AECI Limited

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa

(Registration No. 1924/002590/06)

Share code AFE

ISIN No. ZAE000000220

specialty product and service solutions

group audited financial results for the year ended 31 December 2005

* Headline earnings per share up 23%

* Dividend per share increased to 175 cents

* Revenue up 11%

* Return on invested capital (ROIC) higher at 18%



Headline earnings of 482 cents per ordinary share were 23 per cent higher than
in 2004. Restructuring costs equivalent to 15 cents per share were incurred
compared to 27 cents per share in 2004. An increased final dividend of 121
cents per ordinary share has been declared (94 cents in 2004) to bring the
total dividends for the year to 175 cents (138 cents in 2004) with a dividend
cover of 2.7 (2.8 in 2004). The dividend declaration is published in full

Sales revenues of Group businesses increased by 11 per cent from 2004,
bolstered in part by additions to the Chemical Services (Chemserve) portfolio.
Revenue-weighted volume was some 2 per cent higher in aggregate. Demand from
the local mining and manufacturing sectors continued to improve from the second
quarter in response to strong export markets and a somewhat weaker rand
exchange rate against the US dollar. Gross margins were largely maintained
despite the effect of high oil prices on many raw material costs. The ongoing
containment of operating costs enabled a further increase in the overall
trading margin to 10.1 per cent of sales from 9.4 per cent in 2004. The return
on invested capital (ROIC) for the Group, excluding revaluation of land, was
higher at 18 per cent (16 per cent in 2004).

In African Explosives (AEL), an outstanding performance by operations elsewhere
in Africa more than offset the effects of a continuing decline in gold mining
activity in South Africa. Local margins were pressured by the lagged recovery
of steep increases in ammonia costs. State-subsidised initiators from China
continued to have a limited volume impact on some sectors of the South African
initiating systems market during the year, but contributed to extreme
resistance to price adjustments by some gold mining customers. Commissioning of
the first phase of automated production of initiating systems at Modderfontein
is expected in the first half of 2006.

DetNet, the 50:50 joint venture with Dyno Nobel ASA, recorded an improved
result for the period with accelerating international sales of the new
generation electronic detonator in the second half of the year.

Chemserve again experienced varied trading conditions with buoyant growth in
demand from suppliers to local markets outpacing that from export-dependent
sectors. Highlights included a remarkable turnaround in automotive coatings
following restructuring and new alliances with strong technology partners, an
outstanding performance by the polyurethanes business, and a pleasing
contribution from Chemiphos, the food-grade phosphate business acquired in May
2005. Restructuring costs of R15 million were incurred in the period. The
benefits of these and other actions are expected to enhance further the
performance of the specialty chemicals portfolio in 2006.

SANS Fibres delivered a much improved result for the year with higher margins
on US dollar based sales to international markets supported by the disciplined
containment of local manufacturing costs. Customer accreditation of new
products such as airbag yarns has proved a longer process than envisaged, and
significant sales of such products are not expected before 2007. The outlook
for sales volumes and margins of existing products to international markets is
positive. However, SANS' performance will continue to be sensitive to this
dollar based business until the programme of initiatives to reduce this
exposure is further advanced.

Dulux again achieved excellent results in South Africa from significantly
higher sales volumes of its premium branded products, despite the impact of
escalating raw material costs on margins. Profits from its export and African
operations were lower due to currency effects and unfavourable market

The property activities of Heartland delivered impressive profits and cash flow
in supportive market conditions. Further substantial sales of land for
residential, commercial and light industrial use were recorded at
Modderfontein, Somerset West and Umbogintwini.


Profit from operations included restructuring costs of R23 million (R42 million
in 2004), a R40 million top-up of the post-employment medical aid provision and
an additional R28 million provision for environmental remediation.
Mark-to-market adjustments related to interest rate hedging instruments were
not material in the year. Taxation included a R11 million deferred tax charge
consequent upon the reduction in the rate of corporate tax to 29 per cent.

