RNS Number : 4417O


09 February 2016

First Quarter Results

ended 31 December 2015


   -- Good underlying performance in Q1 with 7.2 % improvement in underlying EBITA in spite of impact from geopolitical 
   -- EUR 10 m of merger synergies in relation to corporate streamlining and Destination Services delivered in the 
   -- Disposal process for Hotelbeds on track 
   -- Current trading for Winter 2015 / 16 and Summer 2016 remains in line with our expectations, taking into account 
      the geopolitical backdrop 
   -- Reiterate earnings guidance of at least 10 % growth in underlying EBITA in 2015 / 16* 
                                        Underlying                             Reported 
 EUR million                            Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. %   Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
                                                        restated                               restated 
 Turnover                               3,718.4        3,526.4        5.4      3,718.4        3,526.4 
 EBITA                                  - 101.7        - 104.8        3.0      - 137.5        - 141.4 
 EBITA - at constant currency rates*    - 97.3         - 104.8        7.2      - 132.3        - 141.4 

Note: EBITA comprises earnings before interest, taxes and goodwill impairments; it does not include the results from container shipping operations measured at equity nor the results from the measurement of interest hedging instruments.

* Assuming constant foreign exchange rates are applied to the result in the current and prior year and based on current Group structure.

Chief Executive of TUI Group, Friedrich Joussen, commented:

"We have delivered a good underlying performance in Q1 in spite of the backdrop of geopolitical -turbulence in some of our destinations, with a 7.2 % improvement in underlying EBITA*. Northern Region and Riu have performed particularly well, and we remain pleased with demand and yield performance

in our Cruise business. We are continuing to deliver our merger synergies as planned, with a further EUR 10 m realised in the quarter, and the disposal process for Hotelbeds remains on track.

It is evident that there has been a significant shift in demand away from Turkey, with Summer 2016 bookings to that destination currently down around 40 %. Our scale business model and own hotel content means that we have been able to act quickly to remix capacity to alternative, profitable -destinations. In addition, our own hotels in destinations outside Turkey (such as Spain and the Canaries) are benefitting from the shift in demand. Based on current trading, and the resilience of our integrated business model, we continue to expect to deliver -underlying EBITA growth of at least 10 % in 2015 / 16*."

 EUR million 
 Underlying EBITA Q1 2014 / 15 (restated)                                           - 105 
 Non-repeat prior year gain on disposal of hotel (Riu Waikiki)                      - 16 
 Underlying trading                                                                 + 5 
 Merger synergies (EUR 5 m Corporate Streamlining, EUR 5 m Destination Services)    + 10 
 Refinancing of Europa 2                                                            + 5 
 Year-on-year impact of aircraft financing                                          + 4 
 Underlying EBITA 2015 / 16 excluding FX                                            - 97 
 Foreign exchange translation                                                       - 5 
 Underlying EBITA 2015 / 16                                                         - 102 


   -- Turnover increased by 5.4 % to EUR 3,718 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 3,526 m), or by 2.5 % excluding the positive impact 
      of foreign exchange translation. Brand turnover (which includes the non-consolidated turnover of TUI Cruises and 
      our Canadian strategic venture) increased by 6.9 % to EUR 4,357 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 4,076 m), or by 4.3 % 
      excluding the positive impact of foreign exchange translation. Growth was driven by Northern Region and Cruises. 
   -- Group underlying EBITA loss for the quarter improved to EUR 102 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 105 m loss), or EUR 97 m 
      loss excluding the negative impact of foreign exchange translation. 
   -- Within the Source Markets, underlying EBITA loss was EUR 82 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 78 m loss), or EUR 77 m loss 
      excluding the negative impact of foreign exchange translation. 
   -- Northern Region delivered a good performance, with a strong end of Summer trading result in the UK and continued 
      trading margin improvement in Nordics. 
   -- The result in Central Region declined as a result of the continued challenging trading conditions in Germany, 
      compounded by lower demand for North Africa and Turkey, and lower Canaries margins. The new management team, who 
      took over at the end of June 2015, are taking corrective actions to improve profitability. 
   -- Western Regions operating result impacted by planned additional marketing costs in Netherlands in relation to the 
      successful TUI rebranding. 
   -- In Hotels & Resorts, underlying EBITA was EUR 25 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 29 m, including EUR 16 m gain on disposal 
      of Riu Waikiki) or EUR 23 m excluding the positive impact of foreign exchange translation. 
   -- Riu delivered a strong operating performance, with a 2.3 % point improvement in occupancy and 12.7 % increase in 
      average rate per bed. This was partly offset by the non-repeat of the gain on disposal of Riu Waikiki in the 
      prior year. 
   -- Robinsons result impacted by planned additional marketing costs to grow the brand, as well as the under occupancy 
      cost relating to a leased property in Tunisia (opened Summer 2015) and lower demand for Turkey. 
   -- Result for other hotels adversely impacted by the events in Egypt and reduced demand for Turkish destinations. 
   -- In Cruises, underlying EBITA increased to EUR 8 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 2 m), including EUR 5 m benefit from the 
      refinancing of Europa 2 and strong trading by Mein Schiff 4 which launched in June 2015. This was partly offset 
      by EUR 2 m dry-dock costs for Hapag-Lloyd Cruises and non-repeat of a EUR 2 m shipyard financing provision 
      release in the prior year in TUI Cruises. 
   -- Following the carve out of Destination Services (formerly Inbound Services) into Other Tourism, EUR 5 m of 
      synergies have been delivered in the quarter. 
   -- On a post-carve out basis, Hotelbeds Group underlying EBITA increased to EUR 3 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 2 m) as the 
      business continues to outperform the market. The disposal process remains on track. 
   -- Specialist Group underlying EBITA loss of EUR 32 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 19 m loss), or EUR 30 m loss excluding the 
      negative impact foreign exchange translation, reflects difficult trading in the adventure and ski divisions 
      (impacted by geopolitical events and poor snow conditions respectively), and in the US tour operators. 
   -- All other segments underlying EBITA loss of EUR 14 m (Q1 2014 / 15: EUR 26 m loss) includes EUR 5 m further 
      benefit from the delivery of further corporate streamlining synergies, bringing the total delivered to date to 
      EUR 15 m. 


   -- Winter 2015 / 16: 82 % sold to date, with flat bookings and average selling prices up 3 %. Overall Source Market 
      long-haul bookings are up 10 % and the UK continues to deliver good growth in total bookings, up 3 %. 
   -- Summer 2016 in line with our expectations at this early stage: 33 % sold to date, with overall volumes up 1 % and 
      average selling prices up 2 %. UK bookings performance remains strong, up 9 %. Demand for Turkey has decreased 
      significantly compared with prior year, and we have rapidly reshaped the programme to alternative destinations. 
   -- Continued progress in increasing controlled and online distribution within the Source Markets. 


   -- Based on current trading and the resilience of our business model, we continue to expect to deliver underlying 
      EBITA growth of at least 10 % in 2015 / 16*. 

Current trading in line with our expectations

Winter 2015/16

Current trading for Winter, which is the low season for most of our businesses, is in line with our expectations. 82 % of the Source Market programme has been sold to date, in line with prior year, with flat bookings and average selling prices up 3 %. Long-haul bookings continue to grow strongly, up 10 %. Bookings through our controlled channels account for 70 % of Winter bookings, up one percentage point, with the online channel accounting for 43 % of bookings, up two percentage points.

Trading in our Hotels & Resorts businesses largely reflects bookings made through our Source Markets. We continue to grow bookings from our Source Markets to our target group hotels, in line with our strategy to deliver synergies through joint management of occupancy.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

February 09, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Following advice from several governments in November 2015, we ceased flying to and from Sharm el Sheikh and took rapid action to remix the tour operator programme. Egypt accounted for approximately 6 % of our Source Market programme in Winter 2014 / 15 and approximately 2 % of our Summer 2015 programme. Sharm el Sheikh constituted around 50 % of the overall Egypt programme. In addition, TUI Group operates 34 hotels in Egypt (as at December 2015), 22 of which are managed, nine owned, one leased and two franchised. Most of the owned and leased hotels are operated by joint ventures. 11 of the hotels in Egypt are located in Sharm el Sheikh.

 Current Trading(1) Winter 2015/16 
                               Winter 2015 / 16 
 YoY variation%                Total ASP2   Total Sales2   Total Customers2   Programme sold (%) 
 Northern Region               + 3          + 5            + 2                81 
 UK                            + 1          + 5            + 3                76 
 Nordics                       + 6          + 7            Flat               93 
 Central Region                + 6          + 3            - 3                83 
 Germany                       + 5          + 2            - 3                82 
 Western Region                - 1          Flat           + 1                82 
 Benelux                       Flat         + 3            + 2                81 
 Total Source Markets          + 3          + 3            Flat               82 
 Hotelbeds Group - Bedbank3    + 6          + 18           + 11               n / a 

1 These statistics are up to 31 January 2016 and are shown on a constant currency basis.

2 These statistics relate to all customers whether risk or non-risk.

3 Sales refer to total transaction value (TTV) and customers refers to roomnights.

We remain pleased with the booking and yield performance of both TUI Cruises and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises, with the former reflecting the expansion of the fleet following the launch of Mein Schiff 4 in June 2015.

In the UK, bookings are up 3 % and average selling prices are up 1 %, with lower jet fuel costs and the impact of the weaker Euro on accommodation costs partly offsetting the increase in long-haul. To date, 76 % of the Winter programme has been sold. The key driver of volume expansion is long-haul, for which overall bookings are currently up 16 %, including growth in demand for Mexico, Dominican Republic and Jamaica, plus the addition of Costa Rica to the programme. Short and medium haul is 1 % ahead of prior year, despite lower demand for Egypt which we have offset by remixing the programme and channelling demand to alternative destinations.

In the Nordics, bookings are flat, with good trading since our last update. To date, 93 % of the Winter programme has been sold. Average selling prices continue to perform well (up 6 %) and trading margins continue to improve compared with prior year, in particular for short and medium haul. The roll-out of our Riu hotels to the Nordics source markets continues to prove successful.

In Germany, bookings are down 3 % in what remains a very competitive market. To date, 82 % of the Winter programme has been sold. Average selling prices are up 5 %, which reflects a higher proportion of long-haul bookings (up 10 %) and increases in accommodation costs. Performance has been adversely impacted by the recent events in Egypt and Turkey (which is a significant destination for German tourists) and as a result of the increase in flight capacity to sun and beach destinations (in particular the Canaries).

In Benelux bookings are up 2 % with flat average selling prices. Bookings in the Netherlands have remained strong following the TUI rebrand, up 6 %. Demand has been more subdued in Belgium following events in Tunisia, Paris and Egypt.

The Hotelbeds Group bedbank is continuing to deliver a significant increase in both TTV and roomnights for Winter, up 18 % and 11 % respectively.

Summer 2016

Summer 2016 trading remains in line with our expectations, taking into account the geopolitical backdrop, with bookings up 1 % and average selling prices up 2 %. We are still at an early stage of the booking cycle, with approximately 33 % of the Source Markets programmes sold, in line with prior year. In the UK, where the highest proportion of the programme (41 %) has been sold to date, trading remains strong with bookings up 9 %. Short-haul, long-haul and cruise are performing well. Average selling prices for the UK are down 1 %, reflecting the development of input costs (including fuel).

Due to ongoing geopolitical uncertainty in the region, Summer bookings to Turkey from all Source Markets are around 40 % below prior year. In Summer 2015, 14 % of our Source Market customers travelled to Turkey, with a lower proportion from the UK, and a higher proportion from Germany and Nordics. In response to the decline in demand, we have rapidly reshaped the Summer programme by adding capacity to alternative popular and profitable destinations, such as Spain and Greece, including taking additional capacity in our Group hotels.

Bookings and yields for both TUI Cruises and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises remain strong. We are pleased with the progress in bookings for Mein Schiff 5, which launches in July 2016.


The net debt position (cash and cash equivalents less financial dept) at 31 December 2015 was EUR 1,876 m (30 September 2015: net debt EUR 214 m). The increase since year-end was driven by customary

seasonal cash outflows within the tour operators. The net debt position consisted of EUR 1,042 m of cash and cash equivalents, EUR 225 m of current financial liabilities and EUR 2,693 m of non-current financial liabilities. We remain satisfied with our long-term debt funding and liquidity position. This includes external bank revolving credit facilities totalling EUR 1.75 bn which are used to manage the seasonality of the Groups cash flows. The maturity date of the revolving credit facility was recently extended from June 2018 to December 2020 on broadly the same terms.


