The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory financial statements for the period ended 30 June, 2016. 
All figures are based on the 30 June, 2016 unaudited condensed financial 
statements, approved by the Board of Directors on 18 August, 2016. 
The Company's unaudited condensed financial statements will shortly be 
available on the UK Listing Authority's National Storage Mechanism, which is 
located at http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM. 
for the period from 1 January, 2016 to 30 June, 2016 
Financial Results 
The Prospect Japan Fund Limited (the "Company") results for the first half of 
2016 show total comprehensive income of US$1.9 million compared with a loss of 
US$15.9 million for the comparable period in 2015. There has been a slight 
increase in NAV per share from US cents 135.53 at 31 December 2015 to US cents 
137.64 at 30 June, 2016. 
Investment Performance 
Your Company underperformed over the period with a gain of 0.7% (based on 
published NAV) as against the MSCI Japan Small Cap Index (Total Return) for the 
six months of 2.1% 
After the strong performance of the stock market in 2015, this year has so far 
been disappointing. The Tokyo First Section has fallen 19.5% to the end of June 
in local currency terms. Two significant sectors, banks and autos, have both 
performed very poorly due to the introduction of negative interest rates and 
the strength of the yen. 
The Bank of Japan surprised markets with a move to a Negative Interest Rate 
Policy ("NIRP") at the end of January and it was applied from 16 February. It 
has had a number of consequences including the poor performance of bank shares 
and yields on 10-year government bonds have turned negative. 
The labour market remains tight although wages and wage increases generally 
remain on the low side particularly in the auto and banking sectors where the 
unions held back partly because of NIRP. 
The numbers of foreign visitors continue to rise at a pace easily achieving the 
Government targets which will be significant for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. 
A further factor which is positive for Japan is the continued improvement in 
corporate governance. 
The strengthening yen is taking its toll on the Japanese Economy. Prime 
Minister Abe has postponed the scheduled rise in the consumption tax from April 
2017 to October 2019. Given the slowdown in the world economies and the need 
for growth, a further US$45 billion fiscal stimulus package has recently been 
Apart from global risks, the outlook remains uncertain and questions remain 
with the Bank of Japan needing to boost growth and lift inflation towards its 2 
per cent target or indeed raise inflation expectations. The move to negative 
interest rates has done nothing to arrest the decline in consumer prices. 
However, your Board supports the strategy of the Manager with its objective of 
capital growth and a wide ranging investment policy seeking to discover 
undervalued and special situations. 
John Hawkins 
18 August, 2016 
for the period from 1 January, 2016 to 30 June, 2016 
Market Performance (%), US$ NAV 
                                        YTD 2016    1 Year    3 Year    5 Year 
THE PROSPECT JAPAN FUND LIMITED       1.6%/0.7%*     12.2%     20.0%     50.0% 
MSCI Japan Small Cap Index                  2.6%      3.6%     32.0%     48.7% 
The Prospect Japan Fund Limited inception date is 20 December 1994. The above 
performance of the Fund is net of fees and expenses and includes reinvestment 
of dividends and capital gains. (Source: Prospect Asset Management, Inc.) 
Although the Company is not managed to a benchmark, it measures its performance 
against the MSCI Japan Small Cap Index (Total Return) for comparison purposes 
only. The MSCI Developed Markets Small Cap Indices offer an exhaustive 
representation of this size segment by targeting companies that are in the 
Investable Market Index but not in the Standard Index in a particular developed 
market. The indices include Value and Growth style indices and industry indices 
based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®). (Source: 
*Refers to performance based on published NAV 
Investment Manager's Summary 
The Prospect Japan Fund Limited's (the "Company") published NAV underperformed 
during H1 2016, gaining 0.7% during the period ending 30 June, 2016 vs the MSCI 
Japan Small Cap Index's 2.6% total return (the performance based on valuations 
produced in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
("IFRS") increased by 1.6%). The broader Japanese market performed weakly, with 
the Nikkei 225 index reaching lows last seen in 2013. 
Global equities entered 2016 with a risk-off period, dragged down by massive 
selling in China. Key oil gauges dropped to 12-year lows amidst an ongoing 
supply glut, and the cloud of the Chinese economic slowdown drove Yen strength. 
Japanese markets experienced the worst start to a year on record, with six 
consecutive days of trading losses reversing most of the gains seen in CY 2015. 
Toward the end of the half, global currency and equity markets were shaken when 
the United Kingdom referendum on European Union membership ended with an 
unexpected victory for "Leave". The Yen briefly strengthened past 100 Yen/ 
dollar following the 23 June result, and 10-year JGB yields reached a record 
low of -0.245%. Japanese equity markets experienced their worst one day fall 
since the immediate aftermath of the March 2011 earthquake. 
Domestically, markets were plagued by political and monetary missteps, 
including the resignation of Economic Minister Akira Amari over bribery 
allegations and the Bank of Japan ("BoJ") surprising the market by adopting a 
negative interest rate policy in late January, while foregoing changes to its 
asset purchase program. The new paradigm, entitled "Quantitative & Qualitative 
Monetary Easing with a Negative Interest Rate" aims to mirror the multi-tier 
system in place at the Swiss National Bank, in which the negative rate is 
applied to a portion of a financial institution's current account balance. The 
reaction in the market was swift, with the Yen gaining strongly, bond yields 
falling to record levels, and shares of financials falling precipitously. 
Quantitative & Qualitative Monetary Easing With a Negative Interest Rate 
         Tier                         Description                   Interest 
                                                                Rate Applied 
Basic Balance           Existing balances with Bank of Japan           +0.1% 
Macro Add-on Balance    Required reserves and reserves related          0.0% 
                        to BoJ Lending support programs 
Policy-Rate Balance     Reserves in excess of above tiers              -0.1% 
Realignment of the regional bank space continued with an announcement that 
Fukuoka Financial Group (8354) will absorb Eighteenth Bank (8396). The 
consolidation is planned for completion by April 2017, after which Eighteenth 
Bank will merge with Fukuoka FG's subsidiary, Shinwa Bank, by April 2018. The 
combined entity will have about 70% share of the Nagasaki Prefecture loans 
market and 50% of deposits. Additionally, Chiba Bank (8331; Chiba Prefecture) 
and Musashino Bank (8836; Saitama Prefecture) announced their intention to 
enter into a comprehensive partnership. While the banks will stop short of a 
merger, the partnership will include integration of back office operations, 
increased cross-shareholdings and joint marketing of financial productions, as 
well as an agreement to forego opening new branches in each other's territory. 
