RNS Number : 7522B

Calculus VCT PLC

20 June 2016

Calculus VCT plc

(Previously Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc)

Annual Financial Report

For the year ended 29 February 2016

The full Annual Report and Accounts can be accessed via the following website:

www.calculuscapital.com or by contacting the Company Secretary on telephone 020 7493 4940.

Investment Objective

The Company's principal objectives for investors are to:

-- invest in a portfolio of Venture Capital Investments that will provide investment returns sufficient to allow the Company to maximise annual dividends and with the goal of capital growth over the medium to long term;

-- generate sufficient returns from a portfolio of qualifying investments to provide attractive long-term returns within a tax efficient vehicle;

-- review the appropriate level of dividends annually to take account of investment returns achieved and future prospects; and

-- maintain VCT status to enable qualifying investors to retain their income tax relief of up to 30 per cent on the initial investment and receive tax-free dividends and capital growth.

Full details of the Company's investment policy can be found within the Strategic Report.

                                    Ordinary Share 
                                         Fund                 C Share Fund 
                                 12 Months  12 Months     12 Months     12 Months 
                                     to 29      to 28            to            to 
                                  February   February   29 February   28 February 
 Financial Highlights                 2016       2015          2016          2015 
 Total return per share            (8.11)p    (1.53)p       (8.37)p         3.14p 
 Net asset value per share          31.36p     66.43p        77.27p        90.07p 
 Cumulative dividends paid          70.05p     43.00p        18.00p        13.50p 
 Accumulated shareholder value     101.41p    109.43p        95.27p       103.57p 
 Share price                        37.00p     85.50p        90.00p        90.00p 
 Premium/(discount) to NAV          17.98%     28.71%        16.47%       (0.08)% 
 Recommended final dividend              -      5.25p          4.5p          4.5p 

Strategic Report

The Strategic Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 414A of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Act"). Its purpose is to inform members of the Company and help them assess how the Directors have performed their legal duty under Section 172 of the Act, to promote the success of the Company.

Chairman's Statement

I am delighted to present your Company's results for the year ended 29 February 2016.

The net asset value per Ordinary share was 31.36 pence as at 29 February 2016 compared to 66.43 pence as at 28 February 2015. This is after paying an annual dividend to Ordinary shareholders in July 2015 of 5.25 pence per share and the special interim dividend of 21.8 pence per share in December 2015, bringing the total cumulative shareholder value to 101.41 pence per Ordinary share.

The net asset value per C share was 77.27 pence as at 29 February 2016 compared to 90.07 pence as at 28 February 2015. This is after paying a dividend to C shareholders in 2015 of 4.5 pence per share, bringing total cumulative shareholder value to 95.27 pence per C share.

The net asset values have subsequently decreased to 31.11 pence per Ordinary share and increased to 80.14 pence per C share as at 31 May 2016.

Non Qualifying Portfolio

The Structured Products portfolio, managed by Investec Structured Products, performed well in both the Ordinary and C share portfolios returning 48.9% and 27.0% respectively. The final Structured Product in the Ordinary share portfolio matured in November 2015 and the Board were delighted to pay a special dividend and exceed the interim return target of returning 70 pence per Ordinary shareholders by 14 December 2015.

There is one final Structured Product based on the FTSE 100 Index in the C share portfolio that is due to mature in March 2017. At 29 February 2016, the FTSE 100 was trading at 6,097.09. This means that while the level of the FTSE 100 will change, if the Structured Products in the C share fund were to mature at this level, it would yield the maximum payoff for investors, increasing the overall return on the Structured Products on the C share portfolio to 36.5%

Your Board is pleased that the Structured Products portfolio has achieved its planned return for the Ordinary shares and we expect the Structured Products portfolio for the C shares to also meet its planned return.

Venture Capital Investments

Calculus Capital Limited manages the portfolio of VCT Qualifying Investments made by the Company.

The total return for the qualifying portfolio for the Ordinary shares is down 5.2% compared to original cost. In some respects, this is understandable as 'lemons' ripen before the 'plums'. We are hopeful that the portfolio will start to deliver positive returns going forward.

The total return for the qualifying holdings on the C shares is up 1.8% on original cost. That performance is after taking some write downs and we are hopeful that the portfolio will now start to deliver increasing returns.

During the year, Solab Group Limited ("Solab") (previously Hampshire Cosmetics) redeemed GBP150,000 of its loan stock at par and Venn Life Science Holdings plc ("Venn") was sold at a loss, both to raise funds to pay the July dividend on the Ordinary share portfolio. Hembuild Group Limited ("Hembuild") redeemed GBP125,000 of loan notes in May 2015 before the company entered administration in November 2015.

The C share fund sold its holding in Horizon Discovery plc ("Horizon") in September 2015, achieving a return of over 1.8x.

The qualifying portfolio on the Ordinary shares showed a decrease in value of 22.0 per cent in the year to 29 February 2016 on a like-for-like basis. Although AnTech Limited ("AnTech"), Metropolitan Safe Custody Limited ("Metropolitan"), Dryden Human Capital Group Limited ("Dryden"), Human Race Group Limited ("Human Race") and Solab saw an uplift in value, Brigantes Energy Limited ("Brigantes"), Corfe Energy Limited ("Corfe") and Terrain Energy Limited ("Terrain"), all in the oil and gas sector, lost just over GBP275,000 in aggregate in the year primarily as a result of the lower oil price. Hembuild was written down by GBP190,000 when it entered administration.

The qualifying portfolio on the C shares showed a decrease in value of 7.1 per cent in the year to 29 February 2016 on a like-for-like basis. Increased valuations on Solab, Human Race and Metropolitan were offset by the fall in Scancell Holdings plc's ("Scancell") share price. The Board remain confident about Scancell's long term prospects.

An analysis of the Qualifying Investments can be found in the Investment Manager's Review that follows this Statement.

D Share Issue and Merger

At the Extraordinary General Meetings in November 2015, shareholders approved the issue of up to GBP8 million of D shares by means of an offer for subscription. At the same meetings, shareholders approved mergers of the Ordinary and C Share classes into a single class with the D shares following realisation or liquidation of the Structured Products investments attributable to those classes. The directors anticipate that the Ordinary shares class will be merged into the D shares class on a relative net asset value basis in due course, potentially simultaneously with the merger of the C shares class into the D shares class. The merger of the C shares class into the D shares class will not occur until after the last Structured Product investment attributable to that class is realised or liquidated, which is expected with the maturity of the last such investment in March 2017.

The Board was pleased to announce that, in connection with the offer for subscription for D Ordinary shares of 1p each that opened on 26 October 2015, applications were received for in excess of the minimum requirement of GBP1 million for the offer to proceed in respect of the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 tax years in aggregate. An allotment of 876,181 D shares in respect of the 2015/2016 tax year took place on 8 March 2016 at an average issue price of GBP1.0264 per share. A second allotment of 644,598 D shares in respect of 2015/2016 tax year took place on 4 April 2016 at an average issue price of GBP1.0333 per share. A third allotment of 291,305 D shares in respect of the 2016/2017 tax year took place on 3 May 2016 at an average issue price of GBP1.0333 per share.

Name change

In October 2015, the VCT changed its name from Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc to Calculus VCT plc to reflect the maturity of the final Structured Products on the Ordinary share portfolio and the change in investment policy on the D shares. There is one remaining Structured Product on the C share portfolio which is due to mature in March 2017.


In line with our aim to provide a regular tax-free dividend stream, the Directors are pleased to announce a dividend of 4.5 pence per C share. Subject to shareholder approval, the dividends will be paid on 5 August 2016 to C shareholders on the register on 8 July 2016. This will take cumulative dividends paid to 22.50 pence per C share. The directors anticipate that, following the announcement of the company's interim results to 31 August 2016, a dividend equivalent to 4.5% of NAV will be paid to D shareholders. The timing and amount of the next dividend to Ordinary shareholders is dependent on any realisations of investments in the Ordinary share class portfolio or the timing of the merger of the Ordinary share class into the D share class.

Annual General Meeting

The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00 am on Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at the offices of Calculus Capital Limited, 104 Park Street, London, W1K 6NF.

Changes to VCT tax legislation

Last year saw a series of regulatory changes which affect how VCTs can invest. It is no longer possible for VCTs to undertake management buyouts either as a purchase of equity or as a purchase of a company's trade and its assets. Subject to certain caveats, companies must also be under seven years old (ten years for knowledge intensive companies) to be eligible for investment and there is a lifetime investment limit on the amount any single company can receive of GBP12million (GBP20million for knowledge intensive companies). Other changes to the legislation that mean that new investment in reserve power businesses will no longer qualify and, from 6th April 2016, any new investment into the energy generation sector will also not qualify for relief. HMRC has also indicated that it will be more cautious about giving approval for companies that are clearly set up with the intention of not having a long term future, so called 'limited life' companies. These changes in the legislation have affected individual VCTs to differing extents. Investment for the purposes of growth and development, which is Calculus Capital Limited's core model, is, by and large, unaffected by the changes other than the prohibition on investment in companies older than seven years that have not previously raised tax advantaged funding within seven years of first commercial sale.

The recent budget statement introduced further changes to the rules governing non-qualifying investments for VCTs with effect from 6 April 2016. VCT's can now only invest in ordinary shares or securities in companies listed on a European regulated market and shares or units in an Alternative Investment Fund or Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities that can be redeemed within 7 days. These changes are unlikely to affect the Ordinary or C share investors and will not affect the new D shares' core investment policy in respect of non-qualifying assets to invest in a variety of investments selected to preserve capital value, whilst generating income. However certain of the potential investments listed in the VCT's investment policy, such as investment directly or indirectly in ground rent assets, are either precluded or very unlikely to be possible following these changes. The Directors do not believe that these restrictions will materially affect the investment returns available to the VCT.


The Company exceeded its target of returning 70 pence to each Ordinary shareholder by its interim return date of 14 December 2015. The C share portfolio continues to be invested in Structured Products and as long as the FTSE 100 remains above 5,247, the Company is on target to return the same amount to C shareholders by 14 March 2017.

As mentioned in the previous section, 2015 saw a number of changes affecting VCT legislation. Although the new legislation may affect some of our investment opportunities and brings greater complexity, the Board does not believe the changes will materially impact our ability to invest in UK growth companies. Whilst the general economic outlook may be uncertain for the UK in 2016 with continued uncertainty in the Eurozone, the Board believe the portfolios have considerable upside potential and we hope to see the qualifying portfolios recovering some lost value in the coming year.

Michael O'Higgins


20 June 2016

Investment Manager's Review

(Qualifying Investments)

Calculus Capital Limited manages the portfolio of Qualifying Investments made by the Company. To maintain its qualifying status as a Venture Capital Trust, the Company needed to be greater than 70 per cent invested in Qualifying Investments by the end of the relevant third accounting period and to maintain it thereafter. At 29 February 2016, the qualifying percentage for the Company was 92.0 per cent.

During the year under review, the Company made no new Qualifying Investments. The qualifying portfolio showed a decrease in value of 17.0 per cent in the year to 29 February 2016 on a like-for-like basis.

Further detail on the qualifying investments can be found below.

AnTech - Ordinary share portfolio

AnTech is both a specialist engineering company manufacturing products for the oil and gas industry and an oil and gas services company providing directional coil drilling services. AnTech's Products Division supplies customised and standard products used mainly in production. Its Coil Tube Drilling Services Division has developed a new generation of directional drilling tools which transform the manner and efficiency with which oil and gas wells can be drilled with coiled tubing. These tools, COLT and POLARIS, are effective for interventions in existing wells to enhance production yield and extend well life, which is particularly attractive in a low oil price environment. The tools were used commercially in France in late 2014 and Ohio in 2015 with successful results. In early 2016, a significant Mid-Form Contract was signed with Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil company, for drilling later this year and a further order has been secured for drilling in Ohio. In February 2016, funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited made a GBP2.35m investment in AnTech in order to provide working capital for the anticipated growth of the Services business.

 Latest Audited                                                          Share   C Share 
  Results                    2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  (group)                 GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                               31        31 
 Year ended                   Aug       Aug                                            - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                   3,796     2,900   Total cost                   270         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)        217       458    in year/period               13         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                 6,130     5,898   Equity valuation             142         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Last price paid             Loan stock valuation         150         - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Total valuation              292         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Voting rights*             1.00%         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 31.0 per cent.

Brigantes - Ordinary share portfolio

Brigantes and Corfe were originally intended as one investment, but were split because it enabled a larger fundraising under the then rules for tax advantaged investment schemes. Brigantes currently owns interests in the following licences: PL1/10 onshore Northern Ireland, P2123 offshore Northern Ireland, P1918 adjacent to Wytch Farm in Dorset and PEDL070 which contains the Avington oilfield in Hampshire. A first well on the PL1/10 licence targeting the Woodburn prospect was drilled in May/June 2016, but did not encounter any hydrocarbon accumulation - the data collected in the well is being evaluated to decide where to focus future exploration activity in the basin. A farm-in agreement has been signed on P1918 and the P1918 group has been awarded the neighbouring licences in the 14th Onshore licencing round.

                                                                          Share   C Share 
 Latest Audited               2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results                  GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                31        31 
 Year ended                    Jul       Jul 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                       45        73   Total cost                   127         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)       (225)     (266)    in year/period                -         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                    511       725   Equity valuation             108         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Comparable companies, 
  discounted cash flow                         Loan stock valuation           -         - 
--------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Total valuation              108         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Voting rights*             3.33%         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 25.6 per cent.

Corfe - Ordinary share portfolio

Corfe has interests in five licences: Osprey, Lulworth Banks and Ballard Point (adjacent to Wytch Farm) in Dorset, Burton on the Wolds in the East Midlands and Avington oilfield in Hampshire. A farm-in agreement has been signed on P1918 and the P1918 group has been awarded the neighbouring licences in the 14th Onshore licencing round.

