RNS Number : 0774Q

British Land Co PLC

14 February 2019

Transaction in own shares

The British Land Company PLC (the "Company") announces that it has purchased through UBS Limited ("UBS") the following number of its ordinary shares of 25 pence each on the London Stock Exchange. The purchases were made pursuant to the buy-back programme announced by the Company on 14 June 2018. The Company intends to cancel the purchased shares.

 Number of Shares purchased:        214,168 
Volume weighted average price 
    paid per Share (pence):         583.1542 
 Highest price paid per Share 
           (pence):                  587.60 
 Lowest price paid per Share 
           (pence):                  580.60 
      Date of purchase:         14 February 2019 

In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation), the schedule below provides detailed information about the transactions made by UBS on behalf of the Company as part of the buy-back programme.


Company Secretariat

                 020 7486 
 British Land     4466 

Transaction details

Issuer name: The British Land Company PLC

(ISIN: GB0001367019 LEI Code: RV5B68J2GV3QGMRPW209)

Intermediary name: UBS AG, London Branch

Individual transactions

 Number of shares   Transaction price    Time of transaction 
  purchased          per share (pence) 
 613                584.4                08:09:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1147               584.4                08:09:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1853               584.8                08:12:36 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1576               584.6                08:14:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 43                 584.6                08:14:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1792               583.2                08:20:06 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 988                583.2                08:21:23 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 649                583.2                08:21:23 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1681               583.6                08:27:59 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 887                586                  08:35:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1004               586                  08:35:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1888               586.4                08:37:12 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 516                586                  08:39:09 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1248               586                  08:39:09 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1130               586.4                08:42:12 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 738                586.4                08:42:12 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1719               587.2                08:55:54 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 749                586                  08:59:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1099               586.2                08:59:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 568                586.2                08:59:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1854               587                  09:03:00 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 102                586                  09:03:25 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 962                586                  09:03:50 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 189                586                  09:03:50 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1600               586.6                09:19:54 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 104                586.6                09:19:54 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1922               587                  09:40:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1859               587                  09:51:01 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1885               587                  09:56:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1                  587.6                10:04:16 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1641               587.6                10:04:16 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 663                586.8                10:15:46 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1025               586.8                10:15:46 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1625               586                  10:18:49 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1969               586                  10:22:44 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 844                585                  10:25:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1092               585                  10:25:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1308               585                  10:25:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 426                585                  10:25:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 594                584                  10:28:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 586                584                  10:28:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1014               584                  10:28:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1237               584                  10:28:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1901               584                  10:28:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1662               584                  10:28:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1982               584                  10:31:04 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 401                583.8                10:32:07 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1250               583.8                10:32:07 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1950               583.8                10:32:07 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 134                581.8                10:45:13 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1319               581.8                10:45:13 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 666                581.8                10:45:13 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1794               581.8                10:45:13 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1714               581.8                10:45:13 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1934               581.8                10:45:13 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1707               581.8                10:45:13 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1722               581.8                10:53:31 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1731               581.6                10:53:53 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 122                580.6                11:02:44 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1037               580.6                11:04:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1828               580.6                11:04:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 957                580.6                11:04:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 503                580.6                11:05:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1106               580.6                11:05:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 151                581.8                11:21:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1645               581.8                11:21:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1865               581.8                11:21:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1835               582.4                11:30:08 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1783               582.6                11:30:08 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1829               582.6                11:30:08 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1934               582.2                11:30:14 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1842               582                  11:30:16 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1276               581.4                11:32:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1604               581.4                11:33:21 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 676                581.4                11:33:21 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 336                581.4                11:33:21 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1876               584.8                11:41:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1027               583.2                11:45:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 638                583.2                11:45:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 321                583                  11:46:11 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 800                583                  11:46:11 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 800                583                  11:46:11 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 479                583                  11:46:11 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1313               583                  11:46:11 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1806               581.6                12:03:00 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1009               581.4                12:06:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 896                581.4                12:06:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1871               581.4                12:09:28 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 171                581.4                12:11:49 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 340                581.4                12:11:49 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 392                581.4                12:11:49 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                581.4                12:14:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 136                581.4                12:14:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                581.4                12:14:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1824               581                  12:19:35 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1132               581.2                12:22:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 987                582.6                12:31:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.6                12:31:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 602                582.6                12:31:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 596                582.8                12:39:05 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1401               582.8                12:39:05 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 92                 582.4                12:44:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1708               582.4                