in the third quarter of 2007 at
an initial capacity of 1,060 ktpa. The ore will be processed at a plant which
came with the property and is currently being refurbished. Since the operation
was initially commissioned in 1996, some of the permits and licenses have
lapsed. However, we have obtained the majority of the necessary permits and
licenses save for the health license, blasting license and the authorization to
purchase explosive material.

Mexico is a country with a long history of mining. The local reaction to our
entering the region has been positive with the people of the local village
optimistic about the opportunities which will arise from our recommissioning the
mine. The local village provides a skilled workforce having once worked at the
same operation not so long ago. In line with our corporate culture, we believe
in an emphasis on social responsibility and have already begun a dialogue with
the local communities near the mine in Mexico.

Capital expenditure:

($ million)                  Year ended 31 December 2006                2007 Budget
Total capital expenditure                             -                        7.2
Sustaining                                            -                          -
Expansion                                             -                        7.2
Exploration                                           -                          -

Exploration & Geology:

Stated on an attributable basis  31 December 2006      30 June 2006          % change
Resource (moz Ag eq.)                        8.6               8.9              (3%)
Reserve (moz Ag eq.)                         6.2               0.0              n.m.

Notes: contains only the percentage of reserves or resources attributable to our
ownership in the mine/project; resources are inclusive of reserves; reserves and
resources are reported according to the JORC code developed by the Australasian
Joint Ore Reserves Committee; Gold/Silver equivalency: 1oz Au= 60oz Ag

Reserves and resources in the Moris Mine were calculated based on a validation
of data delivered by the vendor. Our drilling and sampling has validated
existing data and has confirmed the reliability of the data to calculate
reserves and resources. However, we will undertake a full audit in 2007 similar
to what we have done at our other operations.

Review of Development Project:

San Felipe

The San Felipe project is located approximately 6 kilometres west of San Felipe
de Jesus in northern Sonora, Mexico and consists of seven mining concessions
covering a total of approximately 548 hectares as well as two other nearby
projects El Gachi and Moctezuma.

In mid 2006, we entered into an agreement with the underlying owner Grupo
Serrana whereby we have an option to acquire up to 70% of all mining rights and
ownership of the San Felipe, Moctezuma and El Gachi properties through an
investment of $33.3 million in the property within five years of the date of the

Since late 2006 and into early 2007, we have engaged in an accelerated and
promising exploration project, including regional surface mapping and
confirmation drilling on the original resource block in La Ventana ore body.

La Ventana ore body, based on information we received from the previous owner,
contained 4.5 million tonnes of inferred resources averaging 7.5% Zn, 3.5% Pb,
0.5% Cu and 80 g/t Ag. After the initial drilling campaign in excess of 8,000
meters on a portion of the ore body (42 holes drilled of which 33 had assays at
the time of resource calculation), we have been able to confirm inferred and
indicated resources of 2.7 million tonnes containing 6.8 % Zn, 3.2%, Pb, 0.4% Cu
and 71 g/t Ag. The ore body is still open at depth and to the west and we expect
to increase this resource significantly during 2007 with an additional 8,000
meters drilling program during the first half of 2007. We expect to deliver
measured and indicated resources that will justify the initial feasibility work
in July 2007.

Additionally, we have identified, mapped and sampled a number of exploration
targets within the San Felipe project. Two of them hold significant new
potential. In the Las Lamas ore body initial exploration drilling has started
and we have two wide intercepts with high grade zinc mineralization. The
previously explored San Felipe ore body, has also returned high grade results in
rehabilitated underground workings which suggest significant potential still
exist at depth. We will commence exploration drilling on this target in due

Many other surface exposures of mineralization have been evidenced by regional
surface mapping which indicates that the San Felipe project is facing a
mineralised district with great exploration potential. We are currently in
advanced negotiations to secure the surrounding property blocks to expand the
scope of this very exciting project.

Review of Prospects:

El Gachi

Together with the San Felipe joint venture, we have acquired rights on the El
Gachi project located 70 km northeast from San Felipe. El Gachi was explored by
Anaconda and Penoles in the 1960's and 1970's and unverified historic
information indicates grades of 400 to 900 g/t silver and greater than 12%
combined Pb and Zn. We presently envision a potential ranging from a minimum of
2.0 meters to upwards of 10 meters at similar grades. Currently we are reviewing
the existing information and mapping the area to design an initial drill program
designed to fast track this high grade silver and base metal project.

Claudia and Santa Rita

We signed a definitive joint venture agreement with Mirasol Resources on 26
February 2007. The joint venture agreement provides us with the option to earn a
51% interest in each of the Claudia and Santa Rita properties by spending $6
million on exploration at the Claudia Project and $3 million on exploration at
the Santa Rita project over four years, and by making cash payments totaling
$950,000. We may increase our interest to 65% in either, or both, projects by
completing a bankable feasibility study, and may further increase our ownership
to 75% by providing mine financing on commercial terms to Mirasol. At each
decision point, Mirasol may elect to retain its participating interest and fund
its share of expenditures.

The Claudia property is located 30 kilometres south of the producing Cerro
Vanguardia mine in Argentina and is hosted in a similar regional setting. The
vein system at Claudia is exposed within an erosional window exposing
prospective Chon Aike volcanic rocks. Exploration to date has identified three
gold/silver mineralized zones, where each hosts multiple quartz veins or
veinlets of classic, epithermal style. The three zones lie within a structurally
complex area some 3 kilometres in strike length and 1 kilometre wide, and appear
to represent distinct erosional levels exposed by block faulting. At this point
in time, the property has not undergone any drilling activity.

The Santa Rita silver project is located near our San Jose project in southern
Argentina. At Santa Rita, reconnaissance exploration has resulted in the
discovery of mineralised structural breccia system localized by a regional
structural trend that hosts several other gold-silver showings in the area. In
keeping with similar low-sulphidation epithermal precious metals occurrences,
the quartz vein textures and stratigraphic position at Santa Rita are permissive
for gold-silver grades increasing at depth.

We plan to drill both these properties in the coming months.

Other prospects

At the San Luis del Cordero property in Mexico, we completed mapping last year
and expect to commence drilling in 2007. According to the terms of the contract
with Exploraciones del Altiplano S.A. de C.V. where we have agreed to undertake
exploration with an option to acquire all rights and ownership, we must spend
$2.7 million over the next 4 years, of which we have spent $0.3 million within
the first year.

We are seeking prospective partners for our San Martin site as results were
encouraging but below our expectations and specified hurdle rates. We are
currently in negotiations with prospective partners.

At the Sierra de las Minas property in Argentina, we encountered high grade
intercepts but due to a lack of continuity we have decided to cease mapping,
sampling and drilling programs.

Financial review:

Key financial performance indicators:

(stated before exceptional items)

($ thousands, unless stated)         Year ended 31  Year ended 31      % change
                                     December 2006  December 2005
Revenue                                    211,246        161,235           31%
Attributable after tax profit 1             46,646         24,719           89%
EPS 2                                         0.19           0.11           73%
Adjusted EBITDA 3                          107,617         70,650           52%
Cash costs ($/oz Ag co-product) 4             3.57           2.77           29%
Cash costs ($/oz Au co-product) 4              153            159           (4%)
Silver production (koz)                     11,604         10,550           10%
Gold production (koz)                          196            232          (16%)

1 Attributable after tax profit is calculated as the profit for the year
  attributable to the equity shareholders of the company from continuing
  operations before exceptional items.

2 EPS is calculated using the weighted average number of shares outstanding for
  the period (2006: 242.9 million; 2005: 230.0 million). EPS from continuing
  operations after exceptional items was $0.17 and $0.15 per share for 2006 and
  2005, respectively.

3 Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as profit from continuing operations before
  exceptional items, net finance costs and income tax plus depreciation,
  amortization and exploration costs other than personnel and other expenses (see
  reconciliation on page 17)

4 Cash costs are calculated to include cost of sales, treatment charges, and
  selling expenses less depreciation included in cost of sales

Summary of financial performance

In our discussion of financial performance we remove the effect of exceptional
items and in our income statement show the results both pre and post such
exceptional items. We consider events to be exceptional when they are
significant and which, due to their nature or the expected infrequency of the
events giving rise to them, need to be disclosed separately.

Revenue for the year ended 31 December 2006 amounted to $211 million, a 31%
increase from 2005 principally driven by an increase in realizable commodity
prices and offset by the number of gold ounces sold. Our average realizable
price for silver and gold increased 68% and 25%, respectively in 2006. The
number of silver ounces sold was flat in 2006 while gold ounces sold decreased
18% year over year.

Profit from continuing operations before exceptional items, net finance costs
and income tax was up 133% from $32 million in 2005 to $75 million in 2006 with
the margin expanding from 20% to 36% during the same period. Adjusted EBITDA, a
key performance indicator for measuring underlying operating efficiency, rose
52% from 2005 to $108 million in 2006 corresponding to an adjusted EBITDA margin
of 51%. The increase in profit and adjusted EBITDA was fuelled by higher
commodity prices and a decrease in the weighted average cost per tonne of our
three operating units as is evidenced by the significant margin expansion.

Attributable after tax profit from continuing operations increased by 89% to $47
million in 2006. Our overall strong performance is attributable to an increase
in commodity prices across both silver and gold, stable production and strong
cost control at each of the three operating units.

