RNS Number : 0765W 
Oryx International Growth Fund Ld 
22 July 2009 
Replacement - website link corrected. 
The period under review represented as challenging a time for fund managers as 
anyone can remember. This particularly applied to the smaller companies sector 
where valuations were marked down indiscriminately with no regard to either the 
performance of the company or its future prospects. This applied to your 
Company's portfolio with a consequence that net assets fell during the period by 
37% of which nearly 16% occurred in the first half. 
While this erosion of value is disappointing, it is interesting to note that 
where transactions took place, as they did in several cases within the 
portfolio, they were done at good prices and in all cases represented a healthy 
profit over book value. 
However, as the investment process undertaken by North Atlantic is structured 
around companies where detailed research has been undertaken and in many cases a 
strategy developed to realise value for shareholders, your Board is confident 
that the portfolio has within it a resilience which, as market conditions move 
back towards normality, will allow some of the value lost over the last eighteen 
months to be made up. It will be a difficult period as the green shoots so 
confidently predicted by some commentators could easily shrivel in the light of 
the uncertainties that abound across the economy and the political arena. 
We have been using the powers granted at the last AGM to acquire shares. During 
the last six months, 1,065,824 shares have been purchased which has resulted in 
the discount closing to the still too wide 18.88% at 31 May 2009. The Company 
will seek to renew these powers at the next AGM. In line with our policy, no 
dividend will be paid for the period. 
Nigel Cayzer 
21 July 2009 
During the twelve month period under review the Net Asset Value of the fund fell 
by 37.2% as compared to a fall in the FTSE Small Cap of 42.5%. Equity market 
conditions can only be described as extremely difficult as the severe recession 
started to decimate profits, liquidity in smaller companies fell to zero and 
some institutions became significant sellers following redemptions in their 
Our strategy during this period has been to focus on securing realisations of 
our investments and maintaining cash balances. 
UK Portfolio 
Despite the market turmoil Whatman, Tinopolis, and Servis IT were all acquired, 
whilst post the year end Electronic Data Processing has effectively been taken 
over as a result of a large self tender. Unfortunately other stocks such as 
Gleeson, Inspired Gaming, Georgica and Payzone (which was sold) performed very 
poorly in the period. Good performance by Celsis, which was the only significant 
new purchase in the last twelve months and Telecom Plus, which was sold, were 
not enough to offset these losses. It is however important to note that most 
companies in the portfolio have reported profits basically in line with 
expectations, so the decline in the portfolio reflects market conditions rather 
than company specific problems. 
US Portfolio 
This part of the fund benefited from the takeover of Meadow Valley and an 
improvement in the US Dollar. The portfolio as a whole was sold at a value in 
excess of that reported in the 2008 accounts. 
Unquoted Portfolio 
This also performed well despite the need to write off part of the investment. 
Primesco and Motherwell Bridge were both sold at a premium to the prior year 
valuation and at a GBP1,800,000 premium to cost. Orthoplastics achieved 
outstanding results with profits up nearly 70% resulting in an uplift in value, 
whilst Bionostics and PVC both benefited from the strength of the Dollar. Avanti 
continues to perform in line with expectations and a further GBP380,000 of 
interest was accrued. 
The market recovered sharply in April, however this was mainly due to Financials 
and Mining where the fund has no exposure. Nevertheless the Net Asset Value has 
shown a reasonable recovery. Furthermore a number of the Fund's larger 
acquisitions are in discussions with a view to be acquired and this should 
assist performance in the current year. Cash balances are around 7.5% of gross 
assets which provides flexibility for new investments and to continue the 
Board's policy of buying back shares when appropriate. 
Finally, although the stock market is showing signs of recovery, the reality is 
that the economy is still extremely weak, house prices are falling and 
Government debt is out of control. In these circumstances stock selection rather 
than a benign market will remain the most important factor for securing any 
meaningful improvement in the Net Asset Value. 
North Atlantic Value LLP 
21 July 2009 
as at 31 March 2009 
Bavaria Industriekapital AG 
Cost GBP2,118,718 (235,000 shares) 
Market value GBP2,525,093 representing 6.35% of Net Asset Value 
Bavaria is a small German industrial holding company. The company has no debt 
and substantial cash balances. At 31 March 2009 the shares were trading on a 
very low price earnings ratio with a yield of circa 23%. 
