RNS No 7281h
1st OCTOBER 1998

                      ANDREWS SYKES GROUP PLC
                       ENDED 27TH JUNE 1998
  Hire, sale and servicing of portable heating, air conditioning,
 drying, ventilating and pumping equipment and general plant hire


I am very pleased to report on the results of our company for the
last 6 months as follows:


   *   Turnover                increased by 23.4%         to  33,817
   *   Profit before taxation  increased by 17.7%         to   5,938
   *   Earnings per share      increased by 16.1%         to   4.90p
   *   Operating cash flow     increased by 20.8%         to   5,642
   *   Net assets              increased by 97.0%         to  22,282
   *   Interim dividend        increased by 20% per share to   1.20p

Turnover increased by 11.7% in the continuing businesses to #30.6
million.   Acquisitions completed during the first half of 1998
contributed turnover of #3.2 million, the majority relating to Cox
Plant which was acquired on 3rd June.

The enlarged group now has an annualised turnover in excess of
#100 million with an increased proportion of hire revenue.

The increase in profit before taxation reflects an improvement in
the operating profits before exceptionals in the continuing
businesses of 7.6%, together with the net effect of exceptional
items and has led to an increase in earnings per share of 16.1% to
4.9 pence per share.

Operating cash flows continue to be strong within the continuing
businesses and, furthermore, Cox will add significantly, allowing
fast repayment of existing debt.

I am pleased to announce an increase of 20% in the interim ordinary 
dividend to 1.2 pence per share which will be paid on 27th November 1998 
to shareholders on the register on 17th October 1998.

J-G Murray, Chairman                              1st October 1998

                      Andrews Sykes Group plc
                   Group Profit and Loss Account
               For the six months ended 27 June 1998

                                                      6 months  12 months
                                                         ended      ended
                         6 months ended 27 June 98  29 June 97  27 Dec 97
                          Cont-   Acquis-     Total       Total     Total
                         inuing    itions
                          #'000     #'000     #'000       #'000     #'000
Turnover                 30,594     3,223    33,817      27,396    59,915
Cost of Sales           (16,625)   (2,249)  (18,874)    (14,851)  (31,126)
Gross profit             13,969       974    14,943      12,545    28,789
Net operating                                                       
expenses (including                                                 
exceptional items set                                               
out in note 2)           (7,401)   (1,330)   (8,731)     (7,435)  (16,988)
Group operating                                                     
profit                    6,568      (356)    6,212       5,110    11,801
Operating profit                                                    
before exceptionals                                                 
and amortisation of                                                 
goodwill                  5,498       168     5,666       5,110    11,801
Exceptional items         1,070      (485)      585           -         -
Amortisation of                                                     
goodwill                      -       (39)      (39)          -         -
Group operating                                                     
profit                    6,568      (356)    6,212       5,110    11,801
Share of operating                                                  
profit of associates                             76           -         -
Net interest payable                                                
(group)                                        (350)        (63)      (98)
Profit on ordinary                                                  
activities before tax                         5,938       5,047    11,703
Tax on profit on                                                    
ordinary activities                          (1,871)     (1,651)   (3,752)
Profit on ordinary                                                  
activities after                                                    
taxation being profit                                               
for the financial                                                   
period                                        4,067       3,396     7,951
   Ordinary shares                             (987)       (737)   (2,311)
   preference shares                           (239)       (321)     (546)
Retained profit for                                                 
the period                                     2,841      2,338     5,094
Earnings per ordinary                                               
share                                           4.90       4.22     10.02
Fully diluted earnings                                                       
per ordinary share                              4.54       3.88      8.98
Exceptional items                              (0.33)         -         -
Amortisation of goodwill                        0.04          -         -
Adjusted fully                                                      
diluted earnings per                            4.25       3.88      8.98
ordinary share
Dividends per share:                                                
     Preference                                 3.50       3.50      7.00
     Ordinary                                   1.20       1.00      3.00

There were no discontinued operations during the period.

The comparative figures for earnings and dividends per share have been
restated to take account of the sub-division of the #1 ordinary shares
into five 20p ordinary shares which was effective from 4 June 1998.

                      Andrews Sykes Group plc
                    Consolidated Balance Sheet
                        As at 27 June 1998

                                        27 June   29 June    27 Dec
                                           1998      1997      1997
                                          #'000     #'000     #'000
Fixed assets                                                      
Intangible assets                         7,988         -         -
Tangible assets                          51,086    11,559    13,369
Investments                                 371       164       237
                                         59,445    11,723    13,606
Current assets                                                    
Stocks                                    9,074     5,956     7,059
Debtors                                  25,973    10,714    13,887
Cash at bank and in hand                  3,941     3,633     4,328
                                         38,988    20,303    25,274
Creditors falling due within one year                             
Loans and overdrafts                     (7,382)   (1,000)   (2,643)
Other creditors and provisions          (22,123)  (13,367)  (16,948)
Deferred consideration                   (7,200)        -      (700)
Corporation tax                          (3,903)   (2,137)   (4,383)
Net current (liabilities)/ assets        (1,620)    3,799       600
Total assets less current liabilities    57,825    15,522    14,206
Creditors falling due after more than                             
one year
Loans                                   (32,128)   (1,750)   (1,260)
Other creditors and provisions           (1,160)   (1,415)   (1,132)
Deferred consideration                     (600)        -      (600)
Corporation tax                          (1,655)   (1,027)        -
Net assets                               22,282    11,330    11,214
Capital and reserves                                              
Called up share capital                  19,847    19,145    18,857
Share premium account                     8,028        86       782
Revaluation reserve                         353       370       361
Other reserves                                                    
                                        (16,424)  (13,186)  (16,424)
Profit and loss account                  10,468     4,915     7,628
                                         22,272    11,330    11,204
Shareholders' funds                                               
Equity                                   18,863     6,740     7,795
Non equity                                3,409     4,590     3,409
                                         22,272    11,330    11,204
Minority interests (equity)                  10         -        10
                                         22,282    11,330    11,214