Despite industry wide cost pressure, our weighted average cost per tonne
decreased 2% in 2006 principally driven by a significant cost reduction at the
Selene unit. However, our silver cash cost increased on a co-product basis. Cash
costs on a co-product basis must be considered in conjunction with the
co-product commodity because as the percentage sales of one commodity increase
the other decreases resulting in a similar effect on the respective cash costs.
In 2006, we experienced an increase in co-product cash cost for silver from
$2.77/oz in 2005 to $3.57/oz principally driven by a higher percentage of silver
sales (68% increase in revenue from silver and 2% increase in revenue from gold)
and consequently a greater amount of cost attributed to silver production, and
to a lesser extent, by a decrease in average head grades mined for both silver
and gold. On the other hand, co-product cash cost for gold decreased from $159/
oz in 2005 to $153/oz in 2006 while by-product cash cost for gold went from
negative $21/oz to negative $273/oz. We do not typically look at silver on a
by-product basis.

Net debt (see page 18) decreased significantly in 2006 as we raised net proceeds
of $469 million from the Listing and used a portion of the proceeds to pay down
long term debt.

Our working capital position improved in 2006 as a result of an increase in
trade payables which was offset by the increase in inventory.

Cash flow from operations increased over 300% in 2006 from $30 million in 2005
to $126 million in 2006. This increase is largely due to higher realizable
commodity prices, increased profitability and a release of cash from working
capital, most notably trade receivables and trade payables.


The Directors recommend a final dividend of US$0.00740 per share which
represents one third of the Company's attributable profit after tax post
exceptional items in respect of the two month period from Listing until 31
December 2006.

Dividend dates                                                            2007
Ex-dividend date                                                       13 June
Deadline for return of currency election forms                         13 June
Record date                                                            15 June
Payment date                                                           06 July

As stated at the time of the Listing, the Company's dividend policy takes into
account the profitability of the business and underlying growth in earnings of
the Company, as well as its capital requirements and cash flows, while
maintaining an appropriate level of dividend cover. Interim and final dividends
will be paid in the approximate proportions of one-third and two-thirds of the
total annual dividend, respectively.

Dividends will be declared in US dollars. Unless a shareholder elects to receive
dividends in US dollars, they will be paid in pounds sterling with the US dollar
dividend being converted into pound sterling at exchange rates prevailing at the
time of payment.


Our full year revenue from continuing operations increased 31% to $211 million
(2005: $161 million) due to higher realized commodity prices and offset by a
decrease in the number of gold ounces sold.

We recognize revenue from concentrate when the risk passes to the customer which
under the contract with Penoles is when the concentrate is loaded onto the ship
in Peru. As explained more fully on page 5, we were not able to recognize the
sale of approximately 1.3 moz of silver and 5.3 koz of gold as revenue in 2006.
However, we anticipate the magnitude of this timing effect will normalize in
2007 to that of previous years.

Silver. Revenue from silver increased by 68% in 2006 to $118 million (2005: $70
million). This change reflects a higher realized silver price, $11.4/oz in 2006
(2005: $6.8/oz). Total net silver ounces sold were flat in 2006 with 10,403 koz
sold versus 10,366 koz in 2005. A timing difference between production and sales
of concentrate at the Arcata and Selene units left approximately 1.3 moz of
silver in stocks most of which is sold in 2007. In 2006, revenue from silver
accounted for 56% of consolidated revenue compared to only 44% in 2005.

Gold. Revenue from gold was up modestly in 2006 to $92 million (2005: $90
million). This change in gold revenue was driven by a 18% decrease in the number
of gold ounces sold and offset by a higher realizable gold price, $487/oz in
2006 (2005: $391/oz). Total net ounces of gold sold decreased from 231 koz in
2005 to 190 koz in 2006 as a result of the anticipated decrease in the ore grade
at Ares. Similar to silver, we also experienced an increase in gold stocks in
concentrate with approximately 5.3 koz remaining most of which will likely be
sold in 2007. In 2006, revenue derived from the sale of gold accounted for 44%
of consolidated revenue compared to 56% in 2005.


We have a number of forward sales contracts in place for both silver and gold
which were entered into as part of the security package for a loan facility in
2003, the last of which is scheduled to expire in June 2007.

                                                2006                      2005
Silver sales hedged (Koz)                      2,468                     2,037
Gold sales hedged (Koz)                          102                       143
Silver average sale price ($/oz)               $11.4                      $6.8
Gold average sale price ($/oz)                  $487                      $391

In the first half of 2007, approximately 60 koz of gold sales and 880 koz of
silver sales from Ares are hedged at an average hedge price of $418/oz and $10.7
/oz per ounce, respectively.

Our current policy is not to hedge exposure to the underlying commodity prices.

Gross profit

Our gross profit increased 53% to $136 million in 2006 (2005: $89 million). This
was driven not only by higher commodity prices but also by increased
efficiencies, which is evidenced by the significant gross margin expansion. Our
gross margin increased from 55% in 2005 to 64% in 2006 and is principally a
reflection of our weighted average production cost decreasing 2% in 2006. At the
Arcata operation the increase in unit costs per tonne was driven principally
from an increase in mine costs and royalties although offset by a decrease in
geology costs. Furthermore, as mentioned above, we experienced a modest increase
in the per unit cost at Ares as a result of an increase in plant and
administrative costs and offset by a decrease in mine and general services
costs. At Selene, the unit cost decreased significantly as a result of an
increase in production coupled with further development and mechanisation of the
operation although offset by an increase in mining royalties. It is our
fundamental corporate focus on operational efficiency and a rigorous system of
cost controls that makes us one of the lowest cash cost producer globally and
historically has enabled us to remain profitable throughout the commodity cycle.

Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses increased in 2006 to $39 million (2005: $25 million).
Our administrative costs include all those costs associated with the corporate
headquarters as well as certain indirect costs associated with the operating
mines. The increase in administrative expenses was driven principally by an
increase in personnel expenses, workers' profit sharing and third-party
services. Personnel expenses increased mainly due to a special bonus payment to
management. Workers' profit sharing is a function of an increase in profit
before tax and is not considered a metric over which we have significant
control. Workers' profit sharing is governed by Peruvian legislation and is
equivalent to 8% of taxable income each year. The expenses associated with
third-party services were incurred during the Listing process to restructure the
Company and ultimately increase efficiencies both at operating and managerial
levels. We believe this increase represents a step change in overhead costs and
is a reflection of the incremental annual costs associated with being a public

Exploration expense

Exploration expenses decreased 29% in 2006 to $20 million (2005: $28 million).
This decrease was due principally to the winding down of the exploration phase
of the San Jose project and the fact that we capitalize underground development
and expense costs associated with pre-feasibility exploration. In addition, we
had a lower level of mine site exploration at Selene, offset by an increased
effort in exploring the Pallancata project as we prepare for production start-up
and an increase in mine site exploration at Arcata, as we are placing additional
emphasis on proving up additional reserves at the Arcata site.

Profit from continuing operations and adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA was up 52% from 2005 to $108 million in 2006 (2005: $71 million)
with margins expanding from 44% in 2005 to 51% in 2006. Below is a
reconciliation of the adjusted EBITDA calculation:

Adjusted EBITDA reconciliation:

$ thousands                          Year ended 31 Year ended 31      % change
                                     December 2006 December 2005
Profit from continuing operations           75,063        32,281          133%
before exceptional items, net
finance and income tax
Operating margin                               36%           20%
Depreciation in Cost of Goods Sold          16,435        14,605
Depreciation in Administrative                 993         2,001
Exploration Expense                         19,863        28,057
Personnel and other in Exploration           4,737         6,294
Adjusted EBITDA                            107,617        70,650           52%
Adjusted EBITDA margin                         51%           44%

Finance income

Finance income increased significantly in 2006 to $7 million (2005: $4 million)
principally due to additional interest earned on the net proceeds from the
Listing. This increase was offset by a decrease in the interest on loans to
related parties as the loans were repaid mid-way through the year prior to the

Income tax

The weighted average statutory income tax rate was 25% for 2005 and 30% for
2006. This change is due to a change in the weighting of profit/(loss) before
tax in the various jurisdictions in which the Company operates.

The effective tax rate for 2006 was 42% which was significantly higher than that
of the previous year at 19% principally due to our recognizing a significant
deferred tax asset in 2005 related to tax losses incurred during the development
of San Jose and Arcata, in addition to the introduction of taxable interest in
the United Kingdom, an increased weighting of income arising in Peru and more
withholding tax paid as a result of dividends declared in Peru.

Minority interest

The loss attributable to minority interest in both 2005 and 2006 consists
predominantly of that portion of the pre-feasibility costs for the San Jose
project of which the Company has a 51% ownership with Minera Andes owning the
remaining 49%.

Exceptional items

We consider events to be exceptional when they are significant and which, due to
their nature or the expected infrequency of the events giving rise to them, need
to be disclosed separately.

In 2006, exceptional items in other expenses principally included a $3.0 million
asset impairment at Sipan, one of our former operations which was closed in
2003, and a loss on the sale of investments of $2.2 million which was incurred
when the Company disposed off shares in Inversiones Pacasmayo prior to the
Listing. In addition, there was a $1.0 million loss on the sale of the Group's
wholly owned subsidiary, Mauricio Hochschild & Cia. Ltda. S.A.C.

