25 October 2022                                                                                         LSE: PDL 
                            Petra Diamonds Limited 
                          Q1 FY 2023 Operating Update 
Petra reports strong operating results for the first quarter of FY 2023 
Richard Duffy, Chief Executive Officer of Petra, commented: 
"Petra continued its solid and safe operating performance into the first 
quarter of FY 2023. We maintain our production guidance for the year, although 
expect this will be towards the lower end of the range for Cullinan Mine and 
Finsch. We are very pleased with the successful tender offer for our bonds that 
has further strengthened our balance sheet through a reduction in gross debt of 
US$143.6m over the quarter which will save Petra some US$14m in annual interest 
  * LTIFR improved 48% YoY and 43% against Q4 FY 2022 to 0.16 
  * LTIs improved 40% YoY and 50% against Q4 FY 2022 to 3 
  * Ore processed increased 22% YoY due to the resumption of mining at 
    Williamson in Tanzania and in line with Q4 FY 2022 
  * Production was down 13% YoY to 763,220 carats due to lower grades at 
    Cullinan Mine and Finsch but 2% higher than Q4 FY 2022 
  * Guidance for FY 2023 remains unchanged, although production is now expected 
    to be at the lower end of guidance as discussed below 
  * Revenue amounted to US$104.3 million (Q1 FY 2022: US$114.9 million, Q4 FY 
    2022 US$179.8) 
      + Revenue includes US$1.4 million from Petra's 50% share in the profit 
        from the sale of polished stones cut from the 342.92 carat rough white 
        diamond sold into a partnership for US$10 million in August 2021 
  * Gross debt reduced by US$143.6 million during the quarter, with a further 
    US$1.0 million shortly after period end through the successful tender offer 
    to repurchase second lien notes 
Safety, sales              FY 2023                       FY 2022 
and production     Unit 
                          Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1        TOTAL 
LTIFR               -     0.16      0.33      0.18      0.06      0.31      0.22 
LTIs              Number  3         6         3         1         5         15 
Diamonds sold     Carats  520,011   1,205,240 735,225   1,017,665 578,186   3,536,316 
Revenue1           US$m   102.9     178.78    140.6     149.9     114.9     584.1 
Contribution       US$m   0.0       5.7       5.5       27.7      50.2      89.1 
from exceptional 
Safety, sales              FY 2023                       FY 2022 
and production     Unit 
                          Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1        TOTAL 
ROM tonnes        Tonnes  3,042,017 3,045,843 2,792,394 2,935,488 2,466,044 11,239,768 
Tailings and      Tonnes  105,715   65,628    112,414   122,699   115,593   416,334 
other tonnes 
Total tonnes      Tonnes  3,147,731 3,111,471 2,904,808 3,058,187 2,581,637 11,656,103 
ROM diamonds      Carats  733,014   717,373   780,896   839,643   810,346   3,148,258 
Tailings and      Carats  30,206    28,417    49,560    61,370    66,065    205,412 
other diamonds 
Total diamonds    Carats  763,220   745,790   830,456   901,013   876,411   3,353,670 
1 Revenue reflects proceeds from the sale of rough diamonds and excludes 
revenue from profit share arrangements (as noted in the text above) 
Strong and safe production 
  * LTI and LTIFR continued to improve due to the ongoing focus on identifying 
    and mitigating safety risks and behaviour-based intervention programmes 
  * Cullinan Mine mined and treated 1.1mt for the quarter. ROM grades were in 
    line with those achieved in Q4 FY 2022 at 33.2cpht. This is attributable to 
    a lower ROM grade resulting from the previously announced change in the ore 
    make-up of the C-Cut block cave footprint as the production progresses from 
    SW to NE due to cave maturity with a higher proportion of cave waste. 
    Various options are being considered to mitigate this impact. Production 
    guidance for the full year remains unchanged although this is now expected 
    to be towards the lower end of the range. 
