28 April 2011 
        Talvivaara Mining Company Interim Report for January-March 2011 
New production record despite technical challenges at the metals recovery plant 
Highlights of the first quarter of 2011 
 ·         Nickel production 4,215t, up 10% from Q4 2010 and a new quarterly 
 ·         Net sales EUR 66.5m and operating profit EUR 11.6m 
  * Uranium off-take agreement signed with Cameco Corporation in February 
Production guidance for 2011 
  * Production guidance for 2011 revised to 22,000-28,000t of nickel on 7 April 
  * Zinc production expected to amount to 44,000-50,000t 
  * Modification and maintenance programmes at the metals recovery plant 
    commenced in order to improve plant availability and to remove bottlenecks 
Key figures 
 EUR million                                       |   Q1|    Q4|     Q1|    FY 
                                                   | 2011|  2010|   2010|  2010 
 Net sales                                         | 66.5|  60.2|   11.6| 152.2 
 Operating profit (loss)                           | 11.6|  14.3|  (2.3)|  25.5 
       % of net sales                              |17.5%| 23.8%|(20.2%)| 16.7% 
 Profit (loss) for the period                      | 12.8| (4.7)| (16.9)|(13.1) 
 Earnings per share, EUR                           | 0.03|(0.02)| (0.06)|(0.06) 
 Equity-to-assets ratio                            |33.0%| 31.3%|  42.8%| 31.3% 
 Net interest bearing debt                         |325.8| 315.0|  176.3| 315.0 
 Debt-to-equity ratio                              |81.6%| 82.8%|  45.4%| 82.8% 
 Capital expenditure                               | 10.4|  23.5|   19.0| 115.7 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period|144.7| 165.6|   55.9| 165.6 
 Number of employees at the end of the period      |  413|   389|    336|   389 
All reported figures in this release are unaudited. 
CEO  Pekka Perä comments: "I  am pleased to report  yet another record quarterly 
nickel  production, especially as it was  achieved despite a series of technical 
issues  resulting  in  low  availability  of  the  metals  recovery plant. Going 
forward,  we aim  to secure  successful continuation  of our  ramp-up through an 
upgrade  and maintenance  programme at  the plant,  which has  now commenced and 
should boost production capacity and improve resilience during difficult weather 
We  also posted  record revenues  in the  first quarter,  helped in  part by the 
increased  product deliveries, but also by nickel  prices that held up strong at 
around USD 24,000-28,000 per tonne throughout the period." 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc               Tel. +358 20 712 9800 
Pekka Perä, CEO 
Saila Miettinen-Lähde, CFO 
Merlin PR                                        Tel. +44 20 726 8400 
David Simonson 
Anca Spiridon 
Webcast and conference call on 28 April 2011 at 11:00 GMT/13:00 EET 
A combined webcast and conference call on the Q1 2011 result will be held on 28 
April 2011 at 11:00 GMT/13:00 EET. The call will be held in English. 
The webcast can be accessed through the following link: 
A conference call facility will be available for a Q&A with senior management 
following the presentation. 
Finland: +358 (0)9 2313 9201 
UK: +44 (0)20 7131 2799 
US: +1 334 323 6201 
Conference id: 891445 
The webcast will also be available for viewing on the Talvivaara website from 
shortly after the event until the end of December 2011. 
Financial review 
Financial result 
Talvivaara's  net sales for  nickel and cobalt  deliveries to Norilsk Nickel and 
for  zinc deliveries  to Nyrstar  during the  three months  ended 31 March 2011 
increased  by 10% from  the previous  quarter and  totalled EUR 66.5 million (Q1 
2010: EUR  11.6 million).  The  product  deliveries  amounted to 3,846 tonnes of 
nickel, 76 tonnes of cobalt and 8,736 tonnes of zinc. 
The  Group's  other  operating  income  of  EUR  0.3 million (Q1 2010: EUR 15.4 
million)  consisted mainly  of fair  value gains  on interest  rate and currency 
exchange derivatives. 
Materials  and  services  amounted  to  EUR  (36.3) million (Q1 2010: EUR (19.9) 
million).  The costs  increased by  18% from EUR  (30.7) million in the previous 
quarter,  reflecting  the  growth  in  production  volumes  and  related  use of 
production  chemicals,  particularly  propane.  Use  of maintenance services and 
spare parts was also higher during the period, and the price of many high volume 
process  chemicals such  as propane  and caustic  soda increased  compared to Q4 
Personnel  expenses  including  the  value  of  employee expenses related to the 
employee  share option scheme of 2007 were EUR (6.8) million (Q1 2010: EUR (4.9) 
million). The increase was attributable to the increased number of personnel. 
Other  operating expenses  amounted to  EUR (13.7)  million (Q1 2010: EUR (11.4) 
million)  and remained at the  same level as in  the previous quarter. The other 
operating expenses were mainly due to accruals in maintenance costs, higher cost 
and consumption of electricity during the colder winter season, and freight. 
The  operating profit  for Q1  2011 was EUR  11.6 million (Q1  2010: loss of EUR 
(2.3)  million). The operating margin of  17.5% decreased from that reported for 
the  fourth  quarter  partly  due  to  technical  issues and related maintenance 
expenses  in materials handling and in metals recovery. The operating margin was 
also  negatively affected by  the fact that  some March production was delivered 
just  after the end of the reporting period  and hence not included in the first 
quarter revenues. 