Journey Group Plc 
Cost GBP4,925,014 (53,314,341 shares) 
Market value GBP2,399,145 representing 6.03% of Net Asset Value 
The company is a supplier of catering and media services to the UK airline 
industry. The Company also has operations in the United States. 
Celsis International Plc 
Cost GBP2,194,745 (1,500,000 shares) 
Market value GBP2,370,000 representing 5.96% of Net Asset Value 
Celsis is a world leader in the testing of liquid pathogens and the cryogenic 
storing of human livers for laboratory testing. The Company has no debt and 
results released at the end of March were in line with expectations. 
Orthoplastics Limited 
Cost GBP854,964 (275 shares) 
Market value GBP2,200,000 representing 5.53% of Net Asset Value 
Orthoplastics is one of two companies in the world capable of manufacturing 
advanced plastic materials to the orthopedics industry. In addition the company 
has a successful and rapidly growing plastic components for the same industry. 
Orthoplastics had an outstanding year to end March 2009 with profits up circa 
70%. The profit expectation for the current year is for a further 30% increase. 
Since the year end the company has made an acquisition which will give good 
exposure to metal components used by the orthopedics industry. 
Dialight Plc 
Cost GBP2,744,988 (1,800,000 shares) 
Market value GBP2,016,000 representing 5.07% of Net Asset Value 
The company is the world leader in LED lighting applications for applications 
excluding consumer appliances. LED lighting has significant energy and 
environmental benefits and demand is expected to grow strongly over the next 
five years. The company is profitable and has no current debt. 
RPC Group Plc 
Cost GBP3,959,189 (1,750,000 shares) 
Market value GBP2,012,500 representing 5.06% of Net Asset Value 
RPC is the largest company in Europe manufacturing plastic packaging for the 
food, health and beauty industries. A new chairman has recently been appointed. 
Electronic Data Processing PLC ("EDP") 
Cost GBP2,609,049 (4,264,587 shares) 
Market value GBP1,961,710 representing 4.93% of Net Asset Value 
EDP is a computer services company. The company completed a tender offer at 50p 
per share subsequent to the end of the period. The Company now has no investment 
in EDP. 
Quarto Group Inc 
Cost GBP2,470,609 (2,050,000 shares) 
Market value GBP1,496,500 representing 3.76% of Net Asset Value 
Quarto is the world's largest publisher of 'coffee table' books, but also has 
more traditional publishing operations. 
BBA Aviation plc 
Cost GBP4,416,793 (1,750,000 shares) 
Market value GBP1,435,000 representing 3.61% of Net Asset Value 
BBA Aviation is a leading provider of flight support and aftermarket services 
and systems to the aviation industry. 
Avanti Communications Plc 
Cost GBP1,538,107 (750,000 shares) 
Market value GBP1,320,000 representing 3.32% of Net Asset Value 
Avanti is launching a communications satellite into space early in 2010. The 
majority of Company's investment is in the senior debt which yields LIBOR + 
1000bp. Early bookings to date for the satellite are extremely encouraging. 
The Company principally invests in small and mid-size quoted and unquoted 
companies in the United Kingdom and United States. The Investment Manager 
targets companies that have fundamentally strong business models but where there 
may be specific factors which are constraining the maximisation or realisation 
of shareholder value, which may be realised through the pursuit of an activist 
shareholder agenda by the Investment Manager. Dividend income is a secondary 
consideration when making investment decisions. 
Achieving the Investment Policy 
The investment approach of the Investment Manager is characterised by a rigorous 
focus on research and financial analysis of potential investee companies so that 
a thorough understanding of their business models is gained prior to investment. 
Comprehensive due diligence, including one or more meetings with management as 
well as site visits, are standard procedure before shares are acquired. 
Typically the portfolio will comprise of 50 to 80 holdings (but without 
restricting the Company from holding a more or less concentrated portfolio in 
the future). 
The Company may invest in derivatives, financial instruments, money market 
instruments and currencies solely for the purpose of efficient portfolio 
management (i.e. solely for the purpose of reducing, transferring or eliminating 
investment risk in the Company's investments, including any technique or 
instrument used to provide protection against exchange and credit risks). 
The Investment Manager expects the Company's assets will normally be fully 
invested. However, during periods in which changes in economic conditions or 
other factors so warrant, the Company may reduce its exposure to securities and 
increase its position in cash and money market instruments. 
