RNS Number : 2547K

Regional REIT Limited

20 September 2016

20 September 2016

Regional REIT Limited

Interim Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2016 (Unaudited)

Building the business base, with steady growth in our first half-year as a listed REIT

Regional REIT Limited (LSE: RGL) ("Regional REIT", "the Group" or "the Company"), the UK regional office and industrial property focused REIT, today announces its results for the six months ended 30 June 2016.

Financial Highlights for the half year to 30 June 2016: (unaudited)

-- Gross value of property assets up 1.8% like-for-like, to GBP501.3m (31 Dec 2015: GBP403.7m).

-- Acquisitions of GBP128.1m were successfully completed, including 2 major portfolios; Wing with a net initial yield of 8.5% and Rainbow at 8.2%. Disposals of GBP41.2m of mature and non-core assets.

-- Gross bank borrowings increased, to fund property acquisitions, to GBP217.8m (31 Dec 2015: GBP128.6m), with an LTV of 38.1% broadly in-line with our long-term aim (35%). Borrowings and refinancings reduced the cost of debt to 3.8% and extended loan terms.

-- EPRA NAV of 108.0p per share (31 Dec 2015: 107.8p per share), after accounting for 2.5p of acquisition costs and the increase in Stamp Duty.

-- Operating profit of GBP13.436m and PBT of GBP5.947m; EPRA EpS of 3.3p; declared DpS of 3.50p.

Operational Highlights included:

-- Group continued its approach of active asset management to improve and generate additional income through lease renewals, re-gears and new lettings.

-- Occupancy amounted to 81.8% (31 Dec 2015: 83.9%), increasing from 80.9% at 31 Mar 2016 following the portfolio acquisitions in the first quarter.

-- The Group further rebalanced its portfolio towards offices (62.5% by value) and industrial sites (29.1%) across the UK and increased the share in England & Wales (to 73.5%).

-- A diversified portfolio of 128 properties (31 Dec 2015: 123), 974 (31 Dec 2015: 712) units and 719 (31 Dec 2015: 531) tenants.

-- Joined FTSE All-Share Index (Mar 2016) and the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe Index (Jun 2016).

Since 30 June 2016:

-- Major new letting secured at Tay House, Glasgow effective in the second half of 2016. Significant regear of One Newstead Court, Nottingham. Other significant lettings expected to be completed in the near future.

-- Acquisition of the Wallace Portfolio, an office park of 6 buildings for GBP5.5m. The portfolio totals 0.09m sq. ft., providing a net income of GBP0.8m per annum with a net initial yield of 12.0%.

-- Capital expenditure year to date of GBP7.8m net, investing in our asset quality enhancement programme.

Kevin McGrath, Chairman, commented: "In the first half of 2016 we delivered on the commitments we made at our IPO. Our strategy for growing the business was enhanced by the significant portfolio acquisitions in the period, which, along with our active asset management, provide us with confidence in our capacity for future income growth. The UK regional property market has remained resilient in the aftermath of the EU referendum and our business has as yet seen no discernible impact. Whilst well positioned for organic growth we continue to explore opportunities to further exploit the strong presence we have in the regions."

Stephen Inglis, Group Property Director and Chief Investment Officer of London & Scottish Investments Limited, commented: "The Group remains confident as to its business outlook. Our approach of actively and intensively managing the portfolio continues to improve our income base, whilst we expect the benefits of the Wing and Rainbow acquisitions to be realised over the next 12-18 months. We continue to see an opportunity for regional property and for the future development of our business, which is underpinned by its diverse portfolio, and the results achievable with an experienced management team and the in-house property capacity."

A meeting for investors and analysts will be held at 09.30 (London time, BST) on 20 September 2016 at the offices of Peel Hunt. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact Jamie Perriam, +44 (0) 20 3805 4855 or jperriam@headlandconsultancy.com. The presentation slides for the meeting will shortly be available to download from the Investors section of the Group's website at www.regionalreit.com.

This announcement contains inside information which is disclosed in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation that came into effect on 3 July 2016.

Note: Regional REIT Limited was incorporated on 22 June 2015 but did not begin trading until 6 November 2015 when an acquisition was completed and its shares were admitted to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange.


Regional REIT Limited 
Press enquiries through Headland 
Toscafund Asset Management                                  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7845 6100 
Investment Manager to the Group 
James S Johnson, Investor Relations, Regional REIT Limited 
London & Scottish Investments                               Tel: +44 (0) 141 248 4155 
Asset Manager to the Group 
Stephen Inglis 
Headland                                                    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7367 5222 
Financial PR 
Francesca Tuckett 

About Regional REIT

Regional REIT Limited (LSE: RGL) is a London Stock Exchange Main Market traded specialist real estate investment trust focused on office and industrial property interests in the principal regional locations of the United Kingdom outside of the M25 motorway.

Regional REIT is managed by London & Scottish Investments, the Asset Manager, and Toscafund Asset Management, the Investment Manager, and was formed by the combination of two existing funds previously created by the Managers as a differentiated play on the expected recovery in UK regional property, to deliver an attractive total return to Shareholders and with a strong focus on income.

The Group's investment portfolio, as at 30 June 2016, was spread across 128 regional properties, 974 units and 719 tenants. As at 30 June 2016, the investment portfolio had a value of GBP501.3m and a net initial yield of 7.1%. The weighted average unexpired lease term to first break was approximately 3.6 years.

The Company's shares were admitted to the Official List of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority and to trading on the London Stock Exchange on 6 November 2015. For more information, please visit the Group's website at www.regionalreit.com.

Cautionary Statement

This document has been prepared solely to provide additional information to Shareholders to assess the Group's performance in relation to its operations and growth potential. The document should not be relied upon by any other party or for any other reason. Any forward looking statements made in this document are done so by the Directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of this document. However, such statements should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying any such forward-looking information.


I am pleased to present the Group's results for its first full six months of operations since its admission to the London Stock Exchange ("LSE") in November 2015.

The overriding objective of the Board is to deliver an attractive total return to Shareholders, of 10-15% per annum; including a dividend return of 7-8% per annum on the Initial Public Offering ("IPO") share price. The Group's aim is to invest in high-quality secondary commercial properties in the main regional centres of the UK, with an emphasis on offices and industrial sites and on strong income and value-add characteristics. The focus remains on managing the Group's core business areas, along with selective disposals and the consideration of prospective acquisitions. Our acquisition process is highly structured and assets will only be bought where an appropriate price can be secured and we can foresee a strong income or capital uplift from the project. This was very much the rationale behind the Wing and Rainbow portfolio acquisitions of the first quarter, with the implementation of their asset management programmes already delivering enhanced returns.

We had a very active first half of the year. We successfully completed GBP128.1m of acquisitions, as indicated at IPO, largely through the purchase of the Wing and Rainbow portfolios, the disposal of a number of non-core assets and additional borrowing and refinancings. Our primary focus during the period has been a gradual rebalancing of the portfolio to regional offices and industrial sites and a greater realignment to the population and economy of England and Wales. Continued growth of the asset base remains a target and deals remain under active consideration, but the Board is focused on ensuring that all potential risks and opportunities are identified and managed.

Within the UK REIT sector Regional REIT's shares have traded well since the IPO relative to its peers, notwithstanding the recent dramatic political backdrop and wider stock market turbulence accompanying the EU referendum vote. The Asset Manager's view is that regional office and industrial occupancy demand has, so far, shown great resilience, which helps underpin the strength of our income base. In the regions there is a limited supply of property, whilst rents are coming from a lower point in the cycle than London offices or the retail sector. The implications of the vote over the longer term have yet to impact occupancy or demand for offices and industrial sites, and things remain very much "business as usual".

The Board remains confident in the strategy offered by Regional REIT and in the capacity of its business model to enhance its revenue base. Key to this are the skills and experience of the Asset Manager, which have increasing value in the environment we face today. The Asset Manager achieved steady growth in the rental income of the property assets under its management through the financial crisis of 2008-12; and it has in place an active asset management programme with a granular approach to the properties in the portfolio while maintaining a close and regular engagement with our tenants. The diversity of our business, its broad tenant base and number and mix of properties, along with the lower cost of debt achieved in the first-half of 2016, have all contributed to the current strong position of the Group, and create a solid platform for future growth.

We are also announcing today the cash acquisition of a small portfolio of offices from the Asset Manager for GBP5.5m, with a rental income of GBP0.8m. Further details are given later in this report.


The dividend is a key part of the return we offer our Shareholders. In respect of the first half of 2016 we have declared two quarterly dividends, each of 1.75pence per share ("pps"). The Group is seeking to deliver a 7-8% dividend return (on the 100p IPO price) based on its income generation and earnings distribution, in a way that supports the flexibility of the Group's investment strategy. Our intention is to pay dividends for the first three quarters of the year at approximately the same level and then a balancing dividend for the fourth quarter to at least manage compliance to the 90% minimum distribution requirement of a REIT.


We have continued to deliver on the commitments we made at the time of our IPO and remain confident of the outlook for the business in 2016, given the Group's established reputation and expertise. Our focus is always on generating income and we expect some further growth in the second half of 2016, once the full benefits of the recent acquisitions and our current active asset management are realised. In the short-term, higher costs have reflected the additional acquisition activity we have undertaken in 2016, the expenses of establishing a listed company and the refinancing we have undertaken. We remain focused on managing those parts of the business that we can control, particularly ensuring the income generating capacity of the Group and its ability to pay dividends.

In the UK's regions outside of the M25 motorway the fundamentals of supply and, as yet, of occupier demand, have changed little. However, the risk of inactivity by tenants in the face of uncertainty may act to constrain our business and lower rental growth prospects. The Asset Manager's view is that valuation differentials between the regions and London have only recently started to narrow and are still well above the long-term average, giving a continuing opportunity to managers and investors. At the same time the offices and industrial offering of Regional REIT appears to us to be well positioned.

