RNS Number:3079H
Management Consulting Group PLC
07 August 2006


Management Consulting Group PLC ("MCG" or "the Group"), the international
management consultancy group, today announces its results for the six months
ended 30 June 2006.

Key points

* Revenue up 18% on last year to #67.3 million (2005: #57.2 million)
* Profit from operations up 51% to #6.9 million (2005: #4.6 million)
* Profit before tax up 54% at #7.3 million (2005: #4.7 million)
* Earnings per share up 53% to 2.9 pence (2005: 1.9 pence)
* Order book currently in line with last year
* Proposed acquisition of Ineum Consulting

Rolf Stomberg, Chairman:

"The Group has delivered a good result. The acquisition of Ineum, announced last
month is a key development in our strategic plan to achieve growth by expanding
our service offerings in existing and new geographies."

Kevin Parry, Chief Executive:

"The Group has made significant progress on the first half of last year. Parson
Consulting has shown good revenue growth outside of North America. Steps have
been taken to address the shortcomings in its American business and progress
should be visible in the fourth quarter. Proudfoot Consulting has performed very
well and is now achieving its goal of a sustainable 15% operating margin."

For further information, please contact:

Management Consulting Group PLC

Kevin Parry     Chief Executive                     020 7710 5000
Mark Currie     Finance Director                    020 7710 5000


Suzanne Bartch                                      020 7379 5151
Peter Ogden                                         020 7379 5151

An analyst briefing will be held today at the offices of Management Consulting
Group PLC on the 6th floor of Fleet Place House, 2 Fleet Place, Holborn Viaduct,
London, EC4M 7RF at 9.30 am.

Notes to Editors

Management Consulting Group PLC currently comprises two businesses: Proudfoot
Consulting and Parson Consulting. On 25 July 2006 it announced the acquisition
of Ineum Consulting ("Ineum") for Euro120 million (#82 million) plus the assumption
of up to Euro13.8 million (#9 million) of net debt. That transaction is
anticipated to complete, subject to shareholder approval, on 1 September 2006.

Proudfoot Consulting helps clients to achieve significantly increased
profitability through the implementation of operational improvements leading to
increased sales, lower operating and overhead costs, greater output and lower
capital expenditure. Its clients include BP, National Australia Bank, Newmont
Mining, PSA Peugeot-Citroen and Societe Generale.

Parson Consulting specialises in financial management consultancy. It is free of
auditing conflicts and provides Sarbanes-Oxley compliant services. It has four
service lines: governance and risk management, operational financial management,
strategic financial management and transaction support. Its clients include
Avis, Citigroup, Ford, General Mills, Kingfisher, Shell and Warner Bros.

Ineum, which Management Consulting Group PLC has agreed to acquire subject to
shareholder approval, provides a broad range of consulting services relevant to
specific industries including operational strategy, marketing and sales, supply
chain management, IT and programme management. Its industry groups are focussed
on the financial, public, manufacturing, consumer goods, energy and utilities,
telecommunications and media, transportation and middle market sectors. The
financial management business of Ineum will be combined with that of Parson
Consulting's French business. Its clients include BNP Paribas, EDF, Schneider,
Societe Generale, Veolia and Vivendi.

Important note

This trading update contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to
the financial condition, results, operations and businesses of Management
Consulting Group PLC. These statements and forecasts involve risk and
uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that
will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual
results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by
these forward-looking statements and forecasts. Nothing in this trading update
should be construed as a profit forecast.

Management Statement

The Group's trading results are consistent with the trading update provided on
12 May 2006: revenue for the period is considerably ahead of the same period
last year. Proudfoot Consulting has made good progress in all geographic areas.
Parson Consulting has made good progress outside North America but its
performance in North America was weak principally as a result of the run-off of
Sarbanes-Oxley related work.

The results for the six months ended 30 June 2006 are summarised as follows:

                                         Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited
                                        Six months     Six months         Year
                                             ended          ended        ended
                                           30 June        30 June       31 Dec
                                              2006           2005         2005
                                             #'000          #'000        #'000
Proudfoot Consulting                        51,656         35,989       86,385
Parson Consulting                           15,687         21,229       43,216
                                           ---------      ---------    --------
                                            67,343         57,218      129,601
                                           ---------      ---------    --------
Profit/(loss) from operations
Proudfoot Consulting
 - Before release of indemnity provision     8,431          2,636       10,417
 - Release of indemnity provision              335            897          897
                                           --------       --------     -------- 
                                             8,766          3,533       11,314
Parson Consulting                           (1,857)         1,032        2,245
                                           ---------      ---------    --------
                                             6,909          4,565       13,559
                                           ---------      ---------    --------

Group results

Revenue for the six months ended 30 June 2006 was up 18%.