                                                                          Share   C Share 
 Latest Audited               2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results                  GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                31        31 
 Year ended                    Jul       Jul 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                       45        73   Total cost                    76         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)       (413)     (331)    in year/period                -         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                  1,403     1,445   Equity valuation              45         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Comparable companies, 
  discounted cash flow                         Loan stock valuation           -         - 
--------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Total valuation               45         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Voting rights*              2.0%         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 27.3 per cent.

Dryden - Ordinary share portfolio

Dryden is headquartered in the UK and specialises in the actuarial, insurance and compliance recruitment sector. In the last year, the company has made significant progress in implementing new systems and working processes thereby delivering operational improvement. Trading for the financial year to 31 March 2016 was ahead of last year's performance. The company will continue to invest in efficiency improving systems, processes and training, and recruit new high performing recruitment consultants who are aligned with management's strategy of growth and continuous performance improvement.

 Latest Audited                                                                Share   C Share 
  Results                          2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  (group)                       GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                     31        31 
 Year ended                         Mar       Mar 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                         4,034     3,905   Total cost                   100         - 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                    Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)          (1,113)   (1,683)    in year/period                -         - 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets/(liabilities)(1)      1,729   (3,984)   Equity valuation               7         - 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Sales multiple                    Loan stock valuation           -         - 
-------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                    Total valuation                7         - 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                    Voting rights*             0.25%         - 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

*Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 1.9 per cent.

Human Race - Ordinary and C share portfolio

Human Race owns and operates over 60 events for over 90,000 participants of all abilities and ages. This makes the business the largest owner and deliverer of mass participation events in the UK. The portfolio includes the London Winter Run, Windsor Triathlon, Wiggle Dragon Ride, Run or Dye series, Tour de Yorkshire Ride (alongside ASO - owners of the Tour de France), the Eton Triathlon Super Sprints, Kingston Breakfast Run, and an off road winter series. The London Winter Run was the largest inaugural 10k run ever in the UK with 14,000 entries in the first year. A roll out of the Winter Run concept is now planned throughout the UK with events having taken place in Liverpool and Manchester. In addition, an exciting partnership is being forged with ASO with a venture alongside the Tour de Yorkshire (a pro ride over 3 days) and the acquisition of a smaller established sportive called the Lionheart Ride.

                                                                         Share   C Share 
 Latest Results             2015*      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  (group)                 GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                               31        31 
 Year ended                   Dec       Dec                                  -         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                   4,431     2,870   Total cost                   300       150 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)      (421)     (479)    in year/period               26        13 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                 1,333     1,329   Equity valuation             110        55 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Comparable 
  companies & transaction                     Loan stock valuation         200       100 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Total valuation              310       155 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Voting rights              1.93%     0.97% 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 


Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 38.7 per cent.

Metropolitan - Ordinary and C share portfolio

Metropolitan runs two safe custody sites, one in Knightsbridge, the other in St. Johns Wood. These profitable, stable businesses serve several thousand customers, providing access to the vaults seven days a week. Since investment, Metropolitan has undergone an extensive refurbishment programme which should be completed by 2017. Thereafter capital expenditure will principally be incurred to increase capacity. The Company is paying down debt and distributing surplus cash by way of dividends. Additional opportunities are being considered to expand the brand's reach further and grow sales.

                                                                      Share   C Share 
 Latest Audited          2015       2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results             GBP'000    GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                           30         30 
 Year ended               Jun        Jun 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover               1,970      1,700   Total cost                    90        40 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                           Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit           200        200    in year/period                2         1 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets             3,800      3,600   Equity valuation             155        69 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Earnings multiple        Loan stock valuation           -         - 
----------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                           Total valuation              155        69 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                           Voting rights*             2.23%     0.99% 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 38.9 per cent.

MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited ("MicroEnergy") - Ordinary share portfolio

Following the acquisition of an additional 15 turbines with an effective date of 1st April 2015, MicroEnergy owns and operates a fleet of 168 small onshore wind turbines (<5kW) installed on farm land in East Anglia and Yorkshire. Revenues come from two sources, both of which are inflation protected, being directly linked to RPI. Firstly, there is the Government backed feed-in tariff (FIT) paid by the electricity suppliers for every kilowatt of electricity generated for twenty years. Secondly, there is an export tariff for any surplus electricity not used by the site owner that is exported to the grid. Annual generation to 31 March 2016 is ahead of last year at 820,000kWh equating to GBP259,000.

                                                                         Share   C Share 
 Latest Audited              2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results                 GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                               31        31 
 Year ended                   Mar       Mar 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                     173       212   Total cost                   150         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)       (31)      (25)    in year/period                -         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                 2,683     2,714   Equity valuation             132         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Discounted cash 
  flow                                        Loan stock valuation           -         - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Total valuation              132         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Voting rights*             5.12%         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

*Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 5.8 per cent.

Pico's Limited ("Benito's Hat") - C share portfolio

Benito's Hat (trading name of Pico's Limited) is a Mexican-themed restaurant brand centred on an authentic experience and high-quality food, at an affordable price point. Offering tailor-made burritos, tacos and salads, the brand has a devoted customer following and has won many accolades from food critics. 'Like-for-like' financial performance of the 'core estate' (continuing sites that have been operating for over a year) has improved. The Company closed certain sites which underperformed against budget. There is significant competition for new sites within the M25 and the Company is maintaining a high level of vigilance in ongoing site selection.

The Company will look to raise further funds in the future to continue its expansion program of new site openings and is in ongoing discussions with a number debt providers.

 Latest Audited                                                          Share   C Share 
  Results                    2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  (group)                 GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                               26        27 
 Year ended                   Jul       Jul                                  -         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                   4,740     3,385   Total cost                     -        50 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)      (548)     (661)    in year/period                -         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                 2,424     2,972   Equity valuation               -        58 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Comparable companies 
  & transactions                              Loan stock valuation           -         - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Total valuation                -        58 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Voting rights*                 -     0.92% 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 38.2 per cent.

Quai Administration Services Limited ("Quai") - C share portfolio

Quai provides platform technology combined with back office administration services for the high-volume personal savings industry. Quai's platform administers thousands of individual savings plans at a fraction of the cost incurred by established insurance companies and wealth managers. Mass distribution of individual savings plans is pressurising providers to offer efficient, high-volume, low-margin schemes. Quai has progressed well, with five live customers on its platform, three soon to go live and three more expected to sign contracts in the coming weeks. Financial performance in the year to October 2015 was the same as the prior year as revenue conversion was slower than anticipated. Recent wins have targeted clients with large books of assets under management. In February 2016, Calculus Capital Limited participated in a further funding round alongside members of the Quai board and other private individuals, to accelerate development of the Company's technology platform and expand the sales and marketing teams.

                                                                            Share   C Share 
 Latest Unaudited              2015*      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results (group)            GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                  31        31 
 Year ended                      Oct       Oct                                  -         - 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                        698       721   Total cost                     -       150 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                 Income recognised 
 Pre-tax loss                (1,747)   (1,791)    in year/period                -         - 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets/(liabilities)      (227)       194   Equity valuation               -       150 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Last price paid                Loan stock valuation           -         - 
----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                 Total valuation                -       150 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                 Voting rights                  -     2.10% 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 


Scancell - C share portfolio

Scancell is a clinical stage immunotherapy company. The company has two vaccine platform technologies: SCIB1 for melanoma entered clinical trials in June 2010; MODI-1 is targeted to enter clinical trials in advanced breast and ovarian cancer in 2017. The company believes the Moditope platform could play a major role in cancer immunotherapies. Encouraging survival data on patients treated with SCIB1, combined with the laboratory data showing the potential value of a SCIB1/checkpoint inhibitor combination, has set the stage for an expanded clinical trial programme in melanoma in 2017. The trial will be led by leading US melanoma specialists at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, MD Anderson, Memorial Sloan Kettering and the Division of Medical Oncology at University of Colorado. The aim is to demonstrate improved response compared to anti-PD-1 monotherapy without additional toxicity.

Since the year end, Scancell has raised funds through a firm placement and an open offer, raising GBP3.4m and GBP3.8m, respectively. The funds will be used to prepare for further clinical studies on both SCIB1 and Moditope(R).

The D share portfolio has invested GBP50,000 in Scancell since the year end.

                                                                         Share   C Share 
 Latest Unaudited            2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results                 GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                               30        30 
 Year ended                   Apr       Apr 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                       -         -   Total cost                     -       100 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)    (2,828)   (2,468)    in year/period                -         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                 6,754     9,077   Equity valuation               -        78 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Bid price                   Loan stock valuation           -         - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Total valuation                -        78 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Voting rights*                 -     0.20% 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

* As at 20 June 2016, the D shares held 0.1% of the voting rights. Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 18.5 per cent.

Solab (formerly Hampshire Cosmetics) - Ordinary and C share portfolio

Solab is a long established manufacturer of fragrances, shampoos and skincare products for customers, including L'Oreal and Penhaligon. More recently it has been broadening its activities, particularly into animal care products. The cosmetics business has been affected by significant reduction in volumes from the The Body Shop. This is due to a decision to in-source manufacturing to French factories to maintain employment there following The Body Shop's acquisition by L'Oreal. New business has only partially replaced lost turnover but is expected to be fully recovered in 2017. Revenues from animal care and veterinary have increased substantially with profitability anticipated in 2016.

                                                                          Share   C Share 
 Latest Unaudited            2015*      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results (group)          GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                31        31 
 Year ended                    Dec       Dec 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                   22,477    26,021   Total cost                   100       150 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)       (317)       181    in year/period                3         8 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                  2,510     2,691   Equity valuation             153        62 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Comparable companies, 
  comparable transactions & DCF                Loan stock valuation           -       100 
--------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Total valuation              153       162 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                               Voting rights*             4.45%     1.81% 
------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 


*Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 1.23 per cent.

Terrain - Ordinary and C share portfolio

Terrain has taken advantage of attractive prices in the current market and has recently completed the acquisition of interests in the Whisby and Lidsey licences and increased its interest in Keddington. It has also been awarded Louth in the 14th Licensing Round. Terrain now has interests in twelve petroleum licences; Keddington, Kirklington, Dukes Wood, Burton on the Wolds, Whisby and Louth in the East Midlands, Larne and an offshore licence to the north of Larne in Northern Ireland, Brockham and Lidsey in the Weald Basin and Egmating and Starnberger See in Germany. The company is currently producing from wells at Brockham and Lidsey. A sidetrack at Keddington was drilled in February 2016 encountering some 60m of oil bearing sands which is due to be completed and tested in Q2 2016. New wells at Larne, Whisby and Lidsey as well as a sidetrack at Brockham are due to be drilled in 2016. In February 2016, Terrain completed a GBP1m funding round to provide capital for its licence commitments.

                                                                         Share   C Share 
 Latest Audited              2014      2013                               Fund      Fund 
  Results                 GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                               31        31 
 Year ended                   Dec       Dec 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                     212       237   Total cost                   100        50 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)      (635)     (768)    in year/period                -         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                 6,617     7,168   Equity valuation             144        67 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Last price paid             Loan stock valuation           -         - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Total valuation              144        67 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Voting rights              1.15%     0.53% 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

*Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 8.91 per cent.

The One Place Capital Limited ("Money Dashboard") - C share portfolio

Money Dashboard (the trading name of The One Place Capital Limited) empowers consumers to take control of their finances. By using Money Dashboard consumers are able to view all of their internet enabled current accounts, savings accounts and credit cards in one secure place, providing the true view of their financial lives. Calculus Capital Limited invested in Money Dashboard in November 2013. Since investment the Company has achieved a number of milestones. User numbers have grown and the Company now has over 100,000 registered users; a mobile application has been launched, a 'productised' version of the data insights offering has been developed and branded "TrueView" and sales of TrueView data contracts are gaining traction with financial institutions.

Revenue growth has been slower than was anticipated, leading to further investments by Calculus Capital Limited funds in July 2014 and July 2015.

                                                                            Share   C Share 
 Latest Results                2015*      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  (group)                    GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                  30        30 
 Year ended                      Apr       Apr 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                        219        18   Total cost                     -       127 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                 Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)       (2,446)   (1,662)    in year/period                -         - 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets/(liabilities)        478       484   Equity valuation               -       127 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Last price paid                Loan stock valuation           -         - 
----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                 Total valuation                -       127 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                 Voting rights*                 -     1.28% 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 


*Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 41.3 per cent.

Tollan Energy Limited ("Tollan") - Ordinary share portfolio

Tollan owns a portfolio of solar systems on roof tops in Northern Ireland. The solar generating capacity, which is installed on residential and some commercial roofs in the Belfast area, benefits from Northern Ireland Renewable Obligation Certificates (NIROCs). In addition, the company benefits from the export tariff for any surplus electricity not used by the homeowner that is exported to the grid. The portfolio is now fully installed and comprises 334 systems (1.55MW). The systems have demonstrated stable generation levels of 978,000 kWh in the year to 31 March 2016 (974,000 kWh in 2015).

                                                                         Share   C Share 
 Latest Unaudited            2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results                 GBP'000   GBP'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                               31        31 
 Year ended                   Mar      Mar* 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                     174        23   Total cost                   150         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)          9     (155)    in year/period                -         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets                 2,205     2,195   Equity valuation             146         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Discounted cash 
  *December 2012 to March 2014                Loan stock valuation           -         - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Total valuation              146         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                              Voting rights              6.38%         - 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

Venn - C share portfolio

Venn's is consolidating a number of small European Contract Research Organisations (CRO) to build a mid-sized CRO focused on the European market, offering clients a full service, multi-centred capability in Phase II-IV trials across a range of principal disease areas. In October the company announced the signing of an international contract, worth 1m Euros and covering multiple regions including France, the UK and the US. The Phase I-II project will centre on acute T-cell leukaemia, and follows a previously successful trial with the same company. In early 2016 the company announced that it expected full-year revenues for 2015 to be at least double the 4.1m Euros delivered in 2014. This strong performance has been delivered through success in winning contracts, facilitated by international expansion. Recently, Venn secured contracts worth 3.4m Euros, in an extension of its existing phase-II program with a leading US-based biotechnology firm. The company is now generating free cash flows.

