Stock Exchange Release 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
7 October 2011 
                       Operational and Management Update 
      Revised operating strategy focused on optimising profitability over 
                      production volume in the short term 
        Organisational changes commenced to reflect Talvivaara's ongoing 
                evolution from a project to an operating company 
  * In  response to the current market environment and decline in nickel prices, 
    short  term focus  shifted from  maximising production  volume to optimising 
  * Full year 2011 production target a minimum of 16,000t of nickel 
  * Q3   2011 nickel  production  3,153t, year-to-date  output  at  the  end  of 
    September 11,319t 
  * Unscheduled  down-time in Q3 in metals  recovery due to reduced availability 
    of the hydrogen sulphide generators 
  * Significant  progress in  materials handling  and bioheapleaching with newly 
    stacked heap section 1 and secondary heap being taken into production in the 
    next few weeks; nickel inventory in heaps approximately 55,000t 
  * Management   systems  being  improved  through  organisational  changes  and 
    performance enhancing projects 
  * Metal  Workers Union have  warned of a  potential strike in October/November 
    2011 which may impact operations 
Near term focus on profitability due to current market environment 
In view of the current volatility and uncertainty in the commodity and financial 
markets,  Talvivaara management has developed a  revised operating plan and made 
the strategic decision to focus on maximising profitability of operations rather 
than  the production volume  over the remainder  of 2011. The Company intends to 
defer  capital expenditure amounting to approximately EUR 10 million into 2012, 
bringing  the total estimated  capital expenditure for  the current year down to 
approximately  EUR 70 million. Savings in operational expenditure will be sought 
by minimising the use of contractors in materials handling and waste mining. The 
scale of mining operations will also be optimised with the target of maintaining 
the  current level, around  55,000t, of nickel inventories  in the heaps. Should 
there  be a significant  downward movement in  the nickel price  over the coming 
weeks,  further cost savings  may be sought  by temporarily discontinuing mining 
and  materials handling operations.  Metals recovery will  however continue with 
the target of steadily increasing production volumes. 
Whilst  the  short  term  shift  in  focus  may have some impact on Talvivaara's 
production volumes in 2012, the effect is not anticipated to be material as long 
as the current nickel inventory in the heaps is maintained. 
In  view of the short  term foreseen availability of  the metals recovery plant, 
the full year 2011 production target has been rebased to a minimum of 16,000t of 
Production update 
Metals recovery 
Talvivaara's  third  quarter  production  suffered  from  problems  in  hydrogen 
sulphide  generators  during  the  latter  half  of the period. Because hydrogen 
sulphide  is an essential reagent in the metals recovery process, the unforeseen 
down-time  in  the  hydrogen  sulphide  generators  had  a  direct impact on the 
production  output, which for nickel amounted  to 3,153t and for zinc to 7,286t 
for  the quarter.  Year-to-date production  at the  end of September amounted to 
11,319t (Q1-Q3  2010: 6,550t) of  nickel  and  21,291t (Q1-Q3  2010: 16,092t) of 
Both  of Talvivaara's hydrogen sulphide generators were serviced and upgraded in 
the  maintenance programme carried out during  the second quarter. Following the 
maintenance,  the  generators  functioned  well,  but  the  operating  procedure 
followed  in the hydrogen  sulphide process subsequently  proved more wearing to 
certain heating elements than previous experience would have suggested. The need 
for certain spare parts was therefore also higher than anticipated and the spare 
parts  inventory proved insufficient. As delivery  times of the specialty steels 
required  for the  spares were  extended, the  lack of  availability resulted in 
limited capacity operation and down-time of the hydrogen sulphide generators and 
subsequently  the entire  metals recovery  plant. During  the third quarter, the 
overall availability of the hydrogen sulphide generators was approximately 57%, 
i.e.  on average  only one  generator was  operating at  any given  time. As the 
generators  also often  had to  be operated  below the  name plate capacity, the 
overall capacity utilisation for the quarter was around 35%. 