The first half revenue of Proudfoot Consulting was strong, built on the back of
a robust order book going into 2006. A larger number of client engagements
contributed to the result than in the second half of 2005 which had a smaller
number of larger engagements. All geographic units showed revenue growth.

The performance of Parson Consulting was mixed. In North America, as
Sarbanes-Oxley related work has been completed, the transition to the provision
of our other services has been slow to establish. This was due to a softer than
expected market which offset the impact of our increased sales initiatives. In
contrast outside North America, all units have shown good progress and the new
services in the areas of strategic finance and corporate transactions support
have sold well.

In the period, 53% of Group revenue was attributable to North America (six
months ended 30 June 2005: 61%). North American revenues increased by 4%
compared with the corresponding period of 2005. Europe's share of revenue was
36% (six months ended 30 June 2005: 34%) with reported revenues 25% up compared
with the corresponding period of 2005. In the rest of the world, revenues
increased by 138% with growth in all geographies.

The Group's gross margin continued to be well managed and was 51% (six months
ended 30 June 2005: 49%).

Selling costs were #2.6 million higher than in the corresponding period of 2005
due to both increased revenue and investment in extra sales resources in Europe
and Greater China.

The total profit from operations was #6.9 million compared with #4.6 million in
the corresponding period of 2005.

The tax charge on pre-tax profits is 28% compared with 27% for the first half of
2005. This includes 6% points in respect of deferred tax that is required to be
charged in respect of tax deductions for goodwill but will not become payable
unless our consulting businesses are sold. The underlying tax rate of 22% is
below the statutory rate of tax due to the utilisation of brought forward losses
that have not previously been able to be recognised as deferred tax assets.

Proudfoot Consulting

Proudfoot Consulting's revenue was #51.7 million (2005: #36.0 million). Every
geographic region showed strong growth on the first six months of last year.
This has been achieved by a solid overall performance rather than being due to
any particularly large engagements.

The profit from operations was #8.8 million (2005: #3.5 million). The increase
in profitability is attributable to the operational gearing associated with the
increased revenue. The European region's progress has continued and it
contributed #1.8 million to profit from operations.

There is a non-recurring credit of #0.3 million (2005: #0.9 million) associated
with a surplus provision arising from the disposal of Proudfoot's Japanese
business in 2000. No further profits or losses will arise from that transaction.

In the light of Proudfoot Consulting's strong trading, we have established a
start-up business in Brazil with an initial revenue investment estimated to
amount to #0.5 million in this calendar year concentrating on the management and
sales functions.

Parson Consulting

Parson Consulting's revenue was #15.7 million (2005: #21.2 million). Revenue in
North America declined by #6.9 million with engagements related to
Sarbanes-Oxley amounting to #2.5 million compared with #7.7 million in the same
period of last year. In the rest of the world revenue increased by 29% to #6.3
million (2005: #4.9 million).

The revenue decline in North America resulted in Parson as a whole reporting a
loss from operations of #1.9 million (2005: profit from operations of #1.0

We previously reported that Parson North America's trading has been slow. This
continued in the second quarter of the year as the sale of follow on
Sarbanes-Oxley related and other engagements did not meet the expected target
levels. This was due to a softer than expected market demand which offset the
impact of our increased sales initiatives. In April we strengthened the
management of Parson North America, so separating that unit's management from
that of the consultancy's management as a whole. In addition, the management
structure has been simplified and restructured. Intense reinforcement of core
sales disciplines is underway.

In contrast outside North America, the non Sarbanes-Oxley service lines have
sold well and in the United Kingdom in particular we have seen a good take-up in
services associated with corporate transactions. We have also seen good growth
in Australia and France where our recent investments in new service lines are
coming to fruition.

Earnings per share

The basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2006 increased by
53% to 2.9 pence compared with 1.9 pence in the corresponding period last year.