The strong financial results announced at the close of 2015, along with the recent contract wins, should filter through to the share price, which has remained relatively flat the past year.

                                                                        Share   C Share 
 Latest Unaudited           2015      2014                               Fund      Fund 
  Results                  E'000     E'000   Investment Information   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------  -------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Year ended               31-Dec    31-Dec 
-----------------------  -------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Turnover                 11,474     4,883   Total cost                     -        80 
-----------------------  -------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                             Income recognised 
 Pre-tax profit/(loss)     (327)   (1,829)    in year/period                -         - 
-----------------------  -------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net assets               10,233     1,802   Equity valuation               -        51 
-----------------------  -------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
 Valuation basis: Bid price                  Loan stock valuation           -         - 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                             Total valuation                -        51 
-----------------------  -------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 
                                             Voting rights                  -      0.4% 
-----------------------  -------  --------  -----------------------  --------  -------- 

*Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have combined voting rights of 7.4 per cent.

Developments since the year end

On 5 April 2016, an investment of GBP50,000 was made in Scancell on behalf of the D share fund. Also in the D share portfolio, GBP326,000 has been invested in each of three money market funds with Fidelity Institutional Liquidity Fund, Aberdeen Sterling Liquidity Fund and Goldman Sachs Sterling Liquidity Fund.

Other than as disclosed above there have been no developments since the year end.

Calculus Capital Limited

20 June 2016

Investment Manager's Review

(Structured Products)

Our non-Qualifying Investments are managed by Investec Structured Products. As at the date of this report, the Company held one remaining Structured Product in the C share fund based on the FTSE 100 Index.

In line with the Company's strategy set out in the original offer documents, part of the initial cash raised was used to build a portfolio of Structured Products. The portfolio of Structured Products was constructed with different issuers and differing maturity periods to minimise risk and create a diversified portfolio. The majority of this portfolio has now reached full term and paid a positive return, with all products which have reached full term paying their maximum return. The recent changes are listed below.

In the Ordinary share fund, the remaining Investec product matured on 19 November 2015, the proceeds of which were used to pay the special interim dividend.

The C share fund retains one product in its portfolio, which is due to mature in 2017; the strike of this is 5,246.99.

The continued strong performance of the FTSE 100 has supported valuations in the Structured Products portfolio. The FTSE 100 has remained above all of the products' strike levels. As at 29 February 2016, the FTSE 100 was at 6,097.09. Over the past year, 5 year swap rates have decreased and volatility has remained low, as the UK economic recovery continues to be slow as a whole.

No new investments were made in Structured Products during the period.

The Structured Products will achieve their target return subject to the Final Index Level of the FTSE 100 being higher than the Initial Index Level. The capital is at risk on a one-for-one basis ("CAR") if the FTSE 100 Index falls more than 50 per cent at any time during the investment term and fails to fully recover at maturity such that the Final Index Level is below the Initial Index Level. As at 29 February 2016, the following investments had been made in Structured Products:

Ordinary Share Fund:


                                     100 Initial 
                                        Index                                                Maturity   Return/Capital 
                          Strike        Level      Notional    Purchase       Price at       Date/Date         at Risk 
 Issuer                    Date      at Maturity   Investment    Price      Maturity/Sale      Sold              (CAR) 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                               if FTSE 
                                                                                                          100 higher*; 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
                                                                                                             100 falls 
 HSBC Bank                                                                   Returned                             than 
  plc                   01/07/2010    4,805.75    GBP500,000   GBP1.00       GBP1.2510      06/07/2012             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
 The Royal                                                                                                   100 falls 
  Bank of                                                                                                         more 
  Scotland                                                                   Returned                             than 
  plc                   18/03/2011    5,718.13     GBP50,000   GBP1.00       GBP1.1050      19/03/2012             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                               if FTSE 
                                                                                                          100 higher*; 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
                                                                                                             100 falls 
 Nomura                                                                                                           than 
  Bank International**  28/05/2010    5,188.43    GBP350,000   GBP0.98   Sold at GBP1.2625  30/03/2012             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                               if FTSE 
                                                                                                          100 higher*; 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
                                                                                                             100 falls 
 Morgan                                                                                                           more 
  Stanley                                                                                                         than 
  International         10/06/2010    5,132.50    GBP500,000   GBP1.00   Sold at GBP1.3224  31/10/2012             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                               if FTSE 
                                                                                                          100 higher*; 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
 Abbey                                                                                                       100 falls 
  National                                                                                                        more 
  Treasury                                                                                                        than 
  Services              03/08/2011    5,584.51     GBP50,000   GBP1.00   Sold at GBP1.1900  21/06/2013             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                               if FTSE 
                                                                                                          100 higher*; 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
 The Royal                                                                                                   100 falls 
  Bank of                                                                                                         more 
  Scotland                                                                    Sold at                             than 
  plc                   05/05/2010    5,341.93    GBP275,000   GBP0.96       GBP1.6057      06/11/2014             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                               if FTSE 
                                                                                                          100 higher*; 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
 Abbey                                                                                                       100 falls 
  National                                                                                                        more 
  Treasury                                                                    Sold at                             than 
  Services              25/05/2010    4,940.68    GBP350,000   GBP0.99       GBP1.7920      06/11/2014             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                               if FTSE 
                                                                                                          100 higher*; 
                                                                                                                CAR if 
                                                                                                             100 falls 
 Investec                                                                                                         more 
  Bank                                                                       Returned                             than 
  plc                   14/05/2010    5,262.85    GBP500,000   GBP0.98      GBP1.817466     19/11/2015             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  -----------------  ----------  -------------- 

C Share Fund:

                        100 Initial                            Price as                  Return/Capital 
             Strike        Index      Notional    Purchase   at 29 February   Maturity          at Risk 
 Issuer       Date         Level      Investment    Price         2016          Date              (CAR) 
---------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  ---------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                if FTSE 
                                                                                           100 higher*; 
                                                                                                 CAR if 
                                                                                              100 falls 
 Investec                                                                                          more 
  Bank                                                                                             than 
  plc      05/08/2011    5,246.99    GBP328,000   GBP1.00     GBP1.582387    10/03/2017             50% 
---------  ----------  ------------  -----------  --------  ---------------  ----------  -------------- 


                                     100 Initial 
                                        Index                                                     Return/Capital 
                          Strike        Level      Notional    Purchase    Price at    Maturity          at Risk 
 Issuer                    Date      at Maturity   Investment    Price     Maturity      Date              (CAR) 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                          CAR if 
 The Royal                                                                                             100 falls 
  Bank of                                                                                                   more 
  Scotland                                                                 Returned                         than 
  plc                   18/03/2011    5,718.13    GBP200,000    GBP1.00    GBP1.1050  19/03/2012             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                         if FTSE 
                                                                                                    100 higher*; 
                                                                                                          CAR if 
                                                                                                       100 falls 
 Nomura                                                                    Returned                         than 
  Bank International**  28/05/2010    5,188.43    GBP350,000   GBP1.2625   GBP1.3700  20/02/2013             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                                                                         if FTSE 
                                                                                                    100 higher*; 
                                                                                                          CAR if 
 Abbey                                                                                                 100 falls 
  National                                                                                                  more 
  Treasury                                                                 Returned                         than 
  Services              03/08/2011    5,584.51    GBP200,000    GBP1.00    GBP1.2600  05/02/2014             50% 
----------------------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------------- 

The total valuation of the amount invested in Structured Products in the C share fund as at 29 February 2016 was GBP519,023.

* The Final Index Level is calculated using 'averaging', meaning that the average of the closing levels of the FTSE 100 is taken on each Business Day over the last 2-6 months of the Structured Product plan term (the length of the averaging period differs for each plan). The use of averaging to calculate the return can reduce adverse effects of a falling market or sudden market falls shortly before maturity. Equally, it can reduce the benefits of an increasing market or sudden market rises shortly before maturity.

** The Nomura Structured Product was sold prior to maturity with a return on initial investment of 28.8 per cent. This was sold to the C share fund.

Investec Structured Products

20 June 2016

Investment Portfolio - Top Ten Holdings

as at 29 February 2016

Ordinary Share Fund

                                             Cost  Valuation        % of 
 Company                                  GBP'000    GBP'000   Portfolio 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Unquoted equity investments 
 Metropolitan Safe Custody Limited             90        155       10.4% 
 Solab Group Limited                          100        153       10.3% 
 Tollan Energy Limited                        150        145        9.7% 
 Terrain Energy Limited                       100        144        9.7% 
 AnTech Limited                               120        142        9.5% 
 MicroEnergy Generation Services 
  Limited                                     150        132        8.8% 
 Human Race Group Limited                     100        110        7.4% 
 Brigantes Energy Limited*                    127        108        7.2% 
 Corfe Energy Limited*                         76         45        3.0% 
 Dryden Human Capital Group 
  Limited                                     100          7        0.5% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Other unquoted equity investments            105          -          -% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Unquoted loan notes 
 AnTech Limited                               150        150       10.1% 
 Human Race Group Limited                     200        200       13.4% 
 Other unquoted loan notes                    202          -          -% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Non-qualifying equity investments*           (3)        (1)      (0.1)% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total unquoted qualifying investments      1,767      1,490       99.9% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Non-qualifying investments 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Aberdeen Sterling Liquidity 
  Fund                                          1          1        0.1% 
 Non-qualifying equity investments*             3          1        0.1% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total non-qualifying                           4          2        0.1% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total investments                          1,771      1,492      100.0% 
---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 

*The valuations of certain investments include small purchases made which are non-qualifying investments.

C Share Fund

                                         Cost  Valuation        % of 
 Company                              GBP'000    GBP'000   Portfolio 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Quoted equity investment 
 Scancell Holdings plc                    100         78        5.4% 
 Venn Life Sciences plc                    80         51        3.6% 
 Unquoted equity investments 
 Quai Administration Services 
  Limited                                 150        150       10.4% 
 The One Place Capital Group 
  Limited                                 127        127        8.8% 
 Metropolitan Safe Custody Limited         40         69        4.8% 
 Terrain Energy Limited                    50         67        4.7% 
 Solab Group Limited                       50         62        4.3% 
 Pico's Limited                            50         58        4.0% 
 Human Race Group Limited                  50         55        3.8% 
 Other unquoted equity investments         24          -          -% 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Unquoted loan notes 
 Solab Group Limited                      100        100        7.0% 
 Human Race Group Limited                 100        100        7.0% 
 Other unquoted loan notes                 39          -          -% 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total qualifying investments             960        917       63.8% 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Non-qualifying investments 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Structured products 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Investec Bank structured product         328        519       36.1% 
 Other non-qualifying investments           1          1        0.1% 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total non-qualifying                     329        520       36.2% 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total investments                      1,289      1,437      100.0% 
-----------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------- 

Other Statutory Information

Company activities and status

The Company is registered as a public limited company and incorporated in England and Wales with registration number 07142153. Its shares have a premium listing and are traded on the London Stock Exchange.

On incorporation, the Company was an investment company under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. On 18 May 2011, investment company status was revoked by the Company. This was done in order to allow the Company to pay dividends to shareholders using the special reserve (a distributable capital reserve), which had been created on the cancellation of the share premium account on 20 October 2010.

Company business model

The Company's business model is to conduct business as a VCT. Company affairs are conducted in a manner to satisfy the conditions to enable it to obtain approval as a VCT under sections 258-332 of the Income Tax Act 2007 ("ITA 2007").

Investment policy

Shareholders voted in favour for a change in investment policy at the Extraordinary General Meeting in November 2015. The principal change of investment policy is to increase the options for non-qualifying investments.

It is intended that a minimum of 75 per cent of the monies raised by the Company will be invested within 60 days in a variety of investments which will be selected to preserve capital value, whilst generating income, and may include:

   --     Bonds issued by the UK Government 

-- Fixed income securities issued by major companies and institutions, liquidity funds and fixed deposits with counterparty credit rating of not less that A minus (Standard & Poor's rate)/A3 (Moody's rated); and

   --     Investments directly or indirectly in ground rent assets 

As mentioned in the Chairman's Statement, recent legislative changes have since prohibited investment in ground rent funds.

The Company's policy is to build a diverse portfolio of Qualifying Investments of primarily established unquoted companies across different industries and investments which may be by way of loan stock and/or fixed rate preference shares as well as ordinary shares to generate income. The amount invested in anyone sector and anyone company will be no more than 20 per cent and 10 per cent respectively of the qualifying portfolio. These percentages are measured as at the time of investment. The Board and its Managers, Calculus Capital Limited, will review the portfolio of investments on a regular basis to assess asset allocation and the need to realise investments to meet the Company's objectives or maintain VCT status.

Where investment opportunities arise in one asset class which conflict with assets held or opportunities in another asset class, the Board will make the investment decision. Under its Articles, the Company has the ability to borrow a maximum amount equal to 25 per cent of the aggregate amount paid on all shares issued by the Company (together with any share premium thereon). The Board will consider borrowing if it is in the shareholders' interests to do so. In particular, because the Board intends to minimise cash balances, the Company may borrow on a short-term to medium-term basis for cashflow purposes and to facilitate the payment of dividends and expenses in the early years.

Alternative investments funds directive (AIFMD)

The AIFMD regulates the management of alternative investment funds, including VCTs. The VCT is externally managed under the AIFMD by Calculus Capital Limited which is a small authorised Alternative Investment Fund Manager.