12:44:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1827               582.4                12:44:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1704               582.4                12:44:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1461               582                  12:44:36 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 223                582                  12:44:36 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 766                582.4                12:52:52 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 941                582.4                12:52:52 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 158                582.4                13:05:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 800                582.4                13:05:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 892                582.4                13:05:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1324               582.4                13:07:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.4                13:07:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1561               582.2                13:11:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 129                582.2                13:15:32 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 565                582.8                13:21:56 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.8                13:21:56 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 737                582.8                13:21:56 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1449               583.4                13:35:59 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 172                583.4                13:35:59 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1826               583.4                13:35:59 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 174                583.4                13:35:59 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1810               582.6                13:38:51 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1731               582.6                13:43:28 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1069               582.6                13:46:48 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 149                582.6                13:47:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.6                13:47:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1230               582.6                13:47:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 770                582.6                13:47:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 885                582.4                13:51:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.4                13:51:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.4                13:51:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1597               582.4                14:00:19 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 968                582.4                14:00:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 61                 582.4                14:00:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 860                582.4                14:00:57 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1628               582                  14:01:24 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 970                582                  14:01:24 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 695                582                  14:01:24 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 186                582                  14:01:24 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 40                 581.8                14:02:26 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1881               581.8                14:02:26 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 28                 581.4                14:12:09 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1188               581.8                14:14:48 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1769               581.8                14:14:48 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 667                581.8                14:14:48 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 96                 581.8                14:14:48 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 997                581.4                14:21:28 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1761               581.8                14:24:04 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1956               581.8                14:24:04 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 173                581.4                14:28:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 97                 581.4                14:28:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                581.4                14:28:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1687               582.6                14:35:21 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 263                582.4                14:35:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 473                582.4                14:35:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1200               582.4                14:35:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 123                582.4                14:35:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1630               582.4                14:35:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1563               582.4                14:35:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1878               582.4                14:35:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 625                582.2                14:41:05 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1835               582.2                14:41:05 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1055               582.2                14:41:05 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 742                582.2                14:49:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.2                14:49:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 800                582.2                14:49:29 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 502                582                  14:49:34 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 106                582                  14:49:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 40                 582                  14:50:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 184                582                  14:50:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 334                582                  14:50:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 938                582                  14:50:22 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1669               581.6                14:51:18 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 99                 582.6                14:56:54 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1699               582.6                14:56:54 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 866                582.6                14:56:54 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 987                582.6                14:56:54 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 361                582                  15:00:28 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1600               582                  15:00:28 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1899               583.4                15:05:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1829               583.4                15:05:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 177                583.4                15:05:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1010               583.4                15:05:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 746                583.4                15:05:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1873               583                  15:06:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 280                583                  15:06:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1200               583                  15:06:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                583                  15:06:15 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1                  583.4                15:11:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1666               583.4                15:11:40 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 705                582.6                15:22:10 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                582.6                15:22:10 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 806                582.6                15:22:10 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1719               583.2                15:30:44 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1652               583                  15:37:37 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 62                 583.8                15:44:07 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1819               583.8                15:44:07 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 153                583                  15:48:00 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 750                583                  15:48:00 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 350                583                  15:48:00 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 350                583                  15:48:00 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1707               583.8                15:53:44 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1245               583.4                15:57:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 618                583.4                15:59:39 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1965               583                  16:02:58 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 357                583                  16:08:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 633                583                  16:08:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 231                583                  16:08:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 400                583                  16:08:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 100                583                  16:08:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 153                583                  16:08:45 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 749                583                  16:09:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 378                583                  16:09:47 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1975               584                  16:14:01 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 1161               583.8                16:17:12 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 
 616                583.8                16:17:12 
                   -------------------  -------------------- 

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 14, 2019 12:31 ET (17:31 GMT)

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