The Directors announce the unaudited statement of results for the period from
29 July 2006 to 31 January 2007 as follows:-


- Net asset value total return including dividends was 12.0%. Net asset value
increase of 10.8%.

- Interim dividend increased to 0.62p per share.

- Share price discount to net asset value (excluding income) narrowed from 6.7%
to 3.3% in period.

Chairman's Statement


I am pleased to report that the net asset value per share as at 31 January 2007
had risen to 131.2p from 118.4p at the previous period end date of 28 July
2006. This represents an increase of 10.8%. Including the final dividend of
1.32p for the period ended 28 July 2006 which was paid in November 2006, this
represents a total return of 12.0%.

While the Company's portfolio is not managed by reference to any stock market
index, as the Directors have decided not to adopt a formal benchmark, we
believe some comparisons may be useful. The total return (i.e. capital
appreciation plus dividends) from the FTSE All-Share Index over the same period
was 7.6%, while the corresponding total return from the FTSE All-World ex UK
Index was 9.6%. The total return from the average of these indices over the
period was 8.6%.

Share price and discount

The Company's share price had increased from 108.75p at 28 July 2006 to 126.25p
at 31 January 2007, which represents an increase of 16.1%. When compared to the
net asset value per share (excluding income) it represents a discount of 3.3%,
an improvement on the position at the previous period end when the discount to
net asset value per share (excluding income) was 6.7%.

As we have highlighted previously, your Board believes it is extremely
important that the shares of your Company trade in a relatively narrow range
around asset value. To achieve this objective during the period, in August and
September 2006, the Company repurchased 517,500 shares at an average price of
110p per share, with the shares all placed in treasury. In total the Company
now holds 824,174 shares in treasury, representing just under 1% of the
Company's total share capital in issue.

Revenue and dividend

Investment income increased during the period reflecting both investment in
higher yielding stocks and dividend increases from portfolio companies. Net
revenue in the comparative period benefited from the Investment Manager,
Edinburgh Partners, waiving its management fee to 31 July 2006. The net revenue
return per ordinary share was 0.64p per share as against 0.72p in the prior

I am pleased to report that the Company will pay an increased dividend of 0.62p
per share on 8 May 2007 to shareholders on the register as at 20 April 2007.
The ex-dividend date will be 18 April 2007.

Investment overview

The UK economy has remained remarkably resilient in the face of rising interest
rates. While this resilience has occurred in the resource sector and
commodities in particular, it also applied to property prices, consumer
confidence and still modest levels of bad debts.

However it is clear that economies have been stronger for longer for quite a
long time now and strains are beginning to show. Inflation is once again a
topic of debate and interest rates are unlikely to change direction until there
are clear and long-lasting signs that inflation is back on target. For this to
occur, some of the excesses will have to be squeezed out and this is likely to
be seen in speculative froth being blown off commercial property and more
affordable levels of consumer expenditure. A weaker oil price and pressure
coming off energy costs will feed through to easier comparisons later in the

While UK equity prices are often supported by yield considerations, businesses
that will prosper in this environment are likely to be driven by self help
strategies, rather than any economic tailwind. Profit warnings are increasing
and it is inconceivable that all the bid stories will be consummated. Overall,
investors are not taking sufficient consideration of potential negatives.

The UK sits within a wider global picture which carries many similar
characteristics. The starting point has to be the US consumer who is now using
savings to continue recent consumption patterns. Overlaid on this is the high
level of corporate profitability in the US which has never been sustained. The
likely out-turn is slower US and global economic growth combined with lower
profit margins for companies. This suggests that the profit outlook for the
corporate sector is less encouraging than it has been for some time. Our
Manager's analysis suggests valuations are on the expensive side of fair value
and, at the higher risk end, valuations are distinctly stretched. One is simply
no longer being sufficiently rewarded for taking on incremental risk. Whilst
markets may in general be on the expensive side, and risk has to be watched
closely, it is still the case that there is enough potential to keep the
portfolio fairly fully invested and this position is expected to continue.

During the period there was relatively little change in the geographic
distribution of the Company's assets and there continues to be a relatively
equal exposure between UK and overseas equities within the portfolio. During
the period a key feature has been the increasing size of investee companies,
given Edinburgh Partners' assessment of where valuation opportunities currently
exist for shareholders in Anglo & Overseas.


Despite the less optimistic near-term outlook, we still anticipate reasonable
returns over the medium term and, should a set back in markets occur, we have
the flexibility to take advantage of any opportunities created.

