BAA plc - Notification of change in directors' interests in shares.

Ordinary Shares held by the Trustee of the BAA Employee Share Trust

I hereby give notice that the following directors of BAA plc namely:

Mr M S Hodgkinson

Mr M Clasper

Mr B J Collie

Mrs M Ewing

Mrs J Kong

Mr M Toms

Mr T Ward

have an interest as potential beneficiaries in shares held by the BAA Employee
Share Trust and that on 20 May 2003, the Company was notified that the Trustee
of the BAA Employee Share Trust had disposed of the following ordinary shares
in the Company:

No. of shares            Price range per     Percentage of issued share      
                         share               capital                         
13,494                   �0.0 - �4.545       0.001261333%                    

Subsequent to this transaction, the total number of shares in which the above
directors, through the BAA Employee Share Trust, had an interest as potential
beneficiaries, was:

Total no. of shares      Total percentage of issued share       
8,484,165                0.793045521%