RNS Number : 9995N

Centamin PLC

27 May 2020

27 May 2020

Centamin plc

("Centamin" or "the Company")


Notice of Annual General Meeting and Publication of 2019 Annual Report and Accounts

for the twelve months ended 31 December 2019

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1, today Centamin has submitted the 2020 Notice of Annual General Meeting ("the Notice") and the 2019 Annual Report and Accounts ("2019 Annual Report") to the National Storage Mechanism. Both documents will shortly be available for inspection at http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM%20 and the Company's website www.centamin.com .

Mailing of the Notice, proxy forms for the 2020 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and related ancillary documentation to shareholders will commence shortly.


The AGM is to be held on 29 June 2020 at the Company's registered office, 2 Mulcaster Street, St Helier, Jersey, at 11:00 am BST (UK time). The business to be considered by shareholders at the AGM is set out in the Notice, which includes explanatory notes on each of the Resolutions.

Given the unprecedented global situation with COVID-19, regulators, governments and public health authorities have issued varying directives which have impacted the timing and structure of the AGM. In addition to adhering to the imposed restrictions and guidance, Centamin has imposed further proactive measures to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our workforce, stakeholders and communities.

In accordance with social distancing measures and government restrictions on gatherings of no more than two people, outside of your household, the AGM will be held with only the minimum number of shareholders present as required to form a quorum under the Company's Articles of Association, and whom will be officers or employees of Centamin. To ensure safety, other shareholders will not be able to gain access to the AGM on this occasion.

We ask that shareholders abide by the instructions to stay at home and participate in the AGM by appointing a proxy to vote on the Resolutions set out in the Notice as soon as possible. Shareholders are strongly encouraged to appoint the chair of the meeting as their proxy if they wish to participate in the meeting and ensure their votes on the Resolutions are counted.

All Resolutions for consideration at the AGM will be voted on a poll, rather than a show of hands, and all proxy votes cast will count towards the poll votes. The Board would like to encourage all shareholders to complete, sign and return the Proxy Form to our Registrars as soon as possible and no later than 11.00am BST (UK time) on 25 June 2020.

Despite these exceptional circumstances, shareholder engagement is important to the Company and therefore all shareholders will have the opportunity to listen to the formal business of the AGM via conference call or webcast. Please find below the required participation details:

Webcast link : https://www.investis-live.com/centamin/5ec3f60427577e10009f093d/gtrd

Conference call

Dial-in telephone numbers:

   United Kingdom                 +44 (0) 203 936 2999 
   United States                     +1 646 664 1960 
   South Africa                       +27 (0)87 550 8441 
   All other locations              +44 (0) 203 936 2999 
   Participation access code :                               394543 

If a shareholder would like to ask a question about the formal business of the AGM, please email your questions to info@centamin.com by 11:00 am on Thursday, 25 June 2020 so they can be addressed at the meeting.

The Board will continue to closely monitor the rapidly developing situation with COVID-19, as well as the latest government guidance, as to how it may affect the arrangements for the AGM, which may have to change on short notice. If it becomes necessary to change the arrangements for the AGM, information will be found on the Company website and via a regulatory announcement.


The Company published the audited annual results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2019 on 18 May 2020, and a copy of the announcement is available on the Company's website. These results, together with the information in the below appendices, constitute the information required in accordance with the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule 6.3.5R. Page references included herein refer to page numbers in the 2019 Annual Report. This announcement should be read in conjunction with, and is not a substitute for reading, the 2019 Annual Report.

For more information, please visit the website www.centamin.com or contact:

   Centamin plc                            Buchanan 
   Alexandra Carse, Investor Relations     Bobby Morse 
   +44 (0) 7700 713 738                    Chris Judd 
   alexandra.carse@centamin.je             Kelsey Traynor 
                                           + 44 (0) 20 7466 5000 

APPIX A - Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Principal Risks and Uncertainties are set out in the table below. A summary was also announced on 18 May 2020 and the Risk Management and Principal Risk report is available on pages 66 to 81 of the 2019 Annual Report.