Risk diversification

The Board controls the overall risk of the Company. Calculus Capital Limited will ensure the Company has exposure to a diversified range of Venture Capital Investments from different sectors. Investec Structured Products ensured the Company had exposure to a diversified range of Structured Products but there is now just one remaining Structured Product in the C share portfolio. The Board believes that investment in these two asset classes provides further diversification.

Since November 2015, the types of non-qualifying investment include:

   --     Bonds issued by the UK Government; and 

-- Fixed income securities issued by major companies and institutions, liquidity funds and fixed deposits with counterparty credit rating of not less that A minus (Standard & Poor's rate)/A3 (Moody's rated).

The board believe this change will provide further diversification.

VCT regulation

The Company's investment policy is designed to ensure that it will meet, and continue to meet, the requirements for approved VCT status from HM Revenue & Customs. Amongst other conditions, the Company may not invest more than 15 per cent (by value at the time of investment) of its investments in a single company and must have at least 70 per cent by value of its investments throughout the period in shares or securities in qualifying holdings, of which 30 per cent by value must be ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights ("eligible shares"). For funds raised from 6 April 2011, the requirement for 30 per cent to be invested in eligible shares was increased to 70 per cent.

Key strategic issues considered during the year


The Board reviews performance by reference to a number of key performance indicators ("KPIs") and considers that the most relevant KPIs are those that communicate the financial performance and strength of the Company as a whole, being;

   --     total return per share 
   --     net asset value per share 
   --     share price and discount/premium to net asset value 

The financial highlights of the Company can be found on the contents page of the Report and Accounts.

Further KPIs are those which show the Company's position in relation to the VCT tests which it is required to meet in order to meet and maintain its VCT status. A summary of these tests are set out below. The Company has received approval as a VCT from HM Revenue & Customs.

Principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company and management of risk

The Company is exposed to a variety of risks. The principal financial risks, the Company's policies for managing these risks and the policy and practice with regard to financial instruments are summarised in note 16 to the Accounts.

The Board has also identified the following additional risks and uncertainties:

- Regulatory risk

The Company has received approval as a VCT under ITA 2007. Failure to meet and maintain the qualifying requirements for VCT status could result in the loss of tax reliefs previously obtained, resulting in adverse tax consequences for investors, including a requirement to repay the income tax relief obtained, and could also cause the Company to lose its exemption from corporation tax on chargeable gains.

The Board receives regular updates from the Managers and financial information is produced on a monthly basis. The Manager monitors VCT regulation and presents its findings to the Board on a quarterly basis. The Managers build in 'headroom' when making investments to allow for changes in valuation. This 'headroom' is reviewed prior to making and realising qualifying investments.

The Board has appointed an independent adviser to monitor and advise on the Company's compliance with the VCT rules.

- Venture capital investments

There are restrictions regarding the type of companies in which the Company may invest and there is no guarantee that suitable investment opportunities will be identified.

Investment in unquoted companies and AIM-traded companies involves a higher degree of risk than investment in companies traded on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. These companies may not be freely marketable and realisations of such investments can be difficult and can take a considerable amount of time. There may also be constraints imposed upon the Company with respect to realisations in order to maintain its VCT status which may restrict the Company's ability to obtain the maximum value from its investments.

Calculus Capital Limited has been appointed to manage the Qualifying Investments portfolio, and has extensive experience of investing in this type of investment. Regular reports are provided to the Board and a representative of Calculus Capital Limited is on the Company's board. Risk is managed through the investment policy which limits the amount that can be invested in any one company and sector to 10 per cent and 20 per cent of the qualifying portfolio respectively at the time of investment.

- Structured products

Structured products are subject to market fluctuations and the C share portfolio may not realise the full return from the final structured product in the event of a long-term decline of the FTSE 100 index. Investec Structured Products has been appointed to manage the structured products portfolio for its expertise in these types of financial products. Restrictions have been agreed with Investec Structured Products relating to approved counterparties and maximum exposure to any one counterparty.

- Liquidity/marketability risk

Due to the holding period required to maintain up-front tax reliefs, there is a limited secondary market for VCT shares and investors may therefore find it difficult to realise their investments. As a result, the market price of the shares may not fully reflect, and will tend to be at a discount to, the underlying net asset value. The level of discount may also be exacerbated by the availability of income tax relief on the issue of new VCT shares. The Board recognises this difficulty, and has taken powers to buy back shares, which could be used to enable investors to realise investments.

Employees, environmental, human rights and community issues

The Company has no employees and the Board comprises entirely non-executive Directors. Day-to-day management of the Company's business is delegated to the Investment Managers (details of the respective management agreements are set out in the Directors' Report) and the Company itself has no environmental, human rights, or community policies. In carrying out its activities and in its relationships with suppliers, the Company aims to conduct itself responsibly, ethically and fairly.

Gender Diversity

The Board of Directors comprised three male Directors and one female Director during, and at the end of, the year to 29 February 2016.

Statement regarding annual report and accounts

The Directors consider that taken as a whole, the Annual Report and Accounts is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's position and performance, business model and strategy.

On behalf of the Board

Michael O'Higgins


20 June 2016

Board of Directors

Michael O'Higgins (Chairman)*

Kate Cornish-Bowden (Audit Committee Chairman)*

John Glencross

Steve Meeks*

*independent of the Investment Managers

Investment Managers

Calculus Capital

Calculus Capital Limited is the Venture Capital Investments portfolio manager

(VCT Qualifying Investments).

Investec Structured Products

Investec Structured Products (a trading name of Investec Bank plc) is the

Structured Products portfolio manager (non VCT Qualifying Investments).

Extract from the Directors' Report

Corporate Governance

The Board is accountable to shareholders for the governance of the Company's affairs and is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and to the principles of good governance as set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code (the "Code") issued by the Financial Reporting Council ("FRC") in September 2014, a copy of which can be found at www.frc.org.uk.

Pursuant to the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, the Company is required to provide shareholders with a statement on how the main and supporting principles set out in the Code have been applied and whether the Company has complied with the provisions of the Code. The Board has established corporate governance arrangements that it believes are appropriate to the business of the Company as a venture capital trust. The Board has reviewed the Code, and considers that it has complied throughout the period, except as disclosed below:

-- Directors are not appointed for a specified term as all Directors are non-executive and the Articles of Association require that all Directors retire by rotation at Annual General Meetings of the Company.

-- In light of the responsibilities retained by the Board and its Committees and the responsibilities delegated to the Investment Managers, the Administrator, the Registrars and legal advisers, the Company has not appointed a chief executive officer, deputy chairman or senior independent director.

-- Given the structure of the Company and the Board, the Board does not believe it necessary to appoint separate remuneration or nomination committees, and the roles and responsibilities normally reserved for these committees will be a matter for the full Board.

-- The Company does not have an internal audit function as all of the Company's management functions are performed by third parties whose internal controls are reviewed by the Board. However, the need for an internal audit function will be reviewed annually.

A full statement on Corporate Governance and the Company's compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code can be found at


A report from the Audit Committee can be found on page 25 of the Report and Accounts.


Details of the C share dividend recommended by the Board are set out in the Strategic Report on page 2 of the Accounts.

Share Capital

The capital structure of the company is set out in note 12 of the Accounts. At the year end, no shares were held in Treasury. No shares were issued or bought back during the year. As mentioned in the Strategic Report, the Company issued 1,812,084 D shares after the year end.


Calculus Capital Limited is the Venture Capital Investments' portfolio manager (VCT Qualifying Investments). Calculus Capital Limited was appointed as Investment Manager pursuant to an agreement dated 2 March 2010, a supplemental agreement was entered into on 7 January 2011 in relation to the management of the C Share Fund and a further supplemental agreement entered into on 26 October 2015 in relation to the management of the D share fund and covers the addition of company secretarial duties (together, the "Calculus Management Agreements"). Pursuant to the Calculus Management Agreements, Calculus Capital Limited has agreed to meet the annual expenses of the Company in excess of 3.0 per cent of the aggregate gross amounts raised under the Ordinary share and C share offers, and 3.4 per cent of the aggregate gross amounts raised on the D share offer, all from 14 December 2015.

Pursuant to the Calculus Management Agreements, Calculus Capital Limited will receive an annual management fee of 1 per cent of the net asset value of the Ordinary Share Fund and C Share Fund, and 1.75 per cent of the net asset value of the D Share Fund, calculated and payable quarterly in arrears.

Calculus Capital Limited is also entitled to a fee of GBP15,000 per annum with effect from 1 February 2016 for the provision of company secretarial services.

For the year to 29 February 2016, Calculus Capital Limited waived GBP10,521 of its fees (2015: nil).

Investec Structured Products was appointed as Investment Manager pursuant to an agreement dated 2 March 2010, and a supplemental agreement was entered into on 7 January 2011 in relation to the management of the C Share Fund (together, the "Investec Management Agreements"). Investec Structured Products does not receive a fee in relation to its appointment under these agreements, although it is entitled to receive a one off commission equal to 0.75 per cent of the amount invested in any Structured Product (excluding those issued by Investec). Pursuant to the Investec Management Agreements, Investec Structured Products had agreed to meet the annual expenses of the Company in excess of 3.0 per cent of the aggregate gross amounts raised under the ordinary share and C share offers until the interim return date of 14 December 2015.

Investec Structured Products' appointment as Investment Manager shall terminate in March 2017 on maturity of the final Structured Product in the C share portfolio.

A Performance Incentive Agreement between the Company, Calculus Capital Limited and Investec Structured Products dated 2 March 2010 in relation to the Ordinary Share Fund has been signed. Investec Structured Products and Calculus Capital Limited will each receive a performance incentive fee payable in cash of an amount equal to 10 per cent of dividends and distributions paid to ordinary shareholders following the payment of such dividends and distributions provided that shareholders have received in aggregate distributions of at least 105p per ordinary share (including the relevant distribution being offered).

A Performance Incentive Agreement between the Company, Calculus Capital Limited and Investec Structured Products dated 7 January 2011 in relation to the C Share Fund has also been signed pursuant to which Investec Structured Products and Calculus Capital Limited will be entitled to performance incentive fees as set out below:

-- 10 per cent of C Shareholder Proceeds in excess of 105p up to and including Proceeds of 115p per C share, such amount to be paid within ten business days of the date of payment of the relevant dividend or distribution pursuant to which a return of 115p per C share is satisfied; and

-- 10 per cent of C Shareholder Proceeds in excess of 115p per C share, such amounts to be paid within ten business days of the date of payment of the relevant dividend or distribution,

provided in each case that C shareholders have received or been offered the C Share Interim Return of at least 70p per C share on or before 14 March 2017 and at least a further 45p per C share having being received or offered for payment on or before the 14 March 2019. In addition, performance incentive fees in respect of the C Share Fund will only be payable in respect of dividends and distributions paid or offered on or before 14 March 2019.

Continuing Appointment of the Investment Managers

The Board keeps the performance of the Investment Managers under continual review. A formal review of their performance and the terms of their engagement has been carried out and the Board are of the opinion that the continuing appointment of Calculus Capital Limited and Investec Structured Products as Investment Managers is in the interests of shareholders as a whole. The Board is satisfied with the performance of the Company to date. Performance of the Structured Products portfolio is very satisfactory, exceeding initial expectations, and the principal benefits of the Qualifying Investments will accrue in later years. The Board is confident that the VCT qualifying tests will continue to be met.

Financial Risk Management

The principal financial risks and the Company's policies for managing these risks are set out in note 16 to the Accounts.

Going Concern

In assessing the going concern basis of accounting, the directors have had regard to the guidance issued by the Financial Reporting Council. After making enquiries, and having reviewed the portfolio, balance sheet and projected income and expenditure for the next twelve months, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. The Directors have therefore adopted the going concern basis in preparing the Accounts.

Long term viability

In assessing the long term viability of the company, the directors have had regard to the guidance issued by the Financial Reporting Council. The Directors have assessed the prospects of the Company for a period of three years, which was selected because the Company's strategic review covers a three-year period. The Board's three-year strategic review considers the Company's income and expenses, dividend policy, liquid investments and ability to make realisations of qualifying investments. These projections are subject to sensitivity analysis which involves flexing a number of the main assumptions underlying the forecast both individually and in unison. Where appropriate, this analysis is carried out to evaluate the potential impact of the Company's principal risks actually occurring. Based on the results of this analysis, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the three-year period of their assessment. The principal assumptions used are as follows: i) Calculus Capital Limited pays any expenses in excess of 3.0 per cent of the aggregate gross amounts raised under the Ordinary and C share offers and 3.4 per cent of the aggregate gross amounts raised on the D share offer, all from 14 December 2015, as set out on page 22 of the Accounts; ii) the level of dividends paid are at the discretion of the Board; iii) the Company's liquid investments which include cash, money market instruments and quoted shares can be realised as permitted by the Company's investment policy; iv) the illiquid nature of the qualifying portfolio. Based on the results of this analysis, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due.

In making this statement the Board carried out a robust assessment of the principal risks facing the Company including those that might threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity.

The full Annual Report and Accounts contains the following statement regarding responsibility for the Accounts.

Directors' Responsibilities Statement

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities in respect of the Annual Report and the Accounts

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Accounts in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare Accounts for each financial year. Under that law they have elected to prepare the Accounts in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable laws). Under company law the Directors must not approve the Accounts unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs and profit or loss of the Company for that period.

In preparing these Accounts, the Directors are required to:

   --     select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   --     make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 

-- state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Accounts; and

-- prepare the Accounts on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the Accounts comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Strategic Report, Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and Corporate Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations, and for ensuring that the Annual Report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority.

