RNS Number:7303S
Absolute Capital Mgmt Holdings Ltd
12 March 2007

                  Absolute Capital Management Holdings Limited
                           ("ACMH" or "the Company")

            Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2006

ACMH, the fund management company focused on delivering investment returns
through the management of absolute return equity and debt funds, today announces
its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2006.

                              Financial highlights

* Organic AUM growth of 91% in 2006.
* Pre-tax profit increased by 76% to Euro27.6 million (2005: Euro15.7 million).
* Turnover increased by 72% to Euro52.5 million (2005: Euro30.5 million).
* Basic earnings per share increased by 68% to Euro0.52 (2005: Euro0.31), and diluted
  earnings per share was up 53% to Euro0.46 (2005: Euro0.30).
* Proposed final dividend, including the previously announced special dividend,
  of Euro0.447 (30.4p) per share.
* Combined management and performance fee income increased by 69% to Euro49.4
  million (2005: Euro29.3 million)
* Operating profit margin was a market leading 50.9%.
* Acquired award-winning, top-quartile, debt-fund manager Argo Capital
  Management ("Argo"), creating an enlarged group with AUM of $2.64 billion as 
  at 1 March 2007.

                              Operating highlights

* ACMH was awarded European Hedge Fund Group of the year for 2006.
* 3 new funds successfully launched in 2006.
* Employee numbers increased from 20 to 58, and new offices were opened in Zug,
  Switzerland and Warsaw, Poland. The Argo acquisition added offices, in Cyprus,
  Singapore, Sao Paolo and Buenos Aires.
* Since the fourth quarter of 2006 a retail version of our hedge funds is now
  available via a listed closed-end German investment vehicle, the Euro100 million
  Absolute Capital Certificate.
* ACMH recently announced the formation of a new direct sales team to market its  
  funds globally. A senior appointment has already been made.
* All ACMH's equity funds and Argo's debt funds performed well in 2006, and have
  made a strong start to 2007.

Sean Ewing, Chairman and CEO, commented: "2006 was a very successful year for
ACMH, which saw substantial increases in AUM and top quartile fund performances,
generating record post-tax profits. Since the year end, the acquisition of Argo
increased our AUM to $2.45 billion, now $2.64 billion, and significantly
expanded our product offering and geographic reach. 2007 has begun well and we
view the recent increase in volatility as an opportunity for our funds, all of
which are non-market correlated."


ACMH                             Sean Ewing, Chairman and CEO   T: 020 7659 6155

Solomon Hare Corporate Finance   Nick Reeve                     T: 0117 933 3344
                                 Martyn Fraser

Cardew Group                     Tim Robertson                  T: 020 7930 0777
                                 Shan Shan Willenbrock
                                 David Roach


We are very pleased to report that ACMH continued to make significant progress
in its first year as a public company after listing on AIM in March 2006.

We recorded strong growth in all of the key indicators. Assets under management
increased by 84% to $1.55 billion as at 1 January 2007 and since the year-end
the acquisition of Argo and further organic growth has increased AUM to $2.64
billion. Turnover grew sharply by 72% to Euro52.5m (2005: Euro30.5m); and pre-tax
profits increased by 76% to Euro27.6m (2005: Euro15.7m). Profit margins remain very
high due to tight cost control, with a combined group cost/income ratio of 49.1%
(2005: 48.9%) and operating profit margins of 50.9% (2005: 51.1%). ACMH
continues to be a very cash generative group. Operating profit was Euro30.0 million
before share-based payments and AIM listing costs of Euro3.27 million.

Our successful investment strategies, in equity and now in debt funds, combined
with tight cost controls, are creating a very profitable business model. We are
developing a virtuous cycle in which we are attracting significant asset growth,
leading to increased management and performance fees, and ultimately driving
group profitability.

Strong growth in earnings is in time recognized and rewarded by the stock
market, and this will further permit us to build the business - not only through
organic growth but also through further acquisitions. We continue to make
progress against our internal growth and performance targets, creating an
environment in which the interests of our employees, our shareholders and our
management are fully aligned with the interests of our investors.

During the year the awareness of the ACMH group increased. This included the
group being awarded European Hedge Fund of the Year 2006 by Hedge Funds Review.
In addition, ACMH was nominated for numerous awards for its individual funds
throughout the world.

To date ACMH has raised its assets through word of mouth and third-party
marketing agents. The group announced in February its intention to build a
direct sales and marketing capability to widen the geographic investor base and
to attract new investors. Given the growing global institutional appetite to
invest in established alternative asset managers such as ACMH there is a clear
opportunity to further improve distribution of our funds and a number of new
initiatives are planned for 2007.

The new direct sales team will market its funds globally, with plans for local
representation in Europe, the US and Asia. The key benefits of developing an
in-house sales team include the ability to target directly the sizeable segment
of the institutional market which demands a minimum 5 year record. ACMH's and
Argo's largest funds have been running for between 5 and 6 years. The new direct
sales team will broaden the number of countries from where ACMH raises new

The Company is also evaluating opportunities in attracting permanent capital,
and to further extend the access of the group's funds to retail investors and
smaller institutions. Since the fourth quarter of 2006 a retail version of our
hedge funds is available in a listed, closed-end German investment vehicle. The
Euro100 million capacity Absolute Capital Certificate is structured as an
obligation issued by SEB Bank, the investment manager, now tracking the
performance of six of the eight ACMH equity funds. Other products are currently
being structured for launch.