       RISK                                                                 / STRATEGY 
 Strategic         The Sukari Gold Mine     Sukari Gold Mine: the    At Sukari, the process    Level: Informed 
  Risk             currently                project                  plant has been            Risk appetite 
  Loss of          constitutes Centamin's   at Sukari has two        designed with             is at an acceptable 
  revenue          main                     distinct                 sufficient                level, with appropriate 
  due              mineral resource and     ore sources (open pit    resilience and            levels of mitigation 
  to single        sole                     and                      redundancies              in place to reduce 
  project          mineral reserve,         underground), the        within the operating      the likelihood 
  dependency       near-term                processing               cycle.                    of significant 
                   production and           plant has two separate                             loss of revenue 
                   revenue. Whilst          flotation                The exploration           due to single 
                   the resource base in     circuits and two         projects across           project dependency. 
                   West                     separate                 the business provide 
                   Africa is growing, the   power stations. Whilst   a well-balanced 
                   regional                 one                      project pipeline, 
                   exploration is not       project, the nature of   with potential to 
                   sufficient               the                      add incremental 
                   to support the           design of the plant      shareholder value 
                   development              provides                 by increasing 
                   of a mining operation    adequate mitigation      production 
                   at the                   and reduces              across the Group. 
                   time of reporting. We    the relative 
                   recognise                likelihood of            The regional 
                   the COVID-19 pandemic    dependence compared to   exploration 
                   may                      a single                 on the licence 
                   impact this risk but     layer plant design.      portfolio 
                   have                     The second               in West Africa 
                   covered this further     circuit of the process   continues. 
                   on page                  plant                    A maiden reserve 
                   20.                      has been fully           is targeted for 
                                            operational              2021 at the Doropo 
                   Until further            for over two years,      Project, with potential 
                   production growth        which                    revenue generation 
                   beyond Sukari is         shows the resilience     in the future. 
                   identified,              of the 
                   the potential impact     project. In addition, 
                   remains                  the 
                   high and safeguarding    plant is fed by both 
                   the                      the open 
                   project is paramount     pit and underground 
                   to the                   operation, 
                   Company. The             providing higher and 
                   identification           lower-grade 
                   of significant           ore to the processing 
                   resources in             plant. 
                   Côte d'Ivoire and   Operational activity 
                   timeline                 and production 
                   to build an operation    is expected to 
                   in the                   continue at 
                   region has resulted in   above nameplate 
                   an                       capacity. 
                   improving trend.         Other mitigating 
                                            outside the single 
                                            at Sukari, include the 
                                            focus on longer term 
                                            and expansion through 
                                            and acquisition 
                                            targets both 
                                            inside and outside of 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Strategic         Whilst Centamin          Maintaining relations    A key objective           Level: Balanced 
  Risk             retains control          : with                   of the Company is         Risk appetite 
  Sukari Gold      over the project, the    the onset of profit      to                        is at an acceptable 
  Mine             holding                  sharing                  maintain our social       level, with appropriate 
  relationship     company, SGM, is         with EMRA last year,     license to operate.       levels of mitigation 
  with our         jointly owned            managing                 This is achieved          in place. 
  partners         by the Company's         timing and quantum of    through co-operation, 
  EMRA             wholly owned             payments,                regular meetings 
                   subsidiary, PGM and      as well as applying      and correspondence 
                   EMRA with                and interpreting         with EMRA, as well 
                   equal board              certain provisions of    as making sure that 
                   representation           the                      the terms and 
                   from both parties. The   Concession Agreement,    conditions 
                   board                    is important             of the Concession 
                   of SGM operates by way   in maintaining a good    Agreement governing 
                   of                       relationship             the mine are fully 
                   simple majority.         with EMRA. Future        complied with. 
                   Should a                 expenditure 
                   dispute arise which      and recovery of 
                   cannot                   qualifying 
                   otherwise be amicably    capital expenditure 
                   resolved,                will also 
                   arbitration or other     need to be managed, to 
                   proceedings              be 
                   may need to be           appropriately cost 
                   employed.                recovered 
                                            by the Company. 
                   The successful 
                   of the Sukari Gold 
                   Mine is 
                   in part dependent on 
                   a good working 
                   with EMRA. The Group 
                   has regular 
                   meetings with 
                   officials from 
                   EMRA and invests time 
                   in liaising 
                   with relevant ministry 
                   other governmental 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Strategic         The Group's corporate    Tax exposure: the        To minimise the           Level: Balanced 
  Risk             structure                Group engages            complexity of the          Simplification 
  Jurisdictional   includes operational     tax advisers to          corporate structures       of the structure 
  taxation         activity                 provide local            ensuring tax neutrality    is ongoing; however, 
  exposure         in Egypt and West        advice at an             within the holding         the mitigation 