The increase in net profit attributable to outside shareholders reflected the
25.1 per cent interest of the empowerment consortium led by the Tiso Group in
the Group's explosives business for a full year as opposed to six months in

Net capital expenditure of R339 million during the year was R127 million higher
than the depreciation charge. The investments comprised mainly expansion
projects in AEL and Chemserve, which company in addition acquired five
businesses to the value of R207 million. Group working capital increased to R1
373 million and 15.6 per cent of sales from 12 per cent of sales in 2004, a
deterioration which will be the focus of management attention in 2006.

The Group's net borrowings of R798 million were R183 million higher than at
December 2004 with property activities contributing net cash flow of R270
million in the year. Cash interest cover improved further to 12 times while
gearing increased to 27 per cent of shareholder funds from 23 per cent at
December 2004.

In late 2005 the Company purchased call options over 2.95 million AECI ordinary
shares from a local bank for a total cash premium of R120 million. This will
obviate the need for the Company to issue new shares when participants in the
AECI share option scheme exercise their rights in terms of the scheme, and
hence will eliminate any future dilution of earnings per share from this
source. No repurchases of shares were undertaken in the year.


The empowerment transaction involving the sale of a 25.1 per cent equity
interest in ImproChem, a Chemserve business, to the Tiso Group became effective
in September 2005. Chemserve also completed the acquisition of J E Orlick and
Associates in October 2005 and announced the acquisition of Leochem, a producer
of personal care intermediates, for a consideration of R100 million. This
transaction will take effect in March 2006.

The packaging coatings business has been included in the specialty chemicals
segment of the portfolio, and the site services business at Umbogintwini is
reported under property instead of Group services. Comparative figures for 2004
have been restated.


The prevailing environment of GDP growth, firm commodity prices and rand
exchange rate accompanied by low inflation and interest rates is not expected
to change materially in the year ahead, and the Group's portfolio of businesses
is well positioned to benefit in these conditions. The extent of land available
for sale during 2006 will be lower than in 2005.

Nonetheless, provided the rand exchange rate does not strengthen substantially
from the 2005 average, management is again targeting an increase in headline
earnings for the full financial year.

Alan Pedder CBE                         Schalk Engelbrecht                     
Chairman                                Chief executive                        

20 February 2006

Income statement

                                              %            2005            2004
                                         change      R millions      R millions
Revenue (2)                                 +11           8 768           7 911
Profit from operations                      +19             887             743
Net financing costs                                        (90)           (139)
Income from associates and                                    5               3
                                                            802             607
Transitional provision for                                 (20)            (20)
post-employment medical aid benefits                                           
Impairment/amortisation of goodwill                        (10)           (104)
Exceptional items                                          (27)            (23)
Net profit before taxation                                  745             460
Taxation                                                  (225)           (173)
Normal activities                                         (232)           (167)
Exceptional items                                             7             (6)
Net profit                                                  520             287
Attributable to preference and                             (34)             (4)
outside shareholders                                                           
Net profit attributable to ordinary                         486             283
Headline earnings are derived from:                                            
Net profit attributable to ordinary                         486             283
Transitional provision for                                   20              20
post-employment medical aid benefits                                           
Impairment/amortisation of goodwill                          10             104
Exceptional items                                            27              23
Outside shareholders' share of the                            -             (3)
above items                                                                    
Tax effects of the above items                             (13)               -
Headline earnings                                           530             427
Per ordinary share (cents):                                                    
Headline earnings                           +23             482             392
Diluted headline earnings (4)                               473             383
Attributable earnings                                       442             260
Diluted attributable earnings (4)                           434             254
Dividends declared                          +27             175             138
Dividends paid                                              148             122
Ordinary shares (millions)                                                     
- in issue                                                  110             109
- weighted average number of shares                         110             109
- diluted weighted average number of                        112             111
shares (4)                                                                     


