RNS Number:7575R
Andrews Sykes Group PLC
29 September 2000

The following amendments have been made to the 'Interim Results' announcement
released at 07:05 today under RNS No 7485R.

Parts of the text of the announcement were duplicated.  The duplications have
been removed.   

In Note 5, the entry for 'Amortisation of goodwill as set out in note 4' for the
53 weeks to 1 January 2000 should read 434 and not 4.

All other details remain unchanged. The full corrected text is shown below.

                         ANDREWS SYKES GROUP PLC
Chairman's Statement

I am able to report a satisfactory start to trading results for the year
2000.   The salient points of the accounts for the six months ended 1
July 2000 are as follows:


Group operating profit before exceptional         6,574      
items and goodwill amortisation increased         
by #763,000 to

EBITDA remained virtually unchanged at           11,943

Group operating  profit decreased by              3,357
#421,000 to

Profit before tax remained virtually              2,166
unchanged at

Net cash inflow from operating activities              
increased by #3,495,000 to                       11,607

Gearing reduced from 98.6% to                     77.1%

Financial review

Our  plans  to focus on our core UK based hire business has shown early
progress with effective controls being implemented across the Group.

The decision has been taken to close both the small operations in Poland
and Singapore where we considered both the return on capital employed
and growth potential for the Group to be unsatisfactory.  The closure
costs were not significant and have been fully absorbed in the reported

We  continued  to  develop  and implement sales  focused  strategies  as
outlined  in  the  1999 report and accounts.  Despite  all  management's
efforts the effect of the continuing downward pressure on general  plant
hire  prices  during  the period impaired the Group's  ability  both  to
increase turnover and grow profits to the desired extent.  Consequently
a  further detailed  financial review of Cox  Plant Limited  has  been
carried out in  accordance with FRS 11 which  has led management to
reassess the carrying value for goodwill on the balance sheet.   It  was
the  view of the Board that the value of goodwill was overstated by #3
million and therefore this has been written off in the half year accounts.

The above write off is a non cash item and therefore has had no  effect
on the Group's ability to generate cash.  I am pleased to be  able  to
report that the net cash inflow from operating activities has increased
by  #3.5 million compared with the same period last year to #11.6
million.   The  Group's operating profit before exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation also showed a 13% improvement compared to the
previous year.

Whilst  the  air  conditioning hire and unit sales show  an  improvement
compared  to  the  first  half of 1999 they are still  below  the  level
achieved in the same period in 1998 due to a relatively poor summer.  In
particular  the  air conditioning business suffered  from  poor  weather
related  trading conditions in May and June after a promising period  in


The  poor  summer continues to depress air conditioning  hire  into  the
third  quarter and as a result the outlook for the second  half  remains
cautious  with  efforts  being  directed  at  non-seasonal  activity  to
underpin the new strategies for the medium to long term.

Share buy back programme

During  the  period  under  review the company has  purchased  1,575,000
shares for a total consideration of #876,000.

The Board continues to believe that shareholder value will be optimised
by a judicious purchase of our own shares, coupled with investment in
organic  growth.   In  consequence the policy outlined  previously  will

J G Murray

29 September 2000

For further information please contact:

Robert Stevens (Chief Executive)   Telephone  01902 328 700
Andrews Sykes Group plc            

Andrews Sykes Group plc
Group Profit and Loss Account
For the 26 weeks ended 1 July 2000

                                      26 weeks to  26 weeks to  53 weeks to   
                                      1 July 2000  26 June 1999 1 January 2000
                                           Total     Total         Total
                                           #'000     #'000         #'000
Turnover                                  43,864    44,238        94,673
Cost of Sales                            (25,434)  (26,393)      (56,179)
Gross profit                              18,430    17,845        38,494
Net operating expenses                   (15,073)  (14,067)      (26,819)
(previous periods include exceptional
items set out in note 3)
Group operating profit                     3,357     3,778       11,675
EBITDA*                                   11,943    11,946       27,238
Depreciation and asset disposals          (5,369)   (6,135)     (12,494)
Operating profit before exceptional items  6,574     5,811       14,744
and amortisation of goodwill
Exceptional items                              0    (1,816)      (2,635)
Amortisation of goodwill as set out in    (3,217)     (217)        (434)
note 4
Group operating profit                     3,357     3,778       11,675