Cash flow & balance sheet review

Our operations generated $126 million of cash flow in 2006 which is up 314% from
2005 (2005: $30 million). This increase is principally driven by an increase in
the underlying profit from continuing operations coupled with a shift in working
capital which was primarily due to an increase in payables and a decrease in

Working capital:

$ thousands                       Year ended 31 December Year ended 31 December
                                                    2006                   2005
Current assets
Inventories                                       16,405                 10,499
Trade and other receivables                       49,726                 81,106
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                          64,140                 31,664
Pre-shipment loans                                26,894                 18,800
Working capital                                  (24,903)                41,141

Net debt:

In 2006, as a result of the proceeds raised in the Listing and the repayment of
long term debt at the end of 2006, we were able to improve the strength of our
balance sheet. The majority of the long term debt currently outstanding
corresponds to a loan at one of our subsidiaries from our joint venture partner
as a way of financing its 49% of the San Jose project. Upon consolidation we
account for the portion of the loan outstanding to our partner. We exclude short
term pre-shipment loans from net debt as we consider these loans to be more
closely related to working capital requirements as they are secured by inventory
and receivables

$ thousands                                 Year ended 31         Year ended 31
                                            December 2006         December 2005
Cash and cash equivalents                         435,543                 2,467
Long term borrowings                               27,114                31,089
Short term borrowings less                          2,888                50,993
pre-shipment loans
Net debt / (net cash)                            (405,541)               79,615

Consolidated Income Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2006

               Notes     Year ended 31 December 2006           Year ended 31 December 2005
                        ------------------------------       -----------------------------
                          Before   Exceptional     Total         Before  Exceptional     Total
                     exceptional         items              exceptional        items
                           items                                  items
                                            (in thousands of US dollars)
Continuing       3&4

Revenue                  211,246             -   211,246       161,235             -   161,235
Cost of sales            (75,547)            -   (75,547)      (72,529)            -   (72,529)
Gross profit             135,699             -   135,699        88,706             -    88,706
Administrative           (38,738 )           -   (38,738)      (25,434)            -   (25,434)
Exploration        6      (19,863)           -   (19,863)      (28,057)            -   (28,057)
Gain on sale       7           -             -         -             -        14,812    14,812
of Bongara
zinc project
and Compania
Selling                   (3,187)            -    (3,187)       (3,161)            -    (3,161)
Other income       8       5,022           346     5,368         2,846             -     2,846
Other expenses     8      (3,870)       (6,495)  (10,365)       (2,619)         (202)    (2,821)
Profit from               75,063        (6,149)   68,914        32,281        14,610    46,891
before net
finance costs
and income tax
Finance income             6,906             -     6,906         4,144             -     4,144
Finance costs            (12,037)            -   (12,037)      (10,105)            -   (10,105)
Foreign                      353             -       353          (552)            -      (552)
exchange gain
/ (loss)
Profit from               70,285        (6,149)   64,136        25,768        14,610    40,378
before income
Income tax         9     (29,486)          791   (28,695)       (4,902)       (4,771)  (9,673)
Profit for the            40,799        (5,358)   35,441        20,866         9,839    30,705
year from
Profit for the                 -             -         -        12,179             -    12,179
year from
Profit for the            40,799        (5,358)   35,441        33,045         9,839    42,884
Equity                    46,646        (5,358)   41,288        36,898         9,839    46,737
of the Company
Minority                  (5,847)            -    (5,847)       (3,853)            -    (3,853)
                          40,799        (5,358)   35,441        33,045         9,839    42,884

Basic and         10        0.19         (0.02)     0.17          0.11          0.04      0.15
earnings /
(loss) per
ordinary share
(expressed in
U.S. dollars
per share)
Basic and         10           -             -         -          0.05             -      0.05
earnings per
ordinary share
(expressed in
U.S. dollars
per share)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 31 December 2006
                                             Notes     As of 31 December
                                                        2006        2005
                                             (in thousands of US dollars)
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                        118,413      59,403
Goodwill                                               2,091       2,091
Available-for-sale financial assets                    6,285      26,267
Trade and other receivables                           17,427       6,050
Derivative financial instruments                           -       1,902
Deferred income tax assets                            15,704      10,990
                                                     159,920     106,703
Current assets
Inventories                                           16,405      10,499
Trade and other receivables                           49,726      81,106
Derivative financial instruments                       6,022       7,047
Other financial assets at fair value through               -      19,835
profit or loss
Cash and cash equivalents                       11   435,543       2,467
                                                     507,696     120,954
Assets classified as held for sale                       345       3,844
Total assets                                         667,961     231,501

Capital and reserves attributable to
shareholders of the Parent
Equity share capital (including additional           146,466     219,233
Share premium                                        396,156           -
Other reserves                                      (205,112)   (198,055)
Retained earnings                                    142,810      28,198
                                                     480,320      49,376
Minority interest                                      9,011      (2,533)
Total equity                                         489,331      46,843

Non-current liabilities
Trade and other payables                               1,064       3,161
Borrowings                                            27,114      31,089
Provisions                                            28,690      30,982
Deferred income tax liabilities                        4,026       4,134
                                                      60,894      69,366

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                              64,140      31,664
Borrowings                                            29,782      69,793
Provisions                                            11,385       8,860
Income tax payable                                    12,429       4,975
                                                     117,736     115,292
Total liabilities                                    178,630     184,658
Total equity and liabilities                         667,961     231,501

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2006
                                              Notes   Year ended 31 December
                                                        2006           2005
                                               (in thousands of US dollars)

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                       126,231        30,464
Interest received                                      2,576           345
Interest paid                                         (9,163)       (4,989)
Payments of mine closure costs                        (5,426)       (5,228)
Tax paid                                             (26,010)      (12,602)
Net cash generated from operating activities          88,208         7,990
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment            (63,864)      (18,852)
Purchase of available-for-sale financial              (2,770)       (3,107)
Purchase of shares of Minera Colorada S.A.C             (240)            -
Purchase of other financial assets at fair            (5,867)      (21,537)
value through profit or loss
Purchase of assets and liabilities of Mina            (4,983)            -
Loan to Exmin, S.A. de C.V.                             (754)            -
Loan to Minera Andes Inc.                             (9,800)            -
Proceeds from other financial assets at fair           5,591        17,566
value through profit or loss
Proceeds from sale of Bongara zinc project                 -        16,364
and Compania Minera Corianta S.A.C.
Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale               6,550             -
financial assets
Proceeds from sale of Mauricio Hochschild &            3,801             -
Cia. Ltda. S.A.C. (subsidiary)
Proceeds from sale of Caylloma mining unit             4,500         3,050
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                991           239
equipment and assets classified as held for
Proceeds from sale of supplies                         3,975         3,417
Dividends received                                       147           182
Net cash used in investing activities                (62,723)       (2,678)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds of borrowings                                77,014       118,103
Repayment from borrowings                            (95,977)     (127,073)
Dividends paid                                       (58,375           (50)
Capital contribution                                      93             -
Proceeds from issue of ordinary share under          515,245             -
Global offer
Transaction costs associated with issue of           (33,989)            -
Purchase of shares from minority shareholders             (2)       (2,667)
Capital contribution from minority                     4,215         3,229
Repayment of capital to minority shareholders           (671)            -
Cash flows generated from (used in) financing        407,553        (8,458)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash             433,038        (3,146)
equivalents during the year
Exchange difference                                       38           (20)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year         2,467         5,633
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year             435,543         2,467

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 31 December 2006
                                                     Other Reserves

                               Unrealised gain/
                    Equity           (loss) on                                         Capital and
                     share           available                                            reserves
                   capital                -for  Cumulative                         attributable to    
                (including               -sale      trans-               Total         shareholders 
                additional     Share financial      lation    Merger     Other  Retained     of the  Minority     Total
           Note    capital)  premium    assets  adjustment   reserve  reserves  earnings     Parent  interest    Equity
                                                   (in thousands of US dollars)

Balance at 1       219,233         -     6,773           -  (210,046) (203,273)  (16,095)     (135)    (1,833)   (1,968)
January 2005
Fair value gains 
on available-
financial assets         -         -     4,492           -         -     4,492         -     4,492          -     4,492
adjustment for the
year                     -         -         -         726         -       726         -       726        147       873
Net income  
directly in equity       -         -     4,492         726         -     5,218         -     5,218        147     5,365
Profit for the year      -         -         -           -         -         -    46,737    46,737     (3,853)   42,884
Total recognised   
income for 2005          -         -     4,492         726         -     5,218    46,737    51,955     (3,706)   48,249
Purchase of shares
from minority
shareholders             -         -         -           -         -         -    (2,444)   (2,444)      (223)   (2,667)
contribution from
shareholders             -         -         -           -         -         -         -         -      3,229     3,229
Balance at 31 
December 2005      219,233         -    11,265         726  (210,046) (198,055)   28,198    49,376     (2,533)   46,843
Fair value gains on
financial assets         -         -    13,351           -         -    13,351         -    13,351         20    13,371
Deferred income tax on
financial assets         -         -      (398)          -         -      (398)        -      (398)         -      (398)
Fair value changes     
transferred to
income statement
on disposal              -         -   (22,844)          -         -   (22,844)        -   (22,844)         -   (22,844)
adjustment for the
year                     -         -         -       2,834         -     2,834         -     2,834        142     2,976
Net income 
directly in equity       -         -    (9,891)      2,834         -    (7,057)        -    (7,057)       162    (6,895)
Profit for the year      -         -         -           -         -         -    41,288    41,288     (5,847)   35,441
Total recognised     
income for 2006          -         -    (9,891)      2,834         -    (7,057)   41,288    34,231     (5,685)   28,546
Share issued            93         -         -           -         -         -         -        93          -        93
Shares issued      
under Global 
offer plc           73,606   441,639         -           -         -         -         -   515,245          -   515,245
Transaction costs
associated with
issue of shares          -   (45,483)        -           -         -         -         -   (45,483)         -   (45,483)
Capital reduction (146,466)        -         -           -         -         -   146,466         -          -         -
Dividends     12         -         -         -           -         -         -   (73,142)  (73,142)      (298)  (73,440)
contribution from
shareholders             -         -         -           -         -         -         -         -     18,200    18,200
Purchase of shares         
from minority
shareholders             -         -         -           -         -         -         -         -         (2)       (2)
Repayment of    
capital to
shareholders             -         -         -           -         -         -         -         -       (671)     (671)
Balance at 31 
December 2006      146,466   396,156     1,374       3,560  (210,046) (205,112)  142,810   480,320      9,011    489,331


