RNS Number:9687F
Charter Pan-European Trust plc
10 July 2006

For Immediate Release                 10th July 2006

                         CHARTER PAN-EUROPEAN TRUST plc

                     For the six months ended 31st May 2006

The unaudited interim results have been prepared in accordance with the revised
Statement of Recommended Practice: Financial Statements of Investment Trust
Companies.  The principal changes arising from the issue of recent Financial
Reporting Standards are detailed in Notes 3, 4 and 5.


The net asset value per Ordinary Share at 31st May 2006 was 203.6p, representing
a return of 6.4% for the six months since 30th November 2005 (restated) compared
with a return of 7.0% on the Company's benchmark index, the FTSE World Europe
Index.  Since the introduction of a performance target (of a 2% per annum NAV
return in excess of the Company's benchmark) on 1st December 2004 the Company's
Capital NAV has increased has increased by 33.8% compared to 27.1% on the
benchmark over the period to 31st May 2006, or on an annualised basis by 22.9%
per annum compared to 17.3%.


The Board recommends for the first half of the year an interim dividend of 1.20p
per Ordinary Share (2005: 1.10p per Ordinary Share), payable on 24th August 2006
to shareholders on the Register at 28th July 2006.


During the period under review the Company purchased 1,540,000 Ordinary Shares
for cancellation and 2,210,000 Ordinary Shares into treasury, of which 900,000
Ordinary Shares have subsequently been cancelled.   The high level of buyback
activity reflects the Company's exit from the FTSE All-Share Index at the turn
of the calendar year.  In the period from 31st May to 5th July 2006, a further
577,000 Ordinary Shares have been purchased for cancellation.  The Board, after
consultation with its advisers, has decided to extend the maximum period for
holding shares in treasury before cancellation from six months to twelve months,
in line with current market practice, and to keep this issue under review.


European Stock markets produced positive returns in the first half of the
Company's financial year.

It has nonetheless also been a volatile period for equities.  After strong
returns from December to April, markets suffered a sharp setback in May as
concern over the prospects for inflation emerged. Markets were unnerved both by
an upturn in core US inflation and more hawkish comments from the new Chairman
of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, on the outlook for interest rates. After
an extended period of strong returns stretching back to March 2003 the setback
was also the trigger for some profit taking and unwinding of leveraged

In Europe, since the end of November last year the ECB has raised rates three
times from a starting level of 2% to the current level of 2.75%.  The
expectation is that we are likely to see a continuation of this pattern with a
further 1% of increases before the end of March next year.

Economic growth across Europe has generally remained robust - helped by a
healthy pick up in German exports.  Business confidence, as reflected in the IFO
survey, has also remained at high levels in Germany and illustrates optimism
that long term growth is sustainable and not  a temporary phenomenon driven by
the World Cup and spending brought forward in advance of higher VAT rates in

Corporate activity has also helped underpin markets for much of this period with
major cross- border deals being completed in the industrial gases, steel and
infrastructure sectors.  Corporate restructuring remains a powerful theme at a
company specific level, illustrated recently by the steps taken by Siemens and
Allianz to reduce costs.

Within the Company's portfolio positive contributions were generated from the
holdings in Statoil, Man Group, E.ON and UBS.  Despite weakness towards the end
of the period, mining shares BHP Billiton  and Rio Tinto also produced good
returns.  A major disappointment was Carnival, where difficult trading and high
oil prices hit sentiment.


Looking ahead, we will continue to monitor closely the prospects for inflation
which will to a large extent determine the path of future interest rates
globally. There remains a possibility that higher interest rates will hit the US
housing sector and consumer spending. If this combines at some stage with a
weaker dollar it would be certainly be problematic for European economies which
are still heavily reliant on exports to generate growth. However, given the
resilience with which much of Europe's export sector has historically coped with
a strong currency, it seems likely that Europe's economies will continue to make
progress in spite of recent nervousness in financial markets. We also believe
that the valuation of European shares generally is  reasonable given the outlook
for company profits, further corporate activity and the further restructuring
benefits. As ever we will continue to focus primarily on the prospects for
individual European companies, targeting those with the potential to prosper
even if economic conditions were to deteriorate.