Kevin McGrath


20 September 2016


Market Overview

Following a strong performance in the UK commercial property market in 2015, there were signs of weaker trading in the first two quarters of 2016, with investment in UK commercial property down 35% in Q2 2016 versus Q2 2015(1) . Many occupiers and investors postponed decisions due to the uncertainty generated by the EU referendum. Following the slowdown in both the occupier and investment markets in the first half of the year, sentiment remains robust and we anticipate that trading levels will begin to improve through the second half of 2016.

The shift in investors' focus away from London started with prime regional assets, but is now also firmly focused on good secondary commercial property. Most market sectors are experiencing rental growth, with figures from IPD UK indicating that rental growth for all properties was 3.2% in the 12 months to July 2016. Much of the investment capital seeking regional property assets is for 'stabilised-income' with investors proceeding on a 'macro basis'; that these markets offer good value; that yields will continue to revert to the long-term mean; and rental growth will further bolster performance.

All of this is likely and positive, but the strategy of Regional REIT continues to be at a more micro level; it acquires property assets, from distressed vendors or less asset management intensive organisations, which requires expertise and significant time and resources to manage, and through active and intensive asset and property management produces stable income streams. This gives the Group a significant arbitrage opportunity with its existing assets, and as we continue to identify good investment opportunities for our Shareholders in the post EU referendum vote environment.

Investment Activity in UK Commercial Property

In 2015 investment in UK commercial property reached a record level of GBP61.5bn. This was followed by a progressive slowdown in the level of investment activity over the first half of 2016, with investor caution being attributable to the mounting uncertainty generated by the EU referendum. Figures from CoStar show that investment in the UK commercial property reached only GBP12bn in Q2 2016.

There is evidence of investors increasingly recognising the opportunity for better returns in the UK's regional markets. Continuing yield spreads between prime and secondary properties have fallen in the last 12-18 months. The yield spread remains well above its long-term average levels, which indicates that there remain significant opportunities for high quality secondary properties to outperform in the short- to medium-term.

Rental Growth Continues in the UK Regional Office Market

Research from Cushman & Wakefield indicates positive market sentiment following the EU referendum result across regional markets, with no signs of deals collapsing at the beginning of Q3 2016. Figures from IPD UK indicate that rental growth for all office market stock throughout the UK increased 2.5% in the 12 months to July 2016.

This is as a result of continued demand growth. Take-up of regional office space reached 2.6m sq. ft. in the first half of 2016(2) within the main regional markets, which is 48% of the annual take-up for 2015. The highest levels of take-up in the first half of 2016 were in Glasgow and Birmingham. Growth in service sector employment has continued to benefit regional offices.

JLL research shows that prime rental growth continued across the core 8 regional office markets, however, this was slower in Q2 2016, an average of 5.3% per annum. With very low vacancy rates within prime properties, the Asset Manager anticipates that demand for high quality secondary properties will increase, which will put upward pressure on rents and downward pressure on rent incentives.

Regional REIT's Office Assets

We believe that the continuing constrained supply, coupled with continuing demand across the main regional markets in which Group owns properties, bodes well for rental growth across the portfolio. This increase in occupancy levels will bolster income derived from the office portfolio over the short-to medium-term.

Industrial Rental Growth Continues

Industrial rents are now in a sustained period of growth due to the demand-supply imbalance in the market, with data from IPD UK showing rental growth for all industrial stock throughout the UK has grown year-on-year; rental growth of 4.6% was recorded between July 2015 and July 2016. Cushman & Wakefield anticipate that the strongest rental growth will be experienced in markets with limited grade A stock, notably in Nottingham, Newcastle and Cardiff.

Take-up in 2015 totalled 29.7m sq. ft., a 15% decrease from 2014. This trend continued in Q1 2016 with occupier activity diminishing further as total take-up over the quarter fell just below 5m sq. ft.. The reduced take-up was seen across most UK regions as occupiers became more cautious due to global economic concerns, weaker export numbers and the EU referendum. However, subsequent research by JLL indicates that occupier demand in H1 2016 increased 18% with 10.2m sq. ft. of prime space taken up, including 7.9m sq. ft. of new space.

The growth of online spending means that 'e-tailing' is now the most influential sector in the industrial market, accounting for 38% of overall take up in 2015.

With development focussed on Grade A space and pre-let situations for large distribution units close to the main North-South trunk roads, namely the M1, M6 and around the M25, there is very little additional supply to the multi-sized, multi-let industrial estates. The Asset Manager predicts that this will continue to be the case, which will result in a demand-supply imbalance in this market driving rental growth.

Regional REIT's Industrial Assets

We are witnessing continued demand for the industrial stock within our portfolio and expect new lettings to finalise in the short term increasing the occupancy rate and income derived from the industrial portfolio. The market take up and rental figures are distorted by the big box sheds that have been developed in the past 5-plus years. The more secondary multi-let estates are seeing more positive signs of improvement in demand and this accounts for the majority of the industrial portfolio owned by Regional REIT.

The Asset Manager predicts that rental growth in Grade B space in a number of good locations will outperform the market averages quoted below.

Economic Overview

UK GDP rose to 0.6% in Q2 2016, compared to 0.4% in Q1. Between the quarters there was growth in services (0.5%) and manufacturing (1.8%), with total production ahead 2.1%. Annual GDP in the end of the second quarter was 2.2% higher than at the same time last year. In the aftermath of the EU referendum forecasters are anticipating that the economy will now not grow for the rest of 2016, resulting in a full year growth rate of 1.6%. Growth is expected to pick up in the start of 2017, but full year forecasts have been reduced to 0.7% for 2017 and 1.5% for 2018.

Employment levels in the UK also grew, with 174,000 more people in work from May to July 2016 than in the prior three months to April 2016 and the rate of unemployment reduced to 4.9% (July 2016) down from 5.5% a year earlier.

It is worth highlighting one example, amongst many, that gives an indication of the potential of the UK's regional economies. The Midlands and northern England - the "Northern Powerhouse" - have a markedly greater exposure to many export focussed engineering sectors favourably disposed to a far more competitive Sterling delivered before and subsequent to the EU referendum. Notable too is the presence of a considerable number of higher education institutions, which have increasingly geared their attentions to foreign students (rising 7.8% since 2010, whole of the UK).

Labour market data recently released, with data to end of June and thereby including the last week after the referendum, showed that the Midlands and North West enjoyed the most impressive declines in unemployment (since June 2011, down 3.25% in the Midlands and down 3.2% in North West), greater employment (since Q2 2011, a rise of 7.4% in the Midlands and up 5.1% in North West) and increases in business formation (2013-15, a 8.6% rise in the Midlands and North West). These trends are likely to continue as a consequence of the environment of monetary and fiscal stimuli in the aftermath of the referendum.

The Investment Property Forum UK Consensus Forecasts published in August 2016 are in Table 1 below.

These are UK market averages and the Asset Manager expects the secondary regional markets for offices and industrial sites to perform in excess of these levels.

Summary average by sector

                         Retail value                  Capital value                   Total return 
                          growth (%)                     growth (%)                         (%) 
--------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                 2016   2017   2018   2016/20   2016   2017   2018   2016/20   2016   2017   2018   2016/20 
--------------  -----  -----  -----  --------  -----  -----  -----  --------  -----  -----  -----  -------- 
 Office          1.6    -2.2   -1.1     0.0     -5.6   -6.4   -0.4    -2.0     -1.4   -1.9   4.5      2.7 
 Industrial      2.2    0.7    0.7      1.2     -3.0   -3.0   1.2     -0.3     2.4    2.6    7.0      5.3 
  Retail         0.9    -0.2   0.3      0.7     -4.3   -4.3   1.0     -0.8     0.3    0.6    6.1      4.1 
  Centre         0.7    -0.2   0.3      0.6     -5.9   -4.3   0.5     -1.4     -1.0   0.9    6.0      3.9 
  Warehouse      0.6    0.1    0.5      0.7     -6.3   -4.2   1.0     -1.2     -1.0   1.5    6.9      4.5 
--------------  -----  -----  -----  --------  -----  -----  -----  --------  -----  -----  -----  -------- 
 All Property    1.3    -0.7   0.0      0.6     -5.3   -4.4   0.5     -1.2     -0.4   0.6    5.7      3.9 

Table 1: Investment Property Forum UK Consensus Forecasts (August 2016).

Net Asset Value

Between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2016, the EPRA ("European Public Real Estate Association") Net Asset Value ("NAV") of the Group rose to GBP296.2m, from GBP295.8m, an increase to 108.0 pence per share ("pps") from 107.8pps. The increase in the EPRA NAV is predominately sourced from the higher valuation of properties held at 31 December 2015. Properties acquired in the period 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 were also revalued higher, however, this was more than offset by their associated acquisition costs and the increase in the rate of Stamp Duty, which together amounted to 2.5pps in the period.

Over the same period the NAV decreased to 107.1pps, from 107.7pps. EPRA NAV is reconciled in Note 15.

                                           Pence per 
 EPRA NAV as at 31 December 2015 
  (audited)                                  107.8 
 Net rental income                            6.3 
 Administration and other expenses           (1.4) 
 Gain on the disposal of investment 
  properties                                 (0.0) 
 Change in the fair value of investment 
  properties                                 (0.5) 
 Operating profit before exceptional 
  items                                      112.2 
 Finance expenses                            (1.5) 
 Net movement in fair value of 
  derivative financial instruments           (0.7) 
 Operating profit after finance 
  item                                       110.0 
 Income tax expense                           0.0 
 Operating profit after taxation             110.0 
 Distributions in the period                 (2.9) 
 Net Asset Value                             107.1 
 Gain/(Loss) on derivative financial 
  instruments                                 0.9 
 EPRA NAV per share as at 30 June 
  2016 (unaudited)                           108.0 

Income Statement

Operating profit before gains and losses on property assets and other investments for the period 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 amounted to GBP13.4m. Profit after finance items and before taxation was GBP5.9m.

Revenue reflected the enlarged property portfolio, with revenues markedly higher in the second quarter of 2016 following the acquisitions completed earlier in the year.

The EPRA cost ratio was 31.8% (period to 31 December 2015: 39.3%) which is the result of, as expected, higher void costs, additional expenses arising from the property acquisitions and the expenses associated with establishing a listed company. It is anticipated that the underlying cost performance will be on a downward trend as the Group matures and grows.