  * Finsch tonnes from underground were negatively impacted by a S54 stoppage 
    notice (since been addressed) and lower tunnel availability on 73 and 75 
    levels. ROM grade benefited from enhanced drill, blast and draw controls 
    previously reported on, as well as certain changes effected in the 
    treatment plant. During the quarter, the implementation of the Business 
    Re-engineering (BRE) Project at Finsch progressed to match our cost base to 
    our revised production levels. Production guidance for the full year 
    remains unchanged, although this is expected to be towards the lower end of 
    the guidance range. 
  * Production at Williamson improved over the prior quarter (Q4 FY 2022), 
    bolstered by an increase in tonnes treated and grade. Full year production 
    guidance remaining unchanged. 
  * Petra has been exploring options for a responsible exit at Koffiefontein, 
    as the mine approaches the end of its mine plan. The sales process 
    announced in April 2022 however has not resulted in a potential buyer for 
    the mine and Petra is therefore exploring alternative options in close 
    consultation with its stakeholders. The impact on production guidance will 
    be confirmed once a decision on the way forward has been reached. 
Balance sheet further strengthened through successful debt tender offer 
  * Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2022: 
      + Consolidated net debt of US$77.6 million (30 June 2022: US$40.6 
        million), increasing in line with expectations due to the Company's 
        tender cycle and resultant inventory build during the quarter 
      + Gross cash of US$154.0 million (30 June 2022: US$288.2 million) and 
        unrestricted cash of US$138.2 million (30 June 2022: US$271.9 million) 
        reflecting the repurchase of the company's loan notes totalling 
        US$143.6 million during the Quarter, with a further US$1.0 million 
        shortly after period end. 
We continue to benefit from the operational improvements we have made across 
the business which provide for greater stability and resilience. We will 
continue to seek to mitigate the impact of the recent challenges experienced at 
Cullinan Mine and Finsch and remain confident in our ability to generate cash 
to fund capex, allow further deleveraging and the payment of dividends. 
While our operations have benefitted from a weaker Rand, we continue to closely 
monitor the current macro-economic uncertainties, particularly the impact of 
inflation on our cost base, and the impact of sanctions on Russian producers as 
well as the ongoing implications of COVID-19 on demand in China. The backdrop 
of structural changes to the supply and demand fundamentals in the diamond 
market remains unchanged and we anticipate it to remain supportive going 
forward, although we expect some short-term volatility driven largely by the 
ongoing lockdowns in China. 
We have extended the closing of our second sales tender for FY 2023 for a 
portion of our gem and near gem quality goods, particularly in the +1ct to 5ct 
size ranges, as a result of unusual market conditions with some build up in 
inventory pre-Diwali. Pricing in other size categories are in line with 
expectations. We will confirm the sales results for this tender around 
mid-November. This extension is not currently expected to have any impact on 
the closing of our third sales tender. 
09:30am and 16:00 BST today 
Petra's CEO, Richard Duffy, and CFO, Jacques Breytenbach, will host calls today 
to discuss this trading update at 09:30 and 16:00 BST. 
Registration for calls: 
United Kingdom                0800 640 6441 
South Africa                      087 550 8441 
United States (Local)        1 646 664 1960 
All other locations             +44 20 3936 2999 
09:30:  Access code:         511492 
16:00:  Access code:         342891 
Press *1 to ask a question, *2 to withdraw your question, or *0 for operator 
Link for recording (available later today): 
Investor Meet webcast at 11.30 BST 
Petra will present the results on the Investor Meet Company platform, 
predominantly aimed at retail investors. To join:  https:// 
Please contact 
Petra Diamonds, London 
Telephone: +44 207494 8203 
Patrick Pittaway 
Julia Stone 
 1. The following definitions have been used in this announcement: 
 a. Exceptional Stones: diamonds with a valuation and selling price of US$5m or 
    more per stone 
 b. cpht: carats per hundred tonnes 
 c. LTIs: lost time injuries 
 d. LTIFR: lost time injury frequency rate, calculated as the number of LTIs 
    multiplied by 200,000 and divided by the number of hours worked 
 e. FY: financial year 
 f. Q: quarter of the financial year 
 g. ROM: run-of-mine (i.e. production from the primary orebody) 
 h. m: million 
Petra Diamonds is a leading independent diamond mining group and a supplier of 
gem quality rough diamonds to the international market. The Company's portfolio 
incorporates interests in three underground producing mines in South Africa 
(Finsch, Cullinan Mine and Koffiefontein) and one open pit mine in Tanzania 
Petra's strategy is to focus on value rather than volume production by 
optimising recoveries from its high-quality asset base in order to maximise 
their efficiency and profitability. The Group has a significant resource base 
of ca. 226.6 million carats, which supports the potential for long-life 
Petra strives to conduct all operations according to the highest ethical 
standards and only operates in countries which are members of the Kimberley 
Process. The Company aims to generate tangible value for each of its 
stakeholders, thereby contributing to the socio-economic development of its 
host countries and supporting long-term sustainable operations to the benefit 
of its employees, partners and communities. 