Our strategy of hedging the majority of our jet fuel and currency requirements for future seasons, as detailed below, remains unchanged. This gives us certainty of costs when planning capacity and pricing. The following table shows the percentage of our forecast requirement that is currently hedged for Euros, US Dollars and jet fuel for our former TUI Travel businesses, which account for over 90 % of our Group currency and fuel exposure.

 %             Winter 2015 / 16   Summer 2016 
 Euro          96                 83 
 US Dollars    92                 76 
 Jet Fuel      96                 85 

As at 29 January 2016


We have delivered a good start to the year, with underlying EBITA up 7.2 %* in the first quarter. This demonstrates the resilience of our integrated model, which has helped us to absorb the impact of geopolitical unrest and the challenges we sometimes face in specific source markets and destinations. The shift in demand away from Turkey is a challenge for Summer 2016, and we have taken actions to mitigate this. Delivery of merger synergies and the Hotelbeds disposal process are on-track. Based on current trading and the resilience of our integrated business model, we continue to expect to deliver at least 10 %* growth in underlying EBITA in 2015 / 16.


A full copy of our Q1 Report 2015/16 can be found via our corporate website: http://www.tuigroup.com/en-en/investors

A conference call and audio webcast for investors and analysts will take today at 7:15am GMT / 8:15am CET.

The dial-in arrangements for the call are as follows:

For Germany: +49 30 232 531 428

For UK: +44 203 367 9216

For France: +33 172 253 098

For US: +1 408 916 9838

A presentation and the quarterly report to accompany the conference call will be made available at 6:00am GMT / 7:00am CET on our corporate website. Details of the webcast will be found at the same link: http://www.tuigroup.com/en-en/investors.


TUI Group will release a pre-close trading update on Thursday 31 March 2016.


TUI Group will issue its H1 interim results on Wednesday 11 May 2016.


Andy Long, Director of Investor Relations Tel: +44 (0)1293 645 831

Contacts for Analysts and Investors in UK, Ireland and Americas

Sarah Coomes, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +44 (0)1293 645 827

Hazel Newell, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 (0)1293 645 909

Jacqui Smith, PA to Andy Long Tel: +44 (0)1293 645 831

Contacts for Analysts and Investors in Continental Europe, Middle East and Asia

Nicola Gehrt, Head of Investor Relations Tel: +49 (0)511 566 1435

Ina Klose, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +49 (0)511 566 1318

Jessica Blinne, Team Assistant Tel: +49 (0)511 566 1425

First quarter 2015/16

TUI Group - financial highlights

 EUR million                  Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover                     3,718.4        3,526.4        + 5.4 
 Underlying EBITA1 
 Northern Region              - 27.9         - 45.4         + 38.5 
 Central Region               - 26.2         - 20.3         - 29.1 
 Western Region               - 27.7         - 11.9         - 132.8 
 Hotels & Resorts             25.2           28.7           - 12.2 
 Cruises                      8.2            2.0            + 310.0 
 Other Tourism                - 11.4         - 14.2         + 19.7 
 Tourism                      - 59.8         - 61.1         + 2.1 
 Specialist Group             - 31.8         - 19.1         - 66.5 
 Hotelbeds Group              3.5            1.8            + 94.4 
 All other segments           - 13.6         - 26.4         + 48.5 
 TUI Group                    - 101.7        - 104.8        + 3.0 
 Discontinued operation       0.1            - 3.0          n / a 
 Sum of the segments          - 101.6        - 107.8        + 5.8 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

February 09, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

 EBITA2                       - 137.5        - 141.4        + 2.8 
 Underlying EBITDA            - 2.1          - 24.6         + 91.5 
 EBITDA                       - 22.8         - 46.2         + 50.6 
 Net profit for the period    - 163.9        - 136.2        - 20.3 
 Earnings per shareEUR        - 0.32         - 0.32         - 
 Equity ratio (31 Dec)3%      15.6           14.0           + 1.6 
 Cash gross capex             159.3          126.5          + 25.9 
 Net debt (31 Dec)            - 1,875.6      - 1,632.0      - 14.9 
 Employees (31 Dec)           64,594         65,268         - 1.0 

Differences may occur due to rounding.

1 In order to explain and evaluate the operating performance by the segments, EBITA adjusted for one-off effects (underlying EBITA) is presented. Underlying EBITA has been adjusted for ganis / losses on disposal of investments, restructuring costs according to IAS 37, ancillary acquisition costs and conditional purchase price payments under purchase price allocations and other expenses for and income from one-off items.

2 EBITA comprises earnings before net interest result, income tax and impairment of goodwill excluding losses on container shipping measured at equity and excluding the result from the measurement of interest hedges.

3 Equity divided by balance sheet total in %, variance is given in percentage points.

Interim Management Report

Corporate Governance

Composition of the Boards

In Q1 2015 / 16, the composition of the Executive Board of TUI AG changed as follows.

In financial year 2014 / 15, the Supervisory Board had appointed Dr Elke Eller as Executive Board member in charge of HR and Labour Director of TUI AG. She took over the Labour Director function from Sebastian Ebel as at 15 October 2015. He had previously temporarily held that function in addition to his operational responsibilities as Executive Board member.

The composition of the Supervisory Board of TUI AG did not change in Q1 2015 / 16.

The current, complete composition of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board is listed on our website, where it has been made permanently available to the public.

TUI Group fundamentals: Structure and strategy

Reporting structure

In the Interim Financial Report for Q1 2015 / 16 the TUI Group reporting structure is based on that introduced for the H1 2014 / 15.

In Q1 2015 / 16, the carve-out of Destination Services from the Hotelbeds Group segment was completed as scheduled. They were integrated in the Tourism business and have been managed under Other Tourism since the period under review. Following an evaluation of various options to increase the growth and value of the Hotelbeds Group retained in the segment, a divestment process has been initiated and is proceeding according to plan. Moreover, the IT services previously carried in All Other Segments were pooled in the Other Tourism segment in Q1 2015 / 16.

Group targets and strategy

The TUI Group continues to pursue its strategy as presented in -financial year 2014 / 15. A summary can be found in the Annual -Report 2014 / 15.

Our assessment of the expected synergies and one-off costs resulting from the merger is retained as presented in the Annual Report for 2014 / 15. In the period under review, we delivered synergies worth EUR 10 m from the merger with TUI Travel, half of which resulted from the consolidation of overlapping Corporate Centre functions with the other half driven by the integration of Destination Services in the Tourism business.

Research and development

As a tourism service provider, TUI does not engage in research and development activities in the narrower sense of the term.

Risk and Opportunity Report

For a comprehensive presentation of our risk and opportunity management systems and any potential risks and opportunities, we refer to the corresponding comments in our Annual Report 2014 / 15. The risks and opportunities outlined in that report remained largely unchanged in the period under review.

The TUI Groups risks, both individually and in conjunction with other risks, are limited and from todays perspective do not threaten the continued existence of individual subsidiaries or the Group.

Opportunities and risks or any positive or negative changes of opportunities and risks are not offset against one another.


Report on expected development

Expected development of Group turnover, earnings and adjustments

We reiterate our forecast of expectations for the TUI Group in financial year 2015 / 16, as presented in the Annual Report 2014 / 15.

 Expected development of Group turnover, underlying EBITA and adjustments 
                            Expected Development vs. PY 
 EUR million                2014 / 15        2015 / 16* 
 Brand turnover             22,584           at least 5 % growth 
 Turnover                   20,012           at least 3 % growth 
 Underlying EBITA           1,069            at least 10 % growth 
 Adjustments                204              approx. EUR 180 m cost 

* Based on constant currency, without discontinued operations

Brand turnover

A proportion of earnings growth will be delivered by TUI's joint ventures, however, due to equity accounting the revenue from these businesses is excluded from reported turnover. We have therefore introduced the concept of brand turnover, to show more clearly the total revenue generated by TUI brands, the key ones being TUI Cruises and our Canadian tour operator strategic venture. We expect brand turnover to rise by at least 5 % in financial year 2015 / 16 at constant currency.


We expect turnover to rise by at least 3 % at constant currency in financial year 2015 / 16, primarily due to an anticipated increase in customer numbers of our tour operators as we deliver our growth road-map.

Underlying EBITA

In financial year 2015 / 16, underlying EBITA by the TUI Group is expected to grow by at least 10 % at constant currency as we deliver our growth roadmap. Risks relate to the development of customer numbers against the backdrop of continued volatility in the economic environment and geopolitical tensions for our key source markets, demand for our Group hotels and cruises and the delivery of merger synergies.


For financial year 2015 / 16 we expect purchase price allocations and net one-off costs (mainly in relation to the delivery of merger synergies) of approximately EUR 180 m to be carried as adjustments.

Consolidated earnings

Comments on the consolidated income statement

The consolidated income statement reflects the seasonality of the tourism business, with negative results generated in the period from October to December due to the seasonal nature of the business.

 Income statement of the TUI Group for the period from 1 Oct 2015 to 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million                                                         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover                                                            3,718.4        3,526.4        + 5.4 
 Cost of sales                                                       3,487.0        3,314.8        + 5.2 
 Gross profit                                                        231.4          211.6          + 9.4 
 Administrative expenses                                             405.4          386.0          + 5.0 
 Other income                                                        15.7           18.2           - 13.7 
 Other expenses                                                      2.7            0.8            + 237.5 
 Financial income                                                    6.7            8.3            - 19.3 
 Financial expenses                                                  88.5           75.9           + 16.6 
 Share of result of joint ventures and associates                    22.6           17.5           + 29.1 
 Earnings before income taxes                                        - 220.2        - 207.1        - 6.3 
 Income taxes                                                        - 59.5         - 74.9         + 20.6 
 Result from continuing operations                                   - 160.7        - 132.2        - 21.6 
 Result from discontinued operation                                  - 3.2          - 4.0          + 20.0 
 Group loss for the year                                             - 163.9        - 136.2        - 20.3 
 Group loss for the year attributable to shareholders of TUI AG      - 184.0        - 104.6        - 75.9 
 Group loss for the year attributable to non-controlling interest    20.1           - 31.6         n / a 

Turnover and cost of sales

In Q1 2015 / 16, turnover totalled EUR 3.7 bn, up by 5.4 % year-on-year. On a constant currency basis, turnover grew by 2.5 % in Q1 2015 / 16. While customer numbers declined by 1.4 %, the turnover growth against Q1 2014 / 15 was driven in particular by the increase in the proportion of long-haul holidays, in particular in the large source markets. It also reflected higher average selling prices in Hotels & Resorts and an increase in the business volume of Hotelbeds Group. Turnover was presented alongside the cost of sales, which rose by 5.2 % in Q1. A detailed breakdown of turnover and a review thereof are presented in the section Business development by segments.

 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Northern Region           1,232.4        1,124.9        + 9.6 
 Central Region            1,090.2        1,058.5        + 3.0 
 Western Region            486.9          487.3          - 0.1 
 Hotels & Resorts          132.4          118.0          + 12.2 
 Cruises                   53.9           53.5           + 0.7 
 Other Tourism             147.5          152.6          - 3.3 
 Tourism                   3,143.3        2,994.8        + 5.0 
 Specialist Group          325.6          333.4          - 2.3 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

February 09, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

 Hotelbeds Group           217.4          170.7          + 27.4 
 All other segments        32.1           27.5           + 16.7 
 TUI Group                 3,718.4        3,526.4        + 5.4 
 Discontinued operation    -              17.2           n / a 
 Sum of the segments       3,718.4        3,543.6        + 4.9 

Gross profit

At EUR 231.4 m, gross profit as the balance of turnover and the cost of sales was up EUR 19.8 m year-on-year in Q1 2015 / 16.

Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses comprise expenses for general management functions not directly allocable to the turnover transactions. In Q1, they totalled EUR 405.4 m, up by EUR 19.4 m on the prior year. The increase was mainly driven by foreign exchange effects and expenses in connection with various restructuring measures within the Group.

Other income / Other expenses

In Q1 2015 / 16, other income totalled EUR 15.7 m, mainly comprising gains on disposal from the sale of a joint venture, a cruise ship and two plots of land.

Other expenses totalled EUR 2.7 m for Q1 2015 / 16. They primarily resulted from foreign exchange losses in connection with capital measures.