Finance  income amounted  to EUR  15.7 million (Q1  2010: EUR (1.2) million). It 
consisted  primarily of non-cash exchange rate  gains of approximately EUR 14.6 
million on the USD 335 million Nyrstar advance payment. Finance cost amounted to 
EUR  (9.4)  million  (Q1  2010: EUR  (21.3)  million). It consisted primarily of 
interests on borrowings of approximately EUR (8.1) million. 
Profit  for the period amounted to EUR 12.8 million (Q1 2010: loss of EUR (16.9) 
The  total  comprehensive  income  for  the  first quarter of 2011 was EUR 10.2 
million  (Q1 2010: EUR (20.0) million), including  a reduction in hedge reserves 
resulting from the occurrence of the hedged sales. 
Balance sheet 
Capital  expenditure  during  the  first  quarter  totalled EUR 10.4 million (Q1 
2010: EUR  19.0 million).  The  expenditure  related  primarily  to dust removal 
systems for crushing and screening, the secondary heap stacker and the secondary 
heap  foundations. On the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 
March  2011, property,  plant  and  equipment  totalled  EUR  727.5 million  (31 
December 2010: EUR 728.2 million). 
In  the Group's  assets, inventories  amounted to  EUR 190.9 million on 31 March 
2011 (31   December   2010: EUR  175.4 million).  The  increase  in  inventories 
reflected the ramp-up of production and the consequent increase in the amount of 
ore stacked on heaps, valued at cost. 
Trade  receivables amounted  to EUR  61.3 million on  31 March 2011 (31 December 
2010: EUR 52.4 million). The increase in trade receivables reflected the ramp-up 
of production and increase in nickel price compared to the previous quarter. 
On  31 March  2011, cash  and  cash  equivalents  totalled EUR 144.7 million (31 
December 2010: EUR 165.6 million). 
In equity and liabilities, the total equity amounted to EUR 399.2 million on 31 
March  2011 (31 December  2010: EUR 380.3 million),  including approximately EUR 
25 million from a perpetual capital loan. An equity component of EUR 9.0 million 
for the senior unsecured convertible bonds issued in December 2010 and due 2015 
was  recognised in equity during the first quarter. At year-end 2010, the equity 
component  was  not  recognised,  as  the  shareholder  resolution  allowing the 
conversion  of the bonds had not yet been obtained. A total of 13,000 new shares 
were  subscribed  and  paid  for  during  the  first  quarter  of 2011 under the 
company's  stock  option  rights  2007A and  the  entire  subscription price was 
recognised in equity. 
Borrowings  decreased from EUR  480.6 million on 31 December  2010 to EUR 470.5 
million  at the end of  March 2011. The changes in  borrowings during the period 
included  determination of the equity component for senior unsecured convertible 
bonds  due 2015 after an Extraordinary General Meeting of Talvivaara resolved to 
approve the issue of special rights in January 2011. 
Total  advance payments  as at  31 March 2011 amounted  to EUR 257.7 million (31 
December  2010: EUR 267.1 million). The  changes in advance  payments during the 
period  included non-cash exchange rate  gains of approximately EUR 14.6 million 
for  the  Nyrstar  advance  payment.  In  addition, Talvivaara received EUR 7.0 
million in advance payments during the first quarter based on a uranium off-take 
agreement with Cameco Corporation. 
Total equity and liabilities as at 31 March 2011 amounted to EUR 1,208.0 million 
(31 December 2010: EUR 1,216.3 million). 
In  January, a Talvivaara Extraordinary General  Meeting resolved to approve the 
proposal  of the Board of Directors for  the issue of special rights in relation 
to  EUR  225 million  senior  unsecured  convertible  bonds which were issued in 
December  2010 and  are  due  2015. The  bonds are convertible into 27.0 million 
fully  paid ordinary  shares of  the Company.  The interest  rate applied to the 
convertible  bond  is  4.00% and  the  yield  to  maturity  6.50%, reflecting  a 
redemption price of 114.5% at maturity. 
Uranium off-take agreement with Cameco 
In  February,  Talvivaara  signed  a  uranium  off-take  agreement  with  Cameco 
Corporation.  Under the terms of the  agreement, Cameco will provide an up-front 
investment, up to a maximum of USD 60 million, to cover the construction cost of 
the  uranium extraction  circuit. Cameco's  capital contribution  will be repaid 
through deliveries of uranium concentrate in the initial years of the agreement. 
Once  the  capital  is  repaid,  Cameco  will  purchase  the uranium concentrate 
produced  at Sotkamo through a supply agreement that will be in effect until 31 
December 2027. Cameco will provide Talvivaara with payment for the uranium based 
on a formula that references market prices at the time of delivery. 
Annual   uranium   production   is   estimated  at  350tU (ca.  770,000 pounds), 
corresponding to approximately 410t (900,000 pounds) of yellow cake (UO(4)). 
Cameco  provides technical assistance to Talvivaara in the design, construction, 
commissioning  and operation of the uranium extraction circuit to be constructed 
at   the   Sotkamo   mine.  Subject  to  receiving  the  necessary  permits  and 
authorizations,  Talvivaara plans to start construction in the coming months and 
complete it in 2012. 
The  agreements between Talvivaara and Cameco are subject to ratification by the 
Euratom  Supply Agency and  the approval of  the European Commission pursuant to 
the  Euratom Treaty. These approvals are expected within the next few months. In 
April  2010, Talvivaara applied to the Ministry  of Employment and Economy for a 
permit to extract uranium as a by-product, in accordance with the Nuclear Energy 
Act. Talvivaara expects this permit in late 2011. 
