Table of Contents




Washington, D.C. 20549







For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015;



For the transition period from

Commission file number: 001-14901



A.  Full title of the plan and the address of the plan, if different from that of issuer named below:

CONSOL Energy Inc. Investment Plan for Salaried Employees



B.  Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan and the address of its principal executive office:

CONSOL Energy Inc.

CNX Center

1000 CONSOL Energy Drive

Canonsburg, PA 15317

Registrant’s telephone number including area code: 724-485-4000



Table of Contents


CONSOL Energy Inc.

Investment Plan for

Salaried Employees


December 31, 2015 and 2014



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Financial Statements


Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits


Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available For Benefits


Notes to Financial Statements


Supplemental Schedule


Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)




Other Schedules required by Section 2520.103-10 of the Department of Labor’s Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) of 1974 have been omitted because they are not applicable.




Index to Exhibit


Table of Contents

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Trustees, Investment Plan Committee, Audit Committee, and Participants

CONSOL Energy Inc. Investment Plan for Salaried Employees

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits of the CONSOL Energy Inc. Investment Plan for Salaried Employees (the “Plan”) as of December 31, 2015 and 2014, and the related statement of changes in net assets available for benefits for the year ended December 31, 2015. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan as of December 31, 2015 and 2014, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the year ended December 31, 2015, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The supplemental information in the accompanying Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) - Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2015, has been subjected to audit procedures performed in conjunction with the audit of the CONSOL Energy Inc. Investment Plan for Salaried Employees’ financial statements. The supplemental information is presented for the purpose of additional analysis and is not a required part of the financial statements but include supplemental information required by the Department of Labor’s Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The supplemental information is the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our audit procedures included determining whether the supplemental information reconciles to the financial statements or the underlying accounting and other records, as applicable, and performing procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the information presented in the supplemental information. In forming our opinion on the supplemental information in the accompanying schedule, we evaluated whether the supplemental information, including its form and content, is presented in conformity with the Department of Labor’s Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. In our opinion, the supplemental information in the accompanying schedule is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole.

/s/ Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

June 20, 2016



Table of Contents


Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits



     December 31
     2015   2014





Investments at Fair Value (See Note 3)

   $ 392,768,958        $ 543,901,955     

Investments at Contract Value (See Note 4)

     481,907,200        523,601,241   








     874,676,158        1,067,503,196   










Due from Broker for Securities Sold

     13,792        76,390   

Accrued Interest and Dividends

     162        154   

Notes Receivable from Participants

     21,290,631        22,606,514   








     21,304,585        22,683,058   









     156,345        1,465,230   









   $  896,137,088      $  1,091,651,484   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements


Table of Contents


Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits



     For the Year Ended
December 31, 2015

Additions, Less Loss on Investments:




Participants – Contributions

       $ 28,530,620      

Participants – Rollovers











Interest Income from Participants’ Notes Receivable





Income (Loss) on Investments:


Interest and Dividends


Net Depreciation in Fair Value of Investments









Total Additions, Less Loss on Investments





Deductions from Net Assets Attributed to:


Benefits Paid to Participants


Administrative Expense





Total Deductions





Net Decrease


Net Assets Available for Benefits


Beginning of Year






       $             896,137,088   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements


Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014





The following description of the CONSOL Energy Inc. Investment Plan for Salaried Employees (the “Plan”) is provided for general information purposes only. Participants should refer to the Plan document for a more complete description of the Plan’s provisions.

General – The Plan is a tax-qualified, defined-contribution plan covering full-time salaried, operations and maintenance, production and maintenance, warehouse and maintenance, and certain part-time casual employees of CONSOL Energy Inc. and other participating employers (collectively, “CONSOL Energy” or the “Company”). Employees can participate in the Plan on the first day of the first full pay period following the date they first become eligible. The Plan is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”).

The Plan Administrator is the Investment Plan Committee of CONSOL Energy, whose members are appointed by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of CONSOL Energy Inc. The Investment Plan Committee also has responsibility for selecting and overseeing the Plan’s investments. The Board has the authority to appoint trustees and has designated Bank of America, N.A. (“Bank of America”) as trustee for the Plan.

On December 12, 2014, the Company sold its Fairmont Supply Company (“Fairmont Supply”) subsidiary to an unrelated third party employer. As a result, employees of Fairmont Supply terminated employment under the CONSOL Energy control group and were no longer eligible to participate in the Plan after December 12, 2014.

During 2015 and 2014, the Plan offered CONSOL Energy Inc. common stock (the “CONSOL Stock Fund”) as an investment option to Plan participants. The CONSOL Stock Fund is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”) where participants can elect to have dividends paid to them in cash instead of being reinvested in the CONSOL Stock Fund in their Plan account. For the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, dividends from the CONSOL Stock Fund paid to participants in cash were not significant.



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Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Contributions – Participants may make before-tax and/or after-tax contributions of 1% to 75% of eligible compensation to the Plan via payroll deductions. Participants who have attained age 50 before the end of the Plan year are eligible to make catch-up contributions. Participants are automatically enrolled in the Plan at a 6% before-tax savings rate (4% for employees of Fairmont Supply prior to December 12, 2014) if no action is taken by the employee within forty-five days from the date they first become eligible. Under the automatic enrollment provision, participant assets are invested in accordance with a managed account feature offered by Bank of America based on certain demographic characteristics of the participant. A participant may elect not to participate in the Plan at any time.

A participant may also separately designate from 1% to 75% (not to exceed $10,000) of any incentive compensation payment as a supplemental before-tax and/or after-tax contribution. Participants may also contribute amounts representing distributions from other qualified defined-benefit or defined-contribution plans.

CONSOL Energy matches these contributions (excluding deferrals of incentive compensation payments), dollar for dollar, up to 6% of eligible compensation (fifty cents on every dollar up to 12% of eligible compensation for employees of Fairmont Supply prior to December 12, 2014).

Prior to December 12, 2014, certain eligible employees of Fairmont Supply received qualified non-elective (“QNEC”) contributions equal to $1,500 per year, regardless of the employee’s contribution election. Effective January 1, 2015, the Plan also provided for a QNEC contribution equal to 3% of eligible compensation (“3% QNEC”) regardless of the employee’s contribution election for each payroll period for eligible participants, defined as active participants not classified as casual employees and (1) were hired or rehired on or after October 1, 2014; or (2) did not become participants in the CONSOL Energy Inc. Employee Retirement Plan (“Retirement Plan”) (a Company sponsored defined-benefit plan) on October 1, 2014 as the result of a participation freeze of the Retirement Plan as of September 30, 2014; or (3) whose accrued benefit under the Retirement Plan was frozen as of December 31, 2014.



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Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






The Company may also make discretionary contributions to the Plan ranging from 1% to 4% of eligible compensation for eligible employees (as defined by the Plan). There were no such discretionary contributions made by the Company for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. All participant and employer contributions are subject to regulatory and Plan limitations, and total contributions credited to a participant’s account are further subject to annual addition limitations under the Code.

Participant Accounts – Each participant’s account is (i) credited with the participant’s contributions and allocations of the Company’s contributions and Plan investment earnings and (ii) charged with an allocation of administrative expenses and Plan investment losses. Allocations are based on participant earnings, account balances, or specific participant transactions, as defined. The benefit to which a participant is entitled is the benefit that can be provided from the participant’s account.

Investment Options – Upon enrollment in the Plan, a participant may direct employee and Company contributions into any of the investment options offered by the Plan, including registered investment companies, common stock, or a stable value fund.

Vesting – Participants are immediately vested in their contributions and any matching contributions, QNEC contributions, or discretionary contributions made by the Company plus actual earnings (losses) thereon.

Notes Receivable from Participants – Participants may borrow up to the lesser of one-half of their account balances (subject to a $1,000 minimum) or required regulatory loan maximum limitations. Such loans are repayable over periods of 12 to 60 months (120 months maximum if for the purchase of a principal residence) and are secured by the balance in the participant’s account. The rate of interest on loans is commensurate with the average rate charged by selected major banks for secured personal loans and remains fixed for the life of the loan. Loans are repaid over the period in installments of principal and interest via payroll deductions or ACH account debit for participants that terminate employment subsequent to the loan’s execution. A participant also has the right to repay the loan in full, at any time, without penalty. At December 31, 2015, loan interest rates ranged from 4.25% to 9.25%.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Payment of Benefits – Participants who retire from active service may elect to defer withdrawals until April of the calendar year following the later of the year in which the participant attains age 70  1 / 2 or terminates employment. They may also elect an option to have their account distributed over a period of not less than two years or more than a period which would pay the account balance during the participant’s actuarial life in either a fixed or variable amount. Before-tax deposits may be withdrawn only in the event of a participant’s retirement, death, termination, attainment of age 59  1 / 2 or defined hardship.

