RNS Number : 3907N

Equatorial Palm Oil plc

18 May 2015

18 May 2015


("EPO" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2015

Equatorial Palm Oil plc (AIM: PAL), the AIM listed palm oil production company with operations in Liberia, West Africa, announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2015 (the "Period").

Highlights for the Period:

-- Liberia was declared free from Ebola by the Government of Liberia and the World Health Organisation on 9 May 2015

   --      No instances of Ebola occurred on any of the Company sites in Liberia 
   --      EPO continues to work with all stakeholders for the prevention of Ebola 

-- US$20.5m loan secured for the Company's 50 per cent. owned joint venture operating company, Liberian Palm Developments Limited ("LPD")

-- EPO commits to High Carbon Stock ("HCS") Study to provide clear parameters for the establishment of new plantations

Michael Frayne, Non-executive Chairman of Equatorial Palm Oil plc commented:

"The outbreak of Ebola in 2014 made it a very challenging time for our business. It is a credit to all the hard work of our employees that we had no instances of Ebola on our estates, and we are delighted to hear that the World Health Organisation has now declared Liberia as free from Ebola. Working with the government and the health NGOs we will continue with all the necessary precautions to combat this disease.

"We are delighted to have signed a loan agreement with KLK Agro Plantations Pte Ltd for the provision of US$20.5m in loan funding to LPD. This funding will allow us to continue with the large scale planting program at both our estates.

"Our goal of becoming a sustainable and efficient producer of oil palm products is back on track and we are encouraged from the continual support of the communities in which we operate who want to re-invigorate the Liberian agricultural industry through the development of the oil palm industry."

  For further information, please contact: 
   Equatorial Palm Oil plc 
   Geoffrey Brown (Executive Director)            +44 (0) 20 7493 
   www.epoil.co.uk                                7671 
  Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated Adviser)     +44 (0) 20 7409 
   James Harris / James Bellman                  3494 
  Mirabaud Securities LLP (Broker)              +44 (0) 20 7484 
   Peter Krens                                   3510 


The Company focussed on further progress of its oil palm assets in Liberia, West Africa, and setting the foundations for its large scale development. EPO has a 50:50 joint venture ("JV") share with Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad ("KLK") in all the oil palm assets held by Liberian Palm Developments Limited ("LPD"), the JV company.

Liberian Palm Developments Limited


On 9 May 2015, Liberia was declared free from Ebola by the Government of Liberia and the World Health Organisation after 42 days without a new case of the virus which killed more than 4,700 people in Liberia during the year-long epidemic.

Celebrations were somewhat muted by thoughts for those affected by the terrible disease, and medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres has urged vigilance until the Ebola outbreak, the worst in recorded history, has also been extinguished in neighbouring Guinea and Sierra Leone.

EPO had no instances of Ebola on or around our operations at Palm Bay and Butaw estates. EPO will continue to communicate with the Government of Liberia and major health NGO's in relation to the virus, in addition to taking a proactive role to ensure the Ebola outbreak does not reappear. The Company has contributed medical supplies to key health agencies in Liberia and, locally, has engaged in information and education campaigns run from the two health clinics established at our sites.

EPO is mindful of the significant impact the Ebola virus has had throughout West Africa, with at least 10,000 people having died since the outbreak first began last year. Although there has been a significant reduction in the number of instances of infection from the virus, the biggest risk perceived by governments and health organisations is now one of complacency, and EPO is continuing to adhere to stringent preventative and precautionary measures at all our sites in accordance with guidelines set by the Government of Liberia in order to prevent both the introduction of the disease and the prevention of infection.

Despite the stringent precautions taken and avoidance of the Ebola virus at our estates, the Ebola crisis had a significant impact on the operations at our concessions due to restrictions on the free movement of people implemented by the Government of Liberia in order to contain the virus and closure of the schools we operate on our estates, which were only reopened on 23 March 2015.

We currently have over 1,500 persons employed of whom 12 are expatriate staff. No expatriate employees requested to leave the country because of Ebola. During the height of the Ebola crisis all our staff were kept in employment even though our operations were very much restricted.

Funding of LPD

On 27 January 2015, EPO announced that LPD had entered into a US$20.5m loan agreement with KLK Agro Plantations Pte Ltd ("KLK Agro") (the "Loan Agreement"), a wholly owned subsidiary of KLK, for the operations and funding for LPD. The term of the Loan Agreement is 5 years and the interest rate is 3-months USD LIBOR + 5 per cent. per annum.

LPD will commence discussions with development funding institutions and other commercial banks to secure longer term debt funding in due course.

HCS Study

Alongside other major industry groups including KLK and Sime Darby, EPO, as a subsidiary of KLK, is taking part in a global independent study focussing on responsible land usage by palm oil operators.