Production review 
Continuation of production ramp-up at the Sotkamo mine was again confirmed by a 
new quarterly production record for nickel amounting to 4,215t (Q1 2010:610t) 
and representing an increase of 10% from previous quarter production. The zinc 
output of 6,363t (Q1 2010: 2,960t) was however lower than in Q4 2010 due to 
nickel contamination caused by a defective valve at the metals recovery plant. 
As a result, non-saleable product containing more than 3,000t of zinc had to be 
recycled back to bioheapleaching. The defective valve was fixed after the 
incident and the problem is not expected to be a recurrent one. 
The mining department produced 2.2Mt of ore (Q1 2010: 3.0Mt) and 5.2Mt of waste 
(Q1 2010: 2.4Mt). The emphasis was again on waste mining to provide material for 
levelling the ground for the secondary heap foundations. Ore mining had to be 
restricted due to bottle-necks in materials handling. 
In  materials  handling,  the  amount  of  crushed  and stacked ore in the first 
quarter was 2.2Mt (Q1 2010: 3.3Mt). Production output was negatively affected by 
continued commissioning issues with the primary heap reclaiming system. Firstly, 
excavation  capacity was insufficient  due to a  contractor change and delays in 
getting  the planned capacity  excavators in place.  Secondly, the purpose-built 
reclaiming  equipment was not yet operational  at full speed and optimization of 
the system continued throughout the period. 
Whilst  materials handling failed to reach the budgeted production levels in the 
first  quarter, it  should be  noted that  at the  end of  the period  there was 
already  more than  50,000t of nickel  in stacked  ore under leaching. Materials 
handling  was thus  not a  critical issue  in view  of the current year's metals 
production targets. 
Bioheapleaching  progressed according to expectations  during the first quarter. 
The  average nickel  grades in  solution pumped  to metals recovery continued to 
increase  and averaged 2.3 g/l in March. The main sources of leach solution were 
heap  sections 3 and  4, from which  around 30% of  the circulating solution was 
continuously  pumped to the metals  plant. As this depletion  rate is well above 
the  long term planned rate of 10-15%, the sustained increase in metal grades in 
solution  was especially  encouraging and  indicated good  leaching in the newer 
heap sections. 
Leaching  in the secondary heap continued well, but solution quantities were not 
sufficient  for metals  recovery due  to the  start-up problems faced in primary 
heap reclaiming. 
In metals recovery, the first quarter ended in a promising fashion with a period 
of  ten days at an average annualised production rate of over 32,000t of nickel. 
However,  for most of the period the plant availability was lower than expected, 
primarily  because of  blockages in  pipelines due  to disruptions  in materials 
flows  or freezing,  and insufficient  hydrogen sulphide  capacity stemming from 
dust  contamination in the hydrogen sulphide generators. In addition, production 
capacity  was  at  times  restricted  because  of  insufficient  sulphur melting 
Whilst  none of  the experienced  difficulties were  fundamental or long-term in 
nature,  they led to the conclusion, as  announced soon after the quarter end on 
7 April 2011 (see section Events after the review period), that certain upgrades 
and  modifications at the plant were necessary  in order to sustain the achieved 
throughput  rates  and  to  ramp  up  production  further.  The  maintenance and 
upgrading  works  were largely planned during the quarter and involve increasing 
of  sulphur melting  and certain  pumping capacities,  cleaning and upgrading of 
hydrogen  sulphide  generators,  inspection  and  maintenance  of  reactors  and 
thickeners,  and numerous small modification items, e.g. doubling up of selected 
process  pipelines,  that  help  improve  production reliability and sustainable 
Production key figures 
                          |      |   Q1|   Q4|   Q1|    FY 
                          |      | 2011| 2010| 2010|  2010 
 Mining                   |      |     |     |     | 
      Ore production      |Mt    |  2.2|  3.3|  3.0|  13.3 
      Waste production    |Mt    |  5.2|  4.3|  2.4|  16.7 
 Materials handling       |      |     |     |     | 
      Stacked ore         |Mt    |  2.2|  2.9|  3.3|  13.3 
 Bioheapleaching          |      |     |     |     | 
      Ore under leaching  |Mt    | 26.5| 24.3| 14.3|  24.3 
 Metals recovery          |      |     |     |     | 
      Nickel metal content|Tonnes|4,215|3,831|  610|10,382 
      Zinc metal content  |Tonnes|6,363|9,369|2,960|25,462 
Fulfilment of minimum transportation requirement on Talvivaara-Murtomäki 
In  2008-2009, Talvivaara constructed a 25 km  railway connecting the Talvivaara 
mine  with the national  railway grid. Subject  to agreed minimum transportation 
volumes  on the railroad  being achieved, the  Finnish State agreed to reimburse 
the construction expenses to Talvivaara Infrastructure Oy up to an amount of EUR 
40 million (0% VAT) in two instalments and to redeem the railroad as part of the 
national  rail grid.  The first  agreed transportation  milestone was reached in 
2010 and  the  Finnish  State  subsequently  paid  EUR  20 million  as a partial 
reimbursement.  The  remaining  minimum  transportation  volumes were reached in 
January  2011 and Talvivaara expects  the final redemption  to take place during 
the first half of 2011. 
