RNS Number:0261B
Wellington Holdings PLC
26 March 2001

                           WELLINGTON HOLDINGS PLC

           Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2000

              Record sales and profits for the 'New Wellington'

Wellington Holdings today announces preliminary results for the year ended 31
December 2001, showing a 33% increase in operating profits. This excellent
performance has been achieved through strong global growth in a broad range of
specialist applications.

The "New Wellington" is focused on the manufacture of seals for engineering
and industrial applications, having sold its rubber compounding interests in

Financial Highlights*
(For continuing operations)

                                           Years ended 31 December

                                                2000         1999
                                                 #m           #m

Turnover                                        30.6         24.8      Up 23%

Operating Profit                                 4.3          3.2      Up 33%

Profit before Taxation                           3.5          2.5      Up 40%

Pro forma Earnings per share                  10.07 p       7.48p      Up 35%

Net Dividend per Share                          6.5p         6.5p        -

Commenting on the results the Chairman, Brian Kent, said:

'Group sales are at record levels, up 23% for the ongoing seals business with
all parts of the company reporting positive growth.'

'The two U.S. seals companies, bought in 1997 and 1998, have had an excellent
year, with CDI, in Houston, delivering record sales and profit as the oil
industry recovered, and Dynamic, in Detroit, once again having a fine year.'

'We continue to invest in new machinery and tooling to increase capacity, with
capital expenditure some 34% in excess of depreciation.  Operational cash flow
in the ongoing business is up 30%.'

'We now have a highly focused successful business which is finding growth
niches in its many broadly spread global markets.  The year has started very
well and we look forward to another growth year and more than holding our own
in the seals market worldwide.'

For further information contact:

Brian Kent, Chairman                                         Tel: 020 8941 3774
Peter Bennett, Group Chief Executive                         Tel: 020 8941 3774
David Hardy, Binns & Co                                      Tel: 020 7786 9600

or visit the Wellington website:-

*The above figures for both years are calculated after eliminating the
goodwill amortisation and in 1999 the results of the discontinued operations,
all exceptional costs and credits, and all taxation effects thereon.  The
sales proceeds from the sale of the compounding division are assumed to have
been received on 1 January 1999.  The directors believe that these adjustments
give a more meaningful indication of the Group's underlying performance.

Chairman's Statement - 2000

It is very satisfying to report pro-forma EPS growth of 35% for the 'New'
Wellington seals group and a year of excellent operating profits, up 33% at #
4.3 million before goodwill.

The fact that conditions for U.K. manufacturing have been difficult makes the
achievement all the more noteworthy.

We have invested steadily in sales and technical resources over the last few
years and innovative product and market development represent cornerstones of
our sales success.

Group sales are a record #30.6m, up 23%, for the ongoing seals business, with
all parts of the company reporting positive growth.

This year has seen a very significant shift in our geographical sales and
profit profile, which we have achieved by our withdrawal from the largely U.K.
based rubber compounding business in October 1999 and our two earlier U.S.
seals acquisitions.  As a result, the U.S.A. and Canada now account for 53 %
of total sales compared with 32% previously.

The two U.S. companies, bought in 1997 and 1998,  have had an excellent year,
with CDI, in Houston, delivering record sales and profit as the oil industry
recovered, and Dynamic, in Detroit, once again having a fine year.

HSI, based at Hampton, U.K., had an excellent year assisted by its worldwide
network of subsidiaries and distributors who all met our expectations of them.
After two years of decline, HSI's mining business recovered strongly.

Despite the strength of sterling, it is very pleasing to report that direct
exports from the U.K. to the rest of the world are up by 36%.  We have been
particularly successful in increasing our sales in Asian Pacific markets.

Operating margins, before goodwill, at 14% are good for an engineering
components company and both volume and mix have combined to give a healthy

Balance Sheet

We have continued to invest in new machinery and tooling to increase capacity,
with capital expenditure some 34% in excess of depreciation.  Operational cash
flow in the ongoing business has been good and is up 30%.

The bulk of our debt is in dollars and is serviced by dollar cash flows.  The
change in year-end exchange rate resulted in an increase in consolidated debt.
We are using our 108% gearing to positive effect and the interest cover at
5.2 times is acceptable.

We expect our gearing to improve, assisted by our continuing strong internal
cash generation.


