RNS No 2768v
5th August 1998


                            LAPORTE PLC
                            Appendix II
                   Particulars of the Loan Notes


The Loan Notes will be created by a resolution of the board of
directors of Laporte or a duly authorised committee thereof and
will be constituted by a loan note instrument (the 'Loan Note
Instrument').  The issue of the Loan Notes will be conditional on
the Offer becoming or being declared unconditional in all
respects.  The Loan Note Instrument will contain provisions, inter
alia, to the effect set out below:

1.        Form, status, registration and transfer

The Loan Notes will be issued in registered form in amounts and
multiples of UK PDS 1, will be transferable in amounts and
multiples of UK PDS 100 (or the entire holding), and will
constitute unsecured obligations of Laporte, but will have the
benefit of a guarantee in respect of principal from Barclays Bank
PLC and The Toronto-Dominion Bank for the first five years after
the date of their first issue.  The Loan Note Instrument will not
contain any restrictions on borrowings or charging or disposal of
assets by Laporte or any member of the Laporte Group.

2.        Interest

Interest on the Loan Notes will be calculated on the basis of a
365 day year and will be payable (less any applicable tax)
quarterly in arrear on 2nd January, 2nd April, 2nd July and 2nd
October or, if any such day is not a business day, on the next
succeeding business day ('interest payment dates') in each year in
respect of the interest periods (as defined below) ending on the
day immediately before such dates at the rate specified below,
except that the first payment of interest on the Loan Notes, which
will be made on 2nd January 1999 (or, if such day is not a
business day, on the next succeeding business day), will be in
respect of the period from and including the first date of issue
of the Loan Notes up to (but excluding) 2nd January, 1999.  The
period from and including the first date of issue of the Loan
Notes up to (but excluding) 2nd January, 1999 and the period from
(and including) 2nd January, 1999 or any subsequent interest
payment date up to (and excluding) the next following interest
payment date is herein called an 'interest period'.

The rate of interest payable on the Loan Notes for each interest
period will be the rate per annum calculated by Laporte to be 1.0
per cent. below the average (rounded down where necessary to the
nearest whole multiple of one-sixteenth of one per cent.) of the
respective rates per annum at which any two London clearing banks
selected by Laporte are prepared to offer three month sterling
deposits of UK PDS 1,000,000 to leading banks in the London Inter-
Bank Market for sterling at or about 11.00am (London time) on the
first day of the relevant interest period or, if such a day is not
a business day, on the next succeeding business day.

3.        Repayment of the Loan Notes

(A)       Any Loan Notes not previously repaid or purchased or
          cancelled under this paragraph or paragraphs 4 or 5
          below will be redeemed in full at par on 2nd January,
          2008 or, if such day is not a business day, on the next
          succeeding business day (the 'Final Redemption Date')
          together with accrued interest (less any applicable tax)
          up to (but excluding) that date.

(B)       A holder of Loan Notes ('Noteholder') may require all or
          any part (being UK PDS 100 in nominal amount or any
          multiple thereof) of his holding of Loan Notes to be
          repaid at par together with accrued interest up to but
          excluding the date of payment (less any applicable tax)
          on 2nd July, 1999 (or, if such a day is not a business
          day, on the next succeeding business day) and thereafter
          on any interest payment date falling prior to the Final
          Redemption Date by giving not less than 30 days' notice
          in writing to expire on or before the relevant interest
          payment date.

(C)       If, at any time on or after 2nd July, 2002, 75 per cent.
          in nominal value of the Loan Notes has been repaid or
          purchased and cancelled or UK PDS 2,000,000 or less in
          nominal value of Loan Notes is outstanding, Laporte
          shall have the right, on giving not less than 30 days'
          notice in writing to the remaining Noteholders, to
          redeem all (but not some only) of the outstanding Loan
          Notes by payment of the nominal value thereof together
          with accrued interest up to but excluding the date of
          payment (less any applicable tax).

4.        Purchase of the Loan Notes

Laporte may at any time by agreement with the relevant Noteholder
purchase any Loan Notes at any price by tender, private treaty or

5.        Cancellation

Any Loan Notes repaid or purchased shall be cancelled and shall
not be available for re-issue.

6.        Additional Notes

Each Noteholder shall have the right on giving 60 days' prior
written notice to Laporte to acquire (by subscription at nominal
value of an amount up to or equal to such Noteholder's holding of
Loan Notes, such amount to be payable in full on subscription)
additional loan notes to be issued by a subsidiary of Laporte
(with an appropriate level of net worth) ('Additional Notes') on
terms and conditions substantially the same as those applicable to
the Loan Notes, except that the Additional Notes shall not carry
any right to acquire additional securities and the rate of
interest on the Additional Notes shall be 1.0 per cent below the
rate per annum referred to above in paragraph 2.