                   Africa held              operational level        group entities.            in place is at 
                   through holding          as well as corporate                                an acceptable 
                   companies                and structuring                                     level and therefore 
                   in Australia and the     advice at a corporate                               operating within 
                   United                   level.                                              the parameters 
                   Kingdom. Exposure to     The Company has                                     of our current 
                   changing                 developed                                           risk 
                   cross jurisdictional     a global tax strategy                               appetite. 
                   tax legislation          to take 
                   could have an adverse    account of the 
                   effect                   required regulations 
                   on the Company's         relevant to Centamin. 
                   ability to               The 
                   repatriate revenues.     Company's strategy is 
                                            to ensure 
                   A key milestone under    taxes are paid at an 
                   the                      operational 
                   terms of the Sukari      level and tax leakage 
                   Concession               is reduced 
                   Agreement is the         through the holding 
                   entitlement              structure. 
                   to a further 15-year 
                   exemption                In respect to 
                   from any taxes imposed   extending the 
                   by                       tax exemption, the 
                   the Egyptian             Board do 
                   government on            not foresee any issues 
                   the revenues generated   in 
                   from                     the granting of this 
                   the Sukari Gold Mine.    approval 
                   The                      in line with the 
                   application by PGM and   conditions 
                   EMRA                     summarised in the 
                   to extend the tax free   adjacent 
                   period                   paragraph and continue 
                   for a further 15 years   to 
                   is                       monitor compliance to 
                   due in April 2025, and   allow 
                   a condition              the extension to be 
                   to the renewal is that   granted 
                   there                    in the near future. 
                   are no tax disputes 
                   from the initial 
                   period as 
                   well as certain 
                   planned exploration 
                   activities on the 
                   as agreed between the 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 External          The extent of the        The Group is 100%        The Company does          Level: Balanced 
  Risk             Company's                exposed                   not currently hedge       The strategy 
  Gold price       financial performance    to the gold price;        against the price         is aligned with 
                   is due                   however,                  of gold or exposure       the 
                   in part to the price     the cash costs of the     to currencies.            risk appetite 
                   of gold,                 Sukari                                              of the Company. 
                   which the Company has    Gold Mine remain low                                The Board does 
                   no influence             compared                                            not take any 
                   over. Revenues from      with the industry                                   unnecessary risks 
                   gold sales               norm.                                               in relation 
                   are in US dollars and                                                        to the price 
                   Centamin                                                                     of gold recognising 
                   has exposure to costs                                                        that this risk 
                   in other                                                                     is outside the 
                   currencies including                                                         Board's control 
                   Egyptian                                                                     influenced by 
                   pounds, Australian                                                           external factors. 
                   and sterling. 
                   Centamin manages its 
                   to gold price by 
                   keeping operating 
                   costs as low as 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 External          The Company's            The Concession           Maintain a detailed       Level: Balanced 
  Risk             operational              Agreement with           understanding of           The Company operates 
  Political        activities are           EMRA and the Egyptian    the political              within acceptable 
  risk - Egypt     primarily in             government               environment                limits and the 
                   Egypt, a country that    was ratified into        in which we operate        operation has 
                   has                      Egyptian                 as well as a               continued to 
                   been subject to civil    Law no. 222 of 1994,     constructive               be unaffected 
                   and                      which                    relationship with          despite a number 
                   military disturbance.    further protects the     government. The            of major political 
                   Future                   Company's                Company undertakes         events occurring 
                   political and economic   licence rights and       to abide by the            in Egypt. The 
                   conditions               sets the                 spirit and letter          Company supports 
                   in Egypt could change    applicable tax regime    of the Concession          Egypt's development 
                   with                     for                      Agreement as well          of a modern mining 
                   future governments       a number of years.       as local laws and          code. 
                   adopting                 This law                 regulations. 
                   different policies       received full 
                   that may                 parliamentary 
                   impact the development   approval as required 
                   and                      by Egyptian 
                   ownership of mineral     law. 
                   Policy changes and 
                   may also impact the 
                   use of 
                   explosives, tenure of 
                   concessions, taxation, 
                   exchange rates, 
                   protection, labour 
                   repatriation of income 
                   capital. Changes may 
                   impact the ability 
                   to import key supplies 
                   export gold. 
                   The potential for 
                   impact should be 
                   against the Egyptian 
                   support of Centamin's 
                   and contribution to 
                   both revenue 
                   and development of the 
                   industry. New laws 