Finance expense increased due to increased debt and refinancing costs as a result of the major acquisitions in the period. Nonetheless, as detailed below, the Group's percentage cost of debt (interest and hedging expense) decreased, which is a combination of the financing environment and its status as a listed company.

The net movement in fair value of derivative financial instruments was a loss of GBP2.0m, a result of a decrease in interest rates and increases in the aggregate notional contract amounts.


On 7 March 2016, the Company announced a dividend of 1.00pps in respect of the period 6 November 2015 to 31 December 2015. The dividend payment was made on 15 April 2016 to Shareholders on the register as at 18 March 2016.

On 27 May 2016, the Company announced a dividend of 1.75pps in respect of the period 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016. The dividend payment was made on 8 July 2016 to Shareholders on the register as at 10 June 2016. This dividend has been accrued in the condensed consolidated financial statements.

On 1 September 2016, the Company announced a dividend of 1.75pps in respect of the period 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016, which will be paid on 7 October 2016 to Shareholders on the register as at 9 September 2016.

Debt Financing and Gearing

Borrowings comprise third-party bank debt which is secured over properties owned by the Group and repayable over the next 2-5 years, with a weighted average maturity of 3.4 years (31 December 2015: 3.4 years).

The Group's borrowing facilities are with Santander UK, Royal Bank of Scotland and ICG Longbow Ltd, and have been fully drawn down. During the period properties have been sold, resulting in debt repayment where debt substitution was not possible. Total bank borrowings at 30 June 2016 amounted to GBP217.8m (31 December 2015: GBP128.6m) (before unamortised debt issuance costs).

At 30 June 2016 the Group's cash and cash equivalent balances amounted to GBP23.7m (31 December 2015: GBP24.0m).

The Group's net loan-to-value ratio stands at 38.1% (31 December 2015: 25.4%). The Board targets a Group net loan-to-value ratio of 35% with a maximum of 50%.

The table below sets out the borrowings the Group had in place as at 30 June 2016:

 Lender         Original     Outstanding   Maturity   LTV     Annual      Amortisation   Hedging and 
                 Facility     Debt*         Date               Interest                   Swaps Notional 
                                                               Date                       Amounts/Rates 
 Santander      GBP48,300    GBP45,669     Dec-18     43.5%   2.0%        Mandatory      GBP8m/1.867% 
  UK                                                           over        Repayment      & GBP16.15m/1.014% 
                                                               3 mth       basis 
 Santander      GBP25,343    GBP11,865     Dec-18     31.8%   2.0%        Mandatory      GBP3.9m/2.246% 
  UK                                                           over        Prepayment     & GBP8.77m/1.01% 
                                                               3 mth       basis 
 Royal          GBP25,000    GBP24,450     Jun-19     42.9%   2.15%       None           GBP14.04m/1.79% 
  Bank                                                         over 
  of Scotland                                                  3 mth 
 ICG            GBP65,000    GBP65,000     Aug-19     44.2%   5% pa       None           n/a 
  Longbow                                                      for term 
 Santander      GBP30,990    GBP30,990     Jan-21     47.8%   2.15%       Mandatory      GBP9.375m/1.086% 
  UK                                                           over        Repayment      & GBP6.84m/1.203% 
                                                               3 mth       basis          & 5.4m/1.444% 
 Royal          GBP40,000    GBP39,848     Mar-21     49.5%   2.40%       Mandatory      GBP19.9m/1.395% 
  Bank                                                         over        Repayment 
  of Scotland                                                  3 mth       basis 
                GBP234,633   GBP217,822 

* Before unamortised debt issue costs

** Hedging arrangements: As at 30 June 2016, the swap notional arrangements were GBP92.4 m (31 December 2015: GBP35.2m).

The net gearing ratio, net debt to equity, of the Group was 65.0% as at 30 June 2016 (31 December 2015: 34.8%).


The Group applies a hedging strategy that is aligned to the property management strategy. Borrowings are currently 107.6% hedged against interest rate risk: of all borrowings 29.8% are at a fixed rate; 42.4% have interest rate swaps to fix the variable LIBOR portion of the interest rate applicable; and 35.4% have interest rate caps which place an upper limit on the variable LIBOR portion of the interest rate applicable.

The over hedge position of 107.6% is the result of a property disposal and the position is currently under review.

The weighted average effective interest rate on the bank borrowings as at 30 June 2016, including the cost of hedging, was 3.8% (31 December 2015: 4.5%).


The Group entered the UK REIT regime on 7 November 2015 and all of the Group's UK rental operations became exempt from UK Corporation Tax from that date. The exemption remains subject to the Group's continuing compliance with UK REIT rules.

Property Portfolio

The portfolio is predominantly comprised of offices and industrial sites, respectively accounting for 62.5% (by market value) (31 December 2015: 59.4%) and 29.1% (31 December 2015: 24.7%) of the portfolio. During the period 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 the exposure in England and Wales (by value) increased to 73.5% (31 December 2015: 64.1%). Both of these trends accord with commitments given by the Group at IPO in November 2015.

In the first half of 2016 two significant portfolios were purchased, consisting of 17 properties. In addition two other properties were acquired. Acquisitions totalled GBP128.1m in the period. During the same period 13 properties were sold. Disposals totalled GBP41.2m in the period.

As at 30 June 2016, the Group's property portfolio was valued at GBP501.3m (31 December 2015: GBP403.7m), with a contracted annual rental income of GBP43.7m (31 December 2015: GBP35.9m). There were 128 (31 December 2015: 123) properties in the portfolio:

By sector:

-- 60 offices (GBP313.4m), 36 industrial (GBP145.9m), 29 retail (GBP39.8m), and 3 other (including residential) (GBP2.2m)).

(31 December 2015: 52 offices (GBP239.8m), 29 industrial (GBP99.6m), 37 retail (GBP45.0m), 1 student accommodation (GBP17.4m), and 4 other (including residential) (GBP1.8m)).

By region:

-- 44 Scotland (GBP132.7m), 23 Midlands (GBP80.6m), 19 North East (GBP84.1m), 18 South East (GBP101.0m), 15 North West (GBP59.9m), 7 South West (GBP24.9m), and 2 Wales (GBP18.1m)).

(31 December 2015: 49 Scotland (GBP144.9m), 22 Midlands (GBP66.6m), 15 South East (GBP66.1m), 15 North East (GBP57.0m), 12 North West (GBP37.1m), 2 Wales (GBP16.6m), and 8 South West (GBP15.5m)).

If the portfolio was fully occupied (at Cushman & Wakefield's view of market rents), the gross rental income would be GBP51.9m per annum as at 30 June 2016 (31 December 2015: GBP40.4m).

Occupancy at the end of the period was 81.8% (31 December 2015: 83.9%), having risen from 80.9% at 31 March 2016. This followed from the acquisitions which completed in the first quarter, with higher void rates but with considerable active asset management opportunities. The office component of the portfolio had an occupancy rate of 81.9% (31 December 2015: 84.4%) and industrial sites of 82.3% (31 December 2015: 83.9%). As at 30 June 2016, like-for-like occupancy was 83.0%, having risen from 82.7% at 31 December 2015.

As at 30 June 2016, the net initial yield on the portfolio was 7.1% (31 December 2015: 7.6%), the equivalent yield was 8.5% (31 December 2015: 8.3%) and the reversionary yield, which excludes expired leases, was 9.3% (31 December 2015: 9.0%).

The valuation of the portfolio incorporates the dilutive effects of the stamp duty increase in the period but the valuers, Cushman & Wakefield, have cautioned that it provides only a minimal reflection of the uncertainties surrounding the UK's referendum result to exit from the European Union given the limited transactional evidence available.

Regional REIT Property Portfolio by Segment and Region


             Properties  Valuation    % by     Sq.   Occupancy  WAULT(1)  Gross    Net 
                            GBPm    valuation   ft.      %      to first  rental  rental 
                                                                 break    income  income                   Capital 
                                                                 (yrs)     GBPm    GBPm            ERV(2)   rate 
                                                (m)                                       Average 
                                                                                           GBPpsf    GBPm    GBPpsf 
===========  ==========  =========  =========  ====  =========  ========  ======  ======  =======  ======  ======== 
Office           60        313.4      62.5%    2.64    81.9%      3.3      27.7    25.1    12.8     33.2    118.50 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
Industrial       36        145.9      29.1%    4.17    82.3%      3.7      12.7    11.0     3.7     14.8    34.97 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
Retail           29        39.8       8.0%     0.34    84.9%      5.2      3.2     2.5     11.2     3.8     117.25 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
Other            3          2.2       0.4%     0.04    8.7%       4.1      0.1     0.1     15.9     0.1     50.05 
===========  ==========  =========  =========  ====  =========  ========  ======  ======  =======  ======  ======== 
Total           128        501.3     100.0%    7.19    81.8%      3.6      43.7    38.7     7.4     51.9    69.63 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
             Properties  Valuation    % by     Sq.   Occupancy  WAULT(1)  Gross    Net    Average  ERV(2)  Capital 
                           GBPm     valuation  ft.       %      to first  rental  rental   rent     GBPm     rate 
                                               (m)               break    income  income  GBPpsf            GBPpsf 
                                                                 (yrs)     GBPm    GBPm 
===========  ==========  =========  =========  ====  =========  ========  ======  ======  =======  ======  ======== 
Scotland         44        132.7      26.5%    2.36    82.2%      3.7      12.3    10.8     6.3     14.8    56.20 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
 East            18        101.0      20.1%    0.95    85.8%      2.9      9.2     7.9     11.3     9.7     106.75 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
 East            19        84.1       16.8%    1.36    83.9%      2.5      7.1     6.5      6.3     8.3     61.74 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
Midlands         23        80.6       16.1%    1.07    77.9%      3.6      6.9     6.2      8.3     7.7     75.03 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
 West            15        59.9       11.9%    1.02    87.9%      5.5      5.5     4.9      6.1     6.5     58.84 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
 West            7         24.9       5.0%     0.22    42.1%      2.7      1.2     1.4     13.1     3.2     111.95 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 
Wales            2         18.1       3.6%     0.21    80.5%      5.2      1.5     1.0      8.6     1.7     84.21 
===========  ==========  =========  =========  ====  =========  ========  ======  ======  =======  ======  ======== 
Total           128        501.3     100.0%    7.19    81.8%      3.6      43.7    38.7     7.4     51.9    69.63 
-----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ---------  --------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------- 

(1) WAULT - weighted average unexpired lease term.