A detailed description of the investment process and risk controls employed by 
the Manager is disclosed in the financial statements. A comprehensive analysis 
of the Company's portfolio is also disclosed in the financial statements 
including a description of the ten largest equity investments. At the year end 
the Company's portfolio consisted of 40 holdings. The top 10 holdings 
represented 49.62% of total net assets. 
The Board is responsible for determining the gearing strategy for the Company. 
Gearing is used selectively to leverage the Company's portfolio in order to 
enhance returns where and to the extent this is considered appropriate to do so. 
Borrowings are short term and particular care is taken to ensure that any bank 
covenants permit maximum flexibility of investment policy. 
The Company may only make material changes to its investment policies with the 
approval of Shareholders (in the form of an ordinary resolution). 
The Company has adopted the following policies: 
(a) it will not invest in securities carrying unlimited liability; 
(b) short selling for the purpose of efficient portfolio management will be 
permitted provided that the aggregate value of the securities subject to a 
contract for sale that has not been settled and which are not owned by the 
Company shall not exceed 20 per cent. of the Net Asset Value; in addition, the 
Company may engage in uncollateralised stock lending on normal commercial terms 
with counterparties whose ordinary business includes uncollateralised stock 
lending provided that the aggregate exposure of the Company to any single 
counterparty shall not exceed 20 per cent. of the Net Asset Value; 
(c) it will not take legal or management control of investments in its 
(d) it will not buy or sell commodities or commodity contracts or real estate or 
interests in real estate although it may purchase and sell securities which are 
secured by real estate or commodities and securities of companies which invest 
in or deal in real estate commodities; 
(e) it will not invest or lend more than 20 per cent. of its assets in 
securities of any one company or single issuer; 
(f) it will not invest more than 35 per cent. of its assets in securities not 
listed or quoted on any 
recognised stock exchange; 
(g) it will not invest in any company where the investment would result in the 
company holding more than 10 per cent. of the issued share capital of that 
company or any class of that share capital, unless that company constitutes a 
trading company (for the purposes of the relevant United Kingdom legislation) in 
which case the company may not make any investment that would result in its 
holding 50 per cent. or more of the issued share capital of that company or of 
any class of that share capital; 
(h) it will not invest more than 5 per cent. of its assets in units of unit 
trusts or shares or other forms of participation in managed open-ended 
investment vehicles; or 
(i) the Company may use options, foreign exchange transactions on the forward 
market, futures and contracts for differences for the purpose of efficient 
portfolio management provided that: 
(i) in the case of options, this is done on a covered basis; 
(ii) in the case of futures and forward foreign exchange transactions, the face 
value of all such contracts does not exceed 100 per cent. of the Net Asset Value 
of the Company; or 
(iii) in the case of contracts for differences (including stock index future or 
options) the face value of all such contracts does not exceed 100 per cent. of 
Net Asset Value of the Company. None of these restrictions, however, require the 
realisation of any assets of the Company where any restriction is breached as a 
result of an event outside the control of the Investment Manager which occurs 
after the investment is made, but no further relevant assets may be acquired by 
the Company  until the relevant restriction can again be complied with. In the 
event of any breach of these investment restrictions, the Board will as soon as 
practicable make an announcement on a Regulatory Information Service and 
subsequently write to Shareholders if appropriate. 
(j) the Company will ensure gearing does not exceed 20% of net assets. 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and Financial 
Statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state 
of affairs of the Group and Company as at the end of the financial year and of 
the net income or loss for that year in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards and are in accordance with applicable laws. 
The Directors confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that: 
(a) these Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, 
liabilities, financial position and loss of the Company and the undertakings 
included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and 
(b) these Financial Statements include information detailed in the Directors' 
Report, the Investment Adviser's Report and Notes to the Financial Statements, 
which provide a fair review of the development and performance of the business 
and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the 
consolidation as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and 
uncertainties that they face. 
In accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 each Director confirms 
that so far as they are aware, there in no relevant audit information of which 
the Company's Auditor is unaware. Each Director also confirms that they have 
taken all steps they ought to have taken as a Director to make themselves aware 
of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's Auditor is 
aware of that information. 