Plan Termination – Although it has not expressed any intent to do so, the Company has the right under the Plan to discontinue its contributions at any time and to terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA.




Basis of Accounting – The accompanying financial statements of the Plan have been prepared under the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“US GAAP”).

Investments held by a defined-contribution plan are required to be reported at fair value, except for fully benefit-responsive investment contracts. Contract value is the relevant measure for the portion of the net assets available for benefits of a defined-contribution plan attributable to fully benefit-responsive investment contracts because contract value is the amount participants normally would receive if they were to initiate permitted transactions under the terms of the Plan.

Investment Valuation and Income Recognition – The Plan’s investments are stated at fair value (except for fully benefit-responsive investment contracts, which are reported at contract value). Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. See Note 3 for a discussion of fair value measurements.

Purchases and sales of investments are recorded on a trade-date basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Realized gains and losses on the sale of common stocks are based on the average cost of the securities sold. Net depreciation includes the Plan’s gains and losses on investments bought and sold as well as held during the year.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Notes Receivable from Participants – Notes receivable from participants are measured at their unpaid principal balance plus any accrued but unpaid interest. Interest on notes receivable from participants is recognized over the term of the notes and calculated using a simple-interest method on principal amounts. The Plan administrator considers delinquent loans to be defaulted on the last day of the calendar quarter following the quarter in which the last payment was made and reclassified as a distribution based on the terms of the Plan document.

Payment of Benefits – Benefits are recorded when paid.

Administrative Expenses – Expenses incurred in connection with the operation of the Plan with regard to the purchase and sale of investments and certain trustee and professional fees are paid by the Plan. Fees related to specific participant transactions are charged directly to the participant’s account and are included in administrative expenses. Asset-based fees are deducted prior to allocation of the Plan’s investment earnings activity and thus are not separately identifiable as an expense. Other administrative expenses are paid by CONSOL Energy at no cost to the Plan.

Use of Estimates – The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires Plan management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and changes therein, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

ESOP – The Plan’s ESOP provision provides that participants may invest a portion or all of their account in Company stock. The ESOP provision also contains a put option in accordance with the requirements of the Code, which is a right for any participant who is otherwise entitled to a distribution from the Plan to require the Company stock in their ESOP account be repurchased by the Company if it is not readily tradable on an established market. Participants who elect to invest their account balance in Company stock have voting rights commensurate with their shares and participants are fully vested at all times in dividends paid on the acquired Company stock. A participant also has the right to diversify stock in their accounts pursuant to the provisions of the Plan document. At December 31, 2015 and 2014, and from the period since inception of the ESOP, there were no Company contributions in the form of stock.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Recent Accounting Pronouncements – In May 2015, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2015-07 “Disclosures for Investments in Certain Entities that Calculate Net Asset Value Per Share (or its Equivalent),” (“ASU 2015-07”). ASU 2015-07 removes the requirement to categorize within the fair value hierarchy investments for which fair values are estimated using the net asset value practical expedient provided by Accounting Standards Codification 820, Fair Value Measurement. Disclosures about investments in certain entities that calculate net asset value per share are limited under ASU 2015-07 to those investments for which the entity has elected to estimate the fair value using the net asset value practical expedient. ASU 2015-07 requires retrospective application and is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2015, with early adoption permitted. ASU 2015-07 is not applicable to the Plan.

In July 2015, the FASB issued ASU 2015-12 “Plan Accounting: Defined Benefit Pension Plans (Topic 960), Defined Contribution Plans (Topic 962), Health and Welfare Plans (Topic 965)” (“ASU 2015-12”). The amendments in Part I of ASU 2015-12 eliminated the requirements that employee benefit plans measure the fair value of fully benefit-responsive investment contracts and provide the related fair value disclosures, rather these contracts will be measured and disclosed only at contract value. The amendments in Part II of ASU 2015-12 requires plans to disaggregate their investments measured using fair value only by general type, either on the financial statements or in the notes. Part II also eliminated the requirement to disclose the net appreciation/depreciation in fair value of investments by general type and the requirements to disclose individual investments that represent 5% or more of net assets available for benefits. The amendments in Part III of ASU 2015-12 provides a practical expedient to permit plans to measure its investments and investment related accounts as of a month-end date closest to its fiscal year for a plan with a fiscal year end that does not coincide with the end of a calendar month. The amendments in Part III are not applicable to the Plan. The amendments in ASU 2015-12 are effective for reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2015, with early adoption permitted. The amendments within Part I and II require retrospective application. Management has elected to early adopt the provisions of Parts I and II of this new standard. Accordingly, these provisions were retrospectively applied.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014





US GAAP for fair value measurements provides the framework for measuring fair value. That framework provides a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (level 3 measurements).

The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described as follows:



Level 1: Inputs to the valuation methodology are unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets that the Plan has the ability to access. An active market for the asset or liability is a market in which the transaction for the asset or liability occurs with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis.



Level 2: Inputs to the valuation methodology include quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in inactive markets, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, or other inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means. If the asset or liability has a specified (contractual) term, the level 2 input must be observable for substantially the full term of the asset or liability.



Level 3: Inputs to the valuation methodology are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement.

The asset’s or liability’s fair value measurement level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Valuation techniques used need to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs.

Following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for assets measured at fair value. There have been no changes in the methodologies used at December 31, 2015 and 2014.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Registered Investment Companies – The shares of registered investment companies are public investment vehicles valued at quoted market prices, which represent the net asset values of the shares held in such funds. Each of these funds is considered an open ended interest in a registered investment company and valued using a market approach. Fair value is based on a daily net asset value that can be validated with a sufficient level of observable activity in an active market (i.e. purchases and sales at net asset value) and therefore these interests in registered investment companies have been classified within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

Common Stock – DuPont common stock (held by the Plan until December 23, 2015) and the CONSOL Stock Fund are stated at fair value as quoted on a recognized securities exchange and are valued at the last reported sales price on the last business day of the respective Plan year. As a result, the fair value measurements of these investments have been classified within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

The preceding methods described may produce a fair value calculation that may not be indicative of net realizable value or reflective of future fair values. Furthermore, although the Plan believes its valuation methods are appropriate and consistent with other market participants, the use of different methodologies or assumptions to determine fair value of certain financial instruments could result in a different fair value measurement at the reporting date.

The following tables set forth by level, within the fair value hierarchy, the Plan’s assets at fair value as of December 31, 2015 and 2014:


       Assets at Fair Value as of December 31, 2015
               Level 1                   Level 2                   Level 3                   Total        

Registered Investment Companies

     $ 370,171,115         $ 0        $ 0        $ 370,171,115      

Common Stock

     22,597,843        0        0        22,597,843   
















Investments at Fair Value

     $ 392,768,958        $ 0        $ 0        $ 392,768,958   
















       Assets at Fair Value as of December 31, 2014
               Level 1                   Level 2                   Level 3                   Total        

Registered Investment Companies

     $ 413,527,662        $ 0        $ 0        $ 413,527,662   

Common Stock

     130,374,293        0        0        130,374,293   
















Investments at Fair Value

     $   543,901,955        $                   0         $                   0         $   543,901,955   


















Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






The availability of observable market data is monitored to assess the appropriate classification of financial instruments within the fair value hierarchy. Changes in economic conditions or model-based valuation techniques may require the transfer of financial instruments from one fair value level to another. In such instances, the transfer is reported at the beginning of the reporting period. For the year ended December 31, 2015, there were no such transfers in or out of Levels 1, 2 or 3.