As a result of these very positive results the Board has recommended a
maintained final dividend of 4.3p per share to be paid on 30 May 2001 to
shareholders on the register at the close of business on 6 April 2001, making
6.5p for the year (1999: 6.5p).


This year has demanded the very best from our many employees around the world
and they have risen to the challenge in a clear and demonstrable way.  The
Board of Directors would like to pay tribute to the many record performances
achieved.  Our employees remain our most important asset and we will continue
to involve them in our development.


The Board has reviewed its risk management procedures and the requirements of
the Combined Code of Practice and is satisfied that Wellington has all the
requisite procedures in place appropriate for a company of its size.


We now have a highly focused successful business which is finding growth
niches in its many broadly spread global markets.  The management team
continues to work to our agreed strategy.

Our cost base is competitive and the wide geographical spread of Wellington
sales reduces investor risk and, through exploitation of global synergies,
assists overall sales growth. Our order books are very good and the year has
started well.

To follow a record year is never easy, especially as our major markets and the
effects of competitive pressures are so difficult to predict at the present
time.  However, we look forward to another growth year and more than holding
our own in the seals market worldwide.

B.H. Kent

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 December 2000

                                                           Total        Total
                                                           2000         1999
                                                           #000         #000
   Continuing operations                                   30,570       24,754

   Discontinued operations                                 -            12,811
                                                       ---------       --------
                                                           30,570       37,565
Cost of sales                                             (17,810)     (26,339)
                                                       ---------       ---------
Gross profit                                               12,760       11,226

Net operating expenses                                     (8,648)      (9,250)
Operating profit
Continuing operations before goodwill amortisation         4,270        3,200
Goodwill amortisation                                      (158)        (144)
                                                        --------       ---------
Continuing operations after goodwill amortisation          4,112        3,056
Discontinued operations                                    -            (1,080)
                                                        --------       --------
                                                           4,112        1,976

Loss on sale of discontinued operation                     -            (7,576)
Profit on sale of fixed assets of continuing               -            200
                                                        --------       --------
Profit/(loss)  on ordinary activities before               4,112        (5,400)
interest and taxation
Interest receivable                                        16           35
Interest payable and similar charges                       (834)        (1,041)
                                                       ---------       ---------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation       3,294        (6,406)
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities                (1,072)      (711)
                                                       ---------       --------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation
and for the financial year
                                                           2,222        (7,117)
Dividend paid and proposed                                 (1,536)      (1,536)
                                                        --------       ---------
Retained profit/(loss) for the year                        686          (8,653)
                                                          =====        ======
Earnings/(loss) per share
Basic                                                      9.40p        (30.10)p
Diluted                                                    9.27p        (28.70)p
Proforma earnings per share                                10.07p       7.48p
Net dividend per share                                     6.50p        6.50p

Consolidated balance sheet
at 31 December 2000

                                                2000              1999
                                            #000   #000   #000   #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                  2,995         2,820
Tangible assets                                    10,543        9,938
                                                   ---------        -------
Current assets                                     13,538        12,758
Stocks                                      4,378         3,983
Debtors                                     5,683         5,310
Cash at bank and in hand                    866           794
                                            --------        --------
                                            10,927        10,087

Creditors: amounts falling due within       (8,167)       (6,608)
one year

                                            ---------        ---------
Net current assets                                 2,760         3,479
                                                   ---------        ----------
Total assets less current liabilities              16,298        16,237

Creditors: amounts falling due after               (7,838)       (8,230)
more than one year
Provisions for liabilities and                     (181)         (476)
                                                   ---------        ---------
Net assets                                         8,279         7,531
                                                   =====         ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                            2,365         2,364
Share premium account                              3,156         3,148
Capital redemption reserve                         1,569         1,569
Special reserve                                    -             1,816
Profit and loss account                            1,189         (1,366)
                                                   ---------        ---------
Equity shareholders' funds                         8,279         7,531
                                                   ======        ======

Analysis of turnover and profit on ordinary activities before interest and

All of the result for 2000 relates to the seals activity of the group.