Production expansion - Operation Overlord 
Conceptual  studies relating to production  expansion beyond 50,000tpa of nickel 
continued.  A dedicated project  team was established  and strengthened to seven 
members   with  metallurgical,  infrastructure,  bioheapleaching  and  materials 
handling  expertise. Recruiting  to the  project team  continues targeting added 
expertise  on project  coordination, environmental  and water management issues, 
and automation. 
As  permitting is one of the  most critical parts of the  project in view of the 
overall  timetable,  particular  emphasis  was  put  on  getting  the  necessary 
permitting  processes started as soon as possible. As a result, baseline studies 
of  the environment were already  commenced at the end  of the first quarter and 
preparations  were made for  the Environmental Impact  Assessment (EIA) to start 
during  the second  half of   2011. The EIA  will cover certain parallel process 
options,  as the final production  processes and end products  have not yet been 
chosen. Following the EIA, Talvivaara expects to submit the environmental permit 
application for the expansion in 2012. 
Scoping  studies are currently based on the  target of doubling up the presently 
planned   production  to  approximately  100,000tpa of  nickel.  Whilst  studies 
relating  to various processing  options continue, it  appears relatively likely 
that  a substantial part of the expanded  production would be LME quality nickel 
metal.  Production of cobalt  metal is also  an option, but  refining of zinc to 
zinc  metal is currently not within the planning scope. For certain products and 
raw  materials,  e.g.  manganese  and  sulphuric  acid,  joint ventures or other 
partnering arrangements will be investigated. 
Investment  into the expansion project is planned to be carried out in a modular 
fashion to allow stretching of the expenditure over an estimated 5-6 year period 
starting  in  2013. The  modular  approach  also  allows  commissioning  of  the 
equipment  and processes sequentially in the  order of the process stages, which 
is expected to reduce the risk of serious start-up issues. 
For  the  project  to  proceed  to  expanded  production  from  2016, the  first 
investment  decisions would need to be made in 2012. The first critical items to 
be  ordered include a primary crusher, to  be located at the Kolmisoppi pit, and 
additional  fine  crushers.  The  new  crushing  circuit  could  be targeted for 
commissioning in late 2014, along with mining from the Kolmisoppi deposit. Earth 
works  on additional heap foundations, initially within the scope of the current 
environmental permit, are estimated to commence in 2013. 
If the expansion project is realized to its full planned extent, it is estimated 
that  the Talvivaara mine will  directly provide work for 1,100-1,200 employees. 
Indirectly,  around 2,000 new  jobs are  anticipated to  be created. The project 
phase is estimated at approximately 6,000 man years. 
Sustainable development and permitting 
The  main  achievements  of  the  first  quarter  included the completion of the 
Environmental  Impact Assessment relating to the  extraction of uranium as a by- 
product.  A statement to  this effect was  obtained from the local environmental 
authority declaring the EIA sufficient. 
The environmental permit application for uranium extraction was submitted to the 
regional  environmental permitting agency in  March. Application for the renewal 
of the existing environmental permit was also submitted in March. 
At  the end of the quarter, the  injury frequency among the Talvivaara personnel 
was  13.7 lost time injuries/million  working hours on  a rolling 12 month basis 
(31 December 2010: 10.7 lost time injuries/million working hours). 
In  line  with  its  sustainable  development policies, Talvivaara continued its 
efforts  aimed at reducing the environmental effects of its operations. Concrete 
measures  included, among  others, the  installation of  additional dust removal 
systems  in crushing and screening, and further work aimed at removing any odour 
discharges from the metals recovery plant. 
Risk management and principal risks 
In  line  with  current  corporate  governance  guidelines  on  risk management, 
Talvivaara  carries out an ongoing process endorsed by the Board of Directors to 
identify  risks, measure their impact  against certain assumptions and implement 
the necessary proactive steps to manage these risks. 
Talvivaara's  operations  are  affected  by  various  risks common to the mining 
industry,  such as  risks relating  to the  development of  Talvivaara's mineral 
deposits,  estimates  of  reserves  and  resources,  infrastructure  risks,  and 
volatility of commodity prices. There are also risks related to counter parties, 
currency  exchange ratios, management and control systems, historical losses and 
uncertainties  about the future  profitability of Talvivaara,  dependence on key 
personnel,   effect   of  laws,  governmental  regulations  and  related  costs, 
environmental  hazards, and risks related to Talvivaara's mining concessions and 
In  the short  term, Talvivaara's  key operational  risks relate  to the ongoing 
ramp-up of operations. While the 
Company  has demonstrated that all  of its production processes  work and can be 
operated  on an industrial scale,  the rate of ramp-up  is still subject to risk 
factors,  including various technical and  operational risks, that may currently 
be  unknown or  are beyond  the Company's  control. In  order to better mitigate 
operational  risks going forward, Talvivaara has  in place an ongoing production 
reliability  programme, which targets at reducing downtime and risk of accidents 
through  detailed  evaluation  of  all  equipment  and  processes and subsequent 
improvement  of  operating  procedures  and  maintenance.  The  Company has also 
commenced additional maintenance and upgrading programmes at the metals recovery 
plant in order to improve plant availability and capacity in the future. 