The Accounts are published on the www.calculuscapital.com website, which is a website maintained by one of the Company's investment managers, Calculus Capital Limited. The maintenance and integrity of the website maintained by Calculus Capital Limited is, so far as it relates to the Company, the responsibility of Calculus Capital Limited. The work carried out by the Auditor does not involve consideration of the maintenance and integrity of this website and accordingly, the Auditor accepts no responsibility for any changes that have occurred to the Accounts since they were initially presented on the website. Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the United Kingdom covering the preparation and dissemination of the Accounts may differ from legislation in their jurisdiction.

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the Accounts, prepared in accordance with UK accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and

-- the Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

On behalf of the Board

Michael O'Higgins


20 June 2016


The financial information set out below does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 29 February 2016 and the year ended 28 February 2015 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2015 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and those for 2016 will be delivered in due course. The Auditor has reported on those accounts; their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the Auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (ii) did not contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The text of the Auditor's report can be found in the Company's full Annual Report and Accounts at www.calculuscapital.com.

Income Statement

for the year ended 29 February 2016

                                     Year Ended 29                 Year Ended 28 
                                      February 2016                 February 2015 
----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                               Revenue   Capital             Revenue   Capital 
                                Return    Return     Total    Return    Return     Total 
                        Note   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Ordinary Share 
 Losses on 
  at fair value            9         -     (572)     (572)         -     (443)     (443) 
 Gain on disposal 
  of investments           9         -       283       283         -       459       459 
 Income                    3        54         -        54        64         -        64 
  fee                      4       (7)      (22)      (29)      (10)      (32)      (42) 
 Other expenses            5     (120)         -     (120)     (111)         -     (111) 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Deficit on 
  ordinary activities 
  before taxation                 (73)     (311)     (384)      (57)      (16)      (73) 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Taxation on 
  ordinary activities      6         -         -         -         -         -         - 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Deficit attributable 
  to Ordinary 
  shareholders                    (73)     (311)     (384)      (57)      (16)      (73) 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Deficit per 
  Ordinary share           8    (1.5)p    (6.6)p    (8.1)p    (1.2)p    (0.3)p    (1.5)p 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 C Share Fund 
  on investments 
  at fair value            9         -      (87)      (87)         -        98        98 
 Loss on disposal 
  of investments           9         -      (35)      (35)         -       (1)       (1) 
  income                   3        22         -        22        25         -        25 
  fee                      4       (4)      (12)      (16)       (4)      (13)      (17) 
 Other expenses            5      (45)         -      (45)      (44)         -      (44) 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Deficit on 
  ordinary activities 
  before taxation                 (27)     (134)     (161)      (23)        84        61 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Taxation on 
  ordinary activities      6         -         -         -         -         -         - 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  to C shareholders               (27)     (134)     (161)      (23)        84        61 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  per C share              8    (1.4)p    (6.9)p    (8.3)p    (1.2)p      4.3p      3.1p 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                                     Year Ended 29                 Year Ended 28 
                                      February 2016                 February 2015 
----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                               Revenue   Capital             Revenue   Capital 
                                Return    Return     Total    Return    Return     Total 
                        Note   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Losses on 
  at fair value            9         -     (659)     (659)         -     (345)     (345) 
 Gain on disposal 
  of investments           9         -       248       248         -       458       458 
  income                   3        76         -        76        89         -        89 
  fee                      4      (11)      (34)      (45)      (14)      (45)      (59) 
 Other expenses            5     (165)         -     (165)     (155)         -     (155) 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  on ordinary 
  before taxation                (100)     (445)     (545)      (80)        68      (12) 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Taxation on 
  ordinary activities      6         -         -         -         -         -         - 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  to shareholders                (100)     (445)     (545)      (80)        68      (12) 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  Deficit per 
   Ordinary share          8    (1.5)p    (6.6)p    (8.1)p    (1.2)p    (0.3)p    (1.5)p 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  per C share              8    (1.4)p    (6.9)p    (8.3)p    (1.2)p      4.3p      3.1p 
----------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

The total column of these statements on the previous page represents the Income Statement of the Ordinary share fund and C Share Fund. The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement.

The revenue and capital return columns are both prepared in accordance with the AIC SORP.

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year.

There is no other comprehensive income as there were no other gains or losses other than those passing through the Income Statement.

The notes of pages 44 to 66 form an integral part of these Accounts.

Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 29 February 2016

                                                  Capital      Capital 
                               Share   Special    Reserve      Reserve   Revenue 
                             Capital   Reserve   Realised   Unrealised   Reserve     Total 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
 For the year ended 
  29 February 2016 
 1 March 2015                     47     2,438        700          293     (330)     3,148 
 Investment holding 
  losses                           -         -          -        (572)         -     (572) 
 Gain on disposal 
  of investments                   -         -        283            -         -       283 
 Management fee allocated 
  to capital                       -         -       (22)            -         -      (22) 
 Change in accrual 
  in IFA Commission                -         4          -            -         -         4 
 Revenue return on 
  ordinary activities 
  after tax                        -         -          -            -      (73)      (73) 
 Dividends paid                    -   (1,282)          -            -         -   (1,282) 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 29 February 2016                 47     1,160        961        (279)     (403)     1,486 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 For the year ended 
  28 February 2015 
 1 March 2014                     47     3,729        273          736     (273)     4,512 
 Investment holding 
  losses                           -         -          -        (443)         -     (443) 
 Gain on disposal 
  of investments                   -         -        459            -         -       459 
 Management fee allocated 
  to capital                       -         -       (32)            -         -      (32) 
 Revenue return on 
  ordinary activities 
  after tax                        -         -          -            -      (57)      (57) 
 Dividends paid                    -   (1,291)          -            -         -   (1,291) 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 28 February 2015                 47     2,438        700          293     (330)     3,148 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 C Share Fund 
 For the year ended 
  29 February 2016 
 1 March 2015                     19     1,541         72          235     (128)     1,739 
 Investment holding 
  losses                           -         -          -         (87)         -      (87) 
 Loss on disposal 
  of investments                   -         -       (35)            -         -      (35) 
 Management fee allocated 
  to capital                       -         -       (12)            -         -      (12) 
 Change in accrual 
  in IFA Commission                -         1          -            -         -         1 
 Revenue return on 
  ordinary activities 
  after tax                        -         -          -            -      (27)      (27) 
 Dividends paid                    -      (87)          -            -         -      (87) 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 29 February 2016                 19     1,455         25          148     (155)     1,492 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 For the year ended 
  28 February 2015 
 1 March 2014                     19     1,628         86          137     (105)     1,765 
 Investment holding 
  gains                            -         -          -           98         -        98 
 Loss on disposal 
  of investments                   -         -        (1)            -         -       (1) 
 Management fee allocated 
  to capital                       -         -       (13)            -         -      (13) 
 Revenue return on 
  ordinary activities 
  after tax                        -         -          -            -      (23)      (23) 
 Dividends paid                    -      (87)          -            -         -      (87) 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 28 February 2015                 19     1,541         72          235     (128)     1,739 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
                                                  Capital      Capital 
                               Share   Special    Reserve      Reserve   Revenue 
                             Capital   Reserve   Realised   Unrealised   Reserve     Total 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 For the year ended 
  29 February 2016 
 1 March 2015                     66     3,979        772          528     (458)     4,887 
 Investment holding 
  losses                           -         -          -        (659)         -     (659) 
 Gain on disposal 
  of investments                   -         -        248            -         -       248 
 Management fee allocated 
  to capital                       -         -       (34)            -         -      (34) 
 Change in accrual 
  in IFA Commission                -         5          -            -         -         5 
 Revenue return on 
  ordinary activities 
  after tax                        -         -          -            -     (100)     (100) 
 Dividends paid                    -   (1,369)          -            -         -   (1,369) 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 29 February 2016                 66     2,615        986        (131)     (558)     2,978 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 For the year ended 
  28 February 2015 
 1 March 2014                     66     5,357        359          873     (378)     6,277 
 Investment holding 
  losses                           -         -          -        (345)         -     (345) 
 Gain on disposal 
  of investments                   -         -        458            -         -       458 
 Management fee allocated 
  to capital                       -         -       (45)            -         -      (45) 
 Revenue return on 
  ordinary activities 
  after tax                        -         -          -            -      (80)      (80) 
 Dividends paid                    -   (1,378)          -            -         -   (1,378) 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 
 28 February 2015                 66     3,979        772          528     (458)     4,887 
--------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  -------- 

The notes on pages 44 to 66 an integral part of these Accounts.

Statement of Financial Position

at 29 February 2016

                                           29 February  28 February 
                                                  2016         2015 
                                     Note      GBP'000      GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Ordinary Shares 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments at fair value through 
  profit and loss                       9        1,492        3,061 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                               10           37           62 
 Cash at bank and on deposit                         6          107 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Creditors: amount falling due 
  within one year 
 Creditors                             11         (49)         (82) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net current (liabilities)/assets                  (6)           87 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 IFA trail commission                                -            - 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net assets                                      1,486        3,148 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called-up share capital               12           47           47 
 Special reserve                                 1,160        2,438 
 Capital reserve - realised                        961          700 
 Capital reserve - unrealised                    (279)          293 
 Revenue reserve                                 (403)        (330) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Equity shareholders' funds                      1,486        3,148 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net asset value per ordinary 
  share - basic                        13        31.4p        66.4p 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
                                           29 February  28 February 
                                                  2016         2015 
                                     Note      GBP'000      GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 C Shares 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments at fair value through 
  profit and loss                       9        1,437        1,649 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                               10           48           26 
 Cash at bank and on deposit                        43          103 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Creditors: amount falling due 
  within one year 
 Creditors                             11         (36)         (36) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net current assets                                 55           93 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 IFA trail commission                                -          (3) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net assets                                      1,492        1,739 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called-up share capital               12           19           19 
 Special reserve                                 1,455        1,541 
 Capital reserve - realised                         25           72 
 Capital reserve - unrealised                      148          235 
 Revenue reserve                                 (155)        (128) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Equity shareholders' funds                      1,492        1,739 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net asset value per C share 
  - basic                              13        77.3p        90.1p 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
                                           29 February  28 February 
                                                  2016         2015 
                                     Note      GBP'000      GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments at fair value through 
  profit and loss                       9        2,929        4,710 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                               10           85           88 
 Cash at bank and on deposit                        49          210 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Creditors: amount falling due 
  within one year 
 Creditors                             11         (85)        (118) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net current assets                                 49          180 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 IFA trail commission                                -          (3) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net assets                                      2,978        4,887 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called-up share capital               12           66           66 
 Special reserve                                 2,615        3,979 
 Capital reserve - realised                        986          772 
 Capital reserve - unrealised                    (131)          528 
 Revenue reserve                                 (558)        (458) 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Equity shareholders' funds                      2,978        4,887 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net asset value per ordinary 
  share - basic                        13        31.4p        66.4p 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 
 Net asset value per C share 
  - basic                              13        77.3p        90.1p 
-----------------------------------  ----  -----------  ----------- 

The notes on pages 44 to 66 form an integral part of these Accounts.

The financial statements on pages 35 to 66 were approved by the Board of directors of Calculus VCT plc and were authorised for issue on 20 June 2016 and were signed on its behalf by:

Michael O'Higgins


Registered No. 07142153 England & Wales

Statement of Cashflows

for the year ended 29 February 2016

                                            Ordinary Fund                C Share Fund 
------------------------------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                              Year          Year          Year          Year 
                                             Ended         Ended         Ended         Ended 
                                       29 February   28 February   29 February   28 February 
                                              2016          2015          2016          2015 
                                Note       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Investment income 
  received                                      54            70            21            27 
 Investment management 
  fees                                        (41)          (79)          (21)          (22) 
 Other cash payments                         (112)          (99)          (63)          (40) 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash flow from 
  operating activities            14          (99)         (108)          (63)          (35) 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flow from investing 
 Purchase of investments                         -           (3)             -             - 
 Sale of investments                         1,280         1,531            90            95 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash flow from 
  investing activities                       1,280         1,528            90            95 
 Cash flow from financing 
 Equity dividend paid                      (1,282)       (1,291)          (87)          (87) 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash flow from 
  financing activities                     (1,282)       (1,291)          (87)          (87) 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
  in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                (101)           129          (60)          (27) 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Analysis of changes 
  in cash and cash 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning 
  of year                                      107          (22)           103           130 
 Net cash (decrease)/increase                (101)           129          (60)          (27) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the year end                                6           107            43           103 
------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------------------- 
                                               Year Ended    Year Ended 
                                              29 February   28 February 
                                                     2016          2015 
                                       Note       GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Investment income received                            75            97 
 Investment management fees                          (62)         (101) 
 Other cash payments                                (175)         (139) 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flow from operating activities     14         (162)         (143) 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
 Purchase of investments                                -           (3) 
 Sale of investments                                1,370         1,626 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash flow from investing 
  activities                                        1,370         1,623 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Equity dividend paid                             (1,369)       (1,378) 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash flow from financing 
  activities                                      (1,369)       (1,378) 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                              (161)           102 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Analysis of changes in cash 
  and cash equivalents 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of year                            210           108 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash (decrease)/increase                       (161)           102 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the year end                                      49           210 
-------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 

The notes on pages 44 to 66 form an integral part of these Accounts.

Notes to the Accounts

   1.       Company information 

The Company is incorporated in England and Wales and operates under the Companies Act 2006 (the Act) and the regulations made under the Act as a public company limited by shares, with registered number 07142153. The registered office of the Company is 104 Park Street, London, W1K 6NF.

   2.       Accounting Policies 

Basis of accounting

The financial statements have been prepared on a basis compliant with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards, including Financial Reporting Standard 102 - The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland ('FRS102') and with the Act. The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for the modification to a fair value basis for certain financial Instruments as specified in the accounting policies below. The Directors have prepared the financial statements on a basis compliant with the recommendations of the Statement of Recommended Practice November 2014 ("the SORP") for Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts produced by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC").