                      Andrews Sykes Group plc
                 Consolidated cash flow statement
               For the six months ended 27 June 1998

                                    6 months    6 months  12 months
                                       ended       ended      ended
                                  27 June 98  29 June 97  27 Dec 97
                                       Total       Total      Total
                                       #'000       #'000      #'000
Net cash inflow from operating                                     
activities                             5,642       4,672     12,533
Returns on investments and                                         
servicing of finance
Loan facility fees                      (680)          -          -
Net interest paid                       (188)        (44)       (75)
Preference dividends paid               (239)       (321)      (560)
Interest element of finance                                        
lease payments                           (21)        (15)       (41)
Net cash outflow for returns on                                    
investments and servicing of                                       
finance                               (1,128)       (380)      (676)
Cash outflow for taxation               (681)       (421)    (2,212)
Capital expenditure                                                
Purchase of tangible fixed                                         
assets                                (2,625)     (2,426)    (6,274)
Sale of tangible fixed assets            399         423      1,024
Net cash outflow for capital                                       
expenditure                           (2,226)     (2,003)    (5,250)
Purchase of subsidiary                                             
undertakings                         (44,236)          -       (869)
Net cash acquired with                                             
subsidiary undertakings                  359           -         97
Payment of deferred consideration 
on previous acquisitions                 (46)     (1,348)    (1,405)
Purchase of interests in                                           
associates                               (58)          -        (73)
Net cash outflow for                                               
acquisitions                         (43,981)     (1,348)    (2,250)
Equity dividends paid                 (1,547)       (947)    (1,710)
Cash (outflow)/inflow before the                                   
use of liquid resources and                                        
financing                            (43,921)       (427)       435
Management of liquid resources                                     
Movement in bank deposits                (88)       (795)    (1,838)
Issue of ordinary share capital                                    
net of issue costs                     8,236           4        412
New loan draw downs and                                            
factoring advances                    37,857           -         94
Loan repayments                       (2,472)       (500)    (1,000)
Capital element of finance lease                                   
repayments                               (87)       (184)      (298)
Purchase of own shares                     -         (91)       (92)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                                     
financing                             43,534        (771)      (884)
Decrease in cash in the period          (475)     (1,993)    (2,287)

                      Andrews Sykes Group plc
                       Notes to the accounts
               For the six months ended 27 June 1998

1.   The results for the 12 months ended 27 December 1997 have
     been extracted from the audited financial statements that
     have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contain
     an unqualified audit report.  The interim figures have not
     been audited or reviewed.
     The new Financial Reporting Standards, FRS10: Goodwill and
     Intangible Assets and FRS11: Impairment of Fixed Assets and
     Goodwill, which are first applicable in 1998 have been
     adopted in this interim financial statement.  In adopting
     FRS10, the accounting policy has been changed as described
     below.  In all other respects the interim financial statement
     has been prepared on a basis consistent with the financial
     statements for the 12 months ended 27 December 1997.
     Goodwill on acquisitions made in the 6 months ended 27 June
     1998 has been capitalised and is being authorised over its
     estimated useful economic life.  Goodwill written off
     directly to reserves in previous years has not been

2.   Exceptional items

                                                             6         12
                                                        months     months
                                                         ended      ended
                        6 months ended 27 June 98   29 June 97  27 Dec 97
                        Cont-    Acquis-      Total      Total      Total
                       inuing     itions
                        #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000
     Redundancy and                                              
     provisions             -       (485)      (485)         -          -
     Release of                                                  
     prior year                                                  
     provisions         1,370          -      1,370          -          -
     costs               (300)         -       (300)         -          -
                        1,070       (485)       585          -          -

     At an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 3 June 1998 the
     shareholders voted to replace cash bonuses for three
     directors linked to the company's share price with equivalent
     share options. Accordingly, provisions relating to the cash
     bonuses built up in previous periods have been released.