1 General Information

Hochschild Mining plc (hereinafter the "Company") is a public limited company
incorporated on 11 April 2006 under the Companies Act 1985 as a Limited Company
and registered in England and Wales with registered number 05777693. The
Company's registered address is One Silk Street, London EC2Y 8HQ, United
Kingdom. The Company was incorporated to serve as a holding company to be listed
in the London Stock Exchange. The Company acquired its interest in the companies
listed below constituting the Hochschild Mining Group pursuant to a share
exchange agreement ("Share Exchange Agreement") dated 2 November 2006 (see note
2 (a)).

The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2006 contained in this
document does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 December
2006 has been extracted from the audited financial statements of Hochschild
Mining plc which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course.
The group consolidated financial statements, which were the first financial
statements presented by the Group, were approved for issue by the Board of
Directors on 19 March 2007.

The basis of preparation and the accounting policies used in preparing the
consolidated financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2006 and 2005
are set out below. These accounting policies have been consistently applied to
all the periods presented unless otherwise stated.

2   Significant Accounting Policies

(a) Basis of preparation

On 2 November 2006 and according to the share exchange agreement terms
Hochschild Mining plc entered into an agreement to acquire Hochschild Mining
(Argentina) Corporation, Larchmont Corporation, Garrison Corporation, Ardsley
Corporation, Hochschild Mining (Peru) Corporation and Hochschild Mining (Mexico)
Corporation (together referred to as the "Cayman Holding Companies").

In relation to this transaction, Hochschild Mining plc issued 229,900,000 shares
to the former shareholders of the Cayman companies in exchange for the issued
share capital on these companies. As this transaction involved the combination
of businesses under common control, the pooling of interests method of
accounting has been applied in the presentation of the consolidated financial
statements for the years ended 31 December 2006 and 31 December 2005 which
present the results of the Group as if the Cayman Holding Companies had always
been part of the Group. Accordingly, the assets and liabilities transferred to
the Company have been recognised at historical amounts. For periods prior to the
legal formation of the Company, the assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses of
the Cayman Holding Companies comprising the Predecessor Operations were
consolidated in preparing the financial statements. The accompanying
consolidated financial statements present the results and changes in equity of
the Company and its subsidiaries as if the Group had been in existence
throughout the years presented and as if the Predecessor Operations were
transferred to the Company from the Cayman Holding Companies as of 1 January

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the
European Union (EU). The Group's Financial Statements are also consistent with
IFRS issued by the IASB.

The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except
for certain classes of property, plant and equipment which have been re-valued
at 1 January 2003 to determine deemed cost (refer to note 2(d)), derivatives,
available-for-sale financial instruments and other financial assets at fair
value through profit and loss which have been measured at fair value. The
financial statements are presented in US dollars ($) and all monetary amounts
are rounded to the nearest thousand ($000) except when otherwise indicated.

The Group's transition date to IFRS is 1 January 2005. The rules for first-time
adoption of IFRS are set out in IFRS 1, first-time adoption of International
Financial Reporting Standards.

IFRS 1 allows certain exemptions in the application of particular Standards to
prior periods in order to assist companies with the transition process. The
Group has applied the following exemptions:

i) Certain classes of tangible assets had been re-valued at 1 January 2003.
Deemed cost as at the date of transition by considering the re-valued amounts as
of 1 January 2003 at the time of initial public offering of the group and
depreciated for the period until the date of transition. ii) IFRS 3 is applied
as from 1 January 2001 and not retrospectively to past business combinations,
and iii) The Group has deemed cumulative translation differences for foreign
operations to be zero at the date of transition; any gains and losses or
subsequent disposals of foreign operations will not therefore include
translation differences arising prior to the transition date.

(b)  Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements sets out the Group's financial position
and operations and cash flow as of 31 December 2006 and 31 December 2005 and for
the years then ended, respectively.

Subsidiaries are those enterprises controlled by the Group regardless of the
amount of shares owned by the Group. Control exists when the Group has the
power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of
an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Subsidiaries are
consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group and
cease to be consolidated from the date on which control is transferred out of
the Group. The purchase method of accounting is used to account for the
acquisition of subsidiaries by the Group. On acquisition of a subsidiary, the
purchase consideration is allocated to the assets and liabilities on the basis
of their fair value at the date of acquisition. The excess of the cost of
acquisition over the fair value of the Group's share of the identifiable net
assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is less than
the fair value of net assets of the entity acquired, the difference is
recognised directly in the income statement.

The financial statements of subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting
periods as the Company using consistent accounting policies. All intercompany
balances and transactions, including unrealised profits arising from intra-Group
transactions, have been eliminated on consolidation. Unrealised losses are
eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains except that they are only
eliminated to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.

Minority shareholders primarily represent the interests in Minera Santa Cruz,
Compania Minera Arcata, Minera Suyamarca, and Mina Santa Maria de Moris S.A. de
C.V. not held by the Company. In the event of a purchase of minority
shareholders' interest when the Group holds the majority of shares of a
subsidiary, any excess of the consideration given over the Group's share of net
assets is recorded in Retained earnings in Equity.

(c) Currency translation

The functional currency for each entity in the Group is determined by the
currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates. For the
holding companies and operating entities it is US dollars and for the other
entities it is the local currency of the country in which it operates. The
Group's financial information is presented in US dollars, which is the Company's
functional currency.

Transactions denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the
entity are initially recorded in the functional currency using the exchange rate
ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities
denominated in foreign currencies are remeasured at the rate of exchange ruling
at the balance sheet date. Exchange gains and losses on settlement of foreign
currency transactions which are translated at the rate prevailing at the date of
the transactions, or on the translation of monetary assets and liabilities which
are translated at period-end exchange rates, are taken to the income statement.
Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are
stated at historical cost are translated to the functional currency at the
foreign exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. Exchange
differences arising from monetary items that are part of a net investment in a
foreign operation are recognised in equity and transferred to income on disposal
of such net investment.

Subsidiary financial statements expressed in their corresponding functional
currencies are translated into US dollars by applying the exchange rate at
period-end for assets and liabilities and the average exchange rate for income
statements items. The resulting difference on consolidation is included as
cumulative translation adjustment in equity.

Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign
entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign entity and
translated at the closing rate.

(d) Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost or deemed cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairment losses. Cost comprises its purchase price and any
costs directly attributable to bringing it into working condition for its
intended use. The cost of self-constructed assets includes the cost of
materials, direct labour and an appropriate proportion of production overheads.
The cost or deemed cost of property, plant and equipment (hereafter referred to
as "cost") at 1 January 2005, the date of the Group transition to IFRS. Deemed
cost as at the date of transition by considering the re-valued amounts as of 1
January 2003 at the time of initial public offering of the group and depreciated
for the period until the date of transition. Economical and physical conditions
of assets have not changed substantially over this period.

The cost less its residual value of each item of property, plant and equipment
is depreciated over its useful life. Each item's estimated useful life has been
assessed with regard to both its own physical life limitations and the present
assessment of economically recoverable reserves and resources of the mine
property at which the item is located. Estimates of remaining useful lives are
made on a regular basis for all mine buildings, machinery and equipment, with
annual reassessments for major items. Depreciation is charged to cost of
production on a units of production (UOP) basis for mine buildings and
installations, plant and equipment used in the mining production process or
charged directly to the income statement over the estimated useful life of the
individual asset on a straight line basis when not related to the mining
production process. Changes in estimates, which mainly affect units of
production calculations, are accounted for prospectively. Depreciation commences
when assets are available for use. Land is not depreciated.

An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount
if the asset's carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.

Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the
carrying amount and are recognised within other income/expenses, in the income

The expected useful lives under the straight-line method are as follows:


Buildings                       3 to 33
Plant and equipment                   5
Furniture, fixtures and fittings     10
Vehicles                              5

Borrowing costs are not capitalised and are expensed.

Mineral properties and mine development costs

Payments for mineral properties are expensed during the exploration phase of a
project and capitalised during their development phase when incurred. Costs
associated with developments are capitalised.

