RNS Number:4291B
Clinical Computing PLC
30 March 2001

Clinical Computing plc

Preliminary Announcement of Results

For the year ended 31 December 2000

Chairman's and Chief Executive's Statement

In 2000 the Group produced a loss of #0.3 million, which translates into a
loss per share of 1.3p, which was not unexpected. We maintained a strong cash
position, #2.6 million, which will enable us to sustain the expansion of
Clinical Vision, our new suite of product solutions, and fund the costs of
rebuilding the Group's sales organisation and its marketing of the Clinical
Vision product line.


For the fiscal year 2000 overall costs for the Group decreased by #0.1 million
as compared with the same period for 1999. Turnover was down #0.9 million for
the year as compared with 1999, which was primarily the result of development
delays affecting software orders for Clinical Vision.

The Group continued the investment in Clinical Vision and increased its R&D
expenditure by #0.1 million to #1.0 million. During the second half of 2000
the US Sales team was strengthened and marketing of Clinical Vision commenced.
Sales expenditures for the fourth quarter of 2000 were 34% of the total for
the year, reflecting the increased focus on sales and marketing across the

Research and Development

During the second half of 2000 the Group extended its long-term development
strategy to carry through to the end of 2002. Implementation of this strategy
commenced in the third quarter of 2000.

Part of the strategy is the introduction of a dynamic software framework,
which is fully object oriented and platform independent, on which future
applications will run. The framework will further expedite the application
development process and allow us to bring applications to market more quickly
while reducing our overall development costs. It is expected that the
framework will also prove a source of substantial upgrade business.

The strategy has started with completing the renal functionality of Clinical
Vision and making it fully web enabled. Work on the web enablement will
continue throughout 2001 and will allow for the deployment of all our
applications over the internet.

Another part of the strategy is the integration of our Pocket CV. This is a
point-of-care, hand- held device used to store and collect the patient's data,
and then synchronizes the data with Clinical Vision. The Pocket CV will allow
for the clinician to have all the pertinent data available when at the
patient's side.

Business Development

We are pleased to report the sale of Clinical Vision to a customer in the
Republic of Ireland. In the fourth quarter of 2000 we appointed in the UK a
Business Development Manager for Europe. We are now in position to commence
marketing Clinical Vision in continental Europe.

We have completed the move of our US headquarters to new facilities. This will
provide for staff expansion and more useable space at a lower cost, while
maintaining a more suitable facility for US corporate visits.

We have discussions under way both in the UK and the US with a number of
institutions relating to building new Clinical Vision applications. These
include the building of a disease state management system (DSM) that will
integrate with all Clinical Vision applications and provide a superior
clinical solution to the healthcare marketplace.

We recognise the hard work and commitment of our employees for which we
continue to be most grateful.

M Gordon          J Richardson

Chairman          Chief Executive

Financial Review

For 2000 the Group's operating result was a loss of #0.49 million recorded
from a turnover of #2.26 million. After the addition of net interest income of
#0.16 million, loss on ordinary activities for the year was reduced to #0.33
million. Loss per share was 1.3p. The Group's cash position at the year-end
was #2.6 million, net cash outflows during the year were #0.18 million.

Operating results

Group turnover recorded for the year was #2.26 million, this represents a
decrease of 27% on the level of turnover recorded for the prior year. Turnover
arising in the UK decreased by 12% and in the US it decreased by 31%. Total
maintenance revenues decreased by 10% but still accounted for 65% of the
Group's turnover. In the UK and the US software and services revenues
decreased by 38%, and resales of hardware were negligible. The decreases in
all these classes of revenue experienced during 2000 were a result of
declining RENLStar and di-Proton sales, which because of development delays
were not replaced by orders for the new Clinical Vision system.

Total costs for the Group in 2000 were #2.75 million, which is marginally less
than the totals recorded for the previous three years. Overall staffing levels
in both the UK and the US were held constant except that the sales and
marketing headcount expanded towards the end of the year. Expenditure on
research and development increased by 14% but other costs of sales decreased
in line with the rate of decrease in turnover. Distribution costs increased by
15% as a result of an expanded sales force and increased sales activity in the
final quarter of the year. Administrative expenses decreased by 13%, partly as
a result of exchange gains of #0.15 million.

Capital Expenditure

During 2000 the Group spent approximately #0.13 million on capital expenditure
for both the UK and US offices. Approximately half of this expenditure was
used to acquire new software releases and improved hardware to further the
development process of Clinical Vision. The majority of the other half was
used for leasehold improvements and furnishings for the new US office
premises, and the balance was spent on new sales and marketing equipment and


Interest income of #0.16 million was earned on the Group's cash balances
during the year. This was an increase of 31% on last year's total. Total cash
balances held across the Group during 2000 and the interest rates applied to
them were on average higher than in 1999.