Study conclusions are expected to provide clear parameters for the establishment of new plantations in non-arable areas. The key objectives of the study are to:

   (i)    clearly define what constitutes a HCS forest; 
   (ii)   provide practical guidance on how to delineate HCS forests on the ground; and 

(iii) establish thresholds for HCS that take account of regional socio-economic conditions and opportunities.

As part of our commitment to the global process, EPO will not develop any new areas of land during the period of the study.

EPO still intends to plant 1,000 hectares before the end of September 2015. This land was previously planted with oil palm before the Liberian civil wars and cleared for replanting in 2014, but due to the outbreak of the Ebola virus has not yet been planted.

Corporate social responsibility ("CSR") and Sustainability

During the Period, EPO launched a dedicated micro website for its sustainability and CSR activities. The micro website link can be found on the home page of the EPO website (www.epoil.co.uk) and will allow users to keep abreast of EPO's commitment to sustainability and CSR. Relevant articles, photos and videos are posted and updated, including information on EPO's reaction to the Ebola crisis.

Sustainability is a long term objective for EPO. Having become a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ("RSPO") in 2007, EPO has consistently adopted best practices and procedures to ensure that the CPO ("Crude Palm Oil") produced from our new plantings will meet with international sustainability standards, thereby enabling our CPO to be labelled "sustainable" palm oil.

LPD continues to provide health clinics, schools, housing, roads, infrastructure and clean drinking water to the communities in and around the areas where we operate.

Financial review

The loss of the Group for the six months ended 31 March 2015 of US$439,000 (30 June 2014: US$745,000) was in line with expectations. Cash held by the Group as at 31 March 2015 was US$1.4 million (30 September 2014: US$2.1 million).

Summary and Outlook

The Company is in a strong position, being well funded in order to pursue its long-term strategy of becoming a leading producer of palm oil in West Africa.

The key to the real growth of our business going forward is to strive to consistently plant up to 3,000 ha each year. I have the utmost confidence in the senior management team of LPD to drive forward this major objective and to deliver value and growth to shareholders.

Michael Frayne


18 May 2015



We have been engaged by the Company to review the set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 March 2015 which comprises the group statement of comprehensive income, the group statement of financial position, the group cash flow statement, the group statement of changes in equity and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the set of financial statements.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of and has been approved by the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM which require that the half-yearly report be presented and prepared in a form consistent with that which will be adopted in the company's annual accounts having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual accounts.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review. Our report has been prepared in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM and for no other purpose. No person is entitled to rely on this report unless such a person is a person entitled to rely upon this report by virtue of and for the purpose of our terms of engagement or has been expressly authorised to do so by our prior written consent. Save as above, we do not accept responsibility for this report to any other person or for any other purpose and we hereby expressly disclaim any and all such liability.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity", issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 March 2015 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM.


Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors


United Kingdom

BDO LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registered number OC305127).




                                               Period ended     Period ended     Period ended 
                                                   31 March     30 June 2014     30 September 
                                                       2015                              2014 
                                       Note     (unaudited)      (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                                      $'000            $'000            $'000 
  Revenue                                                 -                -                - 
  Administrative expenses                             (458)            (628)            (858) 
  Share options expense                 5                 -                -                - 
  Operating loss                                      (458)            (628)            (858) 
                                             --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Interest income                                       230              206              313 
  Other income                                           34                -                - 
  Share of operating loss 
   of associate (2013 - joint 
   venture)                             3             (245)            (323)            (598) 
  Loss for the period before 
   and after taxation attributable 
   to owners of the parent                            (439)            (745)          (1,143) 
                                             --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Other comprehensive income 
  Exchange gains/(losses) 
   arising on translation 
   of foreign operations                               (65)              316               88 
                                             --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Total comprehensive income 
   for the period attributable 
   to owners of the parent                            (504)            (429)          (1,055) 
                                             --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Loss per share expressed 
   in cents per share 
  - Basic & diluted                     2       (0.1) cents      (0.2) cents      (0.3) cents 



AS AT 31 MARCH 2015

                                           31 March 2015    30 September 
                                             (unaudited)       (audited) 
                                                   $'000           $'000 
  Non-current assets 
  Investment in associate 
   (2013 - joint venture)           3             24,366          24,611 
  Receivables from associate 
   (2013 - joint venture)                          5,826           5,537 
                                                  30,192          30,148 
                                         ---------------  -------------- 
  Current assets 
  Trade and other receivables                         80              67 
  Cash & cash equivalents                          1,400           2,061 
                                         ---------------  -------------- 
                                                   1,480           2,128 
  Current liabilities 
  Trade and other payables                            13             113 
                                                      13             113 
                                         ---------------  -------------- 
  Net current assets                               1,467           2,015 
                                         ---------------  -------------- 
  NET ASSETS                                      31,659          32,163 
                                         ===============  ============== 
  Share capital                     4              5,598           5,598 
  Share premium                                   46,791          46,791 
  Warrant and option reserve        5                490             729 
  Foreign exchange reserve                           644             709 
  Retained loss                                 (21,864)        (21,664) 
  Total equity                                    31,659          32,163 
                                         ===============  ============== 




