RNS No 7894e
3rd March 1998
John Hollowood, Chairman                Tel: 01703 245 301
Jim Ratcliffe, Managing Director        Tel: 01703 245 318
Gary Corsi, Finance Director            Tel: 01703 245 217
Inspec Group plc

Charles Watson/Tom Baldock
Financial Dynamics                      Tel: 0171 831 3113
                              INSPEC GROUP PLC
                             PRELIMINARY RESULTS
Inspec Group plc today announces results for the year ended 31 December 1997:
These can be summarised as follows :
                 1997         1996              Change
Turnover         #394.3m      #301.1m       +31%
Operating        #55.5m       #38.8m        +43%
profit           #47.1m       #32.0m        +47%
Profit before
Earnings per        22.20p        18.24p          +22%
Highlights of the year include:
*      Underlying organic growth in operating profit of 24%
*      Successful integration of Inspec Fine Chemicals
*      Net debt reduced by #30m
*      EPS growth of 22%
*      #16m invested in new capacity
*      Restructuring in UK, USA and Chile reduced fixed costs by an
       annualised #3m
*      Safety awards for major sites
*      Dividend increase of 7%
Commenting on the announcement Chairman, Dr John Hollowood, said:
"Inspec has delivered a resilient performance in 1997 with good organic
growth having been achieved across the majority of its businesses. This was
achieved despite the strength of sterling which reduced profit before tax by
an estimated #10m.
Energies were very much focused on the integration of Inspec Fine Chemicals
and maintaining organic growth by investing in new capacity and reducing
costs in some areas.
The actions we have taken in 1997 and the continuing focus on organic growth
will continue to offset the adverse effects of the strong pound and market
uncertainties in the Far East. On the whole, we remain  positive about
prospects over the coming year".
Financial table
# million                    Turnover           Operating profit 
Year ended 31 December   1997         1996        1997   1996    
Specialities            147.7       137.6       21.0     22.1    
Fine Chemicals          126.2       67.9*       24.3     11.5*   
Performance Products    28.0        27.0        (2.9)    (1.2)
EO / Glycol             92.4        68.6        13.1     6.4
Total                   394.3       301.1       55.5     38.8    
Operating Margin                                14.1%    12.9%   
* six months only
Inspec has delivered a resilient performance in 1997 and has met each of  the
targets  set  at  the  beginning of the year  -  integration  of  the  recent
acquisitions,   achievement  of  profitability  targets  and  a   significant
reduction  in net gearing.  These have been achieved against a background  of
currency  pressure and increased competition, underlining  the  strength  and
diversity   of   our  product  portfolio  and  our  widespread  international
Allowing for the adverse impact of the strength of sterling, we estimate that
the  Group's  underlying  growth  in operating  profit  was  24%  over  1996;
Specialities  grew  by 13%, Fine Chemicals by 11% and EO /  Glycol  by  136%.
Performance  Products reported an increased loss reflecting  a  disappointing
result  from the USA Mining Chemicals business but prospects look much better
in 1998.
I  am  particularly  pleased by the contribution from Inspec  Fine  Chemicals
which  has met all the objectives we envisaged when we purchased the business
from Shell last year.  After some restructuring, we have an experienced, well-
motivated  management  team in place to develop the  full  potential  of  the
After  a  year of integration and debt reduction we are well placed to  focus
our  attention  on research and new product development which will  form  the
foundation of organic growth going forward.
Financial review
Group  turnover  rose  by 31% to #394.3m (1996: #301.1m)  reflecting  a  full
year's  sales from the acquisitions made in 1996 and good organic  growth  in
most  of  our  businesses.  Group operating profit rose 43% to #55.5m  (1996:
#38.8m) and the operating margin improved to 14.1%  (1996: 12.9%).  Both Fine
Chemicals  and  Specialities performed well in mainland Europe  where  weaker
currencies  improved trading.  The UK businesses achieved creditable  results
with  healthy  volumes  helping to offset the effects of  the  strong  pound.
Performance Products was disappointing overall but masked a good result  from
the  Fibres business.   EO / Glycol had a strong finish to the year  and  the
cash  generated has been used to reduce debt and fund further  investment  in
the other business areas.