Mine development costs are, upon commencement of production, depreciated using
the units of production method based on the estimated economically recoverable
reserves and resources to which they relate.

Construction in progress

Assets in the course of construction are capitalised as a separate component of
property, plant and equipment. On completion, the cost of construction is
transferred to the appropriate category. Construction in progress is not

Subsequent expenditure

Expenditure incurred to replace a component of an item of property, plant and
equipment is capitalised separately with the carrying amount of the component
being written-off. Other subsequent expenditure is capitalised if future
economic benefits will arise from the expenditure. All other expenditure
including repairs and maintenance expenditures are recognised in the income
statement as incurred.

(e) Determination of ore reserves and resources

The Group estimates its ore reserves and mineral resources based on information
compiled by internal competent persons. Reports to support these estimates are
prepared each year and are stated in conformity with the Joint Ore Reserves
Committee (JORC) code.

Reserves and resources are used in the units of production calculation for
depreciation as well as the determination of the timing of mine closure cost and
impairment analysis.

There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating ore reserves.
Assumptions that are valid at the time of estimation may change significantly
when new information becomes available. Changes in the forecast prices of
commodities, exchange rates, production costs or recovery rates may change the
economic status of reserves and may, ultimately, result in the reserves being

(f) Assets held for sale

Assets are classified as assets held for sale and stated at the lower of
carrying amount and fair value less cost to sell if their carrying amount is to
be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through a
continuing use. These assets are not depreciated.

(g) Goodwill

Goodwill is included in intangible assets and represents the excess of the cost
of an acquisition over the fair value of the Group's share of the net
identifiable assets of the acquired entity at the date of acquisition.
Separately recognised goodwill is tested annually for impairment and carried at
cost less accumulated impairment losses. Impairment losses on goodwill are not

Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units for the purpose of impairment
testing. The allocation is made to those cash-generating units that are expected
to benefit from business combination in which the goodwill arose.

(h) Impairment of non-financial assets

Assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortization and
are tested annually for impairment.

The carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment are reviewed for
impairment if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying
value may not be recoverable. If there are indicators of impairment, an exercise
is undertaken to determine whether the carrying values are in excess of their
recoverable amount. Such review is undertaken on an asset by asset basis, except
where such assets do not generate cash flows independent of other assets, and
then the review is undertaken at the cash generating unit level.

If the carrying amount of an asset or its cash generating unit exceeds the
recoverable amount, a provision is recorded to reflect the asset at the lower
amount. Impairment losses are recognised in the income statement.

Calculation of recoverable amount

The recoverable amount of assets is the greater of their value in use and fair
value less costs to sell. Fair value is based on an estimate of the amount that
the Group may obtain in a sale transaction on an arm-length basis. In assessing
value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present
value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of
the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. For an asset that
does not generate cash inflows largely independent of those from other assets,
the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which the
asset belongs. The Group's cash generating units are the smallest identifiable
groups of assets that generate cash inflows that are largely independent of the
cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.

Reversal of impairment

An impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used
to determine the recoverable amount. An impairment loss is reversed only to the
extent that the asset's carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that
would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortization, if no
impairment loss had been recognised.

(i) Inventories

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is
determined using the weighted average cost method. The cost of work in progress
and finished goods (ore inventories) is based on cost of production and excludes
borrowing costs.

For this purpose, the costs of production include:

- costs, materials and contractor expenses which are directly attributable to
  the extraction and processing of ore;

- the depreciation of property, plant and equipment used in the extraction and
  processing of ore; and

- related production overheads (based on normal operating capacity).

Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of
business, less applicable variable selling expenses.

(j) Trade and other receivables

Current trade receivables are carried at the original invoice amount less
provision made for impairment of these receivables. Non-current receivables are
stated at amortised cost. A provision for impairment of trade receivables is
established when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to
collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivable which
in average do not exceed 30 days. The amount of the provision is the difference
between the carrying amount and the recoverable amount and this difference is
recognised in the income statement.

(k) Share capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Excess to par value of shares received
upon issuance of shares is classified as share premium.

(l) Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation (legal or
constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of
resources will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can
be made of the amount of the obligation. If the effect of the time value of
money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future
cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the
time value of money and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability.
Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of
time is recognised as a finance cost.

Mine closure cost

Provisions for mine closure costs are made in respect of the estimated future
costs of closure and restoration and for environmental rehabilitation costs
(which include the dismantling and demolition of infrastructure, removal of
residual materials and remediation of disturbed areas) in the accounting period
when the related environmental disturbance occurs. The provision is discounted
and the unwinding of the discount is included in finance costs. At the time of
establishing the provision, a corresponding asset is capitalised and is
depreciated over future production from the mine to which it relates. The
provision is reviewed on an annual basis for changes in cost estimates, discount
rates and operating lives.

Workers' profit sharing and other employee benefits

In accordance to Peruvian Legislation, Group companies in Peru must provide for
workers' profit sharing equivalent to 8 percent of taxable income of each year.
This amount is charged to the income statement within personnel expenses and is
considered deductible for income tax purposes. The Group has no pension or
retirement benefit schemes.


Other provisions are accounted for when the Group has a legal or constructive
obligation for which it is probable there will be an outflow of resources for
which the amount can be reliably estimated.

(m) Trade payables

Trade payables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured
at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

(n) Borrowings

Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs
incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost; any difference
between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is
recognised in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the
effective interest method.

Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an
unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months
after the balance sheet date.

(o) Contingencies

Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the financial statements and are
disclosed in notes to the financial information unless their occurrence is

Contingent assets are not recognised in the financial statements, but they are
disclosed in notes if they are deemed probable.

(p) Revenue recognition

The Group is involved in production and sale of dore bars and concentrate
containing both gold and silver. Concentrate is sold directly to customers. Dore
bars are sent to a third party for further refining into gold and silver which
is then sold.

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that economic benefits
will flow to the Group and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Revenue associated with the sale of concentrate and dore bars is recognised in
the income statement when all significant risks and rewards of ownership are
transferred to the customer, usually when title has passed to customer. Revenue
excludes any applicable sales taxes.

The revenue is subject to adjustment based on inspection of the product by the
customer. Revenue is initially recognised on a provisional basis using the
Group's best estimate of contained gold and silver. Any subsequent adjustments
to the initial estimate of metal content are recorded in revenue once they have
been determined.

In addition, sales of concentrate are "provisionally priced" where the selling
price is subject to final adjustment at the end of a period normally ranging
from 30 to 90 days after the start of the delivery process to the customer,
based on the market price at the relevant quotation point stipulated in the
contract. Revenue is initially recognised when the conditions set out above have
been met, using market prices at that date. The price exposure is considered to
be an embedded derivative and hence separated from the sales contract at each
reporting date the provisionally priced metal is revalued based on the forward
selling price for the quotational period stipulated in the contract until the
quotational period ends. The selling price of gold and silver can be measured
reliably as these metals are actively traded on the international exchanges. The
revaluing of provisionally priced contracts is recorded as an adjustment to

(q) Exploration and evaluation expenditure

Exploration and evaluation expenditure for each area of interest is charged to
the income statement as incurred. Administrative and general expenses relating
to exploration and evaluation activities are also expensed as incurred.

(r) Finance income and costs

Finance income and expenses comprise interest expense on borrowings, the
accumulation of interest on provisions, interest income on funds invested,
foreign exchange gains and losses, gains and losses from the change in fair
value of derivative instruments and gains and losses on the disposal of
available-for-sale investments.

Interest income is recognised as it accrues, taking into account the effective
yield on the asset.

(s) Income tax

Income tax for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is
recognised in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to items
charged or credited directly to equity, in which case it is recognised in

Current tax expense is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the
year, using tax rates enacted at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to
tax payable in respect of previous years.

Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, providing for
temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for
financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are
expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is
settled based on the tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or
substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that
future taxable profits will be available against which the asset can be
utilised. Deferred tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is no longer
probable that the related tax benefit will be realised.

Tax on dividend remittance, where applicable, is provided in the year in which
distributable income is generated.

(t) Financial instruments

(i) Recognition

    (a) The Group recognises financial assets and liabilities on
        its balance sheet when, and only when, it becomes a party to the contractual
        provisions of the instrument.

    (b) Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net
        amount is reported in the balance sheet only when there is a legally enforceable
        right to set off the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a
        net basis, or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

(ii) Measurement

    (c) Financial assets and liabilities are initially recognised
        at cost, which is the fair value of consideration given or received,
        respectively, including in the case of a financial asset or financial liability
        not at fair value through profit or loss, any transaction costs incurred.

    (d) In determining estimated fair value, investments in shares
        or portfolios of listed securities are valued at quoted bid prices. When quoted
        prices on an active market are not available (and for listed non-actively traded
        securities), fair value is determined using a valuation technique. Valuation
        techniques include using recent arm's length transaction, if available,
        reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially
        the same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models. If the range
        of reasonable fair value is significant and the probabilities of the various
        estimates cannot be reliably assessed, the investment is not remeasured at fair
        value. Investments in warrants are recorded based on an assessment performed by
        a third party expert using a Black-Scholes option pricing model.

    (e) The Group has classified its investments as
        available-for-sale assets or other financial assets at fair value through profit
        or loss in accordance with the intent of management at the time of the purchase.