During the half, the Company received shareholder approval of the Exercise 
Agreement for the Prospect Co. (3528) stock acquisition rights ("SARs"), valued 
at cost of ¥270 million (US$2.242 million). At the end of the half, the Company 
had successfully completed converting 90 of the 1,440 SARs it holds. 90 SARs is 
the equivalent of 9 million shares of Prospect Co. 
Holdings providing outsized contribution to positive performance during the 
period included Fukushima Bank (8562), Shaklee Global Group (8205) and 
Maruhachi Warehouse (9313). Fukushima Bank, a regional bank in Fukushima 
prefecture, fell sharply in February along with other financial shares due to 
the implementation of the BoJ's negative interest rate policy, but rallied 
strongly in April and June following technical adjustments by the BoJ that 
increased the proportion of current account funds that will be considered part 
of the "macro add-on balance" not subject to the negative policy rate. Shaklee 
Global Group, a seller of nutrition and personal care products, gained on low 
volume towards period end, despite weak FY results. The Company reported lower 
revenue and profits due to reduced sales and profits in Asia and a move to 
operating loss in the United States. Maruhachi Warehouse, a warehousing and 
logistics company, gained strongly towards period end, following efforts to 
improve liquidity via a 2-for-1 reverse stock split and lowering of trading 
lots to 100 from 1,000 shares. 
Weakness during the period came from holdings in Tri-Stage Inc (2178) and 
Yasuda Logistics Corporation (9324). Tri-Stage (2178), a marketing consultant 
service provider has retreated from its six-year highs last seen in December 
2015. Shares have started to recover towards the end of the period, following 
strong FY 2016 results and better than expected Q1 2016 results. Yasuda 
Logistics, a logistics and real estate leasing company, underperformed 
following YoY declines in profits owing to increased operating and personnel 
expenses and lower real estate leasing revenue due to a redevelopment project. 
The Company maintains ¥15.6 billion in unrealized gains on its rental real 
estate holdings, more than 80% of its period end market cap. 
The Company raised its holding in Fukushima Bank (8562) during the period from 
4.4% of assets to 19.3%. The bank is similar in size and valuation to Daito 
Bank (8563), with no large institutional shareholders and is seen as a 
potential beneficiary of ongoing regional bank consolidation. Fukushima 
prefecture is particularly attractive, in light of the positive impact of 
recovery efforts and victim compensation. Residential land price increases led 
the nation in 2015, and employment growth has been stronger than the national 
average. Fukushima prefecture manufactured goods output growth strongly 
outpaced the national rate over the last few years, nearly regaining the share 
of total national output seen in 2010, despite a nearly 6% population decline. 
In March 2016, the Tokyo High Court announced its decision on the appeal 
involving the Toho (9602) TOB of Toho Real Estate. The High Court ruled that 
the tender offer price amounted to fair value and has therefore eliminated the 
award of ¥100 per share decided by The Tokyo District Court. The Company 
summarily submitted an appeal of the High court decision to the Supreme Court, 
which accepted the request for appeal in June 2016 (please refer to note 14 for 
further information). 
The Company is currently engaged in an appraisal rights petition, challenging 
the fairness of the JPY 245 per share squeeze out price of Yukiguni Maitake 
(1378), a manufacturer and seller of fresh mushrooms and bean sprouts, by Bain 
Capital. A decision is expected around mid-October 2016. 
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) published 
its 2016 land price data, reporting a 0.1% YoY gain in land prices nationwide 
(all types), marking the first gain since 2008. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
Japan remains vulnerable to slowdown in the global economy and geopolitical 
turmoil, particularly in major trading partners, as well as by volatile swings 
in currency exchange rates and interest environment due to domestic and 
overseas monetary policy. 
While the Abe administration and BoJ remain poised to provide additional 
stimulus as needed, inflation expectations remain muted, and CPI turned 
negative with the largest monthly decline since 2013 recorded during the 
While the delay of the consumption tax increase is positive, the Abe 
administration's success rollout of stimulus spending and regulatory reform 
remain necessary catalysts for long-term economic growth. Fundamentals on the 
corporate level remain strong, and while tangible effects of corporate 
governance reforms are negligible, a widespread and ingrained refocusing on 
investor return should be a long-term positive. 
The principal risks facing the Company which include market and financial risk 
and portfolio management and performance risk are considered in detail, along 
with the risks relating to a vote to wind up the Company, on pages 12 and 13 of 
the Company's Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 
31 December 2015 which is available on the Company's website 
www.prospectjapanfund.com. The Directors do not consider that these risks and 
uncertainties have materially changed during the period ended 30 June, 2016 nor 
will they materially change for the remaining six months of the financial 
The Prospect Japan Fund Limited 
Top 10 Holdings 
30 June, 2016 
Symbol    Security                                             % of Total Assets 
8563      DAITO BANK LTD/THE                                               25.45 
8562      FUKUSHIMA BANK LTD/THE                                           19.26 
8205      SHAKLEE GLOBAL GROUP INC                                         10.54 
2178      TRI-STAGE INC                                                     8.15 
9313      MARUHACHI WAREHOUSE CO LTD                                        7.89 
3001      KATAKURA INDUSTRIES CO LTD                                        5.08 
8521      NAGANO BANK LTD/THE                                               4.85 
1921      TOMOE CORP                                                        4.34 
3528      PROSPECT CO LTD                                                   4.29 
7404      SHOWA AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY CO LTD                                    2.57 
The Prospect Japan Fund Limited 
Sector Weighting** 
30 June, 2016 
Banks                                                                      50.76 
Retail                                                                     10.54 
Storage/Warehousing                                                         9.88 
Real Estate                                                                 9.37 
Advertising                                                                 8.15 
Engineering & Construction                                                  4.34 
Machinery-Diversified                                                       2.57 
Diversified Financial Services                                              0.02 
Transportation                                                              0.02 
REITs                                                                       0.00 
Total**                                                                    95.65 
No of Positions                                                               16 
**Percentage weightings are Prospect Asset Management, Inc.'s internal 
calculations and have not been reconciled by the administrator. Results of 
calculations as presented may not be exact due to rounding and precision of 
stored values. 
Prospect Asset Management, Inc. 