Directors are also required to: 
  *  properly select and apply accounting standards; 
  *  present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides 
  relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; 
  *  provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements of 
  IFRSs is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular 
  transactions, other events and conditions on the Company's financial position 
  and financial performance; and 
  *  prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it is 
  inappropriate to presume the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Group and Company and to enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements 
comply with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They are also responsible for 
safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for 
the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
The Directors are also responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
Company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom and in Guernsey governing 
the preparation and dissemination of financial statements differs from 
legislation in other jurisdictions. 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
(Expressed in pounds sterling) 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |         2009 |         2008 | 
|                |        |        |          GBP |          GBP | 
| Income         |        |        |              |              | 
| Interest       |        |        |      532,972 |      800,130 | 
| Dividends      |        |        |    1,957,538 |    1,529,522 | 
| and            |        |        |              |              | 
| investment     |        |        |              |              | 
| income         |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |    2,490,510 |    2,329,652 | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Realised       |        |        |    (536,343) |      869,064 | 
| (losses)/gains |        |        |              |              | 
| on investments |        |        |              |              | 
| Movement       |        |        |              |              | 
| in             |        |        | (21,891,039) | (19,781,604) | 
| unrealised     |        |        |              |              | 
| loss on        |        |        |              |              | 
| revaluation    |        |        |              |              | 
| of             |        |        |              |              | 
| investments    |        |        |              |              | 
| Transaction    |        |        |    (107,757) |    (244,042) | 
| costs          |        |        |              |              | 
| Gain           |        |        |        4,044 |       25,943 | 
| on             |        |        |              |              | 
| foreign        |        |        |              |              | 
| currency       |        |        |              |              | 
| translation    |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Income         |        |        | (20,040,585) | (16,800,987) | 
| and            |        |        |              |              | 
| loss           |        |        |              |              | 
| from           |        |        |              |              | 
| investments    |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Expenses       |        |        |              |              | 
| Management     |        |        |      550,833 |      537,491 | 
| and            |        |        |              |              | 
| investment     |        |        |              |              | 
| advisers      |        |        |              |              | 
| fee            |        |        |              |              | 
| Custodian      |        |        |       17,025 |       55,922 | 
| fees           |        |        |              |              | 
| Administration |        |        |       59,161 |       90,908 | 
| fees           |        |        |              |              | 
| Registrar      |        |        |      112,314 |       49,434 | 
| and            |        |        |              |              | 
| transfer       |        |        |              |              | 
| agent          |        |        |              |              | 
| fees           |        |        |              |              | 
| Directors     |        |        |      133,000 |      129,565 | 
| fees and       |        |        |              |              | 
| expenses       |        |        |              |              | 
| Audit          |        |        |       36,000 |       58,589 | 
| fees           |        |        |              |              | 
| Insurance      |        |        |        9,000 |       10,549 | 
| Legal          |        |        |      294,206 |      567,065 | 
| and            |        |        |              |              | 
| professional   |        |        |              |              | 
| fees           |        |        |              |              | 
| Loan           |        |        |      117,942 |            - | 
| facility       |        |        |              |              | 
| interest       |        |        |              |              | 
| Write          |        |        |    (131,000) |    (668,000) | 
| back           |        |        |              |              | 
| of             |        |        |              |              | 
| accruals       |        |        |              |              | 
| in             |        |        |              |              | 
| Baltimore      |        |        |              |              | 
| Plc            |        |        |              |              | 
| Other          |        |        |      321,646 |      434,561 | 
| expenses       |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Total          |        |        |    1,520,127 |    1,266,084 | 
| expenses       |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Net            |        |        | (21,560,712) | (18,067,071) | 
| loss           |        |        |              |              | 
| for            |        |        |              |              | 
| the            |        |        |              |              | 
| year           |        |        |              |              | 
| before         |        |        |              |              | 
| taxation       |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Withholding    |        |        |      258,915 |      184,484 | 
| tax on         |        |        |              |              | 
| dividends      |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Net            |        |        | (21,819,627) | (18,251,555) | 
| loss           |        |        |              |              | 
| for            |        |        |              |              | 
| the            |        |        |              |              | 
| year           |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
| Loss           |        |        |              |              | 
| per            |        |        |              |              | 
| share          |        |        |              |              | 
| -              |        |        |              |              | 
| basic          |        |        |              |              | 
| and            |        |        |              |              | 
| diluted:       |        |        |              |              | 
| Ordinary       |        |        |    GBP(0.90) |    GBP(0.89) | 
| C              |        |        |            - |    GBP(0.05) | 
| Share          |        |        |              |              | 
|                |        |        |              |              | 
All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. 