Robert Alcock


14 March 2007


For the period 29 July 2006 to 31 January 2007

             Period 29 July 2006 to    Period 12 May 2005* to     Period 12 May 2005* to  
                 31 January 2007           31 January 2006             28 July 2006       
            Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital    Total
              �'000    �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000     �'000    �'000    �'000
Gains on          -   12,394  12,394        -   11,495  11,495        -   14,976   14,976 
Exchange          -     (269)   (269)       -      (76)    (76)       -      (70)     (70)
losses on                                                                                 
Income        1,007        -   1,007      871        -     871    2,744        -    2,744 
Investment     (135)    (135)   (270)       -        -       -        -        -        - 
Other          (257)    (24)    (281)    (203)       -    (203)    (402)       -     (402)
Net return      615   11,966  12,581      668   11,419  12,087    2,342   14,906   17,248 
Taxation        (46)       -     (46)     (22)       -     (22)    (213)       -     (213)
Net return      569   11,966  12,535      646   11,419  12,065    2,129   14,906   17,035 
              pence    pence   pence    pence    pence   pence     pence    pence    pence
Return per     0.64    13.46    14.10    0.72    12.73   13.45      2.38    16.63    19.01

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. The capital and revenue return columns are prepared in accordance with
guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC).

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

A separate Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as
all such gains and losses are included in the Income Statement.

*        The Company was incorporated on 12 May 2005, but did not commence     
         operations until 29 July 2005.                                        
**       The return per Ordinary Share for the period from 29 July 2006 to 31  
         January 2007 is based on the net revenue return after taxation of �   
         569,000 (2006: �646,000) and the net capital return after taxation of 
         �11,966,000 (2006: �11,419,000) and on 88,935,113 (2006: 89,716,758)  
         Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares 
         in issue during the period (excluding treasury shares).               
         The return per Ordinary Share for the period from 12 May 2005 to 31   
         July 2006 is based on the net revenue return after taxation of �      
         2,129,000 and the net capital return after taxation of �14,906,000 and
         on 89,646,481 Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of   
         Ordinary Shares in issue during the period (excluding treasury        


As at 31 January 2007

                                        As at 31      As at 31     As at 28 
                                    January 2007  January 2006    July 2006 
                                           �'000         �'000        �'000 
Non-current assets                                                          
Investments at fair value through        112,899        95,334      101,443 
profit or   loss                                                            
Current assets                                                              
Debtors                                      681           301          663 
Cash at bank and short term                3,515         6,211        4,949 
                                           4,196         6,512        5,612 
Creditors - amounts falling due                                             
within one   year                                                           
Creditors                                    467           139        1,221 
Redeemable Preference Shares                   -            50            - 
                                             467           189        1,221 
Net current assets                         3,729         6,323        4,391 
Total net assets                         116,628       101,657      105,834 
Capital and reserves                                                        
Called-up share capital                    8,972         8,972        8,972 
Special reserve                           80,652        80,702       80,652 
Capital redemption reserve                    50             -           50 
Capital reserve - realised                13,528         1,577        6,173 
- unrealised                              13,344         9,842        8,733 
Revenue reserve                              987           646        1,591 
Own shares held in treasury                 (905)          (82)        (337)
Total shareholders' funds                116,628       101,657      105,834 
                                           Pence         pence        pence 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share        131.19        113.40       118.36 
including   current period revenue                                          


For the period 29 July 2006 to 31 January 2007

                                  Period 29 July   Period 12 May  Period 12 May
                                            2006           2005            2005
                                  to 31 January   to 31 January     to 28 July 
                                           2007            2006           2006 
                                          �'000           �'000          �'000 
Operating activities                                                           
Investment income received                1,058             600          2,216 
Bank deposit interest received               14              92            119 
Investment Management fees paid            (131)              -              - 
Administration fees paid                    (51)            (26)           (76)
Other cash payments                        (189)            (99)          (302)
Net cash inflow from operating              701             567          1,957 
Capital expenditure and financial                                              
Purchases of investments                (28,840)        (38,847)       (67,095)
Sales of investments                     28,681          12,974         39,384 
Exchange gains/(losses) on                   34             (45)           (59)
Net cash outflow from capital              (125)        (25,918)       (27,770)
expenditure and   financial                                                    
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before            576         (25,351)       (25,813)
financing and   equity dividends                                               
Equity dividends paid                    (1,173)              -           (538)
Net cash outflow before financing          (597)        (25,351)       (26,351)
Proceeds of share issue                       -          31,757         31,757 
Costs of share issue                          -             (50)           (50)
Amounts paid up on Redeemable                 -              13              - 
Preference Shares                                                              
Own shares purchased and held in           (568)            (82)          (337)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from             (568)         31,638         31,370 
(Decrease)/increase in cash (note        (1,165)          6,287          5,019 