In early 2007 access to a select range of ACMH's hedge fund strategies will be
possible via Panacea SPC, an offshore umbrella fund of hedge funds vehicle, one
of whose principal investors is Barclays Capital. These funds will also be
distributed by a large European insurance group. A number of different
segregated portfolios can be set up, with almost complete flexibility with
respect to liquidity, currency, investment objective/policy, and subscription

Fund Performance

---------------  ------  ----- --------- -----------  ------   -------      ------   --------
ACMH Group Funds Launch    Jan Since     Annualised    Sharpe  Down         Open /   AUM US$m
                 Date     2007 Inception Performance   Ratio   Months       Closed
                             %         %           %       %
---------------  ------  -----
EQUITY (Absolute

Return Europe
Fund             Mar-02   1.57    111.00       16.40    2.40   2 out of 59  Open     483.8
Catalyst Fund    Oct-03   1.66     87.36       20.73    1.90   4 out of 40  Closed   205.8
Germany Fund     Jan-04   4.34     82.38       21.52    3.06   2 out of 37  Open     268.2
Absolute East
West Fund        Jul-05   0.19     39.43       23.36    3.02   1 out of 19  Open     166.8
Octane Fund      Jul-05   1.00     80.76       45.34    2.42   1 out of 19  Closed   311.6
Absolute Large
Cap Fund         Feb-06   0.79     21.68       21.68    2.24   1 out of 12  Open     115.4
Absolute India
Fund             Jul-06   0.83      8.83       15.61    6.83   0 out of 7   Open      18.0
Activist Value
Fund             Jul-06   2.86     22.14       40.89    4.58   0 out of 7   Open     165.6
DEBT (Absolute

Argo Fund        Oct-00   0.36    185.82       18.10    3.22   3 out of 76  Open     443.0
Argo Global
Fund             Aug-04   0.21     44.26       15.79    2.67   3 out of 30  Open     396.0
Argo Capital
Partners Fund    n/a                                                                  70.0
---------------  ------  ----- --------- -----------  ------   -------      ------   --------

Note: Performance as at 31 January 2007. Assets as at 1 March 2007.

Investment Commentary

All of the Group's funds performed in line with or in excess of their target
returns. In addition all funds performed well in the difficult trading
environment for hedge funds which characterized 2006. Over the last two years,
the net return for all our equity funds, weighted by AUM, were 18.5% and, for
our debt funds, 17.7%.

The Absolute Return Europe (ARE) fund is now 5 years old and has delivered a
compound growth rate of 16.4% per annum, with only two negative months. The
Absolute East West (AEW) fund returned 21.1% in 2006. The Absolute Germany Fund
(AGF) is now three years old and continues to deliver strong performance with a
compound growth rate of 21.5% per annum. For newly launched funds, 2006 was also
a good year with a net return of 20.7% in the year for the Absolute Large Cap
(ALC) fund, and 18.8% for the Absolute Activist Value (AAV) fund.

As a measure of reliability and consistency, Sharpe ratios - the standard
deviation of returns compared to the net return achieved over and above the risk
free rate - are 1.90 or higher, for all our equity and debt funds - well in
excess of our peer groups. Over the past two years, the Sharpe ratio for our
equity funds, weighted by AUM, was 2.70 and for our debt funds, 3.10.

Equity funds

ACMH currently manages eight "long/short" equity hedge funds, all of which share
the same investment objective: to seek absolute capital gains controlled by a
strict stop-loss policy.

Absolute Return Europe, March 2002: Long and short equity positions in European
stocks; the strategy is a blend of pair trading and catalyst driven situations.

European Catalyst Fund, October 2003: Long and short equity positions in
European stocks; emphasising those positions which are "catalyst" driven.

Absolute Germany Fund, January 2004: Long and short equity positions in German
stocks; in a blend of pair trading and catalyst driven situations.

Absolute East West Fund, July 2005: Aims to exploit political and economic
developments, valuation discrepancies and special catalyst-driven opportunities;
in pair-trading between Eastern and Western Europe.

Absolute Octane Fund, July 2005: The Fund may invest in all asset classes on a
global basis to seek a high absolute return for those investors, with a high
risk tolerance.

Absolute Large Cap, February 2006: Investing in Large Caps in Western European
and other developed Markets, in a blend of pair trading and catalyst driven

Absolute Activist Value, July 2006: Focusing on undervalued companies in Western
European markets which are mismanaged, benefit from change, experience some
"problems" which obfuscate intrinsic value, are potential industry consolidators
or are potential takeover candidates.

Absolute India Fund, July 2006: Focusing on the Indian market, in a blend of
pair trading and catalyst driven situations.

Post year-end Argo acquisition - Debt funds

On 18 January 2007 ACMH announced the acquisition of the award winning hedge
fund management businesses of Argo Capital Management, one of the first European
emerging markets focused hedge fund groups. The acquisition took ACMH, primarily
a developed markets equity manager, into credit markets for the first time, and
opens up substantial new opportunities in both debt investing and in emerging
markets. Argo's business is focussed on generating absolute returns through the
management of 3 funds investing in emerging market fixed income credit products,
distressed debt, special situations and private equity:

Argo Fund, October 2000: Invests on a relative-value basis across the whole
spectrum of emerging market credit products - distressed debt, bank loans and
Eurobonds - in order to maximise the total return in a diversified sovereign and
corporate fixed-income portfolio.

Argo Global Special Situations Fund, August 2004: Is a strategy specific fund
not bound by geography, although the majority of its portfolio is in emerging
markets and its broad strategy is to exploit situations where other market
participants are constrained.

Argo Capital Partners Fund, August 2006: Is a private equity fund which aims to
capture special situations where a 2 to 3 year investment horizon is required.