Financial result

The financial result declined from EUR - 67.6 m in Q1 2014 / 15 to EUR - 81.8 m in the current financial year 2015 / 16. The interest result improved by EUR 25.5 m within that period, driven by the conversion of all convertible bonds in financial year 2014 / 15 and the associated decline in interest expenses. This was partly offset by the measurement of the investment in Hapag-Lloyd. Following the IPO, the stake was measured at stock market price as at 31 December 2015, resulting in an impairment of EUR 41.6 m.

Share of results of joint ventures and associates

The share of results of joint ventures and associates comprises the share in net profit for the year of the associated companies and joint ventures as well as any impairments of the goodwill of these companies. The share of results of joint ventures and associates amounted to EUR 22.6 m in Q1 2015 / 16 (previous year EUR 17.5 m). Hapag-Lloyd AG, which was included in the previous year, has been carried under -assets available for sale since 2 December 2014.

Income taxes

The tax assets generated in Q1 2015 / 16 were attributable to various factors including the seasonal swing in tourism and the simplification of Group structures in Germany following the merger between TUI AG and TUI Travel PLC.

Group loss

In Q1 2015 / 16, the Group result was negative at EUR - 163.9 m (previous year EUR - 136.2 m) due to the seasonality of the tourism business.

Non-controlling interests

Non-controlling interests accounted for EUR 20.1 m for Q1 2015 / 16. They related to companies in Hotels & Resorts, and in 2014 / 15 they also related to the external shareholders of TUI Travel PLC until the completion of the merger with TUI AG.

Earnings per share

After deduction of non-controlling interests, TUI AG shareholders accounted for EUR - 184.0 m (previous year EUR - 104.6 m) of the Group result for Q1 2015 / 16. As a result, basic earnings per share amounted to EUR - 0.32 (previous year EUR - 0.32) for Q1 2015 / 16.

EBITA and underlying EBITA

Key indicators used to manage TUI Group are EBITA and underlying EBITA. We consider EBITA to be the performance indicator best suited to explain the TUI Groups operating performance. EBITA comprises earnings before interest, taxes and goodwill impairments, excluding the results from container shipping operations measured at equity, and the results from the measurement of interest hedging instruments.

 Reconciliation to underlying EBITA 
 EUR million                                                                      Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Earnings before income taxes                                                     - 220.2        - 207.1        - 6.3 
 less: Gains on Container Shipping measured at equity                             -              - 0.9          n / a 
 plus: Loss measurement of financial investment in Container Shipping             41.6           -              n / a 
 plus: Net interest expense and expense from the measurement of interest hedges   41.1           66.6           - 38.3 
 EBITA                                                                            - 137.5        - 141.4        + 2.8 
 less: Gains on disposals                                                         1.5            0.1 
 plus: Restructuring expense                                                      3.2            1.5 
 plus: Expense from purchase price allocation                                     20.4           18.0 
 plus: Expense from other one-off items                                           10.7           17.0 
 Underlying EBITA                                                                 - 101.7        - 104.8        + 3.0 

Reported earnings by TUI Group improved by EUR 3.9 m year-on-year to EUR - 137.5 m in Q1 2015 / 16.

 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Northern Region           - 34.1         - 50.9         + 33.0 
 Central Region            - 31.8         - 25.5         - 24.7 
 Western Region            - 28.9         - 14.8         - 95.3 
 Hotels & Resorts          24.5           16.5           + 48.5 
 Cruises                   8.2            2.0            + 310.0 
 Other Tourism             - 13.2         - 16.0         + 17.5 
 Tourism                   - 75.3         - 88.7         + 15.1 
 Specialist Group          - 36.1         - 23.2         - 55.6 
 Hotelbeds Group           - 2.5          - 2.5          - 
 All other segments        - 23.6         - 27.0         + 12.6 
 TUI Group                 - 137.5        - 141.4        + 2.8 
 Discontinued operation    - 4.6          - 3.6          - 27.8 
 Sum of the segments       - 142.1        - 145.0        + 2.0 

In order to explain and evaluate the operating performance by the segments, earnings adjusted for special one-off effects (underlying EBITA) are presented below. Underlying earnings have been adjusted for gains on disposal of investments, restructuring expenses according to IAS 37, all effects of purchase price allocations, ancillary acquisition costs, conditional purchase price payments, and other expenses for and income from one-off items.

One-off items carried as adjustments include income and expense items that reflect amounts and frequencies of occurrence rendering an evaluation of the operating profitability of the segments and the Group more difficult or causing distortions. These one-off items include in particular major restructuring and integration expenses not meeting the criteria of IAS 37, material expenses for litigation, gains and losses from the sale of aircraft, and other material business transactions with a one-off character.

In Q1 2015 / 16, earnings adjusted for one-off effects (underlying -EBITA) totalled EUR - 101.7 m, up EUR 3.1 m year-on-year.

 Underlying EBITA 
 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Northern Region           - 27.9         - 45.4         + 38.5 
 Central Region            - 26.2         - 20.3         - 29.1 
 Western Region            - 27.7         - 11.9         - 132.8 
 Hotels & Resorts          25.2           28.7           - 12.2 
 Cruises                   8.2            2.0            + 310.0 
 Other Tourism             - 11.4         - 14.2         + 19.7 
 Tourism                   - 59.8         - 61.1         + 2.1 
 Specialist Group          - 31.8         - 19.1         - 66.5 
 Hotelbeds Group           3.5            1.8            + 94.4 
 All other segments        - 13.6         - 26.4         + 48.5 
 TUI Group                 - 101.7        - 104.8        + 3.0 
 Discontinued operation    0.1            - 3.0          n / a 
 Sum of the segments       - 101.6        - 107.8        + 5.8 

In Q1 2015 / 16, adjustments worth EUR 1.1 m were carried for income, compared with adjustments on underlying expenses amounting

to EUR 16.5, taking into account the expenses for purchase price allocations.

Overall, net one-off expenses of EUR 1.9 m were incurred in connection with the merger between TUI AG and TUI Travel PLC. They included income of EUR 0.7 m for the rationalisation of the corporate head office, while expenses of EUR 2.6 m related to the integration of incoming agencies into the source market organisations.

Other adjustments mainly comprised the following items:

Gains on disposal

In Q1 2015 / 16, negative gains on disposal worth EUR 1.5 m had to be carried as adjustments. They related in particular to capital reductions in subsidiaries.

Restrucuturing costs

The restructuring costs of EUR 3.2 m carried as adjustments in Q1 2015 / 16 related in particular to reorganisation measures in the Central and Western Regions and the integration of incoming agencies into the market organisations.

Expenses for purchase price allocations

In the first three months of 2015 / 16, expenses for purchase price allocations of EUR 20.4 m had to be carried as adjustments. They related above all to scheduled amortisation of intangible assets from acquisitions made in prior years.

One-off items

Net expenses for one-off items of EUR 10.7 m comprised in particular an amount of EUR 3.2 m for the reorganisation in Central Region, an expense of EUR 3.0 m for the discontinuation of the business operations of TUI Connect, an amount of EUR 3.0 m for consultancy costs in connection with the planned divestment of Hotelbeds Group, and an amount of EUR 1.8 m for subsequent payments into the pension plan of a former shareholding.

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Performance indicators

 Key figures of income statement 
 EUR million                                                                      Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation, impairment and rent 
  of continuing operations                                                        195.6          164.6          + 18.8 
 Operating rental expenses                                                        218.4          210.8          + 3.6 
 Earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and impairment (EBITDA) 
  of continuing operations                                                        - 22.8         - 46.2         + 50.6 
 Depreciation / amortisation less reversals of depreciation*                      - 114.7        - 95.2         - 20.5 
 Earnings before interest, income taxes and impairment of goodwill (EBITA) 
  of continuing operations                                                        - 137.5        - 141.4        + 2.8 
 Impairment of goodwill                                                           -              -              - 
 Earnings before interest and income taxes (EBIT) of continuing operations        - 137.5        - 141.4        + 2.8 
 Net interest expense and expense from measurement of interest hedges             - 41.1         - 66.6         + 38.3 
 Losses on measurement of financial investment in Container Shipping              - 41.6         -              n / a 
 Profit on Container Shipping measured at equity                                  -              0.9            n / a 
 Earnings before income taxes (EBT) of continuing operations                      - 220.2        - 207.1        - 6.3 

* On property, plant and equipment, intangible asssets, financial and other assets

Business development by segments


The Tourism business comprises Northern Region (UK, Nordics, Canada, Russia), Central Region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, -Poland), Western Region (Belgium, Netherlands, France), Hotels & -Resorts (including former TUI travel hotels), Cruises and Other tourism (Corsair and central tourism functions).

Our key operating indicators developed as follows in our key source markets:

 Direct distribution mix1 in %         Online mix2 in %         Customers in '000 
   Q1 2015 / 16                          Q1 2015 / 16             Q1 2015 / 16 
    Q1 2014 / 15                          Q1 2014 / 15             Q1 2014 / 15 
 Source markets 
 70                                    42                       3,326 
  69                                    40                       3,375 
 Northern Region 
 89                                    60                       1,192 
  90                                    57                       1,187 
 Central Region 
 44                                    14                       1,257 
  44                                    13                       1,295 
 Western Region 
 70                                    52                       877 
  67                                    49                       893 

1 Share of sales via own channels (retail and online)

2 Share of online sales

Northern Region

Northern Region comprises TUI's tour operators and airlines and the cruise business in the UK, Ireland and the Nordics. The segment also comprises the strategic stake held in Sunwing in Canada and TUI Russia, operating in the CIS countries.

 Northern Region - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover            1,232.4        1,124.9        + 9.6 
 Underlying EBITA    - 27.9         - 45.4         + 38.5 
 EBITA               - 34.1         - 50.9         + 33.0 

In the period under review, TUI tour operators in Northern Region continued their positive performance of the prior year. Customer numbers grew by 0.4 % year-on-year. Turnover climbed by 9.6 %; it rose by 3.1 % on a constant currency basis. The seasonal loss (underlying EBITA) declined by EUR 17.5 m to EUR 27.9 m in Q1 2015 / 16.

TUI tour operators in the UK benefited from strong end of Summer trading result, in particular for long-haul destinations and the Canaries, and a good performance by Thomson Cruises. Customer numbers grew by 2.0 % in Q1 2015 / 16. Online distribution accounted for 57 % of bookings, up by 4 percentage points.

The Nordics also improved their performance year-on-year due to higher selling prices in the period under review. Online distribution grew by 2 percentage points to 71 % of overall bookings.

The Canadian Sunwing company, in which TUI holds a strategic stake, also continued its growth course, essentially driven by the further expansion of the differentiated hotel offering in the Caribbean and Mexico.

Central Region

Central Region comprises TUI tour operators in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland and the TUIfly airline.

 Central Region - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover            1,090.2        1,058.5        + 3.0 
 Underlying EBITA    - 26.2         - 20.3         - 29.1 
 EBITA               - 31.8         - 25.5         - 24.7 

In Q1 2015 / 16, the performance of Central Region declined against the prior year. With customer numbers down 2.9 % year-on-year, turnover grew by 3.0 % due to a higher proportion of long-haul bookings. The seasonal loss increased by EUR 5.9 m year-on-year to EUR 26.2 m in Q1 2015 / 16. This development was driven by the continued challenging trading conditions and weaker demand for North Africa and Turkey as well as lower Canaries margins. The new management team, who took over at the end of June 2015, are taking corrective actions to improve profitability.

Direct distribution remained at around 51 % in Germany, as before. Online distribution accounted for 19 % of all bookings, up by 2 percentage points.

Western Region

Western Region combines TUI tour operators and Group-owned airlines in Belgium and the Netherlands and tour operators in France.

 Western Region - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover            486.9          487.3          - 0.1 
 Underlying EBITA    - 27.7         - 11.9         - 132.8 
 EBITA               - 28.9         - 14.8         - 95.3 

Turnover by Western Region was flat year-on-year on a 1.8 % decline in customer numbers in Q1 2015 / 16. The seasonal loss increased by EUR 15.8 m year-on-year to EUR 27.7 m in Q1 2015 / 16. This was attributable to planned additional marketing costs in the framework of the TUI rebranding campaign in the Netherlands and income from the reversal of a provision in Belgium within the prior year -result. In addition, demand for North Africa in Western Region was adversely impacted by geopolitical events.