This is the first year in which the financial statements have been prepared under FRS102. However there are no changes to any prior year balances.

The adoption of FRS 102 has introduced some presentational changes. The statement of cash flows now refers to cash or cash equivalents.

The financial statements are presented in Sterling (GBP).

Expenses are allocated between the Ordinary share fund and the C share fund on the basis of the ratio of the net asset value of the previous month unless the expense is attributable in full to one of the funds.

The Ordinary Share Fund and C Share Fund share bank accounts. Each funds' share of the bank accounts is based on actual receipts and payments. These cash flows are allocated according to the accounting policy for income and expenses respectively.

Going concern

After reviewing the Company's forecasts and projections, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The Company therefore continues to adopt the going concern basis in preparing its financial statements.

Significant judgements and estimates

Preparations of the financial statements requires management to make significant judgements and estimates. The items in the financial statements where these judgements and estimates have been made are in the valuation of unquoted investments. The valuation methodologies used when valuing unquoted investments provide a range of possible values. Judgments are used to estimate where in the range the fair value lies. The sensitivity analysis in note 16 demonstrates the impact on the portfolio of applying alternative values in the upside and downside.

As at 29 February 2016 the value of unquoted investments included within the Company's investment portfolio was GBP1,491,739 (2015: GBP2,063,403) for the Ordinary portfolio and GBP787,981 (2015: GBP792,143) on the C share portfolio. These investments are valued in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed under note 9 investments.


The Company has adopted FRS 102 sections 11 and 12 for the recognition of financial instruments. The Company's business is investing in financial assets with a view to profiting from their total return in the form of increases in fair value. Fair value is the amount for which an asset can be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. The Company manages and evaluates the performance of these investments on a fair value basis in accordance with its investment strategy, and information about the investments is provided on this basis to the Board of directors.

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss are initially recognised at fair value, being the consideration given and excluding transaction or other dealing costs associated with the investment, which are expensed and included in the capital column of the Income Statement.

After initial recognition, investments, which are classified as at fair value through profit or loss, are measured at fair value. Gains or losses on investments classified as at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in the capital column of the Income Statement, and allocated to the capital reserve - unrealised or realised as appropriate.

Aggregate transaction and dealing costs included in disposals and additions are disclosed in note 9 to the financial statements, as recommended by the SORP. All purchases and sales of quoted investments are accounted for on the trade date basis. All purchases and sales of unquoted investments are accounted for on the date that the sale and purchase agreement becomes unconditional.

For quoted investments and money market instruments fair value is established by reference to bid, or last, market prices depending on the convention of the exchange on which the investment is quoted at the close of business on the balance sheet date.

Structured Products are valued by reference to the FTSE 100 Index, with mid prices for the Structured Products provided by the product issuers. An adjustment is made to these prices to take into account any bid/offer spreads prevalent in the market at each valuation date. These spreads are either determined by the issuer or recommended by the Structured Products Manager, Investec Structured Products (a trading name of Investec Bank plc).

Unquoted investments are valued using an appropriate valuation technique so as to establish what the transaction price would have been at the balance sheet date. Such investments are valued in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital ("IPEVC") guidelines. Primary indicators of fair value are derived from earnings or sales multiples, using discounted cash flows, recent arm's length market transactions by independent third parties, from net assets, or where appropriate, at price of recent investments.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits. Cash equivalents does not include liquidity fund investments as the Company does not consider the risk associated with changes in value to be insignificant.


Short term debtors are measured at transaction price, less any impairment.


Short term trade creditors are measured at the transaction price.


Dividends receivable on equity shares are recognised as revenue on the date on which the shares or units are marked as ex-dividend. Where no ex-dividend date is available, the revenue is recognised when the Company's right to receive it has been established.

Interest receivable from fixed income securities and premiums on loan stock investments and preference shares is recognised using the effective interest rate method. Interest receivable and redemption premiums are allocated to the revenue column of the Income Statement.

Interest receivable on bank deposits is included in the financial statements on an accruals basis. Provision is made against this income where recovery is doubtful.

Other income is credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement when the Company's right to receive the income is established.


All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged to the Income Statement as follows:

Expenses are charged through revenue in the Income Statement except as follows:

-- costs which are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of an investment are taken to the capital column of the Income Statement.

-- expenses are charged to the capital column in the Income Statement where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments can be demonstrated. In this respect investment management fees have been allocated 75 per cent to the capital column and 25 per cent to the revenue column in the Income Statement, being in line with the Board's expected long-term split of returns, in the form of capital gains and revenue respectively, from the investment portfolio of the Company.

-- expenses associated with the issue of shares are deducted from the share premium account. Annual IFA trail commission covering a five year period since share allotment has been provided for in the Accounts as, due to the nature of the Company, it is probable that this will be payable. The commission is apportioned between current and non-current liabilities.

Expenses incurred by the Company in excess of the agreed cap, currently 3 per cent of the gross amount raised from the offer for subscription of ordinary shares and C shares respectively for the 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 tax years (excluding irrecoverable VAT, annual trail commission and performance incentive fees), could be clawed back from Investec Structured Products until 14 December 2015 and Calculus Capital Limited thereafter. Any clawback is treated as a credit against the expenses of the Company. Any future expenses incurred by the D shares above the cap of 3.4% of the gross amount raised for the D share fund can be clawed back from Calculus Capital Limited.

Capital reserve

The realised capital return component of the return for the year is taken to the distributable capital reserves and the unrealised capital component of the return for the year is taken to the non-distributable capital reserves within the Statement of Changes in Equity.

Special reserve

The special reserve was created by the cancellation of the Ordinary share fund's share premium account on 20 October 2010. A further cancellation of the share premium account occurred on 23 November 2011 for both the Ordinary share fund and C share fund. The special reserve is a distributable reserve created to be used by the Company inter alia to write off losses, fund market purchases of its own ordinary and C shares, make distributions and/or for other corporate purposes.

The Company was formerly an investment company under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. On 18 May 2011, investment company status was revoked by the Company. This was done in order to allow the Company to pay dividends to shareholders using the special reserve.


Deferred tax must be recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the reporting date where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future have occurred at the reporting date. This is subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future reversals of the underlying timing differences can be deducted. Timing differences are differences between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the financial statements.

Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which the timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis.

No taxation liability arises on gains from sales of fixed asset investments by the Company by virtue of its venture capital trust status. However, the net revenue (excluding UK dividend income) accruing to the Company is liable to corporation tax at the prevailing rates.

Any tax relief obtained in respect of management fees allocated to capital is reflected in the capital reserve - realised and a corresponding amount is charged against revenue. The relief is the amount by which corporation tax payable is reduced as a result of capital expenses.


Dividends to shareholders are accounted for in the period in which they are paid or approved in general meetings. Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the Statement of Changes in Equity when they are paid, or have been approved by shareholders in the case of a final dividend and become a liability of the Company.

Share buybacks

Where shares are purchased for cancellation, the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental costs, is deducted from distributable reserves. As required by the Companies Act 2006, the equivalent of the nominal value of shares cancelled is transferred to capital redemption reserve.

   3.       Income 
                                      Year Ended    Year Ended 
                                     29 February   28 February 
                                            2016          2015 
                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 UK dividends                                  2             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 UK unfranked loan stock interest             52            64 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                              54            64 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total income comprises: 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Interest                                     52            64 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Dividends                                     2             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Other income                                  -             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                              54            64 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  C Share Fund 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 UK dividends                                  1             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 UK unfranked loan stock interest             21            25 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                              22            25 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total income comprises: 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Interest                                     21            25 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Dividends                                     1             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Other income                                  -             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                              22            25 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                      Year Ended    Year Ended 
                                     29 February   28 February 
                                            2016          2015 
                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 UK dividends                                  3             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 UK unfranked loan stock interest             73            89 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                              76            89 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total income comprises: 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Interest                                     73            89 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Dividends                                     3             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Other income                                  -             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                              76            89 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

All income arose in the United Kingdom.

The Board considered operating segments and considered there to be one, that of investing in financial assets.

   4.       Investment Management Fee 
                         Year Ended 29                 Year Ended 28 
                          February 2016                 February 2015 
----------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                   Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
----------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Ordinary Share 
  fee                    7        22        29        10        32        42 
----------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 C Share Fund 
  fee                    4        12        16         4        13        17 
----------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  fee                   11        34        45        14        45        59 
----------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

No performance fee was paid during the year.

For the year ended 29 February 2016, Calculus Capital Limited waived GBP9,896 (2015: GBPnil) of its fees. At 29 February 2016, there was GBP6,585 due to Calculus Capital Limited (2015: due to Calculus Capital Limited GBP27,376).

Details of the terms and conditions of the investment management agreement are set out in the Directors' Report.

   5.       Other expenses 
                                    Year Ended    Year Ended 
                                   29 February   28 February 
                                          2016          2015 
                                       GBP'000       GBP'000 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Directors' fees                            31            35 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Secretarial and accounting 
  fees                                      53            61 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Auditor's remuneration 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 - audit services                           13            14 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 - taxation compliance services              4             4 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Other                                      44            50 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Clawback of expenses in excess 
  of 3% cap repayable from the 
  Manager                                 (25)          (53) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                           120           111 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 C Share Fund 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Directors' fees                            19            15 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Secretarial and accounting 
  fees                                      33            25 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Auditor's remuneration 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 - audit services                            8             6 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 - taxation compliance services              3             2 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Other                                      25            19 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Clawback of expenses in excess 
  of 3% cap repayable from the 
  Manager                                 (43)          (23) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                            45            44 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Directors' fees                            50            50 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Secretarial and accounting 
  fees                                      86            86 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Auditor's remuneration 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 - audit services                           21            20 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 - taxation compliance services              7             6 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Other                                      69            69 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Clawback of expenses in excess 
  of 3% cap repayable from the 
  Manager                                 (68)          (76) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                           165           155 
--------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Further details of Directors' fees can be found in the Directors' Remuneration Report on page 26 to 29 of the Accounts.

   6.       Taxation 
                                 Year Ended 29                 Year Ended 28 
                                  February 2016                 February 2015 
------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                           Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                           GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Ordinary Share 
 Loss on ordinary 
  before tax                  (73)     (311)     (384)      (57)      (16)      (73) 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  tax at UK Corporation 
  Tax rate of 
  20.1% (2015: 
  21.2%)                      (15)      (63)      (78)      (12)       (3)      (15) 
 Timing differences: 
  loss not recognised, 
  carried forward               15         4        19        12         6        18 
 Effects of 
  gains/(losses)                 -        59        59         -       (3)       (3) 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Tax charge                      -         -         -         -         -         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 C Share Fund 
  on ordinary 
  before tax                  (27)     (134)     (161)      (23)        84        61 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  tax at UK Corporation 
  Tax rate of 
  20.1% (2015: 
  21.2%)                       (5)      (27)      (32)       (5)        18        13 
 Timing differences: 
  loss not recognised, 
  carried forward                5         2         7         5         3         8 
 Effects of 
  gains/(losses)                 -        25        25         -      (21)      (21) 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Tax charge                      -         -         -         -         -         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  on ordinary 
  before tax                 (100)     (445)     (545)      (80)        68      (12) 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  tax at UK Corporation 
  Tax rate of 
  20.1% (2015: 
  21.2%)                      (20)      (90)     (110)      (17)        15       (2) 
 Timing differences: 
  loss not recognised, 
  carried forward               20         6        26        17         9        26 
 Effects of 
  gains/(losses)                 -        84        84         -      (24)      (24) 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Tax charge                      -         -         -         -         -         - 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

On 1 April 2015, the Corporation Tax rate decreased from 21% to 20%. The rate remained at 20% for the remainder of the reporting period.

At 29 February 2016, the Company had GBP706,973 (28 February 2015: GBP568,335) of excess management expenses to carry forward against future taxable profits.

The Company's deferred tax asset of GBP127,255 (28 February 2015: GBP113,667) has not been recognised due to the fact that it is unlikely the excess management expenses will be set off in the foreseeable future.

   7.       Dividends 
                                     Year Ended    Year Ended 
                                    29 February   28 February 
                                           2016          2015 
                                        GBP'000       GBP'000 
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Declared and paid: 5.25p per 
  ordinary share in respect of 
  the year ended 28 February 
  2015 (2014: 5.25p)                        249           249 
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Declared and paid: 21.8p per 
  ordinary share in respect of 
  the year ended 29 February 
  2016 (2015: 22p)                        1,033         1,042 
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 C Share Fund 
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Declared and paid: 4.5p per 
  C share in respect of the year 
  ended 28 February 2015 (2014: 
  4.5p)                                      87            87 
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Proposed final dividend: 4.5p 
  per C share in respect of the 
  year ended 29 February 2016 
  (2015: 4.5p)                               87            87 
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

The proposed dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and have not been included as a liability in these Accounts.

   8.       Return per Share 
                        Year Ended 29             Year Ended 28 
                         February 2016             February 2015 
-----------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
                   Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                     pence    pence   pence    pence    pence   pence 
-----------------  -------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Return per 
  ordinary share     (1.5)    (6.6)   (8.1)    (1.2)    (0.3)   (1.5) 
-----------------  -------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Return per 
  C share            (1.4)    (6.9)   (8.3)    (1.2)      4.3     3.1 
-----------------  -------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 

Ordinary Share Fund

Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue loss on ordinary activities after taxation of GBP73,187 (28 February 2015: loss GBP57,139) and on 4,738,463 ordinary shares (28 February 2015: 4,738,463), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

Capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital loss for the year of GBP384,093 (28 February 2015: loss GBP15,463) and on 4,738,463 ordinary shares (28 February 2015: 4,738,463), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

Total return per ordinary share is based on the total loss on ordinary activities after taxation of GBP386,916 (28 February 2015: loss GBP72,602) and on 4,738,463 ordinary shares (28 February 2015: 4,738,463), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

C Share Fund

Revenue return per C share is based on the net revenue loss on ordinary activities after taxation of GBP27,317 (28 February 2015: loss GBP22,734) and on 1,931,095 C shares (28 February 2015: 1,931,095), being the weighted average number of C shares in issue during the year.