For the period 29 July 2006 to 31 January 2007

                                 Period 29 July   Period 12 May   Period 12 May
                                          2006      2005  to 31     2005  to 28
                                  to 31 January    January 2006       July 2006 
                                         �'000           �'000           �'000 
Opening shareholders' funds            105,834               -               - 
Issue of shares                              -           8,972           8,972 
Premium on issue of shares                   -          80,752          80,752 
Costs of share issue                         -             (50)            (50)
Cost of own shares bought into            (568)            (82)           (337)
Net return after taxation               12,535          12,065          17,035 
Dividends paid                          (1,173)              -            (538)
Closing shareholders' funds            116,628         101,657         105,834 

20 Largest Investments: United Kingdom

Company               Industrial Classification                       Valuation
Royal Bank of         Banks                                               2,914
Vodafone              Mobile Telecommunications                           2,881
HSBC                  Banks                                               2,035
Northern Rock         Banks                                               2,031
Brammer               Support Services                                    1,957
GlaxoSmithKline       Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology                     1,897
Rexam                 General Industrials                                 1,881
Lloyds TSB            Banks                                               1,861
Yell                  Media                                               1,841
HBOS                  Banks                                               1,778
Wilson Bowden         Household Goods                                     1,738
Balfour Beatty        Construction & Materials                            1,730
Menzies (John)        Support Services                                    1,683
Next                  General Retailers                                   1,660
Hays                  Support Services                                    1,656
Morrison (WM.)        Food & Drug Retailers                               1,624
Bradford & Bingley    Banks                                               1,623
Compass               Travel & Leisure                                    1,592
Domestic & General    Non Life Insurance                                  1,588
Cadbury Schweppes     Food Producers                                      1,553
Total - top 20 United Kingdom investments (32.2% of                      37,523
total net assets)                                                              

20 Largest Investments: International

Company                 Industrial Classification             Country Valuation
Randstad                Support Services                  Netherlands     2,216
Nexity                  Real Estate                            France     2,092
KPN                     Fixed Line Telecommunications     Netherlands     1,862
Dell                    Technology & Hardware           United States     1,833
AGFA Gevaert            Electronic & Electrical               Belgium     1,827
E.ON                    General Industrials                   Germany     1,816
Deutsche Beteiligungs   Equity Investment Instrument          Germany     1,735
Credit Agricole         Banks                                  France     1,716
Telefonica              Fixed Line Telecommunications           Spain     1,622
KDDI                    Mobile Telecommunications               Japan     1,621
Deutsche Post           Industrial Transportation             Germany     1,596
Ahold                   Food & Drug Retailers             Netherlands     1,556
Swiss Life              Life Insurance                    Switzerland     1,538
Symantec                Software & Computer Services    United States     1,519
Itochu                  Support Services                        Japan     1,511
Portugal Telecom        Fixed Line Telecommunications        Portugal     1,487
Novartis                Pharmaceuticals &                 Switzerland     1,406
Depfa Bank              Banks                                 Germany     1,406
Bank of America         Banks                           United States     1,398
Countrywide Financial   General Financial               United States     1,377
Total - top 20 International investments (28.4% of                       33,134
total net assets)                                                              

Geographical distribution of assets

Equities               United Kingdom                                     51.9 
                       Europe                                             27.4 
                       USA                                                11.7 
                       Japan                                               4.8 
                       Asia                                                1.0 
Total Equities                                                            96.8 
Cash and other net                                                         3.2 
Total assets                                                             100.0 


1. Financial information

These accounts are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory accounts, as
defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. This information has been
prepared on the basis of accounting policies used in the statutory accounts of
the Company for the period ended 28 July 2006. The statutory accounts for the
period ended 28 July 2006 received an unqualified audit opinion.

2. Status of the Company

It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so
that it satisfies the conditions for approval as an investment trust company
set out in Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Tax Act 1988.

3. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash

                                  Period 29 July   Period 12 May  Period 12 May
                                            2006      2005 to 31     2005 to 28
                                   to 31 January         January          July 
                                            2007           2006           2006 
                                          �'000           �'000          �'000   
(Decrease)/increase in cash in           (1,165)          6,287          5,019 
Unrealised foreign exchange loss           (269)            (76)           (70)
Change in net cash                       (1,434)          6,211          4,949 
Net cash at 28 July 2006                  4,949               -              - 
Net cash at 31 January 2007               3,515           6,211          4,949 

4. Dividends

The Directors have declared an interim dividend in respect of the current
financial year of 0.62p (2006:0.60p) per share, to be paid on 8 May 2007 to
shareholders on the register as at 20 April 2007. The ex-dividend date will be
18 April 2007.

Under FRS 21: `Events after the Balance Sheet Date', interim dividends are
recognised within the period in which they are paid. Therefore no dividend has
been accrued within the interim financial statements.


Sandy Nairn}

Kenneth Greig} Edinburgh Partners Limited, telephone: 0131 270 3800


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