18 August, 2016 
as at 30 June, 2016 
  Number of                                          Fair Value         Percentage 
 Securities    Investments                              in U.S.    Net Asset Value 
               Listed investments 
    614,300    Tri-stage Inc                         10,365,434               8.15 
                                                     10,365,434               8.15 
 19,428,000    The Daito Bank                        32,346,895              25.45 
 29,234,000    Fukushima Bank Ltd                    24,479,081              19.26 
  3,316,000    The Nagano Bank Ltd                    6,166,749               4.85 
  1,136,000    The Tohoku Bank Ltd                    1,526,391               1.20 
                                                     64,519,116              50.76 
               Engineering and Construction 
  1,763,900    Tomoe Corp                             5,512,993               4.34 
                                                      5,512,993               4.34 
    373,800    Showa Aircraft Industry Co Ltd         3,268,316               2.57 
                                                      3,268,316               2.57 
               Real Estate 
    589,600    Katakura Industries Co Ltd             6,458,303               5.08 
  6,706,000    Prospect Co Ltd+                       2,807,634               2.22 
                                                      9,265,937               7.30 
    999,000    Shaklee Global Group Inc              13,403,651              10.54 
                                                     13,403,651              10.54 
  7,898,895    Prospect Epicure JORD GBP#                     -                  - 
                                                              -                  - 
  1,296,100    Maruhachi Warehouse Co Ltd            10,032,613               7.89 
    425,400    Yasuda Logistics                       2,530,738               1.99 
                                                     12,563,351               9.88 
      5,000    Daiwa Motor Transportation Co             22,394               0.02 
                                                         22,394               0.02 
               Total listed investments             118,921,192              93.56 
               Unlisted investments 
               Corporate bond 
315,700,000    Takefuji Corp#                            28,017               0.02 
                                                         28,017               0.02 
               Real Estate 
      1,350    Prospect Co Ltd Stock                  2,628,889               2.07 
               Acquisition Rights+ 
                                                      2,628,889               2.07 
               Total unlisted investments             2,656,906               2.09 
               Total investments                    121,578,098              95.65 
               Net current assets                     5,531,691               4.35 
               NET ASSETS                           127,109,789             100.00 
# Currently in liquidation. 
+ Prospect Co Ltd is classed as a related party as it is the parent company of 
the Company's manager, PAM(CI). 
for the period from 1 January, 2016 to 30 June, 2016 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
(a)           the Interim Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements have been 
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting as adopted in 
the European Union; 
(b)           the Chairman's Report, Investment Advisor's Report and Notes to 
the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements include: 
·    a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of 
important events during the first six months and description of principal risks 
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and 
·    a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of 
related parties' transactions and changes therein). 
By order of the Board, 
John Hawkins 
Richard Battey 
18 August, 2016 
We have been engaged by the Company to review the Unaudited Condensed Financial 
Statements in the half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 30 
June, 2016 which comprise the Unaudited Condensed Statement of Comprehensive 
Income, the Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial Position, the Unaudited 
Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity, the Unaudited Condensed Statement of 
Cash Flows and the related notes 1 to 16. We have read the other information 
contained in the half-yearly Financial Report and considered whether it 
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the 
information in the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements. 
This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained 
in International Standards on Review Engagements 2410 (UK and Ireland) "Review 
of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the 
Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted 
by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the 
Company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed. 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The half-yearly Financial Report is the responsibility of, and has been 
approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the 
half-yearly Financial Report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. 
As disclosed in note 1, the Annual Financial Statements of the Company are 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as 
adopted by the European Union. The Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements 
included in this half-yearly Financial Report have been prepared in accordance 
with International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as 
adopted by the European Union. 
Our Responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the Unaudited 
Condensed Financial Statements in the half-yearly Financial Report based on our 
Scope of Review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of Interim Financial 
Information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for 
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review 
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and 
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware 
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, 
we do not express an audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to 
believe that the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements in the half-yearly 
Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June, 2016 are not prepared, in 
all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 
as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of 
the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. 
Ernst & Young LLP 
18 August, 2016 
The Financial Statements are published on websites maintained by the Investment 
The maintenance and integrity of these websites are the responsibility of the 
Investment Advisor; the work carried out by the Auditors does not involve 
consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the Auditors accept no 
responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the Financial 
Statements since they were initially presented on the website. 
Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of 
Financial Statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
for the period from 1 January, 2016 to 30 June, 2016 
                                   Revenue    Capital       Total     Revenue      Capital        Total 
                                01.01.2016 01.01.2016  01.01.2016  01.01.2015   01.01.2015   01.01.2015 
                                        to         to          to          to           to           to 
                                30.06.2016 30.06.2016  30.06.2016  30.06.2015   30.06.2015   30.06.2015 
Notes                              In U.S.    In U.S.     In U.S.     In U.S.      In U.S.      In U.S. 
                                   Dollars    Dollars     Dollars     Dollars      Dollars      Dollars 
    Investment income            1,731,104          -   1,731,104   1,274,158            -    1,274,158 
    Interest income                      -          -           -         299            -          299 
    Foreign exchange movements   (204,576)  1,071,626     867,050     378,772    (335,379)       43,393 
    Gain/(loss) on financial 
    at fair value through                -  1,341,225   1,341,225           - (15,398,127) (15,398,127) 
    profit or loss 
    Total income/(loss)          1,526,528  2,412,851   3,939,379   1,653,229 (15,733,506) (14,080,277) 
 4  Management fee               (915,258)          -   (915,258)   (851,576)            -    (851,576) 
 5  Other expenses               (702,409)          -   (702,409)   (445,308)            -    (445,308) 
    Transaction costs                    -  (146,087)   (146,087)           -    (135,870)    (135,870) 
    Total expenses             (1,617,667)  (146,087) (1,763,754) (1,296,884)    (135,870)  (1,432,754) 
    Gain/(loss) for the period    (91,139)  2,266,764   2,175,625     356,345 (15,869,376) (15,513,031) 
    before tax 
 3  Withholding tax              (265,119)          -   (265,119)   (434,415)            -    (434,415) 
    Gain/(loss) for the period   (356,258)  2,266,764   1,910,506    (78,070) (15,869,376) (15,947,446) 
    after tax 
    Total comprehensive 
    Income/(loss) for the        (356,258)  2,266,764   1,910,506    (78,070) (15,869,376) (15,947,446) 
 2  Gain/(loss) per Ordinary 
    Share - 
    Basic & Diluted (in cents)      (0.39)       2.45        2.06      (0.08)      (17.16)      (17.24) 
The "Total" column of this statement represents the Company's Statement of 
Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary 
'Revenue' and 'Capital' columns are both prepared under guidance published by 
the Association of Investment Companies. There was no comprehensive income 
other than the gain/(loss) for the period. 