On 11 December 2006 ACMH announced its intention to return up to Euro20 million to
shareholders after the audit of its 2006 results. Given the strong performance
in 2006 and the cash-generative nature of the business, it has been decided to
increase this amount to Euro29.9 million. We are therefore pleased to announce the
payment of a dividend Euro0.447 (30.4p) per share, comprising an ordinary dividend
for 2006 of Euro0.165 (11.22p) plus a special dividend of Euro0.282 (19.18p) per
share. The dividend will be paid in sterling and the payment date for this
dividend has been set as Thursday 5 April 2007 for shareholders recorded on the
register as at close of business on Friday 23 March 2007.

It remains our intention to review our cash reserves and to raise the level of
dividend payouts in line with growth in underlying earnings.


2006 was a year of continued progress, including our listing on AIM. The Group
went on to record substantial increases in AUM and top quartile fund
performances, all of which combined to generate record post-tax profits for the
year, up 73% against 2005. Since the year-end, ACMH acquired Argo, which
increased our AUM to $2.45 billion (now $2.64 billion) and significantly expands
our product offering as well as our geographic reach. The enlarged business
should appeal to a wider institutional audience at a time when market views on
alternative asset management are changing, resulting in an increase in global
institutional capital being invested in hedge funds. We will continue to
evaluate potential acquisitions in line with our business model as we continue
to drive the organic growth across the Group. The current year has commenced
well and we view the recent increase in volatility as an opportunity for our
funds, all of which are non-market correlated. As single stocks begin to diverge
more from the mean we anticipate a more opportunistic environment for efficient
alternative portfolio management.

Sean Ewing

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

12 March 2007

Recent ACMH achievements

No. 1 Best Hedge Fund Group, 2006 Hedge Fund Review

No. 1 European Event Driven Fund, 2005 Eurohedge

No. 1 Risk Adjusted Long/Short Fund 2005 Barclay Group

No. 1 Germany Fund over 1, 2 and 3 years, 2004 Micropal

No. 1 European Long Short Fund, 2002 HFI

                                                            2006          2005
                                               Note            Euro             Euro

Subscription fees                                        964,059       388,249
Management fees                                       19,728,911     8,720,763
Incentive fees                                        29,715,218    20,535,642
Redemption fees                                          589,963       868,451
Other income                                           1,483,259             -
                                                     -----------   -----------
Revenue                                        2(d)   52,481,410    30,513,105

Legal and professional expenses                         (524,533)     (271,406)
Management and incentive fees payable          2(e)   (9,956,388)   (8,654,996)
Operational expenses                                  (2,322,429)     (976,881)
Employee costs                                   3    (9,554,765)   (4,688,680)
Foreign exchange (loss) / gain                           (80,954)       18,776
Excess of acquirer's interest in net value of
identifiable net assets                                        -        14,254
Depreciation                                             (47,645)       (3,355)
AIM listing costs                                       (566,204)            -
Share-based payments                             5    (2,703,584)     (379,786)
                                                     -----------   -----------
Operating profit                                      26,724,908    15,571,031

Financial revenue                                        436,856       114,877
Unrealised gain on investments                           400,208           312
                                                     -----------   -----------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation         27,561,972    15,686,220

Taxation                                         6      (502,756)      (35,663)
                                                     -----------   -----------
Profit for the year after taxation
attributable to members of the company                27,059,216    15,650,557
                                                     ===========   ===========

Earnings per share (basic)                       7        Euro 0.52        Euro 0.31

Earnings per share (diluted)                     7        Euro 0.46        Euro 0.30


                                                     31 Dec 2006   31 Dec 2005
                                               Note            Euro             Euro

Non current assets
Intangible assets                                9    14,913,094             -
Property, plant and machinery                   10       406,662        46,553
                                                     -----------   -----------
                                                      15,319,756        46,553
Current assets
Trade and other receivables                            6,973,633     6,696,433
Cash and cash equivalents                             33,205,949     3,026,610
                                                     -----------   -----------
                                                      40,179,582     9,723,043
Financial assets
Investments at fair value through
profit and loss                                 11     3,401,008           600
Loans and advances receivable                   12        71,854       187,205
                                                     -----------   -----------
                                                       3,472,862       187,805
                                                     -----------   -----------
Total assets                                          58,972,200     9,957,401
                                                     ===========   ===========

Equity and liabilities

Issued share capital                            13       541,250       500,000
Share premium                                         30,287,146    22,769,453
Revenue reserve                                       29,923,267     3,761,551
Other reserves                                         1,428,982       269,341
Shares to be issued                          8, 13     9,250,000             -
Merger reserve                                       (22,950,745)  (22,950,745)
                                                     -----------   -----------
                                                      48,479,900     4,349,600
                                                     -----------   -----------
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                        14     9,989,949     5,568,951
Taxation payable                                         502,351        38,850
                                                     -----------   -----------
Total current liabilities                             10,492,300     5,607,801
                                                     -----------   -----------
                                                     -----------   -----------
Total equity and liabilities                          58,972,200     9,957,401
                                                     ===========   ===========

Approved by:

Darren Sisk                            Ronald E. Tompkins
Finance Director                       Director
8 March 2007                           8 March 2007


                     Share    Shares to         Share       Revenue         Other         Merger         Total
                   Capital    be issued       Premium       Reserve      Reserves        Reserve
                         Euro            Euro             Euro             Euro             Euro              Euro             Euro
As at 31
December 2004    2,296,797            -    20,671,176     2,415,076             -    (22,950,745)    2,432,304

Profit for the
year                     -            -             -    15,650,557             -              -    15,650,557

on 13 May 2005           
(Euro0.03 per
share)                   -            -             -    (6,124,082)            -              -    (6,124,082)

on 1 December
2005 (Euro0.1636
per share)               -            -             -    (8,180,000)            -              -    (8,180,000)