The Plan invests in a Stable Value Fund (“SVF”), which represents a fully benefit-responsive investment contract. The SVF represents 55% and 49% of the Plan’s total investments at December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The Plan owns the individual investments of the SVF which consists of a short-term investment fund along with guaranteed investment contracts (“GIC”), separate account portfolios (“SAP”), and synthetic GICs (“SYN”), all of which are held with multiple insurance companies and banks. GICs are comprised of assets held in the issuing company’s general account and backed by the full faith and credit of the issuer. SAPs and SYNs are backed by underlying fixed income assets. The investment contracts are entered into based on an evaluation of the credit risk of the contract issuers and/or third party guarantors. Collateral is generally not provided.

The composition of assets of the SVF at contract value as of December 31, 2015 and 2014 are as follows:


     2015     2014  

Synthetic Guaranteed Investment Contracts

     $ 273,074,302        $ 329,705,987   

Separate Account Portfolios

     165,202,635        188,566,436   

Guaranteed Investment Contracts

     25,240,789        0   

U.S. Government Security Fund

     18,389,474        5,328,818   






     $   481,907,200         $   523,601,241    









Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






The following disclosures provide information about the nature of the investments in the SVF.

U.S. Government Security Fund – This security is a short-term investment fund (i.e., money market fund) designed to provide daily liquidity to the SVF.

Guaranteed Investment Contracts – The insurer maintains the assets (underlying portfolio owned by insurer) of the GIC in a general account, backed by the full faith and credit of the insurer. Regardless of the performance of the general account assets, a GIC will provide a fixed rate of return as negotiated when the contract is purchased.

Separate Account Portfolios – SAPs are investment contracts invested in insurance company separate accounts established for the sole benefit of SVF participants. SAPs are comprised of two components, an underlying pool of assets and a “wrap” contract. The insurer owns the individual underlying assets and the wrap contract (similar to a GIC); however, the assets in a SAP are maintained in a separate account, fully fenced-off from the general assets of the insurer. The Plan participates in the underlying experience of the SAP via future periodic rate resets.

Synthetic GICs – SYNs are comprised of an underlying pool of assets (owned by the Plan) and a “wrap” contract designed to provide principal protection and accrued interest over a specified period of time assuming that the underlying assets meet the requirements of a GIC. This pool of assets includes short-term investment funds, liquid government or corporate debt securities, fixed income collective trusts, options and swap contracts.

SYNs within the SVF are comprised of the following:


          December 31  
   2015     2014  

SYNs (at Contract Value):


Prudential Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.

   AAA      $ 93,332,160        $ 138,521,749   

Voya Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.

   AA      31,145,086        38,434,865   

Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Co.

   AA      31,145,086        38,434,865   

Voya Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.

   AA      58,725,985        57,157,254   

Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Co.

   AA      58,725,985        57,157,254   







Total SYNs (at Contract Value)

        $   273,074,302         $   329,705,987    









Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Contract or crediting rates for GICs are negotiated with the issuer and are effective for the life of the contract. The contract or crediting rates for SAPs and SYNs are reset periodically throughout the year and are based on the performance of the assets underlying the contracts. Inputs used to determine the crediting rate include each contract’s portfolio market value of fixed income assets, current yield-to-maturity, duration, and market value relative to contract value. All contracts have a guaranteed rate of at least 0% or higher with respect to determining interest rate resets.

Traditional GICs expose the Plan through the SVF to direct credit risk associated with each contract issuer. To mitigate this risk, investment guidelines prohibit the Plan from purchasing contracts from issuers with a credit rating lower than Aa3/AA. In addition, the weighted average credit rating of all GIC contracts must be A3/A- or higher at all times and no single GIC issuer may represent more than 5% of the total SVF. Additionally, the Plan administrator and the Plan’s third party investment advisors continually monitor the issuers of these investments through external credit rating agencies and monitor credit rating history, downgrade/upgrade notifications, and analyst reports for all current and potential issuers. There were no reserves against contract value for credit risk of the contract issuers or otherwise.

Participants may ordinarily direct the withdrawal or transfer of all or a portion of their SVF investment at contract value for Plan permitted benefit payments. Certain events may limit the ability of the Plan to transact at contract value with the issuer. Such events include amendments to Plan documents (including complete or partial Plan termination or merger with another plan or distribution of any participant communication designed to induce participants to withdraw or otherwise transfer amounts from the SVF), changes to the Plan’s prohibition on competing investment options or deletion of equity wash provisions, bankruptcy of the Company or other Plan sponsor events (i.e. divestitures or spin-offs of a subsidiary) which cause a significant withdrawal from the Plan, or failure of the Plan to qualify for exemption from federal income taxes or any required prohibited transaction exemption under ERISA. The Plan administrator does not believe that the occurrence of any such event, which would limit the Plan’s ability to transact at contract value with participants, is probable of occurring.

Based on certain events specified in the fully benefit-responsive investment contracts (i.e. GICs, SAPs and SYNs), both the Plan and issuers of such investment contracts are permitted to terminate the investment contracts. If applicable, such terminations can occur prior to the scheduled maturity date.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Examples of termination events that permit issuers to terminate investment contracts include the following:



The Plan sponsor’s receipt of a final determination notice from the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) that the Plan does not qualify under Section 401(a) of the Code.


The Plan ceases to be exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(a) of the Code.


The Plan or its representative breaches material obligations under the investment contract such as failure to satisfy its fee payment obligations or failure to follow the contract’s equity wash provisions.


The Plan or its representatives makes a material misrepresentation, including acts of fraud or deceit, which affects the intent, structure, or risk profile of the contract.


A material amendment is made to the Plan (including complete or partial termination or merger with another plan) and/or an amendment that adversely impacts the issuer.


The Plan, without the issuer’s consent, attempts to assign its interest in the investment contract.


The balance of the contract value is zero or immaterial.


Mutual consent.


The termination event is not cured within a reasonable time period, i.e., 30 days.

For SAPs and SYNs, additional termination events include but are not limited to the following:



The investment manager of the underlying securities is replaced without prior written consent of the issuer.


The underlying securities are managed in a way that does not comply with the investment guidelines.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






For GICs, the contract value is adjusted to reflect a discounted value based on surrender charges or other penalties at termination. For SAPs and SYNs, termination is at market value of the underlying securities, less unpaid issuer fees or charges. If the termination event is not material based on industry standards, it may be possible for the Plan to exercise its right to require the issuer that initiated the termination to extend the investment contract for a period no greater than what it takes to immunize the underlying securities and/or it may be possible to replace the issuer of a SAP or SYN that terminates the contract with another SAP or SYN issuer. Both options help maintain stable contract value.

Participants investing in the SVF are assigned units at the time of investment based on the net asset value per unit.




The Plan obtained its latest determination letter from the IRS dated September 25, 2014, stating that the Plan was qualified under the Code and, therefore, the related trust is exempt from taxation. Once qualified, the Plan is required to operate in conformity with the Code to maintain its qualification. Although the Plan has been amended since receiving the determination letter, the Plan administrator believes that the Plan is designed, and is currently being operated, in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Code. Therefore, no provision for income taxes has been included in the Plan’s financial statements.

US GAAP requires Plan management to evaluate tax positions taken by the Plan and recognize a tax liability if the Plan has taken an uncertain position that more likely than not would not be sustained upon examination by the IRS. The Plan administrator has analyzed the tax positions taken by the Plan, and has concluded that as of December 31, 2015 and 2014, there are no uncertain positions taken, or expected to be taken, that would require recognition of a tax liability and related interest and penalties or disclosure in the financial statements. The Plan is subject to routine audits by taxing jurisdictions; however, there are currently no audits for any tax periods in progress. The Plan administrator believes it is no longer subject to income tax examinations for years prior to 2012.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014





The following is a reconciliation of net assets available for benefits per the financial statements at December 31, 2015 and 2014 to Form 5500:


     2015     2014  
Net Assets Available for Benefits per the Financial Statements      $   896,137,088        $   1,091,651,484   
Amounts Allocated to Withdrawing Participants      (398,419     (1,658,629






Net Assets Available for Benefits per the Form 5500      $   895,738,669         $   1,089,992,855    







The following is a reconciliation of benefits paid to participants per the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 to Form 5500:


Benefits Paid to Participants per the Financial Statements      $    201,305,450   
Amounts Allocated to Withdrawing Participants at December 31, 2015      398,419   
Less : Amounts Allocated to Withdrawing Participants at December 31, 2014      (1,658,629




Benefits Paid to Participants per Form 5500

     $     200,045,240    




Amounts allocated to withdrawing participants are recorded on the Form 5500 for benefit claims that have been processed and approved for payment prior to December 31, 2015, but not yet paid as of that date.