(2) ERV - estimated rental value.

Top 15 Investments (by market value) as at 30 June 2016

  Property        Sector         Anchor        Market       % of       Lettable   Let by area  Annualised    WAULT to 
                                 tenants       value      portfolio      area         (%)         gross       first 
                                               (GBPm)                  (sq. ft.)               rent (GBPm)    break 
------------  --------------  -------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
                              Barclays Bank 
Tay House,                     Plc, Glasgow 
 Glasgow      Office           University       32.9        6.6%       156,933       69.1%         2.2         5.0 
                              Schenker Ltd, 
                               Ltd, Telent 
Juniper                        Technology 
 Park,                         Services 
 Southfield                    Ltd, Tigers 
 Industrial                    Global 
 Estate,                       Logistics 
 Basildon     Industrial       Ltd              21.6        4.3%       296,100       70.0%         1.5         1.9 
Buildings 2                   Scottish 
 & 3,                          Widows 
 Aylesbury    Office           Limited          21.4        4.3%       146,936      100.0%         2.3         3.3 
Wardpark                       WorkSmart 
 Industrial                    Limited, 
 Estate,                       Bunzl UK 
 Cumbernauld  Industrial       Limited          19.6        3.9%       707,775       89.2%         2.3         2.7 
One and Two 
 Nottingham   Office          E.ON UK plc       15.5        3.1%       146,063      100.0%         1.5         2.6 
 Corporate                    Aviva Health 
 Park,                         UK Limited, 
 Chandler's                    Royal Bank 
 Ford,                         of Scotland 
 Eastleigh    Office           plc              15.2        3.0%        85,422      100.0%         1.4         2.6 
Columbus                      TUI Northern 
 House,                        Europe 
 Coventry     Office           Limited          14.7        2.9%        53,253      100.0%         1.1         7.5 
Road 4 
 Industrial                   Jiffy 
 Estate,                       Packaging 
 Winsford     Industrial       Limited          13.0        2.6%       246,209      100.0%         0.9         18.3 
                              Steinhoff UK 
1-4                            Limited, 
 Llansamlet                    Wren Living 
 Retail                        Limited, 
 Park,                         Halfords 
 Swansea      Retail           Limited          12.6        2.5%        71,615       85.7%         1.0         6.8 
                               Casinos Ltd, 
                               PLC, Expotel 
Arena Point,                   Reservations 
 Leeds        Office/Retail    Ltd              12.3        2.5%        98,856       82.0%         0.8         1.9 
                              See Woo Foods 
                               Euro Car 
The Point,                     Parts 
 Glasgow      Mixed use        Limited          11.0        2.2%       193,861       89.0%         0.8         6.8 
                              HSS Hire 
Oaklands                       Limited, 
 House,                        Rentsmart 
 Manchester   Office           Ltd              10.3        2.1%       161,768       80.0%         1.1         4.3 
Portland                       Limited, New 
 Street,                       College 
 Manchester   Office           Manchester       10.0        2.0%        54,959       94.5%         0.7         3.2 
CGU House,                     Insurance 
 Leeds        Office           Limited          9.7         1.9%        50,763      100.0%         1.0         1.3 
                              St James 
                               Place Wealth 
Chancellor                     Group plc, 
 Court,                        The Legal 
 Leeds        Office           Aid Agency       9.2         1.8%        41,818      100.0%         0.8         3.1 
                                             ----------  -----------  ----------               ----------- 
Total                                          229.0        45.7%     2,512,331                   19.4 

Top 15 Tenants (by share of rental income) as at 30 June 2016

Property Portfolio Segment and Region by Valuation and Income

                                                                (break if applicable) 
                                                                        years                        % of Gross rental 
        Tenant              Property              Sector                                  Sq. ft.         income 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
 Scottish Widows      Buildings 2 & 3, 
  Limited              Aylesbury           Banking/Insurance             3.3             146,936           5.3% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
 Barclays Bank Plc    Tay House, Glasgow   Banking                    9.3 (5.4)          78,044            3.7% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      One and Two 
                       Newstead Court, 
 E.ON UK Plc           Nottingham          Energy                     5.7 (2.6)          146,063           3.5% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
 TUI Northern         Columbus House, 
  Europe Ltd           Coventry            Travel and tourism            7.5             53,253            2.6% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                       Corporate Park, 
 Aviva Health UK       Chandler's Ford, 
  Ltd                  Eastleigh           Insurance                     1.8             64,486            2.4% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
 Aviva Insurance 
  Ltd                 CGU House, Leeds     Insurance                     1.3             50,763            2.3% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      Bennett House, 
 The Secretary of      Hanley, Sheldon 
  State for            Court, Solihull, 
  Communities &        & Oakland House, 
  Local Government     Manchester          Government                 3.0 (1.1)          74,886            2.1% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      Road 4 Winsford 
 Jiffy Packaging       Industrial          Manufacturer of 
  Ltd                  Estate, Winsford     PE/PP foam                  18.3             246,209           2.1% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      St Brendans Court, 
 The Secretary of      Bristol, & 
  State for            Festival Court, 
  Transport            Glasgow             Government                 5.3 (2.3)          55,586            1.6% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      Victory House, 
                       Meeting House 
 Lloyds Bank Plc       Lane, Chatham       Banking                       1.9             48,372            1.5% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
 The Scottish 
  Ministers c/o       Calton House, 
  Scottish Prison      Edinburgh           Government                    1.3             51,914            1.4% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
 Europcar Group UK    James House, 
  Ltd                  Leicester           Car rental                    5.0             66,436            1.4% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      Juniper Park, 
 Schenker Ltd          Basildon            Freight transport             1.0             86,548            1.3% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      Niceday House, 
 Office Depot UK       Meridian Park,      Retailer of office 
  Limited              Andover              supplies                     2.6             34,262            1.3% 
-------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ------------------- 
                      Century Way, 
 W S Atkins            Thorpe Park,        Consultancy 
  (Services) Ltd       Leeds                (engineering)                2.1             32,647            1.2% 
===================  ===================  ===================  ======================  ==========  =================== 

By Valuation

As at 30 June 2016, 62.5% (31 December 2015: 59.4%) of the portfolio by market value was offices and 29.1% (31 December 2015: 24.7%) was industrial. The balance was made up of retail 8.0% (31 December 2015: 11.2%) and other 0.4% (31 December 2015: student accommodation and other 4.7%).

By UK region, as at 30 June 2016, Scotland represented 26.5% (31 December 2015: 35.9%) of the portfolio and England 69.9% (31 December 2015: 60.0%); the balance of 3.6% (31 December 2015: 4.1%) was in Wales. In England the most important regions were the South East, the North East and the Midlands.

By Income

As at 30 June 2016, 63.4% (31 December 2015: 61.8%) of the portfolio by gross rental income was offices and 29.1% (31 December 2015: 24.8%) was industrial. The balance was made up of retail 7.4% (31 December 2015: 10.6%) and other 0.1% (31 December 2015: student accommodation and other 2.8%).

By UK region, as at 30 June 2016, Scotland represented 28.1% (31 December 2015: 35.7%) of the portfolio and England 68.5% (31 December 2015: 60.7%); the balance of 3.4% (31 December 2015: 3.6%) was in Wales. In England the most important regions were the South East, the North East and the Midlands.

Lease Expiry Profile

The weighted average unexpired lease term ("WAULT") on the portfolio was 5.0 years (31 December 2015: 6.1; 5.6 years excluding Blythswood House, since sold); WAULT to first break was 3.6 years (31 December 2015: 4.4 years; 3.8 years excluding Blythswood House, since sold).

As at 30 June 2016, 14.1% (31 December 2015: 12.8%) of income was leases which will expire within 1 year, 29.2% (31 December 2015: 31.1%) between 1 and 3 years, 12.7% (31 December 2015: 15.6%) between 3 and 5 years, and 44.0% (31 December 2015: 40.5%) after 5 years.

Events after the Reporting period - Acquisitions and Disposals and Asset Management Initiatives

On the 20 September 2016, as detailed in Note 17 'Transactions with related parties', Regional REIT announced it will acquire a portfolio of 6 office pavilions at Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill, Scotland for GBP5.5m from the Asset Manager. The portfolio totals 0.09m sq. ft. and provides a net income of GBP0.8m per annum, with a net initial yield of 12.0%.


The principal risks and uncertainties the Group faces are summarised below and described in detail on pages 30 to 31 of the 2015 Annual Report, which is available on the Group's website at www.regionalreit.com - Annual Report 2015. The Audit Committee, which assists the Board with its responsibilities for managing risk, considers that there have been no changes to these principal risks since the publication of the 2015 Annual Report, with the exception of the UK's decision to leave the European Union.

Investment risk

Investment decisions could result in lower dividend income and capital returns to our Shareholders.

Tenant risk

Type and concentration of tenants could result in a lower rental income.

Economic and political risk

The macro-health of the UK economy could impact on borrowing and hedging costs, demand by tenants for suitable properties and the quality of the tenants.

Financial and tax change risk

Changes to the UK tax regime and financial legislation could result in lower rental income.

Operational risk

Business disruption could result in lower rental income.

Accounting, legal, and regulatory risk

Changes to the accounting, legal and regulatory legislation could affect the Board's ability to achieve the investment objectives and provide favourable returns to our Shareholders.

The United Kingdom's Vote to secede from the European Union

Following the majority vote to end the UK's membership of the European Union on 23 June 2016, there is a risk that property valuations may be impacted while this period of uncertainty is negotiated. The Board remains vigilant as to any consequences that may arise.


The condensed consolidated financial statements for the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts for the purposes of the Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008, as amended.