As  of the  beginning of  October, approximately  half of  the hydrogen sulphide 
capacity  was again in  operation, and full  capacity is expected  to be reached 
during the second week of the month. However, the Company anticipates regulating 
the  running rate of  the generators below  the full capacity  in order to avoid 
further  unscheduled stoppages and  to maximise availability  until a sufficient 
inventory  of  spare  parts  has  been  received.  The  spare parts inventory is 
expected  to  be  at  a  sustainable  level  by  the  year end. In the meantime, 
regulation  of the run  rate is not  expected to impact  Talvivaara's ability to 
meet its stated production target for the current year. 
The  operating procedure  for the  hydrogen sulphide  process has  recently been 
improved  such that the use of the heating elements is reduced, which in turn is 
anticipated to decrease the need for spare parts in the future. 
Given  the unscheduled down-time  during the third  quarter, the maintenance and 
upgrade  measures originally scheduled for the  fourth quarter have already been 
taken and no further stoppage is planned for the remainder of the year. 
Materials handling 
In  materials handling, significant progress was made in primary heap reclaiming 
in  August and September.  The improved performance  came partly as  a result of 
allocating  more of Talvivaara's  own staff and  equipment as well as contractor 
resources  to the process, and partly as  a result of better availability of the 
purpose-built  reclaiming equipment. As  a result of  all of the measures taken, 
reclaiming of the primary heap is no longer a bottle-neck to the stacking of new 
ore  and the  entire materials  handling process  now operates at a satisfactory 
The  newly stacked primary heap section 1 was completed in September and will be 
ready  to be taken into  production in the near  future. With the secondary heap 
also  ready to be taken  into production, the amount  of pregnant leach solution 
available  for metals  recovery will  increase substantially  over the  next few 
weeks.  Previously, solution  has only  been pumped  to metals recovery from two 
heap  sections at a time; hence  these developments will approximately double up 
the  amount of  treatable solution  and therefore  enable significant ramp-up of 
production. The increased amount of solution will also make it easier to control 
and further improve the metal grades in solution. 
Metal recoveries from bioheapleaching are progressing in line with expectations. 
Nickel  recovery from heap  section 3 has reached  65%; production from the heap 
started slightly over a year ago. Similar development is being seen also in heap 
section  4 with  nickel  recovery  to  date  at  around  45%. Leaching  from the 
secondary  heap is  currently progressing  faster than  from any  of the primary 
Development of management systems and organisation 
During  the last three years,  Talvivaara has held its  focus tightly on solving 
technical  problems in  production and  on de-bottlenecking  all of  the process 
stages.  As a result,  and having proven  that all process  stages can be run at 
design  capacities, management is confident that no fundamental flaws in process 
technology  nor  any  significant  technical  bottle-necks exist. The management 
systems  applied in the Company have however received less attention to date and 
will  require improvement going forward, especially as the most recent delays in 
production  ramp-up  have  been  the  result  of  systems rather than technology 
related matters. 
Reflecting Talvivaara's on-going transformation from a project into an operating 
entity  as well  as the  increased focus  on management  systems, Talvivaara has 
restructured  its production organisation.  Effective  as of 1 October 2011, the 
organisation  has been divided into two  operating divisions: the ore processes, 
i.e.   mining   and   materials   handling,   and  the  metals  processes,  i.e. 
bioheapleaching  and  metals  recovery.  Recruitment  of senior managers to both 
operating divisions is ongoing and the organisation will also be strengthened on 
all  other  levels.  The  management  systems  at  the operational level will be 
addressed through a detailed management consultancy evaluation during the fourth 
quarter  of 2011 and a performance improvement  programme will be implemented in 
All  management  systems  are  under  review  also on corporate level, including 
reorganisation  of the Executive Committee and redefinition of the duties within 
it.  Changes in  the composition  of the  Executive Committee  will be announced 
Liquidity position 
Talvivaara's  cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 38 million at the end of 
September 2011. 