Certain Plan investments, including several underlying SYN assets within the SVF, are managed by Bank of America. Bank of America is the trustee as defined by the Plan and, therefore, these transactions qualify as those conducted with a party-in-interest to the Plan. In addition, other underlying SYN assets include funds managed by State Street Bank & Trust, one of the custodians of the Plan. The Plan also issues loans to participants, which are secured by the participants’ account balances. Therefore, these transactions qualify as those conducted with a party-in-interest to the Plan.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, and Smith (“MLPF&S”), a subsidiary of Bank of America, provides certain administrative services to the Plan pursuant to a service agreement between the Company and MLPF&S. MLPF&S receives revenue from mutual fund and SVF service providers for services MLPF&S provides to the funds. This revenue is used to offset certain amounts owed to MLPF&S for its administrative services to the Plan. If the revenue received by MLPF&S from such fund service providers exceeds the amount owed under the service agreement, MLPF&S remits the excess to the Plan’s trust on a quarterly basis. Such amounts may be applied to pay Plan administrative expenses or allocated to the accounts of Plan participants. Alternatively, the Plan or Company may make a payment to MLPF&S for administrative expenses not covered by revenue sharing. During 2015, $70,248 of excess revenue was returned to the Plan’s trust. These fees qualify as party-in-interest transactions, which are exempt from the prohibited transaction rules of ERISA.

One of the investment vehicles available to participants, the CONSOL Stock Fund, contains stock of CONSOL Energy Inc. The Plan held 2,860,486 shares and 2,882,371 shares of CONSOL Energy Inc. common stock at December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively, which represents approximately 3% and 9% of investments held by the Plan. In addition, during 2015, the Plan purchased 1,000,528 shares of CONSOL Energy Inc. stock at an aggregate cost of $15,605,701 and sold 808,321 shares of CONSOL Energy Inc. stock for total proceeds of $16,870,695. The Plan received $409,947 in dividends on CONSOL Energy Inc. stock during 2015. Transactions in this investment qualify as party-in-interest transactions which are exempt from the prohibited transaction rules of ERISA.




The Plan invests in various investment securities. Investment securities are exposed to various risks, such as interest rate, market and credit risks. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investment securities, it is at least reasonably possible that changes in the values of investment securities will occur in the near term and that such changes could materially affect participants’ account balances and the amounts reported in the financial statements.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014






In accordance with the investment strategy of the Plan’s investment contracts, the Plan’s investment manager may execute transactions in various financial instruments, including futures, interest rate swap contracts, and option contracts, that may give rise to varying degrees of off-balance-sheet market and credit risk. These instruments can be executed on an exchange or negotiated in the over-the-counter market. Interest rate swap contracts involve an agreement to exchange periodic interest payment streams (fixed vs. variable) calculated on an agreed upon periodic interest rate multiplied by a predetermined notional principal amount. Investments in financial futures contracts are solely for the purpose of hedging the Plan’s existing portfolios securities, or securities that the Plan intends to purchase, against fluctuations in fair value caused by changes in prevailing market interest rates. Upon entering into a financial futures contract, the Plan is required to pledge to the broker an amount of cash, U.S. government securities, or other assets equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount (initial margin deposit). Subsequent payments, known as margin variation, are made or received by the Plan each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the fair value of the underlying security. The Plan recognizes a gain or loss equal to the daily variation margin. If market conditions move unexpectedly, the Plan may not achieve the anticipated benefits of the financial futures contracts and may realize a loss. The use of future transactions involves the risk of imperfect correlation in movements in the price of futures contracts, interest rates, and the underlying hedged assets. As a writer of option contracts, the Plan receives a premium to become obligated to buy or sell financial instruments for a period of time at the holder’s option. During this period, the Plan bears the risk of an unfavorable change in the market value underlying the option, but has no credit risk, as the counterparty has no performance obligation to the Plan once it has paid its cash premium. The Plan’s investments in futures, interest rate swap contracts, and option contracts are insignificant to the financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively.

Market risk arises from the potential for changes in value of financial instruments resulting from fluctuations in interest rates and in prices of debt and equity securities. The gross notional (or contractual) amounts used to express the volume of these transactions do not necessarily represent the amounts potentially subject to market risk. In many cases, these financial instruments serve to reduce, rather than increase, the Plan’s exposure to losses from market and other risks. In addition, the measurement of market risk is meaningful only when all related and offsetting transactions are identified. The Plan’s investment managers generally limit the Plan’s market risk by holding or purchasing offsetting positions.



Table of Contents


Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2015 and 2014





Effective January 1, 2016, the Plan was amended to eliminate the 3% QNEC and also increase the maximum discretionary contribution to 6% (previous maximum of 4%) of eligible compensation for eligible employees (as defined by the Plan).



Table of Contents






Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  
   Common Stock         
*    CONSOL Stock Fund         2,860,486           $   22,597,843   



   Registered Investment Companies         
   American Funds    Europacific Growth Fund      1,011,618         45,846,511   
   BlackRock    Basic Value Fund      1,344,824         29,693,705   
   BlackRock    Inflation Protected Bond Fund      648,343         6,690,901   
   ClearBridge    Large Cap Growth Fund      835,560         29,779,347   
   Columbia    Acorn Fund      1,397,567         27,028,953   
   Davis New York    Venture Fund      782,065         24,580,307   
   DFA    Emerging Markets Core Equity Portfolio Fund      268,377         4,229,618   
   Dodge & Cox    Income Fund      2,609,353         34,678,300   
   Vanguard    Institutional Index Fund      344,787         64,344,066   
   Vanguard    Mid Cap Index Fund      945,493         31,059,439   
   Vanguard    Small Cap Index Fund      604,327         32,059,569   
   Vanguard    Total Bond Market Index Fund      1,489,544         15,848,748   
   Vanguard    Total International Stock Index Fund      250,997         24,331,651   



   Total Registered Investment Companies            370,171,115   



   Stable Value Fund         

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.

   GIC, 1.70%, 06/05/2018      12,621,823         12,621,823   

Prudential Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.

   GIC, 1.66%, 06/05/2018      12,618,966         12,618,966   

Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.

   Separate Account Portfolio, 3.16%, opened      38,544,856         38,544,856   

Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.

   Separate Account Portfolio, 2.73%, opened      36,180,271         36,180,271   

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.

   Separate Account Portfolio, 1.99%, opened      64,499,505         64,499,505   

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.

   Separate Account Portfolio, 0.97%, opened      25,978,003         25,978,003   

FFI Government Fund

   Money Market Fund, 0.04%      18,389,474         18,389,474   
   Prudential Separate Account Wrap:         

Prudential Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.

   Synthetic GIC, 2.31%, opened      93,332,160      
   Underlying Security Description:         
   Jennison Intermediate Core Bond Fund    Collective Trust      4,778,646         56,050,006   
   Prudential Core Cons. Inter. Bond Fund    Collective Trust      3,303,362         37,999,416   
   Prudential Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.    Synthetic Wrap Agreement***         (717,262)   
   Perpetual Window Global Wrap:         

Voya Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.

   Synthetic GIC, 0.55%, opened      31,145,086      

Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Co.