Share of  operating (loss)/profit of               0        (7)           0
Income from other participating interests          0         0          135
Loss   on  the  termination  of  overseas          0         0         (955)
Net interest payable                          (1,191)   (1,582)      (2,857)
Profit on ordinary activities before tax       2,166     2,189        7,998
Tax on profit on ordinary activities          (1,753)     (737)      (2,674)
Profit   on  ordinary  activities   after        413     1,452        5,324
taxation  being profit for the  financial
Dividends:        Ordinary shares                  0   (1,328)      (1,326)
                  Convertible preference           0     (186)        (220)
Retained profit / (loss) for the period          413      (62)        3,778
Basic earnings per ordinary share               0.45      1.53         5.97
Fully diluted earnings per ordinary share       0.45      1.47         5.73
Exceptional items                               0.00      2.11         2.96
Amortisation of goodwill                        3.49      0.25         0.47
Adjusted   fully  diluted  earnings   per       3.94      3.83         9.16
ordinary share
Dividends per share:             Preference     0.00      3.50         3.50
                                 Ordinary       0.00      1.44         1.44

There were no significant acquisitions or discontinued operations during
the period.

*Earnings  Before  Interest,  Taxation,  Depreciation  and  Amortisation
excluding exceptional items and goodwill amortisation.

Andrews Sykes Group plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 1 July 2000

                                               1 July  26 June    1 January
                                                 2000     1999         2000
                                                #'000    #'000        #'000
Fixed assets                                                               
Intangible assets                               4,201    7,635        7,418
Tangible assets                                32,252   39,057       35,164
Investments                                       773      578          622
                                               37,226   47,270       43,204
Current assets                                                             
Stocks                                          6,950    8,165        7,829
Debtors                                        22,960   24,374       24,920
Cash at bank and in hand                        6,848    5,543        3,764
                                               36,758   38,082       36,513
Creditors falling due within one year                                      
Loans and overdrafts                          (6,700)  (7,500)      (7,673)
Other creditors and provisions               (11,742) (19,192)     (14,963)
Deferred consideration                             0     (600)           0
Corporation and overseas tax                  (2,382)  (2,728)      (1,518)
Net current assets                            15,934    8,062       12,359
Total assets less current liabilities         53,160   55,332       55,563
Creditors falling due after more than one year                               
Loans                                        (22,300) (29,453)     (24,750)
Other creditors and provisions                (1,446)  (1,203)      (1,555)
Corporation tax                                 (515)     (80)           0
Net assets                                    28,899   24,596       29,258
Capital and reserves                                                       
Called up share capital                        18,129   19,737       18,443
Share premium account                          10,399    8,168       10,394
Revaluation reserve                               770      776          773
Other reserves                                    601      284          280
Profit and loss account                       (1,010)  (4,379)        (642)
                                               28,889   24,586       29,248

Shareholders' funds                                                        
Equity                                         28,889   21,402       29,248
Non equity                                          0    3,184            0
                                               28,889   24,586       29,248
Minority Interests (equity)                        10       10           10
                                               28,899   24,596       29,258
Analysis of net debt                                                       
Cash at bank and in hand                        6,848    5,543        3,764
Deferred consideration                              0     (600)           0
Total loans, overdrafts and finance lease     (29,126) (37,179)     (32,612)
Net debt                                      (22,278) (32,236)     (28,848)
Net   debt   as   a   percentage   of   a       77.1%   131.1%        98.6%
shareholders' funds

Andrews Sykes Group plc
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the 26 weeks ended 1 July 2000
                                      26 weeks to  26 weeks to  53 weeks to
                                      1 July 2000  26 June 1999 1 January 2000

                                               #'000     #'000       #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities     11,607     8,112       19,469
Returns  on investments and servicing  of                                  
Net interest paid                             (1,108)   (1,975)      (3,213)
Preference dividends paid                          0      (223)        (257)
Interest   element   of   finance   lease         (4)      (15)          (9)
Net   cash   outflow   for   returns   on     (1,112)   (2,213)      (3,479)
investments and servicing
of finance                                                                 
Cash outflow for taxation                       (442)   (1,095)      (4,408)
Capital expenditure                                                        
Purchase of tangible fixed assets             (3,413)   (1,853)      (4,677)
Purchase of shares held in ESOP                 (151)      (70)        (458)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                    884       871        1,175
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure      (2,680)   (1,052)      (3,960)
Payment  of  deferred  consideration   on          0    (6,500)      (6,500)
previous acquisitions

Net cash outflow for acquisitions                  0    (6,500)      (6,500)
Equity dividends paid                              0    (1,987)      (3,297)
Cash  inflow/(outflow) before the use  of                                  
liquid resources and financing                 7,373    (4,735)      (2,175)
Management of liquid resources                                             
Movement in bank deposits                        189      (313)          575
Issue  of ordinary share capital  net  of          6         0          932
issue costs
New   loan   draw  downs  and   factoring          0     3,900        4,400
Loan repayments                               (3,423)   (3,673)      (9,303)
Net  capital  element  of  finance  lease        (63)      (91)        (140)
Purchase of own shares                          (876)      (17)         (16)
Net   cash   (outflow)  /   inflow   from     (4,356)      119       (4,127)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period      3,206    (4,929)      (5,727)