as at 31 March 2009 
(Expressed in pounds sterling) 
|                |        |        |         2009 |       2008 | 
|                |        |        |          GBP |        GBP | 
|                |        |        |              |            | 
| Non-current    |        |        |              |            | 
| assets         |        |        |              |            | 
| Listed         |        |        |              |            | 
| investments    |        |        |   29,388,138 | 53,835,923 | 
| designated     |        |        |              |            | 
| at fair        |        |        |              |            | 
| value          |        |        |              |            | 
| through        |        |        |              |            | 
| profit or      |        |        |              |            | 
| loss Cost -    |        |        |              |            | 
| GBP64,662,030  |        |        |              |            | 
| (2008:         |        |        |              |            | 
| GBP69,746,535) |        |        |              |            | 
| Unlisted       |        |        |              |            | 
| investments    |        |        |    9,144,411 |  9,786,042 | 
| designated     |        |        |              |            | 
| at fair        |        |        |              |            | 
| value          |        |        |              |            | 
| through        |        |        |              |            | 
| profit or      |        |        |              |            | 
| loss Cost -    |        |        |              |            | 
| GBP9,527,727   |        |        |              |            | 
| (2008:         |        |        |              |            | 
| GBP7,641,599)  |        |        |              |            | 
|                |        |        |   38,532,549 | 63,621,965 | 
| Current        |        |        |              |            | 
| assets         |        |        |              |            | 
| Other          |        |        |      368,865 |    797,602 | 
| receivables    |        |        |              |            | 
| Dividends      |        |        |      318,876 |    296,296 | 
| and            |        |        |              |            | 
| interest       |        |        |              |            | 
| receivable     |        |        |              |            | 
| Amounts        |        |        |        3,032 |    248,428 | 
| due            |        |        |              |            | 
| from           |        |        |              |            | 
| brokers        |        |        |              |            | 
| Cash           |        |        |      906,097 |    792,292 | 
| and            |        |        |              |            | 
| cash           |        |        |              |            | 
| equivalents    |        |        |              |            | 
|                |        |        |    1,596,870 |  2,134,618 | 
|                |        |        |              |            | 
| Total          |        |        |   40,129,419 | 65,756,583 | 
| assets         |        |        |              |            | 
|                |        |        |              |            | 
| Current        |        |        |              |            | 
| liabilities    |        |        |              |            | 
| Amounts        |        |        |       15,978 |    957,828 | 
| due to         |        |        |              |            | 
| brokers        |        |        |              |            | 
| Interest       |        |        |            - |    750,000 | 
| bearing        |        |        |              |            | 
| loans          |        |        |              |            | 
| Creditors      |        |        |      348,420 |    740,603 | 
| and            |        |        |              |            | 
| accrued        |        |        |              |            | 
| expenses       |        |        |              |            | 
|                |        |        |      364,398 |  2,448,431 | 
|                |        |        |              |            | 
| Net            |        |        |   39,765,021 | 63,308,152 | 
| assets         |        |        |              |            | 
|                |        |        |              |            | 
| Shareholders  |        |        |              |            | 
| equity         |        |        |              |            | 
| Called         |        |        |   11,888,325 | 12,393,708 | 
| up             |        |        |              |            | 
| share          |        |        |              |            | 
| capital        |        |        |              |            | 
| Share          |        |        |   42,696,509 | 42,894,039 | 
| premium        |        |        |              |            | 
| Capital        |        |        |    1,246,500 |  1,246,500 | 
| redemption     |        |        |              |            | 
| reserve        |        |        |              |            | 
| Other          |        |        | (16,066,313) |  6,773,905 | 
| reserves       |        |        |              |            | 
|                |        |        |              |            | 
| Total          |        |        |   39,765,021 | 63,308,152 | 
| equity         |        |        |              |            | 
| shareholders  |        |        |              |            | 
| funds          |        |        |              |            | 
|                |        |        |              |            | 
| Net            |        |        |      GBP1.67 |    GBP2.55 | 
| Asset          |        |        |              |            | 
| Value          |        |        |              |            | 
| per            |        |        |              |            | 
| Share          |        |        |              |            | 
| -              |        |        |              |            | 
| basic          |        |        |              |            | 
| and            |        |        |              |            | 
| diluted        |        |        |              |            | 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
(Expressed in pounds sterling) 
|            |        |        |         2009 |         2008 | 
|            |        |        |          GBP |          GBP | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
| Equity     |        |        |   63,308,152 |   81,904,367 | 
| at         |        |        |              |              | 
| beginning  |        |        |              |              | 
