BAA, the leading UK airport company, today calls for the phased construction of
up to three new runways in the South East of England in the coming 30 years.

In its response to the Government's consultation on aviation capacity in the
South East (SERAS), BAA says a prompt decision is needed on the first runway
and that land should be safeguarded at two other sites.

According to BAA, there are four candidates from which the Government should
choose its three options: a short runway at Heathrow for use by short-haul
aircraft; a second runway at Gatwick and up to two additional runways at

Commenting on the submission, Mike Clasper, BAA's chief executive designate
said: "This is a critical decision for the UK. If we do not provide the
infrastructure for aviation to grow, we will cause significant damage to our
country's international competitiveness. Aviation is vital to the growth of
internationally traded services and high value manufacturing, upon which our
economic future depends. We cannot have a dynamic aviation industry without a
strong airport sector, which plans for long-term growth. We can't afford to see
in aviation the problems we have today on our railways."

"Aviation is also essential to the UK tourism industry, the country's biggest
employer. And it offers services, today affordable by virtually everyone, to
enjoy new travel opportunities, which enrich lives and open minds.

"As ministers have said, doing nothing in the face of these realities is not an
option. We hope that firm decisions will be made before the end of the year,
not least so that people who live near airports where there is to be no runway
development will be spared ongoing blight."

BAA has evaluated the many options put forward by the Government last year on
the basis of their operational aspects, and their social, environmental and
economic impacts. The company has also worked with the Strategic Rail Authority
and others to identify issues associated with future runway development. A
nine-page joint statement by BAA and the SRA is published today as part of
BAA's submission to the Government.

Among the environmental issues considered in BAA's submission are land take,
noise and air pollution. BAA says that its approach to responsible airport
development is based upon the Government's own four principles for sustainable

"By responsible growth, we mean an approach which balances economic, social and
environmental concerns and which respects absolute environmental capacity
limits, where these have been clearly established, as is the case with climate
change," said Mr Clasper.

"We are committed to working with the Government and with our local communities
to understand fully the detailed issues surrounding air pollution and noise
disturbance and to work with all stakeholders to control, mitigate or
compensate for these impacts."

BAA also submits its response today on the Government's consultation on the
future of aviation in Scotland. Demand for air travel is growing in Scotland
but there is no clarity at present about how the demand will take shape in the
medium to long term. BAA therefore proposes that land is safeguarded at both
Glasgow and Edinburgh, giving flexibility for the future.

BAA also sets out eleven tests the Government should apply in working towards a
sustainable aviation strategy for the UK. The company's submission concludes:
"BAA believes that if the Government pursues a responsible approach which meets
these tests, the UK will have a world-class airports system."

Note- attached to this press statement is the 8 page summary to BAA's
submission. The full document, Responsible Growth: BAA's response to the
Government Consultation, The Future Development of Air Transport in the United
Kingdom, South East (SERAS), can be downloaded from