RNS Number:1494B
Sodra Petroleum AB
19 November 1999

Sodra Petroleum AB announces that its parent company, Lundin Oil AB ("Lundin")
has today issued the following announcement:-
                             Lundin Oil AB (publ)

        Report for the first 9 months 1 January 1999-30 September 1999

The Group
The  Lundin Oil AB Group (Lundin Oil) reports a profit after taxes of MSEK 0.2
(loss after taxes of MSEK 85.2) corresponding to 0.0 (-1.05) SEK per share for
the  first nine months of 1999. The profit after taxes arising from the  third
quarter  only  amounted to MSEK17.7 (loss after taxes of  MSEK  54.2  for  the
corresponding period during 1998). The profit before taxes for the nine  month
period  was MSEK 55.4 (loss of MSEK 61.2) and for the third quarter  only  was
MSEK  56.6 (loss of MSEK 65.0). The comparative numbers have been restated  to
reflect the change in accounting principle mentioned below. Higher oil  prices
for  the  third  quarter and reduced administration costs have resulted  in  a
return to profitability for the Company.

Operating  cash  flow for the nine month period was MSEK  244.0  (MSEK  191.8)
corresponding to 3.01 (2.37) SEK per share and for the third quarter operating
cash  flow amounted to MSEK 98.9 (MSEK 55.3) corresponding to 1.22 (0.68)  SEK
per  share. The operating cash flow has increased from the same period in  the
prior  year  due  partially to higher revenues as a result of the  higher  oil
prices offset by higher current taxes.

Lundin Oil received an average price on its crude oil sales of USD 15.77  (USD
13.19)  per barrel for the first nine months, achieving USD 19.64 (USD  12.72)
during the third quarter. The average price for 1998 was USD 12.89 per barrel.

Oil  and  gas related income for the nine month period amounted to MSEK  502.2
(MSEK  445.2)  and  relates to Lundin Oil's assets in the  UK  North  Sea  and
Malaysia which generated operating income of MSEK 341.3 (MSEK 347.6) and  MSEK
156.6  (MSEK  90.6)  respectively. Oil and gas related income  for  the  third
quarter  amounted  to MSEK 221.4 (MSEK 132.7) and was generated  from  the  UK
North  Sea,  MSEK 138.6 (MSEK 111.4) and Malaysia, MSEK 81.8 (MSEK 19.2).  The
depletion  charge  on oil and gas assets for the nine month  period  was  MSEK
176.0 (MSEK 179.6) and for the third quarter was MSEK 60.7 (MSEK 52.6).

Net  financial income and expenses for the nine month period were  MSEK  -14.4
(MSEK  -9.4).  Included within the nine month period were gains of  MSEK  16.4
resulting from the sale of shares in Talisman Energy Corporation for  proceeds
of  MSEK  121.0. Offsetting the gain were interest expenses amounting to  MSEK
35.6  (MSEK  33.0) arising primarily from bank debt. Net financial income  and
expenses  for  the third quarter were MSEK -4.0 (MSEK -20.4). Included  within
the third quarter were gains of MSEK 4.6 resulting from the sale of shares  in
Talisman Energy Corporation offset by interest costs of MSEK 12.0.

Taxes  for  the  nine  month period were MSEK 54.6 (MSEK 26.4).   The  current
corporation  tax charge has increased from the previous period  to  MSEK  32.4
(MSEK  10.3)  but was offset by a refund in the United Kingdom  of  MSEK  10.1
relating  to  prior  years,  giving a net current tax  charge  of  MSEK  22.3.
Current  Petroleum  Revenue  Tax, PRT, has also increased  from  the  previous
period primarily due the higher revenues generated during the current quarter.
The tax charge for the third quarter amounts to MSEK 38.2 (MSEK -5.9). The tax
credit  for  the third quarter in 1998 reflected the continuing  fall  in  oil
prices and a downward revision of the years estimated tax charge.

The net loss for the financial year ended 31 December 1998 was MSEK 378.3.

At 30 September 1999 one US dollar equated to approximately 8.2 SEK.