The Group did not incur any interest or finance charges during the year.

Cash flows

The Group started the year with total cash balances of #2.78 million and ended
it with cash balances of #2.6 million. The net cash outflow of #0.18 million
was initiated in the final quarter of 2000 when there was an increase in sales
and marketing activities across the Group and the US office was moved to new


As in prior years both the UK and US operating companies retain substantial
tax losses for use against future years' trading profits.

Foreign Currency

In 2000 the Group earned approximately 75% of its revenues in US dollars but
had a disproportionate amount of costs in UK sterling. In January 2000, the
sterling exchange rate was around $1.62, however in the second half of the
year it weakened against the US dollar with exchange rates in the range $1.42
to $1.51. These accounts have been prepared using a year end exchange rate of
#1:$1.4938 (1999: $1.6117) and an average exchange rate for the year of #1:
$1.5136 (1999: $1.6141).

P Smart

Finance Director

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended 31 December 2000

                                                                  2000     1999
                                                                   #          #

Turnover                                                    2,259,201  3,112,623

                                                              -------- --------
Cost of sales
Research and development                                  (1,013,777)  (886,054)
Other                                                       (585,377)  (779,985)

                                                              -------- --------


                                                              -------- --------
Gross profit                                                  660,047  1,446,584
Distribution costs (including sales and marketing)          (475,458)  (412,649)
Administrative expenses                                     (671,078)  (768,678)

                                                             -------- --------

                                                             -------- --------

Operating (loss) profit                                     (486,489)    265,257
Interest receivable (net)                                     157,816    117,079

                                                              -------- --------

(Loss) profit on ordinary activities before and after
taxation, being the retained result for the year
                                                            (328,673)    382,336

                                                              -------- --------
Basic and diluted (loss) earnings per share                    (1.3p)       1.5p

                                                              -------- --------

All amounts relate to continuing operations

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
For the year ended 31 December 2000

                                                             2000        1999
                                                                #           #

(Loss) profit for the financial year                     (328,673)      382,336
Loss on foreign currency translation                      (48,833)     (25,297)

                                                         ---------    ---------
Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year   (377,506)      357,039

                                                         ---------    ---------
All amounts relate to continuing operations

Consolidated Balance Sheet
31 December 2000

                                                             2000        1999
                                                               #           #

Fixed assets

Tangible assets                                             338,557     345,461

                                                          ---------   ---------
Current assets
Stocks                                                       41,500      41,500
Debtors                                                     567,633     748,122
Cash at bank and in hand (including short term            2,599,647   2,793,572
                                                          ---------   ---------
                                                          3,208,780   3,583,194

                                                          ---------   ---------
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Deferred income                                           (644,796)   (649,687)
Other                                                     (303,340)   (307,761)

                                                          ---------   ---------
                                                          (948,136)   (957,448)

                                                          ---------   ---------
Net current assets                                        2,260,644   2,625,746

                                                          ---------   ---------
Net assets                                                2,599,201   2,971,207

                                                           ________    ________

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                                   1,254,016   1,254,016
Share premium account                                     4,248,388   4,248,388
Profit and loss account                                 (2,903,203) (2,531,197)

                                                          ---------   ---------
Shareholders' funds - all equity                          2,599,201   2,971,207

                                                          ---------   ---------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2000

                                                                  2000     1999
                                                                   #        #

Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating activities          (146,681)  522,879

                                                              -------- --------
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                157,816  117,079
Capital expenditure                                          (132,911)(158,222)
                                                              -------- --------

                                                                24,905 (41,143)

                                                              -------- --------

Cash (outflow) inflow before management of Liquid resources  (121,776)  481,736
and financing
Management of liquid resources                                 446,961(450,573)
Financing                                                            - (20,061)

                                                              -------- --------
Increase in cash in the year                                   325,185   11,102

                                                              -------- --------

 1. Segmental analysis


An analysis of Group turnover by geographical region of origin is given below:

                                           2000                            1999
                                              #                               #

UK                                      445,871                         548,626
USA                                   1,736,683                       2,518,884
Other                                    76,647                          45,113

                                      ---------                       ---------
                                      2,259,201                       3,112,623

                                      ---------                       ---------

Turnover by destination is not materially different

from that by origin.