The  Group's  net  interest cost was covered 6.6 times  for  the  year.   The
substantial  cash generated reduced net debt (after deducting the  ESOP  loan
receivable)  from  #149.8m  to #120.4m by the year  end.   Net  gearing  fell
significantly  to 138% of net assets (1996: 228%).  Capital  expenditure  was
Profit  before tax was #47.1m (1996: #32.0m).  We estimate that the  strength
of  sterling  has  reduced profit before tax by around #10m compared  to  the
average rates prevailing in 1996.
The  effective rate of tax was 18% (1996: 16%) and it is expected  to  remain
low for the next few years due to allowances arising from acquisitions.
Earnings per share grew by 21.7% to 22.20p (1996: 18.24p).
The  Board  is recommending a final dividend of  4.5p (net) per share  which,
together  with the interim dividend already paid, makes a total of 6.75p  for
the year ended 31 December 1997, an increase of  7%.
Group operating review
The performance of each division can be summarised as follows:
Inspec Specialities
Specialities       1997            1996         
Turnover           #147.7m         #137.6m      
Operating Profit   #21.0m          #22.1m
Operating Margin   14.2%           16.1%
The  overall  results  of  the  Division  exceeded  expectations  due  to  an
outstanding year from Inspec Belgium coupled with a resilient performance  at
Inspec  UK.  Following a mid-year restructuring, Inspec USA enjoyed  improved
second  half fortunes whilst production commenced successfully at our  Korean
joint venture during the fourth quarter.
Inspec  Belgium  had  an  excellent year.   Sales  of  the  synthetic  rubber
intermediate ENB rebounded strongly from the lows of 1996 benefiting from new
global  contracts.   Furthermore, two new third parties, Seppic  and  Kuraray
chose  Inspec Belgium as their new European base and both will take  services
and products from the site in 1998/99.
Inspec  UK  (Hythe)  responded  well to competitive  pressures  where  record
volumes  largely  offset substantial margin erosion  due  to  currency.   The
export-orientated  coatings intermediates business was most  affected  though
market  share  was  retained.  The synthetic lubricant businesses  were  more
resilient with improved product mix and increased market penetration ensuring
forward momentum.  Furthermore, April saw the successful commissioning of the
new 3,000 tonne per annum multifunctional monomer plant; this is expected  to
be a major contributor to medium-term organic growth at the company.
The  US  business  enjoyed  mixed fortunes in  1997.   The  speciality  acids
business   continued  to  perform  strongly  and  sales  volumes  were   high
throughout.  Further investment is planned to ensure growing customer  demand
can be satisfied.  Fine Chemicals (acquired from AlliedSignal in 1996) had  a
disappointing  first half and some restructuring was completed  at  mid-year.
The   resulting  reduced  cost  base  coupled  to  successful   new   product
introductions ensured a strong second half of the year.  This business is now
focused  on improving the product portfolio and realising synergies with  the
Fine Chemicals Division.
Inspec Namheung, our new joint venture in South Korea, commissioned its plant
during October 1997.  The company has now commenced manufacture of the Inspec
range of synthetic lubricants for marketing in the Far East region.  Although
the  economic  turmoil in South  Korea is currently depressing local  demand,
Inspec  remains confident of success given the regional export potential  and
the brand reputation.
Inspec Fine Chemicals
Fine Chemicals     1997            1996         
Turnover           #126.2m         #67.9m*      
Operating Profit   #24.3m          #11.5m*
Operating Margin   19.3%           17.0%
* six months only
Inspec  Fine Chemicals has had a very busy and successful year.   Apart  from
the  normal business pressures, most of the businesses have undergone reviews
and  reorganisations to integrate the Division into the Group.  In  addition,
capital has also been invested to fund expansion projects and improve  safety
and  environment  infrastructure.  The Fine Chemicals business  is  now  well
placed  to take advantage of new growth opportunities, offering a wide  range
of technologies to customers and a proven track record as a quality supplier.
The  UK  businesses  performed  solidly overall.   The  Four  Ashes  business
recorded  a  strong first half due to phasing of contracts and  late  in  the
second  half  had  the benefit of increased methylation capacity  (vitamin  E
intermediate).   Knottingley  suffered from the strength  of  sterling  which
affected  sales  of p-Cresol but enters 1998 with new capacity  on  sulphonic
acids  which will improve profitability.  The business also installed  a  new
business  information system (SAP R3) which was successfully commissioned  in
October 1997.