Parent Company
The net loss for the parent company for the first nine months of 1999 amounted
to  MSEK  11.3  (net  loss  of  MSEK 30.6).  The  loss  resulted  mainly  from
administration  charges of MSEK 10.0 (MSEK 15.1) and net interest  expense  of
MSEK  9.8  (MSEK  12.5) offset by a gain on sale of the  company's  shares  in
Talisman of MSEK 7.2.

Production  for the first nine months on a working interest basis amounted  to
3,744,808   (3  739  879)  barrels  of  oil  equivalents  of  which  3,369,595
(3,317,259) were barrels of oil.  This corresponds to a production  of  13,718
(13  699)  barrels  of  oil equivalents per day (boepd) for  the  nine  months
including production from the UK North Sea and Malaysia of 8,379 (9,164) boepd
and 5,339 (4,535) bopd respectively. Production for the first nine months from
Malaysia  on an entitlement basis after government share amounted to 1,021,218
(820,552) barrels.

Production  for  the  third quarter on a working interest  basis  amounted  to
1,306,645   (1,231,754)  barrels  of  oil  equivalents  of   which   1,249,875
(1,133,577) were barrels of oil.  This corresponds to a production  of  14,203
(13,389)  barrels  of oil equivalents per day (boepd) for  the  third  quarter
including production from the UK North Sea and Malaysia of 8,523 (9,167) boepd
and  5,680  (4,222) bopd respectively. Production for the third  quarter  from
Malaysia  on an entitlement basis after government share amounted  to  360,770
(129,152) barrels.
The Group
Liquid assets at 30 September 1999 amounted to MSEK 217.8 (MSEK 329.3).

As  described  below,  in  June 1999 the Group raised  approximately  MSEK  96
externally from a rights issue in Red Sea Oil Corporation.

Parent Company
Liquid  assets  at 30 September 1999 amounted to MSEK 2.4 (MSEK 24.3).  During
the  period the Company sold its 520,580 shares in Talisman Energy Corporation
for  MSEK 73.5 and sold its shares in Red Sea Oil Corporation at market  value
to a subsidiary company for MSEK 22.8.

During the nine month period, investments in oil and gas assets have been made
in  an  amount of MSEK 205.1 (MSEK 593.0). These primarily relate  to  ongoing
exploration / appraisal costs in Libya and exploration costs in Sudan.

Whilst the Group records exploration expenditure under the full cost method of
accounting whereby exploration costs would only be written-off when an area is
relinquished, management decided to write-off the costs incurred offshore  the
Falkland Islands during 1998 given the disappointing drilling result  and  the
high  level of costs incurred to that date. Expenditure of MSEK 17.2 has  been
capitalised against the Falkland Islands concession during 1999.  A  study  of
the  North Falkland basin was commissioned to Robertson Research in the  first
quarter  of  1999 to analyse all the existing data. The report is  due  to  be
completed during the second half of 1999 when management will assess whether a
further write-off will be required.

The  Group  has entered into interest rate hedging contracts commencing  on  1
January  1999  to tie the LIBOR based floating rate for part of the  Company's
US$  borrowings to a fixed rate of interest for a period of three  years.  The
contracts are in the amount of US$50.0 million with an interest rate fixed  at

The  Group  has  also  entered into an oil price hedge for  part  of  its  oil
production  from  the  UK North Sea. From 1 August 1999 to  31  December  1999
approximately 50% of Lundin Oil's estimated UK crude oil production  has  been
fixed  at a dated Brent price of USD 18.40 per barrel. From 1 January 2000  to
31  December  2000  approximately  40% of Lundin  Oil's  estimated  crude  oil
entitlement production has been fixed at a dated Brent price of USD 18.58  per

The  first nine months of 1999 were punctuated by a sharp increase in the  oil
price.   If we take our Malaysia production as a benchmark, the first  lifting
of  the  year fetched $10.79 per barrel whereas the last lifting in the period
fetched $21.80 per barrel.  That is an increase of 102% during the period.