In accordance with our established policy, we pay dividends once per year, after
the declaration of the annual results. Accordingly, no interim dividend is being

Balance sheet

The decrease of #0.3 million in the goodwill balance is wholly attributable to
the weakening of the US dollar against Sterling.

The Group's cash balance was #23.5 million compared with #10.9 million at 30
June 2005. The increase in cash reflects the conversion to cash of the profits
of the Group in the last 12 months decreased by the funding of the closed US
defined benefit pension plan and the dividend.

The deficit related to the closed defined benefit pension and medical plans
decreased substantially from #14.6 million at 30 June 2005 to #6.1 million as a
result of cash contributions, the investment performance, foreign exchange and a
1% higher discount rate being applied to the long term liabilities following
increases in market rates.

Strategic direction

On 25 July 2006 we announced the proposed acquisition of Ineum which is due to
complete on 1 September 2006. This is a key development in the execution of the 
Group's strategic goal to deliver growth through broadening our consultancy 
offerings in existing and new geographies. The proposed acquisition increases 
the depth of Parson Consulting, our financial management practice, and also 
allows us to offer services to specific industries and the public sector in 
line with their particular needs. The acquisition has a number of important 
operational, geographic and financial benefits: it secures France's largest 
independent national management consultancy, secures a strong position for the 
Group in the world's fourth largest consulting market place and adds a 
well-managed and profitable business with growing revenues. As well as reducing 
the Group's exposure to US dollar earnings, the acquisition is also expected 
to be earnings and operating margin enhancing in 2007.

Going forward our strategy remains unchanged. We will continue to explore ways
to develop the service offerings of all parts of the business. Proudfoot
Consulting and Parson Consulting businesses have excellent medium term
prospects. We continue to be interested in making acquisitions of businesses
that broaden the Group's consulting offerings and in widening the coverage of
Parson Consulting and Ineum in geographies outside their existing operations.
The timing of future acquisitions will depend upon the commercial fit,
availability of suitable businesses and the terms on which they are available.

Financial impact of Ineum acquisition

The acquisition of Ineum will result in approximately #30 million of term debt
which will improve the efficiency of the Group's capital structure, without
constraining the implementation of the Group's strategy.

The acquisition will also result in the identification of intangible assets. In
accordance with IFRS intangible assets other than goodwill are amortised in the
income statement over their estimated economic life. One-off integration costs
amounting to #3.8 million are estimated to be incurred in the 2006 and 2007
financial years. Excluding these items, we anticipate that the acquisition of
Ineum will be earnings enhancing in the 2007 financial year.


Whilst it remains too early to comment on the outcome for the year as a whole
because work to be won in the remainder of the year is a key determinant of the
result, we remain confident that the business overall will continue to perform

The Group order book is in line with the level at this time last year with
Proudfoot Consulting comprising a greater proportion and Parson Consulting a
lesser proportion of the order book than a year ago. Parson North America's
early indicators of pipeline opportunities are showing good improvements which
are anticipated to translate into fourth quarter progress. The pipeline for
Proudfoot Consulting and for Parson Consulting outside North America is robust.

R W H Stomberg

K A H Parry
Chief Executive

7 August 2006

Independent review report
by Deloitte & Touche LLP to Management Consulting Group PLC


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2006 which comprises the consolidated income
statement, the consolidated statement of recognised income and expense,
statement of changes in equity, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated
cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 11. We have read the other
information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains
any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures are consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and
Ireland) and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.
Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2006.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Chartered Accountants
7 August 2006

A review does not provide assurance on the maintenance and integrity of the
website, including controls used to achieve this, and in particular on whether
any changes may have occurred to the financial information since first
published. These matters are the responsibility of the directors but no control
procedures can provide absolute assurance in this area.

Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of
financial information differs from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Consolidated income statement
Six months ended 30 June 2006               Six             Six           
                                         months          months           Year
                                          ended           ended          ended
                                        30 June         30 June    31 December   
                                           2006            2005           2005
                             Note         #'000           #'000          #'000
Continuing operations
Revenue                        3         67,343          57,218        129,601
Cost of sales                           (32,697)        (29,307)       (64,847)
                                        ---------       ---------      ---------
Gross profit                             34,646          27,911         64,754
Selling costs                           (19,370)        (16,746)       (34,931)
Administrative expenses                  (8,367)         (6,600)       (16,264)
                                        ---------       ---------      ---------
Profit from operations                    6,909           4,565         13,559
Investment income                           531             224            453
Finance costs                              (125)            (51)           (92)
                                        ---------       ---------      ---------
Profit before tax                         7,315           4,738         13,920
Income tax expense             5         (2,014)         (1,285)        (4,128)
                                        ---------       ---------      ---------
Profit for the period                     5,301           3,453          9,792
                                        ---------       ---------      ---------

Earnings per share
From continuing operations
Basic                          6            2.9             1.9            5.3
Diluted                        6            2.8             1.8            5.2
                                        ---------       ---------      ---------

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense
Six months ended 30 June 2006                 Six           Six           
                                           months        months           Year
                                            ended         ended          ended
                                          30 June       30 June    31 December
                                             2006          2005           2005
                                Note        #'000         #'000          #'000
Exchange differences on
translation of foreign
operations                                 (3,261)         (478)         1,488
Actuarial gains/(losses) on
defined benefit pension and
medical schemes                   9         3,734        (3,152)        (1,646)
Tax on items taken directly
to equity                                     449           300            825
                                           --------      --------      ---------
Net income/(expense)
recognised directly in equity                 922        (3,330)           667
Profit for the period                       5,301         3,453          9,792
                                           --------      --------      ---------
Total recognised income
and expense for the period                  6,223           123         10,459
                                           --------      --------      ---------

Statement of changes in equity
Six months ended 30 June 2006               Six            Six            
                                         months         months            Year
                                          ended          ended           ended
                                        30 June        30 June     31 December
                                           2006           2005            2005
                                          #'000          #'000           #'000

At 1 January                             57,932         48,276          48,276
Dividends paid                           (1,486)        (1,241)         (1,241)
Profit for the period                     5,301          3,453           9,792
Own shares purchase for
deferred share awards                         -           (181)           (181)
Issue of share capital
  Exercise of share options                 120             35              35
Share compensation expense                  444            332             640
Movement in reserve for
management incentive plan                     -            (56)            (56)
Other recognised income and expense         922         (3,330)            667
                                         --------       --------       ---------
At 30 June                               63,233         47,288          57,932
                                         --------       --------       ---------

Consolidated balance sheet
as at 30 June 2006
                                         30 June       30 June   31 December
                                            2006          2005          2005
                               Note        #'000         #'000         #'000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                  66,031        66,358        68,278
Other intangible assets                    1,388           522           418
Property, plant and equipment              1,460         1,468         1,521
                                          --------      --------     ---------
Total non-current assets                  68,879        68,348        70,217
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Current assets
Trade and other receivables               14,237        15,037        16,159
Cash and cash equivalents                 23,484        10,858        21,555
                                          --------      --------     ---------
Total current assets                      37,721        25,895        37,714
                                          --------      --------     ---------
Total assets                             106,600        94,243       107,931
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                 (27,056)      (22,503)      (28,045)
Current tax liabilities                   (3,915)       (4,256)       (3,959)
                                          --------      --------     ---------
Total current liabilities                (30,971)      (26,759)      (32,004)
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Net current
assets/(liabilities)                       6,750          (864)        5,710
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Non-current liabilities
Retirement benefit obligation    9        (6,146)      (14,574)      (11,869)
Non-current tax liabilities               (5,294)       (4,094)       (4,674)
Long-term provisions                        (476)         (880)         (871)
Non-current accruals                        (480)         (648)         (581)
                                          --------      --------     ---------
Total non-current liabilities            (12,396)      (20,196)      (17,995)
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Total liabilities                        (43,367)      (46,955)      (49,999)
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Net assets                                63,233        47,288        57,932
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Share capital                    7        47,488        47,373        47,373
Share premium account                     38,151        38,146        38,146
Shares to be issued                           46            46            46
Share compensation reserve                 1,133           948         1,256
Own shares held by
employee share trust                      (1,270)       (1,270)       (1,270)
Translation reserve                       (3,518)       (2,223)         (257)
Other reserves                            12,747        12,747        12,747
Retained earnings                        (31,544)      (48,479)      (40,109)
                                          --------      --------     ---------
Total equity                              63,233        47,288        57,932
                                          --------      --------     ---------