                   have been 
                   introduced to protect 
                   therefore encourage 
                   investment, which is a 
                   step for the country. 
                   no. 32 has been 
                   by Parliament, 
                   although it 
                   remains subject to a 
                   in the Supreme Court. 
                   The issuing of the new 
                   regulations in January 
                   provides further 
                   for a healthy mining 
                   to prosper in Egypt. 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 External          The Company operates     Policies have            Maintain relationships    Level: Balanced 
  Risk             in Burkina               developed over           with all key               The Company operates 
  Political        Faso and Côte       many years to            stakeholders,              within 
  risk - West      d'Ivoire.                encourage foreign        including regional         acceptable limits. 
  Africa           There are no             investment and the       governments, landowners 
                   assurances that          development              and local chiefs. 
                   future political and     of mining operations,    The Company meets 
                   economic                 which                    its environmental 
                   conditions in these      continues to be the      and operational 
                   countries                focus                    commitments set 
                   will not result in the   of governments in        out in the permits/ 
                   governments              these regions.           grants and local 
                   adopting different       Centamin actively        laws/regulations. 
                   policies                 monitors 
                   in respect to foreign    legal and political 
                   development              developments, 
                   and ownership of         engaging in dialogue 
                   exploration              with 
                   and exploitation         relevant government 
                   licences.                and legal 
                                            policymakers to 
                   The worsening            discuss all 
                   political and            key legal and 
                   security situation in    regulatory 
                   Burkina                  developments. 
                   Faso denotes a 
                   downward trend 
                   on the Company's 
                   to political risk. In 
                   d'Ivoire, the relative 
                   government and strong 
                   results provide a 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 External          Centamin's finances,     In order to mitigate     To minimise exposure      Level: Balanced 
  Risk             and its                  this                     to litigation and          The Company is 
  Litigation       ability to operate in    risk Centamin has (a)    reduce the impact          operating 
                   Egypt,                   taken                    of actions by complying    within its risk 
                   may be adversely         appropriate legal        with all relevant          appetite parameters 
                   affected                 advice and               laws and regulations       and the mitigation 
                   by current and any       continues actively to    and to defend and/         in place is at 
                   future                   pursue                   or bring any actions       an acceptable 
                   litigation proceedings   its legal rights with    necessary to protect       level. 
                   and                      respect                  the Company's assets, 
                   it is possible that      to its existing cases    rights and reputation. 
                   further                  (its 
                   litigation could be      legal advisers believe 
                   initiated                that 
                   against Centamin at      Centamin will 
                   any time.                ultimately be 
                   Centamin is currently    successful in both of 
                   involved                 these 
                   in litigation that       cases); and (b) 
                   relates                  actively monitors 
                   both to (a) the          activity in both court 
                   validity of              and 
                   its exploitation lease   local media for signs 
                   at                       of any 
                   Sukari and (b) the       legislative or similar 
                   price at which it can    developments 
                   purchase                 that may threaten its 
                   Diesel Fuel Oil.         operations, 
                                            finances or prospects. 
                                            potential for serious 
                                            should be balanced 
                                            Centamin's adherence 
                                            to local 
                                            laws and agreements; 
                                            the Egyptian 
                                            government's support 
                                            of Centamin's 
                                            investment; Law no. 32 
                                            2014 that should 
                                            protect Centamin 
                                            against litigation by 
                                            parties; and the fact 
                                            Egypt and Australia 
                                            place of 
                                            incorporation) have 
                                            in place a bilateral 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Operational       Time and costs of        The exploration for      To ensure a progressive   Level: High 
  Risk             brownfields              precious                 pipeline of                The Company operates 
  Failure          exploration activity     metal may not be         greenfield and             its exploration 
  to achieve       are recognised           successful               advance-stage              programmes within 
  exploration      as exploration and       and is highly            exploration projects       acceptable risk 
  development      evaluation               speculative              to serve the next          appetite parameters, 
  success          assets ("E&E assets")    in nature. Before        stage of growth            with a results-driven 
                   on the                   undertaking              for the Company.           approach to future 
                   statement of financial   any exploration                                     exploration and 
                   position.                projects,                Ensure systematic          an opportunistic 
                   E&E assets continue to   a full risk assessment   exploration programmes     mind set when 
                   be                       in                       are carried out            evaluating new 
                   carried on the balance   undertaken covering      with costs attributed      ground or projects. 
                   sheet                    country                  to licence areas 
                   where there is ongoing   risk, industry risks     and prospects so 
                   planned                  as well                  that they can be 
                   activity and the right   as a detailed            assessed for 
