RNS Number : 8278M

H&T Group PLC

23 August 2011

H&T Group plc

("H&T" or "the Group" or "the Company")




H&T Group plc, which trades under the H&T Pawnbrokers brand, today announces its interim results, for the six months ended 30 June, 2011.

John Nichols, Chief Executive, commented: "We are delighted to report another excellent set of results, with profit before tax of GBP10.3m for the first six months of 2011. Trading has been especially strong in the Group's core pawnbroking operations with year on year increases in the key performance indicators of both lending and redemption. As a result, the gross pledge book has risen to GBP41.2m as at 30 June 2011 and the Group has delivered a 14% increase in its key revenue stream, the Pawn Service Charge.

"Performance of the stores added in recent years continues to be excellent and supports the Board's view of the growth potential they offer. We have opened 15 new stores year to date, including the achievement of a significant milestone for the Group with the recent opening of our 150(th) store. In addition the Group currently has 45 Gold Bar retail mall units.

"The outlook remains positive and on the basis of the current gold price we are pleased to announce our expectation for full year results to be above the top end of current market forecasts. The Board has approved an interim dividend of 3.75 pence, which itself represents compound growth of 23% per annum since flotation."


-- Profit before tax of GBP10.3m (H1 2010: GBP9.6m, excluding working capital gain of GBP4.9m)

-- Net debt of GBP31.3m (30 Jun 2010: GBP30.4m). Interest charges of GBP0.8m (H1 10: GBP1.7m)

-- Pledge book increased by 10.5% to GBP41.2m (30 Jun 2010: GBP37.3m)

-- Pawn Service Charge increased 14.3% to GBP13.2m (H1 10: GBP11.5m)

-- Basic EPS of 21.21p (H1 10: 19.52p, excluding working capital gain)

-- Increase in interim dividend to 3.75p (2010 interim: 2.50p + 1.00p special)


-- 11 new stores opened taking the total store estate to 146 as at 30 June 2010 (H1 2010: 128 stores); 4 additional stores opened post 30 June and provisional lease terms are agreed on a further 6stores

-- Converted 6 retail mall units into new style 'Gold shops' or 'H&T Lite' stores

-- Launched an on-line pay day loans product and deployed H&T's new underwriting model in store thus accessing a wider customer base

-- Enhanced central pricing and central distribution capabilities


 H&T Group plc                                Tel: 0870 9022 600 
 John Nichols, Chief Executive 
 Alex Maby, Finance Director 
 Hawkpoint Partners Ltd (Nominated adviser)   Tel: 020 7665 4500 
 Lawrence Guthrie / Sunil Duggal 
 Numis Securities (Broker)                    Tel: 020 7260 1000 
 Mark Lander 
 Pelham Bell Pottinger (Public Relations)     Mob: 07950 481 795 
 Damian Beeley                                Tel: 020 7861 3139 

Report of the Chief Executive Officer and Finance Director

We are pleased to report another excellent trading performance for the period to 30 June 2011. The Group has retained its position as a leading UK pawnbroker through further new store expansion, improved brand recognition and a continued focus on delivering excellent customer service. The pawnbroking industry itself also continues to benefit from the rising gold price and a wider recognition in the UK of gold as a source of value, particularly in these times of economic uncertainty.

Taking advantage of these conditions and the strong cash generation from the Group's gold purchasing activities, the Group has achieved continued expansion in the store estate. Eleven stores were opened during H1 11, with a further four year to date, including the opening of the Group's 150(th) store on 6 August 2011. Of the combined fifteen store openings, fourteen were greenfield sites and one was an acquisition for a total consideration of GBP0.18m.

Financial Performance

The Group delivered GBP10.0m of profit before tax pre swap fair value movement in H1 11. This compares to GBP15.2m in H1 10 when trading and results during this period benefited from 'one-off' factors, as disclosed in the Group's 2010 annual report and interim statement. The primary factor enhancing the prior year result was the inclusion of GBP4.9m of gross profit delivered via working capital gains in H1 10. Of this gain, GBP2.8m was delivered via shortening the time to process gold and was recorded in gold purchasing profits, and a further GBP2.1m was recorded in pawnbroking scrap as the Group reduced its aged pledge balances.

The underlying financial performance in H1 11 has exceeded both the Board and market expectations set at the beginning of the year. Gross profit derived from the Group's pawnbroking operations (Pawn Service Charge, Retail and Pawnbroking Scrap) rose to GBP20.1m (H1 10: GBP19.8m excluding GBP2.1m realised via delayed auctions) and now accounts for 66% of gross profits. The key component, the Pawn Service Charge grew 14% year on year to GBP13.2m (H1 10: GBP11.5m).