The  continental European businesses performed well, assisted by weaker local
currencies.  Sales  of all the key products grew substantially,  particularly
starch  modifiers  produced in the Netherlands and antioxidants  produced  in
Our custom synthesis business in Germany had an excellent year on the back of
significant  contractual  volumes; the custom  synthesis  business  based  in
France performed profitably in line with expectations and we are confident of
future prospects under new management with a sharper commercial focus.
During  the  year Inspec opened a new representative office in  Singapore  to
develop the potential in that region.
Inspec Performance Products
Performance        1997            1996         
Turnover           #28.0m          #27.0m       
Operating Loss     (#2.9m)         (#1.2m)
Inspec  Fibres  maintained  excellent  progress  throughout  1997  with  both
increased  sales and profits in its main niche market of hot gas  filtration.
New  market  growth  in the Far East will continue to enhance  this  business
along with penetration into new applications.
Inspec  Mining (comprising the businesses acquired from Shell  in  Chile  and
AlliedSignal  in  the USA) had a mixed year.  The Chilean business  performed
well  but  the  USA operation made a loss as it continued to  suffer  from  a
depressed copper market and delayed orders.  The combined operations are  now
under  the  management  of Dr Bill Chambless with the aim  of  realising  the
potential  synergies  from  these  two  businesses.   The  USA  business  has
developed  a  new  low  cost  production process for  its  range  of  solvent
extraction  products and this was commissioned in October 1997.  The  capital
invested  should ensure that it is able to compete more effectively  in  this
Inspec  Foams  ended  the  year profitably but well below  our  expectations.
Reduced  activity  in  the  US  Naval sector, price  competition  and  slower
development  of new applications combined to make this a disappointing  year.
However, with new product development, completion of approval programmes  for
commercial  marine  and aircraft applications and geographic  penetration  we
expect to see improvements in the short term. Towards the end of the year  we
made  a number of changes in the organisation of the business resulting in  a
reduction in the fixed cost base going forward.
EO / Glycol
EO / Glycol        1997            1996         
Turnover           #92.4m          #68.6m       
Operating Profit   #13.1m          #6.4m
The EO / Glycol business benefited from a gradually improving supply / demand
position throughout the year.  We were able to take full advantage of this as
our new increased capacity ran smoothly from the outset.
Health, Safety and Environment
The Board is committed to a programme of improvement across the Group. During
the   year   we  were  proud  to  announce  the  achievement  of   the   ISRS
(International Safety Rating System) level 9 for the Antwerp site in  Belgium
and  confirmation  of level 9 for the Hythe site in the  UK.   The  UK  sites
acquired  from Shell in 1996 at Four Ashes and Knottingley have both  entered
this  system  at  level 7, a commendable performance.  The  Hythe  site  also
achieved  the  highly  sought after ISO 14001 certification  for  Environment
In  1997  we reviewed in depth all of our international businesses  with  the
objective  of assessing the opportunities for growth in the next five  years.
The  Board was impressed by the potential identified by this review  and  the
underlying  quality of the Group's portfolio. As a result we  have  committed
additional  support to the development of our Fine Chemicals businesses,  R&D
and  capital  expenditure on business expansion projects.  Our primary  focus
continues to be organic growth.
The  strength  of  sterling  remains the  largest  threat  to  our  UK  based
businesses offset by opportunities for our continental European businesses as
a  result  of their more competitive currencies. The impact of the  Far  East
crisis on the Group is expected to be limited, except for Glycol where prices
have  suffered  due to lower demand and the anticipated effect of  additional
new production capacity due on stream in 1998.
Overall, Inspec enters 1998 with a positive outlook. Demand for most  of  our
speciality and fine chemicals products remains firm and growth is anticipated
from the capital investments in capacity enlargement made in 1997.