                   of                       technical review         impairment. 
                   tenure is current.       of the underlying 
                   There can be no          data available. 
                   guarantee                Management 
                   that an exploration      implements systematic 
                   project                  drilling 
                   progresses to an         programmes across its 
                   economic                 exploration 
                   resource and therefore   projects, with costs 
                   there                    aggregated 
                   remains a risk that      appropriately to 
                   E&E assets               licence areas 
                   are partially or fully   and prospects. 
                   during a financial       Commitments associated 
                   period                   with 
                   where either a           licence renewals may 
                   decision is              require 
                   made to discontinue a    further negotiation 
                   project                  with governments 
                   or no further activity   to either renew or 
                   is                       extend 
                   scheduled.               existing permits that 
                                            subject to expiry. 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Operational       Mineral resource and     Management has           To achieve reliable       Level: Informed 
  Risk             reserve                  implemented              and consistent             The Company operates 
  Reserve          figures are prepared     processes to             production,                within acceptable 
  and              by Centamin              continuously             whilst optimising          risk appetite 
  Resource         personnel and reviewed   monitor and evaluate     the potential of           parameters. 
  estimate         by                       the current              the operation. The 
                   externally appointed     life of the Sukari       Company provides           Details of the 
                   independent              Gold Mine,               timely and accurate        Reserve and Resource 
                   geologists. By their     mine plans and           information to the         estimates as 
                   nature,                  production               market on production       at 18 July 2019 
                   mineral resources and    targets. The most        levels and forecasts.      are set out in 
                   reserves                 recent technical                                    the supplementary 
                   are estimates based on   report was completed                                information to 
                   a range                  in Form                                             the Annual Report 
                   of assumptions,          43-101 dated 23                                     and explained 
                   including                October 2015                                        further in the 
                   geological,              and is available at                                 Operational Review. 
                   metallurgical,           www.sedar.com. 
                   technical and economic   The latest updated 
                   factors.                 reserve 
                   Other variables          and resource statement 
                   include expected         for 
                   costs, inflation         Sukari was announced 
                   rates, gold              on 18 
                   price, grade             May 2020 with an 
                   downgrades and           effective 
                   production outputs.      date of 18 July 2019. 
                   There                    Preliminary 
                   can be no guarantee      resource statements 
                   that the                 have been 
                   anticipated tonnages     provided for Doropo 
                   or grades                and the 
                   expected by Centamin     ABC Project in 
                   will                     Côte d'Ivoire 
                   be achieved both from    as well as Konkera in 
                   the                      Burkina 
                   underground operation    Faso. 
                   or open 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Operational       Centamin prepares        The realisation of       To achieve reliable       Level: Informed 
  Risk             annual estimates         production               and consistent             The Company operates 
  Failure          for future gold          estimates are            production, whilst         within acceptable 
  to achieve       production               dependent on,            optimising the             risk appetite 
  production       from the Sukari Gold     amongst other things:    potential                  parameters. 
  estimates        Mine.                    the                      of the operation. 
                   There can be no          accuracy of mineral      The Company provides 
                   assurance                reserve                  timely and accurate 
                   that Centamin            and resource             information to the 
                   will achieve its         estimates; the           market on production 
                   production               accuracy of              levels and forecasts. 
                   estimates and such       assumptions regarding 
                   failure                  ore 
                   could have a material    grades and recovery 
                   and                      rates; 
                   adverse effect on        the ore tonnes and 
                   Centamin's               grade mined 
                   future cash flows,       from the underground 
                   profitability,           operation 
                   results of operations    which are outside the 
                   and                      current 
                   financial condition.     reserve base; ground 
                   It should                conditions; 
                   be specifically noted    skilled and motivated 
                   that                     labour 
                   the potential quantity   force; processing 
                   and                      capacity 
                   grade from the Sukari    and maintenance 
                   underground              policies; 
                   mine is conceptual in    and logistics for 
                   nature,                  consumables 
                   that there has been      and parts. 
                   exploration to define 
                   a mineral 
                   resource and that it 
                   is uncertain 
                   if further exploration 
                   result in the target 
                   delineated as a 
                   mineral resource. 
                   The Board recognises 
                   whilst operational 
                   stabilised in 2019, 
                   the period 
                   in Q3 2019 was 
                   with an improving 
                   profile across Q4 2019 
                   helped ensure delivery 
                   production at slightly 
                   the lower end of 
                   in 2019. 
                   Further we recognise 
                   the potential 
                   impact of COVID-19 
                   which we 
                   have addressed on page 
                   as of the time of 
                   there was no 
                   additional concerns. 
                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 