    (f) Changes in fair value of investments classified as
        available-for-sale are recognised in equity, except for impairment loss and
        foreign exchange gain and losses for monetary items which are recognised
        directly in income statement, and are included in income when realised. Changes
        in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit and loss are
        recognised directly in the income statement.

    (g) Loans and receivables are loans and receivables created by
        the Group companies providing money or goods to a debtor. Loans and receivables
        are initially recognised in accordance with the policy stated above and
        subsequently remeasured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
        Financial liabilities are initially recognised in accordance with the policy
        stated above and subsequently remeasured at amortised cost using the effective
        interest method.

    (h) Derivatives futures are initially recognised at fair
        value. Any gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised
        immediately in the income statement in the period in which they occur.

    (i) Derivatives are classified as a current asset or
        liability. Changes in fair value of trading derivatives are included in the
        income statement.

(iii)Embedded derivatives

    (j) Embedded derivatives which are not clearly and closely
        related to the underlying assets, liability or transaction are separated and
        accounted for as stand-alone derivatives.

(iv) De-recognition

     Financial instruments are de-recognised when the Group transfers all risks and
     rewards of ownership.

    (u) Dividend distribution

        Dividend distribution to the Company's shareholders is recognised as a liability
        in the Group's financial statements in the period in which the dividends are
        approved by the Company's shareholders.

    (v) Cash and cash equivalents

        Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost. For the
        purposes of the balance sheet, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand
        and deposits held with banks that are readily convertible into known amounts of
        cash within three months or less and which are subject to insignificant risk of
        changes in value. For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash
        equivalents as defined above are shown net of outstanding bank overdrafts.

    (w) Exceptional items

        Exceptional items are those significant items which due to their nature or the
        expected infrequency of the events giving rise to them need to be disclosed
        separately on the face of the income statement to enable a better understanding
        of the financial performance of the Group and facilitate comparison with prior
        years. Exceptional items mainly include goodwill impairments, assets held for
        sale impairments, gain/(loss) from sale of property, plant and equipment, gain/
        (loss) from sale of investments, gain/(loss) from sale of subsidiaries and the
        related tax impact of these items.

3 Segment Reporting

The Group's activities are principally related to mining operations which
involve exploration, production and sale of gold and silver. Products are
subject to the same risks and returns and are sold through the same distribution
channels. The Group has a number of activities that exist solely to support
mining operations including power generation and services. As such, the Group
has only one business segment as its primary reporting segment. The Group
operates in various countries including Peru, Argentina, Mexico, Chile and the
United States of America. Therefore, the geographical segment is the Group's
secondary reporting format.

(a)  Revenue

Revenue for the year is allocated based on the country in which the customer is
located. There are no inter-segment revenues.

                                                      Year ended 31
                                                       2006    2005

United Kingdom                                       35,708  60,857

Mexico                                              116,034  52,708

USA                                                  58,719  30,476

Canada                                                  717  17,235

Peru                                                     68      50

Japan                                                     -    (91)
                                                    211,246 161,235

The negative figure results from adjustments to revenue as a consequence of
differences between the price and quantity of gold and silver included in a
final invoice and in the provisional invoice issued in the previous year.

(b) Profit for the year

The Group has no inter-segment transactions. Profit for year is based on country
of operation as follows:

              Year ended 31 December 2006          Year ended 31 December 2005

               Before Exceptional      Total        Before   Exceptional    Total
          exceptional       items              exceptional         items
                items                                items

Peru           58,844      (4,325)    54,519        48,013         9,839    57,852

Cayman Islands (2,756)     (1,033)    (3,789)          321             -       321

Argentina    (10,745)           -    (10,745)       (9,135)            -    (9,135)
Mexico        (3,920)           -     (3,920)       (3,647)            -    (3,647)

Chile         (1,613)           -     (1,613)       (1,492)            -    (1,492)

USA             (778)           -       (778)       (1,015)            -    (1,015)

United Kingdom 1,767            -      1,767             -             -         -
              40,799       (5,358)    35,441        33,045          9,839    42,884

4 Revenue
                                                  Year ended 31 December
                                                       2006         2005

Gold (from dore bars)                                70,498      74,923
Silver (from dore bars)                              23,929      16,368
Concentrate                                         116,751      69,894
Services                                                 68          50
                                                    211,246     161,235

Concentrate is made up of:
                                                 Year ended 31 December
                                                       2006        2005

Gold                                                 21,953      15,385
Silver                                               94,208      54,090
Other minerals                                          590         419
Total concentrate                                   116,751      69,894

Included within the valuation of concentrate are the provisional pricing
adjustments which represent changes in the fair value of embedded derivatives of
US$9,872,000 and US$9,916,000 for 2006 and 2005, respectively (refer to notes 2

The total volumes of gold and silver sold are as follows:

                                                Year ended 31 December
                                                        2006      2005
Total in thousands of ounces:
Gold                                                    190       231
Silver                                               10,403    10,366

5 Acquisitions

(a) Business combination

Minera Colorada S.A.C.

On 30 June 2006, the Group acquired a 30 percent controlling interest, based on
its power to govern its financial and operating policies so as to obtain
benefits from its activities, in Minera Colorada S.A.C. ("Colorada"), an
exploration company, from Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. ("Pacasmayo") (a related
party) for US$240,000 in cash. After the Group's acquisition, the shareholding
in Colorada was split 30%/20%/50% between the Group, Pacasmayo and Compania
Minera Killacolqui, respectively.

As of 31 December 2006, Management forecasts that the project will not produce
future benefits and accordingly the Group has impaired in full the goodwill on
acquisition of US$230,000 and related assets of US$113,000.

No further disclosures have been provided since amounts involved are not
considered significant in relation to the financial statements of the Group.

(b) Acquisition of assets

Mina Moris

On 30 June 2006 Minera Hochschild Mexico, S.A. de C.V. ("MHM") and Exmin, S.A.
de C.V. ("Exmin") entered into an agreement to purchase the assets and related
liabilities of Santa Maria de Moris mine ("Mina Moris") for US$6 million. MHM
agreed to pay US$4.2 million (70% share) and Exmin agreed to pay US$1.8 million
(30% share). MHM and Exmin also incurred pre-acquisition costs of US$0.8
million, which has been treated as a part of consideration for acquisition of
these assets. Exmin's contribution to the project has been funded by a loan from
the Group and the proceeds from purchase of shares in EXMIN Resources Inc. by
the Group. These shares were issued at a discount of 20% to the market price,
resulting in an unrealised gain on issue of these shares of US$0.3 million,
which has reduced the cost of acquisition of net assets for the Group.

Assets and liabilities of Mina Moris at the date of acquisition were as follows:

Plant and equipment                                        3,255
Mining properties                                          3,355
Land and buildings                                         1,432
Supplies                                                     248
Provision for mine closure costs                          (1,830)
Total                                                      6,460


On 3 July 2006, the Group entered into an agreement with Minera Oro Vega S.A.C.
("Minorva") to form an entity in order to purchase the mining rights for the
Pallancata properties located in the Coronel Castaneda District, Parinacochas
province, Ayacucho (department in Peru) from Minorva. On 10 July 2006,
Pallancata Holdings S.A.C. with Minorva incorporated Minera Suyamarca S.A.C
("Suyamarca"), with the Group being the operator of the project through a 60%
controlling interest in this company.

Group's initial contribution was US$6.0 million for the development of the
project and Minorva's contribution was in form of mining rights and an
associated US$1.4 million liability representing payables to third parties, at
an agreed net value of US$4.0 million. Further, the group has agreed to fund the
cost of construction of the mine in full, up to an operating capacity of 750
tonnes per day. As a result, the total cost of acquisition has been determined
by the group to be US$9.7 million (US$4 million of the aforementioned
contribution from Minorva and US$5.7 million towards Minorva's share in the net
assets on construction of the mine to be paid by the group), out of which
US$11.1 million has been allocated to the mining rights and US$1.4 million
towards the liability acquired. The US$5.7 million has been treated as a
deferred consideration.

On 2 November 2006, Suyamarca purchased the mining rights of four additional
properties in the Pallancata project area from Minorva for US$89,000 and assumed
a liability of US$140,000.

6 Exploration Expenses
                                               Year ended 31 December
                                                       2006     2005
Mine site exploration (1)
Arcata                                               1,839    1,335
Ares                                                 1,527    1,587
Selene                                                 413    1,066
Pallancata                                           1,577        -
                                                     5,356    3,988
Prospects (2)
Peru                                                   411    1,391
Argentina                                                -    9,964
                                                       411   11,355
Generative (3)
Peru                                                 1,676      268
Argentina                                            2,826      633
Mexico                                               2,796    3,078
Chile                                                1,018    1,164
USA                                                    150      344
                                                     8,466    5,487

Personnel (4)                                        4,401    5,145
Other                                                  336    1,149
Exploration and mining rights (5)                      893      933
                                                    19,863   28,057

(1) Mine site exploration is performed with the purpose of proving mineral
    reserves, establishing inferred and indicated resources and identifying
    potential minerals within an existing mine site, with the goal of maintaining or
    extending the mine's life.

(2) Prospects expenses are related to detailed geological evaluations to
    characterise and interpret the three-dimensional continuity of the geometry,
    quality and quantity of the ore within a prospect, with the goal of justifying
    further evaluation. Geological evidence and interpretations can move the project
    into a more advanced phase of evaluation with reserve estimation and economic
    pre-feasibility by the Project.