Hotels & Resorts

The Hotels & Resorts segment comprises all hotels and hotel companies owned by TUI Group including the hotel business of former TUI Travel.

 Hotels & Resorts - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Total turnover      270.6          250.0          + 8.2 
 Turnover            132.4          118.0          + 12.2 
 Underlying EBITA    25.2           28.7           - 12.2 
 EBITA               24.5           16.5           + 48.5 

Total turnover by the Hotels & Resorts segment rose by 8.2 % year-on-year to EUR 270.6 m in Q1 2015 / 16. Due to overall sound demand in the period under review on a slight decrease in capacity year-on-year, occupancy continued to show a positive development. Revenues per bed also grew considerably year-on-year. Turnover with non-Group third parties climbed by 12.2 % to EUR 132.4 m in Q1 2015 / 16.

The Hotels & Resorts segment benefited from the strong operating performance of Riu hotels in Q1 2015 / 16, in particular in the Canaries and Mexico. In connection with the growth strategy pursued by Robinson, marketing activities for the club brand were intensified in the period under review. Robinson also reported weaker demand, in particular for the new club in Tunisia and the clubs in Turkey. The performance indicators of the other hotels were also impacted by the geopolitical backdrop. Underlying earnings accounted for EUR 25.2 m in Q1 2015 / 16, up by around EUR 12 m year-on-year, taking account of a book profit of EUR 16 m included in the prior year's reference quarter.

Hotels & Resorts

 Capacity1 in '000         Occupancy rate2 in %         Average revenue per bed3 in EUR 
   Q1 2015 / 16              Q1 2015 / 16                 Q1 2015 / 16 
    Q1 2014 / 15              Q1 2014 / 15                 Q1 2014 / 15 
 Hotels Total4 
 7,826                     73.1                         57.39 
  7,898                     72.9                         51.95 
 4,235                     83.9                         59.52 
  4,180                     81.6                         52.81 
 650                       64.2                         85.05 
  591                       69.5                         87.82 
 539                       54.3                         48.31 
  591                       63.3                         43.90 

1 Group owned or leased hotel beds multiplied by opening days per quarter

2 Occupied beds dividied by capacity

3 Arrangement revenue divided by occupied beds

4 Adjusted for KPIs of Grecotel; incl. former TUI Travel hotels


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Riu, one of Spain's leading hotel chains, operated a total of 88 hotels at the end of Q1 2015 / 16. Capacity increased by 1.3 % year-on-year to 4.2 m hotel beds. At 83.9 %, average occupancy of Riu hotels rose by 2.3 percentage points year-on-year in Q1 2015 / 16. This increase reflects in particular strong demand for hotels in the Cape Verde Islands and Mexico. Average revenues per bed grew by 12.7 %.

In Q1 2015 / 16, business developed as follows in the individual -regions:

Riu hotels in the Canary Islands benefited from strong demand and the restoration of several hotel complexes in the past few years. Occupancy rose by a further 1.3 percentage points to 93.6 % year-on-year. Average revenues per bed also improved significantly by 13.8 %.

Riu hotels in the Balearic Islands also recorded a very positive performance in the period under review. At 73.9 %, occupancy of Riu hotels rose by 1.9 percentage points year-on-year.

At 77.3 %, average occupancy of Riu hotels in mainland Spain was up 4.6 percentage points on the prior year.

In the long-haul business, Riu hotels recorded average occupancy of 79.4 %, up by 3.0 percentage points year-on-year. This increase was driven by higher occupancy of hotels in the Cape Verde Islands and Mexico. For long-haul destinations, average revenues per bed grew by 13.8 % year-on-year, partly driven by foreign exchange effects.


At the end of the reporting period, Robinson, market leader in the premium club holiday segment, was operating a total of 16 out of the 26 club facilities of the forthcoming Summer season 2016. Capacity rose by 10.0 % in Q1 2015 / 16. This increase in capacity resulted from the new club facility in Djerba in Tunisia. In the period under review, occupancy of Robinson Group was 5.3 percentage points down year-on-year. This was mainly due to weak demand for the club facility in Tunisia and the expected subdued demand for Turkey. Average revenues per bed were down 3.2 % year-on-year. This decrease was driven by the new Tunisian club resort as well as price measures launched to stimulate demand in Turkey.


At the end of Q1 2015 / 16, 18 facilities were operated in Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Italy and Germany. Overall occupancy of Iberotels decreased by 9.0 percentage points year-on-year to 54.3 %. Capacity of Iberotel hotels declined by 10.9 % year-on-year in the period under review. This development was above all driven by the strategic realignment of Iberotels in Turkey, which will be operated as TUI Blue facilities in future in the framework of TUI Group's new hotel concept. Average revenues per bed improved by 10.0 % year-on-year.


As before, the Cruises segment comprises Hapag-Lloyd Cruises and the joint venture TUI Cruises. From January 2016, Hapag-Lloyd Cruises is renamed as Hapag-Lloyd Cruises. The renaming takes place in the framework of the alignment of the company to a modern and international target group.

 Cruises - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover            53.9           53.5           + 0.7 
 Underlying EBITA    8.2            2.0            + 310.0 
 EBITA               8.2            2.0            + 310.0 

At EUR 53.9 m in Q1 2015 / 16, turnover by Hapag-Lloyd Cruises was up 0.7 % versus the prior year. No turnover is carried for TUI Cruises as the joint venture is measured at equity in the consolidated financial statements.

Underlying earnings by the Cruises segment reflect the sound business performance in Q1 2015 / 16, improving by EUR 6.2 m year-on-year to EUR 8.2 m. Hapag-Lloyd Cruises benefited from the year-on-year decline in financing costs due to the acquisition of Europa 2, completed in Q2 2014 / 15. On the other hand, capacity declined due to scheduled dry-docking of Europa and Hanseatic in the period under review. TUI Cruises expanded its competitive position and continued to record a positive performance in the period under review.


 Passenger days in '000         Occupancy in %         Average daily rates* in EUR 
   Q1 2015 / 16                   Q1 2015 / 16           Q1 2015 / 16 
    Q1 2014 / 15                   Q1 2014 / 15           Q1 2014 / 15 
 Hapag-Lloyd cruises 
 71.5                           69.7                   478 
  77.3                           70.1                   462 
 TUI Cruises 
 818.3                          100.5                  146 
  588.3                          100.8                  151 

* Per day and passenger

Hapag-Lloyd Cruises

The positive operating performance of Hapag-Lloyd Cruises continued in Q1 2015 / 16. Fleet occupancy was almost flat year-on-year at 69.7 %. The average rate per passenger per day rose substantially by 3.5 % to EUR 478. Due to changed itineraries in connection with the dry-docking of Europa and Hanseatic, passenger days declined by 7.6 % to 71,481 in Q1 2015 / 16.

TUI Cruises

In Q1 2015 / 16, TUI Cruises continued its positive performance. At 100.5 %, occupancy of the ships (based on double occupancy, as customary in the industry) matched the very high level of the prior year. Due to the expansion of TUI Cruises' fleet following the launch of Mein Schiff 4 in June 2015, capacity grew to 818,329 passenger days, up by 39.1 % year-on-year. The average rate per passenger per day totalled EUR 146. It thus declined slightly, as expected, in Q1 2015 / 16 due to the mix of itineraries of the fleet, now comprising four ships.

Specialist Travel

Specialist Travel comprises Specialist Group and Hotelbeds Group. These are managed separately from the Tourism business as they are based on different business models.

Specialist Group

The Specialist Group segment combines the specialist and adventure tour operators in Europe, North America and Australia.

 Specialist Group - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover            325.6          333.4          - 2.3 
 Underlying EBITA    - 31.8         - 19.1         - 66.5 
 EBITA               - 36.1         - 23.2         - 55.6 

In Q1 2015 / 16, turnover by the segment declined by 2.3 % to EUR 325.6 m. The seasonal loss (underlying EBITA) of Specialist Group rose substantially by EUR 12.7 m to EUR 31.8 m in Q1 2015 / 16. This was due to various factors including the sluggish skiing holiday business due to poor snow conditions, the decline in demand for adventure tours due to the geopolitical events and the poor performance of the US specialist tour operators.

Hotelbeds Group

The Hotelbeds Group segment comprises portals selling hotel -accommodation online to wholesale customers.

 Hotelbeds Group - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover            217.4          170.7          + 27.4 
 Underlying EBITA    3.5            1.8            + 94.4 
 EBITA               - 2.5          - 2.5          - 

The disposal process for Hotelbeds Group remains on track. Destination Services, which were also managed in this segment until the end of financial 2014 / 15, were carved out and integrated into the Tourism business in the period under review. They will be managed as part of the All other Tourism segment in future.

Turnover by the segment grew considerably by 27.4 % to EUR 217.4 m in Q1 2015 / 16. At underlying operating earnings of EUR 3.5 m, Hotelbeds Groups considerably outperformed the market in the first three months. Total transaction volume grew by 16 % year-on-year, while the number of roomnights rose by 10 %.

All other segments

All other segments comprise above all the corporate head office functions of TUI AG and the interim holdings as well as the Groups real estate companies.

 All other segments - key figures 
 EUR million         Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Turnover            32.1           27.5           + 16.7 
 Underlying EBITA    - 13.6         - 26.4         + 48.5 
 EBITA               - 23.6         - 27.0         + 12.6 

All other segments underlying EBITA cost declined by EUR 12.8 m year-on-year to EUR 13.6 m in Q1 2015 / 16. In the period under review, additional corporate streamlining synergies worth EUR 5 m were delivered. The improvement was also driven by higher proceeds from sales of land.

Net assets and financial position

The Groups balance sheet total decreased by 3.5 % to EUR 13.6 bn versus the end of financial year 2014 / 15. The changes in the consolidated statement of financial position as against 30 September 2015 primarily reflect the seasonality of the tourism business.

 Assets and liabilities 
 EUR million              31 Dec 2015   30 Sep 2015   Var. % 
 Non-current assets       9,780.3       9,614.0       + 1.7 
 Current assets           3,806.7       4,472.5       - 14.9 
 Assets                   13,587.0      14,086.5      - 3.5 
 Equity                   2,114.7       2,417.3       - 12.5 
 Provisions               2,340.4       2,356.6       - 0.7 
 Financial liabilities    2,917.6       1,886.4       + 54.7 
 Other liabilities        6,214.3       7,426.2       - 16.3 
 Liabilities              13,587.0      14,086.5      - 3.5 

Non-current assets

As at 31 December 2015, non-current assets accounted for 72.0 % of total assets, compared with 68.2 % as at 30 September 2015. Non-current assets rose year-on-year to EUR 9.8 bn in the period under review.

Current assets

As at 31 December 2015, current assets accounted for 28.0 % of total assets, following 31.8 % as at 30 September 2015. Current assets decreased from EUR 4.5 bn as at 30 September 2015 to EUR 3.8 bn as at 31 December 2015.


Equity totalled EUR 2.1 bn as at 31 December 2015. The equity ratio declined from 17.2 % as at 30 September 2015 to 15.6 %. Further information on the changes in equity is provided in the Notes to this Interim Report.


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Provisions mainly comprise provisions for pension obligations and provisions for operating risks. As at 31 December 2015, they totalled EUR 2.3 bn, down by 0.7 % versus 30 September 2015.

Financial liabilities

As at 31 December 2015, financial liabilities consisted of non-current financial liabilities of EUR 2.7 bn and current financial liabilities of EUR 0.2 bn. As at 30 September 2015, non-current financial liabilities amounted to EUR 1.7 bn, with current financial liabilities of EUR 0.2 bn.

At the end of Q1 2015 / 16, TUI Groups net debt totalled EUR 1.9 bn, up by EUR 0.2 bn as against 31 December 2014. The increase in net debt was driven in particular by the acquisition of Europa 2 and the conclusion of finance leases for new aircraft in financial year 2014 / 15.

Other liabilities

As at 31 December 2015, other liabilities were considerably down against 30 September 2015 at EUR 6.2 bn. The decline mainly resulted from the seasonality of the tourism business.