Andrews Sykes Group plc
Notes to the accounts
For the 26 weeks ended 1 July 2000

1. The interim report for the 26 weeks ended 1 July 2000 was approved by
   the board on 29 September 2000.  The financial information contained in
   this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts for the Group
   for the relevant periods.  The interim report is unaudited but has been
   reviewed by the auditors.  The results for the 53 weeks ended 1 January
   2000 have been extracted from the audited financial statements that have
   been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The report of the auditors was
   unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of
   the Companies Act 1985.
2. Segmental analysis                                                   
   The  Group's turnover may be analysed between the following
   principal products and activities:
                                     26 weeks to  26 weeks to   53 weeks to
                                     1 July 2000  26 June 1999  1 January 2000
                                          Total     Total        Total
                                          #'000     #'000        #'000
Product group:                                                             
Pumps                                     9,896    12,085       22,375
Heating and ventilation                   5,266     4,700        9,130
Air-conditioning                          9,153     7,952       21,578
General plant                            14,799    14,640       31,306
Other                                     4,750     4,861       10,284
Total                                    43,864    44,238       94,673
Hire                                     29,956    28,076       59,766
Sales                                     7,877    10,792       19,825
Installation                              6,031     5,370       15,082
Total                                    43,864    44,238       94,673
The  geographical analysis of the Group's                                  
turnover was as follows:
                                       26 weeks to  26 weeks to   53 weeks to
                                     1 July 2000  26 June 1999  1 January 2000
                                          Total     Total          Total
                                          #'000     #'000          #'000
United Kingdom                           41,590    39,826       86,907
Rest of Europe                              851     1,206        2,678
Middle East and Africa                    1,283     1,938        3,490
The Americas                                  0       436          639
Rest of the World                           140       832          959
                                         43,864    44,238       94,673

The results can be further analysed by class of business:

                      Turnover     Profit   Exceptionals    Group     Net 
                                   before    & goodwill    operating  assets
                                exceptionals                profit
                                 & goodwill                     
                        #'000        #'000     #'000     #'000       #'000
26 weeks ended 
1 July 2000:
Pumps, heating,        29,065        5,700        (7)    5,693      20,619
ventilation, air-
conditioning & other
General plant          14,799          874    (3,210)  (2,336)       8,280
                       43,864        6,574    (3,217)    3,357      28,899
26 weeks ended 
26 June 1999:
Pumps, heating,        29,598        4,368    (1,823)    2,545      12,721
ventilation, air-
conditioning & other
General plant          14,640        1,443      (210)    1,233      11,875
                       44,238        5,811    (2,033)    3,778      24,596
53 weeks ended 
1 January 2000:
Pumps, heating,        63,367       12,018    (3,604)    8,414      17,472
ventilation, air-
conditioning & other
General plant          31,306        2,861      (420)    2,441      11,786
                       94,673       14,879    (4,024)   10,855      29,258

3. Exceptional items         26 weeks to    26 weeks to  53 weeks to
                             1 July        26 June       1 January
                             2000          1999          2000
                             Total         Total         Total       
                             #'000         #'000         #'000
Sterling contractual          0           (1,432)       (1,440)
settlement costs
Redundancy and                0             (217)       (1,014)
Abortive costs                0             (167)         (181)

                              0           (1,816)       (2,635)

Loss on the termination of    0                0          (955)
overseas operations
                              0           (1,816)       (3,590)
Under agreements entered into in 1989, Sterling Fluid Products Limited ("SFP")
manufactured Sykes Pumps for the group.  The agreements, which contained a
minimum annual purchase obligation, were terminated in 1995 and SFP claimed
#4.9 million in settlement plus additional interest and costs.  The dispute
was settled out of court last year with a total payment to SFP of #3 million
and has re-established the exclusive rights which had been granted to SFP by
Andrews Sykes' previous management to use the Sykes Pumps name in the USA,
Iran, Iraq, and the sole right to market Sykes Pumps in those territories.
The settlement gave rise to the above exceptional charge last year after
provisions made in prior years and is inclusive of costs.
4.  Amortisation of goodwill 26 weeks   26 weeks   53 weeks to
                             to 1 July  to 26 June 1 January
                             2000       1999       2000
                             Total      Total      Total      
                             #'000      #'000      #'000
Ordinary goodwill             (217)      (217)      (434)
amortisation charge
Charge arising from         (3,000)         0          0 
impairment review
                            (3,217)      (217)      (434)
During the period and in accordance with FRS 11 the directors have performed
an impairment review of the carrying value of goodwill attributable to Cox
Plant Limited at 1 July 2000.  The above #3 million charge arises from this
Amortisation of goodwill is not an allowable item when computing the Company's
taxable profits.  Therefore this has resulted in a high effective tax rate for
the 26 weeks to 1 July 2000.