(3) Generative expenditure is very early stage exploration expenditure, incurred
    in connection with identifying and developing exploration targets with an
    inferred resource or potential to develop into a mining operation.

(4) Expenses relating to personnel involved with exploration.

(5) Expenditure relating principally to payments for mining rights in accordance
    with relevant regulation.

7 Gain on sale of Bongara zinc project and Compania Minera Corianta S.A.C.

In April 2005, the Group sold its Bongara zinc project to Cementos Pacasmayo for
US$15,558,000. This post-feasibility project was carried at US$1,000,000. Prior
to the feasibility study, the Group incurred in US$1,900,000 of mine property
costs and other expenditures during the exploration period that were charged to
the income statement as incurred.

In connection with this transaction, the Group also disposed of its subsidiary,
Compania Minera Corianta S.A.C. ("Corianta") to Cementos Pacasmayo for
US$806,000, realising a gain of US$254,000.

8 Other Income and Other Expenses

                                                  Year ended 31 December 2006              Year ended 31 December 2005
                                                     Before                              Before
                                                exceptional   Exceptional           exceptional  Exceptional
                                                      items         items     Total       items        items     Total

Other income:
Decrease in provision for mine closure (1)            2,812             -     2,812        725             -       725
Recovery of expenses                                    791             -       791        379             -       379
Gain on sale of supplies                                  -           252       252          -             -         -
Income from mine concession                             151             -       151          -             -         -
Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment             -            94        94          -             -         -
Lease rentals                                            90             -        90         77             -        77
Other                                                 1,178             -     1,178      1,665             -     1,665
                                                      5,022           346     5,368      2,846             -     2,846

Other expenses:
Impairment of Sipan assets held for sale(2)               -       (2,983)    (2,983)         -             -         -
Loss on sale of investments(3)                            -       (2,249)    (2,249)         -             -         -
Loss on sale of MHC (subsidiary)(4)                       -         (991)      (991)         -             -         -
Penalty on cancellation of contract                    (971)           -       (971)         -             -         -
Loss on maintenance of equipment                       (369)           -       (369)      (356)            -      (356)
Provision for obsolescence of supplies                 (377)           -       (377)       (99)            -       (99)
Impairment of Colorada assets, note 5(a)               (113)        (230)      (343)         -             -         -
Provision for contingencies                            (292)           -       (292)         -             -         -
Allowance SEAL/Electroperu                             (113)           -       (113)      (920)            -      (920)
Loss on sale of Inmobiliaria CNP                          -          (42)       (42)         -             -         -
Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment and assets  -            -          -          -          (197)     (197)
classified a held for sale
Other                                                (1,635)           -     (1,635)    (1,244)           (5)   (1,249)
                                                     (3,870)      (6,495)   (10,365)    (2,619)         (202)   (2,821)


(1) Decreases in provision for mine closure costs are recorded in
"Other income" where the disturbance is not expected to create a future
economic benefit (normally this will occur when the mine to which the
provision relates has fully depleted its resources, but the closure and
rehabilitation costs are yet to be incurred, and there is a reduction in the
estimate of the total mine closure cost).

(2) In December 2006, an appraisal on the assets of Compania Minera
Sipan S.A.C. was performed resulting in an impairment of a portion of these

(3) During the twelve months ended 31 December 2006 the Group
disposed of 16,585,047 shares in Inversiones Pacasmayo for US$6,350,000 to
Greystone Corporation (a related party). These shares were carried at
US$21,133,000, including an unrealised fair value gain of US$12,534,000 which
had been recorded in equity. The disposal of these shares, after recycling
the unrealised gain through the income statement, resulted in a loss of

(4) On 15 June 2006, the Group's wholly owned subsidiary, Mauricio
Hochschild & Cia. Ltda. S.A.C. ("MHC"), was sold to Greystone Corporation (a
related party) for US$1,000,000, plus the benefit of a US$2,801,000 loan
payable by MHC to Ardsley Corporation (a subsidiary of the Group) which had
previously been eliminated on consolidation, resulting in total consideration
received of US$3,801,000. This disposal resulted in a loss to the Group of

The book value of the individual assets and liabilities disposed of are as


Available for sale financial assets carried at fair value (a)        15,077
Less: Unrealised fair value gain on assets recorded in equity       (10,310)
Other assets                                                            344
Other liabilities (b)                                                  (319)
Net book value of assets and liabilities disposed                     4,792

(a) The available-for-sale financial assets disposed of represent 11,829,971
shares in Inversiones Pacasmayo.

(b) Does not include the US$2,801,000 loan payable by MHC to Ardsley
Corporation as this loan eliminated on consolidation and therefore the
disposal of this loan does not impact upon the liabilities of the
consolidated balance sheet of the Group.

9 Income Tax Expense

                          Year ended 31 December 2006             Year ended 31 December 2005
                           Before    Exceptional    Total         Before   Exceptional     Total
                      exceptional          items             exceptional         items
                            items                                  items

Current tax:

Current tax charge         31,836           104     31,940        14,490         4,383    18,873
from continuing
Current tax charge 
from discontinued
operations                      -             -          -           546             -       546
                           31,836           104     31,940        15,036         4,383    19,419
Deferred taxation:

Origination and        
reversal of temporary
differences from
continuing operations      (4,325)         (895)    (5,220)      (10,392)          388   (10,004)
Charge in respect of   
operations                      -             -          -         2,788             -     2,788
                           (4,325)         (895)    (5,220)       (7,604)          388    (7,216)
Withholding taxes           1,975             -      1,975           804             -       804
Total taxation charge 
in the income
statement                  29,486          (791)    28,695         8,236         4,771    13,007

The weighted average statutory income tax rate was 30.2% for 2006 and 25.0% for
2005. This is calculated as the average of the statutory tax rates applicable in
the countries in which the Group operates, weighted by the profit/(loss) before
tax of the subsidiaries in the respective countries as included in the
consolidated financial statements.

The changes in the weighted average statutory income tax rate is due to a change
in the weighting of profit/(loss) before tax in the various jurisdictions in
which the Group operates.

The tax on the Group's profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount
that would arise using the weighted average tax rate applicable to profits of
the consolidated companies as follows:

                                                         Year ended
                                                        31 December
                                                      2006      2005

Profit before taxation from continuing operations  64,148     40,378
Profit before taxation from discontinued                -     15,739
Profit before tax                                  64,148     56,117

At average statutory income tax rate of 30.2%      19,359     14,003
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes            4,124      4,447
Non-taxable income                                  (170)     (1,477)
Recognition of previously unrecognised deferred         -     (5,101)
tax assets(1)
Deferred tax assets generated in the year not       2,552        449
Deferred tax on unremitted earnings                   397        621
Withholding taxes                                   1,975        804
Other                                                 458       (739)
At average effective income tax rate of 44.7%      28,695     13,007

Taxation charge attributable to continuing         28,695      9,673

Taxation charge attributable to discontinued            -      3,334
Total taxation charge in the income statement      28,695     13,007

(1) Mainly corresponds to the initial recognition of the deferred income tax
asset related to the mine development costs and the tax loss carryforward in
Minera Santa Cruz S.A.

(2) Mainly corresponds to the tax losses of Minera Hochschild Mexico, S.A. de
C.V. and MH Argentina S.A., which deferred income tax asset is not recognised
due to the uncertainty of generating taxable income in the future.

Santa Cruz is under a special investment regime that allows for a double
deduction in calculating its corporate income tax liability, in respect of all
costs relating to prospecting, exploration and metallurgical analysis, pilot
plants and other expenses incurred for feasibility studies of projects. In this
regard, total investment for this regime amounts approximately to $81,884,000
Argentinean pesos (US$23,866,000 and US$25,613,000 as of 31 December 2005 and
2006, respectively).

Only the tax benefit of a single deduction has been recognised in deferred
taxation in the financial statements. The benefit of the additional deduction
will be realised as and when claimed in future periods once production has

10 Basic and diluted earnings per share

The earnings per share ("EPS") calculation has assumed that the number of
ordinary shares issued resulting from the share exchange agreement for the
acquisition of the Cayman companies have been in issue throughout the two year
period ended 31 December 2006. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing profit for
the year attributable to equity shareholders of the Company by the weighted
average number of ordinary shares issued during the year.

The Company has no dilutive potential ordinary shares.

As of 31 December 2006 and 2005, earnings per share have been calculated as follows:

                                                             Year ended
                                                            31 December
                                                         2006      2005
Profit from continuing operations attributable to      41,288    34,558
equity holders of the Company US$(000)

Profit from discontinued operations attributable to         _    12,179
equity holders of the Company US$(000)

Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue   242,867   229,900

Basic earnings per share from continuing operations      0.17      0.15

Basic earnings per share from discontinued operations       _      0.05

11      Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                     As of 31 December
                                                        2006     2005

Cash in hand                                             997      125

Liquidity funds(1)                                   414,527        -

Current demand deposit accounts(2)                    16,477    2,251

Time deposits(3)                                       3,542       91

Cash and cash equivalents considered for the cash    435,543    2,467
flow statement


(1) The liquidity funds are mainly invested in certificate of
deposits, commercial papers and floating rate notes with weighted average
annual effective interest rate of 5.16 percent and a weighted average
maturity of 43 days as of 31 December 2006.