Other segment indicators

 Underlying EBITDA 
 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Northern Region           - 9.2          - 27.3         + 66.3 
 Central Region            - 21.2         - 15.4         - 37.7 
 Western Region            - 23.7         - 7.8          - 202.3 
 Hotels & Resorts          47.1           46.1           + 2.2 
 Cruises                   12.8           4.6            + 178.3 
 Other Tourism             0.4            - 5.4          n / a 
 Tourism                   6.2            - 5.3          n / a 
 Specialist Group          - 24.6         - 12.1         - 103.6 
 Hotelbeds Group           8.6            6.0            + 43.3 
 All other segments        7.7            - 13.3         n / a 
 Consolidation             -              -              - 
 TUI Group                 - 2.1          - 24.6         + 91.5 
 Discontinued operation    -              - 0.2          n / a 
 Sum of the segments       - 2.1          - 24.8         + 91.5 
 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Northern Region           - 11.7         - 29.5         + 60.3 
 Central Region            - 26.2         - 19.2         - 36.5 
 Western Region            - 24.1         - 9.8          - 144.9 
 Hotels & Resorts          47.5           33.9           + 40.2 
 Cruises                   12.8           4.6            + 178.3 
 Other Tourism             - 1.4          - 6.1          + 77.0 
 Tourism                   - 3.1          - 26.2         + 88.2 
 Specialist Group          - 24.7         - 12.1         - 104.5 
 Hotelbeds Group           6.2            5.2            + 19.2 
 All other segments        - 1.2          - 13.2         + 90.9 
 Consolidation             -              -              - 
 TUI Group                 - 22.8         - 46.2         + 50.7 
 Discontinued operation    - 4.6          - 0.2          n / a 
 Sum of the segments       - 27.4         - 46.4         + 41.0 
 Cash Gross Capex 
 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15   Var. % 
 Northern Region           26.1           17.4           + 50.0 
 Central Region            3.9            5.5            - 29.1 
 Western Region            2.9            4.7            - 38.3 
 Hotels & Resorts          67.7           67.1           + 0.9 
 Cruises                   8.7            0.7            n / a 
 Other Tourism             24.4           18.8           + 29.8 
 Tourism                   133.7          114.2          + 17.1 
 Specialist Group          6.7            7.0            - 4.3 
 Hotelbeds Group           7.1            4.3            + 65.1 
 All other segments        11.8           1.0            n / a 
 TUI Group                 159.3          126.5          + 25.9 
 Discontinued operation    -              2.6            n / a 
 Sum of the segments       159.3          129.1          + 23.4 
 Amortisation (+) / write-backs (-) of other intangible assets and depreciation (+) / write-backs 
  of property plant and equipment and investments 
 EUR million                                Q1 2015 / 16             Q1 2014 / 15            Var. % 
 Northern Region                            22.4                     21.4                    + 4.7 
 Central Region                             5.6                      6.3                     - 11.1 
 Western Region                             4.8                      5.0                     - 4.0 
 Hotels & Resorts                           23.0                     17.3                    + 32.9 
 Cruises                                    4.6                      2.6                     + 76.9 
 Other Tourism                              11.8                     9.9                     + 19.2 
 Tourism                                    72.2                     62.5                    + 15.5 
 Specialist Group                           11.4                     11.1                    + 2.7 
 Hotelbeds Group                            8.7                      7.7                     + 13.0 
 All other segments                         22.4                     13.8                    + 62.3 
 TUI Group                                  114.7                    95.1                    + 20.6 
 Discontinued operation                     -                        3.4                     n / a 
 Sum of the segments                        114.7                    98.5                    + 16.4 
                           31 Dec 2015   31 Dec 2014   Var. % 
 Northern Region           12,783        13,006        - 1.7 
 Central Region            11,260        11,167        + 0.8 
 Western Region            5,101         5,037         + 1.3 
 Hotels & Resorts          16,961        16,026        + 5.8 
 Cruises                   242           234           + 3.4 
 Other Tourism             3,649         3,833         - 4.8 
 Tourism                   49,996        49,303        + 1.4 
 Specialist Group          4,543         6,414         - 29.2 
 Hotelbeds Group           8,938         7,836         + 14.1 
 All other segments        1,117         1,241         - 10.0 
 TUI Group                 64,594        64,794        - 0.3 
 Discontinued operation    -             474           n / a 
 Sum of the segments       64,594        65,268        - 1.0 


 Income statement of the TUI Group for the period from 1 Oct 2015 to 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million                                                         Notes   Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Turnover                                                            (1)     3,718.4        3,526.4 
 Cost of sales                                                       (2)     3,487.0        3,314.8 
 Gross profit                                                                231.4          211.6 
 Administrative expenses                                             (2)     405.4          386.0 
 Other income                                                        (3)     15.7           18.2 
 Other expenses                                                      (3)     2.7            0.8 
 Financial income                                                    (4)     6.7            8.3 
 Financial expenses                                                  (4)     88.5           75.9 
 Share of result of joint ventures and associates                    (5)     22.6           17.5 
 Earnings before income taxes*                                               - 220.2        - 207.1 
 Income taxes                                                        (6)     - 59.5         - 74.9 
 Result from continuing operations                                           - 160.7        - 132.2 
 Result from discontinued operation                                          - 3.2          - 4.0 
 Group loss for the year                                                     - 163.9        - 136.2 
 Group loss for the year attributable to shareholders of TUI AG              - 184.0        - 104.6 
 Group loss for the year attributable to non-controlling interest    (7)     20.1           - 31.6 

* The financial performance indicators EBITA and underlying EBITA of the TUI Group, formerly reconciled on the face of the income statement of the TUI Group, are outlined in the segment reporting within the Group notes now.

 Earnings per share 
 EUR                            Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Basic earnings per share       - 0.32         - 0.32 
 from continuing operations     - 0.31         - 0.31 
 from discontinued operation    - 0.01         - 0.01 
 Condensed statement of comprehensive income of the TUI Group for the period 
  from 1 Oct 2015 to 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million                                                     Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Group loss                                                      - 163.9        - 136.2 
 Remeasurements of pension provisions and related fund assets    - 8.5          - 75.2 
 Changes in the measurement of companies measured at equity      -              0.1 
 Income tax related to items that will not be reclassified       - 13.6         21.2 
 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss           - 22.1         - 53.9 
 Foreign exchange differences                                    14.6           - 8.8 
 Financial instruments available for sale                        -              3.5 
 Cash flow hedges                                                - 129.9        - 261.1 
 Changes in the measurement of companies measured at equity      - 5.3          0.2 
 Income tax related to items that may be reclassified            48.5           50.0 
 Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss                - 72.1         - 216.2 

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 Other comprehensive income                                      - 94.2         - 270.1 
 Total comprehensive income                                      - 258.1        - 406.3 
 attributable to shareholders of TUI AG                          - 289.1        - 367.0 
 attributable to non-controlling interest                        31.0           - 39.3 
 Allocation of share of shareholders of TUI AG of total 
  comprehensive income 
 Continuing operations                                           - 287.9        - 364.9 
 Discontinued operation                                          - 1.2          - 2.1 
 Financial position of the TUI Group as at 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million                                     Notes   31.12.2015   30.9.2015 
 Goodwill                                                3,244.0      3,220.4 
 Other intangible assets                                 928.3        911.5 
 Investment property                                     1.6          7.2 
 Property, plant and equipment                           3,706.1      3,629.6 
 Investments in joint ventures and associates    (8)     1,083.5      1,077.8 
 Financial assets available for sale             (9)     55.9         56.2 
 Trade receivables and other assets                      340.1        332.5 
 Derivative financial instruments                        38.3         48.1 
 Deferred tax assets                                     382.5        330.7 
 Non-current assets                                      9,780.3      9,614.0 
 Inventories                                             156.5        134.5 
 Financial assets available for sale             (9)     292.7        334.9 
 Trade receivables and other assets                      1,912.5      1,948.7 
 Derivative financial instruments                        284.9        281.0 
 Current tax assets                                      114.5        58.5 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               1,042.0      1,672.7 
 Assets held for sale                            (10)    3.6          42.2 
 Current assets                                          3,806.7      4,472.5 
                                                         13,587.0     14,086.5 
 Financial position of the TUI Group as at 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million                                    Notes   31.12.2015   30.9.2015 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Subscribed capital                                     1,500.1      1,499.6 
 Capital reserves                                       4,190.2      4,187.7 
 Revenue reserves                                       - 4,109.8    - 3,773.9 
 Equity before non-controlling interest                 1,580.5      1,913.4 
 Non-controlling interest                               534.2        503.9 
 Equity                                         (12)    2,114.7      2,417.3 
 Pension provisions and similar obligations             1,108.9      1,114.5 
 Other provisions                                       746.8        746.3 
 Non-current provisions                                 1,855.7      1,860.8 
 Financial liabilities                          (11)    2,692.6      1,653.3 
 Derivative financial instruments                       107.4        78.5 
 Current tax liabilities                                115.6        115.7 
 Deferred tax liabilities                               81.3         125.7 
 Other liabilities                                      110.3        136.2 
 Non-current liabilities                                3,107.2      2,109.4 
 Non-current provisions and liabilities                 4,962.9      3,970.2 
 Pension provisions and similar obligations             29.6         32.4 
 Other provisions                                       455.1        463.4 
 Current provisions                                     484.7        495.8 
 Financial liabilities                          (11)    225.0        233.1 
 Trade payables                                         2,098.3      3,224.2 
 Derivative financial instruments                       497.8        388.2 
 Current tax liabilities                                94.0         78.9 
 Other liabilities                                      3,109.6      3,247.3 
 Current liabilities                                    6,024.7      7,171.7 
 Liabilities related to assets held for sale            -            31.5 
 Current provisions and liabilities                     6,509.4      7,699.0 
                                                        13,587.0     14,086.5 
 Condensed statement of changes in Group equity of the TUI Group for the period from 1 Oct 
  2015 to 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million        Subscribed   Capital      Revenue      Hybrid        Equity             Non--controlling   Total 
                    capital      -reserves    -reserves    -capital      before             -interest 
 Balance as at 1 
  Oct 2015          1,499.6      4,187.7      - 3,773.9    -             1,913.4            503.9              2,417.3 
 Dividends          -            -            -            -             -                  - 0.6              - 0.6 
  payment schemes   -            -            2.0          -             2.0                -                  2.0 
 Issue of 
  employee shares   0.5          2.5          -            -             3.0                -                  3.0 
 Purchase of own 
  shares            -            -            - 48.9       -             - 48.9             -                  - 48.9 
 Effects on the 
  acquisition of 
  interests         -            -            0.1          -             0.1                - 0.1              - 
 Group loss         -            -            - 184.0      -             - 184.0            20.1               - 163.9 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences       -            -            3.8          -             3.8                10.8               14.6 
 Cash Flow Hedges   -            -            - 130.0      -             - 130.0            0.1                - 129.9 
  of pension 
  provisions and 
  related fund 
  assets            -            -            - 8.5        -             - 8.5              -                  - 8.5 
 Changes in the 
  measurement of 
  measured at 
  equity            -            -            - 5.3        -             - 5.3              -                  - 5.3 
  attributable to 
  income            -            -            34.9         -             34.9               -                  34.9 
  income            -            -            - 105.1      -             - 105.1            10.9               - 94.2 
  income            -            -            - 289.1      -             - 289.1            31.0               - 258.1 
 Balance as at 31 
  Dec 2015          1,500.1      4,190.2      - 4,109.8    -             1,580.5            534.2              2,114.7 
 Condensed statement of changes in Group equity of the TUI Group for the period from 1 Oct 
  2014 to 31 Dec 2014 
 EUR million        Subscribed   Capital     Revenue      Hybrid       Equity             Non--controlling   Total 
                    capital      -reserves   -reserves    -capital     before             -interest 
 Balance as at 1 
  Oct 2014          732.6        1,056.3     336.1        294.8        2,419.8            110.4              2,530.2 
 Dividends          -            -           -            -            -                  - 183.9            - 183.9 
 Hybrid capital 
  dividend          -            -           - 5.7        -            - 5.7              -                  - 5.7 
  payment schemes   -            -           4.6          -            4.6                1.9                6.5 
 Issue of 
  employee shares   0.3          1.3         -            -            1.6                -                  1.6 
 Issue of 
  bonds             10.6         12.3        10.3         -            33.2               -                  33.2 
 Capital increase   620.6        2,679.0     -            -            3,299.6            -                  3,299.6 
 Effects on the 
  acquisition of 
  interests         -            -           - 4,043.9    -            - 4,043.9          606.2              - 3,437.7 
 Group loss         -            -           - 104.6      -            - 104.6            - 31.6             - 136.2 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences       -            -           6.7          -            6.7                - 15.5             - 8.8 
  available for 
  sale              -            -           3.5          -            3.5                -                  3.5 
 Cash Flow Hedges   -            -           - 271.4      -            - 271.4            10.3               - 261.1 
  of pension 
  provisions and 
  related fund 
  assets            -            -           - 75.2       -            - 75.2             -                  - 75.2 
 Changes in the 
  measurement of 
  measured at 
  equity            -            -           0.3          -            0.3                -                  0.3 
  attributable to 
  income            -            -           73.7         -            73.7               - 2.5              71.2 
  income            -            -           - 262.4      -            - 262.4            - 7.7              - 270.1 
  income            -            -           - 367.0      -            - 367.0            - 39.3             - 406.3 
 Balance as at 31 

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  Dec 2014          1,364.1      3,748.9     - 4,065.6    294.8        1,342.2            495.3              1,837.5 
 Condensed cash flow statement of the TUI Group 
 EUR million                                                             Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Cash outflow from operating activities                                  - 1,410.5      - 1,549.9 
 Cash outflow / inflow from investing activities                         - 129.0        176.3 
 Cash inflow from financing activities                                   904.0          213.7 
 Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                 - 635.5        - 1,159.9 
 Change in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange rate fluctuation    - 4.7          - 4.4 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                        1,682.2        2,258.0 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                              1,042.0        1,093.7 
 of which included in the balance sheet as assets held for sale          -              - 



TUI Group, its major subsidiaries and other shareholdings operate in the tourism business. TUI AG based in Hanover and Berlin, Germany, is TUI Groups parent company and a listed corporation under German law. The shares in the Company are traded on the London Stock Exchange and the Hanover and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges.