On  the  operational  front,  the production in the  North  Sea  and  Malaysia
averaged  8,379 boepd and 5,339 bopd respectively. That is a total  of  13,718
boepd  versus an average of 13,699 boepd for the same period in 1998 (i.e.  no
material increase or decrease).  The numbers do demonstrate the importance  of
our  development  projects in replacing the steady decline in  the  North  Sea

The production from Malaysia should increase slightly during the first half of
2000  with the drilling of the A7 well on the Bunga Kekwa field. The  well  is
planned  to  be spudded in mid-November of this year.  Otherwise, the  Company
has  achieved good progress towards the realisation of Phase II which will add
over 34,000 boepd of production net to the Company towards the end of 2003.

In Libya, a Development Plan for the En Naga Field in Area NC177 was submitted
to  the National Oil Corporation in March.  Although it is taking longer  than
expected  to obtain the necessary approvals, the management is confident  that
the  project will be allowed to proceed with oil coming on stream in late 2000
or  early 2001. This project is forecast to achieve 22,000 barrels per day  on
plateau production.  Also in Libya, the C1-NC177 exploration well reached  its
total  depth in mid-November. Production testing will be carried out  and  the
final  results  are  expected during December. The Company  has  a  very  busy
exploration  programme for the year 2000 (with 2 wells and 550 km of  seismic)
and expects to continue to increase reserves significantly within Area NC177.

Finally,  in Sudan the Company is gearing up for the next dry season on  Block
5A  which  is  expected  to  start in late December.   The  minimum  programme
consists of the re-entry and testing of the Thar Jath well, which was  drilled
earlier  in the year, and the drilling of at least one more exploration  well.
In  addition, the Company will acquire at least 250 kms of 2D seismic and  150
km2  of  3D  seismic.  Depending upon the results of the Thar  Jath  well,  an
additional  exploration well and two appraisal wells will also be  drilled  in
2000.  In order to allow the operations to continue throughout the year a  l00
km  all weather road will also be built.  The 1,600 km export pipeline between
the  nearby  Unity  and  Heglig fields and the Red  Sea  coast  is  now  fully
operational  with  a  capacity of 250,000 per day, of which  100,000  bopd  is
reserved for third party users.  The Thar Jath discovery is located less  than
l00 km from the nearest tie-in point at Unity.

A summary of the status of each project is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Status of Projects as of September 30, 1999

Country      Block(s)    Working Gross Area Operational Highlight
                        Interest    (km2)  
Albania      A, 2 and 3      20%   4,546    Force Majeure (may be
                                            lifted in early 2000).
Falkland     Tranche F     87.5%   1,600    Basin analysis ongoing.
Libya        Area NC177    100%*   9,820    Testing in progress on
                                            the Haruj "A" Prospect.
Malaysia/    PM-3         41.11%   1,407    Net production averages
Vietnam                                     5,339 bopd over the period.
Papua New    PRL-1        48.18%     758    No activity.  Pipeline
Guinea                                      to Queensland in the
                                            planning stage
             PPL-200         35%   6,065    Prospect definition ongoing.
Somaliland   35 and M-10A    20%  16,272    Force Majeure.
Sudan        5A          40.375%  29,885    Gearing up to resume
                                            operations before the
                                            end of the year.
United       13               **   1,120    Net production averages
Kingdom      Licences                       8,379 boepd over the

Total gross acreage: 71,473 km2 (net: 30,621 km2)

Notes:   *    Includes a 60% interest held by Red Sea Oil Corporation
         **   Producing properties include:
              Claymore (3.4286%)
              Ninian (4.24928%)
              East Brae (3.7732%)
              Brae Area including Beinn (4%)
              Nelson (1.31404%)
              Sedgwick (20%)

Lundin Oil owns approximately 58% of the outstanding share capital of Red  Sea
Oil Corporation ("RSO").

RSO  announced the successful completion of a rights offering on 4 June  1999.
The rights offering was fully subscribed and 34,894,870 units were taken up at
a  subscription price of C$1.25 per unit resulting in gross proceeds to RSO in
excess of C$ 43.6 million. Each unit is comprised of one common share and  one
common  share  purchase  warrant. Every two warrants entitles  the  holder  to
purchase an additional common share at a price of C$1.50 at any time prior  to
17.00 hours (Alberta time) on 31 January 2000.