5.  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating      
                                    26 weeks to   26 weeks to   53 weeks to
                                    1 July        26 June       1 January
                                    2000          1999          2000
                                    Total         Total         Total    
                                    #'000         #'000         #'000         
Operating profit                    3,357       3,778        11,675
Amortisation of goodwill as set     3,217         217           434
out in  note 4
Depreciation                        5,797       6,156        12,660
Profit on sale of fixed              (428)        (21)         (166)
Decrease in stocks                    879       1,227         1,563
Decrease/(increase) in              1,993       (952)       (1,625)
Decrease in creditors and          (3,208)     (2,293)       (5,072)
Net cash inflow from               11,607       8,112        19,469
operating activities
6. Earnings per share                                                         
The basic figures have been calculated by reference to the weighted average
number of 20p ordinary shares in issue during the period of 91,449,890 (26
weeks ended 26 June 1999: 82,766,023) after adjusting for the bonus element of
the open offer.  The earnings are the Group's profit after taxation and
preference dividends.
The calculation of the diluted earnings per ordinary share is based on diluted
earnings of #413,000 (26 weeks ended 26 June 1999: #1,266,000) and on
92,231,636 (26 weeks ended 26 June 1999: 86,118,661) ordinary shares
calculated as follows:
                           26 weeks to 1 July 2000  26 weeks to  26 June 1999 
                           Earnings     No. of       Earnings        No. of
                           #'000        shares       #'000           shares
Basic earnings/weighted 
average number                413     91,449,890       1,266       82,766,023
of shares

Weighted average number of             1,245,000                    5,311,518
shares under option

Number of shares that                   (463,254)                  (1,958,880)
would have been issued have 
been issued at fair value 
Dividend saving/weighted        0              0           0                0
average number of ordinary 
shares arising on the 
conversion of the preference 

Diluted earnings/weighted      413    92,231,636        1,266      86,118,661
average number of shares

Diluted earnings per ordinary share        0.45p                        1.47p

No account has been taken on the conversion of the preference shares in the
six months ended 26 June 1999 as the conversion was not dilutive.
The adjusted earnings per share excluding goodwill amortisation and
exceptional items is based upon the weighted average number of ordinary shares
as set out in the table above.  The earnings can be reconciled to the diluted
earnings as follows:
                                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to
                                                   1 July 2000   26 June 1999 
                                                      Total          Total    
                                                      #'000          #'000
Diluted earnings                                        413          1,266
Goodwill amortisation                                 3,217            217
Net exceptional charge                                    0          1,816
Adjusted diluted earnings                             3,630          3,299
Adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share          3.94p          3.83p

7.Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
                                   26 weeks to   26 weeks to      53 weeks to
                                   1 July 2000   26 June 1999   1 January 2000
                                      Total        Total           Total
                                      #'000        #'000           #'000
Profit for the financial period         413        1,452           5,324
Currency translation differences on      98           14             (97)
foreign currency net investments
Total gains and losses in the period    511        1,466           5,227
8. Reconciliation of movements in group shareholders' funds
                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to     53 weeks to
                                  1 July 2000     26 June 1999  1 January 2000
                                    Total           Total           Total
                                    #'000           #'000           #'000
Profit for the financial period       413           1,452           5,324
Dividends                               0          (1,514)         (1,546)
Other recognised gains and losses      98              14             (97)
Proceeds from ordinary shares issued    6               0             932
Consideration  for  the  purchase    (876)            (17)            (16)
of own shares
Net (decrease)/increase in           (359)            (65)          4,597
shareholders' funds

Shareholders' funds at the         29,248           24,651         24,651
beginning of the period

Shareholders' funds at the         28,889           24,586         29,248
end of the period

9.  A copy of this statement will be posted to all shareholders and is
    available  from  the  Company's  registered  office  at  Premier  House,
    Darlington Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 4JJ.

    KPMG Audit Plc
    2 Cornwall Street
    B3 2DL



We have been instructed by the company to review the interim financial
information and we have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained
therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the
directors.  The Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority
require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the
interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the
preceding annual accounts except where they are to be changed in the
next annual accounts in which case any changes, and the reasons for
them, are to be disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in
Bulletin 1999/4: Review of interim financial information issued by the
Auditing Practices Board.  A review consists principally of making
enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with
Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance
than an audit.  Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the
financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material
modifications that should be made to the financial information as
presented for the 26 weeks ended 1 July 2000.

KPMG Audit Plc                                         29 September 2000
Chartered Accountants
Registered Auditor

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