   Synthetic GIC, 0.55%, opened      31,145,086      



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Underlying Security Description:


GEM Trust Short Duration

   2,958,115.4035 units of participation         36,770,673   

US Dollar

   CASH      6,570         6,570   

Morgan Stanley & Co Inc

   Cash as Collateral for Futures      17,000         17,000   

State Street SSgA

   0.069% 31 Dec 2030 Gov. Short Term Invest. Fund      171,641         171,641   

United States of Amer Treas

   0.01% 07 Jan 2016      4,300,000         4,299,983   

SWU00D7M4 IRS USD PF 0.00000

   0% 18 Dec 2017      (1,100,000)         (1,100,000)   

BWU00D991 IRS USD PF 2.25000

   2.25% 16 Dec 2022      (700,000)         (713,040)   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Apr 2037      6,623         6,641   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Jul 2037      16,721         16,733   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 May 2037      18,270         18,287   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Oct 2040      18,925         19,066   

SLM Student Loan Trust

   1% 25 Oct 2024      28,241         28,175   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Jul 2037      28,195         28,519   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Apr 2037      30,013         29,999   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 May 2037      31,367         31,471   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Dec 2040      33,203         33,369   

SLM Student Loan Trust

   1% 25 Jul 2019      42,909         42,641   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Nov 2040      42,721         42,856   

SLM Student Loan Trust

   1% 25 Apr 2023      45,439         44,927   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Dec 2040      46,920         47,077   

SLM Student Loan Trust

   1% 27 Jul 2026      49,276         48,711   

SLM Student Loan Trust

   1% 27 Oct 2025      52,076         51,671   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 May 2037      55,522         55,652   

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust

   1% 12 Jul 2044      61,531         61,421   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Aug 2028      63,820         64,335   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Jan 2040      65,505         66,457   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Sep 2041      71,050         71,827   

Amer Airln Pt Trs 11 1

   5.25% 31 Jul 2022      67,985         72,064   

Government National Mortgage A

   1% 20 Oct 2037      75,083         75,591   

Navient Student Loan Trust

   1% 26 Sep 2022      77,122         76,709   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Apr 2037      77,859         77,871   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Apr 2037      80,683         80,886   

Ally Auto Receivables Trust LE

   0.93% 20 Jun 2017      81,902         81,760   

Altria Group Inc

   9.25% 06 Aug 2019      67,000         82,007   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Mar 2038      84,017         85,224   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust

   0.72% 15 Mar 2018      88,823         88,737   

FHLMC Multifamily Structured

   1.639% 25 Oct 2019      92,247         91,743   

Kinder Morgan Ener Part

   2.65% 01 Feb 2019      100,000         92,447   

Nelnet Student Loan Trust

   1% 24 Dec 2035      100,000         94,728   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Dec 2041      94,380         94,894   

Ace Ina Holdings

   2.875% 03 Nov 2022      100,000         99,241   

Laclede Group Inc

   1% 15 Aug 2017      100,000         99,511   

Chase Issuance Trust

   1.38% 15 Nov 2019      100,000         99,714   

Citibank Credit Card Issuance

   1% 10 Sep 2020      100,000         99,913   

Citibank Credit Card Issuance

   1% 09 May 2018      100,000         99,991   

Tyson Foods Inc

   2.65% 15 Aug 2019      100,000         100,055   

Dominion Gas Hldgs LLC

   2.8% 15 Nov 2020      100,000         100,327   

LB UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust

   5.372% 15 Sep 2039      98,896         100,329   

Boston Scientific Corp

   2.65% 01 Oct 2018      100,000         100,526   

Fannie Mae

   1.625% 27 Nov 2018      100,000         100,728   

American Express Credit

   1% 14 Sep 2020      100,000         100,853   

Automatic Data Processng

   3.375% 15 Sep 2025      100,000         101,942   

Intl Lease Finance Corp

   6.75% 01 Sep 2016      100,000         102,750   

Navient Corp

   8.45% 15 Jun 2018      100,000         105,250   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Mar 2035      105,917         106,291   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Jun 2037      105,425         106,357   

Healthcare Realty Trust

   5.75% 15 Jan 2021      100,000         110,303   

Morgan Stanley

   5.625% 23 Sep 2019      100,000         110,360   

North Carolina St Turnpike Auth.

   6.7% 01 Jan 2039      100,000         110,402   

HSBC Holdings PLC

   5.1% 05 Apr 2021      100,000         111,176   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Sep 2037      114,536         116,481   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Dec 2037      127,965         130,018   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Oct 2040      133,773         134,711   

American Express Credit

   1% 26 May 2020      150,000         148,532   

Bank of NY Mellon Corp

   2.45% 27 Nov 2020      150,000         149,340   

Verizon Communications

   3% 01 Nov 2021      150,000         149,579   

American Express Credit Account

   1.49% 15 Apr 2020      150,000         150,053   

Fannie Mae

   1% 25 Sep 2041      155,733         156,698   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Oct 2040      164,707         165,845   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Oct 2040      186,070         186,979   

Ford Motor Credit Co LLC

   1.684% 08 Sep 2017      200,000         197,578   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Abbvie Inc

   2.5% 14 May 2020      200,000         197,990   

Citibank Credit Card Issuance

   1% 23 Jan 2020      200,000         202,954   

Prologis LP

   4% 15 Jan 2018      200,000         206,766   

FHLMC Multifamily Structured

   3.389% 25 Mar 2024      200,000         207,187   

JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage

   5.439% 15 Jan 2049      202,953         209,212   

Verizon Communications

   2.625% 21 Feb 2020      214,000         214,745   

Tyco Electronics Group

   4.875% 15 Jan 2021      200,000         215,720   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Jan 2042      214,540         216,502   


   5.375% 01 Feb 2021      200,000         217,790   

Ford Motor Credit Co LLC

   5.875% 02 Aug 2021      200,000         223,028   

AT&T Inc

   3.4% 15 May 2025      250,000         240,273   

American Express Credit Account

   1.26% 15 Jan 2020      250,000         249,493   

Amgen Inc

   2.2% 22 May 2019      250,000         249,685   

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA

   3.125% 15 Jan 2016      250,000         250,125   

Citibank Credit Card Issuance

   1% 26 May 2020      300,000         299,068   

US Treasury N/B

   0.375% 31 Jan 2016      300,000         300,015   

Agilent Technologies Inc

   5% 15 Jul 2020      300,000         322,305   

Morgan Stanley

   6.625% 01 Apr 2018      300,000         328,959   

Rogers Communications Inc.

   6.8% 15 Aug 2018      300,000         334,833   

Freddie Mac

   1% 15 Nov 2040      394,855         395,506   

Goldman Sachs Group Inc

   5.75% 24 Jan 2022      350,000         398,027   

US Treasury Frn

   1% 31 Oct 2017      400,000         399,636   

Freddie Mac

   2.375% 13 Jan 2022      400,000         405,556   

Bank of America Corp

   6.875% 25 Apr 2018      400,000         441,304   

Tsy Infl IX N/B

   0.125% 15 Apr 2020      507,815         501,340   

US Treasury N/B

   0.375% 15 Jan 2016      600,000         600,024   

BWU00D991 IRS USD RV 03Mlibor

   1% 16 Dec 2022      700,000         700,000   

US Treasury N/B

   0.375% 30 Apr 2016      950,000         949,886   

SWU00D7M4 IRS USD RF 0.00000

   0% 18 Dec 2017      1,100,000         1,107,519   

Fannie Mae

   1% 27 Sep 2017      1,400,000         1,396,850   

Tsy Infl IX N/B

   0.125% 15 Apr 2018      2,160,690         2,156,520   

Various Receivables


Various Insurance Companies

   Synthetic Wrap Agreements***         370,611   
   Total Return Tier Global Wrap:         

Voya Retirement Ins. & Annuity Co.

   Synthetic GIC, 2.22%, opened      58,725,985      

Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Co.