                                     Turnover Profit      Turnover Profit
                                              before               before
                                              Interest &           Interest &
                                              Tax                  Tax
                                     2000     2000        1999     1999
      By activity                    #000     #000        #000     #000
      Before Goodwill Amortisation   30,570   4,270       24,754   3,200
      Goodwill Amortisation                   (158)       -        (144)
                                              ------               --------
                                              4,112                3,056
      Discontinued                   -        -           12,811   (1,080)
      Loss on sale of discontinued   -        -           -        (7,576)
                                     --------- --------    -------- --------
                                     30,570   4,112       37,565   (5,600)
                                     --------- --------    --------- ---------
      Profit on sale of property     -        -           -        200
                                     --------- ----------  ---------- ---------
                                     30,570   4,112       37,565   (5,400)
                                     =======  ======      =====    =====

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 December 2000

                                                        2000          1999
                                                    #000   #000   #000   #000

Net cash inflow from continuing operating                  5,012         2,739

Returns on investments and servicing of
   Interest received                                16            35
   Interest paid                                    (822)         (1,029)
   Finance lease interest paid                      (12)          (12)
                                                    -------        --------
Net cash outflow from returns on investment                (818)         (1,006)
and servicing of finance

    Tax refund/(paid)   - UK                        181           (184)
                                   - Overseas       (863)         (556)
                                                    --------        --------
Tax paid                                                   (682)         (740)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
    Additional goodwill consideration               (160)         -
    Purchase of concessions, licences and           (26)          (34)
    Purchase of tangible fixed assets               (1,530)        (1,378)
    Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets          500           -
                                                    -------        --------

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and
financial investment
                                                           (1,216)       (1,412)

Acquisitions and disposals
    Disposal of subsidiary undertaking              -             4,800
                                                    -------        --------
Net cash inflow from acquisitions and                      -             4,800

Equity dividends paid                                      (1,536)       (1,418)
                                                           --------      -------
Net cash inflow before financing                           760           2,963

   Repayment of amounts borrowed                    (1,306)       (3,763)
   Capital element of finance lease rental          575           (122)
   Share capital issued                             9             -
                                                    --------        -------
Net cash outflow from financing                            (722)         (3,885)
                                                           --------     --------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year                    38            (922)
                                                           ======        =====

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
for the year ended 31 December 2000

                                                  2000             1999
                                            #000    #000     #000     #000

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year     38               (922)

Cash outflow from debt and lease financing  731              3,885
                                            ------           -------

Change in net debt resulting from cash flow         769               2,963
Translation difference                              (770)             -
Net debt at beginning of year                       (8,771)           (11,734)
                                                    --------          --------
Net debt at end of year                             (8,772)           (8,771)
                                                    ======            =====

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating

                                                          2000       1999
                                                          #000       #000

Operating profit                                          4,112      1,976
Depreciation and amortisation                             1,318      1,786
Increase in stocks                                        (395)      (321)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                            (873)      2,051
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                          1,145      (2,633)
Movement in provisions                                    (295)      (120)
                                                          --------   -------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                 5,012      2,739
                                                          =====      =====


 1. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's
    statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2000 or 1999.  The
    financial information for 1999 is derived from the statutory accounts for
    1999 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The
    auditors have reported on the 1999 accounts, their report was unqualified
    and did not contain a statement under S 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies
    Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for 2000 will be finalised on the basis
    of the financial information presented by the directors in this
    preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of
    Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

 2. The final ordinary dividend of 4.3p net will be paid on 30 May 2001 to
    shareholders registered on 6 April 2001 subject to shareholders' approval
    at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 24 May 2001.  An interim
    dividend of 2.2p net was paid on 27 November 2000.

 3. Earnings per share have been calculated by reference to the weighted
    average number of ordinary shares of 10p each in issue in the period being
    23,645,164 (1999 23,641,946).

    The pro-forma earnings per share is calculated after eliminating the loss on
    disposal and the goodwill amortisation and results of the business
    discontinued, all exceptional cost and credits and after adjusting for the  
    tax effects thereon.  The proceeds from the sale of the Compounding division
    are assumed to have been received on 1 January 1999.  The directors believe 
    that earnings per share calculated by adjusting for the above gives a more
    meaningful indication of the Group's underlying performance.

 4. The Board considered that the compounding business no longer met the
    Group's strategic ambition.  On 18 October 1999 the group completed the
    disposal of the Compounding division for #4.8m after costs and the loss on
    disposal was recorded in the 1999 financial statements.  The loss on
    disposal of #7,576,000, which included #1,816,000 of goodwill previously
    written off to reserves, was recorded in the 1999 financial statements.

5.  It is expected that the Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to
    shareholders not later than 2 May 2001.

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