Going Concern

The financial statements continue to be prepared on a going concern basis. The Directors have reviewed areas of potential financial risk and cash flow forecasts. No material uncertainties have been detected which would influence the Group's ability to continue as a going concern for a period of not less than 12 months. Accordingly, the Board of Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the condensed consolidated financial statements.

Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the Half-Yearly Financial Report

In accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R we, the Directors of the Company (whose names are listed in full at the end of this report) confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

a) the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union, as required by the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule DTR4.2.4R, and gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group;

b) the Interim Management Report, which comprises the Chairman's Statement and the Asset and Investment Manager's Report sections of this report, includes a fair review, under DTR 4.2.7R, of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and

c) the Interim Management Report, which comprises the Chairman's Statement and the Asset and Investment Manager's Report sections of this report, includes a fair review under DTR 4.2.8.

For and on behalf of the Board

Kevin McGrath


20 September 2016

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016

The comparative period starts from 22 June 2015, the date of incorporation; however, trading did not commence until 6 November 2015.

                                               1 January      22 June 2015 
                                                 2016 to    to 31 December 
                                                 30 June    2015 (audited) 
                                    Notes           2016           GBP'000 
 Continuing Operations 
 Rental income                       5            19,699             5,361 
 Non recoverable property 
  costs                                          (2,328)             (753) 
 Net rental income                                17,371             4,608 
 Administrative and other 
  expenses                           6           (3,935)           (1,353) 
 Operating profit before 
  gains and losses on property 
  assets and other investments                    13,436             3,255 
 (Loss)/gain on disposal 
  of investment properties          12              (75)                86 
 Change in fair value of 
  investment properties             12           (1,254)            23,784 
 Operating profit before 
  exceptional items                               12,107            27,125 
 Exceptional items                   7                 -           (5,296) 
 Operating profit after 
  exceptional items                               12,107            21,829 
 Finance income                                       40               177 
 Finance expense                     8           (4,176)             (997) 
 Net movement in fair value 
  of derivative financial 
  instruments                        14          (2,024)               115 
 Profit before tax                                 5,947            21,124 
 Income tax expense                  9                 -                 - 
 Profit for the period 
  after tax 
  (attributable to equity 
  shareholders)                                    5,947            21,124 
 Other comprehensive income                            -                 - 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                                   5,947            21,124 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                              5,947            21,124 
 Non-controlling interests                             -                 - 
                                                   5,947            21,124 

Total comprehensive income arises from continuing operations.

 Earnings per share attributable 
  to owners of the parent 
  - basic and diluted                 10     2.2p       7.7p 
 EPRA earnings/(losses) 
  per share attributable 
  to owners of the parent 
  - basic and diluted                 10     3.3p     (1.1)p 

The notes below are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 30 June 2016

The comparative period starts from 22 June 2015, the date of incorporation; however, trading did not commence until 6 November 2015.

                                                   30 June       31 December 
                                                      2016              2015 
                                               (unaudited)         (audited) 
                                      Notes        GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Investment properties                 12          501,255           403,702 
 Goodwill                                            2,786             2,786 
 Non-current receivables                               610             1,004 
                                                   504,651           407,492 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                        11,845            11,848 
 Cash and cash equivalents                          23,739            23,955 
                                                    35,584            35,803 
 Total assets                                      540,235           443,295 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                         (19,378)          (12,576) 
 Deferred income                                   (8,660)           (5,906) 
 Taxation                                          (1,239)           (2,387) 
 Bank and loan borrowings 
  - current                            13                -             (200) 
 Derivative financial instruments      14          (2,440)             (416) 
                                                  (31,717)          (21,485) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank and loan borrowings 
  - non-current                        13        (214,771)         (126,469) 
                                                 (214,771)         (126,469) 
 Total liabilities                               (246,488)         (147,954) 
 Net assets                                        293,747           295,341 
 Stated capital                                    274,217           274,217 
 Retained earnings                                  19,530            21,124 
 Total equity                                      293,747           295,341 
 Net assets per share- 
  basic and diluted            15   107.1p   107.7p 
 EPRA net assets per share- 
  basic and diluted            15   108.0p   107.8p 

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 (unaudited)

The comparative period starts from 22 June 2015, the date of incorporation; however, trading did not commence until 6 November 2015.

                              Attributable to owners of the parent 
                                 Stated        Retained 
                                capital        earnings       Total 
                                GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Balance at 1 January 
 2016                           274,217          21,124     295,341 
 Dividends paid                       -         (7,541)     (7,541) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                              -           5,947     5,947 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2016                          274,217          19,530     293,747 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the period 22 June 2015 to 31 December 2015 (audited)

                                        Attributable to owners of the parent 
                                                   Stated    Retained 
                                                  capital    earnings        Total 
                                                  GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Balance at 22 June 2015                                -           -            - 
 Issue of Shares at no 
  par value                                       274,217           -    274,217 
 Total transactions with 
 owners, recognised directly 
 in equity                                        274,217           -      274,217 
 Total comprehensive income                             -      21,124    21,124 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2015                                            274,217      21,124    295,341 

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016

The comparative period starts from 22 June 2015, the date of incorporation; however, trading did not commence until 6 November 2015.

                                        1 January      22 June 2015 to 
                                          2016 to     31 December 2015 
                                          30 June            (audited) 
                                             2016              GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Profit for the period 
  before taxation                           5,947               21,124 
 - Change in fair value 
  of investment properties                  1,254             (23,784) 
 - Change in fair value 
  of financial derivative 
  instruments                               2,024                (115) 
 - Loss/(gain) on disposal 
  of investment properties                     75                 (86) 
 Finance income                              (40)                (177) 
 Finance expense                            4,176                  997 
  in trade and other receivables               24              (5,358) 
  in VAT and other taxes 
  payable                                 (1,733)                  360 
 Increase in trade and 
  other payables & deferred 
  income                                    5,222                4,807 
 Cash generated from/(used 
  in) operations                           16,949              (2,232) 
 Financial income                             493                  247 
 Finance costs                            (3,591)                (671) 
 Net cash flow generated 
  from/(used in) operating 
  activities                               13,851              (2,656) 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of investment 
  properties                            (139,251)              (4,190) 
 Sale of investment 
  properties                               40,369                5,347 
 Interest received                             19                   12 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries, 
  net of cash acquired                          -               26,659 
 Net cash flow (used 
  in)/generated from 
  investing activities                   (98,863)               27,828 
 Financing activities 
 Dividends paid                           (2,742)                    - 
 Bank borrowings advanced                 105,287                    - 
 Bank borrowings repaid                  (16,108)              (1,217) 
 Bank borrowing costs                     (1,641)                    - 
 Net cash flow generated 
  from/(used in) financing 
  activities                               84,796              (1,217) 
 Net (decrease)/increase 
  in cash and cash equivalents 
  for the period                            (216)               23,955 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 23,955                    - 
  at the start of the 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the period                 23,739               23,955 

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016

The comparative period starts from 22 June 2015; however, trading did not commence until 6 November 2015.

1. Corporate information

The condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 comprise the results of the Company and its subsidiaries (together constituting "the Group") and were approved by the Board and authorised for issue on 20 September 2016. Regional REIT Limited ("the Company") is a company limited by shares incorporated in Guernsey under The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended. The Company's Ordinary Shares are admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority ("UKLA"), a division of the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA"), and traded on the London Stock Exchange ("LSE").

Regional REIT Limited was incorporated on 22 June 2015 and is registered with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as a Registered Closed-ended Collective Investment Scheme pursuant to The Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended, and "The Registered Collective Investment Schemes Rules 2015".

Regional REIT Limited did not begin trading until 6 November 2015 when the shares were admitted to trading on the LSE.

The nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities are set out in the Chairman's Statement in this report and in the 2015 Annual Report.

The address of the registered office is: Mont Crevelt House, Bulwer Avenue, St. Sampson, Guernsey, GY2 4LH.

2. Basis of preparation

The condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 comprise the results of the Company and its subsidiaries (together constituting "the Group") and were approved by the Board and authorised for issue on 20 September 2016. Regional REIT Limited ("the Company") is a company limited by shares incorporated in Guernsey under The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended. The Company's Ordinary Shares are admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority ("UKLA"), a division of the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA"), and traded on the London Stock Exchange ("LSE").

Regional REIT Limited was incorporated on 22 June 2015 and is registered with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as a Registered Closed-ended Collective Investment Scheme pursuant to The Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended, and "The Registered Collective Investment Schemes Rules 2015".

Regional REIT Limited did not begin trading until 6 November 2015 when the shares were admitted to trading on the LSE.

The nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities are set out in the Chairman's Statement in this report and in the 2015 Annual Report.

The address of the registered office is: Mont Crevelt House, Bulwer Avenue, St. Sampson, Guernsey, GY2 4LH.

2.1 Comparative period

The comparative period reported in these condensed consolidated financial statements is not the equivalent comparative period of the previous year as the Group was not in existence for that period, but represents the period disclosed in the Group's preceding financial statements from 22 June 2015 to 31 December 2015. However, trading did not commence until 6 November 2015.

The comparative financial information presented herein for the period 22 June 2015 to 31 December 2015 does not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended. The Group's annual report and accounts for the period to 31 December 2015 were delivered to the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. The Group's independent auditor's report on those accounts was unqualified and did not include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report.

2.2 Functional and presentation currency

The consolidated financial information is presented in Pounds Sterling, which is also the Group's functional currency, and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (GBP'000s) pounds, except where otherwise indicated.

2.3 Going concern

The Directors have carefully considered areas of potential financial risk and have reviewed cash flow forecasts. No material uncertainties have been detected which would influence the Group's ability to continue as a going concern for a period of not less than 12 months. The Directors have satisfied themselves that the Group has adequate financial resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

Accordingly, the Board of Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the condensed consolidated financial statements.

2.4 Business combinations

At the time of acquisition, the Group considers whether each purchase represents the acquisition of a business or the acquisition of an asset. For an acquisition of a business where an integrated set of activities are acquired in addition to the property, the Group accounts for the acquisition as a business combination under IFRS 3.