The Directors consider that the Group operates in one class of business.
However, turnover is derived as follows:

                                                            2000          1999
                                                               #             #

Software systems and upgrades                              584,123      748,285
Maintenance support                                      1,461,294    1,625,676
Services                                                   142,610      433,325
Hardware sales and upgrades                                 17,480      205,498
Other                                                       53,694       99,839

                                                         ---------    ---------
                                                         2,259,201    3,112,623

                                                         ---------    ---------
Analyses by origin are as follows:
2000                                          UK          USA         Total
                                           and other
                                               #           #            #
Turnover                                      522,518    1,736,683    2,259,201

                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
Operating loss                               (73,922)    (412,567)    (486,489)

                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
Net assets (liabilities)                    3,558,014    (958,813)    2,599,201

                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
1999                                          UK          USA         Total
                                           and other
                                               #           #            #
Turnover                                      593,739    2,518,884    3,112,623

                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
Operating profit                               53,023      212,234      265,257

                                            ---------    ---------    ---------
Net assets (liabilities)                    3,531,147    (559,940)    2,971,207

                                            ---------    ---------    ---------

2. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share are based upon the loss attributable to shareholders
of #328,673 (1999: profit of #382,336) and weighted average number of shares
in issue during the year of 25,080,310 (1999: 25,080,310).

Diluted earnings per share are based upon the loss attributable to
shareholders of #328,673 (1999: profit of #382,336) and weighted average
number of shares in issue during the year of 25,321,638 (1999: 25,087,348),
allowing for the exercise of all outstanding share options.

3. Reconciliation of operating (loss) profit to operating cash flows

                                                          2000             1999
                                                             #                #

Operating (loss) profit                                (486,489)        265,257
Depreciation charge                                      153,960        143,904
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets                  1,523              -
Decrease in debtors                                      211,548        313,104
Decrease in creditors                                   (32,723)      (204,886)
Share options issued at a discount                         5,500          5,500

                                                        --------        --------

Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating activities    (146,681)        522,879

                                                        --------        --------

 4. Analysis of cash flows

                                                            2000        1999
                                                              #           #

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                          157,816     120,708
Interest element of finance lease rentals                        -     (3,629)

                                                         ---------   ---------
Net cash inflow                                            157,816     117,079

                                                         ---------   ---------
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                        (132,911)   (176,063)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                    -      17,841

                                                         ---------   ---------
Net cash outflow                                         (132,911)   (158,222)

                                                         ---------   ---------
Management of liquid resources
Decrease (increase) in short term deposits                 446,961   (450,573)

                                                         ---------   ---------
Net cash inflow (outflow)                                  446,961   (450,573)

                                                         ---------   ---------
Capital element of finance lease rental payments                 -    (20,061)

                                                         ---------   ---------
Net cash outflow                                                 -    (20,061)

                                                         ---------   ---------

5. Analysis and reconciliation of net funds
                       1 January                    Exchange        31 December
                            2000   Cash flow        Movement               2000
                               #           #               #                  #

Cash in hand at bank     280,311     325,185       (140,482)            465,014
Overdraft               (11,615)      10,067               -            (1,548)
Short term deposits    2,513,261   (446,961)          68,333          2,134,633

                        ________    ________          ______          _________
Net funds              2,781,957   (111,709)        (72,149)          2,598,099

                        ________    ________          ______          _________

                                                               2000       1999
                                                                  #          #

Increase in cash in the year (including overdrafts)         335,252     11,102
Cash inflow from decrease in lease financing                      -     20,061
Cash (outflow) inflow from movement in liquid resources   (446,961)    450,573

                                                           ________    _______
Change in net funds resulting from cash flows             (111,709)    481,736
Exchange movement                                          (72,149)    (1,955)

                                                           ________   ________
Movement in net funds in year                             (183,858)    479,781
Net funds at beginning of year                            2,781,957  2,302,176

                                                           ________   ________
Net funds at end of year                                  2,598,099  2,781,957

                                                           ________   ________

The financial information contained in this preliminary announcement of
audited results does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2000 and 31 December 1999. The accounts for the year
ended 31 December 1999 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 1999 and 2000 have been
reported on by the company's auditors; the reports on these accounts were
unqualified and they did not contain any statement under section 237 (2) or
(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 have been prepared
using the same existing policies as the accounts for the year ended 31
December 1999.

The accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 are expected to be posted to
shareholders in due course and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
after they have been laid before the company in a general meeting on 2 May

Copies will also be available from the principal office of the company: 4 The
Thameside Centre, Kew Bridge Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 0HF.


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