155 Bishopsgate                     By Order of the Board
London EC2M 3AD                     P W I Ingram

10th July 2006                      Secretary

for the six months ended 31st May 2006

                                                                Revenue            Capital              Total
                                                                 #'000s             #'000s             #'000s
                                                                                                     (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                -              3,736              3,736
Net losses on foreign currency loan                                   -               (60)               (60)
Other capital charges                                                 -                (1)                (1)
Income                                                            1,194                  -              1,194
Investment management fee                                          (81)              (441)              (522)
Expenses of administration                                        (109)                  -              (109)
Net Return before finance costs and taxation                      1,004              3,234              4,238
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                (24)               (65)               (89)
Return on ordinary activities before taxation                       980              3,169              4,149
Overseas taxation                                                 (104)                  -              (104)
UK taxation                                                        (83)                 83                  -
Return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                        793              3,252              4,045
Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)
(basic and diluted)                                               2.58p             10.56p             13.14p

as at 31st May 2006

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                                    63,708
Net Current Assets                                                                                        3,186
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                                    66,894
Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                                            (6,177)
Total Net Assets                                                                                         60,717

Called Up Share Capital                                                                                     320
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                                  216
Special Reserve                                                                                          47,666
Capital Reserves:   Realised                                                                              (469)
                    Unrealised                                                                           11,662
Revenue Reserve                                                                                           1,322
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                      60,717

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                                                       203.6p

The net asset value is based on 29,817,688 Ordinary Shares in issue
As at 31st May 2006 there were an additional 2,210,000 Ordinary shares held in treasury

for the six months ended 31st May 2005

                                                                Revenue            Capital              Total
                                                             (restated)         (restated)         (restated)
                                                                 #'000s             #'000s             #'000s
                                                                                                     (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                -              3,952              3,952
Net gains on foreign currency loan                                    -                  -                  -
Other capital charges                                                 -                  -                  -
Income                                                              990                  -                990
Investment management fee                                          (71)              (255)              (326)
Expenses of administration                                        (178)                  -              (178)
Net Return before finance costs and taxation                        741              3,697              4,438
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                 (1)                  -                (1)
Return on ordinary activities before taxation                       740              3,697              4,437
Overseas taxation                                                  (77)                  -               (77)
UK taxation                                                        (43)                 43                  -
Return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                        620              3,740              4,360
Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)
(basic and diluted)                                               1.75p             10.59p             12.34p

as at 31st May 2005
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                                    54,437
Net Current Assets                                                                                        1,742
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                                    56,179
Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                                                  -
Total Net Assets                                                                                         56,179

Called Up Share Capital                                                                                     343
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                                  193
Special Reserve                                                                                          55,236
Capital Reserves:   Realised                                                                            (5,784)
                    Unrealised                                                                            5,213
Revenue Reserve                                                                                             978
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                      56,179

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                                                       165.6p

The net asset value is based on 33,922,688 Ordinary Shares in issue
As at 31st May 2005 there were no shares held in treasury

for the year ended 30th November 2005

                                                                Revenue            Capital              Total
                                                             (restated)         (restated)         (restated)
                                                                 #'000s             #'000s             #'000s
                                                                                                     (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                -             12,822             12,822
Net  gains on foreign currency loan                                   -                 20                 20
Other capital charges                                                 -                (7)                (7)
Income                                                            1,704                  -              1,704
Investment management fee                                         (147)              (592)              (739)
Expenses of administration                                        (334)                  -              (334)
Net Return before finance costs and taxation                      1,223             12,243             13,466
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                 (8)               (23)               (31)
Return on ordinary activities before taxation                     1,215             12,220             13,435
Overseas taxation                                                 (127)                  -              (127)
UK taxation                                                        (32)                 32                  -
Return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                      1,056             12,252             13,308
Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)
(basic and diluted)                                               3.06p             35.46p             38.52p

as at 30th November 2005
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                                    67,086
Net Current Liabilities                                                                                   (143)
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                                    66,943
Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                                            (2,725)
Total Net Assets                                                                                         64,218