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. 
The notes form an integral part of the Unaudited Condensed Financial 
as at 30 June, 2016 
                                                         30.06.2016    31.12.2015 
Notes                                                       In U.S.       In U.S. 
                                                            Dollars       Dollars 
                                                        (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
      Non-current assets 
  6   Financial assets at fair value through profit     121,578,098   106,417,543 
      or loss 
      Current assets 
  8   Receivables                                            95,707       399,051 
      Cash and cash equivalents                           6,229,913    19,009,538 
      Total current assets                                6,325,620    19,408,589 
      Current liabilities 
  9   Payables                                              793,929       529,153 
      Net current assets                                  5,531,691    18,879,436 
      Net assets                                        127,109,789   125,296,979 
 10   Share capital                                          92,352        92,452 
 10   Redemption reserve                                 85,435,381    85,533,077 
 10   Capital redemption reserve                            323,157       323,057 
      Other reserves                                     41,258,899    39,348,393 
      Total equity                                      127,109,789   125,296,979 
      Ordinary Shares in issue                           92,352,602    92,452,602 
  2   Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share (in cents)          137.64        135.53 
The Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 18 August, 
2016 and signed on its behalf by: 
John Hawkins 
Richard Battey 
The notes form an integral part of the Unaudited Condensed Financial 
for the period from 1 January, 2016 to 30 June, 2016 
                                     Capital                             Capital      Capital     Capital 
                            Share Redemption Redemption      Revenue    Reserve/     Reserve/    Exchange 
                          Account    Reserve    Reserve      Reserve    Realised   Unrealised Differences        Total 
                          In U.S.    In U.S.    In U.S.      In U.S.     In U.S.      In U.S.     In U.S.      In U.S. 
                          Dollars    Dollars    Dollars      Dollars     Dollars      Dollars     Dollars      Dollars 
Balances at 1 January,     92,452    323,057 85,533,077 (16,365,019)  67,395,805  (6,825,610) (4,856,783)  125,296,979 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
for the period 
(Loss)/gain for the             -          -          -    (356,258) (3,025,661)    4,220,799   1,071,626    1,910,506 
period after tax 
Capital activities 
Repurchase of shares        (100)        100   (97,696)            -           -            -           -     (97,696) 
Balances at 30 June,       92,352    323,157 85,435,381 (16,721,277)  64,370,144  (2,604,811) (3,785,157)  127,109,789 
                                     Capital                             Capital      Capital     Capital 
                            Share Redemption Redemption      Revenue    Reserve/     Reserve/    Exchange 
                          Account    Reserve    Reserve      Reserve    Realised   Unrealised Differences        Total 
                          In U.S.    In U.S.    In U.S.      In U.S.     In U.S.      In U.S.     In U.S.      In U.S. 
                          Dollars    Dollars    Dollars      Dollars     Dollars      Dollars     Dollars      Dollars 
Balances at 1 January,     92,452    323,057 85,533,077 (14,905,590)  53,873,130    9,116,533 (4,609,222)  129,423,437 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
for the period 
(Loss)/gain for the             -          -          -     (78,070)   8,140,362 (23,674,359)   (335,379) (15,947,446) 
period after tax 
Balances at 30 June,       92,452    323,057 85,533,077 (14,983,660)  62,013,492 (14,557,826) (4,944,601)  113,475,991 
The notes form an integral part of the Unaudited Condensed Financial 
for the period from 1 January, 2016 to 30 June, 2016 
                                                    01.01.2016 to      01.01.2015 to 
                                                       30.06.2016         30.06.2015 
Notes                                                     In U.S.            In U.S. 
                                                          Dollars            Dollars 
      Cash flows from operating activities 
 11   Net cash outflow from operating activities      (2,104,435)        (1,124,576) 
      Interest received                                         -                299 
      Dividends received                                1,930,373          1,417,438 
      Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating          (174,062)            293,161 
      Cash flows from investing activities 
      Purchase of investments                        (57,792,527)       (31,721,650) 
      Sale of investments                              44,213,034         34,296,774 
      Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing       (13,579,493)          2,575,124 
      Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing     (13,753,555)          2,868,285 
      Cash flows from financing activities 
      Repurchase of shares                               (97,696)                  - 
      Net cash outflow from financing activities         (97,696)                  - 
      (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash           (13,851,251)          2,868,285 
      Reconciliation of net cash flow to 
      movement in net funds 
      Net cash (outflow)/inflow                      (13,851,251)          2,868,285 
      Effects of foreign exchange rate changes          1,071,626          (335,379) 
      Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of        19,009,538          5,404,636 
      the period 
      Cash and cash equivalents at end of the           6,229,913          7,937,542 
The notes form an integral part of the Unaudited Condensed Financial 
for the period from 1 January, 2016 to 30 June, 2016 
Note 1    Principal Accounting Policies 
The Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 
30 June, 2016 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial 
Reporting" as adopted by the European Union, the Listing Rules of the London 
Stock Exchange ("LSE") and applicable legal and regulatory requirements of the 
Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. 
The Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements do not include all the 
information and disclosures required in the Annual Financial Statements and 
should be read in conjunction with the Company's Annual Report and Audited 
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December, 2015. 
The accounting policies and methods of computation followed in this Interim 
Unaudited Condensed set of Financial Statements are consistent with those of 
the latest Annual Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December, 
2015 which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting 
Standards as adopted by the European Union. 
The preparation of the Interim Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements 
requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported 
amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities at the date of the 
Interim Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements. The estimates and associated 
assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that 
are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which 
form the basis of making the judgements about carrying values of assets and 
liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results 
may differ from those estimates. 
Presentation of information 
The Interim Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements have been prepared on a 
going concern basis under the historical cost convention adjusted to take 
account of the revaluation of the Company's investments at fair value. 