3.   Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
     operating activities

                                       6 months    6 months  12 months
                                          ended       ended      ended
                                     27 June 98  29 June 97  27 Dec 97
                                         Total        Total      Total
                                         #'000        #'000      #'000
     Operating profit                    6,212        5,110     11,801
     Amortisation of goodwill               39            -          -
     Depreciation                        2,958        1,764      3,603
     Profit on sale of fixed assets        (79)         (69)      (150)
     Increase in stocks                 (1,489)      (1,123)    (2,029)
     (Increase)/decrease in debtors     (1,509)         408     (1,234)
     (Decrease)/increase in                                      
     creditors and provisions             (490)      (1,418)       542
     Net cash inflow from                                        
     operating activities                5,642        4,672     12,533

4.   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net

                                     6 months    6 months   12 months
                                        ended       ended       ended
                                   27 June 98  29 June 97   27 Dec 97     
                                        Total       Total       Total
                                        #'000       #'000       #'000
     Decrease in cash in the period      (475)     (1,993)     (2,287)
     Cash (inflow) / outflow                                     
     from movement in debt and                                   
     lease financing                  (35,298)        684       1,204
     Cash outflow from movement                                  
     in liquid resources                   88         795       1,838
     Change in net debt                                          
     resulting from cash flows        (35,685)       (514)        755
     Finance lease, hire purchase
     and other financing arrangements                                
     acquired with subsidiaries           (42)          -        (285)
     Loan notes issued                      -           -      (1,600)
     Translation differences                -          11         (43)
     Movement in period               (35,727)       (503)     (1,173)
     Opening net funds                      7       1,180       1,180
     Closing net (debt)/funds         (35,720)        677           7

5.   The earnings per ordinary share has been calculated by
     dividing the profit after taxation and preference dividends
     of #3,828,000 (6 months ended 29 June 1997: #3,075,000 ) by
     the average number of ordinary shares in issue during the
     period of 78,113,835  (6 months ended 29 June 1997:
     The fully diluted earnings per ordinary share has been
     calculated on an adjusted profit of #4,231,000 (6 months
     ended 29 June 1997: #3,433,000) and an adjusted number of
     shares in issue of 93,247,021 (6 months ended 29 June 1997:
     88,423,595) assuming that new ordinary shares had been issued
     on 28 December 1997 in respect of all share options
     outstanding at 27 June 1998 and the proceeds invested in
     21/2% Consolidated  Stock and that all convertible preference
     shares had been converted into ordinary shares at 27 December 1997.

6.   Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses

                                        6 months    6 months  12 months
                                           ended       ended      ended
                                      27 June 98  29 June 97  27 Dec 97
                                           Total       Total      Total
                                           #'000       #'000      #'000
     Profit for the financial period       4,067       3,396      7,951
     Currency translation                                           
     differences on foreign                                         
     currency net investments                 (9)        (13)       (51)
     Total gains and losses in                                      
     the period                            4,058       3,383      7,900

7.   Reconciliation of movements in group shareholders' funds

                                         6 months    6 months  12 months
                                            ended       ended      ended
                                       27 June 98  29 June 97  27 Dec 97
                                            Total       Total      Total
                                            #'000       #'000      #'000
     Profit for the financial period        4,067       3,396      7,951
     Dividends                             (1,226)     (1,058)    (2,857)
     Other recognised gains and losses         (9)        (13)       (51)
     Goodwill taken to reserves on the                                      
     purchase of subsidiary undertakings        -         (96)    (3,347)
     Proceeds from ordinary                                         
     shares issued                          8,236           4        412
     Consideration on the                                            
     purchase of own shares                     -         (91)       (92)
     Net increase in                                                
     shareholders' funds                   11,068       2,142      2,016
     Shareholders' funds at the                                     
     beginning of the period               11,204       9,188      9,188
     Shareholders' funds at the                                     
     end of the period                     22,272      11,330     11,204

8.   Acquisitions

     On 31 March 1998 the group acquired the entire share capital
     of Watnall Refrigeration Limited for #0.4 million in cash.
     Watnall, based in Nottingham, installed and serviced
     commercial air-conditioning and hired portable air-
     conditioning and heating units. These activities have been
     integrated within Andrews Sykes' existing installation and
     hire businesses.
     On 3 June 1998 the group acquired the trade and assets of Cox
     Plant Hire for approximately #49.6 million.  Cox hires
     general plant and temporary accommodation from 34 locations
     throughout the UK and operates as a stand alone subsidiary
     within the Andrews Sykes group.

     On 15 June 1998 the group acquired the trade and assets of
     the Aberdeen depot of Burnthills Plant Limited for #0.3
     million and the freehold of the depot for #0.25 million.
     Burnthills hired both general plant and tools and portable
     heating and dehumidification equipment. The trade has been
     split between these two activities, which are now operated
     from the depot by Cox Plant Limited and Andrews Sykes Hire
     Limited respectively.  In the 11 months ended 28 February
     1998 Burnthills Aberdeen had a turnover of #0.4 million and
     profits before tax of #62,000.

9.   Copies of the Interim Report and Financial Statements will be
     circulated to Shareholders shortly and will be available from
     the Registered office of the Company.  Premier House,
     Darlington Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 4JJ.

For further information please contact:

Eric Hook (Chief Executive)     Tel: 0171 329 0096
Andrews Sykes Group Plc         Tel: 01902 328700 - From Friday 2nd October

John Goold /Emily Bruning
Shandwick Consultants Ltd       Tel: 0171 329 0096



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