The Group's disposition activities continue to benefit from both the higher absolute gold price and the rising price environment. Gold purchasing profits contributed GBP7.5m in the period (H1 10: GBP12.6 including GBP2.9m working capital gain).

The Group's financial position remains strong with net debt of GBP31.3m as at 30 June 2011 (30 Jun 10: GBP30.4m). Interest costs are also substantially reduced year on year, from GBP1.7m in H1 10 to GBP0.8m in H1 11, benefiting from both a lower average debt level and a lower margin. Cashflow in the period was impacted by an increase in inventory, as shown on the Group balance sheet, due to stock build for both new stores and an improved central distribution capability. The Group has adequate liquidity to fund both the capital expenditure and working capital requirements of its new store opening programme, as it currently has available a GBP50m revolving facility.

Pre-working capital gains made in H1 10, basic earnings per share increased by 8.7% to 21.21p (H1 10: 29.37p actual, 19.52p excluding GBP4.9m working capital gain).


The directors have approved an interim dividend of 3.75 pence (2010 interim: 3.50 pence, including 1.00 pence special dividend). This will be payable on 14 October 2011 to all shareholders on the register at the close of business on 16 September 2011. During the last twelve months, the Group's dividend has been covered 4.1x by earnings.

Review of Operations

Pawn Service Charge and Pawnbroking Scrap:

- The Pawn Service Charge grew 14% year on year to GBP13.2m (H1 10: GBP11.5m), driven by both a period of record lending and an improved redemption ratio year on year.

- Continued strong demand for our services and an increased average loan, supported by the current gold price, has resulted in the Group's pledge book increasing by 10% to GBP41.2m (30 Jun 10: GBP37.3m).

- Despite the continued competitive environment, whether from other pawnbrokers or the continued availability of gold purchasing as a choice for the consumer, like-for-like lending grew by 8%.

- The performance of the Group's store openings over the last 12 months continues to be ahead of the original forecasts approved by the Board.

- Pawnbroking scrap profits realised were GBP2.6m (H1 10: GBP6.4m, including GBP2.1m profits realised from delayed 2009 auctions).


- In a challenging retail environment, and given the underlying price and therefore affordability of gold, the Board is pleased to report a 7% increase in retail gross profits from GBP4.0m in H1 10 to GBP4.3m in H1 11.

- Like-for-like sales were down 12% year on year, but a gross margin improvement from 46% to 50% has recovered much of this shortfall.

- As in 2010, the retail sales trend leading into H2 is positive, and the Group believe that with improved pricing, distribution and management information that this trend can be maintained into the important Christmas trading period.

- Retail remains a key disposition route for unredeemed stock, while the option to scrap surplus stock remains a viable alternative. H&T's stock balance, of which the vast majority is second hand gold, is held at cost to the Group, which in turn is substantially less than the current spot price of gold.

Gold Purchasing:

- H&T became one of the first companies with a nationwide high street presence to take advantage of the significant spike in gold purchasing volumes in late 2009 / early 2010. During this period, the Group demonstrated speed and flexibility in rolling out its innovative Gold Bar retail mall units, and was able to benefit both financially and operationally, from this first mover advantage.

- Gold purchasing trends since mid-2010 have remained steady with customer numbers being broadly consistent over the last 12 months. The Group continues to see gold purchasing as a steady source of cashflow and profitability for the Group, albeit at levels lower than the 'exceptional' period in H1 10.

- Gross profits from the Group's gold purchasing operations contributed GBP7.5m in H1 11, (H1 10: GBP9.7m excluding GBP2.9m of working capital gain).

- The Group's Gold Bar retail mall unit operation continues to be a success, with regard both profitability and as a means of testing the local market for further expansion. As at 30 June 2011, the Group had 45 Gold Bar units.

- This business segment continues to benefit from the higher absolute price of sterling gold and the rising price environment. On average the gold price per troy ounce was GBP894 during H1 11 (H1 10: GBP757) and has risen by an average of 1.8% per month from January 2011 to June 2011.

Financial services:

- In H1 2011 the Group's financial services activities contributed GBP2.8m (H1 10: GBP2.6m) or 9.2% of Group gross profit (H1 10: 7.0%). The increase was driven evenly across the Group's three key products: Third Party Cheque Cashing, Pay Day Loans and the longer term, KwikLoan product.