The  net  proceeds of the rights offering are being used to fund  the  ongoing
exploration program in Area NC177 onshore Libya, including the drilling of the
C1-NC177  well  which spudded on 8 August 1999 as well as funding  the  equity
requirement of the development costs of the En Naga North and West  field  and
to repay outstanding indebtedness to Lundin Oil.

Lundin  Oil  subscribed for the 20,334,100 units to which it was  entitled  to
pursuant  to  the  rights  offering  for an aggregate  subscription  price  of

At  the AGM on 20 May 1999 all serving Directors were re-elected and the Chief
Financial Officer of the Company, Ashley Heppenstall was newly elected to  the

Effective  14  July  1999 Lundin Oil's Global Depository Receipts  (GDR)  were
delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange. The delisting was requested  by  the
Company following the low levels of trading activity in the Company's GDRs  on
the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Company's GDRs continue to be listed on NASDAQ
(LOILY). The Stockholm listing remains unaffected (LOILB).

The  company's share capital at 30 September 1999 amounts to SEK 40,506,476.50
represented  by 81,012,953 shares of nominal value SEK 0.50 each.  The  shares
are  divided into 678,200 A shares with 10 votes each and 80,334,753 B  shares
with one vote each.

On 15 May 1998, 3,400,000 warrants with an exercise price of SEK 0.50 expiring
in November 2001 were issued to Sodra Petroleum AB.

On  30  March  1999  an EGM decided to issue warrants free of  charge  to  the
shareholders of the company as per the record date 12 April 1999.  One warrant
was  issued  for ten shares held. A total of 8,102,000 warrants  were  issued.
The  warrants  run  until 31 March 2000. One warrant entitles  the  holder  to
subscribe for one newly issued share of series B of the company.  Subscription
can  take place during two periods: At a price of SEK 23 for each newly issued
share between 1 October and 15 October 1999 or at a price of SEK 28 between 10
January and 31 March 2000.

Subsequent Event
Subsequent  to  the  period  end,  approximately  4.4  million  warrants  were
exercised between October 1 and October 15 resulting in new issue proceeds  of
approximately  MSEK  100.3. If all outstanding warrants are  exercised  by  31
March  2000  the  Company will receive additional new issue proceeds  of  MSEK

On  8 May 1998, 1,250,000 incentive options, under the Group incentive program
for  employees,  with a strike price of SEK 49 expiring on 15  May  2001  were

On  12 March 1999 the Board of Directors decided and announced that under  the
Group  incentive program for employees a new series of warrants  to  qualified
employees  would be issued.  This new series of warrants was approved  at  the
AGM  on  20 May 1999. Under the new series up to a total of 1,150,000 warrants
can  be  issued at a strike price of SEK 24.00. This series of warrants expire
on 11 March 2002.

Red Sea Oil Corporation
On  1  March 1999 Red Sea Oil Corporation issued 1,903,000 incentive  options,
under a Red Sea Oil Corporation Stock Option program. Among the recipients  of
these  incentive options are directors of RSO who are also directors of Lundin
Oil  AB  and employees of the Lundin Oil AB group. The strike price is  C$1.00
and  the options expire on 28 February 2001. If exercised, these options would
contribute C$1.9 million to RSO and would dilute Lundin Oil AB Group's holding
in RSO by approximately 1.4 percentage points.

During  the period the Group has adopted the new accounting principle for  the
valuation of provisions. In previous periods a provision has been created  for
the  abandonment  liability  that exists on the  UK  North  Sea  fields.  This
provision  has  been  calculated on a unit of production basis  for  the  full
estimated  amount of the future liability.  Under the new accounting treatment
an  asset  is  created to represent the discounted value  of  the  anticipated
abandonment  liability  and  depleted  over  the  life  of  the   field.   The
corresponding accounting entry adjusts the existing abandonment  provision  to
equal  the  discounted  value  of the anticipated abandonment  liability.  The
discount  applied  to  the anticipated abandonment liability  is  subsequently
released over the life of the field and is charged to financial expenses.  The
comparative  numbers  have been restated to reflect the change  in  accounting
principle. The effect is an additional depletion charge for the periods  ended
30  September 1999, 30 September 1998 and 31 December 1998 of MSEK  4.6,  MSEK
5.3  and  MSEK  7.1 respectively. For the same periods the additional  finance
charges were MSEK 4.0, MSEK 3.7 and MSEK 4.9 respectively. The balance of  the
adjustment  for  the comparative periods was the reversal of  the  abandonment
charge of MSEK 3.5 for the period ended 30 September 1998 and MSEK 4.2 for the
period ended 31 December 1998.