In order to better reflect the activities of an investment company and in 
accordance with the guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies, 
supplementary information which analyses the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
between items of a capital and revenue nature has been presented within the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Going concern 
The Directors believe that it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going 
concern basis in preparing the Financial Statements because the assets of the 
Company consist mainly of securities that are readily realisable and, whilst 
the liquidity of these assets needs to be managed, the Company has adequate 
financial resources to meet its liabilities as they fall due. 
In accordance with the Company's Articles, the Board is required every three 
years to include in the business to be considered by shareholders at the Annual 
General Meeting ("AGM") a Special Resolution that the Company should be wound 
up. This resolution requires 75% of votes in favour for it to be passed. The 
next such resolution will be tabled at the Annual General Meeting to be held in 
The last such resolution was tabled at the eighteenth Annual General Meeting 
held in 2014. The Shareholders voted against the resolution, and in favour of 
the continuation of the Company. Based on this vote and the fact that the 
assets of the Company consist mainly of securities that are readily realisable, 
whilst the Directors acknowledge that the liquidity of these assets needs to be 
managed, the Directors believe that the Company has adequate financial 
resources to meet its liabilities as they fall due in the foreseeable future 
and at least twelve months from the date of this report, and that it is 
appropriate for the Financial Statements to be prepared on a going concern 
basis. The Directors have no reason to believe that the Shareholders will not 
vote against the resolution at the 2017 AGM to wind up the Company. 
Standards, amendments and interpretations effective during the period 
The following amendments were applicable for the first time this period but had 
no impact on the financial position or performance of the Company. 
- IFRS 10 (Amendments) - Consolidated Financial Statements (effective 1 
January, 2016) 
- IFRS 12 (Amendments) - Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities (effective 1 
January, 2016) 
- IAS 1 (Amendments) - Disclosure Initiative (effective 1 January, 2016) 
- IAS 27 (Amendments) - Separate Financial Statements (effective 1 January, 
- IAS 28 (Amendments) - Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (effective 
1 January, 2016) 
Standards, amendments and interpretations issued but not yet effective 
- IFRS 9 Financial Instruments - (effective 1 January, 2018) 
- IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting (Disclosure of information elsewhere in 
the interim accounts) (Annual improvements process) 
Note 2    Gain/(loss) per Ordinary Share - Basic and Diluted and Net Asset 
Value per Ordinary Share - Basic and Diluted 
The gain/(loss) per Ordinary Share - Basic and Diluted has been calculated 
based on the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares of 92,432,930 and a net 
gain of US$1,910,506 (30 June, 2015: 92,452,602 Ordinary Shares and a net loss 
of US$15,947,446). 
                        There were no dilutive elements to shares issued or 
repurchased during the period. 
The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share - Basic and Diluted has been calculated 
based on the number of shares in existence at the period end date of 92,352,602 
(31 December, 2015: 92,452,602) and shareholders' funds attributable to equity 
interests of US$127,109,789 (31 December, 2015: US$125,296,979). 
Note 3    Taxation 
The Company has been granted Exempt Status under the terms of The Income Tax 
(Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 to income tax in Guernsey. Its 
liability is an annual fee of GBP1,200 
(2015: GBP1,200). 
The amount disclosed as withholding tax in the Statement of Comprehensive 
Income relates solely to withholding tax suffered at source, on income in the 
investing country, Japan. 
Note 4    Management Fees 
The management fee is payable to the Manager, Prospect Asset Management 
(Channel Islands) ("PAM(CI)"), monthly in arrears at a rate of 1.5% per annum 
of the Net Asset Value, which is calculated as of the last business day of each 
month. Total management fees for the period amounted to US$915,258 
(30 June, 2015: US$851,576) of which US$156,517 (30 June, 2015: US$150,262) is 
due and payable at the period end. The Management Agreement dated 1 December, 
1994 remains in force until determined by the Company or by the Manager giving 
the other party not less than three months' notice in writing, subject to 
additional provisions included in the agreement regarding a breach by either 
Note 5    Other Expenses 
                                                       01.01.2016    01.01.2015 
                                                               to            to 
                                                       30.06.2016    30.06.2015 
                                                          In U.S.       In U.S. 
                                                          Dollars       Dollars 
Administration and                                        152,543       141,929 
secretarial fees* 
Custodian's fees and charges                               69,274        53,626 
General                                                   183,224       119,782 
Directors' remuneration                                    61,972        61,093 
Legal fees                                                195,294        41,253 
Auditors'                                                  21,167        13,875 
Non-audit                                                  18,935        13,750 
                                                          702,409       445,308 
*The administration and secretarial fees are payable to Northern Trust 
International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited monthly in 
arrears at a rate of 0.25% of the Net Asset Value of the Company as at the last 
business day of the month. Total administration and secretarial fees for the 
period amounted to US$152,543 (30 June, 2015: US$141,929) of which US$26,086 
(30 June, 2015: US$25,044) is due and payable at the period end. 
** The custodian's fees and charges are payable to Northern Trust (Guernsey) 
Limited monthly in arrears at a rate of 0.08% of the value of the portfolio of 
the Company as at the last business day of the month. Total custodian's fees 
and charges for the period amounted to US$69,274 (30 June, 2015: US$53,626) of 
which US$11,856 (30 June, 2015: US$8,538) is due and payable at the period end. 
Note 6    Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 
                                           01.01.2016     01.01.2015 to      01.01.2015 
                                                   to                                to 
                                           30.06.2016        31.12.2015      30.06.2015 
                                              In U.S.           In U.S.         In U.S. 
                                              Dollars           Dollars         Dollars 
Opening book cost                         113,243,153       114,885,517     114,885,517 
Purchases at                               57,977,630       109,096,236      31,746,128 
Proceeds on                              (44,158,300)     (124,491,720)    (50,630,616) 
Realised (loss)/gain on sale              (2,879,574)        13,753,120       8,276,232 
Closing book cost                         124,182,909       113,243,153     104,277,261 
Unrealised                                (2,604,811)       (6,825,610)    (14,557,826) 
Fair value                                121,578,098       106,417,543      89,719,435 
Note 7    Fair Value 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are carried at fair 
value. The valuation techniques for valuing unlisted corporate bonds are 
described below. Listed entities are valued at bid price and other assets and 
liabilities are carried at amortised cost which approximate fair value. 
IFRS 13 requires the Company to classify fair value measurements using a fair 
value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the 
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to 
transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at 
the measurement date. The fair value measurement is based on the presumption 
that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability takes place 
 (i) In the principal market for the asset or liability, or 
(ii) In the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market for 
the asset or liability. 