7.        Modifications

The provisions of the Loan Note Instrument and the rights of the
Noteholders will be subject to modification, abrogation or
compromise in any respect with the sanction of an Extraordinary
Resolution of the Noteholders as defined in the Loan Note
Instrument and with the consent of Laporte.

8.        Further Loan Notes

Provisions will be made in the Loan Note Instrument to enable
Laporte to make further issues of loan notes so as to form a
single series with the Loan Notes.

9.        Substitution or exchange

The Loan Notes will contain provisions entitling Laporte, without
the consent of the Noteholders, to substitute any member or
members of the Laporte Group resident in the United Kingdom for
tax purposes as the principal debtor or debtors under the Loan
Note Instrument and the Loan Notes (subject to a guarantee by
Laporte if the principal debtor is not Laporte) or to require all
or any of the Noteholders to exchange the Loan Notes for loan
notes issued on the same terms mutatis mutandis by one or more 
members of the Laporte Group (subject to a guarantee by Laporte 
if it is not the principal debtor).

10.       Listing

No application has been or is intended to be made for the Loan
Notes to be listed or dealt in on any stock exchange.

11.       Governing law

The Loan Notes and the Loan Note Instrument will be governed by
and construed in accordance with English law.

12.       Value

Credit Suisse First Boston de Zoete and Bevan Limited as
stockbroker to Laporte, has advised that, in current market
conditions, it estimates the value of the Loan Notes to be 99.4p
per UK PDS 1 in nominal value.
                           APPENDIX III
           Financial effects of acceptance of the Offer

The following tables, which are for illustrative purposes only,
and on the bases and assumptions set out in the notes below, show
the financial effects of acceptance of the Offer on capital value
and gross income for an accepting holder of one Inspec Share if
the Offer becomes or is declared wholly unconditional.

A.        Increase in Capital Value under the terms of the Offer


Consideration                 340.0

Market value of one
Inspec Share(i)               243.0

Increase in capital value     97.0

This represents an
effective increase            39.9%

B.        Increase in Gross Income under the terms of the Offer


Gross income from
re-investment of
cash consideration(ii)        19.1

Gross historic dividend
income from one 
Inspec Share(iii)              8.4

Increase in income            10.6

This represents an effective
increase of                  126.1%


          (i)       The closing middle-market price (as derived
                    from SEDOL) of 243p per Inspec Share on 3rd
                    August, 1998, the last dealing day prior to
                    the announcement by Inspec that it was in
                    advanced discussions with Laporte.

          (ii)      The cash consideration is assumed to be re-
                    invested so as to yield 5.61 per cent. per
                    annum, being the Average Gross Redemption
                    Yield Index for medium coupon UK Government
                    securities of 5 to 15 years maturity as
                    published in the Financial Times on 4th
                    August, 1998, for the last practical day prior
                    to this announcement.

          (iii)     The gross dividend income from one Inspec
                    Share is based on the aggregate of 4.5p (net)
                    per share, being the final dividend for the
                    year ended 31st December, 1997 and 2.25p
                    (net)per share, being the interim dividend for
                    the half year ended 30th June, 1997, together
                    with the associated tax credit of 20/80ths on
                    those dividends.
          (iv)      No account has been taken of any potential
                    liability to taxation.

                            Appendix IV
                  Inspec excluding Inspec Belgium

In order to calculate the implied multiples offered by Laporte for
Inspec, operating profit, earnings and earnings per share for the
year to 31st December, 1997 for Inspec excluding Inspec Belgium
for the whole of the year, have been derived after making the
assumptions set out in the notes below.  The Inspec financial
information is extracted from the published audited accounts for
the year ended 31st December, 1997; Inspec Belgium financial
information has been extracted from the circular published on 14th
April 1998 relating to the disposal of Inspec Belgium titled
'Proposed disposal of Inspec Belgium'

                  Pro Forma Financial Information
              For the year ended 31st December, 1997

                    Inspec    Inspec    Adjustments  Inspec Excl.
                    Group     Belgium   resulting    Inspec
                                        from         Belgium
                  UK PDS'000 UK PDS'000 UK PDS'000   UK PDS'000

Operating profit    55,475    (19,450)      -        36,025
Net interest payable(8,406)         -   5,001        (3,405)

Profit on ordinary
activities before
taxation            47,069    (19,450)  5,001        32,620

Tax on profit on
ordinary activities (8,472)         -   2,601        (5,871)

Profit on ordinary
activities after
taxation            38,597    (19,450)  7,602        26,749

Equity minority
interests           140             -       -           140

Profit for the
financial year      38,737    (19,450)  7,602        26,889

Ordinary dividends  (11,787)        -       -       (11,787)