- Gross commission earned from third party cheque cashing was broadly stable year on year, reversing the years of decline in this product. The Group is also pleased to report on the major decision taken by the Payments Council recently in having decided to withdraw its target end date to close the centralised cheque clearing system in the UK.

- Revenues generated by the Group's pay day advance product have been impacted by the gradual withdrawal of the cheque guarantee card, but net revenues have increased year on year due to improvements in debt recovery.

- Further underwriting improvements will allow the Group to widen its distribution of the pay day advance product, and the Group has recently launched an on-line pay day loans product, charging on average, half the interest cost of its competitors in this market.

Trading outlook

The outlook for the Group continues to be positive. For the current financial year, the Board believes that the overall trading performance will result in full year profits being above the top end of current market expectations. Looking further forward, the Group still holds excellent prospects for organic growth in pawnbroking as the store estate is still relatively immature. The average size of a pledge book for the Group's pre-2005 stores is over 3.5x greater than the average of the post 2005 greenfield stores, demonstrating the considerable growth potential existing in these newer stores as their pledge books continue to grow to a size more consistent with the estate average.

Depending on market conditions, future growth is also likely to be driven via expansion of the Group's geographical footprint, either via development of greenfield sites or acquisitions. The Board currently expect to open a total of 25 stores in the current financial year.

Interim Condensed Financial Statements

Unaudited statement of comprehensive income

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

                                     6 months   6 months  12 months 
                                        ended      ended      ended 
                                      30 June    30 June     31 Dec 
                                         2011       2010       2010 
                              Note      Total      Total      Total 
                                    Unaudited  Unaudited  Unaudited 
                                      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Revenue                          2     55,604     70,991    126,397 
Cost of sales                    2   (25,290)   (33,901)   (59,637) 
                                       ______     ______     ______ 
Gross profit                           30,314    37, 090     66,760 
Other direct expenses                (14,470)   (14,814)   (29,790) 
Administrative expenses               (4,965)    (5,370)    (8,329) 
                                       ______     ______     ______ 
Operating profit                 3     10,879     16,906     28,641 
Investment revenues                         1          2          1 
Finance costs                    5      (832)    (1,664)    (2,606) 
Movement in fair value of 
 interest rate swap                       237      (763)      (533) 
                                      _______     ______     ______ 
Profit before taxation                 10,285     14,481     25,503 
Tax on profit                    6    (2,777)    (4,073)    (8,316) 
                                       ______     ______     ______ 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the period                         7,508     10,408     17,187 
                                       ______     ______     ______ 
                                        Pence      Pence      Pence 
Earnings per ordinary share 
 - basic                         7      21.21      29.37      48.77 
Earnings per ordinary share 
 - diluted                       7      20.71      29.12      47.52 

All results derive from continuing operations.

Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

                                             6 months   6 months     12 months 
                                                ended      ended         ended 
                                              30 June    30 June   31 December 
                                      Note       2011       2010          2010 
                                            Unaudited  Unaudited       Audited 
                                              GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
           Opening total equity                61,681     47,055        47,055 
           Total comprehensive 
            income for the period               7,508     10,408        17,187 
           Issue of share capital                 212        130           486 
           Share option credit taken 
            directly to equity                    125        100           149 
           Deferred Tax on share 
            options taken directly 
            to equity                             213                       31 
           Dividends paid              9      (2,136)    (1,985)       (3,227) 
           Employee Benefit Trust 
            shares                               (12)          -             - 
           Closing total equity                67,591     55,708        61,681 

Unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheet

At 30 June 2011

                                        At 30 June  At 30 June  At 31 December 
                                              2011        2010            2010 
                                         Unaudited   Unaudited         Audited 
                                  Note     GBP'000     GBP'000         GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                                    16,825      16,806          16,825 
Other intangible assets                        873         915             978 
Property, plant and equipment               11,906      10,653          10,751 
Deferred tax assets                            550       1,238             281 
                                            30,154      29,612          28,835 
Current assets 
Inventories                                 28,118      21,211          24,100 
Trade and other receivables                 52,812      50,491          50,159 
Cash and cash equivalents                    2,664       2,631           4,029 
                                            83,594      74,333          78,288 
Total assets                               113,748     103,945         107,123 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                   (7,592)     (8,836)         (8,623) 
Current tax liabilities                    (3,283)     (4,927)         (4,361) 
Borrowings                                       -           -               - 
Derivative financial instruments             (735)     (1,201)           (972) 
                                          (11,610)    (14,964)        (13,956) 
Net current assets                          71,984      59,369          64,332 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                           4    (34,000)    (33,000)        (31,000) 
Deferred tax liabilities                         -           -               - 
Provisions                                   (547)       (273)           (486) 
                                          (34,547)    (33,273)        (31,486) 
Total liabilities                         (46,157)    (48,237)        (45,442) 
Net assets                                  67,591      55,708          61,681 
Share capital                        8       1,799       1,773           1,782 
Share premium account                       24,751      24,209          24,556 
Employee Benefit Trust share 
 reserve                                      (25)        (13)            (13) 
Retained earnings                           41,066      29,739          35,356 
Total equity attributable to 
 equity holders of the parent               67,591      55,708          61,681 