The principal or the most advantageous market must be accessible by the 
The fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using the assumptions 
that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, 
assuming that market participants act in their economic best interest. 
The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances 
and for which sufficient data is available to measure fair value, maximising 
the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable 
All financial instruments for which fair value is recognised or disclosed are 
categorised within the fair value hierarchy, described as follows, based on the 
lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement as a 
Level 1 - Quoted market prices (unadjusted) in an active market for identical 
assets or liabilities. 
Level 2 - Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is 
significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable. 
Level 3 - Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is 
significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable. 
For financial instruments that are recognised at fair value on a recurring 
basis, the Company determines whether transfers have occurred between Levels in 
the hierarchy by re-assessing categorization, based on the lowest level input 
that is significant to the fair value measurement as a whole, at the end of 
each reporting period. 
The following table analyses within the fair value hierarchy the Company's 
financial assets and liabilities (by class) measured at fair value for the 
period ended 30 June, 2016. 
                            Quoted     Significant   unobservable 
                         in active      observable         inputs 
                           markets          inputs 
                           Level 1         Level 2        Level 3         Total 
                           In U.S.         In U.S.        In U.S.       In U.S. 
                           Dollars         Dollars        Dollars       Dollars 
Financial assets at 
fair value 
 through profit or 
-Equity Securities     118,921,192               -              -   118,921,192 
-Derivative                      -               -      2,628,889     2,628,889 
-Debt Securities 
   Corporate bonds               -               -         28,017        28,017 
Total as at 30 June,   118,921,192               -      2,656,906   121,578,098 
The following table analyses within the fair value hierarchy the Company's 
financial assets and liabilities (by class) measured at fair value for the year 
ended 31 December, 2015. 
                             Level 1       Level 2       Level 3         Total 
                             In U.S.       In U.S.       In U.S.       In U.S. 
                             Dollars       Dollars       Dollars       Dollars 
Financial assets at fair 
 through profit and 
-Equity Securities       103,898,586             -             -   103,898,586 
-Derivative                        -             -     2,391,431     2,391,431 
-Debt Securities 
   Corporate bonds                 -             -       127,526       127,526 
Total as at 31 December, 103,898,586             -     2,518,957   106,417,543 
The following table presents the movement in level 3 instruments for the period 
ended 30 June, 2016 by class of financial instrument. 
                                                  Debt   Derivative 
                                            Securities   Securities         Total 
                                               In U.S.      In U.S.       In U.S. 
                                               Dollars      Dollars       Dollars 
Opening balance                                127,526    2,391,431     2,518,957 
Purchases                                            -            -             - 
Sales - Takefuji                             (121,518)            -     (121,518) 
Conversions - Prospect Co Ltd                        -    (294,005)     (294,005) 
Realised gains during the period               121,518      145,802       267,320 
Unrealised (losses)/gains during the          (99,509)      385,661       286,152 
Closing balance                                 28,017    2,628,889     2,656,906 
Net unrealised (loss)/gains for the           (99,509)      385,661       286,152 
period included in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income for level 3 
Investments held at 30 June, 2016 
The following table presents the movement in level 3 instruments for the year 
ended 31 December, 2015 by class of financial instrument. 
                                                 Debt     Derivative 
                                           Securities     Securities          Total 
                                              In U.S.        In U.S.         In U.S. 
                                              Dollars        Dollars         Dollars 
Opening balance                            56,008,526              -      56,008,526 
Purchases                                  18,641,413      2,371,249      21,012,662 
Sales                                    (52,378,965)              -    (52,378,965) 
Realised gains during                       3,131,464              -       3,131,464 
the year 
Unrealised (losses)/gains                (25,274,912)         20,182    (25,254,730) 
during the year 
Closing balance                               127,526      2,391,431       2,518,957 
Net unrealised gain for the year              127,526         20,182         147,708 
included in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income for level 3 
Investments held at 31 December, 2015 
Valuation techniques 
Listed investments 
Securities valued based on quoted market prices, in an active market for 
identical assets without any adjustments, are included within Level 1 of the 
hierarchy and are valued at bid price. 
Unlisted Investments 
The Company invests in debt securities and share acquisition rights which are 
not quoted in an active market. Transactions in such investments do not occur 
on a regular basis. These positions are valued at the Directors estimate of 
their fair value in accordance with IFRS 13. 
Level 3 valuations are monitored closely by the Investment Advisor who reports 
to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. Valuations are based on the 
most appropriate method for each level 3 investment as at 30 June, 2016 as 
discussed below. 
As at 30 June, 2016, the Company holds stock acquisition rights ("SARs") in 
Prospect Co. Ltd. In accordance with IFRS 13, the Directors have undertaken 
their responsibility to approximate a fair value of this level 3 investment by 
way of utilising the Black-Scholes-Merton model. The model uses observable, 
non-observable and contractual inputs. The observable inputs are the underlying 
price of Prospect Co. Ltd (30 June, 2016: ¥43.5, 31 December, 2015: ¥51.5) and 
the risk free rate (30 June, 2016: 0.00%, 
31 December, 2015: 0.00%). The significant unobservable inputs are the dividend 
yield, which is based on historic dividend payments (30 June, 2016:1.95%, 31 
December, 2015: 1.95%) and the volatility rate used (30 June, 2016: 23.16%, 31 
December, 2015: 15.7%), which was the implied rate of volatility having removed 
the peaks created by the previous convertible bond and adjusted for the 
dilution impact of the SARs issue on Prospect Co. Ltd. The contractual inputs 
are the shares received for each right exercised (100,000), the exercise date 
(21 December, 2015) the remaining exercise period (1 January, 2016 to 
20 December, 2020), the strike price of the SAR (¥54) and the number of SARs 
remaining (1,350). Using this model with the implied rate would result in write 
down of US$538,922 (31 December, 2015: US$490,243) in the valuation of the SARs 
which the Directors believe to be immaterially different to the cost price of 
the SARs. Therefore the Directors believe the cost price of the SARs to 
approximate fair value and is the value used in these financial statements. The 
uplift in the value in these financial statements is due to foreign exchange 
Note 8    Receivables 
                                                       30.06.2016    31.12.2015 
                                                          In U.S.       In U.S. 