Appendix B - Related Party Transactions

Details were announced on 18 May 2020 and the information can also be found on page 211 to 214 in note 6.1 of the financial statements in the 2019 Annual Report.

Appendix C - Directors' Responsibility Statement

Details can be found on page 166 of the 2019 Annual Report

Directors' responsibilities in respect of the annual report and financial statements

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the Directors have prepared the Group financial statements in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union. Under company law the Directors must not approve the Group financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the profit or loss of the Group for that period. In preparing the financial statements, the Directors are required to:

   --      select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 

-- state whether applicable IFRS as adopted by the European Union have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements;

   --      make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and 

-- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Group's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and enable them to ensure that the financial statements and the Directors' remuneration report comply with the Companies (Jersey) Law, 1991.

The Directors are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom and Jersey governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

The Directors consider that the Annual Report and financial statements, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group's position and performance, business model and strategy.

The Directors have undertaken a robust assessment of the principal risks impacting the Company. The assessment identified strategic and operational risks at a corporate level and principal risks impacting our operations in Egypt and West Africa. Details of the risk assessment can be found in the audit and risk committee report on pages 136 and 138 and the risk management and principal risks section of the strategic report on pages 66 to 81.

The Board receives written assurances from the CFO and Senior Management that to the best of their knowledge and belief, the Group's financial position presents a true and fair view and that the financial statements are founded on a sound system of risk management, internal compliance and control. Further, they confirm that the Group's risk management and internal compliance is operating efficiently and effectively. The Board recognises that internal control assurances from the CFO and Senior Management can only be reasonable rather than absolute, and therefore they are not and cannot be designed to detect all weaknesses in control procedures.

The financial statements have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent auditor, who was given unrestricted access to all financial records and related information, including minutes of all shareholder, Board and committee meetings.

The financial statements were authorised by the Board of Directors for issue and signed on their behalf by Ross Jerrard (CFO) and Darren Le Masurier (Company Secretary) on 18 May 2020.

Each of the Directors, whose names and functions are listed in the governance report, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- the Group financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group; and

-- the strategic and governance report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

In the case of each Director in office at the date the governance report is approved:

-- so far as the Director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Group's auditor is unaware; and

-- they have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a Director in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Group's auditor is aware of that information.

On behalf of the Board:

Ross Jerrard Darren Le Masurier

Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Director On behalf of the Board

18 May 2020 18 May 2020

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 27, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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