Petra is quoted with a premium listing on the Main Market of the London Stock 
Exchange under the ticker 'PDL'. The Company's loan notes due in 2026 are 
listed on the Irish Stock Exchange and admitted to trading on the Global 
Exchange Market. For more information, visit www.petradiamonds.com. 
Corporate and financial summary 30 September 2022 
                     Unit        As at 30 September            As at 30 June 
                                        2022                        2022 
Cash at bank -       US$m              154.0                       288.2 
Diamond debtors      US$m               4.2                         37.4 
Diamond              US$m               76.3                        52.7 
inventories2,3      Carats            692,219                     453,380 
2026 US$336.7m       US$m              235.8                       366.2 
loan notes4 
Bank loans and       US$m                -                           - 
Consolidated Net     US$m               77.6                        40.6 
Bank facilities      US$m               55.1                        61.5 
undrawn and 
Note:  The following exchange rates have been used for this announcement: 
average for Q1 FY 2023 US$1: ZAR17.02 (FY 2022: US$1: ZAR15.22); closing rate 
as at 30 September 2022 US$1: ZAR18.15 (30 June 2022: US$1: ZAR16.27). 
 1. The Group's cash balances comprise unrestricted balances of US$138.2 
    million, and restricted balances of US$15.8m. 
 2. Recorded at the lower of cost and net realisable value. 
 3. Diamond inventories includes the Williamson 71,654.45 carat parcel of 
    diamonds blocked for export during August 2017, with a carrying value of 
    US$12.5 million. Under the framework agreement reached with the Government 
    of Tanzania, as announced on 13 December 2021, the proceeds from the sale 
    of this parcel are required to be allocated to Williamson. 
 4. The 2026 US$336.7m loan notes, originally issued following the capital 
    restructuring (the "Restructuring") completed during March 2021, have a 
    carrying value of US$235.8 million which represents the outstanding 
    principal amount of US$211.1 million (after the early participation phase 
    of the debt tender offer as announced on 27 September 2022) plus US$38.7 
    million of accrued interest and net of unamortised transaction costs 
    capitalised of US$14.0 million. Post period end, as announced on 12 October 
    2022, a further US$1.0 million was repurchased in the final phase of the 
    tender offer comprising, US$0.9 million (principal amount) and US$0.1 
    million of accrued interest. 
 5. Bank loans and borrowings represent the Group's ZAR1 billion revolving 
    credit facility which remains undrawn and available. 
 6. Consolidated Net Debt is bank loans and borrowings plus loan notes, less 
    cash and diamond debtors. 
Mine-by-mine tables: 
Cullinan Mine - South Africa 
                             FY 2023                       FY 2022 
                            Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1        TOTAL 
Revenue             US$m    56.9      81.0      73.7      74.9      92.8      322.4 
Diamonds sold       Carats  267,728   617,677   409,030   500,008   372,296   1,899,011 
Average price per   US$     212       131       180       150       249       170 
ROM Production 
Tonnes treated      Tonnes  1,110,912 1,090,897 1,053,631 1,099,644 1,207,343 4,451,515 
Diamonds produced   Carats  368,796   362,249   404,473   411,236   431,967   1,609,925 
Grade1              Cpht    33.2      33.2      38.4      37.4      35.8      36.2 
Tailings Production 
Tonnes treated      Tonnes  77,572    62,844    112,414   122,699   115,593   413,550 
Diamonds produced   Carats  26,790    28,056    49,560    61,369    66,065    205,050 
Grade1              Cpht    34.5      44.6      44.1      50.0      57.2      49.6 
Total Production 
Tonnes treated      Tonnes  1,188,484 1,153,741 1,166,045 1 222,343 1,322,936 4,865,065 
Diamonds produced   Carats  395,586   390,305   454,033   472,605   498,032   1,814,975 
Note: 1. Petra is not able to precisely measure the ROM / tailings grade split 
because ore from both sources is processed through the same plant; the Company 
therefore back-calculates the grade with reference to resource grades. 
