BAA's seven UK airports handled a total of 9.9 million passengers in April, an
increase of 1.6% on the same month last year.

Taking March and April results together to eliminate the distorting effects of
Easter falling late this year, traffic fell by 0.8% compared with last year.

Among the key markets in April, Easter boosted European charter traffic, up
17.9%, domestic traffic added 8.6%, Irish traffic added 3.4% and European
scheduled traffic added 1%. North Atlantic traffic was down by 5.4 % and other
long haul fell by 7.5%. This was largely due to the effects of the Gulf war and

Gatwick benefited from the late Easter, adding 7.9% overall. Stansted added
4.4% and Heathrow experienced a decline of 3.6%. Southampton's 42% increase was
the product of its new range of scheduled low fare routes and both Glasgow, up
9.1%, and Edinburgh, up 10.5%, continued to be buoyed by the growth in low fare

The number of air transport movements dipped by 2.6% in April, while cargo
tonnage fell 0.3%.

              For further information on BAA plc see               

BAA Traffic Summary : April 2003                                           
Terminal                                     %    12 months to            %
Passengers (000s)       Month          Change*        April 03     Change**
Heathrow                    4,889.6       -3.6        62,769.2          4.3
Gatwick                     2,239.6        7.9        29,806.5         -0.7
Stansted                    1,271.5        4.4        16,799.1         18.5
London Area Total           8,400.6        0.4       109,374.8          4.8
Southampton                    89.5       42.0           820.9         -1.6
Glasgow                       594.9        9.1         7,950.6          8.1
Edinburgh                     605.5       10.5         7,130.1         12.5
Aberdeen                      206.6       -3.2         2,567.7          0.4
Scottish Total              1,407.1        7.7        17,648.4          8.6
BAA Total                   9,897.2        1.6       127,844.1          5.3
Air Transport                                  %    12 months to          %
Movements                 Month          Change*        April 03   Change**
Heathrow                       36,719       -4.2         459,544        0.8
Gatwick                        17,995       -0.0         237,294        0.2
Stansted                       11,975       -3.8         161,461        7.9
London Area Total              66,689       -3.0         858,299        1.9
Southampton                     2,624       12.2          28,117       -1.1
Glasgow                         6,978       -1.0          88,667       -2.6
Edinburgh                       8,650       -2.3         106,008        3.3
Aberdeen                        6,564       -5.3          80,615       -6.6
Scottish Total                 22,192       -2.8         275,290       -1.7
BAA Total                      91,505       -2.6       1,161,706        0.9
Cargo                                          %    12 months to          %
(Metric Tonnes)           Month          Change* April 03        Change**  
Heathrow                       98,595       -0.2       1,252,869        7.4
Gatwick                        17,703       -8.1         238,527       -7.5
Stansted                       15,885        5.0         192,914       14.4
London Area Total             132,183       -0.7       1,684,310        5.7
Southampton                        36       20.0             386       10.7
Glasgow                           237      -32.5           5,313        1.0
Edinburgh                       1,934       62.0          23,781       54.8
Aberdeen                          289      -11.1           3,571      -14.4
Scottish Total                  2,460       31.6          32,665       31.8
BAA Total                     134,679       -0.3       1,717,361        6.1
Above data excludes Air Taxi passengers and Air Taxi movements.            
* compared to the month of April 2002                                      
** compared to the twelve months to April 2002                             

Market Comparison: April 2003                                               
                           BAA Total               BAA Total                
Market                             April 02         April 03                
                                     (000s)           (000s)        % Change
Domestic                              1,944            2,110             8.6
Eire                                    489              506             3.4
European Scheduled                    3,821            3,859             1.0
European Charter*                       673              793            17.9
North Atlantic                        1,395            1,320            -5.4
Other Long Haul                       1,415            1,309            -7.5
Total                                 9,737            9,897             1.6

* includes North African Charter

Note: Origins and destinations are classified according to ultimate origin or
destination of aircraft in the case of multi sector flights

Note: Figures for the market sectors have been rounded. Totals as per Traffic