Where such acquisitions are not judged to be the acquisition of a business they are not treated as business combinations. Rather, the cost to acquire the corporate entity is allocated between the identifiable assets and liabilities of the entity based upon their relative fair values at the acquisition date. Accordingly, no goodwill nor additional deferred tax arises.

3. Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

The preparation of the condensed consolidated financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the reporting date. However, uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that require a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the asset or liability affected in future periods.

3.1. Critical accounting estimates and assumptions

The principal estimates that may be material to the carrying amount of assets and liabilities are as follows:

3.1.1 Valuation of investment property

The fair value of investment property, which has a carrying value at the reporting date of GBP501,255,000 (31 December 2015: GBP403,702,500), is determined by independent property valuation experts to be the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of the valuation in an arm's length transaction. Properties have been valued on an individual basis. The valuation experts used recognised valuation techniques applying the principles of both IAS 40 and IFRS 13.

The valuations have been prepared in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ("RICS") Valuation - Professional Standards January 2014 ("the Red Book"). Factors reflected include current market conditions, annual rentals, lease lengths and location. The significant methods and assumptions used by valuers in estimating the fair value of investment property are set out in note 12.

3.1.2 Fair valuation of interest rate derivatives

In accordance with IAS 39 'Fin-an-cial In-stru-ments: Re-cog-ni-tion and Meas-ure-ment', the Group values its interest rate derivatives at fair value. The fair values are estimated by the loan counterparty with revaluation occurring on a quarterly basis. The counterparties will use a number of assumptions in determining the fair values including estimations over future interest rates and, therefore, future cash flows. The fair value represents the net present value of the difference between the cash flows produced by the contracted rate and the valuation rate. The carrying value of the derivatives at the reporting date was a cost GBP2,440,000 (31 December 2015: cost of GBP416,000).

3.1.3 Estimated impairment of goodwill

The Group tests annually whether goodwill has suffered any impairment. The recoverable amounts of cash generating units have been determined based on value-in-use calculations. These calculations require the use of estimates. The carrying value of the goodwill at the reporting date was GBP2,786,000 (31 December 2015: GBP2,786,000).

3.2. Critical judgements in applying the Group's accounting policies

In the process of applying the Group's accounting policies, management has made the following judgements, which have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the condensed consolidated financial statements:

3.2.1 Operating lease contracts - the Group as lessor

The Group has acquired investment properties that are subject to commercial property leases with tenants. The Group has determined, based on an evaluation of the terms and conditions of the arrangements, particularly the duration of the lease terms and minimum lease payments, that it retains all of the significant risks and rewards of ownership of these properties and so accounts for the leases as operating leases.

3.2.2 Performance fee

The Asset Manager and the Investment Manager are each entitled to 50% of a Performance Fee. The Performance Fee is calculated at a rate of 15% of Shareholder Returns in excess of a Hurdle Rate of 8% for the relevant performance period. Shareholder Returns for any financial year consists of the sum of any increase or decrease in EPRA NAV per Ordinary Share and the total dividends per Ordinary Share declared in the financial year. The Performance Fee is only payable in respect of a performance period where the EPRA NAV per Ordinary Share exceeds the High-Water Mark which is equal to the greater of the highest year-end EPRA NAV Ordinary Share in any previous performance period or the Placing price (100p per Ordinary Share). The Performance Fee is to be calculated initially on 31 December 2018, and annually thereafter. Full details of the Managers' Performance Fee are given on pages 183-85 of the IPO Prospectus.

In the period from the commencement of trading (6 November 2015) to date, the Group has met the criteria of the Performance Fee. However, future circumstances may dictate that no Performance Fee is ultimately due. Management have modelled a number of scenarios for the Performance Fee calculation but, given the length of the outstanding performance period, no liability has been accrued in the current condensed consolidated financial statements.

3.3 Consolidation of entities in which the Group holds less than 50%

Management considers the Group has effective control of Credential Investment Holdings Limited and its 27 subsidiaries (the "Credential Sub Group"), by virtue of the Amended and Restated Call Option Agreement dated 3 November 2015. Under this option the Group may acquire any of the properties held by the Credential Group for a nominal consideration. Despite having no equity holding the Group controls the Credential Group as the option agreement means that the Group is exposed to, and has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the Credential Group through its power to control. The Credential Sub Group has a deficiency of Shareholders' funds and, for this reason, the non-controlling interest in the Group's results for the year and in the net assets of the Group are nil. There is no recourse to the non-controlling interest.

4. Summary of significant accounting policies

The accounting policies adopted in this report are consistent with those applied in the Group's statutory accounts for the period ended 31 December 2015 and described in the 2015 Annual Report and are expected to be applied consistently for the year ended 31 December 2016. There are no significant changes to the condensed consolidated financial statements arising from accounting standards effective for the first time.

5. Rental income

                                 1 January      22 June 2015 
                                   2016 to    to 31 December 
                                   30 June    2015 (audited) 
                                      2016           GBP'000 
 Rental income - freehold 
 property                           16,205             4,500 
 Rental income - long 
  leasehold property                 3,494               861 
 Total                              19,699             5,361 

6. Administration and other expenses

                                 1 January        22 June 2015 
                                   2016 to                  to 
                                   30 June    31 December 2015 
                                      2016           (audited) 
                               (unaudited)             GBP'000 
 Investment management 
  fees                                 967                 264 
 Property management fees              808                 203 
 Asset management fees                 850                 232 
 Directors' remuneration                94                  48 
 Administration fees                    74                 118 
 Legal and professional 
  fees                               1,011                 390 
 Marketing and promotion                15                  15 
 Other administrative 
  costs                                103                  82 
 Bank charges                           13                   1 
 Total                               3,935               1,353 

7. Exceptional items

Exceptional items comprise the professional fees and regulatory costs associated with the listing of the shares on the London Stock Exchange.

8. Finance expense

                                 1 January        22 June 2015 
                                   2016 to                  to 
                                   30 June    31 December 2015 
                                      2016           (audited) 
                               (unaudited)             GBP'000 
 Interest payable on bank 
 borrowings                          3,711                 910 
 Amortisation of loan 
  arrangement fees                     465                  87 
 Total                               4,176                 997 

9. Taxation

The Group elected to be treated as a UK REIT with effect from 7 November 2015. The UK REIT rules exempt the profits of the Group's UK property rental business from corporation tax. Gains on UK properties are also exempt from tax, provided that they are not held for trading or sold in the three years after completion of development. The Group is otherwise subject to UK Corporation Tax.

10. Earnings per share

Earnings per share ("EPS") amounts are calculated by dividing profits for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period. As there are no dilutive instruments outstanding, basic and diluted earnings per share are identical.

The calculation of basic and diluted EPRA earnings per share is based on the following:

                                       1 January     22 June 2015 to 
                                         2016 to    31 December 2015 
                                         30 June           (audited) 
                                            2016             GBP'000 
 Calculation of Earnings 
  per share after exceptional 
 Net profit attributable 
  to Ordinary Shareholders                 5,947              21,124 
 Adjustments to remove: 
 Changes in value of investment 
  properties                               1,254            (23,784) 
 Changes in fair value 
  of interest rate derivatives 
  and financial assets                     1,904               (180) 
 Loss/(gain) on disposal 
  of investment property                      75                (86) 
 EPRA Net profit/(loss) 
  attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                             9,180             (2,926) 
 Weighted average number 
  of Ordinary Shares                 274,217,264         274,217,264 
 Earnings per share (basic 
  and diluted)                              2.2p                7.7p 
 EPRA Earnings/(loss) 
  per share (basic and 
  diluted)                                  3.3p              (1.1)p 
   Calculation of Earnings 
   per share before exceptional 
 Net profit attributable 
  to Ordinary Shareholders                 5,947              21,124 
 Add back exceptional 
  items                                        -               5,296 
 Net profit attributable 
  to Ordinary Shareholders 
  before exceptional items                 5,947              26,420 
 Adjustments to remove: 
 Changes in value of investment 
  properties                               1,254            (23,784) 
 Changes in fair value 
  of interest rate derivatives 
  and financial assets                     1,904               (180) 
 Loss/(gain) on disposal 
  of investment property                      75                (86) 
 EPRA Net profit attributable 
  to Ordinary Shareholders 
  before exceptional items                 9,180               2,370 
 Weighted average number 
  of Ordinary Shares                 274,217,264         274,217,264 
 Earnings per share before 
  exceptional items (basic 
  and diluted)                              2.2p                9.6p 
 EPRA Earnings per share 
  before exceptional items 
  (basic and diluted)                       3.3p                0.9p 

11. Dividends

                               1 January         22 June 2015 to 
                                 2016 to        31 December 2015 
                                 30 June               (audited) 
                                    2016                 GBP'000 
 Dividend of 1.00 pence 
 per Ordinary share                  2,742                     - 
 (for the period 6 Nov 
 2015 - 31 Dec 2015) 
 Dividend of 1.75 pence 
 per Ordinary share                  4,799                     - 
 (for the period 1 Jan 
 2016 - 31 Mar 2016) 
                                     7,541                     - 

On 7 March 2016 the Company announced a dividend of 1.00 pence per share ("pps"), of which the property income distribution ("PID") was 0.6572pps and the non-PID was 0.3428pps. The dividend payment was in respect of the period 6 November 2015 to 31 December 2015 and was paid on 15 April 2016 to Shareholders on the register as at 18 March 2016.

On 27 May 2016 the Company announced a dividend of 1.75pps, of which the PID was 1.3579pps and the non-PID was 0.3921pps. The dividend payment was in respect of the period 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016, and was paid on 8 July 2016 to Shareholders on the register as at 10 June 2016. This dividend has been accrued in the condensed consolidated financial statements and is included within trade and other payables within the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position.

On 1 September 2016 the Company announced a dividend of 1.75pps, of which the PID was 1.5013pps and the non-PID was 0.2487pps. The dividend payment was in respect of the period 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016, which will be paid on 7 October 2016 to Shareholders on the register as at 9 September 2016. These condensed consolidated financial statements do not reflect this dividend.