                            1 Jan      1 Jul      1 Jan      1 Jul       1 Jan
                            1999-      1999-      1998-      1998-       1998-
                           30 Sep     30 Sep     30 Sep     30 Sep      31 Dec
                             1999       1999       1998       1998        1998
                         9 months   3 months   9 months   3 months   12 months
Key Financial Ratios                                                  
Return on capital             0.0        1.3       (5.5)      (3.5)     (26.7)
employed1, %
Return on total assets2,%     4.6        3.2       (0.1)      (2.2)     (20.9)
Equity ratio3, %             61.7       61.7       64.2       64.2       58.4
Shareholders' equity SEK     16.3       16.3       20.4       20.4       16.1
per share4
Operating cash flow SEK       3.0        1.2        2.4        0.7        3.1
per share5
Earnings SEK per share6       0.0        0.2       (1.1)      (0.7)      (4.7)
- Undiluted
Earnings SEK per share6       0.0        0.2       (1.0)      (0.6)      (4.7)
- Diluted
Number of shares at the         
period end             81,012,953 81,012,953 81,012,953 81,012,953 81,012,953
Weighted average number          
of shares for the 
period                 81,012,953 81,012,953 81,012,953 81,012,953 81,012,953
Diluted weighted average         
number of shares for the      
period                 88,836,164 93,388,493 82,289,184 84,388,493 83,140,005

1 Return on capital employed is defined as the Group's net result divided by
  the average capital employed (the average of the net assets for the
  financial period).
2 Return on total assets is defined as the Group's result after financial
  items plus interest expenses plus/less exchange differences on financial
  loans divided by the average total assets (the average total assets less
  non-interest bearing liabilities for the period)
3 Equity ratio is defined as the Group's shareholders' equity including
  minority interest in relation to total assets.
4 Shareholders' equity SEK per share is defined as the Group's shareholders'
  equity divided by the number of shares at the period end.
5 Operating cash flow SEK per share is defined as the Group's operating income
  less production costs and less current taxes divided by the weighted average
  number of shares for the period.
6 Earnings SEK per share - undiluted is defined as the Group's net result
  divided by the weighted average number of shares for the period.


                             1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK            1999-    1999-    1998-    1998-    1998-
                            30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   31 Dec
                              1999     1999     1998     1998     1998
                   Note   9 months 3 months 9 months 3 months 12 months
Operating income                                                      
Net sales of oil and       462,316  208,752  387,926  115,419  488,255
Tariff income               35,600   11,606   50,270   15,209   62,062
Service income               4,304    1,053    6,989    2,033    8,702
                           502,220  221,411  445,185  132,661  559,019
Operating expenses                                                    
Production costs       1  (217,386) (92,543)(229,341) (79,634)(274,006)
Depletion of oil and      (175,958) (60,693)(179,567) (52,559)(234,660)
gas properties                                                
Write-off of oil and             -        -  (35,848) (32,626)(242,540)
gas properties           -----------------------------------------------      
Gross profit (loss)        108,876   68,175      429  (32,158)(192,187)
Other income                 4,625    1,419    7,277    1,506    7,947
Administration             (43,731)  (8,998) (59,502) (13,868) (83,738)
expenses                 -----------------------------------------------      
Operating profit            69,770   60,596  (51,796) (44,520)(267,978)
Financial income and                                                  
expenses, net              (14,417)  (3,976)  (9,432) (20,433)(183,166)
Profit (loss) before        55,353   56,620  (61,228) (64,953)(451,144)
Tax                    2   (54,559) (38,238) (26,440)   5,926  (40,796)
Minority interests            (560)    (666)   2,426    4,817  113,646
Net result                     234   17,716  (85,242) (54,210)(378,294)