Unaudited condensed consolidated cash flow statement

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

                                             6 months   6 months     12 months 
                                                ended      ended         ended 
                                              30 June    30 June   31 December 
                                      Note       2011       2010          2010 
                                            Unaudited  Unaudited       Audited 
                                              GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit for the period                           7,508     10,408        17,187 
Adjustments for: 
Investment revenues                               (1)        (2)           (1) 
Finance costs                                     832      1,664         2,606 
Movement in fair value of interest 
 rate swap                                      (237)        763           533 
Movement in provisions                             61        105           318 
Income tax expense                              2,777      4,073         8,316 
Depreciation of property, plant 
 and equipment                                  1,154      1,148         2,350 
Amortisation of intangible assets                 105        132           244 
Share based payment expense                       125        144           149 
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                   66         96           207 
Operating cash inflows before 
 movements in working capital                  12,390     18,531        31,909 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories            (4,018)      1,818       (1,035) 
Increase in receivables                       (2,653)    (1,859)       (1,411) 
(Decrease)/increase in payables               (1,674)      1,551         1,838 
Cash generated from operations                  4,045     20,041        31,301 
Income taxes paid                             (3,913)    (3,076)       (6,852) 
Interest paid                                   (861)    (1,088)       (2,033) 
Net cash used in/(from) operating 
 activities                                     (729)     15,877        22,416 
Investing activities 
Interest received                                   1          2             1 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment    (1,701)    (2,114)       (3,970) 
Purchase of intangible assets                       -          -         (115) 
Acquisition of trade and assets of 
 business                                           -          -         (283) 
Net cash used in investing activities         (1,700)    (2,112)       (4,367) 
Financing activities 
Dividends paid                           9    (2,136)    (1,985)       (3,227) 
Proceeds on issue of shares                       212        130           486 
Net increase / (decrease) in borrowings         3,000   (11,500)      (13,500) 
Loan to the Employee Benefit Trust 
 for acquisition of own shares                   (12)          -             - 
Net cash from financing activities              1,064   (13,355)      (16,241) 
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and 
 cash equivalents                             (1,365)        410         1,808 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of period                                      4,029      2,221         2,221 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
 period                                         2,664      2,631         4,029 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

Note 1 Basis of preparation

The interim financial statements of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2011, which are unaudited, have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') accounting policies adopted by the Group and set out in the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010. The Group does not anticipate any change in these accounting policies for the year ended 31 December 2011. As permitted, this interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM rules and not in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim financial reporting". While the financial figures included in this preliminary interim earnings announcement have been computed in accordance with IFRSs applicable to interim periods, this announcement does not contain sufficient information to constitute an interim financial report as that term is defined in IFRSs.

The financial information contained in the interim report also does not constitute statutory accounts for the purposes of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2010 is based on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010. The auditors reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

After conducting a further review of the Group's forecasts of earnings and cash over the next twelve months and after making appropriate enquiries as considered necessary, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company and Group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the half yearly condensed financial statements.

Note 2 Segmental Reporting

                                                                    Year ended 
 Revenue                        6 months ended   6 months ended    31 December 
  6 months ended 30 June 2011     30 June 2011     30 June 2010           2010 
  Unaudited                          Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited 
                                         Total            Total          Total 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Pawn Service Charge                    13,168           11,516         23,181 
 Retail                                  8,512            8,636         19,558 
 Pawnbroking Scrap                       8,484           14,000         22,301 
 Gold Purchasing                        22,655           34,244         55,712 
 Cheque Cashing                          2,500            2,364          5,120 
 Other Financial Services                  285              231            525 
 Total Revenue                          55,604           70,991        126,397 
                                                                    Year ended 
 Gross Profit                   6 months ended   6 months ended    31 December 
  6 months ended 30 June 2011     30 June 2011     30 June 2010           2010 
  Unaudited                          Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited 
                                         Total            Total          Total 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Pawn Service Charge                    13,168           11,516         23,181 
 Retail                                  4,262            3,980          8,785 
 Pawnbroking Scrap                       2,643            6,413          9,042 
 Gold Purchasing                         7,456           12,586         20,107 
 Cheque Cashing                          2,500            2,364          5,120 
 Other Financial Services                  285              231            525 
 Total Gross Profit                     30,314           37,090         66,760 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

Note 3 Operating profit and EBITDA


The Board considers EBITDA as a key measure of the Group's financial performance.