Issue of
(Euro0.01 each at
par)                71,035            -             -             -             -              -        71,035

Issue of
(Euro0.01 par at
Euro0.049 per
share)              24,396            -        95,604             -             -              -       120,000

payments                 -            -             -             -       379,786              -       379,786

Exercise of
share options            -            -       110,445             -      (110,445)             -             -

of share
capital         (1,892,228)           -     1,892,228             -             -              -             -
                ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------     ----------    ----------
As at 31
December 2005      500,000            -    22,769,453     3,761,551       269,341    (22,950,745)    4,349,600

Profit for the
year                     -            -             -    27,059,216             -              -    27,059,216

on 24 February
2006 (Euro0.01795
per share)               -            -             -      (897,500)            -              -      (897,500)

Issue of
(Euro0.01 par at
Euro2.25 per
share)              25,000            -     5,600,000             -             -              -     5,625,000

Shares to be
issued                   -    9,250,000             -             -             -              -     9,250,000

payments                 -            -             -             -     2,703,584              -     2,703,584

Exercise of
share options       16,250            -     1,917,693             -    (1,543,943)             -       390,000
                ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------     ----------    ----------
As at 31
December 2006      541,250    9,250,000    30,287,146    29,923,267     1,428,982    (22,950,745)   48,479,900
                ==========   ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========     ==========    ==========

Shares to be issued are performance-related and are issuable to the former
shareholders of TCA Group Limited if predetermined performance targets are

Other reserves are in respect of share-based payments made to employees of the
group and others providing similar services.


                                                       Year to         Year to
                                                   31 December     31 December
                                                          2006            2005
                                             Note            Euro               Euro

Net cash inflow from operating activities     15    33,687,834      15,675,820

Cash flows from investing activities

Interest income received                               436,856         114,877
Purchase of subsidiaries                               (39,789)         (1,500)
Proceeds on sale of investment                               -         128,626
Purchase of property, plant and equipment             (407,754)        (48,038)
Cash acquired on purchase of subsidiary                      -          33,914
Loans made to shareholders                                   -         (67,110)
Repayment of loans                                     115,351       1,352,788
Purchase of financial investments                   (3,000,200)              -
AIM listing costs                                     (566,204)              -
Taxation paid                                          (39,255)              -
                                                    ----------       ---------
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from investing
activities                                          (3,500,995)      1,513,557
                                                    ----------       ---------

Cash flows from financing activities

Dividends paid                                        (897,500)    (14,304,082)
Issue of share capital                                 390,000         120,000
Option exercise proceeds received                      500,000               -
                                                    ----------       ---------
Net cash outflow from financing activities              (7,500)    (14,184,082)
                                                    ----------       ---------
                                                    ----------       ---------
Net cash inflow                                     30,179,339       3,005,295
                                                    ==========       =========

                                                          2006            2005
                                                             Euro               Euro

Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January            3,026,610          44,761
Bank overdraft as at 1 January                               -         (23,446)
Net cash inflow during the year                     30,179,339       3,005,295
                                                    ----------      ----------
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December         33,205,949       3,026,610
                                                    ==========      ==========

For the year ended 31 December 2006


The company is incorporated as an exempt company with limited liability in the
Cayman Islands. The company is domiciled in the Cayman Islands. Its principal
activity is that of provision of investment management and advisory services to
mutual funds. The functional currency of group undertakings is Euros. The group
has 58 employees (2005: 20 employees).


(a) Accounting convention

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards.

(b) Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of
the group. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date control is transferred to
the group and cease to be consolidated from the date control is transferred from
the group.

The company acquired the business of providing investment management and
advisory services to mutual funds from FM Fund Management Ltd in 2005.  As the
acquisition was between entities under common control, it was outside the scope
of IFRS3 "Business Combinations", and the combination was accounted for as a
pooling of interests as if the group, as then constituted, had always been in
place. On pooling of interests, the excess of the consideration given by the
company over the book value of assets and liabilities of the underlying fund
management business is recognised in a merger reserve.

(c) Foreign currency translation

The financial statements are expressed in Euros. Transactions denominated in
currencies other than Euros have been translated at the rate of exchange
prevailing at the date of the transaction. Assets and liabilities in other
currencies are translated to Euros at the rates of exchange prevailing at the
balance sheet date. The resulting profits or losses are reflected in the
consolidated statement of operations.

(d) Revenue

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that economic benefit
will flow to the group and the revenue can be reliably measured.

Management and incentive fees receivable

The group recognises revenue for providing management services to mutual funds.
Revenue accrues on a monthly basis on completion of management services and is
based on the funds under management of each mutual fund together with monthly

(e) Management and incentive fees payable

The group pays management and incentive fees based on a proportion of fees
receivable from mutual funds. Fees payable are accrued for on a monthly basis
consistent with revenue streams earned.

(f) Depreciation

The cost of property, plant and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line
basis over the expected useful lives of the assets as follows:-

Fixtures and fittings               10% to 15% per annum
Office equipment                    10% to 15% per annum
Computer equipment and software     30% per annum

(g) Investments held at fair value through the profit and loss account

All investments are classified as held at fair value through the profit and loss
account. Investments are initially recognised at fair value. Transaction costs
are expensed as incurred.

After initial recognition, investments are measured at fair value, with
unrealised gains and losses on investments and impairment of investments
recognised in the consolidated statement of income. Investments held at fair
value in managed mutual funds are valued at fair value of the net assets as
provided by the administrators of those funds. Investments in the management
shares of the Absolute Return Europe Fund, European Catalyst Fund, Absolute
Germany Fund, Absolute East West Fund, Absolute Octane Fund, Absolute Large Cap
Fund, Absolute Activist Value Fund and Absolute India Fund are stated at fair
value, being the recoverable amount.