Expressed in TSEK             Note     30 Sep       30 Sep       31 Dec
                                         1999         1998         1998
Tangible fixed assets                                        
Oil and gas properties        3     2,104,598    2,064,684    2,041,071
Other fixed assets                      9,647        6,966        9,693
Total tangible fixed assets         2,114,245    2,071,650    2,050,764
Financial fixed assets        4        48,540      333,355       50,666
Total fixed assets                  2,162,785    2,405,005    2,101,430
Current Assets                                               
Current  receivables and              151,687      142,973      107,999
Cash and bank,                                               
short term investments                217,826      329,340      258,803
Total current assets                  369,513      472,313      366,802
Total assets                        2,532,298    2,877,318    2,468,232
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         
Shareholders' equity                                         
including net result for the         
financial period                     (1,320,744)  (1,548,303)  (1,302,703)
Minority interests                     (242,443)    (249,913)    (138,451)
Provisions                             (239,447)    (209,291)    (218,284)
Long-term liabilities                  (442,261)    (544,995)    (539,443)
Current liabilities                    (287,403)    (324,816)    (269,351)
Total shareholders' equity                                   
and liabilities                      (2,532,298)  (2,877,318)  (2,468,232)
Pledged assets                5         874,950      962,229      969,781
Contingent liabilities                      639          378          378


                             1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK            1999-    1999-    1998-    1998-    1998-
                            30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   31 Dec
                              1999     1999     1998     1998     1998
                                 9        3        9        3       12
                            months   months   months   months   months
Cash flow from                                                        
Net result                    234   17,716   (85,242) (54,211)(378,294)
Adjustment for depletion                                              
and other non cash        184,571   68,532   231,870   84,358  537,106
related items
Changes in working        (54,173)   2,137    43,227   82,943   (3,030)
capital                  ----------------------------------------------       
Total cash flow from      130,632   88,385   189,855  113,090  155,782
Investment in oil and    (205,050) (67,374) (592,972)(182,099)(777,982)
gas properties                 
Investment in other        (4,521)  (1,524)   (2,253)    (368)  (6,664)
fixed assets
Investment in other             -        -    (4,049)       -        -
Sale of other shares      120,999    8,655         -        -   36,109
Other                           -        -         -        -  (13,468)
Total cash flow used for  (88,572) (60,243) (599,274)(182,467)(762,005)
Increase in long-term     (80,896) (79,970)  166,939  (31,340) 191,956
Proceeds from share       106,864  (4,266)   277,339        -  306,940
Decrease in long term           -       -     31,496        -        -    
assets                    ----------------------------------------------      
Total cash flow from       25,968  (84,236)  475,774  (31,340) 498,896
Other                      (5,186)  (1,472)   (3,789)  (1,338)  (5,460)
Change in cash and bank    62,842  (57,566)   62,566 (102,055)(112,787)

Note 1. Production           1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan
costs, TSEK                  1999-    1999-    1998-    1998-    1998-
                            30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   31 Dec
                              1999     1999     1998     1998     1998
                                 9        3        9        3       12
                            months   months   months   months   months
Costs of operations        118,623   41,982  120,996   39,441  163,227
Tariff costs                61,258   23,783   61,828   20,057   88,009
United Kingdom royalty       9,389    4,939   14,137    7,892   11,821
Changes in inventories      
and underlift/overlift
position                    28,116   21,839   32,380   12,244   10,949
                           217,386   92,543  229,341   79,634  274,006

Note 2. Tax                  1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan
 TSEK                        1999-    1999-    1998-    1998-    1998-
                            30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   31 Dec
                              1999     1999     1998     1998     1998
                                 9        3        9        3       12
                            months   months   months   months   months
The tax charge comprises                                              
Corporation tax                                                       
- current                   22,335   17,067   10,339  (2,940)   17,992
- deferred                  13,435    8,071       72    (110)    5,004
                            35,770   25,138   10,411  (3,050)   22,996
PRT (Petroleum revenue                                                
- current                   18,457   12,903   13,750     656    18,976
- deferred                     332      197    2,279  (3,532)   (1,176)
                            18,789   13,100   16,029  (2,876)   17,800
Total charge to income      54,559   38,238   26,440  (5,926)   40,796