The condensed interim consolidated financial statements of TUI AG and its subsidiaries cover the period from 1 October to 31 December 2015. The interim consolidated financial statements are prepared in euros. Unless stated otherwise, all amounts are stated in million euros (EURm).

The interim consolidated financial statements were released for publication by the Executive Board of TUI AG on 8 February 2016.

Accounting principles

Declaration of compliance

The interim consolidated financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2015 comprise condensed interim consolidated financial statements and an interim Group management report in accordance with section 37w of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG).

The interim consolidated financial statements were prepared in compliance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the UK Financial Services Authority and in conformity with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the relevant Interpretations of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for interim financial reporting applicable in the European Union.

In accordance with IAS 34, the Groups interim financial statements are published in a condensed form compared with the consolidated annual financial statements and should therefore be read in combination with TUI AGs consolidated financial statements for financial year 2014 / 15. The interim financial statements were reviewed by auditors on the basis of section 318 (2) sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) (in combination with section 37w (5) sentence 2 of the German Securities Trading Act).

Accounting and measurement methods

The preparation of the interim financial statements requires management to make estimates and judgements that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities as at the balance sheet date and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the period under review. Actual results may deviate from the estimates.

The accounting and measurement methods adopted in the preparation of the interim financial statements as at 31 December 2015 are consistent with those followed in preparing the previous consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended 30 September 2015. The income taxes were recorded based on the best estimate of the weighted average tax rate that is expected for the whole financial year.

Restatement of prior reporting period

The following restatement was made for the first quarter of financial year 2014 / 15:

Restatement caused by Discontinued operation

LateRooms Group, already classified as a discontinued operation as at 30 September 2015, was sold on 6 October 2015. The result generated by LateRooms to that date is carried as result from discontinued operation in a separate line in the consolidated income statement for the first quarter of 2015 / 16. The income statement for the first quarter of the prior year was restated as follows.

 Restated items of the Income statement of the TUI Group 
  for the period from 1 Oct 2014 to 31 Dec 2014 
 EUR million                                                before -restatement   restatement   restated 
 Turnover                                                   3,543.6               - 17.2        3,526.4 
 Cost of sales                                              3,325.9               - 11.1        3,314.8 
 Gross profit                                               217.7                 - 6.1         211.6 
 Administrative expenses                                    395.7                 - 9.7         386.0 
 Financial income                                           7.9                   0.4           8.3 
 Earnings before income taxes from continuing operations    - 211.1               4.0           - 207.1 
 Income taxes                                               - 74.9                -             - 74.9 
 Result from continuing operations                          - 136.2               4.0           - 132.2 
 Result from discontinued operation                         -                     - 4.0         - 4.0 
 Group loss for the year                                    - 136.2               -             - 136.2 

Group of consolidated companies

The consolidated financial statements include all major subsidiaries over which TUI AG has control. Control requires TUI AG to have decision-making power over the relevant activities, be exposed to variable returns and have entitlements regarding the returns, and have the ability to affect the level of those variable returns through its decision-making power.

The interim financial statements as at 31 December 2015 included a total of 532 subsidiaries, besides TUI AG.

Since 1 October 2015, a total of seven companies have been added to the consolidation. Three of these companies have been newly established, three companies have been included due to purchases of additional interests, and one company has been included due to an expansion of its business activities. On the other hand, a total of seven companies have been deconsolidated since 1 October 2015, with three of these companies deconsolidated due to liquidation, one company due to a merger, and one company was sold. Two companies were deconsolidated due to the discontinuation of their business operations.

The number of companies measured at equity did not change from 30 September 2015. The number of associated companies rose by one due to the addition of two companies and the disposal of one company. The number of joint ventures declined by one as one company was sold.

Acquisitions - Divestments - Discontinued operation


In the first quarter of 2015 / 16, six travel agencies were acquired in the form of asset deals. Moreover, further shares were acquired in companies of the Aeolos Group, previously measured at equity. Due to the acquisition, TUI Group now holds 100 % of the shares in the companies. The consideration for these acquisitions was cash to the value of EUR 6.4 m.

The acquisitions had no significant impact on turnover and the Group result for the period under review.

No major acquisitions were effected after the balance sheet date.

In the current interim financial statements, the purchase price allocations of eight travel agencies in Germany acquired in financial year 2014 / 15 were finalised without a material effect on the consolidated statement of financial position within the 12-month period stipulated by IFRS 3.


The divestment of LateRooms Ltd. is presented in the section Discontinued operation. The other divestments did not have a material impact on TUI Groups net assets, financial position and results of operations.

Discontinued operation

In the previous year, TUI AG had decided to exit its LateRooms Group segment. While AsiaRooms and Malapronta were discontinued in the prior year, LateRooms Ltd. was sold on 6 October 2015.

The result of this discontinued operation is carried separately from the income from and expenses for continuing operations in the consolidated income statement. It is shown in a separate line as result from discontinued operation. The consolidated income statement for the first quarter of the prior year was restated accordingly.

 Income statement of the discontinued operation LateRooms Group 
  for the period from 1 Oct 2015 to 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million                                                       Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Turnover                                                          -              17.2 
 Cost of sales                                                     -              11.1 
 Gross profit                                                      -              6.1 
 Administrative expenses                                           -              9.7 
 Other income                                                      0.1            - 
 Financial income                                                  -              - 0.4 
 Earnings before income taxes from discontinued operation          0.1            - 4.0 
 Income taxes                                                      - 1.3          - 
 Operative result from discontinued operation                      1.4            - 4.0 
 Result from disposal of discontinued operation                    - 4.6          - 
 Result from discontinued operation                                - 3.2          - 4.0 
 Group loss for the year attributable to shareholders of TUI AG    - 3.2          - 4.0 

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The result of the divestment of the discontinued operation comprises the cumulative foreign exchange translation differences that were reclassified to profit and loss upon removal from equity, and the ancillary divestment costs.

The Groups Cash Flow Statement presents the cash flows for the overall Group including the discontinued operation. A separate presentation of the cash flows for the discontinued operation is provided in the following table.

 Condensed cash flow statement of the discontinued operation LateRooms Group 
 EUR million                                                              Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Cash inflow from operating activities                                    -              0.7 
 Cash inflow / outflow from investing activities                          7.1            - 2.6 
 Cash inflow from financing activities                                    -              2.2 
 Change in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange rate fluctuation     -              - 0.1 
 Net change in cash and cash equivalents of the discontinued operation    7.1            0.2 

Notes to the consolidated income statement

TUI Groups results reflect the significant seasonal swing in tourism between the Winter and Summer travel months. The Group seeks to counteract the seasonal swing through a broad range of holiday offerings in the Summer and Winter season and its presence in different travel markets worldwide with varying annual cycles. The consolidated income statement reflects the seasonality of the tourism business, as a result of which the result generated in the period from October to December is negative. Due to the seasonality of the business, a comparison of the first quarters results with the full-year results is not meaningful.

(1) Turnover

The year-on-year increase in turnover in the first quarter is mainly attributable to the higher proportion of long-haul bookings in the source markets, an increase in average selling prices in the Hotels & Resorts segment and a higher business volume in the Hotelbeds group segment. These effects outweighted the slight decrease in customer numbers overall.

(2) Cost of sales and administrative expenses

Cost of sales represents the expenses incurred to deliver tourism services. In addition to the expenses for staff costs, depreciation, amortisation, rental and leasing, they include all costs incurred by the Group in connection with the provision and delivery of airline services, hotel accommodation and cruises as well as distribution costs.

Administrative expenses comprise all expenses incurred in connection with the performance of the administrative functions and break down as follows:

 Administrative expenses 
 EUR million                                  Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Staff costs                                  230.7          210.8 
 Rental and leasing expenses                  19.3           18.5 
 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment    23.7           21.9 
 Others                                       131.7          134.8 
 Total                                        405.4          386.0 

The increase in administrative expenses compared to the first quarter of the prior year mainly results from foreign exchange effects. In addition, the increase in administrative expenses was driven by expenses in connection with various restructuring measures within the Group.

The cost of sales and administrative expenses include the following expenses for rent and leasing, personnel and depreciation / amortisation:

 Rental and leasing expenses 
 EUR million                        Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Rental and leasing expenses        229.6          216.1 
 thereof cost of sales              210.3          197.6 
 thereof administrative expenses    19.3           18.5 

The year-on-year increase in rental and lease expenses in the period under review mainly relates to lease payments for aircraft. As the lease agreements for aircraft have been denominated in US dollars, the exchange rate changes have caused an increase in leasing expenses driven by foreign currency translation.

 Staff costs 
 EUR million                                                  Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Wages and salaries                                           528.5          503.9 
 thereof cost of sales                                        336.2          328.1 
 thereof administrative expenses                              192.3          175.8 
 Social security contributions, pension costs and benefits    117.0          111.0 
 thereof cost of sales                                        78.6           76.0 
 thereof administrative expenses                              38.4           35.0 
 Total                                                        645.5          614.9 

The increase in wages and salaries expenses in the first quarter of 2015 / 16 primarily results from an increase in expenses driven by foreign exchange translation due to changes in local exchange rates relative to the euro. Staff costs also rose year-on-year due to various restructuring measures within the Group.

 Depreciation / amortisation / impairment 
 EUR million                                                           Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                         113.5          95.9 
 thereof cost of sales                                                 90.6           74.0 
 thereof administrative expenses                                       22.9           21.9 
 Impairments of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets    0.8            - 
 thereof cost of sales                                                 -              - 
 thereof administrative expenses                                       0.8            - 
 Total                                                                 114.3          95.9 

The increase in depreciation and amortisation within cost of sales is attributable to the additions of property, plant and equipment in the prior year, in particular seven aircraft and the cruise ship Europa 2.

(3) Other income / other expenses

 Other income / other expenses 
 EUR million       Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Other income      15.7           18.2 
 Other expenses    2.7            0.8 
 Total             13.0           17.4 

In the first quarter of 2015 / 16, other income mainly results from the gains from the disposal of the joint venture Safeharbour One S.L., Barcelona, and the sale of the cruise ship Island Escape. Additional income was generated from the sale of two plots of land in Salzgitter and Stutensee.

Other income recognised in the prior year comparative period was mainly comprised of the profit arising on the disposal of a Riu Group hotel sold in the first quarter of 2014 / 15.

Other expenses recognised in the first quarter of 2015 / 16 mainly result from foreign exchange losses in connection with capital measures.

(4) Financial result

The financial result declined from EUR - 67.6 m in the first quarter of the prior year to EUR - 81.8 m in the current financial year. This was caused by the measurement of the investment in Hapag-Lloyd AG. Following the IPO, the stake was measured at the stock market price of EUR 20.14 per share as at 31 December 2015 leading to an impairment of EUR 41.6 m.