(h) Trade date accounting

All "regular way" purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the
"trade date", i.e., the day that the entity commits to purchase or sell the
asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets
that require delivery of the asset within the time frame generally established
by regulation or convention in the market place.

(i) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents are defined as cash in hand, demand deposits and
short-term, highly liquid investments which are readily convertible to known
amounts of cash, subject to insignificant risk of changes in value, and have a
maturity of less than 3 months from the date of acquisition.

For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents consist
of cash in hand and bank deposits.

(j) Segmental reporting

The directors are of the opinion that the group is engaged in a single segment
of business being an investment advisor to funds which is principally carried
out in one geographical segment, Europe. Although one fund is focussed on India,
its contribution is not materially sufficient to warrant segmental reporting.

(k) Loans and borrowings

All loans and borrowings payable are initially recognised at cost, calculated as
the fair value of the consideration received less issue costs where applicable.
After initial recognition, all interest-bearing loans and borrowings are
subsequently measured at amortised cost. Amortised cost is calculated by using
the effective interest method, taking into account any issue costs, and
discounts and premiums on settlement.

All loans and borrowings receivable are initially recognised at cost, and
subsequently measured at amortised cost.

(l) Taxation

Current tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior period are measured
at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities.
The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amounts are those enacted or
substantially enacted by the balance sheet date.

(m) Deferred taxation

Deferred income tax is provided for using the liability method on temporary
timing differences at the balance sheet date between tax basis of assets and
liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes.
Deferred tax liabilities are recognised in full for all temporary differences.
Deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences
carried forward of unused tax credits and unused tax loss to the extent that it
is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible
temporary differences, and carry-forward of unused tax credits and unused losses
can be utilised.

The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is revalued at each balance
sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that
sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred
income tax asset to be utilised. Unrecognised deferred income tax assets are
reassessed at each balance sheet date and are recognised to the extent that is
probable that future taxable profits will allow the deferred tax asset to be

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that
are expected to apply to the year when the asset is realised or the liability
settled, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at
the balance sheet date.

(n) Share-based payments

Certain employees (including senior executives) of the group and others
providing similar services receive remuneration in the form of share-based
payment transactions, whereby employees and others providing similar services
render services as consideration for equity instruments (equity-settled

The cost of equity-settled transactions is measured with reference to the fair
value at the date on which they were granted. The fair value is determined by an
external valuer using the binomial method. Previously equity instruments of the
group were not traded at the measurement date and, as the fair value could not
be assessed, the cost of equity-settled transactions were measured at the
intrinsic value, this being the difference between the fair value of the shares
to which the counterparty had the right to subscribe and the price the
counterparty would be required to pay for those shares, at the date of grant.

The cost of equity-settled transactions is recognised, together with a
corresponding increase in equity, over the period in which the performance and/
or service conditions are fulfilled, ending on the date on which the relevant
employees become fully entitled to the award ("the vesting date"). The
cumulative expense recognised for equity-settled transactions at each reporting
date until the vesting date reflects the extent to which the vesting period has
expired and the group's best estimate of the number of equity instruments that
will ultimately vest. The income statement charge or credit for a period
represents the movement in cumulative expense recognised as at the beginning and
end of that period.

No expense is recognised for awards that do not ultimately vest, except for
awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated
as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market condition is satisfied,
provided that all other performance conditions are satisfied.

Where the terms of an equity-settled award are modified, the minimum expense
recognised is the expense if the terms had not been modified. An additional
expense is recognised for any modification, which increases the total fair value
of the share-based payment arrangement, or is otherwise beneficial to the
employee as measured at the date of modification.

Where an equity-settled award is cancelled, it is treated as if it had vested on
the date of cancellation, and any expense not yet recognised for the award is
recognised immediately. However, if a new award is substituted for the cancelled
award, and designated as a replacement award on the date that it is granted, the
cancelled and new awards are treated as if they were a modification of the
original award, as described in the previous paragraph.

The dilutive effect of the outstanding options is reflected as additional
dilution in the computation of earnings per share.

(o) Intangible assets

Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at
cost. The cost of intangible assets acquired in a business combination is fair
value as at the date of acquisition. Following initial recognition, intangible
assets are carried at cost less any accumulated amortisation and any accumulated
impairment losses.

The useful lives of intangible assets are assessed to be either finite or

Intangible assets with finite lives are amortised over the useful economic life
and assessed for impairment whenever there is an indication that the intangible
asset may be impaired. The amortisation period and the amortisation method for
an intangible asset with a finite useful life are reviewed at least at each
financial year end. Changes in the expected useful life or the expected pattern
of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset is accounted
for by changing the amortisation period or method, as appropriate, and treated
as changes in accounting estimates. The amortisation expense on intangible
assets with finite lives is recognised in the income statement in the expense
category consistent with the function of the intangible asset.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment
annually either individually or at the cash generating unit level. Such
intangibles are not amortised. The useful life of an intangible asset with an
indefinite life is reviewed annually to determine whether indefinite life
assessment continues to be supportable. If not, the change in the useful life
assessment from indefinite to finite is made on a prospective basis.

(p) Adoption of IFRS during the year

The group has adopted new/revised mandatory standards for financial years
commencing on or after 1 January 2006. Adoption of these revised standards and
interpretations did not have any effect on the financial statements.