The  market  price  of  nickel  is,  together  with production volumes, the main 
determinant of Talvivaara's 
revenues. The volatility of nickel price has historically been high and it is in 
the  Company's view likely to persist also in the future. Talvivaara is unhedged 
against  variations in nickel  prices, which means  that nickel price volatility 
will  have a substantial  effect on the  Company's revenues and  result. Full or 
substantially  full  exposure  to  nickel  prices  is  in line with Talvivaara's 
strategy  and supported by the Company's view that it can operate the Talvivaara 
mine profitably also during the lows of commodity price cycles. 
Talvivaara's  revenues are determined mostly in  US dollars, whilst the majority 
of the Company's costs are 
incurred  in Euro.  Potential strengthening  of the  Euro against  the US dollar 
could  thus  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  business and financial 
condition  of  the  Company.  Talvivaara  hedges  its  exposure  to the currency 
exchange  risk relating to the US dollar on a case by case basis with the aim of 
limiting  the adverse effects of US dollar weakness as considered justified from 
time to time. 
The  number of personnel on 31 March  2011 was 413 (Q1 2010: 336), up by 24 from 
the end of 2010. 
Wages  and salaries paid during the first  three months of the year totalled EUR 
5.9 million (Q1 2010: EUR 4.2 million). 
Shares and shareholders 
The  number of  shares issued  and outstanding  and registered  on the Euroclear 
Shareholder  Register as of 31 March  2011 was 245,364,096. Including the effect 
of  the  EUR  85 million  convertible  bond  of 14 May 2008, the EUR 225 million 
convertible  bond  of  16 December  2010 and  the  Option  Scheme  of  2007, the 
authorised full number of shares of the Company amounted to 290,636,391. 
The  share subscription period for stock  options 2007A is between 1 April 2010 
and 31 March 2012. By 31 March 2011 a total of 187,378 Talvivaara Mining Company 
Plc's  new shares were subscribed for under  the stock option rights 2007A and a 
total of 2,145,722 stock option rights 2007A remain unexercised. 
As  at 31 March 2011, the shareholders  who held more than  5% of the shares and 
votes  of Talvivaara were  Pekka Perä (23.06  %), Varma Mutual Pension Insurance 
Company (8.60%), and BlackRock Investment Management Ltd (5.80%). 
Events after the review period 
Revision of production guidance for 2011 
Talvivaara revised its production target for the current year to 22,000-28,000t 
of  nickel  on  7 April  2011. Zinc  production  is  anticipated  to  amount  to 
The  Company  decided  to  lower  its  production  target  due to unsatisfactory 
availability  of  the  metals  recovery  plant  in the first quarter and certain 
capacity  limiting bottle-necks  identified at  the plant.  In order  to improve 
production  reliability and  to remove  the bottle-necks,  Talvivaara decided to 
bring  the annual maintenance break forward to April-May 2011 and to extend this 
scheduled  break to allow for  all of the identified  issues to be addressed and 
for  the plant to  be thoroughly inspected  as part of  the Company's preventive 
maintenance plan. 
The  Company anticipates scheduling a  second maintenance stoppage for September 
or  October in order to install long  lead-time equipment which is not available 
during  the first stoppage, and to further enhance parts of process equipment in 
order to avoid potential problems caused by exceptional winter conditions. 
The  total duration of  the maintenance and  upgrading stoppages is estimated at 
approximately  three weeks.  The impact  on production  output of the programmes 
depends  on the timing and  eventual length of the  production stoppages and the 
resulting   improvement  in  production  reliability  and  capacity.  Delays  in 
reclaiming  the  primary  heap  may  also  have  an  impact on production due to 
corresponding  delays in  obtaining leach  solution from  the secondary  heap to 
metals recovery. 
The  maintenance and modification works are not anticipated to require any major 
equipment  additions or replacements;  hence the programmes  are not expected to 
materially affect the Company's capital expenditure during the year. 
Short-term outlook 
Talvivaara expects production at the Sotkamo mine to continue ramping up in line 
with the revised target and the production reliability to improve as a result of 
the  ongoing maintenance and upgrading programmes. The maintenance and upgrading 
stoppage  of April-May is likely have an impact on the second quarter production 
such  that the growth in production volumes will be more pronounced in the third 
and fourth quarters. 
The  near  term  market  outlook  for  nickel is relatively positive with demand 
continuing  strong  especially  from  China.  Overall,  the market has been in a 
deficit  in  the  early  part  of  2011 on  the  back  of strong stainless steel 
production  growth, but  the supply-demand  balance may  be moving  into surplus 
towards  the end of the year  with increasing production projected especially in 
ferronickel.  This may drive nickel prices lower in the coming months from their 
recent  level of USD 25,000-28,000 per tonne. However, the price is not expected 
to  suffer a dramatic  decrease but rather  to potentially settle slightly lower 
during  the summer months. The EUR/USD exchange  rate may also have an effect on 
nickel price with sustained USD weakness likely to support commodity prices. 