This effect was partly offset by a reduction in the interest expense of EUR 25.5 m mainly due to the conversion of all convertible bonds in financial year 2014 / 15.

(5) Share of result of joint ventures and associates

 Share of result of joint ventures and associates 
 EUR million             Q1 2015 / 16    Q1 2014 / 15 
 Tourism                 22.1            16.0 
 Hotelbeds Group         0.5             0.5 
 Specialist Group        -               0.1 
 Container Shipping      -               0.9 
 Total                   22.6            17.5 

Hapag-Lloyd AG has been carried in financial assets available for sale since 2 December 2014.

(6) Income taxes

The tax income arising in the first quarter of 2015 / 16 is driven by the seasonality of the tourism business.

(7) Group loss attributable to non-controlling interest

 Group loss attributable to non-controlling interest 
 EUR million                               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Central Region                            -              0.4 
 Hotels & Resorts                          19.8           18.2 
 Tourism                                   19.8           18.6 
 Specialist Group                          - 0.1          0.2 
 Hotelbeds Group                           0.4            0.3 
 formerly Travel (TUI Travel PLC Group)    -              - 50.7 
 Total                                     20.1           - 31.6 

The non-controlling interest shown in the line formerly Travel in the prior year comprise the minority share of the losses of the former TUI Travel PLC Group until the acquisition of the non-controlling interest in TUI -Travel PLC by TUI AG in December 2014.

Notes to the financial position of the TUI Group

(8) Investments in joint ventures and associates

TUI Groups share in the joint venture Togebi Holdings Limited (TUI Russia) reduced from 49 % to 25 % in the first quarter of the current financial year. For details on this transaction we refer to the section Related parties. Furthermore the joint venture agreement was amended to reflect the new voting rights proportions. Due to these amendments, the relevant activities of TUI Russia continue to be jointly determined by TUI and Oscrivia Limited, so that TUI Russia remains classified as a joint venture.

(9) Financial assets available for sale

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Current financial assets available for sale include the remaining shares in Hapag-Lloyd AG of EUR 292.7 m. Hapag-Lloyd AG held an initial public offering on 6 November 2015. As TUI did not take part in the corresponding cash capital increase and as a result of the sale of 27,079 shares of Hapag-Lloyd AG in connection with the initial public offering, TUI Groups stake in Hapag-Lloyd AG declined from 13.9 % to 12.3 %.

The shares in Hapag-Lloyd AG are traded in the regulated market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The measurement of the stake at the closing rate of the Hapag-Lloyd share in the Xetra main market of EUR 20.14 per share resulted in a fair value of EUR 292.7 m (Level 1 measurement). Therefore an impairment of EUR 41.6 m was carried in financial expenses.

(10) Assets held for sale

 Assets held for sale 
 EUR million                               31 Dec 2015   30 Sep 2015 
 Discontinued Operation LateRooms Group    -             38.8 
 Property and hotel facilities             0.4           0.4 
 Other assets                              3.2           3.0 
 Total                                     3.6           42.2 

LateRooms Ltd. was sold in the beginning of the current financial year.

(11) Financial liabilities

Non-current financial liabilities rose by EUR 1,039.3 m to EUR 2,692.6 m as against 30 September 2015. The increase mainly results from the use of long-term credit lines to cover seasonal cash needs in the first quarter.

In December 2015, the revolving credit facility worth EUR 1.75 bn (including a tranche of EUR 215.0 m for the issue of bank guarantees), maturing in June 2018 was extended ahead of its maturity date and will now mature in December 2020. At the balance sheet date, an amount of EUR 1,021.9 m had been drawn from that credit line.

Current financial liabilities declined by EUR 8.1 m to EUR 225.0 m as at 31 December 2015 as against 30 September 2015.

(12) Changes in equity

Since 30 September 2015, equity decreased by EUR 302.6 m to EUR 2,114.7 m.

In the first quarter of 2015 / 16, the shares of non-controlling shareholders decreased by EUR 0.6 m due to the payment of dividends. The variation compared to the prior year is mainly based on dividend payments of EUR 183.0 m to non-Group shareholders of TUI Travel PLC made before the merger of TUI AG and TUI Travel PLC.

The ongoing measurement of the awards from equity-settled share option plans resulted in an increase in equity of EUR 2.0 m in the current financial year.

The issue of employee shares gave rise to 181,280 shares in TUI AG or subscribed capital worth EUR 0.5 m and capital reserves of EUR 2.5 m, respectively.

Moreover, an employee benefit trust of TUI Travel Ltd. acquired shares in TUI AG in the first quarter of 2015 / 16 in order to use them for share option plans. As the transaction constitutes an acquisition of own shares the purchase cost is eliminated against revenue reserves, reducing equity by EUR 48.9 m. Overall, non-controlling shares remained unchanged due to the issuance of shares in the framework of the share option plans. The employee benefit trust now holds 2,664,194 shares in TUI AG.

The Group loss in the first quarter of the current financial year is due to the seasonality of the tourism business.

Gains and losses from cash flow hedges worth EUR - 129.9 m (pre-tax), which are determined as effective hedge of future cash flows are carried under other comprehensive income in equity outside profit and loss.

The remeasurement of pension obligations (in particular actuarial gains and losses) is also carried under other comprehensive income in equity outside profit and loss. Due to almost unchanged parameters, remeasurement effects of only EUR - 8.5 m were recorded in the first quarter of 2015 / 16. The first quarter of the prior year was influenced by a significant decrease in discount rates, which led to remeasurement effects of EUR - 75.2 m in the prior year reference period.

Financial instruments

 Carrying amounts and fair values according to classes and measurement categories as at 31 
  Dec 2015 
                               Category under IAS 39 
 EUR million     Carrying      At           At cost   Fair value   Fair value   Values       Carrying      Fair value 
                 amount        amortised              with no      through      -according   amount of     of 
                               cost                   effect on    profit and   to IAS 17    financial     financial 
                                                      profit and   loss         (leases)     instruments   instruments 
 Available for 
  assets         348.6         -            50.1      298.5        -            -            348.6         348.6 
  and other 
  assets         2,252.6       1,034.3      -         -            -            -            1,034.3       1,034.3 
 Hedging         261.7         -            -         261.7        -            -            261.7         261.7 
  -instruments   61.5          -            -         -            61.5         -            61.5          61.5 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents    1,042.0       1,042.0      -         -            -            -            1,042.0       1,042.0 
  liabilities    2,917.6       1,922.1      -         -            -            995.5        1,922.1       1,941.5 
  payables       2,098.3       2,098.0      -         -            -            -            2,098.0       2,098.0 
 Hedging         576.3         -            -         576.3        -            -            576.3         576.3 
  -instruments   28.9          -            -         -            28.9         -            28.9          28.9 
  liabilities    3,219.9       161.4        -         -            -            -            161.4         161.4 
 Carrying amounts and fair values according to classes and measurement categories as at 30 
  Sep 2015 
                               Category under IAS 39 
 EUR million     Carrying      At           At cost   Fair value   Fair value   Values       Carrying      Fair value 
                 amount        amortised              with no      through      -according   amount of     of 
                               cost                   effect on    profit and   to IAS 17    financial     financial 
                                                      profit and   loss         (leases)     instruments   instruments 
 Available for 
  assets         391.1         -            50.4      340.7        -            -            391.1         391.1 
  and other 
  assets         2,281.2       1,064.7      -         -            -            -            1,064.7       1,064.7 
 Hedging         262.4         -            -         262.4        -            -            262.4         262.4 
  -instruments   66.7          -            -         -            66.7         -            66.7          66.7 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents    1,672.7       1,672.7      -         -            -            -            1,672.7       1,672.7 
  liabilities    1,886.4       904.5        -         -            -            982.0        904.5         925.1 
  payables       3,224.2       3,224.0      -         -            -            -            3,224.0       3,224.0 
 Hedging         443.8         -            -         443.8        -            -            443.8         443.8 
  -instruments   22.9          -            -         -            22.9         -            22.9          22.9 
  liabilities    3,383.5       152.9        -         -            -            -            152.9         152.9 

Due to the short remaining terms of cash and cash equivalents, current trade receivables and other assets, current trade payables and other liabilities, the carrying amounts are taken as realistic estimates of the fair values.

The fair values of non-current trade receivables and other assets correspond to the present values of the cash flows associated with the assets, taking account of current interest parameters which reflect market- and counterparty--related changes in terms and expectations. There are no financial investments held to maturity.

Financial instruments classified as Financial assets available for sale include an amount of EUR 50.0 m (previous year EUR 50.4 m) for interests in partnerships and corporations for which no active market exists. The fair values of these non-listed interests cannot be calculated by means of a measurement model since their future cash flows cannot be reliably determined. The investments are carried at the cost to purchase. In the period under review, and also as at 30 September 2015, there were no major disposals of interests in partnerships or corporations measured at cost. TUI does not intend to sell or derecognise the stakes in these partnerships or corporations in the near future.

 Aggregation according to measurement categories under IAS 39 as at 31 Dec 2015 
                         At amortised cost   At cost   Fair value                         Carrying amount   Fair value 
 EUR million                                           with no effect on      through     Total 
                                                       profit and loss         profit 
                                                                               and loss 
 Loans and receivables   2,076.3             -         -                      -           2,076.3           2,076.3 
 Financial assets 

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 available for sale      -                   50.1      298.5                  -           348.6             348.6 
 held for trading        -                   -         -                      61.5        61.5              61.5 
 Financial liabilities 
 at amortised cost       4,181.5             -         -                      -           4,181.5           4,200.9 
 held for trading        -                   -         -                      28.9        28.9              28.9 
 Aggregation according to measurement categories under IAS 39 as at 30 Sep 2015 
                         At amortised cost   At cost   Fair value                         Carrying amount   Fair value 
 EUR million                                           with no effect on      through     Total 
                                                       profit and loss         profit 
                                                                               and loss 
 Loans and receivables   2,737.4             -         -                      -           2,737.4           2,737.4 
 Financial assets 
 available for sale      -                   50.4      340.7                  -           391.1             391.1 
 held for trading        -                   -         -                      66.7        66.7              66.7 
 Financial liabilities 
 at amortised cost       4,281.4             -         -                      -           4,281.4           4,302.0 
 held for trading        -                   -         -                      22.9        22.9              22.9 

Fair value measurement

The following table presents the fair values of the recurring, non-recurring and other financial instruments recognised at fair value in accordance with the underlying measurement levels. The individual levels have been defined as follows in line with the input factors:

   -- Level 1: quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. 
   -- Level 2: input factors for the measurement are quoted market price other than those mentioned in Level 1, 
      directly (as market price quotation) or indirectly (derivable from market price quotation) observable in the 
      market for the asset or liability. 
   -- Level 3: input factors for the measurement of the asset or liability are based on non-observable market data. 
 Hierarchy of financial instruments measured at fair value as at 31 Dec 2015 
                                                         Fair value hierarchy 
 EUR million                                  Total      Level 1    Level 2   Level 3 
 Available for sale financial assets          298.5      292.7      -         5.8 
 Derivative financial instruments 
 Hedging transactions                         261.7      -          261.7     - 
 Other derivative financial instruments       61.5       -          61.5      - 
 Derivative financial instruments 
 Hedging transactions                         576.3      -          576.3     - 
 Other derivative financial instruments       28.9       -          28.9      - 
 At amortised cost 
 Financial liabilities                        1,941.5    313.5      1,628.0   - 
 Hierarchy of financial instruments measured at fair value as of 30 Sep 2015 
                                                        Fair value hierarchy 
 EUR million                                   Total    Level 1    Level 2    Level 3 
 Available for sale financial assets           340.7    -          -          340.7 
 Derivative financial instruments 
 Hedging transactions                          262.4    -          262.4      - 
 Other derivative financial instruments        66.7     -          66.7       - 
 Derivative financial instruments 
 Hedging transactions                          443.8    -          443.8      - 
 Other derivative financial instruments        22.9     -          22.9       - 
 At amortised cost 
 Financial liabilities                         925.1    314.4      610.7      - 

At the end of every reporting period, TUI Group checks whether there are any reasons for reclassification to or from one of the measurement levels. Financial assets and financial liabilities are generally transferred out of -Level 1 into Level 2 if the liquidity and trading activity no longer indicate an active market. The opposite situation applies to potential transfers out of Level 2 into Level 1. In the period under review, there were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2.