In  June,  Talvivaara  signed  a  EUR  80 million revolving credit facility with 
Nordea  Bank,  primarily  as  back-up  financing  relating to the acquisition of 
Talvivaara  Sotkamo  shares  from  Outokumpu  Mining.  The facility is currently 
available but remains undrawn. 
The  Company also has obtained credit approvals from all participating banks for 
an  amendment to an originally EUR  100 million revolving credit facility signed 
in  June 2010. The amended facility will be  expanded to EUR 130 million and its 
maturity  will be  extended by  a year  until 30 June  2014. The signing  of the 
amendment  agreement is pending approvals by  Finnvera and Nyrstar to an amended 
intercreditor  agreement. Once signed, the EUR 130 million facility will replace 
the EUR 80 million Nordea commitment. 
Strike warning by the Metal Workers Union 
The  Finnish  Metal  Workers  Union  and  the  Trade Union Pro have announced an 
overtime  ban to  the Finnish  technology industries.  The two  unions have also 
given  a  strike  warning  to  44 companies  within  the  technology industries, 
including  Talvivaara. Should an agreement with the unions not be reached in the 
interim,  a  two  week  strike  from  21 October through 7 November is likely to 
Talvivaara anticipates its metals recovery plant will be declared emergency work 
due to environmental reasons and hence outside the scope of the strike. However, 
in  the  event  the  strike  commences,  it  will  have  a significant impact on 
Talvivaara's  mining and materials handling operations during the fourth quarter 
and, at worst, also on metals production. 
Pekka Perä, CEO of Talvivaara, commented: 
"Volatility  and  uncertainty  have  returned  to  the  commodity  and financial 
markets,  including the nickel market. Being  faced also with ongoing production 
constraints  we have announced a number of measures today to maximise short-term 
profitability and address our operating and management needs." 
"We  are  disappointed  that  we  are  experiencing ongoing problems with metals 
recovery  as a result of difficulties  with the hydrogen sulphide generators. We 
believe  we have now identified improved operating procedures for the generators 
and  are addressing  spares shortages  to enable  more reliable  production. The 
overall  impact  of  the  metals  recovery  problems  will however constrain our 
production for the current year." 
"The  Board recognises  that moving  from a  development to an operating company 
brings  with  it  new  requirements,  and  we  are now implementing wide-ranging 
changes  to our management  structure and systems  to address these. The changes 
will extend throughout the organisation, including the composition and duties of 
the  Executive Committee.  We will  communicate further  details of these latter 
changes shortly." 
"Our priority remains to achieve a successful ramp-up to our planned production, 
but with great emphasis on cash flow generation and profitability." 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc  Tel: +358 20 712 9800 
Pekka Perä, Chief Executive Officer 
Saila Miettinen-Lähde, Chief Financial Officer 
Merlin PR  Tel: +44 207 726 8400 
David Simonson 
Anca Spiridon 
A conference call on the operational and management update will be held on 7 
October 2011 at 10:00 GMT/12:00 EET. The call will be held in English. 
Participant - Finland: +358 (0)9 23 114 173 
Participant - UK: +44 (0)1452 569 372 
Conference ID: 17197066 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
Talvivaara Mining Company is an internationally significant base metals producer 
with  its  primary  focus  on  nickel  and  zinc  using  a  technology  known as 
bioheapleaching  to extract metals out  of ore. Bioheapleaching makes extraction 
of  metals  from  low  grade  ore  economically  viable. The Talvivaara deposits 
comprise  one of the largest known sulphide  nickel resources in Europe. The ore 
body  is  estimated  to  support  anticipated  production  for  several decades. 
Talvivaara has secured a 10-year off-take agreement for 100 per cent of its main 
output  of nickel and cobalt to Norilsk Nickel and entered into a long-term zinc 
streaming  agreement with Nyrstar  NV. Talvivaara is  listed on the London Stock 
Exchange  Main Market and NASDAQ  OMX Helsinki and is  included in the FTSE 250 
Index. Further information can be found at www.talvivaara.com. 
Talvivaara Operational and Management Update Oct 2011: 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
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Source: Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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