April 28, 2011 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
Board of Directors 
                                                Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                                    three       three 
                                                months to   months to 
(all amounts in EUR '000)                     31 Mar 2011 31 Mar 2010 
Net sales                                          66,467      11,606 
Other operating income                                336      15,428 
Changes in inventories of finished 
goods and work in progress                         12,781      19,075 
Materials and services                           (36,310)    (19,930) 
Personnel expenses                                (6,795)     (4,852) 
Depreciation, amortization, depletion 
and impairment charges                           (11,198)    (12,246) 
Other operating expenses                         (13,664)    (11,425) 
Operating profit (loss)                            11,617     (2,344) 
Finance income                                     15,733       1,151 
Finance cost                                      (9,387)    (21,328) 
Finance income (cost) (net)                         6,346    (20,177) 
Profit (loss) before income tax                    17,963    (22,521) 
Income tax expense                                (5,179)       5,585 
Profit (loss) for the period                       12,784    (16,936) 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                8,839    (13,861) 
Non-controlling interest                            3,945     (3,075) 
                                                   12,784    (16,936) 
Earnings per share for profit (loss) attributable to the 
owners of the parent expressed in EUR per share) 
Basic and diluted                                    0.03      (0.06) 
                                         Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                             three       three 
                                         months to   months to 
(all amounts in EUR '000)              31 Mar 2011 31 Mar 2010 
Profit (loss) for the period                12,784    (16,936) 
Other comprehensive income, 
items net of tax 
Cash flow hedges                           (2,544)     (3,019) 
Other comprehensive income, net of tax     (2,544)     (3,019) 
Total comprehensive income                  10,240    (19,955) 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                         6,804    (16,276) 
Non-controlling interest                     3,436     (3,679) 
                                            10,240    (19,955) 
                                   Unaudited     Audited   Unaudited 
                                       three      twelve       three 
                                   months to   months to   months to 
(all amounts in EUR '000)        31 Mar 2011 31 Dec 2010 31 Mar 2010 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment        727,539     728,226     663,491 
Biological assets                      7,983       8,464       6,894 
Intangible assets                      7,620       7,737       7,745 
Deferred tax assets                   18,927      22,421      28,222 
Other receivables                      2,882       7,626       7,591 
financial assets                         502         464           - 
                                     765,453     774,938     713,943 
Current assets 
Inventories                          190,883     175,361     124,307 
Trade receivables                     61,311      52,354       9,142 
Other receivables                      6,274       8,702       5,578 
Derivative financial instruments           1          40           - 
Cash and cash equivalent             144,650     165,555      55,914 
                                     403,119     402,012     194,941 
Assets held for sale                  39,391      39,391           - 
Total assets                       1,207,963   1,216,341     908,884 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 
Share capital                             80          80          80 
Share issue                                -          91           - 
Share premium                          8,086       8,086       8,086 
Hedge reserve                          5,459       7,494      14,152 
Other reserves                       444,046     433,012     438,603 
Retained earnings                   (77,284)    (84,322)    (85,229) 
                                     380,387     364,441     375,692 
Non-controlling interest 
in equity                             18,817      15,831      13,087 
Total equity                         399,204     380,272     388,779 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                           427,328     437,623     208,559 
Advance payments                     223,376     231,812     248,535 
Trade payables                             4          17           - 
Derivative financial instruments           -           -       3,288 
Provisions                             4,893       3,935       1,804 
                                     655,601     673,387     462,186 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                            43,144      42,934      23,682 
Advance payments                      34,337      35,243           - 
Trade payables                        31,082      39,408      25,389 
Other payables                        43,502      43,820       8,848 
Derivative financial instruments       1,093       1,277           - 
                                     153,158     162,682      57,919 
Total liabilities                    808,759     836,069     520,105 
Total equity and liabilities       1,207,963   1,216,341     908,884 
A. Share capital 
B. Share issue 
C. Share premium 
D. Invested unrestricted equity 
E. Hedge reserve 
F Other reserves 
G. Retained earning 
H. Total 
I. Non-controlling interest 
J. Total equity 
(all amounts in EUR 
              A    B      C      D       E      F       G      H      I      J 
01 Jan 10 
              80      - 8,086 401,248  16,567 16,200 (71,368) 370, 11,784    382 
                                                               813          ,597 
Profit        -    -      -      -       -      -    (13,861) (13, (3,075)  (16 
(loss)                                                        861)         ,936) 
for the 
- Cash flow                                                    (2,            (3 
hedges        -    -      -      -    (2,415)   -       -     415)   (604) ,019) 
for the                                                       (16,           (19 
period        -    -      -      -    (2,415)   -    (13,861) 276) (3,679) ,955) 
 with owners 
capital                                                        19,            24 
loan          -    -      -      -       -    19,925    -      925   4,982  ,907 
- value of 
employee                                                        1,             1 
services      -    -      -      -       -     1,230    -      230    -     ,230 
by and 
distribution                                                   21,            26 
to owners     -    -      -      -       -    21,155    -      155   4,982  ,137 
with                                                           21,            26 
owners        -    -      -      -       -    21,155    -      155   4,982  ,137 
31 Mar 10                                                     375,           388 
              80      - 8,086 401,248  14,152 37,355 (85,229)  692  13,087  ,779 
                                                              364,           380 
31 Dec 10     80     91 8,086 401,612   7,494 31,400 (84,322)  441  15,831  ,272 
01 Jan 11                                                     364,           380 