                                                          Dollars       Dollars 
Amounts due from brokers                                   40,182       151,847 
Dividends receivable                                       24,736       224,005 
Other                                                      30,789        23,199 
                                                           95,707       399,051 
Note 9    Payables 
                                                        30.06.2016    31.12.2015 
                                                           In U.S.       In U.S. 
                                                           Dollars       Dollars 
Amounts due to brokers                                     446,877       172,618 
Other                                                      347,052       356,535 
                                                           793,929       529,153 
Note 10  Share Capital, Redemption Reserve & Capital Redemption Reserve 
Authorised Share Capital                                30.06.2016     31.12.2015 
Number of shares                                           In U.S.        In U.S. 
                                                           Dollars        Dollars 
150,000,000              Ordinary Shares of US$0.001       150,000        150,000 
60,000,000                  "C" Ordinary Shares of         600,000        600,000 
                                 US$0.01 each 
As approved at the AGM on 10 August, 2015, the Company may purchase a maximum 
of 13,858,645 Ordinary Shares, equivalent to 14.99% of the issued share capital 
of the Company as at the date of the AGM. 
                During the period, shares were purchased and cancelled as 
                                                        Redemption    Redemption 
    Ordinary                                  Share        Reserve       Reserve 
      Shares                                Capital 
   Number of                                In U.S.        In U.S.       In U.S. 
      shares                                Dollars        Dollars       Dollars 
  92,452,602   Balance at 1 January,         92,452     85,533,077       323,057 
               Shares repurchased 
   (100,000)   cancelled during the           (100)       (97,696)           100 
  92,352,602   Balance at 30 June,           92,352     85,435,381       323,157 
                                                        Redemption    Redemption 
    Ordinary                                  Share        Reserve       Reserve 
      Shares                                Capital 
   Number of                                In U.S.        In U.S.       In U.S. 
      shares                                Dollars        Dollars       Dollars 
  92,452,602   Balance at 1 January,         92,452     85,533,077       323,057 
  92,452,602   Balance at 31 December,       92,452     85,533,077       323,057 
The Redemption Reserve account is a distributable reserve account which can be 
used for, among other things, the payment of dividends, if any. The Directors 
do not recommend the payment of a dividend for the period. 
The Capital Redemption Reserve is used to cancel the shares of the Company when 
they are redeemed or there is a share buyback. 
Ordinary Shares carry the right to vote at general meetings of the Company and 
to receive dividends and, in a winding-up will participate in any surplus 
assets remaining after settlement of any outstanding liabilities of the 
Note 11  Reconciliation of Return on Ordinary Activities to Net Cash Inflow 
from Operating Activities 
                                                         30.06.2016     30.06.2015 
                                                            In U.S.        In U.S. 
                                                            Dollars        Dollars 
Revenue loss on ordinary activities for                   (356,258)       (78,070) 
the period 
Interest received                                                 -          (299) 
Dividends received                                      (1,731,104)    (1,274,158) 
Decrease in other                                           (7,590)              - 
(Decrease)/increase in other                                (9,483)        227,951 
Net cash outflow from operating                         (2,104,435)    (1,124,576) 
Note 12  Related Party Transactions 
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control 
the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in 
making financial or operational decisions. 
The Directors are responsible for the determination of the investment policy of 
the Company and have overall responsibility for the Company's activities. The 
Company's investment portfolio is managed by PAM(CI) (the "Manager") whose 
parent company is Prospect Co Ltd (Kabushiki Kaisha Prospect ("KKP"), a 
Japanese Company). 
Mr Rupert Evans is a Director of the Manager. 
Directors' fees are disclosed in note 5. The basic fee payable to Directors in 
2016 is GBP25,000 (US$33,420), the Chairman of the Audit Committee GBP27,500 
(US$36,762) and the Chairman of the Board GBP30,000 (US$40,104) per annum (2015: 
Directors GBP25,000, Chairman of the Audit Committee GBP27,500, Chairman GBP30,000). 
At 30 June, 2016, US$30,202 (2015: US$27,349) of the fee remained payable. 
No Directors holding office at 30 June, 2016, or their associates, had any 
beneficial interest in the Company's shares. There have been no changes in 
these interests between the end of the period and up to the date of this 
Mr. Curtis Freeze is a Director of PAM(CI), the Manager of The Prospect Japan 
Fund Limited, and is the President of Prospect Co Ltd., the owner of PAMI, the 
Investment Advisor to The Prospect Japan Fund Limited and PAM(CI), the Manager 
of The Prospect Japan Fund Limited. 
Management fees are disclosed in note 4. 
During 2015, the Company purchased SARs in Prospect Co. Ltd, the value of which 
is disclosed in note 7 under Unlisted Investments. During the period, the 
Company exercised 90 SARs. 
Note 13  Segmental Reporting 
                        The Board is responsible for reviewing the Company's 
entire portfolio and considers the business to have a single operating segment. 
The Board's asset allocation decisions are based on a single, integrated 
investment strategy, and the Company's performance is evaluated on an overall 
                        The Company invests in a diversified portfolio of 
Japanese investments. The total fair value of the financial instruments held by 
the Company, and the equivalent percentages of the total value of the Company, 
are reported in the Portfolio of Investments. 
                        Revenue earned is reported separately on the face of 
the Statement of Comprehensive Income as investment income being dividend 
income received from equities, and interest income being interest earned from 
convertible and corporate bonds. 
Note 14 Contingent asset 
The Company declined to tender its shares for Toho Real Estate, as the Company 
believed the true value to be considerably higher than that stated in the 
tender offer, and entered into an arbitration process. The Company has been 
involved in court proceedings with Toho Real Estate arising from the tender 
offer. In March 2015 the Company received notice from the court presiding over 
its petition that it had ruled in its favour. The court awarded the Company an 
aggregate amount of ¥121,600,000 (US$1.01 million). Although an improvement, 
this was still significantly discounted to the fair value of Toho Real Estate 
and as such, on 8 April, 2015 the Company filed an appeal against the ruling. 
On 30 March, 2016, the Company announced that the Tokyo High Court had ruled 
that the tender offer price for Toho Real Estate amounted to fair value and 
eliminated a previous award of ¥121,600,000 to the Company. The Company has 
filed an appeal to this ruling. 