(2) Relates to bank accounts which are freely available and do not
bear interest.

(3) The effective interest rates as of 31 December 2006 and 2005 were
4.45 and 3.70 percent, respectively. These deposits have an average
maturity of three days.

12 Dividends Paid and Proposed

Year ended 31 December 2005
Total dividends paid or provided for during the year                 -
Total dividends declared after year-end and not provided for         -

Year ended 31 December 2006
Total dividends paid or provided for during the year            73,440 (1)
Total dividends declared after year-end and not provided for     2,275

(1)Corresponds to dividends paid or provided to former shareholder Dona Limited.

Dividends per share

The dividends declared in 2006 were US$73,142,000 (US$0.32 per share). A
dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2006 of US$0.00740 per share,
amounting to a total dividend of US$2,274,821, is to be proposed at the Annual
General Meeting on 4 July 2007. These financial statements do not reflect this
dividend payable.

13 Subsequent events

(a) On 8 January 2007, the Group granted an option to Ventura Gold Corp
("Ventura") for the acquisition of an interest in Inmaculada property, located
in Peru. Under the agreement, in order to acquire an initial 51% controlling
interest, Ventura shall complete a total of 15,000 meters of drilling on the
property and issue a total of 1 million of its common shares to the Group within
a three-year period.

Once Ventura acquires its 51% controlling interest, Ventura shall issue an
additional 2 million of its common shares to the Group within the next 5 years.
Additionally, the Group has the option to become the operator of the project and
buy back 11% controlling interest in consideration for a payment to Ventura of
three times the total investment made in drilling and related exploration work
completed. If the Group does not exercise the aforementioned option, Ventura may
elect to increase its controlling interest by 19% upon the completion of a
feasibility study on the project.

(b) On 23 February 2007, the Group signed the option and joint venture
agreement with Mirasol under the arrangements set forth in the letter of
intention. Within thirty days following the execution of the agreement, Mirasol
shall constitute under the laws of Argentina two companies named "Cabo Sur" and
"Punta Verde", which will hold the rights of Claudia and Santa Rita properties,
respectively. Until the exercise of Claudia and Santa Rita options, Mirasol and
the Group will own 99% and 1% of each of the new companies, respectively.

Reserves and resources (Unaudited)

Metal reserves at 31 December 2006

                Reserve                            Proved And                  Percentage
Operation      category      Proved      Probable    Probable     Ag     Au  Attributable
                                (t)           (t)          (t)  (g/t)  (g/t)

Arcata          Proved   1,012,036                                437   1.21         100%
100%            Probable                 216,897                  469   1.26
                Total                               1,228,933     442   1.22
Ares            Proved     688,663                                249  11.05         100%
100%            Probable                 156,786                  175   4.14
                Total                                 845,450     235   9.77
Selene          Proved     809,259                                317   2.30         100%
100%            Probable                  56,161                  194   0.94
                Total                                 865,420     309   2.22
Pallancata      Proved     641,002                                263   1.06          60%
60%             Probable                 671,562                  283   1.10
                Total                               1,312,565     273   1.08
San Jose        Proved     153,188                                528   6.79          51%
51%             Probable                 845,611                  435   7.29
                Total                                 998,800     450   7.21
Moris           Proved   1,273,582                                  5   1.72          70%
70%             Probable                 767,974                    4   1.16
                Total                               2,041,556       4   1.51
Total           Proved   4,577,732                                246   3.19
Mines and       Probable               2,714,991                  258   3.23
                Total                               7,292,723     251   3.21

N.B. includes discounts for ore loss and dilution. Reserves = Resources - Ore
Loss + Dilution. Where reserves are attributable to JV partner, reserve figures
reflect the Company's ownership only. Resources include reserves

Table 01 - Metal resources at 31 December 2006

Resource     Measured Indicated  Measured  Inferred     Ag      Au   Percentage
category                              and                          Attributable
                  (t)       (t)       (t)       (t)  (g/t)   (g/t)            %
Arcata                                                                     100%
Measured      983,174                                  503    1.43
Indicated               198,839                        562    1.51
Total                           1,182,012              513    1.44
Inferred                                  1,576,324    648    1.64
Ares                                                                       100%
Measured      668,847                                  272   12.06
Indicated               168,598                        181    4.26
Total                             837,445              254   10.49
Inferred                                     75,161    182    4.40
Selene                                                                     100%
Measured      789,816                                  345    2.51
Indicated                53,742                        213    1.04
Total                             843,558              336    2.41
Inferred                                    914,559    323    1.49
Pallancata                                                                  60%
Measured      548,396                                  327    1.30
Indicated               705,282                        330    1.40
Total                           1,253,678              329    1.35
Inferred                                    616,640    542    1.90
San Jose                                                                    51%
Measured      152,221                                  600    7.74
Indicated               758,934                        507    8.48
Total                             911,155              522    8.36
Inferred                                    162,090    576    9.29
Moris                                                                       70%
Measured    3,015,654                                    4    1.31
Indicated               218,661                          5    1.15
Total                           3,234,315                4    1.30
Inferred                                     37,476      4    0.88
San Felipe                                1,886,472     71  * 10.3          70%
Measured    6,158,108                                  200    2.81
Indicated             2,104,056                        367    4.16
Total                           8,262,164              243    3.15
Inferred                                  5,268,722    359    1.33

* A combined metal content of 6.75% zinc, 3.18% lead and 0.37% copper which
are not included in totals and these metals represent 13.2 million ounces of
equivalent silver. 

NB Resources include undiscounted reserves, where reserves are
attributable to JV partner, reserve figures reflect the Company's ownership
only, no ore loss or dilution has been included, and stockpiled ore excluded.

                               Ag Eq. Content (Million Ounces)
Operation  Category June2006 Depletion Addition   Dec        Net    %   Percentage  June   Dec
                                   (1)        *  2006 Difference      Attributable  2006  2006
                                                                                  Att.(2) Att.(2)
Arcata     Resource     43.6               17.0  60.6       17.0  39%         100%  43.6  60.6
           Reserve      16.1      -3.1      7.4  20.4        4.3  27%               16.1  20.4
Ares       Resource     30.5               -5.7  24.9       -5.7 -19%         100%  30.5  24.9
           Reserve      28.5      -5.6     -0.5  22.3       -6.2 -22%               28.5  22.3
Selene     Resource     18.6                6.6  25.2        6.6  36%         100%  18.6  25.2
           Reserve      13.6      -3.0      1.7  12.3       -1.3 -10%               13.6  12.3
Pallancata Resource     36.2               13.0  49.2       13.0  36%          60%  21.7  29.5
           Reserve      11.3       0.0     12.5  23.8       12.5 111%                6.8  14.3
Peru       Resource    128.9               31.0 159.8       31.0  24%              114.4 140.2
           Reserve      69.5     -11.7     21.0  78.8        9.3  13%               65.0  69.3
San Jose   Resource     51.5               18.9  70.4       18.9  37%          51%  26.3  35.9
           Reserve      36.1       0.0     19.5  55.6       19.5  54%               18.4  28.3
Argentina  Resource     51.5               18.9  70.4       18.9  37%               26.3  35.9
           Reserve      36.1       0.0     19.5  55.6       19.5  54%               18.4  28.3
Moris      Resource     12.7               -0.4  12.3       -0.4  -3%          70%   8.9   8.6
           Reserve       0.0       0.0      0.0   8.9        8.9   0%                0.0   6.2
San Felipe Resource     40.3              -15.3  25.0      -15.3 -38%          70%  28.2  17.5
           Reserve       0.0       0.0      0.0   0.0        0.0   0%                0.0   0.0
Mexico     Resource     53.0              -15.7  37.3      -15.7 -30%               37.1  26.1
           Reserve       0.0       0.0      8.9   8.9        8.9   0%                0.0   6.2
Totals:    Resource    233.4               34.2 267.5       34.2  15%              177.8 202.2
           Reserve     105.6     -11.7     49.4 143.3       37.7  36%               83.4 103.9

(1) Depletion: reduction in reserves based on ore delivered to the mine plant

(2) Attributable reserves based on our percentage ownership at our joint venture projects

* Increase in reserves due mainly to mine site exploration but also to price increase




Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as profit from continuing operations before
exceptional items, net finance costs and income tax plus depreciation,
amortization and exploration costs other than personnel and other expenses

Attributable Profit
Profit for the year before dividends attributable to the equity shareholders of
Hochschild Mining plc

The board of directors of the Company

Company, Group or Hochschild
Hochschild Mining plc

Corporate social responsibility


The directors of the Company

Dollar or $
United States dollars

Earnings per share

Effective Tax Rate
Income tax expense as a percentage of profit from continuing operations before
income tax

Exceptional Item
Events that are significant and which, due to their nature or the expected
infrequency of the events giving rise to them need to be disclosed separately

Expansion Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure that increases the Group's operating capacity

Exploration Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure spent to convert resources into reserves and to increase the
reserve and resource base

Grams per tonne

International Financial Reporting Standards

Thousand ounces

Thousand metric tonnes per annum

The listing of the Company's ordinary shares on the London Stock Exchange on 8
November 2006

Million ounces

Ordinary Shares
Ordinary shares of $0.25 each in the Company


Sustaining Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure to maintain the Group's operating capacity


- ends -

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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Hochschild Mining (LSE:HOC)
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