| of year    |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
| Loss       |        |        | (21,819,627) | (18,251,555) | 
| for        |        |        |              |              | 
| the        |        |        |              |              | 
| year       |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
| Total      |        |        | (21,819,627) | (18,251,555) | 
| recognised |        |        |              |              | 
| income and |        |        |              |              | 
| expenses   |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
| Issued     |        |        |              |              | 
| share      |        |        |              |              | 
| capital    |        |        |              |              | 
| during     |        |        |              |              | 
| year       |        |        |              |              | 
| -          |        |        |            - |   25,683,185 | 
| Ordinary   |        |        |              |              | 
| shares     |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |            - |   25,683,185 | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
| Cancelled  |        |        |              |              | 
| /          |        |        |              |              | 
| converted  |        |        |              |              | 
| share      |        |        |              |              | 
| capital    |        |        |              |              | 
| during     |        |        |              |              | 
| year       |        |        |              |              | 
| -          |        |        |  (1,723,504) |     (89,886) | 
| Ordinary   |        |        |              |              | 
| shares     |        |        |              |              | 
| - C        |        |        |            - | (25,937,959) | 
| Shares     |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |  (1,723,504) | (26,027,845) | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
| Equity     |        |        |   39,765,021 |   63,308,152 | 
| at end     |        |        |              |              | 
| of         |        |        |              |              | 
| year       |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
|            |        |        |              |              | 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
(Expressed in pounds sterling) 
|                     |        |        |        2009 |        2008 | 
|                     |        |        |         GBP |         GBP | 
|                     |        |        |             |             | 
| Net                 |        |        |             |             | 
| cash                |        |        |   2,523,265 | (5,232,501) | 
| inflow/(outflow)    |        |        |             |             | 
| from operating      |        |        |             |             | 
| activities          |        |        |             |             | 
|                     |        |        |             |             | 
| Financing           |        |        |             |             | 
| Activities          |        |        |             |             | 
| Cancellation        |        |        | (1,663,504) |   (344,659) | 
| of shares           |        |        |             |             | 
| Proceeds            |        |        |   6,400,000 |     750,000 | 
| of                  |        |        |             |             | 
| borrowings          |        |        |             |             | 
| Repayment           |        |        | (7,150,000) |           - | 
| of                  |        |        |             |             | 
| borrowings          |        |        |             |             | 
| Cash                |        |        | (2,413,504) |     405,341 | 
| flow                |        |        |             |             | 
| from                |        |        |             |             | 
| financing           |        |        |             |             | 
| activities          |        |        |             |             | 
|                     |        |        |             |             | 
|                     |        |        |             |             | 
| Net                 |        |        |             |             | 
| increase/(decrease) |        |        |     109,761 | (4,827,160) | 
| in cash and cash    |        |        |             |             | 
| equivalents         |        |        |             |             | 
|                     |        |        |             |             | 
| Cash                |        |        |     792,292 |   5,593,509 | 
| and                 |        |        |             |             | 
| cash                |        |        |             |             | 
| equivalents         |        |        |             |             | 
| at                  |        |        |             |             | 
| beginning           |        |        |             |             | 
| of year             |        |        |             |             | 
| Exchange            |        |        |       4,044 |      25,943 | 
| movements           |        |        |             |             | 
|                     |        |        |             |             | 
| Cash                |        |        |     906,097 |     792,292 | 
| and                 |        |        |             |             | 
| cash                |        |        |             |             | 
| equivalents         |        |        |             |             | 
| at end of           |        |        |             |             | 
| year                |        |        |             |             | 
1.    General 
Oryx International Growth Fund Limited (the "Company") was incorporated in 
Guernsey on 2 December 1994 and commenced activities on 3 March 1995. 
The above results comprise an abridged version of the Company's full accounts 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 ("Annual Report). Copies of the Annual Report 
will be sent to shareholders shortly, together with a circular, containing 
details of a proposed waiver of the Rule 9 provisions of the City Code on 
Takeovers and Mergers which also contains the Notice convening the Company's 
Annual General Meeting to be held at 10.00 a.m. on 2 September 2009. 
The Annual Report and Circular will be available to view and download at the 
Company's website www.oryxinternationalgrowthfund.co.uk and copies may also be 
obtained from the Company's registered office at BNP Paribas House, 1 St 
Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1WA. 