                With regard to Yukiguni Maitake, the Company feels that a 
tender offer was unfair and feels that the shares were artificially depressed 
due to poor management, which resulted in an accounting violation around the 
payment of dividends. The holding bank sold into the TOB and realised the 
collateral at what the Company believes to be an unfair price. Alix Partners 
Asia LLC and Nera Economic Consulting have been engaged to provide valuations 
and although the results have not yet been received, the Company is convinced 
the premium paid by Bain was too small by far. Although at this point it would 
be difficult to put a per share value on it, the Company believes a premium 
closer to 40% vs. the 18.7% paid would be in line with the market. 
Note 15  Reconciliation of Published Valuation to Audited Financial Statements 
Prepared under IFRS 
                                                     30.06.2016      31.12.2015 
                                                        In U.S.         In U.S. 
                                                        Dollars         Dollars 
Net assets per Financial                            127,109,789     125,296,979 
Writeback of prior year uplift on Toho Real                   -       1,009,715 
Estate (note 14) 
Net assets per published valuation                  127,109,789     126,306,694 
NAV per share per Financial Statements (in               137.64          135.53 
NAV per share per published valuation (in                137.64          136.62 
Note 16  Subsequent Events 
These Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements were approved for issuance by 
the Board on 
18 August, 2016. Subsequent events have been evaluated until this date. 
No subsequent events have occurred from the Statement of Financial Position 
date up to 18 August, 2016. 
The Company is a close-ended investment company incorporated in Guernsey in 
November 1994 and was launched in December 1994 with an initial asset value of 
US$70 million. There are 92,352,602 Ordinary Shares in issue as at 30 June, 
2016. The Company's Ordinary Shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. 
The Ordinary Shares of the Company have not been registered under the United 
States Securities Act of 1933 or the United States Investment Companies Act of 
1940. Accordingly, none of the Ordinary Shares may be offered or sold directly 
or indirectly in the United States or to any United States persons (as defined 
in Regulation 'S' under the 1933 Act) other than in accordance with certain 
exemptions. Investment in the Company is suitable only for sophisticated 
investors and should be regarded as long-term. Past performance is no 
indication of future results. 
The Company is a FATCA compliant organisation with FATCA entity classification 
FFI and GIIN L0Q9R3.99999.SL.831. 
The Company also complies with the Common Reporting Standard ("CRS"). The CRS 
is a standard developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and 
Development ("OECD") and is a global approach to the automatic exchange of tax 
information. Guernsey has now adopted the CRS which came into effect on 1 
January 2016. 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to achieve long-term capital growth from 
a portfolio of securities primarily of smaller Japanese companies listed or 
traded on Japanese Stock Markets. The aim will be to achieve a long-term 
capital return on the Company's portfolio and dividend income will be a 
secondary consideration in making investment decisions. Although the Company is 
not managed to a benchmark, it measures its performance against the MSCI Japan 
Small Cap Index (Total Return) for comparison purposes only. 
Investment Restrictions 
The following investment restrictions were approved on 5 March, 2014, the 
Company will not: 
(i)        invest in securities carrying unlimited liability; or 
(ii)       deal short in securities; or 
(iii)      take legal or management control in investments in its portfolio; or 
(iv)      invest in any commodities, land or interests in land; or 
(v)       invest or lend more than 25% of its assets at the time the investment 
is made in securities of any one company or single issuer (other than 
obligations of the Japanese Government or its agencies or of the US Government 
or its agencies); or 
(vi)      invest more than 10% of its assets at the time the investment is made 
in closed-end investment funds which are listed on the Official List maintained 
by the Financial Conduct Authority (except to the extent that those investment 
funds have state investment policies to invest no more than 15% of their total 
assets in other investment funds which are listed on the Official List) and the 
Company will not invest more than 15% of its assets at the time the investment 
is made in such funds; or 
(vii)     invest more than 5% of its assets at the time the investment is made 
in unit trusts, shares or other forms of participation in managed open-ended 
investment vehicles; or 
(viii)    commit its assets in the purchase of foreign exchange contracts, 
financial futures contracts, put or call options or in the purchase of 
securities on margin other than in connection with or for the purpose of 
hedging transactions effected on behalf of the Company; or 
(ix)       enter into borrowings in excess of 20% of net assets at the time the 
borrowings are drawn down. 
NAV and Information 
The prices of Ordinary Shares and the latest NAV are published daily in the 
Financial Times. The price of the Ordinary Shares appears within the section of 
the London Share Service entitled "Investment Companies". 
Life of the Company 
From inception, the Directors have believed that Shareholders should be able to 
review the progress of the Company so that a decision can be taken as to 
whether Shareholders should have an opportunity of realising the Company's 
underlying investments. Accordingly, at the eighteenth Annual General Meeting 
of the Company held on 27 August, 2014, the Board included in the business to 
be considered by Shareholders a special resolution that the Company should be 
wound up. The resolution was not passed. The Board will include a similar 
resolution in the business to be considered at every third Annual General 
Meeting held. The next such resolution will be tabled at the Annual General 
Meeting to be held in 2017. 
Brief biographical details of the Directors are as follows: 
Rupert Evans, age 78, is a Guernsey advocate and former partner in the firm of 
the Guernsey legal advisors, Mourant Ozannes. He is now a consultant to Mourant 
Ozannes. He is a non-executive director of the Manager and of a number of 
investment companies. Mr Evans is resident in Guernsey. Mr Evans was appointed 
to the Board on 18 November, 1994. 
John Hawkins, age 73, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in 
England and Wales. He was formerly Executive Vice President and a member of the 
Corporate Office of The Bank of Bermuda Limited, with whom he spent many years 
in Asia. He retired from the Bank of Bermuda in 2001 after 25 years with the 
Group. He is a director of a range of funds which include hedge funds and 
equity funds investing in Japan and Asia. Mr Hawkins was appointed to the Board 
on 4 April, 2004. Mr Hawkins is resident in the United Kingdom. 
Richard Battey, age 64, is a qualified chartered accountant. He is a 
non-executive director of a number of investment companies and funds. Mr Battey 
joined the Schroder Group in December 1977 and was a director of Schroders 
(C.I.) Limited from April 1994 to December 2004, where he served as Finance 
Director and Chief Operating Officer, and was a director of Schroder Group 
Guernsey companies before retiring from his last Schroder directorship in 
December 2008. Mr Battey is resident in Guernsey. Mr Battey was appointed to 
the Board on 
10 February, 2010. 
Taxation Status 
The Company has obtained exemption from Guernsey Income Tax under The Income 
Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989. There is no capital gains tax 
in Guernsey. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 19, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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