Called Up Share Capital                                                                                     336
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                                  200
Special Reserve                                                                                          54,697
Capital Reserves:   Realised                                                                            (2,597)
                                Unrealised                                                               10,538
Revenue Reserve                                                                                           1,044
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                      64,218

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                                                       191.3p

The net asset value is based on 33,567,688 Ordinary Shares in issue
As at 30th November 2005 there were an additional 25,000 Ordinary shares held in treasury

                           For the six months ended 31st May 2006

                                Ordinary      Capital    Special   Capital      Capital   Revenue      Total
                                   Share   Redemption    Reserve  Realised   Unrealised   Reserve                       
                                 Capital      Reserve              Reserve      Reserve
                                  #'000s       #'000s     #'000s    #'000s       #'000s    #'000s     #'000s
Six months ended 31st May 2006
Net Assets at 30th  November
2005  as previously stated           336          200     54,697   (2,597)       10,597       473     63,706

Dividends on Ordinary Shares
not recognised as a current
liability                              -            -          -         -            -       571        571
Adjustment to record
investments at bid value               -            -          -         -         (59)         -       (59)
Net Assets at 30th  November
2005 (restated)                      336          200     54,697   (2,597)       10,538     1,044     64,218

Revenue Return                         -            -          -         -            -       793        793

Shares repurchased during the       (16)           16    (7,031)         -            -         -    (7,031)

Dividends on Ordinary Shares           -            -          -         -            -     (515)      (515)

Capital Return                         -            -          -     2,128        1,124         -      3,252

Net Assets at 31st  May 2006         320          216     47,666     (469)       11,662     1,322     60,717

Six months ended 31st  May
Net Assets at 30th November
2004 as previously stated            400          136     63,912   (6,424)        2,168       293     60,485
Dividends on Ordinary Shares
not recognised as a current
liability                              -            -          -         -            -       540        540
Adjustment to record
investments at bid value
                                       -            -          -         -         (55)         -       (55)

Net Assets at 30th November          400          136     63,912   (6,424)        2,113       833      6,970
2004 (restated)

Revenue Return                         -            -          -         -            -       620        620

Shares repurchased during the       (57)           57    (8,676)         -            -         -    (8,676)

Dividends on Ordinary Shares           -            -          -         -            -     (475)      (475)

Capital Return                         -            -          -       640        3,100         -      3,740

Net Assets at 31st May 2005          343          193     55,236   (5,784)        5,213       978     56,179

            For the year ended 30th November 2005


                                 Ordinary      Capital  Special   Capital      Capital   Revenue       Total
                                    Share   Redemption  Reserve  Realised   Unrealised   Reserve                        
                                  Capital      Reserve            Reserve      Reserve
                                   #'000s       #'000s   #'000s    #'000s       #'000s    #'000s      #'000s            
Year ended 30th November 2005
Net Assets at 30th November
2004 as previously stated             400          136   63,912   (6,424)        2,168       293      60,485

Dividends on Ordinary Shares
not recognised as a current
liability                               -            -        -         -            -       540         540
Adjustments to record
investments at bid value                                                          (55)                  (55)

Net Assets at 30th November           400          136   63,912   (6,424)        2,113       833      60,970
2004 (restated)

Revenue Return                          -            -        -         -            -     1,056       1,056

Shares repurchased during the        (64)           64  (9,215)         -            -         -     (9,215)

Dividends on Ordinary Shares            -            -        -         -            -     (845)       (845)