Capital return per C share is based on the net capital loss for the year of GBP134,405 (28 February 2015: gain GBP83,457) and on 1,931,095 C shares (28 February 2015: 1,931,095), being the weighted average number of C shares in issue during the year.

Total return per C share is based on the total loss for the year of GBP161,722 (28 February 2015: gain GBP60,723) and on 1,931,095 C shares (28 February 2015: 1,931,095), being the weighted average number of C shares in issue during the year.

   9.       Investments 
                                         Year Ended 29 February 
-------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
                             Structured           VCT 
                                Product    Qualifying         Other 
                            Investments   Investments   Investments     Total 
                                GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
 Opening book cost                  490         2,277             1     2,768 
 Opening investment 
  holding gains/(losses)            419         (126)             -       293 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Opening valuation                  909         2,151             1     3,061 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Movements in year: 
 Purchases at cost                    -             -             -         - 
 Sales proceeds                   (925)         (355)             -   (1,280) 
 Realised gains/(losses) 
  on sales                          435         (152)             -       283 
 Decrease in investment 
  holding gains/(losses)          (419)         (153)             -     (572) 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Movements in year                (909)         (660)             -   (1,569) 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Closing valuation                    -         1,491             1     1,492 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Closing book cost                    -         1,770             1     1,771 
 Closing investment 
  holding losses                      -         (279)             -     (279) 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Closing valuation                    -         1,491             1     1,492 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 C Share Fund 
 Opening book cost          328  1,085  11,414 
 Opening investment 
  holding gains             210     25  -  235 
-------------------------  ----  -----   ----- 
 Opening valuation          538  1,110  11,649 
-------------------------  ----  -----   ----- 
 Movements in year: 
 Purchases at cost            -      -  -    - 
 Sales proceeds               -   (90)  - (90) 
 Realised losses on 
  sales                       -   (35)  - (35) 
 Decrease in investment 
  holding gains/(losses)   (19)   (68)  - (87) 
-------------------------  ----  -----   ----- 
 Movements in year         (19)  (193)  -(212) 
-------------------------  ----  -----   ----- 
 Closing valuation          519    917  11,437 
-------------------------  ----  -----   ----- 
 Closing book cost          328    960  11,289 
 Closing investment 
  holding gains/(losses)    191   (43)  -  148 
-------------------------  ----  -----   ----- 
 Closing valuation          519    917  11,437 
-------------------------  ----  -----   ----- 
                                         Year Ended 29 February 
-------------------------  -------------------------------------------------- 
                             Structured           VCT 
                                Product    Qualifying         Other 
                            Investments   Investments   Investments     Total 
                                GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Opening book cost                  818         3,362             2     4,182 
 Opening investment 
  holding gains/(losses)            629         (101)             -       528 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Opening valuation                1,447         3,261             2     4,710 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Movements in year: 
 Purchases at cost                    -             -             -         - 
 Sales proceeds                   (925)         (445)             -   (1,370) 
 Realised gains on sales            435         (187)             -       248 
 Decrease in investment 
  holding gains/(losses)          (438)         (221)             -     (659) 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Movements in year                (928)         (853)             -   (1,781) 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Closing valuation                  519         2,408             2     2,929 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Closing book cost                  328         2,730             2     3,060 
 Closing investment 
  holding gains/(losses)            191         (322)             -     (131) 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Closing valuation                  519         2,408             2     2,929 
-------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 

In the year to 29 February 2016, Hembuild Group Limited was written down by GBP189,421 due to its entering administration. Brigantes Energy Limited and Corfe Energy Limited were written down by GBP161,852 and GBP106,548 respectively due to the fall in oil price.

There have not been any transaction costs in the year to 29 February 2016, nor in the year to 28 February 2015.

Note 16 to the financial statements provides a detailed analysis of investments held at fair value through profit or loss.

   10.     Debtors 
                                       Year Ended    Year Ended 
                                      29 February   28 February 
                                             2016          2015 
                                          GBP'000       GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
-----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Prepayments and accrued income                12             9 
-----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Clawback of expenses in excess 
  of 3% cap payable by the Manager             25            53 
-----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                               37            62 
-----------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 C Share Fund 
 Prepayments and accrued income       5   3 
 Clawback of expenses in excess 
  of 3% cap payable by the Manager   43  23 
                                     48  26 
 Prepayments and accrued income       17  12 
 Clawback of expenses in excess 
  of 3% cap payable by the Managers   68  76 
                                      85  88 
   11.           Creditors 
                          Year Ended    Year Ended 
                         29 February   28 February 
                                2016          2015 
                             GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
 IFA trail commission              -            11 
 Management fees                   7            19 
 Audit fees                       15            14 
 Directors' fees                   4             6 
 Administration fees               2            10 
 Other creditors                  21            22 
                                  49            82 
 C Share Fund 
 IFA trail commission              2             5 
 Management fees                   4             8 
 Audit fees                       10             6 
 Directors' fees                   4             2 
 Administration fees               2             4 
 Other creditors                  14            11 
                                  36            36 
 IFA trail commission              2            16 
 Management fees                  11            27 
 Audit fees                       25            20 
 Directors' fees                   8             8 
 Administration fees               4            14 
 Other creditors                  35            33 
                                  85           118 
   12.     Share Capital 
                     29 February 2016    28 February 2015 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                       Number  GBP'000     Number  GBP'000 
------------------  ---------  -------  ---------  ------- 
 Ordinary Share 
 Number of shares 
  in issue          4,738,463       47  4,738,463       47 
------------------  ---------  -------  ---------  ------- 
 C Share Fund 
 Number of shares 
  in issue          1,931,095       19  1,931,095       19 
------------------  ---------  -------  ---------  ------- 
                                    66                  66 
------------------  ---------  -------  ---------  ------- 

Since the year end the Company has issued 1,812,084 D shares for a total consideration of GBP1,866,353.

Under the Articles of Association, a resolution for the continuation of the Company as a VCT will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting falling after the tenth anniversary of the last allotment (from time to time) of shares in the Company and thereafter at five-yearly intervals.

   13.     Net Asset Value per Share 
                                29 February  28 February 
                                       2016         2015 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
 Net asset value per ordinary 
  share                               31.4p        66.4p 
------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

The basic net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets of GBP1,485,829 (28 February 2015: GBP3,147,994) and on 4,738,463 ordinary shares (28 February 2015: 4,738,463), being the number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of the year.

 C Share Fund 
 Net asset value per C share   77.3p  90.1p 
-----------------------------  -----  ----- 

The basic net asset value per C share is based on net assets of GBP1,492,097 (28 February 2015: GBP1,739,311) and on 1,931,095 C shares (28 February 2015: 1,931,095), being the number of C shares in issue at the end of the year.

   14.     Reconciliation of Net Loss before Tax to Cash Flow from Operating Activities 
                                         Year Ended    Year Ended 
                                        29 February   28 February 
                                               2016          2015 
                                            GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Loss for the year                            (384)          (73) 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Losses/(gains) on investments                  289          (16) 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Decrease in debtors                             25            11 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Decrease in creditors                         (33)          (30) 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Change in IFA commission accrual                 4             - 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flow from operating activities           (99)         (108) 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 C Share Fund 
 Loss/(profit) for the year            (161)    61 
 Losses/(gains) on investments           122  (97) 
 (Increase)/decrease in debtors         (22)     3 
 Decrease in creditors                   (3)   (2) 
 Change in IFA commission accrual          1     - 
-------------------------------------  -----  ---- 
 Cash flow from operating activities    (63)  (35) 
-------------------------------------  -----  ---- 
 Loss for the year                     (545)   (12) 
 Losses/(gains) on investments           411  (113) 
 Decrease in debtors                       3     14 
 Decrease in creditors                  (36)   (32) 
 Change in IFA commission accrual          5      - 
-------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
 Cash flow from operating activities   (162)  (143) 
-------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
   15.     Financial Commitments 

At 29 February 2016, the Company did not have any financial commitments which had not been accrued for.

    16.     Financial Instruments 

The Company's financial instruments comprise securities and cash and liquid resources that arise directly from the Company's operations.

The principal risks the Company faces in its portfolio management activities are:

   --     Market price risk 
   --     Liquidity risk 

The Company does not have exposure to foreign currency risk.

With many years' experience of managing the risks involved in investing in Structured Products and Venture Capital Investments respectively, both the Investec Structured Products team and the Calculus Capital Limited team, together with the Board, have designed the Company's structure and its investment strategy to reduce risk as much as possible. The policies for managing these risks are summarised below and have been applied throughout the period under review.

a) Market price risk

Structured Products

The return and valuation of the Company's investment in Structured Products is currently linked to the FTSE 100 Index by way of a fixed return that is payable as long as the Final Index Level is no lower than the Initial Index Level.

The current investment in Structured Products will either be capital protected or capital at risk on a one-to-one basis where the FTSE 100 Index falls by more than 50 per cent and the Final Index Level is below the Initial Index Level. If the FTSE 100 Index does fall by more than 50 per cent at any time during the investment period and fails to recover at maturity, the capital will be at risk on a maximum one-to-one basis (Capital at Risk ("CAR")) (e.g. if the FTSE 100 Index falls by more than 50 per cent during the investment period and on maturity is down 25 per cent, capital within that Structured Product will be reduced by 25 per cent).

The tables in the Investment Manager's Review (Structured Products) provide details of the Initial Index Level at the date of investment and the maturity date for the remaining Structured Product. On 29 February 2016, the FTSE 100 Index closed at 6,097.09.

The Final Index Level is calculated using 'averaging', meaning that the average is taken of the closing levels of the FTSE 100 on each business day over the last two to six months of the Structured Product plan term (the length of the averaging period differs for each plan).

The Investment Manager of the Structured Products portfolio and the Board review this risk on a regular basis. The use of averaging to calculate the return can reduce adverse effects of a falling market or sudden market falls shortly before maturity. Equally, it can reduce the benefits of an increasing market or sudden market rises shortly before maturity.

As at 29 February 2016, the Company's investment in Structured Products was valued at GBP519,023 (C Share Fund). A 10 per cent increase in the level of the FTSE 100 Index at 29 February 2016, given that all other variables remained constant, would have increased net assets by GBP31,089 (C Share Fund). A 10 per cent decrease would have reduced net assets by GBP55,609 (C Share Fund). If the net assets had been higher by GBP31,089 throughout the year, then the investment management fee due to Calculus Capital Limited would have been increased by GBP310; if the net assets had been lower by GBP55,609 lower throughout the year, then the investment management fee due to Calculus Capital Limited would have decreased by GBP556.

The Directors consider that an increase or decrease in the aggregate value of investments by 10 per cent or more is reasonably possible.

The failure of a counterparty to discharge its obligations under a transaction could result in the Company suffering a loss. In its role as the Investment Manager of the Structured Products portfolio and to diversify counterparty risk, Investec Structured Products only invested in Structured Products issued by approved issuers. In addition, the maximum exposure to any one counterparty (or underlying counterparty) was limited to 15 per cent of the assets of the Company at the time of investment.

Counterparty risk is the risk that the counterparty to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the Company. The Investment Manager has in place a monitoring procedure in respect of counterparty risk which is reviewed on an ongoing basis. The carrying amount of financial assets best represents the maximum credit risk exposure at the Balance Sheet date.

As at 29 February 2016, the Company's credit risk exposure, by credit rating of the Structured Product issuer, was as follows:

                                29 February 2016      28 February 2015 
 Credit Risk Rating 
  (Moody's unless otherwise                    % of                 % of 
  indicated)                   GBP'000    Portfolio  GBP'000   Portfolio 
 Ordinary Share Fund 
 A2                                  -            -        -           - 
 Baa3                                -            -      909       29.7% 
        -                                         -      909       29.7% 
 C Share Fund 
 A2             519  36.1%     -       - 
 Baa3             -      -   538   32.6% 
                519  36.1%   538   32.6% 
 A2      519  17.7%       -       - 
 Baa3      -      -   1,447   30.7% 
-------  ---  -----  ------  ------ 
         519  17.7%   1,447   30.7% 
-------  ---  -----  ------  ------ 

Qualifying Investments

Market risk embodies the potential for losses and includes interest rate risk and price risk.

The management of market price risk is part of the investment management process. The portfolio is managed in accordance with policies in place as described in more detail in the Chairman's Statement and Investment Manager's Review (Qualifying Investments).

The Company's strategy on the management of investment risk is driven by the Company's investment objective as outlined above. Investments in unquoted companies and AIM-traded companies, by their nature, involve a higher degree of risk than investments in the main market. Some of that risk can be mitigated by diversifying the portfolio across business sectors and asset classes.

Interest is earned on cash balances and money market funds and is linked to the banks' variable deposit rates. The Board does not consider interest rate risk to be material. Interest rates arising on loan stock instruments is not considered significant as the main risk on these investments are credit risk and market price risk. The interest rate earned on the loan stock instruments is disclosed below:

                                 rate on 
                             29 February 
                                  2016 % 
--------------------------  ------------ 
 Antech Limited                     12.0 
--------------------------  ------------ 
 Human Race Group Limited           12.0 
--------------------------  ------------ 
 Solab Group Limited                 8.0 
--------------------------  ------------ 

At the year end, no loan stock interest was overdue.