 1. Accounting policies are in accordance with International Financial
    Reporting Standards and are consistent with those applied in the previous
    financial year except for the adoption of IFRS 2 (Share-based payments) and
    IFRS 3 (Business combinations), IAS 16 (Property, plant and equipment), IAS
    36 (Impairment of assets) and IAS 38 (Intangible assets). With the adoption
    of IFRS 3, the amortisation of goodwill has ceased with effect from the
    current financial year. The adoption of the other standards has not had a
    material impact on the Group's financial results.
 2. Includes foreign sales of R1 817 million (2004 - R1 506 million).
 3. The transitional provision for post-employment medical aid benefits has
    been excluded from the calculation of headline earnings in terms of
    circular 7/2002 issued by the South African Institute of Chartered
(4) Calculated in accordance with IAS 33. The Company has purchased call
options over AECI shares which will obviate the need for the Company to issue
new shares in terms of the AECI share option scheme. In practice, therefore,
there will be no future dilution of earnings from this source.

 5. The auditors, KPMG Inc, have issued their opinion on the Group financial
    statements for the year ended 31 December 2005. A copy of the auditors'
    unqualified report is available for inspection at the Company's registered

Balance sheet
at 31 December

                                                           2005            2004
                                                     R millions      R millions
Non-current assets                                        3 056           2 917
Property, plant and equipment                             1 723           1 659
Goodwill                                                    920             822
Investments                                                  91              76
Deferred tax assets                                         322             360
Current assets                                            3 559           2 960
Inventory                                                 1 372           1 160
Accounts receivable                                       1 778           1 420
Cash and cash equivalents                                   409             380
Total assets                                              6 615           5 877
Equity and liabilities                                                         
Ordinary capital and reserves                             2 857           2 605
Preference capital and outside shareholders'                                   
interest in subsidiaries                                     83              41
Total shareholders' interest                              2 940           2 646
Non-current liabilities                                   1 132           1 422
Deferred tax liabilities                                     31              33
Long-term borrowings                                        559             899
Long-term provisions                                        542             490
Current liabilities                                       2 543           1 809
Accounts payable                                          1 777           1 632
Short-term borrowings                                       648              96
Taxation                                                    118              81
Total equity and liabilities                              6 615           5 877

Industry segment analysis

                                         Revenue                 Profit        
                                                            from operations    
                                         2005       2004         2005      2004
                                        R millions             R millions      
Mining solutions                        2 314      2 140          257       212
Specialty chemicals                     3 826      3 363          412       388
Specialty fibres                        1 619      1 595           32         3
Decorative coatings                       648        610           59        51
Property                                  607        467          185       137
Group services,                                                                
intergroup and other                    (246)      (264)         (58)      (48)
                                        8 768      7 911          887       743

                                                    2005                   2004
                                                        R millions             
Mining solutions                                     963                    842
Specialty chemicals                                1 931                  1 463
Specialty fibres                                     713                    661
Decorative coatings                                  126                    118
Property                                             500                    531
Group services,                                                                
intergroup and other                               (217)                  (186)
                                                   4 016                  3 429

Assets consist of property, plant, equipment and goodwill, inventory, accounts
receivable less accounts payable. Assets in the property segment include land
revaluation of R412 million (2004 - R432 million).

Cash flow statement

                                                           2005            2004
                                                     R millions      R millions
Cash generated by operations                              1 165             964
Dividends received                                            4               2
Net financing costs                                        (90)           (126)
Taxes paid                                                (129)           (128)
Changes in working capital                                (295)             113
Expenditure relating to long-term provisions               (42)            (57)
and restructuring                                                              
Cash available from operating activities                    613             768
Dividends paid                                            (167)           (135)
Cash retained from operating activities                     446             633
Cash utilised in investment activities                    (530)           (233)
Proceeds from disposal of investments and                    27              58
Investments                                               (218)            (22)
Net capital expenditure                                   (339)           (269)
Net cash (utilised)/generated                              (84)             400
Cash effects of financing activities                        212           (485)
Share options hedge (4)                                   (120)               -
Proceeds from issue of new ordinary shares                    8               8
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                         16            (77)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of               380             474
the year                                                                       
Translation gain/(loss) on cash and cash                     13            (17)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the                 409             380