   Synthetic GIC, 2.22%, opened      58,725,985      
   Underlying Security Description:         



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

GEM Trust Opportunistic 3

   4,505,637.7820 units of participation         73,327,331   

US Dollar

   CASH      281,071         281,071   

State Street SSgA

   0.069% 31 Dec 2030 Gov. Short Term Invest. Fund      10,462,277         10,462,277   

Fannie Mae

   9.99% 25 Sep 2017      293         304   

FNMA Pool 987022

   5.5% 01 Aug 2038      376         419   

Owens Corning

   6.5% 01 Dec 2016      1,000         1,029   

Duke Realty LP

   5.95% 15 Feb 2017      3,000         3,132   

FNMA Pool 928560

   5.5% 01 Jul 2037      3,220         3,591   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool A73704

   5% 01 Mar 2038      5,237         5,713   

FNMA Pool 906693

   5.5% 01 Dec 2036      5,123         5,732   

Credit Suisse First Boston Mor

   5% 25 Apr 2019      7,028         7,142   

Zions Bancorporation

   4.5% 13 Jun 2023      7,000         7,192   

Credit Suisse First Boston Mor

   6% 25 Nov 2018      6,962         7,217   

Fannie Mae

   8.5% 25 Sep 2021      8,431         9,408   

GNMA Pool 708581

   4.5% 15 Apr 2039      10,199         10,995   

Hartford Finl Svcs Grp

   5.375% 15 Mar 2017      15,000         15,645   

FNMA Pool 906868

   5.5% 01 Dec 2036      14,737         16,409   

Crane Co

   4.45% 15 Dec 2023      16,000         16,479   

Panhandle East Pipe Line

   8.125% 01 Jun 2019      16,000         16,906   

Entergy Mississippi Inc

   6.64% 01 Jul 2019      15,000         16,956   

Bemis Company Inc

   6.8% 01 Aug 2019      15,000         16,983   

Fannie Mae

   0.01% 09 Oct 2019      21,000         19,446   


   7.25% 25 Feb 2022      25,000         20,125   

Comcast Corp

   5.7% 15 May 2018      19,000         20,769   

Valspar Corp

   6.05% 01 May 2017      20,000         21,038   

Oracle Corp

   5.75% 15 Apr 2018      20,000         21,823   

Marathon Oil Corp

   6.8% 15 Mar 2032      25,000         22,546   

Ecopetrol SA

   5.875% 18 Sep 2023      25,000         23,000   

Metlife Inc

   7.717% 15 Feb 2019      20,000         23,236 Inc

   2.5% 29 Nov 2022      25,000         24,187   

Agilent Technologies Inc

   3.2% 01 Oct 2022      25,000         24,374   

Clorox Company

   3.05% 15 Sep 2022      25,000         24,682   

Digital Realty Trust LP

   3.625% 01 Oct 2022      26,000         24,977   

Dr Pepper Snapple Group

   2.9% 15 Jan 2016      25,000         25,009   


   3.75% 01 Feb 2016      25,000         25,035   

Morgan Stanley

   3.7% 23 Oct 2024      25,000         25,120   

AT&T Inc

   2.95% 15 May 2016      25,000         25,152   

Lab Corp of Amer Hldgs

   3.75% 23 Aug 2022      25,000         25,162   

Southwest Airlines Co

   2.75% 06 Nov 2019      25,000         25,194   

Dun & Bradstreet Corp

   3.25% 01 Dec 2017      25,000         25,195   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Yale University

   2.086% 15 Apr 2019      25,000         25,212   

Ralph Lauren Corp

   2.125% 26 Sep 2018      25,000         25,213   


   3.95% 15 Sep 2022      25,000         25,217   

Verizon Communications

   3.45% 15 Mar 2021      25,000         25,577   

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc

   4.4% 15 Nov 2022      25,000         25,634   

Advance Auto Parts Inc

   4.5% 15 Jan 2022      25,000         25,732   

Sunoco Logistics Partner

   5.5% 15 Feb 2020      25,000         25,931   

Petroleos Mexicanos

   6% 05 Mar 2020      25,000         25,975   

Goldman Sachs Group Inc

   3.625% 07 Feb 2016      26,000         26,066   

Pearson PLC

   4.625% 15 Jun 2018      25,000         26,116   

Federal Home Loan Bank

   4.625% 09 Mar 2018      25,000         26,824   

Repsol Oil & Gas Canada

   7.75% 01 Jun 2019      25,000         26,940   

Applied Materials Inc

   2.625% 01 Oct 2020      27,000         26,969   

Goldman Sachs Group Inc

   5.375% 15 Mar 2020      25,000         27,464   

Dr Pepper Snapple Group

   3.4% 15 Nov 2025      28,000         27,503   

Murphy Oil Corp

   3.7% 01 Dec 2022      36,000         27,541   

Airgas Inc

   3.65% 15 Jul 2024      28,000         27,631   

JM Smucker Co

   2.5% 15 Mar 2020      28,000         27,801   

Dr Pepper Snapple Group

   3.2% 15 Nov 2021      28,000         28,124   

Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan

   1% 25 Apr 2034      27,023         28,465   

Duke Energy Carolinas

   7% 15 Nov 2018      25,000         28,501   

Anheuser Busch Inbev Wor

   7.75% 15 Jan 2019      25,000         28,899   

Alleghany Corp

   5.625% 15 Sep 2020      27,000         29,326   

Valero Energy Corp

   9.375% 15 Mar 2019      25,000         29,536   

CBL & Associates LP

   5.25% 01 Dec 2023      31,000         29,655   

Contl Airlines 1999 2

   7.256% 15 Sep 2021      28,368         30,638   

Time Warner Ent

   8.375% 15 Mar 2023      25,000         30,702   

Bank of America Corp

   6.4% 28 Aug 2017      29,000         31,065   

Owens Corning

   4.2% 01 Dec 2024      32,000         31,144   

Abbvie Inc

   3.2% 06 Nov 2022      32,000         31,499   

Kroger Co

   2.95% 01 Nov 2021      32,000         31,673   

Church & Dwight Co Inc

   2.45% 15 Dec 2019      32,000         31,833   

Hartford Finl Svcs Grp

   5.5% 30 Mar 2020      29,000         32,103   

Berkshire Hathaway Fin

   2.9% 15 Oct 2020      31,000         32,127   

Government Properties In

   3.75% 15 Aug 2019      32,000         32,146   

Magellan Midstream Partn

   6.55% 15 Jul 2019      30,000         32,753   

Southern Co

   2.45% 01 Sep 2018      33,000         33,257   

Bank of America Corp

   7.8% 15 Sep 2016      32,000         33,317   

Ingersoll Rand Gl Hld Co

   2.875% 15 Jan 2019      33,000         33,331   

Nevada Power Co

   6.5% 15 May 2018      30,000         33,414   

JP Morgan Mortgage Trust

   1% 25 Jun 2034      33,787         33,474   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Prudential Financial Inc

   6.1% 15 Jun 2017      32,000         33,901   

Diageo Capital PLC

   2.625% 29 Apr 2023      36,000         34,780   

Empresa Bras De Aeronau

   5.15% 15 Jun 2022      36,000         34,920   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool G04832

   5% 01 Oct 2038      32,150         35,088   

Reynolds American Inc

   4.85% 15 Sep 2023      33,000         35,277   

American Intl Group

   6.4% 15 Dec 2020      31,000         35,763   

Lincoln National Corp

   8.75% 01 Jul 2019      30,000         36,031   

Kinross Gold Corp

   5.95% 15 Mar 2024      55,000         36,300   

Meccanica Holdings USA

   6.25% 15 Jul 2019      35,000         37,713   

Buckeye Partners LP

   4.15% 01 Jul 2023      46,000         39,413   

Metlife Inc

   6.817% 15 Aug 2018      35,000         39,415   

Biomed Realty LP

   6.125% 15 Apr 2020      37,000         40,125   

Hershey Company

   1.5% 01 Nov 2016      40,000         40,188   

Kellogg Co

   1.875% 17 Nov 2016      40,000         40,262   

Natl Retail Properties

   6.875% 15 Oct 2017      38,000         41,000   

Time Warner Inc

   4.875% 15 Mar 2020      39,000         42,166   


   2.75% 15 Sep 2016      42,000         42,340   

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage

   1.652% 15 Sep 2058      43,032         42,612   

Toronto Dominion Bank

   2.625% 10 Sep 2018      42,000         42,804   

Diageo Capital PLC

   5.5% 30 Sep 2016      42,000         43,276   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool A78453

   5% 01 Jul 2038      40,990         44,744   

Contl Airlines 2000 1

   8.048% 01 May 2022      40,134         44,951   

Autozone Inc

   6.95% 15 Jun 2016      44,000         45,085   

Rogers Communications Inc.