12. Investment properties

In accordance with IAS 40, investment property has been independently valued at fair value by Cushman & Wakefield, Chartered Surveyors, an accredited independent valuer with a recognised and relevant professional qualification and with recent experience in the locations and categories of the investment properties being valued. The valuations have been prepared in accordance with the Red Book and incorporate the recommendations of the International Valuation Standards Committee which are consistent with the principles set out in IFRS 13.

All corporate acquisitions during the period have been treated as properties purchased rather than business combinations.

In respect of the valuation of the Group's property assets undertaken as at 30 June 2016, the valuer's report noted, "following the Referendum held on 23 June 2016 concerning the UK's membership of the EU, a decision was taken to exit. We are now in a period of uncertainty in relation to many factors that impact the property investment and letting markets. Since the Referendum date, it has not been possible to gauge the effect of this decision by reference to transactions in the market place. The probability of our opinion of value exactly coinciding with the price achieve were there to be a sale, has reduced."

   Movement in investment        Property 
   properties for                 GBP'000      Long Leasehold 
   the period 1 January                              Property       Total 
   2016 to 30 June                                    GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Valuation at 1 
  January 2016                    332,052              71,650     403,702 
 Property additions               130,226               9,025     139,251 
 Property disposals              (37,419)             (2,950)    (40,369) 
 Loss on the disposal 
  of investment properties           (55)                (20)        (75) 
 Change in fair 
  value during the 
  period                          (2,834)               1,580     (1,254) 
 Valuation at 30 
  June 2016 (unaudited)           421,970              79,285     501,255 
 Movement in investment 
  properties for 
  the period 
  22 June 2015 to 
  31 December 2015 
 Upon acquisition 
  of subsidiaries                 319,541              61,448     380,989 
 Property additions                 1,020               3,170       4,190 
 Property disposals               (5,347)                   -     (5,347) 
 Gain on the disposal 
  of investment properties             86                   -          86 
 Change in fair 
  value during the 
  period                           16,752               7,032      23,784 
 Valuation at 31 
  December 2015 (audited)         332,052              71,650     403,702 

The historic cost of the properties was GBP481,563,000 (31 December 2015: GBP379,918,000).

A reconciliation of the valuation carried out by the external valuers to the carrying amount in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position is as follows:

                                       30 June        31 December 
                                          2016               2015 
                                   (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                       GBP'000            GBP'000 
 As set out in Cushman 
  & Wakefield's valuation 
  report                               501,255            405,422 
 Adjustment in respect 
  of the disposal (Blythswood 
  House) after period end                    -            (1,720) 
 As shown in the Condensed 
  Consolidated Statement 
  of Financial Position                501,255            403,702 

The adjustment reflects a value determined in a sales transaction shortly after the period end.

The following table provides the fair value measurement hierarchy for investment property:

                                                 Significant   Significant unobservable 
                                        Quoted    observable                     inputs 
                                        active        inputs                  (level 3) 
                             Total      prices        (level                    GBP'000 
   Date of valuation:      GBP'000      (level            2) 
                                            1)       GBP'000 
 30 June 2016              501,255           -       501,255                          - 
                                    ----------                ------------------------- 
 31 December 
  2015                     403,702           -       403,702                          - 
                                    ----------                ------------------------- 

The hierarchy levels are defined in note 14.

There have been no transfers between levels during the period.

The determination of the fair value of the investment properties held by each consolidated subsidiary requires the use of estimates such as future cash flows from assets (such as lettings, tenants' profiles, future revenue streams, capital values of fixtures and fittings, plant and machinery, any environmental matters and the overall repair and condition of the property) and discount rates applicable to those assets. Future revenue streams comprise contracted rent ("passing rent") and estimated rental value ("ERV") after the contract period. In calculating ERV, the potential impact of future lease incentives to be granted to secure new contracts is taken into consideration. All these estimates are based on local market conditions existing at the reporting date.

Volatility in the global financial system is reflected in commercial real estate markets. In arriving at their estimates of market values as at 30 June 2016, the valuers used their market knowledge and professional judgement and did not rely solely on historical transactional comparable. In these circumstances, there was a greater degree of uncertainty in estimating the market values of investments than would exist in a more active market.

Techniques used for valuing investment properties

The following descriptions and definitions relate to valuation techniques and key observable inputs made in determining the fair values:-

Valuation Technique: Market comparable method

Under the market comparable method (or market approach), a property's fair value is estimated based on comparable transactions in the market.

Observable Input: Market rent

The rent at which space could be let in the market conditions prevailing at the date of valuation (range: GBP3,100 - GBP3,161,581 per annum).

Observable Input: Rental growth

The estimated average increase in rent is based on both market estimates and contractual agreements.

Observable Input: Net initial yield

The initial Net Income from a property at the date of purchase, expressed as a percentage of the gross purchase price including the costs of purchase (range: 0.84% - 24.34%).

As set out within the significant accounting estimates and judgements above, the Group's property portfolio valuation is open to judgement and is inherently subjective by nature. Actual values can only be determined in a sales transaction.

13. Bank and loan borrowings

Bank borrowings are secured by charges over individual investment properties held by certain asset-holding subsidiaries. The banks also hold charges over the shares of certain subsidiaries and any intermediary holding companies of those subsidiaries. Any associated fees in arranging the bank borrowings unamortised as at the period end are offset against amounts drawn on the facilities as shown in the table below:

                       30 June 2016       31 December 2015 
                        (unaudited)              (audited) 
                            GBP'000                GBP'000 
 Bank borrowings                128,643                  - 
  drawn at start of 
 Bank borrowings 
  drawn                     105,287                128,643 
 Bank borrowings           (16,108)                      - 
                      -------------      ----------------- 
 Bank borrowings 
  drawn at end of 
  period                    217,822                128,643 
 Less: unamortised 
  costs                     (3,051)                (1,875) 
 Less: adjustment 
  through finance 
  income                          -                   (99) 
 At end of period           214,771                126,669 
 Maturity of bank 
 Repayable within 
  1 year                          -                    200 
 Repayable between 
  1 to 2 years                    -                    200 
 Repayable between 
  2 to 5 years              214,771                126,269 
                            214,771                126,669 

During the period, largely to fund property acquisitions, the Group increased its borrowings and refinanced existing facilities. The total outstanding debt drawn is less than the total of the original facility due to the repayment of debt following the sale of one of the assets on which borrowings were secured.

The weighted average term to maturity of the Group's debt at the period end was unchanged at 3.4 years (31 December 2015: 3.4 years). The weighted average interest rate payable by the Group on its debt portfolio, excluding hedging costs, at the period end was 3.5% (31 December 2015: 4.1%).

                  Original   Outstanding 
                  Facility          Debt     Maturity                Interest 
   Lender          GBP'000       GBP'000         Date       LTV          cost     Amortisation 
                                                                    per annum 
                                                                      2% over 
   Santander                                      Dec                    3mth        Mandatory 
   UK               48,300        45,669          -18     43.5%         LIBOR       prepayment 
                                                                      2% over 
   Santander                                      Dec                    3mth        Mandatory 
   UK               25,343        11,865          -18     31.8%         LIBOR       prepayment 
 Royal Bank                                       Jun                    3mth 
  of Scotland       25,000        24,450          -19     42.9%         LIBOR             None 
 ICG Longbow                                      Aug                  5% par 
  Limited           65,000        65,000          -19     44.2%      for term             None 
   Santander                                      Jan                    3mth        Mandatory 
   UK               30,990        30,990         - 21     47.8%         LIBOR       prepayment 
 Royal Bank                                       Mar                    3mth        Mandatory 
  of Scotland       40,000        39,848          -21     49.5%         LIBOR       prepayment 
                   234,633       217,822 

The Group has been in compliance with all of the financial covenants of the above facilities as applicable throughout the period covered by these condensed consolidated financial statements.

As shown in note 14, the Group uses a combination of interest rate swaps and fixed rate bearing loans to hedge against interest rate risks. The Group's exposure to interest rate volatility is minimal.

14. Derivative financial instruments

Interest rate caps and swaps are in place to mitigate the interest rate risk that arises as a result of entering into variable rate borrowings.

                                        30 June   31 December 2015 
                                           2016            GBP'000 
 Fair value at start of period            (416)                  - 
 Fair value of derivative financial 
  instruments arising on the 
  acquisition of subsidiaries                 -              (531) 
 Revaluation in the period              (2,024)                115 
 Fair value at end of period            (2,440)              (416) 

The fair value of derivative financial instruments has decreased in the period due to the Group entering into a number of interest rate caps and swaps in the period as detailed below:

  Loan Details                                                                   Swap Details 
                   Original        Outstanding                                Notional 
                    Facility           Debt        Maturity     Interest       Amount        Rate 
   Lender           GBP'000          GBP'000         Date         cost         GBP'000         % 
                                                                per annum 
                                                                2% over 
                                                                 LIBOR         8,000        1.867 
  Santander                                          Dec 
   UK                 48,300            45,669       -18                       16,150       1.014 
                                                                2% over 
                                                                  LIBOR         3,900       2.246 
  Santander                                          Dec 
   UK                 25,343            11,865       -18                        8,770        1.010 
  Royal                                                           over 
  Bank                                               Jun          3mth 
  of Scotland         25,000            24,450       -19          LIBOR         14,040      1.790 
  ICG Longbow                                        Aug         5% par 
  Limited             65,000            65,000       -19        for term         n/a          n/a 
                                                                                9,375       1.086 
                                                                  LIBOR         6,840        1.203 
  Santander                                          Jan 
   UK                 30,990            30,990       - 21                       5,400        1.444 
  Royal                                                           over 
  Bank                                               Mar          3mth 
  of Scotland         40,000            39,848       -21          LIBOR         19,924      1.395 
                     234,633           217,822 

The weighted average cap and swap rate for the Group as at the period end was 3.5% (31 December 2015: 4.1%), with a Group weighted average effective interest rate, inclusive of hedging costs, of 3.8% (31 December 2015: 4.5%).

It is the Group's target to hedge at least 90% of the total debt portfolio using interest rate derivatives. As at the period end date the total proportion of hedged debt equated to 107.6% (31 December 2015: 90.1%) as shown below.