2.    Accounting Policies 
Basis of Accounting 
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), which comprise standards 
and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board 
(the "IASB"), and International Accounting Standards and Standing 
Interpretations Committee interpretations approved by the International 
Accounting Standards Committee ("IASC") that remain in effect, together with 
applicable legal and regulatory requirements of Guernsey Law. 
The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except 
for the inclusion at fair value of certain financial instruments. The principal 
accounting policies are set out below. The preparation of financial statements 
in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards requires the 
Company to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of 
assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported 
amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting year. 
Adoption of new standards 
The Directors believe that any pronouncements which are in issue but not yet 
operative or adopted by the Company will not have a material impact on the 
financial statements of the Company. 
a)         Income Recognition 
Dividends arising on the Group's listed and unlisted investments have been 
accounted for on an ex-dividend basis. Deposit interest is accrued on a 
day-to-day basis. Loan interest is accounted for using the effective interest 
method. All income is shown gross of any applicable withholding tax. 
b)         Investments 
All investments of the Group are designated into the financial assets at fair 
value through profit or loss category. The investments are purchased mainly for 
their capital growth and the portfolio is managed, and performance evaluated, on 
a fair value basis in accordance with the Group's documented investment 
strategy. Therefore the Directors consider that this is the most appropriate 
This category comprises financial instruments designated at fair value through 
profit or loss upon initial recognition - these include financial assets that 
are not held for trading purposes and which may be sold. These are principally 
investments in listed and unlisted equities. 
Financial instruments are measured initially at fair value being the transaction 
price. Subsequent to initial recognition on trade date, all instruments 
classified as fair value through profit or loss are measured at fair value with 
changes in their fair value recognised in the Income Statement. Transaction 
costs are separately disclosed in the Income Statement. 
Fair value measurement principles 
Listed investments have been valued at the bid market price ruling at the 
balance sheet date. In the absence of the bid market price, the closing price 
has been taken, or, in either case, if the market is closed on the Balance Sheet 
date, the bid market or closing price on the preceding business day. 
Unlisted investments are valued in accordance with the International Private 
Equity and Venture Capital Association (IPEVCA) guidelines. Their valuation 
includes all factors that market participants would consider in setting a price. 
The primary valuation techniques employed to value the unlisted investments are 
earnings multiples, recent transactions and the net asset basis. Cost is also 
considered appropriate for early stage investments.  The relevance of this 
methodology can be eroded over time and in these cases the carrying values will 
be adjusted to reflect fair value. 
For certain of the Group's financial instruments, including cash and cash 
equivalents, interest and other receivables and accrued expenses, the carrying 
amounts approximate fair value due to their immediate or short-term maturity. 
Derecognition of financial assets occur when the rights to receive cash flows 
from financial instruments expire or are transferred and substantially all of 
the risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred. 
            c)         Other receivables 
    Other receivables do not carry any interest and are short term in nature and 
are accordingly stated at their 

amortised cost as reduced by

appropriate allowances for impairment. 
            d)         Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and short term deposits in 
            e)         Other Accruals and Payables 
Other accruals and payables are not interest bearing and are stated at their 
amortised cost. 
             f)        Foreign Currency Translation 
Items included in the Group's financial statements are measured using the 
currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates (the 
"functional currency"). This is the pound sterling which reflects the Group's 
primary activity of investing in sterling securities. The Group's shares are 
also issued in sterling. 
Foreign currency assets and liabilities have been translated at the exchange 
rates ruling at the Balance Sheet date. Transactions in foreign currency during 
the period have been translated into pounds sterling at the spot exchange rate 
in effect at the date of the transaction. Realised and unrealised gains and 
losses on currency translation are recognised in the Income Statement. 
g)         Realised and Unrealised Gains and Losses 
Realised gains and losses arising on the disposal of investments are calculated 
by reference to the cost attributable to those investments and the sales 
proceeds, and are included in the Income Statement. Unrealised gains and losses 
arising on investments held at the Balance Sheet date are also included in the 
Income Statement. 
h)         Financial Liabilities 
All bank loans and borrowings are initially recognised at cost, being the fair 
value of the consideration received, less issue costs where applicable. After 
initial recognition, all interest bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently 
measured at amortised cost. Any difference between cost and redemption value has 
been recognised in the Income Statement over the period of the borrowings on an 
effective interest basis. 
Financial liabilities are derecognised from the balance sheet only when the 
obligations are extinguished either through discharge, cancellation or 
             i)         Equity 
Share Capital represents the nominal value of equity shares. 