   4.1% 01 Oct 2023      46,000         47,397   

Allegheny Ludlum Corp

   6.95% 15 Dec 2025      79,000         47,400   

Contl Airlines 2007 1

   5.983% 19 Oct 2023      43,471         48,005   

Heineken NV

   3.4% 01 Apr 2022      48,000         48,682   

Sprint Capital Corp

   8.75% 15 Mar 2032      65,000         48,750   

Agilent Technologies Inc

   6.5% 01 Nov 2017      46,000         49,099   

CSX Corp

   7.375% 01 Feb 2019      43,000         49,219   

Morgan Stanley Baml Trust

   3.306% 15 Apr 2048      50,000         49,249   

American Intl Group

   4.125% 15 Feb 2024      48,000         49,292   

Bank of America Corp

   6.875% 25 Apr 2018      45,000         49,647   

Thermo Fisher Scientific

   4.15% 01 Feb 2024      48,000         49,857   

Principal Financial Group

   8.875% 15 May 2019      42,000         50,255   

FNMA Pool AP8545

   3% 01 Sep 2042      50,651         50,814   

Ecopetrol SA

   4.125% 16 Jan 2025      64,000         51,200   

San Diego G&E

   3.6% 01 Sep 2023      50,000         52,054   

Reinsurance Grp of Amer

   4.7% 15 Sep 2023      50,000         52,722   

Niagara Mohawk Power

   4.881% 15 Aug 2019      50,000         53,356   

Metlife Inc

   4.368% 15 Sep 2023      50,000         53,685   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Simon Property Group LP

   2.8% 30 Jan 2017      53,000         53,696   

Thermo Fisher Scientific

   3.3% 15 Feb 2022      55,000         54,865   

Abbey Natl Treasury Serv

   2.35% 10 Sep 2019      55,000         55,052   

Axis Specialty Finance

   5.875% 01 Jun 2020      50,000         55,216   

Bank of America Corp

   6.5% 15 Jul 2018      50,000         55,263   

First Niagara Fin Grp

   6.75% 19 Mar 2020      50,000         56,824   

FNMA Pool AB0194

   5.5% 01 Jan 2039      52,509         58,633   

Time Warner Inc

   4.7% 15 Jan 2021      55,000         59,194   

Qwest Capital Funding

   6.875% 15 Jul 2028      76,000         59,280   

Tsy Infl IX N/B

   2.375% 15 Jan 2017      58,970         60,426   

FNMA Pool 889608

   1% 01 Mar 2038      54,799         61,110   

Time Warner Cable Inc

   6.75% 01 Jul 2018      57,000         62,190   

Royal Bk Scotlnd Grp PLC

   4.7% 03 Jul 2018      61,000         63,320   

Joy Global Inc

   5.125% 15 Oct 2021      81,000         63,407   

Assurant Inc

   6.75% 15 Feb 2034      55,000         63,813   

Becton Dickinson and Co

   5% 15 May 2019      60,000         64,802   

Roper Technologies Inc

   3% 15 Dec 2020      66,000         65,726   

Housing Urban Developmnt

   2.96% 01 Aug 2024      66,000         68,030   

Methanex Corp

   4.25% 01 Dec 2024      79,000         70,041   

Fanniemae Aces

   1% 25 Dec 2038      69,585         70,700   

CRH America Inc

   8.125% 15 Jul 2018      63,000         71,669   

FNMA Pool 995581

   1% 01 Jan 2039      64,758         73,296   

Cincinnati Finl Corp

   6.125% 01 Nov 2034      65,000         73,752   

Nomura Holdings Inc

   4.125% 19 Jan 2016      74,000         74,079   

Lennox International Inc

   4.9% 15 May 2017      74,000         76,367   

Mass Mutual Life Ins Co

   5.625% 15 May 2033      70,000         77,770   

Southern Cal Edison

   3.5% 01 Oct 2023      76,000         78,410   

Suncorp Metway LTD

   2.35% 27 Apr 2020      80,000         78,560   

Suncorp Metway LTD

   1.7% 28 Mar 2017      80,000         79,853   

Walgreens Boots Alliance

   3.3% 18 Nov 2021      82,000         80,420   

Coca Cola Co

   2.45% 01 Nov 2020      79,000         80,439   

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage

   3.61% 15 May 2048      80,000         80,678   

Medtronic Inc

   3.15% 15 Mar 2022      80,000         80,874   

Stanley Black & Decker I

   3.4% 01 Dec 2021      80,000         81,470   

Toyota Motor Credit Corp

   4.25% 11 Jan 2021      76,000         82,022   

J.M. Smucker Co

   3.5% 15 Oct 2021      80,000         82,309   

Morgan Stanley

   2.65% 27 Jan 2020      83,000         82,774   

FNMA Pool AT2717

   2.5% 01 May 2043      85,700         82,817   

Macquarie Bank LTD

   2.6% 24 Jun 2019      83,000         82,917   

Temple Inland Inc

   6.375% 15 Jan 2016      83,000         83,094   

Pub Svc Elec & Gas

   9.25% 01 Jun 2021      65,000         83,299   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Comm Mortgage Trust

   3.183% 10 Feb 2048      85,000         83,345   

Boston Scientific Corp

   3.375% 15 May 2022      85,000         83,853   

Astrazeneca PLC

   2.375% 16 Nov 2020      85,000         84,393   

Johnson Controls Inc

   2.6% 01 Dec 2016      84,000         84,824   

Ventas Realty LP/Cap Crp

   4.75% 01 Jun 2021      80,000         85,201   

Abbey Natl Treasury Serv

   3.05% 23 Aug 2018      84,000         86,192   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool G07768

   5.5% 01 Jun 2041      79,037         87,927   

Advance Auto Parts Inc

   5.75% 01 May 2020      82,000         88,925   

Flowers Foods Inc

   4.375% 01 Apr 2022      86,000         89,382   

Government National Mortgage A

   1% 16 Nov 2037      80,100         90,277   


   8% 25 Apr 2024      81,407         93,199   

Kroger Co

   6.4% 15 Aug 2017      87,000         93,422   

Financing Corp

   9.4% 08 Feb 2018      80,000         93,540   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool Q12591

   3% 01 Oct 2042      93,535         93,598   

Tyson Foods Inc

   7% 01 May 2018      86,000         93,613   

Fannie Mae

   4.75% 25 Apr 2035      87,975         95,649   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool Z40045

   5% 01 Feb 2039      88,192         96,273   

Aid Israel

   5.5% 18 Sep 2023      81,000         97,053   

Fico Strip Prin

   0.01% 30 Nov 2017      100,000         97,645   

Procter & Gamble Co

   8% 26 Oct 2029      69,000         98,189   

Soc Quimica y Minera de

   6.125% 15 Apr 2016      100,000         99,755   

Morgan Stanley

   5.625% 23 Sep 2019      91,000         100,428   

Gap Inc

   5.95% 12 Apr 2021      95,000         100,500   

Kroger Co/The

   3.3% 15 Jan 2021      99,000         100,505   

GNMA Pool Al4893

   3% 15 Feb 2045      99,191         100,556   

US Treasury N/B

   2.375% 15 Aug 2024      100,000         101,043   

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage

   3.166% 15 Feb 2048      104,000         101,664   

American Express Co

   8.125% 20 May 2019      87,000         102,581   

Midamerican Energy Co

   2.4% 15 Mar 2019      103,000         103,791   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool C90872

   5.5% 01 Dec 2024      94,388         104,916   

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Arg

   5.75% 20 Jul 2017      100,000         105,814   

AT&T Inc

   5.5% 01 Feb 2018      100,000         106,899   

Morgan Stanley Baml Trust

   3.719% 15 Jul 2050      105,000         107,001   

Hutch Wham Int 09 LTD

   7.625% 09 Apr 2019      100,000         115,584   

Corning Inc

   7% 15 May 2024      94,000         116,132   

Verizon Communications

   4.5% 15 Sep 2020      109,000         117,111   

FNMA Pool MA0622

   3.5% 01 Jan 2041      113,418         117,293   

AT&T Inc

   2.45% 30 Jun 2020      120,000         118,178   

Pearson Funding Two PLC

   4% 17 May 2016      120,000         120,848   

BBVA Global Finance Ltd

   7% 01 Dec 2025      112,000         122,134   

FNMA Pool 991864

   6% 01 Oct 2038      109,638         123,770   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