              80     91 8,086 401,612   7,494 31,400 (84,322)  441  15,831  ,272 
for the                                                         8,            12 
period        -    -      -      -          -   -       8,839  839   3,945  ,784 
- Cash flow                                                    (2,            (2 
hedges        -    -      -      -    (2,035)   -       -     035)   (509) ,544) 
for the                                                         6,            10 
period        -    -      -      -    (2,035)   -       8,839  804   3,436  ,240 
with owners 
Stock options -    (91)   -       125    -      -       -       34    -       34 
capital                                                        (1,            (2 
loan          -    -      -         -    -      -     (1,801) 801)   (450) ,251) 
for Executive 
Management    -    -      -         -    -        23    -       23    -       23 
bond, equity                                                    9,             9 
component     -    -      -         -    -     9,018    -      018    -     ,018 
- value of 
employee                                                        1,             1 
services      -    -      -         -    -     1,868    -      868    -     ,868 
by and 
distribution                                                    9,             8 
to owners     -    (91)   -       125    -    10,909  (1,801)  142   (450)  ,692 
transactions                                                    9,             8 
with owners   -    (91)   -       125    -    10,909  (1,801)  142   (450)  ,692 
31 Mar 2011                                                   380,           399 
              80      - 8,086 401,737   5,459 42,309 (77,284)  387  18,817  ,204 
                                                           Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                                               three       three 
                                                           months to   months to 
(all amounts in EUR '000)                                31 Mar 2011 31 Mar 2010 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit (loss) for the period                                  12,784    (16,936) 
Adjustments for 
Tax                                                            5,179     (5,585) 
Depreciation and amortization                                 11,198      12,246 
Other non-cash income and expenses                           (5,980)         139 
Interest income                                             (15,733)     (1,151) 
Fair value gains (losses) on financial assets at fair 
value through profit or loss                                   (145)    (13,655) 
Interest expense                                               9,387      21,328 
                                                              16,690     (3,614) 
Change in working capital 
Decrease(+)/increase(-) in other receivables                   1,343       4,319 
Decrease (+)/increase (-) in inventories                    (15,522)    (14,795) 
Decrease(-)/increase(+) in trade and other payables         (14,393)     (4,888) 
Change in working capital                                   (28,572)    (15,364) 
                                                            (11,882)    (18,978) 
Interest and other finance cost paid                         (1,810)     (4,401) 
Interest and other finance income                                269      47,116 
Net cash generated (used) in operating activities           (13,423)      23,737 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                  (10,371)    (18,960) 
Purchases of intangible assets                                  (23)        (14) 
Proceeds from sale of biological assets                          184          59 
Purchases of available-for-sale financial assets                (38)           - 
Net cash generated (used) in investing activities           (10,248)    (18,915) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Realised stock options                                            34           - 
Proceeds from interest-bearing liabilities                         -       5,000 
Perpetual capital loan                                       (3,042)      24,875 
Proceeds from advance payments                                 7,000     243,419 
Payment of interest-bearing liabilities                      (1,226)   (234,079) 
Net cash generated (used) in financing activities              2,766      39,215 
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash 
equivalents                                                 (20,905)      44,037 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period         165,555      11,877 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period               144,650      55,914 
 1. Basis of preparation 
This interim report has been prepared in compliance with IAS 34. 
The interim financial information set out herein has been prepared on the same 
basis and using the same accounting policies as were applied in drawing up the 
Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010. 
 2. Property, plant and equipment     |            |         |        | 
                            |Machinery|Construction|  Land   | Other  | 
                            |   and   |     in     |   and   |tangible| 
 (all amounts in EUR '000)  |equipment|  progress  |buildings| assets | Total 
 Gross carrying amount      |         |            |         |        | 
 at 1 Jan 2011              |  336,598|      21,035|  257,613| 206,227|821,473 
 Additions                  |      135|      10,235|        1|       -| 10,371 
 Transfers                  |    7,637|    (10,888)|    2,495|     756|      - 
 Gross carrying amount      |         |            |         |        | 
 at 31 Mar 2011             |  344,370|      20,382|  260,109| 206,983|831,844 
 Accumulated depreciation   |         |            |         |        | 
 and impairment losses at   |         |            |         |        | 
 1 Jan 2011                 |   39,793|           -|   21,150|  32,304| 93,247 
 Depreciation for the period|    5,908|           -|    2,844|   2,306| 11,058 
                            |         |            |         |        | 
 Accumulated depreciation   |         |            |         |        | 
 and impairment losses at   |         |            |         |        | 
 31 Mar 2011                |   45,701|           -|   23,994|  34,610|104,305 
                            |         |            |         |        | 
 Carrying amount            |         |            |         |        | 
 at 1 Jan 2011              |  296,805|      21,035|  236,463| 173,923|728,226 
 Carrying amount            |         |            |         |        | 
 at 31 Mar 2011             |  298,669|      20,382|  236,115| 172,373|727,539 
3. Trade receivables 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
                          31 Mar 2011 31 Dec 2010 
Nickel-Cobalt sulphide         58,416      50,437 
Zinc sulphide                   2,895       1,917 
Total trade receivables        61,311      52,354 
4. Inventories 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
                          31 Mar 2011 31 Dec 2010 
Raw materials and 
consumables                    11,408       8,668 
Ore on leach pads              61,872      79,593 
Work in progress              102,352      75,039 
Finished products              15,251      12,061 
Total inventories             190,883     175,361 
5. Borrowings 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
Non-current                                 31 Mar 2011 31 Dec 2010 
Capital loans                                     1,405       1,405 
Investment and Working Capital loan              57,362      57,324 
Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2013      78,776      78,086 
Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2015     212,707     219,426 
Finance lease liabilities                        49,941      53,018 
Other                                            27,137      28,364 
                                                427,328     437,623 
Railway Term Loan Facility                       18,613      18,527 
Finance lease liabilities                        20,333      20,211 
Interest Subsidy Loans                            4,198       4,196 
                                                 43,144      42,934 
Total borrowings                                470,472     480,557 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
Key financial figures of the Group              Three     Three    Twelve 
                                            months to months to months to 
                                            31 Mar 11 31 Mar 10 31 Dec 10 
Net sales                          EUR '000    66 467    11 606   152,163 
Operating profit (loss)            EUR '000    11 617   (2 344)    25,456 
Operating profit (loss) percentage             17.5 %   -20,2 %    16.7 % 
Profit (loss) before tax           EUR '000    17,963  (22 521)   (9,908) 
Profit (loss) for the period       EUR '000    12,784  (16,936)  (13,052) 
Return on equity                                3.3 %   (4.4 %)   (3,4 %) 
Equity-to-assets ratio                         33.0 %    42.8 %    31,3 % 
Net interest-bearing debt          EUR '000   325,822   176,328   315 002 
Debt-to-equity ratio                           81.6 %    45.4 %    82,8 % 
Return on investment                            2.6 %     0.6 %     3,1 % 
Capital expenditure                EUR '000    10,394    18,974   115 658 
Research & 
development expenditure            EUR '000         -         -       365 
Property, plant and equipment      EUR '000   727,539   663,491   728 226 
Derivative financial instruments   EUR '000   (1,092)   (3,287)   (1 237) 
Borrowings                         EUR '000   470,472   232,241   480 557 
Cash and cash equivalents 
at the end of the period           EUR '000   144,650    55,914   165 555 
Share-related key figures 
                                                Three       Three      Twelve 
                                            months to   months to   months to 
                                            31 Mar 11   31 Mar 10   31 Dec 10 
Earnings per share            EUR                0.03      (0.06)      (0.06) 
Equity per share              EUR                1.55        1.53        1.55 
Development of share price 
at London Stock Exchange 
Average trading price(1)      EUR                6.69        4.32        4.89 
                              GBP                5.71        3.83        4.20 
Lowest trading price(1)       EUR                5.99        3.94        3.99 
                              GBP                5.12        3.50        3.42 
Highest trading price(1)      EUR                7.28        5.02        7.11 
                              GBP                6.22        4.45        6.10 
Trading price at the 
end of the period(2)          EUR                6.58        5.00        6.92 
                              GBP                5.82        4.44        5.96 
Change during the period                       -2.4 %      15.0 %      54.2 % 
Price-earnings ratio                              194        neg.        neg. 
Market capitalization at 
the end of the period(3)      EUR '000      1,614,566   1,226,991   1,697,196 
                              GBP '000      1,426,792   1,089,075   1,460,861 
Development in trading volume 
Trading volume                1000 shares      11,420      39.105      93,802 
In relation to weighted 
average number of shares                        4.7 %      15.9 %      38.2 % 
Development of share 
price at OMX Helsinki 
Average trading price         EUR                6.77        4.40        5.18 
Lowest trading price          EUR                5.91        3.99        3.99 
Highest trading price         EUR                7.34        5.00        7,18 
Trading price at the 
end of the period             EUR                6.60        4.97        7.07 
Change during 
the period                                     -6.6 %      14.8 %      63.3 % 
Price-earnings ratio                              195        neg.        neg. 
Market capitalization at 
the end of the period         EUR '000      1,619,403   1,218,528   1,734,389 
Development in trading volume 
Trading volume                1000 shares      38,020      40,093     140,115 
In relation to weighted 
average number of shares                       15.5 %      16.4 %      57.1 % 
Adjusted average 
number of shares                          245,344,901 245,176,718 245,241,660 
Fully diluted average 
number of shares                          245,344,901 245,176,718 245,241,660 
Number of shares at the 
end of the period                         245,364,096 245,176,718 245,316,718 
 1. Trading price is calculated on the average of EUR/GBP exchange rates 
    published by the European Central Bank during the period. 
 2. Trading price is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published by the 
    European Central Bank at the end of the period. 
 3. Market capitalization is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published 
    by the European Central Bank at the end of the period. 
Employee-related key figures                Three       Three      Twelve 
                                        months to   months to   months to 
                                      31 Mar 2011 31 Mar 2010 31 Dec 2010 
Wages and salaries           EUR '000       5,857       4,236      16,652 
Average number of employees                   407         325         362 
Number of employees at the 
end of the period                             413         336         389 
Other figures                               Three       Three      Twelve 
                                        months to   months to   months to 
                                      31 Mar 2011 31 Mar 2010 31 Dec 2010 
Share options outstanding at the 
end of the period                       5,937,822   5,421,100   5,950,822 
Number of shares to be issued 
against the outstanding share options   5,937,822   5,421,100   5,950,822 
Rights to vote of shares to be issued 
against the outstanding share options       2.4 %       2.2 %       2.4 % 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
Key financial figures of the Group 
Return on equity          Profit (loss) for the period 
                          (Total equity at the beginning of period + Total 
                          equity at the end of period)/2 
Equity-to-assets ratio    Total equity 
                          Total assets 
Net interest-bearing debt Interest-bearing debt - Cash and cash equivalent 
Debt-to-equity ratio      Net interest-bearing debt 
                          Total equity 
Share-related key figures 
                          Profit (loss) attributable to equity holders of the 
Earnings per share        Company 
                          Adjusted average number of shares 
Equity per share          Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company 
                          Adjusted average number of shares 
                          Number of shares at the end of the period x trading 
Market capitalization at  price at the 
the end of the period     end of the period 
Talvivaara Q1 Interim Report January - March 2011 28.4.2011: 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
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     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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