Share Premium Account represents the excess over nominal value of the fair value 
of consideration received for equity shares, net of expenses of the share issue. 
Reserves include all current and prior results as disclosed in the income 
j)          Expenses 
Expenses are recognised in the Income Statement upon utilisation of the service 
or at the date they are incurred. 
k)        Consolidation 
These consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the 
Company and its wholly owned subsidiary undertakings, Baltimore plc and American 
Opportunity Trust PLC, both UK regulated. The results of the subsidiary 
undertakings and the businesses acquired are included in the Consolidated Income 
Statement. The investments in the wholly owned subsidiaries are included in the 
accounts of the parent company at cost less any provisions for impairment. 
3.   Share Capital and Share Premium 
a) Authorised Share Capital 
|                        |        |  |          |   | Number of   |  | GBP           | 
|                        |        |  |          |   | Shares      |  |               | 
| Authorised:            |        |  |          |   |             |  |               | 
| Ordinary shares of 50p |        |  |          |   | 90,000,000  |  | 45,000,000    | 
| each                   |        |  |          |   |             |  |               | 
|                        |        |  |          |   |             |  |               | 
b) Ordinary Shares Issued - 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 
| Ordinary Shares of |              | Number      |  | Share       |  | Share Premium | 
| 50p each and       |              | of          |  | Capital     |  | GBP           | 
| Management Shares  |              | Shares      |  | GBP         |  |               | 
| of 50p each        |              |             |  |             |  |               | 
| At 1 April 2008    |              | 24,787,416  |  | 12,393,708  |  | 42,894,039    | 
| Cancellation of    |              | (1,010,767) |  | (505,383)   |  | (197,530)     | 
| shares             |              |             |  |             |  |               | 
| At 31 March 2009   |              | 23,776,649  |  | 11,888,325  |  | 42,696,509    | 
c)  Ordinary Shares Issued - 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 
| Ordinary Shares of |              | Number     |  | Share       |  | Share Premium | 
| 50p each and       |              | of         |  | Capital     |  | GBP           | 
| Management Shares  |              | Shares     |  | GBP         |  |               | 
| of 50p each        |              |            |  |             |  |               | 
| At 1 April 2007    |              | 16,252,774 |  | 8,126,387   |  | 21,568,061    | 
| Conversion of C    |              | 8,567,328  |  | 4,283,664   |  | 21,399,521    | 
| shares             |              |            |  |             |  |               | 
| Cancellation of    |              | (32,686)   |  | (16,343)    |  | (73,543)      | 
| shares             |              |            |  |             |  |               | 
| At 31 March 2008   |              | 24,787,416 |  | 12,393,708  |  | 42,894,039    | 
| C Shares of 50p   |             |              |  |              |  |               | 
| each              |             |              |  |              |  |               | 
| At 1 April 2007   |             | 25,024,445   |  | 12,512,223   |  | 13,425,736    | 
| Conversion of C   |             | (24,774,668) |  | (12,387,334) |  | (13,295,852)  | 
| shares            |             |              |  |              |  |               | 
| Cancellation of   |             | (249,777)    |  | (124,889)    |  | (129,884)     | 
| shares            |             |              |  |              |  |               | 
| At 31 March 2008  |             | -            |  | -            |  | -             | 
After the year end the Company has repurchased for cancellation a further 
930,824 shares at an average cost of GBP1.468 per share. 
4.   Earnings per Share and Net Asset Value per Share 
The calculation of basic earnings per share for the Ordinary Share is based on a 
loss of GBP21,819,627 (2008 - loss GBP18,251,555) and the weighted average 
number of shares in issue during the year of 24,318,802 shares (2008 - 
20,529,829 shares). In accordance with IAS 33 - Earnings per Share, the diluted 
earnings per share is also disclosed. At 31 March 2009 there was no difference 
in the diluted earnings per share calculation for the Ordinary Shares. 
The calculation of Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share is based on a Net Asset 
Value of GBP39,765,021 (2008 - GBP63,308,152) and the number of shares in issue 
at the year end of 23,776,649 shares (2008 - 24,787,416 shares). The diluted Net 
Asset Value per share is also disclosed. At 31 March 2009 there was no 
difference in the diluted Net Asset Value per share calculation for the Ordinary 
Sara Radford 
BNP Paribas Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited Tel: 01481 750858 
Alastair Moreton 
Hannah Pearce 
Arbuthnot Securities Limited Tel: 020 7012 2000 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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