Finsch - South Africa 
                               FY 2023                       FY 2022 
                               Q1       Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1        TOTAL 
Revenue              US$m      23.4     60.9      39.2      46.4      19.3      165.7 
Diamonds sold        Carats    177,285  467,195   259,164   474,643   201,652   1,402,654 
Average price per    US$       132      130       151       98        96        118 
ROM Production 
Tonnes treated       Tonnes    572,976  650,670   656,408   721,741   701,378   2,730,197 
Diamonds produced    Carats    260,217  269,828   303,591   351,174   350,368   1,274,961 
Grade                Cpht      45.4     41.5      46.3      48.7      50.0      46.7 
Tailings Production 
Tonnes treated       Tonnes    17,305   2,785     -         -         -         2,785 
Diamonds produced    Carats    3,160    362       -         -         -         362 
Grade1               Cpht      18.3     13.0      -         -         -         13.0 
Total Production 
Tonnes treated       Tonnes    590,281  653,454   656,408   721,741   701,378   2,732,982 
Diamonds produced    Carats    263,377  270,190   303,591   351,174   350,368   1,275,323 
Note: 1. Petra is not able to precisely measure the ROM / tailings grade split 
because ore from both sources is processed through the same plant; the Company 
therefore back-calculates the grade with reference to resource grades. 
Williamson - Tanzania 
                             FY 2023                       FY 2022 
                            Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1        TOTAL 
Revenue            US$m     21.2      22.4      55.7      20.2      -         75.9 
Diamonds sold      Carats   71,295    110,386   60,759    26,611    -         197,756 
Average price per  US$      297       301       369       760       -         384 
ROM Production 
Tonnes treated     Tonnes   1,309,359 1,231,082 1,005,901 988,978   365,138   3,591,099 
Diamonds produced  Carats   100,750   80,194    65,003    68,453    14,420    228,070 
Grade              Cpht     7.7       6.5       6.5       6.9       3.9       6.4 
Total Production 
Tonnes treated     Tonnes   1,309,359 1,231,082 1,005,901 988,978   365,138   3,591,099 
Diamonds produced  Carats   100,750   80,194    65,003    68,453    14,420    228,070 
Koffiefontein - South Africa 
                               FY 2023                       FY 2022 
                               Q1       Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1        TOTAL 
Revenue              US$m      1.4      5.0       5.4       8.3       2.8       21.5 
Diamonds sold        Carats    3,703    10,043    6,269     16,400    4,238     36,950 
Average price per    US$       383      500       856       505       664       581 
ROM Production 
Tonnes treated       Tonnes    48,770   73,194    76,453    125,126   192,184   466,957 
Diamonds produced    Carats    3,253    5,101     7,829     8,780     13,592    35,302 
Grade1               Cpht      6.7      7.0       10.2      7.0       7.1       7.6 
Tailings Production 
Tonnes treated       Tonnes    10,837   -         -         -         -         - 
Diamonds produced    Carats    255      -         -         -         -         - 
Grade1               Cpht      2.4      -         -         -         -         - 
Total Production 
Tonnes treated       Tonnes    59,607   73,194    76,453    125,126   192,184   466,957 
Diamonds produced    Carats    3,508    5,101     7,829     8,780     13,592    35,302 
Note: 1. Petra is not able to precisely measure the ROM / tailings grade split 
because ore from both sources is processed through the same plant; the Company 
therefore back-calculates the grade with reference to resource grades. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 25, 2022 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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