Note 3. Oil and gas       Book value  Book value  Book value
properties, TSEK              30 Sep      30 Sep      31 Dec
                               1999         1998        1998
United Kingdom               874,950     962,229     969,781
Malaysia                     457,491     438,204     471,506
Libya                        493,904     307,147     392,086
Falkland Islands              17,155     164,340           -
Sudan                        203,520     154,267     159,633
Papua New Guinea              35,063      32,607      33,231
Others                         4,550       3,555       3,377
Albania                       17,965       2,335      11,457
                           2,104,598   2,064,684   2,041,071

Note 4. Financial fixed assets includes shares in Khanty Mansiysk Oil
Corporation and deferred financing fees.

Note 5. Pledged assets represent the UK North Sea assets.


                            1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK           1999-    1999-    1998-    1998-    1998-
                           30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   31 Dec
                             1999     1999     1998     1998     1998
                                9        3        9        3       12
                           months   months   months   months   months
Other income                  549        -    1,032      803    1,245
Administration expenses   (9,984)  (2,186)  (15,095)  (5,453)  (22,092)
Operating loss            (9,435)  (2,186)  (14,063)  (4,650)  (20,847)
Financial income and      (1,826)  (4,617)  (16,500)  (28,737)(146,495)
expenses, net           ------------------------------------------------      
Result before tax        (11,261)  (6,803)  (30,563)  (33,387)(167,342)
Tax                          (40)       -         -         -     (425)
Net result               (11,301)  (6,803)  (30,563)  (33,387)(167,767)


                            1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan    1 Jul    1 Jan
Expressed in TSEK           1999-    1999-    1998-    1998-    1998-
                           30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   30 Sep   31 Dec
                             1999     1999     1998     1998     1998
                                9        3        9        3       12
                           months   months   months   months   months
Cash flow from                                                       
Net result                (11,301)  (6,803) (30,563) (33,387)(167,767)
Adjustment for other non   (8,322)     146      364   21,984  125,923
cash related items
Changes in working        (53,350)   7,584   61,146   87,622   37,624
capital                 -----------------------------------------------      
Total cash flow from      (72,973)     927   30,947   76,219   (4,220)
Investment in other           (46)       -     (403)     (83)    (460)
fixed assets
Investment in shares in         -        -  (16,480)       -  (44,365)
Sale of other shares       73,519        -        -  (62,640)  38,463
Total cash flow used for   73,473        -  (16,883) (62,723)  (6,362)
Proceeds from share             -        -        -        -    3,141
issue                   -----------------------------------------------
Total cash flow from            -        -        -        -    3,141
Change in cash and bank       500      927   14,064   13,496   (7,441)

  This report has not been subject to review by the auditors of the company.
                         Stockholm, November 19, 1999
                                 Ian H. Lundin
                  For additional information, please contact:
                                 Ian H. Lundin
                          Telephone: +41 22 319 66 00
                                 Magnus Nordin
                          Telephone: +46 8 440 54 50
                               Simon Rothschild
                            Millham Communications
                           Telephone: 0171 256 5756

Notes for editors:

1.   Lundin is the parent company of Sodra by virtue of its holding of
40,506,500 Ordinary Shares of SEK0.05 each.  The 40,506,476 Convertible Shares
of SEK0.05 each in Sodra listed on the AIM market are effectively convertible
into the right to subscribe for B Shares in Lundin in November 2001.  Upon
exercise of the conversion right, for every 12 Convertible Shares, the holder
will receive a warrant to subscribe for 1 new Lundin B Share at the nominal
value of SEK0.50.

2.   Convertible Shares in Sodra are also listed on the New Market of the
Stockholm Stock Exchange.  Lundin B Shares are currently quoted on the
Stockholm Stock Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq National



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