Capital Return                          -            -        -     3,827        8,425         -      12,252

Net Assets at 30th November           336          200   54,697   (2,597)       10,538     1,044      64,218
2005 (restated)


                                                        Six Months to        Six Months to              Year to
                                                             31st May             31st May        30th November
                                                                 2006                 2005                 2005
                                                               #'000s               #'000s               #'000s

Net cash inflow from operating activities                         334                  246                  599

Servicing of finance
Interest paid                                                    (83)                    -                 (26)

Investing activities
Purchases of fixed asset investments                         (12,718)             (12,492)             (34,551)
Sales of fixed asset investments                               19,507               21,098               39,812
Net cash inflow from investing activities                       6,789                8,606                5,261

Equity dividends paid                                           (515)                (475)                (845)
Net cash inflow before financing                                6,525                8,377                4,989

Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation and              (7,031)              (8,676)              (9,215)
held in treasury
Drawdown on Euro Loan                                           3,452                    -                2,746
Net cash outflow from financing                               (3,579)              (8,676)              (6,469)
Increase (Decrease) in cash                                     2,946                (299)              (1,480)


                                                Valuation            % of
                                            31st May 2006           Total
                                                   #'000s         Assets* Principal Activities
Statoil                                             3,416            5.11 Oil and Gas
UBS                                                 3,380            5.05 Banks
GlaxoSmithKline                                     3,102            4.64 Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
E.ON                                                2,949            4.41 Diversified Industries
Total                                               2,697            4.03 Oil and Gas
Swatch Group                                        2,642            3.95 General Retailers
Informa                                             2,491            3.72 Media and Entertainment
Allianz                                             2,377            3.55 Insurance
BNP Paribas                                         2,183            3.26 Banks
Acciona                                             2,072            3.10 Construction and Building Materials
Dassault Systemes                                   2,014            3.01 Software and Computer Services
Man Group                                           1,904            2.85 Speciality and Other Financials
Reuters Group                                       1,765            2.64 Media and Entertainment
Schneider Electric                                  1,738            2.60 Electronic and Electrical Equipment
Intercontinental Hotels                             1,680            2.51 Leisure and Hotels
Societe Generale                                    1,650            2.47 Banks
BHP Billiton                                        1,637            2.45 Mining
EFG Eurobank Ergasias                               1,629            2.44 Banks
ENI                                                 1,588            2.37 Oil and Gas
CRH                                                 1,483            2.22 Construction and Building Materials

                                                   44,397           66.38

* Total assets are stated net of current liabilities


                                                                Valuation                % of
                                                            31st May 2006       Total Assets*

Cyclical Consumer Goods                                             4,074                6.09
Cyclical Services                                                   5,936                8.87
Financials                                                         18,490               27.64
Non-Cyclical Services                                                 679                1.01
Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods                                         4,321                6.46
Resources                                                          11,666               17.44
Information Technology                                              2,014                3.01
Utilities                                                           5,589                8.36
Basic Industries                                                    3,556                5.32
General Industrials                                                 7,383               11.04
Net Current Assets                                                  3,185                4.76
                                                                   66,893              100.00

* Total assets are stated net of current liabilities


Note 1

The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of shares in
issue 30,785,639

(31st May 2005: 35,330,434; 30th November 2005: 34,545,482).

Note 2

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the

All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations
were acquired or discontinued in the period.

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the Income Statement.

Included in the cost of investments are transaction costs on purchases which
amounted to #91,660 (31st May 2005 - #75,925; 30th November 2005 - #174,404) and
transaction costs on sales which amounted to #74,035 (31st May 2005- #43,033;
30th November 2005 - #118,199).

Note 3

Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in
accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Measurement'.  Listed investments
are valued at bid market prices.  This represents a change in accounting policy.
  In prior periods listed investments were valued at mid market prices.
Comparatives have been restated.