Statement of changes in equity

                                                           2005            2004
                                                     R millions      R millions
Net profit                                                  520             287
Dividends paid                                            (167)           (135)
Revaluation of derivative instruments                         -               5
Foreign currency translation differences net of               6            (53)
deferred tax                                                                   
Ordinary shares issued                                        8               8
Changes in the Group                                         12              13
Share options hedge net of deferred tax (4)                (85)               -
Net increase in equity for the year                         294             125
Equity at the beginning of the year                       2 646           2 521
Equity at the end of the year                             2 940           2 646
Made up as follows:                                                            
Share capital and share premium                             453             445
Non-distributable reserves                                  276             289
Surplus arising on revaluation of property,                 268             288
plant and equipment                                                            
Foreign currency translation reserve net of                   3             (3)
deferred tax                                                                   
Retained earnings of associates                               1               1
Other                                                         4               3
Retained earnings                                         2 128           1 871
Preference capital                                            6               6
Outside shareholders' interest in subsidiaries               77              35
                                                          2 940           2 646

Other salient features

                                                           2005            2004
                                                     R millions      R millions
Capital expenditure                                         351             277
- expansion                                                 235             157
- replacement                                               116             120
Capital commitments                                          97             188
- contracted for                                             23              25
- not contracted for                                         74             163
Future rentals on property, plant and                                          
equipment leased                                            235             196
- payable within one year                                    47              43
- payable thereafter                                        188             153
Net contingent liabilities and guarantees                   292             278
Net borrowings                                              798             615
Gearing (%)                                                  27              23
Current assets to current liabilities                       1.4             1.6
Net asset value per ordinary share (cents)                2 587           2 381
Depreciation                                                212             224


AE Pedder CBE* (Chairman), S Engelbrecht (Chief executive), NC Axelson *, CB

MJ Leeming, F Titi, LC van Vught

*British *Executive


Mining solutions

Development, manufacture and supply of value-adding services, initiating
systems and explosives to the mining, quarrying, and allied industries.

Chemical Services Limited

Specialty chemicals

Largest specialty chemical operation in southern Africa, supplying a diverse
range of specialties, raw materials and related services to a broad spectrum of

Sans Fibres

Specialty fibres

Production, marketing and distribution of specialty nylon and polyester yarn
for local and export markets; production of PET bottle polymer.


Decorative coatings

A leading decorative coatings supplier in southern Africa. Dulux enjoys a
strong market position as an innovator and supplier of high performance
products to a wide variety of customers.



Heartland manages the realisation of land and related assets that have become
surplus to the Group's requirements.


Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa

(Registration No. 1924/002590/06)

Share code: AFE

ISIN No. ZAE000000220

Notice to shareholders

Final ordinary dividend No. 144

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, 20 February 2006 the directors of AECI
Limited declared a final dividend of 121 cents per share, in respect of the
financial year ended 31 December 2005, payable on Monday, 24 April 2006 to
ordinary shareholders recorded in the books of the Company at the close of
business on Friday, 21 April 2006.

The last day to trade cum dividend will be Wednesday, 12 April 2006 and shares
will commence trading ex dividend from Thursday, 13 April 2006.

Any change of address or dividend instruction must be received on or before
Wednesday, 12 April 2006.

Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised from Thursday,
13 April 2006 to Friday, 21 April 2006, both days inclusive.

This announcement will be mailed to all recorded shareholders on or about
Tuesday, 21 February 2006.

By order of the Board

MJF Potgieter



20 February 2006

Transfer secretaries

Computershare Investor Services 2004 (Pty) Limited

70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001


Computershare Investor Services plc

PO Box 82, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road

Bristol BS 99 7NH, England


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