Consolidated cash flow statement

Six months ended 30 June 2006                Six          Six            
                                          months        months            Year
                                           ended         ended           ended
                                         30 June       30 June     31 December
                                            2006          2005            2005
                               Note        #'000         #'000           #'000
Net cash from operating          
activities                       8         5,690        (2,142)          8,826
                                          --------      --------       ---------
Investing activities
Interest received                            442           149             323
Purchase of property, plant
and equipment                               (403)         (385)           (669)
Purchase of intangible assets             (1,193)         (334)           (454)
Proceeds on disposal of
property, plant and equipment                  -            16              13
Purchase of own shares                         -          (181)           (181)
                                          --------      --------       ---------
Net cash used in investing activities     (1,154)         (735)           (968)
                                          --------      --------       ---------
Financing activities
Dividends paid                   4        (1,486)       (1,241)         (1,241)
Proceeds from issue of shares                120            35              35
                                          --------      --------       ---------
Net cash used in financing activities     (1,366)       (1,206)         (1,206)
                                          --------      --------       ---------
Net increase/(decrease) in
cash and cash equivalents                  3,170        (4,083)          6,652
Cash and cash equivalents
at beginning of period                    21,555        14,510          14,510
Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes                              (1,241)          431             393

                                          --------      --------       ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period                             23,484        10,858          21,555
                                          --------      --------       ---------


1. General information

The information for the year ended 31 December 2005 does not constitute
statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. A copy
of the statutory accounts for that year has been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified pursuant to
Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 and did not contain a statement under
Section 237 (2) or (3) of that Act.

2. Summary of significant accounting policies

(a) Basis of preparation

The interim report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

The interim report was approved by the Board on 7 August 2006.

(b) Accounting policies

The accounting policies and methods of computation applied by the Group in the
interim report are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the
Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005. The
Group's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005
are available on our website: www.mcgplc.com.

3. Segmental information

The Group operates in three geographical areas - North America, Europe and Rest
of the World. The following is an analysis of the revenue and results for the
period, analysed by geographic segment, the Group's primary basis of

Six months ended 30 June 2006
                             North                   Rest of
                           America       Europe        World      Consolidated
                             #'000        #'000        #'000             #'000
External sales              35,935       24,552        6,856            67,343
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit/(loss) from
operations before release of
indemnity provision          4,508        2,411         (345)            6,574
Release of indemnity
provision                        -            -          335               335
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit/(loss) from
operations                   4,508        2,411          (10)            6,909
Finance income                                                             406
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit before tax                                                        7,315
Income tax expense                                                      (2,014)
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit for the period                                                    5,301
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------

Six months ended 30 June 2005
                              North                  Rest of
                            America       Europe       World      Consolidated
                             #'000        #'000        #'000             #'000
External sales              34,666       19,673        2,879            57,218
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit/(loss) from 
operations before release of
indemnity provision          4,406          748       (1,486)            3,668
Release of indemnity
provision                        -            -          897               897
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit/(loss) from
operations                   4,406          748         (589)            4,565
Finance income                                                             173
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit before tax                                                        4,738
Income tax expense                                                      (1,285)
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------
Profit for the period                                                    3,453
                            --------     --------     --------        ----------

4. Dividends
                                                              2006        2005
                                                             #'000       #'000
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders
in the period:

Final dividend in respect of the year ended 31
December 2005 of 0.80p per share (2005: year ended
31 December 2004 of 0.67p per share)                         1,486       1,241
                                                            --------    --------

Dividends are not payable on shares held in the employee share trust which has
waived its entitlement to dividends. The amount of the dividend waived in 2006
(in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005) was #34,000 (2005: #26,000).

5. Taxation

The effective tax charge for the half year is 28% (30 June 2005: 27%), based on
profit before tax excluding the release of the Japan indemnity provision of #0.3
million. The effective tax rate is lower than the average corporation tax rate
(36%) applicable to the Group due to tax losses brought forward.