Government National Mortgage A

   1% 20 Jul 2039      110,396         127,587   

Macquarie Bank LTD

   5% 22 Feb 2017      125,000         129,283   

Eastman Chemical Co

   7.25% 15 Jan 2024      106,000         129,522   

Spectra Energy Capital

   6.75% 15 Jul 2018      121,000         130,111   

US Treasury N/B

   4.25% 15 Nov 2017      125,000         132,329   

LB Baden Wuerttemberg

   7.625% 01 Feb 2023      106,000         133,171   

Burlingtn North Santa Fe

   7% 15 Dec 2025      108,000         134,806   

Royal Bank of Canada

   2.1% 14 Oct 2020      138,000         135,604   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool G03616

   6% 01 Dec 2037      122,374         137,803   


   9.5% 15 Nov 2018      119,000         140,309   

EQT Corp

   7.75% 15 Jul 2026      130,000         141,926   

GNMA Pool 727394

   4.5% 15 Feb 2040      131,859         142,713   

Banco Latinoamericano SA

   3.75% 04 Apr 2017      150,000         151,875   

Waste Management Inc

   7.1% 01 Aug 2026      120,000         151,933   

Petroleos Mexicanos

   2.83% 15 Feb 2024      150,450         153,816   

Comm Mortgage Trust

   3.528% 10 Dec 2047      154,000         155,230   

Goldman Sachs Group Inc

   5.35% 15 Jan 2016      158,000         158,166   

FNMA Pool AB3284

   5% 01 Jul 2041      146,572         162,614   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool Q27286

   3.5% 01 Jul 2044      158,907         163,710   

Bank of America NA

   1% 15 Jun 2016      171,000         170,921   

Banco Nac de Desen Econo

   5.75% 26 Sep 2023      200,000         172,440   

Fico Strip Ser 19

   0.01% 06 Jun 2018      180,000         173,493   

Tsy Infl IX N/B

   1.625% 15 Jan 2018      170,295         175,624   

FNMA Pool AT2725

   3% 01 May 2043      176,002         176,384   

FNMA Pool AW5136

   4% 01 May 2044      176,081         186,388   

New York Life Global Fdg

   2.15% 18 Jun 2019      195,000         194,844   

US Treasury N/B

   1% 30 Jun 2019      200,000         196,696   

US Treasury N/B

   1.75% 15 May 2022      200,000         196,726   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool G08658

   3% 01 Aug 2045      197,223         197,057   

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

   1% 10 Dec 2043      180,000         198,511   

Massmutual Global Funding

   2.35% 09 Apr 2019      200,000         201,016   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool V81888

   3.5% 01 Aug 2045      197,673         203,649   

Ford Motor Credit Co LLC

   4.25% 03 Feb 2017      200,000         204,342   

PTT Explor & Product PCL

   3.707% 16 Sep 2018      200,000         205,206   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool G08681

   3.5% 01 Dec 2045      200,000         206,046   

FHLMC TBA 30 Yr 4.5

   4.5% 14 Jan 2046      200,000         215,450   

FNMA Pool MA2193

   4.5% 01 Feb 2045      199,980         216,630   

Tsy Infl IX N/B

   1.75% 15 Jan 2028      198,678         217,087   

FNMA Pool AD3796

   5% 01 Apr 2040      199,980         220,480   

UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust

   3.4% 10 May 2045      220,000         224,027   

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

   3.482% 10 Jan 2045      222,000         229,301   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

FNMA Pool AB5792

   3.5% 01 Aug 2042      222,168         229,667   

CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust

   3.061% 15 Dec 2047      239,324         241,230   

Comm Mortgage Trust

   3.644% 10 Dec 2047      241,000         243,734   

US Treasury N/B

   2.25% 15 Nov 2024      250,000         249,873   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool G06931

   6% 01 Aug 2039      224,344         255,356   

Ruta del Maipo Soc Conc

   7.373% 15 Jun 2022      238,182         262,679   

GNMA Pool 719082

   4.5% 15 Nov 2039      250,971         271,724   

CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust

   1% 15 Apr 2044      250,000         273,265   

US Treasury N/B

   3.5% 15 Feb 2039      250,000         276,523   

Murphy Oil Corporation

   7.05% 01 May 2029      320,000         287,392   

Aust & Nz Banking Group

   1% 08 Aug 2022      288,000         293,760   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool Q32954

   3% 01 Apr 2045      297,256         297,006   

FNMA Pool AS5693

   3% 01 Aug 2045      297,771         298,030   

Citigroup Inc

   8.5% 22 May 2019      253,000         302,143   

Santander Issuances

   5.911% 20 Jun 2016      300,000         304,758   

US Treasury N/B

   1.625% 15 Nov 2022      350,000         340,004   

Inter American Devel Bk

   0.5% 17 Apr 2023      400,000         350,119   

FNMA Pool MA2279

   4% 01 May 2045      338,449         358,371   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool Q36152

   3.5% 01 Sep 2045      348,165         358,690   

GNMA Pool AL2583

   3% 15 Mar 2045      383,083         388,354   

GNMA II Pool MA2960

   3% 20 Jul 2045      393,811         399,686   

FNMA Pool AS0305

   3% 01 Aug 2043      400,666         401,455   

FNMA TBA 30 Yr 3.5

   3.5% 14 Jan 2046      400,000         412,688   

FNMA Pool BA2146

   3.5% 01 Nov 2045      399,961         412,959   

Financing Corp

   8.6% 26 Sep 2019      358,000         446,118   

US Treasury N/B

   2% 31 Aug 2021      450,000         451,971   

Federal Farm Credit Bank

   4.85% 29 Jul 2020      400,000         451,984   

FNMA Pool AX3090

   4% 01 Sep 2044      430,230         455,416   

GNMA Pool AO2429

   3% 15 Aug 2045      496,745         503,581   

US Treasury N/B

   2.625% 15 Aug 2020      500,000         519,395   

US Treasury N/B

   2.625% 15 Nov 2020      500,000         519,490   

US Treasury N/B

   1.5% 31 Jan 2022      550,000         534,661   

Financing Corp Fico

   9.65% 02 Nov 2018      450,000         550,490   

FNMA Pool AS6069

   4% 01 Oct 2045      531,321         562,664   

Aid Israel

   5.5% 26 Apr 2024      487,000         588,944   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool Q26516

   3.5% 01 Jun 2044      614,553         633,131   

FNMA Pool AY9945

   3.5% 01 Oct 2045      642,673         663,553   

FNMA Pool AQ0536

   3% 01 Nov 2042      690,908         693,015   

Fed Hm Ln Pc Pool Q34610

   3.5% 01 Jul 2045      711,475         732,983   

US Treasury N/B

   1.375% 30 Sep 2018      800,000         802,504   

US Treasury N/B

   2% 15 Feb 2025      950,000         928,663   



Table of Contents


EIN Number 51-0337383, Plan Number 002

Schedule H, Part IV, Line 4(i) Schedule of Assets

(Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2015    Supplemental Schedule





(b) Identity of Issue, Borrower, Lessor or
Similar Party


(c) Description of Investment

Including Maturity

Date, Rate of Interest,

Collateral, Par or Maturity Value

   (d) Cost and
Number of
     (e) Current Value  

FNMA Pool AY8393

   3.5% 01 Jul 2045      937,209         967,659   

US Treasury N/B

   1.875% 31 Oct 2017      975,000         989,128   

Freddie Mac

   8.25% 01 Jun 2016      1,019,000         1,050,100   

GNMA II Pool MA2224

   4% 20 Sep 2044      999,921         1,062,956   

Various Payables


Various Insurance Companies

   Synthetic Wrap Agreements***         (5,496,343)   



   Total Stable Value Fund            481,907,200   



*    Participant Notes Receivable    Interest at 4.25% to 9.25%, maturing through 2025      0         21,290,631   



            $ 895,966,789   






Indicates parties-in-interest as defined by ERISA.


Cost information is not required for participant-directed investments and, therefore is not included.


Represents adjustment to arrive at contract value.



Table of Contents



The Plan . Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the plan administrator of CONSOL Energy Inc. Investment Plan for Salaried Employees has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.



Date: June 20, 2016




/s/ David M. Khani


David M. Khani


Chief Financial Officer and Executive

    Vice President, CONSOL Energy Inc.


Plan Administrator



Table of Contents


Index to Exhibit


Exhibit No.





Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Historical Stock Chart
From Jun 2024 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more CONSOL Energy, Inc. Charts.
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more CONSOL Energy, Inc. Charts.