LEVIS, QUEBEC , a leading provider of table game bonusing, jackpot and loyalty solutions, announced today the official release of its new wireless solution for linked progressive jackpots. The solution, approved by Gaming Laboratories Inc ("GLI"), is called Real Link(TM) and boasts "One Planet - One Jackpot" as a positioning statement. The company also reports that a second release is planned for G2E in Las Vegas that will specifically target linked mystery prizes and awards (WAM -Wide Area Mysteries).

Real Link(TM) is a highly secure distributed jackpot engine that manages shared jackpot and prize values between tables regardless of their physical location. The system itself is managed by DEQ's G3(TM) and is seamlessly integrated within its game servers. All accounting inputs and outputs generated by each game server and all jackpot transactions are managed by a central server by communicating through an encrypted tunnel using existing TCP-IP infrastructure.

"For years now, the slot machine segment of the market has led the way in building the global vision of mystery and progressive bonusing. Almost all gamers know of IGT's Megabucks� slot machine and the effect its global jackpot has in attracting players to the slot machine segment," stated Earle G. Hall, DEQ's President and CEO. "DEQ's patent portfolio is specifically geared to this mentality for the table game segment and the G3(TM) has been linking multiple tables within a single casino for several years now," continued Hall. "Now with Real Link(TM), we are eliminating the limits of the single property jackpot and the constraints of cabling. Real Link(TM) provides a next generation platform to connect tables with no geographical boundaries. Global jackpots are bigger, grow faster and are a great attraction technique for clients. Our main focus now turns to global mystery progressives for table games following the proven business model in the slot machine segment of the market," concluded Mr. Hall.

With the collaboration of its partner, DEK International, Real Link(TM) is already operational in several partner casinos in Latin America and Eastern Europe chosen among a select group of their clients. An international demo environment is currently operational within DEQ's VAR channels so that they can demonstrate the One Planet - One Jackpot solution to their clients.


The G3(TM) is a linkable bonusing, jackpot and loyalty server-based system that brings an entire suite of important bonusing processes to table games, providing casinos with increased revenues and additional player participation. With the G3(TM), players can place multiple side bets on their own hands but also on the dealer's hand. The system also has several bonuses such as the Magic Card(TM) and the Lucky Player(TM) which are both high frequency prizes, awarded to keep the players' interest. The G3(TM) replaces existing bonusing systems with exciting, user friendly applications and is adaptable to any live table game such as poker, blackjack or baccarat.


Founded in 1998, DEQ Systems Corp. (TSX VENTURE: DEQ) is a leader in the table game bonusing technology field. DEQ's patents, products and features include side bet bonusing games with progressive and random jackpot prizes, slot machine style mystery bonusing, multiple credit and denomination betting flexibility, dealer hand betting, electronic credit bank, electronic rake, baccarat hand tracking, multimedia animation and sound effects. DEQ has an extensive patent portfolio that is recognized in more than 50 countries such as the USA, Macau, Australia and Canada. DEQ's bonusing solutions and products are present in more than 200 casinos in over 30 countries. For further information, please visit www.deq.com

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TSX Venture does not accept any responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information contained in this press release.

Contacts: DEQ Systems Corp. Earle G. Hall President & CEO 418-839-3012 earle.hall@deq.com DEQ Systems Corp. Marco Estrela Chief Marketing Officer 418-839-3012 marco.estrela@deq.com