These revised standards are as follows:

IAS19 Amendment; Employee Benefits

IAS21 Amendment; The effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates

IAS39 Amendment; Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement

IFRIC5; Rights to Interests Arising from Decommissioning. Restoration and
environmental Rehabilitation Funds.

IFRIC6; Liabilities Arising from Participating in a Specific Market-Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

IFRIC7; Applying the Restatement Approach under IAS29-Financial Reporting in
Hyperinflationary Economics

IFRIC8; Scope of IFRS2

The directors are of the opinion that there will be no material adjustments
required on adoption of the following standards that have been issued:

IFRS7; Financial Instruments; Disclosures

                                                            2006          2005
                                                               Euro             Euro

Wages and salaries                                     9,462,648     4,653,284
Social security costs                                     92,117        35,396
                                                       ---------     ---------
                                                       9,554,765     4,688,680
                                                       =========     =========


                                                            2006          2005
                                                           Total         Total
                                                               Euro             Euro

Directors and key management personnel                 5,183,879     2,882,006
Share-based payments to directors and key management
personnel                                                209,259             -
                                                       ---------     ---------
                                                       5,393,138     2,882,006
                                                       =========     =========


The expense of Euro2,703,584 (2005: Euro379,786) recognised for services received from
employees and others providing similar services is an expense arising from
equity-settled share-based payment transactions.

The fair value of the options is estimated at the grant date using a binomial
pricing model, taking into account the terms and conditions upon which the
instruments were granted. The key inputs to the model driving the option value
were a volatility of 41%, dividend yields of 5% and 6%, a staff turnover level
of 25%, and a 75% probability that performance targets be achieved. The
valuation model employed in 2005 was the intrinsic value based on the fair value
of the business of the company at the measurement date compared with the
exercise price.

Movements in options in the year

                                   2006        2006       2005       2005
                                 Number    Weighted     Number   Weighted 
                                            average               average
                                           exercise              exercise 
                                              price                 price

Outstanding at 1 January       1,000,000     Euro 0.24          -          -

Granted during the year        6,755,000     Euro 1.59  1,500,000     Euro 0.24
Forfeited during the year       (300,000)    Euro 2.65          -          -
Exercised during the year     (1,625,000)    Euro 0.24   (500,000)    Euro 0.24
Expired during the year                -          -          -          -
                              ----------            ----------
Outstanding at 31 December     5,830,000     Euro 1.68  1,000,000     Euro 0.24
                              ==========            ==========
Exercisable at 31 December     1,875,000     Euro 1.73          -          -

The outstanding share options as at 31 December 2006 are detailed below:-

Optionee                     Exercise dates    Shares  Exercise 
                             From       To             price per share

Key management personnel 03/03/06 31/01/12  1,375,000   Euro 2.00
Pampero Limited          13/08/06 13/02/09    500,000   Euro 1.00
Doyne Investments
Limited                  13/04/07 12/07/07  1,062,500   Euro 0.24
(note 16)
CSI Asset Management
Establishment (note 16)  13/04/07 12/07/07    562,500   Euro 0.24
Key management personnel 01/07/08 20/08/16     30,000    #1.80
Group employees          01/07/08 20/08/16  2,300,000    #1.80

Shareholder agreements previously entered into with Doyne Investments Limited
(note 16) were modified during the year to the extent that Doyne Investments
Limited (note 16) renounced the non-dilution rights it held in return for fixing
the number of shares it would be allotted on exercising its options.


The company is registered as an exempt company in the Cayman Islands and
consequently no tax is payable in the Cayman Islands. During the year the
company established a branch office in the Swiss Canton of Zug and from the date
of establishment of the branch taxation of up to 6.4% will be levied on company
profits. Taxation rates applicable to Spanish and UK subsidiaries range from 19%
to 35%.

                                                             2006        2005
                                                                Euro           Euro

Taxable profits of the company at 6.1% from the date of
establishing the Zug branch                               413,438           -
Taxation on Spanish and UK subsidiaries                    89,318      35,663
                                                        ---------   ---------
Taxation charge for the year                              502,756      35,663
                                                        =========   =========

No provision for deferred taxation has been recognised in the financial
statements as amounts incurred are insignificant.


Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit for the year by the
weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year.

                                                          2006            2005
                                                             Euro               Euro

Net profit attributable to shareholders             27,059,216      15,650,557
                                                    ==========       =========

                                                          2006            2005

Weighted average of ordinary shares for basic
earnings per share                                  52,137,329      49,723,398

Effect of dilution : share options                   2,524,181       1,948,529
Effect of dilution : shares to be issued             3,544,661               -
                                                    ----------      ----------
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for
diluted earnings per share                          58,206,171      51,671,927
                                                    ==========      ==========


With effect from 1 January 2006 the group acquired TCA Group Limited. Initial
consideration of 2.5 million shares were issued to the vendors of TCA Group
Limited and a further 3 million shares and Euro2.5 million worth of shares at the
then prevailing market price will also be issued to the vendors if predetermined
targets are met. These shares have been included in the calculation of the
excess of the consideration over the fair value of assets acquired. The market
value of one ordinary share of the company immediately prior to completion was
Euro2.25 and this is the amount that has been used to value the acquisition.

The fair value of the identifiable net assets and liabilities of TCA Group
Limited at the date of acquisition and the consideration are detailed below:-


Debtors                                                              2,786,513
Creditors                                                           (2,784,818)

Net assets acquired                                                      1,695

Goodwill                                                            14,913,094
Total                                                               14,914,789

Satisfied by

Shares issued                                                        5,625,000
Deferred share consideration                                         9,250,000


Costs of acquisition                                                    39,789
Total                                                               14,914,789

The excess of the consideration over the fair value of the assets acquired has
been classified as an intangible asset in the group accounts. This corresponds
to the customer base of TCA Group Limited. Maintaining this customer base will
depend on TCA Group Limited's ability to provide a satisfactory service to its
customers principally by identifying fund managers capable of providing
satisfactory returns.