                                 Note          1997        1996
                                              #'000       #'000
Turnover                          2   394,328       301,101
Cost of sales                         (301,762)     (237,150)
Gross profit                          92,566        63,951
Distribution costs                    (11,570)      (6,249)
Administrative expenses               (25,521)      (18,860)
Operating profit                      55,475        38,842
Net interest payable                  (8,406)       (6,810)
Profit on ordinary activities         47,069        32,032
before taxation                                     
Taxation on profit on ordinary    3   (8,472)       (5,125)
Profit on ordinary activities         38,597        26,907
after taxation                        140           18
Equity minority interest
Profit attributable to                38,737        26,925
shareholders                       4  (11,787)      (9,769)
Amount transferred to reserves        26,950        17,156
Earnings per share                5          22.20p      18.24p
                                            1997         1996
                                           #'000        #'000
Fixed assets                                     
Tangible assets                     192,241      194,978
Investments                         28,522       27,498
                                    220,763      222,476
Current assets                                   
Stocks                              49,028       48,593
Debtors                             71,318       66,595
Cash at bank and in hand            24,368       15,491
                                    144,714      130,679
Amounts falling due within one      (113,007)    (84,550)
Net current assets                  31,707       46,129
Total assets less current           252,470      268,605
Creditors                           (150,841)    (186,202)
Amounts falling due after more                   
than one year                       (14,584)     (16,617)
Provisions for liabilities and
Net assets                          87,045       65,786
Capital and reserves                             
Called up share capital             3,494        3,489
Share premium account               188,933      188,351
Profit and loss account             67,698       41,593
                                    260,125      233,433
Goodwill reserve                    (173,318)    (168,064)
Equity shareholders' funds          86,807       65,369
Equity minority interest            238          417
                                    87,045       65,786
                                                 1997        1996
                                     Note       #'000       #'000
Net cash inflow from operating          6  69,520     48,366
Returns on investments and                            
servicing of finance                                  
Interest received                          1,860      1,437
Interest paid                              (11,311)   (8,673)
Net cash outflow from returns on                      
investments and servicing of               (9,451)    (7,236)
Corporation tax paid                       (3,391)    (9,310)
Capital expenditure and financial                     
Purchase of tangible fixed assets          (23,133)   (38,825)
Investment in own shares                   -          (15,699)
Net cash outflow from capital                         
and financial investment                   (23,133)   (54,524)
Acquisition of businesses                  (1,353)    (221,083)
Equity dividends paid                      (10,665)   (6,945)
Net cash  inflow/(outflow) before                     
financing                                  21,527     (250,732)
Net proceeds from issue of share           -          102,509
capital                                    2,353      232,595
New loans                                  (14,173)   (77,817)
Repayment of loans
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from                       
financing                                  (11,820)   257,287
Increase in cash in the period             9,707      6,555
1997 Preliminary Announcement

Notes to the financial statements
1.  Preparation of financial statements
    The  financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1997  have  been
    prepared  using consistent accounting policies to those set  out  in  the
    Group's  accounts  for  1996. The financial information  presented  above
    does  not  constitute the Group's statutory accounts for  1996  or  1997.
    Statutory  accounts  for  the  year ended  31  December  1996  have  been
    delivered  to  the  Registrar of Companies and the  auditors'  report  on
    those  accounts  was unqualified and did not contain  a  statement  under
    Section  237  of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts  for  the
    year  ended  31  December  1997 will be delivered  to  the  Registrar  of
    Companies in due course.
2.  Segmental information
     Division:              Operating profit                  Turnover
                            1997    1996           1997   1996
                           #'000    #'000         #'000   #'000
     Specialities        21,036     22,093      147,665   137,629
     Fine Chemicals      24,316     11,517*     126,251   67,863*
     Performance         (2,928)    (1,158)     28,026    26,969
     Products            13,051     6,390       92,386    68,640
     EO / Glycol
                         55,475     38,842      394,328   301,101
     * six months                                                     
     Analysis of                   By origin            By destination
                            1997    1996           1997   1996
                           #'000    #'000         #'000   #'000
     UK                  115,309    99,858      50,713    38,861
     Rest of Europe      217,860    155,141     236,304   185,457
     Far East            60         -           22,412    16,664
     Americas            61,099     46,102      71,913    55,332
     Rest of World       -          -           12,986    4,787
                         394,328    301,101     394,328   301,101
3.  Taxation
     The tax charge is based on the profit       1997             1996
     for the year and comprises:                 #'000           #'000
     UK Corporation tax                          5,983      2,830
     Deferred taxation                           (637)      338
     Overseas taxation                           3,126      1,957
                                                 8,472      5,125
    The  effective tax rate of 18% for the current year is lower than the  UK
    standard  rate  primarily due to tax allowances totalling #22.5  million.