                                             Period ended     Period ended     Period ended 
                                            31 March 2015     30 June 2014     30 September 
                                              (unaudited)      (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                                    $'000            $'000            $'000 
  Cash flows from operating activities 
  Loss for the year before and 
   after taxation                                   (439)            (745)          (1,143) 
  Decrease/(increase) in receivables                    7               70               61 
  Increase/(decrease) in payables                   (100)             (96)            (282) 
  Write down of loan to joint venture                   -                -                - 
  Share options expensed                                -                -                - 
  Interest income                                   (230)            (206)            (313) 
  Other income                                       (34)                -                - 
  Operating expenses settled in                         -                -                - 
  Share of operating loss of joint 
   venture                                            245              323              598 
  Net cash outflow from operating 
   activities                                       (551)            (654)          (1,079) 
                                         ----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Cash flows from investing activities 
  Funds invested in and loaned 
   to associate/joint venture                        (61)          (7,630)          (7,574) 
  Interest income received                              2                -                - 
  Other income received                                14                -                - 
  Net cash outflow from investing 
   activities                                        (45)          (7,630)          (7,574) 
                                         ----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Cash flows from financing activities 
  Issue of ordinary share capital                       -              262              262 
  Net cash inflow from financing 
   activities                                           -              262              262 
                                         ----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
   and cash equivalents                             (596)          (8,022)          (8,391) 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 
   beginning of period                              2,061           10,364           10,364 
  Exchange gains/(losses) on cash 
   and cash equivalents                              (65)              316               88 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 
   end of period                                    1,400            2,658            2,061 
                                         ----------------  ---------------  --------------- 




                                Called                       Foreign         Warrant 
                              up share    Share premium     exchange      and option     Retained      Total equity 
                               capital          reserve      reserve         reserve     earnings 
                                 $'000            $'000        $'000           $'000        $'000             $'000 
  As at 1 January 
   2014                          5,565           46,562          621           1,810     (21,602)            32,956 
  Share capital issued              33              229            -               -            -               262 
  Cost of share issue 
   including warrants 
   issued                            -                -            -         (1,081)        1,081                 - 
  Total comprehensive 
   income for the period             -                -          316               -        (745)             (429) 
  As at 30 June 2014             5,598           46,791          937             729     (21,266)            32,789 
                           -----------  ---------------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------------- 
  As at 1 January 
   2014                          5,565           46,562          621           1,810     (21,602)            32,956 
  Share capital issued              33              229            -               -            -               262 
  Cost of share issue 
   including warrants 
   issued                            -                -            -         (1,081)        1,081                 - 
  Total comprehensive 
   income for the period             -                -           88               -      (1,143)           (1,055) 
  As at 30 September 
   2014                          5,598           46,791          709             729     (21,664)            32,163 
                           -----------  ---------------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------------- 
  Share capital issued               -                -            -               -            -                 - 
  Expiry of warrants 
   and options                       -                -            -           (239)          239                 - 
  Total comprehensive 
   income for the period             -                -         (65)               -        (439)             (504) 
  As at 31 March 2015            5,598           46,791          644             490     (21,864)            31,659 
                           -----------  ---------------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ---------------- 




   1.     Basis of preparation 

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared using policies based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS and IFRIC interpretations) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") as adopted for use in the EU. They do not include all disclosures that would otherwise be required in a complete set of financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the 2014 Annual Report. The financial information for the half year ended 31 March 2015 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434(3) of the Companies Act 2006 and is unaudited.

The annual financial statements of Equatorial Palm Oil plc are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The comparative financial information for the period ended 30 September 2014 included within this report does not constitute the full statutory accounts for that period. The statutory Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2014 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Independent Auditors' Report on that Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2014 was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are followed in these condensed consolidated financial statements as were applied in the Group's latest annual audited financial statements. In addition, the IASB has issued a number of IFRS and IFRIC amendments or interpretations since the last annual report was published. It is not expected that any of these will have a material impact on the Group.

   2.     Loss per share 

The basic loss per share is derived by dividing the loss for the Period attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue.

As inclusion of the potential Ordinary shares would result in a decrease in the loss per share they are considered to be anti-dilutive, as such, a diluted earnings per share is not included.