                                             Customer base               Total
                                                         Euro                   Euro

As at 1 January 2006                                     -                   -
Additions                                       14,913,094          14,913,094
                                                ----------          ----------
At 31 December 2006                             14,913,094          14,913,094
                                                ==========          ==========

Amortisation and impairment

As at 1 January 2006                                     -                   -
Amortisation                                             -                   -
Impairment                                               -                   -
                                                ----------          ----------
At 31 December 2006                                      -                   -
                                                ==========          ==========

Net book value

31 December 2006                                14,913,094          14,913,094
                                                ==========          ==========
31 December 2005                                         -                   -
                                                ==========          ==========


                           Fixtures &        Office            and       Total
                             fittings     equipment       software
                                    Euro             Euro              Euro           Euro

As at 1
January 2006                       -        26,321          24,246      50,567
Additions                    237,364        38,496         131,894     407,754
                           ---------      --------        --------   ---------
As at 31 December 2006       237,364        64,817         156,140     458,321 
                           =========      ========        ========   =========


As at 1 January 2006               -         1,422           2,592      4,014
Charge for year               17,212         5,104          25,329     47,645
                           ---------      --------        --------  ---------
As at 31 December 2006        17,212         6,526          27,921     51,659
                           =========      ========        ========  =========
Net book value

31 December 2006             220,152        58,291         128,219    406,662
                           =========      ========        ========  =========
31 December 2005                   -        24,899          21,654     46,553
                           =========      ========        ========  =========


                                           2006         2006      2005      2005
Holding Investment                   Total cost   Fair value     Total      Fair
                                                                  cost     value
                                              Euro            Euro         Euro         Euro
        Management shares

  100   Absolute Return Europe Fund         100          100       100       100
  100   European Catalyst Fund              100          100       100       100
  100   Absolute Germany Fund               100          100       100       100
  100   Absolute East West Fund             100          100       100       100
  100   Absolute Octane Fund                100          100       100       100
  100   Absolute Large Cap Fund             100          100       100       100
  100   Absolute Activist Value Fund        100          100         -         -
  100   Absolute India Fund                 100          100         -         -

        Participating shares

  300   Absolute Activist Value Fund  1,500,000    1,619,015         -         -
  300   Absolute India Fund           1,500,000    1,781,193         -         -
                                      ---------    ---------   -------   -------
                                      3,000,800    3,401,008       600       600
                                      =========    =========   =======   =======

The fair value of investments is stated at the redemption prices quoted by fund
managers and is based on the fair value of the underlying net assets of the
funds, because although the funds are listed, there is no active market.

                                                          2006            2005
                                                             Euro               Euro

Deposits on leased premises                             71,854               -
Due from FM Fund Management Limited                          -         187,205
                                                     ---------       ---------
                                                        71,854         187,205
                                                     =========       =========

The loans and advances were unsecured, interest free and repayable on demand.

                                                          2006           2005
                                                             Euro              Euro

500,000,000 ordinary shares of Euro0.01 each            5,000,000      5,000,000
                                                    ==========     ==========
Issued and fully paid
Ordinary equity shares of Euro0.01 each                   541,250        500,000
                                                    ==========     ==========

During the year, the company issued 1,062,500 shares for cash consideration to
Doyne Investments Limited (note 16).

During the year, the company issued 562,500 shares for cash consideration to CSI
Asset Management Establishment (note 16).

The company issued 2,500,000 shares to the vendors of TCA Group Limited (note 8)
when this company was acquired. Further shares may be issued to the vendors of
TCA Group Limited (note 8).

                                                      2006               2005
                                                         Euro                  Euro

Trade and other payables                         2,305,338          2,883,620
Other creditors and accruals                     7,684,611          2,685,331
                                                ----------         ----------
                                                 9,989,949          5,568,951
                                                ==========         ==========

Trade and other payables are normally settled on 30-day terms.


                                                          2006            2005
                                                             Euro               Euro
Profit for the period before taxation               27,561,972      15,686,220

Interest income                                       (436,856)       (114,877)
AIM listing costs                                      566,204               -
Depreciation                                            47,645           3,355
Increase in payables                                 1,136,182       3,409,189
Decrease / (Increase) in receivables                 2,509,311      (3,676,192)
Unrealised gains on investments                       (400,208)           (412)
Loans written off                                            -           3,006
Excess of acquirer's interest in net value of
identifiable net assets                                      -         (14,255)
Share-based payments                                 2,703,584         379,786
                                                     ---------       ---------
Net cash inflow from operating activities           33,687,834      15,675,820
                                                     =========       =========


John Fleming and Ronald Tompkins are directors of the company and are also
directors of the related parties listed below, from which fees were received
during the year, and amounts were receivable at the year end, as detailed below.
The company holds investments in managed funds as detailed in note 11.

                Fee income    Fee income    Fees receivable   Fees receivable
                       2006          2005              2006              2005
Related party             Euro             Euro                 Euro                 Euro

Return Europe
Fund             13,603,887    12,912,946         1,322,770         1,841,114

Catalyst Fund     8,390,268     7,272,736           992,013         1,794,269

Germany Fund      8,608,946     5,873,846           550,050           861,339

Absolute East
West Fund         5,070,275       888,360           609,309           307,132

Octane Fund       9,492,868     3,565,217         1,383,788         1,066,000

Absolute Large
Cap Fund          2,694,218             -           308,222                 -

Activist Value
Fund              2,516,878             -           449,997                 -

Absolute India
Fund                475,812             -            57,432                 -

Michael Kloter is a director of the company and also partner in a legal firm
which supplies services to the group. This firm charged Euro117,573 for services
rendered to the group in 2006.