Reclassifications from Level 3 to Level 2 or Level 1 are effected if observable market price quotations become available for the asset or liability concerned. TUI Group records transfers to and out of Level 3 as at the date of the obligating event or occasion triggering the transfer. The review at the balance sheet date due to the initial public offering of Hapag-Lloyd AG resulted in the transfer of the valuation of the stake in Hapag-Lloyd AG from Level 3 into Level 1. Other than that, there were no transfers into or out of Level 3.

Level 1 financial instruments

The fair value of financial instruments for which an active market is available is based on the market price quotation at the balance sheet date. An active market exists if price quotations are easily and regularly available from a stock exchange, traders, brokers, price service providers or regulatory authorities, and if these prices represent actual and regular market transactions between independent business partners. These financial instruments are categorised within Level 1. The fair values correspond to the nominal values multiplied by the price quotations at the balance sheet date. Level 1 financial instruments primarily comprise shares in listed companies classified as available for sale and bonds issued in the category Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost.

Level 2 financial instruments

The fair values of financial instruments not traded in an active market, e. g. over the counter (OTC) derivatives, are determined by means of valuation techniques. These valuation techniques maximise the use of observable market data and minimise the use of Group-specific assumptions. If all essential input factors for the determination of the fair value of an instrument are observable, the instrument is categorised within Level 2.

If one or several of the essential input factors are not based on observable market data, the instrument is categorised within Level 3.

The specific valuation techniques used for the measurement of financial instruments are:

   -- For over the counter bonds, liabilities to banks, promissory notes and other non-current financial liabilities, 
      the fair value is determined as the present value of future cash flows, taking account of observable yield curves 
      and the respective credit spread, which depends on the credit rating. 
   -- For over the counter derivatives, the fair value is determined by means of appropriate calculation methods, e. g. 
      by discounting the expected future cash flows. The forward prices of forward transactions are based on the spot 
      or cash prices, taking account of forward premiums and discounts. The calculation of the fair values of foreign 
      exchange options and interest derivatives is based on the Black & Scholes model and the Turnbull & Wakeman model 
      for fuel hedge options. The fair values determined on the basis of the Groups own systems are regularly compared 
      with fair value confirmations of the external counterparties. 
   -- Other valuation techniques, e. g. discounting future cash flows, are used for the measurement of the fair values 
      of other financial instruments. 

With the exception of the shares in Hapag-Lloyd AG and the stake in National Air Traffic Services (NATS) presented below, all fair values resulting from the application of the measurement assumptions are categorised within Level 2.

Level 3 financial instruments

The following table shows the development of the values of the financial instruments measured at fair value on a recurring basis categorised within Level 3 of the measurement hierarchy.

 Financial assets measured at fair value in level 3 
 EUR million                                                Available for sale 
                                                             financial assets 
 Balance as at 1 Oct 2014                                   5.5 
 Additions (incl. Transfers)                                481.9 
 Total gains or losses for the period                       - 146.7 
 included in profit or loss                                 - 147.1 
 included in other comprehensive income                     0.4 
 Balance as at 30 Sep 2015                                  340.7 
 Change in unrealised gains or losses for the period for 
  financial assets held at the balance sheet date           - 147.1 
 Balance as at 1 Oct 2015                                   340.7 
 Additions                                                  - 
 Disposals                                                  334.9 
 repayment / sale                                           - 
 conversion / rebooking                                     334.9 
 Total gains or losses for the period                       - 
 recognised in income statement                             - 
 recognised in other comprehensive income                   - 
 Balance as at 31 Dec 2015                                  5.8 
 Change in unrealised gains or losses for the period for    - 
  financial assets held at the balance sheet date 

The disposals caused by reclassification into Level 1 of the measurement hierarchy relate to the investment in Hapag-Lloyd AG, for which observable input parameters have existed since the IPO on 6 November 2015. Detailed information is provided under Note 9 (Financial assets available for sale).

Sensitivity analysis

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An increase or decrease in the corporate value of the investment in NATS of + 10 % / - 10 % results in a EUR 0.4 m increase / EUR - 0.4 m decrease in the value recognised for the asset by the TUI Group, carried in after-tax earnings outside profit and loss (previous year EUR + 0.4 m / EUR - 0.4 m). Changes in unobservable parameters do not have a material effect on the result.

Contingent liabilities

As at 31 December 2015, contingent liabilities totalled EUR 364.0 m (previous year EUR 364.4 m). Contingent liabilities are carried at the level of estimated settlement as at the balance sheet date. They mainly relate to the assumption of liability for the benefit of Hapag-Lloyd AG for collateralised ship financing schemes and the assumption of liability for the benefit of TUI Cruises GmbH.

Other financial liabilities

 Financial commitments from operating lease, rental and charter contracts 
 EUR million                   31 Dec 2015              30 Sep 2015 
 Nominal value                 3,746.2                  3,843.3 
 Fair value                    3,455.1                  3,540.6 
 Nominal values of other financial commitments 
 EUR million                    31 Dec 2015   30 Sep 2015 
 Capital commitments            4,193.2       3,927.7 
 Other financial commitments    107.6         114.4 
 Total                          4,300.8       4,042.1 
 Fair value                     3,871.1       3,619.9 

Capital commitments for investments rose by EUR 265.5 m as at 31 December 2015 as against 30 September 2015. This was mainly driven by capital commitments with respect to hotels.

Notes to the Groups cash flow statement

Based on the after-tax Group result, the cash flow from operating activities is determined using the indirect method. The cash flow statement shows both the continuing and discontinued operations. In the period under review, cash and cash equivalents declined by EUR 640.2 m to EUR 1,042.0 m.

In the period under review, the outflow of cash from operating activities was EUR 1,410.5 m (previous year EUR 1,549.9 m).

The outflow of cash from investing activities totals EUR 129.0 m. It comprises a cash outflow for expenditure on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets of EUR 68.4 m by the tour operators and airlines, EUR 67.7 m by Hotels & Resorts, EUR 8.7 m by Cruises, and EUR 13.8 m by other Tourism companies. The Group also recorded an inflow of EUR 23.4 m from the sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, primarily a British cruise ship, two plots of land in Germany and a French tour operator brand. The cash flow from investing activities also includes payments of EUR 11.4 m for the acquisition of consolidated companies and for capital increases in joint ventures. The sale of subsidiaries and joint ventures resulted in an inflow of EUR 18.6 m.

The inflow of cash from financing activities totalled EUR 904.0 m. The revolving credit facility used to manage the seasonality of the cash flows and the liquidity of the Group was drawn by an amount of EUR 1,021.9 m as at the balance sheet date. The Hotels & Resorts segment took out financial liabilities worth EUR 47.5 m and redeemed EUR 17.0 m worth of finance lease liabilities. Other financial liabilities worth EUR 71.5 m were repaid.

An amount of EUR 26.6 m was used for interest payments. Further outflows relate to the dividends for the minority shareholders (EUR 2.2 m). Moreover, the employee benefit trust of TUI Travel Ltd. purchased shares in TUI AG worth EUR 48.9 m in order to use them for its share option plans. An amount of EUR 1.0 m was paid to purchase shares in companies already included in consolidation.

Cash and cash equivalents also decreased by EUR 4.7 m due to changes in exchange rates.

As at 31 December 2015, cash and cash equivalents worth EUR 197.6 m were subject to restrictions. This amount included EUR 116.3 m for cash collateral received, which was deposited with a Belgian subsidiary by Belgian tax authorities in financial year 2012 / 13 in relation to a long-standing litigation over VAT refunds for the period from 2001 to 2011. Without admission of guilt, the payment was made to suspend the accrual of interest for both parties. In order to collateralise a potential repayment, the Belgian government was granted a bank guarantee. Due to the bank guarantee, TUIs ability to dispose of the cash and cash equivalents has been restricted. The remaining restrictions of EUR 81.3 m relate to cash and cash equivalents held on deposit due to legal or regulatory requirements.

Segment indicators

In the first quarter of 2015 / 16, the incoming agencies previously carried in the Hotelbeds Group segment were integrated into the Tourism business. As a result, they are now included in the Other Tourism segment. Moreover, the IT services previously carried in All Other Segments were combined in the Other Tourism segment in the first quarter of 2015 / 16. Segment reporting for the prior year was restated accordingly.

 Turnover by segment for the period from 1 Oct 2015 to 31 Dec 2015 
 EUR million                      External      Group      Q1 2015 / 16 
 Northern Region                  1,232.4       23.1       1,255.5 
 Central Region                   1,090.2       11.3       1,101.5 
 Western Region                   486.9         3.8        490.7 
 Hotels & Resorts                 132.4         138.2      270.6 
 Cruises                          53.9          -          53.9 
 Other Tourism                    147.5         49.1       196.6 
 Consolidation                    -             - 201.4    - 201.4 
 Tourism                          3,143.3       24.1       3,167.4 
 Specialist Group                 325.6         -          325.6 
 Hotelbeds Group                  217.4         16.2       233.6 
 All other segments               32.1          2.2        34.3 
 Consolidation                    -             - 42.5     - 42.5 
 Continuing operations            3,718.4       -          3,718.4 
 Discontinued operations          -             -          - 
 Total                            3,718.4       -          3,718.4 
 Turnover by segment for the period from 1 Oct 2014 to 31 Dec 2014 
 EUR million                    External      Group        Q1 2014 / 15 
                                 restated      restated     Total 
 Northern Region                1,124.9       25.6         1,150.5 
 Central Region                 1,058.5       14.2         1,072.7 
 Western Region                 487.3         4.2          491.5 
 Hotels & Resorts               118.0         132.0        250.0 
 Cruises                        53.5          -            53.5 
 Other Tourism                  152.6         43.4         196.0 
 Consolidation                  -             - 188.1      - 188.1 
 Tourism                        2,994.8       31.3         3,026.1 
 Specialist Group               333.4         -            333.4 
 Hotelbeds Group                170.7         20.7         191.4 
 All other segments             27.5          7.6          35.1 
 Consolidation                  -             - 59.6       - 59.6 
 Continuing operations          3,526.4       -            3,526.4 
 Discontinued operations        17.2          -            17.2 
 Total                          3,543.6       -            3,543.6 

The following tables show the Group performance indicators EBITA and underlying EBITA. The TUI Group defines EBITA as earnings before interest, income taxes and goodwill impairments. EBITA includes amortisation of other intangible assets. EBITA does not include measurement effects from interest hedges and the proportionate result and measurement effects from container shipping, as the stake in Hapag-Lloyd AG is a financial investment rather than an operative investment from TUI AGs perspective.

 EBITA by segment 
 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Northern Region           - 34.1         - 50.9 
 Central Region            - 31.8         - 25.5 
 Western Region            - 28.9         - 14.8 
 Hotels & Resorts          24.5           16.5 
 Cruises                   8.2            2.0 
 Other Tourism             - 13.2         - 16.0 
 Tourism                   - 75.3         - 88.7 
 Specialist Group          - 36.1         - 23.2 
 Hotelbeds Group           - 2.5          - 2.5 
 All other segments        - 23.6         - 27.0 
 Continuing operations     - 137.5        - 141.4 
 Discontinued operation    - 4.6          - 3.6 
 Total                     - 142.1        - 145.0 

In the first quarter of 2015 / 16, the EBITA includes results of EUR 22.6 m (previous year EUR 16.6 m) from joint ventures and associates, primarily generated in Tourism.

The underlying EBITA has been adjusted for gains on disposal of financial investments, expenses in connection with restructuring measures according to IAS 37, all effects of purchase price allocations, ancillary acquisition cost and conditional purchase price payments and other expenses for and income from one-off items. The one-off items carried as adjustments are income and expense items impacting or distorting the assessment of the operating profitability of the segments and the Group due to their size or incidence.

 Underlying EBITA by segment 
 EUR million               Q1 2015 / 16   Q1 2014 / 15 
 Northern Region           - 27.9         - 45.4 
 Central Region            - 26.2         - 20.3 
 Western Region            - 27.7         - 11.9 
 Hotels & Resorts          25.2           28.7 
 Cruises                   8.2            2.0 
 Other Tourism             - 11.4         - 14.2 
 Tourism                   - 59.8         - 61.1 
 Specialist Group          - 31.8         - 19.1 
 Hotelbeds Group           3.5            1.8 
 All other segments        - 13.6         - 26.4 

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