Note 4

In accordance with FRS21 'Events After the Balance Sheet Date', the final
dividend payable on Ordinary Shares is recognised as a liability when approved
by shareholders. Interim dividends are recognised only when paid. This is a
change in accounting policy and results in a restatement of the prior year
creditors and a consequential increase in the prior year Net Asset Value.

Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares in respect of earnings for each period are as

                                                         Six months to     Six months to             Year to
                                                         31st May 2006     31st May 2005  30th November 2005
                                                                #'000s            #'000s              #'000s
Interim dividend 1.10p paid 25th August 2005                         -                 -                 370
Final dividend 1.70p paid 4th April 2006 (2005 -                   515               475                 475
                                                                   515               475                 845

Dividends payable at the period end are not recognised as a liability under FRS
21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date'.  Details of these dividends are set
out below.

                                                         Six months to     Six months to             Year to
                                                              31st May    31st May  2005  30th November 2005
                                                                  2006            #'000s              #'000s
Interim proposed dividend 1.20p payable 24th August
 2006 (2005: 1.10p)                                                358               373                   -
Final dividend 1.70p                                                 -                 -                 571

The interim and final dividend above is based on the number of shares in issue
at the period end. However, the dividend payable will be based on the number of
shares in issue on the record date and will reflect any purchases or
cancellations of shares by the Company settled subsequent to the period end.

Note 5

Restatement of opening balances

                                                As previously stated                                  Restated
                                                       31st May 2005       Adjustment            31st May 2005
                                                              #'000s           #'000s                   #'000s

Fixed Assets Investments                                      54,486             (49)  3                54,437
Net Current Assets                                             1,369              373  1                 1,742
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                         55,855              324                   56,179
Less: Creditors-amounts falling due after
one year
                                                                   -                -                        -
Total Net Assets                                              55,855              324                   56,179

Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital                                          343                -                      343
Special Reserve                                               55,236                -                   55,236
Capital Reserves: Realised                                   (5,784)                -                  (5,784)
                  Unrealised                                   5,262             (49)  3                 5,213
Capital Redemption Reserve                                       193                -                      193
Revenue Reserve                                                  605              373  1                   978
Shareholders' Funds                                           55,855              324                   56,179
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                            164.7p             0.9p                   165.6p

Notes (continued)

                                                As previously stated                                  Restated
                                                  30th November 2005    Adjustment          30th November 2005
                                                              #'000s        #'000s                      #'000s

Fixed Assets Investments                                      67,146          (60)   3                  67,086
Net Current Liabilities                                        (714)           571   2                   (143)
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                         66,432           511                      66,943
Less: Creditors-amounts falling due after                    (2,725)             -                     (2,725)
one year
Total Net Assets                                              63,707           511                      64,218

Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital                                          336             -                         336
Special Reserve                                               54,697             -                      54,697
Capital Reserves: Realised                                   (2,597)             -                     (2,597)
                  Unrealised                                  10,598          (60)   3                  10,538
Capital Redemption Reserve                                       200             -                         200
Revenue Reserve                                                  473           511   2                   1,044
Shareholders' Funds                                           63,707           571                      64,218
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                            189.8p          1.5p                      191.3p

1   Represents the effect of not recognising the interim dividend (FRS 21).

2   Represents the effect of not recognising the final dividend (FRS 21).

3   Represents the effect of adopting bid prices for listed investments (FRS

Note 6

The interim statement has neither been audited nor reviewed by the Company's
auditors. The financial information for the year ended 30 November 2005 has been
extracted from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies and restated by reference to the changes in
accounting policies detailed above. The auditor's report on those accounts was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or
Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The interim report will be sent to shareholders in mid July 2006 and will be
available to members of the public from the Company's registered office at 155
Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD.

For further information, please contact:-

Peter Ingram
Company Secretary
Tel: 020 7065 1467


Simon White
Head of Investment Trusts, RCM (UK) Limited
Tel: 020 7065 1539

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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