The over hedge at 30 June 2016 is the result of a property disposal and the position is currently under review.

                                                   31 December 2015 
                                     30 June              (audited) 
                                 (unaudited)                GBP'000 
 Total bank borrowings               217,822                128,643 
 Notional value of interest 
  rate caps and swaps                169,480                 50,825 
 Value of fixed rate debts            65,000                 65,000 
                                     234,480                115,825 
 Proportion of hedged debt            107.6%                  90.1% 

Fair value hierarchy

The following table provides the fair value measurement hierarchy for interest rate derivatives.

The different levels are defined as follows.

Level 1: Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2: Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable.

Level 3: Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable.

For assets and liabilities that are recognised in the condensed consolidated financial statements on a recurring basis, the Group determines whether transfers have occurred between levels in the hierarchy by reassessing categorisation at the end of each reporting period.

                                Quoted     Significant   Significant 
                                 active     observable   unobservable 
                                 prices     inputs       inputs 
                      Total      (level     (level       (level 
   Interest rate      GBP'000    1)         2)           3) 
   derivatives                   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
 30 June 2016         (2,440)          -       (2,440)               - 
                   ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------- 
 31 December 
  2015                  (416)          -         (416)               - 
                   ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------- 

The fair value of these contracts are recorded in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position and is determined by forming an expectation that interest rates will exceed strike rates and discounting these future cash flows at the prevailing market rates as at the period end.

There have been no transfers between levels during the period.

The Group has not adopted hedge accounting.

15. Net asset value per share (NAV)

NAV per share is calculated by dividing net assets in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the number of Ordinary Shares outstanding at the end of the period. As there are no dilutive instruments issued, basic and diluted NAV per share are identical.

Net asset values have been calculated as follows:

                                       30 June       31 December 
                                          2016              2015 
                                   (unaudited)         (audited) 
                                       GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Net asset value per 
  Condensed Consolidated 
  Statement of Financial 
  Position                             293,747           295,341 
 Adjustment for calculating 
  EPRA net assets: 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                            2,440               416 
 EPRA net assets                       296,187           295,757 
 Weighted average 
  number of Ordinary 
  Shares                           274,217,264       274,217,264 
 Net asset value 
  per share (basic 
  and diluted)                          107.1p            107.7p 
 EPRA net asset 
  value per share 
  (basic and diluted)                   108.0p            107.8p 

16. Segmental information

After a review of the information provided for management purposes, it was determined that the Group had one operating segment and therefore segmental information is not disclosed in these condensed consolidated financial statements. An analysis of the portfolio can be found in the Asset and Investment Manager's Report.

17. Transactions with related parties

Transactions with the Asset Manager, London & Scottish Investments Limited ("LSI") and the Property Manager, London & Scottish Property Asset Management Limited.

Stephen Inglis is a non-executive Director of Regional REIT Limited, as well as being the Property Director and Chief Investment Officer of LSI and a director of London & Scottish Property Asset Management Limited. The former company has been contracted to act as the Asset Manager of the Group and the latter as the Property Manager.

In consideration for the provision of services provided, the Asset Manager is entitled in each financial year (or part thereof) to 50% of an annual management fee on a scaled rate of 1.1% of the EPRA net asset value (NAV), reducing to 0.9% on assets over GBP500,000,000. The fee shall be payable in cash quarterly in arrears.

In respect of each portfolio property the Asset Manager has procured, and shall procure for the Group in the future, that London & Scottish Property Asset Management Limited is appointed as the Property Manager. A property management fee of 4 per cent. per annum is charged by the Property Manager on a quarterly basis: 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, and 31 December, based upon the gross rental yield. Gross rental yield means the rents due under the property's lease for the peaceful enjoyment of the property, including any value paid in respect of rental renunciations but excluding any sums paid in connection with service charges or insurance costs.

The following tables show the fees charged in the period and the amount outstanding at the end of the period:

                                      1 January               22 June 
                                        2016 to               2015 to 
                                        30 June           31 December 
                                           2016        2015 (audited) 
                                    (unaudited)               GBP'000 
 Asset management fees charged*             850                   232 
 Property management fees 
  charged*                                  808                   165 
                                  -------------      ---------------- 
 Total                                    1,658                   397 
                                  -------------      ---------------- 
                                        30 June           31 December 
                                           2016                  2015 
                                    (unaudited)             (audited) 
                                        GBP'000               GBP'000 
 Total fees outstanding                     823                   397 
                                  -------------      ---------------- 

*Including irrecoverable VAT charged where appropriate.

On 20 September 2016 Regional REIT's wholly-owned subsidiary, Regional Commercial Midco Limited agreed to acquire from London & Scottish Investments Limited ("LSI"), the Asset Manager, the entire issued share capital of Toscafund Strathclyde BP Limited (a company incorporated in Jersey).

Toscafund Strathclyde BP Limited owns a portfolio of 6 office pavilions at Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill, Scotland. The buildings cover 0.09m sq. ft. and provide a net income of GBP762,000 per annum with a net initial yield of 12.0% after deductions of costs. The consideration for the acquisition is GBP5,500,000 in cash, which represents the fair value of the portfolio as determined by Knight Frank, an independent valuer. The Group will also pay GBP132,000 to LSI, representing 38.5% of the total costs incurred by the Asset Manager in the original purchase of the properties. Completion of the acquisition, which falls under Listing Rule 11.1.10R is expected to occur before the end of September 2016.

Transactions with the Investment Manager, Toscafund Asset Management LLP.

Martin McKay is a non-executive Director of Regional REIT Limited and is the Chief Financial Officer of Toscafund Asset Management LLP. The LLP is also the discretionary Investment Manager of Tosca Opportunity, Tosca Mid Cap and The Pegasus Fund Limited, all of which were Shareholders of the Group at 30 June 2016. Toscafund Asset Management LLP has been contracted as the Investment Manager of the Group.

In consideration for the provision of services provided, the Investment Manager is entitled in each financial year (or part thereof) to 50% of an annual management fee on a scaled rate of 1.1% of the EPRA net asset value (NAV), reducing to 0.9% on assets over GBP500,000,000. The fee is payable in cash quarterly in arrears.

The following tables show the fees charged in the period and the amount outstanding at the end of the period:

                                  1 January            22 June 
                                    2016 to            2015 to 
                                    30 June        31 December 
                                       2016               2015 
                                (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                    GBP'000            GBP'000 
 Investment management fees 
  charged*                              967                264 
                              -------------      ------------- 
                                    30 June        31 December 
                                       2016               2015 
                                (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                    GBP'000            GBP'000 
 Total fees outstanding                 471                264 
                              -------------      ------------- 

*Including irrecoverable VAT charged where appropriate

Performance Fee payable to the Asset Manager and the Investment Manager

The Asset Manager and the Investment Manager are each entitled to 50% of a Performance Fee. The Performance Fee is calculated at a rate of 15% of Shareholder Returns in excess of a Hurdle Rate of 8% for the relevant performance period. Shareholder Returns for any financial year consists of the sum of any increase or decrease in EPRA NAV per Ordinary Share and the total dividends per Ordinary Share declared in the financial year. The Performance Fee is only payable in respect of a performance period where the EPRA NAV per Ordinary Share exceeds the High-water mark which is equal to the greater of the highest year-end EPRA NAV Ordinary Share in any previous performance period or the Placing price (100p per Ordinary Share). The Performance Fee is to be calculated initially on 31 December 2018, and annually thereafter. Full details of the Managers' Performance Fee are given on pages 183-85 of the IPO Prospectus.

The Performance Fee for the first period 6 November 2015 to 31 December 2018 is payable 50% in cash, and 50% in Ordinary Shares. The shares are to be issued at the prevailing price per ordinary share at the date of issue, and are to be locked-in for 1 year.

The Performance Fees for subsequent periods are payable 34% in cash and 66% in ordinary shares, again at the prevailing price per share, with 50% of the shares locked-in for 1 year and 50% of the shares locked-in for 2 years.

Based on the EPRA NAV of the Group as at 30 June 2016 and assuming the hurdle annual rate of return is exceeded on average over the remainder of the period to 31 December 2018 the Performance Fee liability for the period from the commencement of trading at 6 November 2015 to 30 June 2016 was estimated at GBP414,000 (6 November 2015 to 31 December 2015: GBP95,000). This Performance Fee was identified but not accrued in the condensed consolidated financial statements in the current or comparative period. Management have modelled a number of scenarios for the Performance Fee calculation, and given the length of the outstanding performance period, no liability has been accrued in the condensed consolidated financial statements.

18. Capital commitments

There were no capital commitments during the period.

19. Subsequent events

On 20 September 2016, Regional REIT announced it will acquire the entire issued share capital of Toscafund Strathclyde BP Limited. For further details refer to Note 17 of these accounts.



Kevin McGrath (Chairman)

William Eason (Independent non-executive director)

Daniel Taylor (Independent non-executive director)

Stephen Inglis (Non-executive director)

Martin McKay (Non-executive director)

Company Secretary

Capita Company Secretarial Services Limited

1st Floor

Dukes Place



Registered office

Regional REIT Limited

Mont Crevelt House

Bulwer Avenue

St. Sampson



Asset Manager

London & Scottish Investments Limited


349 Bath Street


G2 4AA

Investment Manager

Toscafund Asset Management LLP

7th Floor, 90 Long Acre



Forthcoming events

 17 November 2016   Q3 2016 Dividend Announcement 
                     and Trading Update 
 23 February 2017   Q4 2016 Dividend and Portfolio 
                     Valuation Announcement 
 30 March 2017      Full year 2016 Preliminary 
                     Results Announcement 

Note: all future dates are provisional and subject to change.

Copies of the Half Year Report

A copy of the Half Year Report can be viewed and downloaded from the Company's website: www.regionalreit.com.

The content of the Company's web-pages and the content of any website or pages which may be accessed through hyperlinks on the Company's web-pages or this announcement is neither incorporated into nor forms part of the above announcement.

(1) Q2 2016 UK Commercial Property Investment Review (CoStar).

(2) UK Regional Offices H1 2016 (Cushman & Wakefield).

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 20, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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