    These  allowances are in respect of know-how purchased from BP  Chemicals
    as  part of the acquisition of the Hythe business in 1992 and the Antwerp
    business  in 1995 and from know-how purchased from Shell as part  of  the
    Inspec Fine Chemicals acquisition in 1996.
4.  Dividends
                                                  1997        1996
                                                  #'000       #'000
     Interim dividend of 2.25p (1996 : 2.1p)      3,925       2,442
     per 2p ordinary share                        7,862       7,327
     Proposed final dividend of 4.5p (1996 :
     4.2p) per 2p ordinary share
                                                  11,787      9,769
    The  final dividend is payable on 6 May 1998 to shareholders who  are  on
    the  Company's  register on 13 March 1998.  The  ex-dividend  date  is  9
    March  1998.  The latest date for the receipt of scrip dividend  mandates
    is 15 April 1998.
    5.   Earnings per share
    The  calculation  of  earnings per ordinary share is  based  on  earnings
    after  tax  and  minority  interest of  #38,737,000  and  on  174,500,344
    ordinary  shares, being the weighted average number of  shares  in  issue
    during the year ended 31 December 1997.
     6.   Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
          operating activities
                                                1997         1996
                                               #'000        #'000
     Operating profit                     55,475       38,842
     Depreciation                         16,109       12,390
     Loss on disposal of fixed            32           249
     assets                               (2,109)      1,371
     (Increase)/Decrease in               (6,263)      630
     stocks                               6,276        (5,116)
     (Increase)/Decrease in
     Increase/(Decrease) in
     Net cash inflow from                 69,520       48,366
     operating activities
7.   Analysis of Group net debt
     Increase in cash in the period                    9,707
     Cash outflow from decrease in                     11,820
     Change in net debt resulting                      21,527
     from cash flows                                   6,891
     Translation difference
     Movement in net debt in the                       28,418
     period                                            (176,679)
     Net debt at 1 January 1997
     Net debt at 31 December 1997                      (148,261)
                                                   1997          1996
                                                  #'000         #'000
     Net debt (after deducting employee                   
     share scheme loans receivable)          (120,352)    (149,838)
8.  Impact of exchange rates
    We  estimate that the strength of sterling has had the following  adverse
    impact  on  profit before tax (comparing average rates for  1997  against
     #m                     Transaction    Translation      Total 
     Specialities          (3)             (1)           (4)      
     Fine Chemicals        (3)             (2)           (5)
     Performance Products  -               -             -
     EO / Glycol           -               (2)           (2)
     Impact on operating   (6)             (5)           (11)     
     Impact on net         1               -             1
     Impact on profit      (5)             (5)           (10)     
     before tax
    The impact on the Group's profit before tax comprises of the following
     Exposure          USD  Euro basket     Other    Total  
     Transaction       (2)          (2)       (1)      (5)  
     Translation         -          (5)         -      (5)
     Total             (2)          (7)       (1)     (10)  
     The underlying organic growth of the business is shown below:
                         1997     Curren    1997      1996     Chang
     Division          Operating    cy     Adjust  Operating     e
                        Profit    Impact     ed      Profit
                         (#m)      (#m)     (#m)      (#m)
     Specialities     21.0        4.0      25.0           22.1    13%
     Fine Chemicals   24.3        5.0      29.3          26.4*    11%
     Performance      (2.9)       -        (2.9)         (1.2)    neg
     Products         13.1        2.0      15.1            6.4   136%
     EO / Glycol
     Total            55.5        11.0     66.5           53.7    24%
     * proforma 1996 including six months under Shell ownership
The  profits  of overseas subsidiaries were translated into sterling  at  the
following average exchange rates:
                      1997                  1996
US Dollar             1.6456                1.5731
Belgian Franc         58.0526               48.3523
German Mark           2.8245                2.4453
French Franc          9.5098                8.2907
Dutch Guilder         3.1779                2.7429
Spanish Peseta        238.80                206.61
Austrian Schilling    19.8767               16.8566


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