6. Earnings per share

From continuing operations

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following data:

                                              Six           Six           
                                           months        months           Year
                                            ended         ended          ended
                                          30 June       30 June    31 December
                                             2006          2005           2005
                                            #'000         #'000          #'000
Earnings for the purposes of basic
earnings per share being net profit
attributable to equity holders of the
parent                                      5,301         3,453          9,792
                                          ---------     ---------     --------

                                             Number        Number       Number
Number of shares                          (million)     (million)    (million)
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares for the purposes of
basic earnings per share                    185.5         185.1          185.2

Effect of dilutive potential ordinary
  - Share options                             1.5           3.5            1.4
  - Long-term incentive plan                  0.2           0.2            0.2
                                          ---------     ---------     --------
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares for the purposes of
diluted earnings per share                  187.2         188.8          186.8
                                          ---------     ---------     --------

                                            Pence         Pence          Pence
Basic earnings per share                      2.9           1.9            5.3
Diluted earnings per share                    2.8           1.8            5.2
                                          ---------     ---------     --------

The average share price for the six months ended 30 June 2006 was 57.3 pence (30
June 2005: 50.2 pence and 31 December 2005: 51.5 pence).

7. Share capital

During the interim period, the Company issued the following ordinary shares of
25 pence each:

                                                     Number of         Nominal
                                                        shares           value

At 1 January 2006                                  189,493,412          47,373
Employee share options exercised                       458,359             115
                                                   -------------       --------
At 30 June 2006                                    189,951,771          47,488
                                                   -------------       --------

8. Notes to the cash flow statement

                                              Six           Six           
                                           months        months           Year
                                            ended         ended          ended
                                          30 June       30 June    31 December
                                             2006          2005           2005
                                            #'000         #'000          #'000

Profit from operations                      6,909         4,565         13,559
Adjustments for:
  Depreciation of property, plant
  and equipment                               386           288            604
  Amortisation of intangible assets           200           234            462
  Gain on disposal of plant and
  equipment                                     -            16             14
  Management incentive plan                     -           (56)           (56)
  Adjustment for pension funding           (1,235)         (920)        (2,528)
  Adjustment for share options charge         444           332            640
  Decrease in provisions                     (395)         (886)          (903)
                                          ---------      --------      ---------

Operating cash flows before
movements in working capital                6,309         3,573         11,792

Decrease/(Increase) in receivables          1,912        (1,940)        (4,153)
(Decrease)/Increase in payables            (1,429)       (1,980)         3,911
                                          ---------      --------      ---------
Cash generated by operations                6,792          (347)        11,550
Income taxes paid                          (1,102)       (1,795)        (2,724)
                                          ---------      --------      ---------
Net cash from operating activities          5,690        (2,142)         8,826
                                          ---------      --------      ---------

Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single class of assets on
the face of the balance sheet) comprise cash at bank and other short-term highly
liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less.

9. Retirement benefits

The retirement benefits liability relates to the closed US defined benefit
pension scheme and to the closed US post-retirement medical benefits plan.

Entitlement to additional benefits under the US defined benefits pension scheme
ceased on 31 December 2001. The US post-retirement medical benefits plan relates
to certain former employees who retired prior to 30 September 1995 and to a
small number of current and former employees who were employed at that date.
Accordingly, further benefit accruals under this plan are insignificant.

The retirement benefits liability at 30 June 2006 has been estimated by the
actuaries on the basis described in the last annual report except that the
discount rate applied to the liabilities has been increased by 1% to 6.25%. An
actuarial gain of #3.7 million arose in the period (30 June 2005: loss of #3.2

10. Share based payments

The fair value of options granted was determined using the stochastic valuation
model. An expense of #0.4 million has been recognised in the period in respect
of the share options granted above (six months ended 30 June 2005: #0.3 million;
2005 full year: #0.6 million). The cumulative share compensation reserve at 30
June 2006 is #1.1 million (30 June 2005: #0.9 million; 31 December 2005: #1.3
million). Options scheduled to vest in March 2006 did not meet the performance
criteria and have now lapsed.

11. Events after the balance sheet date

On 25 July 2006 the Group announced the proposed acquistion of Ineum for total
consideration of Euro120 million (#82 million) plus the assumption of up to Euro13.8
million (#9 million) of debt. The acquisition is due to complete in September

Important note

This trading update contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to
the financial condition, results, operations and businesses of Management
Consulting Group PLC. These statements and forecasts involve risk and
uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that
will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual
results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by
these forward-looking statements and forecasts. Nothing in this trading update
should be construed as a profit forecast.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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