EBITDA is defined as Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation. It is calculated by adding back depreciation and amortisation to the operating profit as follows:

                                                                    Year ended 
                                6 months ended   6 months ended    31 December 
 6 months ended 30 June 2011      30 June 2011     30 June 2010           2010 
  Unaudited                          Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited 
                                         Total            Total          Total 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Operating profit                       10,879           16,906         28,641 
 Depreciation                            1,154            1,148          2,350 
 Amortisation                              105              132            244 
 EBITDA                                 12,138           18,186         31,235 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

Note 4 Borrowings

                                             6 months   6 months          Year 
                                                ended      ended         ended 
                                              30 June    30 June   31 December 
                                                 2011       2010          2010 
                                            Unaudited  Unaudited       Audited 
                                              GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
           Secured borrowing at amortised 
           Bank loans                          34,000     33,000        31,000 
           Unamortised issue costs                  -          -             - 
           Total borrowings                    34,000     33,000        31,000 
           Short term portion of bank loan          -          -             - 
           Unamortised issue costs                  -          -             - 
 Amount due for settlement within one year 
                                                    -          -             - 
           Long term portion of bank loan      34,000     33,000        31,000 
           Unamortised issue costs                  -          -             - 
           Amount due for settlement after 
            more than one year                 34,000     33,000        31,000 

Note 5 Finance costs

                                      6 months         6 months           Year 
                                         ended            ended          ended 
                                       30 June          30 June    31 December 
                                          2011             2010           2010 
                                     Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Interest payable on bank 
  loans and overdraft                      832            1,123          2,069 
 Other interest                              -                4              - 
 Amortisation of debt 
 issue costs                                 -                -              - 
 Write off of loan issue 
  costs                                      -              537            537 
 Total finance costs                       832            1,664          2,606 

Note 6 Tax on profit

The taxation charge for the 6 months ended 30 June 2011 has been calculated by reference to the expected effective corporation tax and deferred tax rates for the full financial year to end on 31 December 2011. The underlying effective full year tax charge is estimated to be 26.6% (year ended 31 December 2010: 28.1%).

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

Note 7 Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. With respect to the Group these represent share options granted to employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the Company's ordinary shares during the period.

Reconciliations of the earnings per ordinary share and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                           Unaudited                           Unaudited                            Audited 
                  6 months ended 30 June 2011         6 months ended 30 June 2010         Year ended 31 December 2010 
                            Weighted                            Weighted                            Weighted 
                             average   Per-share                 average   Per-share                 average   Per-share 
               Earnings    number of      amount   Earnings    number of      amount   Earnings    number of      amount 
                GBP'000       shares       pence    GBP'000       shares       pence    GBP'000       shares       pence 
  per share 
  - basic         7,508   35,393,625       21.21     10,408   35,439,612       29.37     17,187   35,240,321       48.77 
 Effect of 
 Options              -      857,520      (0.50)          -      298,193      (0.25)          -      928,658      (1.25) 
  per share 
  diluted         7,508   36,251,145       20.71     10,408   35,737,805       29.12     17,187   36,168,979       47.52 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

Note 8 Share capital

                                  At 30 June   At 30 June   At 31 December 
                                        2011         2010             2010 
                                   Unaudited    Unaudited          Audited 
 Allotted, called up and fully 
  (Ordinary Shares of GBP0.05 
 GBP'000 Sterling                      1,799        1,773            1,782 
 Number                           35,973,032   35,461,168       35,631,827 

Note 9 Dividends

On 18 August 2011, the directors approved a 3.75 pence interim dividend (30 June 2010: 3.50 pence, including a 1.00 pence special dividend) which equates to a dividend payment of GBP1,349,000 (30 June 2010: GBP1,242,000). The dividend will be paid on 14 October 2011 to shareholders on the share register at the close of business on 16 September 2011 and has not been provided for in the 2011 interim results.

On 21 April 2011, the shareholders approved the payment of a 6.00 pence final dividend for 2011 which equates to a dividend payment of GBP2,136,000 (2010: GBP1,985,000). The dividend was paid on the 2 June 2011.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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