Citi Starts Annual Fees For Some Of Its Credit-Card Users
August 19 2009 - 4:33PM
Dow Jones News
Citigroup Inc. (C) is instituting annual fees on some current
credit-card accounts in an attempt to offset strict new legislation
that could dent its profits.
The move comes on the heels of several warnings from the banking
industry, which has said that issuers would be forced to rewrite
the playbook on plastic because new credit-card laws would take a
bite out of their income. These laws include new limits on
interest-rate increases on existing balances and greater
Typically, annual fees are associated only with cards that offer
generous rewards programs. In recent years, few issuers have risked
losing market share by charging annual fees across the board.
Now, Citigroup's attempt to charge annual fees - perhaps the
first time a large card lender has used such fees in response to
the legislation - will be watched closely by competitors. Card
lenders are seeking ways not only to offset the effect of the
legislation, but also to cope with growing losses stemming from
souring credit-card loans. Card issuers have been raising interest
rates and fees, tweaking rewards programs, reducing credit lines
and closing accounts.
"We have adjusted pricing and card terms for some customers as
part of our regular account reviews," said Samuel Wang, a Citigroup
spokesman. "These changes also reflect the dramatically higher cost
of doing business in our industry as we work to preserve the broad
availability of credit. As part of this change in terms, a small
number of Citi customers may be notified of an annual fee."
The fee increase was reported earlier by blogs such as, and American Banker.
In one instance, a Citi cardholder was informed, in a mailer, of
a $30 annual fee. This fee may be waived if at least $2,400 in
spending is racked up on the card in a year.
Citigroup is experimenting with a range of annual fees, some in
excess of $30. Cardholders notified of these annual fees have two
months to opt out, paying off their balances under current rates
and terms over the rest of their contract.
Peter Garuccio, a spokesman at the American Bankers Association,
an industry trade group, said, "Annual fees are one way that card
issuers can reconfigure their card portfolios and reprice their
products" following the credit-card legislation.
The new legislation, the bulk of which will be implemented in
February 2010, aims to limit fluctuating interest rates and fees,
and arm consumers with more information on their debts.
A Bank of America Corp. (BAC) spokeswoman said the company
hadn't added any annual fees to its cards since May, when the
legislation was passed.
"We have no plans to charge an annual fee on our cards," said a
spokesman at Discover Financial Services (DFS).
A spokeswoman at American Express Co. (AXP), which already
charges annual fees on many of its credit and charge cards, said
the company hasn't raised these fees or imposed them on its
fee-less cards. She declined to comment on AmEx's future plans for
annual card fees.
Capital One Financial Corp. (COF) "has not made any adjustments
to annual fees this year," a spokeswoman said. "As for future
plans, we are still assessing the new regulations and developing
strategies to address them."
Chase, a unit of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), declined to
comment on its future plans but said most of its cards don't have
an annual fee. It charges fees on some of its cards, for instance,
its travel cards that come with premium rewards.
-By Aparajita Saha-Bubna, Dow Jones Newswires; 617-654-6729;