Sean Ewing, a director of the company, is a potential beneficiary of Doyne
Investments Limited, which is owned by First Tower Trustees Limited, who act as
trustee of a trust. Shares were issued to Doyne Investments Limited during the
year (notes 5, 13).

The family of Florian Homm, Chief Investment Officer of the company, has an
interest in CSI Asset Management Establishment. Shares were issued to CSI Asset
Management Establishment during the year (notes 5, 13).


(a) Use of financial instruments

The group has generated a healthy cashflow from its ongoing operations and
consequently has not had to use alternative financial instruments to finance the
group's operations. The group has various financial assets and liabilities such
as trade receivables, cash, short-term deposits, and trade and other payables
which arise directly from its operations.

(b) Capital Management

The primary objective of the group's capital management is to ensure that the
company has sufficient cash and cash equivalents on hand to finance its ongoing
operations. This is achieved by ensuring that trade receivables are collected on
a timely basis and that excess liquidity is invested in an optimum manner. This
is achieved by placing fixed short-term deposits.

(c) Market price risk

Market risk arises from uncertainty about future prices of financial instruments
held. It represents the potential loss the company might suffer through holding
market positions in the face of price movements. The company considers the asset
allocation of the portfolio in order to minimise the risk associated with
particular market sectors.

(d) Credit/counterparty risk

The company will be exposed to counterparty risk on parties with whom it trades
and will bear the risk of settlement default. Credit risk is concentrated in the
funds under management as detailed in note 16.

Trade receivables are normally settled on 30 days terms.

At the year-end cash balances were held at, Barclays, the Royal Bank of Canada,
Royal Bank of Scotland, Solbank, Credit Suisse, Zuger Kantonalbank and Credit

(e) Liquidity risk

The main liquidity risks of the company are associated with the need to satisfy
payments to creditors. Trade receivables and trade payables are on 30 day terms.

(f) Interest rate risk

The interest rate profile of the group at 31 December 2006 is as follows:

Financial            Total as per      Variable         Assets on which no 
Assets              balance sheet         rate*     interest is receivable
                                Euro             Euro                          Euro

Cash at bank           33,205,949    33,205,949                          -
Investments             3,401,008             -                  3,401,008
Trade and other
receivables             6,973,633             -                  6,973,633
Loans and advances
receivable                 71,854             -                     71,854
                       ----------    ----------                 ----------
                       43,652,444    33,205,949                 10,446,495
                       ==========    ==========                 ==========

Financial            Total as per      Variable         Assets on which no 
liabilities         balance sheet         rate*        interest is payable
                                Euro             Euro                          Euro
Trade and
other payables         10,492,300             -                 10,492,300
                       ----------     ---------                 ----------
                       10,492,300             -                 10,492,300
                       ==========     =========                 ==========

*Changes in the Euro base rate may cause movements.

As at 31 December 2005:

Financial Assets      Total as per     Variable         Assets on which no 
                     balance sheet        rate*     interest is receivable
                                 Euro            Euro                          Euro

Cash and cash
equivalents              3,026,610    3,026,610                          -
Investments                    600            -                        600
Trade and
receivables              6,696,433            -                  6,696,433
Loans and
receivable                 187,205            -                    187,205
                         ---------    ---------                  ---------
                         9,910,848    3,026,610                  6,884,238
                         =========    =========                  =========

Financial             Total as per     Variable         Assets on which no 
liabilities          balance sheet        rate*        interest is payable
                                 Euro            Euro                          Euro

Trade and
other payables           5,607,801            -                  5,607,801
                         ---------    ---------                  ---------
                         5,607,801            -                  5,607,801
                         =========    =========                  =========

* Changes in the Euro base rate may cause movements.

(e) Fair value

The carrying values of the financial assets and liabilities equate to the fair
value of the financial assets and liabilities and are as follows.
                                                             2006         2005
                                                                Euro            Euro

Trade and other receivables                             6,973,633    6,696,433

Cash and cash equivalents                              33,205,949    3,026,610

Investments at fair value through the profit and loss   3,401,008          600
Loans and advances receivable                              71,854      187,205
                                                       ----------   ----------
                                                        3,472,862      187,805
                                                       ----------   ----------
                                                       ----------   ----------
                                                       43,652,444    9,910,848
                                                       ==========   ==========

Trade and other liabilities                             9,989,949    5,568,951
Taxation payable                                          502,351       38,850
                                                       ----------   ----------
                                                       10,492,300    5,607,801
                                                       ==========   ==========


Financial assets and liabilities, other than investments, are either repayable
on demand or have short repayment dates. The fair value of investments is stated
at the redemption prices quoted by fund managers and is based on the fair value
of the underlying net assets of the funds, because although the funds are
listed, there is no active market.


CSI Asset Management Establishment was the immediate and ultimate parent company
during 2006 but ceased to be so as a result of the acquisition of Argo Capital
Management (note 19).


On 18 January 2007 the company acquired the Argo Capital Management group. The
consideration paid was made up of a cash payment of #6.55 million and 12.3
million new shares in the company.

CSI Asset Management Establishment ceased to be the ultimate controlling party
on 18 January 2007 when its interest in the company fell below 50% as a
consequence of the issue of 12.3 million new shares to the vendors of Argo
Capital Management.

Pampero Limited exercised its share option to acquire 500,000 new shares in
December 2006. These shares were issued in January 2007.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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