An analysis of financial assets and liabilities, which identifies the risk of the Company's holding of such items, is provided. The Company's financial assets comprise equity, loan stock, cash and debtors. The interest rate profile of the Company's financial assets is given in the table below:

                    As at 29 February      As at 28 February 
                           2016                   2015 
----------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
                  Fair Value  Cash Flow  Fair Value  Cash Flow 
                    Interest   Interest    Interest   Interest 
                        Rate       Rate        Rate       Rate 
                        Risk       Risk        Risk       Risk 
                     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Ordinary Share 
 Loan stock              350          -         687          - 
 Money market 
  funds                    -          1           -          1 
 Cash                      -          6           -        107 
----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
                         350          7         687        108 
----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 C Share Fund 
 Loan stock              200          -         200          - 
 Money market 
  funds                    -          1           -          1 
 Cash                      -         43           -        103 
----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
                         200         44         200        104 
----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Loan stock              550          -         887          - 
 Money market 
  funds                    -          2           -          2 
 Cash                      -         49           -        210 
----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
                         550         51         887        212 
----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 

The variable rate is based on the banks' deposit rate, and applies to cash balances held and the money market funds. The benchmark rate which determines the interest payments received on interest bearing cash balances is the Bank of England base rate, which was 0.5 per cent as at 29 February 2016.

Any movement in interest rates is deemed to have an insignificant effect on the Structured Products.

Credit risk is considered to be part of market risk.

Where an investment is made in loan stock issued by an unquoted company, it is made as part of an overall equity and debt package. The recoverability of the debt is assessed as part of the overall investment process and is then monitored on an ongoing basis by the Investment Manager who reports to the Board on any recoverability issues.

Credit risk arising on transactions with brokers relates to transactions awaiting settlement. Risk relating to unsettled transactions is considered to be small due to the short settlement period involved and the high credit quality of the brokers used. The Board monitors the quality of service provided by the brokers used to further mitigate this risk.

All the assets of the Company which are traded on AIM are held by Investec Wealth & Investments, the Company's custodian. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the custodian may cause the Company's rights with respect to securities held by the custodian to be delayed or limited. The Board and the Investment Manager monitor the Company's risk by reviewing the custodian's internal control reports.

b) Liquidity risk

The Company's liquidity risk is managed on an ongoing basis by the Investment Managers. The Company's overall liquidity risks are monitored on a quarterly basis by the Board.

The Company maintains sufficient investments in cash and readily realisable securities to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses as they fall due.

Structured Products

If the Structured Product Is redeemed before the end of the term, the Company may get back less than the amount originally invested. The value of the Structured Product will be determined by the price at which the investment can actually be sold on the relevant dealing date. The Board does not consider this risk to be significant as the planned investment period for the Structured Product will end on 17 March 2017.

There may not be a liquid market in the Structured Product and there may never be two competitive market makers, making it difficult for the Company to realise its investment. Risk is increased further where there is a single market maker who is also the issuer. The Board sought to mitigate this risk by only investing in approved issuers of Structured Products, and by limiting exposure to any one issuer (or underlying issuer).

Qualifying Investments

The Company's financial instruments include investments in unlisted equity investments which are not traded in an organised public market and which may be illiquid. As a result, the Company may not be able to realise quickly some of its investments at an amount close to their fair value in order to meet its liquidity requirements, or to respond to specific events such as deterioration in the creditworthiness of any particular issuer.

The Board seeks to ensure that an appropriate proportion of the Company's investment portfolio is invested in cash and readily realisable assets, which are sufficient to meet any funding commitments that may arise.

Under its Articles of Association, the Company has the ability to borrow a maximum amount equal to 25 per cent of its gross assets. As at 29 February 2016, the Company had no borrowings.

c) Capital management

The capital structure of the Company consists of cash held and shareholders' equity. Capital is managed to ensure the Company has adequate resources to continue as a going concern, and to maximise the income and capital return to its shareholders, while maintaining a capital base to allow the Company to operate effectively in the market place and sustain future development of the business. To this end the Company may use gearing to achieve its objectives. The Company's assets and borrowing levels are reviewed regularly by the Board.

d) Fair value hierarchy

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss are valued in accordance with IPEV guidelines.

The valuation method used will be the most appropriate valuation methodology for an investment within its market, with regard to the financial health of the investment and the IPEV guidelines.

As required by the Standard, an analysis of financial assets and liabilities, which identifies the risk of the Company's holding of such items, is provided. The Standard requires an analysis of investments carried at fair value based on the reliability and significance of the information used to measure their fair value. In order to provide further information on the valuation techniques used to measure assets carried at fair value, we have categorised the measurement basis into a "fair value hierarchy" as follows:

   -   Quoted market prices in active markets - "Level 1" 

Inputs to Level 1 fair values are quoted prices in active markets for identical assets. Quoted in an active market in this context means quoted prices are readily and regularly available and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm's length basis. The quoted price is usually the current bid price. The Company's investments in AIM quoted equities and money market funds are classified within this category.

   -   Valued using models with significant observable market parameters - "Level 2" 

Inputs to Level 2 fair values are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset, either directly or indirectly. The Company's investments in Structured Products are classified within this category.

   -   Valued using models with significant unobservable market parameters - "Level 3" 

Inputs to Level 3 fair values are unobservable inputs for the asset. Unobservable inputs may have been used to measure fair value to the extent that observable inputs are not available, thereby allowing for situations in which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset at the measurement date (or market information for the inputs to any valuation models). As such, unobservable inputs reflect the assumptions the Company considers that market participants would use in pricing the asset. The Company's unquoted equities and loan stock are classified within this category. As explained in note 1, unquoted investments are valued in accordance with the IPEV guidelines.

The table below shows assets measured at fair value categorised into the three levels referred to above. During the year there were no transfers between Levels 1, 2 or 3.

Ordinary Share Fund

                           Financial Assets at Fair Value 
                               through Profit or Loss 
                                 At 29 February 2016 
---------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                          Level     Level     Level 
                              1         2         3     Total 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Structured Products          -         -         -         - 
 Unquoted equity              -         -     1,141     1,141 
 Quoted equity                -         -         -         - 
 Money market 
  funds                       1         -         -         1 
 Loan stock                   -         -       350       350 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                              1         -     1,491     1,492 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                           Financial Assets at Fair Value 
                               through Profit or Loss 
                                 At 28 February 2015 
---------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                          Level     Level     Level 
                              1         2         3     Total 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Structured Products          -       909         -       909 
 Unquoted equity              -         -     1,376     1,376 
 Quoted equity               88         -         -        88 
 Money market 
  funds                       1         -         -         1 
 Loan stock                   -         -       687       687 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                             89       909     2,063     3,061 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

C Share Fund

                           Financial Assets at Fair Value 
                               through Profit or Loss 
                                 At 29 February 2016 
---------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                          Level     Level     Level 
                              1         2         3     Total 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Structured Products          -       519         -       519 
 Unquoted equity              -         -       588       588 
 Quoted equity              129         -         -       129 
 Money market 
  funds                       1         -         -         1 
 Loan stock                   -         -       200       200 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                            130       519       788     1,437 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                           Financial Assets at Fair Value 
                               through Profit or Loss 
                                 At 28 February 2015 
---------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                          Level     Level     Level 
                              1         2         3     Total 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Structured Products          -       538         -       538 
 Unquoted equity              -         -       592       592 
 Quoted equity              318         -         -       318 
 Money market 
  funds                       1         -         -         1 
 Loan stock                   -         -       200       200 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                            319       538       792     1,649 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 


                           Financial Assets at Fair Value 
                               through Profit or Loss 
                                 At 29 February 2016 
---------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                          Level     Level     Level 
                              1         2         3     Total 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Structured Products          -       519         -       519 
 Unquoted equity              -         -     1,729     1,729 
 Quoted equity              129         -         -       129 
 Money market 
  funds                       2         -         -         2 
 Loan stock                   -         -       550       550 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                            131       519     2,279     2,929 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                           Financial Assets at Fair Value 
                               through Profit or Loss 
                                 At 28 February 2015 
---------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                          Level     Level     Level 
                              1         2         3     Total 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Structured Products          -     1,447         -     1,447 
 Unquoted equity              -         -     1,968     1,968 
 Quoted equity              406         -         -       406 
 Money market 
  funds                       2         -         -         2 
 Loan stock                   -         -       887       887 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                            408     1,447     2,855     4,710 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

In order to maintain fair value hierarchy disclosures in line with the prior year, the Company has early adopted the changes to FRS 102 published by the FRC in March 2016.

Where the effect of changing one or more inputs to reasonably possible alternative assumptions would result in a significant change to the fair value measurement, information on this sensitivity is provided below. The information used in determination of the fair value of Level 3 investments is chosen with reference to the specific underlying circumstances and position of the investee company. The portfolio has been reviewed and both downside and upside reasonable possible alternative assumptions have been identified and applied to the valuation of the unquoted investments.

The assumptions changed for the sensitivity analysis are set out below:

                              on        Impact 
                          Upside   on downside 
 Assumption                  GBP           GBP 
-----------------------  -------  ------------ 
 Discount rate            26,927        25,172 
 Forecast 2016 results    58,151        60,453 
-----------------------  -------  ------------ 
                          85,078        85,625 
-----------------------  -------  ------------ 

Applying the downside alternatives, the value of the unquoted investment portfolio for the Ordinary Share Fund would be GBP63,198 or 4.2 per cent lower (2015: GBP99,041 or 4.8 per cent lower), for the C Share Fund would be GBP22,427 or 2.9 per cent lower (2015: GBP55,017 or 7.0 per cent lower), and in total it would be GBP85,625 or 3.8 per cent lower (2015: GBP154,058 or 5.4 per cent lower). Using the upside alternatives, the value of the unquoted investment portfolio for the Ordinary Share Fund would be increased by GBP63,284 or 4.2 per cent (2015: GBP115,445 or 5.6 per cent per cent), for the C Share Fund it would be increased by GBP21,794 or 2.8 per cent (2015: GBP54,062 or 6.8 per cent), and in total it would be increased by GBP85,078 or 3.7 per cent (2015: GBP169,507 or 5.9 per cent).

   17.     Related Parties Transactions 

Calculus Capital Limited receives an investment manager's fee from the Company. As disclosed in Note 4, for the year ended 29 February 2016, Calculus Capital Limited earned GBP29,037 in relation to the ordinary share portfolio (2015: GBP41,672) and GBP16,409 (2015: GBP17,496) in relation to the C share portfolio. Calculus Capital Limited also earned a company secretarial fee of GBP625 (2015: GBPnil) for the Ordinary share portfolio but waived its fee of GBP625 (2015: GBPnil) on the C shares.

Calculus Capital Limited has taken on the expenses cap from 15 December 2015. In the year to 29 February 2016, Calculus Capital Limited waived GBP9,896 of investment management fees.

Investec Structured Products, an Investment Manager to the Company, is entitled to a performance incentive fee. Investec Structured Products will receive an arrangement fee of 0.75 per cent of the amount invested in each Structured Product. This arrangement fee shall be paid to Investec Structured Products by the issuer of the relevant Structured Product. No arrangement fee will be paid to Investec Structured Products in respect of any decision to invest in Investec-issued Structured Products. Investec Structured Products has agreed not to earn an annual management fee from the Company.

   18.     Transactions with Investment Managers 

John Glencross, a Director of the Company, is Chief Executive and a director of Calculus Capital Limited, one of the Company's Investment Managers. He does not receive any remuneration from the Company. He is a director of Terrain Energy Limited, and was previously a director of Hembuild Group Limited and Human Race Group Limited, companies in which the Company has invested.

Calculus Capital Limited receives a fee from certain portfolio companies. In the year the 29 February 2016, Calculus Capital Limited charged a monitoring fee to Antech Limited, Solab Group Limited, Hembuild Group Limited, Metropolitan Safe Custody Limited, MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited, Quai Administration Services Limited, Terrain Energy Limited, The One Place Capital Limited and Tollan Energy Limited.

Calculus Capital Limited charged a fee for the provision of a director to Brigantes Energy Limited, Corfe Energy Limited, Dryden Human Capital Group Limited, Solab Group Limited, Metropolitan Safe Custody Limited, Pico's Limited, Quai Administration Services Limited, Terrain Energy Limited and The One Place Capital Limited.

Calculus Capital Limited also charged Terrain Energy Limited for the provision of office support services.

The amount received by Calculus Capital Limited which relates to the Company's investment was GBP1,807 (2015: GBP1,932) from Antech Limited, GBP191 (2015: GBP751) from Brigantes Energy Limited, GBP113 (2015: GBP449) from Corfe Energy Limited, GBP56 (2015: GBP285) from Dryden Human Capital Group Limited, GBP1,832 from Solab Group Limited (2015: GBP3,009), GBP3,430 from Human Race Group Limited (2015: GBP3,530), GBP405 (2015: GBP3,612) from Hembuild Group Limited, GBP2,516 (2015: GBP2,483) from Metropolitan Safe Custody Limited, GBP1,461 (2015: GBP1,189) from MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited, GBP305 (2015: GBP397) from Pico's Limited, GBP1,438 (2015: GBP1,596) from Quai Administration Services Limited, GBP793 (2015: GBP983) from Terrain Energy Limited, GBP944 (2015: GBP1,215) from The One Place Capital Limited and GBP1,418 (2015: GBP328) from Tollan Energy Limited (all excluding VAT).

   19.     Post balance sheet events 

Since the year end, an allotment of 876,181 D Shares in respect of the 2015/2016 tax year took place on 8 March 2016 at an average issue price of GBP1.0264 per share. A second allotment of 644,598 D shares in respect of 2015/2016 tax year took place on 4 April 2016 at an average issue price of GBP1.0333 per share. A third allotment of 291,305 D shares in respect of the 2016/2017 tax year took place on 3 May 2016 at an average issue price of GBP1.0333 per share.

National Storage Mechanism

A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts will be submitted shortly to the National Storage Mechanism ("NSM") and will be available for inspection at the NSM, which is situated at: www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 21, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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