                                                        Period ended             Period ended             Period ended 
                                                       31 March 2015             30 June 2014        30 September 2014 
                                                         (unaudited)              (unaudited)                (audited) 
                                                               $'000                    $'000                    $'000 
    Loss for the period                                        (439)                    (745)                  (1,143) 
    Weighted average number of Ordinary 
     shares of 1p in issue                             356.3 million            355.0 million            355.4 million 
      Loss per share - basic                             (0.1) cents              (0.2) cents              (0.3) cents 
   3.     Investment in associate (2013 - joint venture) 

The Company, through its investment in Equatorial Biofuels (Guernsey) Limited, owns a 50% interest in Liberian Palm Developments Limited ("LPD").

During the prior period, a new Joint Venture Agreement ("JVA") was signed pursuant to which cash and funding commitments of up to $35.5m were made available to be provided to LPD. Under the JVA, the Company retained a 50% economic and voting interest in LPD. Also under the JVA, KLK has the power to appoint the Chairman to the Board of LPD and in the case of a tied vote the Chairman has the casting vote. For this reason, the Company accounts for its investment in LPD as an equity investment in which it has significant influence.

During the period LPD entered into a $20.5m loan agreement ("Loan Agreement") with KLK Agro Plantations Pte Ltd ("KLK Agro"), a wholly owned subsidiary of KLK, for operations and funding. The term of the Loan Agreement is 5 years and the interest rate is 3-months USD LIBOR plus 5 per cent per annum.

The Company's interest in LPD is as follows:

  Interest in joint venture at 1 January 
   2014                                                               17,708 
  Investment in associate                                              7,630 
  Share of losses of associate                                         (323) 
  Interest in associate at 30 June 2014                               25,015 
  Interest in joint venture at 1 January 
   2014                                                               17,708 
  Investment in associate                                              7,500 
  Share of losses of joint venture                                     (598) 
  Interest in joint venture at 30 September 
   2014                                                               24,611 
  Interest in joint venture at 1 October 
   2014                                                               24,611 
  Share of losses of associate                                         (245) 
  Interest in associate at 31 March 2015                              24,366 

The results of Liberian Palm Developments Limited for the period of six months to 31 March 2015 were as follows:

                               31 March        30 June     30 September 
                                   2015           2014             2014 
                                  $'000          $'000            $'000 
  Non-current assets             67,814         49,100           54,903 
  Current assets                  5,475         17,343           11,989 
  Non-current liabilities             -              -         (14,884) 
  Current liabilities          (24,763)       (16,413)          (1,976) 
  TOTAL NET ASSETS               48,526         50,030           49,222 
  Income                             15             30              105 
  Expenses                        (506)          (675)          (1,300) 
  Loss after tax                  (491)          (645)          (1,195) 
   4.     Called up share capital 
                                          Period ended     Period ended     Period ended 
                                              31 March     30 June 2014     30 September 
                                                  2015                              2014 
   Allotted, called up and fully paid            $'000            $'000            $'000 
--------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
    356,277,502 (30 September 2014 - 
    356,277,502) Ordinary shares of 
    1p each                                      5,598            5,598            5,598 
--------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
   5.     Share based payments 


Details of the warrants outstanding during the Period are as follows:

                                        Number of     average exercise 
                                         warrants                price 
   Outstanding at 1 January 2014       30,915,347                 9.0p 
   Exercised during the period        (1,950,000)                 8.0p 
   Expired during the period         (10,000,000)                 8.0p 
                                   --------------  ------------------- 
   Outstanding and exercisable 
    at 30 September 2014               18,965,347                 9.6p 
   Outstanding and exercisable 
    at 1 October 2014                  18,965,347                 9.6p 
   Exercised during the period                  -                    - 
   Expired during the period          (2,198,757)                17.5p 
                                   --------------  ------------------- 
   Outstanding and exercisable 
    at 31 March 2015                   16,766,590                 8.6p 

As at 31 March 2015 the following warrants to subscribe for Ordinary Shares were outstanding:

  Category                         Over Number of Ordinary     Expiry Date 
  Apr-15 Warrants, exercisable                  11,950,000    6 April 2015 
   at 8.0p 
  Jul-16 Warrants, exercisable                   4,816,590    16 July 2016 
   at 10.0p 
  Total                                         16,766,590 

Share options

Details of the expired options during the Period are as follows:

                          Outstanding        Expired    Outstanding    Exercisable 
                                   at     during the             at             at 
                            1 October         period       31 March       31 March 
                                 2014                          2015           2015 
----------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Options exercisable 
   at 17.5p                 2,198,757    (2,198,757)              -              - 
   6.     Availability of financial information 

Copies of this interim financial information will be available on the Company's website at www.epoil.co.uk.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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