Retained profit for
the year            26,950    (19,450)  7,602        15,102

Earnings per 2p
ordinary share
FRS3 basis            22.2p         -       -         15.4p
Adjusted earnings
per share             22.2p         -       -         15.4p


(i)       The net disposal proceeds of UK PDS 78,068,000 are
          received on 1st January, 1997 and are used to reduce
          debt.  The reduction in interest paid of UK PDS 5.001
          million is calculated by applying the 1997 effective
          interest rate of 6.41 per cent. to the disposal
          proceeds.  The effective interest rate was derived by
          taking the 1997 net interest charge, (excluding the
          interest receivable relating to Musley) of UK PDS 10.4
          million and dividing it by the average of the 1996
          closing net debt (excluding loans to Musley) of UK PDS
          176.7 million and 1997 closing net debt (excluding loans
          to Musley) of UK PDS 148.3 million
(ii)      It has been assumed that the disposal leaves Inspec's
          effective tax rate unchanged at 18.0 per cent.
(iii)     The disposal proceeds are assumed to be tax free
(iv)      To derive the Inspec operating profit, earnings and
          earnings per share excluding Inspec Belgium, it was
          assumed that the two companies were stand-alone
          businesses and had no commercial relationships (e.g., no
          additional cost incurred following the disposal as a
          result of being a stand-alone business)
(v)       Calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on
          earnings after tax and minority interest and on
          174,500,344 ordinary shares, being the weighted average
          number of shares in issue during the year ended 31st
          December, 1997

                            Appendix V

The following definitions apply throughout this press release,
unless the context requires otherwise:

'Code'                        The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers;

'Enlarged Group'              the Laporte Group as enlarged by the
                              acquisition of the Inspec Group;

'Deutsche Bank'               Deutsche Bank AG London;

'Inspec'                      Inspec Group plc;

'Inspec Group'                Inspec and its subsidiary undertakings;

'Inspec Share Schemes'        the 1995 Inspec Employee Share
                              Scheme, the 1996 Inspec Employee
                              Share Scheme, the 1996 Share Option
                              Scheme, the Inspec Approved Profit
                              Sharing Scheme, the Inspec Approved
                              Savings Related Share Option Scheme,
                              the Inspec Approved Executive Share
                              Option Scheme and the Inspec
                              Incentive Share Schemes;

'Inspec Shares'               the existing issued and fully paid
                              ordinary shares of 2p each in Inspec
                              and any further such shares which
                              are unconditionally allotted or
                              issued before the date on which the
                              Offer closes (or such earlier date,
                              not being earlier than the date on
                              which the Offer becomes unconditional 
                              as to acceptances or, if later, the
                              first closing date, as Laporte may

'Inspec Shareholders'         the holders of Inspec Shares;

'Lazard Brothers'             Lazard Brothers & Co., Limited;

'LIBOR'                       the average (rounded down where
                              necessary to the nearest whole
                              multiple of one-sixteenth of one per
                              cent.) of the respective rates per
                              annum at which any two London
                              clearing banks selected by Laporte
                              are prepared to offer three month
                              sterling deposits of UK PDS
                              1,000,000 to leading banks in the
                              London Inter-Bank Market for
                              sterling at or about 11.00am (London
                              time) on the first day of the
                              relevant interest period or, if such
                              a day is not a business day, on the
                              next succeeding business day;

'Laporte' or 'Company'        Laporte plc;

'Laporte Group'               Laporte and its subsidiary undertakings;

'Listing Rules'               the rules and regulations made by
                              the London Stock Exchange under
                              Section 142 of the Financial
                              Services Act 1986 and contained in
                              the London Stock Exchange's
                              publication of the same name;

'Loan Note Alternative'       the alternative whereby eligible
                              Inspec Shareholders who validly
                              accept the Offer may elect to
                              receive Loan Notes in lieu of all or
                              part of the cash consideration under
                              the Offer;

'Loan Notes'                  the floating rate unsecured loan
                              notes of Laporte to be issued
                              pursuant to the Loan Note
                              Alternative, the principal terms of
                              which are set out in Appendix II;

'London Stock Exchange'       London Stock Exchange Limited;

'Offer'                       the recommended offer to be made by
                              Lazard Brothers on behalf of Laporte
                              to acquire the Inspec Shares not
                              already owned by Laporte at the time
                              the offer is made and, where the
                              context admits, any subsequent
                              revision, variation, extension or
                              renewal thereof;

'Panel'                       The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers;

'SEDOL'                       Stock Exchange Daily Official List;

'United States' or 'US'       the United States of America, its
                              territories and possessions, any
                              State of the United States of
                              America and the District of


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